Cublington Crier March 2020 #393

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March 2020




The Cublington Crier Mailbox | Outside Bell Cottage, High St Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548

Editorial Dear friends in Cubbles

Does anyone else have nicknames for places? Rev Peter frequently refers in his sermons to his visits to ‘Cubs’, my father-in-law affectionately called us ‘Cubbles’ which has stuck in our family, others say ‘Cubbers’. Generally though these are terms of endearment forour community spirited village - all credit to you Cublingtonians for creating this. Talking of place names we play a game on car journeys where you have to say what a place name sounds like. There is a book called ‘The Meaning of Liff ’ but we like to make them up ourselves. For example Kettering is the noise spilling a tray of cutlery on a stone floor makes, Corby is what you say when you do a Kettering; Kettering could also be the marks made on the back of your legs when you’ve sat on a wicker chair with no cushion on it; Stewkley is a long strip of paper or tape which has got tangled round the wheel of something etc etc. Send your notes to the Ed with your interpretation of Cublington please..... Anyway, I digress.......I wanted this editorial to be about hand written letters. To the younger generations in 2020 the idea of sitting down and writing a letter may seem strange and archaic, with faster more efficient modes of communication at our fingertips such as email, phone calls, and texting. Even greetings cards are now being replaced with images on smart phones (confetti and balloons) and e-cards. As children we were taught by our parents to write letters which at that time I hated. My parents persevered telling us how important it was. We wrote thank you letters, we wrote to pen-pals the other side of the world, and who remembers aerograms and post restante addresses? We would walk to the post box and kiss the envelope before sending it on its way. Letter writing was important for many reasons not just because that was the only way to communicate before the advent of cyber space and digital technology. I didn’t really appreciate all these reasons at the time but it wasn’t so long before we had morphed into our parents and were teaching our own children to write letters for all the same reasons. I have now grown to love hand written letters. Tom’s father worked abroad and the discipline of writing letters helped him stay in touch with his family and manage the long distance relationships. These are now cherished in suitcases as memoirs which in due course will be read again and again. Just recently I have again realised the massive value in letters as my mother and I discovered hundreds of letters written to my aunt when she was working abroad. They have had us mesmerised for hours as we decipher more details of our family history. Research has shown that there are so many physical and mental benefits to hand writing letters which are explored later in this edition of the Crier. So, why is it so rarely done today? Letters seem to be fading into the past. Some people will believe that the postman drives a vehicle that burns fossil fuels and congests our roads. However I do think the positives outweigh the negatives and there are many many better ways of saving the planet. So, why not help revive the custom of letter writing, and in the hope of inspiring all generations to put pen to paper instead of thumb to keys I propose that all Cublingtonians write to someone you love this month. It really does make you feel good and will make the recipient feel even better.

Best Wishes one and all, XX The Gadsby Family XX

April EDITORS: Gilly & Steve Jenkins


is 15th March

The Crier online...

Available at

Get better soon... And another accident in the village! Poor Sally Missen fell in the High Street and broke her leg which has resulted in having to have a new hip. Best wishes on a speedy recovery. Reports also of another fall in the dark down a pothole in Ridings Way, the Highways Department has been informed.

Congratulations!!! To Dean, Alison and family on the birth of their son Toby on 7th February.

NOTE DATE CHANGE Litterpick and village tidy up The date has been brought forward not as originally planned. Please put the revised date in your diaries. Meet 9.30am at Orchard Ground.

Saturday 14th March 9.30am

Many thanks in advance!!!

Congratulations also To Gill and Gary -

grandparents for the fourth time to Imogen Anne. Becky and Adam adjusting well to their new addition.

CRIER CONTACTS CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Inserts £10 village, £20 non village. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

The monthly magazine of the Buckinghamshire village of Cublington - the village that moved.

If you love the Crier we really would like your further input... If you are willing to help in any way... whether it be delivering, writing the odd letter, or sending an article you think might be of interest or any sort of regular contributions like Who Am I? Please do it as The Crier only survives with content. The editororial team really can't be expected to do everything every month. The guest editor list is complete for 2020 and is now being compiled 2021/2022,Yes! we really do plan that far ahead! If asked, please do your bit for the community and join in... it’s actually a bit of fun!

s l i a t e d t c a Cont ... e t o n e s a e l p


CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Bucks LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

The Editorial Rota May 2020.. June

Dixons Justice family July Richard & Polly Thornley Sept Lucy and Andy Peck Oct Jason & Vanessa Nov Merrimans Dec Martyn Gates

2021..Jan Gary & Gill

Feb Mike & Sue Bush Mar ? Apr Dominic & Rhonda May Vernon Cox

elp us h to s r e te n lu o v Any new g blanks? in in a m e r w e f a fill June Freddie Simm July ? September Gadsby family Nov Julie Tovey Dec ?

