Georgetown College Alumni Magazine | Spring 2020

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Dear Alumni and Friends, Your interest in, financial support of, prayer for, and gift of service to Georgetown College are deeply appreciated. Thank you for caring enough about Georgetown to read this letter and to peruse the pages of the magazine. This certainly has not been the spring semester I was expecting my first year as the college’s new president. The college and our country have not experienced such a global crisis in nearly 100 years. If we are to come through these supremely challenging times as a college and a country as strong or even stronger than we were before, it will be because of you and other committed folks like you. I am especially proud of and thankful for the Georgetown College Tigers who are serving on the medical and scientific research front lines during this global emergency.

WILL JONES EDITOR Daniel Flener DESIGNER Kelsey Berry '11 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Daniel Flener, Jenny Elder, Dr. Candis Haskell, Dr. Tom Cooper, Dr. Harold Tallant PHOTOS Cory Nolan, Paul Czarnecki, Kelsey Berry ‘11, Daniel Flener, Ken and Keni Parks, HK Kingkade ‘83, Paul Atkinson FOR COMMENTS, QUESTIONS AND INFORMATION, CONTACT: Office of College Marketing and Communications 400 East College Street Georgetown, KY 40324-1696 502.863.7922 GC Magazine is published by the Georgetown College Office of College Marketing and Communications. © Copyright Georgetown College, 2020 Georgetown College admits students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.

While this is not the spring any of us expected, it has given me an opportunity to experience the Georgetown community at its finest. When this crisis made its way to our community, our faculty, staff, and coaches responded with amazing resiliency, dedication to our mission and our students, and care for one another. Online instruction began almost immediately. Office work has continued as work from home. And, our students have proven their worthiness as Georgetown Tigers! They adapted and finished the semester strong while studying at home. We were reminded that you cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond. Since March, we have focused on finishing the semester, helping seniors to find employment or to gain admittance into graduate school, and preparing for a new academic year this fall. Our admission office and coaches continue to be busy recruiting a record class of new students (yes, a record!), while our office of development is working with alumni and friends to raise the support needed for the college’s operations during this crisis. We have received two gifts of one million dollars this fiscal year for renovations, support of programs, and scholarship dollars for our students. God has been merciful to the college and much of the day-to-day work has gone the college’s way. However, if you have not yet given a financial gift to the college this year, I hope you will use the included envelope to send in your contribution. We need you!


Again, we have amazing faculty, staff, coaches, students, and alumni. I hope you will enjoy reading about some of them in the following pages, which highlight the amazing contributions that women have made to Georgetown College for decades. Please stay connected to the college by updating your information on the alumni page on our website. I always enjoy chatting with alumni and friends of the college, so feel free to call during this time of social distancing. And, God willing, I look forward to visiting with you soon on campus or in your local community. With gratitude,


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Will Jones President, Georgetown College

CONTENTS OUTSTANDING OUTCOMES Helping Others Find Hope in Difficult Times


A Trailblazing Institution


WAGC Continues to Provide Fellowship & Assistance


A Celebration Unlike Any Other


What’s in a Name: A Conversation with Dr. Kristin Czarnecki


Commencement Festivities to be Held July 10 -11


An Unprecedented Blessing


Founders’ Day Bridges Past & Future


Homecoming 2020 Set for September 25 – 26


See You Soon


GC Journeys Lecture Series Invites You to Learn about Spain


New Trustees Elected


A Foundational Building: The Women of Knight Hall


Two Coaches Return Home


Continuing a Christian Education at Georgetown College


A Team of Champions


“ Knight Hall was a lot like the dorms I had seen in college movies; our doors were always propped open, and we were constantly popping in and out of each other’s rooms.” — Alex Lopez ‘07





The outbreak of Covid-19 has proven difficult for all, but, while the disease has proven devastating and incredibly worrying for all of us, it has shined a light on so many local heroes who continue to work hard in the fight against this disease. Health care workers, first responders, grocery store workers, and so many other essential employees have worked diligently to be a beacon of hope during tough times.

day work has taken on a completely new look. “Due to the strains on the supply of personal protective equipment, I’m currently only visiting patients who request a chaplain visit,” said Will. “During normal times, we try to visit each patient who is admitted to the hospital. Now, our hospital has become almost entirely dedicated to caring for patients infected with COVID-19. To make a visit to these patients, we

Will Runyon ’02 is one Georgetown College alumnus who has

have to wear protective gowns, head caps, goggles, and an N95

seen his work significantly affected by Covid-19. The Director

respirator, a surgical mask over that N95 so we can reuse it,

of Chaplain Services at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany, Ga.,

gloves, and shoe covers.”

Will has had to adjust to new protocols, while also guiding so many spiritually during difficult times. Of course, his day-to-

According to Will, these new protocols can make it difficult to accomplish one of his ultimate goals when visiting people,

which is to bring a non-anxious presence in the midst of tragedy. “Now, we’re entering the room under layers of barriers designed to protect both us and the patients,” he said. “But the symbolic meaning of all of these barriers affects the ways in which we connect with patients and provide comfort. I’ve said that the hardest part of this entire experience is the feeling of isolation that I feel, and especially my patients and their families feel and experience. It is true that these people are isolated due to this disease. They’re alone in their hospital rooms while their families, largely, are unable to visit. So chaplains step into this space to try to combat their physical, emotional, and spiritual isolation.” Will sees his current

OUTSTANDING OUTCOMES took over her care. She died peacefully about an hour and a half later.” While surrounded by loss and tragedy during these difficult times, Will has found hope. “I’ve been able to see God through the people I work with: the doctors, nurses, EVS, administrators, everyone at Phoebe has rallied around each other to provide support and encouragement, to cry together, and to celebrate the bright moments during the past month. Hope is where you see the helpers. I always remember the Fred Rogers quote, ‘Look for the helpers.’ And this truly has been an experience that we’ve never had before, and we still don’t know how or when this will end. But we’ve managed to build the #phoebefamily even stronger through this adversity.” During the difficult days, he has also found himself thinking back to his time at Georgetown College, specifically the beloved Doc Birdwhistell. He said, “Many of us who knew and were loved by Doc Birdwhistell have adopted the mantra ‘Shine On.’ This phrase has brought me so much comfort over the years since his death, and it continues today.”

responsibility as finding the best and safest ways to provide comfort and spiritual relief during incredibly difficult times. He has had to be creative and tech-savvy, utilizing numerous skills in order to help provide the best care possible. “My calling in this time, right now, is to not let anyone be alone. Especially near the end of life, we need connection, blessed to be able to help families be ‘near’ each other from across the country. “I was able to facilitate about 15 family members from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina meeting virtually and visiting with their grandmother before she died. She had made herself a DNR and was still able to talk and visit with her family before comfort measures and palliative care

times have taught us all some valuable lessons. These times have shined a bright light on just how many heroes we’re surrounded by each and every day. We want to offer a hearty “thank you” to all those essential workers who have given everything of themselves to ensure our health, safety, and comfort during incredibly trying days. We have seen kindness, courage, and perseverance beyond anything seen before from more GC alumni than can be named here. But to all of you who have cared for the sick, ensured we have food to eat, reached out with a socially-distanced act of kindness, we can only say “thank you.” You have inspired us. You have warmed our hearts. You have been a bright light shining in the darkness.


another human being to be near. I’m

While incredibly difficult, recent



Georgetown College has a rich history of exceptional

The Georgetown Female Seminary was the brainchild of

women walking through its doors and going on to lead

Professor J.E. Farnham. Professor Farnham actually first

successful and invigorating careers, women who live out

started the seminary in a local hotel, but soon erected a

the mission of the college by becoming servant-leaders in

building at the cost of $25,000 on South Hamilton Street in

their communities. The beginning of Georgetown College’s

Georgetown, not far from the main campus. That piece of

long history of welcoming women to study goes all the

land now stands as the home of Garth Elementary.

way back to 1845, when a seminary exclusively for women

The seminary was made up of classrooms and about forty

opened its doors. Whereas today “seminary” usually means preparation for a career in ministry, in the 1800s many “female seminaries” opened their doors, serving as private educational institutions designed exclusively for women.

dorm rooms, which housed female students from all across the South and Midwest. Students came from Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, as well as various counties in Kentucky.


