Leadership supporters
Also generously supported by
Also generously supported by
ActBlue, Anthology, Benevity, Blackbaud, Bloomerang, Charity Navigator, Classy, Combined Federal, Campaign, Cybergrants, Donately, DonorPerfect, DonorsChoose, Every.org, EveryAction, Facebook, Fidelity Charitable, Firespring, Give Lively, GiveButter, GiveCampus, GiveGab, Giving Block, GlobalGiving Global Impact, GoFundMe, HIPGive, IATS Payments, Keela, Kindful, LaunchGood, Mightycause, Movember, National Philanthropic Trust, NationBuilder, NeonOne, Network for Good, PayPal, Pledge, QGiv, RallyUp, RNL, Salsa Labs, Schwab Charitable, ShoppingGives, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Tiltify, Vanguard Charitable.
These are, as we will be reminded for decades to come, unprecedented times. We are confronting, and will continue to confront, global crises that stress our institutions, our systems, and our communities. But they also give birth to movements for change. Even after the pandemic wanes, we will be left with economic hardship, systemic inequities, assaults on democratic values, and a catastrophic climate emergency. We will also be left with the challenges caused by the pandemic as well as those there long before. However, we have an enormous opportunity to rebuild with generosity and the love of humanity as driving forces behind all of our actions.
Working within the multi-layered and multifaceted communities that make up the global generosity movement that GivingTuesday has become, our globally-distributed team is privileged to be able to witness humanity at its very finest on a daily basis. It is neighbor helping neighbor and stranger helping stranger, which demonstrates even in the darkest moments—especially in those moments—the kind of solidarity and caring that transcends fear and transforms isolation. With acts of giving large and small, millions of people have shown that our better angels can indeed have the loudest voices, and the rewards of listening to them are great.
The GivingTuesday movement has affirmed its vision of a world transformed by the recognition of our shared humanity.
The pandemic has tested the limits of our organization and movement while challenging us to break through to unleash the power of radical generosity in new and profound ways. We addressed the multiple, devastating impacts of COVID-19 through #GivingTuesdayNow in May 2020. We launched the Starling Collective to uplift and resource creative and passionate grassroots leaders who are advancing cultures of generosity in their communities. We concluded 2021 with the most successful GivingTuesday in our movement’s history, with people donating $2.7 billion in one day in the US alone on top of the tidal wave of generosity expressed in non-monetary ways.
Now, it’s time to look collectively to the future. We have a remarkable nine years behind us, and we know, as we approach our tenth anniversary in 2022, that we have much more to accomplish.
• Drive $10B in annual giving in the US and unlock exponentially more giving worldwide
• Enlist 1,500 community and cause, identity, and culture-based campaigns and coalitions around the world, with an emphasis on uplifting proximate leadership as well as reaching and partnering with grassroots activists and organizers lacking traditional access to power and resources
• Reach 125+ country movements, with an emphasis on the Global South and countries in crisis
• Engage and connect the next generation of givers : hundreds of thousands of young people around the world working to improve their communities and the world through #GivingTuesdaySpark
• Scale the first global social sector Data Commons, working collaboratively to understand and unleash generosity
• Establish Global Hubs consisting of local staff and programming to nurture the movement in priority global regions.
Our last strategic plan, completed in 2018, outlined our goal of establishing GivingTuesday as an independent 501(c)(3) organization after our spin-out as a program of the 92nd Street Y, while pursuing the work of the movement without pause—supporting and amplifying the work of our leadership groups, continuing to innovate and incubate—and we have achieved those goals and more. We committed to staying agile, and the pandemic taught us how valuable that commitment was. The world changed, and we pivoted to respond.
We know that radical generosity—the act of giving not as a transaction between haves and have-nots but as a powerful expression of solidarity and reciprocity—has a crucial role to play in solving the world’s most pressing challenges. Generosity is not a replacement for justice, but neither is justice possible without generosity. Without generosity, a resilient social fabric is not possible, nor are healthy communities, nor a strong civil society, nor true and lasting human connection. As we articulate the new framework and goals for GivingTuesday (both the movement and the organization at the heart of it), we do so with acute awareness of our opportunities and responsibilities : We have a credible path to creating a better future, together, and we must approach that work with hope, ambition, and humility.
