Gosport Futures Magazine Winter 2022

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FUTURES Gosport Gosport & Fareham Multi-Academy Trust WINTER 2022 Talented performers take to the stage FOND FAREWELL Memories of late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee NEW CHAPTER Library proves a hit with young readers IT’S SHOWTIME!

THIS edition of the Gosport Futures follows the launch of The GFM Way

The articles illuminate, superbly, that GFM learners try their very best. The help and respect Team GFM has for one another enables an array of opportunities for the community. Engaging in learning and effective communication ensures that GFM learners achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Duke of Edinburgh scheme is just one example of how our learners grow in confidence and resilience. With a focus on behaving well, many GFM learners have embraced new environments through work experience placements and workshop attendance.

Sporting success has been acknowledged

in this newsletter and our sense of team encourages us all to motivate each other to be greater and aspire further.

We love gardening across the GFM and the GFM campus displays an array of flowers and fresh produce. Our Primary learners were Gosport in Bloom winners and they were commended for their collaborative work.

A huge congratulations to all learners who completed their SATs, GCSEs, and A levels this year, enabling them to move onto new destinations - many within the GFM, recognis ing that our learners achieve consistently high standards.

Regardless, we yearn to be better and antici pate that our next edition of Gosport Futures will illuminate further successes of GFM learners.


The CEO of the Gosport and Fareham Multi-Academy Trust (GFM) was voted Inspirational Leader for 2022.

Leaders from businesses in the region who are part of a group run by Vistage and their chair, Simon Walsh, voted for Mr Potter.

Simon said: “Ian has been a part of this community for just over a year and was voted as being the most inspirational leader for 2022.

“With us all having visited the GFM and seeing the engagement of Ian’s team, together with his measured and insightful contributions to Vistage Group meetings and activities, this award came as no surprise to me.”

Mr Potter said: “It was very humbling to receive the recognition of a group of high achieving business leaders and particularly their praise for what the GFM has achieved.

“The multi-academy trust works within the public sector and I believe what the Vistage Group found inspirational was how efficient and effective the organisation is and the impact it has with the money it receives.”

Gosport Futures 2 GFM Winter 2022
3 4 5 6 7 8 & 9 10 Library proves popular 11 14 18 12 20 15 19 13 17 16 Duke of
Learning new sailing skills Remembering the late Queen Young learners in the garden Perfomers take to the stage
STEM subject workshop Careerpilot boosts options Trust earns national award Sport makes a difference Gosport in Bloom winners Work experience works Creativity and character Recycling helps Ukraine Hub’s delicious dishes High Street arts project INSIDE...
Edinburgh Awards
Gosport Futures Programme
Mr Potter proudly holds his award.
Pages 8 & 9
Executive Head Teacher, Georgina Mulhall. Gosport Futures

Awesome adventure

LEARNERS moved out of their comfort zone as they enjoyed a trip to the New Forest.

More than 300 learners enjoyed both residential camps and day trips in June to an activity centre in the New Forest, just outside Beaulieu.

As part of the Go Beyond award, they were challenged to use high and low ropes including hanging off a beam and jumping off a totem pole. They also enjoyed kayaking down the river where they saw lots of moon jellyfish.

The learners used their teamwork skills to play games such as Capture the Flag and Zombie Apocalypse and, in the evening, enjoyed a meal together before enjoying a night in the great outdoors in their tents.

Setting goals

STAFF and parents are working together to help learners reach their full potential.

The project called Aiming High is all about being able to plan effectively so you can achieve your goals and set your own personal development targets. It helps learners recognise where their strengths are and where there are any gaps and how to address them.

It involves learners taking pride in their work by giving it care and attention and recognising how they feel about their goals and how to approach them in a positive way.

In June, both schools held their first Personal Learning Review (PLR) day to reflect on the year and set targets and goals for the year. At Bay House, 85% of parents attended and there were 75% of parents at Brune Park.

Learners have been using their Aiming High strategies through their studies by producing fantastic pieces of work in their curriculum areas which not only show their learning but how they are achieving their goals. In a joint project between geography and clubs and societies, learners also created a campaign for clean air around the schools.

The learners had to design a poster or banner that would encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint and help clean the air, demonstrating their Staying Positive Gosport Future.

Group’s pride in gaining awards

GFM learners honoured the Queen’s passing by hosting the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards at the historic setting of Fort Brockhurst.

There were 40 youngsters collecting their prizes for completing the programme which was created by the late Prince Phillip.

The awards took place in the bitter-sweet time of the aftermath of the Queen’s passing. Staff at the GFM decided to continue with the event at which the Awards were presented because it was happening in the historic setting of Fort Brockhurst.

CEO, Ian Potter, explained: “The significance of presenting these awards within the rich heritage that the Fort encapsulates, and at a time of poignant history where we were commemorating the longest reigning monarch, was moving. The fact that the award was set up by the late Queen’s husband made it all the more special and something I am sure all the award winners will remember.”

