Goodwill Community Impact Report 2014

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im•pact 2014 ANNUAL REPORT:

noun |ˈimˌpakt| The effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another: 1. Through the sale of donated goods, Goodwill has been able to make a significant impact in the lives of many individuals in need of work. 2. Through partnerships with over 1,700 area employers, Goodwill has made a valuable impact in communities by providing job placement assistance and career training services. 3. Goodwill’s efforts to resell, recycle, and repurpose the donated goods it receives has had a positive impact on the environment and diverted more than 28 million pounds of materials from landfills.

Our mission is changing lives.


this year’s report 3

Small Efforts Lead to: Maximum Impact


2014: People Served Numbers


Different Lives, Similar Paths: The Power of Work Offers Hope


2014: Financial Summary


Obion County: A Case Study in Goodwill’s Community Impact


2014 Important Facts


Green, Global, Goodwill: Environmental Stewardship That Creates Jobs


2014 Board of Directors


2014: Mission Services Numbers


2014: Senior Leadership


Clients Served Based on: Barriers To Employment


Glossary of Terms

Look for these symbols throughout our Annual Report for more in-depth interactive information



IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report





maximum impact They often arrive in bags or small cardboard boxes, but by years’ end they would fill a pro football stadium. Along the way, they provide thousands of jobs, save a forest, clothe the needy and the savvy, prevent pollution and change tens of thousands of lives. Donations of gently used clothing and household goods to Goodwill of Middle Tennessee drive our mission of providing employment and training opportunities to those struggling to find work. That’s widely known. But fewer people realize the extent to which Goodwill goes to squeeze the most possible value from every donation or how far those efforts go in generating tremendous impact on individuals, the environment, our communities and the economy across 48 Middle and West Tennessee

to sharing those findings with you as they become available in the months ahead. This much we know already: Goodwill is a unique, amazing social enterprise. The good it does through a relatively small investment reverberates through our lives and our communities, paying dividends over and again. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the results of our mission. In 2014, our Goodwill Career Solutions Centers served 28,159 people and placed 9,558 into jobs. Nearly 10,000 people were able to support themselves and their families and contribute to their communities thanks to Goodwill’s generous donors, shoppers and hard-working employees. We are determined to continue that momentum throughout 2015. We have set lofty goals, aiming to serve 30,000 people and put 11,000 into jobs. We have new initiatives, new stores and new Career Solutions centers coming online to help us get there. Your support of Goodwill is accomplishing more now than ever before. Thank you for helping us change lives.

Matthew Bourlakas | President & CEO Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc.

counties. This annual report attempts to describe just a few aspects of that impact. But even those of us intimately involved in Goodwill’s operations know we are just scratching the surface when it comes to gauging

Fred T. McLaughlin Chairman of the Board Senior Vice President Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc.

and communicating this organization’s overall value. That’s why we have engaged an independent organization to conduct a study of Goodwill’s economic impact. We look forward

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the power of work offers hope


he path that brought Amgad to Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee began in

Egypt, but in many ways it was similar to those taken by thousands of other people who get help from Goodwill each year. Struggling to find a job, he walked through the doors of a Goodwill Career Solutions center, and there he found training and opportunities that changed his life.


IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report

Amgad “Goodwill gave me a good push,”

online. He quickly landed

Amgad said. “They opened the

two jobs and later was able to

door for me to have a good start.”

move into a single position in

“My goal is to have a good education, get the kids in a good school and then find the ideal job,” he said. “Goodwill gave me a start.”

maintenance at St. Cecilia Amgad emigrated from Egypt

Motherhouse, a Catholic

“It had been a struggle to try and

with his pregnant wife and three

institution in Nashville. As of April

live life and care for my children

children in 2013, seeking a new

he had been working in that job for

without a job,” she said. “I had a

life in America. Despite having a

nine months.

lot of depression.”

the language barrier made his job

“I’m very, very happy here,” he

She said it particularly troubled her

search difficult. In June of 2013 he

said. “It’s not easy to find a way and

that her mother had to help take

made an impulse decision to visit a

a life, but when you find it, you will

care of her children.

