Cublington Crier May 18 #373

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May 2018

Cublington Crier




Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984


“ There is a fine line between fi s hing and just stand on the s h ing ore like a n idiot.” ou y t s r i f "If at ed, e c c u s t ' don ce n e d i v e all y o r t s e d ed.” i r t u o y that




“It's a small world, but you wouldn't want to have to paint it.”

me ti

nce e r e f f , make a di is, m o o t r n a es re.” !It do mperature u t a r te tempe what m o o , always r it s



g n i alk ve w rywhere is

e - if you h c n av ta s i e d

By Steven Wright



The Cublington Crier Mailbox | Outside Bell Cottage, High St Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548

update FETE

BABYSITTING DIRECTORY all listed are 14+ Alice Gadsby - 680452*

Hannah Alexander - 681104 Toby Walls - 682697*

Phoebe Walls - 682697


If you have any bunting you could put up outside your house from the 1st of June to coincide with Cublington Open Gardens. We think if we advertise the fete earlier, we will get more visitors on the day. Thank you

Annie Lovatt - 682812 Izzy Law - 688019 or 07896 894914 Harvey Mack - 682820 Emily Mack - 682820

Plant Plea Please.

If you have any spare plants we would be very grateful to take them off your hands for the Plant Stall at the village Fete. Bob and I will be more than happy to collect them from you if need be. Liz

* School or Uni holidays only

Bric a Brac Please.

If you have any spare Bric a Brac after your spring clean, then please bring it along on the morning of the fete or contact Gina Reilly for collection

Tombola items please.

If you have any spare items for the Tombola stall we are very happy to come and collect. Please stockpile and someone will come round knocking on your door in the weeks leading up to the fete.

Raffle prizes please.

If you have any splendid items that you think will make a good raffle prize and are willing to donate, we are very interested in talking to you. Please contact with details.

children's bunting competition

Entries are invited for the Children's Bunting Competition. Please put up your home-made bunting the week before the fete and let know your address. Your entry will be judged on Saturday 23rd June and the winners announced at the fete.

Can you help man a stall for an hour please.

If you could spare an hour out of the afternoon, we are looking for a team of helpers to relieve stallholders for a period of time to enable them to get round the fete as well.

Please buy or sell the raffle tickets.

Next month's Crier will come with ÂŁ10 worth of raffle tickets. Please look after them and try and sell as many as you can. This is a great source of income for the fete and other village institutions.

a Big Thank You from the Fete Committee

Editorial MAY 2018 It will be 18 years next month since we moved to Cublington. The time has flown by. Once here, people have a tendency to stay. Testimony to this is the fact that out of the five houses in our neighbourhood , we, even after all this time, are the second most recent family to move in!

A lot has happened since 2000…. In 2001, when terrorists brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Centre, the world changed forever. Months later, Britain became embroiled in the invasion of Afghanistan, followed in 2003 by the invasion of Iraq to depose the president, Saddam Hussain. The conflict was dubbed “the war on terror”. It lasted many years and cost many, many British lives. In July 2005 suicide bombers killed 52 people on the London transport network and injured many more. The financial crisis of 2008 forced the government to part-nationalise three leading UK banks with rescue package of 37 billion pounds. In 2012 Britain hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Games to widespread international acclaim. In 2014 Scotland chose to reject independence and in 2016 Britain chose to leave the European Union. In 2017, terror attacks in London and Manchester cost the lives of 35 people. Our everyday lives have been changed considerably by technological innovation. We now have smartphones, social networking, wi-Fi connectivity and tablets. We have changed the way we shop and the way we communicate. We have seen the introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles. We have recognised that we have been destroying our environment and have made moves to try and rectify the situation. In many ways we have, as a race, and as a nation, made great progress. Less positive aspects of life are that violent crime is still prevalent, especially in the cities. In London, knife and gun-crime has escalated to levels that not many would have predicted. This is largely due to a depleted and demoralised police service that has spent more time “embracing diversity “ than “feeling collars”. The world populace is still filling the oceans with plastic with catastrophic consequences to ocean life and we are still destroying the rain-forests. At home, The NHS is on it’s knees! The future, however, is bright. The economy is doing well and summer is on it’s way. Our village was a delightful place to live in 2000 and remains so in 2018. We wish all of you the very best for the remainder of 2018 and beyond. Nigel, Jaquie and Katy Dixon.


Jean Cross NEXT COPY DEADLINE is 15th April Please make sure copy is in by that date

The Crier online...

Available at

Congratulations To Carrie and Lee - a son, Arthur Jack Galahad Martindale, born on 28th March.

Apologies I published the answer to the Who Am I? article, before the actual article. Sorry if it spoilt your fun.

Thank You For all your kind messages sent to me about the village history insert last month. I'm glad that some of you enjoyed it at least!

Thank You also for sending in your letters and articles - it makes the Crier so much more engaging when we have some lively and interesting correspondence.

Farewell to the Gurney's - given a right good send off at the Unicorn on Thursday 12th April. We hope you'll be very happy in Weston Turville and hope to see you back here on Fete Day perhaps?!


to the Clive and Debora, Luca and Liam to Silver Street, we hope you will enjoy village life.

CRIER CONTACTS CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Advertorials - £50 per insertion. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.

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LAST CHANCE to enter!

OPEN DAY SATURDAY 12TH MAY 2018 FROM 10.00 am. We are in the middle of Tomkins Park and Arboretum and are no longer hidden away from view. We pride ourselves on being a friendly Club and we hope that our new visibility will attract more members to the Club. We welcome everyone, young or old, to visit us on the 12th of May to discover why our current members love to play the game, in our beautiful surrounding. Bowls may just be the type of gentle leisurely pastime you have been looking for. So please come and join us on the 12th of May at the Bowls Club adjacent to the Public Hall Winslow. The only requirement is that you need to wear a pair of flat soled footwear. Any questions, please phone Victor on 01296 714026

The Cublington 100 Club sellers are still out and about selling tickets. Please buy one or more as your small contribution to running costs of the village amenity that makes Cublington the envy of all other villages. First draw of the new season will take place later this month. Thank you. 10 Draws £50 first prize £35 second prize £25 third prize £15 fourth prize

Hardwick Village Presents Their Annual

Sunday 17th June 2018 2 pm to 6 pm Programmes From St Marys Church Hardwick,

Also Serving Teas And Homemade Cakes Collect your complimentary Pimms from “The Bell” with your programme


23rd and 24th June 2018 12.00 - 5.00pm Scarecrow trail - Art - Treasure Hunt Lunches and Cream Teas Adults £6 - children free

Barn Dance - 23rd June

7.30-11.30pm at Old Brick Farm, Dunton Road, Stewkley LU7 0LU

Adults only - Bar - tickets £15 to include food Contact Denise: 240524 or Joan: 240547

All proceeds to Florence Nightingale Hospice Information from Gill Hogarth 640688


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

Love the Crier every month? Are you willing to help?

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children please let us know, Gary & Gill

The guest editor list for 2018 is complete, and we are now looking for guest editors for 2019, yes we plan that far ahead! Please do contact me or Gary for any queries and if you are willing to help in any way... whether it be you want to take over any role for delivering or any sort of contributions every month. To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard... go on please give it a go then it won't come round so often! Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

Contact details

THE RED POST BOX OUTSIDE BELL COTTAGE; CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

May Edward Raymen 24th May 2 year Marcus Robinson May 27th 11 years Sam Packer May 28th 15 years

The Rota for 2018... July Richard & Polly Thornley September Keohanes October Chris Jones November Jane Alexander December Trish Bundock


January Gary & Gill February Liz and Bob March ????