Looking ahead, we are clear on the milestones that matter :
Asha Curran
In nine years, we’ve grown into a global generosity movement that inspires millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. GivingTuesday drives billions of dollars in donations in the US and countless acts of generosity, kindness, and civic participation the world over.
85+ 82%
countries around the world had a national GivingTuesday movement by the end of 2022.
people volunteered their time on GivingTuesday 2022 in the United States.
Starling leaders were recruited from 35 countries in 2022.
of respondents to our annual survey of citizens around the world said that GivingTuesday had inspired them to be more giving.
was donated on GivingTuesday 2022 in the United States alone.
individuals accessed our Data Commons findings.
330+ 37M
GivingTuesday community movements were active around the world.
media impressions were made worldwide.
people participated in GivingTuesday 2022 in the US, and many millions more took action around the world.
is the average growth in awareness of GivingTuesday around the world since 2017.
GivingTuesday has a global presence, with over 85 country movements spanning the world, each representing their own unique cultures and needs, while remaining united in their determination to mobilize their countries around generosity and shared humanity.
In each country, a team of entrepreneurial leaders work with their own ecosystems of communities, nonprofits, platforms, religious institutions, families, schools, and private sector partners to drive increased giving, connection, and innovation.
At a local and cause level, GivingTuesday is brought to life through an interconnected network of leaders working toward a common goal in their own unique, entrepreneurial ways. Around the world, community foundations, nonprofits, giving groups, giving circles and social activists lead hundreds of GivingTuesday communities. In the US alone, more than 330 GivingTuesday communities and coalitions drive generosity among people with a common connection to a geography, cause, culture or identity.
The GivingTuesday Data Commons works with partners across sectors and borders to understand the drivers and impacts of generosity, explore giving behaviors and patterns, and use data to drive innovation and inspire more giving around the world. With over 800 contributing partners and 50 global data labs, the initiative is the largest philanthropic data collaboration ever built.
#GivingTuesdaySpark amplifies the voices of young people and spreads the culture of generosity in communities all over the world. This robust and inclusive youth movement inspires and connects leaders from 8 to 22 years old to boost the impact of young people assuming leadership and recognizing their power to make change. In 2022 over 100,000 young people took part in #GivngTuesdaySpark, which now operates in 18 countries.
GivingTuesday’s Starling Collective is a learning lab and innovative fellowship for grassroots organizers, activists, artists and changemakers. It recognizes, supports, and uplifts the extraordinary leadership from within communities to meet needs and provide healing—leadership that is often philanthropically underrecognized and undersupported. The 2022 cohort engaged 50 leaders selected from nearly 1,400 applications. The cohort represents 35 countries and ranges in age from 14 to 57.
GivingTuesday’s drumbeat of social conversation, outreach, and thought leadership connects and activates new and existing leaders, partners, and individuals. We create and curate resources and training that distill learning from the movement to strengthen new power leadership skills, build capacity, and challenge traditional thinking in and about the social sector.
Our storytelling promotes understanding by communicating and elevating generosity, creativity, and global community. Through powerful stories and insights, we inspire others to embrace radical generosity and create the world they wish to see.
GivingTuesday is made up of layers of interconnected networks and communities, each activating networks of their own towards our shared mission. It’s a movement of movements.
GivingTuesday’s nucleus organization creates tools and resources, facilitates learning and connection, and offers a platform to those networks and communities. With more than 85 country movements, from Argentina to Zambia, and hundreds of cause-based coalitions, GivingTuesday’s nucleus model has a proven track record of success.
Investing in the nucleus model creates a multiplier effect. We leverage the power of distributed networks to identify, empower, support, and lead with changemakers around the world to unleash generosity.
GivingTuesday was founded in 2012 in the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact at New York’s 92nd Street Y. The concept was a simple one : What if there was a day to give, following the two major days of consumption , Black Friday and Cyber Monday ? The idea quickly went viral, then crossed borders. Campaigns became hyper-local even as the idea soared globally. Record amounts of funds were donated year after year. Generosity moved into the public sphere as an open topic of conversation, not one exclusive to big philanthropy and major institutions.
In addition, schools, religious institutions, families, corporations, and small businesses got involved. The degree to which the notion resonated was testament to the universality of generosity as a value. Scaling GivingTuesday, beginning with the annual ritual, hinged on a commitment to new power, which is defined as follows by GivingTuesday co-founder, Henry Timms :
“ New power operates differently, like a current.
