Cublington Crier Oct 2021 #411

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October 2021


From advice and information, to practical support and social activities, The Brain Charity helps people with a neurological condition to rebuild their lives and access the support that they need.



The Cublington Crier, articles to 18 Ridings Way please or Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548

Presents... an evening of

Lim numbe ited rs so early p book lease


St Nicholas Church,


MONDAY 15th NOVEMBER at 7.30pm bination of m co t’s h g ri W s is M

Always a sell-out, g in g n a r r a r e w o fl expertompanied by a stream of acc

s makes for te o d ec n a s u hilario d the audience n a , t n e m in great enterta ideas on the way. great will pick up some

TICKETS: £12 includes a glass of wine Contact: Evelyn Griffiths 01296 681666

l a i r o t i d E


Is it just me or did it disappear like snow on warm spring morning? I must admit feeling a bit short-changed as the nights draw in and autumn creeps into our bones. That’s not to say we didn’t do anything during the summer, enjoying what nice weather we had. Building a bridge took up a lot of my time during March to July. In fact, Simon, Vanessa, and I spent many happy hours piecing together 500m of treated Douglas fir (see front cover). It was lovely to see so many people at the opening in September and thank you to everyone who donated to The Brain Charity by buying tickets. Nearly £12000 was raised which reflected your generosity. It’s not too late to boost that total if you feel you would like to contribute. Simply go to A few trips around the UK, but we have not ventured abroad as I guess many of us haven’t. Its not that we don’t want to go, it just seems like too much hassle and after all we live in such a beautiful country which is a joy to explore. There was a bit of golf too. Royal Aylesbury Vale GC has come on leaps and bounds over the last 25 years, and I know many golfing villagers have enjoyed the freedom of a ‘good walk spoiled’, whilst out of lockdown. Oh, and yes, we decided to grow some dahlias! I have spent more time on my hands and knees, weeding, than I have looking for my (or Sarah’s) golf ball in fairway hedgerows …which says a lot for the speed of weed growth. Still blooming, the dahlias have been a source of great joy throughout the summer. Guests at the bridge opening bought £300 worth of dahlias for the charity which boosted funds and brightened up dining room tables. Dahlias really are the most beautiful flowers. Each one different but part of the same wider family. Bit like all of us really? The horticultural show brightened up the start of September (great job Sandie Joy and team!) and the Ryder cup the end of the month. In between we were all lifted by Emma Radacanu. What a gal! As a qualifier, to sustain brilliance over 10 matches was in my view the greatest sporting achievement by a British individual of all time. Can any of you come up with a greater one? I wonder what Autumn and winter has in store for us all? Whatever it is we wish you peace and contentment. The George family


Julie Tovey

is 15th September


The Crier online...

Available at

Readers should note that permission is again being sought to increase lorry activity by more than double and the return of a concrete crusher. Lorry size of greater than 3.5 Tonnes unladen is mentioned. Also an 18 foot high concrete wall is proposed. The danger, road damage and upheaval caused by the lorries has been witnessed but ceased following the crushers being moved to a temporary location when the County Authority issued an order to stop. The details can be found online in the planning portal, quoting Ref. CM/0066/20. Response is required by the 6th Oct., so little time will be available after you receive this journal. The more people that respond the more likely the Council are to take notice. Previous objectors will have received a letter from the planning officer. Printed in full inside. Ed No: All proceeds to

October draw 6

Orchard Ground


Wow! Where did that summer go?

ion The Biggs Pavil & North field

1st Prize £50 - Nicki Matthews 2nd Prize £40 - David & Caroline Lightfoot 3rd Prize £30 - Jenny Middleweek 4th Prize £20 - Steve Markwell

Weds 20th-Friday 22nd

High St Closed outside the new build diversions in place. No access to Wing from east side of village.

Sunday 31st

Clocks go back - don't forget

Well done artists!

To all the artisits who exhibited their work last week. A successful exhibition and posssibly the highlight of the autumn. Who knew so much talent lived in the village!? Two reviews of the exhibition appear inside, mainly due to a Crier communication error, but we thought you'd lke to read them both anyway. The comments book was also full of praise for the art on show with requests for a repeat in the future! Watch this space.

CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Inserts £10 village, £20 non village. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

The monthly magazine of the Buckinghamshire village of Cublington - the village that moved.

Thank you to those who have sent in content following my recent appeals. As we keep saying, the Crier can only survive with content. People keep telling me what an amazing job we do, and we thank you for those comments, but please remember that if you don’t send something in, thinking others will, they might be thinking exactly the same and we get nothing. Please don’t be shy. Letters, spotteds, articles of interest, photos, anything that might interest our readers. Thank you so much.

A serious question to villagers...

I was asked the other day, that if anything happened to me and I became incapacitated, what would happen to the Crier? I said, I presume someone would take it on. But then started thinking... could they?! I've taken it on from the lick and stick it used to be and now run it much more like a proper business, utilising all the latest design software. So - serious question - is there anyone out there who has knowledge of the Adobe suite of programmes, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and would be willing to help edit/design and put together the magazine, if I'm away say for a month sometime in 2022? I'm not ill or anything I promise, but just planning for all eventualities and even a long golfing holiday perhaps. Please let me know if you are capable and interested! Cheers.

t c a t n o C r e i Cr details


CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Bucks LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

The Editorial Rota 2021.. Dec Morgan Family

2022..Jan Gates family

Please book your slot! Now booking 2023 (yes really!) - so plenty of time to think about it! Many Thanks. December Bob & Liz

Jan ? 2023.. Feb ?

Feb Keane Family Mar Gregory family Apr Emily and Jo May Penny & Dennis Allen June Schults family July Sam Conway September Romney & Tom Smith October ? November Justice Family

Mar ? Sept Jackie Farrands

To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

You may be interested to know that we now have two Waste Recycling plants within a mile of each other as the crow flies, this one, and another on the Dunton Road towards Stewkley, with increasing numbers of lorry movements straight through the village. It's time we got them stopped. Ed

ts s i t r A e h t f no o i t i b i h x e n a on

t g n i l b u C of

A glimpse into the varied and extraordinary talent of the Artists of Cublington through pages of the Crier over recent months has been intriguing. However, the opportunity, post lockdown, to see the work in reality, far exceeded any expectations that the Crier preview had raised. It was amazing to see in one place and from a relatively small community, such talent and such a range of media, styles, subjects and techniques. Delicate watercolours, vibrant oils, acrylics and stained glass, pottery, fabric, tapestries, detailed sculptures and evocative photographs were all there, as well as a technique which I hadn’t come across before using resin, mica and coloured pigment. It was fascinating to see how artists had so skillfully captured expressions and personalities of people – and

A review by Gillian Antosewicz

animals – the movement of an animal, a beautiful still life and the atmosphere of a landscape or seascape. It was lovely too, to be able to see some very familiar local landscapes and landmarks through the eyes and art of others; among them, the road to Littlecote, that we have all become so familiar with since lockdown and our lovely church. I was lucky enough to have been able to attend the preview evening and the sense of pride, excitement and community was tangible. I am sure I will not be alone in wishing to thank and congratulate everyone involved in organising the event, surely no mean feat, but above all to all those who contributed, for sharing their work – what a privilege to have been able to see it.