In attendance at the event was the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Operations Manager for Hampshire and the IOW, Hayley Holden. She applauded the achievement of so many in one area completing the award. The GFM centre has an above national average rate of completers to starters of the award. She was keen to congratulate both the young people and the staff who run the programme.

Letitia Northcott, coordinator of the GFM programme, spoke of the importance of developing essential skills for life through volunteering, physical, skills and expedition sections of the awards.

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Learners enjoyed testing themselves on a recent trip to an activity centre.
Learners hold their Duke of Edinburgh Award certificates.

Young mariners took to the water over the summer to develop new skills...


LEARNERS have been learning sailing skills as part of a special programme.

Year 8 learners from both Bay House and Brune Park have been taking part in the Portsmouth Sail Training Trust Programme.

The programme is delivered by The Andrew Simpson Foundation and it is a year-long project to teach learners a range of sailing skills both on and off the water.

It is designed as a gateway for students into the marine sector to help boost confidence and self esteem as well as developing employability skills.

John Tillotson has been overseeing the programme. He said: “The students have managed to learn how to sail and have even been awarded a number of recognised certificates and qualifications for their endeavours.

“It has been a privilege to see the students grow and develop this year.”

In July, learners had the opportunity to take part in the PSTT programme end of year regatta. The event was hosted by the Andrew Simpson Foundation and Haslar Marina.

The event consisted of multiple fun races where learners completed different challenges. At the end of the day learners were presented with various course certificates and prizes.

The programme will be running again this academic year as part of the Marine and Maritime Curriculum for both Years 8 and 9.

Powerboat race makes a splash

A POWERBOAT challenge saw teams from both schools pitted against each other in a unique challenge.

Two teams from Bay House and Brune Park took part in Qinetiq’s interschool Powerboat challenge.

Each team designed and built their own miniature powerboat, which was put to the test in an obstacle course in QinetiQ’s ocean basin facility at Haslar.

Team BP began their powerboat journey in early June where they began to develop their powerboat ideas and designs.

They finished second in the final race and they were awarded the Perseverance trophy.

Team BH finished fourth in the finals.

One learner said: “I really enjoyed building the boat. It was a great experience and lots of fun. I think as a team we came up with a great boat considering we did it in one day.

“Getting to drive the boat around the course in the water basin was very cool and I enjoyed adapting our design after the races.“

Teacher Sagaar Jagatia said: “This was an exciting day and it was incredible to see how many students from a range of schools pulled their ideas together to make such amazing boats. We certainly made excellent connections that day and look forward to future races.”

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Learners gained new sailing skills as part of the programme run by Portsmouth Sail Training Trust.

LEARNERS had an amazing opportunity to take centre stage when they took part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant in London in June.

Shademakers, a professional Artistic Carnival Design Company based on the Isle of Wight, invited learners to take part and a fantastic team of committed young performers were whittled down and formed to take part in the celebrations.

The group spent several weeks rehearsing in preparation and they travelled to the Isle of Wight to take part in a dress rehearsal with 200 other performers, bringing to life a mighty procession of Heraldic Beasts for the celebration of Her Majesty’s long reign.

The GFM brought to life a large fluffy Irish Wolfhound, operated by eight people, and a magnificent sparkling Snake, operated by 12 people, which was the biggest costume in the company’s display.

The whole procession was soundtracked by the loud beating of Batala Portsmouth’s drums, and the tunes of the outlandishlycostumed Ventnor Comic Jazz Band.

The collaboration was part of a project to launch St John’s as a professional arts venue, with a particular emphasis on


EVERYONE here at the GFM Trust was greatly saddened by the recent passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

It has been a year of mixed emotions, with our learners able to show their gratitude for her 70 years on the throne by taking part in the Platinum Jubilee Pageant in London which was beamed live to a global TV audience of many millions.

The experience gave them memories they will always cherish, ensuring Her Late Majesty’s legacy will endure.

creating new artistic opportunities for GFM students and young adults, and providing a new platform for the Contemporary Visual and Performance Arts in Gosport.

One learner said: “I just want to say a big thank you for this opportunity. I had such an amazing day and I just can’t believe we did it and saw the Royals! I loved every bit of it.”

An audience of eight million watched as they processed down The Mall, including proud teachers and family back home.

Meanwhile, a group of students were rewarded for their hard work as they took part in the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations.

More than 60 learners from Years 7 to 9 were nominated by their tutors for their hard work and dedication and using their

Gosport Futures skills for aiming high and staying positive.

They took part in a jubilee picnic where they enjoyed afternoon tea and played some lawn games to celebrate their hard work and the Queen’s reign.

In addition, the clubs and societies within the schools hosted their own Jubilee bunting competition.

Finally, learners from The Bay House Function Band were thrilled to kick off the Alverstoke Jubilee celebrations in June.

The event, which was well attended, saw the band perform a range of music including soul, pop and funk from artists such as Stevie Wonder and ABBA.

People across the community heaped praise on the band who proved to be very popular.

