2019 A&S Newsletter

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Editor’s Note

Dean’s Message

Welcome to the 2019 issue of the College of

As the cover article reveals, my previous work experience does not fit the

Arts and Sciences

traditional trajectory for higher education. When I graduated with my

newsletter. In this issue,

undergraduate degree, I had no intention of becoming a teacher and no idea of

we welcome our new

what working in higher education would entail. Much has changed over the

Dean and Professor of

ensuing years.

History, Dr. Eric Tenbus. Dean Tenbus brings with him a wealth of

While I didn’t know it at the time, I experienced what we in higher education now call “pivot points” in a post-graduation career. These are the times when we

knowledge and leadership as well as a diverse background having worked in public

reassess where we are, what we are doing, and make necessary “pivots” in new directions.

relations, marketing, and event management for the Los Angeles Dodgers prior to

Data shows that today’s graduates will make close to twelve job or career pivots

entering higher education.

after graduation. This is the result of a rapidly changing economy, one that

The 2019 issue also showcases award-

advances. In fact, we believe that many of these jobs have yet to even be

eschews tradition and embraces innovation and the latest technological created.

winning works from the college’s talented faculty and exceptional students. We highlight Dr. Roger Coate, who was recently elected as chair of the Academic Council on

In general, a successful pivot requires flexibility and awareness. Those graduates who will be best prepared for multiple career pivots are those with rock solid fundamental academic skills: critical thinking, problem solving, communication,

the United Nations System. We highlight Dr.

empathy. Narrow training in a field may prepare a graduate for a first job but

Lee Gillis, who was presented with The Eagle

may not supply the intellectual flexibility for future pivots.

Award for his work in outdoor behavioral That is why Georgia College has such a bright future. Because of our liberal arts

healthcare. And, we highlight recent graduate Kevin Morris, who is the first

and sciences focus, our students engage deeply in the broad based fundamental

Georgia College alumni or student to

skills that make them more resilient to future economic challenges and better able to pivot successfully on their lifelong journey. A supple mind is one that can

receive the esteemed Marshall Scholarship.

withstand the force of future uncertainty.

With 13 departments and dedicated faculty and staff servicing about three thousand

I feel worlds removed from my youthful days with the Dodgers organization. Yet careers rarely take linear paths, and thanks to a strong fundamental education, I

students in our majors and minors, the

could pivot as my circumstances and goals changed. I’m grateful to be at a place

college continues to thrive and cultivate

where we can all continue to work together to ensure Georgia College

well-rounded students. Remaining true to

graduates are ready for whatever they encounter in their futures.

our mission, the College of Arts and Sciences continues to provide the focus for

CHAvoNDA MILLS Interim Associate Dean, College of Arts and


the university’s statewide liberal arts mission.



Professor of Chemistry

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences




4 8 32 36



Cover Story


College of Arts and Sciences welcomes Dean

Dr. Eric Tenbus


r. Eric Tenbus was on his honeymoon in a pub in

Kilkenny, Ireland when he decided that he wanted

a clean slate for starting a new career. He’d been

living in Tallahassee, Florida and was in charge of

marketing and advertising for a regional mall;

prior to that he’d sold advertising and was a business manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers organization where he rubbed elbows with baseball greats, Kirk Gibson, Pedro Martinez, and was friends with future Hall of Fame catcher, Mike Piazza. Still, something was missing. “It wasn’t cutting it for me,” Tenbus says, “It didn’t have that, I don’t know, that sort of scholarly, bookish side that I enjoy.” He was at a fourteenth-century pub steeped in Irish history, and remembering some of the places that he’d visited in Ireland back in 1972 with his mother, exploring their family’s Irish Catholic roots, when he just blurted out, “You know,” he said, “I think I want to become a history professor.” His wife didn’t miss a beat. She said, “If you’re going to do that, then you’re going to get the whole thing. You’re not just going to just get a master’s. Go and get a Ph.D.” At the time, Tenbus didn’t really even know what that meant. He had a vague idea of what it meant to be a college professor from his experience as an English major at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and then as a graduate student in communications at Florida State University, but he’d never considered actually becoming one. He began graduate studies in history at Florida State the semester after returning from Ireland. As it happens, Tenbus’s background in writing and marketing made him adept at creating and promoting new courses at the



University of Central Missouri where, as a

we’re talking about liberal arts and

newly-arrived history professor in 2001, he

sciences. It’s just quicker to say liberal arts.”

would often come up with humorous

Sexuality Studies, and Social Gerontology. What attracted him to Georgia College was the way its liberal arts focus combines

posters that used word play and pop

The public perception of liberal arts

disciplines as the foundation for its

culture imagery to strike interests into the

producing degrees that don’t lead to

educational approach.

hearts of students.

desirable jobs has been an increasing problem since the Great Recession of

“What we’re doing in the liberal arts is,

“I just had a lot of fun with it,” Tenbus

2008, which caused unique challenges for

we’re not necessarily connecting a student

says, “I’d make up these crazy posters.

the History program at Central Missouri.

to a specific career. We’re educating for a

Nobody knew who I was so that was the

“From 2013-16, we lost about 30 percent

variety of careers. Not only that, we’re

way to get students into my classes. Later

of our history majors. And another 25-30

educating for a variety of careers that

on, when I became a department chair, I

percent of social studies Ed majors. That

haven’t even been created yet. It’s the

used my background in marketing for

was a national trend in the humanities.”

liberal arts background that creates the

on top of that, there was a 20 percent

navigate an uncertain future job market.”

recruiting purposes.”

flexibility of mind and resourcefulness to

only this time, it wasn’t just getting

budget cut from the state which was

students into his classes; he was getting

related to statewide financial problems

Having been able to pivot multiple times

students into his department to sustain the

and a governor hostile to higher education

in his career, from writing for the Dodgers

program. His unique way of problem

in 2016-18.

solving and keen eye for how data and

to marketing and then to teaching college history and being an administrator, Tenbus

narrative drive one another makes him a

Managing schedules became a daunting

uniquely understands the value of a liberal

perfect fit as Georgia College’s new Dean

task as fewer professors were required to

arts model of education and was happy to

of Arts and Sciences. In the same way that

shoulder larger course loads, but Tenbus

find a place steeped in that academic

batting and pitching metrics translate into

proved himself capable of navigating


great baseball games, sciences and

those redirections through decisive

humanities are complimentary, or as

leadership, scheduling, and creativity.

“Georgia College was a winner across the

Tenbus puts it, “When we say liberal arts,

By 2017, his History and Anthropology

board,” he remarked And then I visited

sometimes that terminology gets slippery.

department had absorbed Sociology,

Especially outside of academia. But really,


here and thought, ‘Wow!’ What an

amazing campus. It’s just perfect.” n

Faculty and Program News

Naming of natural history museum honors former chair


he GC natural history museum was formally named the William P. Wall Museum of Natural History during a ceremony Aug. 30, 2018. Dr. Wall is a distinguished professor emeritus and former chair of the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at Georgia College.

He was also the driving force behind the establishment of the museum more than 20 years ago. The

impetus to honor Wall came from Dr. Ken Saladin, also a distinguished professor emeritus. When Wall stepped down in 2011, Saladin bought the opportunity to name it the William P. Wall Museum of Natural History. The naming ceremony and reception took place in the museum and was attended by current and former faculty and students, members of the university administration, as well as community members. President Steve Dorman and Provost Kelli Brown both made remarks and praised Wall’s vision and tireless effort. Also in attendance to celebrate the occasion were vice President for Advancement Monica Delisa, Dean Eric Tenbus, and Associate Dean Chavonda Mills. Wall earned his bachelor's and master’s degrees from the University of Bridgeport and received his doctorate from the University of Massachusetts. Wall studied pachycephalosaurid dinosaurs for his master's and extinct amynodontid rhinoceroses for his


doctorate. He became a professor of

Dr. Al Mead, professor and one of Wall’s

College,” said Saladin. “The rest will be

biology and geology at Georgia College in

former students.


department chair from 1994 to 2011.

Wall worked tirelessly to see the

The William P. Wall Museum of Natural

establishment of the Natural History

History is housed on the first floor of Herty

At Georgia College, he initially

Museum. Long ago, he saw the need for

Hall. The impact of the museum on the

1981 and later became the biology

concentrated his studies on the functional

an educational resource for our students,

Department of Biological and

morphology of extinct mammals. The vast

K-12 students, and the local community.

Environmental Sciences, the institution, its

majority of the fossils was collected in the

students, and the community has been

Badlands of South Dakota. Between 1983

The establishment of an endowment for

and 2007, Wall led 22 collecting

the museum and this naming event would


expeditions to the Badlands. Well over

not have been possible without the

In 2017, 7,045 visits were made to the

100 Georgia College students

generosity of Saladin. Always a strong

museum. In the past five years, people

experienced a once-in-a-lifetime

supporter of Georgia College and the

from as far as Australia and Paraguay have

adventure with him. Wall also worked

sciences, Saladin has ensured that Wall’s

visited. Countless of young minds from

other localities in Arizona, Utah, Idaho,

legacy is everlasting.

our area county schools have visited the

the U.S., Trinidad.

