Gluten Free Canada - Winter 2017

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WINTER 2017 1

contents 4 | Storing Cooked Grains & Beans 5 | Pulses, what they are and why we love them! 7 | 4 Ways to Banish Daytime Bloat 8 | Fun with Fermented Foods 10 | Dining Out when Dining Gluten-Free 13 | 10 Tops for Having the Best Gluten-Free Holidays Ever 16 | Tips for Baking Gluten-Free Bread at Home 17 | Sharing a Kitchen Without Sharing Gluten 19 | Guide to Dairy-Free Substitutions in Baking and Cooking 30 | Spain’s Sierra de Segura 32 | Reading Labels if You Have Celiac Disease or a Gluten Intolerance 38 | 5 Stages of Going Gluten-Free 40 | Why Eating Seasonally May Be Best 46 | Gluten-Free Product Guide

recipes 8 | Passion Fruit Kefir Parfait

23 | Let’s Talk Appetizers

9 | Kimchi

24 | Roasted Garlic

18 | Vanilla Shortbread

25 | Winter “Green” Basil Hummus

34 | Fresh Vegan Gluten-Free Pasta

26 | Holiday Herb Cake

36 | Spice Up Your Mornings

28 | How to Build a Charcuterie Board

36 | Home Made Pumpkin Spice

29 | Fig Kisses

36 | Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

37 | Brazilian Tapioca Crepes 41 | Veggie Tea Soup 43 | Soft & Chewy Ginger Cookies 44 | Quick & Easy Dark Chocolate 45 | Tasteful Breakfast Toppings

45 | Sweet Potatoes and Dates

45 | Balsamic-Macerated Strawberries with CrÉme Fraiche

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| WINTER 2017 photo credit for this and many others: Brooke Lark, of


Ge t Ticke t s @ GlutenFreeExpo. ca


Storing Cooked Grains & Beans Fun Fact: using defrosted cooked grains reduces your cooking time by about 40 minutes. TIP: Cooked grains and beans last about three to four days in the refrigerator and up to two months in the freezer.

In addition to being excellent sources of protein, complex carbs, and fibre, beans and a number of grains contain a powerhouse of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. They’re delicious and nutritious, but sadly need more time to make than most of us have before our ‘hanger’ kicks in. So, if you enjoy grains and beans, making a large pot from scratch and freezing smaller portions is a great way to save time. Here are our favourite methods for storing those lovely cooked grains and beans for when you need them. Freezer-Friendly Grains | Buckwheat, Corn, Quinoa, Wild and White Rice Grains to Avoid Freezing | Amaranth, Millet, and Teff Freezer-Friendly Beans | Pretty much all beans other than small lentils. Yet another reason to love beans­­—convenience! Beans to Avoid Freezing | Small Lentils TIP: Avoid freezing grains and beans that tend to be softer. While these three may freeze just fine, their inherent properties change too much during the freezing process, and they can get mushy when defrosted. Storage Any type of airtight container will do the trick (plastic, glass, or bags); however, our favourite goto solution is to pre-measure 2 cups of grains into plastic freezer bags. The 2 cup measurement tends to be handy—especially for meals on the fly—and the bags take up less space in the freezer, can be easily labeled, and defrost quickly (just 15 minutes in a bowl of hot water for grains, and 25 minutes for beans).

gluten-free canada ||WINTER WINTER2017 2017

Pulses, what they are, and why we love them! According to the Global Pulse Confederation, pulses are the edible seeds of various plants in the legume family, grow in pods, and come in a variety of sizes, colours, and shapes. They’re rich in fibre and protein, low in fat and saturated fat, and contain high levels of complex carbohydrates and resistant starch. These delicious foods are also rich in iron, potassium, folate, and other B vitamins, making them extremely nutrient-dense. The myriad nutritional benefits that pulses bring to the table make them a super food of sorts. Data from a study funded by the Canadian Agricultural Adaptations Program (CAAP) demonstrated that eating pulses for at least three weeks could significantly reduce the LDL cholesterol levels that have been linked to heart attacks and strokes. In this study, the average daily dose of pulses was 130 grams (about 1/2 to 3/4 cup). Researchers found that pulse consumption lowered LDL cholesterol by about five percent—that’s rather significant! PULSES ARE: Loaded with fibre | Pulses are very high in both soluble fibre (helps decrease cholesterol and control blood sugar levels), and insoluble fibre (helps with digestion and regularity). According to the Dietitians of Canada, many adults do not get the recommended daily amount of 38 grams (for men) or 25 grams (for women.) Consuming just 1/2 cup of pulses daily can provide 7 to 17 grams of dietary fibre. Amazing sources of protein | Pulses contain about twice the amount of protein found in whole grain cereals. However, whole grain cereals contain greater levels of the essential amino acids methionine and cysteine, which is why combining pulses with cereals and/or nuts results in a powerful protein-filled meal that contains several essential amino acids.

Low on the glycemic index | The glycemic index is a value that is assigned to foods based on how quickly or how slowly these foods cause an increase in blood glucose levels. For being relatively high in carbohydrates, pulses have a surprisingly low glycemic index, so blood sugar levels don’t rise quickly after consuming them. This is particularly important for people with diabetes. Low in saturated fat | Substituting pulses for meats reduces the amount of saturated fat in one’s diet. Saturated fats contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease. Adding pulses to your daily diet: There are as many ways to enjoy pulses as there are pulses to enjoy—and that’s a lot! (Check out page 25 for a fun recipe to try.) How to turn down the toots: (Yup, we went there.) Because pulses are carbohydrate-rich, they’ve earned the reputation of causing bloating and gas for some people, but fear not, your body eventually becomes accustomed to them and these effects fade. Tips: • Drink lots of water with your meal. • Thoroughly rinse canned or presoaked pulses prior to cooking. • Do not use the soaking liquid to cook the pulses—use fresh water. • Cook pulses thoroughly since undercooked starch is more difficult to digest.


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| WINTER 2017

4 Ways To Banish Daytime Bloat By Desiree Nielsen BSc RD

Feeling ugh? You’re not alone…bloating is one of the most common complaints I receive in my practice. Especially after a long summer of merriment. The challenge is determining what’s normal…and isn’t. Bloating requires both the production of gas in the intestines…and slow movement of that gas through the intestines. We can swallow that gas, or produce it when the acidic contents of our stomach meet the alkaline secretions within the intestine. However, the most common source of intestinal gas is the trillions of microbes fermenting whatever they find in your gut. The most surprising culprit? Stress. Think about it, when stressed, you’re in ‘fight or flight’ mode. One of the biological actions of this mode is to shuttle blood flow away from the digestive system to the brain and the limbs. For some people, food intolerances can also make bloating more severe. The classic culprits are called FODMAPS: fermented oligo-, di-, and mono-saccharides and polyols. FODMAPS are carbohydrates like lactose and fructose that are not fully digested by many; eating FODMAPS can increase gas and make elimination troublesome in sensitive individuals. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, fully eliminating FODMAPS can bring significant relief. For the rest of us, you may be surprised at how powerful small changes can be in improving bloating. Try these simple steps to improve bloating before considering more intensive measures. Just Breathe | That’s right…breathe. Deep breathing can help de-stress and improve digestion. One of my favourite techniques is called square breathing. Simply inhale for a count of four and hold it for four counts; then exhale for four and hold the exhale. Do a few rounds of this whenever you feel stressed…and before each meal. Over time, this technique will become a clear signal to the body that it’s time to eat.

properly contain the gut wall. Sitting up tall can help reduce abdominal compression while also strengthening abdominal muscles. TIP: Try doing one minute of standing stretches every hour at work. Toe touches, side bends and gentle torso twists are great. It doesn’t have to be intense; even a 15 minute mid-day walk can do wonders.

