Spring 13

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atherings Inspiring Creative Living

Vol 3 Issue 2

Spring Renewal Spring Gatherings Magazine


Gatherings Magazine Inspiring Creative Living

Spring 2013 Vol... 3 Issue 2

Heather Spriggs Founder/Editor In Chief/ Creative Director/ Designer Brigitte Lyons Copy Editor Carrie Hampton Media/Sales Consultant

Contributing Editors Annetta Bosakova Photography/Style

Would you like to contribute to Gatherings Magazine? Contact us at gatheringsmag@yahoo.com Subject: Contributing

Trisha Brink Market Editor Tracy Castro Style/Design Elizabeth Hanley Vintage/Social Media

For Advertising Inquiries gatheringsmag@yahoo.com

Ingrid Henningsson Floral Styling Clarice Fox-Hughes Food Maaike van Koert Crafts 2

Gatherings Magazine Spring

Cover Image: Ginny Donovan Facing Page and Back Cover: Ingrid Henningsson

j Join Us! Purchase Printed Copies and Digital Downloads http://heatherspriggs.com/gatherings-magazine

Spring Gatherings Magazine



Contributors Spring 2013 Vol. 3 Issue 2


Jennie Prince Blogger/Photographer Odessa May Society

Tracy Castro Crafter/Blogger Fair Morning Blue

Ginny Donovan Food Blogger/Photographer Cooking With Chopin, Living with Elmo

Clarice Fox-Hughes Trisha Brink Writer/Food Blogger Crafter/Shop Owner Trisha Brink Designs 4 Gatherings Magazine SpringStorybook Woods

Erin Southwell Writer/Photographer Rare and Beautiful Treasures

Maaike van Koert Crafter/Blogger creJJtion

Gretchen Black Shop Owner/Designer Lulubelles

Michelle Urbick Blogger/Shop Owner Rosy Blu

Donna Heber Writer/Photographer

Eppie Bailey Julie Cataldo Zephyr Art

Laura McGuire Stylist/Designer/Shop Owner French Vintage Home

Ingrid Henningsson Floral Stylist/Photographer Of Spring and Summer

Elizabeth Hanley Photographer/Blogger Liz Loves Vintage

Susana Oliveira Stylist/Photographer/Blogger Citrus and Orange

Annetta Bosakova Photographer/Stylist Inspired by AnnettaMagazine Spring Gatherings


Table of Contents 8-13 Trisha Predicts: 2013 Market Forecast 14-17 Vintage Pastels 18-23 Interview with Holly Becker of Decor8 23-27 Bulbs in Bloom 28-33 The Corner Store 34-39 Tea in the Afternoon 72-77 For the Easter Table 40-49 The Joy of Taking Tea 50-53 The Inspired Workplace 54-59 Crafting with Color 52-57 Creating a Spring Inspired Hideaway 60-63 Tape, Paper, Scissors! 64-71 Secrets to a Successful Vintage Treasure Hunt

78-82 French Pastries 84-91 Celebrating Mother’s Day with Creative Play 92-95 Organizing a Household of Creative Beings 96-102 Counting Sheep 104-109 A Growing Nursery 110-113 Recipe Index

Photo Credits: Front Page: Ginny Donovan Magazine Spring 6 Gatherings

A Note



SPRING! It is finally upon us! Have you seen the sun peek out behind the clouds? She has flirted with us off and on and it is those moments when the sky is clear blue and the green buds begin to unfurl that I can breath deeply and drink in the glory as inspiration for my own new endeavors. There is much on the horizon for Gatherings Magazine and this issue is just the beginning. What a beginning it is! These pages boast of the handwork of its contributors. We have dreamed dreams and crafted inspiration. Each article speaks to a “make something from nothing� mentality, which is exactly the spirit of Gatherings Magazine! We are a collaborative team of creatives working toward staying connected with you, our readers, to truly inspire creative living! This and Opposite page: Spring Gatherings Magazine 7 Annetta Bosakova

g Trisha Predicts

by Trisha Brink

Looking to be inspired in 2013? As main buyer for our shop Grandiflora Home and Garden in Lynden, Washington I am responsible for attending markets around the US. My sister and I try to find the best new products for our customers each new season.

Dishing out 2013 2013 Looks to be filled with one thing across the seasons...COLOR. If there was one common factor among all the best showrooms at market this past season it was this:

To start with, I should indulge you in a bit of buyer knowledge. Buyers purchase goods many months in advance. When you yourself are purchasing fall gourds, we are buying Easter bunnies. Believe it or not we purchase all our Christmas decor in January! You can imagine how difficult it might be to predict what trend may be coming that far in advance. However, some of us thrive on getting in on the beginnings of a trend. Happily, I am one of those folks. Welcome to my new Gatherings column on market finds & trend forecasting.


Our Resident Market Editor stays ahead of trends and reports her findings!

Gatherings Magazine Spring

color! Thankfully, I believe most folks welcome color...it’s just a matter of figuring out how it fits into your personal decor. Thanks to Creative Co-op (an industry leader in trend forecasting) for supplying the colorful items you see featured here. www.creativecoop.com


Market Forecast I have seen a shift in the way “things are done” at most wholesale manufacturing companies. Many of the leading companies are realizing that they need to get outside the heads of traditional designers, and into the lives of artists, crafters & bloggers. It’s a grass roots movement really. As the internet becomes more and more of a visual creativ-

SPRING COLOR pale grey, mint, coral & small doses of neon pink or citron. Layers of tiny floral prints & geometrics.

ity board through sites like Etsy, Pinterest & Instagram...the tides will change on the market place homefront.

Whether you mix pattern on pattern or add one pop of color to your neutral background, you will be craving color once retailers get ahold of you. Spring Gatherings Magazine


Buyers have stood up and taken notice, this vintage handcrafted look is taking the nation by storm.

10 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Spring Trends For home...

For personal style....

Best New Inanimate Object:


Padlocks, inspired by the European iron fences

As many as you can get your hands on

on bridges lined with padlocks depicting romantic love stories

Colors: Pale grey, mint, coral & small doses

International Flair:

of neon pink or citron.

Scandinavian, French & Moroccan design are still

Layers of tiny floral prints & geometrics.

strong influences. However, I see a new flush of Navajo coming which will almost assuredly build


into the summer months.

Bold chunky pastel color, or layers of tiny colorful pastel pieces. Metallics are most popular

Area Rugs:

in shiny or brushed yellow gold.

Bold pattern in either color or neutrals.

Large furnishings:

Candles & Scents:

Grey, white or beige neutrals in soft furnishings, but

Light florals with a tinge of citrus.

hard goods are coated in chalky pastel colors.


New trend alert:

White painted or wallpapered in either pastel florals

Rose gold is making a small comeback

or geometrics. Wood slat covered walls are also

in a clean lined style.

very popular in whitewashed or grey.

Hand Bags: Light fixtures: Modern pendants are definitely the pick of the mo-

Big and bold with pastel pattern, or tiny and streamlined clutches.

ment, however antique inspired pieces with modern printed barrel shades still rule the majority of showrooms.

Spring Gatherings Magazine 11

Vintage Crafty Chic Have to get the look, but not an avid crafter? The Polly Crochet Garland by Emma Lamb adds handcrafted goodness to your wall without getting yourself tied up in a yarny mess.� Via Etsy

Friends Tif Fussell & Rachelle Blondel exemplify creative crafty living in Granny Chic, published by Kyle Books.

