Giorgio Gandino
SEP 2018 - FEB 2022
Turin, Italy
SEP 2018 - FEB 2022
Turin, Italy
FEB 2019 - NOV 2020
Santiago, Chile
SEP 2015 - JUL 2018
Master’s Degree in Architecture Construction City - Final grade 110/110
MSc degree program in Architettura Costruzione Città - Italian degree classification system class LM4 - "architettura e ingegneria edile-architettura"
Double Degree in Architecture - Título Profesional de Arquitecto UC
Three-semestral exchange in Chile at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile thanks to the Double Degree agreement between POLITO and PUCC
Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture
SEP 2017 - FEB 2018 2010 - 2015
BSc degree program in Architettura - Italian degree classification system class L17 - "scienze dell'architettura"
Semester in France at ENSAG thanks to the Erasmus+ Programme
Liceo Scientifico G.B. Bodoni
High School Diploma for scientific studies Diploma di istruzione secondaria superiore ad indirizzo scientifico (Maturità Scientifica)
DEC 2021
Cabras, Italy
JUL 2018
Grenoble, France Saluzzo, Italy Shanghai, China
Attendance of the International Workshop “Save The Traditional Village - Cabras” Workshop organized by POLITO and Architect Luciano Pia for the preservation of the raw earth buildings of Cabras, Oristano Province (Sardegna)
Attendance of the International Workshop “Save The Traditional Village - Shapu” Workshop organized by SJTU and IRCAHC for the conservation of the architectural heritage of the village of Shapu, Yunhe County (Zhejiang)
FEB 2021 - FEB 2022
Villafalletto, Italy
SEP 2020 - FEB 2021
Turin, Italy
Part-time collaboration
Provided support in the
Architecture and construction systems design studio
Prof. Giovanni Corbellini (Architectural and urban design) | Prof. Luca Caneparo (Architectural technology)
MAR 2018 - JUN 2018
Turin, Italy Turin, Italy
Student Intern at F:L Architetti Internship
Academic Tutor: Prof. Emanuele Romeo | Company Supervisor: Arch. Fabrizio Caudana
Politecnico di Torino + Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Supervisors: Thomas Batzenschlager, Francisco Chateau, Roberto Giordano
Coliving + cinema in Turin, Italy
Politecnico di Torino
Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Bridge over the Liguay river, Chile
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Patricio Bertholet, Sebastian
Master thesis
CORVI Plus. Prefabrication as a highly efficient strategy for social housing retrofit in Chile
Politecnico di Torino + Universidad Católica de Chile
Thomas Batzenschlager
Francisco Chateau
Roberto Giordano Santiago, Chile 130000 m2 2019-2022
This research was developed within the framework of the joint workshops "Taller de Investigación y Proyecto", "Taller de Investigación Avanzada" and "Taller de Proyecto de Título" of the Magíster en Arquitectura (MARQ) and Magíster en Arquitectura Sustentable y Energía (MASE) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, called "1:10 / 1:1000 - Construir la ciudad desde la vivienda", under the supervision of Professors Thomas Batzenschlager and Francisco Chateau. The objective of these courses was to address the issue of the rehabilitation and extension of existing buildings using a multiscalar approach (from the urban dimension to the technological detail).
This work explores the potential of prefabrication applied to the retrofit of multi-storey public housing through the study of possible transformations of the CORVI 1010 and 1020 housing prototypes.
The text is divided into four parts: The first one provides the theoretical tools needed to understand the main topic of the thesis, prefabrication. After providing a series of definitions, a brief historical trajectory of the phenomenon is traced with the help of some emblematic case studies, then the different prefabricated systems and their peculiarities are presented, with a brief excursus on the state of the art of prefabrication in Chile.
The second part introduces the object of the proposed transformations, the CORVI 1010 and 1020 housing prototypes, explaining the reasons why -despite being buildings constructed with traditional techniques- they can be considered as an extraordinary example of industrialization of the housing production.
The third part addresses the central theme, which is the use of prefabricated systems for the transformation of existing buildings. After a brief introduction on the benefits of retrofitting the existing, the main advantages of doing it through prefabricated systems are presented. Finally, the fourth part is about the application of the previously formulated principles on a real case study, the CORVI 1020 block complex called "Villa Los Jardines" in Ñuñoa. After analyzing it, a theoretical design proposal is presented to verify the actual effectiveness of prefabrication applied to the retrofit of social housing.