Volunteer Recruitment Day Sunday 14th November 11am-2pm No booking required – just turn up and meet the team! Ever thought about volunteering but don't know where to start? Why not try your local heritage railway, right here in Quainton! The list of available roles is plentiful, and we currently need more hands on deck, so this Volunteer Recruitment Day has been set up to allow potential volunteers to meet current volunteers, take a look around the site, see an engine in steam and find out about what we do and how you might be able to lend a hand. We have a huge variety of volunteer roles and, basically, these roles fit into one of two types: • 'Behind the Scenes' volunteers generally come in during the week and help maintain the site and our artefacts whilst we are closed. This could be mowing, mending, strimming hedges and painting fences, or helping maintain or restore steam engines, carriages, railway buildings etc. • 'Customer Facing' volunteers are the ones who come in and spend the day with us when we are open to the public on Sundays and other Special Event days throughout the year. These roles range from helping in our second-hand bookshop, cafe or gift shop, and welcoming visitors on the entrance gate, to crewing one of our steam engines, being a guard on the platform or helping to park cars on our especially busy days when we need all hands on deck! You can come for as long as you want, as often as you want. Some volunteers come several times a week, other comes only when we have a really busy event coming up. Volunteering is supposed to help you as much as it helps us, so you can do as much or as little as you like - we'll appreciate each and every minute of your time you give to us! To find out more, why not wander down and join us anytime between 11am and 2pm on Sunday 14th November – the cafe will be open, why not bring a friend! We look forward to welcoming you here. If you have a specific query about volunteering or about this recruitment day, please email us on

ists t r A e h t f o on

an exhibiti blington

of Cu

If you missed the inaugural Cublington art exhibition at the Biggs Pavilion,Orchard Ground you missed a treat. Fifteen individuals put on a display of interesting and skilful art works that could surely invoke nothing but positivity from those who came to see them? Being so well received hopefully will encourage future exhibitions, although biannually might be sensible? The variety of media used by the talented artists made great viewing. Unusual sculptures and creative plant pots by Maggie Mackenzie were a fun display on entry to the pavilion. It was impossible not to admire the fine needlepoint of Sue Bottles colourful cushions and the equally vibrant stained glass works of husband Roger. We are so fortunate to have some of Rogers work in permanent position in the entrance to St Nicholas church. The precision of Nick Davis exquisite bronze sculptures and the stories behind them cannot be anything but respected and admired. I’m certain most of us would find at least one of his works that would fit nicely in our home? With so many of us having smart phones with good quality cameras it is easy to take some good photos, but it requires a gifted eye to take a great or outstanding photograph which Penny Allen’s black and white ‘Fountain at Cliveden ‘ is. Creating using computer technology is available to us all, but not many of us have the patience or imagination to produce artworks. Harry Bystras display showed how he is developing just such a skill. Amy Morgan had used technology in a similar way with her aerial map of Cublington. A simple idea, well executed and a first of it’s type of our village as far as I know? Amy’s other works showed attention to detail and a breadth of talent. Her crocheted shawl was wonderful to look at and touch, and yes I saw several visitors having a feel and thinking they would like to have that around their shoulders on a chilly autumn day! Chris Shults showed a real understanding of the use of water colours in her series of landscape paintings.Her acrylic painting of St Nicholas church was cheery and so different in style it was hard to believe it was the same artist. Many of us are familiar with the style and work of Martyn Gates who did a series of portraits a few years back of many village faces. Working in charcoals Martyn had a series of landscape and building pieces which captured light and shade well ,even though the charcoals make the general feel of these works quite dark. A multi talented artist Martyn’s display of pots and bowls in CD racks was very impressive, and another tactile display. The naivety in style of Polly Nixon ’s painting was delightful and I particularly liked the couple on the bench surrounded by poppies. I wanted to jump in the picture and think their thoughts, a bit like Jane and Michael did with Mary Poppins when they jumped into Berts’ pavement pictures! Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious! I was fascinated with Bernadette Washers abstract paintings with resin. An unusual process and although explained well I couldn’t

Delayed because of you know what but disappointed we were not.

help but think one would have to try it to fully appreciate what is involved. I loved the results and would happily hang one or two in my house. Perhaps Bernadette could be persuaded to do a Workshop? With such a large range of materials and different techniques in the work displayed by Jane Alexander it is difficult to know how to review her work? Clearly Jane’s adventure with online courses , ‘Art for the terrified’ has been a resounding success and very enjoyable. The feather art looked user friendly but I’m sure was trickier than it looked to do? My favourite work was her pink flamingo, pen and wash, simple but characterful. It was no surprise to see so many lovely paintings by multitalented Gary Brazier. You don’t have to have lived in Cublington very long to have seen Gary’s work! Designs in the Crier, on tea towels, tote bags, Orchard Ground sign and until recently the Unicorn Pub sign. Always developing his talent Gary can be relied upon to produce paintings that are pleasing to the eye. I have yet to be convinced about the ‘onewireart’ as something I would want on my sideboard but they are clever! The two artists not yet mentioned are Liz Smith and Lucy Clunie. My reason for leaving them till last is that between they have

outstanding talent for portraiture. Having studied Art myself but always struggled with portraits I am always full of admiration for the gift of those that are able to master them. Liz Smiths still life work is fantastic quality too but the portraits were alive! John Eadie was looking at me and I was just waiting for him to speak! Lucy Clunie’s animals were equally outstanding, what a gift she has. ‘Millie’ was my favourite and I expected her to run and ‘fetch’ at my command. Knowing that there are at least half a dozen villagers with artistic talent that weren’t able , or brave enough, to exhibit, I can only see this exhibition growing and perhaps needing extra space in the future? The comments made by the two hundred or so visitors were nothing but positive and encouraging. All the artists that took part and all those supporting them and enabling the event should be proud of their achievement . The floral display by Gillian Antosewiecz and the non stop refreshments from the kitchen were an appreciated bonus for all who came A resounding success for a small Buckinghamshire village and inspiration for us all to reignite or find our own artistic talents! Thank you

more dates for your diary


9am on Sunday 10th

Harvest Festival at ST NICHOLAS CHURCH

chuch windows will be decorated by groups from around the village

6.30pm on Monday 11th

Harvest Souper Supper and Auction Thursday 14th

Cublington Panto Meeting at The Unicorn, 8pm in the Club Room Weds 20th-Friday 22nd

Road Closure outside new build, High Street

Connecting water - diversions in place - villagers in the west of the village may wish to park their cars at the other end of the village for the duration.

Thursday 21st

Panto Rehersals start Sunday 31st 11am-3pm

A Barn Sale @ Larkspur House

furniture/ pictures / household items and more!



Contact :- Evelyn Griffiths Tel. 01296 681666 Limited numbers so book early please

Wednesday 17th

Orchard Ground Association AGM 8pm Biggs Pavilion

Saturday November 27th.

The 21st Cublington Cabaret Night at the BiggsPavilion More details and ticket sales info in the November Crier.


1st to Christmas. Advent Window Trail Book your slot with

2022 June

Saturday 18th - Put the date in your diary.

Cublington Fete

Sunday 12th - Put the date in your diary.

Cublington Open Gardens

PLEASE let us know of any

event in the village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.

More gardens required... for more information

Dear Dog walkers... I repeat!!!! Why should I have to clear up after your dog? I cannot believe after last month's moan, that I yet again have to write to the village's dog walkers. Two moans. One, if you have taken the trouble to pick up the poo in a bag, why then leave it hanging on a fence, on a stile, on the gas cage at the pavilion???!!! There are numerous dog poo bins placed at great expense around the village. PLEASE USE THEM - no one else should have to pick up your discarded bags. Secondly... I have seen two piles of excrement on my walks round the village. Both on pavements/verges beside the main road. So presumably the dogs would be on a lead??!! So why on earth can you not notice your dog having a crap? One within twenty meters of a dog poo bin. The other looked like the dog was dragged up the pavement up by the nursery as it was scattered like bombs over a twenty foot length. Seriously?!! You didn't notice? You should be ashamed of yourself! Another day - another discarded bag to report. Disgraceful! Carry it round with you, then you won't forget to pcik it up!

Please respect other villagers and clear it up! Bag it and bin it! Mr V. Angry

By being more active across the day, you will feel better, burn more calories and appreciate the outdoors. Make moving more part of your daily routine with some tips from St Judes: • Clean your way to fitness – cleaning around the house will have you moving and breaking a sweat and don’t pay someone to wash and clean your car, do it yourself save money and burn extra calories along the way. • Don’t be a couch potato - if you love nothing more than sitting on the sofa and watching a box set after a day at work sat at a desk, why not do the ironing, tidy the room or clean out that cupboard that you have been meaning to do for ages. • Catch up with friends - instead of a boozy lunch, head to the park, beach or countryside for a walk • Get down with the kids - simply throwing a ball around in the garden or a game of hide and seek can get everyone up and moving. Why not put on some dance party music or an interactive dance game after dinner. • Park further away – if you have to drive to work or the shops, park at the back of the car park so you need to walk further. • Go barking mad - when you’re a dog owner walks become a part of life and are great for your physical and mental health too. • Get off your chair -alternate between standing and sitting or get a standing desk. If you have a muscular or bone problem holding you back from doing the things you love, why not get a physiotherapy assessment? They can offer effective treatment and advice to stop the problem from returning. St Judes Clinic 26 Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX 01525 377751