12 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Granny Comes to Market The look which is finally getting the respect it deserves this year at market, is the vintage and recycled crafty chic look. Many blogs & online craft sites have been showing this look for years now. Market buyers have finally stood up and taken notice that this vintage inspired & handcrafted look is taking the nation by storm. Of all the looks at market, this one is not derived from traditional designers This look is anchored with vintage inspired furnishings painted lovely shades of vivid pastels. The furniture is set against whiter than white walls, ceilings and floors. Mini florals run rampant throughout the entire look, along with polka dots, geometric pattern & vintage/retro inspired fabrics. Colors are in shades of aqua, mint green, coral, mustard, bits of red & especially pops of nearly neon hot pink.

Top Image: Emma Lamb Bottom Image: Trisha Brink for Ollie Bollen Spring Gatherings Magazine 13

14 Gatherings Magazine Spring

intage pastels Photos, words and styling by Gretchen Black

Spring Gatherings Magazine 15

One of my favorite times of the year is Spring. It’s a time of renewal, a time for blossoms to grow on the trees, a time to bring out the pastels in my wardrobe, and in my home. When designing pieces for our new LuluBelles Spring Collection, I often look to all these things for inspiration. This year I wanted to add another piece of inspiration, so I asked my aunt Mary Jo, if I could borrow her collection of vintage Easter Bonnets. She has been collecting these bonnets for years via antiquing trips. These trips are something my mom, aunt, cousins, and I all love to do together. I adore these special hats, their colors, and their detailed craftsmanship. Something I aspire to use in our Spring collection. They remind me of an era that is long gone, yet I still feel connected to. These bonnets sat in my studio, along with a few other pieces I’ve collected that remind me of Spring, and served as inspiration. It was so helpful having these vintage items around me as I design my new Spring jewelry pieces. May this Spring bring you a sense of renewal, and inspiration to design and create with a beautiful pallet of pastel colors! 16 Gatherings Magazine Spring


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HOLLY BECKER shares insights on her new book, the future of blogging and what keeps her moving forward

18 Gatherings Magazine Spring

dd GM: What three words describe life for you right now?

HB: Clarity. Goals. Mindful.

GM: Much praise has been written for Decorate Workshop, what would you like to say about this book and how you feel about it now after putting it “out there”? HB: I love this book. I put so much of my heart into it and worked hard on this project so it feels good that it’s been received so well! I am really proud of myself and my wonderful team (couldn’t have done it without them) because it was a massive undertaking that we started and finished within 9 months. It is so new still, I know that many have yet to see it and read it - I hope that those who feel challenged or stuck, whether it’s with decorating or some other creative or personal pursuit, find this book and use it as a tool to launch them ahead. The title may read Decorate Workshop but as readers quickly learn the moment they read it, so much of what I teach can be applied to nearly any area of life. I love to encourage, teach, connect, inspire and motivate others and to be a positive force. I can’t wait to go on my book tour in North America in May, which is being sponsored by West Elm and Chronicle Books. It will be amazing to see my friends and fans again and to teach workshops all over the country to inspire everyone who comes out to see me. Can’t wait!

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20 Gatherings Magazine Spring

dd GM: So you have two best-seller books under your belt, another on the way, workshops/classes, and a book tour ahead of you, how do you manage to stay grounded in the midst of your success?

HB: Women need good role models and leaders in other women. I want to be that woman. When an 18-year-old design student from Ireland came to my book signing in NYC in 2011, she cried and hugged me and said, “I want to be just like you when I grow up!”. She meant it, I could tell. That was a life changer for me. It was then that I realized, “Hey, I’m in my thirties now - I’m a woman - I have a responsibility to younger women now to guide them, to be a role model, to lead”. I remember flying home from that book tour feeling so alive and joyous after meeting hundreds of readers, their faces flashing in my memory, their smiles, their genuine happiness to be part of my journey, how MY success inspired them all so much... And THAT is what keeps me grounded. I have a responsibility now - with success comes responsibility and building a wall, becoming untouchable and getting an inflated ego is not going to inspire all of these wonderful readers and friends who look to women like me as role models, right?

GM: On that note ... As one of the world’s leading design bloggers, in an age of continual flux, what do you predict is the future of blogging?

HB: The future of blogging, in my opinion, will include more bloggers experimenting with video content and opening their own studios to teach workshops and do consulting. I believe we will see more bloggers demanding to be paid for their work and not accepting “exposure” as compensation so easily. Also, I see bloggers collaborating more.

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GM: What are your thoughts on bloggers becoming book authors? In this digital age is there still a place for printed material? HB: I think bloggers becoming book authors is a trend currently because publishers are testing the idea - does online readership translate automatically into book sales? At this point, lots of publishers know the answer is no. Even bloggers with large, loyal audiences cannot guarantee a best-seller. It’s really about the voice, the content, marketing on both the side of the blogger and the publisher, and whether or not online content and topics discussed in a blog can even WORK in a book. I have a few books on my shelf from bloggers and I can see that their publisher just thought they could turn their blog into a book and that would sell copies but that’s just not the case. Blog readers do not want to buy a printed version of their favorite blog, they want fresh, original content and they want that book to look and feel like the same person they are reading daily online. Some bloggers should never write books, not because they can’t, but because they could do much better with an app, videos on their blog, podcasts, an e-book or digital magazine... It’s a matter of a blogger and a publisher knowing how to best highlight those natural talents. Not everyone is made for television and it’s the same for authors, not everyone is made for print, because they have a stronger reach online and could do better in some cases to put their time into e-books, digital mags and other online initiatives. GM: What is on the horizon for Holly Becker and decor8, LLC?

HB: I will begin work on my third book soon, it will be with Leslie Shewring from A Creative Mint, and I can’t wait. I also will start working on the fourth title soon too. Both will release in 2014, but that is subject to change. I’m also currently teaching another Blogging Your Way e-course (decor8eclasses.com). Irene Hoofs from Bloesem is teaching with me. I’m going to host another workshop in my home this summer because I loved doing the last one! Finally, I’m thinking to release something very special later this year so I’m in meetings currently trying to decide exactly how that will work and when. That’s on my horizon for now! Thank you for having me as part of Gatherings magazine, I really appreciate it!

22 Gatherings Magazine Spring


Decorate Workshop is now available at chroniclebooks.com and in bookstores nationwide Follow Holly daily at decor8blog.com

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Bulbs in

words, photogtraphy and styling by Ingrid Henningsson 24 Gatherings Magazine Spring


Daffodils I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. William Wordsworth

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“Winter is in my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.� Victor Hugo

26 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Over time, philosophers and writers have often used the metaphor of spring to explain the power of remaining positive and optimistic. No other season has so much anticipation and hope for a fresh start and renewal – the world is full of potential.

“When one flower blooms spring awakens everywhere.” John O’Donohue, poet

For gardeners it is the time to tidy away winter and for sowing seeds. There is a rush of growth in the garden and buds appear everywhere. It is time to prune shrubs and divide perennials – all in preparation for new growth.