2022.. Jan ?

Feb ? Mar ? Apr ? May ?

To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

Come on folks - please book your slot! A few slots left in 2021 and now booking 2022so plenty of time to think about it! Many Thanks.

Thanks to our wonderful Posties Where would we be without you.

Cublington Tea Towels Still available

Priced just £6 each - (£10 for 2)

All proceeds go to village causes Interested? Then please contact us now. email: or call Gary on 01296 688548

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,

Orchard Ground Presents another Fun-draising event

A Family Quiz

Saturday 28th March

Get your teams of 6 together. Max 10 teams. £10 pp with Fish & Chip Supper included Tickets from any Orchard Ground Committee member

7.30pm in the Biggs Pavilion for 8pm start.

Pop it in the diary!

From Jane & Sarah... Dear Cubbles

Our first First Sunday was a mix of thought-provoking Alpha dvd, discussion and Breakfast, along with some excellent songs. The plan to to continue the First Sundays along the same lines, and we hope that everyone who comes finds something that they enjoy....after all, what’s not to love about a bacon butty and a rousing sing-along, plus the chance to explore faith, church-going and catch up with our friends. With the likelihood that there will be a few more months until the new Rector/Vicar team is in place (watch this space!) utilising our home-grown talent will become important, so please come, support and even volunteer to cook and/or serve breakfasts!

Why not advertise your business in the Cublington Crier? Preferential rates for Cublington villagers. Contact: for more details and a media pack

Jane & Steve and Michael


Victoria Wood’s


AFTERNOON At Wingrave Parish Church SATURDAY MARCH 21st

With special performances by :

Glee Choirs of Leighton Buzzard and Tring and A Cappella vocal group

Wednesday 18th to Saturday 21st March 2020

3pm – 5pm


All proceeds will be shared between Wingrave Church and The Brain Tumour Charity

8pm in the Village Hall, STEWKLEY Doors Open 7:30pm Licensed Bar TICKETS £6.00 ON SALE FROM 24th February Box Office Telephone : 07845 489167 Sunday Box Office at Stewkley Village Hall 1st, 8th, 15th March from 10:00 to 12:00

We would love to see you there !

Cublington Crier small survey

We are thinking of ways we can economise on space within the Crier. We usually print 44 pages, 19 of which are ads. If we can reduce the magazine by 8 pages, it would produce more revenue by costing less to print. Alternatively we could increase the ad prices, thereby cutting down on the number of pages set aside for ads... charge more, sell smaller ads, fit in less space. Or we could even print in A5 size. Another way would be to keep the size as is and decrease the point size of the articles we publish. So a quick question for you to consider... which size do you prefer? Do you prefer this size of type? 11pt on 12pt leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Or do you prefer this size of type? 10pt on 11pt leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Or can you read this size of type? 9pt on 10pt leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Please reply to

2pm in the Biggs Pavilion Stewkley Road, Cublington LU7 0LR

Donations very welcome. Clothes, bric-a-brac, books, CDs and DVDs required. Usually some lovely items including clothes, books, toys, kitchenware and antiques. Drop stuff to the pavilion between 10 and 11.30am please Sorry we cannot accept electrical items.

Proceeds to Church funds

why not POP IN for

Coffee and Croissant? at St Nicholas' Church

10.00 am every SUNDAY after the 9am service

Everyone welcome!

A place to meet. No charge, but donations very welcome. An opportunity to meet in our beautiful church.


keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious or slightly interesting) in the village - please let us know.

SPOTTED! Spotted or rather heard - Fireworks at 11pm



Please make sure you get one (or more!) and support the fundraising efforts for the Biggs Pavilion and the new North Field Project.

on Friday 31st January, heralding our exit from the EU. The pub car park full again now food is being served. Keep up the good work.


Several trees down along the Wing Road after storm Ciara the weekend of the 9th Feb - boy was that windy!

the Part of itish r B t a e Gr ean l C g n i r Sp

Orchard Ground Committee members out and about selling 100 Club tickets.