It is made by many. It is open, participatory, and peer-driven. It uploads, and it distributes. Like water or electricity, it’s most forceful when it surges.
The goal with new power is not to hoard it, but to channel it. ”
People and organizations were free to adapt the concept and use it in their own unique ways to innovate, collaborate, and experiment. And they did while remaining unified by the broader vision of a more generous world. In its early years, GivingTuesday was run by a lean team and a globally-distributed network of volunteer leaders who founded GivingTuesday campaigns at the country or community level.
Leadership became a dominant theme of the work as we realized that the type of person drawn to the movement was unusually entrepreneurial, risk-tolerant, team-oriented, and ready and willing to contribute to a generous, transparent culture within the network. With continuous collaboration and peer learning, GivingTuesday went from being a day to being a year-round effort with a big day of celebration.
Formal (representative) governance, managerialism, institutionalism
Informal (networked) governance, opt-in decision-making, selforganization
Competition, exclusivity, resource consolidation
Collaboration, crowd wisdom, sharing, opensourcing
Confidentiality, discretion, separation between private and public spheres
Expertise, professionalism, specialization
Long-term affiliation and loyalty, less overall participation
Radical transparency
Maker culture, “ do it ourselves ” ethic
Short-term conditional affiliation, more overall participation
“ I’m not rich, I don’t have a million dollars, but I can help change lives on #GivingTuesday, ” one woman posted proudly on social media.
GivingTuesday engaged Community Action Partners (CAP), a social impact consultancy, to facilitate its first strategic planning process since establishing itself as a standalone 501(c) (3) organization.
CAP combined best practices in strategy development with a bespoke process that responds to GivingTuesday’s unique culture, assets, and needs. What follows is the product of hundreds of hours of deep conversations with dozens of leaders from across the ecosystem of GivingTuesday— from country leaders to affinity groups to nonprofits and philanthropy.
As the building blocks of our culture, GivingTuesday’s values are vital to our success. The culture is carried and embodied by the people who work every day at the GivingTuesday nucleus and across the extraordinary community of the movement. These values guide our work, both as a movement and an agile organization designed to celebrate and uplift co-creation and share power with its many diverse stakeholders in order to drive generosity every day, in every community, and in every form.
The nucleus organization and the larger movement operate within the same culture and foundational set of values.
• Interconnection is the movement’s superpower; it multiplies the strength of our organic, distributed creativity and problem-solving.
• We collectively share success and accountability across our global movement.
• We are continually intellectually curious; at the same time, we value our deep base of shared learnings drawn from across the movement.
• We believe in collaborative experimentation and innovation.
• Embracing new models of hierarchy and power, GivingTuesday bolsters leaders from not only expected but also unexpected backgrounds.
• We all have gifts and talents to give; we all have wants and needs. Each generous action is a chance to connect, serve, and uplift one another.
• We embrace an abundance mindset and believe generosity is plentiful and generative.
We pursue radical generosity, defined by the transformational powers of empathy and solidarity, not a series of transactions or discrete interactions. Radical generosity creates a world in which the collective recognition of humanity fundamentally respects what each of us can give, receive, and learn from one another. If we were to arrive at any destination, having fulfilled our mission, that world would be built upon a foundation of shared humanity.
Generosity is uplifting, generative, equalizing, and connecting. We believe that each and every act of generosity is a worthy act in and of itself. In this work, generosity is the primary means and the primary end : GivingTuesday unleashes generosity to drive generosity.
Generosity is GivingTuesday’s universal rallying cry and the foundation of our strategies.
Rob Reich GivingTuesday Board Chair and Professor of Political Science at Stanford University“Behind the vision of GivingTuesday is nothing less than a moral and political philosophy : mutuality, reciprocity, equal dignity, creativity, and subsidiarity (devolve power as far as possible to the most local place). GivingTuesday is about unleashing human capabilities by empowering people to express their generosity within their communities, thereby strengthening their communities.”
The global generosity movement is powerful : Across six continents, hundreds of thousands of leaders and millions of people work together to change, and in many cases, transform their communities for the better. The GivingTuesday nucleus supports that local impact through networked leadership development in communities around the world; storytelling and strategic communication that uplifts the impacts of generosity; the deployment of human, financial, and social capital to and throughout the movement; and ultimately, the global ritualization of generosity, which has dramatically increased the rate at which people give and volunteer worldwide.
