2018-05 - Ocean's Heritage Newsletter

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Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018


The Eden Woolley House

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Major exhibit opens to the public in the Richmond Gallery, Sunday, June 24

Wet as the Atlantic Ocean: Prohibition in NJ


The last state to ratify

he 18th Amendment—the measure that made the manufacture, sale, or transport of alcoholic beverages a federal offense for the 13 years, 10 months, 19 days, and 17 hours of Prohibition—was repealed in 1933. It is the only Constitution Amendment ever to be undone. And its doing and undoing were the results of a tug-of-war between the “Wets� and the “Drys� that played out across the country. A new exhibit opening to the public Sunday, June 24, in the Richmond Gallery of the Eden Woolley House reveals where New Jersey stood in that tug-of-war. “Wet as the Atlantic Ocean: Prohibition in NJ� brings the debates, glamour, and violence of the Roaring Twenties home.

How did it happen? The prohibition debate had been argued across the country for nearly a century before the 18th Amendment outlawed alcohol nationwide. Maine passed the first state prohibition law in 1846 and by the Civil War, several other states had followed suit. So what happened in the first decades of the next century to elevate debate into a campaign for a Constitutional Amendment—that took the fight national? • Drunkenness was a real problem. The proliferation of saloons fueled a drinking culture, and between 1900 and 1913, beer and alcohol consumption soared. Women and families suffered. • Women had been campaigning for abstinence since the early 1800s. By the turn of the century they were finding their voice, stridently advocating for the vote-— and increasingly for prohibition. Organizations like the Women’s Christian Temperance Union were gaining ground. • Many Americans felt threatened by the influx of immigrants whose cultural norms around alcohol threatened prevailing

Ours was the last state to ratify the 18th amendment and it did so in 1922, two years after the measure was in effect. (Rhode Island and Connecticut never ratified.) We fought Prohibition in court. New Jersey joined Rhode Island in a losing challenge before the Supreme Court (1920). And we were back in 1931, when the Supreme Court overruled a New Jersey federal judge’s decision invalidating the 18th Amendment.

New Jersey’s resistance

N.J. Governor Edward Edwards, shown here signing an anti-Prohibition measure, ran in 1919 opposing the 18th amendment and did all he could as governor to prevent state enforcement. He famously boasted, “I’m from Hudson County and I’m as wet as the Atlantic Ocean.â€? He could have been talking about the state he led. white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant values. • On the global scene, the unthinkable carnage of the First World War and the alarming success of the Russian Revolution fueled a nostalgic longing for control and order. Under these conditions, pro-prohibition sentiment grew. By 1919 more than half the country lived in dry states, counties, or towns. If the 18th Amendment were to be passed, it needed to happen before the 1920 census, the results of which would give greater power to the anti-prohibition cities.

It’s no surprise, then, that Prohibition enforcement in New Jersey was lax. Local fishermen and boaters shuttled bootlegged liquor to shore from rum-running ships lined up just outside the legal limit. Speakeasies thrived with little risk of raid. The state underfunded enforcement. Corruption was rampant. Local police turned a blind eye. Even the teetotaling and incorruptible Ira Reeves, the man put in charge of federal enforcement in New Jersey, resigned after eight months and took up the anti-Prohibition cause! Join us at the opening, June 24 see how our state and our county fared in the fray . The new exhibit runs through June 2019.


Wet as the Atlantic Ocean Prohibition in New Jersey 1 to 4, Sunday, June 24, 2018 The RIchmond Gallery Eden Woolley House


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

Final weeks to visit the World War I exhibit

One last “Local Story of World War I”


he current exhibit in the Museum’s Richmond Gallery, “NJ and the Great War: Local Stories of World War I” closes June 14. But before it goes, we can slip in one more story of a local young man gone to war. Museum member Bruce Horn recently shared with us the story of Henry Comegys, a founder of the Wanamassa Fire Company, lifelong Ocean Township resident, and WWI hero. Henry was an ambulance driver on the Italian front. He was a awarded the Italian War Cross for his courage and endurance, going days without rest or change of clothing

while returning the injured from the front. Henry described his exploits in the Asbury Park Press days after his return home. He talked of entering an Italian town after its liberation from the Austrians. “Thousands of gas masks, rifles, and artillery pieces were scattered along the road,” left by the retreating army. He praised the valor and dedication of four Austrian surgeons who stayed behind to care for their wounded. Poison gas was not an issue, according to Henry. He describes driving the ambulance quickly enough through the cloud to avoid contamination. He explained the Italian defense: they set tar-soaked, sausage-shaped bags of hay afire. The rising heat carried the poison gas with it, cleaning the air. Henry died in 1953. His Press obituary doesn’t mention his war service. We welcome the chance to tell his story here.