Fight Bacteria | If your diet has been on the indulgent side over the summer, it could be that your gut bacteria are out of balance. A great way to bring your bacterial community back into balance quickly is to fight back with the beneficial bacteria found in Bio-K+. A daily dose of Bio-K+ Blueberry has been a part of my routine for years; the 50 billion live active cells help to fight off more troublesome bacteria and ease symptoms of gas and bloating. Resist constant munching | This tip often surprises people; over the years, we’ve become near constant munchers. However, we weren’t meant to eat in this way. Peristalsis, the natural sweeping motion of the gut, continues to work even when the absorption has finished, with a beneficial effect on bloating and bacterial growth. When there is constantly food in the gut, more bloating is likely as all of those chemical reactions occur. In addition, the small amount of bacteria that live in the small intestine are more likely to overgrow if fed a constant supply of nutrients. So get reacquainted with your hunger cues. When you are hungry, eat… but resist the urge to nibble from dawn to dusk. Your gut is a remarkable machine; while it’s true that it can fall out of balance when faced with modern life, it also responds beautifully to intentional care. Take small steps to foster better gut health and you may find that you and your gut are back in sync. If you have more chronic digestive concerns, restoring full balance may require a bit more work. To learn more about evidence-based techniques to fight bloating, check out my 21-day program, Banish the Bloat, on

Move Your Body | Your gut is a muscle; if you want it to move, you need to move! Prolonged sitting can lead to increased bloating because you’re physically compressing the gut. In addition some people experience more bloating due to their abdominal wall not being as strong as needed to 77

Fun with Fermented Foods Different cultures around the world have been consuming fermented foods for years, such as sauerkraut in Germany and delicious kimchi in Korea. Today, popular fermented foods include plain yogurt, kombucha (fermented tea), and kefir (fermented milk or water), to name a few. There’s been considerable research demonstrating a link between the consumption of fermented foods and healthy digestion. Fermented foods have experienced a lacto-fermentation process in which natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food, thus creating lactic acid. Fermentation not only helps only with preserving the food, it also creates beneficial enzymes, B vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and several probiotics.

Passion Fruit Kefir Parfait Ingredients: • 1 cup kefir • 1 tbsp lavender • 1 tbsp honey • 1 tbsp coconut flakes (unsweetened) • Couple drops of vanilla extract • Pinch of Salt Directions: Spoon or pour your kefir into a small glass, then top with the remaining ingredients and enjoy. Lastly, slice a ripe passion fruit in half and scoop out the contents for the perfect final toping to your parfait. gluten-free canada ||WINTER WINTER2017 2017

In addition to being delicious, there are a number of other reasons to make and enjoy fermented foods. Three of these include: Probiotics: Shown to improve digestion, improve bowel health, restore beneficial gut flora, and boost immunity. Better absorption of foods: Having the proper balance of gut bacteria and adequate digestive enzymes helps absorb more nutrients in the foods you eat. Easily preserves foods: Fermented homemade foods, such as salsa, pickles, beets, and other vegetables, last months in the refrigerator without losing nutrients.

Kimchi Traditionally, kimchi was a Korean dish of fermented vegetables like napa cabbage and daikon radish. In addition to being a tasty side to a meal, it also adds incredible flavour as a sauce on brussels sprouts, with steak, or in tofu soup. The key is fermentation. Kimchi needs time to develop its depth of flavours. Tip: Korean salted shrimp is tiny and naturally fermented shrimp that provides much of the flavour, so should not be skipped. They’re sold in jars and can be found in the refrigerator case of Korean markets. Special equipment: You will need a clean 2-quart or 2-litre glass jar with a tight-fitting lid to hold the kimchi while it ferments. Avoid using plastic if you can.

Ingredients: • 1 large (about 2 1/4 pounds) napa cabbage, chopped into 2-inch pieces • 1/4 cup kosher salt • About 12 cups cold water, plus more as needed • 1/2 pound daikon radish, peeled and cut into 2-inch matchsticks • 4 medium scallions, white and pale green parts only, thinly sliced • 1/2 cup Korean red pepper powder • 1/4 cup fish sauce • 1/4 cup peeled and minced fresh ginger (from about a 2-ounce piece) • 1 tbsp minced garlic cloves (from 6 to 8 medium cloves) • 2 tsp Korean salted shrimp, minced • 1 1/2 tsp granulated sugar

Directions: Place chopped cabbage (root area discarded) into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and mix well with your hands until the cabbage is all nicely coated. Add enough water to just cover the cabbage, and then cover the container in plastic wrap. Let it stand at room temperature for 12 - 24 hours. Drain the cabbage into a colander and rinse with cold water. Gently squeeze out any excess water and transfer the cabbage to a medium bowl, then set aside. Mix all of the remaining ingredients into a different large bowl, then stir to combine them. Add the cabbage to the other ingredients, and toss with your hands until evenly combined and the cabbage is thoroughly coated with the mixture. Pack the mixture tightly into a clean 2-quart or 2-litre glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and seal the jar. Let the mixture rest in a cool, dark place for 24 hours (it may bubble—that’s ok!). Open the jar to let the gases escape, then reseal and refrigerate for at least 48 hours before eating (kimchi is best after about 1 week of fermentation). Refrigerate for up to 1 month. 9

Dining Out When Dining Gluten-Free

Restaurants and café’s certainly mean well, but like Jack Welch once said, “control your own destiny or someone else will.” Below are a few easy things you can do to take control of your safety and enjoyment when dining out. Remember, where cooking surfaces, vessels, and utensils are frequently shared within a restaurant, the potential for crosscontamination can occur. Those restaurants with a large gluten-free customer base typically have separate cooking areas and utensils specifically for gluten-free food preparation, but this isn’t always the case. Some of the things you’ll want to ask are written in the table on the next page. TIP: Start with the manager and/or chef. Remember playing “telephone” as a child? You’d whisper something into a friend’s ear, who would then whisper into another person’s ear, and so forth. In the end, the message would be completely convoluted and you could laugh at how different it was from the original message. Miscommunication can be comical when you’re a kid joking around about puppies and going to the seashore, but not when it has to do with your health. Miscommunication can happen with even the best of intentions, so it’s always best to speak directly to a restaurant’s manager and/or chef about your gluten concerns. The fewer relays needed between you and the person ultimately preparing your meal, the better.

WINTER2017 2017 gluten-free canada ||WINTER

Some Helpful Questions to Ask Loose flour Do you use loose, gluten-containing flour in your restaurant/café/ kitchen?

Handwashing and glove use

Ideal Answer

Good to Know

No, we never use gluten-containing flour here.

Loose flour particles are very small and light. Some have found that it can take around 48 hours for it to fully settle. Therefore, even if all the surfaces are wiped down before they prepare a gluten-free item, there is a chance for cross-contamination if loose gluten-containing flour has been used there, as it may settle onto the washed surfaces and food.

Does your staff wash their hands or change their gloves before preparing gluten-free meals in case they’ve touched gluten in the previous meal? If it’s not a policy, are you able to ensure that they will do so prior to preparing my meal?

Yes, always.

Are your gluten-free and gluten-containing items prepared on the same cooking surfaces? How about cooking and handling utensils—are they shared?

No, never. Gluten-free items are always prepared on their own dedicated surface, and handled with dedicated gluten-free tools.

Covering Food

Do you cover items being cooked in the oven to ensure crumbs don’t fall onto the food below or the shared surface of the oven?

Yes, always.

Frying Oil

Do you fry gluten-free items in a separate fryer from gluten-containing items?

Yes, always.

