Gifted Magazine 9-29-2022

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2-Cover Issue

September 29, 2022


Jackie Flemming

MILLENNIAL SOAR Demetrics C. Gibbs

GIFTED ISSN 2771-7607




Gifted Magazine

September 2022

EDITOR’S LETTER Dear Reader, Welcome to Gifted Magazine, It’s an honor to welcome you to the Gifted Magazine family. You will not be disappointed! This issue graces the Gifted7, which is a combination of Kingdom excellence from around the globe. Entrepreneurs, Authors, Pastors, Speakers, Designers, and Educators utilizing their gifts and talents in the marketplace to inspire excellence! Our core mission will always be the same: to inspire purpose, introduce excellence and speak life to a global audience. By recognizing leaders worldwide for their contribution to their communities. We thank you for being loyal readers, and are so thankful you are here reading today. Gifted is a faith-based, Christian magazine, run by believ-

As a publication, we do not advocate for any specific

ers. We offer both digital and print magazine issues. We are

political ideology, but we have set standards regarding the

inspired by the voices of our readers, more specifically, of

posting of harmful and denigrating pieces. We see our plat-

the multitude of voices that are contained by mainstream

form as a ministry and thus view that it is our responsibility

media. Have a testimony to share? Gifted is for you! Have

to highlight the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with the use of our

a thought on a current issue? Gifted! Interesting faith jour-

platform. Our intention is to host a platform for believers

ney? Gifted! Whatever Gift it may be, we hope you climb

to share their life experiences, faith stories, and creative

your creative (or life-changing) faith mountain with us.

works. That is why we exist.

Use our digital platform to read articles from our wide

I am elated to be furthering the mission of Gifted Magazine

range of contributors and check out our “Gifted Commu-

and to hear your stories.

nities,” a regular column pointing you to interesting reads across the globe. Our magazine will continue to feature all


three sections you have gotten used to in the past years

Editor in Chief

(commentary, faith, and arts & culture) and hope to allow submissions in other languages as well.

Instagram #ShanieSalmon LETTERS+COMMENTS Subscription Help or email us at or call 888-960-5441





Jackie Flemming


Demetrics Gibbs



Sylvia Castillo


Faith Onyeje Oyita


Jackie Stamps


Monica Floyd


Shaquatta Edgar


Brittany Joseph


Dr. Eric Holmes


Stephanie Mcneal

Gifted Magazine

September 2022

Crystal Tolbert



Terry Weems


Eliyahu Shmuel




Gifted Magazine

September 2022





Tell us about yourself My name is Sylvia Castillo, the wife of Evangelist Jorge Castillo. I am a mother of five beautiful children. I am the CEO and founder of Sylvia Early Learning Program which has been running for 19 years. I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ 29 years ago. In my life, I have experienced many hardships, but God has always seen me through. The Love of God began cultivating in my life through a heart for prayer. He called me into ministry, and I began as a youth minister. The Spirit of the Lord elevated me to a prophetess to cultivate his people into intercession. How did you identify your purpose? I identified my purpose with the help of the Holy Spirit. He revealed it to me through dreams and visions. As I heard his voice, I began following His leadership. What challenges have you experienced throughout the pursuit of your purpose? The challenges I’ve faced have been to follow God’s instructions Gifted Magazine

completely, focus on what He says

on who you are and were created

and not worry or get distracted

to be. Do not be anxious in life

by what others think of my

but embrace the journey that life



What motivates you to become

One word for Gifted Magazine

the person you are today?


What motivates me to become the

It is never too late to pursue your

person I am today is that I have

purpose. Follow after what you’re

seen the results of persistently and

passionate about in life. Never

fervently praying. I have seen lives

give up on following after your

transformed, hearts and bodies


healed, and people restored to the Lord Jesus Christ. This motivates

Kingdom Blessings,

me daily.

Sylvia Castillo

What advice would you give to your younger self? The advice I would give to my younger self is to remain focused

September 2022





What is the name of your brand/

Tell us about yourself and your



Jackie Enterprises/ Jackie’s

I am a wife, a mother of 3 children,

Collection Clothing Boutique

a boutique owner, and a mentor. I am a sought-after international

While working in corporate America, as a section 8, leasing agent, the Lord moved upon my heart to walk away from my corporate job where I was making good money, to become an entrepreneur.

speaker, speaking at conferences, and empowerment events. I also conducts my annual conferences and events themed “A night of purpose”, as well as workshops and seminars in both business and ministry. When did you know that business/entrepreneurship was something you would do? In 2006 I realized my call into ministry and in 2012, I felt another transition occur in my life. While working in corporate America, as a section 8, leasing agent, the Lord moved upon my heart to walk away from my corporate job where I was making good money, Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022

10 to become an entrepreneur. (Jackie

The covid-19 pandemic sort of

not bringing on a team, afraid to

describes the entire process and

affected businesses the world

trust and partner with people. Not

shares in great detail how God

over, what are those things you’ve

getting the proper help needed

spoke to her to make this move

done to keep your business

and being afraid to ask for help.

and to launch out and follow her

running? Okay, what has been your best

dream of becoming an author, a

achievement as an entrepreneur?

public speaker, and a conductor of

When the pandemic hit, I was able

workshops, seminars, and other

to obtain a building and open my

events focused on empowering

clothing boutique. God upgraded

The best achievement for me

men, women, young adults, and

me in the pandemic. Despite the

was when I started seeing the

children, to discover their God-

pandemic, people from all over the

accomplishments of my goals.

given purpose in life

world came to support the launch

Starting seems to be a very

of my new business. The pandemic

What will be your message to

blessed me and my family.

that college student who doubts

difficult part of entrepreneurship,

his chances of success if he starts

how were you able to finance

What do you love most about

your business in the beginning?

being an entrepreneur?

a business? Don’t go through your journey

Behind the scenes, God was giving

I love that I can leave a legacy for

alone by putting God in a box. You

me wisdom on how to gain capital

my children, provide employment,

limit God’s way of success. Get

for my business, I had to put some

and bless others.

your eyes off yourself and ask God

things on hold and follow His lead.

for confirmation and be ok with

Soon enough, I no longer had

How highly do you place God in

your journey being different from

to use credit cards to purchase

your business and what values do

other people’s journeys.

things, I was able to use cash to

you uphold? How can people connect with

pay things off. God is number one in everything


What has been the motivating

that I do. I let people know that

factor for you?

my company is a Christian-based

Social media handles, email


addresses, and phone numbers.