Our learners were lucky enough to take part in the Platinum Jubilee Pageant back in June.

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“I had such an amazing day and I just can’t believe we did it and saw the Royals! I loved every bit of it.
Learner’s experience of The Platinum Jubilee Pageant

Green-fingered learners get ready for secondary school switch...

LEARNERS enjoyed gardening sessions as part of their transition to secondary school.

As part of the transition to Year 7, a group of six learners from Elson Junior School did some gardening in the community garden on the Brune Park site.

The learners were all seasoned gardeners and enjoyed the chance to bring their expertise to the secondary phase. They planted flowers as well as tomatoes.

Barbara Cooke of Abri Housing which sponsors the GFM community garden said: “This project will make coming to the secondary phase less daunting.

“It is wonderful to see young people growing their own food and understanding the process of where it comes from, which are all lifelong skills.”

Young learners spent time in our community garden.


Garden flourishes thanks to work of volunteers

THE GFM community garden project has proven hugely successful especially when it comes to bringing people together.

One of the volunteers is Glenn Jones who has been working in the garden over the last few months.

Glenn, a former member of the armed forces, has highlighted the importance of working outside together on improving wellbeing.

He said: “Being in the GFM community garden has given me content ment. I also see it as an

opportunity to get some exercise as well as self satisfaction for a job done well.

“I volunteer in the garden about twice a week. I offer time as well as a breadth of knowledge from my time in the armed forces and my career in the civil service.

“I am a keen gardener myself, so having the opportunity to help

others who might not be able to have their own garden is something that I am passionate about.

“I firmly believe that the garden is important because it shows young people the meaning of outdoor activities and how to get pleasure from being outdoors. It is also nice to give something back to the community.”

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Performers at two events impressed audiences with their talents...

IT WAS a night of starlight and dazzle as musicians took to the stage for this year’s summer concert.

Performers from across all year groups at Brune Park and Bay House performed a wonderful evening of live music.

Kathy Davies, Head of Music, said: “It is fabulous to be able to perform live again and the learners are clearly enjoying being back on stage. Some even performed live for the first time.

“Our learners have worked hard this term and throughout the year, balancing their studies, exams and many other commitments to find the time to practice together and make the evening a great success.

“It was wonderful to hear such a variety of instruments, ensembles and musical styles. We would like to give a special thanks to our Year 11 and Sixth Form leavers and wish them all the best for their future.”


Learners relished the chance to showcase their talents at this year’s summer concert as well as Dance Live.

Dynamic dancers make all the right moves

Dancers from Rowner took to the stage to take part in Dance Live (pictured front page).

The event gives schools the chance to design and choreograph a seven minute routine accompanied by a large LED screen.

Factors such as LED screen content, lighting, choreography, costumes and music are all

included in the scoring.

The theme for Rowner was ‘The Joke’s on You’ - a play on the classic tale Alice in Wonderland.

Emily Weaver said: “The final was a brilliant day, it was lovely to perform to a full auditorium again. Our young people were a credit to the

school and the trust. Their hard work, practice and resilience paid off as they were awarded second place by the judges.”

The school won £500 to put towards the performing arts. The youngsters also picked up awards for the LED screen content and their journey to Dance Live video.

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THE Gosport Futures programme has been collaboratively developed within all schools across the GFM.

Behind each of the skills are a range of qualities that are underpinned by the learning powers: thinking, independence, resilience, determination, collaboration and tolerance.

The Heads of School and the School Council Team have designed new certificates where they have merged the Gosport Futures and Learning Powers together.

These certificates are now awarded every Friday in Celebration Assembly.



LEARNERS gained new skills and experiences across a range of disciplines as part

the Gosport Futures programme...

LEARNERS from schools across the Trust have been showcasing the skills they are developing for the Gosport Futures programme.

Year 6 learners showed their leadership skills by working with the new Year 3 students on their first day of transition at Gomer.

They enjoyed sharing a story and having a chat together while some of the older pupils challenged their buddies to different games and activities.

A GROUP of Year 5 learners joined schools from across the county as part of a climate change conversation.

The learners were invited to attend the COP 26 live climate change Q&A session with Chris Packham on BBC Radio Solent.

They were joined by 30 other schools from around Hampshire including Bay House.

Learner, Albert, asked: What new inventions are there to help minimise climate change?

The broadcast made the children think about changes they could make to make an impact such as walking instead of driving, picking up litter, cutting down on meat, donating old clothes, using less plastic and donating to climate change charities.

8 GFM Winter 2022
Learners have enjoyed taking part in the Gosport Futures programme. Learners played a variety of games as part of the Gosport Futures programme. Albert had the chance to speak with TV presenter Chris Packham.

BOTTLE tops have been collected and used to design a special mural.

Team Gomer worked together to turn trash into treasure and the mural has now been entered into the Composite Primes competition.

It comes after children wanted to spread the message that we all need to take responsibility to care for our environment.

The learners want to encourage people to reduce their use of plastic, reuse items where possible by being creative and innovative and to recycle.