Frying Oil

Do you use fresh water every time you cook pasta or steam food?

Yes, always.

Cooking Surfaces

Gluten is an excellent traveler, and knows how to pack a big punch to your health with as little as a few items from its carry-on bag. So, if someone handled bread or other gluten-containing food prior to handling your meal, there is a chance that gluten particles could stick to the handler’s skin or gloves and travel from one meal to another. The same can be said for surfaces of any kind. For example: counters, cutting boards, utensils, pots, pans, trays, the inside of ovens, etc

Gluten proteins are extremely resilient and can’t be broken down easily with temperature or time. Deep fryers typically reach temperatures around 175º-200ºC (350º-400ºF); and not nearly hot enough to denature the gluten protein which requires temperatures over 300ºC (600ºF). Think about it this way, if some breads are cooked at 260ºC (500ºF) for 10-15 minutes (eg. pizza) and the gluten remains intact, imagine how stable they would remain in a fryer with temperatures far lower than that. A similar consideration should be made when boiling or steaming foods. For example, items like pasta and breaded items should never share the same cooking/steaming water between gluten-containing and gluten-free items. 11 11





4 slices Turkey 8 slices Granny Smith Apple 4 slices Brie 4 slices Udi’s® Bread 1/ cup Spinach 2 2 tsp Butter

1. Spread all 8 sides of bread with butter and place in pan on medium heat for 2 minutes, then flip. 2. Pile all ingredients onto two slices of bread: brie, turkey, apple, spinach, brie, then top with remaining bread. 3. Heat for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden. Enjoy!



1 Egg ½ cup Almond Milk 1 tsp Cinnamon ½ tsp of Vanilla Extract 4 tbsp Chocolate Hazelnut spread ½ cup Strawberries, sliced ½ cup Raspberries 2 tsp Butter 8 pieces of Udi’s Millet-Chia Bread

1. Spread Chocolate Hazelnut spread on two slices of bread and cover one slice with sliced strawberries and raspberries. Place the other slice on top. 2. Mix egg, almond milk, cinnamon and vanilla extract in a bowl. 3. Dip the sandwich in the egg mixture, holding it together tightly and make sure it covers both sides. 4. Meanwhile melt butter in a pan over medium heat. 5. Place French Toast in the pan and cook until golden brown on both sides, flipping half way through. Top with syrup and enjoy!

gluten-free canada

| WINTER 2017


Granny Smith & Turkey Sandwich PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES COOK TIME: 5 -7 MIN SERVINGS: 2




Chocolate Hazelnut & Berry Stuffed French Toast PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES COOK TIME: 5 -7 MIN SERVINGS: 2


© 2017 Boulder Brands USA, Inc.

10 Tips for Having the Best Gluten-Free Holidays Ever Holidays and food go hand-in-hand; however, if you’re gluten-free, this normally festive season can be difficult. Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or have New Year’s and Super Bowl events, maintaining a gluten-free diet with foods that are tasty and also reminiscent of traditional holiday foods is about to get easier. Here are our favourite 10 tips and tricks to help you navigate the festive holiday season free of both gluten and unnecessary stress.


Beware of cooking bags. While these handy dandy cooking aids do ensure moist meat, flour is often used inside these bags to keep them from exploding under extreme temperatures. Instead, try to find plain bags and add cornstarch to get protect against explosion—and pass on this knowledge to others.


Gobble gobble: Turkey in its natural state may be gluten-free; however, one that’s been seasoned, marinated, stuffed, treated, or covered with any sauces might not be. Check what the turkey has been paired with to make sure no gluten was accidentally added. Also, give your turkey a good rinse before preparing


Stuffing: While stuffing is a gluten concern, if the bread contains gluten, it may also be a safety concern if not cooked properly. When a turkey is stuffed, the time it takes to ensure the stuffing is properly cooked may result in a dry and unsavory turkey. Instead, try making stuffing separately in a casserole dish.


Mashed potato recipes: These occasionally use flour or seasoning that may contain gluten. Ask ahead to be safe rather than sorry.


The corn bread catch. While corn itself is naturally gluten-free, most cornbread recipes typically call for both cornmeal and wheat flour. Luckily, there are several gluten-free cornbread products available today, or you can make some from scratch using gluten-free flours.


Be cautious with cream-based dishes. Many cream-based dishes call for the use of a cream soup as an ingredient to obtain the richness. This is particularly true with that holiday staple green bean casserole that is a minefield of gluten with concentrated cream of mushroom soup and those decadent yet tasty fried onion rings on top. Making this popular dish gluten-free is easy by substituting real cream for the soup base and using crackers as a topping.


Potato pancake (latke): This can be a nightmare for the gluten-free because of the common addition of wheat flour; however, you can easy bypass this by using cornmeal or gluten-free flour instead.


Buffet gatherings: If attending a buffet dinner, go first to avoid cross-contamination from serving spoon migration. Or, ask your host to create a plate before opening the buffet to guests just for you so that you don’t need to use the buffet, but can still enjoy many of the gluten-free dishes.


When in doubt, bring your own: Don’t be shy, bring a gluten-free dish to any holiday event you may attend to ensure that you will definitely have something you can eat. Even better, bring a dish you especially love.


Finally, if all else fails—or if you think you may encounter difficulties—host the holiday dinner or event yourself. Go ahead, throw a party!


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| WINTER 2017

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Tips for Baking Gluten-Free Bread at Home “Gluten-free” and “bread” seem to be mutually exclusive; however, it doesn’t need to be. As is the case with other types of baking, below are several tips and tricks to make your efforts easier, and your final product better.


Bake by weight, not volume. Because baking requires specific recipes and proper proportions, this tip is critical. Investing in a good digital scale can to help make your measurements perfect every time.


If you are baking a “heritage-style” gluten-free yeast bread, do not simply double the recipe for a double batch. In general, doubling doesn’t normally work. It’s best to make 2 separate batches.


Gluten-free bread dough must be mixed vigorously, preferably with a stand mixer and dough hook attachment. Never, ever, ever use a hand-held mixer because not only will you not be able to incorporate the ingredients well enough, but the bread is more likely to turn out dry. Remember, since there is no gluten to “overwork,” you don’t have to worry about overmixing the dough. If your dough is crumbly, it is due to inadequate hydration.

Looking for more gluten-free baking tips? Check out our instagram @GlutenFreeCanada or show us your

creations by tagging


gluten-free canada

| WINTER 2017


Don’t bake gluten-free bread without a gluten substitute (ex. xanthan gum). Because gluten and gluten-free substitutes suspend yeast bubbles--allowing for light and airy bread with the characteristic pockets-not using one or the other results in super dense bread.


Always use an oven thermometer. You’d be surprised how many ovens are not calibrated correctly; some by as much as 10 degrees! The thermometer’s job is to ensure that an oven’s individual temperature won’t ruin your bread by browning the outside while failing to cook the inside.

Sharing a Kitchen Without Sharing Gluten Let’s be honest, sometimes, just sometimes, those we share a home with who are not gluten intolerant get hit with food cravings that they just “need” to satisfy…and are sadly not gluten-free. As much as we’d love to maintain a home that’s 100% gluten-free, it’s not always possible. That is why we’ve put together our top 5 list of key steps for creating and maintaining a gluten-free diet in a multi-diet home.


Invest in a label maker, or printable label sheets if you already own a regular printer. We prefer these over posted notes as the adhesive is stronger and they are less likely to fall off with temperature changes or time. Some foods like jam, mayonnaise, nut butters, and butter readily attract stray crumbs from utensils, so it’s important to clearly label these gluten-free items to remind everyone to always use fresh utensils.