Goodwill Career Solutions center

be very grateful.”

degree in Egyptology, he found

in Nashville. Grace had been out of work much

One day in 2011, on a whim she stopped in at Goodwill Career

At the center, he received training in

longer than Amgad when she came

Solutions. She signed up for job

digital literacy, help with his resume

to Goodwill. In fact, she had not

readiness classes and met one-

and guidance in searching for jobs

held a job in more than a decade.

on-one with a counselor. A week

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 5

later she was offered a job as a

“This job has put a whole different

Terrell was born blind. His parents

production associate in one of

light on my life,” Grace said, adding

were the first to suggest he look for

Goodwill’s downtown Nashville

“I’m able to pay my bills, help

employment help from Goodwill.


do things for my grandchildren

“From that day, I began to take

and just live a comfortable and

“I didn’t really know if Goodwill

decent life.”

could help me find a job, but I

back control of my life and also

signed up for it and it has been

gained self-respect and dignity,”

Terrell, an employee in

she recalled.

Goodwill’s call center, also knows

great,” Terrell said.

how a disability can increase the

Terrell completed job readiness

Even though Grace had previously

challenges of finding work. He was

and job search classes. His career

suffered a stroke that limited use

29 and had never held a job when

counselor recognized skills that

of her left side, she routinely out-

he first came to Goodwill Career

might make Terrell valuable in

produced most other employees in

Solutions in 2014.

Goodwill’s call center. After six

her department. She now audits the sorting of garments.



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“The best part is knowing that I’m helping people and knowing that people I help enroll into Career Solutions … will be able to get jobs as well.”

Grace weeks of intense training, he

“I was very excited to be

became the first visually impaired

productive and working,”

client to work in that department.

Terrell said. “The best part

“This job has put a whole different light on my life,” Grace said, adding “I’m able to pay my bills, help do things for my grandchildren and just live a comfortable and decent life.”

is knowing that I’m helping He helped Goodwill adapt new

people and knowing that

themselves and their children — of

software for the purpose. While

people I help enroll into Career

whom there are now four.

talking to callers, Terrell scrolls

Solutions … will be able to get

through over 900 pages of

jobs as well.”

information on his computer that

“My goal is to have a good education, get the kids in a good

are read aloud to him through

For Grace, Terrell and thousands

school and then find the ideal

his headset. He is able to quickly

of others, Goodwill provides more

job,” he said. “Goodwill gave

help callers, whether they want

than just training or even a job. It

me a start.”

to talk to one of Goodwill’s

provides hope for a better future.

2,100 employees or are asking

Amgad is also a great example of

about Goodwill Career Solutions

this. When they are not working,

training, the location of a Donation

Amgad and his wife study English

Express Center or the hours of a

at Nashville Tech. They plan to

Goodwill store.

buy a house in November for

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report




a case study in Goodwill’s community impact W hen the Goodyear Tire &

Rubber Co. factory in Obion County, Tenn., shut down in

2011, the local unemployment rate soared

past 18 percent. Many of the 1,800 laid off workers struggled with even the first step toward finding a new job. “Some folks worked there for 20, 30 or 40 years and never had to put together a resume,” explained Lindsay Frilling, economic development director for the Obion County Joint Economic Development Corp.


IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report

Numerous displaced workers received assistance with

residents or about 5.6 percent of the county’s total

their resumes at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center in

workforce. Of those served, 676 people landed a job.