More than 2,000 bottle tops were collected at home and brought into school for the project.

REDUCING water waste has been a key focus for Year 4 pupils at Gomer Junior School.

The youngsters have been learning how to reduce water use at home after learning that not every one in the world has access to tap water. Children were surprised to learn that some young people have to walk four miles to find water that they then have to carry home.

They took it in turns to walk around the playground with a 10 litre bucket to get an idea of how hard it must be.

As part of their STEM learning, the children then spent time thinking about how they could clean dirty water. They designed, created and tested their methods.

Learners in Year 3 enjoyed a special day out at Southampton Art Gallery.

They had a fantastic day and were superb representatives for the school.

They admired art by artists such as JMW Turner, Auguste Rodin, Eileen Agar, LS Lowry and Monet.

The learners enjoyed taking on a practical workshop to develop their skills in mono printing - a form of printmaking where the image can only be made once, unlike most printmaking which allows for multiple originals.

It enabled each learner to create a beautiful unique print which was inspired by nature.

YOUNG people are celebrating winning Gosport in Bloom for the third year in a row.

Gomer Junior School won the Best School Shield and the school was also awarded three gold awards.

The school’s Gomer Growers work hard outdoors all year in all different weathers and they were thrilled to attend the special ceremony at Gosport Town Hall to pick up their awards which were presented by former TV presenter Fred Dinenage.

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Learners tapped into their creative sides on a recent trip to Southampton Art Gallery. TV host Fred Dinenage meets some of our learners. Learners work together to tackle the issue of water waste.


Learners make the most of our library facilities...

MORE than 5,000 books have been borrowed at the school’s libraries across the secondary phase in the past year.

All Key Stage 3 learners have been given the opportunity to have library time once every four weeks which has given them dedicated time to explore new authors and genres.

Learners have also been able to access Educake - an online tool to support, develop and evaluate understanding of curriculum aligned topics in English.

Through the quizzes, learners can see what their areas of strength and weakness are.

Events that have taken place this year include themed reading weeks, a ‘whodunnit?’ style murder mystery involving teachers, an Oscars style ceremony, Biscuit and Read events for Year 7 and 8 learners and the scholastic book fair.

One of the most popular events has been a new reading scheme to help engage students.

Hannah Willis-Jones, Teacher of English & Lead on Reading Strategy, said: “The Great GFM Reading Exploration encourages learners to engage with their own reading development.

“The challenges are in groups to support key life skills such as increasing creativity, speaking, listening and writing, enhancing emotional intelligence and developing critical thinking.

“By doing just some of these challenges, learners will be on the way to developing and stretching key reading, writing and oracy skills.

“Some amazing work has been created this term and we look forward to extending the challenges into the 2022-2023 academic year.”

Visiting author Karl Nova inspired learners with readings from his book Rhythm and Poetry delivered in his own witty and energetic style.

Project boost for English lessons

A NEW scheme to support children in English lessons has been deemed a huge success.

Let’s Think in English has been rolled out over the last academic year across the primary phase. It is a collection of high-interest lessons that are mostly oral, based on reading, with openended questioning and structured group discussions.

As a result, there has been a significant improvement for learners at both Gomer and Rowner Junior Schools.

Chrisse Walton said: “The learners have thoroughly enjoyed this newer style of learning, and have shown real enthusiasm in each of the taught sessions.

“It has been fantastic to see all of the

MANDARIN is the latest language learners at Gomer Junior School can learn.

As part of the Modern Foreign Language unit, Year 6 learners have been offered the opportunity to learn about the country, culture and language of China.

Working together with secondary colleagues, a Mandarin teacher will show case the programme on a weekly basis.

Year 5 learners were given the chance during their transition week to get a taste of the language and learn about the culture.

learners actively participating, especially those who have found English difficult.

“The learners have amazed all their teachers with their mature, sophisticated and thoughtful responses and have demonstrated a much deeper way of thinking, which has only improved as the year has gone on.

“Both teachers and pupils alike, have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of the Let’s Think programme and we are really excited for the continuation and devel opment of this way of learning, over the coming years.”

Assessing reading

A NEW assessment for reading and literacy has been introduced for learners at secondary level. The GFM has invested in the Renaissance Reading assessment for Key Stage 3 learners to enable teachers to accurately assess their reading ages. Learners across Years 7, 8 and 9 completed the assessments in the summer term and results will be shared with parents and guardians through the Personal Learning Review Day.

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Visting author Karl Nova inspired gave readings to learners from his book Rhythm and Poetry.


Work carried out during Covid crisis earns accolade...

THE Gosport and Fareham Multi-Academy Trust won a TES award for their proactive work during the pandemic.

In 2020, the GFM responded to the pandemic in a variety of ways from helping with remote learning to comprehensive full-time holiday activities, food parcels and targeted interventions.

Of the £295,120 the GFM received from the

government for the Covid premium, nearly all of the funding was spent on focused activities in direct response to the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

Highlights included small group and remote tutoring, literacy and oracy interven tions and assessment, access to specialist and therapeutic services for individuals and families, mental health support and

crisis support.