“I simply didn’t want to wake up one day

endeavors. As long as there are inquisitive

to the news that some corporation had

minds in the community who are eager to

“We have catalogued over 8,000 of Bill’s

bought the naming opportunity. The

learn, Wall’s vision of outreach and

Badlands fossils and an additional 1,500

museum sprang from Bill’s vision and,

scientific literacy through this museum will

from other locations. We may have a

through the work of many people, it

couple of thousand left to catalogue,” said

became his signature legacy to Georgia

Colorado, Wyoming, Alaska, and outside

museum as part GC’s academic outreach


continue to thrive. n

Department of Art connects with global, local communities The art faculty of Georgia College continue to apply

projects for students with low vision and blindness,

their expertise, creativity, and passion for teaching to

Forrest’s latest research is in partnership with the

a variety of public and individual projects.

Georgia Academy for the Blind (G.A.B.), Macon. With their art instructor Kristen Applebee, GC

Assistant Professor Matt Forrest focuses on providing

students have made visits to G.A.B. and their

Georgia College students with the opportunity for

students have attended workshops on campus as

outreach programing among local schools and arts

well. Thanks to the support of the office of

organizations in Baldwin and Bibb counties.

ENGAGE, materials and frames have been supplied and allow for multiple regional exhibitions by these

Exhibiting works, providing site visits with hands-on

extraordinary students.

demonstrations, and producing programing and


Professor valerie Aranda maintains ongoing collaborations with local and regional communities, beautifying area businesses through organizing and leading GC students in the creation of large-scale murals. Several business in the downtown area and in the Harrisburg community have benefitted from these efforts, and Eatonton’s Famous Authors mural now hangs proudly in their main square. Aranda also leads weekly life drawing sessions that are open to the community. Professor Sandra Trujillo, working as a

humanities. It is designed for projects that

during the spring and summer of 2018.

collaborative team with artist Curtis

focus on the effects of the Italian

She traveled throughout the Netherlands

Stewardson, created stories of how art

Renaissance on the modern era. Anania

to examine paintings, prints, and primary-

circles ideas about meaningful

used the time to work on her book “out

source documents held in city archives,

experiences in a two-person exhibit at the

of Paper: Drawing, Affect, and

libraries, museums, churches, research

Moore Gallery at the University of North

Environment in 1960s American Art.”

institutes, and a medieval monastery for

Earlier this year, Ernesto R. Gómez,

modern Dutch art and religiosity. She

Georgia in 2018. Trujillo and Stewardson created 15 dioramas populated with

her project on spiritual pilgrimage in early

metallic black figurines and staged in

lecturer of art, created “A Space for

presented her research in February with

constructed architectural spaces. Corners,

Sound: An Audio Survey of Georgia’s old

the paper “Pilgrimage by Proxy in the

planes, edges, and a soup of myth, magic,

Governor’s Mansion”

and inter-generational ceramic figures

Dutch Republic: Scenes of Forbidden Holy Sites for the Spiritual Pilgrim” at the

functioned to tell stories and ask questions

“Every building has a voice and resonance

international symposium, Art and

about health and daily life. Trujillo has also

generated by its material make-up, interior

Catholicism in the Dutch Republic, held at

organized the annual Night of 100 Pots,

systems, and spatial volume. These

the Städel Museum in Frankfurt. Her paper

which benefits local community food

sounds, combined with human

will be published in the conference


interactions within the building, create

proceedings and it will be extended into

indeterminate compositions that I record,

an article for publication in an academic

Professor Emily Gomez has been

archive, and sculpt electronically,” said


published in the book “Platinum and

Gomez. “over the last year, I have

Palladium Photographs: Technical History,

conducted a detailed audio survey of the

Art Department Chair Bill Fisher was

Connoisseurship, and Preservation,”

old Governor’s Mansion, and through

invited to participate in an artists portfolio

edited by Constance McCabe. The

analog and digital modulation of that

of fine art prints organized by ohio

photograph, opening Moonflower, is

audio archive, I’ve created the soundscape

University in Athens, ohio. His limited-

featured in the chapter Looking at a

that is now playing within the rotunda. The

edition serigraph, “Proud Boy,” will be

Platinum-Palladium Print by Pradip Malde,

activity of sound is omnipresent and

curated into the Janet Turner Print

co-inventor (with Mike Ware) of the

assists our understanding of spatial

Museum Collection at California State

Ammonium System for Platinum/Palladium

relationships and informs and reinforces

University, Chico, California, the ohio


our experience of memory. Through

University Prints Archive, and the

amplification, this audio transcription

collection of Harold Washington College,

Assistant Professor Katie Anania was

reminds us of how highly efficient we are

Chicago, Illinois. Fisher also acted as

awarded a Wallace Fellowship at villa I

at filtering out the aural artifacts of our

master printer for an edition created at

Tatti, Harvard University's center for Italian

everyday surroundings.”

Georgia College earlier this year by guest

2018. This residential fellowship in

Dr. Elissa Auerbach was appointed as

discipline visit was organized by Dr. Peggy

Florence, Italy, is competitive across all

guest researcher in the Faculty of

Elliott of the Department of World

ranks of academic work and across the

Humanities at the University of Amsterdam

Renaissance Studies, for spring semester

scholar Yvan Alagbé. Alagbé’s cross-


Languages and Cultures. n

Dr. Dana Gorzelany-Mostak, Assistant Professor of Music

Communication and music professors win excellence award Georgia College Assistant

encouragement for further collaboration.”

Professor of Communication,

Angela Criscoe, Assistant Professor of Communication

Angela Criscoe, and Assistant

The YouTube video uses soundtrack provided by guitar

Professor of Music, Dr. Dana

instructor Doug Bassett, junior music major Turner Howell, and

Gorzelany-Mostak, recently won an

the Max Noah Singers, under direction of Dr. Jennifer Flory.

“Award of Excellence” from the

Sophomore music major and Trax on the Trail research

Broadcast Education Association

assistant Haley Strassburger served as music supervisor on the

(BEA) for co-creating a digital

project, co-writing the screenplay. Daniel McDonald,

lecture: “Songs in the Key of

operations manager for WRGC, assisted with the recording.

President C: Music on the Campaign Trail.”

“This is a true example of collaboration, involving faculty and students, at its best,” said Dr. Don Parker, Georgia College’s

Gorzelany-Mostak created the digital lecture last spring for the

newly-appointed music chair.

Society of American Music (SAM). Criscoe produced the video of Gorzelany-Mostak’s lecture for BEA. The broadcast

In 2015, Gorzelany-Mostak created Trax on the Trail, a website

education association is the premiere international academic

that chronicles political campaign music in U.S. presidential

media organization driving excellence in media production,

elections. Her award-winning digital lecture is one of three

and career advancement for educators, students, and

being featured on YouTube for the Society for American Music


(SAM) 2018 Digital Lecture in American Music series.

“When Dana came to me with the idea, I was immediately

To see Criscoe’s and Gorzelany-Mostak’s award-winning digital

excited about the collaboration,” she said. “I love music, and

lecture, please visit

her topic of interest—along with the research she had


conducted—plays out well in the video. The acceptance by

To see Trax on the Trail, go to www.traxonthetrail.com/. n

SAM and the award of excellence from BEA is an honor and ARTS AND SCIENCES NEWSLETTER 12 GEORGIA COLLEGE

Professor levels up in gamifying the past Dr. James Schiffman, an assistant professor

Reacting to the Past games require repeated play-testing by

in the Department of Communication,

different professors and students to become fully developed and

reached a milestone during the summer in

published as books that can be adopted in any university or

the development of a Reacting to the Past

college classroom. Before the play-test, Schffman game had been

historical role playing game.

played only by students in his media history classes at Georgia College.

Schiffman play-tested the game, titled Radio Days and the FCC: Breaking Up

In Reacting games, students take over the classroom, and

Broadcast Monopoly, at the Reacting

instructors step into the role of game master. Maggie Foster, a

Consortium’s Game Development

mass communication major who graduated in the spring of 2018,

Conference at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa, in July.

played FCC Commissioner Frank McNinch as a student in

Professors and students played a one-day, accelerated version of

Schiffman’s History of Broadcasting class. She was in charge of

the game, which reprises a series of Federal Communications

running the hearings during the game.

Commission (FCC) hearings in 1938 and 1939 investigating monopoly power of the major radio networks, NBC and CBS. In

“I think Reacting was a very useful learning experience because

the game, players grapple with profound issues that continue to

it’s one thing to outline a hearing and say ‘this witness argued

animate American politics, including the proper role of

this’ and ‘this was the outcome,’ but it’s another thing to have

government in regulating media and economic activity.

those arguments formulated by the participants and the outcomes weighed by everyone to really understand the issues

Like most Reacting to the Past games, Radio Days features factions

being discussed,” she said.

that have clashing positions on a variety of issues that the FCC must decide on, including whether to break up NBC. Players take on

Based on the feedback from the play test, Schiffman revised the

roles as FCC commissioners, witnesses who testify at the hearings,

game, added additional characters, and applied to the Reacting

journalists who cover the hearings, and even former President

Consortium to elevate Radio Days from Level Two to Level Three

Franklin D. Roosevelt. In history, the hearings resulted in the

in the organization’s hierarchy. Level Three games are available

divestiture of NBC and the creation of ABC, which went

for play testing by any instructor who is a Consortium member.

