Cublington Crier March 2021 #405

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March 2021






The Cublington Crier, articles to 18 Ridings Way please or Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548


n of Cublingto

in splendid art via email all til r ei th g in ar sh ming months un busy co n e ee th b e er av ov s on st gt ti in ar d artists of Cubl owcase various The many talente we thought it might be nice to sh es allow. elin er, isolation. Howev k can be arranged once the guid or w an exhibition of

Still life 1

The late Johnnie Luxford from Stewkley

I have always loved all types of art and particularly enjoy oil painting as it’s so forgiving; if you make a mistake you can just paint over it. I particularly like doing portraits and love subjects with “interesting” faces. Lockdown has meant lots more time to paint and also to have a go at lino printing which is new for me. YouTube has been my guide in this and many other things. (Whatever you need to learn, there’s someone on YouTube ready to teach you). Best wishes, Liz Smith

Wren (Lino print)

Pied Wagtail (Lino print)

l a i r o t i d E The cover of the Crier this month celebrates the 50 th anniversary of the successful campaign to stop the building of the 4 th London airport on our doorstep. Continuing with the theme of positive reflection, we have chosen to focus on the good things that have happened for us in the last twelve months. The various lockdowns and restrictions in place meant that the six months between March and September 2020 was the longest unbroken period that we have all been together as a family in fourteen years – amazingly, we are all still talking. In the pub COVID restrictions meant that having to sit at tables (who knew the bar was that long), brunch dates with large Bloody Mary’s at 11am on a Saturday morning, queuing in the pub garden for takeaways catching up with fellow foodies and the reintroduction of lastorders all became the new normal. In spite of all of this Paul and his team did a great job whenever they were allowed to open. On the home front, during the summer we set up a temporary casino, an outdoor cinema and made sure that the Manas bar stayed stocked (essential shopping, of course!). We also discovered the joys of gardening, baking and combining the two to produce our first batches of jams and chutneys made from homegrown produce, it’s amazing what you can do in a small garden with plenty of time – no excuse now for not entering the Horticultural show. As the nights began to draw in, we swapped balmy evenings in the garden for playing cards, hiding and finding ducks, and playing board games, such as the ever-competitive Monopoly, as well as getting dressed up for dinner. In December, we acquired a new member of the household, no we didn’t buy a puppy or give birth. And as Winter turns to Spring, we are looking forward to getting back in the garden. As we are sure you’ll agree, in Cublington we are fortunate to have so many great walks, stunning views and an abundance of wildlife on our doorstep. A short walk around the village not only provides the opportunity to experience all of these, but also has significant physical and mental benefits – for a half hour walk we would suggest doubling the time to allow yourself to stop and have a chat with the like-minded souls you will inevitably meet. Despite this advice, we have set ourselves the goal this year to lap Sue and Tim Taylor on the Reads Lane circuit. The past twelve months may have been the year of COVID in the headlines, but for us it was a year of discovering walks, rediscovering hobbies and getting to know our neighbours, going from a quick hello in passing to drinks on the drive and a regular catch up through the window. Whilst we know that for many this has been a difficult time, we are thankful for the good times that we otherwise would not have had.

Brian, Debbie, Harriet, Harvey and Cait

April EDITORS: Dominic & Rhonda


is 15th March


The Crier online...

Available at

Daphne Roger 1924-2021 Very sad to report on the passing of Daphne Rodgers, mother of Gina Reilly, at the grand old age of 97. Our sincere condolences to the Reilly family on their loss.

50 years ago....

The Wing Airport Resistance Association (WARA) was in full swing. Please read a tiny fraction of what went on in our free insert.


With the great news that the vaccination programme is working and rolling out ever faster, it won’t be long before all the over 50’s have been jabbed and the lockdown can gradually be eased. We will soon be able to socialise again in gardens and before too long, meet up at the pub for a drink in the garden. Great news! News also of some dates for the diary! Finally we can make plans.

Welcome to

Belatedly to Jake, Georgie, Oliver & Rosie to the top of Bell Close, Also welcome to... Karen and Danny, also to Bell Close. We hope you’ll all be very happy here.

Welcome back to

Geoff Johnson and partner Bernadette, back in Roses Close after an absence of 11 years.


to everyone for their many and varied recent contributions to the Crier. It makes such a difference to me having to find stuff! Keep them coming please.

CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Inserts £10 village, £20 non village. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

The monthly magazine of the Buckinghamshire village of Cublington - the village that moved.

Need anything? Shopping? Collecting medicines? Help is at hand. The village support network is still going strong and if anyone needs any help of whatever, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will keep going until it is safe to stop. The mass vaccination programme is ramping up and everyday new record numbers are being vaccinated. The Government achieved their target of vaccinating over 15 million older and more vunerable people by the middle of February. News is that the next five tiers are being got through at a pace. Boris has finally announced the pathway out of lockdown and whilst we all want it to be over more quickly, as I’m writing this, there’s only 118 more days till we can fully get back to normal. Can we remind you to keep looking at the website for up to date information about Covid and other items of general interest from Bucks Council and the Parish Council. In these strange times, we urge you to please use the Crier as a forum, interact with it. Write a letter to someone or everyone, write a poem or an article. We love getting your spotteds, your letters, photos, articles and ideas, so please keep them coming. We are particularly in need of WHO AM I? volunteers. It’s simple and just a bit of fun.

Stay Alert. Stay safe. Most of all, use your common sense! If you are willing to help with the Crier in any way... whether it be delivering, writing the odd letter, or sending an article you think might be of interest or any sort of regular contributions like Who Am I? Please do it as The Crier only survives with content. The editororial team really can't be expected to do everything every month. The guest editor list is now being compiled 2022. Yes! We really do plan that far ahead! If asked, please do your bit for the community and join in... it’s actually a bit of fun!

ct a t n o C r e i r C details


CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Bucks LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

The Editorial Rota

2021.. May Vernon Cox

June Freddie Simm July Joy family September Gadsby family Oct George Family Nov Julie Tovey Dec Morgan Family

2022.. Jan ?

Feb Keane Family Mar ?

Please book your slot! Now booking 2022 (yes really) so plenty of time to think about it! Many Thanks.

Apr ? May Penny & Dennis Allen June ? July ? September ? October November Justice Family December Bob & Liz

2023.. Jan ?

Feb ? Mar ?

To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

1296 681261

Booking always advisable

web site for full event details

Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ

Join us on our Facebook group

The Crier and the Wing Aircrew Memorial Fund The Cublington Crier has donated £200 on the village’s behalf to the Wing RAF Aircrew Memorial Fund which was being crowd funded recently. It is hoped (lockdown

permitting) that a permanent memorial to all the aircrew lost over the years will be unveiled on the airfield towards the end of May. More details as we get them. A number of articles regarding the Wing Airfield history will appear in the next few editions of the Cublington Crier. Our thanks to Nick Ellins of the Memorial Fund for these. Any questions please ask me and I’ll try and point you in the right direction. Ed

Orchard Ground Presents an evening of


Saturday 20th March From 7pm lasting approximately 1 hour.

£25 Prize for the winners

£5 t s u j tr y n E / s t ot Tickecolinanto@h681430 l: 6 emai ll: 0129 a in. or c


to joi

The Biggs Pavilion - Rental Rates

cial events

s and spe le for partie

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Village Residents and fully paid up members of Availab Cublington clubs and organisations. £8 per hour Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £10 per hour Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Cublington residents £70 Non Villagers £100 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £250 Outside of village £300 A refundable deposit of £25 is required at time of booking. Find a date you want and contact Deposit will be returned if no costs are incurred with regard to Bob Paine on 01296 680483 cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or


to book it!

Letters & articles for the Crier most welcome:

A new home and a new lockdown! Jenny and I moved into this beautiful village in the middle of December. We managed to get unpacked and, reasonably, straight over the following few days and celebrated by having a wonderful meal in the Unicorn on our first Saturday in our new home. Over the following week of more unpacking and sorting out we found and walked to our two local Farm Shops at Littlecote Farm and, on a much more adventurous walk, Parrots Farm via Whitchurch as well as forays in the car to Leighton Buzzard and Milton Keynes for more obscure items like light fittings! We are both well used to walking in the Chilterns and Thames Valley throughout the year so we are used to a bit of mud but I think we were both a little surprised by the quality and quantity of the clay between here and......well just about anywhere! It has seemed to be a very long and, at times, unforgiving wet spell almost since we moved in. Still we are not in the least downhearted. In spite of Boris’s best endeavours to keep everyone isolated and miserable we were greeted by all of our neighbours, at the required social distance needless to say! We were also amazed to see that we had been welcomed to the village in the Crier in the January edition, We have also met other villagers as we have been out and about and they have all helped us to feel at home. Thank you all. When we have all been stabbed in the arm and can risk spending time in each other’s company, it will be good to get to know you all and to find out more about how this village works and how we can make our contributions. At some point in the last six weeks we have managed to get email, wifi and a telephone line working so we have, at least, been able to catch up with our families and friends, The normality of a sociable Christmas passed everyone by this year and we have been in the same boat as some of our neighbours of being unable to have the family gathering we had been hoping for, ZOOM doesn’t quite fill the gap does it?! So in the meantime as the snowdrops have started to herald the coming of spring and of better times ahead, keep it socially distanced and keep each other as safe as possible.🤞 Andy Brown

IF YOU HAVEN’T DONE SO ALREADY - DOWNLOAD THE NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app. from the App Store or Google Play. We will all need it after lockdown is released... It will let you know if you’ve been in close proximity to anyone who tests positive.

Remember... Remember that if you are hesitant in going into shops or perhaps can’t get out, Colin Antosiewicz will take your post to the local post office. Give him a call if you need help. Or speak to Di the postie who can also help. Colin can be reached on 07952 431488

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,

Memories of Daphne Roger (1924-2021)

Daphne came to Cublington with her husband Bob Roger in about 1950 when they moved back into the area from Glasgow after the Second World War. She grew up in Bierton, with her brother Bertie, and was the daughter of George and Lottie Comerford, a local retailer in Bourbon Street . As a family they were quite well known as Aylesbury’s provider of school uniforms and household goods – it was this access to retail that got her interested in fashion and she was always very happy to have nice bags, hats and matching gloves in the day. Even in later life she was never one to wear trousers even when dealing with sheep and hay making; and Bob wore his tweed jacket, shirt and tie every day, even when digging the garden. Daphne went to school in St Josephs in Hendon as a teenager, and at age 19 joined the ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service). She worked as a mechanic, ambulance and Army driver during the Blitz in London and was stationed at Woolwich barracks while Bob was serving in the Forces in North Africa, Italy, Greece and the Balkans. Daphne and Bob loved Rose Cottage in Cublington with its thatched roof and views over the fields. Daphne got involved in village life enthusiastically joining the WI, the Parochial Church Council (which she served for over 40 years), Village Hall committee, going on the Antiquarians trips and Cublington Ladies club events. She was also fully engaged in the protest against Wing Airport and was on the coach to Westminster with all the other women of the parishes. This expedition hopefully made Roskill understand the grass roots hostility he had unleashed in the area. The BBC also did regular items on the airport protests. Valerie and Daphne were always there to put across their objections, often in quite spectacular fur hats. They were always part of any village event including the fete Produce stall, flower festivals, carol singing and the Cublington Village Feast which was revived in the 1970’s. Daphne and Bob particularly enjoyed the frequent power cuts which were a great excuse to get out the “just in case “candles, paraffin stoves and oil lamps and open tins for a camping stove support. Daphne was a great hoarder of useful (and often obsolete things) Our family has had many funny moments finding powdered egg that was 60 years old and camp coffee as used in Scotts’ expedition. When Georgina was born in the 1960’S Daphne was delighted to be a mother at last and was dedicated to making a comfortable family home – this was not without its challenges as Bob had developed what we would now recognise as PTSD, so she had to shoulder the responsibility for the family in several ways. She always did this with common sense, determination and good humour, with the quiet support of her closer community friends and comfort of St Nicholas Church until Bobs’ death in 2000. Daphne was completely delighted to be a grandmother to Oliver and Rosie and was very hands on in terms of childcare for Gina and Michael. She was very much part of our small family and she loved just being around whatever was going on in everyday life, as she was very much at the heart of everything we did. As well as all the Christmas gatherings with all the cousins of all generations! Daphne managed to live independently until she was 92 and then was able to get a place in Carey Lodge residential home in Wing where she lived really happily for the last few years. She always enjoyed the events and activities and the kindness of all the staff. She was never short of company (or tea and cake) and was able to pass peacefully in their care at 97 years of age. Due to the Covid restrictions the burial will have to be a very restricted event – however we will plan to have a memorial service and celebration event when circumstances permit so that we can all share our memories of a very full life. Daphne’s burial will take place on 5 March 2021 at 10am. As we are aware numbers at gatherings are restricted at this time. However when the time is right we plan to have a traditional memorial service for her and a gathering in the Unicorn to celebrate her life and her love for the village. Family flowers only will be at the burial, however if you feel able to make a donation on her behalf we have set up a donations page for Alzheimer's Research UK and The Royal British Legion. The link is below- it is also a website where you can share memories and photos of mum which we would all very much enjoy.


urns only? Drop off in x at the entrance**

titles to here

We are open Tuesday 1400-1600 Wednesday 1000-1200 Friday 1400-1600 Saturday 1000-1200



Children’s Books We are currently unable to allow young children to browse our kinder boxes, but we can make up bags of board books and picture books. Come and look at our displays. You can call into the library or request by email: We will select up to 10 books and arrange collection date and time. Books for older children have been relocated to the centre of the library – one child/family group at a time, or adults only please.

