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Translating poetry is like killing music, but helps to share it.

CATALÀ catalan is a language. A language spoken by catalan people -and othersin the region of Catalunya -and others-. original title: il·lumina’T

edition february 2014 Скопје, Македонија

de llum il·luminar-te per destapar-te. Hi ha espurnes que t’il·luminen la vida.

A les muses que captive. i a la llibertat que m’il·lumina.

light illuminates you for discover yourself. There's lights that make your life shine.

To the muses that captivate me. and to freedom that lights me.

LLUM La llum no et troba, la busques tu, i com més lluites per ella, més t’il·lumina.

La vida, com sempre, ens va perseguint. El temps insistint, i el cap, com en un forat, sempre atrapat atabalat sense més en un gris moment que esdevingué etern.

LIGHT Light doesn't find you, you look for it, and as much as you fight for it, more it lights you.

Life, like always, it's following us. Time insisting, and the head, like in a hole, always trapped busy without reason in a grey moment that becames eternal.

desplomar-se S’escola entre els meus dits, no té temps per perdre diu, ansieja alçar el vol i descobrir noves fronteres. Allargo l’instant en que es desplaça per la meva pell. Reté l’instint que em desploma el sentit i l’anhel. Regira el meu colze relliscant darrera el braç fins al palmell de la mà. Acaba el camí al final dels meus dits i d’aquí a l’infinit. Per sempre més perduda en horitzons desproveïts, la poesia.

falling It goes through my fingers, it doesn't have time to lose it says, hopes to start the flight and discover new borders. I make longer the instant in which it moves for my skin. It holds the instinct that makes me fall the sense and the desire. Turns my elbow sliding behind the arm until the palm. Finishes the way in the end of my fingers and from here to the infinite. Forever lost in lacking horizons, the poetry.

reclam de poeta Plors discrets inquieten les pestanyes. Entranyes regirades que no gosen fer el mínim soroll. Urpes d’espases s’aferren, amb forces sense deixar-se caure. S’estanquen. Cristalls que cauen, trenquen murs. Fortaleses derrotades sota ombres que no desitjà. S’esberlen llàgrimes no vessades. Aturades en les trampes preparades. Somnis que es trenquen en la bogeria. Abandonar tot el que et pertanyia.

reclaim of poet Discrete tears concern tabs. Scrambled insides do not dare the minnimum noise. Clutches of swords hold, strongly without letting themselves fall. They stagnate. Crystals falling, break walls. Defeated strengths underneath unwanted shadows. Shattering tears not shed. Stopped on the prepared traps. Broken dreams in the madness. Abandon all that belonged to you.

Oblidar per uns instants el que volies. Deixar d’anhelar el que perseguies. Trampes mal parades. Recorren enrere els salts aconseguits. Cauen a terra, murs que s’enfonsen. Deixa’m anar, lluny. Explota. Allunya’t de mi, abandona’m. Que jo no et trobaré a faltar.

Forget for some instants what you wanted. Stop wishing what you followed. Badly traps. Run backwards the jumps made. Fall to the floor, walls that break down. Let me go, far. Explote. Go away from me, abandon me. That I will not miss you.

Abstracta, com la vida mateixa incomptables vegades. Abstracta, com el temps quan s’esmuny entre els dits. Com les estranyes situacions en què sents que res controles. Com la pluja i el vent. Com el brillar d’uns ulls que no abandonaries. Abstracta, com els dies en que sents les presses córrer més que les ganes.

Abstract, as life itself uncountable times. Abstract, like time when it goes through fingers. As the strange situations when you feel that you control nothing. As the rain and the wind. As the shine of the eyes that you would not abandon. Abstract, as the days in which you feel the hurries going faster than desires.

Polsims Sempre transcorren aquells moments d’incertesa confosa que ens aturen els peus. Deturen les nostres mans intentant fer-nos dubtar. Però som més forts que aquests instants, hem de ser-ho. Sento com regalima el teu plor per les entranyes. No el permetis créixer, no li posis fàcil; lluita-hi! No deixis enfonsar-te, domina el teu propi món. Cada dia, a totes bandes, polsims de pluja van caient, pluja de somnis, somnis desfets. Tu pots fer que els teus no s’aturin, que puguin seguir dansant. Sols has de creure en les passions, en les veritats i ocasions.

