Gateway's Inaugural Magazine & Annual Report

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History In 1998, a group of parents had the dream of creating a school that would be a gateway to college for all students regardless of race, income, or learning style. They founded Gateway High School, a college preparatory public charter school in San Francisco, focused on serving an academically disadvantaged population. In order to increase Gateway’s impact on students especially during their formative middle school years, Gateway expanded its model with the addition of Gateway Middle School in 2011.

Mission Our mission is to send well-prepared students to college, and everything we do successfully supports this mission.

Vision By serving as a model public school organization, we hope to demonstrate that public education can and does work for diverse learners, share best practices, and serve as a catalyst for change within the public sphere. 2




Dear friends, This year, Gateway celebrates its 18th year as one of the first public charter schools in San Francisco. Since our founding, Gateway has remained committed to academic excellence through personalized, student-centered learning. In this publication, the first of its kind at Gateway, we are excited to share our accomplishments, our priorities, and vignettes of our inspirational students and faculty. This publication reflects the wide range of extraordinary people who have moved Gateway forward and who have touched the lives of hundreds of students. Thank you to the many people in our community — educators, partners, parents, volunteers and philanthropists — who have helped make Gateway’s story possible. We are proud of our students and staff, and we thank you for your support.

Your impact is truly significant.


Sharon Olken

Beth Berliner

Sapna Boze

Executive Director

Co-Chair, Gateway Board of Trustees

Co-Chair, Gateway Board of Trustees






Gateway students


students of color


of students are first in their families to attend college

average student to faculty ratio


of students fall below the poverty line


of students have diagnosed learning differences


of our high school graduates have gone on to college, double the statewide rate


All Students College and Career Ready

Gateway’s track record of success with sending virtually 100% of its graduates to college each year continues to be double the statewide average for public school students. Gateway students have attended and are currently enrolled in a broad range of institutions around the country. Gateway sets sights early with college visits during middle school and high school and with personalized college counseling provided by two full-time college counselors during high school.



Fernando Portillo “The transition to college from high school wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be thanks to Gateway. Gateway helped prepare me for college by encouraging me to take rigorous AP classes, teaching me how to take notes and study, and most importantly, emphasizing the fact that it’s ok to ask for help. I am so thankful for my Gateway experience and how I was supported and set up to succeed in college and beyond.” – Fernando Portillo ‘14 UC Santa Cruz


Gateway Middle School was opened in 2011 to expand Community, excellence, responsibilGateway’s reach and impact on ity, students and respect are four things I during theirbig formative willmiddle take toschool high school years.with me. Gateway has taught me to show all these The middle school years are an core values in positive ways and gave important time in which students are me something to work on each day. exploring their personal identities, Something that Gateway helped me developing independence, and with the most is believing in myself active members of their andbecoming my work…Over three years I have community. Middle school is also a started to believe in the work I put out when students gain the skills,in it. andtime to be completely confident and knowledge they will need I’m habits not saying that I never ask for for help academic and success in highasks because, let’s bepersonal honest, everyone school, college, andnot beyond. for help and that’s a bad thing.

Gateway Middle –School embraces Gateway Middle School Student the unique needs of middle school

students and supports diverse learners to succeed within a rigorous, collegepreparatory program. Gateway Middle School believes that students learn best when they are known well and feel a sense of belonging; when they understand how they learn and feel that their individual learning needs are supported and respected; when they are challenged to think critically; and when they actively participate in the school community.


Building a Foundation for Student Success



Andrea, 8th Grade When Andrea entered Gateway Middle School she was shy and didn’t feel like she belonged. She lacked confidence and yearned for a sense of community. Over time, Andrea was able to build her confidence by participating in many of Gateway’s programs and clubs. Now in eighth grade, Andrea feels like she is part of a community, which she attributes to the incredible support she received from her teachers who encouraged her to open up and be proud of who she is. According to Andrea, she gained confidence in her ability as a student by discovering what type of learner she is during Learning Seminar. “Gateway helped me discover that I am an auditory and visual learner. I feel empowered knowing how I learn and what I need to do to be successful when I go to high school and college.”




Exposure Matters Gateway provides access to rigorous learning experiences that build connections between what happens in the classroom and in the real world. Gateway creates partnerships with organizations in the community in order to make learning relevant and help students expand their visions of themselves and their futures. Through programs such as Pizza & Possibilities and Gateway’s Internship program, students gain real world exposure, connect with mentors, and participate in experiences that help fuel ambitious college and career aspirations.



Internships allow Gateway students to explore

careers of interest to them, gain professional experience, build their resumes, make contacts and references for the future, and get a taste of where their education may take them. I always tell students that they can’t lose when it comes to participating in an internship. Either they find a career that they love or they realize that the career wasn’t as exciting as they thought it would be. They

have plenty of time to explore other career options.