Purchase a toaster exclusively for toasting gluten-free items. Keeping it covered in a cabinet until you need it is a great way to ensure that gluten-containing crumbs don’t accident fall into it during someone else’s meal prep.


Label containers of gluten-free baking supplies, grains, and beans, and keep them handy. That being said, if there is any one item that you should try to keep exclusively gluten-free in the home, it is this category. Loose flour can take days to fully settle out of the air (coating surfaces and food when it does), and even just being in the air is enough to get someone with gluten intolerance very ill. It’s risky to keep gluten-containing flours in the same home as someone with a sensitivity, so it’s highly advisable to avoid doing so if possible.


Purchase condiments in squeeze bottles (like ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard, for example) when you can, rather than in a jar format that may require a knife for application. This helps make human error a little easier to avoid.


Keep your kitchen counter clean. This should go without saying anyway; however, for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, this is imperative. Before preparing any food, wash your counters with hot, soapy water to remove germs and possible crumbs.

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Vanilla Shortbread by Tracy Kadonoff, Award Winning Pastry Chef

INGREDIENTS: • 340 g (1 1/2 cups) unsalted butter, room temperature • 100 g (1/2 cup) super fine white sugar • 2 tsp pure vanilla, dark • 2 tsp cold water • 400 g (2+2/3rd cups) Lemonade retail flour blend • 120 g (3/4) cup white rice flour • 1/4 tsp salt (makes aprox 4 dozen)



Mix butter in electric mixer with paddle attachment at low speed until no lumps—do not whip fluffy as this will make cookies too airy and fragile. Add vanilla and water and mix together.

Pre-heat oven to 160ºC (325ºF). Peel away top layer of parchment to loosen from dough, place this parchment back in place and flip over dough. Repeat peeling parchment off of dough.

Gradually add superfine sugar and continue mixing at low speed until incorporated but not fluffy. Measure all dry ingredients together and whisk by hand to incorporate.

Now cut into desired shapes and place onto clean parchment on baking sheet with 1-inch spacing. Bake cookies at 160ºC (325ºF) for 20 minutes, turn tray and bake for another 5-10 minutes until golden brown on edges. Cookies keep best in the fridge, as they are firmer and will not crumble. Enjoy!

Gradually add the dry ingredients to the butter/ sugar mixture and continue mixing until it is a dough. Do not over-mix. Roll dough between two pieces of parchment paper to about 1 cm thick. Fully chill dough in refrigerator for 1 hour. Recommended: Weighing ingredients will result in a more consistent cookie.

gluten-free canada

| WINTER 2017

Tips: If dough is too dry, add just a little bit of water (there is sometimes a variance in moisture content in butter), cookies will keep in fridge in an airtight container for 1 month. Freeze uncooked dough for a few months and bake off cookies as desired.

Guide to Dairy-Free Substitutions in Baking and Cooking

Evaporated Milk

It’s truly impressive how many foods now have dairy hiding in them, and this can make the switch to a dairy-free lifestyle seem a little daunting. To help make things a bit less stressful and complicated, here are some of our favourite dairy-free substitutions and tricks.


Milk Ah good old faithful…or so you thought until you found out that you’re lactose intolerant. Yes, we here at Gluten-Free Canada know that day well. Thankfully, there are a huge variety of dairy-free “milks” on the market like almond, cashew, and coconut. For baking, all of these products work well, and the best part is that there is no complicated math. It is a simple 1:1 ratio! Tip: Make your own quick variation by soaking a 1/4th of cup of your nut milk of choice with 3/4th of a cup of water in the fridge overnight. This softens the nut just enough so that when you toss the mix into a high-powered blender, it creates a nice smooth nut “milk”. Heavy Cream/Sweetened Condensed Milk Full-fat, canned coconut cream is the absolute best substitute for these items when baking.

Canned coconut milk—both full-fat or light—work just as well for evaporated milk in most recipes. Butter Coconut oil and vegan butter are the two most common butter substitutes in a dairy-free diet. Whereas vegan butter works like regular butter in most recipes, some people don’t care for it in cookies. If you choose to go with coconut oil, the key is to use it in the solid state—much like shortening. TIP: If you live in a warm area, you can put melted coconut oil in the refrigerator to harden up.

Cheese is the most difficult dairy ingredient to replicate. While there are many dairy-free and vegan cheeses on the market today, they can sometimes be hard to find, expensive, or you simply may not like the taste. Trial and error is the key here until you find a product you are happy with. TIP: Try using nutritional yeast. Some feel it has a cheesy texture and taste when used on pastas and casseroles. Yogurt Some recipes call for yogurt—or perhaps you just have a craving for it. The best alternative is plain coconut yogurt. Additionally, coconut frozen yogurt is a wonderful replacement for ice cream. In baked recipes, plain coconut yogurt—or even applesauce— works wonders.

There you have it. Adhering to a dairy-free diet doesn’t have to cramp your baking and cooking style. The key is to use similar textures and flavours when making substitutions. So, give these a try, and happy baking.

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| WINTER 2017

Panels you can expect to see during the event:

Cooking Stage

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Vegetable-Based Gluten Free dough; healthy snacks, and meals Join Ken Schneider, founder of Quesava Kitchen to discover snack and meal solutions full of flavour and free of additives, preservatives, refined sugars, trans-fats and GMO’s! Learn to make meals in minutes, with ready to use scoop-and-bake dough made of Cassava Root and Chia! Healthy, Delicious and Gluten Free 30 Minute Meals Join Mandy King, a Holistic Nutritionist, and founder of HEAL (Healthy Eating And Living) as she shares her knowledge and experience as a Celiac as she guides you through making healthy, delicious and gluten-free 30 minute meals. Making Nutritious Meals in a Mason Jar! Plan for success with Mason Jar Meals! Join Jen Laurie, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Social Entrepreneur with Epicure, as she shows you how easy it is to make perfectly balanced, delicious, healthy meals in under 15 mins.

Educational Stage

| brought to you by Yep! We ’re pretty e xcited!

Learn about applying the low FODMAP diet as a natural treatment method Join Anne-Marie Stelluti, Clinical Dietitian from Mount Saint Joseph Hospital, as she shares her knowledge and experience with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Learn about applying the low FODMAP diet as a natural treatment method with her valuable insight into the unique nutritional needs of people living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Nourishing the Brain-Gut Connection An integrative approach to health is critical to digestive wellness. Join Desiree Nielsen, RD to learn more about the gut-brain connection and the role of gut bacteria. Learn how to create a self-care routine that encompasses anti-inflammatory nutrition, intelligent supplementation, and wellness practices that fit into real life. Learn about Management and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Join Danielle Van Schaick, Registered Dietitian, to learn how to manage and prevent Type 2 Diabetes through a healthy lifestyle. Jessica will share insights on eating balanced and nutritious meals as well as changes to lifestyle that can make Type 2 Diabetes manageable. Unlocking your body’s energy potential Reaching for caffeine and sugar to help energize yourself throughout the day isn’t the only solution, or always the healthiest. Join Dr. David Wang, ND, as he explains how you can unlock your body’s ability to be energized, using clean, natural nutrients. Building a Healthy Relationship with Food for Managing Chronic Conditions Join Shallah Panjwani, Registered Dietician as she shares her guide to building and maintaining a healthy relationship with food for managing chronic conditions. Learn her expert tips for overcoming emotional eating.


Today’s busy lifestyle demands healthy nutrition to keep you going. SoLo Energy Bars offer great tasting, all-natural, balanced nutrition, providing long lasting energy with high amounts of protein and fibre. SoLo Bars leave you feeling satisfied longer, giving you the sustained energy you need for all of life’s adventures.

All Natural 4 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cups. You’ll love how easy these are to make, but be warned they are hard to resist!