“I always think that this, the time of tulips, is the season of all year when the actual arranging of flowers affords the greatest pleasure. The rush and heat of summer have not yet come; the days are still fairly restful, and one is so glad to greet and handle these early bulbs.” Gertrud Jekyll, gardener and designer Spring Gatherings Magazine 27

28 Gatherings Magazine Spring


With the owners of Australia’s beloved boutique brand


Corner Store

Photos by Kylie Thevenau

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“R esplendent, nostalgic, whimsical, welcoming and delightful!�

30 Gatherings Magazine Spring

For those of us unfamiliar with your shop, what words would best describe the ambience? Resplendent, nostalgic, whimsical, welcoming and delightful! We have two furniture showrooms and two boutiques. Each shop is idiosyncratic with it’s own personality; one boasts 100 year old wide plank Jarrah floor boards with a similarly aged pharmacy cabinet and patchwork curtains, whilst another has freshly polished concrete floors and a distressed mosaic mirror wall. Our shops have an otherworldly feel with a riot of unashamed colour using new, vintage and hand made details. We love how different Owners - Caroline Thew and Annie Taylor with their husbands Kevin Sanderson (Left) and Adam Thew (middle). Caroline and Adam are brother and sister.

each shop is, with their distinct personality, they feel like homes we have created with love.

As buyers for the shops/brand what items are you on the look for? We buy with our hearts first and foremost, avoiding trends and fads, rather selecting items that inspire joy, wonder and nostalgia and that echo our aesthetic. This has led to a broad catalogue with an eclectic mix of wares. From the frivolous to the serious design objects, we look for humour, drama and a fearless use of colour. There is always a surprising item on our shelves! We love to keep our customers coming back knowing we will always have something unique and unexpected. Spring Gatherings Magazine 31

TheCorner Story Tell us a little bit about yourselves and how Corner Store came to be. We both returned home to Perth in 1999 after travelling and living abroad ; a pivotal time with each of us starting a family, the time was right for a career change. Spurred on by a desire to share unique products we had seen overseas Store was also born that year. Our initial fit out was quite minimal and industrial, and we wanted it to resemble a mini department store stocking a variety of remarkable and curious items. Despite two small children and other work commitments (Annie moonlighting as a lawyer and Caroline running separate fashion boutiques) we opened our second premises on St. Quentin’s Avenue, Claremont in 2005. We took a new direction from the 90s minimalism towards a distinctly feminine look. Our Store was extremely well received and we were charmed by the community yet sadly, due to redevelopment of the site we were forced to find a new dwelling. Concomitantly, we gained an exclusive partnership with La Maison furniture enabling us to lease a large showroom in Claremont. Thus, the Corner Store brand was fully formed and we finally had the space we had craved. Buying trips gained a new momentum with ample room to showcase homewares, rugs and bedding alongside the furniture. 32 Gatherings Magazine Spring

A third shop in Mount Lawley soon emerged and following the success of the Corner Store Claremont Showroom, in 2011 we were motivated to purchase a neglected building in Fremantle, designed by renowned architect Raymond Jones. We refurbished the attached warehouse and the Corner Store headquarters was born.

Where do you find inspiration for the shop? We are inspired by travel and reminders of our childhood; both sharing a love for antique and vintage finds. We find inspiration everyday in the most unexpected places: a forgotten toy, vintage cloth, a crumbling wall, a child’s creation. We can never predict where or when inspiration will hit!

What’s on the horizon for 2013? There are new, exciting collaborations and projects set for 2013. We are excited to expand our line of Corner Store products. Our first wares, a beautiful ply bird and Liberty print lined leather pouches and our cushions and scarves will soon be joined by a family of Corner Store designs. We are working to create one of a kind products that can’t be found elsewhere. First step is a range of signature Corner Store prints that will be applied to a myriad of items. We are both long term collectors of fabric and the opportunity to create our own is a dream come true. Watch this space...

http://cornerstore.net.au/ Spring Gatherings Magazine 33


Tea Afternoon in the

Tea is a daily companion that

never fails us.

It warms when we—or the world—feel cold, gives strength when we’re weary, and lends delicious grace notes to our gatherings.”

34 Gatherings Magazine Spring

–Victoria Magazine

Words, Photos and Styling by Ginny Donovan Spring Gatherings Magazine 35

Spring is the hope I have waited for all winter.

It’s the loamy scent of the forest floor, when the blan-

ket of fallen leaves begins to give way to the sturdy shoots of moss apples and the brave, unfurling fern fronds. It’s the sleigh-bell call of the Spring Peeper frogs at the pond in the back yard, singing together in symphonic beauty to entice all nearby females. It’s the way I can see the hyacinth bulbs planted in the window box outside my kitchen grow a full inch on a warm spring afternoon. And most of all, it’s the anticipation of sharing beautiful evenings and bloom-laden gardens with friends. One of the most-beloved spaces in my home is a storage closet. Its content consists of a superfluous yet priceless mixture of ceramic and porcelain treasures: my grandmother’s Golden Rose china, bought piece by piece at a small dime store in East Texas during the 1950s, the china from my own wedding, and other fragile, beautiful gifts friends have presented me with throughout the years. On days when my darling sons gallop up and down the hallway, decked out in superhero capes and emitting fierce warrior howls, I can sometimes be found sneaking down the stairs to my closet. As the door clicks shut behind me, I exhale a breath of thankfulness for my temporary peaceful hiding place and for the stories that each delicate piece is eager to share.

36 Gatherings Magazine Spring

“...it’s the anticipation of sharing beautiful evenings and bloom-laden gardens with friends. And tea, of course.

Friends must share tea. “

Spring Gatherings Magazine 37

To prepare a “tablescape” for a spring tea party, I selected treasures from this closet that most reminded me of the season: a dainty yet primitive birdcage, abandoned bird nests that I have collected over the years, tulips, Lilly-of-the-Valley, and lush ferns. The menu simply complemented the decorations: LemonLavender Cupcakes with Citrus Cream-Cheese Icing, a chocolate cake delicately iced with a rose-water buttercream, Spinach and Cheese Phyllo Tartlets, Cucumber Sandwiches with Mint Butter, dainty scones with jam and crème fraiche, and several varieties of black teas. 38 Gatherings Magazine Spring

But inviting a few friends over for afternoon tea certainly doesn’t have to be an intricate affair such as this: it can simply be a pot of hot tea and warm cookies or fresh fruit. What matters most is your hospitable heart and the offering of a relaxing respite from the everyday rush of life.

For Recipes See Index Page 110-111 Spring Gatherings Magazine 39

The Joy of


Taking Tea

by Donna Heber

the pretty colors of springtime emerge nature starts to bloom and reminds me of how

every day brings precious moments of fulfillment. It’s rejuvenating to feel the warm breezes and quietly listen to nature come alive. What better way to enjoy it all than with a cup of tea! My first memory of tea is of the common black variety when I was in my early teens. I use to drink a cup every morning before heading off to school. The aroma of Red Rose tea would linger in our Victorian home. To this day, I don’t think of tea as just a drink, but more of an experience. Kind of like a fine bottle of wine. Each spring I look forward to tea-time in the garden where I can enjoy a sumptuous afternoon tea while relaxing in our gazebo or having a solitary moment on the bench hidden behind the arbor. It is fun to choose teacups and plates that depict the season. One of my favorite patterns is “Victorian Violets” produced by Hammersley & Co., a British manufacturer dating back to 1885. Lovely sprigs of violets peek out among the green leaves that

surround this masterpiece. When was the last time you had a tea party and sipped a cup of tea with someone dear to you? Whether you prefer to enjoy tea in the grand British style at an old country inn or in your own cozy cottage it’s time to rediscover the grace and elegance that accompanies afternoon tea.