Dahlias intifull S ll bloom at Old Stables farm Dahlias bloom Old Stables Dahlias infull full bloom Old Stables farm Dahlias reallyin are the most beautiful at ofat tender perennials. Wefarm have grown over 300 plants during the spring and they are now blooming in our field off the Dahlias really are the most beautiful ofof tender perennials. We have grown Dahlias really are the most beautiful tender perennials. We have grown over Wing road and ready for use as cut flowers. If you would like some of over 300 plants during the spring and they are now blooming inin our field off the 300 plants during the spring and they are blooming our field off the these gorgeous flowers for your home or asnow a gift for someone then please Wing road and are ready for use as cut flowers. If you would like some of Wing and are ready for use(3-5pm) as cut flowers. If you like some visit us road on any Tuesday or Friday until they stopwould blooming in lateof these gorgeous flowers forfor your home or asas a gift forfor someone then please these gorgeous flowers your home or a gift someone then please September. Please use the Wing Road gate entrance (next to Cublington visit usus onon any Tuesday oror Friday (3-5pm) until they stop blooming inin late visit any Tuesday Friday (3-5pm) until they stop blooming late Gardens), where Tim and Steve will help you choose your own stems costing September. Please use the Wing Road gate entrance (next toto Cublington September. Please use the Wing Road gate entrance (next Cublington between 75p and £1 per stem, with a complimentary sachet of plant food. Gardens), where Tim and Steve will help you choose your own stems costing Gardens), where Tim and Steve will help you choose your own stems costing Premium pork sausages are still available request £4 persachet pack (frozen) ps. between 75p and £1£1 per stem, with a complimentary ofof plant food. between 75p and per stem, with aon complimentary sachet plant food. pps. The photos of dahlias (above and below) were taken in our dahlia patch Premium pork sausages areare still available onon request £4£4 perper pack (frozen) Premium pork sausages still available request pack (frozen) pps. The photos of of dahlias (above and below) were taken in in our dahlia patch pps. The photos dahlias (above and below) were taken our dahlia patch

North Field Tree Planting Work Parties With the news that Orchard Ground Committee have been given nearly 2000 trees to help the planting of North Field, and the final plan being prepared for planning sign off, we are nearly at the stage where we need manpower and volunteers. Please let us know if you would be willing to spare an hour or two (or more!) helping achieve our ambitions for North Field. Please fill in the below and return to either Martyn Waters or Charlie Toosey, or alternatively put your slip through the Biggs Pavilion postbox and we'll make sure it's collected and logged. Yes. When the time comes I would like to join a work party to help plant nearly 2000 trees on North Field. Name: Address: Telephone: email:

SPOTTED! Spotted - Red Arrows and on a different occasion a Spitfire and Hurricane flying over the village presumably back to base after airshows.

PLEASE keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot

anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious or even just slightly interesting) in the village - please let us know.

Watch out for - Keep your eyes peeled for crash landings this Halloween. This witch took a wrong turn last year and came a cropper.

Spotted - A thorn between two roses was how this was described.... I'm sure that's not the expression! Ed

Spotted - The Cublington glitterati at the

preview of the Cublington Art Exhibition. See review elsewhere.

Spotted - this model plane

crash landed in our garden... contact to get it back.

Spotted - the phantom bench repairer new seating slats on several benches at OG.

How many - How many men does it

take to change a lightbulb? Three apparently...

Spotted - canopy raised on the hazel tree opposite Rose Cottage. Opens up the view. Very nice.

A sale of furniture/ pictures / household items and more!

Sunday 31st Oct 11am-3pm

BARN SALE larkspur barn, aston abbotts road

Walking Britain’s Oldest Road

Join Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity for an 80 mile charity hike along Britain’s oldest road next summer and experience the breath-taking views and historic sites along the way on this 4-day guided trek. The 80 mile hike follows the Ridgeway, used since prehistoric times by travellers, herdsmen and soldiers, from Swindon back to Aylesbury, walking and being supported by fellow walkers, united in the same goal – to support Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. This year 40 hospice supporters took part on the charity’s first ever Ridgeway Hike and raised over £70,000 for local hospice care. The walkers each had a different reason to why they wanted to take part in the hike and support the charity, many walking in memory of loved ones who had been cared for by the Hospice team. Steve said, “I can honestly say that is the best and most enjoyable extreme event I have done. Thank you all.” If you are interested in taking on this challenge the next trek will take place from 9th – 12th June 2022. You can find out more about the Ridgeway Trek and details of how to sign up at or call 01296 429975 for more information.

About Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Florence Nightingale Hospice is located at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and provides first class specialist palliative care which is accessible and free of charge to those with a life-limiting illness in Buckinghamshire. The Hospice also provides other services such as their new FNH@Home services, providing end-of-life care for patients in their homes, Florrie’s Children’s Team respite care for families, the Day Hospice and Bereavement Support. Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity commits to raise over £1,000,000 annually to ensure the continued funding of local inpatient and at-home palliative care services. For more information visit

Cublington Tea Towels Still available - last few - get one while they last.

Priced just £6 each - (£10 for 2)


n o t g n i l b u C Bags LIMITED EDITION

All proceeds go to village causes

Only two left!

£10 each or 2 for £18 Interested? Then please contact us now.

email: or call Gary on 01296 688548

What did you want to be when you grew up? A professional footballer. Me too - Ed! What was your first job? Supermarket worker Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? (You can have more than one!) Winston Churchill - to understand strategy and decision making. Micheal Jordan - to understand how winners think. Leonardo Da Vinci - to understand how to innovate. What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? The Egyptian period - to experience the way they lived back then and understand the language, artwork and hieroglyphics. Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? Santa Barbara - It is the perfect mix of sun, sea, surf and temperature. A beautiful part of the world. What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Sugar! What is your favourite book and why? The way of the peaceful warrior - Dan Millman What is your favourite song and why? River flows in you - Yiruma. I listen to this song every time I need to think and clear my head What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? When someone is rude without reason. What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? Anything to do with David Attenborough How long have you lived in Cublington? Nearly 6 years. Answer somewhere in the Crier.

October Birthdays

Happy birthday to you all...

Tom Lea 15 on the 7th Katie Keane 13 on the 7th Henry Martindale 6 on the 19th Aida Dean 7 on the 24th Leo Allen 6 on the 30th

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children - please let us know. Once children reach 15 they are removed from the list. Gary & Gill

The life of a vet! October. October in the vet practice – Catching Up with the CPD Any veterinary practice becomes a family, a mix of veterinary surgeons, vet nurses, the reception team and a Practice Manager. Add in student nurses and student vets, and the place also becomes a place of learning and exchange of knowledge. All vets and qualified nurses have to maintain a level of up-to-date knowledge and skills as part of our registration. Congresses and weekends at ‘Continuing Education’ events used to be the main way of gaining updates, but with the Covid lockdown, these have all moved Online, and the majority of us now spend many hours on the laptop, listening and watching lectures from all over the world. We get access to consultants and professors, but miss out on the coffeetime chats and practical skills cannot be learned in this way, so we are looking forward to the resumption of ‘real’ courses and seminars! Within our practice, we hold meetings for all staff, to keep them informed about any changes, and vet and nurse teams also meet to discuss cases and share what we have gleaned from our online hours. Again, we missed out on these during the last year, and it is great to get everyone together again. Students and newly qualified vets have mentoring sessions and the receptionists have their own AMTRA-based training, giving them skills in handling medicines and allowing them to give advice on parasite control, once they have gained the SQP designation. Some vets have additional qualifications, AVP (Advanced Veterinary Practitioner) and interests in more specific areas of medicine or surgery. I am an AVP, with qualifications in Anaesthesia, and I also enjoy orthopaedics, veterinary reproduction and dealing with the more unusual patients (mostly chickens and reptiles). Richard is the Medicines AVP, and fount of all knowledge! It is good to have vets with a range of interests, as that way we can learn from each other and give support when it is needed. The Spring-born kittens are all getting to an age for neutering, and we see an influx of adolescent cats, male and female, in the Autumn. Tomcats tend to fight and roam, while females can produce two or three litters a year, all of which need good homes. The cat ward is a quiet and relaxing space for their recoveries and they go home in the afternoon of their operation, and are bouncing around within a few hours! Jane A

Orchard Ground & North Field Latest news...