on to become the third major American radio and television

Schiffman hopes to move next to Level Four — games that are


ready for publication. Level Five games already have been

published. n

Professor elected to lead international association Dr. Roger Coate, the Paul D. Coverdell Chair of Public Policy, commenced his three-year term (2018–2021) as chair of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). ACUNS is the premier global professional association of educational and research institutions, individual scholars, teachers, and practitioners active in the work and study of the United Nations, multilateral relations, and global governance. The association promotes teaching and research on these topics, as well as dialogue and mutual understanding across and between academics, practitioners, civil society, and students worldwide. Its members come from diverse fields of study and practice. It also has institutional members across the world, representing a diverse range of universities, research centers, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and related organizations. ACUNS has Liaison offices in New York, Tokyo, Geneva, New Delhi, and vienna which serve as contact points for ACUNS members traveling to those locations and interested in making connections to the United Nations based organizations in those cities. Georgia College has been an actively engaged institutional member of ACUNS since 2009. The Council conducts a set of diverse activities: global and regional conferences, workshops, lectures, seminars, podcasts, and more. The Annual Meeting is a global conference which provides attendees with a unique opportunity to discuss UN- and global-governance related research, teaching, and policy. Each

Sciences, and the Humanities” from the Association of American

year, the annual meeting is held in a different location. Coate


assumed his new position in Rome at the 2018 annual meeting in July. He has just returned from a site visit to Stellenbosch, South

ACUNS celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2017 and has had the

Africa, where ACUNS is hosting next year’s annual meeting in

privilege of working with a variety of institutional hosts. Founded

June 2019.

at Dartmouth College in 1987, ACUNS headquarters has rotated through Brown University, Yale University, Wilfrid Laurier

The Council’s award-winning and influential refereed journal,

University in Waterloo, ontario, and is currently based at

“Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and

Coventry University in the United Kingdom. Coate has been a

International organizations,” is published four times a year by

leading force in the association since its inception. He and his

Lynne Rienner Publishers. Coate was founding co-editor of the

colleague Donnald Puchala launched the ACUNS monograph

journal, and, under his editorship, it was awarded “Best New

series in 1988, with the publication of the first of two back-to-

Journal in the United States in 1996 in Business, the Social

back monographs, “The State of the United Nations, 1988.” n


University hosts inaugural symposium focused on rethinking syllabi Anthropologists from throughout the southeast descended upon

solving, and leadership,

Georgia College for the inaugural Pedagogical Innovations in

Reacting to the Past offers a

Anthropology Symposium on July 27-28, 2018. A collaboration

number of games that span

organized by Georgia College Assistant Professor Amanda J.

disciplines, including

Reinke and University of Findlay Assistant Professor Jaymelee J.


Kim, the symposium was an intensive two-day event intended to cultivate a community of practice among anthropology faculty at

With support from the College

teaching-focused institutions. The purpose of the symposium was

of Arts and Sciences, College

to address pedagogical challenges by sharing and developing

of Health Sciences,

innovative assignments that enhance learning, revising, and

Department of Government

rethinking syllabi to align with best practices, providing support and

and Sociology, and faculty

guidance for teaching outside one’s subdisciplinary specialization,

across campus who welcomed

and discussing diversity and inclusion in the classroom and

participants, the event was

curriculum. Although the institutions represented at the symposium

able to bring faculty together

were diverse, they all required intensive teaching loads, but offered

to create a community of

little time or opportunity to discuss pedagogical challenges and best

practice which is thriving. n

practices. This symposium sought to fill this gap. Participants swapped syllabi and assignments in order to problem solve challenges they face and to offer support and recommendations. They were prompted to address questions, such as: How do your assignments support students’ efforts to meet course outcomes? How can you balance the need for university-level assessment and standardization, and the desire for innovation, creativity, and flexibility in your teaching? How can you create syllabi and a curriculum that is inclusive? In what ways can you leverage community resources to support active learning? To help answer some of these questions, Deaje Taylor was available for a discussion of diversity and inclusion, and Andrea Barra, who led a conversation about community resources and engagement. one of the most favored sessions of the two-day event was Simulations in the Classroom, led by Dr. Andrew Goss, department chair of History, Anthropology, and Philosophy at Augusta University. over the course of two hours, symposium participants partook in a Reacting to the Past simulation, immersing themselves in a pedagogical tool they could immediately implement in the coming academic year. A roleplaying game requiring reading, writing, teamwork, problem ARTS AND SCIENCES NEWSLETTER 15 GEORGIA COLLEGE

Assistant Professor Amanda J. Reinke

Professors, husband-wife duo spend six months in Amsterdam Rebellion in Provincial Bordeaux, 1750–1793.” The book examines the city of Bordeaux’s newspaper press and voluntary organizations to better understand how institutions of the public sphere transformed the political culture of the old Regime and ultimately helped to make possible the French Revolution. Ultimately, the manuscript sheds light on the opaque process of how one became a revolutionary in France in 1789. Most significantly, during the course of researching a new chapter in his monograph, Steve discovered a document in the “Bibliothèque nationale de France” that has been overlooked in previous scholarship. This is a highlight of any historian’s career. Their daughter Eleanor was enrolled in Kindergarten in a In spring 2018, Drs. Elissa and Steve Auerbach spent their

bilingual public school in Amsterdam. Her classmates and their

semester-long professional leave in Amsterdam. Their daughter,

parents were newly-arrived expatriates from all over the world.

Eleanor, then five years old, joined them on their six-month stay.

Her closest friends came from Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Ukraine,

It was a remarkably productive scholarly experience and a

India, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and, of course, the Netherlands. The

transformative life event for them all.

Auerbachs soon discovered the many differences between

Elissa was appointed as guest researcher in the Faculty of

United States. Dutch schools value active learning through play

Humanities at the University of Amsterdam where she continued

with ample time spent outdoors each day; Wednesdays are half

public schools in the Netherlands compared to those in the

her project on spiritual pilgrimage in early modern Dutch art.

days; and the elementary grades are assigned no homework.

She traveled throughout the Netherlands to examine paintings,

Eleanor’s class had field trips to an 18th-century mansion on a

prints, and primary source documents held in city archives,

canal and to the beach; they ate Dutch food and played

libraries, museums, churches, research institutes, and a medieval

traditional Dutch games; and they celebrated King’s Day dressed

monastery. Her research examines 17th-century images of Dutch

in the national color of orange, with Eleanor winning the

pilgrimage sites that were produced when Catholicism was

costume contest. Best of all, she learned to speak Dutch and she

outlawed and the sites were in Protestant hands. These images

taught herself to ride a bike without training wheels at her

offered Dutch pilgrims a means of adapting to their suppression


by traveling to the holy sites mentally, not in the flesh. She presented her research in February with the paper “Pilgrimage

Their professional leave in Amsterdam was life-changing both

by Proxy in the Dutch Republic: Scenes of Forbidden Holy Sites

personally and professionally. They made life-long friends and

for the Spiritual Pilgrim” at the international symposium, Art and

strengthened their relationships with academic peers. They

Catholicism in the Dutch Republic, held at the Städel Museum in

honed their urban cycling skills in wind, rain, and hail in a city

Frankfurt. Her paper will be published in the conference

where there are more bikes than people. The Netherlands is

proceedings and it will be expanded into an article for

ranked as one of the best countries to live and Dutch children

publication in an academic journal. Highlights from Elissa’s

are rated among the happiest in the world. They now know why.

professional leave included an afternoon of handling liturgical objects in a church vault and many days spent photographing

The Auerbachs look forward to this summer when they will return

remote pilgrimage sites.

to Amsterdam with a new group of study abroad students so

Steve spent his professional leave researching and writing his

view (and where to find the best bitterballen). n

they can show them their favorite city from an insider’s point of

upcoming monograph “Enlightenment, Revolution, and ARTS AND SCIENCES NEWSLETTER 16 GEORGIA COLLEGE

Study abroad program in Taiwan launches The first Taiwan study abroad, led by Georgia College faculty members Dr. J.F. Yao and Dr. Tsu-Ming Chiang with 10 GC students participating, was a huge success. These students were each paired with a student from the University of Taivpei. It is a unique part of this program. They were able to learn from each other about cultural differences and acquire languages on an individual level, in addition to a cultural course and subject courses. Not only were their lives transformed, their friendships and learning continue to grow. During the first week, President Steve Dorman visited these students and joined them for field trips, and he officially signed a continuing memorandum of understanding with the University of Taipei to maintain exchange relationships between universities for students and faculty. Yao and Chiang are preparing for Taiwan 2020 program as the second program. n

Top - Field trip to Taiwan Palace Museum. Bottom - Students learn Calligraphy in a cultural class. They were given the pen and papers as a gift to practice when they returned to the US.

Dr. Lee Gillis presented with The Eagle Award The Eagle Award was created in 2012 by the outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Council and is given annually at the Wilderness Therapy Symposium to recognize outstanding contribution to the field of wilderness therapy. The 2018 Eagle Award was given to Dr. Lee Gillis. Gillis, professor and chair of the Department of Psychological

He has become a champion in advancing ad- venture therapy

Science, worked at two residential boarding schools where he ran

practices and research in the American Psychological Association

outdoor programming: Glade valley School (1977–1979) and The

(APA). Three of his current areas of professional work that are

Webb School (1979–1982). He worked extensively with

providing invaluable support for the field are: his leading work on

therapeutic programs at Project Adventure in Covington as a

meta-analyses with Drs. Johanna Bettmann and Liz Speelman, his

consulting psychologist from 1989 until 2010. He conducted

development of the Adventure Therapy Evaluation Scale (ATES)

numerous Adventure-Based Counseling and advanced-practice

with Dr. Keith Russell, and his co-authorship of the leading text in

workshops for Project Adventure in the U.S. and Europe.

the field “Adventure Therapy: Theory, Practice, and Research.”

