RTN North Edition 765

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Your English Newspaper


Issue 765

13-19 JUNE 2014

Neighbourhood Watch launch by Jack Troughton

Looking the part for the start of San Juan

Crowning glory By Jack Troughton YOUNGSTERS WEARING their best traditional dress took part in the historic Proclamation of the Queen at the start of the fiesta of San Juan in Javea Old Town on Saturday. The event announces the adult, juvenile and infant queens, their courts of honour and escorts.

CRIME FIGHTING on the Costa Blanca took another step forward with the launch of the 50th branch in Spain of the international organisation Neighbourhood Watch. More than 100 people packed into the Cumbre del Sol Restaurant and voted to start a new branch of ‘Vecinos Cooperando’ – backed by Benitachell Town Hall, the local police and Guardia Civil. The organisation has existed in Spain for 15 years – head office is in Torrevieja – and work to cut crime by increasing public vigilance rather than creating vigilantes. And Mayor of Benitachell Josep Femenia said the town hall approved of the scheme and hoped it would be very successful. “I understand how living here on Cumbre del Sol you want a happy and peaceful life and this initiative will reduce worry about crime,” he said. In response to questions about policing, he said numbers were governed by law but crime in Benitachell was lower than many neighbouring towns “and actually getting lower.” The Mayor added: “Remember, the purpose of Neighbourhood Watch and the intention of the town hall is to prevent crime – some things we can hopefully do before it takes place – for example, we are spending 30,000€ on improving street lighting on Cumbre del Sol.”

A show of hands brought the new branch into existence and Margaret Hales MBE was elected President and Andy Keen Vice President. In a multi-language presentation, Andy said: “Neighbourhood Watch was set up to combat local crime – we help combat local crime by increasing vigilance. “We assist the police and the Guardia Civil in promoting effective communication and prompt reporting of criminal activity – we watch our neighbourhood but not our neighbours.” He said it was the inaugural meeting of the organisation after a group of Cumbre residents got together and realised Neighbourhood Watch was wanted in the area. He said it worked by sharing information through a system of two-way reporting between head office in Torrevieja, the branch, town hall, and police, to residents via co-ordinators. “Information is passed via email, telephone and newsletters.” Andy added: “We work with police, Guardia Civil and the town hall, and do not, in any circumstances, take over their roles and responsibilities in law enforcement. “We are not vigilantes or the police. We are only about passing and receiving information through our coordinators – information works both ways all the time, the police tell us trends and what is happening along the coast.” Continued on page 3


13-19 JUNE 2014


from the North & South Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. Oficina Charral, Emilio Ortuño 6, Floor 4, Office 1, Benidorm, Alicante 03501 • Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm

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13-19 June 2014

“Lowlifes” steal recycling bins


THE GUARDIA CIVIL is still appealing to the public regarding the disappearance of 15-year-old Khristina who has been missing from her home in Javea since 20th May. Khristina’s fellow students at Javea’s Institut have taken part in an awareness campaign to bring attention to the search for Khristina. Anyone who has information that could lead to finding Khristina is asked to notify the Guardia Civil on 96 579 1085 or 062, or the local police on 96 579 0081.

by Jack Troughton COLD-HEARTED THIEVES have stolen two 600€ recycling bins and their contents which help charity EMAUS raise money to continue its community work. The distinctive blue metal containers were stolen from the Iceland car part at Benissa on 24th May and outside the EMAUS workshop on the N340 near Altea the following weekend. Before they were stolen, EMAUS had 34 of the bins scattered around Alicante collecting donations of clothes, shoes, leather bags, bedding and toys. And recycling coordinator Martin Kyme told RTN: “Anyone taking one of these bins knows straight away they are taking the food out of the mouths of children. It is a really lowlife act stealing from a charity.” He said it would take four strong men or a crane to lift the 150kg containers – which are even heavier when full. “Someone may have seen something – it must have been at night when fewer people are about but someone could have seen it and we are appealing for witnesses.” EMAUS is perhaps best known for caring for children in family-based

Martin with one of the charity bins

homes through the region. However, now celebrating its 35th anniversary, the charity also cares for the elderly, the victims of domestic violence, and handicapped people. RECYCLE Martin said: “The recycling scheme is working really well at the moment. The weather is picking up and people are changing to summer clothes and donating more of their old stuff. “Unfortunately the two spots are popular and the bins are always full, so they knew what they were doing.” He said the thefts were reported to

the Guardia Civil but he feared more would be stolen after the scheme had been targeted in what he described as an apparent “vendetta”. Extra security has been put in at all sites – the bins are now securely locked and chained. “Unfortunately, although this is a very mean crime, it is also a low priority one,” said Martin. “The Guardia said if we put chains and locks on the bins and one goes missing when they cut the chain, it is a more serious matter – it goes from simple theft to robbery.” Anyone with information can email martin at martin@emausong.es or contact the Guardia Civil.

Margaret Hales with Mayor Josep Femenia

Continued from front page Margaret said signs announcing the existence of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme would be placed around the urbanisation – helping to warn criminals they were being watched. “There is also an initiative for security cameras to be placed at the two entrances to Cumbre del Sol – it is part of the whole project to properly signpost Cumbre’s streets.” The meeting heard that if anyone saw a crime taking place – someone climbing over a fence into a villa or walking down the drive carrying a television – they should immediately call police using the 112 emergency number. However, when people saw something suspicious, such as a car circling the area or someone “disturbing the environment”, they should note the vehicle’s number and details - or a description of a suspicious person - and pass it on through the coordinators. There were forms on the Neighbourhood Watch website to help report the information and “prompt” memories about important details. Anyone interested in becoming a Neighbourhood Watch coordinator can attend the next meeting on Thursday 19 June at 6pm at the Espai Cultural MultiFuncional, Benitachell (on the opposite corner to the Police Station). For more information Lead Coordinators Muriel and Mike Sadler 634 343 400 or email nhwcumbre@gmail.com The association’s website is www.nhwinspain.com/cumbredelsol


13-19 June 2014

Taxing questions THE DEADLINE to submit personal experience of ‘cross border taxation’ within the European Union is Thursday 3rd July. by Jack Troughton The powerful European Commission has launched an initiative to ease any “unfair burden” of obstacles arising out of people taking their right to a freedom of movement within Europe. And private citizens are invited to outline issues arising from their moving to a different EU country and matters concerning inheritance tax. Costa Blanca resident Margaret Hales MBE is compiling a broad-based report she believes could carry more weight in

Brussels. She said anyone with any information could contact her by Friday 20th June to have their experiences included – but asked highly complex and personal matters should be sent direct. COMMENT “I welcome comments and I am very happy to hear from anyone who has any ideas about tax obstacles or inheritance tax,” she said. “It is not often that the European Commission approaches us and asks for our opinions. This is a great opportunity

for all of us who have had problems to outline them to an influential body.” Margaret can be contacted by email to margaretgeraldhales@gmail.com Views on tax obstacles can be sent to the European Commission at : http:// ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/ common/consultations/tax/2014-04_ cross_borders_en.htm And opinions on inheritance taxation should be directed to: http:// ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/ common/consultations/tax/2014-04_ inheritance_tax_en.htm

Spanish pilot dies in Eurofighter crash near Seville

A SPANISH pilot died on Monday when his Eurofighter jet crashed near Seville. The 30-year-old Captain Fernando Lluna Carrascosa of the ALA-11 division was married with one daughter. The €80 million plane went down as it attempted to land at around 2pm at the Morón de la Frontera base which is shared between the Spanish and United States Air Forces. Eye witnesses reported seeing the pilot eject from the aircraft but it has since been established that Captain Lluna’s body was still in the wreckage of the cockpit. The Ministry of Defence has yet to confirm the cause of the crash.

Margaret Hales

Daytona re-opens THE DAYTONA Rock bar on Levante beach front has re-opened for business following the unexpected closure last month after part of the interior fell down. The management and staff look forward to welcoming everyone back for a busy music filled Summer season.

13-19 June 2014

Festival rocks Moraira by Jack Troughton THOUSANDS OF people flooded the seafront at Moraira on Sunday to celebrate the 10th annual music festival – now a key day in the town’s fiestas. Organisers of the Moraira Music Festival believe there was an audience of almost 4,000 in front of the stage, set against the backdrop of the castle. And from the start of the fun at 7.30pm until the plugs were pulled at 12.45am the crowd rocked to the talents of a series of local bands and singers. At the end of an entertaining night there was even chance to

sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Local Police officer ‘C13’. Eric Taylor said the hard work putting together six acts for the festival had paid off. “It was rammed all night; it was the most people I have ever seen at the festival. “The comments of Facebook describe it as being the best ever. It was absolutely brilliant and a great night was had by all.” As always the event was free but profits from the busy bar, run by the town’s fiesta committee, again helped support the Moors and Christians celebrations in Moraira and the music festival.


No Chiringito for Tio Ximo DESPITE THREE proposals being submitted to run the Chiringito beach hut at Tio Ximo in Benidorm, all have been rejected by the City Council and the project has been shelved for this Summer. The reasons given were that “they were not very attractive in terms of design”. Originally a Chiringito was also planned for Poniente, but following objection from local business owners the idea was also discarded as it would not have offered anything news to the area. The nearest Chiringito to Benidorm is in Villa Joyosa.

Beaches of Benidorm flying the coveted Q

Stella of Jazzify

THE LEVANTE beach, Poniente, Mal Pas, Ti Ximo and Almadrava Benidorm all hoisted the coveted Qualitur flag last Friday. The flags are awarded by the Ministry of Tourism for excellence in environmental management. Councillor for beaches Vicente Juan Ivorra helped raise the Q flag at Levante, acknowledged as one of the best urban beaches on the Mediterranean.

Protestors demand a new Spanish Republic THOUSANDS OF protestors took to the streets in Madrid this week to demand a referendum on whether to remove the monarchy and reinstate Spain as a Republic. by Jan Gamm A WAVE of Republican fervour has swept the country since the abdication of King Juan Carlos in favour of Crown Prince Felipe on 2nd June. Demonstrators surged through the streets of the capitol waving red, purple and gold flags representing a Spanish Republic and shouting for the Demonstrators waving right to an elected head of state. Juan Carlos has been on the Spanish Republican throne since 1975 at the behest of General Franco. flags

Long term unemployment ACCORDING TO the Madrid Unemployment Office, the coverage rate of unemployment has fallen by 27% since April 2010. Average monthly benefit payments have reduced by almost 30€ in the last five years. However, monthly contributory benefits vary between communities, ranging from 930€ to 693€ and four years ago, almost 80% of unemployed were paid either benefits or allowances; a situation that no longer exists due to exhaustion of funds. Spain has the highest unemployment social spending in Europe and the second highest number of unemployed second only to Greece.

Ireland bans tobacco advertising

Dr Reilly campaigning for a smoke-free Ireland

IRELAND HAS become the first country in Europe to ban tobacco advertising in all its forms under the Public Health Act of 2014. In 2004, Ireland became the first country in the world to ban smoking in all public places. Irish Minister for Health Doctor James Reilly, currently facing possible dismissal over his alleged incompetence concerning the Irish Medical Card, said: “With everything we know about the dangers of tobacco and nicotine we cannot allow the tobacco industry to use deceptive marketing tricks that could attract children to this deadly addiction.”

13-19 JUNE 2014



13-19 June 2014

Thrilling Karma THE TWISTS and turns of fate continue to fascinate Javea author Norman MacRitchie Reeley as releases his second novel ‘The Karma of Vengeance’. by Jack Troughton A stand alone story, it also forms the second part of the Karma Killings Trilogy’, which again examines the interlinked destiny of three young men in a thrilling seat of the pants ride through life. Norman’s first suspense thriller ‘Malevolent Karma’ ended with an explosion at a Scottish hotel which wipes out the officers of a Royal Navy nuclear submarine. One of the young men, a peace campaigner, believes he triggered a tragic accident but it soon emerges terrorism is behind a bomb plot. Karma of Vengeance reveals a complicated IRA and Government cover up while the security forces are at work investigating the tragedy. But once again nothing is straight forward in the mind of a master story teller and the theme of revenge is central to the plot. Norman is quick to quote ‘Exodus’ and its dramatic line: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a

tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot.” Norman told RTN the second book had like the first part of the trilogy taken a year to write and he was just starting the concluding part of the series. “At the end of this novel there is another major event,” he said. “I have to decide how that will continue into the third book or whether a way to take a twist on it. “The third book is called ‘Benevolent Karma’ but I’m not sure whether the title would include a ‘question mark’ or not...I would like it to have a happy ending but that’s not my style.” CHARACTER He said the Karma of Vengeance continued with the same three central characters but the boys – born on the same day to very different families - had grown up and were now aged 20. “The action in this book is only taking

King Harry

HARRY ROSKOSS was crowned king of the U3A Vall de Pop Petanca Group after winning the annual singles competition. The knockout tournament was staged at Castell de Castells and 20 determined players fought for the title of singles Champion 2014 in the second year of the competition. Harry

Norman at the Edinburgh Book Festival

place over a six month time period – the last one covered 20 years. This is the aftermath of what happened immediately after the end of the first story,” said Norman. “However, it is a novel in its own right and there is enough information for a reader to get right into it.” He said he was content and satisfied with the second part of the Karma series which brings in fresh characters and examines the “explosive cocktail” of social, cultural, and political events of the 1980s. Norman added: “I actually like Karma of Vengeance very much. “The theme of vengeance runs right

beat Roger Gillet in a hard fought final with a score of 13 points to 11 and was presented with the specially made trophy by last year’s winner George Warne. The trophy was made and donated by Peter Guscott and features a petanca boule and brass emblem. Harry will join the list of winners engraved on the prize. The competition was organised by group leader Jim Lockhart and after the end of play the group adjourned to Hotel Rural Serrella for some well-earned refreshments.

through it and examines even when you get it, revenge and retribution, it is not sweet – you can still end up with bad feeling in the pit of your stomach.” Readers following the trilogy will have plenty of time to digest the Karma of Vengeance; the concluding part is not likely to be on book shelves any time soon. Norman, now a full time writer, produced a notebook and said: “The first paragraph of the third novel has been written down – once again, the three central characters will still be there.”

Free holiday!

THE MAGIC Costa Blanca hotel chain is offering ´free´ holidays if Spain wins the Football World Cup. The offer is available to those who book at a number of hotels within the group before 20th June including Magic Monica Hoidays, Magic Aqua Rock Gardens, Aqua Magic Excalibur and Magic Crystal Park. They ran a similar promotion in 2010 to the delight of many hotel guests – as Spain won back then… will they repeat their success again?


13-19 June 2014

Uber causes mayhem across Europe by Jan Gamm MADRID WAS the scene of angry protests this week as licensed taxi drivers brought the centre of the capital to a standstill with a 24 hour strike demonstrating against the new phone app ‘Uber’ - one of a number of apps that passengers can use to book and pay for taxi journeys. The app detects the GPS on a mobile device and finds the nearest available driver, allowing the user to track the vehicle, pay via their phone and also split the fare with others, using a credit card system. The service facilitates cheaper fares by enabling users to compare fares before booking and effectively wipes out the need for taxi ranks. Similar protests took place in other European capitals including London, Berlin and Paris. One Uber user said: “Uber is a fantastic service: drivers are always polite and you don’t get ripped off. A London cabbie wanted to charge me £60 for a 10-minute journey from Heathrow. Rip-off merchants…!” Legally licensed taxis see the new app as a threat to their livelihood due to unfair competition from illegal operators.

Angry taxi drivers in Madrid

New alcohol laws for minors

THE MINISTRY of Health, concerned about the high consumption of alcohol by minors, is to toughen penalties for serving alcohol to customers who are under age. The penalties for serving beer and wine to minors will be significantly lower than for selling spirits such as whisky, vodka, rum and gin, prompting parental groups to object on the grounds that the penalties for selling any alcohol to minors should be the same. In some communities, such as the Asturias, there is already a wide scale difference in fines for serving wine and beer to children and adolescents ranging from around €3,000 to €15,000, depending on the seriousness of health risk.