La vivienda prefabricada está históricamente ligada a las políticas públicas orientadas a la reducción del déficit habitacional cuantitativo, definido por la “diferencia numérica entre viviendas adecuadas y unidades requirentes”. El retrofit de los edificios existentes, por otro lado, es una solución eficiente y sostenible para abordar el problema del déficit cualitativo, “dado por la calidad insuficiente de una parte del stock de vivienda ocupado”, lo que permite obtener una mejora en la calidad de vida de los habitantes aprovechando al máximo los recursos disponibles.
Este trabajo busca explorar el potencial de la prefabricación aplicada a la rehabilitación de condominios de viviendas sociales en altura, a través del estudio de las posibles transformaciones de los colectivos CORVI 1010 y 1020, que representan el ejemplo más exitoso de industrialización de la producción de vivienda en Chile.
Construidos entre 1966 y 1972 en más de 2000 unidades a lo largo de todo el país, los bloques CORVI constituyen un patrimonio construido extraordinario y su renovación (que se hace necesaria por la obsolescencia funcional de las installaciones) es una oportunidad única para promover la densificación y mejora del espacio urbano. Ya que estos edificios cuentan con una estructura de excepcional calidad, inusual para la vivienda social en el país andino, este trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar una propuesta de diseño aplicada a un caso de estudio real basado en el uso de un sistema prefabricado para la mejora y ampliación de las unidades existentes, con miras a la eficiencia, rapidez de ejecución y bajo impacto. También proporciona las herramientas teóricas necesarias para comprender el tema en profundidad, a través de un estudio detallado de la prefabricación y sus implicaciones.
La tesis se realiza en el marco del proyecto de investigación PLUS Chile, de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile en colaboración con el arquitecto francés Frédéric Druot, quien junto a Anne Lacaton y Jean-Philippe Vassal (ganadores del Premio Pritzker 2021) es el desarrollador de la filosofía de diseño PLUS, basada en el principio de "nunca demoler". Fue redactada en español durante un intercambio por Doble Titulo en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile entre 2019 y 2020, y posteriormente traducida al italiano y ampliada.
adequate or above housing quality standards housing stock
stock de viviendas adecuadas o sobre el estandar de calidad habitacional
inadequate or below standard housing stock
stock de viviendas inadecuadas o bajo el estandar
households and/or families with needs met or self-sufficient
hogares y/o familias con necesidades satisfechas o autosuficientes
households and/or families with unmet needs and vulnerable
hogares y/o familias con necesidades insatisfechas y vulnerables
Historically, prefabricated construction has been linked to public policies aimed at reducing the quantitative housing deficit, i.e. the difference between the number of households and the availability of adequate housing units. On the other hand, the improvement of existing buildings represents an efficient and sustainable solution to deal with the problem of the qualitative deficit, i.e. the inadequate conditions of a part of the housing stock, allowing an improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants while making the most of available resources.
This work explores the potential of prefabrication applied to the retrofit of multi-storey public housing through the study of possible transformations of the CORVI 1010 and 1020 housing prototypes, which represent the most successful example of industrialization of construction in Chile.
Built between 1966 and 1972 in more than 2000 units and distributed throughout the entire country, the CORVI blocks constitute an extraordinary heritage and their rehabilitation (made necessary by the functional obsolescence of the systems) is a unique opportunity to promote the densification and improvement of urban space. Since these buildings can boast of having a structure of exceptional quality, which is not something usual for public housing in the Andean country, this study aims to develop a design proposal applied to a real case study based on the use of a prefabricated system for the improvement and extension of existing units, with an eye to efficiency, execution speed and low impact. It also provides the theoretical tools necessary to fully understand the subject, through an in-depth study of prefabrication and its implications.
The thesis is part of the research project PLUS Chile, by the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in collaboration with French architect Frédéric Druot, who together with Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal (2021 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureates) worked on the PLUS design philosophy, based on the principle of "never demolish". It was written in Spanish during a Double Degree exchange program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile between 2019 and 2020, and subsequently translated into Italian and expanded.