- Greg Grossman, Internship Coordinator and Humanities Teacher

Gateway students have served as interns in a wide variety of settings, including: Presidio Way Veterinarian Hospital

ValueAct Capital

San Francisco’s Public Defender’s Office

Kathleen Welsh, MD

HCA Accounting Wells Capital


Rothman Dentistry Tasting Panel Magazine Summerbridge

ActiveCare Physical Therapy San Francisco Toyota GenesysWorks Docker

As an intern at Docker, I have

witnessed the many ways technology is revolutionizing the way our world operates. Working with the marketing team, I was able to develop essential skills and understand the importance of teamwork and communication in a workforce environment. Not only have I grown as an individual mentally and professionally, I have made strong connections that will

benefit me in the future.

– Steven ‘16

Steven has been selected as a Gates Millennium Scholar and plans to attend UC San Diego in the fall.




Alegria ’16 Alegria interned at the Presidio Way Veterinarian clinic during the fall 2014 semester and was asked to return during the summer of 2015. She worked side by side with the lead veterinarian and had the opportunity to see first hand what it is like to provide health care to animals. Alegria administered shots, bathed animals before life-saving procedures, and even scrubbed into emergency surgeries. Alegria asserts that her internship provided her with the opportunity to make connections between what she was learning in the classroom to what goes on inside a veterinarian’s office. “I am extremely grateful for Gateway’s internship program, especially Mr. Grossman, who set me up with my internship and supported me throughout the entire experience,” according to Alegria. “I would not have had such an amazing experience if it wasn’t for Gateway and all the opportunities that they offer to all of their students.” Alegria will attend the University of Arizona in the fall and major in Animal Sciences or Biochemistry.


Excellence in Teaching and Learning A high level of engagement between Gateway faculty and students is one of the hallmarks of a Gateway education. Gateway believes that academic success stems from exceptional teachers in every classroom. Gateway ensures a high quality teaching and learning environment by supporting its most valuable resource, its teachers.


When students feel they belong in the classroom, and

feel valued and respected for who they are by their teachers and peers, they are able to bring their whole selves into the

room and into their learning. This makes all the difference.

Kory O’Rourke, Humanities Teacher and Mindfulness Coordinator


Gateway supports the professional

growth of its faculty and believes that high quality , collaborative, and strategic professional development is the cornerstone of a great school.

– Becca Wieder Director of Curriculum and Instruction


All teachers participate in on-site professional development totaling more than 150 hours each year. Gateway’s professional development utilizes research-based practices and creates equitable outcomes for all of our students.


of our teachers have pursued outside professional development opportunities during the last five years.


of our teachers have advanced degrees.



1/3 of Gateway teachers are in leadership roles, either supporting peers in their own department or team, across the school, or even outside of Gateway.


Gateway faculty retention rate


Good teaching to me is all about establishing authentic and

lasting relationships. I want my students to understand that I love and care about them. Above all, I want them to obtain a love of learning that enables them to grow, learn, and pursue what’s going

to make them happy.


-Manny Martinez, Humanities Teacher

Good Teaching Matters Gateway has a dynamic teaching faculty that engages in active and ongoing reflection and personal growth. The following pages include a few stories of recent faculty experiences.



Jessica Martinez Jessica Martinez started her career at Gateway Middle

organizational skills, how they learn best, and how to

School in 2014 as a long-term substitute teacher, fell in

be self-advocates. By the time they reach eighth grade,

love with the school’s community, and is now teaching

Gateway Middle School students know their learning

6th grade Math and Science full time.

style, are comfortable with who they are, and are not

“Gateway Middle School is an extremely special place

afraid to ask for what they need.”

because of its small, diverse community that values all

As a teacher, Jessica also feels extremely supported

learners,” says Jessica. “When you walk through the halls

by Gateway Middle School. She recently attended the

of Gateway Middle School it’s evident that everyone truly

Silicon Valley Math Initiative (SVMI) with Gateway’s

cares for one another.”

entire math department. Jessica and her team have

“At Gateway Middle School we recognize that all

incorporated SVMI’s Problems of the Month, non-routine

students need support,” asserts Jessica. “We prepare

math problems designed to be used school-wide to

students for the rigors of high school by teaching them

promote a problem-solving theme at school.



Marc Crown Marc Crown joined Gateway in 2002, just as Gateway’s

Marc recently attended a number of workshops focused

first ever high school class was graduating. He is

on using Google apps in the classroom. “I learned

excited to teach at Gateway High School because of its

a number of strategies to bring my digital teaching

pedagogical focus on learning styles. Gateway ensures

practice into the 21st century,” asserts Marc.

that each student understands his/her unique learning

“I discovered better ways to communicate with students

profile and provides explicit instruction in note taking,

and parents, implemented more streamlined means to

studying, organization, and other key learning styles.

provide timely feedback, and provided authentic student

Marc enjoys teaching at Gateway because of the

centered assessments.”

autonomy he receives in his classroom. “I am trusted to

He also spent two weeks of his summer at Stanford with

develop a curriculum that matches our student needs

chemistry teachers from around the nation who were

and simultaneously meets state and national standards,”

interested in rethinking their approach to lab activities.