American poet Alan Seeger fought and died serving in the French Forreign Legion

The Great War in Poetry


hat better way to honor the memory of those who endured the deadliest war of modern times than by reflecting on the words of those who fought. On Sunday, May 20, guests gathered in the Museum for reading of the poems and letters of World War I soldiers. The afternoon was the brainchild of Museum member Joe Bove who organized and hosted the event with board member Lois Kiely. (Let us know what you’d like to see happen at the Museum. We love new ideas!)

Tea and Tour June 14 • July 12 • August 9 • September 13 • October 11 • November 1


he Museum is open for visitors from 7 to 9 every Thursday night, March through November. And starting in June, we are introducing a new program, “Tea and Tour,” one Thursday night each month.

of the Museum exhibits. And for a small fee (just $5.00), visitors will be served dessert and tea. “Tea and Tour” evenings are scheduled for June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, and November 1.

Our docents will be there, as always, offering free guided tours

You’ll need a reservation. Call the Museum at: 732-531-2136.

Bus Trip to The American Revolution Museum


oin us Thursday, November 8, on a visit to the new Museum of the American Revolution, Philadelphia. Opened just a year ago, it houses an expansive collection of Revolutionary-era weapons, personal items, documents, and works of art. Immersive galleries, dynamic theaters, and recreated historical environments bring history to life. Tickets are $80 and include roundtrip transportation, admission, a self-guided tour, 30-minute lecture, and box lunch. The bus leaves from the Museum parking lot at 8 a.m. and returns at 5 p.m.. Make your reservation early: 732-531-2136 or oceanmuseum.org.


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

Next in our Speaker Series: 7:15, June 13 at the Board of Ed. building, 163 Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst

Speaker to talk on the lost amusement parks of the North Jersey Shore


oastal Monmouth County has been a summer destination for vacationers seeking relief from the heat of the city since the early 19th century. And in the 20th century—within the memory of many of us—the lure of our beaches, boardwalks, and rides moved millions of day-trippers to take to their cars and travel down Route 35 (and later the Parkway) in search of sea air and summer excitement. At the Museum’s next Speaker Event, 7:15, Wednesday, June 13, at the Board of Education building, 163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst, local historian Rick Geffken tells stories of amusements, now lost, that drew the crowds to our shore. From Highlands to Manasquan, with stops in Long Branch, Asbury, and Ocean Grove, he shares images and tales of resorts, rides, theme parks, and the characters behind them.

retired from a career as a sales executive for Hewlett-Packard. He is a retired U.S. Army officer and Viet Nam veteran. The speaker event is open to the public, free of charge. Donations are appreciated. Refreshments are served. (We collect and welcome non-perishable items for the Fulfill food bank.)

Armistice Centennial

Rick Geffken’s book, written with George Severini, will be available at the Speaker Event.

Ceremony to remember the end of World War I

Rick has written three books and many articles on Monmouth County history. He

The American Doll Tea Eden Woolley House and Grounds

1 to 3:30 Sunday, July 15 (Rain date, July 22) Museum galleries filled with doll collections and living history demonstrations. A Victorian playhouse to visit. A custom-made craft project. An original story of the sisters who lived in the Woolley House in the 1800s. A fashion show featuring the girls and their dolls. Homemade, child-friendly treats, lemonade, and iced tea. A Doll Shop stocked with handmade doll clothes and accessories.

$30 for one adult and one child (5 years or older) (Additional children, $10 each; additional adults, $25) Call 732-531-6040 or the Museum at 732-531-2136 to reserve your space


t the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918, World War I combatants put down their arms and ended one of the bloodiest conflicts in history (17 million military and civilian dead). A century later, this year at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (Sunday, November 11), the Museum will hold a ceremony to celebrate the centennial of the Armistice. On the grounds of the Eden Woolley House, we’ll raise the flag and remember the significance and sacrifices of the war. Check the website at oceanmuseum.org for details as November 11 approaches.