Times have certainly changed since the seminary’s inception. During those early years, no calls from unmarried men were permitted unless they were relatives or accompanied with a letter of introduction approved by parents or guardians. Students were not allowed downtown unless on an approved trip organized by faculty, and on Sundays, all female students attended church service dressed in white Jac-O-Net sun bonnets trimmed with light blue ribbons. They were not permitted to wear jewelry to church. Lights came on in the seminary before sunrise, and lights went out at 9:30 PM on the dot. This first iteration of a female seminary unfortunately ended during the Civil War, when the building burned to the ground while the college was closed for the war. But the seminary would not be defeated even by this difficult circumstance. Legendary Georgetown College professor, J.J. Rucker, reformed the seminary in 1868. Seminary originally began in Rucker’s home on Jackson Street but eventually moved to a much larger building on South Hamilton Street. Enrollment would peak at 115 students, and, unfortunately for Rucker, a large portion of his time was spent stopping any flirting between men at the main campus and women at the seminary. The end of the Georgetown Female Seminary came in 1892 when, after years of exceptional leadership by Rucker, the seminary merged with main campus, making Georgetown College one of the first coeducational institutions in the South.


The reformed Georgetown Female



Shortly after Georgetown College became coeducational in

female seminary, graduates of Professor Rucker’s female

1892, a new organization formed at the college. The Woman’s

seminary, current students, graduates of the college after it

Association of Georgetown College, founded in 1897, set out

became coeducational, and friends of the college. The first

to encourage fellowship between women at the college and to

president of the association was Mrs. A.C. Davidson, wife of the

encourage female students to attend the college, supporting

president of the college at the time. Even in those early days,

them through their course of study.

when dues for membership were one dollar, the association

Now, as the association nears its 125th year of existence, its

provided vital scholarships and financial assistance to women

importance is even more apparent and its mission is clearer


at the college to ensure the best and brightest attended and

than ever. All these years later, the association still connects

flourished at Georgetown.

women of the college and still provides generous scholarship

“Since its inception, the WAGC has focused on encouraging

assistance to female students.

young women, especially in the area of academic achievement,”

A key reason why the association has survived and flourished for

said current WAGC president, Jeanne Evans ‘69. “This continues

so long is the connection formed between alumnae and friends

to be a big part of our mission today while we follow our motto of

of the college and the current female students. “The alumnae

‘not for ourselves but for others.’”

have a special bond with the current students and the students

Today, the association continues to provide financial assistance

sense this warmth,” said recently retired Chair of the WAGC

and also fosters and guides the next generation of association

Scholarship Committee, Winnie Bratcher. “Alumnae relive their

members. “The association celebrates female students and gives

own student days and the students anticipate the time when they

positive affirmation for success,” said Bratcher. “We focus on

will be established as alumnae. All members of the WAGC love

female leadership skills and use leadership skills as an essential

to interact with the students and, when we get together it is to

aspect in awarding the WAGC scholarship. We hope that our

celebrate the students, which makes it a special occasion for both

involvement with the students imprints on their minds their

students and members.”

specialness as they graduate and face their future, and we always

When the association was first formed, its membership

welcome them back to become members of the WAGC!”

consisted of five groups: graduates of Professor Farnham’s


Legacy and Legends is the opportunity of a lifetime. Announced

Seminary, a trailblazer for women who have gone on to study and

in December 2019 by Georgetown College, the full-tuition

excel at Georgetown College.

scholarship allows for students from four Kentucky counties, to attend one of the finest institutions in the Commonwealth with tuition fully covered.

Legacy and Legends was crafted with the college’s bicentennial in mind. The scholarship, which will extend until 2029 for these counties, anticipates Georgetown’s bicentennial in 2029. Upon the announcement of the scholarship, President Will Jones said,

These four counties were chosen for their historical importance

“Going to a great college transformed and saved my life by giving

to the college and for the connection of legends of the school.

me opportunities I never could have imagined or had otherwise.

Scott County has served as Georgetown College’s home for almost

We are thrilled to be able to offer those opportunities to more

200 years, the community and college working together to build

students so that they can experience the championship-level

a better future for its citizens. Owen County was home to Dr.

education of the heart and mind that we provide at Georgetown

Robert Mills, one of the longest serving and most influential


presidents in the college’s history. Casey County was home to Middleburg Academy, a deeply important institution that held a relationship with Georgetown College that allowed students to study at the college. And finally, Franklin County was home to Mary F. Craig, one of the first female students at Georgetown

Legacy and Legends is a transformative scholarship both for the students who will attend Georgetown College and for the college itself, ensuring the college continues to thrive and grow as we approach this special celebration of our bicentennial.


Scott County, Owen County, Casey County, and Franklin County



What’s in a Name: Georgetown College

so of the footage was of the first Kristin. She’s opening

Professor of English, Dr.

Christmas presents, blowing out candles on a cake,

Kristin Czarnecki, refers

riding a tricycle down the sidewalk, and, up until that

to her as the first Kristin,

point, I had only ever seen old photographs of her. Now,

both in her new book,

here she was moving around in technicolor, and that

titled The First Kristin: The

was incredibly moving and devastating.

Story of a Naming, and in conversation. The first Kristin, her parents’ first child, died when she was three years old, before Czarnecki or any of her other siblings were born. The first Kristin existed only in photographs, artifacts from what seemed like a different life altogether for her parents. Of course, Dr. Kristin Czarnecki would subsequently be named after the first Kristin. Her new book explores the act of naming, legacy, and this spectral sister.

Q: WHAT LED YOU TO START WRITING THE BOOK? A: It stems in part from a flash drive I got in the mail from GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 9

my brother a few years ago which contained 15 minutes of home movies that my parents had taken over 50 years before. My brother had found this old film in my parents’ basement when they were getting ready to move. They had never gotten it developed. My dad knew exactly what was on it, and he said, “you can take it, you can do whatever you want with it.” So he took it to a specialist in Chicago, who managed to transfer it to digital and salvaged 15 minutes of video. The first little bit was from a road trip my parents had taken. There’s no audio, but it’s in blazing technicolor from about 1958. And then that last eight minutes or

Another catalyst was a poem I read by Heid Erdrich. In one of her books of poetry, Cell Traffic, she has a poem titled, Microchimerism. Erdrich learned that the cells of our siblings circulate within us from miscarriages and stillborns. She learned that from a very bizarre medical case and wrote a beautiful poem about that fact. So receiving the video footage and reading the poem made me think about all this in a completely different way, so I just started writing. I thought it might be an essay, but it just kept growing and growing and growing.

Q: WAS THERE A POINT WHILE YOU WERE GROWING UP WHEN YOU HAD THE REALIZATION THAT SHARING YOUR NAME WITH THIS FIRST KRISTIN MIGHT BE A LITTLE ODD? A: Generally I became aware that this might be a little odd through other people’s reactions. My parents didn’t really talk about her all that much, but I was certainly always aware that I was named after her. To me it was normal, but when I would tell other people there would be a wide range of responses. Some people would say that’s so sad and some would say that’s very weird or creepy.

Q: WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS NOW THAT THE BOOK IS BEING RELEASED AND THE PUBLIC CAN READ IT? A: It still feels quite personal and private, so the fact that it’s out there is a little nerve-wracking. It’s like, “Here


are my guts on a platter. Enjoy!” But I am excited for people to read it and maybe find something in it that they can take in and enjoy. It’s a little nerve-wracking that it’s not mine anymore. The various friends and relatives who read it during the drafting process were so incredibly supportive and encouraging, but those are people who love me (laughs). Now, it’s going out to complete strangers, and who knows what people will think. It’s not up to me to decide. I do hope people find something interesting to take away from the book.