explains Marc. He also values the support Gateway

“In line with key ideas from both Next Generation

teachers receive: “Gateway supports good teaching by

Science Standards and Common Core State Standards,

fostering a collegial atmosphere and focusing strongly

I took my labs and rewrote them to focus more on

on integrated professional development.”

explanation and evidence, rather than simple reporting,” explains Marc. 27


Diana Sanchez Diana Sanchez started her teaching career five years ago

oriented approach to teaching and learning. “I don’t

as a student teacher at Gateway High School and has

know of many other public schools who have a full time

remained ever since because of Gateway’s supportive

staff member solely dedicated to helping the faculty

teaching environment. “Gateway is structured so that

be as effective as possible,” asserts Diana. “Gateway

every single teacher is mentored in a constructive and

explicitly understands that good teachers ultimately

applicable way,” says Diana. “It doesn’t matter if you’ve

benefit the students and at the end of the day, that’s

been teaching at Gateway for two years or for ten

what matters most.”

years—you’ll be supported either way.”

Ms. Sanchez, who teaches Spanish, was encouraged

Diana credits Gateway’s great teaching environment

to participate in a summer professional development

to the organization’s leadership around professional

conference about reading and teaching complex texts to

development and curriculum planning. Gateway has

heritage learners.

a full time Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Ms. Becca Weider, who works to develop a cohesive, equity-



Justin Berthiaume Justin Berthiaume has been teaching science at Gateway

Teachers (FIT), about the complex environmental and

for five years and values Gateway’s small-school culture

economic issues surrounding our forests and how to

and strong commitment to community.

build lessons to raise student awareness around

“Gateway has such a strong culture based around the

these issues.

school motto of ‘Step Up, Dream Big, Do Right,’ which

“I am so thankful for how supportive Gateway has been

really resonates with me,” says Justin. “I also value the

of my initiatives and projects, like developing the new

positive working relationship between administration

9th grade curriculum, launching the AP environmental

and the teachers. Everyone is supportive of each other,

science course, and starting the Gateway Garden

and trusts each other.”

program,” says Justin.

During the summer, Justin attended a week-long summer workshop, funded by The Forestry Institute for



Marlies McCallum Marlies McCallum has been at Gateway for ten years

has also been very impressed with the professional

and became the Director of the High School’s Learning

development program for faculty. “Every teacher at

Center in 2011. “Gateway believes that all students

Gateway has the opportunity to get support no

can learn at high levels and that all students learn

matter what level they’re at in their teaching career,”

differently—that in itself speaks volumes as to what

says Marlies.

type of school Gateway is,” explains Marlies. “I’m also

Marlies recently presented at a five-day professional

incredibly happy at Gateway because of the diversity.

development conference for Quality Teaching for English

Everyone can learn something from someone who is

Learners (QTEL), which supports English language

different from them, and Gateway is way ahead of

learners and teachers. At the conference she shared

the game.”

best practices that support English language learners

Marlies is impressed by how committed Gateway

with reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills with

teachers are to ensuring equitable outcomes for all

fellow educators at the conference.

students. Like many of her fellow teachers, Marlies



Therese Arsenault Therese Arsenault has been teaching at Gateway

“I look for professional development activities that

Middle School since its founding in 2011 and strongly

allow teachers to build a network of expertise outside

believes that being part of the Gateway community

of Gateway. Learning is not done in isolation and it’s

was her destiny. “My love of learning and cultivating

important that we learn from those who are experts in

relationships aligns perfectly with Gateway’s

the content we’re teaching our students. We can then

philosophy,” says Therese.

process the content, incorporate it into our curriculum,

In addition to teaching 6th grade math and

and make it engaging for twelve year olds.”

science, Therese is an instructional leader for Gateway Middle School’s math and science department. In this role, Therese seeks professional development opportunities, resources, and partnerships that will align the math and science department around a rich and engaging curriculum.



Fiscal Year 2015 Summary OPERATING SOURCES

People 78% Instruction 11% Facilities 6% Operations 5%



Public Funding


Philanthropic Support


Our 13th Annual Matters of the Mind Luncheon featuring NFL Hall of Famer Ronnie Lott was a tremendous success! We extend special thanks to Luncheon Co-Chairs, Susan Masto and Sara Byrne, and all of our luncheon supporters.

Corporate Sponsors AT&T Charles Schwab Bank First Republic Bank

McGovern Consulting Paragon Real Estate Group Plath & Co

UBS ValueACT Capital Visa Inc.