Cyclists be warned!

POLICE IN Valencia have launched a campaign clamping down on cyclists riding in an irresponsible and dangerous manner. A number of cyclists have already been pulled over by police to receive either a caution for careless behaviour or a fine for more serious infractions. Misdemeanours include riding across pedestrian crossings, carrying pets in baskets, riding in and around pedestrians on pavements and even riding close to diners sitting at pavement cafés in the city.

13-19 JUNE 2014

Montecid: the urbanisation time forgot The residents took to the streets en masse

by Jan Gamm A LARGE demonstration took place at Urbanisation Montecid on Saturday 31st May in protest against appalling neglect of local amenities by Monforte Del Cid council over the past eight years. Residents have been left with unfinished homes as well as builders’ detritus such as rubble and other carelessly abandoned building materials, stray dogs; litter and weeds. The children’s play area has been given a surface of wood chip but is otherwise inadequate to the point of being dangerous. There is no bus service to Montecid and none of the community services promised such as shops, bars, restaurants, doctors… ENOUGH! The neighbourhood has had enough and took to the streets en masse with banners, fireworks, whistles and loudspeakers accompanied by members of opposing political groups to protest against the incompetence of the ruling PP council. The Town Hall has failed to connect (or force construction company Grupo MASA to connect) the communal areas of the bar/res-

taurant, swimming pool and football court to the main electrical supply. As a result the bar, the only working communal area on the urbanisation, was forced to close its doors last November as it could no longer trade using an expensive generator. The pool is now a green and slimy eyesore. And furthermore the Town Hall has refused the opening of a mini pharmacy by a qualified pharmacist who already operates a successful pharmacy in Monforte Del Cid! DETERMINED Residents are determined to make their voices heard and their demonstration was well attended by more than 100, with the notable exception of PP Mayoress Antonia Cervera Carrasco. Cervera boasts on the Monforte del Cid website of the council’s responsibilities toward a clean and healthy environment that benefits strong and sustainable urban development. There is little evidence of that at Montecid, despite residents continuing to fork out for IBI and basura, as well as licences for swimming pools, terrace glazing, garden landscaping and maintenance and an endless list of other expenses…




13-19 JUNE 2014

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letter of the week

High speed safety WITH REGARD to no seatbelts being available on AVE bullet trains on the MadridValencia route, they say that Homo Sapiens is the only species that stubs its toe twice on the same stone. Following the tragic high-speed train accident last August in Santiago de Compostela, when 79 passengers were killed and 130 injured it emerged that the Alvia train was not equipped with passenger seat belts. None of the Spanish news media deemed such a glaring and fatal safety omission worth publicising. Recently, my wife was a passenger on the AVE ‘Bird’ from Valencia-Madrid and back. She and a friend can confirm that the AVE fleet of bullet trains (300-plus kms/ hour) are also not equipped with seat belts. Why not? Does it cost so much to install them? How much is a life worth? We are obligated by law to ‘buckle up for safety’ (with stiff mandatory fines guaranteed if we don’t) in private cars and taxis. Belts are obligatory on all Spanish school buses; medium and long-range distance buses; all planes and even some ships. Those responsible for this unforgivable negligence should be brought to justice and mandatory seat belts should be installed immediately on all high-speed passenger trains in Spain. Richard M McBride, Benidorm

In total agreement I TOTALLY agree with the EU court to force Google to respect ‘the right to be forgotten’. Why not leave it up to Interpol (International Police) to post the ‘Most Wanted’ list on-line. Why is Google out to hang peoples’ dirty laundry - or as in a recent Spanish case, ‘once dirty laundry, but now cleaned?’ I wonder what’s in it for them? It is ironic that the trend on social media is to ‘tell n’ bare all’ but then that same information can and will be used against a person. This sounds a lot like ‘...everything you say (or post online or do) can and will be used against you’. I thought this was to be used only for suspects of criminal activity? Google, why not spend the time and effort exposing real criminals instead? As we well know, the Costas are not short of dubious characters. Brad Wall, Benidorm

Rules are there to be broken... HAVE YOU ever heard the saying ‘rules are there to be broken?’ It is usually said as a joke. But it seems that inside of us, no matter what country we come from, no matter what language we speak, there is something within us that wants to break laws. For example, we live in an urbanisation like many other people reading this, and there are various rules posted on the fortified metal gate to the communal swimming pool. I have looked at that sign on our communal swimming pool gate and invariably every rule is broken at one or more times during summer when people flock to the pool, even though the sea is a short distance away. Or on the gates to urbanisations, I recently saw one sign saying ‘keep your dog on a short leash’ - as opposed to no leash. I once heard a co-worker pompously say “people are basically quite good.” If that were true, then why would we need so many laws? Even simple rules to a community swimming pool are so easily broken show that people are not ‘basically good’. Cliff Lander, La Marina

Italy versus Spain I RECENTLY went for a short holiday to Italy and forgot to pack my anti-inflammatory tablets, Celebrex. I found a Farmacia, asked for this item and asked how much I owed. I was told 17.16€. I could not believe this because when I collect the same item from my prescription here in Spain it is 37.14€. I went to my usual Farmacia last week and asked why the price difference: the lady said, “Another country.” Why should it be 100% more expensive for the same product and the same manufacturer? Apart from the above, I would not change Italy for Spain. Pat D, Javea

13-19 June 2014

Help for Brits in trouble by Jack Troughton

TOUR OPERATORS in Benidorm have been learning more about the frontline help available to British victims of crime in the Costa Blanca’s party capital. Holiday reps – frequently the first point of call in an emergency - attended a meeting to be briefed on how the special tourist police office, ‘SATE’, in the resort and the British Consulate can offer assistance. And they heard how SATE – Servicio de Atencion al Turista Extranjero – is a place where visitors can go to get help and support in English if they have fallen victim to crime. At SATE, they can fill out police reports, make emergency calls to cancel credit cards, get money transferred and contact insurance


companies or the Consulate in Alicante. At a meeting organised by the consulate team, representatives from Thompson, Jet2 Holidays, Cosmos, and Thomas Cook, committed to encourage guests to use the SATE service – which is tailor made to insure visitors to Benidorm get the support they need. IMPORTANT

British Vice Consul Lloyd Milen told the meeting: “Tour operators are often the first point of call for a tourist who needs help, which is why it is so important they are up to date with the assistance on offer. “The service at the SATE office is invaluable for anyone who has fallen victim to crime, and it is great the tour operators are now fully aware of this vital resource of support in Benidorm.”

SATE officers help in a crisis

He said it was also important to prevent visitors becoming victims – by encouraging tourists to keep valuables locked away somewhere safe and to carry a photocopy of their passport rather than the original document. Tour operators were also encouraged to sign up the British Embassy’s Twitter ac-

The race for PSOE leadership SOCIALIST SUSANA DÍAZ has announced that she will not run as a candidate for PSOE party leadership, resolving instead to make Andalucía her priority in a response to calls from her constituents to “…sort out Andalucía first.” Her colleagues within the party, including Zapatero and Gonzalez, are said to be less than pleased in view of their previous support of Díaz. The front runner for PSOE leadership is now 38-year-old republican Basque politician Eduardo Madina following the recent resignation of Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. Madina is a passionate The new PSOE favourite Eduardo Madina advocate for a modernised Spanish constitution.

count @britsvisitspain and the ‘Brits Visiting Spain’ Facebook account, both designed to help people enjoy their visits. The SATE office is situated at the Centro Municipal Torrejo, Plaza de Canalejas 1, Benidorm. It is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 9pm and at weekends between 10am and 2pm.

Alicante-Elche International Airport earnings taking off! ALICANTE-ELCHE International Airport, formerly known as ‘El Altet’ has reduced its debt to become the 4th most profitable in the country, now declaring yearly earnings of €25 million. The airport has been widely criticised in the past by passengers and also by airline management who made accusations that the new concourse and surrounding infrastructure was over large for purpose and impractical for use.


13-19 June 2014

Extra spice for photo competition by Jack Troughton PEOPLE ENTERING the Friends of the Children of EMAUS photographic competition to get pictures in the charity’s 2015 calendar now have an extra prize on offer. The charity celebrates its 10th anniversary next year and has decided every entry for the contest will automatically go into a draw to win a free weekend away for two. The winning picture each month will grace the calendar itself and also appears in RTN. Photos should reflect life on the Costa Blanca. Margaret Swaby snapped May’s winner with a picture of the church in Novelda, Alicante. Part of the Monastery of Santa Maria Magdelena, it dates back to the 19th Century and was designed by a student of Antoni Gaudi. Photographers can submit six pictures a month and pictures for June should be submitted by Friday 4th July to info@fcemaus.com

Mundomar fun for kids with cancer

MORE THAN forty families with children suffering from cancer enjoyed an afternoon at Benidorm’s Mundomar last Friday. The park closed especially to welcome the kids and their families, part of the Association of Parents of Children with Cancer Valencia (Aspanion) from 6pm until 8pm. The children spent an enchanting and fun two hours in the company of lemurs, dolphins and the comical parrots.

There’s no such thing as a free lunch? MORE THAN 80 people attended a free lunch event at Quesada Fish & Chips on Wednesday 4th June. Hosted by four companies, AES International (Investments and Pensions), Avalon (Funeral Planning), Pellicer and Heredia (Legal and Tax) and Currencies Direct (Currency exchange), the lunch was a huge success. Each company gave a 5 minute overview of what areas they specialised in and then the famous Mr Simon Morton from Sunshine FM took to the floor to allow people to direct questions to the four specialist speakers. This was followed by delicious fish and chips and diners had the opportunity to relax, enjoy their meal and meet new people! Attendees were delighted with the informal yet highly instructive event, coming away with their questions answered - and many have gone on to request more information and advice from the four specialist companies, all of whom offered a free of charge consultation to anyone who wanted a more detailed discussion. The event was such a success a second date has already been agreed. So if free fish and chips appeals to you, and you would like some advice from the companies involved reserve your space by sending your details to freelunchspain@gmail.com or telephone 966 799 070. The next event will be held at Quesada Fish and Chips, Villamartin on Wednesday 2nd July at 12 noon.

A must try curry!

The Curry Pot, Alfaz

THE CURRY POT at the Hotel Moli, Alfaz Del Pi has put itself firmly on the map as one of the best Indian Restaurants on the Costa Blanca. Your hosts Sonny and Shiva between them have over 25 years experience in the Indian Restaurant industry.With their wealth of experience they make everybody feel welcome and relaxed. The Curry Pot offers authentic,original Indian cuisine.All dishes are freshly prepered to order,made with traditional herbs and spices to your personal taste. The restaurant offers a tranquil dining experience either in the outside courtyard dining area or if preferred,in the bar where you can watch big screen sports. The Curry Pot is child friendly with a special childrens menu. You can also enjoy their tasty food in the comfort of your own home with the free delivery service on orders over 25 euros within 5kms. The aim at The Curry Pot is to give you a pleasant dining experience with amazing food. It’s the restaurant that everybody is talking about,so don’t hesitate to pay it a visit!!!!

Open Tuesday to Sunday 1pm-4pm 6pm-11pm Closed Mondays

Featured Area: Albir & Alfaz

Discover the

THE FRIENDLY seaside community of of the Costa Blanca and is well worth a

By Jack Troughton THE FRIENDLY seaside community of Albir remains one of the sparkling gems of the Costa Blanca and is well worth a visit from expats and holidaymakers alike. The modern resort’s streets were carefully laid down by planners of Alfaz del Pi to incorporate attractive tree-lined avenues sweeping down to the popular beach and the famous promenade. Albir – the coastal area of the municipality of historic Alfaz - retains an unhurried atmosphere and is just the place to relax, unwind, and people watch in one of the many bars and restaurants. Cuisine from across Europe and even further afield can be sampled and small independent shops are waiting to be explored. Albir also makes an ideal base for voyages of discovery to other towns and places of interest – and for those looking for a lively night out, Benidorm, the party capital of the Mediterranean is just 10 minutes away. The town is rightly proud of its European Blue Flag for the beach Playa de Raco de l’Albir. The smooth pebbled beach has won the prestigious award since 2001 for its facilities, cleanliness and safety. There is plenty of room to stretch out above the enticing clear blue water and enjoy the views of the nature reserve of the Sierra Helada on one side and the iconic Penon de Ifach on the other, the huge limestone rock rising out of the sea on the horizon. The beach is separated from the town by the promenade Paseo de las Estrellas, the Hollywood-style boulevard which pays homage to stars of the big screen. It is filled with joggers in the morning, people going to the beach during the day and in the evening buzzes with craft stalls and people enjoying a romantic stroll. Albir and its inland neighbour Alfaz are popular with the British but is also a cosmopolitan community with people from a variety of countries including Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy amongst those enjoying themselves.

To advertise your business on these pages call: 646 619 466 or email: sales@roundtownnews.com

joy of Albir

Albir remains one of the sparkling gems visit from expats and holidaymakers alike.


13-19 June 2014

Your Home and Garden Florist HELLO AGAIN! ‘My garden plants are always being attacked by greenfly and aphids. What can I do?’ The best advice is that you can avoid this by spraying the plants with a soft jet of clean, cold water. Do this in the evening when the sun has gone down to avoid burning the leaves. If the plant is already ill, spray over several days until the

plant is clean so that it doesn’t drown. When the plant is really clean, then you can treat it with the right poison. Beware: Under a porch roof or shelter the plants will sicken much faster! So you will have to spray them more often. Do you have more questions? Please send to: Webflowerscostablanca@gmail.com or drop into one of our stores... Floristería El Elegante Avenida Marina Baixa 21 La Nucía (in the center of La Nucía)

Business sponsors Lions

Gallery Exhibition by Semillas de Paz Para el Mundo LA FUNDACIÓN ‘Semillas de Paz Para el Mundo’ (Foundation Seeds of Peace for the World) is to host a gallery exhibition from 16th to 21st June at the Fundacion Gavila Ferrer, Pere de Denia Calle Padre.

Calpe Mayor and Lion Cesar Sanchez with President Bob Sydney and Keith Littlewood at the shop

by Jack Troughton LOCAL BUSINESS has pledged its support of Calpe and Benissa Lions by pledging to sponsor the rental costs of the club’s charity shop. The Costa Blanca Business Association (CBBA) will back the Lions shop in Pintor Sorrolla in Calpe during the

month of July. The CBBA is made up of local and legal businesses and President Alan Goswell said: “We are happy to support the Lions who do a great deal of good in the areas where many of our members are based. I am looking forward to a long and fruitful association with the Calpe and Benissa lions.”

And Keith Littlewood, the Vice-President of the Lions, added: “This is just the beginning of the Calpe and Benissa Lions trying to encourage local businesses to support charity in this area.” Any businesses interested in helping a good cause can contact Keith on 657 684 094 or email keith.littlewood@blacktowerfm.com

Seeds for Peace A conference presentation and an exhibition of the works of sculptor Teo San José will take place on 20th June at 8pm. The work is aimed at teaching values through art, specifically with the intention of putting a stop to bullying in schools. The exhibition is sponsored by Balearia along with private contributors and local government. Such a programme has already proved effective in a public school in Denia and also in Mexico, helping children turn toward a creative and healthy environment. Auction An auction of works by artists Tour Costa, San Jose and Manuel de la Cruz will be held at the gallery on 21st June at 7pm: Avima C / Temple of Sant Telme 16, Denia. For more information please visit: www.semillasdepaz.net and www.teosanjose.com

13-19 JUNE 2014

Village enjoys international flavour

The cat’s whiskers in cycling safety!

