Clergy and members of Holland’s Churches wish you all a Happy Easter and remind you that a warm welcome awaits you at all of our churches
St Barts - Frinton Road Sunday Services are at 8 am (Book of Common Prayer), 10 am (Sung Communion) and 4 pm (Informal, All Age Service with modern music) Midweek Service is Wednesday at 10.00 am.
The first Sunday of each month there is a Family Service at 10 am. Special Events Saturday 21 July - Children's Funday (Free event) Saturday 25 August - Scarecrow Trail closing ceremony Sunday 7 October - All Age Harvest Service with Harvest Lunch Ignite! a youth club for 12-15 year olds meets every Wednesday during term time 7 pm at St. Paul’s Church in Clacton (CO15 6AU) Bart’s Bees (Primary School) a drop-off Sunday school group every Sunday morning from 10-11.15. St. Bart’s Happy Singers (informal singing group) is open to everyone every Wednesday at 7 pm. Holland Hub (social gathering) meets fortnightly on Thursdays from 2.00-4.00. Bart's Bears (toddler group) meets every Friday from 10.00-11.30. Coffee Morning is every Saturday from 9.30-11.30.
Baptist Church - corner of Norman Road Sunday services 10.30 am Prayer Meeting each Tuesday at 10am
established in 1926
A PLACE TO BEGIN – TO BELONG – TO BUILD. We are a group of people from diverse backgrounds who seek to share the love of God. We are here for you. Quiz night on July 14th Songs of Praise Service on the 15th July. facebook address - Any further details from HBC 01255 814617 website:
Methodist Church—Kings Avenue You are assured of a Warm Welcome at all of our Services which start at 10.30am Sunday 1 July Anne Scott, Sunday 8 July Liz Marshall, Sunday 15 July Reverend Crawford Logan, Sunday 22 July David Bavister, Sunday 29 July Beryl Newson, Sunday 5 August Reverend Crawford Logan, Sunday 12 August Reverend Roger Parsons, Sunday 19 August Stewards, Sunday 26 August Café Service in the Church Coffee Mornings every Friday from 10.00am
In this issue : Local news Village activities Future plans
IN THIS ISSUE Chairman’s Message Updates on Holland issues County Councillor’s Update Prescriptions General Data Protection Regulations Holland Environment Message from Giles Watling Holland 129 Club Scarecrow Trail Editors Corner Membership form Holland History Facebook Library A Summer Message St Bart’s Church page Front Garden Competition Computer Corner Reporting road, pavement etc problems Reporting crime Beach Hut Association Clacton Choral Society Who to Contact Public Hall Events Shorefields School CVST Walking Group Holland on Sea Tai Chi Index of Advertisers Committee Members Quarterly Meeting Church Services and activities
PAGE 3 4 7 14 14 15 16 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 38 39 46 49 53 53 53 56 56 57 57 57 58 59 59 60
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it's editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. The Holland Residents’ Association, does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication The HRA magazine is collated and edited by ©VerityCoulthard on behalf of the Holland Residents’ Association and printed by Dolphin Artwork. Please submit items for the next edition to Verity on 07770 558 771 or email .
Committee - back row from left to right Andy Dunnett, David Emmerson, Tony Rulten, Rita Garnett, Richard Walker, Middle row Jill Rulten Jon Tilbury, Brenda Bricknell, Sue Beeney front row Brian Thomasson, President and Verity Coulthard, Chair The new Treasurer of the HRA is Andrew Dunnett. Andrew has lived in Holland-on-Sea for more than 30 years. Andrew is a former Commodore and Chairman of the Directors of Gunfleet Sailing Club. Professionally he taught Economics at the University of West London where he was also Staff Governor. In later years he taught and wrote in the field of Health Economics. Now retired he acts as a statistical consultant for a number of nursing journals. He is the author on a number of best-selling textbooks in Economics though – arguably – the zenith of his publishing career came some years ago as editor of the Gunfleet Gazette – a small circulation quarterly magazine for members of the sailing club that has echoes of our own Holland Magazine. Maybe we can get him to do an article for our next edition …
Holland Residents’ Association Committee Members President: Chair, Public Relations , Magazine Secretary: Treasurer: Trade & Commerce Health & Well-Being Planning Seafront and Open Spaces Highways and Transport Social Secretary Environment Officer Data Controller
Brian Thomasson Verity Coulthard Tony Rulten Andy Dunnett Jill Rulten Rita Garnett David Emmerson Richard Walker Jon Tilbury Brenda Bricknell Sue Beeney Hon. Secretary
HOLLAND RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION The next quarterly meeting will be held on Thursday 26 July at 7.30pm in the Public Hall Frinton Road
A message from the Chair of the Holland Residents’ Association
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Appliances Appliance Services 42 Architect Paul Newbould 48 Bakers Windmill Bakery 48 Bathrooms & Kitchens MJF Home Improvements 43 Beauty Beaches 51 Ellen Gutteridge 42 Beds & Chairs Electric Bed & Chair Co 18 Building SPS 52 Butchers Chas Bower 19 Frinton Road 40 Cards & Gifts Cards and Gifts 45 Catering Home Meals 22 Tasteful Catering 40 Chiropodist Love your Feet 34 Walking on Air 47 Cleaning & Gardening C&D 49 Clubs and Associations Beach Hut Assoc 53 Holland Art Society 20 Clacton Choral Society 53 Public Hall 56 129 Ladies Club 24 Computer Repairs Nigel 30 iFix-yourPC 49 Dance & Exercise Zumba 24 FitSteps 42 Denture Repairs Accurate 40 Dog Walking Scruffs 55
Estate Agents Omega 54 Stoneridge 23 Financial Advice Hurst 37 Fish & Chips Golden Fillet 52 Funeral Directors R Gwinnell & Sons 26 Florists Mansion House 35 Garages & Cars Holland Motors 55 Select Autos 52 Garage Doors Avenue 21 BFCC 50 Garden Work Mick Griggs 20 Hairdressers & Barbers Scizzor Sisters 40 Masters & Misters 47 Home Improvements Paul Lawrence 48 Insurance Holland Insurance 48 Landscaping Angel Landscapes 40 Laundry Leighs Laundry 25 Martial Arts Choi Kwang Do 34 Mowers Holland Mowers 44 Newsagents Addisons 48 Kings Avenue PO 41 Optician Adrian Buizer 25 Painting & Decorating M&M 43 Pet Supplies Holland Pet & Garden 32
Pharmacy Holland Pharmacy 32 Plastering Mick Griggs 20 Plumbing Pride 25 Post Office & Gen Stores Kings Avenue 41 Printers Dolphin Artwork 32 Renovation RLH Construction 52 Residential Home Ridgewell House 21 Restaurants Flamingo 32 Grandma Lilly’s 32 Vintage Tea Rooms 44 The Golden Fillet 52 Roofing Above Roofing 40 Rubber Deck Roofing 40 Security Community Guard 37 Solicitors Fisher Jones 25 Tree Services ATS 25 Paul Thomas 35 Trophies Bloomfields 19 Tuition Ace Tuition 21 TV Aerials John’s Aerials 51 Washing Machine Repairs Roger Neil 52 Will Writing Brenda Russell 48 Windows Window Doctor 36