Individual Sponsors EXCEPTIONAL


Nel and Charles Ellwein

Sapna and Brandon Boze

Thomas and Lily Beischer

Laura and John Fisher

Marge Brooks Rememberance Fund (John and Stephanie Dains)

Allison and Aneel Bhusri

Kelly and Mike Halper

Sara and Tom Byrne

Jennifer and Sam Hocking

Cecily Cameron and Derek Schrier Cathy Cockrum Dean and Sandy Dean Diana Kapp and David Singer Kathy and Rick Kimball Susan and Chris Masto Laura and Greg Spivy

Lycia Carmody

Susan and Ron Kase

Martha Ehmann Conte

Anne Kenner and Jim Scopa

Scott and Cristina Gutterman

Lisa and Derek Kirkland

Katherine and Duncan Kennedy

Annie and Perry Klebahn

Donna Liu and David Schwartz

Tina and Ed McGovern

Will and Julie Parish Family

Anna and Mason Morfit


Mark S. Peek

Dana and Bob Emery

Alicia Nogales and Greg Little

Sue Schultes and Patrick Skovran

Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja

Jackie Quella and Phil Conley

Katherine Welch

Will and Suzanne Schutte


Rebecca and Phil Susser


Roselyne C. Swig

Beth Berliner and Larry Hirschhorn

David and Susan Tunnell

Alyssa and Mark Berwick

Ashley and Minott Wessinger 33


We are so grateful to our community for making Gateway a philanthropic priority. Thank you! The following donors made gifts to Gateway during the 2014-2015 fiscal year: $10,000 +

Catherine Sullivan

Steven L. Merrill


ValueAct Capital

Mark S. Peek

Kelly and Carrie Barlow

Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program

Ellen and Douglas Rosenberg

Allison and Aneel Bhusri Sapna and Brandon Boze Cecily Cameron and Derek Schrier

Briana and Miguel Zelaya

Anne Selting and David Sosa


Charles Siu

John and Stephanie Dains

AT&T California

Cathy and Sandy Dean

Tom and Lily Beischer

EGG Foundation

Leslie and Buzz Burlock

Dana and Bob Emery

Sara and Thomas Byrne

Rocky Fried

Lycia Carmody

Wendy Holcombe and Carl Kawaja

Martha Ehmann Conte

Kathryn and Richard Kimball

Doris Fisher

Lisa and Derek Kirkland Maverick Capital Foundation Susan and Chris Masto Gale Mondry and Bruce Cohen Anna and Mason Morfit Julie and Will Parish Jackie Quella and Phil Conley Laura and Greg Spivy 34

Sue Schultes and Patrick Skovran

Laura and John Fisher

Phil and Rebecca Susser Dale Thompson Susan and David Tunnell Visa Inc. Grace and Steven Voorhis Roberta Wahl and Nenad Barackov Katherine Welch

Carrie Banks and John Carpenter Linda Behnke Maurice Belote and Alan Broussard Mark Benjamin Beth Berliner and Larry Hirschhorn Sari and James Berliner Alyssa and Mark Berwick Kinsley Binard Kristin Bumgarner and Rich Snodsmith Betty Burnham William Chang

Ashley and Minott Wessinger

Nancy Chetaitis and Sharon Olken

Brian and Janet Hee


Ingrid and Marco Chiavacci

Gabrielle Hull


Mrs. Mary and Dr. Yanek Chiu

Chris and Jonathan Kantor

Estevan Aguayo

Diana Kapp and David Singer

Deborah and Jake Anderson

Eimer Cody and Eugene Gerard Murphy

Katherine and Duncan Kennedy

Ellen Aquila and Gloria Heredia

Carla and David Crane

Scott and Cristina Gutterman

Donna Liu and David Schwartz

Rhonda Aquilina and Gary Saballos

Katie and Reed Colley

THANK YOU $1,000–$4,999 continued

Liz Dalrymple and John Kelson Jennifer and Sean Deming Cassandra Dougherty Phyllis and Bill Draper Karoly and Dean Dyer Nel and Charles Ellwein

Local Independent Charities of America Maggie and Carter Mack Farah and Victor Makras Tamra and Robert Marshall Mary Martinez and Joe Lui Lisille and Henry Matheson Kirstin and Patrick McFarlane

Phillip Enis and Julia Gourd

Tina and Ed McGovern


Janet and Wayne Veatch

Shanisee Baker

Ruth and Stanley Wessels

Bank of America Foundation

Yulia and Aaron White

Alicia Barcena and Marcus Muench

Jim Whitlock Kendall Wilkinson Design Christy Williams and Alan Bolsh Diane Wilsey Julie Wise and Jason Willig

Shaundra Bason Jolie and Scotty Bastable Ellen and Tom Bauch Paula and Carl Baum Bean Head Farm

Stu and Meg McLaughlin

Geri Wolfsheimer and Steven Bloom

Sergio and Elena Beider

Audrey and Spencer Feely

Judith McRae

Cindy Wong and Wayne Dong

Carla Bello

Nadine and Chris Forsman

Trudi Michael and Bruce Cole

Sharon and Russell Woo

Helen Belluschi

Friends of Harvey Milk

Andrew Middleton and Antea von Henneberg

Svetlana and Dmitry Yesin

Gerlinde Berghofer

Sharon Gillenwater and Andrew Keeler

Vidya and Kisen Nathu Lim and Lori Ng

Brett Glickman and Joel Mullennix

Alicia Nogales and Greg Little

Google Matching Gifts Program

John Osterweis

Leticia Guevara DiLallo and Michael DiLallo

Daniel Ostrow

Rich Hake Kelly and Mike Halper

Henry Pacheco and Tom Dahdouh

Up to $999 Monique Aas and Andrew Oliphant Barbara and Fred Abbott Achievers Matching Gifts Terri and Hyacinth Ahuruonye Rick Aidi Erin Akel