Lliber celebrates its International Weekend

by Jack Troughton THE VILLAGE of Lliber hosts an International Weekend on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of June with a host of activities for all the family. The fair opens at 10am on Saturday and there are more than 40 stalls, music all day, face painting by the European Kids Association, children’s entertainment by JimbleJam, and

demonstrations by Zumba Xalo and the Costa Blanca Cheerleaders. The Saturday events are: 10.30am JimbleJam for youngsters aged four months to four years; 11am Zumba demonstration; 11.30am JimbleJam games for all ages; 12.30pm demonstration by Costa Blanca Cheerleaders; 2.30pm paella in the square; 7pm performance by Lliber Choir in the church; and 8pm performance of traditional and popular


music by Rondalla Cultural of Benissa. And on Sunday: noon wine tasting, wines from Bodegas Xalo with wine expert Sergio Balaguer in the Plaza; 7pm performance of JOMA Youth Orchestra of the Marina Alta in Lliber Church; 8.30pm tasting and exchange of national, regional, or favourite dishes in the Plaza. Everyone is invited to bring a dish to share and music provided by Pauline McGough.

THE LATEST road safety feature for cyclists are bizarre twitching lights that extend either side of the handlebars, allowing cyclists to mark their territory! Nicknamed ‘Whiskers’ by its inventors at Vibrasee, the gadget warns other vehicles that a cyclist is present and also ‘twitch’ to indicate a turn. Controlled by a button on the handlebars, the four long whiskers can flick fully outward, discouraging a car from squeezing past. The whiskers were the brainchild of students at California State University, Long Beach - part of the Biomimicry Student Design Challenge, which tasked students with taking inspiration from local ecology to tackle a transportation issue.

Electrobeach Festival cancelled

THE ORGANISERS of the popular Electrobeach Festival have announced that they regretfully must cancel the scheduled August 1st and 2nd celebration due to a council decision to withdraw authorisation on the chosen venue. An alternative was apparently offered by Benidorm Council which was turned down by the organisers as it did not meet their safety standards for technicians. More information will be made available shortly. Until then, Electrobeach organisers wish to assure ticket holders that their money will be refunded at earliest opportunity.


13-19 June 2014

Eye care advice for the over 60s

JORGE MARTINEZ from Specsavers Opticas in Benidorm will be giving a free talk on eye health for the over 60s at Cuidad Patricia at 11am on 18th June. by Patricia Thompson

This talk will offer useful information on common conditions for this age range and how to avoid, identify and treat some of these problems, with referral for medical opinion where appropriate. After the talk there will be refreshments, a short film from Cuidad Patricia and a tour around the facilities. Apartamentos Ciudad Patricia (Central Building), Calle Rumanía 26, Benidorm: Time: Between 11am and noon. Specsavers advises everyone over the age of 60 to have an eye test at least once a year: older eyes are susceptible to certain changes which can be detected during an eye test. Visit www.specsavers.es to find your nearest store and book a free eye test.

Marching on together

MEMBERS OF charity HELP of Denia and the Marina Alta raised 440€ taking part in the annual sponsored walk – covering 20km. The walkers set off from the Riu Rau in Jesus Pobre at 8am and via Denia’s La Pedrera Hospital and port, reached Bar Isa on Les Marines Road in Els Poblets in time for a late lunch. Highly visible in bright yellow t-shirts, the walkers took the new route in their stride and were once again generously supported by sponsors.

Birthday party

By Jack Troughton TO CELEBRATE nine years of fund raising, charity Friends of the Children of EMAUS is holding a ‘Birthday Picnic’ in the beautiful Jacaranda gardens in Calpe on 28th June. The party is an opportunity for everyone involved with to celebrate almost 250,000€ raised for the youngsters cared for in home across the region in that time. Anyone who has ever contributed to the cause will be made welcome. People are asked to bring their own picnic, drink, and a chair. Entertainment will be provided and everyone will be able to raise a glass of Bucks Fizz or cava to the ongoing success of the charity. A 10€ contribution towards funds is requested. Book a space by calling Jan on 96 583 6815 or email info@fcemaus.com


13-19 June 2014

Aircrew Association Commemorates D Day 70th Anniversary

Craft makers

STUDENTS AT the Maite Boronad occupational centre in Calpe will find craft making easier thanks to the donation of a guillotine to cut paper. Members of Calpe U3A presented the device to the centre where people with learning difficulties are taught skills and helped with personal and social development. The centre is attended by people from towns across the Marina Alta.

Great support for Charity Fasion Show

Association members and their guests

by Patricia Thompson 60 MEMBERS of the Aircrew Association Costa Blanca and their guests enjoyed an excellent Red Sea Rig lunch to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of D Day, at the Cumbre Restaurant on Wednesday, 4th June. Two of the members were there during Operation Overlord: American Jerry Juroe, who landed on Utah (Red) Beach as a 20-year-old infantry lieuten-

ant with the 90th Infantry Division and Belgian Charles Borenstein, who piloted a Lancaster Bomber to drop ‘chaff’ further inland, confusing the German radar network. An excellent lunch concluded with the Dedication to the Comradeship of Aircrew by the Association’s Honorary Chaplain, Father Marcus Ronchetti. The Toast to King Juan Carlos was proposed by the President Brian Weskett and there followed the Toast

to the Queen, Our Guests, Those Who Survived and Absent Friends and Fellow Aircrew. Chairman Max Maxwell brought the proceedings to a conclusion by congratulating the Association Social Secretary Brian Nash and his wife June for organising an excellent function. You can obtain more information on joining the Aircrew Association Costa Blanca by contacting the Secretary on: 96 640 4123.

By Irena Bodnarec WHAT A superb turnout last week at the Hotel Moli in Alfaz del Pi, for the charity fashion show in aid of the AECC Spanish Cancer Charity and Doggie Angells. The event was organized by Gary from the Giving4Giving charity shop - where the garments came from for the catwalk parade, which took place around the pool in the brilliant sunshine. Compare Matt King kept the mood light and entertaining while Drag Diva Will Sparkle escorted the models in their finery. 953€ was raised – made up to 1000€ by Gary and split between the two worthy causes. As a bonus, the 2014 Masterchef contestant Dani Bowler – who made it to 7th place on the TV show, delighted the audience with a cooking demonstration, preparing salmon fillets with sesame seeds and marinated cucumber, which everyone got to taste at the end!


13-19 June 2014

Pride at festival success FREEMASONS FROM across Valencia gathered at the Festival 2014 Gala Evening in Benidorm to celebrate their “wonderful achievement” in raising almost 144,000 Euros to support the Red Cross. by Jack Troughton The Festival was launched just over three years ago and has supplied the association with an ambulance and has purchased a ‘homeless support vehicle’ – which a “new and innovative move’ for the Red Cross will help people living on the streets with shower facilities, clean clothing, and access to other help. And the much-publicised fund raising exercise also served to unite Freemasons in aiming for a “common goal” – backed by wives, partners, girlfriends, family and friends. At the Gala Evening – the official ‘end’ of the appeal - staged in Benidorm’s Gran Bali Hotel on Saturday, Provincial Grand Master of Valencia Barrie Mansell said it was a celebration of the “magnificent success” of the festival. “When I launched Festival 2014 in February 2011, there were many who doubted the wisdom of such a project and believed it was doomed,” he said. “I felt we needed a large target so we had something to aim for and I think we have done extremely well. “I have been amazed and impressed by the way members of the Provincial Lodge, together with wives, girlfriends, part-

ners, and family, have thrown themselves into fund raising.” TRUST He said the success justified the confidence and trust ‘Cruz Roja’ had placed in Freemasons in Valencia, adding: “If one ambulance helps save one life, I think we have been successful.” President of Alicante Red Cross Javier Gimeno said many families were facing difficult times across the region and despite the efforts of public bodies the situation had not substantially improved – and unemployment and poverty continued to hit the community hard. Thanking the Freemasons for their support, he said: “We see a strong desire to help from many groups and associations and we feel we can do something for others...it is one of the sunny sides of the crisis.

“We are so grateful and proud you have chosen the Red Cross to benefit from your solidarity and we are committed to use efficiently all the resources with which you have trusted us. “We are aware of the great efforts you have all so generously displayed. I would like to thank you most sincerely from those who are in need, those you have helped through the Red Cross.” Pictured at the Gala Evening are (from left): Assistant Provincial Grand Master Norman Wheatley; Deputy Provincial Grand Master Stuart MacDonald; Provincial Grand Master Barrie Mansell; Adeleida Plaza, Vice President of the Regional Red Cross; Javier Gimeno, President of Alicante Red Cross; Assistant Provincial Grand Master Rodney Bignell; President of the Festival 2014 Committee Jim Jordan; and Assistant Provincial Grand Master Wyndham Neish.

13-19 June 2014


Roman Market returns by Keith Nicol TORREVIEJA’S MAIN square, in front of the Inmaculada Church will transport you back in time to an era of Julius Caesar, Gladiators, Legionairs and of course, togas today. From Friday through Sunday, the square becomes a Roman stronghold and transports you 2,000 years back to the ancient civilization with a Roman Market. The Fair opens this morning, Friday June 13th at 11.00am with music, dance archery, falconry and of course; copious amounts of food and drink for one and all. Highlights include Gladiators fighting it out, although, thankfully not to the death, at 12.45pm, a Sale of Slaves, which I really hated to ask about, at 1.15pm before a break for lunch at 2.30pm. The action starts again at 5.30pm and activities keep on going until 10.00pm, with stalls, more music, parades, magic shows and many more activities for kids of all ages. Rome opens the doors to its castle walls at 10.30pm on Saturday and features kids games and activities, information on Roman war and battles plus music and dance, until those dreaded Taverns are ready for you at 2.30pm. Doors open again at 5.30pm with battles, music, magic and at 9.00pm a Paseo Legionnaires “Battle Honours”, with all participants dressed as they would have two thousand years ago. Doors again close at 10.00pm and reopen on Sunday morning at 10.30am, which will possibly come as a surprise to a few churchgoers. Sunday’s activities include: 11:00am: Paseo Legionnaires

The Romans take over Torrevieja this weekend

“Battle Honours”, 11:30am: Musical Parade “Mermicolion”. 12:00 noon: Prisoners Rope “Battle Honours”: 12:30pm: Music of the Roman Empire “Mermicolion”, 1:00pm: Paseo Legionnaires “Battle Honours”, 1:30 pm: Instruction on the Roman War “Battle Honours”, 2:00pm. Musical Parade “Mermicolion”, until the lunch break at 2.30pm. The evening starts at 5.30pm with the Infant Corner plus Roman games and tests, 6:00pm:

Paseo Legionnaires “Battle Honours”, 6:30pm: Instruction on the Roman War “Battle Honours”, 7:00pm: Musical Parade “Mermicolion”, 7:30pm: Paseo Legionnaires “Battle Honours”, 8:00pm: Music of the Roman Empire “Mermicolion”, 8:30pm: Archery, 9:30pm: Musical Parade “Mermicolion”, 10:00pm: Musical farewell Parade “Mermicolion” with the show closing at10:30pm, with Rome saying goodbye to Torrevieja.


13-19 June 2014

Janice graces Javea stage EVERGREEN SINGING sensation Janice Harrington is the latest star to join the growing list of talent invited to perform at the highly successful series ‘Jazz at the Parador’. by Jack Troughton The blues, jazz, and gospel legend appears at the Javea hotel on Friday 20th June at 8.30pm and is ready to thrill an audience with a set containing everything from Be-Bop and swing to blues and jazz. Born into a music loving family in Cleveland, Ohio – her ‘mom’ was a Dinah Washington fan – her launch into the industry was delayed when she became pregnant at 15. However, motherhood suited Janice, at the ripe old age of 21 she had five children including twins. Her singing career received a kick-start in 1969 when she performed at United States military shows during the Vietnam War and was followed by a well-deserved residency at the Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas. Acting and television roles also poured in but inspired by the need to broaden her horizons, Janice moved to Europe in 1988 and never looked back – touring with musical greats and performing at key ‘historic’ events. As a veteran of the music scene, she now works with children and disabled people and runs authentic American musical workshops.

And when not busy touring or visiting her “huge” family in the USA, Janice lives quietly with husband Werner in the picturesque German city of Luneberg. Tickets for the concert are 12.50€ available from the reception desk at the Javea Parador or can be reserved in Janice advance via the email reservasjazzparador@gamil.com Harrington

David Walton in Teulada

David Walton - by Andy Sotirior

By Karla Darocas MURCIA-BASED guitarist, singer, songwriter and recording artist David Walton and his blues trio will headline the blues music appreciation event on Sunday 29th of June in Teulada. David Walton is an integrated Brit living and working in his adopted Murcia, Spain. He is an artist who has done his research and dug deep into the core of blues history and society to find its words, its meaning, and its longevity. He is also a gifted guitarist who can carry the spirit of life over his guitar strings. His song writing pulls from the strong blues roots of pain and pleasure with lyrics that are true to the simplicity of storytelling filled with deep feelings and spirited adventures. Regional blues legend Tom Poole will open the show and he always brings a surprise musical guest! This is the last blues event of the season for the Costa Blanca Blues social network, a free-to-join group aimed at blues music appreciation and social integration. Learn more at www.CBBlues.com

A craft fair all summer long

13-19 JUNE 2014

Joyful Gospel Costa Blanca


DO YOU enjoy singing? Join the most unique choir in the Costa Blanca. Rehearsals take place every Tuesday from 2pm – 4pm at Forum Mare Nostrum, Camino del Pincho 2, Alfaz del Pi: Entry 6€. For more information email info@joygospel.nl call 673 018 606, or meet us at rehearsal.

Islam and the Marina Alta

by Patricia Thompson LAST YEAR Amata held its first summer market in Jávea port, not just the usual collection of stands with aged and unkempt hippies offering genuine handmade bracelets made by poor peasants in India or Peru, but good quality original craftwork, lovingly and carefully made by real craftsmen and women living and working in Spain. Last year’s market was sponsored by the local association of shopkeepers, who invited Amata to return this year and with more stands offering more choice. The market starts 20th June and con-

tinues till 14th September. Stalls will open from 7pm until midnight so as to catch the last Pumpkin. Last year there were some 20 stalls: this year, room has been found for 30 spread over two areas - the first the area around the Red Cross hut (near the end of the Avenida Jaime I) and the second on the nearby Plaza Almirante Bastarreche, about 100 meters towards the harbour. The fair is managed by craft association Amata with its excellent standard of quality goods. Amata is fussy about selecting craftspeople to take part, so ensuring quality is maintained and also a decent variety of products. There will

be carved and turned wood; engraved glass; ceramics; paintings and sculptures; leather bags and original designer T-shirts and knitwear. And some crafts may be bespoke for later collection. Plus there will be street musicians, jugglers and puppeteers to entertain the crowd two or three evenings each week and pass the hat to make a living. Drop by any evening between 7pm and midnight every day of the week, along the Paseo Marítimo in Jávea Puerto. To know more about Amata, see www.amata.es (good for your Spanish, but the website is also in English) or ring Elvira on 639 979 678 - she speaks excellent English.