Tiny dust Always there're those moments of confused uncertainty that stop our feet. Stop our hands trying to make us doubt. But we're stronger than these instants, we must be. I feel your crying flowing for the entrails. Don't allow it to grow, don't make it easy; fight! Don't let yourself sink, take the power of your own world. Everyday, everywhere, tiny dust of rain is falling, rain of dreams, undone dreams. You can make yours not to stop, make them able to keep dancing. You just have to believe in passions, in trues and occasions.

Una oportunitat perduda és una alegria que trista muda. No la deixis fugir, captura-la! Polsims, polsims de pluja van caient; cada dia, a totes bandes. Pots també observar els teus. N’ets la guia, tu, només tu, aconseguiràs que plorin, riguin o somiïn. Polsims, polsims de pluja van caient; observa’ls, guarda’ls o espanta’ls, tan sols tu saps el que vols. Cada dia, sense pauses ressegueix aquell somriure que s’esmuny sota les ales. Cada dia, a totes bandes, crea els teus propis polsims. Dissenya’ls al teu ritme, sols així seran ben teus i tu en seràs la brúixola.

A lost opportunity is a joy which sad goes. Don't let it go away, take it! Tiny dust, tiny dust of rain is falling; everyday, everywhere. You can also observe yours. You're its guide, you, only you, will get it cry, laugh or dream. Tiny dust, tiny dust of rain is falling; observe it, keep it or make it go, only you know what do you want. Everyday, without stopping follow that smile which is hiding under the wings. Everyday, everywhere, create your own tiny dust. Design it at your rythm, just like this it will be really yours and you'll be the compass.

Retenir-te Erotisme, m’embogeixes. D’obsessió em persegueixes. Fruit d’una ànima muda atrapada en el silenci dels posseïts incontenibles. Passió o bogeria? Quan em despulles la timidesa fent-me estremir de descontrol. Sensual dansa cavalques. Amunt i avall sense pauses. Viatges d’anada sense bitllet de tornada. Seducció inevitable m’entortolliga les cames. Unida a tu mentre m’eleves.

Retain you Erotism, you drive me crazy. Of obsession you chase me. Result of a dumb soul trapped in the silence of uncontrollable possessed. Passion or madness? When you strip me the shyness making me shudder lack of control. Sensual dance you ride. Up and down without pause. Outgoing trips without return ticket. Inevitable seduction ties my legs. Join together while you raise me.

Tendresa, amor o estimació? Bogeria. Bogeria incandescent. Cremant tota espurna que emets per seduir-me. Estranya seducció. Afamada per tenir-me. L’admiro amb passió, i la segueixo només per posseir-te. Deixa’m tastar-te. Pels teus llavis, contorns, carícies assaborir-te. Descobrir, més enllà de les paraules. I retenir-te.

Tenderness, love or esteem? Madness. Incandescent madness. Burning every spark that you emit to seduce me. Strange seduction. Starving for having me. I admire it with passion, and follow it just to possess you. Let me taste you. Through your lips, contours, caresses to savour you. Discover, farther than words. And retain you.

inexplorable Impenetrable, com la sang dels meus palmells. Intocable, com les flames del meu sexe. Impalpable com la llum que els teus ulls irradien. Ets com un somni que mai s’acaba i mai em deixa tornar a començar. Com la música que m’escolto i sempre em fa pertorbar. Com un somriure maliciós que em mostra les dents però mai m’hi deixa penetrar. Ets com un dolç petó que mai podré tastar.

unexploreable Unpenetrable, as the blood of my palms. Untouchable, as the flames of my sex. Unpalpable as the light that your eyes irradiate. You're like a dream that never ends and never let me begin again. As the music which I listen and always perturbs me. As a malicious smile which shows me the teeth but never let me get in. You're like a sweet kiss that I will never be able to taste.

