Your True Nature 2013 Ghost Ranch Catalog of Workshops

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November november 14

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Spiritual Friendship Circles G13S1121 includes lunch $75; Intern Rate $45* Thursday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm Learn the process of small group spiritual direction─we call this process Spiritual Friendship Circles─for use in any small group, church, spiritual group, yoga class, or friends to assemble in a small peer group that is safe and compassionate to share and deepen their spiritual lives. Learn the model and practices that can easily transfer to your own community. Christopher McCauley | Ravi Verma

Invitation to companionship a t c asa d e l s o l Invitation to Companionship G13CDS1121 3 nights $150 + lodging & meals In the context of our spiritual journeys, what does it mean to be a “companion”? More specifically, what does it mean to be a Companion of Casa del Sol? We invite all “seekers,” as well as those already committed to our dispersed community, to experience and reflect together on the significance of companionship in 1) Prayer and Meditation; 2) Dialogue and Creativity; 3) Community and Hospitality; 4) Soul-Friending and Discernment; and 5) Training for Justice and Peace. Companion Team

november 15– 17 A Seasoned Call—A Soul Retreat for Spiritual Directors G13S112 2 nights $150; Intern Rate $95* Being a spiritual director/companion to others can be deeply satisfying and sometimes isolating. Join us for a rich three days of connection and inspiration as we convene in the first retreat for renewal and friendship for spiritual directors at Ghost Ranch. We will pray and play together as we explore new practices and invite our bodies and souls into the spacious depths of desert spirituality. Learn about the emerging trends in spiritual direction and how to integrate new elements into your spiritual direction practice. Come for refreshment in poetry, prayer, ritual and space to enrich your connection to the Divine. Join us to reunite with friends and make new ones. Come for “soul seasoning”—our term for honoring and nourishing our gift of presence to others. People from all spiritual traditions are welcome. Christopher McCauley | Ravi Verma

n o v e mbe r 8 - 1 0 GOT BREATH? Yoga & Asthma G13H111W 2 nights $195 + lodging & meals Asthma is one of the fastest growing diseases worldwide. It is also one of the most common diseases among children. Yogi, author and asthma survivor Meta Hirschl offers specific practices for asthma that brought her the vibrant health she enjoys today. Students under the age of 17 are encouraged to attend with a parent or grandparent. Once you learn yoga solutions for asthma they are free and always available. Side effects include inner joy and peace. Meta Chaya Hirschl


*(Please provide letter of current enrollment in spiritual direction program.)



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