Norman Berthiaume Amy Berthiaume Siter Suzan and James Betheil Eleanor Bigelow and Tom Paper Cynthia Billops and Shari Fletcher-Billops Cynthia and Rob Birmingham

Jennifer and Samuel Hocking

Mark Pahlavan and Claire Axelrad

Anja and David Albertson

Bennett and Joanne Hong

Paragon Real Estate Group

Katie Albright and Jake Schatz

Kristin Horne Johnson

Pernassus Investments

Duncan Alexander

Lynne Huffman and Allan Reiss

Patrick Peterson and Shirley Tsai

Darlene Alioto White and Austin White

Carla Borsoi and Jeff Rider

Cynthia James and Martin Hickey

Plath & Company

Abdulaziz Alkharji and Chika Fujita

Mary Jo Bowling

Jewish Community High School of the Bay

Robert Half International

Hokhmah Joyallen and Peter Allen Kaiser Permanente Gillis Kallem and Lee Markosian Colleen and Thomas Kanaley Susan and Ron Kase Anne Kenner and Jim Scopa Ms. Missy Kirchner Annie and Perry Klebahn Nataliya Komarovskaya and Oleg Vaynshteyn Laiola LLC Tacolicious Sally and Brandon LaSan Chris Lawson and Grant Vincent Lucinda Lee Katz Karen Lee Wright and Trevor Wright Feralee and Charles Levin David and Julie Levine

Kendra and Erik Ragatz Martha Ryan and Daniel McDonald Adina Safer and Mark Sole Kelly Schoephoerster Suzanne and Will Schutte Schwab Bank Kellie Seringer Pooja and Vivek Shah Patricia and Jason Sharp Pam Souza Lisa Spivey Sallie Squire

Stephen Altman Bette and Don Anderson Rena Anderson and Charles Jones Michael and Chinwe Anigbogu Anki, Inc. Mary Ann and Ray Antonio Susan and Edwin Apolonio Ayrie Aranda Mori and Richard Mori Monica Arenas and Jose Delgado Michelle Arkin and Wayne Larson

Linda Blackstone Karen and Jeff Block Anne Bluethenthal Kristine Boeding Dione Bowers Elizabeth Bradburn Elaine Brannigan and Eric Rapin Maria Breaux and Sarah Korda Judy and Neal Breitbarth Todd Brockman Sheila Brown and Farley Neuman Valerie and Paul Bruning Margaret Buckley and Jenny Joy Holman Janet and William Bumgarner Mark Bumgarner

Catherine Armsden and Lewis Butler

Alison Burger

Target - Take Charge of Education

Donna Armstrong

Peggy Burnham

Evelyn Armstrong

Alla Teper and Alex Geyler

Catherine Art

Darryl Burton and Wendy Anderson

Jennifer and Douglas Tulley

Cynthia and Tom Atkin

William Twomey

Stacey and Sean Baenen


Pamela and Larry Baer

Nila and Bruce Staudt Roselyne Swig

Wynn Burkett

Yvelise and Enrique Cabral Pen Callan Blanca Carabez and Leonardo Corabez 35

THANK YOU Silvia and Lorenzo Cardenas Jennifer Carlin and Sandrah Henry

Linda Dardarian and Terrance Carroll

Amy Fernandez

Fay Darmawi

Brian Ferrall and Laurie Poston

Janet and Mark Hall

Michelle and Lawrence Ferraz

Kelly Halligan

Lori and Kirk Fetzer

Maurine and Phil Halperin

Geraldine Fetzer

Pauline Hamilton

Diane Carr

Marci Davis

Guy Carson

Evie and Matt Davis

John Casazza

Lynda and Walt De Petris

Laura Cashion and Michael Hunter

Jude Deckenbach and David Tejeda

Mary Beth Cecchini

Jobyna Dellar

Sylvia Cediel and M. Todd Scott

Anne and Robert Deming

Michael and Jennifer Cerchiai

Kelny Denebeim and George Calys

Stephanie Chai

Susie Der

Creighton Chan

Barbara Desai

Tsui Oh Chang

Shannon and Luca Di Donna

Kerrie Chappelka

Ismael Diagne

Charles Schwab Foundation

Regina Dick-Endrizzi

Barbara Chase

Leslie Dicke

Julissa Chavez and Alejandro Garcia

Sarah DiLullo

Yi-Ling Chen and Victor Hwang

Christine Dodds and Brian Bennett

Juliya Cherdak and Luis Mendivil Helen and Yanush Cherkis Linda Chetaitis Carol and Wallace Chin Lauren Chinn Vera Ciammetti Danielle Ciccarelli and Mark Sorensen