By Jack Troughton ARCHEAOLOGIST JOSEP Castello will talk to the AMUX Association on Friday 20th June on the Islamic World in Xabia and the Marina Alta. The Friends of The Museum of Xabia will meet at the museum’s auditorium at 7.30pm for a talk in Spanish with English ‘clarifications’. Josep will give a brief history of the visible traces of the Muslims on Spain from their arrival in 714 until the Christian conquest of Denia in 1244. He will also explain the different stages of the andalusi government, from the Emirate to the Califat, and the importance of the Taifa of Denia. The talk will include the types of settlement, the cultural material found in archaeological digs, the crops introduced, and the society and customs of the andalus population. And as well as historical information, the lecture should answer basic questions, such as ‘what did they wear?’ and ‘what did they eat?’ AMUX brings together all people of all nationalities with an active interest in the area’s archaeology and history. For more information visit the website www.amuxabia.weebly.com


13-19 June 2014

Torrevieja Costa Lions look for new blood THE SMALL but dedicated group of Torrevieja Lions have a new Membership Director for the next 12 months in the form of Philip Buckman. by Keith Nicol Philip joined their ranks with his partner Jacqui last year and following an exciting year in 2013 that has already shown a big increase in Lions members for Torrevieja Costa Lions Club, Philip’s appointment should further improve their ranks. Philip has been involved with service clubs in the UK since the early 1980’s and brings a wealth of experience to the club to help increase membership for the coming year, having joined the club last year. 2914 will feature a number of new initiatives to promote what happens not only within the Lions Club but also how effective they are within the community. The Torrevieja Costa Lions are one of the most proactive clubs in Spain when it comes to raising funds for needy charities and organisations and just last month welcomed Torrevieja’s Mayor, Eduardo Dolon as an honorary member. It’s known that there are hundreds of former UK based Lions members living in the region and Phillip assures prospective members that: “they will be helping the lives of

others less fortunate while at the same time enjoying a great social life within a very successful club.” Members come from all walks of life and although the working language of the club is English have members from Scandinavia, Iceland, UK and Ireland, to name but a few. Formal meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at Cabo Cervera Hotel, La Mata, Torrevieja at 7.30pm followed by a social meeting, usually on the evening of the fourth Thursday of the month. If you are interested in helping the lives of others and extending your social life or just curious to find out more about what the Lion’s do, then contact Philip by email at:

Torrevieja Costa Lions Membership Director with Club President Jannette and his partner Jacqui

Philip.Buckman@btinternet.com or visit the Torrevieja Costa Lions website www.torreviejalions.org and submit the

form to attend from the meetings page and to discover more information on their other activities.

Stepping out for MABS By Jack Troughton THE LADY Line Dancers of Denia were able to donate 1,110€ to the MABS Cancer Support Group after organising a successful fund raising evening at Los Arcos Restaurant, Pedregeur. The Summer Dinner Dance attracted 160 guests who enjoyed dancing the night away to the music of the Rommy Baker Orchestra and his big band sound. The line dancers were able to present a cheque to MABS President Jacqui Phillips MBE (pictured) which will help support the charity’s new hospice at the Fontilles Hospital. To find out more about MABS and its work across the region, visit www.mabscancersupport.org

Calling new recruits by Jack Troughton TAKE THE King’s shilling and join the crowds at Javea Players’ revue ‘Happy Days are Here Again’ running from Monday 30th June to Saturday 5th July. Amanda Dean is performing the saucy recruitment song from the Great War, promising ‘I’ll Make a Man Out of You’ to men volunteering for service. The theme of the show is how the British managed to keep smiling through the upheavals and conflicts of the last Century. Songs from the First World War sprang back into fashion for WWII – and Sybil Kent’s inspired show features a host of them, along with comic monologues, sketches and dance numbers. And before the show itself at Javea’s Casa de Cultura, there is an opportunity to dine al fresco in the Plaza Baix with a dinner of salad, tapas, ‘costillas de cerdo’ or grilled ‘dorado’, bread, ali oli, wine and desert. Amanda Dinner is at 7pm, the show starts at Dean welcomes 9pm, and tickets for the evening are 15€. To book call Mabel on 96 579 4937 or email new boxofficejp@gmail.com recruits

Famous five scales Montgo Taking in the world from 750m up

By Jack Troughton FABULOUS VIEWS greeted the ‘famous five’ of Javea U3A when they reached the summit of the Montgo Mountain and took in the world from 750m high. Along with other less ambitious members of the association, the group set off from the Jesus Pobre end of the mountain but continued to the summit in a marathon eight-hour trek. The five – leader ‘Sherpa’ Pete, Bill Quinton, Eric Gibson , Jacqui Rogerson, and Bobby Ogden – were able to see up the coast as far as the outskirts of Valencia and the island of Ibiza. They said the descent was also a slog as they became tired but all agreed it was a worthwhile exercise for “mature retirees”.

Celebrating D-Day

Guests in period costume

By Jack Troughton THE ROYAL British Legion Benidoleig and District Brach celebrated the D-Day Landings of June 6th 1944 in style at El Cid’s Restaurant. James Hurst played some typical wartime music and the dancers who walked down “Lambeth Way” brought back many memories. Surprise of the evening at the Benidoleig restaurant was a hilarious

performance by Candy Wright as ’Popsy Wopsy’ – who threatened to bring the house down. All profits from the night will go towards the branch Poppy Appeal and support the Legion’s welfare and benevolent work in Spain. To find out more about the legion call Patrick Scully on 96 558 3626 or visit the website www.royalbritishlegion.co.uk

13-19 June 2014



13-19 June 2014

The Vega Baja Garden Club

At the June meeting of the Garden Club, Ron Harris reminded members of the jobs that should be attended to this month such as feeding, increased watering taking cuttings for propagation and also sowing seeds such as pansies and calendula for a continuous show of flowers. Carole Williams gave an entertaining talk about the many uses for lemons, including several methods of preserving the fruits and juice. Jacqui Ford, another club member, then gave a talk about some of her favourite plants such as Frangipani and the Bird of Paradise Tree. Jacqui also spoke about the well loved Bleeding Heart plant, a perennial climber that tolerates full or partial shade and produces white, heart shaped flowers with a red tail. The next meeting will include a photography competition. There will be two categories, the first ‘A View of your Garden’, and the second ‘Close Up’ - photos of plants or flowers from your garden. If you would like to enter the competition, please print out your pictures on good quality photographic paper, no larger than A4 size and bring them to the meeting. The Garden Club does not meet in July or August and so the next meeting will be held on Monday 1st September at 1.45pm for a 2pm start, at Los Rosales Restaurant on the CV895 Lemon Tree Road, Campo de Guardamar. If you are interested in gardening and would like to attend the meeting, you will be assured of a warm welcome. For further information, please contact Val DuckVal worth, tel. 96 671 6527. Duckworth

Javea Art Exhibition features talented local artists

SEVERAL ARTISTS gathered at the lovely Javea villa of Casa Azul under beautiful blue skies to display, sell and auction their artwork on Sunday, 8th June. A wide range of styles created in oils, acrylics, ceramics and tile works was on display, with tribute artworks crafted after Valencia’s most famous artist - namely Joaquín Sorolla, who had his summer home in Javea at the turn of the century. The artists exhibiting were - Antoinette Berns: paintings - Lous Elshout: paintings Irma Meiers: mosaics - Ria Sissing: paintings - Lia Schuitemaker: paintings and Henk von Veldhuijzen: ceramics. Also in attendance was Javea’s fashionista Ana Vasbinder and Sue Crowe of the Spanish Wine Company.

13-19 JUNE 2014

advertising feature


AirForce - keeping you cool when the heat is on! WHEN IT comes to installing, replacing or maintaining your equipment, the single most important decision you will make is choosing the contractor who is going to do the work in your home or business with confidence.

The Airforce team

AIRFORCE IS the right choice, the most recommended Air Conditioning Company across the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida, covering the entire region between Valencia and Murcia. They have the solution to all your heating, cooling and refrigeration needs, whether it be for domestic, commercial or vehicle air conditioning. AirForce supply and fit a vast variety of makes and models, all units provide hot and cold air, 100% investment to use all year round. AirForce engineers are fully trained and qualified to F GAS regulations - a legal European requirement for anyone installing or maintaining any air conditioning systems and are City and Guild qualified to UK standards. The F Gas qualification means that you are in safe hands with a competent engineer who has the skill and knowledge to install and carry out safety checks on your new or existing system. The AirForce team Dan, Ash and Martin, take pride in their work, believe in neatness, cleanliness, courtesy and are passionate about adhering to established industry standards for installation procedures. AirForce has an excellent reputation thanks to their dedication, customer service and first class workmanship. The team can design and give you a quotation on all aspects of cooling, heating and refrigeration, tailor made to suit you, the customer. No job is too big or too small – everyone receives total commitment and dedication. From the moment that you make the call you will feel at ease, confident in the knowledge that you are dealing with true experienced professionals. AirForce is the solution to all your heating, cooling and refrigeration needs. Contact them on: 965 862 384 or mobile: 603 305 411 oe see the AirForce website www.airforceaircon.com


13-19 June 2014

home & garden


Dick Handscombe Holistic gardener and author

Encouraging the next generation of gardeners WHETHER THERE will be beautiful and productive gardens in Spain in the future depends to a great extent on whether today’s under tens are encouraged to become involved in gardening. Some schools do have gardening clubs but they are often half hearted affairs to fill lunch time or club time. More enthusiasm is probably achieved by parents and grandparents for whom gardening is an interesting hobby. Many of these probably also became keen because of the involvement of their parents and grandparents. Gardening in the blood often goes back many generations. When initiating an interest and active participation of children in gardening, whether at school or at home, there are a number of important success factors. Start with an easy plant such as radishes or a single sunflower, a good learning experience for children. These days there is an amazing diversity of varieties of sunflower with varying heights and flower colours. Some have just one or two large flowers the size of a dining plate and others with many smaller flowers. Therefore there is scope for children’s competitions, within the family or a group of friends, for one of three things: the tallest plant, the largest flower and the greatest number of flowers on a multi-flowering plant. Give them a prominent position for their personal mini garden so that they realise that you see their efforts as important and to encourage them to take pride in their

efforts. Why not plant in a part of the gardens at the entrance to the school which parents can see it rather than an out of sight corner of the playground? Ensure that the soil in their mini-gardens or raised beds is of sufficient depth and good quality – fertile, water absorbing and free draining. There is nothing more soul destroying than trying to grow things in shallow, clayey, stony and rocky soil under the shade of a large tree. Make a few gardening books available and also some UK sourced flower and seed catalogues that have photographs. Take them to a few garden centres and let them buy some plants and seeds for themselves. Provide lightweight easy to use tools without sharp edges. Provide a small watering can but also show and help them how to fix up a simple irrigation system. Allow them to get dirty and have fun. Do children ever have snail and worm races these days? Help them choose easy to grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. Encourage them to harvest their own vegetables for salads and sandwiches. Get them to realise that

plants need regular ongoing care like a pet. Help them relate to what is happening in their mini garden with the theories learned in science related classes. Show enthusiasm in eating their first crops of vegetables and cut flowers. Above all - show interest.

13-19 June 2014

33 33

Your home, in safe hands with Liberty Seguros You’ve worked hard to build a solid financial footing for you and your family, so you want to be sure that everything is protected. Accidents and disasters can and do happen, and if you aren’t adequately insured, it could leave you in financial ruin. You need insurance to protect your life, your ability to earn income, and to keep a roof over your head. With LIBERTY SEGUROS you will be always in safe hands. With over 150,000 international clients, LIBERTY SEGUROS is the leading expatriate insurance provider in Spain, with a wide range of products to protect all that really matters. Did you buy a home in Spain? LIBERTY HOME allows you to choose from three levels of protection for your home: Basic, Plus and Premium. All three options include Home assistance, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with just a simple telephone call and you can choose to pay by instalments. Moreover, all the home policies come with the DIY service, IT support and legal assistance. The DIY service allows enjoying free time and forgetting about those small household tasks. Once a year, during weekdays, you can request for a professional to handle jobs such as plumbing,

installing bath accessories, curtains, sealing of joints in tubs or sinks, assembling furniture, replacing power outlets and hanging artwork on walls among other issues up to three hours labour. Additionally, LIBERTY HOME offers computer and technology support in person or over the phone, for queries related to home electronic equipment such as computers, GPS and digital cameras. It also includes legal advice on any matter relating to internet use or e-commerce. Terms and conditions apply. Optional covers are also available, such as legal defence for landlords in dispute with tenants over default rental payments or damage caused to the property. The Basic protection guarantees essential home coverage at an affordable price. Alternatively, the Plus option also covers the costs of rebuilding or replanting a garden and covers 100% of the cost of glass and ceramic household appliances, among others. And the Premium protection goes that little bit extra. As part of its significant improvement, it covers the costs resulting from theft outside the

home, solar panel breakage and damage to the property caused by adjacent building work. Go to www.libertyexpatriates.es now for the name of your nearest LIBERTY SEGUROS broker, who can give you expert advice on which cover best suits your family’s needs in a friendly face-to-face environment and speak in your own language.


13-19 JUNE 2014



Wayne Martin

International Financial Adviser

Can the new pension proposals help you? A RECENT report suggested that pensioners had lost up to £1 billion through purchasing annuities. The Governments new pension proposals should help improve the situation for people approaching retirement. THE REFORMS take away the need to purchase an annuity amongst other things and allow greater freedom to manage the accrued pension pot. The state pension scheme was originally introduced when life spans were much shorter and the state could afford to be the main provider as the costs were low. Now that life expectancy and increased population size are the norm, the current system is threatened meaning that more responsibility falls on the individual. Of course, the state pension will probably continue to act as a safety net, but people must be encouraged to invest wisely to increase their security in old age. Unfortunately, those who choose to do so have not always got the best deal. One of Gordon Brown’s first decisions as chancellor was to scrap tax relief on pension-fund dividends, costing savers an

astonishing £118 billion since 1997. In addition it has been estimated that pensioners have been missing out on £1 billion by failing to secure the best arrangement, in particular amid the morass that surrounds the purchase of an annuity which individuals should never do without specialist knowledge or advice. The outcome can be quite catastrophic in terms of future income if the wrong route is taken. You may have read last week about Collective Defined Contribution plans. These involve people pooling their money rather than keeping it in individual pots, with a board of trustees investing the funds. The benefits are not guaranteed but are targets. With the population only growing bigger and more elderly, we simply cannot rely on the old guarantee of the state picking up the tab for the failure of the private pensions market.

As residents of Spain UK ex pats can already do something to help their pensions improve. The ability to use the QROPS route to pension planning is available already. To hear about the benefits I would urge you to speak to a professional financial adviser at Blacktower and arrange a review of your circumstances. It doesn’t cost you anything but will give you food for thought. Don’t delay, get in touch today. Look after your wealth and your wealth will look after you. If you have any questions or need any advice regarding the above you can contact me on 636 361 588 or email wayne.martin@blacktowerfm.com

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is licensed by the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Licence No: 00805B and registered with the DGS in Spain.

advertising feature

13-19 June 2014


A different way of selling property in Spain BENEFICIAL SPAIN is not a typical estate agent. We are a personal estate agency service that charges a fair fixed fee to market and sell your property. We have looked at the current process for selling homes and feel that there is a place for a Property Agent with 0% commission offering a Fee Package. We can save sellers thousands of Euros in traditional estate agent commissions! HOW IT WORKS For an initial fee of 250€ + IVA your property will be marketed at your asking price until sold. A sliding scale fee is charged on completion of the sale (payable only if sold by Beneficial) For example, for a property sold for 400,000€ the sale fee would be 4000€ + IVA. Traditional agents would charge 20,000€ + IVA. WHAT WE OFFER Quality Marketing: We provide professional quality photos and a 360° virtual tour so that your property stands out. Your property will be marketed locally, on the internet and

internationally. Regular Updates: We will keep you informed with regular updates on your sale and the local market. With Beneficial Spain your money goes on marketing your property to potential buyers and not on expensive branches. We are available seven days a week for assisted viewings if required. FOR BUYERS Take advantage of our extensive local knowledge, and our experience of living and working in the Costa Blanca to find your ideal home in Spain. Beneficial offers a complete package if needed, guiding you through the buying process and introducing you to independent Lawyers and Foreign Currency Exchange. Expert advice will be available on NIE numbers, the Padron and Residencia. Home and Car insurance can also be arranged with advice on all of the aspects of buying and selling property in

Spain. If you intend to move to Spain permanently, Beneficial can advise on the ‘pitfalls’ you may come across, including Health Care and Local and National Taxes. For more information call on 961 129 215 or 645 429 815 or email admin@beneficialspain.com

13-19 JUNE 2014



Carlos Baos

from White & Baos Abogados Solicitors Lawyers


A successful result challenging a Spanish Will in court

APPLICATION OF Spanish Law, to the succession/ probate of an English person domiciled in Spain. ABOUT 1 year ago, we published an article entitled “ Challenging and contesting a Spanish will granted by a foreigner in Spain. Does Spanish or foreign law apply to the succession ? ”. As a result, we were engaged by a certain Mrs. M to represent her legal interests, and we filed a court claim on her behalf. This recently concluded with the Will granted being successfully contested, recognizing our client’s rights as daughter of the deceased. The key legal discussion in this court case was to establish which was the applicable law to the succession: English Law (law of the nationality of the deceased) or Spanish Law, (the law of the country where he was domiciled). Our claim was that the applicable law to the succession was the Spanish Inheritance Law and

therefore, our client, the daughter of the deceased, was entitled to inherit as a forced heir, 2/3 of the assets. Under article 9.8 of the Spanish Civil Code, the applicable law to an inheritance is the national law of the deceased, which was in this case, the law of England & Wales. However, the law in England & Wales states that in relation to moveable assets, the law of the country of domicile of the deceased should apply (in this case that was Spain). In this case, the estate was only moveable assets: bank accounts and deposits, therefore, the English law of the deceased nationality was renvoi or re-sent to the applicable Spanish Law for succession, being the country of domicile of the deceased. Therefore, my client, the only daughter, had a right to inherit 2/3 of the

The information provided in this article is not intended to be legal advice, but merely conveys general information related to legal issues. White & Baos Abogados. Tel:+34 966 426 185. E-mail: info@white-baos.com White & Baos 2014 – All rights reserved Send your questions to spanishlawyer@roundtownnews.com or info@white-baos.com

estate, independent to her father’s wishes or what he had stated in his Spanish Will. Should the estate have included immoveable assets (Land or buildings), then the law of the country where the property is located would normally apply, unless there were properties in various countries. As stated in our previous articles regarding contesting and challenging Spanish Wills, this renvoi from English to Spanish Law, is accepted by the Spanish Courts, only if the principles of universality and unity of the inheritance are respected, which in this case they were, with Spanish law being the only law to govern all the assets of the deceased. Therefore, if you or someone you know, want to contest, challenge or dispute a Spanish Will, or you want to make sure that your Will could not be contested or challenged, we can assist you.