More than 300 learners benefitted from the bespoke interventions and it led to the trust winning the Community Engagement Initiative of the Year.

Judge Sir Tim Brighouse said: “They demonstrated all sorts of data showing that they were bothering to see not only what they did but whether it had an impact.”

Hub’s the perfect place to support community

CELEBRATIONS took place as the Gosport Community Hub opened its doors in July.

The hub will offer support to groups, including services families. The project was partly funded by GFM Education and the Royal Naval Royal Marines (RNRMC).

The hub has seen the continuation of the Talking Teens and Parenting Puzzle courses, which has seen a high level of attendance.

There will also be workshops that will focus on supporting families with children who have special educational needs and disabilities, sleep issues and the safe use of technology. Homestart Hampshire will also be offering drop-in sessions for families. The hub is also available for hire.

Please email gosportcommunityhub@ gfmat.org, visit the website or search for Gosport Community Hub on Facebook.

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Members of staff for the GFM line up with celebrity Richard Ayoade who presented the award. Caroline Dinenage MP, Chris Willis Executive Headteacher, Mandy Lindley Director of Relationships & Funding RNRMC and Adrian Bell CEO RNRMC attend the opening of the Gosport Community Hub.

The GFM have launched the new personal development project for Year 7 and 8 learners.

Go Beyond is a bespoke personal development programme aligned with the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Learners will undertake personal development challenges. They will Commit to learning a new skills for six hours. They will spend a night on a residential trip as part of the Challenge section and will spend six hours volunteering as part

of the Community section.

Mr Stannard said: “Developing character is key to education, preparing learners for a fast changing and modern world. The award recognises their learning outside of the classroom, skills such as communication, teamwork, empathy and resilience.

“These activities can foster friendships, have a valuable impact on the community and increase confidence.”

Workshops help develop creative skills

A group of learners get creative during the Atelier programme.

THE Atelier programme has been hugely successful as a number of projects have proven popular with learners.

Projects have included clay making, wire work, beading, marbling, stencilling and wreath making. There has also been some work with the Hampshire Cultural Trust.

The projects have run in both the primary and secondary phase, including some family workshops to share skills learnt and for parents to get involved.

Kerry Bramble said: “It has been lovely to see secondary learners supporting children from our primary schools.

“The Atelier programme extension of support ing some learners through art therapy has been a huge asset to our provision and will continue into next year.

“We also look forward to working with a local 3D ceramics artist to create art in the garden pieces.”

Tasked with building strengths and character

GROUPS of learners in Year 8 have been taking part in tasks to understand more about their strengths.

The project is in relation to Character Education and The GFM Way.

It involves learners working through a variety of tasks and discussions to understand what ‘strength of character’ means, as well as considering what strengths they already have. There is a focus on increasing resilience, developing a positive mindset and accepting accountability.

Jo Duff said: “Our learners were able to be reflective of their character over the past year and to begin considering how they can demonstrate strength of character in the future.

“They felt that this was a worthwhile and meaningful tutor time activity. They were not only able to be proud of times when they have shown strength of character, but also were able to evaluate times where they may not have made the best choices, thinking about how to deal with similar situations in a more positive way.”

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Recycling packets to help Ukraine...



Volunteers from Bay House,


A GROUP of 70 learners enjoyed bowling as a reward for their hard work.

Tutors were asked to nominate students who have shown a positive contribution to the school community and use of Gosport Futures.

They went to Gunwharf Quays and went bowling as well as enjoying food and spending time in the arcade.


LEARNERS took a virtual tour of the International Space Station with British astronaut Tim Peake.

The Year 8 students from Bay House even experienced the difficulties of solv ing problems in zero gravity.

The Crisp Packet Project is a charity that reuses crisp packets by making survival items for the homeless and other vulnerable members of the community.

Crisp packets contain single-use plastic, and most are not recyclable. Instead of letting them end up as landfill and plastic pollution, the project recycles them.

The packets are waterproof, and the foil lining reflects body heat which makes them an ideal material for blankets, bivvy bags (waterproof and heat reflecting bags that can be put over sleeping bags), backpacks and lots of other survival items.

Learners were encouraged to collect empty


of their very own pride parades.

Members of the LGBTQ+ club at Bay House School and Brune Park enjoyed the celebrations.

English Teacher, Ms Leeson, said: “This was an important event in so many ways, but mainly for encouraging and supporting an environment where everyone can feel safe and able to be


Gomer Juniors worked together to cut them open, wash and dry them, then fuse them together using irons.

They made blankets that were sent to the Crisp Packet Project, who sent them to Ukraine to support the humanitarian crisis.

Leila said: “It was brilliant working with the younger students from Gomer.

“They were really enthusiastic and it gave them a positive experience of secondary school.

“It was a good opportunity to work on a community project and gave us an opportunity to understand younger learners.”