Jaime Dominguez and Ti Aguirre Domingez

Susan and Nino Filous

Lorraine Handy and Jack Herr

Randi and Bob Fisher

Susan Hara

Sara and Bob Fitch

Reva and Tommy Harris

Marianne Fives and Scott Shapiro

Houria and Mohamed Hebbar

Sara Fleming

Bonna and John Heebink

Gloria Flores Lauren and Jamie Ford Tomoko and Don Fortune Chad Foskuhl Katy and Charly Franklin Franklin Templeton Investments Matching Program Marian Freeman and Robert Rust Stacy and Kurt Fuchs Marjorie Fuerst

Kathryn and Ryan Hecht Anna Heidinger Peggy Henson Suzanne Herko and Mark Felton Samuel P. Herko and Linda R. Herko Elizabeth and Edward J Herko Laura and Charles Hespe Therese Hickey Andrea Higgins and Peter Chung Gabrielle Hildebrand and James McCall

Abbey Doolittle

Susan Fukuhara-Ju and Ray Ju and Eileen Fuller

Eithne and Kieran Doorley

Flor Galicia and Jose Avila

Caroline and D’Arcy Doyle

Shawna Gallo

Kirsten Hoefer and Robert Brown

Alan Dreesbach and Kathy Leung

Jessica and Stephen Galloway

Pamela and Aaron Hoffman

Angela Gamburg and Andrew Linda

Susan Hoffman and Brian Murphy

Kim Drew

Rachael and Chad Hinson

Kenneth and Ruby Citizen

Rose Dromgoole and Sebastian Ainslie

Cristina and Wendell Gamez

Kimberly Hofland

Kelly Close

Julie Drummond

Gail Garcia and Calvin Jue

Gregg Hofland

Judith Cohen and Malcolm Gissen

Tom Duchen

Clarisa and Freddy Garcia

Jennifer and Howard Holderness

Sabra Cole Elizabeth Colen Amy Collette Robert Contreras and Kenneth McGary Courtney Cooney and Topher Solmssen Janet Coyne Mark Crager George Crampton and Mary Glassanos


Deirdre Director

Julie and Lee Hagelshaw

Nancy Dudum Isabelle and Eric Dumazet Vanessa Dunaway

Billy Gardenhire Jayne Garrison and Gary Kauf Mary and Fred Gassert

Heidi Holman Jan Holmgren Kerry and Sean Honey

Dermot Durnin

Guillaume Gavillet and Kristen Dunham

Joan and Bruce Dyer

Elaine and Cuyler Gee

Mark Dyer

Sally and Jeffrey Gee

Heather and John Eames

Sue Geisler

Cathy Earley

Diane George

Ebay inc. Foundation

Amy and George Giannini

Carolyn and Braden Edwards

Kristy Gipson

Heyley Hume

Carlton Eichelberger

Lyn Gonzalez Moreno and Edward Moreno

Vera Hunnah

Kristen Crosnoe

Gill Eklof

Kaye Cuthbertson

Gizella Elek

Jeannie and Antonino D’Amato

Jeffrey Escabar

Michael D’Amato

Angie Fa

Melanie Danke

Krista Farey and Vishu Lingappa

Cynthia Greaves Stefanie and Eric Grosse Yefim Gulchin Theresa Gundran-Rosales and Armando Rosales

Cynthia Yu-Ing Hong and Simon Kwong-Sing Sin Anar Hooper Rebecca and Dave Hopkins Jack Hosee Jenny Hu and Nevin Ruan Deundra and James Hundon Marina Iofina and Dmitry Dimov Jennifer Irvine Mae J Chu Mary Janigian


up to $999 continued

Suha Jhaveri Anna and Michael Johengen Jones, Schiller & Company, LLP Sheila Jordan and Timothy O’Connor Linda Jue and Hans Art Michael and Jordan Kahn Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Matching Gift Program Sally Kallem Jeffrey Kamibayashi and Margaret O’Malley Kumiko Kamishita and Paul Cerbatos

Michelle and Jonathan Kishimoto

Sandrine Lebas and Youenn Colin

Claudia Lewis and Woody Scal

Lori Kittle

Nina and Curtis Lee

Hilmar Koch and Naoko Katakami-Koch

Karrny and Alexander Lee

Madeline Lim

Lynn Eve Komarome Marina Koshevatskaya and Aleksandr Frid Ellee Koss Emmanuelle and Maksim Kouznetsov Lisa Krim Marilyn Kriney Shizuka and Takeshi Kujiraoka

Natasha Kanhai and Ashraf Cheruvattam

Ann and Edward Kung

Caitlin Kantor

Christine LaChappelle

Krista and Gerry Keegan Katherine and James Kehoe Dirk Kellum and Lourdes Garcia Ling Khong Kevin Killen and Marilyn Rogers Teslane and Brian King

Donna and Brian Kyono Claire-Marie Laidley Blythe Lang and Matt Rivitz Jenny and Man Wai Lau

Onnie and Henry Lee Sharon Lee Bernice and Brian Lee Linda Lee Kayla and Sean Lee Zsuzsanna Legradi and Thomas Stolmar Doug Leighton Lisa Leung and Ken Chu Janet and Milton Leung Delena Leung and Matthew Fong Cindy Leung Galisatus and Michael Galisatus Constance Levathes and Jeffrey Steeno