•A rnold Clark Community Grants - latest Thanks to the tenacity of Martyn Waters, all the community clubs have been successful in getting grants for on-going improvements. The Allotment Society received a grant of £1000. Tennis Club have received a grant of £1000 for court cleaning and general refurbishment. They have also been donated a ball machine, a rebound wall and two on court benches.The OG committee have received a grant of £750 for a new dual fuel BBQ (pictured) and the cricket club received a grant of £1000 towards on-going maintenence costs. Landscape Masterplan

Not to Scale


•N orth Field - More trees donated A Planting Plan needs to be agreed before planting is sheduled to begin in late Autumn - appeals for volunteers for work parties will be issued. The overall masterplan has been issued for comments, before submitting for final approval along with lists of tree species. By working together as a village with our planned planting of trees on North Field including horse chestnuts, we can all help to ‘conker’ climate change. The Woodland Trust working with Conservation Volunteers have agreed to provide 900 sapling trees for T AF DR North Field, these are native British trees and will include, oak, beech, rowan, silver birch, hawthorn, hazel, hornbeam, field maple, goat willow, downey birch, bird cherry, dog rose. These should be delivered in November. These saplings will be between 20cm and 60cm tall and will be a great contribution to the planting of the copse and woodland areas of North Field.

Rev C: Minor updates following details design DT 09.09.2021 Rev B: North point amended. LA 04.06.2020 Rev A: Amendments following comments from Parish Council. DT 10.03.2020



North Field, Cublington


Landscape Masterplan Status


Do not scale off drawing. All dimensions & Levels are to be checked on site. Any discrepancies must be reported to the landscape architect immediately. Copyright THE LANDSCAPE PARTNERSHIP LTD

Ovo Energy working with ‘I dig Tees’ have agreed to provide a further 900 British native sapling trees of similar species, again between 20cm and 60cm tall, the ‘I dig Trees’ project is part of Ovo Energy’s carbon offset. These should be delivered in March 2022. In addition, a number of residents in the village have been growing native British trees in readiness for North Field, these include oak, hazel, holly, goat willow, sycamore, hawthorn, sweet chestnut and horse chestnut trees. •1 00 Club 2021/22: results published elsewhere in this Crier. If you would prefer to buy a ticket virtually, please contact Bob via email. or call on 01296 680483. Last year over £1400 was distributed in prize money. Remember, a thriving local amenity such as the or chard Ground and Biggs Pavilion helps keep your house price up! •Y our OG Committee currently is: Colin Antosiewicz, Chairman; Liz Smith, Treasurer; Vanessa Verity, Secretary; Jason Taylor, Maintenance; Bob Paine, Bookings & Allotments; Michael Reilly, Cricket & Parish Council; Gary Brazier, Tennis & General; Martyn Waters, North Field; Miranda Gregory, Events; Lucy Peck, General. All are volunteers. New committee members always wanted. Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Minutes of AGM available on • The next committee meeting is 6th October, AGM 8pm 17th November




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Tennis is the perfect sport for all fitness, health & wellbeing. New members always very welcome. Courts are once again busy with members enjoying social tennis. Some league teams will resume play shortly. If you’d like to join, please contact us details below.


Gary 01296 688548 or 07713 723788 or email at

• LTA affiliated club

•M any categories of membership single/couple/family/junior/oap • Coaching organised see ad elsewhere. • 2 great all weather courts - free floodlights for members • This Winter 4 league teams in ADTL • Fun Club Sessions and Tournaments SAFEGUARDING OFFICER

Jean Barnett 01296 392471 To be contacted if you have any concerns about safeguarding. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY

Caroline Lane 01296 681373

New coaching sessions with Paul Hobday started Friday September 17th for 10 weeks - Hour long sessions starting 6pm and 7pm 10 weeks for £35 members, £60 non members.

Contact Gary on if you want to join in.

p e e k e s a e l P .. . e n i l n O g S hoppin

A HUGE THANK YOU to the 42 people who have so far raised a

whopping £1,258.70 for Orchard Ground projects by simply clicking online. New names are appearing on the league table! Please join in - it costs you absolutely nothing! Online shopping is still allowed! 1st 2nd 3rd 4th -

Gwyniera Waters Martyn Waters Maggie Brandom Sarah George -

£225.61. £146.84. £126.69. £106.29.

5th - Kevin Shultz - £95.59. A huge thanks to everyone else who is raising money for Orchard Ground we hope to see you on the leader board soon!!

A Huge THANK YOU to all the helpers , sponsors, judge, participants and those who came

along to the Horticultural Show at the beginning of September.

We were lucky again with the weather and though there was only the growing section this year as a precaution, to avoid restrictions re Covid, we had a good selection of produce for judging. The Growers cup was won with some great produce by Jan Antosiewiecz and the Best in Show by Julie King with her fantastic Vegetable Tray. Well done to them and all who put produce in. With the entry fee, donations for refreshments, buying of produce and all the Sponsors from people in the village we raised amazingly for a restricted event £670 for Friends of St Nicholas, thank you to everyone. We are looking for someone else to take on organising the event which will be a big relief to all those I have badgered for years to sponsor. All the usual helpers will be there so please contact me if you are interested, you will get loads of help.

ore m e h T e in.. r a o wh e you r o m the win! d l u o c

Over £14 00 Prize mo ney available this year !

No: All proceeds to

Orchard Ground


Thank you so much on behalf of Friends of St Nicholas to the Fete Committee and all who helped at the very successful fete for the amazing donation of £1,500.


The Biggs Pavili & North field

Tickets always available - for next year now as the first six have been drawn!

If you want to buy a ticket online for the next round of ten draws starting next May then please contact me direct at or call me on 01296 680483 and we will organise it. Your continued support is very much appreciated. Bob.

Greeting cards for sale at 10p each. All proceeds to the Rennie Grove Hospice. If you would like a browse through the stock please contact Mary Keats on 07890129481 or

When the floodlights are off, villagers may notice a glow from within the, not on fire, but we are leaving the tower light on, it makes the building look alive and loved. Sponsored by the Alexanders


If you would like to, please contact Sally direct on 681570 or or to The Crier with a dedication. Gift Aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub (when open) porches and this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you


Kevin and Chris Shults by red so on sp e ar s ht lig od The flo nder ful friendly village wo is th to in g vin mo of ry To mark our 2nd Anniversa welcome and ve been made to feel most ha we e er wh n, to ng bli Cu of ds. have made many new frien hter-in-law’s mum in July, ug da r ou of ng ssi pa d sa e d, Nigel. Also, to mark th w with her beloved husban no is e sh e, ac pe in st re e sh Pauline Rabbits, may Roger Bottle red in October by Sue and so on sp o als e ar s ht lig od The flo g the church lit. as they so appreciate seein

Church Services October Harvest Supper 6.30pm 11th October for the Souper Supper (Traffic Light Soups!) followed by the AUCTION - a chance to bid for a pumpkin and more! Harvest Festival 9am 10th October, church windows will be decorated by groups from around the village.

From the Rector

“Strictly” is back on the telly so it must autumn and harvest celebrations! With our 24/7 world, we may feel we’ve lost touch with the seasons and whilst that is likely true, I guess our forebears would see that as a small price to pay for no longer worrying whether the food stocks would last the winter. Plus, the Harvest Festival, whilst celebrated across our churches, can so easily be seen as merely a wistful glance back to an England long gone. We expect to have strawberries the whole year round and many children do not make the connection between cuddly animals and the shrink wrapped meat products in the shops. However, we have woken up to the fact that we do have responsibilities for the Creation. That food miles, sustainability and choice (which creates massive food waste) are huge issues and may just mean that we should revert to, for example, strawberries only in June. Maybe. I suggest that we neglect Harvest at our peril. Biblically, the harvest reminds us of our stewardship of the earth’s resources and also asks of us, “what is the harvest of your life?”. It’s there at the start of the bible, pops up throughout and is fundamental to the book of Revelation. And as we have become more aware of the need to curate the earth, those biblical principles won’t go away. Curious that. So, a big thumbs up to crusty bread and oversized marrows; but a bigger thumbs up to the crossover points between empirical observation and a theology of Creation. With every blessing, Rev’d Howard Robson.