Q: ARE YOU WORKING ON ANYTHING NEW NOW THAT THE BOOK IS OUT? A: Well, when my father died in December of 2018 and my brother spent some time going through his stuff, he found a box of all the sympathy cards my I now have them. So I’m currently writing about that, and it’s leading me down all kinds of rabbit holes. I have loved reading and writing hybrid memoir, which weaves together the personal and the literary and the research, so I’m enjoying going in that direction.

The First Kristin: The Story of a Naming is out now via the Mint Hill Books label of Main Street Rag Publishing Company and can be purchased at


parents received when the first Kristin died, and




When the college was first forced to close the

the weekend of July 10-11, with Baccalaureate

campus to in-person classes in March, the cabinet

Service and Commencement taking place over the

also announced that the decision regarding


canceling Commencement would be delayed until April 29. By waiting as long as possible to make that decision, the hope was that the situation would improve sufficiently to allow this important milestone and ceremony to occur as planned on May 9. Unfortunately, it was impossible to hold Commencement on this date. Now, in keeping with social distancing and wellness guidelines outlined by the CDC, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Scott County, and City of Georgetown, Georgetown College is moving commencement festivities from the weekend of May 9, 2020 to

“We are offering a date that we hope will be the best possible for as many of you as possible,” President Jones told soon-to-be graduates. “You have achieved championship-level success during your time at Georgetown,” said President Jones. “I am confident you will do even greater things throughout the course of your life.” Georgetown College did virtually celebrate with graduates over what would have traditionally been the weekend of Commencement in a few different ways. Campus Minister, Bryan Langlands, filmed a

OUTSTANDING OUTCOMES virtual Baccalaureate

And may God bless you with enough foolishness

message to

To believe that you can make a difference in this world,

graduates, urging

So that you can do what others claim cannot be done,

them to use their

To bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.

talents, their


gifts, and what they’ve learned at Georgetown College to show the world God’s love and care.

Faculty, staff, and coaches also showed their love and appreciation for graduates with video tributes to the graduating class on what would have been the morning of Commencement. The way students finished what turned out to be a difficult and unprecedented semester showed

“So you want to be

unmatched perseverance and resilience, which was

a schoolteacher?

uplifting and inspiring to the entire campus community.

Great! What kind of a schoolteacher are you going to be? How can you teach in a way that demonstrates Christ’s great love for young people?” said Langlands. “So you want to be a doctor? What kind of a doctor are you going to be? How can you interact with patients and

Finally, in honor of the graduating class, Georgetown College embarked on a new tradition in 2020. On the evening of May 8th, what would have been the night of Baccalaureate, Giddings Hall was lit Orange for all to see, a tribute to the graduates. “By persevering through your time at Georgetown and especially through recent, amazingly-difficult circumstances, you have demonstrated grit, determination, resiliency, kindness, patience, and much goodness, said President Will Jones. “Please know that the Board of Trustees and the college’s administration, faculty, staff, coaches, and alumni are all very proud of you. You have shown us what it means to be Tiger Tough! And, you have shown what it means to be 2020 Tough!”

prescribe healing in

President Jones also announced this new tradition would

a way that witnesses

extend to other celebrations and triumphs. “We are making

to God’s great desire

this a new Georgetown College tradition in honor of you,

to mend everything

the Class of 2020. Going forward, we will light Giddings

in this universe

orange during every commencement weekend in honor of

that is hurting and

you and that year’s graduating students. We will also light


Giddings orange when we win a conference or national

Langlands closed Baccalaureate as he traditionally

championship.” Throughout the

Francis of Assisi.

weekend of May

“May God bless you with discomfort At easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, So that you may live deeply within your heart. May God bless you with anger At injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, So that you may work for justice, freedom and peace. May God bless you with tears To shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war, So that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain to joy.

on July 10 – 11 and


does with a benediction for graduates from St.

recognizing again


8 – 10, Giddings Hall was blazoned orange for all to see. Now, Georgetown College looks forward to celebrating with students in-person

their tremendous accomplishments.




OUTSTANDING OUTCOMES The spring semester at Georgetown College brought

mind to generations of students. This professorship will

enormous gifts – unprecedented blessings, really. In

help to enhance this transformational education and the

February, the college was incredibly proud to announce

outstanding outcomes future graduates will enjoy.”

a gift from the James A. and Martha R. Brown Charitable Foundation, Inc. of $1 million for renovations to the East Campus Conference Center and scholarships for three Kentucky counties: Robertson, Harrison, and Nicholas. The Browns were deeply connected with these three adjacent counties. James A. Brown’s connection to the area goes back to his discharge from the Air Force, after which he settled in Cynthiana, Ky., taking a job with Kawneer Company. Soon into his career, though, he discovered his entrepreneurial spirit and would spend the next 60 years, along with his wife, Martha, acquiring numerous businesses in the region.

The professorship will allow students to take courses in Baptist history and theology. It will strengthen the religion department by giving students even more options for further exploration of their interests through both the religious studies and the ministry studies tracks. In the course of its history, the college has been blessed by many gifts which have made an incredible impact on the lives of students, faculty, staff, coaches, alumni, and friends of the college. Many of those gifts still resonate today. In 1841, President Howard Malcom raised $30,000 to finish Recitation Hall (now Giddings Hall). Today, Giddings Hall stands as the most recognizable building on campus.

Martha, meanwhile, received the 1988 Citizen of the Year Award from the CynthianaHarrison County Chamber of Commerce. Following her death in 2006, James resolved to make a positive difference for future generations through the creation of the Foundation. It is especially fitting that the counties James and Martha had such positive influence in will now have the unique opportunity to


In 1958, Dr. Herbert


This history of vital

receive a Georgetown College education.


Harrison, and Nicholas County on campus,” said President these students will benefit from the championshiplevel education of the heart and mind that we offer at Georgetown College.” Less than two weeks later, the college then announced a second million dollar gift, made by an anonymous donor for the establishment of an Endowed Baptist Professorship. The new professorship links the college to its roots, while looking ahead to its bright future. Upon announcement of the gift, President Will Jones said, “This incredibly generous gift beautifully connects the college’s past, present, and future. Georgetown College has offered a championship-level education of the heart and

named Anderson Hall, which houses freshman men on campus today. In 1963, a gift of $650,000 by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cralle became the largest donation in the history of the school up until that point and led to what is now the Cralle Student Center.

gifts made to the college two gifts of $1 million

from this spring semester. But, in its recent history, the college has not seen two gifts in excess of $1 million made in the same year. These unprecedented gifts will truly help the college continue in its endeavors to provide a championship-level education of the heart and mind. “We’re so excited about the support of these generous donors, so grateful that they would invest in the lives of our students,” said President Will Jones. Indeed, these gifts will improve the lives of current students, as well as present new opportunities for future students. By improving campus, providing new scholarship opportunities, and offering new academic coursework, these gifts have been an enormous and unprecedented blessing to Georgetown College.


of Georgetown College, Will Jones. “I am confident

helped finish what is now

continued with the

“We are eager to have more students from Robertson,

Anderson made a gift that



FOUNDERS’ DAY BRIDGES PAST & FUTURE Founders’ Day is a special celebration each year, when students, faculty, staff, coaches, alumni, and friends come together to celebrate the founding of their beloved Georgetown College. Giants from the college’s history such as Rockwood Giddings, Howard Malcom, and so many others loom large in the memory on this day, as the college celebrates its past and eyes a bright future.

year. This year’s recipient, was Professor of Art, Daniel Graham. Professor Graham uses his boundless creativity

This Founders’ Day, celebrated on January 22nd, marked

to solve problems as a teacher and member of the college

President Will Jones’s first Founders’ Day as Georgetown

community. He designed, initiated, and maintains the

College president. In his remarks, he welcomed students

college’s Prototype Program, mentoring students and

for the spring semester and honored the commitment and

guiding their development as artists and students.

dedication of faculty, staff, and coaches in shaping young minds.