Leslie Laurence

Gennadiy and Kalvina Leverant

Randy and Richard Lavinghouse

Theresa and Kevin Lew

Thuy Le

Susan and Mark Lewis

Levi Strauss Foundation

Jie Ci Li and Qing Qing Zheng Ruth and David Locala Michael Lopez and Jeff Faulkner Hilary Love Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Nikcole Lowery Stacey Lucas CJ Lucero Cris Lui and Yvonne Chow Elba Lutkemuller Nancy Lyons Macy’s Foundation TemPositions Yevgeniya Malamud and Alexander Dukhovny Gladis and Luis Maldonado Anne Marie Malley and Christopher Willers Amy and Colby and Amy Cheryl and Allen Mancasola William Mandel 37


up to $999 continued

John Mandel Regina Mandella Deyanira and Ivan Manzanares Barbara Margolis Nathalie Mariano Jennifer Martin and Jung Hoon Lee Marc Martin Lois Martin Carmen Martinez Constance Matthiessen Stephanie McBride Nion McEvoy Mary Pat McMahon

Teresa Mockler and Martin Logan

Lisa Ochs and Lea Salem

Tekakwitha Pernambuco

Susan Mohun Sherman and Mark Sherman

Deborah and Tim Ogburn

Mary and James Petrie

Therry and Charlie Olken

Kris Pettersen and Andrew Mackles

Kathryn and Aaron Money Eileen Moore and Bart Murphy Christine Morris Julina Moy Callie Mullis Walter Murphy Mark Murphy Laura and Bud Nagle Maria Navarrete and Salvador Aviles

Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program Megan Orciari

Carrie Pike

Kevin Owens

Inna and Arkady Pikovsky

Lynette Owens and Anthony Muhammad

Chris Pilek

Mayumi Oya and David Salem

Ginny Pizzardi

Brian Paige Su-Moon Paik and Robert Brown

Nebyat Negaci and Girmai Mesgun

Paula Palomarez

Lynette Nelson Marilyn Noah

Melissa Paredes and Jose Hernan Melgar

Shino Nomiya and Donald Krause

Mira Park Lisa Park

Natalia and Peter Nordstrom

Thai Vu and David Park

Holly and John Micheletos

Courtney Norris and Alex Burnett

Myra Parker Herrera

Zacharias Miller

Paola Nou and Michael Fuller

Wendy and Jay Miller

Orla O’Keeffe and Julie Ansell

Ramie Paylor

Elinor Mills

Kieran O’Carroll

Nelson Mitchell

Nan O’Connor

Joyce and Wilbur McMinn Patricia and Adrian Melgar Men’s Wearhouse Michelle Meyer and Cory Covington Nana Meyer Cecile Michael


PG&E Corporation Foundation

Peter Panino

Inna and Alexander Pavlova Emily Peek Sudha Pennathur Sonali and Chami Perera

Jeannie Pimentel David Plant Mary Plant-Thomas Suzan and Stephen Plath Jan Platt and Jeff Ross Yana Plotkin and Timothy Woolgar Abbie Poats Megumi and Bryan Poli Judah Pollack Monica Ponce and Mario Nunez Lynn and Ed Poole Pam Quan Fabienne Blanc and John Quarterman Kanae Quinn Michele Quiroga

THANK YOU Joseph S. Radovsky Maylen Rafuls Rosa Rainbow Grocery Cooperative Dianne Ray Adriana Lopez and Raul Real Cynthia and Anthony Reginato Mitch Reif and Mark DeGeorge Brandon Reim Rebecca Reiss and Dilon Morris Lynn Rhodes and Eric Gray

Jo Anna Schull and Dave Conroy

Donald Sullivan

Carrie Schwab Pomerantz and Gary Pomerantz

Jessie Sun

Cynthia Segura and Francisco Sanchez Jeanette Selting Eva Seow and Eric Li Joseph and Linda Seringer Lori and Glenn Shannon

Carla Richards

Margot Shaub and Cathy Widener

Rowena Richie and Ed Frauenheim

Almaz Shibru

Bunnie Richie Vanessa Ripsteen Nancy Riveland and Brian Har

Tamotsu Shimizu Anna-Marie Shinall and Chris Berry

Jane Sullivan and John Litster Sarah and Donald Sweet Mai Ta and Ba-Dzu Nguyen Lucy and Al Talbot Natalie Taylor and Steven Smith Brett Taylor Maria Telpoukhovskaia Deanna Terzian Orisela and Charles Thomas Julie Thompson Rebecca Thornborrow Erika Tinoco and Kevin Foots

Linda Shiue and Peter Chin-Hong

Ayana Todd

Katrin and John Robb Kenneth Roberson

Igor Shoiket and Irina Davidson

Lynne and Greg Roberts

David and Judy Shore Foundation, Inc.