Com la gota que llisca els llavis sense poder-se arrelar. Impenetrable, com la llum del dia que es manté present però sempre distant. Inevitable, com els pessics de fruita que sempre voldria assaborir entre els meus llavis. Indescriptible com el vol rasant d’un àngel. I incapaç de descriure com un mot indefinible. Com la llum que dóna cobri als meus dies i els somnis que s’escolen esmunyint-se sota l’ala d’un ocell mal ferit. Ets pols en l’aire i aire en els meus ulls.

Like the drop that slides the lips without being able to settle. Unpenetrable, as the daylight that keeps present but always distant. Inevitable, as pinching fruit I would always relish between my lips. Indescribable as the low-level flight of an angel. And unable to describe as an indefinable word. Like the light that gives refuge to my days and the dreams which drain hiding under the wing of a badly injured bird. You're dust in the air and air in my eyes.

Ocell dansaire entre les puntes dels meus dits. Trencall que s’obre i es tanca i sempre em fa dubtar-ne. Tecla d’un piano indecís que sumís es belluga cercant un camí. Corda silenciosa d’un melodiós violí que vibrant fa embogir dolces notes presoneres del seu destí. Ets corredora sense frontera, ni paratge, ni un fi. i jo? Perseguidora inevitable de cada gest i cada pas que el teu cos m’encomana i el teu cap em fa sentir.

“Que le voy a hacer, si yo en mi corazón no mando”. Taima Tesao - Abrázame

Dancing bird between the tips of my fingers. Crossing which opens and closes and always makes me doubt it. Key of an indecisive piano which submissive shakes looking for a way. Silent string of a melodious violin that vibrating drives crazy sweet notes prisoners of their destiny. You're runner without border, nor place, nor an end. and me? Inevitable pursuer of each gesture and each step that your body transmits me and your head makes me feel.

"What should I do, if I don't govern in my heart". Taima Tesao - (Hug me)

de vegades… Se m’alteren les pulsacions quan t’observo observar-me. Es remouen els somnis quan el somriure pels ulls t’irradia. Se’m trenquen els esquemes en veure’t les dolces entranyes. Ets plena de petits detalls que fan de tu màgic encanteri. Moments de paràlisi pateixen els teus sentits quan tot l’entorn sembla fondre’s en un incís. Despertes com fada en un conte adormit amb la innocència radiant de l’esperit més infant. Em desconcerten els teus silencis interns, al mateix temps que m’obsessionen. Tens la clau dels somriures més tímids, el desig de volar a les mans i el dansar de les ales a la sang. Bategar amb tu voldrien, molts cops, els meus passos, però les fronteres limitacions esborren els passadissos que de paradís en paradís ens durien.

sometimes‌ My beats get upset when I observe you observing me. The dreams stir up when the smile through your eyes radiates you. My schemes get broken when I see your sweet cores. You're full of small details that make you magic spell. Paralysis moments suffer my senses when all surroundings seem to melt in one instant. You wake up as fairy in a sleepy tale with the innocence shining of the most infant soul. Your internal silences disconcert me, at the same time that obsess me. You've the key of the most shy smiles, the desire of flying on the hands and the dancing of wings in the blood. Beat with you would want, many times, my steps, but the limitation borders erase the corridors which from paradise to paradise would take us.

El tacte humit de la pluja palpo entre els meus dits mentre observo com et desplaces per somnis infinits. No hi ha rostre mÊs suau que desprengui tanta força. Estrenys la frontera en mi entre el dubte i el desig.