Founders’ Day also presents an opportunity to honor the impact several individuals have had on the college

The featured speaker, Ms. Maggie Mills ’69, spoke on the

by inducting them into the Georgetown College Hall of

rich history of the college, detailing the numerous times

Fame. This year’s inductees are Leroy “Buddy” ‘51 and Jean

key figures led the college out of adversity and into new

Flowers Albright ‘51, Dr. Betty Jean Lindle Chatham ‘47, Dr.

periods of prosperity and joy.

Gwen Cranfill Curry ‘54, and Bob and Betty Bell Lykins.

The Curry Award for Faculty Excellence, named Dr.

They will now forever be remembered and honored as

Gwen Curry and her husband Dr, Ralph Curry, was

members of the Georgetown College Hall of Fame.

also presented at Founders’ Day. The award honors the exemplary teaching and service of a faculty member each

Both Leroy “Buddy” Albright ‘51 and his wife, Jean Albright ’51 felt a call to ministry GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 15

at a young age, and, as providence would have it, they would both end up at Georgetown College in the late 1940s, where they would fall in love and eventually marry in 1950. After achieving their bachelor’s degrees at Georgetown College, they both attended Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, during which time Buddy pastored a church in northern Kentucky. After their time at Southern Seminary and a stint for Buddy as pastor in Claflin, Kansas, Buddy and Jean Albright would serve as missionaries to South Central Africa and Mexico for 45 years. During this time, they dedicated themselves to serving God. Together, they have three sons: Richard, Leroy, and Raymond, with Richard and Leroy attending GC like their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albright were the recipients of the Alumni Achievement Award in 1980 for their service. Jean Albright passed away in 2015, and Buddy Albright passed away in April 2020.


Dr. Betty Jean Lindle Chatham ‘47 can trace the beginnings of her successful music career back to GC. She earned her bachelor’s degree in piano performance and would then go on to achieve a master’s degree in music from the University of Louisville and honorary doctorate from GC in 2000. Her distinguished career in music began in 1953 at First Baptist Church in Shelbyville, where she conducted children’s youth choirs. She would later teach at Georgetown College and serve as artist-in-residence at GC. As a pianist, she performed across the United States and in 18 countries. She retired after 60 years as a pianist in 2012, having published more than 80 pieces and recorded several albums during her career. She and her husband, Dr. Donald Chatham ’48, have additional strong ties to Georgetown College, both serving as trustees at one time. Three of the Chatham’s children are also Georgetown graduates: Donn ‘71, Martha ‘79, and Sarahbeth ‘73.

Dr. Gwen Cranfill Curry ’54, daughter of a Georgetown College professor, earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Georgetown in 1954. She received her master’s degree from the University of Kentucky in 1980. Dr. Curry began her teaching career in 1962 and would later become a full professor and Chair of the English Department at Georgetown College. She and her husband, Dr. Ralph Curry, were instrumental in establishing the college’s academic partnership with Regent’s Park College of Oxford University. Dr. Curry received the Cawthorne Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1992 and the George Walker Redding Faculty Award for Christian Service in 2000. She was named Kentucky’s CASE Professor of the Year in 1993. The Curry Award for Faculty Excellence, recognizing exemplary teaching and service, was established in 2005 in honor of Gwen and Ralph Curry. Dr. Curry passed away on April 16, 2013.

important memories and relationships to GC. After all, the couple met while they were both attending Georgetown in the early 1960s and married soon after. Bob Lykins’ career after the couple left GC in 1962 would take the couple all over the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Bob would eventually retire as Kentucky Utility Company Regional Vice President in 1998. The Lykins have two daughters, who continue their legacy as proud Tigers. Both daughters, Lisa and Julie attended GC, and the next generation continued that legacy, with Julie’s son Max graduating in 2018, while her son Alex is a current GC student. Bob sums up their relationship to Georgetown College best, saying, “GC is always in our hearts, and we are loyal Tigers.”


Like so many before them, Bob and Betty Bell Lykins can trace their most



Each year at Georgetown College, Homecoming

administrators at Georgetown College. This new

serves as an opportunity for alumni to come

tradition, which was hugely successful in 2019,

together and join with current students in

continues in 2020.

celebration and show their pride to be a Tiger. GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020

For fall 2020, Homecoming will take place on the


with some of their most beloved professors and

weekend of September 25 – September 26.

This year’s Homecoming will also feature many events that have become beloved traditions each and every year including: Distinguished Alumni

At last year’s Homecoming, the college introduced

Brunch, Greek Brunches, Kids Zone, Music in the

Legacy Visit Day, a special type of campus visit

Quad, Golden Reunion Lunch, football tailgating,

that allows alumni to share what they love

and an alumni event at Country Boy.

about GC with their son or daughter. Students get just a glimpse at the family atmosphere on campus, while alumni get a chance to reconnect

We look forward to seeing all you loyal Tigers this fall as Georgetown College celebrates Homecoming.


We are excited to announce that you can now MAKE A GIFT TO GC ON YOUR VENMO APP! IT’S EASY AND QUICK. Just search for Georgetown College (@GCTigers) on Venmo. Make your annual gift to Georgetown College by JUNE 30. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!



As we say goodbye to another academic year, we say “see you soon” to several retiring staff and faculty. These distinguished men and women have dedicated themselves to Georgetown College and have made a profound impact on the lives of students and parents, as well as other staff and faculty. Although incredibly bittersweet, we wish them well in the next phase of their lives, congratulate them on their retirement, and welcome them to come visit any time!

Before becoming a full-time faculty member in August of 2007, Anita Jones served as an adjunct professor for Georgetown College for 14 years. Anita also served as chair of the college’s special education program and worked closely with teachers in the field guiding them to be skillful in teaching children with Learning Disabilities. She worked in all classrooms K-12, focusing on facilitating successful field placements for students. This vast experience as a teacher, principal, and school district administrator allowed her to flourish as a professor. Her students will take the important lessons learned from her as they become educators and administrators themselves. Her special connection with her students led to them reaching their fullest potential.

This year, Georgetown College athletics bid a fond farewell and a huge thank you to Randy GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 19

McGuire, head athletic trainer and adjunct faculty member during his 16-plus years on the job. “It is difficult to think of Randy not being here as our head athletic trainer,” said GC Director of Athletics, Brian Evans. “However, we wish him the best and know that we will all stay connected and see him around.” McGuire came in 2003 as Georgetown College had two full time athletic trainers. As he leaves, the department now boasts five full time employees. The department grew in sports as well over the past 17 years, adding lacrosse, acrobatics and tumbling, cheerleading competitively, outdoor and indoor track and field. He now works for Physio Fitness Associates, which is contracted to the PGA tour, helping to implement safety in athletic training for professional golfers. McGuire raised his three children – Travis, Matt and Emily – around the Tiger Nation family, and all three attended Georgetown College.


Dr. T. was a fantastic teacher educatorfor a host of reasons, but one key reason was how much time he spent in schools and in the field. A regular feature in the role of an assessor in science fairs across Kentucky, Dr. T also worked as a subistitute teacher in schools to stay connected to the field he loved so much. It allowed him to fully prepare the next generation of educators. He is held in the highest esteem by the Kentucky Gifted Association, where he was a leader for many years in many different functions. But potentially most important, Dr. T. was a very giving and encouraging mentor, who inspired his students to believe in themselves.

The one word that arises when thinking about Tiger Bands is “family.” It’s no accident, as the leader of that family, Dr. Pete LaRue, has built his program around this core idea. A beloved professor by all at Georgetown College, Dr. Pete has led Tiger Bands in his time at GC and helped shape so many young people along the way. Go to concerts by Tiger Bands or the annual KUG (Keep Us Grrr…ing) Dinner, and you’ll see generations of band members and students all supporting their former professor and friend. A true Georgetown College legend, Dr. Pete will be greatly missed in the classroom and at sporting events leading the band. Keep on Grrr…ing.