Ingredients 1 1/2 cups dark chocolate chips 6 tablespoons coconut oil, DIVIDED 1 cup creamy all-natural peanut butter 1 SoLo Peanut Power Bar chopped finely Instructions Line a mini muffin tray with 24 mini liners. Melt together the chocolate chips and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil over a double boiler, stirring until well combined. Spoon 1 teaspoon of melted chocolate into mini cupcake liners. Coat the sides of the paper liner, as high as possible. Freeze shells for five min to harden. Melt remaining 3 tablespoons coconut oil. Stir in peanut butter until completely blended. Stir in chopped SoLo Peanut Power. Reserve some for tops. Spoon filling into chocolate shells.

Divide remaining melted chocolate between all of the peanut butter-filled muffin cups to coat the tops. Sprinkle tops with remaining SoLo bits. Freeze for 30 minutes. Remove from freezer and enjoy! Store in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Pumpkin Spice Muffins with SoLo Chocolate Charger Bits.

Stir in eggs, vanilla and pumpkin puree until blended. In a separate bowl, mix together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, clove, nutmeg and cayenne pepper. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix until blended (do not over-mix). Fold in SoLo Bar pieces. Scoop into mini muffin tins, lined or greased with coconut oil. Bake for 15-18 mins at 350 degrees or until muffins spring back on top.

Ingredients Makes 24 mini muffins. 1 1/2 c all purpose gluten free flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp ginger ½ tsp ground clove ½ tsp nutmeg ½ tsp cayenne pepper ½ c softened butter 1 c coconut sugar 2 large eggs, beaten 1 tsp vanilla 3/4 c organic pumpkin puree 2 SoLo Chocolate Charger Bars, SoLo Power your favourite recipes to increase protein, cut into small pieces fibre and slow release carbs for energy that sustains. Show us your SoLo creations on Facebook and Instagram. #solopowered #fueledbysolo

ial follow us on soc gluten-free canada

Instructions Cream butter and coconut sugar.

| WINTER 2017

Sample SoLo, booth 801 at the Gluten Free Expo Vancouver

‘ Lets

talk appetizers! Looking for a last-minute appetizer that looks like you spent all day preparing? Done! Whip up one of these easy and quick appetizers for some delicious pre-dinner bites.

1. Roasted Garlic 2. Winter “Green” Basil Hummus 3. Holiday Herb Cake 4. How to Build a Charcuterie Board 5. Fig Kisses


Roasted Garlic When most people think of garlic, they think of a strong and somewhat spicy flavour; however, when roasted, these little gems turn smooth, spreadable, and slightly mellow in flavour once caramelized. Truly as delicious as it is beautiful on a table.



• 1 – 2 large heads of garlic (for something truly special and unique try black garlic)

Preheat oven to 350°F / 180°C.

• 1/4 cup of olive oil • Salt and pepper to taste

Cut top 1/4 inch off each head of garlic to expose cloves. Then place the garlic heads into a small baking dish, add oil plus a sprinkle of salt and pepper; toss to coat. Ensure the garlic is turned so that the cut side is facing up, then cover tightly with aluminum foil or a lid. Bake until garlic skins are golden brown and cloves are tender (about 55 minutes.) Cool, and squeeze garlic cloves from their skins to serve. Pairs nicely with warmed goat cheese, spread on toast or roasted eggplant, incorporated into mashed potatoes, or as a delicate part of an elegant Charcuterie Board. Add a light drizzle of olive oil for an extra buttery texture.

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• 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts, or 2 tbsp tahini

Winter “Green” Basil Hummus

• 2 cups of basil leaves


• 3 cloves garlic, minced

In the bowl of a food processor, place the basil leaves and the garlic. Pulse until finely chopped. Add the rinsed garbanzo beans, most of the pine nuts or tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, tomato paste, and a few dashes of your favourite hot sauce. Pulse until smooth. You’ll most likely need to stop the machine every so often to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add water as needed until you’ve achieved the consistency you enjoy.


• 30 ounces of garbanzo beans (chickpeas), rinsed • 1/4 cup olive oil • Up to 1/4 cup water • 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice • 1 1/2 to 2 tsp salt • Dash of your favourite hot sauce • 1 tsp tomato paste

To serve, place in a bowl and drizzle a little olive oil over it. Sprinkle with a few toasted pine nuts or have a little fun with edible flowers, fresh tomatoes, or even cucumbers and mint. Serves nicely with cucumber slices, carrot sticks, bell peppers, or gluten-free crackers.


Ingredients: For the cake • 3 large eggs • 50 g baby spinach • 65 g mixed herbs, chopped, eg. thyme, parsley, sage • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar • 2 tbsp coconut oil • 75 g coconut cream • 200 g ground almonds • 1/2 tsp lemon juice • 1/4 tsp salt • 2 tbsp caramelized onion, finely diced • 2 tsp fennel seeds, ground • 65 g chia seeds, ground

Directions: Preheat oven to 350°F / 180°C and prepare a lined loaf tin with parchment paper. Whisk together the first 5 ingredients until completely smooth, and let the mixture rest at room temperature to thicken for 20 minutes. In a separate bowl, stir together the remaining ingredients until well combined. Then slowly add the thickened mixture to these ingredients and stir until consistently distributed. If the mixture is too thin, stir in more ground almonds. Put into the tin and bake for 30-35 minutes, until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Tip: Add a layer of mascarpone to give it an extra pizzaz (and protein).

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Holiday Herb Cake

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Ho w




t u e c r r ie Bo a h C ard a d il

Building your own restaurant-worthy (and Instagram-pretty) charcuterie is easier than you may think. It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3. Directions:


Knowing how much is enough. Unless your guests are Vikings, NHL players, or members of the meat of the month club, a safe rule of thumb is to aim for around 2 ounces of meat per person on your platter.

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| WINTER 2017


Mix up the textures. Keep your platter interesting by mixing up the textures. Imagine a soft paté, coupled with a salami, and even chopped chunks of cured meats or sausages. With cheeses, try to provide a combination of both hard and soft cheeses on the side, along with crunchy nuts, buttery olives, sweet grapes, and tangy pickles or mustard.


Finish it off with a light drizzle of olive oil over the spreadable items, and serve with a combination of soft gluten-free bread and crackers so guests can mix and match.

Fig kisses 45 minutes from start to finish is all it takes to make one of the most beautiful and flavourful appetizers at the table. This winter favourite has been a family classic in our home for over 10 years. Originally inspired by a trip through northern Italy, this was one of the many culinary adventures that is recreated yearly with love.



• 9 fresh figs cut in half, top to bottom

Preheat oven to 375ºF / 190ºC.

• 5 oz of soft goat cheese at room temperature

Place each fig half with the inside fleshy part facing up (skin down) onto a small baking dish.

• 5 slices prosciutto, sliced into strips • 3 large rosemary sprigs, plus extra for garnish • Extra-virgin olive oil • Runny honey • Sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

Scoop 1 - 2 teaspoons goat cheese into each fig, and top with 3 - 4 rosemary leaves and a strip of prosciutto. Gently brush with a little olive oil. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Bake until the prosciutto gets crispy and the cheese is tinged brown, about 25 minutes. Remove from the oven. Arrange figs on serving platter or individual plates with fresh arugula (optional). Drizzle each fig with a little honey. Garnish with fresh rosemary leaves and serve immediately.


