4. Chile & final pages 2014 - 17° edition

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(09) 98200194 Get ready for an overdose of adrenaline peter.vermehren@gmail.com by jumping out of a plane doing a tandem www.skydivepucon.cl jump. You’ll be screaming your lungs out from pure excitement and happiness! 7KH FRPER RI WKH IUHH IDOO ³RDWLQJ ZLWK D SDUDFKXWH DQG WKH YLHZV RI 3XFyQªV incredible landscape make this an absolutely insane experience! 7KH RZQHU 3HWHU LV \RXU HQWHUWDLQHU DW VHUYLFH D UHDO IXQQ\PDQ IXOO RI MRNHV and pranks, but extremely serious when it comes to your safety. This man has perfected his skills during 38 years of launching himself through the skies, and he picks only extremely reliable and bilingual crew members to assist him. ,I \RXªUH WRR PXFK RI D VFDUHG\ FDW WR JR IRU LW \RX FDQ RSW IRU D VFHQLF ³LJKW around the smoking crater of the Villarrica Volcano.

25% off your skydive video & 10% off a tandem jump for groups of 6 or more jumping on the same day! 6N\GLYH 3XFRQ


Skydiving and scenic ÂłLJKWV RSHUDWHG DOO year round.


VALDIVIA Valdivia, “The City of Riversâ€?, is located about 15 km from the Pacific coast, where the Calle Calle, Valdivia and Cau Cau Rivers converge. Valdivia was the site of the largest earthquake in recorded history - a 9.5 on the Richter scale in 1960. In the 17th century, the Spanish heavily fortified the point where the RĂ­o Valdivia and the RĂ­o Tornagaleones joins the Pacific. Today, the remains of these fortifications at Corral, Niebla and Isla Mancera are a strong reminder of its colonial past. Spend a few hours cruising the rivers to visit historical and cultural sights as well as the region’s wildlife in the nature reserves. Parque Saval and Laguna de los Lotos are a haven for nature lovers and the coastal boulevard with its impressive old submarine is perfect for an afternoon stroll. On the riverside is the Feria Fluvial, a market with local food, fish and handicrafts. Watching the sea lions, elephant seals, cormorants and pelicans beg for a meal is so entertaining. Just across the river is Teja Island where nice river trips start with solar powered boats. It’s also home to the botanical garden (free) and the Museo HistĂłrico y AntropolĂłgico.Valdivia is very famous for its artisan beer and has many breweries. Tasting should really be on your list to do. One of them is the traditional CervecerĂ­a Kunstmann, with also good German food. A day trip that can’t be missed is to Niebla to visit the 17th century fort, the Feria Costumbrista to try local delicacies and to enjoy the beaches (accessible by local bus). 120

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