GISSV School Brochure

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who we are educational philosophy bilingual learning preschool and kindergarten (kibili) elementary school middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

bilingual full-immersion programs with dual diplomas at three locations in the bay area

preschool–grade 12

“At GISSV, we are deeply invested in each child’s personal and academic growth. Our students have the opportunity to explore and pursue their interests, give voice to their opinions and questions, experience the value of collaboration and become creative, thoughtful and ambitious citizens of the world.” — Martin Fugmann, GISSV Principal

Welcome to GISSV! Herzlich willkommen an der GISSV! The German International School of Silicon Valley (GISSV) is an independent, nonprofit Preschool–Grade 12 international school with three locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are a center for cross-cultural exchange and a focal point for families interested in a high-quality bilingual education. With campuses in Mountain View, San Francisco and Berkeley, we serve the broad needs of students from preschool through high school. We are committed to helping students reach their full potential in a stimulating environment that fosters critical and imaginative thinking as well as an appreciation for cultural diversity. Our programs focus on dual-immersion language education and its application in science and social studies as well as in arts and sports. Our experienced faculty uses innovative and differentiated teaching methods that encourage independent thinking and a passion for lifelong learning.

GISSV is a model school for bilingual learning and unites Germany’s traditions, know-how and culture with U.S. dynamics, innovation and ambition. We are part of the worldwide network of German schools abroad, a system that is supervised by the German Federal Foreign Office and provides children from various countries and cultural backgrounds the opportunity to meet and engage in dialogue. We are the only elementary and secondary school in the Western United States that meets the accreditation requirements of the German government. Whether your family is German, American or international — welcome to our school!

who we are educational philosophy bilingual learning preschool and kindergarten (kibili) elementary school middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

Who We Are

“We started our children at GISSV during preschool. Since the world is shrinking we wanted them to have a second language which, speaking only English ourselves, we were unable to give them. We continued through elementary and middle school because of the small class sizes and passionate teachers during these critical learning years. Plus, music, art and gym are still part of the curriculum for every student. We are staying through high school for the approach to science and mathematics that makes it possible for even average students to understand and be successful at advanced topics. The unexpected bonus is that our American children will have access to German universities at a fraction of US university prices. GISSV is the best school for this American family.” — Anne Hess, GISSV Board Member and Mountain View Parent

What Makes GISSV Special Our dual-language program is interdisciplinary and provides rich projectbased learning experiences, nurturing holistic and individual development. We provide small class sizes, an excellent student-teacher ratio and safe, stimulating learning environments. We also move and think beyond the classroom by exploring the cultural, natural, academic and entrepreneurial destinations the Bay Area has to offer. Our Teachers Our teachers are at the heart of the GISSV experience. We pride ourselves in our caring, highly qualified, experienced and international faculty, most of whom have gone through Germany’s rigorous teacher training and certification. We believe in the importance of continuity and a strong bond between student and teacher for optimal learning success. Most of our teachers stay with a class as homeroom teacher throughout the course of one four-year school division.

Curriculum All GISSV programs are bilingual German/ English and based on the German curriculum of the state of Thuringia, which is known and respected for its well-rounded educational approach, fostering interests across all academic disciplines as well as social-emotional competency, artistic expression and physical motor skills. Our curriculum for English, American History and Economics is based on the Common Core Standards. We feature a strong science program and are a recognized MINT (the German equivalent to STEM) school. Specialty classes like sports, music, the arts, as well as third and fourth languages, all taught by professionally trained specialists, are an integral part of the day at GISSV. Our curriculum is supported by comprehensive science and technology resources, such as SMART boards, iPads, laptops and supplies for hands-on science experiments. The shared curriculum approach of all GISSV programs enables a smooth transition between all grade levels for our students.

educational philosophy bilingual learning preschool and kindergarten (kibili) elementary school middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

Educational Philosophy

“As an American, I was surprised by the opening of a second door, not limited by the Ivy League anymore but having the possibility to study at technical universities in Germany. Only through the unique program offered at GISSV could I have such an open and promising future.“ — Titan Yuan, GISSV High School Student