Harvey added: “It is an important way to support Ukraine and help the people who are experiencing harm because of the conflict.”

Made in conjunction with NASA, Mission: ISS gives visitors access to a section of the International Space Station to explore. Learner had to navigate tight spaces in zero gravity and look outside to see the Earth below.

Troy said: “Tim told us lots of very interesting information about how they drink coffee in space.”

Grace added: “It was claustrophobic, but the views of earth were amazing.”

completely themselves.

“It was therefore amazing to see so many learners engaged in the event and willing to support this message, whether as an ally or through celebrating their own unique identity.”

One of our Bay House Year 11 learners, Scarlett, summarised the significance of the event when she said, “ A lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community might not have the support

at home or in the wider community, and it’s important that they’re seen and that they know that there is a community in school to support them.

“This is my second year of taking part, the LGBTQ+ community is really strong and great to be a part of. The Pride march is a really fun event, and a public way of showing that people can be who they want to be with confidence.”

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House and Brune Park were covered in rainbows in June as students celebrated Pride Month as part LEARNERS have been working with a charity to encourage recycling and prevent littering while helping people in Ukraine. packets. Brune and
Pride Month celebrations awash with colour! ROUND-UP
Learners do their bit to help those in Ukraine with a crisp packet recycling project.
Brune Park learners enjoy the Pride Month parade left, as do Bay House learners, right The virtual tour of the International Space Station proved poular with learners.

A workshop in the STEM subjects, as well as a visit from the Royal Air Force inspired young minds...


LEARNERS enjoyed an insightful and engaging STEM workshop.

The roadshow visited Bay House and Brune Park and was attended by Rowner, Gomer and Alverstoke Junior Schools..

It was a collaboration between BAE Systems, The Royal Air Force, and The Royal Navy who delivered an engaging theatre roadshow which celebrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects.

It included a 50 minute performance to inspire and engage students and digital resources to support teachers to develop lessons in the classroom.

The 2022 theme is Magnetism and the presentation explained the integration of magnets, magnetism and electromagnetism in our everyday life.

Learner, James Smith, said: “The show taught us a lot more about science and how magnets are used in an entertaining way.”

Meanwhile, the Royal Air Force worked with students to develop their STEM skills.

Learners at Bay House enjoyed working on the project, which was also run by Hyett Education.

It helped them to develop their problem-solving skills with a focus on accuracy, to program increasingly complex robots and remotely navigate courses.

James said: “It was really hard. Learning the

skills was easy, but it took a long time testing out our programs to accurately follow the path.”

Ellie added: “I love STEM. We have a lot more freedom to solve problems and work together. I wish we could have more days like this.”

Pool provides a splashing time

Learners enjoyed getting to grips with STEM challenges at the recent workshop and were captivated by a visit from the Royal Air Force (above).

LEARNERS enjoyed the opportunity to practice their swimming skills after taking lessons at Brune Park’s pool.

Year 5 and 6 learners from Rowner Junior School and Year 4 learners from Gomer Junior School took advantage of the facilities during the summer term.

They were each given a three week slot for three mornings a week where they followed the Swim England, Learn to Swim programme - the leading national teaching syllabus for swimming.

After an assessment, the learners were split into two groups depending on their abilities.

The learners progressed well and became more confident in the water, listening to all instructions.

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Aiming to make a difference through sport

LEARNERS were offered a unique opportunity to enjoy cricket sessions alongside a qualified coach.

The GFM linked up with Gosport Borough Cricket Club (GBCC) which saw learners

in Year 7 and Year 8 take part in sessions with a coach from the club every Wednesday during the summer term.

The Gosport Community Sports Foundation is a group of local sports clubs and the GFM working together ‘To make a positive life long difference to the lives of young people it serves through sport’.

One way that the foundation has done this is through a Gosport Cricket Club coach running 9 sessions during the summer term for GFM learners in Years 7 and 8.

The session was well attended and afforded learners the opportunity to see the link between school and local sports clubs.

Over the next couple of months the foun

dation is aiming to increase its profile both on social media as well as banners showing the link up. Look out for the logo to see if your sports club is part of the foundation.



The sessions had a focus on developing their batting and bowling skills and they were attended by around 40 learners.

Gosport Borough coach Jordyn Dore said: “Coaching cricket to the Bay House and Brune Park students has been so enjoyable.

“All of the learners have shown such a positive attitude towards all the sessions. They have all engaged with the drills and games which were given to them.

“Running sessions like these are very

Sessions with qualified coaches are a big hit with sporty learners...

important not only to our club but to the community. It promotes Gosport Borough Cricket Club colts sessions which allows us to coach these players to hopefully prepare them for adult’s cricket. It also brings families down to the club to watch cricket at the weekends.”

Bay House Year 9 learner Eden said: “I have really enjoyed the cricket training as it has enabled me to go back to basics and test my skills.

“I feel more confident about stopping the ball and have seen an improvement in my bowling.

“It is also really good to work with a qualified coach from Gosport Borough Cricket Club as we don’t often get to play cricket in school.”