Join the library here to access a wealth of FREE online services:

hamshire.s TUTOR UP k/cgi/libraries/library-membership/join/MSGTRN/TO GCSE library/ OME Cublington-based tutor available to work

to the with students to GCSE level in Checkup for updates at:the we can following subjects: • French • Latin r you Maths mmunity.library/

Contact: Alice Gadsby, 07462 877268,

WORKING FROM HOME? M Make use of our superb

photocopier/ scanner/ printer: . A3/ A4, B&W/ colour Laminator for A3 and Lovell Fuels - 01844 202777 A4;and shredder use of Conquest Oil - 01525 402073

our superb Certas photocopier Energy /- 01296 561150 scanner / printer: A3 /A4, B&W / Colour

Alexander's Bees, Laminator for A3Cublington and A4 NEW SEASON CUBLINGTON HONEY Shredder. NOW AVAILABLE 12oz jar £4.50

Registered Charity Number 1151925

(call at house, if we are in, or email me)

Cublington Support Group LOCKDOWN EASING: Hello,

This is the route out of lockdown published on the 23rd February. Taken fromare the istaying newspaper If you at home, not going out or have a long-term

condition and you feel it might be a challenge with Covid 19? Then Cublington have some support to offer you! If you would like help, please call Mike Joy on 07711290169 or email or ask someone to drop off this completed form to the pub (The Unicorn) and we will collect it. My name is I live at

Home phone

Mobile number

My email is If you are not going out of the house, we can help with: Picking up shopping

Posting mail

If you need any support, in the first instance, please

A friendly call contact any one of theUrgent supply following:

Mike Joy on 07711 290169 or 01296 682446 Gary Brazier on 07713 723 788 or 01296 688548 Will Lovatt on 07977 419721 Pippa Cheetham on 07881 953124 Miranda Gregory on 07957 609213 Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639 or 01296 680452 Coronavirus is contagious. Please avoid physical contact (2 m distance). Wash your

We will call you and can help

hands regularly. Items collected for you will be left on your doorstep.

Someone from the support group will then call and help you through strange times. There are currently plenty of volunteers but if you By contacting us you arethese happy for us to keep your details on file for the purpose are also available to help out then do please let one of the above know.

set out above (GDPR) we would like to share news from the village please tick this box if you are happy to receive this

1.What did you want to be when you grew up? An Artist 2.What was your first job? Shovelling cement powder at Tunnel Cement – Pitstone 3.Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? (You can have more than one!) Leonardo Da Vinci and Picasso because on the one hand Da Vinci, as a polymath, was continually exploring new avenues and in increasing levels of detail, whilst Picasso, a great artist, sought to reduce the detail in his works to capture the essence of his subjects. 4.What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? Pre-historic era to see how it all started 5.Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? Southern Italy near the sea – warm weather, good food and wine 6.What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Sweet stuff 7.What is your favourite book and why? The Compleat Angler – Izaak Walton – the 1897 edition, first book that my wife bought me. 8.What is your favourite song and why? Me and Mrs Jones, Billy Paul – the first song I danced to with my future wife. 9.What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? Noisy eating especially with mouth open. 10.What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? Fungi 11.How long have you lived in Cublington? 21 Years

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

dates for your diary --Finally! March Sunday 14th - Mother’s Day Saturday 20th 7-8pm OG Zoom Bingo (£5 entry) Sunday 21st - 2021 Census (see article elsewhere) April 5th - Easter Sunday 26th - WARA 50th Anniversary Celebrations in the Unicorn car park All being well - unlocked and open August Village Fete/Celebration event Sunday 1st August, at Orchard Ground

PLEASE let us know of any event in the village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR PLAYERS – BOYS, GIRLS, MEN AND WOMEN! Long term resident or new to Cublington? Come and experience cricket and support your cricket club! Let’s PLAY and PARTY for the 2021 summer. 2020 proved to be challenging for us all and lockdown restrictions prevented league cricket during the Summer and indoor nets during the Winter. No games, no teas, no match fees and mostly no annual subscriptions (some kind members and ex overseas paid subs – thankyou sincerely!). But we fought back and used all our resources to make considerable improvements to the ground. Cublington Cricket Club are an ECB Clubmark Club which means we are recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages. We now look forward to a new season and we really want to attract people back to sport. Even if you have never played cricket, or not played for sometime? There is a place for you at Cublington Cricket Club. After a year of lockdown, there is an opportunity to play the game, learn the game and get involved with your local cricket club. Apart from the sport, there is a great social side with fun events, BBQs, the Annual Dinner and much more. Senior players – CCC have two Saturday league teams registered with the Four Counties Cricket League (Division 5 and Division 7 respectively). The season starts May 1st and concludes end August. Contact Michael Reilly on 07876593434 or email at for more information. We also have a thriving (very sociable) Sunday team if league cricket is not for you! CCC Women are members of the Home Counties Women’s League and will participate in a Super 8s competition. Contact Sophie O’Toole at for more information. CCC Juniors are entered into Buckinghamshire Cricket League at under11,13 and 15. Get involved, get fit and make new friends (have we ever needed this more?). Contact Nick Webb at For the younger children, CCC will be running All Stars and Dynamo Cricket. This provides a fantastic first experience for all children aged 5-8 years old where they’re guaranteed 8 weeks of jam-packed fun, activity and skills development. The programme is designed to introduce children to the sport, teaching them new skills, helping them make new friends and have a great time doing so. Every child that registers will receive a backpack full of goodies.Your child’s pack will include: • Backpack • Cricket bat • Cricket ball • Personalised shirt with your child’s name • Early sign-ups will also receive a cap (new participants only) All children returning to All Stars will receive a new ball, a personalised t-shirt and a set of stumps. We also will be doing Dynamo. Dynamos Cricket provides a fantastic next step for all those graduating from All Stars Cricket and the perfect introduction for all 8-11 year-olds new to the sport! Complementing junior cricket, Dynamos provides children with a more social offer focused on developing fundamental movement skills and applying them in an exciting game of countdown cricket. We know how important it is to look like the heroes of the game, so every child who registers will receive their very own Dynamos Cricket New Balance t-shirt, personalised with their name and number. Contact James Gregory for more information on

The Vales on farming in the Vale #5 Feb/March The wet and cold caused the building erectors putting up our new shed to be delayed at their previous job, so they arrived two weeks later than originally planned. As long as you have the bases level it does not take long to erect these modern steel portal framed buildings and quick progress has been made. The majority of the walls are constructed of precast concrete panels and now the frame is up we have measured the uprights so these can be poured and hopefully we will have them on farm in four weeks time. We have also been working on installing electricity to the buildings there. We have had to mole under the concrete yard, dig several trenches and this past week have been installing cabling inside the existing building. Following on from last month I have been examining our oilseed rape crop for cabbage stem flea beetle larvae. The two fields we planted in the Cublington parish are riddled with larvae. After inspecting it with the plant breeder’s representative we think the cold weather has escalated the damage. All the shot holes in the plant branches where the larvae have surfaced froze and then thawed. We think the freeze thaw action combined with the larva’s hollowing of the branches and stem have caused the plant to abort several branches. The remaining branches and the stem are full of maggots. We were hoping the hard frosts would have benefited the plant by killing some of the maggots but unfortunately it has just made it worse. The prognosis for the crop is not very good at all, will see what happens in the next few weeks. The frozen ground has allowed us to travel on some of our fields. Luckily there was not much snow so we were able to apply some Phosphate and Potash fertiliser to all our crops that did not receive organic manure this year. The long range forecast is for dryer weather hopefully this will be correct and the ground will continue to dry so we will be able to apply some nitrogen to the crops in the coming weeks. Cublington is in a nitrogen vulnerable zone. This means that the amount of nitrogen we can apply and when we can apply it are regulated. We use regular soil testing to check all the nutrients in our soils and adjust our fertiliser plans to reflect these results but testing for nitrogen is actually quite difficult. We calculate the amount of nitrogen available already in the soil by the cropping history and amount of rainfall here. We then deduct this from what the crop requires. Each crop will have a different nitrogen requirement dependant on several factors such as type, varietal identity and intended crop use, crop potential (health of plants, crop density, fertility of land the crop is being grown on). The total amount of nitrogen will be split into several doses which are applied to coincide with crop need as the plant moves through its growth stages. Stay safe George

A brain PUZZLE...

Fete News

For times past and soon to be again we hope.

New Treasurer required

After an unbroken 17 year stint as Fete Treasurer, Judy Dunne (Pitkin) has announced she is stepping down. She has done a fantastic job over the years and the Fete committee would like to thank her for her sterling efforts over the years! Well done! That being so , there is a vacancy for treasurer in the coming months. Any volunteers? Some bookkeeping skills useful, though not mandatory. Contact if you can help.

Six friends were having dinner together in their local pub. The first eats there every day, the second eats there every other day, the third eats there every third day, the fourth every fourth day, the fifth every fifth day and the sixth every sixth day. They agree to have a party the next time they all eat together there. In how many day’s time is the dinner party? This is year 8 maths everyone! Answer elsewhere.

“We will remember them” The Cublington Crier has donated £200 on the village’s behalf to the Wing RAF Aircrew Memorial Fund

On the edges of Cublington village lie the remains of the Second World War airfield that was RAF Wing. A memorial is being constructed this year to remember the thousands of men and women who served there, and the many lives that were lost in the air and on the ground. Nick Ellins explains the remembrance effort underway and encourages ‘Cublington Crier’ readers to get involved. Wing airfield has a rich history. When more bomber pilots and aircrew were urgently needed in 1939, the Air Ministry chose the fields between the three villages of Cublington, Stewkley and Wing as the site for a Bomber Command Operational Training Unit. Here, airmen would be formed in to teams known as a crew, and learn the vital skills needed to go to war. By 1944, an incredible 2,500 people were working there, with buildings in every available space in the local fields and hedgerows. They also lived their lives side by side with the villagers. Friendships were built, personnel frequented the pub, and visitors from across the Commonwealth filled the streets. The training at RAF Wing was advanced for its time. On the left hand side of the road when travelling from Cublington to Wing, stood innovative flight and celestial navigation simulators contained in large brick towers and indoor gunnery schools. By 1945, over 1000 airmen would graduate through the RAF Wing training facilities to operational duty in the hostile skies over Europe. Aircrew training also required lots of time in the air. As Bomber Command typically acted by night, the fledgling crews needed to learn how to navigate, fight and survive across the hours of darkness, in all weathers and all year round. They would also need to do it in older Vickers Wellington aircraft that were no longer suitable for front line duties. It was treacherous. Records indicate that nearly 200 airmen from No.26 Operational Training Unit died and the airfield saw one fatality occur for every ten hours flown. This memorial is being built to honour their loss.

Over 500 of the personnel working at the airfield were women. They played a pivotal role, undertaking engineering, rearmament, parachute packing, barrage balloon duty, vital administration, mission planning and more. They lived but also died alongside the men. In one tragic airfield incident close to Cublington village, three young WAAFs died when a returning bomber lost control as it landed, hit a lorry carrying a fighter aircraft and then carried everything in to a hanger, setting light to another Wellington aircraft in the resulting fire. Leading Aircraftwoman Ann Reeves was just 20 years old, Aircraftswoman 1st Class Emily Dickens was 22 and Leading Aircraftwoman Mary Jane Conway was 25 years of age. Two experienced aircrew and a male ground mechanic also died in that same incident and the airfield mortuary where they were all taken now sits submerged in bramble just off Reads Lane, in the old hospital complex. Iconic visitors came to RAF Wing. Captain Valentine Henry Baker, a war hero, leading test pilot and personal trainer of flyers such as Amy Johnson and King George VI arrived at Wing in 1942. He would test an experimental Martin-Baker

fighter that many felt had the potential to outperform the Spitfire. The tests flights showed why, and he greatly impressed those on the airfield and watching from nearby villages with high speed passes at roof top height and impressive aerobatics.

These are just a few accounts of human sacrifice that took place right on our doorsteps that have gone unmarked and need to be remembered.

Tragically Valentine died in the late afternoon of 12 September 1942, when the newly overhauled engine seized just after take off and he was forced to perform an emergency landing from a very low height with no power. Clipping a haystack with his wingtip on the very final approach, the plane spun through a hedge and broke up killing him.

What’s On

Valentine was a co-director of the renowned Martin-Baker Aircraft Company, and his great friend and business partner, Sir James Martin, witnessed the crash that day. He went on It’s Fish Friday every Friday fish seats set menu to create one of the most famous – ejector in aviation history, knowing that such a device probably could Saturday 1st – No Joke! Breakfasts have saved his friend on that fateful day.