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

Speaker Series summer event 7:15, August 22 at the Board of Ed building, 163 Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst

Asbury Park Press sports columnist shares stories


hey say every picture tells a story. And some tell more than one. In recent years, Asbury Park Press sports columnist Steve Edelson has scoured the newspaper’s photo archives, pulling out images for a series of historical retrospectives chronicling sports at the Jersey Shore. And along the way, not only have the archival photographs breathed life into the words, some have taken on a life of their own, telling both a story—and ultimately, a backstory. He has shaped his retrospectives into a talk, illustrated with photos of legendary Jersey Shore games and athletes that played them. His research, coupled with his years of experience writing about the regional sports scene, yield fascinating insights. Steve presents his talk as part of our Speaker Series. Join us 7:15, Wednesday, August 22 at the Board of Education building, 163 Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst. Explore the history of the archival images and see for yourself how freezing a moment in time can tell way more than a thousand words. The speaker event is open to the public, free of charge. Donations are appreciated. Refreshments are served. (We collect and welcome nonperishable items for the Fulfill food bank.)

In 1963, award-winning photographer Frank Beardsley went to shoot the game at Neptune High School and got more than he bargained for. He labeled this image on the back simply as ``The Fight.’’ When the shot was uncovered more than five decades later, the events of that night and stories of those captured by Beardsley’s lens came to life once again.

Message from the Museum


More than a building

“Save the Tower” Flea Market 9 to 3, Sunday, October 7 On grounds near the Tower Space is available for $35 Call 732-531-2136


or the second year, we’re going to line the drive from the Museum to the Tower with tents and tables filled with treasure waiting to be discovered. Consider taking a space (just $35). And definitely come shopping!

Ocean’s Heritage is published three times a year by the Twp.of Ocean Historical Museum Museum President, Paul Edelson Newsletter Editor, Peggy Dellinger


n the past 34 years, the Museum has fulfilled its mission to be inviting and informing by presenting speakers, exhibits, and events to entertain and educate the community. Our 34 annual exhibits have included: Attractions of the Jersey Shore (‘01), Before the Malls: Shopping in Asbury Park (‘03), the Interlaken Air Show (‘10), The story of Deal (‘09), Takanassee and Life Saving at the Shore (‘11), The Story of Asbury Park (‘13), and Local Stories of World War I (‘17) and II (‘12). Our Speaker Series has featured more than 30 talks and panel discussions on topics ranging from the Morro Castle Disaster (‘09) to the history of Fort Monmouth (‘10), to Submarines off the Jersey Coast (‘15). It’s offered panel discussions by long-time Ocean residents (‘05), WWII Veterans (‘07), and West Side jazz musicians (‘13). Ninety-two-year-old WWII Army pilot Bea Haydu came in uniform to share her stories (‘11). We’ve held Ice Cream Socials (‘08,’09), a Woolley Family Reunion (‘15), Ghost Walks (‘11 to ‘15) that brought historical characters back to life, and flag-raising ceremonies for veterans of the Civil War, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam (‘12,’13,’14, ‘15). The lists are longer than space allows. Our free exhibits and events educate and invite visitors to reflect and appreciate the historical influence in our lives. Mark your calendar, bring a friend, and take advantage of this valuable resource in our community. Paul Edelson


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

John Huss has lived in Ocean Township close to 60 years and he’s been an active community leader nearly as long. Among many roles, he served on the Township Planning Board, the Township Council (1975-1979), and the Sewer Authority (1980-1985, Chairman, 1985). He is a long-time supporter of the Museum, where he currently serves as a Trustee and champion of the Tower restoration project. The Township has recently recognized John’s contributions by naming a street for him—a new road off West Park Avenue near the Oakhurst Post Office.

I Remember . . .

Tracking down Ocean Township’s speakeasies


y interest in the history of Ocean Township’s restaurants and bars was sparked in 2000 by an article in the Asbury Park Press. In it, the owner of the Blue Swan Diner mentioned being one of just five eating establishments in town along Rte. 35 when he opened in 1975—and how they “now seemed to be sprouting up like weeds.” Well, I remembered the old weeds and decided to track down and pay tribute to the many establishments that were being forgotten.