Hard work rewarded with double cup success

TEAMS from both secondary schools have been celebrating success in local football tournaments.

The Year 11 Fareham and Gosport District Cup final saw Bay House meet Bridgemary at Portchester Football Club.

A first half goal from Jack Fox put Bay House ahead before Bridgemary levelled just before half time.

In a well-contested game, the teams couldn’t be separated after 90 minutes so the match went to extra time. Substitute Jack Gibson came off the bench to hit a 20 yard shot into the bottom corner to secure the Cup for Bay House.

Meanwhile, Brune Park played Portchester in the Year 9 District cup final.

Brune Park went into the half time break 2-1 up, after two very well taken goals from Jack Bagnall and Keaton Edwards.

In the second half, both teams battled

hard and the game opened up with chances being made at both ends of the pitch.

Despite another goal from the opposition, Brune Park netted two more goals from Harley Taylor and then Callum Izzard to win the game 4-2.

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Bay House lift the cup at Portchester FC. Above: The Brune Park team.

ART learners from both secondary schools had the chance to work with an artist.

Year 10 and Year 11 learners from both Bay House and Brune Park have been working in partnership with the Gosport Heritage Action Zone project based in Gosport High Street which is also supported by Historic England.

The learners worked with artist Ian Murphy to support the development of their work in response to local heritage architectural features such as The Royal Arms, local churches, memorials and forts.

The work enabled the learners to consider their local area and structures within it while understanding more about the history and heritage of specific places.

For some, it led to developing meaningful family connections - student Katie spent time responding to a local church where her Gosport-born grandmother was married.

Artwork based upon the Grade ll listed Royal Arms Hotel will also contribute to hoarding as the building is carefully renovated.

In 2020 Gosport Borough Council announced that the canopy would be restored as part of the High Street Heritage Action Zone. The front of the building will be used for community events.

Learners explored textures in art with models of creatures.


High Street project offers learners an artistic opportunity...

Learners had the chance to work with artist Ian Murphy as part of the Gosport Heritage Action Zone project.

Scheme helps students to explore artistic techniques

LEARNERS in Year 9 had a unique opportunity to work with the Hampshire Cultural Trust as part of a project.

The learners from both Brune Park and Bay House schools worked with staff and the loan box scheme at SEARCH in Gosport as well as the Hampshire Cultural Trust.

Learners enjoyed the experience which enabled them to engage with the fine detail of textures, surfaces and patterns of creatures.

Next up, learners will be working with a ceramic artist to turn the children’s 2D artwork into 3D making, which will be inspired by Native American Indian totem poles.

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Serving up delicious dishes

FAMILIES got a masterclass in cooking healthy food thanks to our new scheme Good Grub Club.

Funded by Abri housing, the sessions are aimed at easing the burden on families facing higher cost of living.

The programme also gave us the school the to invite the community into our hub garden to enjoy some fun games.

A parent said: “Myself and the children have had a lovely time. We enjoyed cooking together as a family, learning recipes and the staff were lovely.

“The fact that we got to take the ingredients home to make the food again was an added bonus.”


New subject for GCSE students...

A BRAND new subject has been introduced to GCSE learners this year.

Year 10 learners have been given the opportunity to choose GCSE World Viewsa new course to both Brune Park and Bay House School.

During their two year study, learners will focus on themes such as relationships and families, religion and life, religion, peace and conflict and religion, crime and punishment.

Some of the questions learners will debate and discuss during their learning are to do with when human life begins, is it ever right to go to war and what happens when we die?

The skills gained by studying this subject are valued by employers and universities such as clear and logical thinking, being able to critically evaluate, good use of literacy and expression, negotiating, organising, planning, problem solving, research and working to deadlines.

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Families have made the most of the Good Grub Club sessions aimed at helping people cope with the rise in the cost of living.

THE careers department has launched a brand new online information platform to support secondary year groups.

Careerpilot is a highly acclaimed platform which will help students to explore their options at all stages, including Year 9 learners who are making their subject choices for GCSE.

GFM careers advisor Jo Murchie said: “After testing out numerous platforms with student focus groups, we selected Careerpilot as learners told us they found it simple and intuitive to use and it is packed with useful information.

“We felt the site’s highly visual style and ease of navigation would be inclusive to all of our learners.

“We will particularly be using the Pathway Planner during the 1-1 careers meetings, which works as a triage tool to as sess the level of support each individual pupil needs when it comes to planning their future.”

Careerpilot to guide learners

To support their future career choices, students will also complete quizzes on the site to explore their interests, skills and personal values.

Brune Park Year 9 learner Keira Ransley said: “I have been using Career Pilot for a few weeks and I’m already finding benefits to my learning.

“It tells me a lot of very useful information about my dream job.”

Visit www.careerpilot.org to find out more.


Gomer learners took part in a range of clubs from drama to geography.

LEARNERS at Gomer Junior School have been enjoying leading after school clubs.

There are a variety of extra-curricular clubs on offer, including student-led clubs.