GivingTuesday is invested in communities around the globe with a mandate to propel generosity across every culture, continent, and context.
Catherine Mwendwa, GivingTuesday’s Starling Regional Director for Africa, applies the lens of radical generosity to her work, aligning it to Ubuntu, which means, “ I am because we are. ” Coming from a place of true solidarity and reciprocity, radical generosity levels the playing field for all and bravely states, “ What I can give is meaningful, and everyone has something that’s meaningful. ”
Though Ubuntu is conceptualized in different ways across Africa, it implores every person to see the value they have to give and appreciate all forms of generosity. Too frequently, generosity is viewed as transactional and financial; GivingTuesday reframes that. Giving blood saves lives, giving voice leads movements, and giving time changes communities. Giving changes the world, one act at a time.
Catherine Mwendwa Starling Regional Director for AfricaThe GivingTuesday organization is the nucleus of the GivingTuesday movement. The organization focuses on the unique value it can add in order to complement the contributions of other partners in the movement—from online giving platforms to global funders of the generosity movement.
That focus is reflected in our five core functions. These work together, as part of a matrixed structure, to produce our programming and facilitate our global network. This cross-functionality has been key to our success.
We focus on these functional strengths to fully leverage our strategies and fulfill our shared mission and vision.
We connect with new generosity leaders, accelerate the growth of emerging leaders, and connect established leaders around the world. Our Spark programming promotes generosity among young people around the world, while the Starling program accelerates the potential of emerging generosity leaders. We also bring together community leaders, of specific geographies or cause coalitions, and global leaders who oversee national and regional campaigns.
Local tailoring of our programming, network facilitation, and communications efforts are essential to achieving meaningful engagement in the movement around the world. Through our Global Hubs, we promote proximate leadership within the movement and create more opportunities for knowledge sharing and learning. We convene stakeholders from various sectors, offer them support to engage over the long term and strengthen the connective tissue between movement members.
We seek to understand and analyze the changing nature of generosity around the world. We build and scale the movement with a data-driven approach that explores giving patterns and behavior, the growth of movements, and the drivers and impacts of generosity. We initiate and analyze research across sectors, identifying and supporting the adoption of best practices and innovative efforts—big and small—that unleash radical generosity.
We aim to shift cultures towards radical generosity and inspire giving in all its forms. GivingTuesday’s communications platform uses movement-building principles to highlight the important and inspiring work of leaders, organizers, and givers who are embracing radical generosity and driving change for their communities, causes, coalitions, and cultures. We also share learning about our unique model and movement principles to inspire other social change movements.
We are continuously strengthening our organizational backbone so we have the resources, systems, and talent to grow the movement. This begins and culminates in culture: The organization recruits and enlists talented teammates who are experts in their fields. GivingTuesday’s culture—articulated and codified in its values, norms, habits, and beliefs—empowers the organization to deploy its capabilities in its strategies in new and nimble ways.
The GivingTuesday nucleus, and the work it drives, is organized to reflect an interconnected approach:
The core functions intersect to drive our strategies and ultimately unleash generosity.
The GivingTuesday nucleus organization and the global movement work collaboratively to advance a culture of radical generosity.
GivingTuesday’s mission is fundamentally global and inclusive; to that end, we work to empower, support, and invest in those within the movement, to connect the movement’s leaders and communities, and to build diverse and accessible on-ramps for those seeking to unleash generosity in their own communities.
To accelerate growth of the movement and unlock new ways to increase generosity, we continually experiment, innovate, and optimize the ways in which we increase participation in communities and cultures around the world. We are committed to data-driven approaches that support a collaborative learning model that is shared throughout the movement.
To further the exponential growth and massive returns on investment the movement generates, we seek partnerships with funders and collaborators that deliver deeper support of existing and emergent programs. In tandem, we leverage our infrastructure to support our leaders’ efforts to fund the work of their local movements.
The GivingTuesday nucleus organization propels the movement forward through three broad strategies.
To define its strategy, GivingTuesday reviewed its existing activities and their impact, as well as the opportunities and challenges presented by the current global environment.