Union City, the county seat. They also obtained guidance in online job searches, upgraded their computer skills and

All of Goodwill’s 28 Career Solutions Centers made

were connected to employers. Workers affected by other

impressive contributions in the communities they served

closures at a local Lennox fireplace plant and a hospital in

in 2014. In total, 28,159 received assistance and 9,558

nearby Fulton, Ky., also found help at Goodwill.

were placed in jobs. But few counties faced challenges as severe, and nowhere have Goodwill’s contributions been

As of March, the county’s unemployment rate stood

more obvious.

at 9.2 percent, above the state average One of the dozens of Obion County

but still evidence of a dramatic

employers hiring through

recovery. Recruitment efforts by state and local officials paved the way, luring new businesses in and motivating others, like Greenfield Products, to expand and create hundreds of jobs. But officials said there was another important factor in Obion County’s

“Without Goodwill, I don’t think economic recovery would have been possible in the short amount of time it has occurred,” Frilling said. “Goodwill has been a major player in the various entities that have come together to try to reduce the unemployment rate.”

Goodwill is Williams Sausage Company outside of Union City. The company’s human resources manager, Jennie Overall, has intimate knowledge of Goodwill’s impact on the community. She was once a Goodwill Career Solutions client.

economic comeback: Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee.

“I had lost a job I loved through downsizing, and I was unemployed for one

“Without Goodwill, I don’t think it would have been

year,” she recalled. “After knocking on doors and being

possible in the short amount of time it has occurred,”

turned away for whatever reason, I was really quite

Frilling said. “Goodwill has been a major player in the

discouraged. Then I saw the Goodwill ad in our local

various entities that have come together to try to reduce

paper. It turned out to be a great thing for me.”

the unemployment rate.” Through services she received at Goodwill, Overall County Mayor Benny McGuire agrees. “We’re very

landed a job at a local restaurant. She then found her

proud to have Goodwill here,” he said. “The (Career

way to Williams Sausage where she has been for more

Solutions) center is a great asset to Obion County, and

than five years. Now as an employer representative, her

Goodwill is a good retail partner.”

relationship with Goodwill is stronger than ever. Williams Sausage has participated in job fairs hosted by the

Last year alone, the Goodwill Career Solutions Center

Goodwill Career Solutions center, and it uses Goodwill as

in Union City assisted 1,888 people with employment

an intake point for applications.

opportunities and training, including 720 Obion County

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 9

those benefits might be unfamiliar

an arm of the company’s own

to people who don’t hire for their

recruiting efforts.”

companies or do not work in economic development.

Other Goodwill advantages are more widely recognized. “I love

“Goodwill is absolutely one of our

the Goodwill store,” Frilling said.

“They are always on the lookout to

selling points when recruiting new

“I drive around the parking lot and

help match the right person with a

industry or talking with existing

there are cars from all different

position I may have,” Overall said.

industry, whether they are looking

counties. They are not just an asset

“Most applicants that have gone

to replace people or doing an

on the job-placement side, Goodwill

through the Goodwill program

expansion,” she said. “Goodwill

puts people to work in their

make better employees and stay on

Career Solutions can come in and

facilities and brings people into the

the job longer.”

run a job fair or assist with a job

community. They are just amazing

fair. The beauty is the flexibility

to me.”

Frilling said Goodwill also helps

of it. They can help as much as

communities in other ways. Some of

a company would like — sort of

“After knocking on doors and being turned away for whatever reason, I was really quite discouraged. Then I saw the Goodwill ad in our local paper... It turned out to be a great thing for me.”

10 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report

Pictured from left are Roger Williams, Leslie Williams Anderson, Mark Anderson and David Williams. Photo by: Journal Communications

Jennie Overall knows what it’s like to struggle to find work. She’d been unemployed for a year when she went to Goodwill Career Solutions for help finding a job. Now, as the human resources manager for Williams Sausage, she is a firm believer in giving others the same chance through Goodwill. “Most applicants that have gone through the Goodwill program make better employees and stay on the job longer,” she says.

“I drive around the parking lot and there are cars from all different counties. They are not just an asset on the job-placement side, Goodwill puts people to work in their facilities and brings people into the community. They are just amazing to me.”

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Green, Global, Goodwill:

environmental stewardship that creates jobs


hipping containers of shoes in Pakistan. Bales of Bermuda shorts in Burundi. Broken laptops that

don’t pollute villages in China, and mountains of valuable used items that don’t end up in Tennessee landfills. The environmental impact of Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee is so diverse and far-reaching, even Mary Stockett sometimes struggles to describe it. And as Goodwill’s director of continuous improvement and post market development, she knows the story better than anyone.