Spotted The Cublington Variety Club performing

the annual Pantomime. Brilliant performances this year. Well done to Gerry Griffiths


litter pick

Saturday 14th March 9.30am Meet at Biggs Pavilion, Orchard Ground.

here! t u o y See

Reasons we should write more handwritten letters Promotes happiness:

Letters have a special feeling to them - a personal touch. They can show how much love, care and respect you have for the person you’re sending the letter to - it confirms the importance of that relationship. Taking the time to send a thoughtful letter shows you cherish a relationship and want to invest in it. This can not only strengthen a friendship or relationship, it also enables loyalty to grow. There is something personal and deliberate about the time and consideration that has gone into creating a letter. You convey a very powerful message when you actually write out your thoughts for another person by hand, purchase a stamp, physically deliver your note to a postbox and wait days for your special someone to receive it. Their delight at your thoughtfulness will say it all. The receiver of your letter is going to get a burst of excitement and know how much you care. This, in turn, will make you feel good about yourself. The written word can cultivate romance, nurture a friendship, or simply keep loved ones connected whilst abroad. Texting and email are mostly reactionary; you need information, so you press send. Letter writing is more deliberate; you do it to give, not to receive. You write because there’s something you need to say, not something you need to know.

An enjoyable creation:

Handwriting stimulates creativity and encourages you to explore and express your individuality. It utilises the visual, motor and cognitive brain processes differently than when we recruit technology to help us out. Together these factors can make the sensory experience of writing just what you need to get those creative juices flowing, and providing an opportunity to stretch our writing muscles, try out new phrases and perfect the pitch of our written voice. It is an art created not only in the mind by choosing the words used, but also in the writing style, layout of pages, pen and paper used and the punctuation, doodles and decorations that adorn the paper. There is a saying which states that “the pen is mightier than the sword”. While it refers to the power the written word has, the implement you write with can also give your message more meaning. A handwritten letter possesses personal aesthetics that are unique to the writer. You can unleash your inner playfulness in varying degrees making it fun. The writer truly thinks about the message to be shared and how to lay it out and phrase it - every word counts.

Promotes mindfulness:

Aside from the residual satisfaction of knowing that your efforts have connected to someone special science has linked expressive writing to better mood, reduced stress and improved overall sense of well-being. Handwriting can create calmness and relieve anxiety. It can foster a more positive outlook on life. Telling your friends how much you appreciate them helps you count your blessings and notice some of the beauty in your life. By nature hand writing is more labour intensive, requiring us to slow down and connect the mind with the hand, one word at a time. It asks you to slow down and take care in the process – you can’t backspace anything, so you are required to put thought into what you write. It helps you pause long enough to say things that matter. Plus the rhythmic movement of pen-on-paper encourages clarity and peace.

f o s t s Arti

n o t g n i Cubl

MEET at the Unicorn 8pm Thursday 19th March

to get e all going n r a e w , n Cublingto Cublingto crafters in hibition of amazing s finished. d n a ts s ti us ar on ha nd ex icket seas re numero with a gra you are!! As there a display our work avilion once the cr now who P k to s r u g e o ig y th B . e .. e g y th to ded alread pefully in ve respon re... don’t be shy! talent ho a h o h w e sts those arti you out th Thanks to there are more of discuss w e along to m o c e s a But I kno le rested p else is inte If anyone ns and ideas! further pla



Generates concentration and self-reflection:

Because you are carefully considering what you are writing about, your mind is able to focus on the content. This means you are given time to think about your job, relationship, hobbies or whatever else you are jotting down. To write thoughtfully and coherently, we must focus on the present moment and contemplate the thoughts we are aiming to convey to the person on the receiving end of the letter. For the minutes you are writing, you live entirely in the present moment and in the thoughts you are putting on paper.

Creates lasting memories:

Long after they are written and sent, letters and postcards remain to be read, appreciated and preserved. Whether displayed on museum shelves honouring famous historical figures or saved in a scrapbook between two old friends, letters protect the memories of lives lived in a way that technological communication cannot. They are tangible, personal and real, in every sense of the word. Letters are a memorable way to touch the people you love. A thoughtful letter can be treasured for years. Fragile pieces of paper have been protected for generations because powerful words are worth reading again and again. The impact lasts far longer than any alternative version of communication, from the careful intentions of the sender to the value experienced by the receiver. What you commit to paper for others are more likely to stay stored in your own memory as well, allowing you both to reflect back and appreciate them again in the future. Letter writing speaks in a medium that can be cherished.