We aimed to develop a strategy that was responsive to the environment—including the strengths and assets of the movement itself—and proportionate to current resource allocation and capabilities.
Alongside three broad strategic directions, we have a set of goals, objectives, workstrands, and activities for each of our five core functions.
Movement-building is key to expanding the reach and impact of GivingTuesday. Our work thrives because we are able to engage leaders to form self-sustaining networks globally with representatives of for-purpose organizations, grassroots organizers, activists, global leaders, philanthropic insiders, everyday givers, and communities that come together to support good causes and one another. We rely on networks to both bring movement actors and leaders together in the work and to enable connections and sharing between networks to provide cross-pollination of ideas and information. In turn, we facilitate the ecosystem of networked leaders, partners, and individuals, which helps us achieve our shared vision.
To further grow and strengthen the leaders that propel the movement forward, we will continue to grow our ability to scale and support a broader, more diverse network of movement participants—investing in regional hubs as well as systems that identify trends and opportunities within the movement; and encouraging and extracting more data and insights to accelerate the pace of the growth and impact of the movement. To create a more representative network that reflects the rich diversity of giving cultures, we will invest more resources into building relationships with underrepresented communities, recruiting country leaders in regions where the movement has yet to be formally organized, and uplifting proximate leadership.
The GivingTuesday Starling Collective launched in the spring of 2020 as a response to the upheaval of the pandemic and the demands for social justice. This learning lab and innovative fellowship for grassroots organizers, activists, artists, and changemakers recognizes, supports, and uplifts the extraordinary leadership arising from within communities to meet needs and provide healing—leadership that is often philanthropically underrecognized and undersupported.
Through our first two cohorts, we have supported 109 grassroots leaders, representing 60 countries, speaking 40 languages, and ranging in age from 11 to 71. The Starling Collective connects leaders from around the world through skill-building, coaching, and peer-learning as well as seed funds to accelerate on-the-ground work, thereby forming a collaborative and supportive community of diverse grassroots changemakers.
Barbara Kimigisa, an Ugandan HIV activist and founder of S.H.E. (Safe, Healthy and Empowered) ambassadors—an initiative that mentors young girls to speak up and step out to be the change in their communities—credits the Starling Collective experience in providing the support and tools to become a more vocal and active leader in her community. Barbara is an active participant of the Starling alumni community and continues to collaborate with leaders around the world to exchange ideas and encouragement. “It is a relief to know I can walk this journey with someone.”
GivingTuesday leaders are the lifeblood of thevgenerosity movement, and we aim to inspire more people to take up leadership roles over the coming years by developing sustainable and robust pipelines of prospective leaders that flow into each type of leadership group in the movement.
We will continue to grow Starling and Spark, our flagship leadership programs. We’ll build on Starling’s success through program expansion and syndication—supporting GivingTuesday leaders around the world to use the model in their contexts. Through Spark, we’ll increase youth engagement in GivingTuesday.
Our leaders are critical partners in our mission to widen participation in GivingTuesday and generosity more broadly. Tens of millions of people already take part around the world, and we aim to grow that further by 2024. Their participation will inspire them to behave in more generous ways in every aspect of their lives—not just on one day of the year or through one type of giving.
It’s not just about numbers. We want to offer even more high-quality programming for our leadership groups in order to build the capacity of our leaders to run brilliant campaigns and grow global generosity. This starts with a refined, cohesive, and compelling narrative for our leadership approach and educational philosophy. We will deepen GivingTuesday leaders’ learning experiences and help them become even more connected to each other. That bolstered connection will make the movement more resilient and lead to collaborations in research, learning, and action around the world.
We will coordinate all our programming to ensure it attracts, onboards, and develops diverse leaders who are often underrepresented or marginalized. Amplifying the voices of grassroots leaders and underrepresented voices is a critical part of our strategy.
Our movement is already a global one. Over the next three years, we want to make sure that is reflected in every aspect of our leadership, culture, and operations. We will grow GivingTuesday’s footprint around the world by working with more strategic partners and building an increasingly diverse network that includes underrepresented groups and new types of leaders.
A key outcome of our Broaden and Deepen the Movement strategy : A large, diverse, global community of practice focused on the centrality of generosity in life.
• Expand awareness of the movement and inspire people to behave in more generous ways and become generosity leaders.