Gillis has directed several videos of adventure-based counseling adventure activities (with Karl Rohnke) and metaphors (with Dr.

Such intentional and collaborative approaches are indicative of

his hallmark efforts to advance the field for more than 40 years. n


BBQ, drones, and the Mediterranean: Updates from the Department of History and Geography


cases for his favorite cartographic art.

dedicated to using Unmanned Aerial


Rochelo is the proud dad of two great old

vehicles (UAvs), commonly known as drones.

welcomes Dr. Mark

dogs, Mick and Brownie, who are both are

He enjoys collaborating in multiple fields but

Rochelo to the

looking forward to enjoying their golden

his latest focus has been to capture highly

faculty this past fall,

years in Middle Georgia.


as a craftsman. He collects historic maps,

environmental, economic, and social


books, atlases, and builds his own display

concerns. Rochelo’s research has been

of History and

as an instructor of

accurate topographic information which locates and characterizes archaeological


The focus of Rochelo's instruction is in

sites. He has contributed to several

Information Science.

support of the newly-created Certificate in

publications and presentations in the

Rochelo is a native of Pittsfield,

Geographic Information Science (GISc). This

historical and anthropological sciences,

Massachusetts, and came to Milledgeville

rapidly-growing field promises to be an

including poster and oral presentations for

after 16 years in the South Florida sun, where

important part of the department’s offerings.

multiple years at the ESRI Annual Users

he worked in a variety of fields as well as

GISc supports the creation of spatial

Conference in San Diego, California. He will

completing his Ph.D. in Geoscience at

knowledge based on the acquisition of real

also be presenting a paper at the

Florida Atlantic University. Rochelo is multi-

world data, in support of public and private

Southeastern Archaeology Conference in

talented as a geographer, cartographer, and

enterprise solutions to complex

Augusta. Mark is excited to include UAvs in his


teaching at Georgia College, and looks forward to

In July 2018, Dr. Stephanie opperman

interactive map showing all the locations. In

helping our students expand their opportunities

participated in the National Endowment for the

addition, have begun collecting oral histories

by preparing them to qualify as a FAA certified

Humanities (NEH) Summer Institute on

and stories about Georgia BBQ.

remote pilot. Please stop by the geography realm

Women’s Suffrage in the Americas at Carthage

in the newly-renovated Beeson Hall to have a chat

College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The NEH offers

Additionally, Pascoe assisted in the creation,

with Mark and examine his impressive maps and

a series of highly competitive seminars,

research, and concept design for “Barbecue

1800s geography books.

institutes, and professional development

Nation,” a museum exhibit that opened in May of

opportunities for college and university faculty.

2018 at the Atlanta History Center. Pascoe also

joined the

For two weeks, opperman joined 30 other

funding for the project. The exhibit will run from

Department of

professors to study the history of women’s

May of 2018 to the end of September 2019.

History and

suffrage from a transnational perspective. The

Dr. Ashleigh Dean

was instrumental in securing over $400,000 in

Geography this past

program included an extensive review of the

fall as a specialist in

historiography, in-depth group discussions,

from the Department of Communication at

Asian history. She

opportunities for networking, access to the

Georgia College and one volunteer who have

There have been three great practicum students

received her Ph.D. in

archives of Dr. Asunción Lavrin (one of the most

taken over the management and building of the

2016 from Emory

cited authorities in the field), and a series of

siter. Makalya Hays and Mallory Haynes helped

University and

lectures by women’s history scholars from

start the website in the spring of 2018; Chris

Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Brazil,

Mott is the webmaster and design coordinator,

previously taught at Monmouth University and Gordon State College. Her research focuses on

Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia, and Canada. Each

and Ansley Robinson is the content developer

Chinese international relations in the early

participant proposed one or two short-term

for the project in the fall 2018 semester.

modern period, the colonial Philippines in world

projects that they developed over the course of

historical context, and the history of Chinese

the institute. opperman completed an abstract

food culture in the West.

This past summer, 16 students from Georgia

and outline for a forthcoming article on

College participated in the “Understanding

transnational birth control movements in the

Mediterranean History and Culture through

Her book manuscript, currently under

Americas. She also developed a syllabus for an

Food” program. This was the seventh year that

consideration by publishers, tells the story of a

upcoming interdisciplinary course on Women’s

the program has traveled to Europe—over 110

Spanish monk whose arrest for espionage in

Activism in the Americas.

students, with various majors, have made the

Asia, and she is also working on several

The Georgia BBQ Trails website tells the story

S. Pascoe. Dr. James Welborn will join the

additional projects. In october, she presented a

of Georgia’s history and culture through the

program’s administration starting in 2019. This

paper at the Midwest Popular Culture

unique lens of BBQ. It provides readers with

popular study abroad program offers students 9

16th-century China changed European policy in

trip. The yearly program is directed by Dr. Craig

Association conference in Indianapolis on the

stories about the history, people, places,

or 10 hours credit that can include the GC2Y

effects of mistranslation and ethnic prejudice on

events, and traditions of Georgia using BBQ as

2000 course or the history Senior Capstone

American perception of Chinese beer culture. In

a theme. visitors to the site will savor the

Thesis course.

December, she traveled to Europe to present

diverse and dynamic flavor of the state’s culture

her research on the European reaction to the

and history. This is an educational website and

first Spanish travelers to Ming China at a

does not conduct any reviews or pass

Greece and how their food traditions reflect the

conference at Ghent University in Brussels. She

judgement on any BBQ places. Consider this

identity of their culture, people, and history.

This course examines the countries of Italy and

is also beginning preliminary work on projects

website a manual or field guide to be used by

Using foodways, along with historical research,

involving race and cuisine in the early modern

people who love BBQ and want to plan their

students will come to understand how

Philippines and female Spanish landowners in

own journey along the BBQ trails of Georgia.

technology and innovation in the production of

colonial Manila. Her research takes her to

The founders of Georgia BBQ Trails are Dr.

food crops, migration patterns, warfare, empire

Europe, Latin America, and East Asia, and she is

Craig S. Pascoe and Dr. James “Trae” Welborn,

building, the Renaissance era, religion,

interested in developing additional study

professors of Southern history at Georgia

modernization, weather, and cross-cultural

abroad programs in Spain, the Philippines, or

College. Both are self-proclaimed BBQ

exchanges culminated in today’s unique

China. In addition to GC2Y 2000 and regular

devotees who believe that BBQ can be used to

Mediterranean food culture. While in the

surveys in both World and Asian History, she

help tell the story of Georgia—its past, present,

Mediterranean world, field trips and hands-on

also taught HIST 4950 Food History and Culture

and future. The project resulted from Dr.

experience are a critical part of the students’

of East Asia in Spring 2019. She also taught

Pascoe’s work as the Conceptual Design

learning environment. The students visit

courses on East Asian pop culture, women in

Creator for the Barbecue Nation exhibit at the

restaurants, markets, farms, cooking schools,

Chinese history, and Western religions in Asia in

Atlanta History Center that is running from May

specialty shops, factories and companies

the future.

2018 to September 2019. The website is

involved in food production, vineyards, and

currently being loaded with information on BBQ

other food-related sites during their time in the

places around the state and will have an


two countries. n

Max Noah Singers give their first performance at Carnegie Hall This past spring, Georgia College’s Music Department accomplished something new. The Max Noah Singers choral ensemble made its debut on Carnegie Hall’s historic stage. Dr. Jennifer Flory, director of choral activities and professor of music, chose a bold and gutsy program for the university’s first appearance at the famed New York City venue. She used the grand setting to premiere songs that had never been heard with choir or orchestra. They’d only been imagined in the creative, silent depths of the composer’s minds.

viewing the audition videos, I noticed that

“The music I chose to conduct was

performances under your superb

the concert.

the chorus delivered warm yet sensitive Magin composed “Heart-Fire” on piano

something new – commissions by two

leadership. The choir’s attention to nuance

and “in her head.” She said it was

composers,” Flory said. “It was risky in a

and blending contributed greatly to the

remarkable, hearing it “come alive” for the

way, because we were doing something

stunning performance.”

first time with singers putting their expression into it.

that had never been performed before.” It’s a “relatively unique experience” to Nearly 50 students, faculty, and staff were

sing at the celebrated venue,” Flory said.

“What I think was really neat and

chosen from auditions to perform at the

Traveling to perform in New York City is

transformative about it was being able to

35th concert series for MidAmerican

expensive. Plus, the time and effort it

have the composers of our two pieces

Productions, Inc. It was a once-in-a-

requires is a “very large undertaking,” she

there with us for rehearsals,” Flory said.

lifetime opportunity to sing in the

said, so “it’s not something every

“They were able to give me and the

stunning, multi-balconied Stern

university does. And not every university

students feedback on what they thought

Auditorium and Perelman Stage at

that does it is able to do it often.”

needed to be tweaked or how they

Carnegie Hall. Five members of the

It was “exhilarating” for Flory to walk onto

thought we should do things differently or

Milledgeville Singers Guild also

the gigantic Carnegie stage, see the

to give us a big ol’ smile, when they were

performed, along with groups from

audience, and take the podium.

really pleased with how we did.”

Michigan and Illinois. President and Mrs. Steve Dorman joined

She conducted the group’s performance

“Just having that interaction with live

of two world-premiere works: “Heart-Fire”

composers, I think, is something that will

area alumni for a preconcert social, hosted

by Carrie Magin of New York and “on My

stay with the students for their entire life

by Foundation Board of Trustees member

Songs” by David Hamilton of New

and career,” she said.