The humid touch of the rain I feel between my fingers while I observe how you move for infinite dreams. There's no softer face which releases such force. You squeeze the border in me between the doubt and the desire.

consumir-se és alterant summament desconcertant i incita a rendir-se. Consumir-me em desorbita, m’incomoda i en mi palpita. Quan m’atrapa em descol·loca se m’emporta i no em retorna. Buida tot gest d’esperança, cada gota de passió i resulta aterrador. Paralitza el meu entorn i dins meu petrifica. Com salvatge bardissa apoderant-se de tot. No veig llum on escapolir-me quan la fosca em captura i no em deixa elevar el vol.

consume oneself is upsetting extremely disconcerting and encourages to give up. Consume myself gets me out of control, bothers me and throbs in me. When it catches me gets me confused takes me far and doesn't return me. Clears all gesture of hope, every drop of passion and becomes scary. Paralyzes my surroundings and within me petrifies. As wild bramble seizing all. I don't see light where to escape when the dark catches me and doesn't allow me to raise the flight.

Alça’m pluja, dignifica’m per no perdre mai la guia del camí que em fa lluitar i com abraçada em levita. Desapareix opressió i retorna’m la pau que el meu cos desitja i la ment necessita per descansar lluny d’obsessió.

Rise me rain, dignify me to never lose the guide of the way that makes me fight and as hug levitates me. Opression disappear and bring me back the peace that my body wishes and the mind needs to relax away from obsession.

L’amenaça L’amenaça dels seus ulls... uns ulls dolços que en un dolç despertar... el meu despertar m’ompliren de tendres sentiments, suaus i eterns i em feren preguntar un cop més per què m’estava passant. Per què la seva energia m’atreia amb tanta força. Per què el seu sol pensament em captivava amb aquella intensitat. L’amenaça... la seva dolça amenaça. La tendresa de les seves paraules fent-me sentir quelcom especial. Els seus gestos... ella.

Es fa estrany sentir-se estrany. Estrany, seguint les pròpies passes, en veure el propi rostre. No se sent ella, se sent estranya. És un altre dia, una altra llum, unes altres mirades. I no respira l’aire que l’acompanya.

The threat The threat of her eyes...sweet eyes which in a sweet wake up... my wake up filled me of tender feelings, soft and eternal and made me ask once more why it was happening to me. Why her energy attracted me so strongly. Why her only thought captivated me with that intensity. The threat... her sweet threat. The tenderness of her words making me feel something special. Her gestures... she.

It's strange to feel strange. Strange, following the own steps, on seeing the own face. Not feeling herself, she feels strange. It's another day, another light, other looks. And she doesn't breathe the air which accompanies her.

Sent el ritme, però no la música. El silenci que l’acompanya. Sovint, estranya sensació de no sentir-se bé enlloc ni voler sentir-se'n. i així, sens més, entra sense donar motius ni tan sols demanar permís, apoderant-se de la realitat (i dels somnis).

Feels the rhythm, but not the music. The silence that accompanies her. Often, strange feeling of not feeling good nowhere nor wanting to feel. and like this, without more, comes in without giving reasons even ask for permission, taking the power of reality (and dreams).

Saps quants cops he plorat la teva absència? Interiorment mil llàgrimes em queien relliscant pels teixits del meu cor. Vaig pensar a escriure’t quan et vaig veure. Te’n recordes de mi? Sóc aquella noia que miraves amb ulls sorpresos quan ens creuàvem. Ara sóc jo qui et mira. Qui amb perplexitat es queda aturada en el temps observant-te. Et trobo a faltar a cada instant que no ets a prop.

Do you know how many times I've wept your absence? Internally thousand tears were falling me sliding for my heart tissues. I thought on writing you when I saw you. Do you remember me? I'm that girl who you were looking at with surprised eyes when we were crossing. Now it's me who look at you. Who in perplexity stays stopped through time observing you. I miss you each moment that you're not near.

Quan un somriure plora una llàgrima apareix i una altra s’esborra. Se sent ferma, però al mateix temps feble. És dèbil sota somnis influenciats d’esperances. Es repeteix a si mateixa: aixeca’t, respira, somriu! Tu pots combatre les traves! No et deixis vèncer, avança! Continua endavant, no desesperis, no afluixis els passos, sols tu pots marcar el ritme del teu compàs. No et deixis vèncer, dissenya’t. perduda la mirada no sóc capaç de recordar-te. Potser perquè estic oblidant-te o les distàncies i el cansament em forcen a desitjar allunyar-te. Confoses les ganes d’aconseguir, de mi, esborrar-te.