Dear All, By the time you read this the sun will hopefully be shining on our lovely beaches and countryside. Following our AGM on 17th May all existing officers were re-appointed with the exception of our Treasurer, Irene Vanner, who is moving out of Holland. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Irene for all the years of service she has given to the HRA and for looking after our finances in such an excellent way. We have been fortunate in appointing a new Treasurer, Andy Dunnett and we look forward to working with him and thank him for joining us. In addition at the AGM we appointed an Environmental Officer, Sue Beeney, who is the lady who has been leading the beach cleans for some time now. Welcome and thank you, Sue. You may have noticed that I have changed the name of our magazine to “The Community Magazine”. The reason for this is that it has been brought to my attention that there is another group using the name which includes Holland Matters and to be fair and avoid confusion with this other group I have changed our name. The first Holland Residents’ Association Community Garage sale will be over and I hope that it was a success for everyone. With nearly 70 homes, churches and businesses taking part it was certainly something that was needed and I sincerely hope that it is something we can repeat on a regular basis. Our thanks go to Omega Estate Agents and SPS Spas and Pools for their help with this. Elsewhere in The Magazine you will find details of our front garden competition and the Scarecrow festival to be held in August organised by St Barts Church. We have a number of new advertisers and we thank them for their support of the HRA by advertising and hope that we can support them too by using local trades people wherever possible. The wonderful people who are clearing our beaches and streets continue to do so and I thank them for a wonderful job in keeping our seaside and streets tidy. Wishing you all a warm and happy Summer. Best wishes, Verity Verity Coulthard, Chair, Holland Residents’ Association
Update on issues impacting on Holland on Sea – a snapshot as at 22 May 2018 A VILLAGE GARDEN FOR HOLLAND ON SEA: The plans for converting the public open space next to Ipswich Road Car Park continue to move forward, with the aim of turning this rather drab piece of heavily wooded area into a far more attractive garden. Tendring District Council wants this to happen and is keen to work with the Holland on Sea Residents’ Association in creating a small oasis in the heart of the village’s shopping centre. As explained, in the last edition of this magazine, the proposal is for the Council to sell the plot between No: 46 and No: 50 Colchester Road, which is currently very overgrown and untidy. The plan that was submitted by the Residents’ Association to the District Council, was based on the demolition of the redundant toilet block, the thinning-out of the trees, and a scheme of landscaping, in keeping with the area. At that point the HRA will take-over the on-going maintenance and is keen to hear from anyone that would be interesting in being part of a Holland Horticultural Team. Green fingers come second to enthusiasm, a love of our village, and a jolly disposition!! Actually, I suppose that makes green fingers fourth! So, if you fancy a little bit of dabbling amongst the dahlias or being busy with your lizzies (you can tell I am not much of a gardener!) then why not contact me, Richard Walker, on 813150 or I would also love to hear any landscaping ideas you might have. I feel it only right to say that the Association is not in favour of any building expansion of the existing toilet block, whatever its proposed use, and would wish to see the land returned back to its state of a “building-free” public garden as it used to be up until the early 1960’s. Holland on Sea is very lucky to have quite a variety of halls available for hire; firstly our village’s very own Public Hall, already very well used, three church halls, the Holland Haven Primary School Hall, plus a number of commercial premises with large room facilities. HOLLAND’S OUTDOOR GYM: This too is gathering momentum with suppliers of equipment displaying their products and advising us of the most suitable kit for both the demographics, and the environment it will be subject to (sea air). A short list of
SUMMER FETE on the 23rd June 1-4pm. Adults £1 and Children FREE We have entertainment, raffles, games, BBQ etc. Always a great day for all the family.
COMMUNITY VOLUNTARY SERVICES TENDING GET MOVING WALKING GROUP A free way to increase your physical activity. Come along and make new friends from your local community, have fun and get active Go to CVTS website to find details on dates, times and meeting points. We suggest that you wear a comfortable, supportive pair of shoes. All walkers are walking at their own risk and we suggest that you check with your own GP first before starting any new physical activity. All walks subject to weather conditions
Teacher: “If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another 2, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Seven.” Teacher: “No, listen carefully… If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Seven.” Teacher: “Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you two apples, and another two apples and another two, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Six.” Teacher: “Good. Now if I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Seven!” Teacher: “Johnny, where in the heck do you get seven from?!” Johnny: “Because I’ve already got a cat!”
To Advertise in this magazine please contact Advertising Rates Full page £80, half page £45, quarter page £30 and one eighth page £20
WHO TO CONTACT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Giles Watling House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 0207 219 0795 Email: ESSEX COUNTY COUNCILLOR Colin Sargeant 9 Windermere Road, Holland on Sea, CO15 5BZ Tel:07541 321275 Email: DISTRICT COUNCILLORS St. Bartholomew's Ward K T King 3 Deben Walk, Clacton on Sea, CO16 8AB Tel: 01255 220894 Email: Colin Winfield 63 Chelmsford Road, Holland on Sea, CO15 5DJ Tel: 07880721962 Email: Haven Ward Joy Broderick 43 The Esplanade, Holland on Sea, CO15 5TU Tel: 07773480765 Email:
40 different clubs and groups use our Hall...from Art to Zumba. Also we have a Snooker room and Darts room available. See posters in both entrance Halls or our caretakers for information. Quizzes, Aug 10th...Sept 14th...Oct 26th H.C.A. Dances July 13th...Sept 21st. SUMMER FETE 21st July. for a table call Barbara on 220 309. Unfortunately H.O.S.T.S. have had to cancel their play, but will be entertaining us with a Variety show on 8th September. Trad Jazz on 20th July, See posters for both of these at the Hall. The Fuchsia Society are again holding their Big Fuchsia Show on 27th and 28th July. A most wonderful display . We now have books for sale in the entrance hall, with proceeds going towards future projects,( as well as the dress rail and bric a brac.)