13-19 JUNE 2014


Mini breaks with Round Town Travel

BENIDORM´S PARTY calendar is full to bursting all year round but Round Town Travel have chosen a few “special events” that you just can´t afford to miss with one of their great minibreaks, that start at just 40 Euros per person!*

BOOK TODAY and pay just a 20€ deposit per-person to secure your booking and you won´t have to worry about paying the balance until just a few weeks before you arrive. You choose between your preference of 3 or 4 star hotel accommodation or if you prefer, one of the many luxurious self catering apartments that Round Town Travel have in Benidorm. On offer this Month are the fabulous fiestas in November that run Friday to Wednesday over the 2nd weekend of the month and offer anyone visiting at that time, a true insight to partying “Spanish-style” culminating in a fabulous (unofficial) finale on the Thursday, with Europe’s largest fancy dress street party! If your lost for ideas as to how to spend your Christmas, then why not pamper yourself silly with the fantastic “Festive Getaway” giving you the enjoyable and stress-free Christmas you deserve? If ELVIS is your king, then the Benidorm Elvis festival is for you. See hundreds of Elvis impersonators perform over 3 days of non-stop rock n roll entertainment in one of Europe’s largest tribute festivals of this kind. Whatever your fancy, we are sure that Round Town Travel will have the mini-break that you are looking for. Call today on (0034) 966 867 294 or book online at www.roundtowntravel.com *prices are based on 2 people sharing.

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13-19 JUNE 2014

from RTN & Gandia Tours



Go ahead and...jump! There are 19 happy volunteers ready to skydive – strapped to a highly-qualified instructor - on Saturday 28th June but a seat still needs to be taken to fill the heavier than air machine. By Jack Troughton The event has been organised by One Step Malawi and will raise money for charities across the Costa Blanca and abroad. Funds will go to help build a school at a Malawi orphanage and cash is also being raised for the MABS Cancer Support Group, animal charities AKIRA and APASA, the children of EMAUS and the Red Cross. Everyone taking part has paid for the thrills of their moment of madness so all sponsorship goes to the good causes. Nikki Luxford, of One Step Malawi, told RTN: “The idea wasn’t only to raise funds and awareness of the orphanage school build project but to support local charity too. “It is really important that local charities work together to achieve a common goal. The event should not only allow these charities to raise money but their ‘jumpers’ and charity representatives will have the chance to meet and learn about other charities taking part.” The jump takes place at the Skydive Centre in Castellon and the organisers have secured a reduced rate of 190€ rate per jumper – also the going rate for the final place. For more information, to pledge a sponsor...or to go up and come down on the day, call 639 841 622 or email onestepmalawi@gmail.com

Andrea Aitchison jumping for charity


13-19 June 2014


13th June -19th June

friday 13th June BBC1



07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:30 The Legalizer 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:30 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 17:30 Antiques Road Trip 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 World Cup Finals 2014 23:10 BBC News 23:35 BBC Regional News 23:45 The Graham Norton Show 24:30 Uncle

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Building Dream Homes 08:35 Brazil’s Soccer Cities 08:40 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 09:20 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 The Great British Sewing Bee 11:05 First Time on the Front Line 11:35 The Travel Show 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Tennis from Queen’s 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Building Dream Homes 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Sea City 21:30 Gardeners’ World 22:00 Natural World 23:00 The Fast Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:00 Weather 24:05 Twelve Monkeys

07:00 Good Morning Britain


07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 09:30 Lorraine 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 11:30 This Morning 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 Undercover Boss Canada 12:00 Come Dine with Me 14:30 ITV News Down Under 15:00 Celebrity Jeremy Kyle 12:30 Come Dine with Me 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal Down Under 13:00 Channel 4 News 16:59 ITV Weather 13:05 Come Dine with Me Down Under 17:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 20:10 Emmerdale 17:30 Draw It! 20:40 ITV News 18:00 Come Dine with Me 19:00 The Simpsons 21:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Celebrity Fifteen to One 22:30 Benidorm 22:00 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00 ITV News at TeN 23:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:35 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 24:05 Rude Tube




07:00 Childrens TV 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Trauma Doctors 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Mystery Woman: Snapshot 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket 2014 21:00 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Stand by Your Man 23:40 Big Brother 24:10 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Good Morning Britain

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Rules of Engagement 13:30 Hollyoaks 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:30 The Big Bang Theory 22:00 Black Knight 24:00 The Big Bang Theory

09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 Tipping Point 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News 20:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 23:30 ITV News 24:05 The Cube

saturday 14th June BBC1







07:00 Breakfast

08:00 Gardeners’ World 08:30 The Beechgrove Garden 09:00 MOTD Kickabout 09:30 Brazil’s Soccer Cities 09:55 World Cup Films 11:30 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 12:15 Wimbledon Classics 14:15 Talking Pictures 15:00 Citizen Kane 17:00 Tennis from Queen’s 18:30 Flog It! 19:30 Trooping the Colour Highlights 21:00 Yes, Prime Minister 21:30 I Love 22:55 Red Dwarf 23:25 TOTP2: 80s Special 24:55 Body Heat

07:00 Childrens TV 08:05 Sooty 08:20 Digimon Fusion 08:45 Horrid Henry 09:00 Adventure Time 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 The Hungry Sailors 11:20 Murder, She Wrote 12:15 ITV News 12:29 ITV Weather 12:30 Storage Hoarders 13:30 All Star Mr & Mrs 14:30 Fool Britannia 15:00 Babe: Pig in the City 16:40 Gail & Me: 40 Years on Coronation Street 17:10 All Star Family Fortunes 18:00 Tipping Point 19:05 ITV News 19:30 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 23:15 ITV News 23:30 Road Rage Britain: Caught on Camera 24:30 Play Misty for Me

07:30 Trans World Sport 08:30 FIM Superbike World Championship 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Weekend Kitchen 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Frasier 11:55 The Big Bang Theory 12:25 The Big Bang Theory 12:50 The Simpsons 13:20 The Simpsons 13:45 The Tomorrow People 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 17:10 Come Dine with Me 17:40 Come Dine with Me 18:10 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Come Dine with Me 19:15 Come Dine with Me 19:40 Channel 4 News 20:05 The Restoration Man 21:00 Grand Designs 22:00 Forrest Gump 24:45 The Beach

07:00 Childrens TV 08:25 Make Way for Noddy 08:35 City of Friends 08:55 Little Princess 09:05 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:40 Rupert Bear 09:55 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 11:00 Chinese Food in Minutes 11:15 Meerkat Manor 11:45 The Dog Rescuers 12:45 Big Brother 14:10 Ghost Busters 16:15 The Green Berets 19:00 Hercules the Human Bear 20:00 Cricket 2014 21:00 5 News Weekend 21:05 The Girl with 7 Mums 22:00 Autopsy: The Last Hours Of 23:00 Big Brother 24:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych

07:00 Emmerdale

07:00 Ugly Betty 07:50 Charmed 08:35 Glee 09:30 The Mindy Project 10:00 Youngers 10:30 Rules of Engagement 13:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 Made in Chelsea 16:05 The Big Bang Theory 16:35 The Big Bang Theory 17:05 The Big Bang Theory 17:35 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 Rude(ish) Tube 18:30 Rude(ish) Tube 19:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 How I Met Your Mother 20:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:30 The Big Bang Theory 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 He’s Just Not That into You 24:40 The Big Bang Theory

10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 Trooping the Colour 14:05 BBC News; Weather 14:20 Tennis from Queen’s 17:00 World Cup Finals 2014 17:30 World Cup Finals 2014 20:10 BBC News 20:30 Pointless Celebrities 21:20 The National Lottery: In It to Win It 22:10 Casualty 23:00 BBC News 23:20 World Cup Finals 2014

sunday 15th June

09:40 Coronation Street 12:05 Take Me Out 13:15 I Wanna Marry `Harry’ 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 15:20 You’ve Been Framed! 16:20 You’ve Been Framed! 16:55 Britain’s Got More Talent 18:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 19:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 20:05 Year One 22:00 The Holiday 24:45 Red Dragon








07:00 Breakfast 10:00 The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 The Big Questions 12:00 Sunday Politics 13:15 Football Focus 14:00 BBC News 14:10 Weather for the Week Ahead 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:00 Homes Under the Hammer 16:00 Super Giant Animals 17:00 Escape to the Country 18:00 Points of View 18:15 Lifeline 18:25 Songs of Praise 19:00 BBC News 19:30 Countryfile 20:30 World Cup Finals 2014 23:05 BBC News 23:30 World Cup Finals 2014

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Replay 08:50 World Cup Films 10:30 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 11:30 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 13:00 Two Greedy Italians 14:00 Canoeing 15:00 Tennis from Queen’s 18:30 Tropic of Cancer 19:30 Ice Age Giants 20:30 Sea City 21:00 I Bought a Rainforest 22:00 Wildfires 2014: Inside the Inferno 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 QI XL 24:15 Then She Found Me

07:00 Childrens TV 07:50 Canimals 08:00 Canimals 08:05 Sooty 08:20 Digimon Fusion 08:45 Horrid Henry 09:00 Deadtime Stories 09:25 ITV News 09:30 Weekend 10:25 May the Best House Win 11:25 Murder, She Wrote 12:20 ITV News 12:29 ITV Weather 12:30 Love Your Garden 13:30 Long Lost Family 14:30 Nature’s Newborns 15:00 Columbo: It’s All in the Game 17:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 20:15 ITV News 20:30 The Cube 21:30 The Suspicions of Mr Whicher 23:30 ITV News 23:45 Gosford Park

07:15 The Hoobs 07:40 Marathon 08:10 VW Racing Cup 08:35 How I Met Your Mother 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 Secret Eaters 14:30 The Big Bang Theory 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 The Simpsons 16:30 The First Wives Club 18:35 Deal or No Deal 19:30 Channel 4 News 20:00 Four Rooms 21:00 Born in the Wild 22:00 Fargo 23:05 The Virgin Killer 24:10 The Happening

07:00 Childrens TV 09:25 Angelina Ballerina 09:40 Rupert Bear 09:55 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:15 Jelly Jamm 10:30 LazyTown 11:00 Power Rangers Super Samurai 11:35 Power Rangers Megaforce 12:10 Chinese Food in Minutes 12:15 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 13:15 Big Brother 14:10 Mannequin 15:55 Nim’s Island 17:45 Hitch 20:00 Cricket 2014 21:00 Illegal Immigrant & Proud 21:55 5 News Weekend 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 The Vow

07:00 Beauty and the Geek

07:00 Switched 07:25 Make It or Break It 08:15 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Rude(ish) Tube 10:30 Rude(ish) Tube 11:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Youngers 14:00 Made in Chelsea 15:05 How I Met Your Mother 15:35 How I Met Your Mother 16:00 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 17:00 The Big Bang Theory 17:30 The Big Bang Theory 18:00 The Big Bang Theory 18:30 The Big Bang Theory 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 20:00 The Mindy Project 20:30 New Girl 21:00 Death & Life of Charlie St Cloud 23:00 The Big Bang Theory 23:30 Rude Tube 24:30 How I Met Your Mother






07:00 Good Morning Britain

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Canada 12:00 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 14:40 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 15:40 Countdown 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:30 The Simpsons 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Dispatches 21:30 Jamie’s Money Saving Meals 22:00 24 Hours in A&E 23:00 CCTV: Caught on Camera 24:00 Bouncers

07:00 Childrens TV 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Thicker than Water 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:25 Access 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Cricket 2014 21:00 Angry Britain 22:00 Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 23:00 Big Brother 24:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Emmerdale 07:55 Coronation Street 08:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:40 Dinner Date 10:40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:30 You’ve Been Framed! 13:00 Emmerdale 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 You’ve Been Framed! 22:00 Underworld 24:25 Celebrity Juice

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:05 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:35 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 21:30 New Girl 22:00 Made in Chelsea 23:00 What Happens in Sunny Beach 24:05 The Big Bang Theory

monday 16th June BBC1

07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 17:45 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC Regional News 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 World Cup Finals 2014 23:05 BBC News 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:40 World Cup Finals 2014

BBC2 07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Building Dream Homes 08:45 Brazil’s Soccer Cities 08:50 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 09:20 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 The Planners 11:05 Real Lives Reunited 11:35 Click 12:00 BBC News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Cash in the Attic 14:30 Breakaway 15:15 Talking Pictures 16:00 The Magnificent Showman 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Building Dream Homes 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Tigers About the House 22:00 A Very British Airline 23:00 Backchat with Jack Whitehall and His Dad 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Wildfires 2014: Inside the Inferno

09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Central Weather 17:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 20:10 ITV News 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Coronation Street 22:00 The Dentists 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 The Grudge 2

07:45 The Hot Desk 07:55 Emmerdale 10:50 Coronation Street 13:20 America’s Got Talent 15:10 America’s Got Talent 16:10 You’ve Been Framed! 16:40 Arthur and the Great Adventure 18:55 Rumor Has It.. 20:50 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 23:00 Viral Tap 23:45 TV OD 24:20 Couples Retreat

13-19 June 2014


tuesday 17th June BBC1







07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 17:45 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 World Cup Finals 2014 23:05 BBC News 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:40 World Cup Finals 2014

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Building Dream Homes 08:45 Brazil’s Soccer Cities 08:50 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 09:20 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 Watchdog 11:05 Watchdog Test House 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Tennis from Eastbourne 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Building Dream Homes 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Tigers About the House 22:00 Horizon 23:00 The Culture Show 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 A Very British Airline

07:00 Good Morning Britain 09:30 Lorraine 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women 14:30 ITV News 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:59 ITV Weather 17:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 20:10 ITV News Central 20:15 ITV News and Weather 20:30 Emmerdale 21:00 Endeavour 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 Rambo: First Blood, Part II