Spain’s Sierra de Segura By Sandy Deboer,

Located on the north-eastern corner of Andalucia, the province of Jaen is one of the largest olive oil producing regions in the world. Nicknamed the “Sea of Olives,” visitors experience colours of green and golden tones highlighting the mountains and hills as far as the eye can see. This area hosts a unique ecosystem and an olive grove that carries the historic Denomination of Origin known as “Sierra de Segura.” As its name suggests, this olive grove is located high in the mountains and on steep alpine areas. A mix of pine trees also live within the mountain grove forests, giving the olives in this area a greenish tone. At 40,000 hectares, the Sierra de Segura contains the largest forest of mountain olive trees in the world, with some growing in areas that are more than 2,900 feet above sea level. The soil is tough and rocky with rainfall averages higher here than in other parts of the region. Steep, unstable land with hot days and very cool nights can make harvesting difficult; however, the result of this special ecosystem is what same may call liquid gold. The characteristic of the olive variety Picual, is strong and stable with an intense smell and flavour. You’ll know you’re eating this pure mountain olive oil by it’s signature peppery sting in the back of your throat. The belief is, the greater the sting, the better the oil. It’s the oil’s high oleic acid profile that helps it remain stable when exposed to high heat and oxidation.

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Nestled in nature, much of the area is a cherished natural park (In Spanish: Parque Natural de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas) and remains so to protect the many important bird species who call it home. Declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, it is the largest protected area in Spain. With a landscape rich in flora and fauna, there are many special sights to see. Although often overlooked by tourists, the area is rich in culture, heritage, and mouthwatering culinary experiences. When traveling to another country, be sure to bring a translated restaurant card with you to inform local chef’s of your glutenfree needs. Sites like are one of many that offer free online resources to ensure you’re prepared. Tip: Download a translated restaurant card before flying out on your next great adventure, and keep it handy for when hunger strikes.

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Reading Labels if You Have Celiac Disease or a Gluten Intolerance As George R.R. Martin once said, “Knowledge is a weapon. Arm yourself well before going to do battle.” This is certainly true for those living with celiac disease or other gluten intolerance. Avoiding gluten it in today’s world of convenience foods can sometimes feel like a battle, but it doesn’t need to be with these handy tips.


Products must have less than 20 ppm (parts per million) of gluten in order to truly be gluten-free. Today, there are a variety of glutenfree certifications available for food manufacturers to help ensure that they are safely manufacturing products that meet these gluten-free requirements. Such certification provides assurance that a product is made according to safe gluten-free manufacturing processes and has been verified to meet the requirements of gluten-free labeling by a neutral and trusted third-party like the Canadian Celiac Association, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, or the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America.


Although they may sound similar to “glutenfree”, claims reading “made without gluten” and “gluten-free friendly” are not the same, and

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| WINTER 2017

may not meet the 20 ppm rule. Although a product may be made without any gluten containing ingredients intentionally being added, cross contamination can still pose a risk if their products come in contact with surfaces, or ingredients used for gluten containing products. Make sure to ask if the product was made in a dedicated gluten-free facility, and if the ingredients are verified to be gluten-free. Most gluten-free food producers who are diligent will be proud to tell you about the strict manufacturing practices that they follow to keep you safe. Give them a chance to brag, and a chance for you to eat safely.


If a label doesn’t specify that the product is gluten-free, you must carefully read the list of ingredients to identify any obvious and/or hidden sources of gluten. Remember, gluten is a protein found in barley, unpure oats, rye, and wheat.


In addition to barley, rye, wheat, and unpure or contaminated oats, gluten hides under various other names. Some of the most common terms found on food, medicine, and skin care product labels are:

• Brewer’s yeast

• Wheat germ oil

• Malt

• Hydrolyzed wheat protein

• Hordeum vulgare (barley) • Secale cereal (rye) • Bulgur (wheat) • Durham (wheat)

• Vegetable protein • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein • Avena sativa (oats)

• Semolina (wheat)

• Triticum aestivum (wheat)

• Graham (wheat)

• Secale cereal (rye)

• Kamut (wheat)

• Stearyl dimonium hydroxypropyl

• Spelt (wheat) • Pregelatinized starch • Sodium starch glycolate • Dextrin • Dextrate • Wheat germ

• Laurdimonium hydroxypropyl • Colloidal oatmeal

Founded in 1992 by 10 Quebec dairy farmers dedicated to making 100% certi ied organic cheeses and butters, we are still proudly crafting organic cheeses free of gluten, rennet, lactose, and hormones. Proudly Canadian!

• Dextrin palmitate • Vitamin E (frequently from wheat) • Beta glucan

www. 33

Fresh Vegan Gluten-Free Pasta By Delainy Mackie,


Prep: 25 minutes, Cook: 5 minutes, Total Time: 30 minutes Servings 4 Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups brown rice flour 1/2 cup tapioca starch 1 teaspoon xanthan gum 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp and 1 tsp aquafaba sweet rice flour for dusting

In mixer bowl, whisk together the first 3 ingredients. Then add aquafaba. Mix on medium speed for 2 minutes. Attach pasta maker attachment securely to your stand mixer, with the desired pasta shape attachment. (Please follow instruction manual for additional instructions). Turn mixer on high. Divide dough into walnut size pieces. Feed through pasta maker attachment. Continuously pushing in the dough. Cut at desired length. Lightly flour baking sheet with sweet rice flour. Place cut pasta on sweet rice floured baking sheet Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Cook half the batch of pasta until tender, about 3-4 minutes. Toss with sauce. Repeat with remaining pasta. Serve immediately. Preparation Tip: If your dough is dry, add a teaspoon of aquafaba 1 tsp at a time. If your dough is too wet add equal parts tapioca starch and brown rice flour. Cooking Tip: Fresh pasta needs a larger pot and more water than dried pasta because it has a tendency to stick together more easily. Drying Tip: If you wish to dry your pasta for later use, you may do this in a couple of ways. If you have a drying rack, it is best to prepare your pasta as explained above and place it on a drying/cooling rack until completely dry. The drying time will vary based on your conditions, but will normally take about 8-10 hours in a dryer climate. About aquafaba: Aquafaba is the liquid found in a tin of beans, usually chickpeas. To use it, simply whisk it to make a light and airy froth that is similar to what you would get using egg whites. 3 tablespoons is equal to 1 egg, and 2 tablespoons is equal to 1 egg white. Tips: Choose tins of chickpeas with less than 0.1% salt. Freeze leftover aquafaba in ice cube trays to use later as an egg replacement.

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| WINTER 2017


Spice Up Your Mornings Ever wonder what pumpkin spice really is? As the saying goes, “Sugar and spice, and everything nice,” or as some call it, “a heap of heaven.” To mix your own at home, simply combine: 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon, 2 teaspoons ground ginger, 2 teaspoons ground nutmeg, 1 1/2 teaspoons ground allspice and 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves. Perfect for baking, your morning latte, or this easyto-make Pumpkin Spice smoothie.

delicious gluten

decadent free

desserts gluten-free canada

Hand crafted in our dedicated gluten free certified bakery located in Langley, B.C.

| WINTER 2017

INGREDIENTS: • 1 frozen banana • 1/2 cup (120g) vanilla Greek yogurt • 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice • 1/2 cup (120ml) skim milk • 2 tbsp (30ml) maple syrup • 2/3 cup (150g) pumpkin puree (canned or fresh) • 1 cup ice DIRECTIONS: Add all of the ingredients to the blender in the order listed. Blend on high until smooth, and enjoy! This tasty recipe makes 2 servings.