Bilingual Education: A Gift That Lasts a Lifetime Immersion in a second language equips children not only with an amazing capacity for language acquisition, but also a deep understanding of and appreciation for other cultures. Studies show that bilingual children display more creativity in problemsolving skills and possess a greater sensitivity to cognitive flexibility such as divergent thinking, concept formation, verbal abilities and general reasoning. A second language enables children to reinforce reading and writing skills as well as comprehension in their native language. And what’s more, it gives them a head start in language requirements for high school and college and offers them increased educational and career opportunities. Learning German: A World of Opportunities German is the language of Beethoven, Goethe, Einstein and many other famous thinkers and artists as well as the inventors of several innovative brands. Not to mention the soccer world champions! The most widely spoken language in the European Union, German is spoken by 120 million people and currently being taught to more than 17 million people worldwide. Germany is one of the world’s strongest economies and the home of some of the most preeminent cultural, scientific, educational and entrepreneurial institutions.

Bilingual Learning at GISSV Concept and Admission Requirements Our dual-immersion concept offers children an effortless, natural language acquisition in both German and English. At GISSV, both languages are used for social as well as academic communication. While we welcome children with no prior knowledge of German, we recommend its acquisition as early as possible. For non-native speakers, our early education program, the Kibili, is the best entry point into our school. In elementary school and up, admission decisions are made individually based upon language assessments. Depending on the child’s ability in both German and English, GISSV offers special programs at all grade levels that support language acquisition and fluency. Our Kibili program features a 50/50 immersion program. In grades 1 and 2, German is the primary language of instruction. For English, the emphasis is initially on oral language acquisition and comprehension, with more formal instruction and subject areas added as students progress through the grades. Upon high school entry, the distribution of classes taught in German and English is again 50/50.

bilingual learning preschool and kindergarten (kibili) elementary school middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

Bilingual Learning

“I like to play on the grass on the playground.” — Lili “I like to play in the Kuschelecke and do drawings for my mommy.” — Phoebe “Because I want to learn German.” — Sylvia “Das ist Spass.” — Ray “Ich finde es toll, dass ich viel lerne.” — Noah “I like to talk German.” — Milan “I like to play in the small kitchen and make cakes.” — Mikayla “Ich mache am liebsten Bügelperlen.” — Henry “Weil ich mit Dinosauriern spielen kann.” — Jesper “Because I like to read.” — Mia “Um Englisch zu lernen.” — Lenny “I like to eat in school.” — Alissa

Early Education Preschool and Kindergarten together, as is customary in the German school system, form our early education program. Lovingly named “Kibili”, the program is designed to nurture the development of the whole child. Our classes blend social-emotional support with gross and fine motor activities, music and art exploration, introduction to early math and language concepts as well as intercultural learning. Language learning happens in a playful and multi-sensory way. Each Kibili class has at least one German and one English teacher, both of whom stick to one language while with the group. Child-Centered Approach In our small classes, Kibili children play, experiment and learn in comprehensive learning groups where they are given the opportunity to explore concepts through discovery and hands-on activities. Our approach is project-based and child-centered. Our teachers plan curriculum around children’s interests and passions. While offering structure and security in daily routines, we give children time to process and discuss situations and observations. The following example illustrates how a curriculum topic may be sparked by a real-life experience.

The children discovered a spider in the classroom. The teacher observed a variety of reactions amongst the group and discussed with the children what to do with the spider. Together, they counted the spider’s legs, investigated what kind of spider it was, sang a “spider song”, got wool and built a spider web. Holistic Learning Our thoughtfully arranged learning environments feature rich resources, many of them natural, high-quality products made in Germany. Each day includes ample opportunities for free play and outdoor time. And even the youngest members of the GISSV community get to explore their local environment through regular visits of nearby parks as well as field trips. Through its well-rounded activities, the Kibili program fosters independent, collaborative and confident learners.

preschool and kindergarten (kibili) elementary school middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

Preschool and Kindergarten (Kibili)

“Some key features of the school we highly value are the small class sizes and individual attention provided by the teachers. With their passionate support, every single child gets an opportunity to thrive to the best of his/her ability. In our tight school community you find many like-minded people who deeply care about each other and who welcome new parents with open arms. Most of our closest friendships (kids and adults) have started at school.” — The Paydo Family, GISSV Berkeley

Elementary School

Focusing on the Whole Child In our elementary school, spanning grades 1 to 4, we address all aspects of the child’s growth. Our program focuses just as much on social-emotional support as on academic and creative growth, knowing that all are essential to holistic child development. Thoughtful Teaching We help our students master fundamental skills as well as discover and pursue their interests and talents. Our safe and nurturing environments support individual and group learning. By applying differentiated and project-based teaching methods, our highly qualified teachers are responsive to the academic and developmental needs of each student. We provide the individual attention that is important during these foundational years, while creating projects that encourage collaboration, conflict resolution and critical thinking.