Kim Martin, ’82. There was also a buffet

Zealand. Both composers chose a poem

supper and, after the concert, a cruise

from options provided by Flory. Magin’s

along New York Harbor.

Shelbea Fordham graduated in May with a

piece was set to a poem by Sara Teasdale,

music major and business administration

and Hamilton set his music to a poem by

minor. She was a member of Max Noah

When extending the invitation to Flory,

Wilfred owen. Students enjoyed getting

Singers all four years at Georgia College,

Peter Tiboris, general music director of

their scores autographed by both

singing in about four concerts a year. She

MidAmerica Productions wrote: “In

composers, who attended rehearsals and

traveled across Georgia and to Europe


with the group. Each experience was

conductor’s cues, Fordham said, until they

she said. “Heart-Fire” inspired with

wonderful, she said, but none compared

got “to a line in the text where the choir

phrases like “I am sandaled with wind and

to being onstage at Carnegie Hall with the

splits into a magnificent harmony that

with flame” and “I will sing to the trees

New England Symphonic Ensemble.

leaves you with chills.”

and the stars in the sky” – the perfect way,

“This was my first time performing at

Flory’s favorite moments revolved around

eventful night.”

Fordham said, for the choir to “kick off its Carnegie, and I can say: I was completely

the world-premieres, which featured a

blown away,” Fordham said. “The hall was

variety of dynamics and tempos. Both built

“Choosing unfamiliar songs definitely

enormous and immaculate in all its

to loud climaxes, before settling into

makes a good statement,” Fordham said.

splendor. When I stepped onstage for the

softer, slower endings.

“By performing world-premiere pieces, we

something one cannot forget.”

Fordham loved the climaxes, as well. The

compositions about acting upon the

group sang “with wild abandon,

passions of one’s life to a vast audience. I

It felt “timeless” onstage, as singers kept

passionately,” using “a deep, pulsing

was very proud to stand on that stage as a

track of their pages, watching the

ambiance that grew with radiant energy,”

were able to share 21st-century

first time, it was breathtaking – definitely

Georgia College student that night.” n

In the spring of 2018, Dr. Clifford Towner had an article published in the Journal of Band Research entitled “Two Marches” by Darius Milhaud, which was co-authored with one of our undergraduate students Ryan Johnson. This article was also presented at the National College Band Directors National Association Conference. In october 2018, he guest conducted the band at the University of South Carolina-Aiken as part of a conductor exchange with Dr. Hayes Bunch.

The Night of Chamber Music is a guest artist series held at Georgia Military College. This presentation of chamber music featured music for piano and strings from the contemporary and romantic eras. Collaborators included members of the Georgia Military College and oxford College of Emory University faculty. Dr. Johnson's Piano Trio "Rothko" received its second performance and McClain performed "Apres un reve" on viola.

In January 2019, Towner presented a session at Georgia Music Educators Association entitled “Beginning with the end in mind: Assessing and improving your concert programs.” This is from his book on concert programming completed in 2016.

McClain performed with the Savannah Philharmonic on their “10 Years in the Making: Fire & Spirit” concert. This celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Savannah Philharmonic featured a world premier composition “TEN” by Richard Sortomme.

In July 2018, Dr. Stephen Fischer presented a performance of “Tre Pezzi” by Giacinto Scelsi and “Shadows of Former Selves” (European Premiere) by Ashley Floyd at World Saxophone Congress held in Zagreb, Croatia. He was accompanied by his wife Racheal Fischer on violin. Dr. Don Parker performed a series of master classes, clinics, and recitals with his trumpet/percussion duo Double Take on oct. 10-13, 2018, at the University of Trinidad and Tobago as a part of their guest faculty series. Dr. Sheryl Linch-Parker is the trumpet instructor for the Department of Music. Parker and Linch-Parker will also be performing with the Fayetteville Symphony orchestra as the principal percussionist for their 2018-19 season.

Assistant Professor of Music Dr. owen Lovell presented two recent performances of his 2018 solo recital program, “Nearly Romantic.” Assistant Professor of Music and Coordinator of voice Dr. Youngmi Kim presented two recitals and master classes. on Sept. 3, she presented a master class and recital at Lee University School of Music in Cleveland, Tennessee, and on Sept.11, she presented a master class and recital at the University of Texas at Arlington with Dr. ChoEun Lee on piano and harpsichord, who is a vocal coach and collaborative piano faculty at Lee University. n


Georgia College experience at Eagle Undergraduate Mathematics Conference on Saturday April 14, 2018, six students and a faculty member attended Eagle Undergraduate Mathematics Conference at Georgia Southern University.They were math and physics major Cain Gantt, Brian Skoglind, Kendal McDonald, and Stephen Mosley, math major and business administration minor William Edmiston, math major and computer science minor Alec Powers, as well as Dr. Hong Yue of the mathematics department. They had a wonderful time at the conference. The day started with presentations about various math topics, two of which were presented by Georgia College’s own Kendal McDonald and Brain Skoglind. Kendal’s presentation title was “Comparative Analysis of Students’ Performance between online and on Campus in an Introductory Statistics Course.” She discussed how there was not much difference in the two environments while showing a person can predict a student’s final grade by homework grade and first quiz attempt grade. The title of Brian’s presentation was "Helix Conjecture, A Study of Fractional Derivatives of Sinusoidal Functions." He talked about how the Fourier Transform

Top - Students Stephen Mosley, Cain Gantt, and Kendal McDonald receiving the second place

can help to find values for non-integer

award from Dr. Sharon Taylor and Dr. Chasen Smith of Georgia State University

derivatives. They were very interesting, as were the other talks that were presented

Bottom - Brian Skoglind presenting his research at the conference

throughout the day. In particular, the

when the math club decided to participate

mostly acquired within the walls of the Arts

students attended the Career Panel and

in the problem-solving competition in the

and Sciences building, they pushed

Mathamatical Associationof America

conference. Coached by Dr. Rachel

through each of the six questions with

(MAA) State Luncheon Address during the

Epstein and Dr. Hong Yue, they worked

varying levels of confidence, and


intensively for a week on preparation for it.

ultimately secured the second place

The problems of the contest covered a

trophy. overall, they had a great time

The favorite part of the conference for

wide range of mathematics, including

learning and competing with fellow

Cain, Kendal, and Stephen was

number theory, probability, optimization,

mathematicians at the EUMC. And the

representing Georgia College and the

geometry, calculus and differential

free donuts were nice, too. The trophy is

university math club in the math

equations. Pulling together their

on display in the math department office.

competition. It was only one week ago

knowledge of higher level mathematics,


photo credit: Dr. Veronica Womack, Chief Diversity Officer

Commemorating the Armistice of the First World War

African Studies Conference comes to Georgia College

Center for Georgia Studies Symposium

Faculty from the Department of History

Scholars of African Studies gathered at

on Feb. 1, 2019, the Center for Georgia

and Geography gathered to mark a

Georgia College in october of 2018 to

Studies hosted its first academic

somber but significant historical occasion

build collegial connections and share their

symposium. Entitled “Race, Power, and

in November of 2018. Thanks to the

academic work related to the conference

Rural Economic Development,” the event

suggestion of Dr. Eric Tenbus, dean of the

theme, “Africa in the World and the World

brought together scholars from across the

college and fellow historian, the

in Africa.” Hosted with the support of

country as well as from the Georgia

department convened a panel

Dean Eric Tenbus, the College or Arts and

College community who shared their

presentation commemorating the

Sciences, and the Department of History

research and insights into the difficulties of

centenary of the armistice that ended the

and Geography, the South Eastern

building sustainable economies in the rural

First World War. The panel included

Regional Seminar in African Studies

South. Dr. Alec Hickmott of Amherst

historians Dr. Steve Auerbach, Dr. Mark

(SERSAS) provided a wonderful, inclusive

College and Dr. Karen Senaga of Utah

Huddle, Dr. Aran MacKinnon, Dr. Bill Risch,

venue for a diverse range of papers

State University shared their work on land

Dean Tenbus, and geographer, Dr. Chuck

ranging from women’s leadership roles in

and ideology, and labor relations in the

Fahrer. The presenters spoke to the

Kenya to the incidence of cancer in West

Mississippi delta respectively. Georgia

complex global nature of the war and the

African men in the United States.

College’s Dr. veronica Womack and Dr.

ambiguities of the peace, covering topics

Participants hailed from across the African

Mark Huddle discussed the broad historical

that reflected their respective research

continent, including presenters originally

context for understanding the ways

interests. These included Dr. Tenbus’

from Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia,

communities of color in the rural South

compelling critique of the settlement for

Nigeria, and South Africa. Panels included

have struggled for economic self-

the Middle East, Dr. Risch’s illumination of

presentations from new Georgia College

determination. The keynote speaker for

the Eastern Front, Dr. Fahrer’s detailed

faculty, valeka Holt, assistant professor of

the symposium was Dr. Mehrsa Baradaran,

analysis of second generation warfare, Dr.

theatre and Dr. Ernest Kaninjing, assistant

Alston Professor and associate dean at the

Huddle’s reflections on the challenges the

professor of health and human

University of Georgia Law School and

war posed to civil liberties in America, Dr.

performance. Dr. Aran MacKinnon, chair of

author of the book “The Color of Money:

MacKinnon’s consideration of the effects

the Department of History and Geography

Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap”

of the war on global public health, and Dr.

and a coordinator for SERSAS, noted that,

(Harvard 2018). Dr. Baradaran’s

Auerbach’s cogent insights into the limits

“Georgia College’s support for the

presentation described the ways in which

of the peace treaty. The well-attended

SERSAS conference was another great

segregated financial and credit markets

panel drew students and members of the

testament to our commitment to diversity

created the structural conditions for the

community together to reflect on the

and our global perspectives and

underdevelopment of African American

tragic effects of the war and the hopes for

outreach,” and “we look forward to

communities. The Center for Georgia


hosting these scholars of Africa in the

Studies symposium was a success and it


will provide a template for similar

From L-R, Dr. Bill Risch, Dr. Mark Huddle, Dr. Steve Auerbach, Dr. Eric Tenbus

gatherings moving forward. Thanks go out Photo credit: Georgia College presenters L-R valeka Holt and Ernest Kaninjing

to the Dr. Eric Tenbus, History Department chair Aran MacKinnon, and Dr. veronica Womack of the office of Inclusive Excellence for their generous support.