June 3rd

Cublington Open Gardens Five Cublington Gardens open - ÂŁ5.00 entry, children free. Home-made teas will be available in the Biggs Pavilion. A group of diverse gardens in this attractive Buckinghamshire village listed as a conservation area. Cherry Cottage, 3 The Walled Gardens is adapted for wheelchair gardening with raised beds and artificial grass. Larkspur House is a beautifully maintained modern garden with hostas and alliums being firm favourites. It has a large, newly planted orchard and wild flower meadow. The Old Stables is a large garden divided into areas of different character, both formal and informal, featuring a revolving summerhouse and a circular hornbeam maze. 1 Stewkley Road has a strong focus on home grown food with an idyllic organic kitchen garden, small orchard and courtyard garden. Jaime and Michelle will open their garden for the second year - Old Manor Cottage is a typical cottage garden .

CUBLINGTON ALE BUS TOUR The Inaugural Cublington Ale Bus Tour (CABT) got off the ground on Saturday 24th March when a dodgy group of 6 men, myself (the organiser), Colin Justice (our expert), David Bradbury (our 'orticulturalist'), Jon Kelly our Zimbabwe representative), Jan Antosiewicz (our Polish representative) and David Godfrey (our Wingrave representative) all got together for the bus to Leighton Buzzard. The bus turned up more or less on time, which from my memory of buses, is extremely rare. We think somebody must have tipped off the bus-going community not to take the bus that day as there was not a soul on it when it arrived and nobody joined us en route either! Only two of us didn’t have bus passes but those that did, apparently, rarely used them! We arrived in Leighton Buzzard some 20 minutes or so later and decided our first pub would be the Black Lion, only to find it was closed – it didn’t open until 12.00 and the eager CABT drinkers had got there at 11.30. Talk about couldn't organise a P… Up in a brewery was loudly exclaimed!! The Wetherspoons pub came to the rescue and we joined the early drinkers of Leighton Buzzard. It was packed and I wondered if the time was right or were the other pubs missing a trick! Anyway, we managed to find a table and enjoyed our first pint at the typical price of £1.89. At that price why leave? But this was a tour and duty prevailed so we dutifully left and Colin, our expert, took us on to the Bald Buzzard. A very interesting pub with the barrels displayed behind a glass panel. The owner is obviously very serious about his beer and we all enjoyed our pints. That said. I don’t think it's for those seeking food, with pork pies being the only option. So off again and back to the pub that was closed on our first late morning visit, and finally to our last the Golden Ball where food was now becoming a necessity to soak up the pints we had. Yes we missed the bus, (all but one of us who did actually did catch the bus) we should have caught which left us with a choice of staying in the pub for another 2 hours or losing all the brownie points I have accumulated, opting for the call “would you mind picking us up – We’ve missed the bus!!” Much more was said but you know the rules “what goes on tour stays on tour” Until the next one - maybe July or August, if anyone is interested in joining us, send me an email and I will keep you posted. Cheers Steve Markwell

07827 326798

'What's On' in Bucks Website Please feel free to upload any of your events free of charge on our new ‘What’s On’ website:

and I would appreciate you passing this on to anyone that will benefit you know who organises events in your Parish. You can login via a Face book or Twitter account on the right hand column.... this will enable you to go back in and amend or change details to the events you have uploaded..... alternatively you can upload an event without logging in.

Orchard Ground

Tidy Up

Finally, a staggered Ground Force tidy up at Orchard Ground!!

After being postponed twice because of the wet weather, making the outfield impossible to walk on - let alone work on - the tidy up eventually happened over a number of weekends. A huge thank you to all those from the village, sports clubs and organistions who took time out to help weed, tidy flowerbeds, prune, mow the entire area, sand and stain benches, straighten the flagpole and generally tidy up and prepare our beautiful recreation ground for the summer season. You all know who you are and I'm sure those who couldn't turn up really do appreciate your efforts! Well over 150 man and woman hours were spent... and still more to be done. The Orchard Ground was left to the village by the Biggs family around 1990 and it is in everyone's best interests to keep this wonderful facility neat and tidy and in good repair for future generations. If you would like to help the Orchard Ground Committee in any way, please contact Duncan Mack.

This years Midnight Walk The new look Midnight Walk will take place on 23 June 2018, starting and finishing at Aylesbury College as usual. For more information and to sign up, please visit

Orchard Ground OG news in brief

Highlights & items of interest

• Groundforce day and tidy up Thanks to everyone concerned who helped tidy up the Orchard Ground area, particularly the cricket club for the outfield and all the mowing, the allotment society who strimmed and cleared the area under the trees, and the tennis members who weeded around the courts and the pavilion. You know who you are! • Successful grant application... New Homes Bonus Micro Grant Funding Scheme - MG27 £900 for a new plumbed in water heater for the pavilion. "These monies come from the New Homes Bonus, a national initiative introduced by the government in 2011. The scheme is designed to ensure that the economic benefits of housing growth are returned to the local communities. For every new home built in Aylesbury and every long-term empty home bought back into use, the government gives AVDC a New Homes Bonus grant each year. AVDC has chosen to share these monies to parishes and community groups to help alleviate the impacts of housing growth on local communities. While cublington has not seen large numbers of new houses over the past ten years, our village is being severely impacted by additional traffic using the Wing - Waddesdon route as a ‘cut through.’ Our grant application was made on that basis and the increasing use of Orchard Ground by village and local community groups and clubs for sports and social activities.” • 100 Club tickets for 2018/19 on sale now. Every year we have to raise the funds to cover all maintenance on Orchard Ground. Everything from cutting the grass, to replacing broken heaters, to paying the electric and insurance, to decorating inside, to painting the benches and keeping it all in a serviceable condition when things go wrong. The facility is now 20 years old and some things need replacing/updating - hence the push for funds. Even if you just walk your dog on Orchard Ground, please buy a ticket and support YOUR magnificent village facility - it really is the envy of other villages. • The heaters in the Pavilion have now been replaced, adding timers to stop them being left on • OGC will be holding an outside cinema evening on Friday July 20th – pop corn and everything! • OGC are actively getting quotes to completely re-furbish the kitchen • OGC are discussing other storage options as need for separate female changing area has arisen due to popularity of girls/ladies cricket • OGC and the Parish Council are working together on potentially enabling OG to become a registered charity so grants to further modernise the Pavilion can be applied for. • Quotes to improve the car park edging and stones in the early Summer are being sought • New committee members wanted Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. • Next OG meetings - All interested villagers welcome to participate. Wednesday 16 May 2018 at 2000 at The Unicorn Wednesday 18 July 2018 at 2000 at The Unicorn

What did you want to be when you grew up? Before I grew up I wanted to be an England cricketer. Now I have grown up a little, I want to be an England cricketer What was your first job? First proper job was with Barclays Bank at 188 Wardour St (now a Wetherspoons) Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? (You can have more than one!) Winston Churchill, Ghengis Khan and Gal Gadot What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? I sense history will record that those born after 1950 and before 1980 had it the best Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? New Zealand - South Island. They have 60m sheep and 4m people. We have 4m sheep and 60m people! What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Tobacco What is your favourite book and why? Bird Song had a big impact on me. Just started ‘Sapiens’…wow!! What is your favourite song and why? Musical Box by Genesis - great memories of growing up What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? Acceptance of mediocrity What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? Geo-politics and will I ever be able to shoot my age at golf How long have you lived in Cublington? 23 years

