Get it Magazine July 2022 Issue

Page 18

First Comes Love, Then Comes Business Turning a ‘shower thought’ into a burgeoning business, Lindsay Grace Kinniburgh and Mike Flynn are taking a stand against disposable razors with Make My Shave. Get It Magazine’s Holly Bartter sits down with the power couple to share their origin story, and how to win in marriage and business. Six years ago in Bali, Lindsay and Mike crossed paths, starting the next chapter of their lives together, and setting in motion what would be a relationship full of love, adventure and a successful business launch. Looking back at that fateful evening, Mike remembers the exact moment he laid eyes on Lindsay, sharing, “I was walking past the dancefloor at a cocktail bar and found myself changing direction to go talk to a beautiful girl - within a few minutes of chatting, we realised we shared the same friends. Suddenly it was 4AM and the bar had closed around us while we were deep in conversation. That was it, I was hooked!” While the two had been working and living in Bali, the arrival of COVID turned their plan on its head, and the two decided to return to Australia for an extended holiday while things settled down. “We didn’t expect the move to be permanent, but after six months back in Australia, we GET IT July 2022


made the decision to pack up our Bali life,” Mike tells me. “Navigating COVID since has been a dynamic test in patience and sanity. Since 2020 we have stuck to one main rule — always stick together. This has helped us overcome border closures, complex Visa applications, my mum’s passing from cancer, finding a new home in Queensland, and starting a new business.” On the day of their intended wedding (which was postponed due to extreme flooding), Lindsay found herself having something of a “business epiphany” in the shower. “I was mid-shave when I started feeling frustrated about the wedding, guilty about using plastic razors, and annoyed that women’s shaving options are so limited — that’s when I had the ‘aha’ moment,” she explains. “I thought, ‘well, there’s nothing I can do

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