• Grow GivingTuesday’s footprint around the world, incorporating underrepresented industries and sectors, and new types of leaders and partners, into the movement.
• Revamp country movement support, including onboarding, succession planning, and bespoke support for country movements with specific or complex circumstances.
• Recruit more leaders through GT leadership development programs and programming.
• Build the capacity of our country leaders to grow generosity.
• Enhance belonging, inclusion, and learning from underrepresented leaders and honor all generosity practices.
GivingTuesday is a global hub for data, learning, and ultimately, innovation around generosity. The nucleus organization facilitates peer learning that encourages experimentation, testing, and measurement. We capture and disseminate learnings to and from the distributed network and then use this data to identify where there is momentum and potential value to unlock. This commitment to innovation and shared learning has propelled the movement’s success.
This strategy enables both sides of our innovation model. It involves facilitating the adoption of innovations and ideas across leadership networks, while also creating opportunities for experimentation and collaboration.
These efforts are designed to accelerate learning and adoption across the movement and strengthen its efficacy and impact. We distill case studies, insights, and success stories from all parts of the movement and use our communications platform to uplift and distribute these learnings.
The GivingTuesday Data Commons explores giving behaviors and patterns, movements, and altruistic behaviors more broadly. Our strategy includes expanding global data and learning about generosity across sectors, including conducting and sharing original research that will spark further innovation within the movement and throughout the sector. Applying the radical generosity principle to insights and learning, the Data Commons is an open forum for research collaboration.
The GivingTuesday Data Commons is a model for collaborative research being adopted in countries around the world. Data Commons global chapters leverage local relationships, data assets, technical infrastructure, and methodology to address the challenge of access to data and insights for the social sector. Fifty countries are developing coalitions and projects to bridge gaps in understanding about generosity and philanthropy and to answer questions most important to their local situations.
In India, a coalition of donation platforms, the GivingTuesday team, and researchers led by Ashoka University used the Data Commons handling systems to analyze data about giving and storytelling around GivingTuesday to understand trends in online giving and donor attitudes and values.
In Mexico, a collaboration with online donation platforms, payment processors, and academic researchers have replicated the successful hackathon model and analysis approach that the Data Commons employed in the US to understand trends in digital philanthropy, the impact of GivingTuesday locally, and the opportunities and barriers to growing online giving.
A partnership of nonprofits, funders, universities, and other institutions in Canada is using the Data Commons working group model to rapidly advance new research into philanthropy, charitable sector resilience, and civic engagement. This work includes a cross-border research hub for US and Canadian academic researchers to collaborate.
• Establish and expand Starling as a preeminent social leadership program
• Enable leaders to adopt more year-round programming and campaigns
• Facilitate peer learning and adoption of best practices and innovations throughout the movement
• Facilitate more cross-border coalitions, including data projects, research and learning collaborations, and cause campaigns
• Create opportunities for co-design of the movement’s direction
• Measure impact, codify best practice, and serve as a clearinghouse for insights for the generosity sector
• Develop and document an understanding of the GivingTuesday movement: how it develops and how culture and learning spreads through it
• Influence other movement-powered social change initiatives around the world
To Innovate the Movement, we will :
A key outcome of our Innovate the Movement strategy : An agile, connected, and resilient generosity movement achieving measurable change through experimentation.
Some of our targets to achieve by 2024 include:
• More than 80% of GivingTuesday partners actively experimenting with new interventions
• 5+ countries adopting the Starling model
• 50+ workspaces and research hubs hosted on the GivingTuesday Data Commons
• At least 50% of our Global Leaders actively participating in the Data Commons
• 100,000 Data Commons users
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we will institute new systems to boost collaboration and inclusion across our teams and programs. We will make GivingTuesday accessible to a diverse group of global stakeholders, optimize the experience of our leaders and partners, and create opportunities for new partners to play an active role in directing the movement.
Measuring outputs, outcomes and impact is a critical component of our movement’s learning and experimentation.
In pursuit of better insight into the impact of our organization and the movement, we will launch more sophisticated measurement mechanisms and share our learnings publicly. We will also grow our leaders’ capabilities to measure their own impact, tell the story of the change they spark, and build accountability mechanisms with their communities. We are creating a global community of practice that improves the data and research capacity of global leaders of social change.