Endowment connects students with professional musicians for classical concert A new endowment has created an ongoing series of free concerts that brought students side-by-side with professional instrumentalists and singers to perform “masterworks”—a great achievement in the musical world. The first “John and Margaret Terry Endowed Concert Series” presented a melodic whirlwind of Slavonic Dances and other music from the Czech Republic on Friday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Russell Auditorium. All Georgia College ensembles and music groups performed and the chamber orchestra was transformed into a full symphony orchestra with the addition of professional players. Prior to the perfomance, the music department hosted a pre-concert reception in honor of the new endownment with many of the other music donors, faculty, administrators, and community supporters. The reception was held at the newly remodeled Heritage Room featuring a university timeline and a living history of the university through technology. Pegged the “largest donation in a generation, if ever,in the department”—the endowment was gifted to Georgia College by assistant professor of music Dr. Dana Gorzelany-Mostak and her parents and sister. They wanted the donation to honor John and Margaret Terry of Connecticut. John Terry was an engineer, veteran, and accomplished sailor. His wife, Margaret, was a corporation secretary and “elegant woman whose refinement and sophisticated tastes complemented and enhanced her husband’s adventures.” The couple traveled extensively through the Americas, rivers of Europe, and Caribbean. They were steadfast supporters of the arts with season tickets to musical shows and concerts.

The Terry Endowment honors their legacy, providing funds for students and professional musicians to perform masterwork concerts every other spring at Georgia College. “It was an opportunity to get the community involved as well,” GorzelanyMostak said, “and to give students an experience they wouldn’t otherwise have.” Endowment funds will be used to rent or purchase music and hire musicians from professional orchestras in the region. Since the Macon Symphony disbanded, Dr. owen Lovell, assistant professor of music pianist and concert committee chairman hoped Central Georgia residents would come enjoy this orchestral concert of short Slavonic Dances that are “uppity and exuberant,” as well as more romantic and subdued. Students rarely performed masterworks of higher difficulty like Antonín Dvořák’s. He was a Czech composer from the late 1800s, who wrote a series of 16 orchestral pieces called “Slavonic Dances” that are buoyant and full of nationalistic character. other Czech composers were also be highlighted, including Jindřich Feld and Bedřich Smetana. More than 125 students performed from all Georgia College musical groups: Chamber Ensembles of piano, brass, flute, guitar, percussion, saxophone, string, and woodwind—as well as the Max Noah Singers, University orchestra, Wind Symphony, and Women’s Ensemble. Senior Arianna Baxter of Savannah is earning dual degrees in music and liberal studies with concentrations in religion, music, and French. She played the violin in Georgia College’s String orchestra and String Quartet. ARTS AND SCIENCES NEWSLETTER 25 GEORGIA COLLEGE

“ This concert was a first-of-its-kind at Georgia College. It presented students with an opportunity to play challenging music on a bigger scale than usual. It was very exciting to me, because I love playing full orchestra music,” said Baxter. This concert raised student work to the level of real-world performances. Few universities in Georgia have the funds, personnel or organization to “put something like this together,” Lovell said. In three rehearsals, students would be coached by professional players. This close encounter with career experts raised the performance bar high and brought ensembles closer together, as students try to model a professional’s posture and tone. Lovell fondly recalled performing masterworks with professionals in his undergraduate days. “That’s a super inspiring feeling,” he said. “It raises your game in terms of preparation, because you’re trying to match the sound and technique that person is modeling.” Gorzelany-Mostak agreed, saying “When I think back on my college education, I don’t remember a ton of the everyday stuff. But I do remember standing on those stages performing the masterworks. “What a wonderful experience for our students,” she said. “With this endowment, I hope we’re creating some of those kinds of memories for our students.” Photos 1 - The GC University Chorus with Director Stephen Mulder 2 - The GC Wind Ensemble with Director Dr. Cliff Towner 3 - The GC orchestra with Director Dr. William McClain 4 - The GC Saxophone Quartet 5 – The Women’s Ensemble with Director Stephen Mulder 6 – The Max Noah Singers with director Dr. Dana Gorzelany-Mostak 7 - The Gorzelany Family with owen Lovell in the Heritage Room Photos By JenniferFlory

Georgia College rhetoric students use hands and voices to help the hungry

very Monday and Tuesday, Georgia


College rhetoric students can be

found at Milledgeville’s only soup

kitchen—peeling potatoes, chopping onions, and shredding meats. They set tables, serve meals to the less fortunate, wash dishes, and haul out garbage. Then they use what they’ve observed and learned to write a great speech—putting their rhetoric to work, educating others about food insecurities of the poor. They speak in churches, at county organizations, and around campus, encouraging people to donate time, money, and canned goods to Café Central in Milledgeville. “A lot of time, Georgia College students only stay in their four-block district, and they don’t know Milledgeville at all,” said senior Elizabeth Sockwell of John’s Creek, who majors in liberal studies with minors in rhetoric, sociology, and graphic design. “It’s always a humbling moment when you realize you’re not the center of everything,” she said. “Definitely, this experience will carry on with me. I want to be a volunteer my entire life, because if I ever end up in a situation where I need help, I’d want people to do the same for me.” on Mondays, all 16 students help prep food for Tuesday’s lunch. Some return on Tuesdays to serve meals to the poor and clean up. It’s a class requirement to put in 15 hours on Tuesdays throughout the semester. Mingling with volunteers and the poor makes a huge impact. “Most of our students haven’t experienced hunger or food insecurity or poverty. So, to be confronted with that is a powerful thing,” said Dr. Scott Dillard, professor of rhetoric.

“They also learn a lot about a community they

have young students doing even the smallest of

would otherwise not have any contact with,” he said.

things, like lugging heavy chairs to tables. They

“That’s one of the things I think is most powerful

come excited to learn and don’t treat Café Central

about the project. It allows our students to

like an assignment that has to be completed.

understand that they are coming into someone else’s home for four years.”

“They’re lifesavers,” said Jeanene vinson, an elderly volunteer. “The Georgia College students are

Café Central celebrates 10 years in october. It grew

amazing, because they’ll do anything they’re asked

from serving 10 people meals cooked in crockpots

to do.”

to filling 500 plates and feeding about 280 per week.

Junior Conor Magee of Marietta is a business major

Patrons might be homeless or simply having a hard

recently, talking to the chef long after his classmates

time making ends meet. Many are elderly. They are

left. Before leaving, Magee promised he’d continue

greeted by the smiles of volunteers and treated to a

volunteering after class is over in May.

minoring in rhetoric. He hung out at the stove

restaurant-like, sit-down meal with real dishes and silverware. It’s an afternoon when the poor are

“I wanted to take this class to give back and help the

celebrated and well treated.

community,” Magee said. “Just seeing the smiles on people’s faces is awesome. It’s a really positive

volunteers are getting on in years too—many in their

environment. I love volunteering. It does something

70s and 80s. Chef Jim Humphrey said he’s glad to

for my heart.”n



English lecturer, poet explores identity, heritage in new collection Sundress Publications announces the 2019 release of “Afakasi | Half-Caste,” a new poetry collection by SamoanAmerican writer and Georgia College English Lecturer Dr. Hali Sofala-Jones. The collection dives deeply into the search for identity and belonging within a society that loves to forget those who don’t conform to its ideal. Here, SofalaJones raises her voice from this silence to illuminate that journey of reclamation and self-discovery. Sofala-Jones has written the map for straddling cultures, for existing in a misunderstood body. “Afakasi | Half-Caste”is a penned-down oral tradition of the people of Samoan and European ancestry. In it, an afakasi woman grows up in Georgia underneath a harsh societal gaze. The speaker’s haunting search

Other updates from the Department of English

for identity is a how-to guide for the lost—those who don’t fit into neat boxes, the silenced, the forgotten. This poetry collection

Assistant Professor Dr. Kerry Neville’s book

offers them a place to belong. Sofala-Jones hands the reader her

“Remember to Forget Me,” was named a finalist

“miner’s helmet, lamp affixed” so we might see the path groped

for the Philip McMath/University of Central

for in the dark. The speaker believed in the vHS-taped musicals

Arkansas Post-Publication Book Award.

that defined love as a courting that only pale beauties deserved, but she discovers that love can be a shop boy who pops the tab of her Coke and kisses her knuckles, and she learns that she is not destined for loneliness because her body diverges from the American ideal. With this title, Sofala-Jones traces a route over the