12 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report

“There’s almost nothing you can name that we haven’t

“I just cleaned out my closet and bags of clothing are

received over the years, and we try to get the best possible

sitting in my living room ready to take to Goodwill.

value from it all,” Stockett said. “Our most important

They’re heavy, too. All of that would be going to the

take-away is that we’ve been good stewards of the

landfill if not for organizations like Goodwill.”

environment and created jobs.” Of course, some donated items fall below store quality or That stewardship starts with the not-for-profit’s operating

fail to sell. Last year, more than 28 million pounds of this

model, which is the sale of donated clothing and

material — enough to fill the Tennessee Titans’ stadium

household goods to fund Goodwill’s mission of providing

— was diverted from area landfills through Goodwill’s

training and employment opportunities

operations. After being baled or boxed,

across half of Tennessee. More

salvage materials are sold or recycled

than 4,100 donations per day added up to an estimated 76 million pounds of donations in 2014. Most of those items were sold in Goodwill’s 34 stores, allowing them to find new life with new owners, rather than being discarded. Nancy Zion, Williamson

so they, too, can contribute

“There’s almost nothing you can name that we haven’t received over the years, and we try to get the best possible value from it all,” Stockett said. “Our most important take-away is that we’ve been good stewards of the environment and created jobs.”

County’s solid waste director,

raising millions of dollars annually. One way to walk the path of Goodwill’s environmental trailblazing is in a single shoe. Each day, thousands of partnerless shoes are donated to Goodwill. Makku Ilyas, president

knows the environmental and economic cost of what Tennesseans throw

to Goodwill’s mission,

of Duluth, Ga.-based Infinite Rags, buys them in shipments weighing 15,000-

away. Her county, which has an aggressive recycling

20,000 pounds every two weeks. His company sorts them

program, nonetheless carries about 30,000 tons of

and works to match them closely with other shoes. Those

garbage per year — at a cost of $30 per ton — to the

that can’t be paired are recycled.

West Camden Sanitary Landfill in Benton County. But besides recycling aluminum, glass, tin and more,

Ilyas sells paired shoes in bulk to buyers in third world

Williamson County has another landfill- and money-

countries — generally Pakistan and occasionally the

saving tool in its toolkit: Goodwill.

United Arab Emirates. They are then sold to vendors who resell them from carts and shops to villagers who might

Last year, Goodwill Donations Express Centers located

otherwise go without.

in the county’s busiest solid waste convenience centers received an estimated 12 million pounds in donations.

“The need is great,” Ilyas said. “There is a humongous market for second-hand clothing and shoes in third-

“It’s astounding,” Zion said, and while she declined to

world countries, because a lot of people can’t afford to

speculate how much of that material might otherwise

buy new stuff.”

have ended up in the trash, she had a handy example.

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 13

Low-cost, salvage products

Goodwill recycled nearly 5.6 million pounds of cardboard and paper pulp last year — enough to save 48,497 trees.

from the U.S. help people who might otherwise go without or have to buy inferior quality items, said

has a store or a business selling this

Skip Wilson, co-owner of Atlanta,

clothing at prices folks can handle,”

Ga.-based Wilson Marketing

he said.

Group, which represents Goodwill and other nonprofits in salvage Last year Goodwill sold 12 million pounds of salvage clothing that was shipped to underdeveloped nations, mostly in tropical areas. The biggest market is East Africa — nations such as Burundi, Kenya and Uganda.

14 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report

sales. The clothing also provides jobs for people in many countries, allowing them to support their families.