Unit plan - existing condition (original scale 1:100)
Floor plan - project (original scale 1:200)
Unit plan - project (original scale 1:100)
battiscopa in legno SPESSORE
pavimento vinilico-minerale semiflessibile tipo "Flexit" SPESSORE 3,2 mm
strato adesivo in collante acrilico)
massetto autolivellante a base cementizia SPESSORE
solaio a piastra in calcestruzzo armato SPESSORE
intonaco interno - soffitti SPESSORE
strato di finitura superficiale interno - pittura
davanzale in calcestruzzo fibrorinforzato SPESSORE
intonaco interno - pareti SPESSORE
mattoni in laterizio tipo "Ladrillo Fiscal Princesa" DIMENSIONI
strato di finitura superficiale esterno - pittura
cornice marcapiano in calcestruzzo armato SPESSORE
strato di finitura superficiale interno - pittura
trave perimetrale in calcestruzzo armato SEZIONE
serramento con telaio in acciaio verniciato SPESSORE
vetro monolitico a lastra singola SPESSORE
controsoffitto - listelli trasversali in legno naturale (sezione 40×40 mm, passo 60 mm) solaio - pannelli prefabbricati in calcestruzzo armato (dimensioni 500×3500×140 mm) elemento di ancoraggio del controsoffitto - tassello per calcestruzzo con anello controsoffitto - struttura nascosta di traversi longitudinali zincati sospesi da tiranti punti luce - faretti a LED posizionati nello spazio tra i listelli in legno del controsoffitto strato di isolamento acustico - materassino anticalpestio in polietilene espanso (5 mm) pavimentazione flottante interna - pannelli rivestiti in gres porcellanato (550×550×20 mm) impianto elettrico - canalina passacavi in PVC ancorata al solaio (sezione 120×60 mm) elementi di supporto della pavimentazione flottante - listelli in legno (sezione 20×30 mm) elemento per il controllo della ventilazione naturale e dell'effetto camino - pannello forato rimovibile per il flusso di aria calda ascendente (intercambiabile con un pannello isolato) elemento di protezione - griglia metallica di sicurezza calpestabile ancorata al solaio
rivestimento superiore esterno - piastrelle ceramiche, malta cementizia (spessore 15 mm) massetto autolivellante a base cementizia (spessore 30 mm) strato di tenuta all'acqua - guaina impermeabilizzante monostrato in PVC (spessore 5 mm) solaio - pannelli prefabbricati in calcestruzzo armato (dimensioni 500×3500×140 mm) solco rompigoccia integrato nel pannello prefabbricato elemento di schermatura verticale (incannicciato di bambù su telaio pieghevole in acciaio) ringhiera prefabbricata in alluminio con elementi di protezione verticali struttura di supporto degli elementi di schermatura verticale con binari superiori e inferiori profilo angolare a lati difformi in alluminio (sezione 40×25×4 mm)
controsoffitto - listelli trasversali in legno naturale (sezione 40×40 mm, passo 60 mm) solaio - pannelli prefabbricati in calcestruzzo armato (dimensioni 500×3500×140 mm) strato di isolamento acustico - materassino anticalpestio in polietilene espanso (5 mm) pavimentazione flottante interna - pannelli rivestiti in gres porcellanato (550×550×20 mm) elemento di connessione - giunto di dilatazione in neoprene elemento isolante termico - lastra in vetro cellulare ad alta resistenza meccanica (30 mm) telaio mobile del serramento pieghevole interno isolante in alluminio vetrocamera del serramento interno (vetro doppio o triplo, trasmittanza Ug < 2.8 W/m2K) profilato metallico UPN 80 del modulo prefabbricato superiore (sezione 80×45×6 mm) profilato metallico UPN 160 del modulo prefabbricato superiore (sezione 160×65×7.5 mm) profilato metallico UPN 80 del modulo prefabbricato inferiore (sezione 80×45×6 mm) strato di fissaggio - collante per isolamento termico (spessore 6 mm) elemento di fissaggio - tasselli a vite per pannelli isolanti in nylon strato di fissaggio - collante per isolamento termico (spessore 6 mm) strato di isolamento termico - pannello in polistirene espanso EPS (spessore 60 mm) strato di rivestimento e finitura superficiale - intonaco minerale (spessore 10 mm)
Architecture and construction systems - 01QLKPQ
Politecnico di Torino
Nicola Russi + Andrea Levra Levron Turin, Italy
7000 m2
Lorenzo Filippi
Giorgio Gandino
Lorenzo Gaveglio
This project was developed during the first semester of Master’s Degree in Architecture Construction City at Politecnico di Torino together with Lorenzo Filippi and Lorenzo Gaveglio. It is about a mixed-use complex located in Aurora, a district in transformation in the north-east part of Turin, Italy.
The aim of the proposal is the exploration of the tipology of Coliving, intended as a new way of living. The spatial outcomes of the the work are clear and radical: a tower, located on the corner of the project site, hosts the housing, which is divided into very small private units and roomy common spaces with different grades of shared use; the connection with the ground is dedicated to a fascinating public function, the cinema; the free space generated by concentrating the constructed volume in the tower is the occasion to create a plaza, articulated into two different levels connected by a stair, that becomes a distinctive element of the whole project. Finally, as a synthesis of the concept of space sharing, the top floors of the tower are designed to accomodate a lounge bar, in order to allow anyone to enjoy a unique view of the landscape.