The special edition for fall 2019/winter 2020 of the Journal of African Literature Association is part of the Critical Master Series of the journal

one society has drawn, then pauses, offering the pen, waiting for

that focuses on the works of pioneers of African

the reader to take hold.

literature. The edition will focus on the

Shara McCallum, author of “Madwoman”says of the work, “‘To be

Dr. Eustace Palmer.

scholarship of Sierra Leonean writer and critic, made and unmade again’ is a ‘desire’ embedded, and questioned, throughout Sofala-Jones’s piercing first book of poems, “Afakasi | Half-Caste.” Never shying from painful ‘truths,’ Sofala-Jones

Guest speaker shares industry experience with students

examines the ‘violence of self-erasure’ as well as the violence

WGXA Tv (Macon) Executive

inflicted on the speaker by others and by misshapen notions of

Producer Alexa Denagall spoke to Dr.

identity, vis-a-vis gender and race. Sofala-Jones’ poems illuminate

Chad Whittle’s Media Management

the position of the ‘half-caste’ in deeply moving fashion, offering a

class this semester to share her

powerful and defiant voice forged at the crossroads of peoples, nations, and histories.”

experiences working in the broadcast journalism business. Students were able to ask her questions about the industry and receive advice on how they can earn

Sofala-Jones will soon embark on a nationwide book tour. To find

their first job at a local station once they graduate. Dengeall

out more, visit www.halisofalajones.com

has more than seven years of experience in the industry. Prior to joining the WGXA team, she worked at a station in Mobile, Alabama. She earned her Bachelor of Communication from the University of Alabama.


The Colonnade wins eight awards from Georgia Press Association The Colonnade received multiple awards from

These awards include:

the Georgia College Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest on Feb. 15 in Athens,

1st Place – Best Photograph Editorial/Feature

Georgia. Five members of The Colonnade staff traveled to Athens to accept awards at this contest.

1st Place – Layout and Design 2nd Place – Best Campus Community Service News

“I’m just very proud of our staff,” said Steven Walters, Editor-in-Chief. “We’ve worked really hard, and it’s nice to see our hard work pay off.” The Colonnade is Georgia College’s student run newspaper. The Colonnade produces a weekly paper that is delivered on Wednesday mornings for the GC community. The Colonnade provides opportunities for over 40 students to experience

2nd Place – Best Feature Story 3rd Place – Best Campus Community Service Sports 3rd Place – General Advertising 3rd Place – Best Sports Story 3rd Place – Best Entertainment Story

a newsroom environment. It was started in 1925 and is located in the Maxwell Student Union.

3rd Place – General Excellence



Philosophy, religion, and liberal studies department guides students to success Since its inception in 2012, the

Brooke Judie

graduate from college. This year, faculty mentored Brooke Judie,

Department of Philosophy, Religion,

a philosophy and liberal studies double major, to attend a

and Liberal Studies has been committed

prestigious summer program meant to prepare under-

to diversity and inclusion. The

represented students for graduate programs. Judie shared her

department ensures that not only are

sentiments of her time spent as a student and how influential her

they recruiting from underrepresented

time at Georgia College was:

groups, but mentoring students to be

“As both a first-generation college student and an African-

successful in life after earning their

American woman, my process of applying to colleges left me

undergraduate degree.

with imposter syndrome before I even stepped foot into my first

Last year, former student Maria Bermudez was accepted into the

class. I never even considered attending a graduate program

Ph.D. program in philosophy at Pennsylvania State University.

until I took a class with Dr. Sunita Manian and spoke with her

Bermudez is a Latinx student who is the first in her family to

during her office hours. She told me that based upon my writing


and comments during class discussions, she thought I would do

the PIKSI program. This time, I was one of fifteen students and

well in a graduate program. Her encouragement inspired me to

there was much more reading to do. We attended seminars

envision a different future for myself,” she said.

everyday given by philosophers such as, Kris Sealey, Kyle Whyte, and Mariana ortega. In addition, the graduate assistants helped

Last year, I applied to three undergraduate summer programs,

us to refine our writing techniques and we were able to network

and with the help of Dr. Jameliah Shorter and Dr. Jim Winchester,

with the graduate faculty of Penn State’s philosophy program. I

was accepted into all three programs. I ended up participating in

met other philosophy students like myself who also struggled

two of Penn State’s summer philosophy programs: Cultivating

with feeling out of place at their institutions and made lasting

Underrepresented Students in Philosophy (CUSP) and Philosophy


as an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI). Ultimately, attending these programs helped me gain a larger During my time in the CUSP program, I met five other talented

network of support and I feel much more confident about my

students from underrepresented groups. Under the guidance of

decision to apply for graduate school.”

our graduate mentor, we got a preview into the inner workings of a graduate program. our mentor showed us her syllabi from the

Judie applied and was accepted to the philosophy Ph.D.

past year and her schedule which gave us an idea of what the

program at Penn State, where she’ll begin fall 2019. Ultimately,

work load in a graduate program is. We also attended seminars

Judie wants to teach philosophy at the college-level and continue

from well-known philosophers, such as Robert Bernasconi, and


got to present our own work. However, the event which impacted me the most was the dissertation defense that we witnessed. The

“I want to become a professor—I had made my mind up about

dissertation defense, along with the other events, highlighted

that the first time I had the opportunity to sit in on Dr. Jameliah

what the trajectory of a graduate student’s career is. As a result, I

Shorter’s class,” said Judie. “Hopefully, I can inspire other

left feeling inspired to eventually defend my own dissertation.

students like the professors in the Department of Philosophy have

Later on that same month, I was back on Penn State’s campus for

inspired me.” n

GC sophomore Haley Strassburger earns internship with the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp Sophomore music education major, Haley Strassburger has earned a position as an Ensemble Librarian Intern under Mallory Sajewski, the Head of Music Library for Interlochen Arts Camp (http://camp.interlochen.org/). In her role, Strassburger will be preparing and distributing music for large performing groups, working with ensemble directors, faculty, staff, and students, and attending all rehearsals and concerts for her assigned ensembles. She will also be responsible for marking bowings, numbering music, and other notations in the music as indicated by the camp’s faculty and conductors. This is a huge expansion to her current duties as the librarian for the Georgia College band program, a position she earned last spring. “I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to work as an ensemble librarian and gain new skills in music preparation, as well as for the connections and friendships I will form through this program,” she said. The prestigious Interlochen Summer Arts Camp joins over 2,500 students (grades 3-12) to study music, theatre, visual arts, creative writing, motion picture arts, and dance and will run from June 13 - Aug. 6 in beautiful northwest Michigan.


Theatre major competes, wins for a summer of acting This past summer, junior theatre major

addition to acting.” It was easy for him to

Chandler Stephenson was given an amazing

jump in and help out whether it was in the

paid opportunity to work in Manteo, North

scene shop or with loading in set pieces.

Carolina, at The Lost Colony. The Lost

Stephenson says, “Through GC's hands-on

Colony is the famous summer stock outdoor

training, I felt extremely blessed to go into

theatre pageant that tells the story of the

The Lost Colony with previous knowledge in

early history of North Carolina. The play

the field.”

begins with the 1587 settlement of an English colony that mysteriously disappeared

While he knew it was not going to be an easy

in one of the unknown events of early

process, he discovered, after meeting all of


the cast and crew, that he had become part of a family.

Stephenson earned his way into this job through auditions at the Georgia Theatre

“Everyone was together all the time, and it

Conference, which qualified him and passed

made the process seem less like work and

The third show Stephenson worked on this

him onto the Southeastern Regional Theatre

more like a vacation,” Stephenson said.

summer was "Brilliant Traces," about two isolated people who find each other. This

Conference. He competed with hundreds of In his time in Manteo, he also got to perform

show was a professional theatre workshop

in a show called "Too Much Light Makes the

that performed after a very short rehearsal

He served as both an actor and a technician

Baby Go Blind," produced by The Where


as well as understudy to one of the leads for

House Productions. The Where House is a

the role of Sir Walter Raleigh in a show that

found-space project whose mission is to

“Through the help of my director and fellow

ran six times a week. In a total of 77 shows,

create conventional theatre in

actor, I was able to grow incredibly.”

he says he “was challenged to grow not only

unconventional places. A few of his peers

as an actor but as a person.”

from The Lost Colony, who were students at Middle Tennessee State University, had

enough, Stephenson was also able to get his

“Because of Georgia College,” Stephenson

started this project for people like

certification in theatrical firearms as well as a

college actors to win the part.

As if juggling three shows at once were not

said, “I felt like I had an extreme upper hand

Stephenson who are away from home, but

“Recommended Pass” (A+) in unarmed

on a lot of people, because of how much

can’t seem to get enough theatre.

combat through the Society of American Fight Directors. These courses required

technical theatre I had experienced in ARTS AND SCIENCES NEWSLETTER 34 GEORGIA COLLEGE

multiple hours of rehearsal and class time as well as a final test judged by fight masters. Stephenson’s summer is a testament to the work ethic, motivation, craft, and skill instilled by the Georgia College Theatre and Dance Department. “I am so proud of Chandler who is applying his classroom knowledge and production techniques acquired through GC Theatre to the real world,” said Department Chair Dr. Karen Berman. “He was fantastically creative when I directed him in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ and ‘Cabaret’ on campus. I knew he was destined for success.” n


Theatre students perform in Czech Republic Students from the Department of Theatre and Dance designed, rehearsed, and performed a new play, “The Devil’s Eye,” this summer in two performances across the Czech Republic. A group of nine students performed as part of Georgia College’s study abroad program in Prague and Hradec Králove as part of the European Regions open Air Theatre Festival. They presented their undergraduate research of bringing this play to life as the only academic cast amongst dozens of professional companies. Their studies included dramaturgy of Czech history, costume design, and performance theory and practice. The play focused on a knight imprisoned for his role in the

Students on the roof of the Czech National opera with the Charles Bridge in the distance. Students attended a performance of Tosca. In Photo: Skyler Wilkes, Haley

defenestration of Prague, this year celebrating its 400th anniversary.