A marine veteran and avid world traveler (China, Japan, Vietnam, Morocco, etc.), Dr. Ellen Emerick completed her BA and MA at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and her PhD at the University of Kentucky. At Georgetown, she taught courses in British, Renaissance/Reformation, and Middle Eastern History, among many others. She was also heavily involved with the Oxford Honors and Foundations Programs, as well as the Kentucky Association of Teachers of History and other public school history associations and projects. Generations of students as well as her colleagues will sorely miss her presence on the second floor of Pawling Hall, where her office was a gathering place for students and faculty alike. Known especially for her unsurpassed dedication to helping her students learn to think for themselves, Ellen brought warm friendship, tireless energy, and occasional baked goods to work with her every day.

a dozen years is a “first-class instructor” according to those in her department. The accounting program at GC has turned out excellent students, who have gone on to successful careers in accounting and business thanks to her dedication. But she has also been one of those rare people who makes work more pleasant for those around her. In every situation she has been ready to smile or laugh, and she always seems to bring out the good humor in all around her. “We are grateful for all she has done here, we will miss her greatly,” said Dr. Tom Cooper, Chair of the Business Administration and Economics Department. “We all wish her the best in this next chapter of her life.”


Debbie Madden, who has served in the Business Administration and Economics Department for



The spring semester at GC brought the kickoff of the GC Journeys Lecture Series. The lecture series is

established artforms by artists display an irreverence amongst Spanish artists. Even going as far back as Diego Velazquez in the 17th century, artists from Spain have been

designed to enlighten and educate

pushing boundaries. Velazquez famously inserted himself

attendees about the first international

into one of his most famous royal paintings, “Las Meninas”,

destination of GC Journeys: Spain. Events in the

where he can be seen in the background painting the very

lecture series are free and open to the public.

work he was actually painting, a mind-bending breaking

So far, the GC Journeys Lecture Series has focused on the culture and art of Spain. Professor of

of the fourth wall before anyone had even considered the concept.

Spanish, Dr. Laura Hunt, and Visiting Assistant

Future GC Journeys Lecture Series dates are currently to

Professor of Spanish, Abraham Prades, spoke about

be determined. Dr. Sheila Klopfer will discuss Religion

Spanish culture, with a particular emphasis on the

in Spain, and Dr. Lindsey Apple will give a lecture on the

differences between American life and Spanish life.

History and Politics of Spain.

Originally from Madrid, Professor of Spanish,

“The launch of GC Journeys is so exciting! The lectures

Abraham Prades, said, “The people of Spain are

so far have been entertaining and educational!” said

incredibly easy-going, open-minded, and we love

Christy Mai, Executive Director of Strategic Advancement

our food.” Participants in GC Journeys can certainly

Initiatives. “I look forward to seeing more of our alumni

anticipate some unbelievable food as part of their trip.

and friends at future lectures, which promise to be just as

One huge difference between Spain and America Prades noted was how the people of Spain engage in


Modern examples of street art and manipulation of

wonderful as our past lectures. It is fun and rewarding to be a life-long learner through the study of Spain.”

their social life. “We love to meet family and friends

The first international trip, originally slated for October

at almost any place. In 2018 there were over 277,000

2020 has been canceled, but we look forward to seeing you

bars and restaurants in Spain, so that tells you

at future lectures in the GC Journeys Lecture Series.

people like not just to eat out but also to socialize

“Not only does GC Journeys offer people the opportunity to

when doing so. Our lunches and dinners can be 2, 3, or 4 hours long so that we can catch up with friends and talk almost about any topic you can imagine.”

learn about our world through the lectures and travel, but also to learn about the college, see its beautiful campus and to become a lifelong friend of Georgetown College,” said

The second lecture in the series featured Professor of

First Lady Amy Jones.

Art, Daniel Graham, discussing the expansive history

You can learn more about GC Journeys at

of excellence and experimentation in Spanish art. Professor Graham detailed how Spain’s artistic history and culture shows a people not afraid to ruffle a few feathers and think outside the box.


ABRAHAM PRADES’S HORCHATA RECIPE INGREDIENTS: • 250 grams of chufa seeds • 1 liter of cold water • 80 grams of powdered sugar 1. Soak the chufa seeds in water for 8 hours 2. Grind the chufa seeds and mix with the cold water 3. Strain the liquid using a coffee filter or strainer into a jar 4. Mix in the powdered sugar 5. Serve













For almost two hundred years, Georgetown College

Other members of the Board of Trustees: chair

has offered students a transformational education,

Dave Adkisson ‘73, Tucker Ballinger ‘94, David Knox

one focused on their future success but with an

‘64, and Mike Lukemire ‘80 were all elected to a

understanding that their future depends on more

second consecutive term. The following members

than facts and figures learned in the classroom.

continue in their service to the college: Bob Baker

This championship-level education of the heart

‘75, Greg Barr ‘86, John Blackburn, Norman Brown

and mind has been shaped, and continues to be

‘63, Sharon Clifton, Howard Ensor ‘91, Randy Fields

shaped, by its exceptional and all-volunteer Board

‘82, Horace Hambrick, B.I. Houston, Tim Jenkins

of Trustees.

‘83, Melanie Ladd ‘94, vice-chair Robert Mills ‘67,

The trustees bring a wide array of expertise

Michelle Pedigo ‘90, Bookie Wilson ‘81, and Guthrie

and leadership capabilities and faithfully serve

Zaring ‘87.

Georgetown College, helping steer the college

In addition, several trustees concluded their loyal

towards success.

service to the college this past year, including: Earl

Effective January 1, 2020 nine new trustees began

Goode ‘62, Bob Hieb ‘61, Guthrie True ‘81, and John

their tenure as members of the board. Granetta

Ward ‘88. We thank them for their hard work and

Blevins ‘80, Tracey Clark ‘94, John Cochenour ‘80,


Jane Cutter ‘71, Kenny Davis ‘71, Vickie Glisson ‘76,

These individuals display wisdom, leadership, and

David Lee ‘76, Missy Matthews ‘93, and Frank Penn

a deep affection for Georgetown College which

‘68 were all elected and have begun their tenure as

guides their loyal service. As these new members

loyal servants to the college.

have begun their terms, the Board of Trustees will continue to shape the college they love so dearly.


CONNECT WITH GC TODAY! Visit GC: | Apply today: Contact Admissions: 502-863-8009


Georgetown College admits students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age.



Mary Frances Knight Hall holds a special place in the hearts of so many alumnae and friends of Georgetown College. For decades, Knight Hall stood as the primary dormitory for freshman women on campus. Because of this, it’s the place where lifelong friendships were first formed, where those early and profound college memories took shape, and where many journeys as a Tiger truly began. Here, several women who lived, laughed, and grew in Knight Hall tell the story of how their time in Knight shaped them.


Kimberly Chandler ‘10: I remember

Amy Kremer Wininger ‘94: One

moving in early

of the first things

for cheerleading

that comes to mind

practices. It was so

when I think about

hot I often slept on

Knight Hall was

top of my comforter,

playing a game with

but I was SO excited

the painting of Mary

to be on campus

Frances Knight.

that I didn’t care.

The painting was

I absolutely loved

supposed to be stationed above the piano in the

the freshman experience in Knight Hall where I

lobby, and we would randomly place it outside

developed friendships with so many women I may

someone’s dorm room, and then they would place

not have gotten to know so well if not for living

it outside somebody else’s room. You never knew

there. I am still friends with so many 15 years later!

where it would wind up!