The Committee of Holland Residents’ Association would like to say a very big
THANK YOU to all our loyal advertisers who have been supporting the production of this magazine . Without this help the magazine would not be possible. We really appreciate your continued support
appliances has been drawn-up, and a grant funding bid is being composed as this is written. The one thing yet to be finalised is, as they say on the television, “location, location, location”. The original intention was to be the small piece of green next to York Road Car Park, however, this has caused some concerns. By the time you read this we will have carried out consultation with the local residents to seek their views. Alternative sites are, probably not unsurprisingly, Hazlemere Road green, Eastcliff Playing Fields (technically just the other side of the Holland boundary), and Brighton Road open space. Maybe we should consider Holland Haven and Hereford Road too. It is not the intention of any member of the Association to cause distress when planning new ideas, and we have been very pleased to get such overwhelming support for the concept of an Adult Outdoor Gym, the HRA Facebook page highlighting the very many positive comments. We will certainly keep you posted on progress and who knows, one of the Committee might bump into you on the “Back Massager” one day, once it’s installed (only joking, I made that piece of equipment up, but I bet it would be popular!) CLIFF STABILISATION WORKS: Over the last few years prior to the Clacton and Holland Sea Defence Scheme, it was becoming increasingly obvious that there were some serious problems occurring along various cliff sections of Holland on Sea. Most noticeable was the considerable movement below Kings Avenue with a constant stream of water leaching out of the cliff and across the promenade. The foot access from top to lower promenade at this point, an area of ongoing concern, had to be closed off as large cracks developed despite remedial work, and beach huts had to be temporarily relocated. More recently the step path near Queensway also required closure as the concrete cliff fascia started to fall away. The new sea defence scheme has helped to mitigate the problem, to a limited extent, and fortuitously the whole project came in under budget, allowing part of the savings to be earmarked for this initial cliff stabilisation programme. Now, this work is specialist, requiring the knowledge outside of a local authority’s day to day skill set, so a consultant has been employed – Mott Macdonald. Following site surveys, bore-hole samples etc., work on the £5 million slope stabilisation scheme is now moving forward. The scheme currently focuses on the failures under the Kings Cliff Hotel, from Hazlemere Road to Queensway in Priority Areas 1 and 2. The scheme includes new drainage,
sheet piled walls and an easy access ramp down the cliff, and once completed will see a nice new footpath from Kings Avenue down to Section B and C beach huts and, even better news, an access path by Queensway that is designed at the appropriate gentle angle to meet the requirements of people with disabilities. Since the public exhibition held in October 2017, the project team have been continuing to make good progress on the scheme; the project is currently out to tender which has included a site visit being held for interested parties. A number of Contractors are pricing the works, with the project team responding to queries throughout the process. On the return of the Contractors responses to the tender documents, the Council will carry out a tender evaluation to identify the preferred contactor and ensure value for money. In addition to the tender process, reptile fencing for Priority Areas 1 and 2 commenced in March 2018. This fencing was placed all around the site to trap the reptiles known to be living in the cliffs. These reptiles will then be moved to the adjacent slopes to ensure they are safe from the works. Disappointingly, some of this temporary plastic fencing has been deliberately damaged; and before you wonder if it could have been the weather or some wild animals, this wouldn’t explain the perpetrator’s notices left there explaining their (misguided) belief in the misuse of public money; sadly too much of this damage could both delay the project and put increased pressure on the limited budget. In March 2018, planning for the works was submitted to the Council. The application is currently going through the initial review process and then will be available on the portal for comments. The works are proposed to commence on site in July / August 2018, so as you read this the whole project could well be in full swing. Richard Walker, Seafront and Open Space Officer
SCRUFFS DOG WALKING SERVICE DBS CHECKED AND FULLY INSURED RELIABLE AND FREINDLY SERVICE Individual walks, 30 or 60 minutes, more than one dog from same household CONTACT KEVIN 01255 318469 or 07950 941905 A police recruit was asked during the exam, “What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?” He answered, “Call for backup.” Deep within a forest a little turtle began to climb a tree. After hours of effort he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped and fell to the ground. The turtle tried again and again while a couple of birds sat on a branch of the tree watching his sad efforts. Finally the female bird turned to her mate. “Dear,” she chirped, “I think its time to tell him he’s adopted”
Report of the Essex County Councillor – Clacton East Division I come not from Heaven but from Essex William Morris (1888) Special thanks to the Holland Residents’ Association for once again giving me the opportunity to update readers on my work and activities specifically on behalf of the local residents of Holland on Sea. Holland on Sea ‘Eyes and Ears’ Thank you to all the local residents contacting me (by email or over the phone) with reports of issues that need resolving. These are very much appreciated. Please keep them coming. Holland Haven School Expansion and Pedestrian Crossing for Frinton Road A Petition with 420 names for a Pedestrian Crossing for Frinton Road was presented to ECC at County Hall 15th May. ECC is expanding Holland Haven School from a 300 to a 420 school roll for the September 2019 intake; at a cost of £1.4 million – this should include a safe crossing of the Frinton Road. A Local Highways Panel application has been submitted. In keeping with ECC’s published Sustainable Travel and Environmental objectives, I have been working with the School and Sustrans to encourage the many youngsters to walk, scoot or cycle to school. Holland Haven School is the first school in Essex to provide formalised scoottering training for its young pupils. Thank you: Headteacher Mrs Bardetti, Mrs Banks and Nick Hill from ECC. Sustrans’ ‘Dr Bike’ attended the school to carry out minor repairs on the youngster’s bikes. Protecting Pavements It is a long, hard struggle to get ECC Highways to replace dangerous slabs or repair damaged tarmac. So it is rather galling to see that once a section of pavement has been repaired at great cost to the public purse and effort - for whacking great 4 x 4s to be parked on the pavement and immediately damage the new tarmac. One wonders whether it is done without thought or even more worrying with thought. Please don’t drive or park on our pavements. It is dangerous, disregards people with disabilities, is unsociable, smashes paving slabs and chews up the tarmac – costly. Pavements are for people. Please remind your guests and tradespeople.
National Cycle Route 150 The Holland Residents’ Association has sponsored the two mile section of ‘the 150’ from Holland Haven towards Clacton Pier. As a result of the HRA’s campaign for a separate cycle path, ECC has included the NCR 150 as one of its six cycle schemes (chosen from over 50) across the county to be developed. The HRA’s Cycling Lead, Dave Morgan, and I have had discussions with ECC and it is likely that the new designs will be for the NCR 150 to be realigned to ‘”run along the top” from Holland Haven, via Pier Gap, to the Martello area. This is wonderful news; as this will allow pedestrians to enjoy (undistractedly) the Promenade and its cafes and beach huts. It is anticipated that the “top route” will make use of the existing footpath/cycle path, widening only at points where necessary to ensure safe accommodation of walkers, mobility scooter users and cyclists. This will be accompanied by the appropriate signage. The much needed extension of the NCR 150 between the seafront and Clacton Station continues via the ECC Local Highways Panel route. Thank you to everyone who has supported and continues to support the HRA’s campaign for people to be able to promenade or cycle safely, leisurely and pleasurably along the NCR 150. There is so much opportunity for the East Clacton and Holland on Sea economy to welcome the ‘Cycle Pound’. Litter Picking Special thanks to Brenda Davidson, Lel Wakefield and Bev Sencier for setting up the HRA Litter Picking Group and meeting every Wednesday morning to tackle litter hot spots. Also to Linda and Ray Hinton who concentrate on the area north of the Frinton Road; Gary who clears Chelmsford Road; and Chris specialising in Kings Avenue. The volunteer army’s ranks grow by the week. Foster Panel I continue to be the ECC representative on the North Essex Foster Panel. This is probably the most enjoyable part of my councillor role. We have to read the lengthy notes produced by social workers and other professionals on prospective foster carers and their circumstances/surroundings; then interview them; and make a decision whether it is appropriate and correct for a youngster (often with not the best start in life) to be placed with them. We also do Reviews and monitor how the new Carers are doing. I have met some amazing, special people who are helping youngsters in our world. At the last Panel, one of the six couples interviewed came from Holland on Sea – giving youngsters a good home in our wonderful village. Unauthorised Encampments In the event of any unauthorised encampments taking place, residents can notify the Essex Countywide Traveller Unit on 0345 743 0430. It is open 8.30am – 6pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively, email:
REPORTING CRIME - Do you know somebody who is carrying out criminal activity but fear the consequences of being identified as the person who reported them? Tell Crimestoppers WHAT you know about any crime or criminal - not WHO you are and you could be eligible for a reward (paid anonymously). Crimestoppers never ask for your name or trace your call, and you won’t need to provide a statement or go to Court. / 0800 555 111 ECM Community Messaging – you can sign up by following the link – https://
CLACTON & HOLLAND BEACH HUT ASSOCIATION Chair Heather Davis 01255 814799 Treasurer Ray Lafferty 01255 487276 Damage Control 07931 082586 (new number)
Two elderly couples were enjoying a friendly conversation when one of the men asked the other “Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?” “Outstanding!” Fred replied, “they taught us all the latest psychological techniques— visualization, association—it’s make a big difference to me”. “That’s great! What was the name of that clinic?” Fred went blank. He thought but couldn’t remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, “What do you call that flower with the long stem and thorns?” “You mean a rose?” “Yes, that’s it!” He turned to his wife. “Rose what was the name of that clinic?”