07:00 Countdown 07:45 According to Jim 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:35 The King of Queens 09:00 The Morning Line 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 11:00 Undercover Boss Canada 12:00 Come Dine with Me 12:30 Come Dine with Me 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 14:10 Come Dine with Me 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 19:00 The Simpsons 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 The Auction House 23:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 23:55 Coppers

07:00 Childrens TV 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Little Princess 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:15 Safe Harbor 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Gibraltar: Britain in the Sun 21:00 The Dog Rescuers 22:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 23:00 Big Brother 24:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Coronation Street 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:55 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:40 The Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Coronation Street 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 I Wanna Marry `Harry’ 22:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:00 Hell’s Kitchen USA 23:55 Celebrity Juice 24:40 TV OD

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 08:55 Charmed 09:55 Glee 11:05 New Girl 11:35 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 New Girl 22:30 The Mindy Project 23:00 First Dates 24:00 The Big Bang Theory




07:00 Childrens TV 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Little Princess 09:10 Milkshake! Bop Box 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:20 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Milkshake! Monkey 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 Summer Solstice 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Police Interceptors 21:00 The 16-year-old Baby 22:00 My Violent Child 23:00 Big Brother 24:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Emmerdale 07:25 Britain’s Got More Talent 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 The Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Emmerdale 14:00 Britain’s Got More Talent 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 You’ve Been Framed! 22:00 I Wanna Marry `Harry’ 23:00 Utterly Outrageous Celebrity Weddings 24:00 Celebrity Juice 24:50 Two and a Half Men

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:10 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:30 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 Youngers 21:00 Turner & Hooch 23:05 Rude Tube 24:10 Made in Chelsea




07:00 Childrens TV 08:20 The Mr Men Show 08:35 Thomas & Friends 08:50 Noddy in Toyland 09:00 Little Princess 09:15 Peppa Pig 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:35 Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:45 Bananas in Pyjamas 10:00 Tickety Toc 10:15 The Wright Stuff 12:10 Cowboy Builders 13:10 5 News Lunchtime 13:15 Big Brother 14:15 Home and Away 14:45 Neighbours 15:15 NCIS 16:10 Summer Solstice 18:00 5 News at 5 18:30 Neighbours 19:00 Home and Away 19:30 5 News Tonight 20:00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 21:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 22:00 Trauma Doctors 23:00 Big Brother 24:00 Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

07:00 Coronation Street 07:25 Holiday Airport 08:25 You’ve Been Framed! 08:45 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 09:30 Dinner Date 10:30 The Real Housewives of Orange County 11:30 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 12:30 Millionaire Matchmaker 13:30 Coronation Street 14:00 The Cube 15:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:10 The Real Housewives of Atlanta 18:05 Millionaire Matchmaker 19:00 Dinner Date 20:00 You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 Rumor Has It.. 23:00 TV OD 23:30 Celebrity Juice 24:15 Viral Tap

07:00 Switched 07:25 90210 08:15 Ugly Betty 09:00 Charmed 10:00 Glee 11:00 New Girl 11:30 Happy Endings 12:00 Charmed 13:00 Hollyoaks 13:35 Rules of Engagement 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 14:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:00 The Big Bang Theory 15:30 The Big Bang Theory 16:00 Rules of Engagement 16:30 Rules of Engagement 17:00 New Girl 17:30 Happy Endings 18:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 How I Met Your Mother 19:00 The Big Bang Theory 19:30 The Big Bang Theory 20:00 Hollyoaks 20:30 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 How I Met Your Mother 22:00 2 Broke Girls 22:30 The Inbetweeners 23:00 Rude Tube 24:00 New Girl 24:30 The Mindy Project

wednesday 18th June BBC1



07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 17:45 Flog It! Trade Secrets 18:15 Pointless 19:00 BBC News 19:30 BBC London News 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 World Cup Finals 2014 23:05 BBC News 23:30 BBC Regional News 23:40 The Trouble with Mobility Scooters 24:30 Room 101 - Extra Storage

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:05 Homes Under the Hammer 08:05 Building Dream Homes 08:35 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 09:05 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 09:50 Natural World 10:50 Watchdog Test House 11:20 Lifeline 11:30 See Hear 12:00 BBC News 12:30 Daily Politics 14:00 Tennis from Eastbourne 18:15 Antiques Roadshow 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Building Dream Homes 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Tigers About the House 22:00 Coast 22:10 Coast Australia 23:00 Episodes 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 Horizon

07:00 Good Morning Britain


07:45 According to Jim 08:10 3rd Rock from the Sun 09:30 Lorraine 08:35 The King of Queens 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 09:00 The Morning Line 11:30 This Morning 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 Undercover Boss Canada 14:30 ITV News 12:00 Come Dine with Me 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 12:30 Come Dine with Me 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 13:00 Channel 4 News 13:05 Come Dine with Me 16:59 ITV Weather 13:35 Come Dine with Me 17:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 20:10 ITV News 19:00 The Simpsons 20:30 Coronation Street 19:30 Hollyoaks 21:00 All Star Mr & Mrs 20:00 Channel 4 News 21:00 Mary’s Silver Service 22:00 Benidorm 22:00 One Born Every Minute 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:00 My Last Summer 23:35 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 24:00 CCTV: Caught on Camera

thursday 19th June BBC1



07:00 Breakfast 10:15 Crimewatch Roadshow 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 Claimed and Shamed 12:30 Countryside 999 13:15 Bargain Hunt 14:00 BBC News 14:30 BBC Regional News 14:45 Doctors 15:15 Perfection 16:00 Escape to the Country 16:45 Flog It! 17:30 World Cup Finals 2014 20:05 BBC News 20:30 BBC London News 21:00 Holby City 22:00 Celebrity MasterChef 23:00 BBC News 23:25 BBC Regional News 23:35 World Cup Finals 2014

07:00 This Is BBC Two 07:15 Homes Under the Hammer 08:15 Building Dream Homes 08:45 Brazil’s Soccer Cities 08:50 Match of the Day: FIFA World Cup Highlights 09:20 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom 10:05 Escape to the Continent 11:05 Gardeners’ World 11:35 HARDtalk 12:00 BBC News 12:30 BBC World News 13:00 Daily Politics 14:00 Tennis from Eastbourne 18:15 Pointless Celebrities 19:00 Eggheads 19:30 Building Dream Homes 20:00 Antiques Road Trip 21:00 Nature’s Weirdest Events 22:00 Fostering & Me with Lorraine Pascale 23:00 Mock the Week 23:30 Newsnight 24:20 This Week

07:00 Good Morning Britain


07:15 How I Met Your Mother 07:40 According to Jim 09:30 Lorraine 08:05 3rd Rock from the Sun 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 08:30 The King of Queens 09:00 The Morning Line 11:30 This Morning 10:00 Frasier 10:30 Frasier 13:30 Loose Women 11:00 Undercover Boss Canada 14:30 ITV News 12:00 Come Dine with Me 12:30 Come Dine with Me 15:00 60 Minute Makeover 13:00 Channel 4 News 16:00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 13:05 Come Dine with Me 13:35 Come Dine with Me 16:59 ITV Weather 14:05 Come Dine with Me 14:40 Channel 4 Racing 17:00 Tipping Point 19:00 The Simpsons 18:00 The Chase 19:30 Hollyoaks 20:00 Channel 4 News 19:00 ITV News 21:00 George Clarke’s 20:00 FIFA World Cup Live 2014 Amazing Spaces 22:00 Grand Designs 23:30 ITV News 23:00 Terminator 2: 24:05 The Cube Judgment Day


13-19 june 2014

showbiz goss

by Peter


Writer and Broadcaster

Could this be the ultimate Celebrity Clips cinema experience! NEXT YEAR will mark the 30th anniversary of the release of ‘Back to the Future’, a movie that captured the imagination of a generation in 1985, and has gone on to do the same for the three generations since. Also next year, a musical version of the film will open in London’s West End, but it is what Londonbased company Secret Cinema Club are up to that has inspired today’s main feature. Travelling back in time is something most of us have dreamt about I’m sure, and with that in mind the Secret Cinema Club have put together a plan that will enable you to fulfill that dream beyond our wildest dreams. Hill Valley was the name of the town where Marty McFly and Doc Brown built that amazing car with all its gadgetry to travel back in time, and the Secret Cinema Club are only going to build a ‘Hill Valley’ in a location close to the capital that we will all be able to visit … is that incredible or what! The exact location is currently a secret, thus the name of the company, but can you just imagine walking about in Hill Valley dressed in your 50s kit, the guys with their slicked back greasy hair, the girls in their ponytails and big squishy skirts … fantabulous! … Absolutely fantabulous! The word is that when you go there you will have the chance to travel between 1955 and 1985 in a special ‘time machine’ before settling down to a showing of the film, and as if that’s not enough, they also plan to re-enact the ‘Enchantment Under The Sea’ dance - that’s the bit when Marty does the squealing 80s rock guitar in case you’d forgotten - all of which adds up to going to the movies and then some! … And then some more! … Love it!

WAY BACK in 1981 Harrison Ford played Indiana Jones in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, and movie history was written, Disney, who own the franchise, have for the last year or so been busy trying to decide on who might play the archaeologist come adventure hero in the reboot, and of all peoples names to go in the hat its Robert Pattison ... Nice guy I’m sure, but fronting a big movie? KATIE PRICE has popped up yet again, and apparently she is on the verge of releasing her very own sex toy range. She said to Yahoo Celebrity “What’s coming out in July is very thrilling; I don’t know any celebrity who has brought a product out like it.” She then teased: “Some people said ‘Kate, you can’t do that,’ and I was like ‘Oh I can!’” And trust me folks, she will! LAST MONTH Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik of One Direction were stupid enough to allow themselves to be videoed smoking a joint and saying how cool it was, but thanks to their fame they seemed to have scammed their way through it. References to the drug use however have sadly re-surfaced after Malik stood up in front of masses of screaming teenie fans in Edinburgh and said “Hello Manchester!” ANGELINA JOLIE told Radio 5 Live in America last week how she wants to quit acting and go into directing instead and how she wants to go out on a high, and playing the role of Cleopatra, the last active Pharaoh of ancient Egypt, is the way she wants to close her career. “A script has been written. She’s complicated, but I think we’re getting there,” she said ... Will she ask Elizabeth Taylor for a few tips?

13-19 JUNE 2014

The retrograde actions of Neptune and the opposition of romantic Venus with wily Saturn turns the tables this week and shows you just what you can do if you really try. For some reason somebody hasn’t quite got the message you intended to send, but it is gloves off now if they think you are going to make any changes to your schedule, or entertain their whims anymore. Venus departs from Pluto and opposes Saturn only to take on Pluto again later on in the week. You may feel that you have your work cut out but the way that things are going you are having to use survival techniques to keep your head above water. Things don’t get better when you are not seeing the full picture, and right now you have every reason to choose not to want to look. The Mercury ingress with Gemini is a mid week and a truly laid back affair but it has potential, and it should serve to show you a host of other opportunities that result from having the faith to go out on a limb. I wish you had the backing you need, but your stride of independence has been noted and will win you more than just Brownie Points, the way things are going to go. With a solar ingress on the cards and the retrograde of mighty Neptune you have chosen the very best of times to make a fresh start of things. So much has been run by you and so many people have let their opinion known to you, it is little wonder that you want to exit the whole affair and just go it alone. Your resourceful energies are waiting for good use, but wait a while ….! The Sun is ensconced in Mercury and it is of vital importance that an illuminating message is sent by you at this delicate time. Others seem to have taken recent news as the end of the road, but for you; because you can turn things around on a sixpence if you have to, it heralds a start. There is no better way, or time to show those who doubt you what you can do, and will. Somebody has let the cat out of the bag, and though this brings a premature announcement to the fore, and it becomes public, this really is the best of times to see things from another angle. Not everyone is blessed with your skills of negotiation and reasoning, but whilst you have some explaining to do it is vital that you view the immediate future for what it really boils down to. Venus kicks off the week with a dramatic altercation with Ceres. This brings about some amazing synchronicity, as a lucky chance gets you closer than ever to what you are looking for. In times of retrograde, more than ever, Neptune reviews finance and controls sales and purchases, and what is needed now is that you actively seek an alternative to plans which aren´t written in stone. Mars and Pluto spat well together, as each will not give in under pressure. This should furnish you with more than you need for ammunition in a current dispute, which begs to turn things out of control. Stand up for your rights, but do not look a would be gift horse in the mouth when you are making final decisions to go or to stay. Move on because it is time and you want to. The Venus sextile with Jupiter allows you to put all your cards on the table and to make a final decision based on your own personal view of a tricky situation. You will get some stick whatever you do, and so it is best that you think entirely of yourself for a change, as there are pressing matters beyond your juris diction, as some things have not been fully revealed to you. At last you can surely see the light at the end of the tunnel. Nobody is more prepared for changes or more geared to moving on than you are, but your psychic senses are somewhat open and they see you grounding yourself and digging your feet in. Romance sent from a fleeting Venus asks you to look to love as the solution to what you know is missing out there on the agenda. Stubborn, and for good reason, the fallout of the Neptunian retrograde hurts you the most. It is vital that for the next few days you hold back on signing any document, be it contract or bill of sale. Time to chill for a while and leave anything important until next week when portents show you a clearer energy and a more defined response to your astrological call. During the current retrograde period, Neptune highlights a financial warning. You have been cautious recently, but essential purchases this month may just take your budget over the limit as unexpected costs spiral and you really find it hard to balance the books. Resist the tempting offer that offers you a helping hand, because you can work things out much better.

If it’s your birthday this week


The Cosmos is coping with so much new energy, so why not let it run by you and change your perspectives? Change for change sake is pointless and shows you the errors of the past that may just be coming back to haunt you right now!

Kenny Corris For Readings, Consultations and Castings email: kennycorris@hotmail.com / www.kennycorris.net Mobile: 686 361 594 / Tel: 965 878 424

Dodder and Ike I AM so glad that so many people are taking up healing these days. When I think back to my first forays into the healing power that was there within me, it was ridiculed by many, scorned by a few, and laughed at by the rest. Thankfully there were always some who could understand this alternative way of removing pain and banishing illnesses. It was only when good results kept coming through that healing could even be talked about. Now many are taking on the skills, and I hope too, putting them into practise as well. There is no point in having a skill and not using it. To quote my Mother, she always said that, “People will only know what you do, but they will never know what you didn’t do, so go and do what you can!” Believe me those words echo now as fresh as they did then. I did work, and I learnt on my feet too, often experiencing things the hardest of ways but always finding my faith and connecting with Spirit so that I could do work with them on this Earth, whenever I was needed. I experienced life and death when I was ten years old, and one of my guinea pigs had her litter of babies. I checked all day and often at night to see if the pregnant Dodder had had her delivery. Dodder was bought as a male guinea pig to accompany Ike, who really was a male guinea pig, but

Kenny’s Postbag

something went wrong in the pet store and Dodder became fully pregnant and bulging. I watched the litter being born one Saturday morning. Guinea pig babies are born with their eyes open and are fully furry. Six babies appeared, and then there was a pause and the seventh popped out. Dodder proceeded to trample her seventh born quite savagely; and I got the nod from my Father that this was the runt of the litter. Dodder would not let the runt survive, she refused it milk, kicked it away and I was left trying to feed the tiniest of guinea pig babies with cows milk and an eye dropper. Sadly I was unsuccessful and buried the tiniest little furry body under a hedge in the garden the next day. I learned how you have to be cruel to be kind that day. Dodder had no milk to give a baby that wouldn’t survive and I had to understand just how Nature works. From that day onwards something told me that my life would be spent healing the sick and dispensing pain free solutions. I was able to take away pain from a young age, and I am still doing it daily. Whilst I can help then I do, and there are many who need that TLC that comes from Spiritual Healing through me, and through those who have developed their healing talents. I can say that I belong to this healing minute, and I am in it, Thankfully!