Rich Learning Experiences Our well-rounded bilingual, interdisciplinary curriculum builds on acquired skills as our students progress through each grade. We help students gain language and quantitative competencies and actively involve them in physical education, the arts, technology and experimental science discovery. Our classes explore the world around them through frequent field trips, including overnight stays, to local destinations. Through small class sizes as well as a buddy system with our middle school students and several all-school communitybuilding events, we strive to create a strong sense of belonging and confidence for our elementary children. Our students learn to work collaboratively with others and become independent, deliberate thinkers.

elementary school middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

“GISSV provides a professional working environment where I am always motivated to provide my students with individualized, creative, cooperative, and analytical instructional lessons. Our English program enables many students to perform above the national and state average in English Language Arts on standardized tests, such as the Stanford Achievement Test, PSAT, SAT, and Advance Placement test. I am continually impressed by the amazing bilingual language capabilities of GISSV students.” — Franke Mercer, Head of the GISSV Elementary English Department

Fostering Personal and Academic Growth Our middle school spans grades 5 to 8 and offers a safe, supportive and challenging place for our students to make the transition from childhood to adolescence. Our program aims to inspire students to expand their academic skills and independence while supporting their personal development and growth.

We also encourage our students to participate in community service projects as well as international math and science contests. Enriching field trips to local destinations such as NASA, the Stanford library and art and science museums complement the school setting with real-life experiences. Students are also actively involved in the planning of an annual four-day overnight class trip.

Meeting the Unique Needs of Middle School Students We recognize that the middle school years require creativity, personalized attention and a rich, engaging curriculum to bring out the best in students. Each student is part of a homeroom class with one teacher who not only provides academic but also social-emotional support. Highly-qualified subject specialists teach a variety of academic disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, P.E., art and music. Starting in grade 6, students also have the opportunity to learn French and Spanish.

Students leave the middle school as ambitious, creative, self-motivated and responsible learners, well-prepared to meet the demands and challenges of high school.

Inclusive and Enriching Our middle school is open to students of all levels of the German school system (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium). In consideration of our diverse community of learners, our differentiated teaching approach supports students at different levels and with different learning styles. We use innovative technology as a tool for enhanced independent and collaborative learning. Upon middle school entry, students receive their own iPad, and starting in grade 7, each student works with his/her own laptop. Several theme-based days each year deepen the hands-on exposure to concepts and subjects.

middle school high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

Middle School

“For me, the GISSV is a place where two nations and cultures not only meet, but blend. Cultural differences even extend into the curriculum at my school, often reshaping the course’s organization, emphases and scope. From my bilingual, dual purpose chemistry classes designed to fulfill both AP and German Abitur requirements to my advanced Spanish classes that bridge the gap between a Spain-focused European curriculum and US-based Latin American Spanish, it seems that every subject is an infinite world in itself; one class offers a glimpse into a much bigger and intriguing picture.” — Matthew Joerke, GISSV High School Student

We Are Clever People: Well-rounded, socially Adept and Responsible, Culturally Aware, linguistically competent Problem-solvers The GISSV high school features a challenging and engaging college preparatory program in compliance with the German curriculum as well as the American “a-g” subject requirements. We are accredited by WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and CAIS (California Association of Independent Schools). Our students graduate with dual, bilingual diplomas, the German lnternational Abitur (DIAP) as well as the American High School Diploma, enabling them to qualify for admission to universities in the United States, Germany and other European countries.

classrooms. They volunteer in our local communities, collaborate with peers from the German School in Boston, and have the opportunity to participate in student exchange programs with our international partner schools in Germany, Chile and France.

Our multi-faceted curriculum is designed to prepare students for college and for life. We create an environment that values collaboration, inquiry, debate, independence and critical thinking. Teachers set high standards and work closely with students to help them develop successful work habits in all subject areas. Several courses from various academic disciplines can be taken for Advanced Placement (AP) credit. As part of the ambitious DIAP requirements, students also deepen their knowledge and pass final exams in five fields of study of their choosing.