I had started researching the history of RAF Wing, seeking to encourage a community memorial. Aviation historians, David and Alex King, run the ‘The Aircrew Remembrance Society’ and had created a Facebook group to start to share knowledge regarding RAF Wing and the many aircrew that had lost their lives. We joined forces, and membership of the Facebook page called the ‘Stewkley, Wing and Cublington History Group’ has quickly grown to now contain over 200 people.

Fundraising for a memorial started just after Christmas, and the target was reached in just a few weeks after Easter Sunday 16thairfield Lunch – booking adv an amazing response. Local farmers, tenants and supporters of the initiative Easter Egg huntareinalso thesupplying gardenthe2pm (time t memorial site, the building materials, labour and even Easter Monday – the The Unicorn Qu gave prizes to be raffled. Thanks 17th to them, memorial will also contain donated salvaged bricks that once from 8.30pm formed part of the officers mess, airmens dining hall, Thursday 20th – Steak Night cinema and blast shelters.

from 9.30am – 11.00am Legendary American pilot Immanuel ‘Manny’ Klette sought Sunday Lunch booking advised help2nd from RAF Wing–when his badly damaged B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft needed an emergency landing ground. Monday 3rd – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Manny’s leg was badly injured by flak, fuel was low, and just – 2 steaks andto abebottle of house wine for £40 one of 6th the four engines was working. With no height left, This memorial is intended a joint effort involving Thursday – Steak Night he decided to try to use the Kemsall Wood treetops on the three villages that surround the airfield, and that – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – the Wing to Stewkley Road to soften the inevitable crash. once saw these young men and women in their streets fast thinking the whole crew survived, but the and lives Sunday on a daily basis. WeLunch aim to create a place ofadvised FridayHis7th – Livemeant Music 23rd – booking impact cost Manny another five fractures to his legs and remembrance for current and future generations to enjoy. with Mouth on a Stick from 8.30pm Monday 24th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.3 pelvis. Despite this he still crawled out of the plane himself. In a year when the airfield will rightly be highlighted for Saturday He was8th takenBreakfasts to the hospital from at RAF 9.30am Halton near– 11.00amsuccessfulThursday local efforts to27th stop it Steak and the area becoming Night Wendover. After relearning to walk, he returned to flying absorbed as the third London airport, it is important too Sunday 9th Lunch – booking advised – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 and completed more bombing missions than any pilot in that the thousands who served there in service of the American history. He completed theQuiz war andfrom is today lived Live in the fields all around village Nesbitt s Monday 10th – The Unicorn 8.30pm nation andPlus Music with Cublington Alison Carter buried at the famous Arlington Cemetery. are remembered. Thursday 13th – Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – In Spring 1945, the skies over the villages of Cublington, – 2 steaks andStewkley a bottle of roared housetowine for £40 Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised Wing and simply the sound of Lancaster bombers overhead. As they 9.30am approached–RAF Saturday 15th Breakfasts from 11.00am All events subject to change Wing, they landed in such numbers that one touched down even before the previous plane had exited the runway. But instead of bombs, every available space was filled with exhausted allied prisoners of war newly released from European prisons. Many of the 33,000 repatriated men reportedly wept and kissed the grass as they arrived at the airfield. This was Operation Exodus.

01296 681261

Booking always advisable

Visit web site for full event details The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ

Join us on facebook

Further articles regarding the airfield’s history will be published over the next few months.

A history of Cublington Lockdown Learnings

One of our lovely readers who wishes to remain anonymous, has undertaken to do some research on the Censuses currently published. A summary of extracts from 1939 –1911 & 1851 Census’s appear here prior to more detailed scrutiny of each Census released from 1841 (in this issue) and others to follow in later editions of The Crier. Some of the information is fascinating... did you know for instance that there was once a shop down Church Alley? ( So, is that Chapel Alley or Church Path?) If you live in one of the more historic buildings in the village, we hope you can trace previous inhabitants through these articles... we have highlighted well known village names and places of interest. We hope you will enjoy these, our lockdown learnings!

Census origins

The first Census of Great Britain was held on 10th. March 1801, also called The Population Act, it was planned to be repeated each decade. In 1801 it showed that 10.9 million people lived in 1.8 million houses. Names of individuals do not appear in the publicised records, the main purpose was said to be statistical and published only numbers of houses and how many people lived in each, numbers of males -females and their employment whether trade, manufacturing, farming, handicraft, military, but not navy, and other. Children of any age were included. Numbers of empty houses were also recorded. As planned, further Census’s were taken in 1811, 1821 and 1831. Not all have survived, those remaining are “work in progress” at various universities. In villages the survey was likely to have been completed by the local cleric. Included were the number of baptisms and burials by M or F. between 1700 & 1800 and number of marriages each year from the start of 1754 to the end of 1800. These records are available by joining a family tree search website for a fee. Not all are digitised so churches and or Local and County authorities will have records not yet digitised. In 1841 the first Census showing names, addresses where available was produced but was not available for public view presumably to remain secret until those listed were well beyond life expectancy. I.E. after at least 100 years. The introduction of the internet and then family tree websites opened the availability to the the general public. The latest Census released for public scrutiny was 1911, the 1921 will be due for release in early spring 2022 under the 100 year rule although the special pre war 1939 Census was released a few years ago. The Census continues for each decade except for 1941 which was wartime and only 2 years from the ’39. We are due to complete a new Census soon for 2021. These selected records start with the ecclesiastical and pastoral hub followed by The Unicorn & The Bell and other centres providing needs of the community. In 1911 The rectory was occupied by Revd. Pigot, next door was a private house occupied by F. Biggs this was next to Manor Farmhouse occupied by Mr Biggs. (See picture) On the opposite side were three cottages then The Unicorn, landlord was a S. Harding, then six cottages (Poss opposite) and The Bell Inn, landlord was a Mr. Green. At the start of hostilities in 1939 (WW 2) a Census was produced in order to keep track of names, numbers, dates of birth and addresses. Cublington, and Aston Abbotts were included within the district of Wing.

The Old Rectory was occupied by Greville Scott Stevens, of Belisha & Co, Stock Broker members of The London Stock Exchange. Manor Farm was occupied by Arthur J Biggs age 52. Next door was Ridings Cottage occupied by Frederick (38) & Annie Brazier (35) the other side of the farm were Steven’s Cottages then Fern Cottage. The Unicorn licensee was William T.B. Saffer and his wife Katie both 73, next door was the Post Office run by Elizabeth Whittaker a widow age 71. Adjoining the Post Office was Bell Yard Cottage occupied by Mark Snee (31) a station man & his wife Winifred (30) a ladies hairdresser. In 1851The Rector of Cublington was William Bousefield 42 from Lincolnsire and his wife Amelia and son and 2 daughters. The Unicorn Inn publican was Thomas Biggs 64 a farmer with 79 acre’s, employing I man and 1 boy. His wife Mary 56, daughters Leah 27, Elizabeth 24, Mary 22, Emma 20 all unmarried. Their son Thomas 18 also unmarried. In Wing Road there was a beer house run by Benjamin Halsey 69 a calf dealer and his wife Mary 60. Next door was a butchers shop owned by Mary Stonehill 57 a widow and farmer of 17 acres. Next was a bake house run by George Paine 43 the baker and his wife Ann 33, they employed 1 boy. An elementary school is also shown with the teacher, Margaret A. Foster a widow. There were no given addresses other than shown here. Neither The Bell or Unicorn are listed there is only a beer shop no persons listed in connecion with pubs.

Cublington residents & places of special note.

This is a short summary of a more detailed analysis by decade in future Crier’s 1841. Joseph Biggs 70, a maltster & his wife Susannah 65, sons John 35 & Edward 20 & their sister Zilpah 25. Thomas Biggs 40 a publican & his wife Mary 35, 4 sons & 4 daughters. Mary Halsey 40 a publican with her 4 daughters. Names of the 2 pubs not recorded. There were 2 butchers and a baker. 1851. John Roe 68 a maltster, 2 butchers, 1 baker with 2 employees. 1861. This Census contains the first record of the Unicorn, the publican was Thomas Biggs 64, a farmer with 72 acres employing 2 men and a boy, his wife Mary 56 and their daughters Leah 27, Elizabeth 24, Mary 22 & Emma 20, with son Thomas 18. There was at this time a beer house kept by Benjamin Halsey 65 a calf dealer and his wife Mary 60 they employed Emily Stevens 17 a house servant. Next door was a butchers shop. Nearby was a bakehouse, the baker George Paine 33 & his wife Martha 33, employed 1 boy. 1871. William Biggs 73 maltster was publican & Farmer at The Unicorn. The Bell Inn was adjacent on the Wing side. 1875. 04/01. A Robert Stevens was aquitted at Aylesbury Assizes for assault. (See 1841 Census) overleaf. 1881. The Village post office & shop appears to be 4 doors away from The Rectory, 4 doors from which the Unicorn then The Bell which had a house at the rear, next was the butcher then the cross roads. 1891. In Church Alley there was a small general shop run by Nathan Halsey 51 a widower and hawker with 2 sons. 1901. Joseph White 68 a farmer & his wife were publicans at The Unicorn. Next door was The Bell Yard and Inn. 1911. Alfred Green 27 was publican at The Bell with his wife Ellen 29 and their son Frederick 4 months. Mr. S. Harding was landlord of The Unicorn. This census form was the first to be specific to each house, completed and signed by the head of the house. 1939. A special pre-war record for “statistical & other purposes”. The information above has been taken from census forms and poll records, the location of properties is assumed from the order in which they appear but sometimes in rural areas, especially those without house numbers or in some cases street names, the enumerator would cross the road instead of working one side at a time.

1841 Census The parish of Cublington was in the hundred of Cottesloe, registration district was Waddesdon and the Superintendant registrar in Aylsbury. It says that Aston Abbots was included with Cublington however Aston Abbotts had a separate Census under district 10 so it is assumed that their contribution to the numbers for Cublington was minimal. Other interesting contents include the Rector Charles Rose age 50 not born in Bucks, (the letters Clk precede his name) does this mean cleric?, a female called Temperence Heritage age 45. Henry 75 Cheney and Joseph 45 possibly son, an agricultural labourer, Elizabeth 45, James 15, Rebecca 15 & Daniel Cheyney 9 both visitors. Another Cheney family were nearby, Ann 40 and assume her family Alfred and Maria 15, Joseph 13, Elizabeth 10, George 7 & Harriet 1. William Stonehill 40 a butcher with his wife Mary 35 & 3 boys & 3 girls. Mary Paine 80 a baker, her grandson Seth 21 a butcher, possibly employed by William Stonehill, her son Thomas 40 & his other son Mark 15. Joseph an agricultural labourer and Sophia Biggs both 20 with Elizabeth 4 months. Mary Halsey the publican mentioned above had 4 daughters 2 15 one 10 the other 7. Presumably she was a widow as no husband is listed. The other publican mentioned above, Thomas Biggs 40 and his wife Mary 35 with children Edward 15, George 14 and James 12. The grazier was Christopher Biggs 35 his wife Ann 30 a bonnet maker with Elizabeth 6 and Sarah 2. The Cheney family were mostly agricultural labourers. Benjamin Biggs 45 an agricultural labourer and his wife Louisa 40 with 4 girls & 4 boys. The drover shown above was Thomas Halsey 45. Finally there was John Biggs 30 and possibly his

Postard dated around 1900 but interesting nonetheless

brother Thomas 25 both farmers. Possibly Southend Farmhouse? Due to unclear inclusion of a small number of Aston Abbots residents the total in residence in Cublington was possibly “just under” 134 males and 156 females. 59 houses were occupied 2 were not. There were 3 butchers, 1 baker, 2 straw bonnet makers, 1 dressmaker, 1 Rector, 1 nurse, 2 publicans, 2 blacksmiths, 1 drover, 2 graziers, 1 maltster, 1 carrier,2 independent means (possibly retired farmers) the majority were agricultural labourers followed by children, paupers, wives, anuitants and farmers. The publicans were Thomas Biggs age 40 and Mary Halsey 40 assume “The Bell” & “The Unicorn”. Further information, 1846. Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire Polling district record shows Robert Stevens @ Black Horse, Cublington, was this a pub? There is also a record of a Robert Stevens of Cublington with a will and probate dated 28/05/1845! Either his father was Robert or the L.B. record was delayed prior to being published.

Next issue will feature 1851 Census

The 2021 Census is on Sunday March 21st MEDIUM CARDBOARD STORAGE/PACKING BOXES by Space Station. 47x47x50 cm

Used once. Free local delivery £2 each OI296 292989 Puzzle answer: 60 days time. Today counts as day 1

Table tennis /ping-pong/whiff-whaff table available FREE to a good home. Full size. Call Tom on 07527 989639

Cublington Support Group Hello, Still here if anyone needs any help of any kind. If you are staying at home, notat going out oras have a long-term The advice is still to stay home much as possible, condition and you feel that it might be lockdown a challenge with Covid 19? to but welcome news the is beginning ThenSee Cublington have someelsewhere. support to offer you! ease. information See for latest national and local guidelines.