When a smile cries a tear appears an another clears. She feels strong, but weak at the same time. She's weak under influenced dreams of hopes. She's repeating herself: stand up, breathe, smile! You can fight obstacles! Do not be overcome, advance! Go ahead, don't give up, don't slacken the steps, only you can set the pace of your beat. Don't be overcome design yourself. Lost the look I'm not able to remember you. Maybe 'cause I'm forgetting you or distances and the tiredness are forcing me to wish you away. Confused the desire to achieve, from me, erase you.

I amb incertesa em pregunto si seré capaç de retrobar-me els teus ulls sense la necessitat de veure’t. És possible resignar-se d’aconseguir allò que més desitges? Si te’n vas, perquè vull retenir-te, i si vens, perquè no puc tenir-te.

And with uncertainty I ask myself if I'll be able to meet your eyes again without the need to see you. It's possible to resign oneself of getting what you wish most? If you go, because I want to retain you, and if you come, 'cause I can not having you.

Transforma’m Transforma’m en colors, paisatges, engrunes i paratges. Pinta’m de sabors. Redueix les meves pors. Afluixa els meus dolors. I omple’m de cançons. Deixa’m somiar-te, imaginar-te, dibuixar i crear-te. Seré color, so i aire. Seré la flama dels desigs sense frontera. Transforma’m en imatges. Converteix la meva pell en teles esbossades. Fes-me fluir entre dits inquiets. I assaboreix-me en infinits instants. Tasta la meva alegria. Omple’m de carícies. I comparteix amb mi la llum del dia.

Transform me Transform me in colours, landscapes, crumbs and lands. Paint me of flavors. Reduce my fears. Loosen my pains. And fill me of songs. Let me dream you, imagine you, draw and create you. I'll be colour, sound and air. I'll be the flame of desires without borders. Transform me in images. Convert my skin in outlined tissues. Make me flow between restless fingers. And savor me in infinite instants. Taste my joy. Fill me of caresses. And share with me the daylight.

Cultiva el ritme dels nostres passos. Deixa volar els teus somriures cap a un destí llunyà a la recerca de tristeses a esborrar. No No No No

ploris, lluita! dubtis, crida! et deixis influir, somia! enyoris, crea!

Transforma’m en el més suau despertar dels contes.

“Ábrete un poco, baja medio metro los muros y te sorprenderá el paisaje”. La vida en sus ojos – Deborah Barry

Cultivate the rhythm of our steps. Let fly your smiles towards a distant destination searching for sadnesses to erase. Don't Don't Don't Don't

cry, fight! doubt, shout! let yourself influencing, dream! miss, create!

Transform me in the softest awakening of stories.

"Open yourself a little bit, low half meter the walls and the landscape will surprise you". (The life in her eyes) - Deborah Barry

Respira Mira’m perdent l’orient entre les diluïdes pupil·les. Caça’m com qui captura els somnis burletes entre els dits. Espera’m com qui desitja que arribin les festes, però potser serà tard per celebrar-les. Guaita’m quan sigui lluny i ja no puguis atrapar-me, mes no deixis de fer-ho seria perdre la meva font d’esperança. No et rendeixis (ni deixis rendir-me) escolto apropar-se les teves ales capaces d’alçar-se sense desplomar-se. Persegueix-me sense interposar obstacles t’indicaré el camí que guiï les teves passes. Voleia removent sens control les pestanyes, seré llar d’acollida de les teves imatges. Parla’m encara que no pugui escoltar-te perquè sempre et sento quan xiuxiueges. Respira’m compartint l’aire als pulmons.

