December 2012 Dairy Horizons

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roduce cows that calve easily, live longer and breed back - this is a common demand placed on service sires today. Along with that, focus remains steadfast on traits that pay the bills like production. Considering his genetic emphasis on these traits, 1HO09167 Co-op O-STYLE Oman Just-ET *TV has earned a place in many breeding programs over the past four years.

Today, O-STYLE has maintained a breed-leading proof while adding over 1,000 new milking daughters to his genetic evaluation. His evaluations were noted by Paul Haskins of the Genex dairy genetics staff as: very stable with virtually no change to his yield, fitness or conformation traits. That says a lot when his numbers look like this: USDA PTA 12/2012 Net Merit +$708 99% ile Cheese Merit +$703 93%Rel Fluid Merit +$711 Daughters Herds 570 2463 Milk +1862 99%Rel Fat +39 -0.10% Protein +49 -0.03% +6.1 Prod. Life SCS +2.71 HA-USA PTA 12/2012 +1.42 93%Rel Type +1.28 Udder Comp. +2.37 Feet & Legs Comp. +2207 TPISM 6% 99%Rel Sire Calving Ease 5% 93%Rel Dau. Calving Ease 6.5% 94%Rel Sire Stillbirth 4.4% 88%Rel Dau. Stillbirth FERTILITY USDA, CRI 12/2012 +0.3 99%Rel Sire Fertility (SCR) +2.2 93%Rel Dau. Pregnancy Rate -1.0 97%Rel SynchSmart™

His high genetic evaluations for individual traits of economic importance have appropriately triggered high index evaluations. For each of the past six dairy sire summaries, O-STYLE has consistently secured his position in the top 10 for Lifetime Net Merit (LNM) and TPISM. This December he ranks #4 for LNM and #5 for TPI. A good portion of O-STYLE’s genetic ability can be credited to his dam, a prolific GENESIS Cooperative Herd donor. O-STYLE is among 75 offspring of Kings-Ransom TM Deva CRI-ET, VG-88, VG-MS, DOM, a cow that recently retired at 8 years and 9 months of age and 7.5 years of embryo work, having produced 259 embryos from 24 different matings. ©2012 CRI

J Daughters of 1HO09167 O-STYLE pictured at United Pride Dairy, LLC, a GENESIS Cooperator Herd in Phillips, Wis.

Deva was known for her ability to transmit the magic combination of high yield and improved Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR). Likewise, O-STYLE’s rare combination of +1862 PTA Milk and +2.2 DPR is most impressive. As Haskins puts it, “Some bulls transmit a lot of milk and some bulls transmit high fertility, but it is hard to find one bull that does both at such a high level.” While O-STYLE’s genetic evaluations draw attention, it’s the performance of his daughters that truly shows his success as a service sire. John Vosters, Partner and Vice President of Milk Source, is milking more than 100 first lactation O-STYLE daughters between Tidy View Dairy in Kaukauna, Wis.; Omro Dairy in Omro, Wis.; and Rosendale Dairy in Pickett, Wis. This fall, he took time to walk some pens and visually inspect the daughters. “They followed a consistent pattern,” notes Vosters. “They had udder trait and body size uniformity. And, they did not have overly big frames, which I value because I think cows in general have gotten bigger and more inefficient.” Production-wise, the O-STYLE daughters at the Milk Source dairies were outperforming their herdmates in milk output and nearly matching herd averages for component percentages. Kurt Wierda, General Manager of Plymouth Dairy in Le Mars, Iowa, has about 70 first lactation O-STYLE daughters. “They are solid cattle. They are put together well with nice udders and nice legs, both front and rear.” In similar fashion to Vosters’ comments, Wierda notes the consistency of the O-STYLE offspring. “The group of O-STYLE daughters is really good all the way through. They have uniformity.” He goes on to share, “These cows are in the top percentage of the herd for what they look like, for production and for components.” “Over the past six years, I’ve put my bull selection emphasis on production and positive DPR and chosen to use bulls like O-STYLE,“ explains Wierda. ”Components, milk, herd health and reproductive performance have really come along. Among other things, I attribute the success to quality feed, good employees and good genetics.”  HORI Z ONS


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