If you would like help, please call Mike Joy on 07711290169 or ask someone drop off this population not be immunised until July 2021 at theor very earliest. The end is to in sight! The completed guidance for anyone who has fever pub or a consistent cough, loss ofand smell and the same. form to athe (The Unicorn) wetaste willremains collect it.

News of vaccinations now taking place are very welcome for those over 50, though the majority of the Get tested and isolate for 10 days.

Please respect other’s My name isspace and keep your distance when out and about. However, if you have any of the following symptoms, or in addition, a loss of taste or smell, then please stay at home and follow the government guidance on the graphics below.

I live at

The new normal also means if you are contacted by NHS Track & Trace, it is your civic duty to fully isolate for the required period of time.

If you need help or support...

Home phone My email is If you are not going out of

For any • Shopping Mobile number • Socially distanced chat • Socially distanced walking partner • Telephone conversations • Collection of prescriptions • Dog walking • Postal Services • Banking the house, we can help • Books, puzzles or DVDs • Anything else - just ask

Picking up shopping


Posting mail

Over £14 00 Prize mo ney Orchard a vailable New draws Weround will callof you and can help Ground this year 2021/22 starts May. ! Coronavirus is contagious. Please avoid physical contact (2 m distance). Wash your Urgent supply



A friendly call

All proceeds to


The Biggs Pavili & North field

Tickets on sale from mid March. hands regularly. Items collected for you will be left on your doorstep.

ore m e h Bythen contacting us you are happyat us to keep your details on file for the T purpose e in.. draws please contact me direct r oa or call onabove 01296(GDPR) 680483we and we will organise from the village please setmeout would like to share tick this you wh ore Your box continued support is very much this appreciated. Bob. if you are happy to receive the m win! could Thank you everyone who has supported us during this difficult time.

If you would prefer to buy a ticket online for the next round of ten

Orchard Ground & North Field Latest news...

•T he OG Committee reaffirmed it’s commitment to become a Charitable Trust at the meeting held in January. The Parish Council is drawing up the legal transfer of the 99 year lease. They will retain the freehold. •T he planning application for North Field is taking far longer than we envisaged under the new local government structures in Buckinghamshire and possibly Covid-19 measures. Now it appears that a new Planning Officer is in place and catching up on existing applications. Once the planning consent has been received we can make a start with planting the community orchard. •1 00 Club 2021/22: with the current round of draws coming to an end, the next rounds start in May. OG sellers will again be asking you to support the village amenity that is Orchard Ground. Please buy a ticket(s) at juts £12 for 10 draws. If you would prefer to buy a ticket virtually, please contact Bob via email. or call on 01296 680483. Last year over £1400 was distributed in prize money. Remember a thriving local amenity such as this helps keep your house price up! •Y our OG Committee currently is: Colin Antosiewicz, Chairman; Liz Smith, Treasurer; Vanessa Verity, Secretary; Jason Taylor, Maintenance; Bob Paine, Bookings & Allotments; Michael Reilly, Cricket & Parish Council; Gary Brazier, Tennis & General; Martyn Waters, North Field; Miranda Gregory, Events; Lucy Peck, General. All are volunteers.

New committee members always wanted. Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Minutes of AGM available on • The next committee meeting is Tuesday March 2nd @8pm via Zoom

With news that the lockdown is being released, there may be many more cars on the road again... Here is some latest news from our resident driving instructor. Di Grace Adept Driving School 07866 370330 or 01296 681887

ers e t n u l o V More please for required

Socially distanced Litterpick and village tidy up I have twelve volunteers so far and need a few more please so we can allocate two couples (four people) to each road (one couple each side).

Please put this date in your diaries.

Saturday 20th March 9.30am anks h t y n a M ce!!! in advan

Please email me on and I will allocate you a specific road along with other volunteers. It will be up to you to bring gloves/bags/pick up sticks. Further instructions regarding pick up of waste etc.. will be issued via email with confirmation response. Gary

Is it the Knob or the Nob? In recent Parish Council minutes - I have seen reference to the grass triangle at the head of Ridings Way referred to as the Knob. I always thought it was the Nob. Does anyone know of the origins or why it is called such - and indeed, which is the right spelling? Gary

What is the difference between Nob and knob? What Google says... Knob may also mean a small hill. The word knob is derived from the old Scandinavian or German word, knobe. ( not that then - as it’s not a small hill) Nob is primarily a British English word that means the head of something, (could be that then as it’s at the top of, head of Ridings Way?) someone who belongs to the aristocratic class, (No) one's superior. (No) Nob is generally considered an insult. (Not that then!)

Our ewes have returned from their Autumn/Winter in the picnic site field, and Bob (short for bl**dy Old Badger) the badger-faced Welsh ram gone home too. We are hoping that lambing will start at the beginning of April. The timing is good. Bob joined the ewes on 5th November, and so lambs are due from 1st April...easy to remember! Before then, they will get extra food, and be wormed and vaccinated (not Covid19!) Our flock is mixed, with Welsh, Herdwicks and Boo, the Dartmoor, so only half will be purebred ‘badgers’. Last year, we borrowed Bertie, a Zwarblie ram, and all the lambs were black. Two, including Hyper, will remain in the flock, and we are hoping to get some good welsh ewe-lambs this year, to boost the numbers. ‘Cublington Lambing Live’ may be posting photos on Facebook, if I get organised! Did anyone else do the Big Garden Birdwatch. We had a nuthatch on our terrace, the first we have seen! (I suspect others will say that it is ‘common’!) Jane Alexander


Tennis is the perfect sport for all fitness, health & wellbeing. Courts re-opening 28th March! New members always very welcome.

Sadly as with other sports we are still currently subject to National Lockdown, but we are preparing for a new season in the Spring.

• LTA affiliated club

•M any categories of membership single/couple/family/junior/oap • Coaching for all levels and abilities • 2 great all weather - free floodlit courts • This Winter 5 league teams in ADTL • Fun Club Tournaments SAFEGUARDING OFFICER


Jean Barnett 01296 392471 To be contacted if you have any concerns about safeguarding.



Gary 01296 688548 or 07713 723788 or

Caroline Lane 01296 681373

p e e k e s a e l P .. . e n i l n O g S hoppin

A HUGE THANK YOU to the 42 people who have so far raised a

whopping £994.37 for Orchard Ground projects by simply clicking online. Please join in - it costs you absolutely nothing! Online shopping is still allowed! 1st 2nd 3rd 4th


Gwyniera Waters - £212.56 Martyn Waters - £138.67 Bob Paine - £90.33 Maggie Brandon - £76.76

5th - Nicki Matthews - £72.34 (Bob’s daughter in Amesbury!). A huge thanks to everyone else who is raising money for Orchard Ground we hope to see you on the leader board soon!!

NEW contributors needed.

If you have been asked to complete one and haven’t yet responded, PLEASE do so now. You certainly now have the time to think about your answers. Just email me your responses and I’ll do the rest. Simple.

Thank you.

When the floodlights are off, villagers may notice a glow from within the, not on fire, but we are leaving the tower light on, it makes the building look alive and loved. Sponsored by the Alexanders


If you would like to, please contact Sally direct on 681570 or or to The Crier with a dedication. Gift Aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub (when open) porches and this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you



rate the engagement of leb ce to s, ht lig od flo ch ur ch sponsor the ic!) Michael and I would like to d on 14th Feb, how romant ce un no an y all rm (fo ice Al year). James and ing to do half-Ironman this op (h n ru g in in tra a on t A They were ou not be in Cublington) Jane ll wi dly (sa t ye set t no te Da

Church Services March

When in church, please hand sanitize when coming in, and sign the attendance book (just in case!) The pews with kneelers on the seats should NOT be used (for social distancing) Please wear a face covering. Outside church, a chance to chat and take the masks off ! (as long as no mingling and groups under six- Ed)

Church services. We still have no idea when ‘live, in-person’ services will resume. However, we are planning for Easter: SUNRISE Service on Easter Day, 4th April. Exact time...will be posted on St Nicholas Facebook page. IF we are allowed, this service will be open for others to join in. Location: Sheep sheds, Ridings Way. (IF allowed, there will be coffee or tea afterwards!) The service will also be streamed live, on Facebook, regardless of the stage of Covid restrictions. Currently we have Cublington’s Sunday Soundscape, from the churchyard, live streamed on Facebook at 7am. A couple of minutes of the sounds of early morning and a prayer. Again, can be found on Facebook, or I can email the recording to anyone who wants it. Zoom services are live on Sunday, at 9.30am and **Compline, at 9pm on Wednesdays**. (email Jane or Ev, and we can add you to the list to get the weekly links)

Cublington Tea Towels

Just 8 left!

Still available - last few - get one while they last. Priced just £6 each - (£10 for 2)

All proceeds go to village causes Interested? Then please contact us now.

email: or call Gary on 01296 688548

From the Reverend

Greetings to everyone After nearly a year since the first lockdown started we have all heard the phrase ‘new normal’ several times by now, and it might feel like a cliché already. However, one of the things that has been made crystal clear over the last year is that this pandemic and its variants are not an isolated problem that can quickly be forgotten when it is over but are instead part of a longer-term global, ecological, economic and demographic challenge that humanity as a whole faces in the coming decades. It would be a drastic and irresponsible oversimplification to think that there was merely one problem (pandemic) and one solution (vaccination) and that was the end of it. We are realizing more and more that the background contexts to several seemingly different problems are intensely connected with one another, which also offers the possibility of several problems being addressed at once with a more involved and carefully worked-out strategy. I recently read a book by a professor of cognitive science who thinks one of the biggest dangers in our day is precisely the idea that problems can be isolated from each other and a unique solution found for each, not least because overly simplistic solutions potentially have unwanted side effects. He advocates instead the practice of searching for multiple solutions that not only abate the problem in question but also prevent both it and others from resurfacing – a necessary practice if we are to navigate our way through the coming years in the most responsible manner. By March we will be well into the season of Lent, and it would equally be an oversimplification to see Lent as being all about giving something up or a willpower exercise. While there is an aspect of Lent that does encourage laying some things or habits aside in order to make room for more helpful ones, there are other aspects too. Traditionally it is a period of study and instruction, originally for those preparing for baptism at Easter, and there is an even wider sense in which it involves encouraging new life to flourish in order better to greet the ‘new normal’ of Eastertide. This newness took quite some re-acclimatization for the first disciples and indeed none of us can say that we fully inhabit it yet. We can however think about what sets of habits are and are not helpful for being able to see the newness of Easter for what it is. Lent challenges us to be aware of how different habits, attitudes, thoughts and deeds are connected to one another and to consider what this realization means in terms of helping life to flourish in its proper environment. As that seems to match up very well with the challenges posed in our present time, let us hope and pray that a well-informed discipline for the future may emerge and bear fruit for us and for all life. With all best wishes Revd Dr Andrew Krauss Team Vicar for the Cottesloe Benefice, Diocese of Oxford With Spring arriving and plants awakening now is a good time to download an app to help you identify the plants and fungi around us - if like me you are not very knowledgeable in this area . The free app I use is “Seek” by iNaturalist but there are plenty of others. I’ve learned the name of lots of wild flowers since I started using the app last year - though the one with my favourite name is “Enchanters-nightshade”. Natalie Sheridan

Cublington Support Support local businesses after the lockdown is over...

The following businesses are Hello, able to provide a service for people in the village:

you are well. staying at home, not going out or have a long-term The Unicorn - opening mid AprilIfall being

condition andlatest younews. feel itPhone might01296 be a challenge for the 681261 with Covid 19?

Parrott Brothers: Anyone can callThen and place an orderhave for delivery to the village. Orders Cublington some support to offer you!will be aggregated and delivered once a day. 01296641207

If you would like help, please call Mike Joy on 07711290169 or

Beef Olive: Offering home deliveries Butcher & Artisan Deli 27 Parton AylesburytoHP20 email or Road, ask someone drop1NG off this Tel: 01296 482 035 email:

completed form to the pub (The Unicorn) and we will collect it.

Alan the Milkman: 07791885612 Price list available including Fresh Cream, Fruit juice, Water, Yoghurt, Eggs,

Myalternatives, name is Kitchen Rolls, Toilet paper, Foil, Refuse sacks, Bird Food, Grow Bacon, Cheese, Potatoes,Tea bags, Milk bags and Compost! Delivers to Cublington I live atTuesday Thursday and Saturday

Wingrave Shop: 01296 682964 Post office, newspapers and shop Whitchurch Petrol Station: 01296 641888 Post office and shop Wing Village shop: (Londis) 01296 688239 Home phone Mobile number Wing Fish & Chips & Chinese: 01296 688152 Wiltshire Farm Foods: 0800 077 3100 My371367 email is Waterdene Frozen Foods: 01525 now deliver to the general public If you are not going out of the house, we can help with: Queens Head Wing: take away service Royal Oak Aston Abbotts: 07809 395453 take away service Littlecote Farm Shop: 01525 240206 Picking eggs, flour, milk, bread, cheese, cakes, jams, canned up shopping Posting mail goods, batteries etc Old Stables Farm: 07836 310881 - Sausages and pork joints call Tim A friendly call Urgent supply Mead Farm Shop, Marsworth - 01442 828478 A company that specialises in providing nutritious and easy to cook meals, portion size is willshelf callfor you helpMany British classics. Free next day delivery. ideal for the older generations. KeepsWe on the up and to sixcan months. Coronavirus is contagious. Please avoid physical contact (2 m distance). Wash your hands regularly. Items collected for you will be left on your doorstep. By contacting us you are happy for us to keep your details on file for the purpose set out above (GDPR) we would like to share news from the village please tick this box if you are happy to receive this

e g a l l i V 1 2 0 2 Fete

Following the unlocking announcements, we are publishing a date for the proposed fete... please put it in your diaries (though we’re pretty sure you’ve got nothing planned) Friends and families will be very welcome. Volunteers will be required. Much more information next month.