40 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Last year I had the pleasure of going to a tea house, something I had always wanted to do and recommend to any tea lover. The tea house was a beautifully Federal Style farmhouse which had been renovated and restored. Each room had paintings for sale created by local artists. Sunlight poured in through the windows and tea was served in Annie’s collection of antique china. I savored every drop served from a delicate floral teacup. Many years ago I became intrigued with English bone china and starting collecting these charming vintage pieces. Perhaps it was my passion for the past which lead me to these gorgeous heirlooms. Each piece is so unique and has a history of its own. Porcelain teacups are fired, then glazed, and fired again which creates a very detailed and dainty design. Bone china is similar to porcelain, but has finely ground bone ash added to the clay making it more durable. Regardless if they are porcelain or bone china I still love them – the gorgeous colors and patterns is what attract me. So the next time you are planning a gathering serve up a steaming pot of tea, grace the table with a few teacups, your favorite linens and watch your guests enjoy the experience. There is just something delightful about sharing a cup of kindness with others.

Donna Heber lives in upstate New York with her husband and Ocicat. She is a freelance writer who loves to design handmade cards and photograph vintage china. You can visit her blog at Spring Gatherings Magazine 41 http://www.donnaheber.com/

42 Gatherings Magazine Spring

T he I nspired Workplace

Words and styling by Laura McGuire Photos by Michael Haskins Spring Gatherings Magazine 43


s a freelance stylist, I do not have the

typical workplace or work week. I am accustomed to working from job to job, having time off in between and then going on to the next shoot. None of these photo shoots lasts more than a few weeks at the most, which works for me because I enjoy being very busy for short periods of time on a creative project, rushing to get everything shot on time and then having down time to get my life back in order.

44 Gatherings Magazine Spring

With a partner, I have launched a new web based French antique business called “French Vintage Home.” My partner, Audrey in is fortunate enough to have a home in the Dordogne region of France. She does the buying at the local flea markets, or “brocantes” as they are called in France, and I am responsible for the photography, styling, and the web based activities.

I recently read an article about Roger Horchow, who founded the “Horchow Collection” retail catalog. In 1973, he was of the belief that unique merchandise would find an audience even without stores. This idea was long before the Internet, and they are now celebrating their 40th anniversary.

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This idea got me to thinking about creating a new way of doing business. Being a stylist who loves to create beautiful spaces, I thought why not plan events where I can invite other lovers of all things French over to shop and enjoy themselves in my garden. I am delighted by the idea of offering our French vintage items in a “French Flea Market” among my beloved hydrangeas.

My backyard cottage serves as my tiny studio and some times our little shop on the premises, but it’s never cuter than when it’s all decked out for the “French Flea Market.” This magical cottage always provides inspiration for me. It’s simple design can be translated into the styling theme of the day, always filled with lots of flowers.

Creating this flea market way of shopping combines my love of beautiful antiques, styled the way they are found in France with flowers and friends.

I hope this inspires you to rethink your workplaces and consider combining all the things that you love into something that doesn’t feel like working at all.

46 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Lauramcguire.com. Frenchvintagehome.com

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Time to break out the bits and bobs and get your craft on!

48 Gatherings Magazine Spring


Three resident creatives show how to use what you have to refresh your space for Spring. Spring Gatherings Magazine 49


+ Crafting

C olor + with

Craft, Styling, Words & Photography by Maaike van Koert

50 Gatherings Magazine Spring

+ Mix and match yarns into nice ombrĂŠ color ranges, and knit or crochet them together into simple but pretty coasters, potholders or a cute lap blanket. By using two strands together, you get a nice vintage look and can use a thicker hook or set of needles, which cuts down on project time. Enjoy color matching your bits and pieces, and create fun and pretty Spring touches for your home!

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These easy DIY washi tape cans can be used for craft storage, or kitchen utensils! 52 Gatherings Magazinehttp://www.crejjtion.blogspot.com/ Spring


tulips on the table, may be a little Spring cleaning here and there... And a few crafty touches

to spark that Spring feeling. For these projects you don’t necessarily have to go shopping. You can start with making a little Spring collage and sort items by color like buttons, thread of all kinds, little pieces of fabric, lace, and washi tape. After you have collected them from the corners of your craft space, tins and boxes, the fun starts. You mix and match them to create little happy touches for your home. For example clean and re-purpose cans from the kitchen. Leave them as is and decorate with washi tape, and add pieces of lace with a glue gun for a girly touch. Some washi tapes are a little transparent, in order to let their color show you might have to wrap them around the can twice. Or spray paint them white and use that as your canvas to make the tapes and lace pop even more. The finished cans can be used for storage in your craft space, or to hold kitchen utensils.

If you happen to find quite a bit of fabric pieces, sew together a bunch of triangles and make them into cheerful bunting. Again, a little lace here and there for a girly and vintage touch can really do the trick.

Spring Gatherings Magazine 53

C reating a


Inspired Hideaway

54 Gatherings Magazine Spring

words, styling, photography by Annetta Bosakova



tips, you will be surprised how easy it is to transform a spot with some elbow grease, paint, color and ordinary objects.

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Jars are the perfect vases to hold spring bouquets! They are fun just as they are, but if you decorate them with some fabric scraps they will really make your house say “spring�. You can create an even more handmade look by adding some hand stitching.

56 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Wall art is my favorite way to decorate with and it doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive. All you need is fabric like linen or muslin, a needle and threads, and a design you want to create. I recommend a flower design for a spring look. Just trace the desired image and stitch around the edges. You can bring in more spring colors by hanging your new art with washi tape.

Another trick I like to use to add wall art to a space is by using notecards. Just frame them or washi tape them to your walls.

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Vintage Key’s inspire me, as I imagine using them to enter into a secret garden. Adding one to a space or pinning one to a wall makes a perfect finishing touch of my spring decorating efforts.

58 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Do you have a vintage bird feeder or birdcage? You can make the perfect spring decoration by filling it with flowers. Vased or even potted ones will do. You can bring in more of a charmed look by finding a place to hang them.

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Tape, Paper, Scissors! Photos, Words, Craft and Styling by Heather Spriggs

60 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Transform a common area from Flat to Festive with a few basic household items

Spring Gatherings Magazine 61

a The Color Story started here!

The idea for this breakfast room makeover came from a fresh spring-inspired mood board and my son’s upcoming birthday party. I was looking for a quick and easy way to totally transform the space. The solution??

Contact Paper! To create unique art for your room, simply adhere sheet of contact paper to wall, draw an image, and cut with an Exacto knife.

62 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Add interest to white china with a few strips of washi tape!

To finish off the handcrafted look, create tissue paper poms, or unique leaves and florals with cupcake liners, coffee filters, washi tape, paper doilies or whatever you may have on hand.

Give the feminine look a little edge! Add a pop of neon by soaking paper in neon food coloring!

Paper straws, and cupcake liners via Shop Sweet Lulu

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secrets to a successful vintage treasure hunt

words, photos, styling by Michelle Urbick

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Nothing delights me more than sharing my vintage addiction. Once you know how to fill your home with vintage treasures, you can hand-select possessions from your favorite eras and styles. Once you know the thrill of finding a bookshelf for three dollars and beautiful dishes for ten cents, you can’t help but look at retail shelves with a more skeptical eye and garage sales with anticipation.