Honours tradition:

There is something sacred and romantic about communicating in the way generations before us did. It is one of history’s finest rituals which is rich in sentiment. It is how our parents communicated with Father Christmas, it is how grandparents kept their love alive during wartime, it is how immigrant families and friends separated by their respective moves shared written snapshots of their new lives. Computers and smartphones may prove more efficient, but they can never take the place of this kind of sentimental history.

February 2020 - draw 10 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize


£50 - Ben Rayner. £40 - Arthur Read. £30 - Gilly Jenkins. £20 - Matilda Mountfield.

This concludes the draws for this round 2019/20. The next draw is May and ticket sellers are out and about now. Please buy a ticket(s)to help fundraising or the new North field project. Funds raised for Orchard Ground last year were £1440.

ore m e h T e in.. r a o wh you e r o the m win! could


d Orchard Groun eds to All proce


100 Club draw results February 20


gs Pavi

T he Big

Congratulations to all last year’s winners. If you would like a ticket for the next round of ten draws starting in May please contact me direct at or call me on 01296 680483 Thanks. Your support is very much appreciated. Bob.

n o t g n i l b u C T he d r a o b r e d a Le

A HUGE THANK YOU to the 35 people who have so far raised over

£654 for Orchard Ground projects by simply clicking online. Please join in - it costs you absolutely nothing! 1st - Gwyneira Waters - £175. 2nd - Martyn Waters - £122. 3rd - Bob Paine - £82. 4th - Nicki Matthews - (Bob’s daughter in Amesbury!!) - £53 5th - Maggie Brandon - £37 A huge thanks to everyone else who is raising money for Orchard Ground we hope to see you on the leader board soon!!

It really is so easy to sign up... here’s how:1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you.

Please help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it really doesn’t cost you anything If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be happy to help.


Orchard Ground Latest news, highlights & general items of interest •The paviliuon has been entirely redecorated

•1 00 Club 2020/21 The next round of 10 draws starts again in May. If you would like to buy a ticket and support the developments at Orchard Ground and the new North Field, tickets are priced £12 for 10 draws with (last year) £140 in prizes every draw. This raises over £1500 for OG funds and has been a valuable source of funds from the beginning.

• Groundforce Day will be Saturday 4th April led by the Cricket, Tennis and Allotment Clubs, everyone is welcome along to help weed, sand, clean and keep the recreation ground and environs neat and tidy! •Weedkilling of the carpark will commence once drier(!) weather arrives.

• B ookings A wedding and the fete are both Saturday bookings clashing with cricket matches next summer. Cricket is trying to accomodate into future fixtures.

•W ireless broadband is being sourced for the Biggs Pavilion. It was felt this may enhance future booking potential. Costs for installing new telegraph poles to carry the cables is too high. Alternative solutions are still currently being sought including Satellite Broadband or trench and dig our own cables in!

•E vents planned for 2020 A Family Quiz will be run on Saturday 28th March. £10pp inc Fish & Chip supper. Get your teams of 6 together! See advert elsewhere. A Barn Dance is planned next summer to celebrate 30 years of Orchard Ground. Watch out for news.

• E asyfundraising has so far raised over £654.18 for Orchard Ground - We now have 35 participants (11 more than a year ago!) - villagers who buy goods online could raise money for Orchard Ground for doing nothing other than a couple of clicks. We appeal to you to help us boost our numbers. See below or please speak to Bob Paine for more information on how to set it up - or see posters in the Biggs Pavilion. •Y our OG Committee currently is: Colin Antosiewicz, Chairman; Liz Smith, Treasurer; Vanessa Verity, Secretary; Jason Taylor, Maintenance; Bob Paine, Bookings & Allotments; Michael Reilly, Cricket & Parish Council; Gary Brazier, Tennis & General; Martyn Waters, North Field; Pippa Cheetham North Field; Miranda Gregory, Events; Lucy Peck, General

New committee members always wanted. Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Minutes of AGM available on • D ate of next meeting: 11th March 2020 8pm The Unicorn

SHOWN LIVE IN THE UNICORN BAR Letters & articles for the Crier most welcome: email/send your entries to


New Year new you? Perhaps you made a New years resolution to excercise more? Then what better way than to join your local tennis club!

