RTN North Edition 627

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Sixth Sense We have five senses and we use them daily without really thinking about them. If you have seen, heard, tasted smelled or touched today then you have used one of those five senses and you probably have used them all. Anything that is brought to you in any other way is the use of the sixth sense, the psychic sense. I met a host of sensitive, spiritual people in my daily work, but some of them do not know that they are working on psychic energies. For some it is literally because they are using psychic energy so often, because it is a part of them, or because they have a consciousness which accepts it. Nevertheless the workings of the human mind, and a level of psychic energy can take you to new limits. To be aware of psychic power is inspiring, and makes people sensitives, however if you ever use your psychic energy then you are exploring the depths of an unseen energy and you are working with psychic power. You may not at this stage feel that you need to be labelled a psychic. Many people are afraid of any power that they may have. I can understand that, but there should be no fear when you are using something that is appearing to be natural to you. We are all given gifts, but the gift of psychic energy is very special indeed and must be seen, in all ways, to be a positive energy, preferably to be shared with others. Often people will have hunches. Ever had one? It’s the feeling that you know that something is going to happen, a special feeling about something, relevant information sent to underline what is happening in a specific situation. Maybe it comes as a warning. Such hunches can frighten people not used to them. Many will start to wonder where the hunch comes from, and it is usual to receive the response that it is that sixth sense manifesting within the individual. This can bring extreme relief, a chance, perhaps, to check something out, or the specific advice that somehow something is wrong somewhere along the line. Some will say that they felt something in their water. This is the manifesting of fear, and fear rules the urinary system of the body without a doubt. There is always a long queue for the loos at investitures in Buckingham Palace! Fear will stop psychic energy in its tracks.

Kenny’s diary Saturday November 19th: Spiritual Fair at Bistro Maya. Readings, Crystals, Healing, Gifts, Tarot, Angel Readings. All the fun of a Spiritual Fair with snacks and meals available! Come and find some Christmas gifts and meet a host of Spiritual People. From 11.00! Thursday December 1st: Demonstration of Clairvoyance at the Alfaz Spiritual Foundation, at the Forum Mare Nostrum in Alfaz del Pi. 18.30. All very welcome! Readings in your area: Please make contact if you want to organise readings in your locality, or organise a psychic event for your favourite charity. Some dates available for Nov/Dec.

If you fear anything it spoils the process, diminishing the effect and disconnecting the individual from their own personal power. Premonition is psychic power entering into the dream state as a definite and potent message of warning. Many who repress their psychic abilities, for what ever reasons often find that in a semi conscious or un conscious state informational warnings come to them as they slumber. I woke one morning having visually seen the tail fin of a jet slowly disappear under water. I saw this as being a plane crash in water, and can still see the three colours and the logo of the plane. I spent the next few days waiting for some news flash, dreading that a plane had crashed into the sea somewhere on the Planet. Nothing happened, thankfully, but the warning had been so clear. Several months later Russia reported the crash of an aircraft, which had plunged into the sea on a flight from Siberia. Russia then had global reporting restrictions, and was not sharing information. Newsreel showed a tail fin being hauled from the icy waters. When I saw it, it was the opposite of what I had dreamed six months earlier, but the plane had crashed and sunk. Dreams may reverse things, but premonition is always for a reason, often not immediately known, but worth considering, since it is a highly sensitive psychic warning. Many times we have a dark day when we are very sure that something is going to happen. We are very relieved when it doesn’t, but the negative result can come from our reactional fear to what we are dreading. Say that problems come in three’s and just what happens? Tempting fate brings on psychic energies which work usually with us, but which may turn things around. Nothing psychic is ever designed to bring on negativity and fear, but it can happen. Let me know your experiences. When I meet people with highly charged psychic power, they may be afraid, or do not know how to use it. Either way psychic power is a gift that develops any way you want it to, and if you need a helping hand I’m here for you!