Brazilian Tapioca Crepes By Luciano Miranda, In Canada, tapioca is often incorporated into gluten-free recipes, or as a thickener in sauces, pies, and soups since it doesn’t discolours and has no noticeable taste or smell. However, have you ever wondered what it really is? Tapioca is made from the cassava root, and although it’s sometimes an unsung hero of ingredients in Canada, in Brazil dishes containing tapioca are as common as potatoes are here. The indigenous Brazilian people would grind the cassava, and juice released during the process was kept and stored. With time, the water would separate to the top, leaving the cassava starch at the bottom. Then, after further drying, it was ground again until it formed a thin, wet powder that coagulates when heated on a flat surface and binds together to become a flat bread that is used for binding together and becoming a flat bread used for sandwiches, crepes, and tacos. As tapioca is very simple in its composition, being basically a source of carbs, it’s possible to build a meal with minimal amounts of fat, sodium, sugar, and additives. Tapioca also adds a source of fibre to a meal.

Ingredients: • 200 grams tapioca starch • 400 ml water • 20 grams of chia seeds

Directions: Combine the tapioca and water in a bowl, and let the mixture rest for a couple of hours. Pour out the remaining water and use a paper towel to lightly dry the chunks of dough. Using your fingers or a spoon, press the tapioca flour through a mesh strainer and into a bowl. Mix the resulting powder with the chia seeds. In a hot frying pan, spread the fine powder to make an even layer. After it binds, flip it and put on your favourite toppings!

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Food is emotional. Here’s how you can overcome the emotional obstacles of going gluten-free. For starters, finding joy in the little victories as you set daily and weekly goals. Start small as you rebuild your relationship with food. Many have described losing gluten from their lives as emotionally trying and life-altering, similar to the feeling of losing a person from their lives. The 5 stages of grief described by psychiatrist Elizabeth Krüber-Ross’s book On Death and Dying has shown to be universal with regards to the experience of loss—friend, family member, or food—and understanding and accepting each stage that a newly diagnosed individual may experience. Stage 1 | Denial “No, I’ve been eating sandwiches for lunch every day since I was 5. I’m sure it’s not the bread making me sick. Pretty sure my Dr screwed up.” Yup, a classic case of denial. Often people will pull away from friends and family at this stage, preferring to eat alone so as not to feel judged or criticized. Stage 2 | Anger “This is ridiculous, can she ask me how gluten-free I am. This wouldn’t be a problem if I said nut-free. They should have to educate them selves more before being able to work here.” At this stage, the person can’t understand how everyone else doesn’t understand and offer more for others, who like them, are living with a gluten intolerance. It’s frustrating. This stage is risky, and important to observe carefully. Some newly diagnosed people experiencing this stage may choose lose interest in food, and begin choosing indulgence over nutrition. Stage 3 | Bargaining “It’s my birthday, and one day of gluten won’t kill me. I’ll be good tomorrow.” This is a dangerous stage that can easily develop into an unhealthy habit. Bargaining is not mentally or physically healthy for you. This is the stage where it’s especially helpful to ask friends to hold you accountable, and to support you on your journey to success. New habits are hard to form, but can be fun if turned into a flavourful adventure with friends.

Stage 4 | Depression Kubler-Ross described that within this stage, individuals may seem disconnected from others, or uncharacteristically quiet. It’s tempting to smother them with attention. It’s important to note that not everyone needs the same thing when grieving. If you’re experiencing this stage personally, it may be helpful to let those in your life know that you’re feeling a sense of loss over an old part of your life, and how you would appreciate them to help you through this. Share specific examples with them. Don’t be afraid to ask, they love you and just need help in understanding how to best show that to you. If you are witnessing someone going through this, let them know that you care about them and want to support them in a way that they need most. Be open, understanding, and observant to best support them through this difficult stage. Stage 5 | Acceptance The person has developed new habits, found foods they love, and are enjoying their newfound glutenfree diet. More importantly, they have found the joy associated with feeling better now that they have fully incorporated a gluten-free diet into their lives.

h baker y. Artisan scratc ients. Quality ingred Vegan recipes. dicated. Gluten free de d. Critic approve

2166 East Hastings St. Vancouver 604.568.5600

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Why Eating Seasonally May Be Best Health experts and chefs often suggest eating “seasonally,” or including foods in your diet that are grown at the same time of the year you eat them. That’s because eating seasonally is important, and can carry benefits to your health, the planet, and your wallet. Here are some of them. For you | Less travel time means more time to fully ripen in the sun. This gives the nutrients and taste time to develop! For your wallet | Simple supply and demand. When there’s abundance of a product, such as watermelons in the summer, the prices go down.


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| WINTER 2017

For the Environment | Seasonal food is more likely to be locally produced, which reduces the load on our environment due to transport, or “food mileage.” For your Community | Community Supported Agriculture programs (CSAs) and farmer’s markets create communities around food that encourage us to share our knowledge, ask questions and engage in our own local environment.

Veggie Tea Soup By Danika Riedel, @DanikaEatsTea With the change of seasons and the weather beginning to cool, it reminds us of keeping cozy and warm. It also means we prefer to drink beverages that heat up our insides, like tea for example. If you have some left over, you can turn it into a tea-licious gluten-free vegetable soup. Veggie Tea Soup (vegan option included) This recipe will feed one hungry person or two people.

Ingredients: • 2.75 cups hot water • 3 tea bags (green tea or coffee leaf tea) • 1 tbsp avocado oil • 1 tbsp butter or butter substitute • salt & pepper to taste

Roll and fold the kale leaves in your hands until they turn soft and appear to be a darker green, then mince with a knife and set aside. Pre-heat sauce pan on medium heat before adding oil, butter, pepper, 1 tsp pre-steeped tea leaves Add carrots and sauté for 1.5 minutes, add pepper, salt, shallot, bok choy stems, and continue to sauté. Pop in the mushrooms. You might need to add a little tea liquid while cooking the mushrooms because they are very absorbent. Doing this also deglazes the bits off the bottom of your sauce pan. Add kale and sauté for 30 more seconds. Remove the kale stalk from the steeped tea liquid and pour the liquid in the sauce pan while stirring the vegetables. Cook until liquid is hot and then garnish with fresh bok choy leaves and a sprinkle pre-steeped tea leaves. Optional: once the soup is super hot, add rice noodles and cook for 3 - 4min or use raw zoodles in your bowl instead and pour hot soup on top.

• save the steeped leaves • chopped veggies: 1 small shallot, 1 carrot, 2 mushrooms, 1 leaf of kale, 2 stocks of bok choy Optional: raw zoodles or rice noodles

Tools: cutting board, knife, mandolin, large sauce pan, measuring cup and spoons. Directions: Steep 3 tea bags in 2.75 cups of water for at least 25 minutes then squeeze out the remaining liquid and keep the steeped leaves for later (cut bags open). Prep 1/2 a carrot, shallot, bok choy stems by cutting them all the same thickness (mandolin makes them uniform). Separate half the bok choy leaves and use them for a fresh garnish. Cut the kale stock out of its leaf and add it to the steeping tea liquid. 41 41

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Soft & Chewy Ginger Cookies Ingredients:


• 210 g all purpose gluten-free flour

In a large bowl, whisk together the first 9 ingredients until combined. Create a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the butter, molasses, egg, and vanilla, mixing to combine after each addition. The dough should feel soft and smooth, but still hold together well.

• 3/4 tsp xanthan gum (omit if your blend already contains it) • 1/4 tsp kosher salt • 3/4 tsp ground ginger • 1/4 tsp ground cloves • 1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper • 1/2 tsp baking soda • 1/2 tsp baking powder • 3/4 cup (150 g) granulated sugar • 6 tbsp (84 g) unsalted butter, at room temperature • 2 tbsp (42 g) unsulphured gluten-free molasses • 1 egg (50 g, weighed out of shell) at room temperature, beaten • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract • Coarse sugar, for coating

Transfer the dough to a large piece of unbleached parchment paper and shape into a cylinder about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Then place the shaped dough on a flat surface and place in the freezer to chill for about 10 minutes, or until firm enough to slice. Unwrap the dough, then, using a sharp knife, slice the dough by cross-section into 24 pieces, each about 1 centimetre wide. Press each of the pieces of dough into the coarse sugar firmly enough for the sugar to adhere to the cookie dough on all sides of each piece. Place about 5 centimetres apart from one another on the prepared, parchment-lined baking sheets. Bake in the centre of the preheated oven until lightly golden brown all over and set in the center, approximately 10 minutes. Remove and allow to cool on the baking sheet for at least 5 minutes, or until firm.