Sunday 1st August at Orchard Ground


Brian Knights

Village Fete/Celebration event


OVER 1600 made so far!

WEARING OF MASKS MANDATORY ON TRAINS, BUSES, IN SHOPS, ENCLOSED SPACES, RESTAURANTS AND PUBS (WHEN NOT EATING OR DRINKING) * Subject to current lockdown rules Thank you to all who have bought a face mask from me since I started making them last year. I have now made over 1600 using 200 metres of fabric and many, many kilometres of sewing thread!

OVER £7000 RAISED so far!!!

Donations from villagers have raised almost £1000 for Friends of St Nicholas and this money will be combined with church funds to enable a full specialist service and refresh of the church clock mechanism so it can be more easily maintained in years to come. A further £6000 has been raised from sales further afield and online via my Etsy Shop and this money has gone to Canine Partners to help them train more amazing assistance dogs like Nicki. The masks which are all three layer, reversible and washable are available in 3 sizes including a new ‘ Back to School’ range for teenagers. Details of the current colours and patterns can be found at or by getting in touch with me directly at or on 07515 398111.

Stay safe, Gwyneira FR



BLINGTON al. r e v e s e v a h ld u o Everyone sh

March Birthdays Olivia Lea

is 10 on the 10th

Turns out we do have February birthdays we just didn’t know about them! So... belated Happy Birthdays to:

Toby Raymen who was 1 on the 7th of Feb

and Phoebe Mountfield who was 3 on the 11th of Feb

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children - please let us know, Gary & Gill

Please note. Once Children reach 16 we don’t publish their names or birthdays anymore.

Lockdown Library still in action - just down Chapel Alley


I have kept as close as possible to last year’s dates. This is a provisional list and can be altered. If you would like to be removed from the rota or can help with the vacant slot, please let me know. We have several volunteers doing two slots - can you help by doing one? As the growing season extends - we need a couple more slots to fill at the end of the year. Can you please help?


Rota runs Monday through to Sunday The shed code number is 140.


Thank you all so very much for helping with last year’s mowing. Many thanks, Roy Shons 01296 682787



05th April 12th April 19th April 26th April

Roy Shons Colin Justice Kevin Shults Mike & Sandie Joy

03rd May 10th May 17th May 24th May 31st May

Michele Packer & Family Dennis & Jack Allen Abbie & Lee Stopher Barry Sim Gill & Gary Brazier

07th June 14th June 21st June 28th June

Tom & Harry Gadsby Sophie & John Law Maggie & Chris Brandon Sarah & Jason Keane

05th July 12th July 19th July 26th July

Tim Taylor Martin Gibby Jason & Vanessa Taylor Susan & Mike Bush

02nd August 09th August 16th August 23rd August 30th August

David Bradbury Mike Alexander Caroline & Mike Lightfoot Mike & Sandie Joy Eveline & Gerry Griffiths

06th Sept 13th Sept 20th Sept 27th Sept

Mark Cheatham Kevin Shults Gill & Gary Brazier VACANT

04th Oct 11th Oct


Could you please help this year? Call Roy to book your slot! Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Open Gardens

How does your garden grow? Would you like to be part of a fantastic & floral new fundraising initiative for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity? Being confined to our homes for much of the last year, we know that lots of you have turned to your gardens as a lockdown project or haven of peace and safety away from Covid-19. With restrictions relaxing would you be willing to share and show off your hard work and help raise funds for the Hospice in our season of Open Gardens? We are looking for individuals, streets and communities to open their gardens for a day or two between May and August this summer. So whether your garden is small or large, urban or rural, traditional or modern, please get in touch to find out more at or call Claire on 01296 429975. We will support you to ensure that all Open Gardens are Covid-19 secure and comply with any government restrictions in place at the time.

Many thanks Bonnie Doe, Marketing & Communications Manager Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity Tel no: 01296 429975

Book Corner

Recommendations from Jane Hill (your local librarian!)

The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein I was really struggling with my 'reading span' when this came out last year, so put it off for a while. I ended up listening to the audiobook while driving to and from work this month, and the narration was superlative - Angela Ness did an incredibly fine job. There is so much warmth, love, and joy in this book, despite the rains of death, war and pain. Elizabeth Wein is an incredible writer, and 2012’s Code Name Verity (to which The Enigma Game is loosely linked) was her masterpiece. The connections back to the other books are just right - they breeze by if you don't spot them, and give you a little thrill of delight if you do! Wein’s characters are so perfectly drawn that you feel deeply for absolutely everyone on the page. The research sits lightly on the story, and the adventure was as thrill at every single twist and turn.

Exciting New Books! Mort the Meek by Rachel Delahaye (8+ years Fiction) The first in a wickedly funny new series about an aspiring pacifist in a brutal kingdom! On Brutalia, violence is a way of life. Ravenous ravens circle overhead, monstrous grot bears cause chaos and the streets are bulging with brawls. But Mort isn't like the other islanders - he's determined to live peacefully. His struggle is made even tougher when the cruel queen appoints Mort as Royal Executioner. No one has challenged the royals and lived to tell the tale. Can Mort keep his head and outwit the queen? The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna (Teen Fiction) Sixteen-year-old Deka lives in Otera, a deeply patriarchal ancient kingdom, where a woman's worth is tied to her purity, and she must bleed to prove it. But when Deka bleeds gold - the colour of impurity, of a demon - she faces a consequence worse than death. She is saved by a mysterious woman who tells Deka of her true nature: she is an Alaki, a near-immortal with exceptional gifts. The stranger offers her a choice: fight for the Emperor, with others just like her, or be destroyed... The Glamour Boys by Chris Bryant MP (Adult Non-Fiction) In the early 1930s, a group of young, queer British MPs visited Berlin on a series of trips that would change the course of the Second World War. Having witnessed the Nazis' brutality first-hand, these men were some of the first to warn Britain about Hitler. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain hated them. Branding them 'the glamour boys' to insinuate something untoward about them, he had their phones tapped and threatened them with deselection and exposure.

Dear Editor I’m delighted to say that together with my Partner, Bernadette Washer, we’re back in Cublington. I have been renting the property at 2 Roses Close for close to 11 years, which I first purchased in 1999 and lived in Cublington until the rental began. I spent many happy games umpiring for the cricket team and also being a member of the tennis club and overall enjoying the BBQ’s at Biggs Pavilion. But I’m a bit too old for those pastimes now, except the BBQ’s of course!! Bernadette and I intend enjoying rambling through the wonderful countryside, indulging at The Unicorn (when it opens), and re-acquainting with past friends who may remember me. You may have noticed that 2 Roses Close has been substantially renovated both outside and inside, as have other houses in the Roses Close. We still have some garden landscaping to complete but that will be undertaken in sunnier times! All the very best and we both look forward to spending many happy times in Cublington and its’ surrounds Geoff Johnson

Data correct as at 22/2/21

Dear Resident It is, of course, fantastic news that the NHS has achieved its target of offering a COVID-19 vaccine to the 15 million most vulnerable people in the country by mid Feb. More than 100,000 people have already been vaccinated in Buckinghamshire. We now have a large number of vaccine sites across the county and I had the opportunity to see two of them first-hand last week. The first was our new ‘mass vaccination’ centre at the Buckinghamshire New University campus in Aylesbury. Here I met and talked to some of the brilliant NHS staff and volunteers who are making this achievement possible. The second was at the local doctor managed site at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, where it was a pleasure to welcome the Health Secretary Matt Hancock to see how well this was going. To get all of these sites up and running in a matter of a few weeks has been a phenomenal achievement and I want to pay tribute to everyone involved, including our own council staff, the fire service, our NHS colleagues including our hard-working pharmacists, GPs and practice staff, and the teams of volunteers on the ground making this work. You can read more about the vaccination programme in Buckinghamshire on our website. What next? The NHS is carrying on working down the vaccine priority list. People aged 65 and over can now book a vaccine via the national system without having to wait for a letter – you can do this here on the NHS website. If you are 65 or over and would rather get your vaccine via your GP then please still wait for them to contact you. If you’re aged 70 or over and haven’t had your vaccine yet then you don’t have to wait to be asked – please book online, call 119 or contact your GP to arrange an appointment. Everyone aged 70 and over and the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable should have been invited by now and the NHS is following up with anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated yet, as well as going out to housebound patients. If you are in this group and for whatever reason, you haven’t yet had your vaccine, please contact the NHS to organise it. You may have seen that yesterday the Government added a further 1.7 million people to the ‘shielding’ list, as they are now taking in other risk factors such as age, ethnicity and weight when evaluating how vulnerable a person is to COVID-19. Any Bucks residents who fall into this group will get a letter from the NHS explaining that they will now be advised to ‘shield’ and will be eligible for added support as a result, such as priority shopping slots; plus they will be eligible to receive a vaccine now. The vaccine is safe It’s effective and it will offer you the best possible protection against COVID-19, which as we know, carries significant health risks especially amongst the elderly and vulnerable. If you want to know more about how the vaccine works then our NHS colleagues at Buckinghamshire CCG have put a great short video on their website, answering some common questions. If you’ve got any concerns about the vaccine this film is also well worth a watch to allay some common fears, especially amongst our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic residents, and to remind us all why it’s so important to take up the vaccine offer. I’d also like to urge health and social care staff to come forward for a vaccine if you’ve not had it already. Please contact your employer if you work in this sector and if you’re self-employed please email us at COVIDvaccination@ Having your COVID-19 vaccine will help protect you and the people you are looking after. Some important reminders If you have had your vaccine then please remember that you must still follow the rules and continue to socially distance and to stay at home. Infection rates remain high and, as yet, we still don’t have reliable data on whether people who’ve been vaccinated can still pass on the disease even if they have protection from getting seriously ill themselves. And finally, a word of warning; you might be aware of some scams circulating that are asking people to pay for a vaccine. Please remember, the NHS will never ask for your bank details and will not ask you to pay for a vaccine. If in doubt, please ask someone you trust to take a look if you’ve had an email. Don’t commit to anything over the phone unless you’re sure who’s making the call. Book a test if you’re leaving home to work or volunteer We now have rapid testing sites in Aylesbury and High Wycombe for people who are leaving their homes to go to work or to volunteer to get tested for COVID-19 if they don’t have symptoms. I’ve been myself and while doing the swab is a bit uncomfortable, it’s really quick, easy and straightforward. These rapid lateral flow tests will help us detect infections in people who don’t have symptoms so please do come and get a test if you can’t work from home or are going out to volunteer. You can read more and book online on our website.