A little help from my friends Old-timers—like retired Ocean Twp. detective Jimmy Jones, retired deputy police chief “Bootsy” Hundertpfundt, and former mayor Jim Garrity, Sr.—joined the quest. We compiled quite a list and I thought in light of the Museum’s upcoming exhibit on Prohibition, it would be fun to share with you some of what I learned about Ocean Township’s speakeasies.

acres between Wickapecko Dr. and the lake (which provided a convenient route for boats delivering bootlegged liquor). Wanamassa Gardens, on Wickapecko Drive, bought by Emilio Gonzales in 1922. Emilio’s sister had a moonshine operation in New York and her illegal liquor arrived by boat to the shores of Deal Lake where it was allegedly hauled underground through tunnels to the club. Crestwood Lodge, on Deal Road in Oakhurst, site of today’s Temple Magen David. This speakeasy was a favorite hangout of the notorious Purple Gang, headquartered in Detroit, that ran the country’s largest bootlegging operation. Cinderella Tea Room, on North Edgemere Dr. in West Allenhurst, today a private residence. It’s said ladies arrived in their chauffeur-driven cars for “tea” and relied on their designated drivers for the ride home. Lake Tavern, on Asbury Ave. near the site today of the Montessori school.

The challenge

Paul’s Club, today’s English Manor Tracking down speakeasies is on Logan Road, Wanamassa. It was not easy. By definition, they are built in 1927 by a family with the surclandestine. No ads in the Asbury name “English,” who operated it as a Park Press. Few articles about raids speakeasy. Paul O’Brien bought the because few raids were happening. establishment in 1929, continued to New Jersey’s resistance to ProhibiThe Cinderella Tea Room, N. Edgemere Dr., West run it as a speakeasy throughout Protion translated into lax enforcement. Allenhurst. Drawing by Marge Edelson. hibition, and owned it until 1943. Many a state and federal agent were corrupt. For the most part, local ofMamie Reynold’s, near or possibly ficials turned a blind eye. My search of the Township’s police on the site of today’s Oakhurst Post Office, West Park Ave., records revealed just one lone raid on a local speakeasy—and Oakhurst. This speakeasy is a hard one to research. It was that was in a private home! We’re left with family stories and also a house of prostitution—and few patrons were willing to handed-down recollections. share their stories!

The list so far . . . As best we can thread those stories together, here is at least a partial list of Ocean Township’s speakeasies: Ross Fenton Farm, the legendary Wanamassa nightclub on the banks of Deal Lake that thrived for the first half of the 20th century—including the 13 years of Prohibition. It occupied 14

Still searching I know my list is incomplete, especially if we consider the speakeasies in private homes. If there’s a story handed down in your family, I’d love to hear it. Email oceanmuseum@yahoo.com. John Huss


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

It takes a village: This year’s Spring Tea The Museum’s 14th annual Spring Tea was held April 28 at the West Park Recreation Center in Oakhurst. The Tea has earned a reputation for great food and good fun. Our 87 guests knew it and again made the event a sold-out success. Behind the scenes, it really does take a village to carry it off. Volunteers plan the tea, find donors, assemble baskets, make sandwiches and desserts, serve and entertain our guests, and more. Our quilters work months to create the handcrafted items for sale at the Museum Shop. Claire Taylor, museum Junior Docent, entertained with two songs. Heather MacDonald as Mrs. Woolley told a story about buying tea at the general store. Guests bought chances to win their favorites among the 36 gift baskets. Many wore elaborate hats and four won prizes for their headwear. This year, our “village” included nearly three dozen volunteers, led by event co-chairs Brenda Wityk and Marge Edelson.

Hat contest winners (from the left): Rozanne O’Donnell, Brick (Most in keeping with the theme); Cathy Larson, Sea Girt (Most elegant); Doris Carroll, Asbury Park (Most comical); Sharon Ranaude, Jackson (Most original).

Thank you to these contributing businesses Aerials Gymnastics 151 Industrial Way., Eatontown

Cine Grand Middlebrook Ten Theater Middlebrook Shopping Center, Ocean

Monster Mini-Golf 749 Hope Rd., Eatontown

Shore Lanes Bowling 701 Rte. 35, Neptune

All Seasons Diner 176 Wyckoff Rd., Eatontown

Costco 2361 Rte. 66, Ocean Twp.

Moonstruck Restaurant 517 Lake Ave., Asbury Park

Shore Music Academy 68 Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst

AMC Theatres Monmouth Mall, Eatontown

The Count Basie Theater 99 Monmouth St. Red Bank

Mister C’s Beach Bistro Ocean and Allen Ave., Allenhurst

The ShowRoom Cinema 707 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

Antonio’s Gourmet Salumeria 2201 Sunset Ave., Ocean Twp.