The Crier funds village projects through advertising revenue. We help fund village projects and institutions... such as the printing of the book 'Cublington in Pictures Old and New', The Rememberance Commemorative Insert, The Old Village History insert, the refurbished Biggs pavilion kitchen, the village fete, the Cublington Tea Towels and Bags, The forthcoming Artists Exhibition to name but a few. We are extremely proud of being able to do this and would like an independent arbiter (a volunteer please) to join us and help with overseeing this use of Crier funds. So, do you know of any local businesses who might like to advertise in the Crier? Or do you have an idea for a fundraising project that we could seed fund? Contact Gary or Gill on 688548 for a media pack or see rates on inside of front cover.

Orchard Ground AGM 8pm Biggs Pavilion Wednesday 17th November. All villagers welcome.

Minutes of a meeting of Cublington Parish Council held on 14th September 2021 in Biggs Pavilion at 7.30pm Present: Cllr H Vale (Chairman) Cllr M Reilly Cllr G Antosiewicz Cllr K Shults Cllr M Waters Cllr A Bond (County) for item 3 Cllr P Cooper (County) for item 3 In attendance: Mr M Joy (Clerk) 1. Apologies Cllr D Blamires (attending Wingrave PC) 2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held on 13th July 2021 were discussed by the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman. 3. Declaration of Interest There were no Declaration of interests . 4. Reports County Councillors The County Council are ratifying the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan tomorrow. The plan sets out a 5-year housing supply and protects the Vale from developers building houses on sites without input the Council. The Community Boards will provide trees to parish councils to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee. Cllr Cooper reiterated his comments in the July CPC meeting concerning funding of projects. He urged us to get involved with the subcommittees – Transport and Environment which consider project applications. It was suggested we apply for funding for the circular path around North Field and a path from Silver Street to the playground. Bucks Council has announced a Local Heritage List and is looking for nominations from parish councils to identify significant assets that celebrate their contribution to local identity and character. It was recommended we should nominate Ridings Cottage. The Oxford Cambridge expressway has been shelved but the housing associated with the arc will proceed. The number of houses to be built is one million. Bucks

Council has objected to the Government ‘top-down exercise’ as it has no say in the matter. The Chilterns is to become a national park which means housing development in the south of the county will become restricted . This will result in more development in the north over the next 2025 years. A discussion took place over Neighbourhood Plans. A NP needs to be passed by a formal referendum of its residents and then ratified by the Government Inspectorate. There is a lot of time and cost incurred in preparing NP which normally take several years to compile. The next 6 months will see which direction the Government is going on deregulation of planning. 5. Accounts 5.1 To approve payments since lastmeeting The following invoices were passed for payment since the last meeting: 7 July 21 Autela Payroll services £50.40 25 July 21 Clerk Salary £154.46 25 July 21 DE Phillips £3,250 repairs tocricket sheds – insurance claim 19 July 21 Swalec £97.94 Electricity 9 August 21 Mainly Mowing £335 grassand hedge cutting 20 August 21 Swalec £104.08 Electricity 25 August 21 Clerk Salary £154.46 25 August 21 Bucks Council £81.04 Election costs 25 PKF Littlejohn LLP £240 audit fee 5.2 To review accounts to 31st March 2022. There was a surplus to 30th June 2021 of £1,599.76 and accumulative cash balances of £20,292.47. The forecast to 31 March 2022 shows a deficit of £3,941.24 and surplus cash of £14,751.47. This was after providing for legal fees of £2,500 on the lease with Orchard Ground , traffic calming project of approx. of £3,800, North Field Planning costs of £877 and a replacement light of £600. 6. Orchard Ground Report A meeting was held with the planningconsultant regarding the Ecological and landscaping design

report required by the planning officer in the outline planning permission concerning North Field. It was suggested local historic fruit trees are planted. Woodland Trust has agreed to donate nine hundred trees and an application has been made to Ovo Energy for community support of nine hundred trees. A new bbq was acquired by a grant of £750 received from Arnold Clark Community Fund. OG has committed to a car park/drive and gate . Funds are available and quotations have been obtained. The proposed new charity Cublington Orchard Ground Association will have a number of Trustees. As set out in the constitution "the Chair of Cublington Parish Council will be an ‘ex-officio’ trustee to the charity as long as he or she holds that office; if he or she is unable to act as a trustee, the office holder may nominate another elected member from the Cublington Parish Council to be a trustee of the charity, this will continue as long as that person is an elected member of Cublington Parish Council” . This is to help ensure that CPC and the proposed charity work closely together in all matters relating to Orchard Ground and North Field; all bar two of the other trustees must be residents of Cublington. It is likely that trustees will meet four or five times a year to plan the necessary work, to allocate tasks and check progress linking closely with the current Orchard Ground committee. The draft lease is in progress and once it is ready for signing the proposed new charity will apply to the Charity’s Commission for registration. 6.1 Draft Lease Considerations The draft lease is with the lawyers for amendments. It was agreed letters of comfort would be issued to the tennis and cricket clubs to ensure their use of current facilities would be for the next ten years and the draft lease allows for these occupancies to renew every ten years . 7. Planning Permissions 7.1 19/04435/ACL -Wing PC – Wing Caravan Site – application for certificate oflawfulness for existing caravan site. Nochange -awaiting decision from theplanning office. 7.2 CM/0066/20 Planning Application made under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition 1 (Plans), Condition 2 (Operating Hours) and Condition 3 (Lorry Movements) of planning permission 08/20007/AWD at Lockharts Farm Recycling Facility, Wing Road, Cublington,LU6 0LB and additional amendment to conditions 4 (machinery) Awaiting decision from Planning Officer

7.3 21/01248/APP – 21/01248/APP Application for Technical Details Consent pursuant to Permission in Principle granted under ref 19/04442/PIP for the erection of three detached and two semi-detached dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping. As requested by Bucks Council we submitted proposals for use of S106 from the development if planning permission is granted. The proposals were Improvements upgrading modernisation and refurbishment to the Orchard Ground Pavilion Cublington including storage and toilet facilities and/ or provision of a footpath and access improvements to the adjoining North Field Cublington. The developer had offered to meet up with CPC and a date is to be arranged. There is on-going dialogue between the planners and developer. 7.4 21/03199/APP - Rose House 1 Roses Close Cublington Conversion of existing garage to form selfcontained granny annex ancillary to 1 Roses Close. Discussions were held with interested parties, and it was decided to object on the grounds that conversion to an annexe would not be in keeping with the existing streetscape of Roses Close. 7.5 21/03006/APP - Lakeside Farm Wing Road Cublington Buckinghamshire LU7 0LF Erection of proprietors’ retirement cottage, parking and access road – no objection 7.6 21/03199/App Ridings Cottage Ridings Way Cublington Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW Demolition of the existing cottage. Redevelopment of site with three detached dwellings and additional access to Ridings Way – this is a new application . Objection on the basis of previous objection. CPC to nominate this property for Bucks Council Local Heritage List.. 8. Village Matters 8.1 Traffic Calming All papers have been passed from Simon Morgan to Cllr Shults and Speed watch is in progress. Red Brick recycling had been reported to the Enforcement Officer who confirmed that the operator had contravened condition 7 concerning the number of articulated lorry movements. Breach of Condition Notice (BCN) was delivered on the 4th of August 2021 and took effect on the 7th of September 2021. 8.2 Street Lighting: Cllr Antosiewicz had collected all the papers from Simon Morgan. It was suggested a schedule of replacement lights to LED should be prepared. 8.3 Playground and maintenance An audit report has been completed highlighting areas on the playground which need looking at. CPC to contact Howard Gregory to see if he can assist us.

Signs need to be prepared setting out the users of the playground do so under their own risk. Various trees need trimming up . Steve Hayward to be approached to do the work. 8.5 Trees and Pond Algae cover is a problem which flourishes with sunlight. Daphnia has used with limited success. Looking for other solutions. 8.5 Path A member of the public had asked if the council would consider a formal path from Silver Street to the playground . The meeting thought this was a good idea and should be a project to apply for community board funding. Michael Jenkins to be approached to clear the top of the path to see if there is a hard base and to obtain a quote for the path.

8.6 Local Heritage List Bucks Council has introduced a local heritage list to identify local significant assets. It was agreed to nominate Ridings Cottage in view of its age . 8.7 Waste bins Waste bins were filling up quickly due to more cyclists passing through the village . Clerk to check the cost of increasing the number of collections. 8.8 Drains and Gullies Clerk to check the progress of the clearance of drains and gullies.

The next meeting of the Parish Council and annual general meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th November 2021 at 7.30pm venue to be advised.