It’s a hobby with so many benefits. Shopping vintage is friendly to the environment because it cuts down on items destined for landfills and reduces need for new manufacturing. It’s proven to be the most affordable way to fill my home with high-quality, unique items that reflect my own style and needs.

I regularly troll thrift stores, estate sales and garage sales and launched a successful vintage shop online this year with the abundance of vintage I’ve found, because my home simply can’t contain my hunting spoils. My friends ask, “How do you find these things? I went to an estate sale last week and found nothing. I just don’t get it.” Come closer, because I’m going to tell you a secret today. This secret will uncover treasures where you saw none before. My secret, friends, is cultivating an eye for possibility. Look not at what you see on the shelves, but through the glasses of what could be.

Looking at what could be, you’ll see objects light your eyes that you may have passed over before. The next time you’re hunting vintage, ask yourself…what can I restore, repurpose and remake?

66 Gatherings Magazine Spring

{ R E S TOR E }

When something breaks or doesn’t look new anymore, it is a common reaction to simply get rid of it—send it to Goodwill or the garage sale. That’s where people like me are waiting with open arms. The thrifts are filled with items just wanting a little fix to make them useful again. A nail here, a battery there or even just a thorough cleaning will make an inexpensive thrift store find into just the thing you need.

The internet can be your guidebook in learning the best ways to restore your finds, from polishing metal and removing sticker residue to stain removal and basic furniture repair. And since you probably didn’t spend much money, it’s a great opportunity for experimentation.

Examples of restored vintage goods: •

I picked up an antique carved wood picture frame last week at an estate sale; it just needs

a new piece of glass and a hook on the back, and it will be ready for a new snapshot.

Antique mason jars are very popular, particularly the teal ones, for flower vases, pantry

storage and, of course, canning. They’re easy to find if you give them a good cleaning.

Larger items like furniture and room-dividing screens can often be found needing just a

new piece of hardware, like a handle or hinge, to restore them to working condition.

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Repurposing is another huge opportunity for vintage finds. With a little creativity, you’ll find items that not only solve a problem, but make you swell with pride when you realize just how ingenious and resourceful you can be. And the nice thing for us lazy thrifters is you don’t have put in any work—the only thing that changes is the object’s function.

I was about to step into the bathtub one evening when I remarked to my husband that I wanted a bath tray to hold my book and wine glass while I soaked. He disappeared to the basement and returned with a white window shutter. I’d bought it with a project in mind (something I found on Pinterest, no doubt), but it turned out to be a perfect bath tray—about eight inches wide, and the perfect length to stretch from one side of the tub to the other.

When looking at your shopping list, think not only of the item you need, but the specific features it needs to perform its task. This leaves room for imagination in the actual piece that fits the job.

Examples of repurposed vintage goods: •

Vintage scarves make a lovely dresser/ table accessory. To add color and softness to your

arrangement; just spread a scarf under the pretty things on the table’s surface.

Set vintage plates and saucers under pots to catch excess drips when you water plants.

Keep a small vintage bowl, cup or saucer next to the sink to hold your rings and jewelry.

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Michelle is a thrifter, blogger and owner of two Etsy shops that sell vintage home dĂŠcor and accessories. http://rosybluhandmade.com http://rosybluvintage.etsy.com http://rosybluhandmade.etsy.com

70 Gatherings Magazine Spring

{REmake} Who among us doesn’t love a good makeover? It’s exciting to see something shabby and drab transformed before your eyes into something new and beautiful by the hands of a confident and imaginative stylist.

You are that stylist, my friend. Armed with spray paint, sandpaper and a needle and thread, you can coax beauty, style and attitude out of the most forlorn thrift shop finds.

The star of my own home makeovers is spray paint—quick, easy and painless, with endless color possibilities. I once bought a plain wicker wastebasket for seventy cents and applied two coats of turquoise spray paint; thirty minutes later, my little wastebasket was brand new again. Not only did it provide a much needed home for junk mail in my entry, it tied the room together beautifully because I hand-selected the color from an art print on the wall. Ready, set, thrift! The next time you go thrifting, don’t forget to look past what’s on the shelves to see what could be…you never know, it might be just the thing you’re looking for!

Examples of remade vintage items: •

An assortment of vintage frames will look like a group if you paint them the same color

Vintage fabric can be used throughout your home to make throw pillows, napkins, curtains,

rag rugs and more.

Find an interesting lamp, then dress up and remake the lampshade.

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For the Easter Table

Styling and Photography 72 Gatherings Magazine Spring Susana Oliveira


Table Top Decor Spring Gatherings Magazine 73

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76 Gatherings Magazine Spring

delicious dishes

Recipes, Words and Photography by Clarice Fox-Hughes


the season with the Spring flavors of baby peas, lemons, spring-onions,

greens like nettles, rhubarb and violets from a wild patch growing in my garden. Here are three recipes that really highlight the bounty of spring. First, a quick lemon, Parmesan baked shrimp makes a lovely addition to the brunch table. Second, grain free rosey rhubarb upside-down cakes with cream cheese center make a perfect breakfast or tea time treat. Lastly, a decadent violet chocolate tart is a sumptuous ending to any meal! For Recipes See Index Page 112

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78 Gatherings Magazine Spring

chouquettes & profiteroles au chocolat

by Tracy Locke Castro

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There’s just something about a Sunday morning

My favorite is the chouquette, a sweet little French

in spring that puts me in the mood for light and airy cream puff that’s surprisingly quick and simple to French pastries. Maybe it’s the lengthening days, or

prepare. You most likely already have all you need

the clarity of light that filters through my bedroom

to make up a batch, with the exception of Swed-

curtains. Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m lucky enough

ish pearl sugar. I suggest keeping a small package

to have married an early-riser who loves to bake.

of India Tree pearl sugar in your cupboard, so you

Whatever the reason, along with daffodil blooms

will be ready to make these pastries whenever the

and Easter eggs, spring invariably means French mood strikes. pastries around my house. 80 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Preheat oven to 425°F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. 1 cup water ½ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 6 tablespoons unsalted better, cut into chunks 1 cup all purpose flour 4 eggs For the glaze: 1 egg yolk mixed with 1 teaspoon milk. Swedish pearl sugar

In a sauce pan, combine the water, salt, sugar and butter and stir over medium heat until the butter melts. Remove pan from heat and add the flour all at once, stirring until the batter is smooth and pulls away from the sides of the pan. Let the batter cool for 10 – 15 minutes and then beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing until the batter is smooth and shiny. The batter should be the consistency of cookie dough. If it is too runny, add more flour a tablespoon at a time. Spoon dough onto the cookie sheet, leaving space between each pastry, brush with glaze and sprinkle generously with the pearl sugar. Bake until golden brown – about 25 minutes. Spring Gatherings Magazine 81

To make profiteroles: Leave the pearl sugar off a few of the pastries then slice in half horizontally. Add a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream to each, reassemble and drizzle tops with chocolate ganache (chocolate chunks melted with heavy cream). Yum! This recipe is adapted from The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz (Broadway Books).