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

Booking a holiday? - please consider this! If you are planning to book a holiday online then PLEASE consider using the facility. The following companies will give generous donations which will go to Orchard Ground at no cost to you: First Choice; Tui; Expedia;; Thomas Cook; EasyJet; Saga; Travelodge; etc etc. If you ever use Groupon they also donate a percentage to Orchard Ground. Currently we have 29 members who have raised £276.27 at absolutely no cost to themselves. For help or more information please contact Bob on or 01296 680483

Wing Village Hall, Leighton Road, Wing

Opening Times Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

CLOSED 14:00 10:00 CLOSED 14:00 10:00 -

Tea and coffee always available @wing_library Please like and share our posts to advertise our events

19:00 13:00 17:00 13:00

Books: Fiction, Crime, Non-fiction, Large print, Audio, Teen, Children’s fiction & non-fiction Second-hand books and magazines for sale. Internet, Displays, Local information Photocopying, Printing, Laminating, Shredding. Craft sessions for children in school holidays If you belong to any Buckinghamshire library you can borrow or return books in Wing

Researching your family history? The Ancestry website is FREE for library members and recently updated. 14 – 20 May is Mental Awareness Week See our display of books and information

Friday 25 May Lego Club 15:30 - 16:30 Tuesday 29 May children’s activities 14:30 – 16:30

The Library is run entirely by volunteers - please support us and our special events Registered charity Number 1151925

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________

We have been asked to publish the following:


Would like to say a big

gs day mornin r tu a S n o see us tre come and eisure Cen L to t e o e fo fr n l e e d at Tid Please fe term time g in r u d n oo 10am-12 n rs' ident 'Otte s e r P e n Christi 432 et 01525 370 @talktalk.n d r fo n u m e christin

PLEASE let us know of any event in the Village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.



1st - Parish Council Meeting and AGM


Wednesday 16th Orchard Ground Committee 8pm The Unicorn Saturday 19th Royal Wedding Day

Spotted - the sun finally popped out on April

at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. All welcome.

keep your eyes peeled ...If you spot anything, and we mean anything - of interest in the village - please let us know.

A Right Royal Bottomless

5th and the 14th after what can only have been the wettest March/April for many years! And then we have two of the hottest April days ever. Bonkers weather.

At The Unicorn from 9:30-12pm (pre-booking required)

Spotted - big puddles everywhere. Spotted...1st April, the Sunrise Service was

Breakfast or Brunch

Sunday 20th Bring & Buy Sale & Coffee morning

NOT an April's Fool!


Spotted...Cublington Brisk Walkers seen in Weymouth - did they take the wrong turn perhaps? Great to see you all. Liz & Mark Darlington

10am St Nicholas Church

Sunday 3rd Cublington Open Gardens

Five Cublington Gardens open - £5.00 entry, children free. Home-made teas available in the Biggs Pavilion.

9th-24th Bucks Open Studios Sunday 10th - Tour de Vale bike ride

Spotted...Lots of activity at Orchard ground in readiness for the summer season.

Spotted...Beautiful daffs and bluebells


Spotted...Villagers mowing the communal areas. Thank you for keeping it tidy.

Is NOT coming through Cublington this year!

Sunday 24th

Cublington Fete

A traditional Cublington Fete helpers always needed please!

July Sunday 8th CTC Tennis Trek

A tournament held on the courts in the village. Contact Gary for more details

Friday 20th Outdoor Cinema event at Orchard Ground

September Saturday 1st Horticultural Show Get your seeds in the ground!

Sunday 9th Tennis Club Finals Day From 1pm, Ladies, Mens & Mixed Finals

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,


Saturday September 1st, Biggs Pavilion

True to form as soon as the school holiday finishes the weather improves dramatically and the growing season is well and truly here. So dust off your gardening gloves and start planting your veg and fruit for the Cublington Horticultural show and planning what jam and chutney you can enter. All the money raised goes towards looking after our lovely church building. VEGETABLE CATEGORIES Vegetable tray - THE UNICORN Three Parsnips Three Carrots – long or intermediate – WING TAKEAWAY Three Carrots – short or stump rooted VASS TECH Three White potatoes – PARROTT BUTCHERS Three Coloured Potatoes Six Runner Beans - HANS-ON Health & fitness Six of any other Climbing Bean (e.g. French) Three Beetroot -TOP CUTZ Three courgettes - COURGETTE BOB 5 Chillis - THE JOY FAMILY Three Onions - WING POSTOFFICE Nine Shallots Five Tomatoes - LAKESIDE FISHERIES 5 Tomatoes on the vine – MAT LAC Collection basket of 4 kinds of Salad items Heaviest Marrow - MAINLY MOWING Heaviest Pumpkin - CUBLINGTON TENNIS CLUB Longest Parsnip Longest Runner Bean - COTTESLOE PHYSIO Two of any other single variety of vegetable not already listed - CUBLINGTON ALLOTMENTS Most Oddly Shaped Vegetable -THE ALLEN FAMILY Terracota Pot with 5 planted herbs – THE PECK FAMILY

FLOWERS Best Single Rose – STYLE Hair and Beauty Best Flower Arrangement – CUBLINGTON GROWERS Vase of Dahlias – THE VALE FAMILY Tallest Sunflower (measured in situ) – ALEXANDER COUNTRY CATS FRUIT 10 Autumn Raspberries – VINTAGE MARQUE Three Culinary Apples Three Dessert Apples – SAWYER’S Electrician and Domestic appliance engineer Three pears CHILDREN’S CATEGORIES Banana and Choc chip slice CUBLINGTON NURSERY Flower Birthday Card – COLCORT JEWELLERY VIRTUAL PETS Photograph your Pet and name it WINDMILL VETERINARY SURGERY DOMESTIC CATEGORIES Fruit Jam – THE BRAZIER FAMILY 1 jar Mature (min. 1 month) Chutney ADEPT DRIVING SCHOOL Apple and Cinnamon Traybake (recipe to follow) – K4 CONSULTING Vegetable Quiche 3 Hens Eggs White Bloomer Loaf – THE ALEXANDER FAMILY

If you know of anyone or if you would like to sponsor a category (we advertise their name in the Crier and on the website) please contact Sandie Joy 01296 682446 or Gill Brazier 01296 688548

The brilliant Orchard Ground facility is owned by everyone in the village and when the Parish Council ceded the running and maintenance of it to The Orchard Ground Committee, they were tasked with raising funds every year to cover the running expenses.


All proceeds to

Orchard Ground


Did you know?

The Biggs Pavilion

From cutting the grass, to replacing broken heaters, to paying the electric and insurance, to painting the benches and keeping it all in a servicable condition when things go wrong. The facility is now 20 years old and some things inevitably need replacing or updating - hence the current push for funds. Even if you just walk your dog on Orchard Ground, you benefit from all these efforts so please buy a ticket and support YOUR facility. Remember, having a quality, well looked after village amenity also enhances the value of your property, so £12 is probably a small price to pay! Thank You!