Looking at the failure of my past

Website (www.jackieflemming.

has forced me to learn how to

What do you think you should

com), Instagram (jackieflemming1),

depend on God. My children are

have done differently?

Email (jflemmingbookings@gmail.

also big motivators for me.

com), Facebook (Jackie Flemming) Believe God sooner.

What are the challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur?

What is your worst failure as an entrepreneur, that lowest

The fear of not doing things God’s


way is a challenge for me. Trying to do things by myself and

Gifted Magazine

September 2022





Tell us about yourself I am prophetess/pastor Jackie Stamps, and I am from Anniston, AL. I am married to the Love of my life; Sr. pastor Scottie Stamps and we have been married for the past 25 years. I am an associate pastor of Total Life Christian Ministries of Anniston, Al where senior pastor Scottie and I are the founders. We have three wonderful children and one beautiful granddaughter. I am a published author of my first book titled, ‘Sandpapered’ and co-author of a new compilation book, ‘Queens Supporting Queens’ along with 29 other women of God which can be found on I am the founder & CEO of “Virtuous Women of God Ministries International and the founder of Jackie Stamps Ministries where I inspire and empower women to birth their purpose. I am a Gospel recording

purchased on all online distribution

How did you identify your

artist. I am the host of an evening

sites. I have been in the music


‘Praize w/Prophetess Jackie’ on

ministry for over 30 years, and I

Facebook Live & Youtube that

am a speaker and psalmist. My

I first identified my calling when

holds every Monday at 6.00 pm

husband and I are the owners of

I figured out I was different from

CST. Also now aired on Elevation

‘Blessed Hands Variety & More’,

everyone else. I never fit. So, I

TV Network is ‘The Empowered

where we create t-shirts, flyers

knew there was something God

Push with Prophetess Jackie’ every

and invitations, wood mailboxes,

was doing.

Friday, 7:00 pm EST/ 6:00 pm

welcome signs, and more.

CST. My CD “Delivered,” can be Gifted Magazine

September 2022

12 What inspired you to pursue your purpose? As a young child and even in high school, God continued to make me different. It was then I knew God had more purpose for me and I determined to pursue it. What challenges have you experienced throughout the pursuit of your purpose? There have been so many different

My inspiration was given through God and my life experiences. I wanted to let other women know that, despite how difficult life may be and whatever they may be currently facing, God is a deliverer.

challenges. I’ve lost loved ones, found enemies, and struggle with my own identity. I had to learn to not be a people pleaser. Yet, God continually kept me through it all. What is the name of your book? My book is titled, “Sandpapered” What inspired you to write your book? My inspiration was given through God and my life experiences. I wanted to let other women know that, despite how difficult life may be and whatever they may be currently facing, God is a deliverer. What motivates you to become the person you are today? I want to come to the fullness of what God has called me to be, to be a vessel in the Hands of God to push people into God’s

Gifted Magazine

given purpose. My family is also

God has called you to be the best

my motivation. They constantly

He made you be. Know that you

pray and push me to be the best

are fearfully and wonderfully made

version of myself, and all that God

by God.

created me to be. CONTACT INFORMATION If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what

Facebook Link: https://www.

would it be? Twitter:

Never allow the opinion of others


determines your worth.

YouTube Link: https://youtube. com/user/mzpraize

What tips do you have for our readers that are trying to find their purpose? Never give up, keep going! Know that your tests are like sandpaper, they help smoothen out your rough edges. Please provide final thoughts for Gifted Magazine.

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022





There have been many challenges. I have been challenged with fear, people telling me I wasn’t supposed to preach because I’m a woman, health issues, loss of my job, passing of my father, divorce, and many other things. Tell us about yourself

poetry to express my feelings. I

What challenges have you

also began identifying my purpose

experienced throughout the

I am a mother to one beautiful

as a minister when I was a child

pursuit of your purpose?

and smart daughter. I am a servant

through dreams. In these dreams,

of God who loves being an

I would be preaching, and it

There have been many challenges.

encouragement to others. I have

took me some time to figure out

I have been challenged with

a passion for people no matter

that was what I was doing in my

fear, people telling me I wasn’t

their color, gender, or economic

dreams. Also, later my calling as a

supposed to preach because

status. I was born to bring change

preacher was confirmed by three

I’m a woman, health issues, loss

to a broken world and that is what

different servants of God.

of my job, passing of my father,

I choose to do. I enjoy writing,

divorce, and many other things.

podcasting, and being a minister in

What inspired you to pursue your

Although I have experienced these

God’s kingdom.


challenges, they are pushing me forward into my destiny.

How did you identify your

Knowing the great impact that I


would have on people’s lives is

What is the name of your book?

what inspired me to pursue my I began identifying my purpose as


I am still working on a name for

a writer when I was about 12 years

my book, hopefully, I will have

old. I would journal a lot and write

a name for it soon. I am also a

Gifted Magazine

September 2022

15 part of several anthologies that will also be launched this year. Those anthologies are as follows: Overcoming Obstacles by Walking in Kingdom Authority-Volume 1, Live Your Faith Out Loud- Volume 2, and Women of Power: Ignited to Serve. What inspired you to write your book? Having my voice heard through the pages of books and the influence they will have on the lives of others is what inspired me. Also, knowing that I will be a part of something that is big and will accomplish the will of God. What motivates you to become the person you are today? My family would be my biggest motivation. My mom and dad; believed in me and were proud of me. Watching my brothers and sisters go through things and continue to go on, daily inspires me to keep going as well. And my daughter she’s proud of me and gets excited about what I do. With them, I can’t help but press towards better and be all God called me to be. God also motivates me because He has never left my side. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Gifted Magazine

I would tell my younger self to be strong and courageous and not be afraid, God’s got you. What tips do you have for our readers that are trying to find their purpose? Pay attention to things in your life that don’t make sense because it just might be God pushing you towards your destiny. Also, seek God, pray, and ask Him to show you what you were created to do. Please provide final thoughts for Gifted Magazine. I am excited about what God is doing through me. It’s not always easy, but God has enabled me to be the minister and writer he has purposed for me to be. Even when we don’t feel or think we are worthy or capable of being a light to anyone we must keep pursuing our purpose anyway. It’s often in the darkest moments that God raises us and causes us to shine even brighter. So as a light we

must keep pressing forward with purpose and never lose hope in God. CONTACT INFORMATION Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/FABBossLadyQhttps:// GreaterLoveMinistries18 Twitter: ShaquattaE LinkedIn: shaquatta-edgar-58949941 YouTube: https://www. UCbtn9suH3vdIkzYiXhnHKCA Instagram: https://www.instagram. com/chosendefenderladyq/ Email Address: Business Phone Number:251-387-2489