Breathe Look at me losing the east between the diluted pupils. Hunt me like the one who captures the mocking dreams between fingers. Wait for me like the one who is wishing the holidays arrive, but maybe will be late for celebrate them. Observe me when I will be far and you already can not catch me, but don't stop doing it would be lose my hope source. Don't give up (neither let me give up) I hear approaching your wings able to raise without collapsing. Persue me without interpose obstacles I will show you the way which will guide your steps. Fly stirring without control the eyelashes, I'll be hosting house of your images. Speak to me, even if I can not listen you 'cause I always hear you when you whisper. Breathe me sharing the air in the lungs.

Jo et respiro i tu em respires. Expirem-nos plegades mentre la mar no s’interposi entre nosaltres brava i desesperada. Llavors seria tard tornar enrere, provar d’intentar-ho altra vegada; respirar-te.

I breathe you and you breathe me. Exhale ourselves together while the sea doesn't interpose between us brave and desperate. Then would be late to go back backwards, try to try it again; breathe you.

Em sento verí quan els meus ulls semblen veure tan sols allò que els fa mal. Serp, rèptil o lladre quan rebutjo els somriures que semblen devorar-me quan tan sols proven d’oferir-me refugi. Vampir que vol mossegar sens presa. Sense intenció de voler ferir una víctima incapaç fins i tot d’apropar-s’hi. Engany sense motiu que vol atrapar-ne la causa sense saber-ne del cert l’origen ni el fi. Semàfor d’un temps sense normes que s’obre i es tanca intentant dominar l’electricitat que el recorre per dintre.

I feel poison when my eyes seem to see only what hurts them. Snake, reptile or thief when I refuse the smiles that seem to devour me when they just try to offer me refuge. Vampire who wants to bite without prey. With no intention of wanting to injure a victim even unable to approach it. Delusion without reason that wants to catch the cause without knowing certainly the origin or the end. Traffic lights of a time without norms which opens and closes trying to dominate the electricity that travels it inside.

Com se sentiria un ocell sense ales? Com es veuria l’onada en un llac? Com trobar-se perduda en un laberint sense trampes si el que es busca és quedar-s’hi atrapada? Vaig lluitar per un somni i una vegada més vaig quedar-me’n a les portes. Però la vida va vèncer les ombres i vaig decidir tornar a aixecar el vol. Sense deixar de batre les ales vaig sentir l’escalfor de l’abraçada de l’aire.

How a bird would feel without wings? How the wave would see itself in a lake? How to find yourself lost in a labyrinth without traps if what you are looking for is to stay there trapped? I fought for a dream and one time more I stayed on its doors. But life won the shadows and I decided to raise the flight again. Without stopping to beat the wings I felt the warm of the air hug.

Permet-te Plomatge naixent pels capil·lars. De transparents ales els braços. Tan sols la llum del pensament et donarà l’existència quan el coratge pel somni creï l’empenta. Ales sense cos donen vida a l’esperit. Creu-les i veuràs. Podràs sentir-les i volar. Estén els braços a la llibertat tastaràs la vida a cada pas guiant il·lusions i esperances amb les pròpies creences.

Allow yourself Plumage being born for the capillaries. Of transparent wings the arms. Only the thought light will give you the existence when the courage for the dream creates the push. Wings without body give life to the spirit. Believe them and you'll see. You'll be able to hear them and fly. Expand the arms to freedom you will taste the life in each step guiding illusions and hopes with the own beliefs.

El viatge és a la ment. No et cal desplaçar-te per conèixer nous horitzons. Imagina, acluca els ulls i somia. Deixa’t dur pels temps i espais. Creadora de tot el que ens envolta, és ella qui converteix, transforma i mou. És la clau de tot estat, té el timó dels sentiments. Pensament que dirigeix tot rumb existent. Presenta-te’l, coneix-lo, alia-t’hi i seràs tu qui domini el teu camí. Només sent sabedora de les teves limitacions podràs desfer-te’n i actuar sense fronteres. Aprèn-te per poder estimar-te i sempre així cuidar-te. Ets el primer pas del teu benestar. Tan sols nosaltres tenim les portes a les nostres tanques.