Post-High School Placement 98-100% of our students have been accepted to four-year universities in both the U.S. and Europe, including high-profile institutions such as UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford University, University of Munich, University of Dresden and University of Hamburg.

In addition to the rigorous academic program, we offer a variety of activities that connect students with each other and the world around them. Over the course of our four-year program, students participate in an internship program, plan and go on community-building overnight trips, work on in-depth research projects, compete in international contests in various subject areas and get the chance to learn from experts in diverse fields who visit our

Our in-house college counselor helps students and parents navigate the path to educational opportunities beyond high school. Working closely with each student, the counselor establishes clearly defined and realistic academic goals and supports students in developing their interests and exploring and defining their talents. Students leave GISSV as confident young adults who are ready to explore a world of opportunities.

Awards and Distinctions Among our students’ awards and distinctions are a prestigious full-paid DAAD scholarship for four years of study in Germany for a non-native speaker, a first place winner of the “Volkswagen Group of America Student Innovation Prize”, a National Hispanic Heritage scholar, a presidential scholarship to the University of Boston, a National Merit Commended student and several AP scholars with honors and distinction.

high school saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

High School

“I attended GISSV from 4th through 12th grade, as a native English speaker with no German background. Currently I am a Junior at Tufts University in MA studying Chemistry, and am employed by my school both as an undergraduate researcher in an organic chemistry laboratory, as well as a Head Tutor for general chemistry. I believe that I owe a good part of the success I have attained today to my time at GISSV. Transitioning into a bilingual program coming from a traditional American school and an English-speaking household was not easy. On the part of GISSV, the nurturing environment and small class sizes undoubtedly went a long way in bridging my transition. The same elements of my school experience which stood out during my transition were also the parts of GISSV I came to appreciate most as I continued on. I am so grateful for the individualized attention I received all the way until graduation. The teachers I had the privilege of encountering at GISSV were invested in my learning and passionate about what they taught. When I entered university I had a distinct advantage over many of my peers, seeing as I had not only a firm foundation in the sciences, but also an enthusiasm instilled by my instructors at GISSV.” — Jessica Spradlin, GISSV Alumna

Open to Everyone Interested in Learning German On weekends, our Mountain View campus is home to the German Saturday School at GISSV, an independent school offering a comprehensive and carefully designed program for students of all ages interested in learning the German language and culture. The program serves learners of all levels, from those without prior knowledge of German to those with some rudimentary or even advanced competency in the language. To gain German language and cultural proficiency, our staff exclusively teaches in German and provides interactive feedback in the target language. Intent upon strengthening students’ communicative skills, we focus on student-centered instruction and perceive the students as active participants in language acquisition. Partner- and group work, role plays and interviews provide a stimulating and challenging learning environment and constitute important components in our teaching philosophy. To enrich the language learning experience, we utilize films, multimedia and online materials. The computer facilities at GISSV provide excellent support for our Saturday School. Last but not least, we offer extensive mentoring and advise our students in their course of study within the parameters of the Saturday School curriculum.

Language Diplomas For advanced learners, we offer preparation for the German Advanced Placement Test (AP) as well as the German language certificate (DSD – Deutsches Sprachdiplom). These qualifications enable students to get credit for college or even acquire the linguistic qualification for advanced studies at a German College or University. To ensure language proficiency, we have designed our curriculum in accordance with the nationally recognized standards by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Our courses meet the requirements of the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (Zentralstelle für das Auslandschulwesen, ZfA) and The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

saturday school in mountain view campuses school life enrollment

Saturday School in Mountain View


San Francisco

Mountain View


The GISSV was established in Mountain View, in the heart of Silicon Valley, in 2000. The Berkeley campus first opened its doors in 2007 and moved to its new, permanent home in the landmark Hillside School 2012. The latest addition to the GISSV community is our third campus in San Francisco, which opened in the beautiful Presidio near the Golden Gate Bridge in 2011. All three campuses adhere to the accreditation requirements of the German government and offer the same educational philosophy, curriculum guidelines and student-teacher ratios.