We will also generate powerful insights about generosity behavior wherever it happens around the world. We’ll expand our collaborative research environment, the Data Commons, as a global hub for social sector insight and the world’s repository for learning on the nature and practice of generosity.
Our success as a mass movement presents us with an opportunity to inspire and influence other movement-powered social change initiatives around the world. We will build and document an understanding of our own movement: how it grows and evolves and how learning spreads through it. We aim to become the go-to source for research and learning about movements, positioning ourselves as the ACE (Actionable, Connected, and Extensible) model for global systems change.
Our public communications reach millions worldwide and have huge potential to change behavior at large. Over the next three years, we will expand perceptions of generosity and inspire more giving behaviors—bringing more people into a new story of care and compassion.
At our last strategic review, the resource priority for GivingTuesday was to secure multi-year operating support for launching the new independent organization.
The success of those efforts has provided a solid foundation for the growth of the movement and development of new programs. Our reach, impact, and ambitions have grown exponentially since that time. The imperative now is to secure the resources needed to fully realize this potential and maintain the exponential growth and return on investment the movement generates.
A key outcome of our Resource the Movement strategy : The movement has the resources needed for growth and impact.
Some of our targets to achieve by 2024 include:
• Establish 5 Global Hubs consisting of staff and programming to nurture the movement in priority global regions.
• Reach annual donations of $3.4bn on GivingTuesday in the United States.
• Accelerating the onboarding of new countries and communities into GivingTuesday in order to enlist in the global generosity movement.
• Focusing on equitable investment in specific regions around the world, such as the Global South, to extend the reach of the global generosity movement.
• Activating hundreds of additional cause and affinity campaigns in thousands of communities in the United States and around the world.
• Empowering leaders across the globe and across affinities who are frequently under-resourced and fight against a tide of ever-shrinking budgets while confronting acute community need.
• Mobilizing the power of our global generosity movement to drive collective action in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
• Diversify and expand our funding base with an eye towards long-term sustainability
• Institute systems that improve collaboration across teams and prioritizes inclusiveness with our external community in better support of our programs
• Help leaders throughout the movement to secure more funding and resources to grow their movements
• Develop more strategic partnerships to radically scale-up global awareness of generosity and the generosity movement
To maintain GivingTuesday’s rate of growth and impact, continue achieving the economic leverage that our decentralized model enables, and expand key initiatives, we will diversify and expand our funding base. We will focus our efforts on funding for specific strategic outcomes where proof of concept has been established and there is immediate opportunity for scale, all with an eye towards long-term sustainability.
The maturity of the movement around the world and our track record with funders provides a strong foundation for us to work with our global leadership group on joint projects and funding proposals. This strategy will involve collaborating with leaders in regions where there are funding opportunities, where we can provide program resources and credibility, and where our partners have local relationships and connections to the needs and beneficiaries on the ground.
As we scale, we will build agile systems of planning and accountability across the organization and the movement.
We will also work intentionally with our GivingTuesday global network to make connections and leverage our infrastructure to support their efforts to fund the work of their movements—an approach that proved successful in Canada—which we believe can be replicated elsewhere.
When it comes to our human resources, we aim to create an exemplary global work culture that prioritizes our team’s professional development, inclusion, and capacity to experiment. Beyond the core team, we will nurture a diverse and engaged Board of Directors and group of advisors focused on the long-term custodianship of the organization and a prominent group of GivingTuesday champions to propel the next ten years of impact.
GivingTuesday has comprehensive processes for measuring impact and capturing key learning. At the program level, our Data team evaluates the impact of initiatives, identifies important indicators, and tracks them over time. In addition, we examine the factors that correlate with program success to help inform our own processes. Within these programs, we also measure the individual projects, collaborators, and interventions involved in order to inform our program reviews and to help establish and share best practices for the movement as well as the people and organizations within the GivingTuesday network around the world.
As part of our strategic planning process, we have identified longterm goals and the metrics we will use to measure progress. On an ongoing basis, we also establish outcome measures and key performance indicators for the activities related to those goals. This provides us with a clear and flexible framework for tactical planning and performance assessment.
The GivingTuesday distributed learning model provides a platform to not only disseminate learning outcomes, but also engage the broader community in planning and determining our goals and outcomes. Our Collaborative Learning Model (CLM) involves engaging key stakeholder groups (like our Global and Community leadership networks and Data Commons collaborators) to answer key questions about our successes, challenges, and priorities. This engagement informs both our strategic planning and ongoing evaluation practices.