September 2022





Tell us about yourself and your

assignments my purpose was


already in me it just caught up to the timing and season of God and

I was born and raised in


Harrisburg. I serve in Beth-el Temple Church. I am an ordained

Starting seems to be a very

elder and I serve in several

difficult part of entrepreneurship,

ministries. I am also a certified

how were you able to finance

life coach, mental and behavioral

your business in the beginning?

health coach, and a 25-year essential healthcare worker at

Family support, family prayers,

Johns Hopkins.

family love, and family encouragement will lead to success, and because I had that

When did you know that

it was successful. It wasn’t that I

business/entrepreneurship was

wanted to give up, but it was some

something you would do?

rough times; however, prayer, support, and God reminded me he

As I was doing different

Gifted Magazine

was with me and kept me going.

It wasn’t that I wanted to give up, but it was some rough times; however, prayer, support, and God reminded me he was with me and kept me going.

September 2022

17 What has been the motivating factor for you? One of the books by TD Jakes Influence The covid-19 pandemic sort of affected businesses the world over, what are those things you’ve done to keep your business running? I would say seek wise counsel, have a mentor, get all the training, and be teachable but always seek God. I am not the pastor, I am one of the Ecclesia one of the Elders helping. What do you love most about being an entrepreneur? his chances of success if he starts I enjoy what I do because it’s a

a business?

privilege to be used by God Continued in the process and What is your worst failure as


an entrepreneur, that lowest moment?

How can people connect with you?

One mistake is not following the plan and instructions

Social media handles, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Okay, what has been your best achievement as an entrepreneur?

I can be reached on all social media platforms. Twitter, FB, IG

I am always looking for ways to


FB: Eric Holmes.

better and do more and build upon


Twitter: Dr. Eric holmes

the foundation


IG: Dr. E holmes and


LinkedIn: Eric Holmes

I would say seek wise counsel, have a mentor, get all the training, and be teachable but always seek God. I am not the pastor, I am one of the Ecclesia one of the Elders helping.

What will be your message to that college student who doubts

Gifted Magazine

September 2022




FAITH ONYEJE OYITA What is the name of your ministry

will shall more about how I started

or church?

versus where this once poor girl hawking on the streets of Makurdi

New nation missionary church. I

the capital of Benue state Nigeria,

serve as an ordained pastor in this

is today. By the way, am from

Global movement.

Ibilla-Alukpo, in the Oju local government area of Benue state. I

Tell us about yourself and your

belong to the Igede-speaking tribe


of Benue.

I am a book with many pages, so I

At what point did you discover

find it difficult sometimes to know

the purpose and that is the

the area to come from, but I will

ministry God is calling you to?

give it a shot. From childhood. I always tell My name is Faith Oyita as earlier

people that, only purpose

mentioned. I am 24 years old. I am

discovery can give birth to life

the CEO of Oyita Faith shoes and

fulfillment. I discovered that I

bags collections, as well as Oyita

loved God so much from a tender

clothing and textiles, Zocumber

age. My parents were average

drinks limited and other brands. I

Christians but something in me

was born into a family of 5 and I am privileged to be the eldest. I lost my dad when I was in primary 5, almost 10 years, and life became sour. I started hawking for my mum when I was 8 years old though when my dad died, I told myself that I am not a product of my circumstance but my decisions, hence I chose to succeed, stand out and influence my world. The journey from childhood to Adulthood wasn’t smooth but Gifted Magazine

God never assured us of a smooth journey, He rather promised us a safe landing that has been my lot. From the circumstances around my birth, my dad told me I was a special child, the one whom God’s hand was evidently upon. God held me at every step, He raised me and made me tall, and yes we just got started because those height men tag impossible, we will attain it and bid them come. As we proceed in the interview I

kept telling me to aim for more, even as a child. I started fasting in primary 4. My teacher, myself, as well as some of my classmates, will go to the church and pray during the break. At some point, my dad stopped attending our precious church. I went and looked for a church and told him, ‘Daddy, I have found a church for all of us, no one stays at home anymore. They all followed me. I was 7 years old. That was the church my dad worshipped with until his September 2022

19 premature death. The very first

thriving even to the resent day. My

miracle God did through me, and

siblings see me as their prophet

my classmate was to give our

and not just their older sister. I got

teacher a baby. She’d been barren for years. I knew God had called and that He wanted to use me. I gave him my life and he was glad I did. Most of the knowledge in him I had he taught me. I began to pray on my own. I eat the scriptures and love God. I went to join the

I always tell people that, only purpose discovery can give birth to life fulfillment. I discovered that I loved God so much from a tender age.

school, I was already a preacher of the word to my mates. At age 16 I was going out on invitations to preach the word in churches and programs backed up with signs and wonders. At age 18-19 in 200 level. I have ordained a pastor with the New nation Missionary church and till the ends of the earth, we will continue to Flag up Jesus. What inspired you to pursue your

Gifted Magazine

Ghost and they are all actively serving God. I became a father to my siblings and a husband to my mum ensuring I provide them with all forms of security in God, education, finances, etc. What challenges have you

choir at age 8. They said I was too young, but I insisted. In secondary

3 of them baptized in the Holy

purpose? My family played a vital role. My mum will always tell me, seeing attended vigils and program a lot, that she won’t stop me from serving God but as long as I can balance it with assisting her in her business. I hawked till my 3rd year at the university. The Holy Ghost my best friend gave me wisdom on how to carry along business with ministry and they are both

experienced throughout the pursuit of your purpose? I thought of giving up countlessly, but I didn’t. Being a believer doesn’t stop the devil from suggesting trash to you, but the Holy Ghost and the power of God on your inside will rise a standard above those voices. I always say that you can’t stop the devil from fighting, but he

September 2022


That would be knowing God still earlier than I did. Spending time with my biological dad. My dad is my hero.

can’t stop you from winning

What is the name of your favorite

too. My resolve to make it in life


here. What message would you give to

became bigger than my desire to

your younger self?

quit. Each time I spent time with

This question is quite difficult

the Holy Ghost the revelations

because I am a bookworm. I

and visions He shows me wowed

love books so having to pick

That would be knowing God still

me. I see myself in places I know

one. Anyways, the power of

earlier than I did. Spending time

only him can take me there. I

Recognition by Mike Murdock

with my biological dad. My dad is

see myself raising the dead, etc.

transformed my life greatly.

my hero.