Cravings Gourmet Desserts 310 Main St., Allenhurst

The Natural Pharmacy 851 W. Park Ave., Ocean

Shrewsbury Volkswagen 702 Shrewsbury Ave., Tinton Falls

Asbury Circle Car Wash 707 Rte. 35, Neptune City

The Diet Gourmet 167 Lincoln Ave., Elberon

Oakhurst Pizza & Restaurant Hwy. 35 & W. Park Ave., Oakhurst

Silverball Museum Boardwalk, Asbury Park

The Atlantic Club 1904 Atlantic Ave., Manasquan

Five Star Swim School 1 Corbett Way, Eatontown

Ocean Twp. Garden Club 1 David St., Ocean

Sky Zone Ocean 2355 Rte. 66, Ocean

Atlantic Fencing Academy 1 Sheila Dr. Suite. 3, Tinton Falls

Foodtown 1560 Rte. 35, Ocean Twp.

Olive Garden Italian Restaurant 230 Rte. 35, Eatontown

The Studio (Dance) 409 Spier Ave., Allenhurst

Barnacle Bill’s Restaurant 1st St., Rumson

Gloss Salon 4070 Asbury Ave., Tinton Falls

Pagano’s UVA Restaurant & Wine Bar 800 Main St., Bradley Beach

Sunset Florist 2100 Sunset Ave., Ocean

Blue Swan Diner Hwy. 35, Oakhurst

The Greek Spot 1013 Rte. 35, Ocean Twp.

Polished & Plucked 1719 Hwy. 35, Oakhurst

Taylor Hardware 914 Main St., Belmar

Booskerdoo Coffee Asbury Park and Pier Village

Green Leaf Pet Resort 1602 NJ Rte. 35, Oakhurst

Purrfect Partners Pet Grooming 914 Belmar Plaza, Belmar

Twp. of Ocean Community Pool W. Park Ave., Ocean

Brickwall Tavern 522 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park

Grossman’s Deli & Grill 2005 NJ Rte. 35, Oakhurst

Richard’s Deli 155 Brighton Ave., West End

(Twp. of Ocean) Wm. Larkin Golf Course 1003 Wickapecko Dr., Ocean

Broad Street Dough Company 2005 Rte. 35, Oakhurst

Igloo Ice Cream, Italian Ice, ... Hwy. 35 and W. Park Ave., Oakhurst

Rizzo’s Pizza Middlebrook Shopping Ctr., Ocean

The Turning Point Restaurant Pier Village, Long Branch

The Coaster 1011 Main St., Asbury Park

Langosta Lounge 1000 Ocean Ave., Asbury Park

SCOOPS The Ice Creamery 1805 Rte. 35, Oakhurst

Wanamassa Liquors 2201 Sunset Ave., Wanamassa

The Caramel Shop 1215 Rte. 35, Ocean

The Marina at Oceanport 10 Riverside Ave., Oceanport

SeaGrass Restaurant 68 Main Ave., Ocean Grove

Wegman’s 1104 Rte. 35, Ocean

Casa Comida Mexican Restaurant 336 Branchport Ave., Long Branch

Monmouth Bottle Shop 201 Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst

Shore Cake Supply 3209 Sunset Ave., Ocean

. . . and these individual donors Diana and Fred Gentile, Mary Hill, Cheryl and Bob Miller, Alice Timms, Brenda and Marko Wityk, Joanne Ballack, and members of the Museum Board.

m What’s in a name?

Streets named for Museum leaders

Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

Mark your calendar

Coming Events

General Meeting and Speaker Event

Lost Amusements of the N. Jersey Shore Wed., June 13, 7:15—Bd. of Ed. Building, 163 Monmouth Rd. Talk by author Rick Geffken

Museum Tea and Tour Thurs., 7 p.m., June 14, July 12, Aug. 9, Sept. 13, Oct. 11--Woolley House. Tea and dessert at the Museum, complete with a guided gallery tour. $5, reservation required. Exhibit Opening


cean Township has honored four leaders responsible for putting the Museum on the map by putting them on the map. The street off Deal Road leading to the Tower and Human Services building has been named “Edelson Lane.” In the picture above, Marge and Paul Edelson pose with their family at the Township’s St. Patrick’s Day dinner where the sign was unveiled. In the lower photo, Doc and Ginny Richmond pose with Councilman Napolitani (left) and Mayor Siciliano with the “Richmond Corner” sign that will be installed at the intersection of the newly named Edelson Lane and the drive in front of the Museum.