Email your letters to me at: kennycorris@roundtownnews.com

KENNY, HOW does absent healing work? Do you have to have faith for it to work? Can you sending healing to someone who doesn’t believe in it? Carol S. Great questions Carol! Healing is a form of energy sent to a specific person or persons by love and light. The healing process can eliminate anything from aches and pains to major illness. Because the patient is not seen by the healer they are visualised, and as much info is needed to ensure the right person gets the right instruction, allowing them to heal themselves, if they are able to. I have healed animals by remote or absent healing and they cannot have faith in the unknown or unseen so really faith can help, but it isn’t a requirement. Yes I have healed those who do not know the gift of healing has been sent..........this can work well, although it can’t beat getting permission from the very start.

Last weeks crossword answers can be found on page 54.



Quick or Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS 1. Prodigality (12) 7. Navy (5) 8. Grieve (5) 9. Dog (3) 10. Meddle (9) 11. Powerful (6) 12. Blunt (6) 15. Forbearance (9) 17. Useless (3) 18. Ancient (5) 19. Deduce (5) 21. Unending (12)

ACROSS 1. A pen, or its holder (6-6) 7. A point in favour of New Guinea, initially (5) 8. A self-made counterfeiter may be so described (5) 9. I will be briefly unwell (3) 10. Receptacle used on certain orders (9) 11. They are outside or is it just speculation? (6) 12. Enough furniture for 501 vehicles (6) 15. Promote a murderer and cause uproar (5,4) 17. Fellow in command (3) 18. Unlikely to be outwitted or feel pain (5) 19. Put your foot down! (5) 21. Deeply sad tendency in an audience (12)

DOWN 1. Freeing (12) 2. Wonder (3) 3. Shrewd (6) 4. Excellent (9) 5. Induce (5) 6. Autonomy (12) 7. Leading (5) 10. Lack of knowledge (9) 13. Beneath (5) 14. Weak (6) 16. Burdened (5) 20. Jollity (3)

DOWN 1. A money-lender may, but it won’t appear in his books! (4,8) 2. I personally go East to begin with (3) 3. They carry on among wits (6) 4. Result of a big blow to the economy? (9) 5. She’s found in excellent surroundings (5) 6. Showing pre-arranged loathing (12) 7. It naturally beats peas and beans (5) 10. Craftsman who may have to take a plane (9) 13. Directed me to help out (5) 14. Actors show they have star potential! (6) 16. I am on time for the picture (5) 20. One is confused for a long time (3)


13-19 june 2014 8-14 JANUARY 2010


The effects of hearing loss are more than physical

WHILE YOUR hearing loss may seem insignificant now — something you can deal with by simply turning the TV louder or asking friends to repeat themselves — it impacts more than you think: Hearing loss can have a negative impact on your ability to learn, socialise and enjoy life. Untreated patients are more likely to miss important information in meetings and phone calls, and make mistakes at work Hearing problems can lead to avoidance or withdrawal from social situations, social rejection and loneliness Friends often avoid talking to people with hearing loss because of the difficulty communicating People with uncorrected hearing impairment earn less than people who hear normally To make matters worse, studies have shown that the effects of hearing loss are cumulative. Just as muscles grow weak from lack of use, the brain loses its ability to process sounds and recognise speech without regular auditory stimulation. By the time you finally acknowledge your hearing loss is real, you may have already lost the full appreciation of sounds and music you once enjoyed.

WHY WAIT? Everyone has different reasons for why they put off seeking help for hearing loss, from price issues and vanity concerns to preconceived and often outdated ideas of how hearing aids perform. The good news is that today’s hearing aids — like all hightech devices — have come a long way in terms of looks and performance. And independent research shows that hearing aid usage has a positive effect on: Earning power Communication in relationships Intimacy and warmth in family relationships Ease in communication Emotional stability Sense of control over life events Perception of mental functioning Physical health Source: www.betterhearing.org

If you have a concern about your hearing then call Richard G Sykes, RHAD FSHAA of Premier Hearing Services on 659 644 106 (premierhearing@hotmail.co.uk / www.premierhearingaids.es) for professional and personal advice. Richard covers all of the Costa Blanca area, and offers a free Hearing Test. The latest digital hearing aids are available and Richard is able to offer 50% off UK prices. Call now – you have nothing to lose and your hearing to gain!


13-19 June 2014


Basic Spanish for everyday needs by Jane Cronin

Answers and más, mucho, muy First of all, here are the answers to your homework. I know you have all been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to know if you’d got it all right. gata siamesa. I have a Siamese cat. ¿Tienes mascotas? Do you have pets? (Of course in English we would often add the word “any” which has no equivalent in Spanish). Mi hermano tiene dos perros grandes. My brother has two big dogs. No tenemos vasos en nuestra casa. Tenemos que comprar más. We don’t have any glasses in our house. We have to buy more. By the way, “vaso” refers to a tumbler or general drinking glass but not a wine glass which is a “copa”. Los padres hoy en día tienen problemas para educar a sus hijos. Parents nowadays have problems bringing up their children. (Notice the meaning of “educar”. It can mean “educate” but its principle meaning is to “bring up”. Prefiero vivir en San Pedro, aunque mis hijas prefieren vivir en Asturias. I prefer to live in San Pedro although my daughters prefer to live in Asturias. Podemos jugar al tenis mañana si quieres. We can play tennis tomorrow if you want. Vamos a comer en un restaurante este sábado. We are going to eat in a restaurant this Saturday. Los extranjeros en España viven bien en general, pero necesitan hacer mucho papeleo. Foreigners in Spain live well on the whole, but they need to do a lot of paperwork. Cuando los españoles hablan rápido, los británicos tienen problemas para entenderlos. When the Spanish speak quickly the British have problems in T engo una

understanding them. Well if you managed to notice the changes in the verbs in these sentences then you did very well. In fact you have overcome a major hurdle. As I have said before, there are quite a lot of details to study before we know all the right forms for each verb in the present tense, but that can come gradually and we’ve already covered a lot of the basic principles. We’re now going to have a break away from the present tense and will shortly start to look at something else of a similar ilk, but today I thought we could follow a short digression and look at a small point that tends to trip a lot of people up, and that is the difference between más, mucho and muy. I constantly hear people get these confused, so here is a brief explanation of the difference. First of all a simple translation: más = more, mucho = a lot, muy = very. Actually – that’s it! There is a problem that appears though when we translate things directly. For example, a lot of people know the expression “mucho calor” and have learnt to translate it as “very hot” thereby concluding that mucho must mean very. However, if we translate that phrase literally we are actually saying “a lot of heat”. A common error is to use más (more) instead of muy (very). This can cause confusion as it might appear to be asking for more of something, when we are just making an observation. If we want to say something is very cheap, for example, we have to say muy barato, if instead we say más barato we would be asking for it to be cheaper. Well that is a brief explanation, but perhaps it will help in some of those little transactions in life!

Calpe resident honoured in Normandy

CALPE RESIDENT Edwin Jeffery was honoured with the Legionnaire d Honour at Caen Prefecture last Thursday, 5th June, as part of the D-Day 70th Anniversary commemoration of Operation Overlord that stormed Normandy on 6th June 1944. The 91-year-old, who served aboard the Convoy Escort HMS Vanquisher during the war, took part in presenting gifts to local school children in a French village before proceeding to Omaha Beach and Vierville sur Mer. Edwin says: “We escorted convoys from the UK to Normandy and on 6th June 1944, despite many near misses, we survived in Gods Good Grace.”

U3A rolls the dice

Jean Kelly

By Jack Troughton MEMBERS OF Denia U3A are mastering the challenges of backgammon under the watchful eye of Jean Kelly – who has professional experience of the game. Jean is passing on her knowledge plus a few tips at the Ogisaka Gardens Hotel on Thursday afternoons. On the second and fourth Thursday of the month, Christine Whitelock shares her theatrical experiences with fellow members of the newlyformed Drama Group, which meets at Cafe Soles in Las Marinas. And Ramon is leading the enthusiastic Home Cookery Group forward with some tasty treats. Full details of all groups and activities can be found on the U3A website www.u3adenia.org.


13-19 June 2014


The North South Country Boys ABOUT TWO and half years ago three enthusiastic members of the Motor Caravanners’ Club (Spanish Branch) formed a country and western band and performed at social events within the group. Sadly one member has had to return to the UK for on-going medical treatment, but the other boys, Bobby and Dave, now carry on as a Duo, playing lively and good Country Music to sing and dance to. Various names for the band were thought about but finally agreed on ‘The North South Country Boys’ due mainly to the diverse areas where they lived in Spain. The principle singer and rhythm guitarist, Dave, lives in the south near Albox and Bobby the other guitarist lives in Javea. Owing to the distance between them the boys’ gigs are limited in their respective areas but you can see the Country Show in Javea and Moraria on the following dates: Saturday 21st June - Tropicana, Moraira Saturday 28th June - Inn on the Green, Javea Sunday 29th June - Bar Quo Vadis, Javea For Info contact: Dave South (Almeria area) 634 332 135 Bobby Valentine (Javea/Calpe area) 607 687 855

Zodiac Duo ZODIAC ARE the ‘People’s Favourite’ Vocal Harmony Duo on the Costa Blanca, covering songs from the 60s to date. Zodiac, regularly performing in Benidorm during the week, would like to remind everyone that although they are now semi-retired they still work elsewhere, either on a Friday or Saturday night. Zodiac is also very popular with the local Masonic Lodges, Bowls Clubs, Social Clubs, etc. as the entertainment for their dinner / dances. For a fun night’s entertainment, get along and enjoy the boys show. For more info phone: 661 179 765. GIGS FOR JUNE All Mondays - Hotel Rio Park, Benidorm: 8.30pm All Wednesdays - Rio Connection Bar, Benidorm: 9.30pm Saturday 14th - Bar Ambiente: Moravit, Moraira: 10pm Sunday 15th - Bar Chez Flo, La Fustera, Moraira (ctra. Calpe – Moraira): 5pm Tuesday 17th - Rober Palas Hotel, Albir Friday 20th - L’Almerca Restaurant, Teulada Saturday 21st - Bar/Rte. El Cid, Benidoleig Saturday 28th - Benitachell Bowls Club, Benitachell

Black Glitter: Rock/Soul Band BLACK GLITTER is an exciting band with a lineup of Geoff Britton (drums), Kelly (vocals), Carlos (guitar) and Chema (bass). The band’s repertoire includes the great lady vocalists of rock and soul: Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Patti LaBelle etc. There is plenty to enjoy, quality musicians, classic songs and

some great dance music. For more info on the band phone Kelly on: 650 957 914. JUNE GIGS Fri 13th - Champagne Bar, Arenal, Javea: 11pm Sun 15th - Alter Ego Café Bar, Denia: 8pm Fri 20th - Texaco Bar, San Juan: 11.30pm Sat 21st - Steinways Jazz and Blues, Denia:

12.30am Sun 22nd - Aleluya Bar, Jalon: 8pm Thurs 26th - Javea International Festival, Javea: 10pm Fri 27th- Champagne Bar, Arenal, Javea: 11pm Sat 28th-Blues Bar, (Near Marina), Denia: 12.15am


13-19 June 2014

tech Cannot remove TROVI from browser HI AUNTY: Please help: I want to get rid of TROVI (Search Engine). I did delete, but it is still there. Kenneth Aunty says: Although you may think you have uninstalled Trovi - a search engine that times over as your default search engine - you need to make sure you do it properly. First you need to uninstall it from your control panel. Then you will need to uninstall it from your internet browsers. You can do this the easy way - by ‘resetting’ your browser in their options / setting page. Or go into your browser search engine options, and remove it from the search engine list. You may have to specify Google or Yahoo as your default search engine again. And make sure your ‘home page’ is set to what you want it to, and not to something else. It is also worth looking at your browser icons (right click on the icon ‘properties’, and look at the destination. Sometimes, programs can install code for search engines and virus and malware, which starts when you click the icon. For example: for MS IE, it should look something like this : “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore. exe”. If rogue code has been installed there will be code after the “.exe” part. Then run malwarebytes to make sure.

with Aunty Virus

Email auntyvirus@roundtownnews.com

Streamtransport fails when loading starts HI AUNTY: I thought your advice on recording radio programmes, a few weeks ago, was just what I wanted. So I have followed your instructions (I hope) with no success. I can get as far as the ‘pop out player’ coming up in the streamtransport window, but when it starts to load it fails and a message appears in the pop out player saying ‘The sound of silence’ and does not start, so I cannot go any further. What am I doing wrong? Peter Aunty says: Annoyingly after that article was printed, the BBC changed things at their end, ending the use of streamtransport to capture audio from iPlayer. At the moment the only other way I can see of making a recording, is by using software like Audacity. Audacity allows you to record real time, anything going through your PC, rather than downloading. In other words, as you play the programme on iPlayer, you record the audio on Audacity. How to do this can be found here: http://manual.audacityteam.org/o/man/tutorial_recording_audio_playing_on_ the_computer.html

Remove internet access HI AUNTY: I have a PC with windows XP (32 bit). I bought a laptop (64 bit) with the intention of discarding the PC. However, I have 2 programs on the PC that I cannot transfer as they are not compatible with 64 bit. For security reasons I am advised to remove the internet. I am a relative novice and only use the computer for emails, internet banking and occasional purchase plus the 2 programs. How do I remove internet access please? Brian

Aunty says: The simplest way to ‘remove the internet’ is to disconnect the PC from your modem / router / wifi network. However, it may simply be that you are confusing the end of Windows XP support for something else. Microsoft is no longer supporting XP, so they will no longer issue security patches or fixes. This also applies to Internet Explorer on XP. And so using IE on XP may open you up to security issues. But other internet browsers, like Chrome and Firefox are still being supported in XP, and so will be more secure.

Crossword Solutions for Last Week CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS Across: 4 Artisan; 8 Erupts; 9 Aground; 10 Remote; 11 Trains; 12 Autocrat; 18 Distinct; 20 Menace; 21 Toledo; 22 Bedtime; 23 Weasel; 24 Dessert. Down: 1 Retreat; 2 Summits; 3 Static; 5 Regattas; 6 Isobar; 7 Awning; 13 Redeemer; 14 Incense; 15 Strolls; 16 Secede; 17 Cactus; 19 Trowel. QUICK SOLUTIONS Across: 4 Gateway; 8 Earned; 9 Affront; 10 Outlay; 11 Uproar; 12 Vicarage; 18 Interval; 20 Regale; 21 Fondle; 22 General; 23 Pistol; 24 Feather. Down: 1 Revolve; 2 Protect; 3 Repair; 5 Affluent; 6 Errors; 7 Annual; 13 Alienate; 14 Avidity; 15 Elderly; 16 Severe; 17 Patent; 19 Exotic.

Suduko Answer

13-19 June 2014


Gadget Inspector Investigates: Vileda ViRobi Cleaning Robot THIS WEEK the Inspector takes a look at the Vileda 136134 ViRobi Cleaning Robot. Robotics are now commonly found in the manufacturing industry, doing everything from putting together our domestic appliances to building the cars we use every day. But practical day to day domestic applications are few and far between and often expensive. But the Vileda 136134 ViRobi Cleaning Robot is a notable exception. How would you like to give up the chore of cleaning your tiled, marble or laminate floor? Well, with the ViRobi you can! Designed to pick up dust, fluff and hair the ViRobi is a cinch to use. Fix a cleaning pad to the velcro soft base, select the cleaning programme and sit back until it finishes. After it has finished just remove and dispose of the cleaning pad if necessary. The disposable electrostatic cleaning pads are designed for optimum performance and

replacements are available. The ViRobi features an Autonomous Navigation System that allows it to move around and clean all areas avoiding any obstacles such as furniture and walls. Its shallow dimensions allow it to clean under furniture and into corners too. And re-charging the built-in batteries is a piece of cake too. Just plug in the supplied power adapter, connect to the ViRobi and after a couple of hours it’s good to go again. The Inspectors Verdict: The Vileda 136134 ViRobi Cleaning Robot is a cheap little device that’ll make life just a tiny bit less tedious. Of course if that’s not enough there is always the chance that the other two legged domestic robot might do the job instead, whoever that might be! Please note the following is for information and is not intended as an advertisement - visit www.gadget-hound.co.uk/vileda-cleaning-robot/ to purchase the Vileda 136134 ViRobi Cleaning Robot for 41€. Please note the power adapter is a Spanish compatible 2-pin type. Price quoted includes delivery to Spain and is subject to availability (Euro cost subject to exchange rate at time of purchase).