Kathie Torchio and Dean MacDonald

Alma Robinson Graciela and Alfredo Rodas

Karyn Shore Campbell and Samuel Campbell

Michael and Diana Tong

Renee Torres and Bruce Wade Kathy O. Traback

Jill Waltersdorf and Thomas Tarkowski Megan and William Walton Sally Ward Aaron Watson Rebecca Wieder Vanessa and Jeffrey Watt Nancy and Robert Weber Sybille Weber-Frieling and Rudolf Frieling Katharine Webster MLA Designs Alexandra Wells Deborah and Anthony Wells Laurie Wertz Michael White and Joy Boquilon Ariel Whitson Becca Wieder Elizabeth and Steve Wilkes Erin Willard Lisa and Ted Williams Karen and Peter Wilsey

Victoria Traina Polatnick and David Polatnick

Kim Wilson

Alexander and Anna Shoyket Jenny Silva and Samuel Roland

Susan Tramontana

Lara Witter and Curt Sigfstead

Lauren Simkewicz

Christy Tripp

Grace Won and Richard Holden

Elizabeth Sinclair and Kenneth Hughes


Jennifer Won

Kathryn Mary Trudeau and Barry Mac Donnell

Celeste and Henry Wong

Erika Sloan

Ginger Tulley and Michael LoBue

Maria Wong and Philip Mak

Judith Smith

Stephanie Tuttle

Iris Smith

Victoria Tyryshkin

Dawn Noelle Smith Beutler

Mark Ulriksen and Leslie Flores

Marina Smotkin and Alexandr Kagan

Soko Ushijima Kim and Gene Kim

Elizabeth Socola and Roberto Semiario and

Tina Valverde and Marc Shapiro

Laura Sandison Janet Saucer

Stanley Sokoloff

Victoria Vasey

Save Mart Supermarkets

Stephanie Soler

CJ Veatch

Melanie Scanlin and Rafael Love and

Ashley Springer

Ana Velis

Heidi and Soeren Stamer

Le Vi and Gary Head

Bob and Barbara Scavullo

Sara Starr

Shelly Schaenen

Warren and Kay Staudt

Peter Vygodner and Inna Garmasheva

Cristina and Ramiro Rodriguez Ana Romero Elisa Romero Ellen and John Rothmann Ana Rowe Toby and Robert Rubin Katie Russell and Mahmud Tus Julie Russell Mark Russell and Russell Curtis Henry and Karlin Safrit Susan Sakuma and Wilfred Lim Foundation Mirna and Gualberto Salinas Noelle and Mika Salmi

Yanbin and Danwen Situ Rosemary and Steve Slade

Lennart and Yuki Van Den Ende

Ellen Schatz and Alex Kriney

Antje Staudt

Garrett W.

Sue Ann and Robert Schiff

Katherine and James Stickley

Erin and Jon Walheim

Katrina Schissel

Ronna Stone

Katherine Scholz and Michael Wynia

Pietro Straccia

Kirby Walker and Paul Danielsen

Sarah Schoomer John David Schramm

Stuart Foundation Edmond Sullivan and Naomi Shimizu

Vivian Walsh Stephan Walter Eric Damon Walters

Julie and Dave Wilson

Elaine and Henry Wong Victoria Wong Deborah and Bryan Wong Margaret Woodring Adrianne Yamaki Ruth Yankoupe Carol Yarbrough and Ivan Hudak Jackie and Lawrence Yee Cathy and Edmond Yee Maisy Yip and Peter Wang Youngah and Brian Yoo Kat Zagoria Miguel Zanabria Tanya Zighera and Dan Santizo Ulrike Zinnkann Schirley and Naftali Zisman Hilary Zucherman and Jim Zucherman M.D. Raleigh Zwerin Zynga 39

Building our Future Since its founding in 1998, Gateway has proven that public education can and does work for diverse learners. Inspired by the success of our students, the power of our teachers, and the critical work yet to be done in public education, we are proud to announce the Gateway Impact Campaign. The campaign centers on three bold initiatives that will ensure greater positive outcomes for Gateway students and enable us to increase our impact beyond Gateway’s walls. Together, we can change the college-bound population in our city, better support and train educators, and create an equitable and exciting future. We look forward to sharing progress and news in the months ahead!



Thank You Volunteers and Partners We are incredibly thankful for the support of the individuals and organizations who have volunteered and partnered with Gateway to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of Gateway students. Together, we are changing the life trajectories of our students, as well as the demographics of the college-bound population in San Francisco.

Board of Trustees 2015–2016 Therese Arsenault

Annie Klebahn

Valerie Toler

Beth Berliner, Board Co-Chair

Susan Masto

Jennifer Tulley

Allison Thoreson Bhusri

Joyce McMinn

Aaron White ’04

Cynthia Fletcher Billops

Sharon Olken

Julie Wise

David Booth

Will Parish

Sapna Boze, Board Co-Chair

Jackie Quella

Emeritus Trustees:

Laura D’Amato Contreras

Adina Safer

Catherine Cockrum Dean

Sharon Gillenwater

Sue Schultes

Lisille Matheson

Samuel Kary

Suzanne Schutte

Gale Mondry

Susan Cory Kase

Laura Spivy

Peter Thorp

Lisa Kirkland

Philip Susser 42

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