• LTA affiliated club •M any categories of membership -

Our Winter season is well under way. Yes, we do indeed play all year round! Teams are currently half way through the winter league. Two teams are currently top of their respective divisions. Why not join your local tennis club now at discounted rates? We offer all different levels of participation from league team tennis ( mens, ladies and mixed) to social sessions, from team coaching and general practice sessions to club tournaments. We really do offer something for everyone. Join your local tennis club at reasonable rates and get fit! Go on, you know you want to!

















• Coaching for all levels and abilities • 2 great all weather - free floodlit courts • This Winter 5 league teams in ADTL • Year round mixed singles ladder • Fun Club Tournaments


Gary 01296 688548 or 07713 723788

Need a plumber, a carpenter, a builder, a decorator or electrician? I hold a directory of tradesmen who have been recommended by someone using them in the village. You can pass on recommendations in confidence or even better if you are happy to show off their excellent handiwork to others or be called to provide a reference, please let me know that as well.

Contact Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639

Alexander's Bees, Cublington CUBLINGTON HONEY IS STILL AVAILABLE 12oz jar £4.00

(call at house, if we are in, or email me)

Lots of useful information Visit the website -

Help needed Café-Club Zest

We are always looking for people willing to either play a musicalNovember instrument or lead the sing-along at Café Club Zest once or twice a year. You will join our existing team of Keeping Active, Living Well! volunteers. Young people are also welcome to come gain experience waiting on tables. At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of fundamental If our so please contacthuman me forneeds. more information: This is why singing together sharing memories is good for Rev’dand Jacqueline Dove on 01296715242, our overall wellbeing

07775387271 or

BABYSITTING DIRECTORY all listed are 14+ Sam Burford - 681669

Alice Gadsby - 680452*

Hannah Alexander - 681104 Toby Walls - 682697*

Phoebe Walls - 682697 Annie Lovatt - 682812 Izzy Law - 688019 or 07896 894914 Harvey Mack - 682820 Emily Mack - 682820

We will be open on the first Saturday of each month from 2-4 pm. Café-Club Zest is dementia friendly. * School or Uni holidays only th

WHEN: 5 January 2019

TUTOR WHERE: UP St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch. TO GSCE

In January we will be sharing our memories of snow.

All are welcome!

Cublington-based tutor available to work Recommended donation: £1.50 with students up to GCSE level in the following subjects:

Maths • French • Latin Contact: Alice Gadsby, 07462 877268,

Café-Club Zest will also meet on the 2nd February 2019

The Biggs Pavilion - Rental Rates Village Residents and fully paid up members of Available for parties and special events Cublington clubs and organisations. £8 per hour Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £10 per hour Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £70 Non Villagers £100 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Find a date you want and contact Cublington residents £250 Outside of village £300 Bob Paine on 01296 680483 A refundable deposit of £25 is required at time of booking. Deposit will be returned if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. to book it! Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or





Rota runs from a Monday to a Sunday We have one or two new volunteers. If you would also like to volunteer to be added to the rota please do get in touch on 682 787 or God Bless, Roy

Could you please help? Call Roy to book your slot! week/commencing

06th April 13th April 20th April 27th April

Roy Shons Colin Justice Lucy & Peter Clunie Sandie & Mike Joy

04th May 11th May 18th May 25th May

Michele & Heime Packer Dennis & Jack Allen Abbie & Lee Stopher Barrie Sim

01st June 08th June 15th June 22nd June 29th June

Gary Brazier Tom & Harry gadsby Sophie & John Law Maggie & Chris Brandon Sarah & Jason Keane

06th July 13th July 20th July 27th July

Tim Taylor Martyn Gibby Jason & Vanessa Taylor Sue & Mike Bush

03rd Aug 10th Aug 17th Aug 24th Aug 31st Aug

David Bradbury Mike Alexander Caroline & Mike Lightfoot Sandie & Mike Joy Evelyn & Gerry Griffiths

07th Sept 14th Sept 21st Sept 28th Sept

Pippa & Mark Cheetham Kevin Shults Gary Brazier Vacant !! Can you help?

05th Oct 12th Oct

Vacant !! Can you help? Vacant !! Can you help?

Shed code number is 140 Thank you all so much for helping with the mowing.

