Oct 2015 plumage tx final v4 10 30 2015 compressed

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A Note from the Publisher

October is the beginning of the holiday season. We are celebra ng Halloween, and decora ng for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let’s not forget the li le things: the small details, the good‐bye kisses, the subtle touches, the warm embraces and the polite gestures as the whirlwind of the Holidays whips us all around in this jubilee. Yes, I know Dickens on Main is coming up. Yes, there is the Diva’s Night Out, the Stocking Stuffer Stroll and the Scarecrow Stroll, but stay steadfast my friends, the holidays is indeed a me for family. Remember those closest to you, the compadres, la familia, the hombres. Dia De Los Muertos is a me to honor those no longer with us. Now...ride into the Holiday Season Storm and enjoy it with purpose. PLUMAGE‐TX hopes to use its pages as a vehicle to educate, entertain and enlighten our audience on a variety of topics ranging from reviews, news, ar st narra ves, interviews, cri cism and a cohort of other art related stories from within the gallery walls to the major metro centers. I hope you find this informa ve and hope you con nue to follow the ar s c happenings around you in your local neighborhoods.


Gabriel Diego Delgado, Publisher gabrieldelgadoartstudio@yahoo.com gabrield@jrmooneygalleries.com

8 / PLUME‐TX Magazine

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

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