Do you have any regrets?

What do you love most about

My conclusion is that only a man who hasn’t met the Holy Ghost

being an entrepreneur?

genuinely will want to give up. The Holy Ghost quickens the weak.

No mistakes to regret by God’s

Whenever am faced with a storm

grace. The Holy Ghost has been

I enjoy every bit of all I do and

I remind myself ‘Faith you are not alone, Jesus is in the boat, and it works. When you are faced with trials of life be conscious of the God you carry. We are not meant to run away from mountains, but to eat mountains like chocolate. The Bible says 1 John 4:4 ‘Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.’ Become so full of God’s word. The devil, as well as challenges, will never be scared of your face but the amount of God’s word richly dwelling in you. Gifted Magazine

September 2022


even those I plan to further do.

What will be your message to

The thoughts of them alone give

that college student who doubts

me chills of fulfillment. As long I

his chances of success if he starts

stay yielded to the government

a business?

of the Holy Ghost and marry my secret place, he will make me

Don’t joke about your secret place.

wonder and praise the earth. All

You started with God and make

I have resolved is to stand when

sure you stay through with him to

God is standing, move when he is

the end. Let the Holy Ghost be

and never take a step if he hasn’t

your all in all, not your knowledge

authorized me to.

not even you’re anointing nor spiritual head as good as they are.

Do you take breaks?

Stay humble and remain a servant. Delete the arrival mentality

No, I don’t take a break. Whenever

from your mind, and never allow

I am called upon, I respond. We

your children to cheer you into

will work while it’s day for the

irrelevance. Stay humble and

night Cometh when no one can

yielded to God.

work. Ministry is not a carrier you take a break from, it is a life you

How can people connect to you?

have sacrificed upon the Altar of God to serve, for example,

Like my page on Facebook @

prophetess Anna in the Bible. As


long there is grace from God we

On Instagram

Whenever I am called upon, I respond. We will work while it’s day for the night Cometh when no one can work. Ministry is not a carrier you take a break from, it is a life you have sacrificed upon the Altar of God to serve, for example, prophetess Anna in the Bible.

will continue to live.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022



Terry Weems Apostle Terry A Weems Sr My ministry name is Obadiah Ecclesiastical Alliance. I am known for having an electrifying anointing that shifts the atmosphere, bringing deliverance and healing. I’m best described for ministering the word of God in truth, spirit, and power. Having a passion to train, equip and empower those that are called of God to advance the Kingdom of God. I am driving in developing individuals to walk fully in their purpose God has called them to and watching the Lord prosper them. My purpose was discovered at the age of sixteen, however, it took years of development. It was actually in Fort Lauderdale FL., that my purpose was awakened. The words to me were ‘God called you to be a prophet.’ Now, not having a prophetic lineage naturally I was perplexed. It was later that God likened me to the prophet Amos, who stated “I was not a prophet nor the son of a prophet” Amos 7:14. I did not quite understand the full totality of it until God added significant people to my life. These significant people were instrumental in developing my

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


My purpose was discovered at the age of sixteen, however, it took years of development. It was actually in Fort Lauderdale FL., that my purpose was awakened.

character and call.

me of giving up. I’ve realized that

Apart from the Bible, Bishop

giving up is easy but continuing

T.D Jakes’ book ‘Making Great

Some family members had a role

the race takes perseverance,

Decisions’ has influenced my life

in the success of my ministry that

patience, and much prayer. It was

and my ministry immeasurably.

I am forever grateful for. However,

the remembrance of the promise

we know that the anointing

that keep me going. Realizing that

One of the biggest mistakes that I

attracts attack, and as hard as this

had I permanently quit, it would

have made in ministry is familiarity.

is to say, at times those attacks

have been food to my foes! So, I

When we start getting familiar

are from the confinement of your

decided to starve my foes and, of

with things and people, we start

own family. The Bible is explicit

course, God helped me too.

allowing things that we should not.

when it cautioned us, that our

The way that I managed to stay

This familiarity caused me to forge

family could be the ones against

close to God was to stay before

relationships that jeopardize my

us. Even the family members who

God! I also had to keep the

destiny. Although “all things work

oppose us are vital to the success

company of real, resilient, and

together for the good” Romans

of our ministry. Their opposition

robust individuals in my life. I

8:28. I believe mistakes are ‘nasty

serves a purpose that we may not

believe who we align ourselves

but very much necessary to take

understand until later in life.

with, will determine if we misalign

us in the right direction we are

ourselves or stay aligned to God.

mandated to go.

From a place of transparency,

Throughout these years of many

there were several times that

storms, I had to rely on God for

I wish that earlier in my ministry,

the thought presented itself to

strength to carry me through.

I had embraced a spiritual

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


father because fathers give us

Like Jesus, we must take breaks

our identity. There are so many

because if we don’t, we will break.

that have not located their true

I often say if we continue to be

spiritual identity because of the

used, and not refueled we will

lack of fathers. We have attributed

eventually be useless. I desire to

birthing only to women, but the

stay usable as long as God keeps

scripture debunks that ideology.

his breath in my body. My words

Paul states, I had to give birth for

to those that are starting ministry

you the second time until Christ

are to first wait for ministry. I

is formed in you, Galatians 4:19. I

would strongly recommend them

believe I would have been formed

to allow God to groom them so He

earlier had I embraced a spiritual

will provide room in their proper


place. I would also make sure they

True fulfillment comes from fulfilling your God-given purpose. I can honestly say every aspect of what I’m called to do I enjoy it. This is what I was separated from the womb to do. My plan in moving ahead is to remain consistent, committed, and confident. Allowing God to order every step is essential to what’s before me.

understand trying to be perfect is True fulfillment comes from

frustrating. God does not call the

fulfilling your God-given purpose.