82 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Purchase Print Copies and Digital Downloads! http://heatherspriggs.com/gatherings-magazine

photo by Maaike van Koert http://www.crejjtion.blogspot.com/

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84 Gatherings Magazine Spring



Mother’s Day with

Creative Play

“ I t i s a h a p p y t a l e n t t o k n o w h o w t o p l a y. ” R a l p h Wa l d o E m e r s o n

Spring Gatherings Magazine 85

Child’s Play:

Celebrating Motherhood with Creative Ideas for Imaginary Play

86 Gatherings Magazine Spring


dear mother, it is springtime and we

celebrate you! We welcome you to the enchanting world of make-believe. Do come in, we have been waiting just for you! Greetings to you, Queen of the Castle. And a warm welcome to your princes charming, your princesses fair. Please check all electronic devices at the door. Magic wands and fairy wings are always welcome. Wonders await!

It is a remedy, tried and true, for a weary mother’s soul, this respite of quiet play. So, please, do come along! Step into a world of make-believe with four special ideas for creative play. For just a brief time, see the world through child eyes and rediscover the magic in mothering.

Words, photos & styling by Erin Southwell of Rare & Beautiful Treasures

Spring Gatherings Magazine 87

Tents for telling secrets under the stars Silver stars dangle from the ceiling of our hideaway, and regardless of the weather outdoors, my little ones and I are sleeping under the stars. We make tents out of things we find around the house. Today it is a vintage sheet, twine, and a pinstripe comforter. We lie on our backs and giggle. I talk with them. I listen to their little hearts, here in our own little world. Try it at home: Create a hideaway with any combination of blankets, quilts or sheets around the house. Drape the covers from furniture and hold in place with stacks of books or push pins (keep out of the reach of little hands!) Hang cut out stars or other shapes from the ceiling.

88 Gatherings Magazine Spring

A watched cookie always bakes

I slip a cookie sheet into a hot oven, mindful to leave the oven light illuminated. The chocolate chips have yet to melt, but the anticipation is building. I take an old quilt and spread it on the kitchen floor. My toddler boy climbs into my lap as I sit cross-legged in front of the oven. We watch as dough bakes into cookies before his eyes. I keep a stack of favored storybooks at arm’s reach. We talk about things like chocolate chips and wheat being transformed into flour and a God who makes all things possible. After 15 minutes, we pour glasses of milk and have a picnic on the floor. We read stories about dragons and buried treasure and ships that sail the world. Try it at home: Let your child help you mix a batch of your favorite cookies and then pop them in the oven. Turn the oven light on and other lights in the room down low. Lay a quilt or other blanket a safe distance from the oven door and have your little one sit in your lap and watch as the cookies bake. Talk about transformation, patience, and whatever is on your little one’s mind. Read stories while you wait.89 Spring Gatherings Magazine

Little Explorer

I make a simple list and hand it to my little one: “something yellow, something fuzzy, and something old.” His hand folds into mine as we walk our property, looking for treasures to mark off our list. A spring daffodil is his first discovery. “Something yellow!” We talk about bulbs and spring and renewal. Some things he understands. Other times he is just soaking up my company, the sound of my voice. I am glad. He is Robin Hood and I am his Maid Marian. We are Lewis and Clark, discovering the new world.

Try it at home: Make an age-appropriate scavenger list of things your little one can find, indoors or out. Hunt for treasure together. If you are in an urban area, try a local park or playground.

90 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Enjoy a cuppa Nearly every day at 4 o’clock, my toddler boy reminds me to put the kettle on. Who says that tea parties are limited to cups of air? We love a decaffeinated English breakfast tea, with a big dollop of creamy milk and a heaping spoonful of sugar. We pretend to be royalty and for twenty delicious minutes, we rule our beautiful world.

Try it at home: Cool your little one’s cuppa with a single cube of ice to make a perfect luke-warm treat. Not a fan of tea? Try hot cocoa.

Spring Gatherings Magazine 91

Organizing a Household of Creative Beings

By Julie Cataldo and Eppie Bailey of Zephyr Art

Though the blue grey winter skies are more conducive to steaming coffee, crackling fires and hunkering down, most of us feel regeneration as the golden rays of springtime sun filter through our windows. Along with the warmth and solar energy these delicious shafts of light provide, comes an almost tangible command to get up and to get organized. Generation after generation has, with the first scent of Spring, fought open their windows and grabbed buckets of water and cleaning supplies, with clear goals of making the inside of their home as fresh as the world outside. To some of us, this is as natural as the blooming of the flowers nodding along our walkways. Unfortunately, to others, this is an enormously daunting task.

Julie and I have four children each. We homeschool, design and manufacture children’s play things, create works of art, write and record music, cook, clean and launder, volunteer, and try to keep our husbands close enough so that they could recognize us in a line up. The funny thing is, it seems we have plenty of company. All of our friends do a variation of much of the same. Where do we all find the time to keep organized? We have recognized a reoccurrence of a few simple guidelines. 92 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Though not rules, they seem to steer us in the right direction, even though as artists we all wish to keep everything!

Let’s start with ‘useful and beautiful’. The biggest, and definitely our most difficult chore, is to simply sort and rid ourselves of things we do not need. The problem we face as artists is that we convince ourselves we need everything. Everything has potential. We do not take into consideration the cost we pay in keeping everything; we only see the thrift in having everything we may need immediately at our disposal. Are you paying to have things stored outside your home? Are potential art supplies taking up valuable real estate inside your home? Sometimes it is better to not have items until you need them, even if that means paying a little bit more than you would otherwise pay, had you found them on sale earlier. You need to have a place for everything you bring home and decide on it before you bring it home. If an item is not immediately useful or beautiful and you don’t know where to put it, get rid of it. Do not waste valuable time moving hoards of items around your home and work area every time you need to start a project. -

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This brings us to networking and collaborating. If you like to have materials at your disposal at all times it is convenient to have a web of like-minded friends. We have found bartering quite useful and borrow often. Be generous with your friends and be appreciative when they are generous with you. It is equally important to be as diligent with your children’s space as you are with your own. It is training your child to see importance and beauty in organization and it is teaching them what to value and products they should avoid. It also helps them realize more is not better. A few choice items are easier to take care of, clean up when not in use, and tolerate when visible. Make sure your children’s toys are designed well and of good quality. It is important for them to have toys that stimulate their imaginations and are not quickly outgrown.

Lastly, the rewards of a visually organized environment are worth sharing. We love taking photos of our days and find sharing them motivates us to keep things visually pleasing. It may not directly help in keeping our things orderly but the disappointment of losing a photo op due to embarrassing background mess goes a long way in helping us keep our resolve to stay neat.

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Are our houses deliciously organized? No. Are our art supplies, homeschool materials, and practical necessities precisely arranged in immaculate rows on pristine white shelves? No. We write to ourselves, so if we sound preachy please forgive us.

Springtime is a wonderful, beautiful time of renewal! It is a perfect opportunity for us all to pull out the old and make it new…or simply get rid of it. Here is a toast to all of our creative friends out there and a tip of the hat to yet another generation of spring cleaners.