Please support your village community facility by buying a ticket or two! £1350 given in prize money last year! ( 50% of sales)

New season tickets still on sale... from any Orchard Ground Committee member: Duncan Mack, Bob Paine, Liz Smith, Gary Brazier, Colin Antosiewicz, Mark Cheetham, Miranda Gregory, Martyn Waters, Michael Reilly and Lucy Peck. • The more who buy a ticket the bigger the prizes and prize draw fund. • Still only £12 for 10 draws New standing order initiative being introduced... ask your seller for the bank details. This will mean you never have to remember to buy a ticket - it'll automatically be delivered to your door! Brilliant.

Interesting facts

ve a h u Yo it n i e to b it! n i w to

The ticket price hasn't changed in 25 years! Great value for money! Over £26,000 given away in prize money! Over £26,000 raised for village organisations. Every year, every cricket club membership is required to buy a ticket as part of their annual subscription generating funds for the village from the entire local area.


If you have not been visited then please contact me for a ticket or two or three......!! '' or 01296 680483.

Orchard Ground & The Biggs Pavilion Please support your village facility

Church Rota May

May Service’s. Date & time 06 th 9AM

13 th 9AM

20 th 9AM

27 th 9AM

Service Lead pp




Welcome Sacristan Epistle Sally

Rev’d Philip


Rev’d Peter

Steve & Sarah



Rev’d Roger


Gillian 1 John 5 V1-6

Lucy John 15 V9-17

Roy Acts 1 V15-17 V21-26

Diane John 17 V6-19

Tom Romans 8 V22-27

Julie John 15 V26-27 16,4B-15 Diane John 3 V1-17

Sally Roman’s 8 V12--17

Flowers/ Clean **


Gillian f/c


** Gillian f/c


** Avril f/c


** Avril f/c


** ** CLOCK WINDING The lights in April were sponsored by Penny & Dennis Allen in memory of Dennis’s The Clock needs to be wound up every three days volunteers appreciated, Church key Mother, welcome to the village both and this month by David & Freddie Bradbury. available in the pub. preferably before you have a Pint !! demo can be arranged. roy The Emergency lighting project in the event of a power cut has been supported by a grant from the Allchurches trust ;Thanks to our Allchurches grant and FOS funding Main of Contact we will be able to install Emergency Lighting at the Porch exit area in the event a Roy Shons power failure and a separate power socket for the kitchen area for health & safety 682787 issues :Allchurches Trust is one the UK’s largest grant weeks making trusts ,benefitting A small £12ofdonation - covers a whole lighting. Churches ,Charities and If so,community. you can contact Roy Shons on 682787 or



or direct to The Crier with a dedication. Gift aid envelopes are available FOS from the Church and pub porches this will enable us to recover 23p for Jason Taylor for making and fitting a bespoke replacement latch for the porch door. every pound donated. The lights in April were sponsored by Penny & Dennis Allen in memory of Dennis’s Mother, welcome to the village both{2 the cottages }and this month by David & Freddie Bradbury. Many thanks. DearBless. villagers new and old, young and not so young, God would loveChurch your helpPcc. on the Village Hall Committee as we have had to StWe Nicholas say goodbye to some of our members as they move away. We meet 3-4 times a year, only to manage the lovely old village hall. If you would like to get involved in any small way, (or big) please feel free to join us.

Thank you


For more information please contact our committee members by e mail We look forward to hearing from you.

Please, we need your help at the

Enter a team

Enter your dog

Help on a stall!

Could you donate a plant or a bottle as a prize?


SUMMER FETE S unday June 24th from 1pm - 4pm

It takes a lot of organisation and people to run your village Summer Fete. We would therefore like to invite you to join in, in any way you can. Could you please help out on a stall for an hour or two? Could you sell some raffle tickets? Could you bake a cake or donate a prize for the Tombola or the raffle? If the whole village joins in we can put on more attractions and make the event a really fantastic day out for all the family. The proceeds from the day benefit the entire village, including the church, the village hall and Orchard Ground.

Thank you. The Fete Committee Put the date in your diary

Help out on a stall

Bake a cake

Make some jam or chutney!

Invite your friends & family

Put some bunting up in the weeks before

Biggs Pavilion Rental Village Residents and fully paid up members of Cublington clubs and organisations. £25 (up to 3 hours) Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £30 (up to 3 hours) Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Cublington residents £60 Non Villagers £90 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £150 Outside of village £200 A refundable deposit of £25 is required Find a date you want and contact at time of booking. Deposit will be returned Mark Cheetham to book it! if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. Contact Mark on 01296 681258 or





Thank you all so much for last years mowing... I have kept as close as possible to last years dates. This is currently a provisional list and can be altered, if you would like to be removed or added to it please get in touch on 682787 or As the growing season seems to be extending later and later and we have a few people doing double shifts - we need a few more volunteers please! Thank you all. God Bless, Roy

07th May 14th May 21st May 28th May 04th June 11th June 18th June 25th June 02nd July 09th July 16th July 23rd July

Michele Packer & Family Vacant !!! Abbie & Lee David Bradbury Barry & Freddie Sim Gill & Gary Brazier Tom & Harry Gadsby Sophie & John Law Maggie & Chris Brandon Sarah & Jason Keane Gill & Gary Brazier Martin Gibby

30th July 06th Aug 13th Aug 20st Aug 27th Aug 03rd Sept 10th Sept 17th Sept 24th Sept 1st Oct

Jason & Vanessa Sue & Mike Bush Steve George Stuart Cook Mike Alexander Caroline & Mike Lightfoot Sandie & Mike Joy Evelyn & Gerry Griffiths Pippa & Mark Cheetham Vacant !!!

8th Oct

Vacant !!!

Could you please help fill in the gaps? Call Roy to book your slot!

The Emergency lighting project in the event of a power cut has been supported by a grant of £500 from the Allchurches trust ; Thanks to our Allchurches grant and FOS funding we will be able to install Emergency Lighting at the Porch exit area in the event of a power failure and a separate power socket for the kitchen area for health & safety issues. Allchurches Trust is one of the UK’s largest grant making trusts, benefitting Churches, Charities and community. Friends of St Nicholas Thanks to Jason Taylor for making and fitting a bespoke replacement latch for the porch door. Many thanks. God Bless. St Nicholas Church Pcc.

From the Reverend Dear friends, May is a pretty crammed month as far as Church remembrances go! We start with Saints Philip and James, move on to Julian of Norwich, Dunstan, Bede and Augustine of Canterbury. Added to these we are also remembering the great festivals of Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity. Remembering isn't exactly where it's at with our culture at present - we are all encouraged to live only for now and only look beyond in terms of trying to deny the realities of aging and death.

But recalling the great events of Faith and history really do inform our present and help us prepare for what is to come which means incidentally and ironically that we can enjoy the present all the more. Julian of Norwich wrote in 'Revelations of Divine Love': "Our life is grounded in faith, with hope and love besides" and, as a result, "all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well". I pray that all shall be well for you and yours this Summer. God Bless, Philip. Reverend Philip Derbyshire



If you have been, or would like to be, a part of the village panto every February, come along for a drink and chat. Very informal and no commitment.