“Wet as the Atlantic Ocean: Prohibition in New Jersey” Public opening Sun., June 24, 1 to 4-- Woolley House. Private opening for members only, 7 p.m., Fri., June 22.

10th Annual American Doll Tea Sun., July 15 (rain date July 22)-- Woolley House and grounds General Meeting and Speaker Event

The Stories behind the Sports Photos

Museum receives grant

New policy on gifts

T From the left: County Historical Commissioner Muriel Smith, Museum President Paul Edelson, Museum Trustee Peggy Dellinger, and Freeholder Lillian Burry at the February 26 ceremony where the Museum received a $3,000 operating grant.

urns out there can be too much of a good thing. Donations of items from members and others have built our rich collection of artifacts and documents. But our collection has begun to outgrow our storage space and we realize we must be more selective in accessioning items. For that reason, and to safeguard the items being offered, we have instituted a policy to accept items only after they have been reviewed by the Museum curator who is at the Museum Tuesdays and by appointment. Please see the website (oceanmuseum.org) for details.

In memory Patricia Cernigliaro, 80, of Ocean, formerly of Interlaken, died March 13. Pat was active in the schools, her church, and the community. In 1976, she co-chaired Ocean Township’s Bicentennial Celebration.

Anthony Covino, 96, died May 8 on Mt. Desert Island, Maine. He lived in Ocean Township for 51 years before moving to Maine in 2003. He was the much-loved principal of Wanamassa and later Ocean Township (Dow Ave.) Schools.

Wed., Aug. 22, 7:15—Bd. of Ed. Building, 163 Monmouth Rd. Asbury Park Press sports columnist Stephen Edelson shares behind-the-scene stories of legendary Jersey Shore games.

“Save the Tower” Flea Market 9-3, Sun., Oct. 7—Woolley House grounds Bus Trip

American Revolution Museum Thurs., Nov. 8—$80. Reservations required. A day at Philadelphia’s new museum.

WWI Armistice Centennial Celebration Sun., Nov. 11, 11 a.m.--Woolley House Grounds. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we’ll mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War.

General Meeting and Speaker (TBA) Wed., Nov. 14, 7:15

Holiday Weekend & Exhibit Opening Sat., Dec. 1 and Sun., Dec. 2-- Woolley House. Handmade gifts, homemade goodies, quilt raffle. New exhibit commemorating the 100th anniversary of the opening of Deal Test Site.

Ocean’s Heritage, Spring/Summer 2018

1 to 4, Sunday, June 24 Exhibit Opening

“Wet as the Atlantic Ocean: Prohibition in NJ� Richmond Gallery, Eden Woolley House

The Eden Woolley House

Home of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum

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Museum Hours

/ - 365 ( - 365Äť/,- 395g5.)5j Thursday evening: 7 to 9 (April to November) g-.5 ( 5h( 5 /( 3-5) 5." 5')(."95g5.)5j5 ‘The Twp. of Ocean Historical Museum received an operating support grant from the Monmouth County Historical Commission.

The Township of Ocean Historical Museum

2018 Household Membership Application New____ Renewal____


Name(s) as you would like it (them) to appear on your membership card and correspondence.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Number of people in your household (your membership includes them all) ___________________ Street ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Town_______________________________________ State________________________ Zip________________________________ Phone________________________ Email (used only to send notice of Museum events )_____________________________________________ Please check your level of support ___ Friend of the Museum $5000+ ___ Silver Member $250 ___ Supporter $25+

___ Platinum Member $1000+ ___ Benefactor $100+ ___ Basic Member $15+

___ Gold Member $500+ ___ Patron $50+

Please check the area(s) where you might like to participate ___Historical research ___ Grant preparation

___Collections/Acquisitions ___Public relations ___Fund-raising ___ Restoration

___ 3rd Grade program ___ Exhibits ___ Oral histories ___ Tour guide/Docent

___ Membership ___ Quilting/Crafts ___Office work ___Gardening ___ Other ____________________

Detach and mail to Township of Ocean Historical Museum, P.O. Box 516, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 ------For Office use only:----Check $___________________

Cash ____________________

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