“A few choice items are easier to take care of, clean up when not in use, and tolerate when visible. “

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COUNTING SHEEP by Elizabeth Hanley

10 Projects Ideas Crafting with Ephemera

During the flea market season, you can be sure to get many great deals on vintage paper. Don’t have a flea in your neck of the woods? I have found many inexpensive items at my local thrift shop for sale. Just last month, a nearby thrift shop had free music sheets for the taking, score! How about some discarded books from the library after a book sale? Newspapers, postcards, sewing patterns, letters, pamphlets, trade cards, and magazines are a collectors dream. Ranging from .50 to $5.00 depending on your budget and depending on how you want to use them creatively. Remember, these items will be cut. Save favorites for display or copy them on a scanner for an art project. Use originals too. It’s all up to you! Feeling a bit creative? Well do I have a treat for you. I’m taking count of my ephemera collection. It’s time to cut and snip. Get those scissors handy.. a little imagination.. and a touch of glue. You will also need: old photographs, washi tape, fine tip markers, embellishments, ribbons, a good glue gun and anything you would love to add for these projects on hand. Dig deep in your craft drawer. Anything goes here..

Spring Gatherings Magazine 97


Use music sheets to wrap gifts. Cut out curious song titles and adhere.

Make a tag too! A Surprise for any occasion.

98 Gatherings Magazine Spring

I loved the words from the score, “Counting Sheep”.


Display a grouping of frames together married with music sheets. Add a ribbon or vintage fabric belt and hold them in place with a drapery tack. Add a dried flower or vintage portrait. Be creative and you have instant art!


Create your own family tree using vintage photographs. Add updated photos too.. mix and match. Add names and sayings. Back a photo with a dictionary page, pamphlet or a map. With a hole punch, make a hole and attach with twine or string. Find a unique vase, pitcher, old enamelware coffee pot to hold your arrangement in place. Display life’s sweetest joy, the family. Spring Gatherings Magazine 99


Make a collage wreath out of a

wire wreath form. Pre-cut burlap strips two inches wide in any length. Glue with a glue

gun in place.Wrap wreath form until you have completed the whole wreath with burlap. If you have a die-cut maker, cut out shapes from paper and glue onto wreath with a glue gun.

You don’t need a dye cut maker but, makes this project easier. I enjoyed tracing various sizes of leaves on music sheets, ledgers and postcards. Cutting them free hand and gluing them in place.

Add any embellishment you like. Make one


Not feeling crafty? No worries.. Place vintage photos in a planter, a basket, a wooden crate, Display them on a table. A true conversation starter friends and family will enjoy. No glue or cutting needed... Phew!

Special thanks to: Water St Market Antiques New Paltz, NY 100 Gatherings Magazine Spring

keeping any season in mind.


Who doesn’t like bling? Make a

necklace out of vintage findings. This magnifying glass was once a necklace with a long

rope chain. It was then reassembled into a chic choker using music sheets once again.

Cut out any objects that appeal to you. Trace

size of magnifying glass on music sheet. Glue

pre- cut items. For extra security, glue your finished creation on card stock using a glue gun.

Add a fancy ribbon of you choice. There are tons of possibilities here... have a blast.


Do you enjoy vintage silhouettes? Make whimsical ones out of paper. Trace your child’s profile out of black heavyweight construction paper. Cut and paste on a clean plate with white school glue. I found plates at the flea for only a dollar. Press out any air bubbles and smooth surface with your finger tips. Add funny words or sayings from music sheets or books. Make some for gifts or display them in your home. Don’t forget to add the date behind your creation with a permanent marker. Enjoy this updated version of creating a silhouette that was so popular long ago.

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Even More Crafty Ideas to Try ~


Have vintage sewing patterns on hand for times when you run out of tissue paper. Wrap a gift with them too...


Cover a stack of books with vintage music sheets, dictionary pages in French or any language. Tie a group of them together with a beautiful satin ribbon. Easy and a great addition to any decor.


Love to read? Make a book mark out of a trade card. Cut and adhere to any color card stock. Add washi tape, cool titles from a book or a handwritten message with an extra fine marker. Make a few for those book lovers in your home. Experiment...

Take stock of your collection... have

fun... create...enjoy!

Elizabeth Hanley is owner/ creator of Lizlovesvintage Blog: http://lizlovesvintage/blogspot.com Etsy: http://lizlovesvintage.etsy.com Facebook: Lizlovesvintage 102 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Instagram #gatheringstyle

C h a l l e n g e Fa v o r i t e

@cafehohut Join our style challenge by tagging your favorite interior shots with #gatheringstyle You could be featured in upcoming issues! Spring Gatherings Magazine 103

104 Gatherings Magazine Spring

words, photos, text by Jennie Prince


o Growing Nursery

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remember my husband’s facial expression when the ultrasound tech said, “It’s a girl”. A scrunched

forehead, wide eyes and an “O’” shaped mouth. That face was filled with excitement, fear and pure joy. Once the tech made the announcement, I remember laying on the table thinking, “a girl, a little baby girl. I cannot wait to shop”. And that’s just what I did. As soon as I waddled my pregnant self home to my computer, I began the great nursery search.

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My husband and I knew we wanted a nursery not only our little lady could grow into, but something we could grow with as well. We have a tendency to change our minds often and my slight shopping habit has our style changing in rapid form. Our first step was to keep the overall look classic and neutral. Keeping the majority of the space neutral made it easy to disperse shades of pink and gray through out the room. As much as the elements of interior design are important, it was just as necessary to add sentimental touches for our little girl. Crocheted shoes are displayed on the nightstand and photos hang on the wall with pink and white washi tape. As for my own personal touches, I made a paper doily garland adapted from Elena Kovyrzina, adding a touch of peace and innocence to the nursery. Lighting was an issue in the small space so with that, the walls were painted two shades of cream and wall scones flank each side of the crib. By doing so, it defined two separate “cocoon” like spaces. One area is for sleeping while the other is for play.

It’s my hope that as time passes small changes such as bedding and artwork will give the space an entire new feel. It will be interesting to watch Cecilia’s personality develop and in turn, create a space that reflects her rather than my husband and I. As for now, I enjoy spending the day away in her cozy little nursery. So many memories are exist in this little space and I cannot wait to share more as our family of three.

Shopping Guide: Furniture: Crib | Pottery Barn Kids Bookcase | Midwest Classic Crafts Glider and Ottoman | JCP

Crib Bedding: Quilt | Zara Home Kids Comforter | Zara Home Kids Owl | Pier 1 Imports Crochet Doll | Ooshki 108 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Artwork: Hadley Hutton Cake With Giants Mia Autumn Maria Elina Emma Block

Bio: Jennifer Prince is the curator of Odessa May Society and new mama to Cecilia. She resides with her family in western New York. Website: http://www.odessamaysociety.com/

Spring Gatherings Magazine 109

Recipe Index

Tea in the Afternoon

Lemon-Lavender Cupcakes with Citrus Cream-Cheese Icing Yield: 30 cupcakes 5 egg whites, room temperature 3/4 cup buttermilk 2 lemons, zested 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar ¼ cup lavender sugar (recipe below) 2 1/2 cup cake flour 1 Tbsp baking powder 1/2 tsp kosher salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a small bowl, mix the egg whites, ¼ cup of the buttermilk, and the lemon zest. Set aside. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside. In a mixing bowl, beat the butter and both sugars until creamy and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes. Add in the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. Slowly add in the egg white mixture and then beat in the remaining ½ cup of buttermilk. Line a standard cupcake/muffin pan with paper liners (or grease well with butter). Fill liners about halfway and bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool in pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to complete cooling. Lavender Sugar In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade, grind 1/4 cups of sugar with one tablespoon of culinary lavender blossoms.