The Biggs Pavilion - Rental Rates arties and ilable for p


special eve

ents v e g n i k o o B


Village Residents and fully paid up members of Ava Cublington clubs and organisations. £8 per hour Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £10 per hour Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £70 Non Villagers £100 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Cublington residents £250 Outside of village £300 Find a date you want and contact A refundable deposit of £25 is required at time of booking. Bob Paine on 01296 680483 Deposit will be returned if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. to book it! Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or

New coaching sessions with Paul Hobday started Friday September 17th for 10 weeks - Hour long sessions starting 6pm and 7pm 10 weeks for £35 members, £60 non members.

Contact Gary on if you want to join in.

Minutes of Annual Meeting of Cublington Parish Council held on 14th September 2021 at Biggs Pavilion at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Hugh Vale (Chairman) Cllr Gillian Antosiewicz Cllr Kevin Shults Cllr Michael Reilly Cllr Martyn Waters In attendance Mr M Joy (Clerk) 1. Apologies None 2. Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held on 7th May 2019 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 3. Chairman’s Report Since the last AGM held on 7th May 2019 we have faced two waves of Covid, Council meetings were held over Zoom and the pub closure . It is great we survived ! Traffic calming is on-going, and there is a planned scheme shortly being introduced at the crossroads and Wing Road. A new access at Lakeside Business Units has been agreed and is in the process of construction . The village pond has been sorted, and Cllr Reilly is on top of removing the algae. Orchard Ground Association is moving towards charitable status. The amendments to the planning permission at Lockhart recycling centre is an ongoing matter and awaiting a decision by the planning officer. There is no news concerning Wing Caravan Site. Ridings Cottage planning application is on going and hopefully being over 400 years old will be saved from demolition. During the period since May 2019 Julie Merriman and Simon Morgan retired from the Council and my thanks go to both of them for all their hard work over the years. We welcomed Cllrs Martyn Waters and

Kevin Shults as their replacements. I would like to thank Cllrs Gillian Antosiewicz and Michael Reilly for their commitment and time given to the council and village and the work carried out by our clerk Mike Joy. The Parish Council would like to thank all the villagers who regularly mow areas of public grass around the village, most particularly Mike and Sandie Joy , Kerry Sletcher, Barry Simms and Sarah Keane together with our contractor, Mainly Mowing Howard Gregory for all his hard work in the village. We must be doing something right as houses have been sold for under and over £1m. What an attractive village! 4. Accounts for Year ended 31.3.21 The end of year accounts was discussed. There was a surplus of £5,346 and the closing cash balance as at 31st March 2021 was £18,693. There were committed costs of Traffic Calming £3,722 and legal fees estimate at £2,500 carried over to 21/22. The surplus funds are earmarked for traffic calming schemes and street lighting. The accounts have been published on the website and displayed on the notice board. The auditors, PKF Littlejohn LLP signed off their report on 23rd August 2021. The auditors’ report has been published on the website and displayed on the noticeboard. 5. Nominations and selection of Chairman Cllr Vale was proposed to continue as Chairman for the coming year by Cllr Waters, and this was seconded Cllr Antosiewicz . He was thanked by the committee for his hard work over the period. 6. Nominations and selection of Vice-Chairman Cllr Shults proposed Cllr Reilly to stand as ViceChairman for the coming year and this was econded by Cllr Antosiewicz . 7. Election of Representatives to other Bodies It was agreed that Councillors would attend any meetings on an ad hoc basis, but Cllrs Reilly and Waters agreed to represent the Parish Council at future meetings of the Community Board.

Alexander's Bees, Cublington CUBLINGTON HONEY


12oz jar £4.50

BEESWAX FOODWRAPS More eco-friendly than clingfilm £3 medium size (30x30cm)

CANDLES £2.50 for a small skep candle and £6 for a pillar (call at house, if we are in, or email me)

I got a friend of mine to take some drone footage at the fete in August. I'm sure it was busier than these seem to show! Let me know if you'd like to see any of the files. Cheers Gary

Cublington Open Gardens We are pleased to announce that Cublington will once again open its gardens for charity on Sunday June 12th 2022. We are seeking another garden or two to show. Preferably the west end of the village. Is there anyone who would be willing to showcase their garden? Contact Gilly or Steve for more information:

A history of Cublington Lockdown Learnings

If you live in one of the more historic buildings in the village, we hope you can trace previous inhabitants through these articles... we have highlighted well known village names and places of interest. We hope you will enjoy these, our lockdown learnings! We are now getting to the more modern form of information and the dwellings in Cublington suddenly appear easier to trace and follow.

1901 Census

The enumerator was Arthur Edward Harris. Aston Abbotts is detailed first then Cublington “The whole of the parish of Cublington including the village, houses on the Dunton & Wing Roads, the school house, the house on Cublington Hill, Mr. Biggs, Mr, Carter and Glebe farms and messrs. Stonhills farm on the road to Aston Abbotts. Aston Abbotts Road. William Stonhill 25 a cattle dealer &; his sister Jane 29, niece Irene 3 & Alice Parker 19 a servant. Southend Farm William Stonhill 60 a butcher & sausage maker & his wife Sarah 60 from Northants. Annie Harris 53, own means & poultry keeper. Bakehouse, Steven Paine 29 a baker & grazier, his wife Sarah 35 & daughter Eva 5, Aunt Emma Stevens 66, Arthur Langley 20, an assistant bread maker & Rosie Scott 77 a private governess. James Price 55 with his wife Eliza 52. School. School teacher’s house, Margaret A. Foster 40 a widow & certified schoolmistress, public elementary school. Thomas Cheney 51, a cattleman & his wife Lydia 49, Phoebe 28, an assistant in school, May 19 a general servant & Frank 10. Thomas Halsey 75, a widower with his daughter Louisa White 48 a widow & her children Edward H. 15, Mabel 13, Lilian 10 & Mary 7. Wing Road, Neales Farm, Thomas Read from Quainton, a farmer/employer with his wife Rebecca from Hethe, Oxon, both 60, Leah 37, Albert 31. (it could be Reads lane?) Manor Farm, Albert Carter 42 a famer/employer with his wife Louisa 41 from Pollicott, twins Emily & Lucy 13 & Albert 5. Benjamin Halsey 78 a cattleman on farm & his wife Hannah 82 from Rowsham with unmarried daughter Mary 57. Dunton Road, Sidney Halsey 31 a shepherd with his wife Nellie 26 & their son Jack age 1.

Elizabeth Cheney 48 a widow with her son Frederick 19 a groom, Edward 15 a plough boy, William 13 a shepherd boy, Harry 11, Louisa 21 a cook Minnie 9 & grand-daughter Eva 2. Empty house. Susannah Heady 48 a widow living on her own means with her daughter Edith Howe 23 & Susannah’s mother Elizabeth Biggs 77 a widow & seamstress. William Stevens 52 a breadmaker/bakers assistant with his wife Zilpah 50 a dress maker, daughters Lois 25 a dressmakers machinist & Eunice 15. The Alley, James Carter 65 a grazier on own account with his wife Elizabeth 59. George Cheney 27 & his wife 30 & son Gilbert 1. George Brazier 27, a horseman on farm with Lizzie his wife 28, Arthur 2 & Percy 1. Primitive Methodist Chapel. Rose Cottage, Thomas Biggs 58 a farmer with employees, his wife Mary 59. Near Church, John Carter 51 with his wife Mary 50 with son Frank 13 a stockman on farm. Ann Halsey, 65, living on own means with her daughter Nellie 19 a shirt maker. Nathan Halsey 62, a cattleman on farm with his daughter Amy 19. Village, (presumably these are the cottages on the North side of the High St, Mead Cottage, The Old Post Office, and Pump Cottages) William Sturnham 30 and his wife Elizabeth 28, Thomas 3, Joseph 1, Charlotte 5 months and Ann Higgins 81 a widow & boarder. James Higgins 75 & Emma his wife 50, nieces Edith 18 & Annie Sturnham 10. From London & Hertfordshire. George Cheney's wife, Mary Still in village. Albert Kent Smith 1834 - 1914 31 a gas stoker & his wife