29th March Biggs Pavilion, 10.30am - 12 noon

Coffee Morning & Craft Sale hosted by the Cublington Crafters

A range of craft from our talented craft group will be on sale, and funds raised will be used to support a small South African township ladies craft co-operative. There will be a raffle for Cancer Research

Church Rota March ALL SERVICES 9am unless stated otherwise.

1st Sundays ‘Breakfast and More’, at St Nicholas Church, 9am STARTS 2nd FEBRUARY

Join in with an informal and relaxing start to your Sunday. Breakfast (a vegetarian option will be included!) with a short video presentation from Nicky Gumbel (Alpha) and the opportunity to question and discuss and generally chat! Crafters can bring their knitting! Further details from Steve and Sarah George or Jane and Michael Alexander


A small £12 donation - covers a whole weeks lighting.

Main Contact Roy Shons


If so, you can contact Roy Shons on 682787 or or direct to The Crier with a dedication. Gift aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub porches this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you

Thank you so much to everyone for their cards, gifts, messages, visits and offers of help during my recent accident. I’m very grateful and touched by all the kindness which has kept me cheerful through an unpleasant experience. Sally Missen

The Cublington Wine Appreciation Society or The Cublington Winos! At our last meeting we decided to pitch Aldi against Waitrose on the basis that one is a budget supermarket and the other seen as a more upmarket establishment. That said, Aldi is building a reputation in its wine offerings We chose the same grape for each, about the same price and had a selection of 2 different reds and 2 different whites Well halfway through and having tried all the whites Waitrose was way out in front having counted each individuals choice So could Aldi catch up with the reds.... well it did and came out top of not just the reds but by putting all scores together Aldi won the day! We also tried some interesting nibbles including chocolate and smoked salmon plus the usual cheese and biscuits with a mid-time break with some wine trivia Bob and Liz are hosting the next one which sounds really interesting as they actually have someone coming along who knows something about wine, that will make a change! The next one is on Wednesday 8th April at Biggs Pavilion I strongly suggest you book your place as each meeting is nearly full. Email Cheers Jackie and Steve

dates for your diary PLEASE let us know of any event in the village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.


Tuesday 3rd - Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm TheVillage Hall

Tuesday 3rd - Fete Meeting8pm The Unicorn

Saturday 7th Jumble Sale 2pm The Biggs Pavilion.

Village Litterpick Sat 14th

9am The Biggs Pavilion. Bring gloves/bags

Thursday 19th - Cublington Artists meeting 8pm The Unicorn

Sunday 22nd - Mother’s Day Sat 29th Afternoon Tea & Craft Sale 3.30-5pm The Biggs Pavilion. Hosted by the Cublington Crafters

Sat 28th - Orchard Ground Quiz Night 7.30pm The Biggs Pavilion


Sat 4th - Orchard Ground Groundforce 9am The Biggs Pavilion

Wednesday 8th Cublington Winos The Biggs Pavilion Hosted by Bob & Liz

Friday 10th Good Friday Sunday 12th Easter Sunday


Sunday 7th Cublington Open Gardens Saturday 20th Cublington Village Fete From 1pm


Saturday 5th 16th Cublington Horticultural Show 8am The Biggs Pavilion

The Aston Abbotts & Cublington Ladies Club

The club meets at the Village Hall in Aston Abbott’s on the third Thursday of every month at 2.30pm. We are a jolly group and enjoy talks on a variety of things interspersed with quizzes, bring and buys, garden parties, outings and more. Our afternoons end with tea and cakes and a raffle. Please come along and see if you like us. If you are thinking of possibly joining the club you would be most welcome to join us but please let me know for catering purposes. ( My telephone number is 01296707833) I look forward to hearing from you.

April Gilbert.

LADIES CLUB PROGRAMME - all meetings 2.30pm


19th March. 16th April. 21st May. 18th June. 16th July. Summer break 17th September. 15th October. 19th November. 10th December.

Spring Lunch Windmill Vets - Life as a vet Launton Hand Bell Ringers Outing Garden Party

The membership fee is £15 payable every September. We would welcome visitors, should you not wish to commit to joining the club but you like the sound of a particular event, and the charge would be just £2 to cover tea and a raffle ticket.

Willen Hospice - Peta Wilkinson AGM TBA Christmas Carols and afternoon tea at Aston Abbott’s.