110 Gatherings Magazine Spring

by Ginny Donovan

Citrus-Cream Cheese Icing 8 ounces of cream cheese, softened 2 sticks butter, softened 1/4 cup honey Zest from 2 lemons (reserve a small amount for garnish, if desired) 4 cups powdered sugar 8 teaspoons lemon juice Water or milk, if needed, to thin icing consistency (if desired) In the bowl of a stand mixer, use the paddle attachment to beat cream cheese and butter until wellmixed and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes. Add the honey and lemon zest. Beat until incorporated. Add powdered sugar and beat on medium-low speed while adding lemon juice. If icing still seems dry, add water or milk, a ½ teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency is reached. Spread or pipe icing onto cooled cupcakes. Garnish with lemon zest, if desired. Cupcake recipe slightly adapted from: ShugarySweets.com

The chocolate cake and buttercream icing are lovely confections from the gorgeous cookbook, Miette: Recipes from San Francisco’s Most Charming Pastry Shop.

Spinach-Cheese Phyllo Tartlets Makes 30 tartlets Filling: 2 eggs 3/4 cup cottage cheese 1/2 small onion, finely minced 1 garlic clove, finely minced 1 (10-ounce) package frozen spinach, thawed 1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 teaspoon salt 30 mini phyllo shells (usually sold in freezer section of grocery stores) Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Beat the eggs in a medium-sized bowl. Add the cottage cheese, onion, and garlic. Mix well.

Cucumber Sandwiches with Mint Butter Makes 8 sandwiches Ÿ cup butter, softened 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves, chopped 8 very thin slices white bread, crusts removed ½ large cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced

In a sieve, press the water out of the spinach. Add spinach, cheeses, and salt to egg mixture. Stir until In small bowl, combine the butter and mint. well-mixed.

Spread mint butter on the bread slices. Arrange the The phyllo shells can be filled either thawed or cucumbers on 4 of the slices and top with the restraight from the freezer. Fill each shell with about 1 maining bread to make 4 sandwiches. Cut them in tablespoon of filling. half diagonally. Place shells on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until filling is hot and bubbly. Serve warm.

(Recipe from Victoria: The Essential Tea Companion)

(Filling recipe from Victoria: The Essential Tea Companion)

Simple Scones Recipe found at http://cookingwithchopin.blogspot.com/2011/06/ scones.html

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Easter Table

by Clarice Fox-Hughes

This is one of my go-to dishes when I do not have much time. For a head start I simply allow shrimp to de-frost, mix all dry ingredients and place rice in the rice cooker ready to cook later. My family loves the crunchy, butter topping. Serve with a large simple salad and you have a perfectly easy spring dinner.

I love rhubarb! It has this unique tang I look forward to every spring but I will confess my family is not big rhubarb fans. But I am slowly winning them over and these little cakes are just one of the ways. The secret is the cream cheese center; it seems to help cut the tartness from the rhubarb for my family. Roasting the rhubarb is easy and concentrates the flavors a bit. Even though these cakes are grain free (and could be dairy free, see tips) everyone will love them, even those who are not rhubarb

Lemon Parmesan-Crusted Baked Shrimp


1 pound shrimp, shelled. If frozen, defrosted. Zest of one small lemon Juice of ½ lemon Olive oil 1 ½ cups dried breadcrumbs, I like panko ¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 tsp. each of salt, pepper and dried, granulated garlic ¼ cup butter (½ stick) melted

Rosey Rhubarb Up-side Down Cakes w/ Cream Cheese Center, grain free

Pre-heat oven 350 degrees Arrange shrimp in a wide baking pan, big enough to not crowd each other. Toss shrimp in juice from the lemon and drizzle a little oil over the shrimp. In a bowl toss together crumbs, lemon zest, cheese, salt, pepper and garlic. When the oven is hot mix crumbs with melted butter (do not do this ahead of time or the crumbs will become mushy). If not all crumbs are coated, add a bit more melted butter. Sprinkle buttered crumbs over shrimp and bake 25 minutes.

112 Gatherings Magazine Spring

Yields 12 mini cakes Roasted Rhubarb Sauce 4 ounces of cream cheese cut into 12 cubes 1/3 cup melted coconut oil, cooled or butter 2 eggs 1/8 tsp. vanilla paste or 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups almond flour 1/4 cup coconut flour 1/3 cup coconut sugar 1/2 tsp salt Pre-heat oven 350 degrees Grease muffin pan, unless using a silicone pan. Divide sauce between the 12 cups and spread on bottom. Add one cube of cream cheese to each cup. Mix together almond flour, coconut flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Add oil, eggs and vanilla. Batter should be scoopable but not pourable. Divide batter between the 12 cups. Bake 30-40 minutes until inserted tooth pick comes out clean and the cake feels firm to the touch. Let cool 10 minutes and then remove cakes with rhubarb side up and cool on rack. If using a silicone pan, let cakes cool in pan. If sauce sticks to the bottom on the pan, spread remaining on back of cakes.

Violet sugar is such an easy way to preserve this

Slow-Roasted Rhubarb Sauce

fragrant flower. I have learned over time to store the

3 cups of sliced rhubarb 1/3 cup of sugar (I used coconut sugar) Juice of half an orange

sugar in zip-lock bags, instead of jars. The sugar tends to clump and the bags make it easy to break

up. This is a simple tart with a chocolate ganache Pre-heat oven 300 degrees. Toss Rhubarb in sugar and juice and spread out in a wide baking dish. filling. I kept the flavors simple because I wanted the Bake 40 minutes. Scrape rhubarb and juice into a violet delicacy of the sugar to really sing. dish and allow to cool. Puree sauce or leave chunky depending on your liking. The sauce can be refrigerViolet Chocolate Tart ated for up to a week.


1 refrigerated tart crust, blank baked Pre-heat oven 350 degrees

A trick I learned from a friend on measuring the coconut oil is to scoop out more than you need, melt it, Line one tart pan with crust. Blank bake the crust by measure what you need and pour the remaining oil covering the crust with foil and adding pie weights or back into jar. It will not hurt the coconut oil. beans. You want something heavy to hold the crust down, so it does not bubble up as it bakes. Bake as To make these muffins dairy free use dairy free milk directed until the crust is cooked and golden. Set and cream cheese. aside until cooled. After the crust has cooled, make ganache and fill the crust. Allow tart 3-4 hours for If you want your rosey cakes orangier, add zest and the chocolate to firm up. juice from the other half of the orange to the cake batter. Also if you really like strawberry with your Violet Chocolate Ganache rhubarb, you can replace some of the rhubarb with strawberries for the sauce 8 ounce (½ pound or 1 1/3 cup) dark chocolate, chopped or chips 1 cup heavy cream 1/8 cup violet sugar, plus extra to sprinkle on top In a small pan heat cream on medium heat. Do not let cream boil. As soon as cream is hot, remove from stove. Add sugar and chocolate, stir until melted and smooth. Pour filling into tart shell.

Violet sugar Mix 1 cup of sugar with 6-8 fragrant, fresh violets in a zip-lock bag. Make sure your violets have not been sprayed with pesticides. Allow a week or two for the sugar to absorb the fragrance from the violets. Discard the violets and enjoy the sugar. Tips: This can be made with rose sugar too. To make dairy free, use coconut cream instead of cream. Do not refrigerate the tart, the moisture is not good for the ganache. Spring Gatherings Magazine 113


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114 Gatherings Magazine Spring

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