Quick & Easy Dark Chocolate By Bridgitte Longshore, Cacao and dark chocolate can be an amazing food high in minerals and antioxidants, as well as a delicious treat! What more could you ask for? Fun? Okay, you got it! Making your own version at home is surprisingly easy and a fun activity to do with friends and family. Try this recipe, or get creative with your own ingredients and shapes. Tip: Use a non-Dutched cocoa/cacao. Personally, I believe in always choosing organic and true fair and direct trade ingredients to support the farmers and our environment.

Ingredients: • 100 g cacao butter • 100 g (1/2 cup) coconut oil, virgin • 150 g (1/2 cup) honey (or liquid sweetener of your choice) • 150 g (1 3/4 cup) cacao powder Optional ingredients: food grade essential oil’s such as peppermint or orange, vanilla powder, cinnamon, course mountain salt, chopped nuts, seeds, coconut, dried fruit, herbs or other superfoods (maca, spirulina, chaga, etc.).

DIRECTIONS: Using the double boiler method, melt coconut oil, cacao butter, and honey in the double boiler. Once all ingredients are melted and mixed well, slowly add cacao powder (remove any lumps before adding), stirring to create a smooth mixture. Add optional ingredients at this time if desired. Spoon or pour chocolate mixture into small muffin molds about half-full. Place in freezer until firm. Once firm, remove chocolate from molds and store in an odour-free airtight container in the fridge or freezer. Enjoy daily! This recipe will create a 50% dark chocolate. To make a darker chocolate, add less sweetener or more cacao powder.



*Receive 15% off by entering : NOGLUTEN2017 at checkout!


WINTER2017 2017 gluten-free canada ||WINTER

Tasteful Toppings Who doesn’t love breakfast? The warm smells, fresh ingredients, and maple syrup. Mmm… maple syrup. The following inspirations are the perfect toppings for your breakfast base of choice. Omelets, pancakes, waffles, and even French toast compliment these flavour combinations perfectly. Sweet potatoes and dates Ingredients: • 100 gr. sweet potatoes, cut into 1/2 inch cubes • 75 g yellow onion, chopped finely • 1/4 cup of pecans • 2 dates, cut into slices • 2 tbsp butter/coconut oil • salt and pepper Heat oil in a pan on medium heat. After adding the sweet potatoes and onions, cook covered until soft. Remove the lid, and add the pecans and dates, then cook for another 2 minutes. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper, and serve hot with maple syrup. Balsamic-Macerated Strawberries with Crème Fraiche Ingredients: • 2 cups fresh strawberries, thinly sliced • 1 tbsp granulated sugar • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar • Crème fraiche Combine first 3 ingredients in a small bowl and let the mixture rest at room temperature until the strawberries have released their juices but are not yet mushy, about 30 minutes. Place a healthy dollop of crème fraiche followed by a serving of balsamic-macerated strawberries on your favourite breakfast base and get ready for a flavour explosion.


Make at Home

Granola / Cereal


Breads / Buns / Wraps

Avafina Organics

Spices, Seeds & Oils

Bake My Day Gluten Free

Bakery On Main

Beanfields Snacks

Beiju Foods

Bio-K Plus


Biscoito Brasil

Acai Berries

Bob’s Red Mill

Canyon Bakehouse


Care Bakery


Cascadia Gluten-Free Foods

Caveman Grocer

Cloud 9 Specialty Bakery

Comensoli Foods

Dr. Schar



East Village Bakery



Elevate Me


Enjoy Life Foods



Spices and Herbs

Evergreen Juices


Fromagerie L’Ancastre

Cheese and Butter

Garden Lites

Genuine Health

Giddy Yoyo



Growing Fresh

Hippie Snacks




Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery



Little Northern Bakehouse


Namaste Foods gluten-free canada naturalOrgani | WINTER 2017

Other Beauty Personal Care


Cookies / Crackers


Arbonne International



Canada’s Gluten-Free Product Guide

The below guide spotlights some of the many amazing gluten-free products available in Canada. Although each of these companies has guaranteed their gluten-free products do not exceed 20 ppm (parts per million) of gluten, Gluten-Free Canada and its affiliates can not guarantee the information received is correct and/or still current. Please contact

Mixes, & ready to bake Y


Y Y Mixes

Flours, Mixes

Seeds Pizza / Crust



Y Frozen Meals






Pizza / Crust

Mixes Y Y Y Y








Veggie Cakes Probiotics & suppliments


Superfoods & Chocolate Beer






Mixes, & Frozen Pizza Y

Pizza / Crust Y Y



Pie / Pizza Crust


Pizza / Crust

Mixes Laundry & Dryer Balls

NuPasta Inc.


Omega Nutrition


New World Foods



Make at Home

Nerium / Optimera

Granola / Cereal




Cookies / Crackers


Nature’s Path

Breads / Buns / Wraps


companies directly and always read labels carefully before consuming any products. Tip: Some companies have both gluten-free products and non gluten-free products. Please read packaging carefully to make sure you’re picking up the one of their lovely gluten-free delights! ‘ / ’ represents ‘ and/or ’


Seeds Beauty and Bath Personal Care


Y Pasta



Pizza / Crust Oils, Vinegars, & Pumpkin Products

One Degree Organic Foods


Otimo Brazilian Style Cheese Puffs


Paradise Island Cheese

Patience Fruit & Co

Power Plant Wholefoods

Pranin Organic

Smoothie Boosters


Protein Powder

Quesava Kitchen



RP’s Gluten Free Fresh Pasta


Sabra Dipping Company


Sensible Portions

SoLo GI Energy Bars

Spain Gourmet Canada

Olive Oil

Spolumbo’s Gluten Free Sausages

Meat Sausages

Tokachi Hills


Torill’s Table


vegtotable Foods

Wendel’s True Foods

Westpoint Naturals

Wize Monkey

Tea Coffee

WOW Butter

Nut-Free Spread


Meat Alternatives

Zena’s Gluten Free

Zing Bars




Mixes Cheese & Altertatives Y




Ready made dough, Perogies, & Samosas

Protein Powder

Pie Shells


Dips Sauces



Mixes Y




Frozen Meals, & Pizza







Seeds, Spices, & Sweeteners


Mixes Y

Pizza / Crust










1st LAYER 2 cups crushed Glutino Pretzel Sticks 3/4 cup melted butter 1 tablespoon white sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350ºF (177°C). Mix ingredients of the 1st layer together, and press into the bottom of a baking dish. Bake for approximately 8 minutes, and let cool.

2nd LAYER 250 g cream cheese 1 cup whipped cream 1/2 cup white sugar

2. Mix the ingredients of the 2nd layer, and spread over the 1st layer crust once it has cooled.

3rd LAYER 85 g box of raspberry gelatin 3 x 348 ml cans of cranberry sauce 2 cups water

FOR MORE RECIPE IDEAS VISIT gluten-free canada | WINTER 2017

3. Bring the 2 cups of water to a boil, and mix with ingredients of the third layer. Let cool. Pour over the second layer.

Enjoy !

© 2017 Boulder Brands USA, Inc.

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