Collecting “everything that tears,” as Stockett says, from books and the boxes donations arrive in to its own office paper, Goodwill recycled nearly 5.6 million pounds of cardboard and paper pulp last

“The landfill would be the last stop,

year — enough to save 48,497 trees.

but instead, we are able to send it

And it employs sustainable business

on ... to Africa where somebody

practices at its 146 operating

locations, such as recycling light

The La Crosse, Wis.-

bulbs, recovering air conditioning

based firm recycled

refrigerants and using donated tools,

plastics, metals and

plumbing and electrical supplies.

leaded glass from more than 1.5 million

“The need is great,” Ilyas said. “There is a humongous market for second-hand clothing and shoes in third-world countries, because a lot of people can’t afford to buy new stuff.”

Where Goodwill’s environmental

pounds worth of non-

footprint cannot be found is also

functioning Goodwill

important. China, for instance, is

items in 2014, such as

becoming known as a dumping

laptops, microwaves,

ground for e-waste, where

handheld drill batteries

primitive recycling contaminates

and Christmas lights,

the countryside and threatens

returning revenue for

residents’ health.

Goodwill’s mission.

But unsold home and office

Dynamic Recycling

appliances and electronics from

has a “no-electronic material landfill

Goodwill do not end up in such

policy” and ensures that its recycling

places, said Jeremy Olson, director

is conducted only in the U.S. or

of business development for

countries with similar environmental

Dynamic Recycling in Nashville.


“Goodwill is making a significant impact on our environment by diverting those electronics from landfills and supporting environmental sustainability.”

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mission services







5,615 430,504







Sessions of Intensive Job Placement Services

Occurrences of Work Assessment/ Evaluation

Days paid On-theJob Training within Goodwill

Sessions of Job Readiness/SoftSkills

Intake/eligibility of an individual






Occurrences of Job Fair Service

Occurrences of Job Retention Services

Occupational Skills Training Sessions

Day Camp Sessions (Summer Youth Program)

Day Activities for Adults (Day Habilitation)





Volunteer Hours of Services

Financial Education Class Sessions

Days unpaid Onthe-Job Training within Goodwill

One-on-One Financial Coaching Sessions

Other Mission Services = 615

16 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report

Clients Served By:

barriers to employment








Psychiatric and/ or Emotional Disability

Physical Disability

Learning Disability other than Autism

Neurological Disability

Developmental Disability other than Autism





Blindness or Other Visual Impairment

Deafness or Other Hearing Impairment


History of Substance Abuse


Other Disabling Conditions = 1,686 * Duplicates exist due to some clients reporting more than one barrier







Unemployed/ Dislocated Worker

Person with a Criminal Background

Lack of GED/ High School Equivalency


Welfare Recipient






Older Worker

Working Poor/ Incumbent Worker/ Underemployed

At-Risk Youth

Lack of/Low Literacy

Non-English Speaking/Limited English Proficiency

Other Disadvantaging Conditions = 10,859 * Duplicates exist due to some clients reporting more than one barrier

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 17


people served A diverse group of people received one or more


of Goodwill of Middle Tennessee’s many job placement and training services in 2014. Thanks to Goodwill these 28,159 individuals were placed in a job or received quality training and certifications necessary to find work in the future.



= 70


= 39


= 6,460


= 7,043


= 5,311


= 5,058






0.1% 22.9%

= 4,101


= 77



18 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report














= 14,173

Black/African American

= 11,411

Other Multi-racial)

= 1,314


= 899

Asian/Pacific American

= 261

Eskimo/Native American

= 101

3.2% 4.7%

0.9% 0.4% 50.3%

28,159 40.5%

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 19


financial summary The community gave to Goodwill (Revenues) Sales of goods contributed by the community


Fees & grants for professional rehabilitation services



United Way support and other contributions



Investment Income



Market value increase (decrease) of investments







$77,073,973.00 Goodwill gave back to the community (Expenses) Sales Program


Career Solutions (Mission Services)



General and Administrative







$75,853,182.00 Net Revenues Resources for future investment in the community

20 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report



important facts CAREER SOLUTIONS





were placed in jobs


highest retail sales of the 165 Goodwills worldwide.

employers are actively hiring Goodwill clients.

employees and clients were on payroll as of January 1, 2015.





clients were served

of Goodwill employees are mission related.

of Career Solutions clients who found work were placed in jobs outside of Goodwill.

donors dropped off items at o ur Donation Express Centers, on average, each day.

worth of gift cards were given away to assist those in need through our Goodwill Cares

34 Stores, 27Career Solution centers and 83 Donation Express Centers, in 48 counties, throughout Middle and West Tennessee.


pounds of salvage and recyclable m aterial was diverted from landfills.