We’ve identified meaningful metrics at each of these levels as well as approaches for gathering, reflecting on, and using this data to guide our strategic decisions moving forward. Where possible, our CLM leverages or builds upon data that is already being collected by the GivingTuesday core team and our data partners, and in other cases, we’ve identified new sources of data.
Results and metrics around the activity on #GivingTuesday each year. This includes web and social media metrics, media listening, and donation data.
Findings and reporting on year-round individual behavior in aggregate. This includes longitudinal giving platform data, survey research, and experimental findings.
Real-world results of our activities and the outcomes of the movement and participants. behavior in aggregate. This includes sector health and sustainability measures, SDG progress, and charitable programs’ impacts.
Combined, these sources help us understand our progress toward Organizational, Movement, Sector, and Societal Learning outcomes.
Lastly, and most broadly, all of our impact work around the organization and movement feeds into the GivingTuesday Data Commons, a groundbreaking data collaborative of social sector practitioners and researchers. We make our impact data accessible for our collaborators to learn from and contribute to, and we continually build a community of practice around the measurement and influence of generosity.
Because the opportunity for growth is exponential, GivingTuesday’s need for additional resources is significant. We know growing GivingTuesday as an organization will have an unprecedented return on investment, both in the US and around the world. There are countless new and existing constituencies who could be better supported (and in turn exponentially increase generosity in their communities) with more staff and resources devoted to them. As we head into our tenth anniversary, GivingTuesday has a once-in-alifetime opportunity to leverage this moment to mainstream the notion of radical generosity and create a lasting culture shift.
• Our current FY22 budget is $4.2M, a modest budget for an organization of our size and type.
• Our movement has an estimated economic leverage of $18 to 31M total, given our distributed network model of volunteer leaders.
• Our model has led to incredible returns : in 20212 $3.1B was raised on GivingTuesday in the US, a force multiplier of 738x on the dollars invested into the nucleus organization to dollars donated into the generosity sector in the US alone.
Fully resourcing the strategies outlined in this document will enable us to maintain both that extreme rate of growth in impact as well as the continued economic leverage of these investments delivered by the GivingTuesday nucleus model.
Uplifting the
The estimated economic leverage GivingTuesday's brand, community, and distributed leadership network $18-31M
As GivingTuesday looks ahead to 2022 and beyond, we have a vision and roadmap of what it will take to create the world we wish to see. We know that radical generosity must be at the heart of the society we rebuild together, unlocking dignity, opportunity and equity around the globe.
The strategies outlined in this document form a scalable approach to investing in proximate leaders, engaging the next generation of givers, and fostering learning and innovation. Through our global distributed network, we will uplift the entire sector with stronger, more inclusive leadership and accelerated adoption of emerging best practices to unlock exponentially more giving worldwide.
By growing and innovating the movement, GivingTuesday is positioned to inspire exponentially more people across all borders, sectors, and beliefs to come together in shared moments to give, mobilizing communities, and strengthening the ties that bind us together as a society.
When we act collectively —what we can, with what we have, from where we are— we can make massive change happen.
We invite you to join us.
Argentina | Australia | Austria | Barbados
Canada | Chile | China | Colombia
Czech Republic | Dominican Republic
Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica,
Estonia | Finland | France |
Guam | Hungary | India | Ireland
Lebanon | Liberia | Malaysia |
Nigeria | North Macedonia | Northern
Pakistan | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines
Puerto Rico | Romania | Russia |
Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia
South Korea | South Sudan | Spain
Tanzania | Turkey | Uganda
United States | Uruguay | Venezuela
Barbados | Belarus | Brazil | Bulgaria
Colombia | Costa Rica | Croatia | Cyprus
Republic | Eastern Caribbean (St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines) Germany | Ghana | Greece
Ireland | Israel | Italy | Kenya | Mexico | Nepal | Netherlands
Northern Mariana Islands | Norway
Philippines | Poland | Portugal
Rwanda | Senegal | Sierra Leone
Slovenia | Somalia | South Africa
Spain | Sweden Switzerland | Taiwan | Ukraine | United Kingdom
Venezuela | Zambia | Zimbabwe