During the summer term, two aspiring Year 5 actors, Elliot and Reuben, ran a small drama club for Upper School learners. Year 5 and Year 6 learners began working together, at first on a

script written by Elliot and Reuben, and by the end had a go at writing their own scripts and performing from a well known script.

Meanwhile, Jacob in Year 5 and Stanley in Year 4 set up a chess club. They designed and

created their own posters, organised sign ups and members, brought in chess boards, explained the rules and ran the club themselves.

Year 6 learners Myla, Archie, Kohby and Finley set up and ran their own Geography club.

Each week, learners were given the chance to expand their knowledge, focusing on a specific continent.

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LEARNERS at Rowner Junior School have won awards at Gosport in Bloom after only starting gardening this year.

The Gomer Growers were established years ago and they garden all year round.

Both schools had a Groundforce Day and everyone was overwhelmed with the support given by families who gave time and resources to help develop the grounds.

Children were joined by their adults to support projects including the Olympic Meadow, the installation of a new allotment planter, digging, weeding, planting and lots more.

At the same time, students were also enjoying sensory themed nature poetry writing, den building, lantern making and habitat design.

Executive Headteacher, Georgina Mulhall, said: “Some of our Gomer Growers showed off the Gomer Estate to the Gosport in Bloom judges.

“The children were rightly proud of our beautiful school grounds and the judge was impressed with what he saw.”

Rowner Juniors were awarded a gold and bronze award in addition to special commendation.

Gomer Juniors were awarded gold awards for Best Sensory Garden, Best Wildlife Garden and Best Edible Garden. They also won Best School.

Group gets active on summer trip to the Peaks

A GROUP of Year 8 learners from Bay House enjoyed a trip to the picturesque Peak District in July.

The 50 learners and six teachers spent four days taking on various activities and visiting different tourist attractions.

Some of the activities included a day out

at Alton Towers, a trip to Go Ape, a tour of the famous Poole caverns, abseiling and rock climbing.

Learner Evie said: “This was an absolutely perfect way to end our time in Year 8 and we deeply thank everyone who was involved in giving us this opportunity.”

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Young learners have enjoyed tending to the garden throughout the year.

Learners embrace opportunity from local employers... WORK EXPERIENCE


AFTER a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic Year 10 learners got a boost to their career prosects by enjoying work experience with local employers.

A total of 285 learners from Bay House and Brune Park secured placements.

Learners who remained in school benefited from a jam-packed World of Work week, with a wide variety of speakers and activities aimed at equipping them for the decisions ahead.

Guests attended the school from the University of Portsmouth, Hampshire Futures. the DWP, Gosport Voluntary Action and Amazing Apprenticeships.

Learners had the chance to build a social media campaign based on a real life scenario from the NHS 350 careers team.

Learners also had the chance to grill 30 employees who each spoke to up to eight small groups about their role and career journey.

Some learners also chose to take part in three day ‘virtual’ work experience programmes which were kindly offered by BAE, Qinetiq and Aramark.

Maria Stockely said: “We were delighted to receive feedback from employers who praised our learners’ skills and commitment.

“Taking a work experience student is an overhead, so we really appreciate the support of everyone who was able to offer a place.”

“These experiences enable a larger group of learners to spend time engaging with employees, hearing about employment opportunities and completing project work related to the business without actually being on an employer site.

“It was an important opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of an employer and their industry.”

Nicki takes the lead in careers

THE GFM Trust is very pleased to share that Nicki Craven joined us this term as strategic lead for Careers and business engagement across the GFM.

Nicki will lead and grow the Careers team, advise the GFM Executive on policy and strategy, and further develop our Careers education, information and guidance programme to ensure it meets the needs of learners.

Nicki has a wealth of experience. She joins us from Solent LEP and The Careers & Enterprise Company where she delivered a national project at a local level, built a network of business professionals and created links between industry and education.

She led a successful grant funding initiative and provided specialist advice to a large portfolio of schools and colleges across the region to develop effective Careers programmes fit for the modern, post-COVID world and to ensure young people are able to make informed decisions about their next steps and future careers.

Prior to that Nicki worked for a mainstream secondary school with responsibility for the marketing and comms function, developing a whole school Business and Enterprise culture and leading the Work Related Learning pro gramme. She has taught in the adult education sector and runs a small business in her spare time.

Nicki has a degree in Lead ership, Business and Manage ment from the University of Portsmouth together with a post grad in Careers Leader ship from Warwick.

Nicki is keen to hear from parents, alumni and professionals, so if you have an interesting career journey, or would like to raise awareness of your industry and support the GFM Careers programme, reach out to careers@gfmat.org.

“I am really looking forward to embedding key employability skills to build an enhanced Careers programme across the GFM, and to further developing the Route to Employment strategy and the wider Level 3 provision as part of the leadership team.”

Gosport Futures 20 GFM Winter 2022
” “ We were delighted to receive feedback from employers who praised our learners...
Learners gained great insight into the world of work.

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