The trip is on mind. You don't need to move for knowing new horizons. Imagine, close the eyes and dream. Let yourself take by times and spaces. Creator of all that is around us, is it which converts, transforms and moves. It's the key of all state, has the rudder of feelings. Thought which leads all existing course. Present it to yourself, know it, ally yourself to it and you'll be who dominate your way. Only being knower of your limitations you'll be able to come away from them and act without borders. Learn yourself for being able to love you and like this always take care of yourself. You're the first step of your wellness. Only we have the doors to our barriers.

“Sólo al soñar tenemos libertad, siempre fue así y siempre así será” El club de los poetas muertos Allibera’t Cadenes limitadores de tot esperit i escapatòria, tanquen els somnis en gàbies escapçades. Desfan il·lusions d’esperances. Allibera’t d’elles, infringeix-les. Enfronta’t als teus móns de monstres, caus i trons. Acomiada’t de les pors. em sento rara, em sento estranya, com si em robessin les entranyes sense poder posar mesura. Corre una força, una estructura que ni sé veure d’on surt ni plora, sura.

"Only when we dream we've freedom, always was like this and like this always will be". Dead Poets Society Free yourself Limiting chains of all spirit and escape, lock the dreams in broken cages. Dissolve illusions of hopes. Free yourself from them, infringe them. Face your worlds of monsters, caves and thunders. Say bye to fears. I feel rare, I feel strange, like if they stole my entrails without being able to put measure. A force runs, a structure which I don't neither know from where it's coming nor cries, floats.

Cripta amagada s’embolcalla. Sobre si mateixa entortolligada sense retorn ni tornada. Silencis tinc a les cames. Punxes burxant crits interiors. Miralls intrencables.

Oïda de rata-pinyada. Res veu, però tot ho sent. Escolta’t bé a tu mateixa i podràs entendre’t. Sabràs de mi quan et coneguis quan no et limitin normes, trampes ni temors. Quan el coneixement de tu tinguis a les pròpies mans, modelar-lo podràs i donar-li forma d’esperança.

Hidden crypt wraps. Twisted on itself with no return or coming back. I have silences on the legs. Thorns poking interior screams. Unbreakable mirrors.

Bat ear. Nothing sees, but all hears. Listen well yourself and you'll be able to understand you. You'll know of me when you know yourself when no rules limite you, nor traps nor fears. When the knowledge of yourself you'll have in your own hands, you'll be able to model it and shape it of hope.

Avançar Sota ulls cansats aixeca la mirada i somriu indiferent mentre sent l’aire a la cara. Estava dreta, estava allà i se sentia presa d’un destí que no es pot triar. Abaixa els ulls, acota el cap, però no dissimulis la por per evitar continuar. Has de lluitar, somiar i volar. S’atura perplexa submergida en pensaments i silencia els segons que al passar va perdent.

Advance Under tired eyes raises the look and smiles indifferent while feels the air on the face. Was stand up, was there and was feeling prisoner of a destiny which can not be choose. Drops the eyes, Lows the head, but don't hide the fear to avoid to keep going. You must fight, dream and fly. Stops perplexed submerged on thoughts and silences the seconds that when passing is losing.

S’adona de tot, vol seguir lluitant, però se sent indefensa sota mirades d’infant. Feble i dubtosa sota influències crítiques que la societat li marca i vol saltar-se. S’enganya deixant-se endur i perd les ales que la permetien volar. Incapaç de combatre sense forces ni aire. A voltes submisa d’un destí indecís. Voldria ser astronauta de la seva nau sense pauta. Guiar el seu rumb i com brúixola orientar-se. La mar se l’emporta i ella perd la forma. S’apaguen mirades que il·luminaven el rostre.

Realises all, wants to keep fighting, but feels defenceless under infant looks. Weak and doubtful under critical influences that society marks and she wants to jump. She lies herself letting be taken and loses the wings which allowed her to fly. Incapable of combating without forces or air. Sometimes submissive of a indecisive destiny. Would want to be astronaut of his nave without paute. Guide his direction and as compass get oriented. The sea takes her away and she loses the shape. Looks turn off which were illuminating the face.