These rapid tests are not for people who do have symptoms of COVID-19. If you feel unwell or even have very mild symptoms and suspect you might have COVID then please book a test via the national system online or by calling 119. It’s essential that you and everyone you live with isolates immediately. If you are on a low income and can’t work from home while you’re isolating you might qualify for a self-isolation payment of £500. We need everyone with symptoms to stay at home and avoid seeing others to stop the chains of transmission. Current situation in Bucks We are pleased to see cases continue to fall across Buckinghamshire as the lockdown continues; a huge thank you to everyone for sticking to the national guidance as we all work hard together to get these figures down further still. As ever, you can get information on the latest local case numbers on our COVID-19 dashboard and on the Government’s website. We will all have a better sense of how the country will come out of the lockdown when the government publishes its roadmap next week. However, please remember that infection levels are currently still high and now is not the time to start taking any chances, so please do keep following all the current lockdown guidance to the letter. We can see our way out of this, which is great news, but we cannot risk letting infections spread amongst the many people who have not yet been vaccinated. If you own a business that’s suffered because of the current restrictions please don’t forget we still have grant schemes open that you may be eligible for – please take a look on our website at the support for businesses section. Thank you We’ve all made many sacrifices and are all missing out on doing many of the things we love during this lockdown. It’s hard to single out any specific groups as everyone is doing their bit in their own way, from shop workers, to delivery drivers, to police officers, to nursery staff, to volunteers, to unpaid carers, to grandparents not seeing their grandchildren, to people not seeing their friends and loved ones and the very many others too. I also want to say a huge thank you to all educators and school staff who are teaching remotely whilst keeping schools open for vulnerable and key worker children, and to parents, carers and of course, children who are working so hard with home learning. The first half of this school term has not been easy so thank you and well done for all you are doing. And to anyone who’s struggling – please reach out if you need some support. There’s plenty of info on our website and in the Bucks Online Directory and Health and Wellbeing Bucks is also a great starting point if you’re feeling low. If you need support with food or energy bills please get in touch with our Helping Hand team; they’re ready to offer advice and support including food vouchers for eligible families during the school holidays. Stay safe and look after yourselves and each other, Martin Tett Leader of Buckinghamshire Council

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Rated GOOD by Ofsted Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional We operate from our own purpose built, state of care the art setting, Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School offers care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2one -5 main year olds. We operate from care our purpose built, with large room and spacious, enclosed, outdoor area, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious adjoining Wingrave C of E Combined School. Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed tosetting, each child. We operate from our own purpose state of the art with one large main We operate from our ownWingrave purpose built, of the art setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. room andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. with large room spacious, enclosed, Weone take main new children atisany pointand in the school year, call or come and see usarea, for Children’s learning promoted infora2-5 friendly and funoutdoor atmosphere. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care yearjust olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Session Times:

Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aa friendly and atmosphere. Morning daily, 9am – 12pm or 1pm Children’s learning issessions: promoted in friendly and fun Session Times:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

Afternoon sessions: daily,9am 12pm – 3pm Morning sessions: daily, – noon

Qualified staff – key worker appointed to each child. Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Childcare tokenslunch andsession: Government-funded voucher. Packed daily, noon – 1pm We take new children athours any funding point inaccepted. year, Qualified staff –staff key person appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker appointed tothe each child. 2yo and 15/30 just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for

. BREAKFAST 30 hours fundingCLUB! accepted. more information! Session Times: For all children from Wingrave Pre-School and Wingrave CofE School. Drop off and pickSession up from Times: Wingrave CofE School. Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon(term time) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sessiondaily, Times: MorningWednesday, sessions: 9am –Friday 12pm 8am-9am £5 Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon – 3pm Lunch club: daily, 12pm – 1pm or 1pm – 3pm Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Pop in for a session: visit or daily, give us a–or call! Packed lunch noon 1pm

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell –Stephanie Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 Contact: Edwards For children aged 2-7 years Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: 01296 682217, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, After school club runWednesday, by Simply outThursday of school. 3pm-6pm £15 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL EMMA ON:01656 372910 Or email Pop in for a visit or give us a call! .

Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

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pork sausages

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Electrical, Plumbing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Floors, Doors, Shelves, Tiling, Fitted wardrobes, Maintenance, Small Building Work.

