Edition 27 September 2017

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Business News

Update with Spencer Shaw Chamber President

Local food partnership

Glass House Mountains camel milk dairy, QCamel, and Hinterland restaurant and venue, Flaxton Gardens, are demonstrating the power of innovative collaboration in the local food industry with the two businesses having recently partnered to bring camel milk from the paddock to the plates of local diners. Family-owned dairy QCamel was the first to produce pasteurised camel milk in Australia, which they lovingly made Yasmin Brisbane and Alan using ethical, organic and sustainable Tho mpson with Charlie farming practices. Their camels are pasture fed in a no-cull environment where they share the milk with the calves. QCamel Director Lauren Brisbane said their product is “nature’s healthiest milk, camel milk is not only delicious but assists with restoring a healthy gut and bowel. “Camel Milk is nearly identical in taste to regular milk. Some people note it is slightly salty with a sweet after taste. Although low in fat, it has a delicious creamy body to it,” she said. Taking advantage of this unique flavour and texture, Flaxton Gardens’ Executive Chef and Director, Alan Thompson, has created a delightfully innovative dessert, Camel Milk & Vanilla Bean Panacotta with Rhubarb. Alan said camel milk is beautifully sweet to taste and has a very smooth texture. The sweetness of the camel milk balances well with the tartness of the rhubarb. “What better way than working with an exciting product that has been used for centuries but not yet made it into Australia’s everyday diet,” he said.

On a personal note, after a taking a bit of time away from our business for holidays and time off to progress renovations, it’s been great to get back and get stuck into work again. Sometimes in business (and life in general) it’s easy to get tunnel vision and I can heartily recommend time off to rest, relax and get a fresh perspective. As spring rolls on, its time to enjoy to the last of the cool weather and don’t forget to allow for some personal chill time to keep fresh and enjoy your life. Coming up for our October networking breakfast on Tuesday the 10th we have a great venue at Spicers Tamarind and our speakers are Arts Connect discussing Sculpture on the Edge, one of South East Queensland’s premier sculpture events, now in its seventh year. Book via the Maleny Commerce website. This is our second last event for 2017. Hot topic on the streets of Maleny at the moment, is Sunshine Coast Council parking officers visiting to notify and enforce parking regulations on Maple Street and surrounds. After checking in with council we have been informed they are currently undertaking a warning notification period for breaching of timed regulated parking areas, but in approximately two weeks new signs will be in place and fines will be issued for overstaying times indicated in regulating parking areas. It’s unfortunate that Maleny requires regulation and enforcement, but signs by themselves are often ignored and we must remember that these are shared public spaces for the benefit of a growing community and a growing number of visitors. In the long term (long term being next week), Maleny does need more public parking investment by our council to ensure there is adequate parking for our growing popularity. Keep up the good business Maleny, Cheers, Spencer



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