13-19 JUNE 2014

Focus on Golf Powered by Campbell Lamont Golf, partnered by BayRadio

The Ford Golf Leagues 2013/14 came to a conclusion with a dramatic final at La Sella last weekend By Tony Myles THE FORD Golf League is already the largest single event for Golf Societies in Spain and it is the objective of the Campbell Lamont organisation to ensure that it goes from strength to strength. The growth has been spectacular as, from a concept discussed just three years ago, it now embraces every major golf region in Spain. To date nearly 10,000 players are registered to compete and the numbers grow daily. Sponsors are lining up to become involved and Campbell perceives of no upper limit to the potential. He comments - “When we discussed this competition just a few years ago we could never have imagined how popular it would become. Word spread very quickly, from a handful of local societies to well over 200 groups now taking part. And not just in the Costa Blanca but now ranging much further south into Andalucía and west into Madrid.” One of the early success factors was the commitment of the Ford Motor Company to sponsor the event and not merely by adding their name to the competition but also with significant financial support. As part of the deal they also provided a special discount package for Campbell Lamont to convey to his clients. Through a series of local knockout events the competition produced 16 finalists from the various regions in Spain and each of these societies sent two players to compete over two days at La Sella in the Costa Blanca. Campbell welcomed the participants at the inaugural dinner and then on Saturday the Grand Final teed-off. The teams taking part in the Grand Final were Approach and Putt from Madrid CL Golf from Costa Blanca El Driver from Alicante Forum GS from Almeria Galaxia from Valencia Leagles GS from North Costa Blanca

The winners

La Galiana from North Costa Blanca Levante from North Costa Blanca Ontinyent Golf Las Caballeros from South Costa Blanca Puerta del Sol GS from Madrid Pego GS from North Costa Blanca Putt and Drive from Madrid SAS GS from North Costa Blanca Twittour from Madrid Vega Baja League from South Costa Blanca. Early leaders after the first round were: Forum Golf Society, Twittour, Galaxia Valencia and Approach and Putt. This meant that any of these could win the trophy. Spectators and supporters agreed that the quality of the golf was excellent with scores showing close to level par for many players. Stamina also played a part in the success of the winners as each team is scheduled to play four rounds over two days. Most golfers would find that a single round at La Sella over two consecutive days is demanding enough, but to double that is a real test of strength both physical and mental. Into the final round of Sunday afternoon and it was far from evident who would emerge victorious and it is also worth noting that whilst there were several young golfers taking part the oldest competitor was 73 year old Robin Fish of Vega Baja and the eventual overall winners were actually

the oldest pairing in the contest. The winners of the 2013/14 Ford Golf Leagues were 1st Forum GS – Tony Morgan & Terry Moore 2nd Twittour GS – Edurado Vega & Javier Perez No sooner had the final concluded than the new league was open for 2014/15 and once again in the words of numerous competitors - it is a No Brainer!! There are no entry fees. No special rules. No additional costs. It is open to each and every golf society in Spain and the requirements are that the entrants must adhere to a recognised handicap system and must have a minimum of twelve players. Over a period of several months these Societies play their regular games and, in so they doing, determine their best two players who then go forward to local knockout events with sixteen finalist then converging on La Sella for an all-expensespaid weekend of intensive competition. Full details are available on Campbell’s web site - www.clgolf.es Good luck for the new season and if you haven’t yet registered then there is still plenty of time to play a minimum of four games between now and next April. According this year’s Champions Tony and Terry “This was a fantastic event and full credit must go to the Campbell Lamont team for the excellent organisation and also to La Sella for presenting the course in absolute tip top condition. We look forward to defending our trophy next year.”


13-19 JUNE 2014

road test

Tim Saunders Independent unbiased car reviewer

Kia Picanto THERE IS a common thread in literature, art and design. That is that ideas are borrowed and then reinvented, sculpted into a new and unique offering. Artists are a good example of this. Take Robert E. Wells and David Farren, for instance. They both paint landscapes, cityscapes and street scenes in a similar impressionistic style. Their work draws inspiration from the great French painters like Monet and Renoir, who introduced this approach in the 19th Century. Clearly, the actress Felicity Kendal appreciates this style because pictures by both Wells and Farren

can be found in her private collection. So it goes to show that just because that genre already existed it is perfectly acceptable to revisit and craft it into something equally, if not, more appealing. This approach is popular in car design, too. Look at the side of the new Kia Picanto, city car. What do you see? It’s an Alfa Romeo, surely. The whole design reminds me of the Alfa 147. Chrome door handles favoured by the Italian manufacturer further add to this opinion. As with my thoughts about art, this is no bad thing. The Alfa 147 was an attractive little car but it was a temperamental Italian. It was calling out to be rediscovered and enhanced. This observation goes to show how far Kia has come in the space of a decade. Consider that this Korean car maker produced the bland and characterless

Kia Pride between 1986 and 2000 with hardly a change in its styling (if you can call it that) during that long period and it is surprising and welcoming to see the change that has taken place. The tiny Picanto is up against tough competition from the Smart Car and the Renault Twingo. In this sector though, it’s all about the money and Kia blows the competition away with its OTR price, which includes air conditioning, electrically operated windows and wing mirrors as you can see in the video at testdrives.biz. The piece de resistance is a seven year 100,000 mile warranty: you only get four years with a more expensive Renault. An attractive vehicle, the Picanto is sure to melt even the coldest heart. Distinctive alloy wheels, again reminiscent of designs favoured by Alfa Romeo, set it off, adding to the sense that there is something a little different about this car. Alfas have always liked their juice and so Kia drivers will be pleased to know that not only can they enjoy its attractive looks but the Picanto returns around 50mpg. Its five speed manual gearbox is pleasant enough and the one litre engine doesn’t complain when driven hard, which is necessary if a decent pace is required. Price: 12,112€ 0-60mph: 13.9secs Top speed: 95mph Power: 68bhp Urban economy: 52.3mpg Watch the video at www.testdrives.biz

NEW CARS available to view in our showroom in CALPE 2006 ( NEW MODEL) MERCEDES ML 320 CDI SE DIESEL AUTO. Azurite blue met, with black leather, walnut, climate, alloys, nice spec, Reduced 11,995€

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13 - 19 june 2014

Air Conditioning

UNTIL RECENTLY, KIERA was living in a large drainage pipe with a homeless man, but he moved away leaving her alone

GENERAL BUILDING General Builder with 25 years experience specialising in Tiling,Decorating, Kitchens.Denia to Benidorm and inland areas surrounding the Jalon.Call Nick 622 271 532

to fend for herself. She is being cared for in the APAH Kennels and is a lovely natured dog. To meet her please contact Yvonne on 630 422 563. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A DOG OR PUPPY please join our Facebook group. We have many dogs, large, small, scruffs and pedigree! Just go to Facebook and search Costa Blanca Dog Homing. Even if you cannot offer a home, rescues are always needing foster homes, and just sharing the dog posts really helps us to help them. PET TRAVEL UK Family pet

GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths

transporters Spain/UK. Travel with your pets for free. Small removal jobs also carried in trailer. Air conditioned vehicles (no vans) www.pettraveluk.co.uk UK

MR FIXIT (No Call Out Charge) 698 320 434

0800 612 4922 or Spain 960 130 537 COSTA BLANCA PET TRANSPORT TO UK DEFRA registered. Excellent rates. www.costablancadoghoming.com or call 965 698 052 ALSTRAYS TRANSPORT SERVICES Monthly cat and dog transports between Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and the UK. DEFA certificate and license. www.alstrays.com. Tel: 676 653 681


FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Own your own lingerie, clothing and swimwear boutique. Prices from 10,000 Euros including stock and shop fittings. Full help and support given throughout. Established company with over 10 years trading in Spain. Call Peter on 660 170 355 without obligation.


13 - 19 june 2014

MINI DIGGER AND DUMPER WITH DRIVER Covering North Costa Blanca Telephone: 648 052 911

BYTEBACK MICROS computer repairs/upgrades in your home. Qualified technician. Systems custom built. Whatever your problem call: 965-312-006 or 606-127-424

AT MICHAEL’S 30 YEARS IN JAVEA with three shops! Buy and sell! Tel 96-579 1328 MICHAEL’S 30 YEARS IN JAVEA-ENSURES YOUR SATISFACTION!See all our new furniture at: www.michaels-javea.com AT MICHAEL’S www.michaelsjavea.com we now have updates with new furniture every Friday! MICHAEL’S 30 YEARS IN JAVEA are now on Facebook! Be sure to follow us, search “michaels-javea”.

TAPPY TOES DANCE CLASS FOR BABIES from 18 months, at 4kwatro in Albir, 11am, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information. LADIES DANCEFIT WITH L.A DANCE at 4kwatro in Albir, Mondays at 7.30pm, call Louise on 655 781 068 for more information LA BAMBA’S - BALLROOM / LATIN / SEQUENCE DANCING Los Rosales Restaurant, Guardamar CV895 [near Lemon Tree Sunday Market] Monday - SOCIAL DANCE 8.30pm 10.30pm [SEQUENCE CLASS 7.30pm - 8.30pm] Friday - SOCIAL DANCE 7.30pm - 10.30pm Wednesday - New Beginners Class Starting 23rd April 2014 2pm -3pm Intermediate Class 3pm - 4pm Intermediate Plus Class 4pm - 5pm For more information contact Andrea and Brian 616 478 157 FUNKY FREESTYLE DANCE with Louise, every Saturday morning at Villamar Campsite in Albir/Benidorm, come and learn all the moves and routines to your pop idols! Call Louise on 655-781-068 for more information!

MR FIXIT FOR ALL YOUR ELE CTRICAL,PLUMBING,GENERA L& Appliance Repairs.No Callout Charge.698 320 434

A SPANISH-BASED POLISH COMPANY manufacturing custom furniture is seeking selfemployed amateur and professional sales representatives to work on a commission basis. Contact: info@decoriamuebles.es or Tel. +34 638 863 8

Health & Beauty

SOS INSURANCE IN SPAIN Best prices available. CALL US FIRST for all your insurance needs, including best deals on Funeral plans. Buildings and contents cover from just 82 euros per year & cars from 120 euros. Tel 966 787 123 / 622 275 561 / 686 116 297 email info@sosinsuranceinspain.com

AT MICHAEL’S top quality original “Stress-Less” recliners and other quality recliners in dark blue now in stock! AT MICHAEL’S Almost new fridge/freezers, washing machines, steamers, dish washers etc. See them all on www.michaels-javea.com

GOLD WANTED English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold and Silver jewellery & coins for cash. Call for an appointment. Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. Member of the Nat. ASSN of Goldsmiths

13-19 june 2014

MJB MOBILE WELDERS Gates, grills, hinges etc., repaired or new. No job too small. Fast service. Low prices. Free Quotes. Call Terry: 966 845 414 / 625 995 470 WANTED I BUY ANY CAR van,Caravan,4x4 Etc.British, Spanish. Immediate cash 600781-873 ibuyanycar@hotmail. com

MR FIXIT For all your electrical, plumbing, general & appliance & boiler repairs. No Call out charge. 698 320 434

SINGER WANTED We are 3 experienced musicians, on the Orihuela Costa,looking for a singer to join us.If you fit the bill Please call Malcolm on 966 185 758 or email: malcolmjones9@hotmail.co.uk

PROBLEMS WITH INSECTS? Cockroaches, rats & mice. Call 626 828 974 All insects


POOL LEAK REPAIR SPECIALIST’S Pipe leaks pressure tested, detected and repaired. Structural leaks investigated and repaired. Professional, conscientious service to the highest standards. Refurbishments and upgrades undertaken. Replacement pumps, filters, salt systems, ph regulators and accessories supplied and installed. All work guaranteed. British trained in the UK pool industry with over 18 years experience. 10 years served on the Costa Blanca. Torrevieja and surrounding areas including Costa Calida. Tlf:Pristine Pools on 966-774-199 or 678-080-500 www.pristineswimmingpools.com NO CALLOUT CHARGE. SEE MAIN ADVERT ON FRONT PAGE OF CLASSIFIEDS Why go to the shop? When we come to you saving you time and money! SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING SERVICE BY POOLTECHSPAIN. We are a fully legal, qualified and registered business who have been operating on the Costa Blanca for 6 years. We offer a professional, reliable, safe and efficient pool service, inc. re-grouting, pressure testing and leak repairs. Private and community swimming pools undertaken. Call now for more information on 965-725-565 or mobile 676-945-360/ 620-743048 www.pooltechspain.com


13 - 19 june 2014 bathroom Apartment in Beautiful Location with Mountain views. Set in well kept grounds with Large Communal Pool. Just 99,950€ Tel: 605 231 331 HOUSES WITH LAND CASITA PEGO,75 square metres and 3,449 square metre plot with orange trees.79,000€. MOUNTAINHOUSE GATA DE GORGOS,160 square metres and 825 square metre plt,75,000€. BENIMELI MOUNTAINSIDE PLOT,54,000 square metres with house,45 square metres,only 37,000€. 629991543

MODERN COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE Coastroad between Moraira Calpe,constructed 2010; (including a fully licensed Cafeteria/Bar and well known real estate company); Full financing possible; Fax 966 499 120 CALPE LA MERCED Sunny 2 bedroom Terraced Bungalow.Fitted wardrobes,Garden,Commun ity pool & Parking.Shops,Buses and Beach near by. 142.500€ 637160545 JALON VALLEY 2 bedroom 2

SOPHIE ESCORT Slim elegant naughty lady. Hotel/home visit available. Tel:693 357 526 GENERIC VIAGRA EXCLUSIVE First time in Spain 120mgs. Also Kamagra 100mgs, Generic Cialis 20mgs, and jellies. Local and Nationwide service. Pay on Delivery. colin@costablue.co.uk or

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0% COMMISSION AGENT A new freshing way to sell your property. FIXED FEE SAVE 1000’s €€€. For more information contact Beneficial Spain Property Sales. Tel: 961 129 215 or 645 429 815. Email: admin@beneficialspain.com LOCK UP GARAGE required, long term rent to house classic car.Anywhere within 10 kms of Javea. Phone 628 842 646 LONG TERM RENTAL WANTED Cartagena/Los Alcazares area.Unfurnished,2 Bedroom minimum.Outside space,Terrace/Garden.Retired English Lady with a small dog. sunrainbow333@gmail.com

phone Colin 680 878 735 CASA ANGELA TORREVIEJA Luxury Private Chalet, parking. Drinks invitation. Feeling alone? Just want some company? Exotic girls from South America. Call us, come and enjoy! Also Escort Service. Full discretion. Street: Avenida Asociacion Vistimas del Terrorismo. 609-573-468 or 639-832-118

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13 - 19 june 2014 controller, full sinewave inverter, solar powered fridge freezer, all for 1900 euro’s Call Tony on 965 078 483 or 675 878 601

HOT TUBS, SPAS, JACUZZIS Quality spas at factory Prices. Also spares, filters and Repairs. Used and ex-display spas available. We part ex and buy spas, best prices in Spain. Established 12 years Eurospas 650 722 905 TRANSLATORS/INTERPRETERS Available for Benidorm and surrounding areas.We are here to help you,please call for more information on 600 809 698 and ask for Fran

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