Coffee morning Sunday 20th May 10am - 11.30am in the church Crafts, cakes and jams Bring&Buy Jane, Diane and Peter are walking 50km along the Wye Valley Proceeds to Parkinson's UK and St Nicholas Church

How long it will REALLY take you to work off that Cadbury Crème Egg? A four-day long weekend, hot-cross buns and chocolate (SO much chocolate), Easter, for those who celebrate it, is certainly a deliciously delightful time of the calendar year. But have you ever thought about (not that you probably have wanted to) how much exercise that sixth Crème Egg may actually require to burn off? Here is an egg-ucation in how our favourite treats may impact our waistlines this last Easter… 1 buttered Hot cross bun (with fruit)

Calories: 291 Burpees it takes to burn off: 265 Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 22 Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 728

1 Cadbury Crème Egg

Calories: 150 Burpees it takes to burn off: 136 Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 11 Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 375

1 packet of Cadbury Dairy Milk Solid Eggs Calories: 660 Burpees it takes to burn off: 600 Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 49 Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 1,650 1 (200g)

Lindt milk chocolate bunny

Calories: 550 Burpees it takes to burn 500 Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 41 Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 1,375

Having delivered the horrors of Easter eggs, I have a solution. Please see below for very local classes to burn off all those calories and regain your shape in time for Summer !

1 (small – 29g) Malteser Bunny

Calories: 157 Burpees it takes to burn off: 143 Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 12 Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 393

1 pack of Ferrero Rochers (16 pack)

Calories: 1,120 Burpees it takes to burn off: 1018 Minutes on the treadmill it takes to burn off: 83 (1hr 23min) Sit-ups it takes to burn off: 2,800


Want to play tennis? - we offer all different levels of participation

from league team tennis ( men's, ladie's and mixed) to social sessions, team coaching and general practice sessions to club tournaments. We really do offer something for everyone.

Join your local tennis club at very reasonable rates and get fit! Go on, you know you want to! All levels of tennis available from beginner through to competitive league. Friendly club tournaments and social tennis available. • LTA affiliated club • Many categories of membership -


• Coaching for all levels and abilities • 2 great all weather - free floodlit courts • This Summer 7 league teams in ADTL • Year round mixed singles ladder • Fun Club Tournaments


Gary 01296 688548 or 07713723788

TENNISTREK2018 Sunday July 8th (10am-6pm)- All welcome - round robin tournament on four of the village's tennis courts. Entry £20 (includes BBQ) Non members welcome to play. Family & friends welcome BBQ £7.50 Contact Gary to book your place. 01296 688548

Join up and get fit - reduced rates applicable till end April

Contact Caroline Lane for details and a membership form - 01296 681373 GENERAL ENQUIRIES: Gary 01296 688548

This May at What’s On

Thursday 3rd - Steak Night - 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 5th Breakfasts from 9.30 – 11.00am Sunday 6th - Roast Lunch Mon 7th No Quiz - Bank Holiday Monday Thursday 10th - Steak Night 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 12th Breakfasts from 9.30 – 11.00am Sunday 13th Roast Lunch – booking advised Mon 14th Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Sunday Thursday 17th - Steak Night - 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 19th Join us for a

his June at

What’s On Right Royal Bottomless What’s OnFriday – fish set menu It’s Fish Friday every


Father’s Day is sure to be popular, so make sure you book early. Or this June, why not come and enjoy an al Fresco meal or just sit in the sunshine in our lovely garden, a Saturday 1st – No Joke! Breakfasts It’s Fish Friday every Friday – fish set for menu from 9:30-12pm (pre-booking required) magical meeting place friends and family. from 9.30am – 11.00am

Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn Quiz Every Saturday wetill hold1am a BBQ in the garden from Saturday 1st – No Breakfasts Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Party’ from Midday ‘Viewing Sunday 2nd Lunch –Joke! booking advised 8.30pm from 5-9pm, right through till September. from 11.00am Easter Monday The Unicorn Quiz Look9.30am out3rd for ––special deals Quiz from 8.30pm Monday The Unicorn Thursday 20th – 17th Steak– Night Sunday Lunch – booking 8.30pm –from 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Sunday2nd 20th Lunchadvised – booking advised Thursday 6th – Roast Steak Night Monday 3rd – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th Breakfasts – Steak Night – Steak Night – Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am – Mon 2 steaks andUnicorn a bottle Saturday ofQuiz house17th wine for £40 Saturday 22nd from 9.30am – 11.00am 21st from 8.30pm bottle of house wine for £40 Garden BBQ 5-9pm – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Thursday – Steak Night Friday 7th–6th –11.00am Music Sunday 16th 23rd Lunch – booking advised Breakfasts fromFriday 9.30am Thursday 24th - set Steak Night ay every –Live fish menu Easter Sunday Lunch – booking advised Sunday 18th Father’s Day Lunch – booking advised – 2 Mouth steaks and aStick bottlefrom of house wine for £40 Quiz from 8.30pm Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am 5-9pm with on a 8.30pm Monday 19th – The Unicorn - 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Monday 24th – The Unicorn Quiz(time from tbc) 8.30pm – Lunch NoFriday Joke! Breakfasts hunt23rd in the garden 2pm oast – booking7th advised Thursday 22nd – Steak Night – Easter Egg – Live Music Sunday Lunch – booking advised Saturday 8th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am 26th Breakfasts Saturday Thursday 27th Steak Night Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 ––The 11.00am with Mouth on a Stick from 8.30pm Easter Monday –The The Quiz 24th Unicorn 8.30pm Steak Night – 9.30 Saturday 24th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 9th –Lunch – booking advised –Monday 2 steaks17th and a –bottle of Unicorn houseQuiz winefrom for £40 from 11.00am bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 8thadvised Breakfasts – 11.00am Gardenfrom BBQ 9.30am 5-9pm Lunch –frombooking from 8.30pm Thursday 27th Steak Night Monday 10th – Roast The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz Sunday 27th Lunch booking Breakfasts 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 25th – Roast Lunch –advised booking advised Sunday 9th Lunch – booking advised – 2 steaks and a bottle of house for £40 5-9pm Monday 26th Bank – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pmSaturday – TheThursday Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th – 29th Steak Night fromwine 13th Steak Night Breakfasts 9.30am – 11.00am Mon 28th No– Quiz Spring Holiday Monday Roast Lunch booking advised 10th The Thursday Unicorn Quiz from Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz 29th Steak Night –8.30pm –Monday 2 –steaks and31st a –bottle of house wine for £40 and a 30th bottleLunch of house wineadvised for £40 Sunday – booking Thursday - Steak with Jazz h– –TheSteak Night Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm 2 steaksNight and a bottle of house wine – for 2 steaks Thursday 13th – Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am £40 and Live Jazz with Alison Carter 15thwine Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am h – SteakSaturday Night – 2 steaks All22nd eventsCoffee subject to & change a bottle of house forAllofevents £40 Saturday Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Cake, Tea & The Telegraph subject to change house wine – for2£40 steaks and a bottle house wine for £40 Sings Jazz Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised Live Music with TinLin from 10am Live Music - 2 steaks15th and aBreakfasts bottle of house wine for–£40 Sunday 23rd Lunch –Everyday booking advised Saturday from 9.30am 11.00am All events subject to change

Breakfast or Brunch

w Booking On

s On

Midday, Saturday 19th May 2018

Alison Carter

a Stick from 8.30pm

Monday 24th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Steak Night Book online -Thursday don’t 27th be disappointed. Call 01296 681261 Lunch – booking advised – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Booking always advisable b site for details h – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ Visit web site for full event details Booking advisable th – Steak Night Saturdayalways 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ Visit forforfull£40 event details a bottle of web housesite wine Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised The Unicorn, Street,– Cublington, LU7 0LQ h Breakfasts fromHigh 9.30am 11.00am Bucks, All events subject to change

king alwaysfrom advisable - now online too! Breakfasts 9.30am – 11.00am

01296 681261 01296 681261

And of course these Unicorn Regulars: Coffee & Cake, Tea and the Telegraph everyday from 10am Thursday Night is Steak Night

r u o y o j En

2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday Breakfast Club Buy 5 get one FREE! Start the weekend off right - served from 9.30-11.00am