Alex Lopez ‘07:

Linda Nelson ‘84:

When I remember the

Living in Knight Hall

year I lived in Knight

you really got to know

Hall, I often think

all the freshman

about the warm and

girls and friendships

friendly atmosphere

started immediately,

in that dorm. To me,

and I am still friends

Knight Hall was a

with many of those

lot like the dorms I


had seen in college movies; our doors were always propped open, and we were constantly popping in and out of each other’s rooms. Because the physical structure of the building made it so easy to meet people and make friends, it was the had never lived away from home before. I lived on the first floor, and there was a really strong sense of community among the ladies on my hall. I still have a Knight Hall First Floor Christmas tree ornament that my RA made for all of us back in 2003!

and girls I lived with in Knight Hall are still my friends. We have been in each other’s weddings and watched each other have children. Knight Hall created those lifelong friendships.


perfect launching pad for freshman women who

Whitney Baxter ‘05: The roommates



Nancy Boatman ’02: Knight Hall was

Boatman: I love the fact that when I went to GC,

a very large dorm.

It was kind of a rite of passage. As much as we liked

It was fun getting to

to complain about no air conditioning and the

see so many girls and

fact that the building was old, it was fun all being

get to know girls that

together. It really helped form lasting friendships.

were similar to me

I know Knight Hall has to be renovated and has

as well as those with

already gone through some renovations, but I would

different interests.

love for freshman girls to continue to live in the

nearly ALL the freshman girls lived in Knight Hall.

dorm in the future. freshman girls again. It really was a special place to

a great group of friends

put all the freshmen.

that I made from living in Knight Hall. We became the “First Floor Family.” We would walk to the Caf together, stay up late studying, have wheelie chair races in the hall, and were there for each other through some truly tough times. While we moved to different dorms sophomore year, we still always had someone to study with for a class or sit with in the Caf. A few of them are still some of my closest friends 10 years later even as we’ve all lived in different states!

Chandler: One of my favorite times in Knight Hall was right after sorority recruitment and Chapel Day. Each new member had their door decorated by chapter members in sorority colors and mascots. It was so much fun to see which sorority everyone joined and how excited everyone was for GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 27

the sorority experience we had waited all year to experience.

Rowlett: I would love to see Knight Hall become a community for freshman women to be able to begin their life at Georgetown College again. From baking cookies in the full-sized kitchen to piling 15 women in one dorm room, I loved living in Knight Hall and missed the camaraderie when moving out. But, if you ask anyone who lived there, the in-room sinks have to stay!

Nelson: I wish it could be used as a dorm for

Jerrica Rowlett ‘13: I was lucky to have

Baxter: Knight Hall is a special place, and even though living without air conditioning was a rite of passage, I think rebuilding a freshman women’s dorm is what is needed. It’s important for that amount of women to live with one another to create those lifelong friendships.

Wininger: In the future, I hope that Knight Hall can house women at the college again. I had such a profound experience and had so many amazing resident directors during my time there. There were so many programs. We even had a Knight Hall Dance when I was there. I would love to see that return to the hall in the future.

Lopez: I would love to see Knight Hall re-open as a dorm for freshman women. Housing all of the freshman women in one dorm allowed us to meet each other and make friends more quickly and easily. The large hallways and rooms facing towards each other really created community in a way that South Campus dorms just can’t replicate. Even though lots of us complained about the lack of A/C in August, being hot for a few weeks was a small price to pay to live in a place that, in my memory, was always cheerful and full of life.


Georgetown College’s long history of brilliant women walking through its doors goes all the way back to 1845 with the opening of a female seminary exclusively for women (p. 5). Eventually, by 1892, Georgetown College would become fully coeducational, and the need for a women’s dormitory would arise. In 1895, Rucker Hall was completed and would house women at Georgetown College for decades to come. However, by the late 1950s, Rucker Hall was bursting at the seams, with every available room occupied by females attending the college. Calhoun Hall was even converted from a male to a female dormitory during this time. The solution was simple; a new dormitory designed for freshman women must be completed.


Taking design cues from the recently completed Anderson Hall, which still houses freshman men at the college, the Board of Trustees went about negotiating for the building of this new dormitory. It was decided that the new dormitory would be built just west of Memorial Drive on College Street.



The total cost of the building came out to about $350,000. Having already been completed, the building was finally given a name in 1959: Mary Frances Knight Hall. Named after the mother of L.B. Knight, a Greenville, Ky. businessman who made a significant contribution to the building, Knight Hall was designed so that other wings could easily be added to it as needed. L.B. Knight would also later contribute to the building of classrooms in John L. Hill Chapel. By 1959, Knight Hall was already in need of expansion, with an undergraduate enrollment of almost 1,400 students. With the construction and expansion of South Campus in the mid-1960s, Knight Hall would become home for freshman women at the college for decades to come.


Today, Knight Hall no longer houses freshman women at the college. Work will need to be done to the building in order for it to once again serve this purpose and to be a place where friendships first form, where wheelie races down the hall create lasting memories, where heartfelt conversations occur, and where a journey of a lifetime begins.





CONTINUING A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION AT GEORGETOWN COLLEGE Georgetown College provides a championship-level

from these secondary institutions, and three graduates

education of the mind and the heart, an education focused

of Christian Academy of Louisville shared their story of

on “heart” knowledge as well as “head” knowledge. After all,

coming to Georgetown College and how continuing in a

a heart once expanded can never contract. With a desire to

Christian environment has benefited them and shaped

link arms with secondary education institutions who share

who they’re becoming.

in that mission, Georgetown College has recently developed the Christian School Partner Scholarship. Partnering with Lexington Christian Academy, Christian Academy of Louisville, St. Xavier, Trinity High School, Danville Christian School, Heritage Christian School, and GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 31

Portland Christian School, the college seeks to offer its unique and profound educational experience to students who wish to continue their post-secondary education at an institution also committed to its Christian identity. The scholarship allows these students to attend Georgetown College at roughly the same cost of tuition that they pay during their senior year of high school, making GC’s championship-level education of the heart and mind that much more accessible. These Christian School partners also provide an exceptional education to high school students, who arrive at Georgetown College academically prepared for their next level of study. Several students currently attend GC




ASHBY: Both (CAL and Georgetown College) have

I am very blessed

small class sizes where the professor is able to

to have gotten the

actively be attentive towards their students, and

opportunity to attend

the overall small size of the school. Because of the

CAL because first I

small class sizes at Georgetown, it requires us, as

believe that it gave me

students, to be present and attentive, which allows

the place, the people,

there to be accountability. Georgetown is, to say the

and the resources

least, a very academically challenging college, but

to help build my

professors are always available and willing to help

relationship with

and answer questions.

Christ, and it has helped me succeed academically. The transition to Georgetown was challenging, but it gave me peace knowing I would continue to learn what I spent years learning and doing at CAL. I enjoy all the opportunities that Georgetown has given me to strengthen my faith with chapel services, Bible classes, and various organizations, especially FCA.

ISABELLA GRIFFEE ’22: I think the largest benefit of coming from CAL has been that I was given a great background for not only my education but also my faith. College is hard no matter where you go, but I feel that CAL prepared me educationally and spiritually for Georgetown.

HANNAH HOWES ’20: I feel like I am built for success more now that I curriculums at CAL and GC. I am used to hard work, and I know what I need to do to be successful because of schools that pushed me, such as CAL and GC. I know that no matter what grad school brings, I will be ready for whatever it throws at me.

challenging, but the great part about them is that I am being taught things that I want to learn about. Some of my hardest classes have been my favorites because I have learned things that will help me in my future career.

HOWES: I loved that GC had such a huge population of athletes because everyone I met I felt so connected with already since we had that in common. Rather than in high school where everyone was involved in sports more or less, it felt like a privilege to be a part of it at GC because it was highly honored and respected on campus. In high school, there’s always the pressure to get a college scholarship playing sports and academically. However, college is as high as one can go in sports and academics for many people, so it’s fun to just enjoy living life with my teammates and play the game.

GRIFFEE: To any student currently looking at colleges, go where you feel most at home. I know this sounds cheesy but that’s how I knew GC was the right place for me. I stepped onto the campus and immediately felt like it was where I belonged.