FREE COLLECTION & DELIVERY SERVICE All makes servicing - MOT testing - Brakes Exhausts - Clutches - Steering - Suspension 14-16 Agate Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1RA
Tel: 01255 424309
Family owned Restaurant and Takeaway Service. Fully sustainable line caught cod and haddock
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon - Thurs 11.30 to 2.30 and 4.30 to 8.30 - Friday to 9pm
20 years’ experience No call-out charge Domestic appliance repairs All work guaranteed FREE local estimates Holland-on-Sea ALL AREAS COVERED
Roger Neil (1255) 814931
We all know that mirrors don’t lie but I am just so grateful that they don’t laugh
Stop hiding, come Girlguiding!
Is your daughter aged between 5 and 7 years old and looking to get involved in a new hobby where they can make new friends, learn new skills and be a force for good in their local community?…/ register-your-daughter/ Or call/text the local commisioner on 07949614208
Surgeries, Care Navigation system As a member of the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee I‘m working with CCG/ACE on the delivery of the new Care Navigation system which is serving 22,000 residents from the four surgeries (Frinton Road, Epping Close, Caradoc and Green Elms). I have been attending formal consultative meetings and immediately feeding back to residents. These are the latest update from ACE. I hope we can see these figures continue to improve Reducing the number of unnecessary interactions with the GP of patients presenting non-medical issues or health and well-being issues which can easily be dealt with by a nurse practitioner or a dispensing nurse can only be a good thing for our area as a whole. For whatever reason, there are only a limited number of available appointments with the GP(s) each day – we must make sure that these are used to support the people who need them most because of their illness and NOT to support those who can shout the loudest. Anything’s better than walking and then queuing outside in the cold and rain. ACE needs to ensure residents are getting the right and appropriate service for their particular needs - thus saving patients’ and the GPs’ time.
Don’t leave it till your last tablet to reorder your prescription. Register all your family for Online – even your Mum, Dad or Aunt down the road. No computer? Your daughter or son living in London etc. can be an ‘Online Proxy’; ordering your medicines on their computer – all you then have to do is collect them from YOUR pharmacy. Please bring a photo ID & sign up for a secure login and password at the surgery. Quicker & Easier. Make ‘prescriptions’ one less worry. Buses Please now use our buses. The more we use our buses the more chance we can protect and possibly enhance services. Day time buses are operated on a ‘commercial basis’; and operators such as First and Hedingham can ‘pull’ services if they consider them to be no longer viable. This is what has happened in Clacton with First deciding to no longer operate particular routes. Thankfully it appears that Hedingham will take these routes on. With regard to our 7 and 8 service, First has stated that it will continue to run this service out of its Colchester Depot. So we must watch for changes… I have had a number of positive meetings with Hedingham. I have asked Hedingham to consider introducing the following improvements to the 134 ‘Seafront Circular’ service:
route during the summer months in 2019. Below is the timetable for Lyndhurst Road/Marine Parade East stop for information (timetables are available from the Holland Library and village cafes, restaurants and pubs):
WHY NOT JOIN US ? We do hope that you enjoy reading our magazine and we enjoy preparing it and ensuring that everyone is kept as up to date as possible. However, there is a cost involved for both printing and delivery and in order to continue to produce this magazine we need to ensure that as many folk as possible support our Association. We ask, if you have not already done so, to pay your annual membership fee using the form on page 27 and taking it to King’s Avenue Post Office
Adopt Your Road Sign – a once a month ‘wet wipe’ - Making a Difference
General Data Protection Regulation (The new Data Protection Act) – My promise to you casework) on paper and on my ECC computer in storage systems secure at all times. A number of passwords are used. I do NOT, will NOT, use my own personal email account to email residents. the context and spirit in which this personal information was given to me as your ECC representative; and decide whether the use of such personal information would be fair and lawful. tative of local residents for any other purpose. poses. – people receive too many intrusive emails as it is. I also do not use email ‘groups’. the appropriate times. all get. Do we need it? No!
Holland & East Clacton HOPPA The Holland & East Clacton Hoppa recently celebrated its 900th passenger since its first run (8th Nov. 2016) from an idea of sisters Maisie & Margaret. Operated by the Holland Residents’ Association the door2door Hoppa links Holland on Sea and East Clacton with ASDA, the Shopping Village & Morrisons (Lt. Clacton) every Tuesday. Volunteer driver, and HRA Committee Member, Jon Tilbury has been driving the minibus throughout this period and says “I really enjoy the crowd. They’re a good laugh and the trip to the local shops is more of an outing. It is a very effective way of getting out from four walls. It is very rewarding helping people to remain active; and hopefully making a difference to their lives. We don’t do ‘serious’, we just have a laugh. I hope to think, the HRA, is making a difference.” Mary Harris of Dorset Close said “I use the Hoppa every week and value being helped from the bus to my door with my weekly big shop from our local ASDA. Everyone’s so friendly and we all get on.” Linda Dwyer of Fleetwood Ave. is very appreciative “I really look forward to my weekly ride on the Hoppa, Jon is so obliging - helping me with my bags and trolley full of shopping. I would be lost without the Hoppa and my new friends.” Friend, Ann Black also of Fleetwood Ave. said “we live literally a mile away from any shop and until the HRA’s Hoppa arrival we had been forgotten.” Joan Barwick, of Colchester Road, came up with the idea to visit the Plough Corner Café & Nursery on a Wednesday. It proved very successful - “It made a nice break and I am so pleased the HRA is arranging another trip soon”. For more info on the HOPPA please phone me on 07541 321275.