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• •S•im S•im S•p Sim p ly •im Sly •S •p im Stpim ly htly h e pim •Stim e h p ly b • t S e ly p • b p h e S im t • ly e ly e s b • •T•h S im h t • s t im S e h e p b t t t p s h •eim S ly cp T•h h e b le tcim im ee eT•T e s b Sly e ly le tp ehm t cly b s b ha tps le n a e te tply •he ch e o Tm n in h e le ah t s tly e•h •em s Tm cb o sh in ele t b a tegele cn Ttso in h g n toseh e eh cego a ttb cs yle •T m e b le hin e s •m n a yn t m stTo•e e s b t in ag u g tm aco m To ys d•m h tn so e in n uo b • •Lo T le cy e•h e th cs tin sd o in le co e re a g tTem dh au so o m t n ycle s•o cn em rm s ale •L T an een u g td cg o y ,t n t a h n o c c o r a m in • T g L o e u u , y o c le a o n y d n a e in c s n m o h c g e r a u u o p o • L l o g d a t s , e n in c le a n c t e m n g o t p g u -t • o o l s u u r e a d in m a c d L n , y t g t n a c -t e o w m s r m n a p e o o • g L y e c in u o c alo g n n t o , t m n -t -d o y c•Llw su o eain rp u o g ,o d an nm o -d co•Lw ye tg na ug o g eco d str-t u p e ,ta lan ,na cn m o u to -d •o d tey w eu g o p r-t ut,n g acy lLre ae•w anc•o e d n-d m e tuo ro a ecgun cou n -t Lrlo pan e w lp ared p n isisris e a Leo rnao tn e,td -t o co o o -t -d re atce u •Lcrw e p e e o gncag -d o n ,p ua o tq n eris co rep r-d q •lao Lw ee u -d ,-t teang p a n lcLao cerocis o ro ta n ip e e q tntegg ree u p p taceo lw an ,oaeq e t-t n ero au ip o -t m tn lrw u o a p tp e-d ,p tm teett reo is ecrm ip ca -t o rp w m p o late eq -d m eq nlre a cois -o ism w a o erom ip -t -d u m n p tn eu eo em ra a repn erocm t-t ce -d w r-9 o ip e ror0 q m ea tneq 9ta ere en -d ip r u e is r e o w u o o t n % n a o 0 t m n d m a p 9 c e a e is c e r o ip r o ip t % p -d t m o e t m d a a 0 e o n q n t • •u•u is n r e m 9 e r e o p o e e e q o m t r % a r m m e u is t d m m a 0 n e n io e r p a e r q c 9 e r o e u o t f r ip a t % is n a e t o c d e io t m e 0 9 p•p q u n r p ip f e e m o t o o o a t cn tn e nq m a r9-e % 0 m is u h•u u ip derio e qtm o fe p am rot% e cn tm tu yr-fto oo 0o h o ip d n ae 09ro p•p n m eum m m rio a y o rio o m ls r9 eip h•h etacn d n -aw m r% m o u tf% ecn rio m o tm y9w ls e r-0 o t• o ad tnm e em u ip ea n p m e o r n f t e t t m n o t ls t 9 0 y r o e w n % p o e u o io d p u r h e io n m t f m m m n r 0 e f 9 % n k e r t d y p e ls y r o r w a h e r p o o • tnntt p e % m 0 n n k d m n m y 9 a a r y e o • t r p t o h a ls r r h w % e o u d io a o 0 t t e a • n k r y f y o 9 n r ls y a o o e u w p io o t r t % a r t f e p o d a 0 e•y rn m n d n • •1•0 u k ls tls eio a•u pre w tn p ed h o rfm artio % d p th kyw h o ty p cyn eaen a o rfm tra rn okyow d o •e p u arce io 1•01 o re m nio ls rm rfoykfw tpe o rn h o tarepno ls p d u y a trcy ykw re r % 0 e o ls o r t a h a 0 e t a n p p e d • 1 a e c r n % p ls o royw r t 0 r o t t a t d h • e 0 n e p ko p n y r r 1 s c % s t ls yrw o ko t 0 p o e d y • rw e a d • a r a e 0 1 c s p s r a krokork le r % t y p e ls a f r a a t e r 0 a e e 1 n c s p a r t p % 0se0•1fsa tryle n a tea rcfesry e d p e tp ta aeteaatt m le % fp n 0 d 0•acf1s% rk te h o cle d •e strn y fc0a tafep 1se% csa h o n tfra d •e01 csm • •F•R le tcetn fa o se p d •0 a rfctd le sly ech % f1ah ly n p ic e o 0 % e le tsra •m le F•R fcp fm c1 faem ly etro td % 0 n 0a h escic a e fte sfp e td 1 F•Fe ca % ly a ic a tsop h o es0ls m n ap trsle 0 R•R cf0 asic ls % m e n m o ly rd h tle eF ese ecaa e p f–seh d sn fa m ls ly n le % e aic fa tatm fp •e n u e c–m •R d Fes se w le stm ls ly ic fd h o afcsa–m n p o e R asly w s Re FR els tle Fu h o fm hle c–fols a ic e n ap n d u d to vR R w h eic •s n c‘sa e m ly fh m a o a f e • v a ‘s h R n o – e e n m u t e p t ly n e w ls e s F h c ls m • f ic ic m e – m e o n p e ly e v y t F ‘s n h o d n R s u t e ic w • c h c ic m – a k F ly d R y p – e n n e p a o u t n s v le ic e ‘s h w o s R c a e & • d ls y R k F ic a h m m o ly n le u e n e R n u a ls t n v w ‘s a & c ’ d y R a m h e •y e k Fy o ic m o ls ly a –‘s le R ic v pw • Sim n ap R ’k e sFq ta n em & e h d R ca h –yls q n s v ‘s afa m e n v t‘s le ic u y n u ee ’a aca w e pan & tls d y–ic R s n d f’–a ecn u ko y u e w els m e o Rq le e p a tta‘s n s u ic da o & hm y k w ic fre R y o u y q –pw le n v –n h t o & ce ’y s R kic d rta ktf–‘s v –cn e le ele h o e tR e u q es n a ’fo & n ee yte u p & ty v w ‘s yIfy r’o d h e ev n q n n y fatn e tR acn o u a–w ic ‘s co O e n f’tic y k rfto q h d e e leytk q –n u o a IfO le e e t o ten • S•impplyIftIf e v y ‘s n & R u d l‘s freaic e le h ertfeay e o u n –caeo & t If y e’k t eu u ty n v le d y d ltefric &ye –cw o ale A k ’ic q IfO n o e t tw o n q a yu & n ct aektrfa A –w le e f’y r –e n t If u tq o y n y ae u ’kleyetfa OIf eO & d u e r E tw A eo cle e n o o q n e dan y O le u s y • S ly he by Er u & ylr’etee A N –! o d If f o e t t q O u n t a e ! r O u o w – E t a l t im ’ T If f N l t e r d e A t n f e r e e o u t q u – f w ! n a If h u c y t e t n O E t N A d T r e r e f le – o y e f w If o e t u n w O ! e A O e o T r t E l t A N y f r d h e – n t a If e t e o l o u E ! t r y T O e r O h N n A rflee u n –t!w o If E tee tn O E te y N u A A T in h fleeel l P w !t o !t A N O u O • T•heemmpolyshtteh N P ew y r A T h eoeb g o ew r y O P E u O O T P A A mb h r E y y !tw te P T u N Th PA e r E t A !w o y N P O h !tee Ew A h u r N IT dse O y !tt!! A P T Ew • LoThe o A N IT etrsnctle r O cw h T y PE P w aP PO N in h TIT y P h n P m sot sm w A O Ty N IT , cuale y h A Pm y T mw O h IT h A m nog P w y pna-t A TIT w Pw h in m IT P y IT Am h h O w y P y h • Loccal o Pm h A w O -dygaotyuocuan ggetw y rw nteo P IT w P m O r k m IT w Py h k IT rmdoedrn, r O y –y h y w u e IT k a o • h m – r e O c I is e w w w l m p IT h e r O a k – L I t r y m o n q n r o O IT h w y O r k I – m e w r w c y k r w a g h r m O I a – N y n o t,opur-tpo-t-d eetnt k w O w lm –m O N Ik ’T y ata w om –w r –Iy ’T N O O r weenrneodrpaoeera k eteequuipipm w Tw I–A IO ’T r N k -d T’T w O r k O A Nw 0% –k Tr recreom k IO O N k A –T ’T E IO w k ’T –Iw E r N A • is tootro- -990o is TPN k ’T o e m A w O –IA ’T EP–O k up T A w N Iy A Ek PIN Tw TO y m A w A ’T k O A E hols P com N ipemnt ’T y A k Em E’T k N PO T m mend tpioenra yA N r ET E P A ’T NE % f mqyuw O m r A A E y T t m P e k P ’T e a o N •u e ! A N y T m k n E p o t 9 r e r w ! ’T A k y m io y E N T e 0 f n w P ! k A E m a % N P T d A E k t !m A A P N a y T EkA w E y PEEA N !T • •1p m N w Sy•im ioo m f ymwo k t !y PEy T ctan w m Sa•p A !E nr re w .odmw !TN P 0uhpohlst•e•S•im EA im Snd m y w . p r p • N r r y o im ly Tym o d S k y N e % E e ly . • r S p !Tm ls im w w d w N e T !EE!T t a im e p w • r . S t w A t w e d s NN o e ly e im h p p • S A . e !TT! ! p m w r d t • 1•000% r w d le e e e p ly im •ptA . h w yhna m S etoantlyw ely b d •p c p m e h ee im b S . w e A e d tm•ly ah ta p d clw e.p im b e S h tes•ly e -ek.w ncdly b s w •a•Tft•e A eim S h l-cd p b m pp s e b rt• e p ew t A e e im a e p m ly h S b t .l-d o • FR100 sa ce m rtcp e p s b Tc•h A e craa m e .law im Setffly n h o b s p b t rcp le e cp sm m tfm P -d eTch m e im ew ly .e ic m erle e e o b t h repte ro d ca d s ly ln tbofm P b Tm -d ca p -eae.le eA s h e ro e e a le cp a m t cl rn crb cn eh teA eeTm m n p Ph ly p eld e e fm ts le .e n e a e •h cl ro lp e sr-a o b Tm em in ly b a o cb tle rA m a en P o e t et eefh in s s.-e soAfele sh cb •m le A cl n a e n ra o ro T ece e e susfR a m efe a clrce rm g tsoeh hle e P p .-sea ,t erP tcl n n b e n cg in s e•h m o A •T to a o feh•e ro co b m h am e b • F ee% ,le seh p a in y e s fT t e canPrg ly •m n h e b n e se ro m foten o A T eTfem tls cl y P p wh s –en e le n o cn l ,t b b e s h o a in • p a . c ro e h g c T e ic e t u cl n o ro e s r e r v o T o m m ‘s o s e . in • u b c l P d y e R s a b n e h c t o m d a le a , h h c e e o f u m r s T n u e cl m ro r a g t cl e t n r t a o y n P k o a T • e in a e s e le l n o n e f T • b P n o g c e t c m r e h . a s ls ro , e h • u s n • m o e fe y m a s k u o ro e e P c m s f o r a e P t h y ly • d c n in le o T o L a . c l n e a m , • g T t ro e k r n m . a fe ro y n u P le s ss L u • n fa n t a o d k e F n e o cl e o T c r – o o c c n P n h T in ic & ro e ,g a g . n t o , ,o P S m h cl r re dfm fe y R e u reo ro a s cLeae fss le o T acl so u cio d n a h k ,m o in T e a ns–d e n ’o . e u als a Pro u e o co w r s o g aep rm td n a io P y h es . g le ss n •Lylao n u q o esu n n ro a au e o ffe in ca n P n p k cl ro sr.u ,ic c.e R •co m e ag m u n e o n epusly n ,h d in ca io rto o a ro sm p P e tTe ss lac& g c.sru n ey k u ,-t P m o a ,lcl P n au n g tta •Lo ro e tryso m tle ed n C e o n o -t pbeherh ro co celeng g n e h fe in io T ro o n u p w ,y ss la kr.sco ,ytm o le a n C cl o o c•Lw sre u te T in y cPeag a n‘s d fe ,tn p n uvtR•o ss -t ,g o lq lh fe –lg m ic u w u io -d If y im co a an e y nle sk.o a sr-t u g tn o T •w Lau d -d o tn cu e o e n ss io caCo p e,g nao o ss n ro t,m e P k lC h n n h le eco .kcu e •u u le y efe n ro g p a e o tro lLre w n u .ko io -t n ,e P -d o a•coLo ‘s io m rs nd eeLb n a ,T td h ecfe o lc o y uk.u e n le a e -t ro au o er-d p rn u ahn le P cg no fe T a•tLco e ea o rs n ltoh o u n tncee O ro o re w a dre t o -t o p aC lt P ss -d rep n aPfe .kukk u rs efe lrs ta n e,rd io rg O Lcrw •a tss o efe le -d ro -t an o cio g n p o e e C n e ure p C ,tq e o td •la n arg aeu cLo stln O an le css tnen ,n e -d fe q le g o io erv ro p -t o rw ln p a e au co n e a n rte a g a is Larp tCnisn rt,a lfe ce rs io O e a -d -t ss n –le n w erg p e,q en e If •OTu la ip n rocis o ap n wet qcow ctal tick’ ya’fa late Eisris eipn clenaendCnhlss rs aais rg g fu eye& h Aris n w r u r , e io -t o q o O e r o -d e C le a t n t ss p e l n e a t c is e n ! m ti f e le a a -t o g rs c u e y a e e e p u r le rs p C O e w rg r o n -d is l a ip m t o a r e m q t io l o e r n ti e d o o t a is c n a w t e le e a O o n e p e m q a C e -t o l O r ip n e p O r o -d e O o a l u r n o is e t m n l m n m t e t a e ti is e r le t a a r -d c -t – o u n w rg e If a q n p o t rg r e T a 9 rs ip r e a o o m t c o n t a lC f e in le m 9 w ip is rs e e o r u e -d e 0 n q o r n o t a r o n a e p C n h e m a t O t A sNO m ce yu u ole m 0 rs nn is ae n n o -d n % -9 u ti eip m ta d rn g elm O m p o ow e a oe n q ta eteip rg nrs ris is A % e cd is n m 0 9re ea n e rg ao e ret% -o •rm q m m p ars o ris ta eu an m t rg y tneisntiae etq tm Pm oe a rs 0o n •Er•ou cern p rg re% O n ti ta d eip r-9 ti um n o m o n !eais n P o o io td tfa m o is o teeq rg N w nO o is e -oafo acere 09 anais re p u eip u tm o m t% is e neu p 0rp m nrg cta m n atin dreio e9-ro q ipm p O • LO is arg ce otm m tn htN tao n noti d f% ip n 9yr-ta re0o em arm q em aais u •u h io o E•u taotiO p oT tu % fm cen n o 0 •p d o ro na n tian tam n em o ip ry9 -taw o e rm u oc Au h is lsh io o tm n cn otiis m ro ad f% ro •h ip etnm u ls io n -y0 em anoa t9w m o f Aern,y wITnio p h et etn td t can go O a n m u n e % o tinti 0 • r n y a o d 9 r p u e t m e io o m ls n m h w n e P f o e t oo m 9 p t % e p e r T 0 d r a r m n h • u r ls y o io p w p P nn o t t k r m 0 f m n y r en e -t % y o o o t a 9 d o e r • e h k y h y p t e ls u % y io w a m p t t! d n o o t r f r 0 9 o r e a e a y o ls • w o a A h u io k t t p y p a e a w r % 0 f • r n e o n -d t m r n d w y o t e t ls n o w k P u y n o io e a p e t h % p e d f m d •l•1o•0 n a a r r r u • io e ls IT P yw t o a p d fo h O o k p rm e y r e okyo n a t a n e • y r p c t y u e t io o ls h p h n a w n t e royk r d fm 1w r c a e o h u r a io o ls y t p e o w a p d fm t •01% k ryow r n n r o e m t o c • Sis e r r k a p h r ls y n 0 e tcah m n d p •1% a e rotaep row p ls IT –ta re y otra dn •01r0s•01a% ko y ely ae rls yrw o rtp cy trtsd to imrp Io p ko earr’T c om y n ctp a rw ip ae re w ls t0orw s0•1fap p tw tarap kroko y re e rsad m n ctpyrsele le ta m tTta 0e0•1 O s% O e n rkrk fase ra e td fcp y ey % p e 0•fa e sqrn N le tad -090h% p tfer c1rs% cu y n ektat 0a le w t•hRm d straota e •h en% fc01 e cp fk ase•% d sa h n to rfa e le –k cfa•m ctep O se n le sa td rcftd % h o ly 0 c1fa•m p Ata e s0% a h o rly e n tsIle 1ic w cf–e cfa te p rly F to d e m e n % sic a cafm 1 sn h cle p feItd % a EP aly O tsttle ro F ee•R 0h ••Tup • •F•R esic n a cf% e fm ls a p a eic d rn Fe•bedsattion 1 0 h totp sm ls N sly le e m ac of m rn e f e f h s m d a s ly a % A e n h o – F p e ’T w h c le a a s o t ic e f c • o f m a – F y p e m d le ly R s n s s ic e e f ls h n o t u r c d m w ls a R f • w O m s F e m a n T s – ly e u p le h w t o a ic f e n s r a f R m c e A d R m – t o • F N p h e le ls m o e R e c n n s ly h ic E o u a m f w f e h ‘s a d R k e • h o p e o e – ’T n r NT! t in F p o u ryR em v n ‘s w fly aic s R cls m e a k e eR t–y n e •le n eoals h sttem dEw tp o s F m h o ly n ls cic e u tic n •e gR ‘s m am y h T –n ly e d R a u ic h o e Fa e adne n s cpw o y v ‘s A R ktls am t cols e n ePle •Fne m capA y d h w e–o n n ly R u kta s ic & w y ls e le v d h y n k ‘s •R m y m a ely & ey drnv F e y o –n ca u ic v a ‘s R ’o w ic k sR ls a ecA E e h ta m n m le d ap Fe ’ic q –o n ls & y k n e v cw se t‘sf–a’yic m n u a w q y e le n d h a ••L1o0c0 Pp ew arv & a p cm E u n o u v ls ak sy e tf–a n R t‘s e aw chm u ay le q d ap s ’e N ic o tt‘s ls & n o yk uy R le pdeR d w y v& n e q n n h fa c–Ew ep –re e o u a o ’yic sR y v tkf–‘s tu m rta e ae–N d eTle ’tyk p h q cw u !h & n R e fo n s tvq o u to ic e a% n ‘s eo le n–aw d y ta efre sIfay e sele n & e o’y‘s u v co lIfoIf R t e tic etkrfoa e q n u h d–n le an O co e’ic -te teykfreaic Iffy R o & e e tv n dte l‘s yq O h e le n o u Tn e lk c–n w e & ao Ay u y ’ey v ‘s f u Ifww , u.p t t eget d t n e r f c e ! y le u – e u O q t p If o n k a a t ’ ic & -d w c y e l m n le o t y n n d w e f w A r O t & q w y e n y f – e h e o a c o n ic u a If u ’ l t k y A e e t y o t le a a ’ r f e d c e q e n u n – c a u & e If w e n y k t o o •• SSpim l e e r t q . •im le t w n O A a y d E t m f • Sim ly f e l a w l r ’ y e u e d u e o n – e E If t o t t f ! e r u O y q d n a isFppR a ’ N erftlefae – w o !e If p e tu rO d o e n eeq r E N q t A n O a etw o u rftlfere y o –!tn efA arN A If rly teu E t–w d eo O y u If n O eeceoAsm emrbeor fte to o ru Tls ud e e !n r lrefelrfleflele A d Pic E to a N O d T.u y e O n –tw If ipaemp& ro EA t te r y ly !o h tw ly –If O –tn N uep T h e !o t w o e e • cl E ten r r O N • m A A y c t m n u O T e u w r w e A t !te s e h t E o h S A y O N u P r O l o A a m h w R . h !tt o im e e A n P h p e e O r E im N w O T n c u l 9 P , ‘s A y h e te !tw E a r O t u o T N T 0 y eb h n bhm e e r n P A hT peply Eto t!w m eev n w N ic T O d ly . e% h E y P A w !t Pro e!e r l P by s u ckleane ••eTT•hheS N O aofle k s y e P T e h A IT • Th r P E N t!t! trt w ro & y IT O P Tio teehtsb te clro A y rw E P hbm io w O h N fc ’IT o fe ya eucl T sew h P P cb faa A n N a aro w T m O nPq le y IT m .nw le eo P w ner,at h A fPT O m e h y tA m y o IT d – no P Tp eIT esaecsctrn Tm n A raIT y nin h w h P rh •Ifu o scAyIT .IT eTehProfe ss •m h A y P ssls u fm .o sem PO Thyp eroeo g tottm ew h crw m g theo ,o y h cn e IT h PO k y o O yddbae m le m m y y PlO r w tw h k u o m .ITku w ogueynyhe ayn y e m k IT y O ain uuaetP ssio al Colerm h m w r w rs n ttcinle – m d n y A O r w ro k h o – w d c k in o • Lo••cLaL•olocT m O O e in IT h I c e r k y s r w r s I rg – r a 1a0 IT m n c g O t r E t h y g k n m w ss a – w a I ! k O h m r y y N m r 0% n w y m w – I O g p k r is aw O –Iy eneioattlnCale an oru O ono N m pp w oe,e enacfe eot-d a k uacn O N O w r uca –Iy -t Tnper,,h ’T ti w tg -t -t O ’T r snnaeetfre k w N sa oy ••LocLo –IO w n ruu angn kw O N T r w ’T le I–A n O T A r O n ollaco k ’T noalw Nw A –k ,uP-d neO O IT O ,o N r ew ae-d ’T uPoa –A k ggeetltCleears cpederde w IO tIT T r E ’T rsrg N tfq –A nis oqn eeth p l ro yt-d ETPN Iw k oprneeoo O Oarg Ik –’T w is reisis TP–O ais A EA •co ’T w ly N tio A o-d A IE rFrem Tw k y O P an ’T IN k y eRccco O raatic A TN uip n E m P w ’T E m A k errparh A y ipdm N am O eom T P tooar lsp-t-toew aau ’T Ey toom ati E k tip P m A O A ’T E emowwn TA tee N m m m equ m E e A r y o k r P o N T – is m p e ’T E T s m y p e m A T n e y e A k p m T P e n N ’T E ! n u 9 A n e m e q w y n r A 9 ! e E e q k 9 T r N w e t w T P e o 0 E n r t k R u e t 0 m y w A r n 0 T u E n E A h a ! 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N e a w • . w r t a w • O e r w E r d !TN e t e o A e e e t o w . u !T!T! o io A e w N u r p io r d . p If e m t p r w p r •ea e k-d rhoy•totls p w y d eeea0at% Srtr•n m ’TnTeAdk– not w f-d k pto m n A ka . eo n eeA e e w w im p Syd hlsu c e m e am m .e y w p ye im om O t oof fm n b toAe m A -de e rrp ls b ro w em A p w e Sim e • 10••011 .p w p ly rem ca l-ed m b rreb •im oc ctim e a o e E .w lecp o cyn -le.w fm A e ae n 0•000sy •cS d r•p p rm apim im Sn rlw ecln rSaya aSddly ePfp m a ke p ret•Ee e d-e r•Strtp h kw b o m e e rro A tly Pefe r•p .aln e b cd abA m p h ro p e o a em % im .-re e rA ep teefaA lcp a n d rcl o ly ro esr-e b •h e ap Pm •hle th tS lecs.r-ea o ss•aa•fA b sim e d n eim m p ro re b dly •% cl S p aA n n Pfe t•ly o S m clc-.e af0e le b e 10% e cl s PaA ro srp bly ,ern a e co fT ce n •h em tfe im S -sle ro ,o e bcl m aly s te .rp acse rP ep e h n b o h Tfee NaOanTp m fe im aT n PAymENeTt! cla re t•le Sttfft clPftm b ro cl m . r o , r p h e 0 s r e s n h • P h ly t c p T e l h e A p b c a e c ! 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5588551188 5 851 81111 DDEE EEPP--CCLLEE34 11eaanD wwe neersrE A8NN A Eco.uP.oruk-krepeat .deepe-pc-le 18 s . c C cleaanneers..o L is recommendation business E A c N

cleaned - not wet

• 100% safe chemicals -

no sticky after feel


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07713 723788 left only damp when

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Friendly and Professional service.