THE UNICORN BREAKFAST CLUB What’s On It’s Fish Friday every Friday – fish set menu Saturday 1st – No Joke! Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 2nd Lunch – booking advised Monday 3rd – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 6th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Friday 7th – Live Music with Mouth on a Stick from 8.30pm Saturday 8th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 9th Lunch – booking advised Monday 10th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 13th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 15th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am


Easter Sunday – booking advised Chic ken 16th andLunch Vegetar ian options available Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 23rd Lunch – booking advised Monday 24th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 27th Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised


sday r u h T y r e is and evThe Unicorn has its own golf society

T (TUGS), drawn from an eclectic bunch of Selection of home made Bar Snacks regular and occasional patrons. You are Sausage Rolls, Gala Pie or Scotch Eggs 01296 681261 warmly invited to join TUGS and please Always available when open! Booking always advisable! don’t worry, any of golfing The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7standard 0LQ Hold your business meetings or private Visit web site for full event details prowess is welcome – there is no fee to parties in our private Club Room. join. Just as we receive great local support Please contact us for details. 01296 681261 Booking always advisableat The Unicorn, we like to support local courses, so all 4 meetings are at local FREE WiFi internet access! Visit web site for full event details The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ clubs with one different course each year. We're dog friendly! All events subject to change





• LOCAL PRODUCE • BREAD BAKED TO ORDER • To order your freshly baked loaves, please collect an order form from The Unicorn bar or ask a member of staff

Milk 2Ltr (Semi/Whole) Butter 250g (SALTED/UNSALTED) Free Range Eggs (1/2 dozen) FREE Range Duck Eggs (1/2 dozen) Bread (Wholemeal/White Small Loaf Tin)

£1.75 £1.75 £1.25 £2.00 £2.00

The format is always individual stableford (full handicap, max 24 for men and 36 for ladies) and Members will compete for the TUGS trophy at each meeting. There will be a special prize for the person who has accumulated the highest aggregate of stableford points (best 3 rounds out of 4) which will be awarded after the final meeting of the year.

Fixtures 2018 Thursday 14th June @ Aylesbury Vale Golf Club Tuesday 4th Sept @ Whittlebury Golf Club Thursday 18th Oct @ Three Locks Golf Club

All welcome - send us an email to join

(BAked to Order)

Stamps (Sold Individually) Bottled Beer (Budweiser/Corona) Bottled Cider (Magners 568ml) House Wine (Red/White)

£0.65 £3.10 £3.85 £12.95

Cublington Postcards x4


Cublington Honey


(All Profits to Friends of St Nicholas)

(when in stock)

Coffee & Cake

The Village Shop stocks essential provisions for your convenience and exists for your immediate and short-term needs. We do not attempt to replace or compete with local shops and the larger supermarkets. Ideal for those without personal transport and for those ‘emergency’ moments!

0 12 96 6 81261


Served every day from 10.30am

PO Box 6414, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 6EJ Telephone 01525 854713 Did you know that there is an amazing charity right on our doorstep? I didn’t, until I started working for them. Hospice at Home Volunteers is a registered charity, offering people with life-limiting illnesses support and friendship in the comfort of their own home. The Leighton Buzzard charity was established in 1995 and offers its services free of charge to families who are living with a terminal or a life limiting illness who are registered with a Leighton Buzzard/ Linslade GP. Our volunteers give two hours a week to their client. A visit and a chat, bringing the outside world in, is sometimes all the client needs. But for those who are able, our volunteers can take them out to the shops or garden centre, or for a walk. These visits not only benefit the client. If they are being cared for by their loved ones, then this gives the carer a couple of hours to themselves, either in or out of the house, giving them a much needed break. I am the Volunteers Coordinator. I look for client referrals from Macmillan, GP’s, Keech Hospice, and the Motor Neurone and MS nurses. I recruit volunteers, who are then given training for their new role and are DBS checked. Most importantly, I match the volunteers to the clients, I do this through common interests, personality and also availability. I can’t emphasize enough what an incredible difference our volunteers make to our clients lives and also to their carers lives. The Charity does not receive funding so relies on any grants it can access, as well as money gained from fund raising events or bucket collections outside the local shops. Do you fancy being one of our amazing client volunteers, or maybe could spare the odd hour being a fundraising volunteer? Please e mail Jaquie Dixon on if you’d like any information on this brilliant charity. Are you aware of the effect new data handling regulations will have on businesses and organisations in this country? These are letters sent to the Daily Telegraph last week and published in The Week. Bonkers I'd say yet still the clubs and organisations in this village have to legally comply! Ed

WE’RE CELEBRATING OUR 25TH BIRTHDAY – COME AND JOIN US! St Judes Clinic in Leighton Buzzard will be 25 years old and to celebrate we would like to invite you to pop in for tea, cake and a chat on Friday 8th June between 10 am and 4 pm. You can also pick up a special birthday discount voucher for physiotherapy. Initially based in Edlesborough, Moira D’Arcy, Practice Principal, gradually expanded the awardwinning physiotherapy and podiatry clinic and moved to Leighton Buzzard in 2007. Contrary to popular belief, the St Judes’ Clinic building in Lake Street is not a religious establishment but a private healthcare clinic, although St Jude was the Patron Saint of lost causes!

chats with all our clinicians and are open Monday to Saturday with disabled access. So why not pop in or give us a call on 01525 377751 and see how St Judes can help you. Don’t just take our word for it – here are just a few of our recent patient reviews: “…I have received excellent diagnoses and courses of treatment. I can thoroughly recommend all aspects of their service. St Judes offers a warm, friendly and professional service and achieves excellent results." "…You really have a great clinic and should be proud of all you do." …"Amazing professionals, changed my life beyond measure. ...A thoroughly good practice that I would highly recommend." We would love to see on Friday 8th June, but if you cannot pop in, give us a call quoting “birthday” to claim your discount voucher.

St Judes have a dedicated team of experienced St Judes Clinic, 26 Lake Street physiotherapists and podiatrists and treats everything Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX from aches and pains, sports injuries and women’s health to back treatment. We also offer free 10-minute 01525 377751

Junior Cricket at Cublington Orchard Ground, Stewkley Road, Cublington LU70LE

Boys Cricket We offer Junior coaching throughout the season from our 11 ECB Qualified Coaches plus an Overseas Coach. The Boys squad training is on Sunday mornings with additional skills coaching on midweek evenings. League teams compete in age groups U9s to U15s. Our highly respected Junior section has been running for nearly 20 years with recent successes including the U11s crowned Bucks County Champions in 2016 and the U13s Nat West Bucks County Cup Winners in 2017.

Girls Cricket

With cricket being the fastest growing female sport at the moment, we invite your daughter to join our growing girls section. The Girls train on Friday evenings and we have two Girls teams playing midweek league cricket this season. Having only started Girls Cricket in 2016, Cublington Girls were Aylesbury District League Champions in 2017.