perfect, but he will perfect the

I can honestly say every aspect


of what I’m called to do I enjoy it. This is what I was separated

I can be reached at

from the womb to do. My plan

in moving ahead is to remain consistent, committed, and confident. Allowing God to order every step is essential to what’s before me.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022




DEMETRICS GIBBS What is the name of your brand/

of the things that I love to do

I knew that business /


is an advocate for others. This

entrepreneurship was something I

is one of the reasons why Ipub

had to do once I became unhappy

was birthed through me. Ipub is

working a man’s job for the rest of

a publishing company that helps

my life. You never know what can

Tell us about yourself and your

people speak and tell their stories.

happen to a man’s job. You live


It isn’t just about becoming a first-

paycheck to paycheck. You could

time author, but more so about

be laid off unexpectedly and be

Greetings everyone, my name is

standing on the truth of what God

super stressed, but when God calls

Demetrics. I am the author of two

has given them.

you into entrepreneurship. You are


books. I attend Fort Valley State

secured. You have to be obedient

University to pursue my bachelor’s

When did you know that

in Political Science. I desire to

business/entrepreneurship was

become a lawyer. However, one

something you would do?

and trust the will of God.

You never know what can happen to a man’s job. You live paycheck to paycheck. You could be laid off unexpectedly and be super stressed, but when God calls you into entrepreneurship. You are secured. You have to be obedient and trust the will of God.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022

28 Starting seems to be a very difficult part of entrepreneurship, how were you able to finance your business in the beginning? When I first started Ipub publishing company. I didn’t have the finance. All I had was knowledge and creativity. I’ve realized once you have the strategy, creativity, and true understanding of your vision. You can build anything with little to no finance. I remember when I became a first-time author. I didn’t know what to do, but then I realized that you don’t have to have all the funds to start. There are many resources and ways to help you achieve what you desire to do at little to no cost. You have to have the mindset to make it happen. How bad do you want it? What has been the motivating factor for you? Do not give up. Do not stop. It’s at that moment when you stop. Delay and procrastination start to come in. You have to understand that once the vision has been

What are the challenges you’ve

mindset about how God is leading

faced as an entrepreneur?

you with your business. Once you have the perspective to let God

given to you. You have to go full force and have confidence like

The challenge I have had is making

show you, your focus cannot be

never before. Never let anyone

my close ones my support system.


talk you out of what you believe

You have to know that God may

God has given you. It is for you to

not have familiar faces to support

The covid-19 pandemic affected

take it and run with it. Know that

your vision. Get comfortable with

businesses worldwide, what are

God will make provisions for you

having strangers be a part of the

some of the things you’ve done to

and your business.

vision that God has allowed you to

keep your business running?

carry. You have to have an open

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


I always made sure not only my health and safety were first, but also my clients. You always have to prepare to adapt to whatever situation may happen. plan to find ways to keep your clients in the loop and maybe make an email platform to keep the communication open. What do you love most about being an entrepreneur? What I love most about being an entrepreneur is seeing the fruits of my labor. We know that the bible states that God judges the fruit. I desire to make sure results are produced. My heart is to make sure that every person begins to use their voice to speak their truth in many ways, whether it is from their mouth, writing, or just through an image.

I always made sure not only my

your clients face to face. You

health and safety were first, but

may want to develop a business

also my clients. You always have

plan to strategize running your

How highly do you place god in

to prepare to adapt to whatever

business through technology or

your business? And what values

situation may happen. It is vital to

ways that don’t expose you, the

do you uphold?

continuously improve to ensure

person who works for you, or the

your vision survives any storm or

client. Another example would

God is at the center of my

adversity with a strong foundation.

be if, for some reason, social

business. Even when I begin to

I strongly recommend creating

media was down. How would you

coach first-time authors, we start

a business backup plan. For

communicate with your audience

with prayer. Then, we start to go

instance, if your business involves

or clients? You can build a business

over their manuscript. I will have

Gifted Magazine

September 2022

30 the client read their manuscript aloud as they are reading. I’m able to hear God. Once God speaks to me. I’m able to open up to them with what God says pertaining to their book and the purpose of why the book is necessary. My business is grounded in God and his word. What do you think you should have done differently when you started your business? When starting Ipub, I was very hesitant. I would say to have high confidence and to move expediently. ACT ON IT RIGHT AWAY! What is your worst failure as an entrepreneur, the lowest moment? How did you overcome it? My worst failure as an entrepreneur was not ensuring I was consistent with my business. I would post something here or there and wonder why I’m not getting customers. Always make sure that you are constantly promoting your vision. It doesn’t matter who likes, shares, or even comments. People see regardless, and if they see that’s all that matters. If you do not promote. You are unrecognizable, and no one knows you. Take your business seriously! Always motivate yourself to stay in the loop with what you can do to better your business. Up your game with technology, and

Gifted Magazine

add new services and new ideas to enhance your business. Figure out

What has been your greatest

ways to continue to engage the

achievement as an entrepreneur?

audience assigned to you. Always understand as an entrepreneur

My greatest achievement as an

that this is your life. Just because

entrepreneur is seeing my clients

you achieve one thing does not

happy and excited. It ignites me

mean you become a lineate. There

to go harder to see that their

is always work to do and ways to

vision comes to life. It’s no longer

become better.

a thought or a dream to them; It

September 2022


has become a reality. One word!

is everything!

MANIFESTATION! Contact Information What advice do you give to a college student who doubts his/

Facebook Link-http://www.

her chances of success if he/she

starts a business?

Instagram Link-@chevona11 Website Link- www.