Adelaide 36, Albert 7, Ernest 6 & Sydney 3. William & his wife Charlotte Carter both 31, Charlotte 6, Elsie 4, twins Arthur & Sydney 2. George Cheney 66, a pedlar/hawker, grinder & tinman with his wife Mary 67, son Arthur 21 a house keeper & grand-daughter Phoebe 15. St. Nicholas Church. Frederick Biggs, single, age 54 a cattle dealer, with his widowed mother Ann 91 from Toddington. Frederick Halsey 27 a cattle man on a farm with his wife Georgina 32, William 10, mother-in-law Mary Miller 65. Mary Smith 64 a widow, daughter Lizzie Latimer and her children Ethel 5, Florence 3 & Percy 1. Elizabeth Gurney 67 a widow. Dickens Lane, (Now Ridings Way) Presumabbly all these people lived in the four old cottages, Thomas Beckett 45 a stockman & his wife Emily 42, William 19 a horseman on farm, Arthur 15, an assistant gardener, Francis 13 a farmyard boy, Agnes 11, Alfred 5 & Elizabeth 5 months. Daniel Kempster 64 a cowman on farm with his wife Martha 63, James 28, a shepherd on farm, Margaret 25 & grandson William Bryant 11. Richard Higgs 53 with Elizabeth his wife 61, George 35 with his wife Annie 26. William Kempster 44 a watch repairer. Joseph Cutler 35 and his wife Sarah 56, Amy 16. Manor Farm, Joseph Biggs 33 a farmer & employer with his wife Martha 51, Helen 21, William 19, Florence 17, Constance 15, Alice 10, visitor Gertrude Bomford 28 from Exhall, Warwickshire & Joseph’s niece Hilda Colgrove 12. Sarah Kimble 50, a charwoman, George 22, Charles 19, Harry 11, Arthur 8, Lily 5 & Ernest 3. Sarah Halsey 78 a widow. Joseph Biggs 52 a carter on a farm, Elizabeth 52, Harry 17, Frederick 15, Christopher 13 and Laura 9. Christopher Hogston 43, a cattleman on farm with his wife Emily 39, Florence 12, George 10 and William 4. James Cheney 41 & wife Mary 40, Albert 12, a general work boy at bakers & Joseph 11, Ernest 8 & Daisy 5. View House.Harry Birdsay 33 a farmer & his aunt Mary Roberts a widow age 64, cousin Emma Roberts 33 and a servant Janet Frazer 40. Rectory, James Pigot 51 clergyman & his wife Mary 38, both from Lancashire, servants Minnie Kimble 25 from North Marston & Elizabeth Hurst 24 from Billinge, Lancashire. Alfred Parker 53 & his wife Sarah 51, Harry 17, Arthur 15 both farm labourers & Florence 9. Thomas Cheney 58 a horse keeper on farm and Sarah his wife 60. Next house occupant away. ( the old thatched cottages

that burnt down?)

Post Office (Now The Old Post Office) Thomas Brazier 64 postmaster and general carrier with his wife Sarah 60 a grocer & shopkeeper. George Cheney 77 & his nephew William Parker 51. James Clark 43 with his wife Lydia 45 & son George 18 an apprentice blacksmith. James Sturnham 52, a police pensioner with his wife Martha 49, Thomas 13, Richard 9, Margaret 6 & granddaughter Rose 5. Thomas Beckett 74 with his wife Eliza 70 a lace maker. The Unicorn Inn, Joseph White 68, farmer & innkeeper with his wife Elizabeth 69. . (Kelly’s shows 1915 Thomas. 1924/19 /1928, 1931 Albert Holes and 1935 William Saffen were licensees). Village, Bell Yard, Charles Brazier 37 with his wife Emaline 36, William 15, Edward 13 both tack-masters on farm, Florence 10, Joseph 3, Edith 6 &Lilian 3. John Halsey 64 & his wife Jane 59 & son Frederick 19. The Bell Inn, Edwin Ellis 60 publican from Bovey Tracy, Devon. (1899 Kelly’s shows F. Blanchett was licensee and in 1907 Thomas England). Francis Stonehill 33 a farmer & his wife Maria 35, Edgar 1 & Francis’s mother Henrietta Stonehill 69. Total houses 57, occupied by 103Males, 112 Females. Has anyone ever heard of View House before? Because it is between the listing for Manor Farm ( Ridings Way) and the Rectory - could it be what is now The Old House or Rectory Cottage as both have great views over the valley behind. I find it very frustrating that these Census's (Censi?) don't name the houses.

Letters & articles for the Crier most welcome:

BABYSITTING DIRECTORY all listed are 14+ Sam Burford - 681669

Alice Gadsby - 680452*

Charlotte Keane 688133

Hannah Alexander - 681104 Izzy Law - 688019 or 07896 894914 Harvey Mack - 682820 Emily Mack - 682820

* School or Uni holidays only The Crier can acceot no resposibility if any of the above list no longer babysit. Despite repeated requests, we only have one confirmed sitter.

Local Fully Trained Mechanic 07456 575554

Need a Cleaner? Call Beata Grabowska

07843 997506

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,


Cublington-based tutor available to work with students up to GCSE level in the following subjects:

Maths • French • Latin Contact: Alice Gadsby, 07462 877268,

Lovell Fuels - 01844 202777 Conquest Oil - 01525 402073 Certas Energy - 01296 561150

It's that time of year again....

Oh no it isn't! Oh yes it is!

It's Panto Preparation! We have a script and a hall and a date, now we need willing thespians and backstage help. There will be a meeting on Thursday 14th October, a chance for potential cast members to come and see what is involved and rehearsals start on 21st October. Meeting at The Unicorn, 8pm in the Club Room (Thanks, Unicorn). New Actors are needed!! See you there!

Following the request by some local farmers to stick to footpaths, here are a series of other walks you might like to undertake. 1. The Waples Walk - a map is situated on a podium at the Nob at the top of Ridings Way - take a picture to follow the walk all round the village. Approximately 3 miles. 2. The River Walk to the Picnic Site - Go down Church Path, then opposite Rose Cottage, over the stile, down the side of that field, through the hedge and over the next stile. Dogs on leads through the sheep field, then through the kissing gate and the footpath past the smallholding. Over stile and straight over the next field through to the Littlecote Road down to the ford. Turn right up to the hairpin bend and left there into the field. Foillow the left hand edge of the field down to the stream, then turn right and follow the stream. A bridge will take you over the stream and follow it all the way to the picnic site on the Stewkley Road. Either turn right and follow the road back or go up the lane on the corner towards the airfield. Either turn right across the fields to Cublington or left up to the airfield, across the field, through the tree line and go past the Wing Airfield Memorial. Pick up the Aylesbury Outer Ring back to Reads Lane. 3. Aylesbury Outer Ring (part) - Go down through the old village, Mound Field and staright across the big field towards Creslow Manor in the distance. Over the stream at the bottom and follow the fence line straight up and you will eventually come out at the Whitchurch cricket club, behind the Swan pub. 4. North Field- A new walk round the new North Field, and you can picture the future, when the grass will be planted with trees, with an orchard, wildlife pond and fitness trail. 5. Aston Abbotts circular walk - So from the Nob at the top of Ridings Way, through the fenced alley way, across the first field into the corner. left into the next field and follow the footpath keeping the hedge on your right. Straight over the next field, and the next field, and over private horse field, pond on the left, to the gate ahead. Over the drive to Badgers Oak Stud and through the kissing gate. Follow the path, great views to the right, though the trees and continue and you will come out behind the church in Aston Abbotts. Along the road towards the green and turn right on the green, then left past the houses and the footpath goes diagonally across a meadow. Across a road and a field, through some trees and across another road, keep the copse of trees to your left and follow the bridle path down the hill. You will eventually come out at the Willowbrook Farm Equestrian centre beside the tree nursery. Follow the road up the hill back to Cublington. 6. To Littlecote Farm Shop/Dunton - Down Ridings Way, to the Mound Field, but turn right past Home Ground Farm, Through the gate and then diagonally left across the field, through the hedge, and keep going diagonally, through this field and another hedge. Over a ditch and again diagonally across Long Meadow. Over the bridge over the stream and into the pasture field. Head across towards the farm buildings, then up the farm track to the top of what's locally known as Cow Poo Alley. Follow the road and the Farm Shop is straight ahead.

Book Corner

Exciting new and forthcoming books, selected by Jane Hill (your local librarian!)

Play Like Your Football Heroes by Matt Oldfield and Seth Burkett (Children’s Non-Fiction, 7+) An exciting new book for young football stars in the making. In bite-size chapters, learn the secrets of 20 footballing legends, including how to dribble like Messi, overcome adversity like Harry Kane and set and score goals like Vivianne Miedema.