A peaceful Country Retreat for your cat in spacious heated farm accommodation. Gillian Alexander - Proprietor Inspections welcome South Tinkers Hole Farm • Cublington Road • Wing • Leighton Buzzard • Beds • LU70LB Telephone: Aylesbury (01296) 681104 email:


wide x 136.5mm deep

Gary designs... literally anything -

We run all levels offrom first aid training logos to ads to GB including FIRST AID AT WORK

 Sports Physiotherapy  Acupuncture  Hands on Therapy  Pre and Post op Rehab T: 01442 862073and Yoga Classes  Pilates  Equine Physio

print.for & PAEDIATRIC digital FIRSTto AID businesses, organisations and creative. Traditional individuals. Contact us to arrange a course tailored to your needs.

07713 723788

High Quality Workplace & Cublington Public First Aid Training z

Oil Syndicate

provided by highly experienced, frontline emergency service professionals

Get involved and save yourself some money! For more information please contact Mark Main Contacts : Simon & Vanessa Morgan Cheetham 07951 017646 / 01296 681258 or

Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton Buzzard LU70LB

Total Butler - – 01442 231 603 Watson Oil – 01604 880 191 Email: – 01525 402 073 BelowConquest are text Oil boxes that can be copied and pasted, h

Call: 07811238163,


whichever fits better. Invoice to:

Laptop & Computer

C.Dowell Printer, Setup, Repairs, Data Recovery, 67 Leighton RoadNetwork, Virus Infection, Internet, Wireless, Wing Home/Office-computer problems,

Lakeside Coarse Fishery CUBBER’S finest Lakeside Farm, Wing Road, Cublington, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 0LF Organically Produced

Tel: 01296 682201

pork sausages

7 Beds day Service from £40, No Fix No Fee, LU7 Qualified 0NN CUBBER’S and Experienced. Your local IT support. We Come to You

Thank you! 01296 326488 • 07925 338435


D design R R

Construction advice Planning Applications Building Regulations Applications Party Wall matters Project Supervision

David Rowe Dip Surv MCIOB

Architectural & Technical Design Services Contact -- 07867 575 Contact 07867977 977575

Help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it costs you nothing! It's so easy to sign up... here’s how:-



1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. Click requested to A3. R D EonN“Join M us” A Cand H IfillNinEthe RY • Q Udetails ADS create your account. SERVICE • • R E PA I R S Once you have created your account you simply go to U S E D M A C H I Nbefore E S Ayou V A make I L A BaLpurchase, E then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you.



If you’d like help setting it up please email tel (01296) 720066 fax (01296) 720917. who will be more than local collection and delivery service available happy to help. Thanks All major credit cards accepted

Lawn Mowing Hedge Trimming Strimming Garden Tidy-ups Autumn Clearance Garden Waste Removal 01296 641 653 No obligation quotes and fully insured




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Make your Computer Smile!

TRING BASED - FAMILY RUN !Power Sweeping UsingUsing the Latest Technology !Power Sweeping the Technology !Power Sweeping Using theLatest Latest Technolog !Wood-Burning & Multi-Fuel Stoves CHIMNEY SWEEP !Wood-Burning &&Multi-Fuel Stoves !Wood-Burning Multi-Fuel Stoves Internet & Email * Virus removal * Wireless Networks Need PC faster? * Tablets & Smartphones Experienced Technology Professional will assist with all your computer requirements. *Home in Cheddington (9 years)* *Business in Berkhamsted (12 years)*

*All surrounding areas covered* NO FIX - NO FEE GUARANTEE

Call Mark on 07789 304 274 or 07497 746 010

Supplied & Fitted Supplied &&Fitted Supplied Fitted !Cowls & Chimney Pots Fitted !Cowls &&Chimney Pots !Cowls Chimney PotsFitted Fitted !Birds Nest Nest Removal !Birds !Birds NestRemoval Removal Power Sweeping Using the Latest Technology !Safety Inspections !Safety Inspections !Safety Inspections 01442 890041 Cowls & Chimney PotsHouse Fitted Insurance Purposes 01442 890041 01442 890041 !Certificates Issued for Issued for !Certificates Issued forHouse HouseInsurance InsurancePurpo Purp !Certificates

07921 847317 07921 847317 07921 847317

Birds Nest Removal Safety Inspections

Certificates Issued for House Insurance Purposes

YOUR Extraordinary VILLAGE’S HISTORY... IN PICTURES Read the whole thing while you are in isolation! The fascinating pictorial history of the village is currently in stock

"Cublington in Pictures Old and New" Priced just £15 - (£10 from every sale goes to

Cublington Crier


the upkeep of St Nicholas Church)

Contact for your very own copy.

Advertise in the Crier!

Preferential rates for villagers. So far £230 has a media pack Contact us for been donated to the church from sales.

Georgie’s Sawyer’s Beauty Box

Hand painted Electrician & Domestic Appliance heightEngineer. charts...

For all yourOffering Domestic Electrical Needs: a variety of

beauty treatments from waxing Full & Part Re-Wires. and nail treatments to holistic Maintenance & Repairs. massage and personalized Sockets & Lighting. high quality facials ! Inspection & Testing. Consumer Units. 07795802553 Showers.

Close, th Part P & Bell BS7671 17Cublington Edition compliant. £2 Million Public Liability Insurance.

Portable - no more writing on the wall. Take it with you when you move house.

Online: GM Brazier Sort: 11-91-00 Acc No: 02529694

Personalised to suit. Several designs available. The perfect new born gift! 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW

All makesGeorgies of Washing Machine, & Hob beauty box Dishwasher, Tumble Dryer, Electric Oven01296 688548 serviced and repaired. 07713 723788

Tel: 07741252450 or 01296 688309 Email: 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW georgies_beautybox

01296 6

Gary Brazier Designs anything and everything

OIL TANKS • Supplied • Maintenance • Fitted • Choice of size • Fuel pumping service

TUCKETT BROTHERS Marstonfields, North Marston, Buckingham, Bucks MK18 3PG

01296 688093 07790 719452

Unit 2 Ladymead Farm, Quainton, HP224AN. Tel: 01296 670777 Email: Website:

A Professional Gas and Heating Engineer A Professional Gas and Heating Company • Ø Fully Qualified Heating Engineers out all aspects of plumbing Fully Qualified Heatingcarrying Engineer and heating work.

Bosch Worcester servicing andaccredited repairs installer Scheme. • •

Full central heating systems, including design and installation.

Ø Power flushing

Radiators, towel rails and under-floor heating systems including electric

Ø Radiators systems.

• Ø Conventional andand unvented hot water systems. Bathrooms showers •

Complete bathroom/shower room renovations including design and



Marston, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3PT. 01296 Telephone: “I would just like to say how impressed670777 we are with you and your team. You are Mobile: 07902300916 one slick and professional operation, so to speak! Your guys worked hard all day, were extremely pleasant and did a brilliant job” (Customer Review). Website:

Cublington Cricket ANNETTE GESOFF Club Advanced Clinical Massage New players Therapist wanted Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists

(All age groups)

Mens & Ladies Groundstaff also wanted

System upgrades, servicing and repairs.

• Ø Landlord gas safety inspections and certificates. Gas work •

or email

Established 1863

Specialising boiler offering changes, • Ø Specialising in boilerinchanges, up tosystem 10 years upgrades, warranty under the

01296 670500

All LPG and Close, OIL work undertaken. 2GAS, Morton North

“During the present Covid 19 pandemic CCC are offering use of outdoor nets through a booking system.

Massage can be beneficial for many conditions – see my website for further information:

As all leagues are suspended, we are playing friendly matches (Saturdays and Sundays), running junior training each Sunday morning and ladies training each Friday evening. Strict Risk Assessment protocols are in place adhering to UK Government and ECB guidelines. We are also doing much needed repair work on the playing field. For more information on how to get active and involved with Cublington Cricket Club see contact details below”.

For more information about playing or to help manage the 229914 ground please contact:

Please phone:

Michael on 07876 593434

01525 240135 or 07709 629283 Or email:

Member of the Four Counties Cricket League


Gary literally designs anything and everything... Online: FromBrazier artwork for ads, brochures, newletters, presentations and logos GM to personalised Sort: 11-91-00 art gifts to hang on your wall. Why not give him a call. Acc No: 02529694 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW 01296 688548 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW

07713 723788 01296 688548 07713 723788

Gary Brazier Designs anything and everything

Fully insured and vetted, first aid trained Online:

Services offered GMinclude: Brazier Sort: 11-91-00 Group walks @ £10.00 per dog per hour Acc No: 02529694

Solo walks @ £15.00 per hour Puppy sitting @ £15.00 per hour Call 07305251053 for a chat or to book a slot Mailto: 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW

01296 688548

07713 723788

Martina collects my ironing every Tuesday and returns it on Thursday. Great job, never had any problems. Martina is always reliable, accommodating and cheerful. When my washing machine broke Martina took all the laundry and ironing, a great service, I can not recommend her highly enough. Debbie (Cublington resident)

Gary Brazier Designs anything and everything

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Make your Computer Smile – Call Mark, based locally - 07789 304 274

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Golf Coaching at Aylesbury Vale Golf Club

Classical LPs Wanted Excellent prices paid for Classical LPs from the 50’s and 60’s on the following record labels: DECCA (SXL / LXT ) HMV (ASD / ALP / BLP / CLP / DLP) COLUMBIA (SAX / 33CX) RCA (SB / LDS) CAPITOL (SP / P / CTL) PHILIPS (SABL / SAL) To sell your collection please contact: Dave Parsons tel: 01296682300 / Mobile: 07770470996

Golf Coaching is available for adults and juniors all year round. Whatever you need whether it is 1-to-1 or group sessions on all areas of the game which include: Long Game, Approach Shots, Pitching, Chipping, Bunker Play, Putting and on Course Management. Ring or email PGA Professional Russell Phillips now on

07843 692948

Any size building and renovation proj works through to final decoration.

Specializing in Listed Buildings and B

Email patrick@binewoodtransformat Tel- 01296 681180

mobile 07710 2

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN WITH A CHANCE OF WINNING UP TO £20,000? If the answer is yes, please sign up for the Vale Lottery and at the same time raise additional funding for Orchard Ground.


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Book a timed appointment online or by telephone Go online to book and see pricing Free estimates Discount club



Make your Computer Smile! Internet & Email * Virus removal * Wireless Networks Need PC faster? * Tablets & Smartphones Experienced Technology Professional will assist with all your computer requirements. *Home in Cheddington (9 years)* *Business in Berkhamsted (12 years)*

*All surrounding areas covered* NO FIX - NO FEE GUARANTEE

Call Mark on 07789 304 274 or 07497 746 010


Painting & Decorating Paperhanging. Pa inting & Painting. Decora ting Coving. Tiling etc

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Mobile: 07986 597013 01296 688429

Tel: 01296 688429


OPENING Hopefully April 12th.

SOONISH!! We really hope everyone is well and keeping safe.

MISSING YOU ALL, The Unicorn Team

day – fish set menu Breakfasts

king advised orn Quiz from 8.30pm ght ouse wine for £40

8.30pm from 9.30am – 11.00am king advised corn Quiz from 8.30pm Night ouse wine for £40 s from 9.30am – 11.00am


Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 23rd Lunch – booking advised Monday 24th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 27th Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised All events subject to change

Booking always advisable for the latest news.

event details

t, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ

Still life 2

Hare (Lino print)

Crow (Lino print)

Girl in Black jumper

Laurie (my nephew)

Afghani girl

Still life 3

Guess who!


PLEASE keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot

anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious or even just slightly interesting) in the village - please let us know.

Spotted - The Postbox has a hat! Spotted - The Phantom crocheter has been at it again... this time with Valentine hearts. Who can it be??

Spotted - Pond at the crossroads frozen solid enough to defy a five year old boy with a stick.

Spotted - Hugh’s new barn taking shape

down the Whitchurch Road... ready for those beans!

Spotted - Those Artists of Cublington have

uploaded their work to the website. Feel free to download and share as you see fit.

Spotted - Absolutely beautiful ice sculptures on the way to Whitchurch made by passing cars splashing the hedgerows - looks more like a frozen waterfall. Quite stunning.

Great - pictures sent to The Crier... Lots of

wonderful pictures have been sent this month... here are just a few... Spectacular sunrises and sunsets... for those of you who missed them! None have been colour enhanced - I promise!

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