Mountain View Our campus in Mountain View is located adjacent to Whisman Park, featuring sports fields, tennis courts, open green space and a large playground. It serves grades Preschool through High School and offers a Saturday School that is open to students of all ages. San Francisco Our San Francisco campus is located in two historic Craftsman buildings in San Francisco’s Presidio district. It is designed to be a K-8 campus and started with a Kindergarten class in 2011, with one grade being added per year to establish a full Kindergarten through Middle School program. Berkeley Our Berkeley campus, offering Pre-K through Grade 8, is located in the historic Hillside School in the heart of the city, nestled in the leafy Berkeley hills. We acquired the national landmark site in 2012 after 86 years of ownership by the Berkeley public school system.

“The GISSV campus in San Francisco has a truly international feeling with families whose backgrounds represent more than 15 nationalities. It is a pleasure to watch how my daughter expands her knowledge of the German language and culture while absorbing the cultural heritage from her friends as well. I could not be happier with the education that GISSV has to offer. The teachers are truly amazing. They know how to engage all students and how to tailor their teaching to give every child the best learning experience possible.” — Katrin McManus, GISSV San Francisco Parent and Elementary Teacher

campuses school life enrollment

One Program–Three Campuses You can find us at three locations in the Bay Area: Mountain View, Berkeley and San Francisco.

“GISSV provides a great European and international cultural feeling for all the teachers, parents and children. The community spirit and the relentless effort to strive for a better educational program is a great inspiration.” — Sita Scholer, GISSV Kibili Teacher of 10 Years

School Life

Strong Community We foster a strong sense of community through small class sizes, our cohesive, dynamic Preschool-Grade 12 structure and a variety of enriching events that involve all our students, teachers and parents. Parent Involvement All GISSV parents are encouraged to be actively involved through a variety of volunteer opportunities. Those opportunities include serving on the Board of Trustees, joining the Parent Association (PA) or supporting committee work for activities such as school events, recycling, the library or gardening. Parents are also welcomed as classroom presenters for special topics and as regular reading support in both languages. Events Events are a great part of school life, bringing together all members of the GISSV community and giving an opportunity to celebrate and engage in conversations. We host a variety of public events throughout the year, such as our German Holiday Market in Downtown Mountain View, our Family Carnival in Berkeley and concerts by our music department. Campus events for the GISSV community celebrate American as well as German holidays, sportsmanship, music and more.

Extracurricular Activities and Afternoon Programming Our Afternoon Club provides a safe and nurturing environment for afterschool programming on regular school days. Students have the opportunity to have some leisure time to play, discover and follow hobbies, get creative and spend time with friends. We also offer homework support, healthy snacks and several enrichment classes in the fields of language, music, art, science, technology and sports. Student Volunteering As part of our curriculum, GISSV students learn about the importance of social responsibility and being active stewards of their community and environment. For middle and high school students, we offer a variety of opportunities to dedicate themselves to causes inside and outside of school. Library All our campuses have rich literary and media resources. Our Mountain View library is open to the public and can be joined by guests outside of the GISSV community. Our extensive inventory features books in German including fiction, non-fiction, travel guides, reference books, and dictionaries. Magazines, games, music cassettes, videos, CDs and DVDs are also available. We also offer a smaller selection of children’s books in English.

school life enrollment

Photography: Greg Munson

“I vividly remember my first impression of the GISSV. It’s as cosmopolitan as it gets: 12 students – 13 different languages! Each day at the school is fantastic and challenging. The GISSV community is like one big family: We help each other out, and occasional arguments are being solved in a collaborative, respectful way. GISSV is a dream come true for our international, bilingual family: Instead of feeling like mavericks, we find ourselves amongst like-minded people.“ — Rolf Linse, GISSV Mountain View Parent and Spanish, German & French Teacher

Enrollment 

Visit Us The best way to get to know us is to visit us! Call or email us to schedule a tour, or check our website for Open House information.

Berkeley Campus 1581 Le Roy Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94708 (510) 558-0436 San Francisco Campus 4 & 8 Funston Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94129 (650) 254-0748 Contact Us To find out more about our programs, schedules and the application process, please visit our website or email us at Tuition & Financial Aid For our current tuition rates, please visit our website at We offer financial aid based on demonstrated need and available funds. Please explore the admissions section of our website to find out more and how to apply.


Locations Mountain View Campus 310 Easy Street, Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 254-0748 310 EASY ST., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043 | 1581 LE ROY AVE., BERKELEY, CA 94708 | 4 & 8 FUNSTON AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94129

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