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 21


board of directors OFFICERS Chairperson Fred T. McLaughlin Sr. Vice President Investments Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. Vice Chairman Julie F. Wilson Sr. Vice President Healthcare Realty Trust

Secretary Chad M. Grout Principal Broker Urban Grout Commercial Real Estate Treasurer Dave M. Fentress Vice President – Internal Audit Dollar General Corporation

Legal Counsel Christopher S. Dunn and Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP Attorneys

Betty J. Johnson VP & Chief People Officer Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc.

Matthew S. Bourlakas President and CEO Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc.

Mary La Haie Vice President of Finance Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc.

DIRECTORS Woodretta Allen Cost Containment Manager United Parcel Service

Philip G. Hull CPA/Senior Consultant VACORESOURCES

J.B. Baker Chief Executive Officer Sprint Logistics, LLC

R. Craig Laine Senior Vice President CB Richard Ellis

Bryan Bean First Vice President SunTrust Bank

Ryan R. Loyd VP – Deputy Chief Accounting Officer Cigna-Health Spring

Steele Clayton Partner Bass Berry & Sims, PLC

Ty H. Osman President Solomon Builders

Andrew Davidson Account Executive Frank E. Neal & Co., Inc

Christine E. Skold VP, Investor Relations, Strategy & Continuous Improvement Tractor Supply Company

Jeff Young Vice President Tennessee Bank & Trust

Grant E. Starrett ** Vice President and Special Counsel Lion Real Estate Group

Donna Yurdin President Credo Management Consulting

Todd A. Spaanstra CPA/Partner Crowe Horwarth, LLP

*Ex Officio | **Intern

Robert Kennedy Account Executive The Crichton Group

Robert McNeilly, III President & CEO SunTrust Bank – Nashville

James B. Foley Associate CB Richard Ellis Kathryn S. Gibson Assistant Director VUMC Finance.

John W. Stone, III * Partner White & Reasor, PLC Kathryn I. Thompson Partner, CEO Thompson Research Group (TRG) John C. Tishler * Chairman Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP John Van Mol * Chairman & CEO DVL Public Relations and Advertising

TRUSTEES Robert Duthie CEO/Founder Duthie Associates, dba Duthie Learning

22 IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report


senior leadership Matthew Bourlakas President and CEO

Mike Eisenbraun Senior Director of Retail Support

Mary La Haie Vice President of Finance

Betty Johnson Vice President/Chief People Officer

Matt Gloster Senior Director of Career Solutions

Ed O’Kelley Senior Director of Information Technology

David Jenkins Vice President of Retail

Karl Houston Senior Director of Marketing & Community Relations

Karen Samuel Senior Director of Human Resources


glossary of terms Work Assessments: Counselors help clients determine skills and aptitudes they have for successful employment. Career Solutions: Provides assessments, job readiness training, and one-onone counseling to anyone who needs help finding a job.

On-The-Job Training: Goodwill counselors and staff teach clients to perform basic jobrelated tasks while the client earns a paycheck.

Job Readiness Training: Instructors teach clients skills, including how to fill out an application, and give job interview tips.

Job Placement Services: Counselors help clients find work at Goodwill or other communitybased employers.

Job Retention Services: Counselors provide support to clients after the clients are hired.

IMPACT | 2014 Annual Report 23

OUR MISSION Founded in 1957 as a not-for-profit, Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee’s mission is, “We sell donated goods to provide employment and training opportunities for people who have disabilities and others who have trouble finding and keeping jobs.”

Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc. 1015 Herman Street Nashville, Tennessee 37208

P: 615.742.4151 F: 615.254.3901

Our mission is changing lives.

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