Grannon, Conner Kocks, Julia Whitten, Rachel Fernandes, Katie Adams, Elle Porter,

Defenestration, the act of throwing a political official out of a

Clair Hemmenway, Lillie Chupp, Jordan Ramsey, Isaac Ramsey

window, occurred several times in Czech history. The knight, played by senior Conner Kocks, spends a night in a jail cell behind Prague’s astronomical clock, the Prague orloj. During the night, the knight is forced to confront his past deeds and analyze the consequence of his actions. only then can he welcome his fate. Through the rehearsal process and travel through Prague’s old Town, students had the opportunity to learn about Czech History first hand through day trips to the actual site of the famous defenestration. “It was incredible to see the actual third story window the men were thrown – to see that fall, it really made an impact on the performance process,” said Elle Porter, who played the role of Palome.

Students performing in “The Devil’s Eye” in the European Regions open Air Theatre Festival in Hradec Kralove at the City Music Hall. (opening scene) In Photo:Katie Adams, Conner Kocks, Claire Hemmenway, Julia Whitten, Elle Porter,

Students in the Department of Theatre and Dance are no strangers

Rachel Fernandes, Halley Grannon, Skyler Wilkes, Lillie Chupp

to producing new work, but this experience definitely put many of them outside their comfort zone. “I went to the Czech Republic very nervous about travelling and studying abroad. However, it ended up being two of the most influential weeks of my life,” said sophomore Julia Whitten. “My friendships with my classmates blossomed and my confidence in myself and my art flourished as well. It is definitely a magical place.” As part of the European Regions open Air Theatre Festival, students found themselves learning to be flexible once again. All the performances occur outdoors, weather permitting. on the day of the performance, students were informed that the location may have to be moved to a space indoors with completely different dimensions. Fortunately, the rains held off until just after the final bows. n

Students Performed “The Devil’s Eye” in Prague at the Art Space in old Town. (A scene with Andrej and Palome) In Photo: Conner Kocks, Katie Adams, Rachel Fernandes, Lillie Chupp.

Investing in the future First-year chemistry majors Jaylen Parker and Raymond Ewing were recipients of the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Excellence Scholarship this academic year. Both Ewing and Parker were chosen for their exceptional admissions portfolio. The scholarship is given annually to outstanding students that hail from communities underrepresented at the university.

To support students like Jaylen and Raymond, as well as all the work of the College of Arts and Sciences, please call

478-445-8515 or give at alumni.gcsu.edu/givetocoas. n


Mathematics alumna earns professorship Alumna Aubrey Kemp, ’13, completed her Ph.D. in mathematics at Georgia State University and recently accepted a tenure-track assistant professorship at California State University in Bakersfield, California. “We’re very proud of this accomplishment,” said Dr. Robert Blumenthal, chair of mathematics.

At Georgia College, Kemp was chosen as the recipient of the “outstanding Mathematics Major” award in 2012-13. She was president of the math club senior year and was the keynote speaker at the Mathematics Department 2016 Honors Lunch. Kemp also worked in the Learning Center as a supplemental instructor and completed her capstone research on the “Cantor Set” under the direction of Dr. Laurie Huffman. During graduate school, Kemp earned a Certificate of Excellence in College Teaching. She published a paper with a research group in the “Journal of Mathematical Behavior” about student comprehension of “one population hypothesis testing” and how to improve understanding.

Dr. Brandon Samples, associate professor of mathematics, spoke with Kemp at a conference in 2016. She told him her experience as a math major at Georgia College was “impactful” and led to her becoming a math professional.

She won a Graduate Lab Assistant award her first year at Georgia State University and co-founded a chapter of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) there. She also co-organized seminars on active learning.

“We are thrilled that her dream became reality,” Samples said. “I am impressed with how quickly Aubrey is making a name for herself through teaching and research. We knew she was an exceptional mathematics student while at Georgia College, but her success thereafter has been significant.”

Currently, Kemp is working with the research group, PRIUM (Promoting Reasoning in Undergraduate Mathematics), which has funding from the National Science Foundation. She is also writing

three papers from her dissertation. n


Prestigious Marshall Scholarship awarded to alumnus who wants to

change the world

It’s an esteemed award created for

College London (UCL), where Morris can

most selective awards for U.S. graduate

intellectually distinguished young

enhance his research skills and learn more

students, with an average four percent

Americans to study at a university in the

about various regional histories.

United Kingdom. The Marshall Scholarship is extremely competitive, and the chances

acceptance rate. Marshall scholars are selected based on academic merit,

“I am particularly interested in identities,

leadership potential, and ambassadorial

of winning it are slim, but Kevin Morris,

especially ethnic identities,” he said. “My

potential. Morris’ application was one of a

’17, persevered and was recently granted

academic concentrations center on how

few selected for the Atlanta region,

the award—a first for a Georgia College

ethnic identities coalesce, evolve, and

encompassing seven states. The Marshall

alumni or student.

influence decision-making at both the

receives approximately 1,000 university

group and individual level.” In fall 2019, he hopes to pursue a master’s

endorsed applications annually from across the U.S.

degree at the School of Slavonic and

Each year, up to 40 Marshall scholarships

Eastern European Studies at the University

are awarded nationwide. It is one of the


Past Marshall scholars include Pulitzer-

prize winning authors, two U.S. Supreme

said. “That was my first exposure to

Morris spent months working on his

Court Associate Justices Neil Gorsuch and

Macedonian affairs and the different

application for the Marshall Scholarship,

Stephen Breyer, 12 MacArthur Genius

challenges the country is facing. This

while traveling back to the U.S. from his

Grant awardees, and a Nobel laureate.

experience solidified my desire to engage

year in Macedonia and then moving to

with the Balkans region as a professional.”

Washington, D.C. to start a new job. Then,

Currently, he is a project assistant with the

determine if the university would endorse

“I have a community of people and organizations at Georgia College which

he interviewed with faculty and staff to

made this moment possible,” said Morris.

Central and Eastern European Team at the

him. Morris became a regional finalist and

“My involvement in the Honors program

National Democratic Institute in

interviewed at the British Consul General’s

played a huge role in providing me with

Washington, D.C., where Morris works

region office in Atlanta.

the community of brilliant and

with Macedonian and Serbian

perspicacious people who inspired me to

programming. He engages with field staff,

He credits the education he received at

work harder, dream bigger, and push

monitors different programs, designs and

Georgia College with becoming a Marshall

myself to produce my best work.”

implements various programs for training

Scholarship recipient. During his interview,

political candidates, gets citizens involved

the Marshall Scholarship Interview

At Georgia College, Morris excelled

in local government and their political

Committee questioned him extensively on

academically, while earning a dual degree

parties, and helps nongovernmental

his knowledge of the German language,

in economics and history, conducting

organizations become more organized.

which is a regionally important language in

independent research and earning over 50

He also helps plan advocacy workshops

Europe and the Balkans.

credits of Honors coursework. Morris hopes to begin earning his master’s “The Honors community at Georgia

at UCL, a school famous for the breadth

College allowed me to engage in thought-

and quality of its research. UCL has the

provoking conversations that shaped the

largest library on Eastern and

way I thought and encouraged me to step

Southeastern European topics in the

outside my own experiences and biases,”


he said. “The Honors students creatively and unabashedly pursued their passions

“I am eager to begin my own research

and set the example for me to do the

with the help of such excellent resources,”

same. In many ways, this program is

Morris said. “I’m also excited to explore

microcosmic of the wider Georgia College

the theatre scene at UCL and in London as


for local activists from ethnic minority

a whole.”

communities in the region. In addition to being involved in the

After getting his master’s degree, Morris

Honor’s program, Morris was the recipient

“At Georgia College, Kevin excelled as a

plans to continue working in international

of a Fulbright grant where he went to Stip,

leader through his work with 4-H and the


Macedonia, serving as an English teaching

Georgia Education Mentorship program,”

assistant and also teaching young

said Anna Whiteside, assistant director of

Macedonians about the foundations of

the Honors Program and coordinator of

of how economic policy can mitigate the

democracy. Plus, he spent two summers

the National Scholarships office.

obstacles faced by people and groups

U.S. Embassies in Zagreb, Croatia, and in

“He also demonstrated considerable

more cooperative, inclusive relationships

Skopje, Macedonia.

potential as an ambassador, bridging the

between different communities,” he said.

during his time in college interning at the

with marginalized identities and establish

gaps between our respective countries' “I’m so grateful for the incredible staff at

“I want to contribute to our understanding

interests,” she said. “As a Marshall

the International Education Center for

Scholar, Kevin will learn about ways that

helping me apply to university

he can work with the United Kingdom to

scholarships and travel grants that funded

facilitate U.S./U.K. relations as they pertain

both of my trips to the Balkans,” Morris

to Central and Eastern European affairs.” ARTS AND SCIENCES NEWSLETTER 39 GEORGIA COLLEGE

“I am incredibly excited for this next

chapter.” n


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