C&D DOMESTIC CLEANING Reliable, locally based cleaning services Hoovering/Dusting/Kitchens Bathrooms/Ironing/Beds changed Inside of windows GARDEN MAINTENANCE SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL US ON: 01255 818245 07954 730177
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn’t always fair, and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when wellintentioned, but overbearing, regulations were set in place.Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I’m A Victim. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized that he was gone. REPORTING OF PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH ROADS, PAVEMENTS, FOOTPATHS AND ROAD SIGNS The Holland-on-Sea Residents Association Highways representative, Jon Tilbury, surveys all Holland on Sea roads on a regular basis. Please be Eyes and Ears and report potholes in roads, uneven footpaths or disappearing signs to HRA member , County Councillor Colin Sargeant
1 By e-mail to 2 By phone 07541 321275 In each case please detail the specific problem with the exact location, together with your full name and address. You will receive a response, firstly acknowledging your communication (if by email) and then with "work in progress" details.
Your Local Insurance Service Call in and see us at 92 Kings Avenue, Holland-on-Sea (opposite the Roaring Donkey Pub) Or phone 01255 812796 You can discuss your home, car & travel insurance needs with our friendly efficient staff Competitive premiums & instance cover available
Holland Insurance Brokers are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
ADDISONS—NEWSAGENTS 86—88 Kings Avenue Holland-on-Sea
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PAUL LAWRENCE Home & Garden Improvements Local Trusted Tradesman Bathrooms and Kitchens fitted Decorating Beach Hut repairs and maintenance Please visit my website for further information and gallery of works
01255 818105 07895 911595
Highways Surgery at County Hall The following cases were raised with the Cabinet Member and received the following responses: Holland Rd – Valley Rd to Sladburys Ln (agreed to be considered for possible inclusion in the resurfacing programme) Oxford Crescent – potholes (agreed to be investigated for repair) Holland Road – kerbstone outside newsagents (considered not dangerous) Frinton Road – kerbstone outside Public Hall (considered not dangerous) Kings Avenue – o/s ex Georgios slab (agreed to be replaced ASAP) Kings Avenue – near Salisbury Court slabs – (agreed to be replaced ASAP) Seafields Gardens – keep left roundel (considered unnecessary) Queensway – near Frinton Road numerous potholes (considered not meeting the criteria for repair) Frinton Road – near Lt. Holland Hall, new Elderly Persons Crossing signs (considered not a priority & needing to go to Local Highways Panel) Dulwich Court – access across grass verge (agreed to investigated) Holland Road – two no entry signs near fish n chips shop (agreed to be replaced) I mentioned to the Cabinet Member that those potholes etc. deemed by ECC to be ‘not dangerous’ to pedestrians, are dangerous and might be temporary repaired ‘overnight’ by other means… The large pothole at the very top end of Norman Road has been agreed by ECC weeks’ ago to be temporarily repaired, yet the wait is ridiculous! This will be filled somehow before yet another pedestrian trips. Working with Youngsters It amazes me how polite and cheerful the youngsters are, of whatever age, I bump in to on my travels around our village and the surrounding area. I hope you have the same experience. I think this is a good indicator of quality of their parents, the schools and their teachers and staff, and the many volunteers in Holland and east Clacton who put in so many unpaid hours giving these residents a good start in life – scout leaders, church leaders, sports coaches, club officials etc. etc. Many thanks for all what you do.
SHOP LOCAL, DINE LOCAL, SMILE LOCAL Cllr. Colin Sargeant Essex County Council 9, Windermere Road 07541 321275
Independent, non-partisan and non-political
PRESCRIPTIONS More than 80% of calls to the hub at Kennedy Way are now being answered in less than 10 minutes. Hopefully this improvement will continue. As a result of complaints about prescriptions the prescription clerks have now been relocated back to the four ACE surgeries. It would help the surgery to deal with prescriptions if those that have access to the internet could switch to on-line ordering. All that is needed is a password and user name, the surgery will supply these on production of some form of ID. The process is simple just GOOGLE Frinton Road surgery (or Epping Close surgery) . Once connected log in using the user name and password supplied and simply follow the instructions on the website. If you don't have access to the internet it would also help the surgery if you could nominate a pharmacy to which your prescription may be sent electronically.
Rita Garnett - Health and Wellbeing General Data Protection Regulations. During the past few weeks you have probably received letters or emails from various companies or charities concerning the personal data they hold on you. New regulations came into force on 25th May 2018 bringing in strict rules on the way such data is stored and used. This was partially brought about because people were becoming inundated with begging letters and various types of junk mail, circulars etc, from these organisations. You had probably supplied the information quite freely at some point, never expecting that you would be forever receiving requests for donations etc. Once they had this information it was very difficult to get them to stop sending unsolicited correspondence. You now have to give your consent for these organisations to contact you for such purposes and there are severe penalties for flouting the rules. The Residents’ Association is not immune from the regulations, and those of you who have in the past had mailings from us, will have received a message from our Secretary asking you to confirm that you still wish to receive such mailings. It is pleasing to report that we had a huge positive response, which hopefully means you find our information of some interest. You can opt out at any time by sending an email to our Secretary Tony. If you were originally receiving the mailings but did not respond to the confirmation request by the 25th May 2018, then your details will have been removed from the group mailing list. This was not done by us as a matter of choice but necessity, because of the regulations. You can always opt to receive information by sending an email to Tony ( Please be assured that the only information the Residents’ Association holds is on our membership database and taken from the application form completed by you. This is necessary to enable us to keep a current record of, and in touch with, members. NO INFORMATION WILL BE PASSED TO ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL OR ORGANISATION
HRA Computer Corner Dear Fellow Residents of Holland on Sea, My Name is Stuart Austin and I have asked HRA magazine If I could highlight a very serious issue lately regarding Computer Scammers. As a local PC Repair Engineer, I have responded to several calls in and around Holland/Frinton/Walton in the last 4 weeks alone regarding Scamming phone calls. These scammers suggest that the resident in question has issues with their PC. The Scammers in these cases also suggest that they were calling from either BT, Microsoft or Talk-Talk. By having “Some” of the resident’s details, residents sometimes “unfortunately” believe all to be true. This is why I would like to bring this to your attention and ask you please inform or pass this information on to anyone you know that may be vulnerable in these circumstances. Firstly, I wish to highlight that neither BT, Microsoft nor Talk-Talk would ever know you had a problem with your PC, neither would they phone you. SO, if you ever receive a call similar to the one above, simply put the phone down and block the number if you have the option to do so. These scammers in one instance were given permission by a resident to remotely access their Computer. The scammers were able to look around the PC and actually changed the user password and then tried to charge £175 for doing absolutely nothing. When the payment was declined, the scammers held them to ransom and would not supply the new password without payment. Whilst I was able to resolve this afterwards, I would rather it never happened again. I would just like to highlight once again, NEVER allow PC computer access to anyone that you do not know personally. If you do receive such a call suggesting there is a problem with your Laptop or PC, simply put the phone down and block the number. HRA Quarterly PC tip: “USB Memory Stick/Cards”. Did you know that the easiest way to break a USB Memory Stick/Card is to pull it out without ejecting it first? Simply find the actual Drive letter associated to it (E/ F/G/H/I/J/K) on your PC, then “right-mouse-click” on it and select “Eject”. You will get confirmation in the bottom right corner, then pull the USB Memory Stick/Card out. Alternatively, you can pull USB Stick/Card out once the PC has shut down. Yours Sincerely Stuart Austin