The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins (Teen Fiction) Two girls go backpacking in the woods. Things go very wrong. And, then, their paths collide with a serial killer… An edge-of-your-seat, nerve-wrangling thriller.

Sex Ed by The School of Sexuality Education (Teen Non-Fiction) A positive, practical and empowering guide for teenagers, tackling sex and relationships in an inclusive and non-judgemental way. Covers key topics including consent and healthy relationships, sexuality and different kinds of sex, puberty and periods, contraception, porn and sexting, and much more besides! Full of advice for teenagers, and a brilliant tool for their parents, carers and teachers.

Expert by Roger Kneebone (Adult Non-Fiction) What could a lacemaker have in common with vascular surgeons? A Savile Row tailor with molecular scientists? A fighter pilot with jazz musicians? At first glance, very little. In Expert, Roger Kneebone combines his own experiences as a doctor with insights from extraordinary people and cutting-edge research to map out the path we're all following.

The Transgender Issue by Shon Faye (Adult Non-Fiction) In this powerful new book, Faye reclaims the idea of the 'transgender issue' to uncover the reality of what it means to be trans in a transphobic society. In doing so, she provides a compelling, wide-ranging analysis of trans lives from youth to old age, exploring work, family, housing, healthcare, the prison system and trans participation in the LGBTQ+ and feminist communities, in contemporary Britain and beyond.


Lee Stopher

Cublington's 5th ADVENT Trail From 1st December, from 1st December to Christmas. Please volunteer to decotate and light a window, to build up our Village Advent Window Trail. Last year, the Advent Windows were the main focus of our village Christmas, and although we hope to have a Village Christmas Lunch, Christingle, a Carol Service and Christmas Day church service this year, the Windows are an important way to link the village community. Please email to be involved!

PS: We are going global!, our Facebook page has interest around the country and further!



Based on the novel by General 'Lew' Wallace

Cublington Open Gardens

Sunday June 12th 2022.

Is there anyone new who would be willing to showcase their garden? SUNDAY BOX OFFICE AT STEWKLEY VILLAGE HALL 31st Oct - 7th Nov - 14th Nov 10am-12pm

Contact Gilly or Steve for more information:

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Classical LPs Wanted Excellent prices paid for Classical LPs from the 50’s and 60’s on the following record labels: DECCA (SXL / LXT ) HMV (ASD / ALP / BLP / CLP / DLP) COLUMBIA (SAX / 33CX) RCA (SB / LDS) CAPITOL (SP / P / CTL) PHILIPS (SABL / SAL) To sell your collection please contact: Dave Parsons tel: 01296682300 / Mobile: 07770470996

Golf Coaching is available for adults and juniors all year round. Whatever you need whether it is 1-to-1 or group sessions on all areas of the game which include: Long Game, Approach Shots, Pitching, Chipping, Bunker Play, Putting and on Course Management. Ring or email PGA Professional Russell Phillips now on

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Extensions Rooms Extensions Lofts -- -Garden Garden Rooms Extensions -- Lofts Lofts Garden Rooms Greg Gareth Sausages Greg 07773 579472 07773 579472 07516 751904 Pork Joints

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WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN WITH A CHANCE OF WINNING UP TO £20,000? If the answer is yes, please sign up for the Vale Lottery and at the same time raise additional funding for Orchard Ground.


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whichever fits better. Invoice to:

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YOUR Extraordinary VILLAGE’S HISTORY... IN PICTURES Read the whole thing while you are in isolation! The fascinating pictorial history of the village is currently in stock

"Cublington in Pictures Old and New" Priced just £15 - (£10 from every sale goes to

Cublington Crier


the upkeep of St Nicholas Church)

Contact for your very own copy.

Advertise in the Crier!

Preferential rates for villagers. So far £230 has a media pack Contact us for been donated to the church from sales.

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A Professional Gas and Heating Engineer A Professional Gas and Heating Company • Ø Fully Qualified Heating Engineers out all aspects of plumbing Fully Qualified Heatingcarrying Engineer and heating work.

Worcester Bosch servicing andaccredited repairs installer Scheme. • •

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Marston, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3PT. 01296 Telephone: “I would just like to say how impressed670777 we are with you and your team. You are Mobile: 07902300916 one slick and professional operation, so to speak! Your guys worked hard all day, were extremely pleasant and did a brilliant job” (Customer Review). Website:

Cublington Cricket ANNETTE GESOFF Club Advanced Clinical Massage New players Therapist wanted Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists

(All age groups)

Mens & Ladies Groundstaff also wanted

System upgrades, servicing and repairs.

• Ø Landlord gas safety inspections and certificates. Gas work •

or email

Established 1863

Specialising boiler offering changes, • Ø Specialising in boilerinchanges, up tosystem 10 years upgrades, warranty under the

01296 670500

All LPG and Close, OIL work undertaken. 2GAS, Morton North

“During the present Covid 19 pandemic CCC are offering use of outdoor nets through a booking system.

Massage can be beneficial for many conditions – see my website for further information:

As all leagues are suspended, we are playing friendly matches (Saturdays and Sundays), running junior training each Sunday morning and ladies training each Friday evening. Strict Risk Assessment protocols are in place adhering to UK Government and ECB guidelines. We are also doing much needed repair work on the playing field. For more information on how to get active and involved with Cublington Cricket Club see contact details below”.

For more information about playing or to help manage the 229914 ground please contact:

Please phone:

Michael on 07876 593434

01525 240135 or 07709 629283 Or email:

Member of the Four Counties Cricket League

That's a load off your mind!

Ironing and Laundry Services  Ironing  Laundry  Dry Cleaning

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Services offered include:

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Group walks @ £10.00 per dog per hour Solo walks @ £15.00 per hour Puppy sitting @ £15.00 per hour Call 07305251053 for a chat or to book a slot Mailto:

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Martina collects my ironing every Tuesday and returns it on Thursday. Great job, never had any problems. Martina is always reliable, accommodating and cheerful. When my washing machine broke Martina took all the laundry and ironing, a great service, I can not recommend her highly enough. Debbie (Cublington resident)

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Rated GOOD by Ofsted Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional We operate from our own purpose built, state of care the art setting, Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School offers care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2one -5 main year olds. We operate from care our purpose built, with large room and spacious, enclosed, outdoor area, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious adjoining Wingrave C of E Combined School. Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed tosetting, each child. We operate from our own purpose state of the art with one large main We operate from our ownWingrave purpose built, of the art setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. room andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. with large room spacious, enclosed, Weone take main new children atisany pointand in the school year, call or come and see usarea, for Children’s learning promoted infora2-5 friendly and funoutdoor atmosphere. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care yearjust olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Session Times:

Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aa friendly and atmosphere. Morning daily, 9am – 12pm or 1pm Children’s learning issessions: promoted in friendly and fun Session Times:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

Afternoon sessions: daily,9am 12pm – 3pm Morning sessions: daily, – noon

Qualified staff – key worker appointed to each child. Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Childcare tokenslunch andsession: Government-funded voucher. Packed daily, noon – 1pm We take new children athours any funding point inaccepted. year, Qualified staff –staff key person appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker appointed tothe each child. 2yo and 15/30 just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for

. BREAKFAST 30 hours fundingCLUB! accepted. more information! Session Times: For all children from Wingrave Pre-School and Wingrave CofE School. Drop off and pickSession up from Times: Wingrave CofE School. Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon(term time) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sessiondaily, Times: MorningWednesday, sessions: 9am –Friday 12pm 8am-9am £5 Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon – 3pm Lunch club: daily, 12pm – 1pm or 1pm – 3pm Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Pop in for a session: visit or daily, give us a–or call! Packed lunch noon 1pm

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell –Stephanie Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 Contact: Edwards For children aged 2-7 years Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: 01296 682217, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, After school club runWednesday, by Simply outThursday of school. 3pm-6pm £15 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL EMMA ON:01656 372910 Or email Pop in for a visit or give us a call! .

Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

01525 385250 07774 567472

Phasels, 11 Woodman Close Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3NU Beds LU7 9HH

Bug-A-Off Pest Control

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- Immediate response - All pests considered - All methods used including live removal - Price on Application Contact Nigel Bliss Telephone: 01525 240619 Mobile: 07767864698

Call 01296 681261 to book your table.

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