Love & Light... Kenny Corris

postbag Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com Kenny, I have waited patiently for a message from my sister. She died in May, and was a strong spiritualist. Before her death she told me that she would come through to me whenever she could. She had such faith in the Spirit World, and yet she has not made any effort to connect with me. What am I doing wrong? What should I be doing? Joan K. Hi Joan, I am sorry that you haven’t had contact with your sister, but it is early days yet. There can be many months between passing over and being open to communicate, and it can be quite a wait. I know that your sister will fulfil her promise to you, as she left this Earth with faith in the very system that she will use in the future to contact you. Having faith yourself does make a lot of difference to the situation. Talk freely to your sister as if she was with you, that way she will know for sure that when the time comes that she has your love and support. Things will happen in time, give her a little longer and tell her that you are unafraid and ready. Meanwhile look for suggestions or portents, that she is responding to your call and her spiritual preparation for Earthly contact. You are not doing anything wrong.

contact kenny Appointments: 96 587 8424 Mobile: 686 361 594 Web: www.kennycorris.net Forum: www.kennycorris.net/forum Email: kennycorris@hotmail.com Please contact me for inclusion in my healing list!

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horoscopes by Kenny Corris

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Warring Mars courts liable Leo this week bringing conflict where there should be comfort, and denying you the privacy that you both deserve and need in the current scheme of things. Someone has been economical with the truth and this has involved you in many ways. Don’t think that holding your head high and making a quick exit is anything more than moving on, it certainly isn’t running away. Venus scores on squaring up to Mars midweek whilst in the embraces of your opposing sign of Scorpio. Eliminate current fear and show everyone who appears to be very interested in your personal life, just where they can go. Your own wants and needs must be addressed, and that’s not selfish, it’s self preserving, and you have done well to keep your temper whilst others lose theirs. Whilst Mercury slides into an impact with Scorpio the way ahead is paved with your good intentions and some rather wonderful resolve and determination. Where you have questioned there has already been an answer and where you have waited there is a great feeling of relief. Believe in yourself and there will be more to come, as you are sincerely rewarded in ways you never even thought of! Calming your energies actually brings strength, although you are doggedly remaining stubborn about something that has got your goat. There seems to be some unfinished business and you are biding your time to enact vengeance for something, when you should be leaving fate to make the decision for you, this time around. What comes around goes around, so be careful what you ask for! With controversial Mars by your side, motivation and instinct give way to gut instinct this week. Follow the feeling and you could be making those positive changes all along the line, rather than waiting for things to happen all around you. It is high time that things started going your way since you put so much into what you do. Use your significant psychic powers to make a difference that shows. Just the suggestion of dalliance with Saturn and Libra, and you are anticipating something that could very well work for you rather than work against you. Things happening lately have brought you much disappointment and an irritating delay in a process you’ve subscribed to. Let all concerned know that you here to stay and that time too, is on your side, for a change. Saturn dampens down the flames of passion, but for a reason not yet known. Your heart has been closed for some time, and you have good reason to have done this; however when the opportunity comes around you cannot commit. You have a need to look within and establish your priorities; this is true, but at the expense of what could be something rather special walking away, and is this what you want? With Venus, Goddess of Love, on board you have to start loving yourself, right now. Current Planetary actions have seen you in a lucky corner which uniquely develops with your own rich energies, but it seems to be governed by your inability to adapt and motivate yourself. Yes, what has happened just lately has been difficult, but it is time to take what you can get and to make a go for it. Wise and wily Saturn sees you being given the benefit of the doubt this week. You have held on, with good reason, and against all odds things have come right for you. Above all don’t waste any further time in retribution and sulking, that’s what began this negativity in the first place. Do what you have to though to make sure that you are now complete and that only good comes from all of this. Plans may have to be put on hold, but then you can take up what you need to when you need to. The crux of the matter is that you must now heavily rely on a strong connection with Pluto. As you examine all that has happened just lately there is no reason to doubt yourself, but all seeing Pluto uncovers something that you would have rather remained under wraps but must now be seen as a way out. Many will say that you have bitten off far more than you can chew, but then maybe they do not know what you can really do when you try. So much energy is currently wasted in your earning a living than to work with your talent to develop what could be. You think of now, when it is the future that is on the agenda, and this could be significantly better for you and those who support you. You are having a sort out, and plans on the domestic front go well for you. However all that you do is to mask disappointments in other directions as someone stands in the way of your wishes, hopes and desires. You are blessed with such energy and foresight that you can see things others do not, but if nothing can reach fruition you will become angry and resentful. Deal with all this now, it’s time!

If it’s your birthday this week... Time to finalise plans and to ensure that you are in control of them. You have waited quietly in the shadows, but what is wanted this astrological year is the courage of your convictions and a stronger belief in making things better for yourself.

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