ASHBY: I remember when I was a junior in high school, and everyone in my class was going to attend UK, and I was the only one going to Georgetown. I had this fear that I wouldn’t know anyone and that I would be alone, but I have found that making that decision for myself gave me opportunities like soccer and FCA that I wouldn’t have been able to have at other schools.


came from such hard

GRIFFEE: The classes at Georgetown can be



athlete, when you believe in your team and your coach, you pour your heart and soul into that program day in and day out. I still feel that way about this program.” Cunningham’s track was a little different. She tells of leaving Georgetown, not thinking of coaching, especially on the collegiate level. The 1998 KHSAA doubles champion came to GC because of the academic strength. When a scholarship to play was added on, the decision was a nobrainer. She was a multiple all-conference honoree in singles and doubles, while helping Georgetown to its first and second NAIA National Tournament appearances as a team. “After graduating, I honestly never thought I would return to Georgetown other than potentially teaching as a professor,” Cunningham said. “I received my masters in math and It is no secret: Georgetown College athletics is extremely GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 33

lucky to have first recruited and signed Jessica (Virgin)

doctorate in educational policy studies and evaluation. I worked in North Carolina as a tenure track professor.

Cunningham ‘02 – women’s tennis – and Leah (Crews)

“However, my heart was in Kentucky as my husband,

Castleman ‘05 – women’s soccer. But to have them

Michael, still worked in Lexington and my family lived

back coaching their respective teams is an even bigger

in Kentucky. When I found out the job was open and the


program was in distress, Michael (who is also an alum and

“It was kind of a whim, grad school was about to end, and I didn’t know what I was going to do next. All the pieces fell into place like it was meant to be,” Castleman said. “I had

former GC tennis standout) and I decided it was an avenue to give back to the college and sport that had done so much for us.”

known since probably middle school that I wanted to teach

Each program had its own struggles before the alums took

and coach.

over. Castleman returned in 2008, while Cunningham

“It was a dream come true to be back at my alma mater. I was surprised when I was offered the position, and I’m still very grateful to the people who believed in me. As an

was back in Georgetown in 2011. Now, as they guide the women’s soccer team and tennis teams, both women have taken GC to new highs with national rankings, All-


American recognitions, national tournament appearances and respect throughout the country. The on court and field success is part of what makes the job enjoyable, but the real satisfaction for both women is knowing that the school and teams that helped form them is continuing to mold amazing and strong female leaders. “The success we have had can’t be attributed to any one person, team or season. Each builds on the next, and it’s a continuous work in progress,” Castleman said. “The bigger picture still applies, as well, when you talk about success. Are the players leaving this program successful people of high character? Can we have success on the field and in the classroom while behaving with integrity and serving others and the community? What kind of people is GC women’s soccer sending out into the world? GC did so much for me. I just hope we can continue to do that for future young women who go through our program.” Castleman’s teams have time and again set the bar high and NAIA. Over the past three seasons, 70 percent of eligible women’s soccer players have received academic recognitions. In her entire tenure, GC women’s soccer has boasted six recipients of the MSC Champion of Character award as voted upon by the league athletic directors based on community service, academic success, and athletic prowess. Since 2016, Georgetown has received this honor three straight years. Women’s tennis, while smaller in numbers compared to soccer, has again set the bar high with nearly 80 percent of their student-athletes earning the conference academic honor over the past three seasons and nearly 60

honors. Two student-athletes have also received the MSC Champion of Character award under Cunningham’s leadership. “As an athlete, you focus on the personal and team goals on the court while trying to balance your responsibilities in the classroom. However, it is hands down more rewarding as a coach,” Cunningham said. “There is nothing that compares to not only helping student-athletes achieve their athletic goals as a team, but to be a part of them finding their way to life after Georgetown. I cherish being a part of their lives in the chapters after college just as much as the time on the court.”


for academic success in the Mid-South Conference

percent receiving both conference and national academic



Even though the season ended in a way no one could have predicted, the 2019-20 Georgetown College men’s basketball team is one of the best in Tiger history, and the core senior trio is one of the best classes in the history of the program. We should start with the present and work back. This year’s team won 22 straight games – defeating seven teams ranked or receiving votes including No. 4 University of Pikeville (73-60) and No. 15 Vanguard (88-73). The Tigers were the consensus No. 1 from the start of the season through Feb. 5 – five coaches’ polls. They were number one in six of the seven polls this season, slipping to second just once, and bouncing right back for the top spot in the final poll. This earned the defending national champions the overall number one seed for the second straight season. Brackets were announced and not 24 hours later the tournament cancelled. However, the Tigers were on a five-game winning streak having just cut down the Mid-South Conference championship nets for the second straight season. While the NAIA will not name a champion for a tournament not played, this year counts in the overall consecutive years in the tournament – now up to 29 – and appearances in the tournament goes to 39. Both of those are top in the NAIA. Now, it’s time to look at three seniors who will leave as one of the greatest Tiger trios. Chris Coffey, Eljay Cowherd and Jacob Conway – all Kentucky natives and true freshmen signees in 2015. The Tigers are 146-25 since these three donned the Orange & Black. Coffey and Cowherd were 2019 NAIA All-Americans and all-tournament team members, while Coffey was tournament MVP. They helped Georgetown to 32 straight victories from Feb. 14, 2019 to Feb. 6, 2020. Over five seasons, GC was 91-8 at home a 92 percent winning percentage. The Tigers won three MSC regular season titles and three tournament titles. The team swept the past two seasons to become the first men’s team


to do that since Georgetown did it in 2006-07 and 2007-08. In the rankings, this team with these three were ranked No. 1 11 times, No. 2 13 times and inside the Top 5 a total of 32 times. They were 11-2 at the MSC tournament with three finals appearances and three finals championships. At the national tournament, the Tigers are 12-3 with two finishes in the national title game. Now the individual marks each left. Coffey finishes with 1,579 points (19th all-time) and 1,274 rebounds (3rd). Only other Tiger to do 1,500-plus points and 1,200-plus rebounds: Dwaine Bruce, 1963-67. Bruce finished with 2,104 points and 1,246 rebounds. Coffey also finishes third in all-time blocks with 137. Cowherd finishes with 673 assists, a new school record, along with 1,344 points (33rd). He also finished with 173 steals, which is eighth all-time at the college. Conway also graduates as a member of the 1,000 points club. The sharp-shooter who hit 150 threes in his career finished with 1,121 points (tied at 44th). He also grabbed 455 rebounds, had 98 assists and 82 steals. All three were MSC all-conference honorees, while Coffey earned 2020 MSC Player of the Year honors and was named NAIA National Player of the Year. Cowherd was 2019 MSC Defensive Player of the Year. It is difficult to imagine it is over for 2020 without the playoffs and the championship that we all feel we were going to win, but the high of what this team and these three amazing athletes accomplished will not soon diminish or be forgotten. A banner year indeed.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. 1962 1956 1965 1974


Ms. Sue G. Penn 5/4/20 | Bowling Green, KY

Mrs. Loretta McMahan 2/15/20 | Nashville, IN

Mrs. Marcia Marie Estes 12/14/19 | Denton, TX

Mr. William Anthony Beams 1/25/20 | Wilmore, KY

Mrs. Nancy Helen Hines 4/27/20 | Richmond, VA

Mrs. Lou Emma Taylor Adkisson 5/23/20 | Owensboro, KY

Mr. James Walter Shepherd Jr. 4/5/20 | Georgetown, KY

Rev. Wallace Emery Miller 4/9/20 | Batesville, IN

Mrs. Cassandra Louise Gleason 1/28/20 | Sidney, OH

Mr. Coleman D. Covington 5/9/20 | Crestwood, KY

Dr. Robert Lee Doty 1/8/20 | Campbellsville, KY

Mr. James H. Armstrong Jr. 2/15/20 | Luling, LA



Mrs. Ginny P. Brown 3/6/20 | Franklin, TN

Mrs. Betty Ann Wise 3/30/20 | Georgetown, KY

Mr. Robert S. Cohen 4/8/20 | Lexington, KY

Lt. Col. V. P. Ridings Jr. 3/22/20 | Frankfort, KY




Mr. Rodger Marshall Lively 11/15/19 | Bradenton, FL

Mr. John Coleman McMillen 4/3/2020 | Ludlow, KY

Mr. Orland Hoskins 3/12/20 | Punta Gorda, FL

Mrs. Lillian Martin 12/25/19 | New Liberty, KY


Mrs. Sheila Jane Moore 1/31/20 | Carmel, IN



Dr. Charles C. Smith Jr. 3/8/20 | Louisville, KY Mr. LeRoy Albright Jr. 4/9/20 | Louisville, KY Mr. John Robert Barlow 4/19/20 | Georgetown, KY