Holland Environment Following the AGM held on the 17th May I am pleased to introduce myself as your new HRA Environment Officer and I will be working with the Committee to look after our environment and wildlife in Holland on Sea. I am particularly passionate about looking after our beautiful beaches and with the support of the HRA, and Cllr Colin Sargeant have arranged monthly beach cleans which we started last year. The beach often looks clean but there is always something to pick up from plastic straws, bottle tops, balloons, cotton bud sticks, food wrappers and fishing lines and hooks to my more unusual finds of a rubber duck, ring binder, toy cars, metal bell, scissors, gas canisters and party poppers! The list of finds is endless. I have collected over 3000 individual items of litter from our beaches since October last year. The beach cleans take place on the third Saturday of the month, meeting at York Road Car Park at 10.00am – everyone is welcome to come along, meet some new people and help care for our environment. We will also be taking part in the Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean on the 15th September surveying what we find. A few facts: It is estimated that 10million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans each year. 480billion plastic bottles were sold in 2016. Litter on beaches has been increasing for 20 years and plastic makes up 60%. Plastics do not decompose in the sea, they just breakdown into smaller pieces. At least 30.4% of litter found on beaches last year was dropped by the public. Plastic has been found in the stomachs of almost all marine species including fish, birds, whales, seals and turtles. The RSPCA receives more than 5000 calls regarding wildlife and litter every year. The Environment is a hot topic at the moment following the BBC’s Blue Planet programme and campaigns regarding single use plastics and everyone can help the environment by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling wherever possible and don’t flush anything but normal toilet paper down the loo because anything else will eventually end up on our beaches! I will also be liaising with Brenda and her team of Wednesday morning litter pickers and Ray and Linda who are helping to keep the inland areas of Holland clean and tidy. Thank you everyone who has supported the beach cleans and litter picks so far, please let me know what you are doing. If you would like any more information about the beach cleans or anything to do with the environment please contact me by email and please check out the HRA Facebook page where you can see photos of the beach cleans and my finds.
Sue Beeney, HRA Environment Officer
Firstly I would like to thank the Editor of the Holland Residents’ Association Magazine for offering me the opportunity to have regular column in the magazine. As your local Member of Parliament I will be writing a column in every edition keeping you up to date with my activity, both in Westminster and in the constituency. At the time of writing this article it is nearly a year since I was elected to Parliament. Although I can remember the election campaign as if it were yesterday, it also seems impossible to have only been a year since I was first elected. The past year has been a very steep learning curve for me; I have had to learn my way around the parliamentary estate, learn the processes and protocols within Parliament and of course I had to hit the ground running representing the constituents of Clacton in Westminster and locally. During Sir Greg Knight’s Private Members Bill which seeks to strengthen the regulation of private car parks, I delivered a speech about the organisation Smart Parking that saw many fall victims to their unscrupulous practices locally and I am keen to do all I can in Parliament to prevent schemes like this operating ever again. You may also be aware that I led the campaign to secure additional Government funding for the police, and I am pleased that 12 new police officers are to be deployed in the Tendring Police District. I am also delighted that NHS staff in England are to receive a pay rise of at least 6.5% over the next three years, and will continue to campaign to ensure that our hardworking emergency services have the resources they need. Over the last five years, I have been fighting hard to retain our local hospital services and, since my election last June, I have used my Parliamentary position to carry on that fight. I am grateful to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP for confirming that the Government will invest £14.7m in the redevelopment of Clacton Hospital. This is great news for our local health services. I am extremely passionate about animal welfare and I was delighted to support the campaign to ban electric shock collars. I have also been out with the RSPCA in the constituency getting a better understanding of the challenges they face when dealing with cases of animal cruelty and neglect. I have also held meetings with many organisations including the East of England Ambulance Service Trust, Sam Hepplewhite of the North Essex Clinical Commissioning Group, Tendring District Council, Clacton Citizens Advice Bureau, Network Rail, Frinton Free Church and the RSPCA.
As residents who use our doctor’s surgeries run by Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE) will know, there have been issues regarding their telephony system, repeat prescriptions and test results. In my view, this service is unacceptable, so I have attended a meeting of the Patient Participation Group to express my concerns - I am, after all, a patient of theirs myself. I have also held a meeting with Lynne Woodcock, Managing Director of ACE.
21 Orwell Road Clacton on Sea CO15 1PP
Opening Times Monday-Friday 9 to 5 Saturday 9 to 1
However, my concerns have not been addressed and I have now written to Sir David Behan CBE, Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission, and Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, urging immediate action. If you would like to keep up with my activities, both in Clacton and Parliament, take a look here: If you are interested in keeping up to date with the speeches that I make in Parliament then please look here Finally, if you have any concerns that I can assist you with, I hold regular surgeries and appointments can be arranged via my office on: 01255 473748. Until next time All the best
Giles A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. The dad said he’d make a deal with his son: “You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.” The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed you haven’t had your hair cut.” The boy said, “You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.” To this his father replied, “Did you also notice that they walked everywhere they went?”
M&M Painting, Decorating, Wallpapering Mick & Marie a husband and wife team All jobs a pleasure, no jobs too small Free Estimates 01255 812300 07891 18 08 46
APPLIANCE SERVICES www.appliance Visit our shop (opposite Roaring Donkey) 369 Holland Road, Holland on Sea, Essex Washing Machines from £129 FREE local delivery Fridges, Freezers, Dryers, Cookers, Vacuums, etc VACUUM APPLIANCE Batteries, Bulbs, Belts, REPAIRS REPAIRS Filters - And Lots More Repairs - No call out charge Vacuum Repairs - Free Estimates (All cleaners repaired at our shop) Dyson & Hoover Specialists Spares in Stock for All Makes
Tel: 01255 815760
It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. I used to think the brain was the most important organ. Then I thought, look what’s telling me that. A farmer in the field with his cows counted 196 of them, but when he rounded them up he had 200. A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
Local tradesman with 25 years experience
PLASTERING BUILDING WORK - PAINTING HOUSE MAINTENANCE Reasonable rates Free estimates Quality and clean workmanship 6 Hillside Crescent Holland-on-Sea
KINGS AVENUE POST OFFICE AND STORES We are a friendly family run business We have easy parking and can assist with most of your Post Office and Banking needs including:
Telephone 01255 714481 - mobile 07743 468392 also GARDENING WORK undertaken regular grass cutting with edges trimmed - borders tidied pruning. One off jobs also welcome
Holland Art Society Interested in Art?