Gordon Sparke 07968 182020

Cublington.... the village that moved. Thanks for all your comments and messages regarding the village history insert further copies are available at 50p each - the comments really are appreciated and make all the effort worthwhile. GARY

Family history research of the Robins family. Recently visited Cublington to find Joseph Robins, my great grandfather's grave and found it just inside the gate to the left of St Nicholas' churchyard. At the time of his death in 1923, Joseph was a farm manager/bailiff and was residing in Yew Tree House. Is the property still there and are there any photographs of the property and surrounding area from that time? Look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Andy

LOCAL CLEANER AVAILABLE Available: Monday, Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursdays after 3pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 7am-12pm

Contact: Cristina on 07946 725440















Need a plumber, a decorator or electrician?


I hold a directory of tradesmen who have been recommended by someone using them in the village. You can pass on recommendations in confidence or even better if you are happy to show off their excellent handiwork to others or be called to provide a reference, please let me know that as well.

Contact Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639

Don't forget to advertise your event! Deadline for inclusion in the Crier is always 15th of month preceding, but send it anyway and if we can fit it in we will

- let us know at If we don't know about it we can't help!

There have been instances of events that we didn't know about in time to advertise properly.

Five Tall Trees

Shortly after we arrived to live in Cublington, a neighbour told me a story about the five tall pine trees that stand in The Walled Garden where we live. Whether this is a village myth or a fact, I’ll let you work out, but I’ll share this story with you. The story goes that in 1897, Queen Victoria gave her favoured courtiers some sapling trees to mark the Diamond Jubilee of her reign. A number of young trees were given to Baron Ferdinand de Rothchild. Some of the saplings were planted at Waddesden, some at Mentmore, others at Askett, Tring Park, and at Halton; all of which are or were Rothchild’s properties. And some here in Cublington. In your travels near to these properties you can see pine trees of a similar height and structure. But why were some of these trees planted here in Cublington? History tells us that Old Manor Farm in Reads Lane was at one time a Rothchild’s farm. The Walled Garden was built in 2010 within the grounds of Old Manor Farm. Old Manor Farm was the farmhouse for the Old Manor, which burned down in 1800. It is said that the only surviving parts of the Old Manor are The Old Stables, and The Granary, both of which stand off Reads Lane. The Old Manor stood on the land between Reads Lane, and what is now Stewkely Road and Wing Road. Older OS maps show the former site of the Old Manor. Records show that Queen Victoria visited Waddesdon in 1895 (parks and At the time Baron de Rothchild was setting out the extensive gardens at Waddesdon, he was also involved in the design and setting out of the gardens at Sandringhamin Norfolk, the estate that Queen Victoria had purchased for her son, The Prince of Wales. In 1897, Queen Victoria’s daughter, Empress Frederick visited Waddesdon and planted a tree by the Stables to mark the diamond jubilee, commenting on the marvelous gardens there. There are stories about Queen Victoria that might draw doubts about her generous gift of trees to her favoured courtiers. It is said that some of those she planned to visit would hide their most valuable possessions in case the

Queen took an interest in them and asked for items to be sent to one of her palaces. In most instances no payment was made and the Queen expressed surprise that her subjects should ask for any money. So is the story true of the sapling trees from Queen Victoria that now grace The Walled Garden? Were the gifts of sapling trees arranged in Queen Victoria’s name to mark her Diamond Jubilee? Or did Queen Victoria’s daughter present spare trees during her visit and tree planting ceremony at Waddesdon in 1897. One of the things that caught my eye when we visited The Walled Gardens to look at one of the properties there, was the clear blue sky seen through the branches, and the sound of the wind blowing through the five tall trees. On a windy day, it sounds very much like sea waves washing up onto a shingle beach. Over the coming months, we can expect to see news and proposals about the North Field development into community woodland. Those visiting the village fete will have seen a model of the proposals, a number of people are already growing small trees in pots, others will have planted seeds. I have several hundred fir cones from the five tall trees if anyone would like some to try and grow a ‘royal tree’ for the Northfield. I wonder what stories will be told in one hundred years time about the Northfield community woodland? Martyn Waters

Dear Cublington Crier, it is not clear from the Bucks CC website whether any Cublington residents have objected, or supported, the retrospective planning application from Doherty for the Red Brick Farm site on the Dunton Road. Many in Stewkley, Littlecote and Dunton are objecting based on the number of HGVs that will be travelling on the narrow country lanes around us. There is a risk that the trucks will also take the alternative route through Whitchurch and Cublington to avoid Stewkley. At Littlecote we feel as much part of the Cublington community, despite being officially in the parish of Stewkley, and wanted to check that Cublington residents are aware of the issue and the risks posed. I can’t find anything in the Parish Council minutes, the website or any editions of the Crier that show the issue has been highlighted. If there is full awareness in the village then great, but if not, maybe the Crier could do a piece on the issue. It is expected that Bucks CC will consider the application in May. Let me know if you want any further information. Hilary Wingfield

01525 242298 or 07973412786

fo r a Co m e an d jo in us W H IS T fr ie nd ly ga m e of have It doesn’t matter if you e, for be never played and come along and join in y whist we’ll show you how to pla ng Whist Drives Dates Of Fothrth Comi th 10 an d 24 th Ap ril 8 th an d 29 th Ma y 5 th an d 26 Jun e


(includes tea and biscui £2 .20 p PE R PE RS ON best hand Come and show us your ps” and see how many “trum you can get!

at Cublington CC Orchard Ground, Stewley Road, Cublington LU7 0LE

Friday evenings 6.00-7.00pm starting Friday 18th May A fun introduction to cricket for boys and girls aged 5-8yrs An enjoyable social evening to end the week with a BBQ and refreshments for the whole family Contact: Gordon Sparke 07968 182020 Or register:

tact For more information con 2 Linda Driscoll - 64140



Mentmore Arts Festival 2018 The 2018 Mentmore Arts Festival will be held from Saturday 26th to Monday 28th May from 11am - 5pm. We are delighted that this year will be our momentous 10th festival. We will be welcoming over 60 artists including painters, photographers, jewellers and ceramicists. Firm favourites will be exhibiting along with new contributors. Last year we donated £ 5,000 to Thames Valley Air Ambulance and £ 2,500 each to Young Carers Bucks and St Mary’s Church in Mentmore. This brought the grand total monies raised, since the Arts Festival began, to over £60,000. This year we will be supporting National Autistic Society, Lindengate - a charity improving health and well being through nature and horticulture and See Ability - a charity that enriches the lives of people with sight loss and multiple disabilities across the UK. The festival makes a fabulous family day out with lunches, teas, coffees and a bar all available in the Village Hall Garden. We have so much support every year from so many people and the committee would like to thank everyone for all their help once again. Have a look at our website … … and do come and join us in May.



The 10th Mentmore Ar ts Festival will be held in Mentmore Church and Mentmore Village Hall. We’re raising funds for Natio nal Autistic Society, Lindeng ate, See Ability & the churc h.










07831 707023


For more informat ion visit: www.mentmore-ar

Can YOU Escape the Room? Do you remember watching people solve puzzles on the Crystal Maze, thinking “I could do that”? Well now YOU can. Don’t Get Locked In is a brand new escape room experience near Leighton Buzzard, which takes you back to 1940’s England and challenges you to solve puzzles using clues to escape in 60 minutes, so no crystals but lots of fun and kudos if you make it out before the time runs out.