Es deixa endur, la remor té massa força. Cansada de lluitar esdevé vençuda. Però ara s’adona que no pot rendir-se, cal sobreviure; i somriure per aconseguir viure. Sota ulls nous alça la vista i somriu als seus dies amb ànsies de viure.

Allows herself to be taken, the murmur is too strong. Tired of fighting becomes defeated. But now realises that can not give up, it's need to survive; and smile for reach to live. Under new eyes rises the look and smiles to his days with craving for living.

Sense saber ser va ser, sense preguntar-s’ho ni qüestionar-s’ho. Va creure-hi i va escoltar-se. Amb la satisfacció al somriure elevà el rostre i amb orgull avançà. Sense rastres ni sons d’aquell malestar permanent que persegueix tot moviment entre pors i dubtes dels que ens avergonyim.

Desfés-te’n, salta i viu la vida pel teu sentit i direcció.

Without knowing to be was, without asking it to herself or questioning it. She believed on it and listened herself. With the satisfaction on the smile elevated the face and proudly advanced. Without traces or sounds of that permanent discomfort that pursues all movement between fears and doubts of the ones who are ashamed.

Break up with them, jump and live the life for your sense and direction.

Cau, en carrer adormit sense veïnes. Sota somnis humits i esperances buides. Una gota il·lumina el reflex de silenciós fanal, ni se’l mira, ni l’escolta, res li importa, ja res val. Pensa, que no val, no serveix ni res compta. Oblida, per uns moments, que l’instant és el que importa. Sols és somni el que és somiat, esperança el que no es dubta i il·lusió el que mai pot perdre’s. Ella és ara i serà demà si no deixa de pensar en l’existir i equivocar-se.

She falls, in slept street without neighbors. Under humid dreams and empty hopes. A drop illuminates the reflex of silent streetlight, doesn't look at it, or listens to it, nothing matters, nothing is valid anymore. Thinks, that she's worthless, useless and nothing counts. Forgets, for some moments, that the instant is what matters. Only it's dream what is dreamed, hope what is not doubt and illusion what never can be lost. She is now and will be tomorrow if doesn't stop thinking on existing and be wrong.

Trenca esquemes infringits amb la punta dels teus dits, amb la llengua dels demàs o el pas més decidit. Sent la salva als teus pits embogida de sabors amb delit pels descosits entre roents imploracions. Trenca els lemes imposats sense menyspreu mostrat. En un somni infinit sigues tu guia dels teus. Sent la sal a les esquenes, força salvatge de les ones, la dolçor de les passions despertades pels records. En un ahir sense destí sent l’avui sense temors per un demà esperançador i un per sempre sense fi.

Break infringed schemes with the tip of your fingers, the language of tomorrows or the most decided step. Feel the wild on your breasts maddened of flavors with delight for the non stitcheds between red-hot pleas. Break the imposed slogans without contempt shown. In a neverending dream be guide of yours. Feel the salt on the back, wild force of waves, the sweetness of passions awaked by the memories. In a yesterday with no destiny feel the today without fears for a hopeful tomorrow and a forever with no end.

La llum de la vida La llum, eclipsant-nos d’enigmes, ens transporta als infinits llunyans. D’aquells d’on no voldríem desaparèixer, on no hi manca l’aigua per a la lluitadora ni la roja sang per a la vençuda. La força infranquejable que trenca els impossibles encoratjant valents esperits. Sempre, mentre ens quedi energia, romandrà la lluita constant dels qui seguim escoltant els batecs de la vida. I amb ella, sens pausa, viatgem. Per la llum. Per la vida. Amb la lluita.

The light of life The light, eclipsing us of enigmas, transports us to the faraway infinites. From that ones from where we wouldn't want to disappear, where it's not missing the water for the fighter or the red blood for the defeated. The impassable force that breaks the impossibles encouraging braves spirits. Always, while we still have energy, will remain the constant fight of who keep listening the beats of life. And with it, with no pause, we travel. For the light. For life. With the fight.

Gemma Gelabert Gonzalo english edition february 2014 Скопје, Македонија

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