The part of the city in which the project is located constitutes an anomaly within the traditional urban fabric of Turin: a large atypical block in which the built is subordinated to the void and consists of large autonomous objects. The project is located along the Dora river, rising near the south-west vertex of the “macrolot”, where the main axial area of the area converge. The tower does not have the objective of presenting itself as a landmark, but belongs to an intermediate scale between that of the historical city and that of its notable exceptions, represented by various buildings of comparable height isotropically spread in the territory.
The studio was led by Nicola Russi and Andrea Levra Levron with Federico Coricelli, Agim Kercuku, Angela Lacirignola and Alessandro Di Renzo.
(original scale 1:200)
(original scale 1:200)
(original scale 1:200)
This work was carried out as part of a course on bulding information modeling during the first semester of Master’s Degree in Architecture Construction City at Politecnico di Torino, together with Michele Lacancellera and Lorenzo Murru. It consists in developing a BIM model of a built architecture project, the Norvento Headquarters by Francisco Mangado completeted in 2017 in Lugo, Spain.
The course, held by Massimiliano Lo Turco, aims to provide not only the operational tools for a correct use of parametric software, but also cultural knowledge to critically evaluate the strong change brought by BIM technology to the construction industry, and focuses its attention on new trials of interoperability between different software referring to international case studies.
The model was set up in Revit environment and subsequently rendered in Lumion and Vray.
Architectural construction studio - 01QIAPM
Politecnico di Torino
Daniele Campobenedetto + Roberto Giordano Paris, France
Giorgio Gandino Mario Giuliano Michele Lacancellera Lorenzo Murru
This project was developed during the fourth semester of Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino together with Michele Lacancellera, Mario Giuliano and Lorenzo Murru. It is about a small residential building located in 4 Avenue Jean Jaures, Paris, along the axis that symbolically connects the French capital with Germany, in the district of La Villette.
The goal of the design unit was to develop the proposal of a new way to inhabit space through a simple Cohousing residential project in a complex and challenging environment. The solution formulated gravitate around the theme of flexibility: in the same building are arranged units conceived for different kinds of users, from young students to families with children, alongside with shared spaces and common services.
To this adaptability from the social point of view the project adds the possibility to actively transform the physical space itself with limited effort. The result is a dynamic and customizable design based on user needs. The fully independent units that compose the building are shrinked, in order to maximize collective spaces and foster social interaction: the first two floors are entirely devoted to common functions, and are designed in order to create a sense of community.
The studio was led by Daniele Campobenedetto and Roberto Giordano with Caterina Quaglio, Silvia Tedesco and Adriano Aimar.
This project was developed within the framework of the Taller de Especialidad of the Magíster en Proyecto Urbano (MPUR) at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. It reflects on the opportunities offered by the transformation and urban development of the area surrounding Chile’s most important railway station, Estación Central, located between the municipality of the same name and the center of Santiago.
The purpose of the masterplan is to generate a strategic intervention capable of effectively starting a process of urban renewal that will extend to the nearly 250 hectares of deteriorated and underutilized land in the center of the city related to the old Santiago belt railroad.
The proposal is articulated around three key actions (triggering operations), autonomous and achievable in different stages over time. The first is to clear the space occupied by the bus terminals and build a new transport center in a free area located south of the Zanjón de la Aguada river, in order to solve traffic related problems. The second is giving a new use to the spaces occupied by the former “Maestranza San Eugenio”, a mostly abandoned area located in a central part of the city with excellent access to public services. Finally, the third operation involves moving the railway station to the south, converting the old heritage building into a covered multifunctional public square and allowing the connection between the surrounding neighborhoods by removing the physical barrier between them.
The studio was led by Antonio Lipthay and Nicole Rochette with contributions by Peter Bishop and Ricardo Truffello.
This work was carried out as part of a course on seismic resistant structures at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, together with Joaquin Almeyda and Bastian Schofield.
The assigned task was to carry out the architectural survey of a railway bridge on the Liguay river, located close to the city of Longaví, in the geographical center of Chile.
The bridge features a structure made entirely of steel and wood, painted a distinctive bright yellow color, resting on three piers made of reinforced concrete The abutments are also made of concrete. Through the detailed 3D modeling of the main components of the viaduct, the work provides a deep understanding of the structural functioning of the building, displaying and allowing to calculate the stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns and arches. The model was made using Sketchup and subsequently exported to Illustrator.
The course was held by Juan Alarcon, Patricio Bertholet and Sebastian Carcamo.