Learning to paint and Draw?
Why not join Holland Art Society? At our monthly meetings we have demonstrations by experienced artists , a “paint-along” and Christmas Social (a good fun evening). We even have a Gallery to sell your work locally! Beginners, experienced artists, or anyone interested in art, are all welcome. Our meetings are held at St.Bartholomew’s Church Hall, Frinton Road, Holland On Sea on the second and last Wednesday of every month at 7pm with free tea or coffee. We have seven competitions throughout the year, and look forward to seeing you there. For enquiries please contact the secretary Ian Findlay 01255 812265 You know you’re getting old when everything hurts - and what doesn’t hurt doesn’t work
Cheque deposit & cash withdrawals free of charge from most major banks Santander, Co-op, Lloyds, Barclays, HSBC, First Direct, Halifax, TSB, Yorkshire Bank, Smile and Cahoot. No charge for Council Tax payments by cash or cheque Free Utility bill payments on most bills including gas, electric and phone bills Full Postal Services Fishing Licences
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For all your catering needs Including: birthdays, weddings, engagements and funerals Please call in at our shop to discuss your catering needs or call us on 01255 317175 111a Frinton Road, Holland on Sea, CO15 5UP Why not pop in for Coffee (or tea) and cake or maybe a light lunch – All Welcome
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Angel Landscapes and Designs a small, professional landscape gardening firm with RHS qualified staff that guarantees top quality with a personal touch portfolio available for inspection over 10 years experience local personnel
Sean Hale 01255 421721 07813 048278 The old don’t have to worry about avoiding temptation. When you’re old temptation avoids you !! You know you’re old when you bend down to tie your shoelaces and start wondering what else you can do while you’re down there
RIDGEWELL HOUSE 95 Dulwich Road, Holland on Sea CO15 5LZ Residential Care Home for the Elderly Small registered 16 bed family run home Home cooked meals, Friendly, homely environment Large private garden Weekend and weekly respite and long term care Experienced trained staff
For details phone 01255 815633
01255 688896
2018 HOLLAND RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONFRONT GARDEN COMPETITION As you will have read in the Spring magazine we have decided to do something different this year. The garden competition will be for front gardens only and you can enter your own garden or put forward another garden which you think deserves an award. We will present three prizes for those considered the best. Judging will take place around the middle of July. You can enter on line by sending the details requested on the form below to Or complete the form and take it to the King’s Avenue Post Office who have kindly agreed to accept these. There is no charge for entry If you are entering a garden which is not your own, please get the property owner’s permission before submitting the form.
HOLLAND RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION—FRONT GARDEN COMPETITION 2018 Name of property owner .......................................................................................... Address of property ................................................................................................... Postcode ....................................................... Telephone number .............................. I wish to enter my garden/ I am entering someone else’s garden (Please delete as appropriate) I confirm that, if I am entering someone else’s garden, I have their permission to do so Signed ..........................................................................................................................
Child friendly message
HOLLAND-ON-SEA 129 LADIES CLUB We now meet at Holland-on-Sea Methodist Church Hall in King’s Avenue. Our meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month. Doors open at 7.30 Our Summer programme is as follows: Wednesdays 6 June 2018 ‘Costume Jewellery from 1950 to date – Butler and Wilson design’ The Club celebrates its birthday with cake and its annual Rose Competition 4 July 2018 An interesting talk and slides by Mrs Lynne Barker entitled MAF ‘Flying for Life’. The presenter would welcome donations of stamped postcards. 22 August 2018 Garden Party in one of our Member’s garden 5 September 2018 ‘Growing up in the Dutch Quarter in Colchester in the 1940s and 1950s’ (Part One) by Mr Walters Annual Membership available £20. Visitors will be made very welcome (£3 per evening). Refreshments are served at each meeting. For further details, please contact either Carole Parmenter 01255-813315 or Mary Edwards 01255 436618
Adrian Buizer - Optometrist
Adrian Buizer BSc(Hons) FBDO MCOptom 60 Frinton Road Holland-on-Sea
Tel: 01255 814923
Free Collection and Delivery Service Available ‘Go on, Let’s Take a Load off Your Mind’
Flowers and gifts for all occasions Hot Tubs Pool and Spa Supplies chemicals and equipment Swimming pool and Spa maintenance and repair Hot Tub Hire New Swimming Pool Builds Find us on
or at 125 Frinton Road, Holland on Sea Essex, CO15 5UP 01255 818381
Hand Ties Helium Balloons
01255 815995 82 Kings Avenue, Holland on Sea, Essex CO15 5EP
Gifts, Holly wreaths and Burlap wreaths available
SCARECROW TRAIL Kids, Teenage and Adults Martial arts classes Helps: Discipline and Respect, Confidence, Coordination, Prevention Against Bullying, Staying fit and Having Fun, And Making New Friends To Book Your Free Introduction Class! Call:07951842918
Family History Would you like someone to research your family tree? Do you want advice on starting your own research? Have you run into a brick wall in your own research? We would be happy to help out FREE OF CHARGE Genealogy is our main hobby and we have been researching family history for many years. Contact us Dave and Rita on 813405 or email
St. Bart's Church, along with the Holland Residents' Association, is organizing a Scarecrow Trail to celebrate the end of summer. From 17 - 24 August, residents are encouraged to display homemade scarecrows in their front gardens. The theme for this year's Trail is Literary Characters, so each scarecrow should represent a character from a book. Everyone in the village is encouraged to go around and see all of the scarecrows during the week they are on display and try to guess which characters each scarecrow represents. On Saturday 25 August, a closing ceremony will be held at St. Bart's (on Frinton Road). Prizes will be awarded for best scarecrow construction and for correctly identifying the most scarecrows. This should be a fun end-of-summer activity for both residents and guests, that gives us all a chance to get to know our neighbours better! If you are entering then please let us know by email to
Coastal Golf Academy have taken over the lease of the pitch and putt and tennis courts for the year so hopefully this will be an improved facility we will all want to use. Adults cost £5 children and over 60’s £3.50 family of 4 £13 For pitch and putt
By the time you receive this we will hopefully be in the middle of a sunny summer and will be enjoying the lovely area in which we are fortunate to live. In this edition of the magazine you will find a number of new advertisers and I ask that you support all our local shops and businesses. We have the usual reports on all the activities and projects we are involved with and are going on in the village. We always ask for reports from our MP, County and District Councillors and in this edition we have a new contributor, our MP, Giles Watling. We also have a report from our new Environment Officer, Sue Beeney and as always from members of the Executive Committee and our County Councillor, Colin Sargeant. There is so much going on and to let you know about that this edition has finally reached the 60 pages.