Don’t Get Locked In


Cublington Crier

Book online at: Advertise inAcorn theFarmCrier! Business Centre, Cublington Road,

Preferential forBuzzard, villagers. Wing,rates Leighton LU7 0LB

Tel: 0333 303 1312, Email: Contact us for a media pack dontgetlockedin


Our Planet, Our Responsibility. Plastic pollution is the ‘new sewage’. Lewis Pugh, swimmer extraordinaire, and UN Environment's Patron of the Oceans: “Marine litter is having a very serious impact on marine life. Plastics have come into their own only in the last 60 years. But now you find them all over the world’s beaches, even the most inaccessible beaches in the high Arctic.” Indeed, some 13 million tons of plastics end up in the world's seas every year, and production of the material is due to increase fourfold by 2050. By then, according to one recent study, the amount of plastic in the oceans will outweigh their entire population of fish. Lewis Pugh sees it as an “enormous threat”. “I decided to undertake swims in the world’s most fragile places to carry a message,” he says. “There are so many environmental issues, so I try to focus on ocean ones. If you become a voice for everything, you soon become a voice for nothing.” A plastic bottle can last for 450 years in the marine environment, slowly fragmenting into smaller and smaller pieces which eventually end up microscopic but never truly go away. In 1950, the world’s population of 2.5 billion produced 1.5 million tons of plastic; in 2016, a global population of more than 7 billion people produced over 320 million tons of plastic. This is set to double by 2034. • Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution find their way into our oceans. • Approx 5000 items of marine plastic pollution have been found per mile of beach in the UK. •

Over 150 plastic bottles litter each mile of UK beaches.

• Recent studies have revealed marine plastic pollution in 100% of marine turtles, 59% of whales, 36% of seals and 40% of seabird species examined. • 100,000 marine mammals and turtles and 1 million sea birds are killed by marine plastic pollution annually. Every piece of plastic removed is a step towards plastic free coastlines. Don’t leave the beach this summer without picking up a couple of pieces of plastic and disposing of them in the appropriate recycling bin. Imagine if we all did this ! Imagine the difference we could make !

Visit the website -

Solution: Steve George

Lots of useful information

Lawn Mowing Hedge Trimming Strimming Garden Tidy-ups Autumn Clearance Garden Waste Removal 01296 641 653 No obligation quotes and fully insured









to vil



Parish News Main Contact :

Tuesday , 1st May V il la g e H a ll 7 .3 0 p m


Notes from a small (Cublington) Parish Council Some Cublington residents may be aware that Bucks County Council wants one new unitary council (excluding Milton Keynes which is already a unitary authority on its own). This would be a huge ‘super’ council for the whole of Buckinghamshire, replacing the current county council and four district councils. It is perhaps no coincidence that Martin Tett (Leader of Bucks County Council) has been unusually active on the media, having become a pothole champion most recently. His stance in favour of a single unitary has been challenged so important that residents appreciate there is quite a debate going on presently. AVDC, along with Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe District Councils have put forward a proposal for two new unitary councils for Bucks (excluding Milton Keynes) - one in the north, covering the current Aylesbury Vale area, and the other in the south of the county. This plan recognises that these two areas have completely different communities, economies, opportunities and needs. If you have a view you wish to express then you can make them known to the Parish Council (which will be discussing the matter at our next meeting) or direct to your local MP: John Bercow MP (Buckingham): The Rt. Hon. David Lidington MP (Aylesbury): david.

why not POP IN for

Part of the fallout (apparently) is on AVDC planning who have written to all Parish Councils and all District Councils advising that performance levels of the planning department will be affected for the next 6 months or so due to staff shortages. The letter, which is authored by the AVDC Parish Liaison Officer dated 18th April says: “I would like to provide you with a brief update on what is happening within our planning department. Currently, we are experiencing a higher caseload than usual, including quite a large number of major applications. With a national shortage of senior experienced planners, recruitment in to these roles has become increasingly difficult at AVDC due to recent uncertainties about long term job security for staff. It is worth noting that this is not an issue about funding (AVDC’s planning service is well supported by members and officers alike.) It has in fact become apparent that uncertainty around the Secretary of State’s unitary decision has added to the difficulties in recruiting experienced planning staff.” So a lot of key issues are being debated, and various positions being adopted. Well worth keeping an open mind of course but the debate is worth following. Cllr Michael Reilly 07876593434

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Clean Water Quest River Thame Catchment Water Blitz 1st - 31st May 2018

Water Blitz Launch Events

The River Thame Catchment

For more information please visit: Or email Hannah at 500 sites, 31 days and 1 river catchment. This May the River Thame Conservation Trust are enlisting the help of residents, groups and communities across the River Thame Catchment to help find clean, unpolluted water, where wildlife can thrive. New, quick and simple kits mean that everyone, from complete freshwater novices to professionals, now have the opportunity to take part in our first catchment wide survey of water quality. Volunteers will use these kits to measure the levels of two widespread nutrients, nitrate and phosphate, in the River Thame, and its many surrounding water bodies as it meanders its way past Aylesbury to join the River Thames at Dorchesteron-Thames.

The River Thame Catchment is an area where there is little information on the water quality of its freshwater landscape. Yet its freshwater habitats, from the biggest lakes to the tiniest trickles, pools and springs, are home to a vast array of plants and animals. It only takes a little pollution to cause the loss of much of this wildlife. With increasing pressures on the freshwater landscape, it is now more important than ever to find the clean water places, those that are free of pollution, where wildlife can thrive. To sign up to take part in Clean Water Quest this May and for more information please visit:


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Classical LPs Wanted Excellent prices paid for Classical LPs from the 50’s and 60’s on the following record labels: DECCA (SXL / LXT ) HMV (ASD / ALP / BLP / CLP / DLP) COLUMBIA (SAX / 33CX) RCA (SB / LDS) CAPITOL (SP / P / CTL) PHILIPS (SABL / SAL) To sell your collection please contact: Dave Parsons tel: 01296682300 / Mobile: 07770470996

Golf Coaching is available for adults and juniors all year round. Whatever you need whether it is 1-to-1 or group sessions on all areas of the game which include: Long Game, Approach Shots, Pitching, Chipping, Bunker Play, Putting and on Course Management. Ring or email PGA Professional Russell Phillips now on

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WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2 -5 year olds. Weoffers operate from care our purpose built, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed each child. Weoperate operate from our own state ofbuilt, the artto setting, oneart large main We from ourpurpose ownWingrave purpose ofwith the setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. withroom one main large room and spacious, enclosed, We take new children offers at anysessional point in the school year, call or comeoutdoor and see usarea, for Wingrave Pre-School care for 2-5 yearjust olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aafriendly and atmosphere. Children’s learning is promoted friendly and fun SessioninTimes:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

sessions: daily, 9am – noonto each child. Qualified staff –Morning key worker appointed Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Packed lunchperson daily, noon 1pm We take new children atsession: any appointed point into–the year, Qualified staff –staff key appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker each child. just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for . 30 hoursmore funding accepted. information! Session Times:

Sessiondaily, Times: Morning sessions: 9am – noon

Sessiondaily, Times:9am – 12pm Morning sessions: Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Wed and noon – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Lunch club: daily,Thurs, 12pm – 1pm Tues, Wed and Thurs, noondaily, – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Packed lunch session: noon –or 1pm .

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 For children aged 2-7 years Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-6pm £15 Pop in for a visit or give us a call! Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

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