Mrs. Bette Lou Porter Hanberry 5/6/20 | Bowling Green, KY


Ms. Peggy Irene Dunn 1/20/20 | Cynthiana, KY


Mr. Robert Steely Terrell 11/18/19 | Corbin, KY Rev. Jesse Eugene Bourne 2/1/20 | Owenton, KY Mrs. Doris Jean Depp 4/28/20 | Louisville, KY

Mr. Charles James McCormick 2/17/20 | Lexington, KY

Mrs. Martha Farris 12/21/19 | Nicholasville, KY Mrs. Ann Moore Sanderson 2/22/20 | Lexington, KY Mr. Walter Houston Sanderson 8/27/19 | Lexington, KY

Mr. Dwaine Edwin Bruce 5/17/20 | Dayton, OH


Mrs. Janice C. Bevins 5/1/20 | New Castle, CO


Mrs. Elnora Laverne Waldrop 4/26/20 | Mayfield, KY


Mrs. Kathryn Ann Welton 11/23/19 | Louisville, KY



Mrs. Estelle Ann Bayer Richmond | Richmond , KY


Mr. John Richard Gibbs 3/17/20 | Louisville, KY


Mrs. Sharon L. Austin Former, Retired Staff 2/7/20 | Olive Bridge, NY

Mr. Eugene Clark Burford 12/19/19 | Versailles, KY


Judge Gregory T. Hughes 4/13/20 | Covington, KY

Mr. John Sidney Maddox 4/16/20 | Granada Hills, CA

Jim Shepherd ‘56 Jim Shepherd ‘56 would go on to receive his Juris Doctorate GC MAGAZINE | SPRING 2020 37

Mr. Lee Bert Hawkins 12/21/19 | Georgetown, KY

Mrs. Sandra Faye Miller 5/14/20 | Columbus, OH

from the University of Kentucky after receiving his Bachelor’s Degree from Georgetown College and practiced law for 45 years

Mr. Damon Greene Alumni of Graduate School 4/6/20 | Versailles, KY

in Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio throughout the 1970s. As an ardent student of Kentucky history, Jim Shepherd served as President of the Kentucky Historical Society (KHS) from 1998-2000 and was a member of the KHS Abraham Lincoln Society. He was also served on the Georgetown College Board of

while also serving as County

Trustees from 2007-2015.

Attorney for Carrol County as

He passed away on April 5, 2020. In addition to

well as Assistant Commonwealth

his wife of 61 years, he is survived by his children,


Malinda Asbury Shepherd, Georgetown, KY and

He was also among a group of

James “Josh” Shepherd, III and his wife Pam

pioneers and entrepreneurs at the dawn of the satellite cable television industry. In the late 1960s, he and fellow investors founded Ohio Valley Cablevision (OVC) that served communities

Shepherd, Carlisle, KY; grandson, John Shepherd Presson and his wife, Emily Presson, Lexington; brother, Jack W. Shepherd, DDS, Georgetown, KY, and his wife, Linda Shepherd.

Bert Hawkins:

A Life Committed to Georgetown College Georgetown College has a unique and special family feel to it from academics through athletics. However, as with any family, there are also times to come together in sadness, grieving a loss, and Georgetown College athletics was deeply saddened this year to lose Bert Hawkins ’67. Hawkins, husband to fellow GC alumna and former volleyball and softball coach Donna Hawkins, passed away Dec. 21, 2019. Services were held Jan. 5, 2020 During his numerous years of employment at the College, he was instrumental in expanding the institution. The former Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Life graduated in 1967, and his imprint will forever remain. One of his notable accomplishments was establishing the Athletic Hall of Fame by developing and implementing the original by-laws and shepherding them through the Board of Trustees. He was also instrumental in the Bob Davis roast that funded the inaugural induction in 1998. He was twice an assistant football coach while Vice President for Student Life. His duties included oversight of the athletic department and was a strong advocate for athletics as a member of Executive Cabinet. He was responsible for hiring Bill Cronin, Happy Osborne, Kevin and Mary Donley, Stephen Bisese, as well as others who

have made great contributions to GC. During his time as vice president, Georgetown won two national titles, women’s basketball and volleyball made their first national tournament appearances, baseball and softball went to the playoffs, cross country was re-established, and men’s and women’s soccer were made intercollegiate sports. “Bert loved Georgetown College and served the college in several capacities. In every role, his main focus and passion was to see our students succeed. He supported them in and out of the classroom,” said former administrative assistant to dean of students, Charlene Lucas. “He was a person with great leadership ability as evidenced by his drive to establish several honorary and leadership programs here – the Harper Gatton Leadership Program, the Union of Black Leaders, the new by-laws and organizing of SGA, the college wide honor code, as well as helping charter Omicron Delta Kappa. He was even inducted as a charter member of ODK in April of 1996. His role on campus was far reaching and his support for the students was constant.” His accomplishments reach beyond Georgetown. He was a founding member of the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council and an instructor in law enforcement at Eastern Kentucky University. He served as Commissioner of Public Safety for Oak Ridge, Tenn. and Lexington, Ky. where he revised its ambulance service to full EMS status within the fire department and decreased the crime rate to a still unmatched level. After leaving Georgetown, Bert served as Executive Director of the Lexington Humane Society, raising $3 million dollars to build the new state-of-the-art animal shelter and renovated the L. Bert Hawkins Administrative Building. Bert and Donna’s children, Travis ‘93 and Kellie ‘95, are also Georgetown alumni.

While attending Georgetown College, Robert Simpson Cohen played basketball, was a member of the Kappa Alpha Order, was president of the student government association, and even served on the Executive Council of the Baptist Student Union. Bob served as president of the Alumni Association from

1967-1969. He also served as a member of the Board of Trustees for the college and as a member of the Alumni Advisory Board. In 2017 Bob and his wife Zane were inducted into the Georgetown Hall of Fame. Bob passed away on April 8, 2020. In addition to his loving wife of 62 years, he is survived by daughters Denise (Chris) Pastina and Kay (Pat) Limbach, and grandchildren Alexandra Pastina, Luke Pastina (Emily), Taylor Limbach and Riley Limbach.


Bob Cohen ‘54



400 East College St. Georgetown KY 40324


In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many alumni, friends of the college, and other community members are worried about the hardships facing students right now and have asked for opportunities to assist. COVID-19’s devastating effect on the economy means more students and their families will struggle to cover the cost of attending GC in the fall. For many, direct aid scholarships may be the

deciding factor in returning to campus or enrolling for their first semester as a college freshman.

With our fiscal year ending soon, supporting the college is now more important than ever. Friendships. Mentors. Moments of personal growth. The college experience doesn’t last long, but it accounts for an extraordinary


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Send your check, payable by mail to: Georgetown College 400 E College St. Georgetown, KY 40324

amount of lifelong memories. Please help us keep the Georgetown experience unforgettable by making your gift by June 30. Your gift makes a difference in students’ lives every day. Will you make a gift today?


Make a gift by calling the Development office at (502) 863-8041


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