Verity JARS WITH LIDS WANTED From Lin and Dave Morgan - We still need jam jars as we are collecting them for a lady who makes jam, marmalade, chutneys and pickles and sells them at the late riser boot sale. The proceeds go solely to the Air Ambulance charity. She works extremely hard and it is good to support her. Our contact number is :07549 007380
KEEPING INFORMED If you are on email and would like to receive information on events and activities in Holland or if you are holding an event (non political) and you would like it publicised via email please drop a note to
Love your Neighbour! That’s good, Biblical advice. When Jesus was asked what the most important rule in the Bible was, he listed the two most important rules: Love God. Love your neighbour. Not only did Jesus say that these are the two most important rules in the Bible, but he went on to say that, actually, every single other rule in the Bible is really just a variation of these two rules. So, if you want to show God that you love him, you can start by showing love to the people around you. But, even if you do not believe in God, loving your neighbour is still great advice! Why? Because loving one another - showing compassion for the people around us, looking out for each other, treating others with dignity – builds up and strengthens our community. We are all very blessed to live in a friendly community in a beautiful part of the country. But the community is only as strong as the bonds that hold us together as individuals. At St. Bart’s Church, we are committed to building up our local community, making Holland-on-Sea a place where everyone feels welcome, accepted and safe! Whatever our individual beliefs may be, we should all be working together to create a village where we love our neighbours. And so I encourage you, over the coming months, as we all spend more time outdoors, get to know your neighbours! Get to know the ones who live on your road, the ones you see on the beach, the ones you bump into at the shops and pass on the streets. Strike up conversations with people you do not know yet. Learn people’s names, find out what they enjoy, what they are good at, how you can help them or how they might be able to help you. Love your neighbour!
Ti Chase Lay Minister St. Bartholomew’s Church
77-79 Frinton Road Holland-on-Sea Essex CO15 5UH tel: 01255 812 444 fax: 01255 812 344 OPENING HOURS
Saturday to Wednesday 8am to 10pm and Thursdays and Fridays 8am to 11pm A delivery service is offered in the local area.
Holland Pet & Garden Supplies 69 Frinton Road Holland-on-Sea Essex CO155UH Telephone
01255 815772
Flamingo 30 years Corporate Experience Ex-BT Engineer Computer/Laptop Repairs, Upgrades, Virus Removal, Data Recovery
Telephone NIGEL 01255 674048
Public Hall Frinton Road Holland-on-Sea
Restaurant and Bar Queens Court, Kings Parade Holland-on-Sea tel 01255 812239 fax 01255 815940 e-mail web
OPENING HOURS Monday: 1.00 - 5.00 Tuesday:Closed Wednesday: 9.00 - 1.00 Thursday: 1.00 - 5.00 Saturday 9 - 1
Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, you can grown flowers or you can grow weeds ......
What’s In A Name
To those that are settled in Holland on Sea the name Gunfleet appears quite regularly. Just six miles off our coastline lie the Gunfleet Sands, a sandbank that, over the years, has claimed many boats and, even sadder, several lives. Today, with modern technology and sensible navigation their danger is far less and the name is now more synonymous with the Gunfleet Sailing Club, Gunfleet Boating Club, Gunfleet Court and, at one time, Gunfleet School (now known as Tendring Technology College). But where did the name Gunfleet derive from? Gunfleet was the old name of Holland Brook and probably derived from the Count of Guisnes who held the manor of Little Holland, sometimes called Gynes, in 1210. The word fleet, according to the dictionary, means creek or inlet. Prior to the 17th Century the estuary of the Gunfleet formed a small harbour, protected by two tongues of land extending from Frinton on the north and from Little Holland on the south. This harbour was called Gunfleet Haven. Just occasionally, after heavy rains have caused the Holland Brook to flood one can get an idea of how the Gunfleet Haven then looked. In 1504 there was reference to Gunflethayvn and the chronicler Holinshed wrote that Gunfleete was a port “such as our seafaring men do note for their benefit upon the coasts of England”. In the reign of Elizabeth 1 a report on the suppression of piracy mentioned the Gonflete as well as a landing place in the grounds of Little Holland Hall. By the 17th century the harbour appears to have silted up, and the lower reaches of the brook were a morass. A sea wall was therefore constructed across the estuary, with a manually operated sluice to release land water at low tide, and marshland for grazing was thus provided. The wall and the drainage of the marshes (Tendring Level) were maintained by a succession of Level Commissioners, whose powers were later transferred to River Authorities. In the middle of the 18th century a canal was excavated and the sluice relocated south of the brook’s natural outfall. There may once have been a farm or small settlement here called Gunfleet, but this name seems to have applied generally to the area and from thence to the sandbank offshore which was recorded as Gunfletsond as far back as 1320. Certainly in that year there was recorded that a vessel carrying food and munitions from London to Berwick was wrecked on the “Gunfletsond”. By 1628 buoys had been placed to mark the channel and shortly after this a beacon was erected. In 1850 a lighthouse was built on the sands. Designed by James Walker it proved to be very different from the conventional style. Built entirely of iron the superstructure was supported on seven adjustable “legs” which were first screwed some forty feet or more into the seabed. Two similar structures were placed on the Maplin Sands and just off Canvey Island on the Chapman Sands. Manned by a principal keeper and two assistants the accommodation within the hexagonal body of the lighthouse must have been somewhat cramped. Consisting of a small bedroom, a living room, a tiny scullery cum lobby and a fairly large store room, the thought of living out there seems bleak if not eerie and entries in the Gunfleet log only confirm this:
23 November 1928 “windguard and funnel blew down - squall of exceptional violence reaching hurricane force - direction N.W.” 24 October 1931 “A small boat with two men aboard arrived at lighthouse this afternoon 2.30 p.m. Stated they had been fishing and were unable to return to Clacton.” It was the first lighthouse at sea to be fitted with a telephone and in the 1970’s workmen on the greensward at Frinton unearthed part of the cable. With the shifting sands the lighthouse went out of use in 1939. In the early 1950’s the other two lighthouses of the same design, which were still active, were found to have their piles dangerously undermined. Trinity House evacuated both the ‘Maplin’ and the ‘Chapman’ and had them dismantled, but the ‘Gunfleet’ remained. In September 1958 Graham Taylor of Frinton attempted to purchase the lighthouse as an away from it all holiday home but Trinity House, aware of its possible collapse, refused to sell. In 1974 a group of modern day pirates attempted to start a radio station from the lighthouse, by now stripped of any equipment. Trinity House and the police soon put a stop to these activities and one can only wonder what damage the vibrating generators might have caused. Meanwhile, on a clear day from the seafront, one can stare 6 miles out and still look at the old light, abandoned in the 30s, declared unsafe in the 50s, still standing in the 21st century, and know its name probably derived from the Count of Guisnes.
Old postcard – a very faded view of the Gunfleet lighthouse in its heyday
Still standing – Still surviving despite the ravishes of time
We have been developing our Facebook page in recent months and it is now being used on a daily basis. Warnings of scams, local news, lost and found, reports on beach cleans and cycle rides are all included. Just go to Facebook and search Holland Residents’ Association and you will find us