The advice I would give to a

college student is to go for it. You

Email Address-

have no excuse. Why? Because I


am a full-time student in college, I


have a full-time work-from-home

Business Phone

job as a paralegal and a full-time


publishing company. Yes, I may

We look forward to celebrating

have a lot on my hands, but I

with you while you inspire

would put myself on a time frame

others! Have A Great Day, Gifted

or schedule. Make sure that you

Magazine, LLC Giftedmagazine@

build a structure so that you are https://gifted-

not all over the place. Of course,

You have no excuse. Why? Because I am a full-time student in college, I have a full-time workfrom-home job as a paralegal and a full-time publishing company.

school is your priority. You can create your business around your class schedule. Another thing you can do is look into finding a mentor or a coach. Accountability Gifted Magazine

September 2022



MONICA FLOYD MONICA FLOYD MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL Wife, mother of four, adult son who has Autism and mental illness, prayer warrior, worshipper, mentor, and advocate for women and children with special needs. The ministry is about uplifting, empowerment, inspiration, encouraging, embracing, equipping, raising self-esteem, motivation, and healing. It gives women a platform to share their heartfelt testimonies so that other women can be healed, delivered, and set free from their past and present hurt and pain so that they can walk into a better future for themselves, and future generations. They can walk into their God purpose. I have always encouraged or helped women and men get through challenging times by just being a listening year since I was a teenager. Being an adult, I noticed that many topics weren’t being discussed because of the old way of thinking that we are supposed to be so strong that we don’t seek any type of counseling and continue to hurt, and I needed to change OUR mindsets. Gifted Magazine

The support of my oldest and youngest daughters and my parents all push me even when I can’t see the results. Yes! It can become difficult doing ministry while raising an adult son with Autism and several mental challenges while being a momager to my 7-year-old. Knowing that other people’s lives depended upon whether I kept going truly helped me not quit. Also, my children are always watching me and needed me to not give up. My Faith has been tested by

The ministry is about uplifting, empowerment, inspiration, encouraging, embracing, equipping, raising self-esteem, motivation, and healing.

abuse, homeless, and rocky marriage. I honestly had to focus on every promise that God made September 2022


I have always encouraged or helped women and men get through challenging times by just being a listening year since I was a teenager.

to me and believe what I couldn’t see. That has been easier said than done. I’m anointed for this by Angela Kirksey Remaining in a place where God told me my time was up. Accepting my calling and leaving when God told me to. Yes I’ve expanded my education so Gifted Magazine

September 2022

34 that I may be an effective leader. I’m also currently working on my doctorate. I’m considering expanding to tv, so I will also be building a team to balance everything. Yes, I take mental breaks to refresh and restore. Right now, my son and youngest are always with me so my breaks occur in the middle of the night, or whenever I can. Give God a real yes. Ministry requires your focus and trust to always stay in God’s will. It sometimes requires you to let GO of people and things that would hinder you. Don’t let people’s opinions override God’s voice and instructions. Facebook-Monica Floyd Instagram-Monica Floyd Ministries Monica Floyd Ministries International Email: Prophetessmonica3@gmail. com I CHOOSE ME LLC phone:302-497-5296 Email: 1ICHOOSEMENOW@gmail. com, Clubhouse-Monica Floyd

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022





What is the name of your brand/

a desire to help others. Walking


In Greatness Ministries is a faith-


based ministry and Coaching

When did you know that

Walking In Greatness Ministries Inc

Program. I desire to help woman

business/entrepreneurship was

Tell us about yourself and your

find their value, purpose, joy,

something you would do?


independence, and the true meaning of happiness to prepare

When God gave me “My Exit to

My name is Crystal Tolbert,

them for their destiny to fully

the Platform” strategy. Taking my

and I am a mother, Pastor,

be Awakened. It also provides

Ministry into the Market Place

Transformational Coach & Author.

a biblical yet practical approach

from the Pulpit to the Market&

I have always had a passion, and

to living your life in purpose on

having a real plan for your Next.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Healing, they have spirituality, but they have not been taught how to deal with trauma, & wounds that are stimulated at a young age. Therefore, I created my business in the marketplace to educate and help heal people from a different Approach & perspective. Starting seems to be a very difficult part of entrepreneurship, how were you able to finance your business in the beginning? I literally follow my “My Exit to Platform” strategy. I used my savings, and the money that I made from speaking engagements as well as mentoring to get me started. What has been the motivating factor for you? In Ministry, what I found out, so many in the church are lacking Healing, they have spirituality, but they have not been taught how to deal with trauma, & wounds that are stimulated at a young age. Therefore, I created my business in the marketplace to educate and help heal people from a different Approach & perspective.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


What are the challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur? The hardest challenge for me was not becoming overwhelmed with investing so much to make it work. Most Entrepreneurs will tell you, that you work harder for yourself than you do in Corporate America. So, staying Grounded and balanced was so important. The covid-19 pandemic sort of affected businesses the world over, what are those things you’ve done to keep your business running? The Pandemic is when my business started to flourish because it forced me to rely on God’s strategic plan for my Coaching Program. I didn’t have time to

The hardest challenge for me was not becoming overwhelmed with investing so much to make it work. Most Entrepreneurs will tell you, that you work harder for yourself than you do in Corporate America. So, staying Grounded and balanced was so important

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022

40 second guess, and it forced me out of my comfort zone. What do you love most about being an entrepreneur? Being able to have the flexibility to serve God’s people and still maintain a real intimate relationship with God and my young son. How highly do you place god in your business and what values do you uphold? My Business was created, by God and Mat. 6:33 is my favorite scripture. Everything in my business is centered around, God as being the number one focus in Developing Authentic Healing. What do you think you should have done differently? Started the business earlier & not allow Fear to delay me. What is your worst failure as an entrepreneur, that lowest moment? Second, guessing what God spoke to me and allow others to persuade me in the beginning from his plan. Okay, what has been your best achievement as an entrepreneur? Seeing lives transformed and being

Gifted Magazine

able to witness the change within

How can people connect with

those I was called to serve.


What will be your message to


that college student who doubts


his chances of success if he starts

NUMBER….Instagram: @

a business?

crystalntolbertFacebook: @Crystal N. Tolbert

I would tell them to seek God &

Address: 13624 Gamma

ask him for his Birthing plan for

Rd Farmers Branch, TX

their business. Also, what is their

75244Website: https://www.

Why? Because your why is what

will encourage you not to give up

Phone: 2148615570

in the most critical times.

Email: walkingingreatnessministries@ September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022




ELIYAHU SHMUEL I’m a Husband, Father of four,

started preaching.

Friend, Gifted, Charismatic, Highly Spirited, Energetic, Anointed Seer,

Challenges: I have gone

Prophet, Exorcist, Author, Life &

through many disappointments,

Spiritual and Mental Health Coach,

discouragement, personal failures,

Cantor, Hebraic Teacher, Radio

health issues, persecution,

& TV personality, Influencer, and

jealousy, envy that has always

Intercessor who started preaching

followed me, misunderstanding,

at the age of 15 in the Island of

slander, and defamation of

Puerto Rico.

character. I suffered abandonment and many rejections. People see

I identified my purpose primarily

the glory today in me, but they

through prayer since I was raised

don’t know the whole story!

by a Godly example, The Blessed

I identified my purpose primarily through prayer since I was raised by a Godly example, The Blessed Memory of my Late Grandmother Isabel Torres Carmona who was a powerful prayer and Intercessor.

Memory of my Late Grandmother Isabel Torres Carmona who was a powerful prayer and Intercessor. Also, I had a Good Pastor who was a Highly Anointed Prophet who operated in all the Gifts of the Spirit Fluently and unusually: The Late Rev. Don Smith whom YHWH ( God ) used to call me by First and last name on June 27 ( My Birthday) 1987 during a Prayer Service in Puerto Rico. ( Never met me before) My inspiration was my Grandmother, My Pastor, and Evang. Carlos Guadalupe. I had Good mentors throughout my life. See, I was saved in December 1986, Filled with the Holy Spirit on January 10th, 1987, on Shabbat. I was 14 years young, a year later Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022


What motivates me to be who I am is because I am a Prophet of old. I firmly believe that through prayer everything should be birth in the natural and in the spirit. Books: I have written over 17 books. But my latest one is entitled: The Demonic Deceptive Doctrine of Grace. What inspired me to write the book ( Deceptive Demonic Doctrine of Grace)was seeing that the body of assemblies of believers is vast at large on life support. The reason for this, I have discerned it’s because we’re feeding the people this hyper Grace gospel that does not exist and it’s not even biblical, particularly the definition that it has been given. Grace has granted many a license to sin and tried to get over it. We are living the days of Isaiah chapter 5 and Isaiah chapter 3. People have lost fear and reverential awe of the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have confused the terms and definitions of the word grace, favor, and mercy and they do not mean the same thing. Grace and mercy are not synonymous. I found out that the Gifted Magazine

word favor is found 59 times in

become whatever you’re covering

the Old Testament and the first

is and that which you invoke upon

time it was used was in Genesis

yourself. Remember your destiny

and 159 times the word grace is

and your future is locked in the

found in the New Testament which

loins of leadership.

interestingly that word was never used By our Messiah, King and

What motivates me to be who I

Lord, mentioned very few by the

am is because I am a Prophet of

other Apostle who walked with

old. I firmly believe that through

the Messiah. Mentioned by Paul

prayer everything should be birth

130 times. If people understood

in the natural and in the spirit.

that Grace is a Greek goddess

Either prayer takes out sin or

granddaughter of the Greek god

sin takes out prayer but the two

Zeus along with Victoria and

cannot coexist. I have a passion

Glory they would study the matter

and addiction to the presence of

deeper. It may explain why some

the Holy Spirit. There was a fire 🔥

of our leaders struggle with their

placed there many years ago when

sexuality. Oh, yes this is NOT for

I was young and have never been

the faint of heart. Because you

put out regardless of my ups and

September 2022


Stop trusting people and be led totally and entirely by the Holy Spirit is the advice I would give my younger self. We must discern between connections and attachments.

Remember that God cannot lie. Pray for four hours in the Holy Spirit. Recite 22 psalms per day out loud in a prayerful attitude. Keep yourself clean and Holy. Behold the coming of the Messiah is here! downs. Prayer and consecration

you: Envy, Jealousy, etc

sustain me as a matter of fact, I

C) Eat Healthily, Eat Organic, Take

have written two books on prayer

Organic Vitamins and Minerals

and I’m going on my third book.

D) Sleep and rest well E) Have a strong prayer life and

Stop trusting people and be

study of the word. consecration is

led totally and entirely by the

a must and I firmly believe that our

Holy Spirit is the advice I would

Heavenly Father is demanding for

give my younger self. We must

us to become intercessors.

discern between connections and

F) forgive completely but love


people from afar G) surround yourself with people

My spiritual advice to everyone

who celebrate your destiny

who is reading this is the following:

purpose and assignment and that

Contact: / Website: (513)910-9481 yahweh ESBYAH MUSIC: esbyah/bless-me ESBYAH Radio & TV: Website:

are genuinely excited about you! A) Stay away from negative people. See, negative people always have

Finally, my final thoughts:

a problem with solutions.

Forgive yourself and don’t let

B) Stay away from people that hate

anyone keep you hostage.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Brittany Joseph Tell us about yourself I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. I am of Haitian descent. I graduated from the University of South Florida in 2014 with my bachelor’s in Women and Gender Studies/Sociology. I graduated from the University of Southern California in 2018 with my master’s in social work. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and currently serve as a therapist. I am the founder of The King Art Society which is a space that empowers people to come to a place of acceptance, revival, and transformation. In January

people having a safe space to be

2020, I married the love of my life!

vulnerable and free. I learned that

I love to dance, be creative, and

this is my purpose to provide this

encourage others.


How did you identify your

What inspired you to pursue your



I identified my purpose while in

I was inspired by friends and

college. I changed my major three

leaders on social media who

times! I was confused and praying

created safe spaces for others.

for guidance on what path to take.

This encouraged me to obtain my

When I changed my major for the

master’s in social work and learn

final time, various opportunities

how to facilitate a safe space for

came to work with people in


I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and currently serve as a therapist. I am the founder of The King Art Society which is a space that empowers people to come to a place of acceptance, revival, and transformation. I

different stages of life. It is there where I learned the importance of Gifted Magazine

September 2022

47 What challenges have you

experienced throughout the

learn more about yourself.

pursuit of your purpose?

I was inspired by friends and leaders on social media who created safe spaces for others. This encouraged me to obtain my master’s in social work and learn how to facilitate a safe space for others.

I struggled with doubt, insecurities, depression, and comparison. I often looked at others and rather than be thankful for how far I had come, I was frustrated about where I thought I should be. This discontentment and not staying in my lane made my purpose blurry and unreachable. What is the name of your book? The King’s Diary: Writing Your Way to Authenticity What inspired you to write your book? I felt that the word “authentic” is often used and its meaning is unclear. As I am embarking on my journey to authenticity, I am learning that living authentically is embracing who God created us to be. This inspired me to share what I have been learning and encourage others to live authentically!

Gifted Magazine

Be kind to yourself as you

What motivates you to become

Be honest with God and yourself. Vulnerability permits you to access who God has created you to be.

Please provide final thoughts for Gifted Magazine. Trust that God knew your path before you walked on it. He got you!

the person you are today?


The desire to please God with my



The King Art Society

If you could give one piece of



advice to your younger self, what would it be? Don’t allow the opinions of others to sabotage who God created you

Website Link Email Address

to be. What tips do you have for our readers that are trying to find their purpose? •

Permit yourself to try new things.

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022



Stephanie McNeal What is the name of your brand/

in Identity and Destiny, former

realized that although forgiveness


Women’s Ministry Leader, Podcast

was on her lips, it wasn’t in her

Host, Speaker, and Author. And

heart. It was her ministry, but

for over 10 years, she’s been

it wasn’t her mastery until she

known as a Forgiveness Coach

changed her mindset. Today, she

Tell us about yourself and your

and fully embraced her call as

is the author of her memoir Freed


a Minister of Reconciliation.

2 Love - How Forgiveness Can

But none of those credentials

Heal You From Broken Pieces

Stephanie McNeal is a certified

mattered because one day, she

to Master Peace, speaker and

relationship educator, licensed

was confronted with the truth and

podcast host of The Freed 2

The Freed 2 Love Podcast

Love Podcast, and teaches her powerful mindset shift - P.R.E.S.S. (an acronym for perseverance, resilience, endurance, submission, and supplication). This powerful mindset shift empowers people to walk out of their forgiveness lifestyle daily. This translates in their lives to peace, freedom, and success. She inspires legacyminded women to increase their emotional and spiritual growth so they will be freed to love - God, themselves, and everyone else. When did you know that business/entrepreneurship was something you would do? Growing up in my family business, I always saw myself as an entrepreneur. I started my first business in 1998 and after working for a non-profit company, I launched this business in 2012.

Gifted Magazine

September 2022

50 Starting seems to be a very

finished work of forgiveness before

difficult part of entrepreneurship,

I’d ever see success. Therefore,

how were you able to finance

I invested a lot of time working

your business in the beginning?

on myself so that I can show up authentically and transparently

As with the majority of businesses,

healed and whole.

77% of businesses started selffunded. I was able to start my

The covid-19 pandemic affected

business with my own as well as

businesses worldwide, what are

funds from my family.

some of the things you’ve done to keep your business running?

What has been the motivating factor for you?

My primary motivating factor has been fulfilling the call of God in my life. I believe that God called me to be a minister of reconciliation and it has become my life’s work.

My primary motivating factor has been fulfilling the call of God in my life. I believe that God called me to be a minister of reconciliation and it has become my life’s work. What are the challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur? Being an entrepreneur is a challenge by itself. Especially if you are a CEO. You wear many hats and some of the challenges have been, of course, funding the business for growth and expansion. Also, because I am the brand, I struggled for many years with imposter syndrome. One of the major challenges was although I was called to be a minister of reconciliation, through the circumstances of life, not to mention a history of bitterness from my family, I had become a bitter person. So, when I got the call, I realized that I had to do the

Gifted Magazine

September 2022


Gifted Magazine

September 2022


If I had the faith that I have now, the things that I had planned and wanted to do before, I would have done them and not wasted so much time on things that weren’t fruitful. Being a part of a community of Christian entrepreneurs and working within a mastermind group was instrumental in keeping me motivated, accountable, and moving forward. I highly recommend it because entrepreneurship can be so lonely and oftentimes your friends and family cannot relate. What do you love most about being an entrepreneur? I love the freedom to be able to create something that changes people’s lives. How highly do you place god in your business? And what values do you uphold? I look to God as my source of wisdom, vision, and direction for my business. I know I said earlier that I am a CEO, but God is my CEO. I cannot move in confidence without direction from Him. My Gifted Magazine

Top Values ● Peace ● Health ●

I was so insecure when I first

Trust ● Family ● Pleasure I find

started my business because it

that when I operate in alignment

is of such a personal nature. If

with my values, my life is so much

I had the faith that I have now,

more fulfilling and better.

the things that I had planned and wanted to do before, I would

What do you think you should

have done them and not wasted

have done differently when you

so much time on things that

started your business?

weren’t fruitful. I would have just listened to The Vision that God

September 2022

53 was giving me and executed it. I

have the greatest opportunity

would have relied on Him for the

for business success. It seems

results and just relied on myself for

like entrepreneurship is trending

the execution. Secondly, finding your ideal client is imperative to your success. A lot of people start businesses, and they think that everybody is their market, and that is simply not true. There is a perfect psychographic and demographic of people that is ideal for your business. Stick with that. What is your worst failure as

My greatest achievement as an entrepreneur is the transformational work that I do with women. Being able to come alongside a woman, inspire and lead her to do her spiritual and emotional work.

right now. They have the vitality, technology, and resourcefulness of youth in their favor. No longer are people expecting to get a job and work that job for 40 years and then retire. My advice would be to go for it! Do it while you are single and have no responsibilities of raising a family or a spouse. Contact information

an entrepreneur, the lowest

although it wasn’t starting all over,

moment? How did you overcome

it felt like starting all over. It felt

Facebook Link - https://www.


like a failure.

I would say one of the worst moments was about a month-

What has been your greatest achievement as an entrepreneur?

and-a-half ago. I was about to

Twitter Link LinkedIn Link - stephanieymcneal/ YouTube Link

celebrate 10 years in business. I

My greatest achievement

Instagram Link -

had just launched my book, but

as an entrepreneur is the


right after I launched my book I

transformational work that I do

Website Link - https://www.

took a job. I took that job because

with women. Being able to come Email Address

I was tired. I was tired of my

alongside a woman, inspire and


friends looking at me sideways (I

lead her to do her spiritual and

Business Phone Number -

felt) because my business was not

emotional work. To see her do


the way it should be after working

her work and it results in her light

for nearly 10 years. So basically, I

coming on which used to be dark

was pleasing man as opposed to

and her life-changing for the better

pleasing God. I left the job after

is the greatest honor, achievement,

initially taking the job because I

and most gratifying work that I can

was mentally, physically, spiritually,

ever do.

and emotionally exhausted. I was tired of standing in faith for the success that I thought I should have by now. So, there I had just left the job and realized I had

What advice do you give to a college student who doubts his/ her chances of success if he/she starts a business?

lost the momentum that I have been building up to that point. So,

Gifted Magazine

I think that college kids right now

September 2022



Gifted Magazine

September 2022

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