Brisk Walkers exonerated! Dear Editor I think we may have solved the mystery

of the naked people down by the stream in a recent Crier. I have the latest Chronicle from Aston in which is a piece entitled Naturist Walk around Aston Abbotts, together with a photo of half a dozen naked ramblers. It says it took place on Sept. 20th around 12-30 to 5-30. The event was organised by British Naturism Eastern Region in association with the Milton Keynes Naturist Meet & Greet Group and Naturist Ramblers (England and Wales). The walk was described as mainly flat with some low level hills passing through grassland, agricultural fields and open countryside. The circular route follows a network of public footpaths through part of the Vale of Aylesbury before heading back to the starting point across more open countryside. Chris Brandon





16th Cublington Horticultural Show 2020 Saturday 5th September

The Biggs Pavilion at 8am - entries close 9.30am. Open for viewing 11am.

March Birthdays

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children please let us know, Gary & Gill

Olivia Lea is 10 on 10th March

Please note. Once Children reach 16 we don’t publish their names or birthdays anymore.

1.What did you want to be when you grew up? A soldier but soon discovered that following orders was not one of my strong points. 2. What was your first job? Cooking for 75 children in a Swiss hotel, working for a cockney chef whom I had nothing in common with and didn’t understand his rhyming slang. 3. Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? (You can have more than one!) My Mum - miss her and would love to have the chance to really talk to her when she was fit and well. William Shakespeare, so many everyday quotes can be attributed to him. Was his writing really littered with hidden depth or did he just write a good tale? 4. What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? I really can’t think of an era that matches the comforts of the 21st century, but as a peregrini (born free) during the Ancient Roman Empire, life would have been interesting if not a bit decadent. Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? I have always been a rolling stone and already nearing the record number of years in the same village, next stop has to be near water and a good golf course. 6. What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Once the biscuits are open……. 7. What is your favourite book and why? Lord of The Rings – it was sheer escapism for a young mind and I loved Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follet- Big fan of historical fiction. 8. What is your favourite song and why? That question has to be mood based. Mendelssohn’s Violin concerto in E minor, and Chopin’s Fantaisie Impromptu are right up there and I love the words from Supertramps Downstream (it would have been our first dance song at our wedding if I had remembered the record!) 9. What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? Don’t think there is enough editorial space for my answer so let’s just go for litter, bad manners, selfishness and using amount instead of number! 10. What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? BASIC (Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) coding and game creating - kept me sane during the long days at sea whilst working in the Merchant Navy. 11. How long have you lived in Cublington? About 7 ½ years.

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR VILLAGE’S HISTORY? The fascinating pictorial history of the village is currently in stock

"Cublington in Pictures Old and New" .

Priced just £15 -

(£10 from every sale goes to the upkeep of St Nicholas Church)

Contact for your very own copy.

So far £190 has been donated to the church from sales.

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The Village Lunch - origins Some 16 years ago walking along Reads Lane, having shared a bottle of wine or two with Biddy Lagus at a harvest supper planning meeting, Diane Eadie and I had a conversation that went something like this... “Blow, the battery has gone on my torch, can you see where you’re going?” “No, but I think we can feel our way. Just go slow” “A successful evening, I think, did we manage to sort the harvest supper?” “Yes I think we did. Chicken casseroles, baked potatoes, peas and French bread, followed by Cublington apple pies and custard.” “Ow! What was that? Something just caught my head.” “You ok?” “ Yes absolutely fine. I think we should do a lunch at Christmas time, and lunch a couple of other times in the year. Harvest supper is well attended by those that come to church andothers that they invite. It is an opportunity to get together with people we don’t know so well.” “ Really? Harvest supper relies on volunteers to cook, set up, clear up, sell tickets etc. Do you think we could persuade people to do it more often?” “Absolutely, and we shouldn’t charge anything, just have a voluntary donation box” “ That bang on the head just now has clearly affected you! No charge for providing a meal? Ask people to make dishes free of charge more than once a year? “ “Yes. We can call it the Parish lunch and anyone in the parish of St Nicholas church is invited to come along” “ Actually we had quarterly Parish lunches at our old church and we didn’t pay. I never considered how it was funded. I was always a washer up but didn’t get involved in the food prep. They were always well attended and a great community get together” “Well that’s settled then. Let’s plan one for December. It will be something to look forward to.” “ Ok , we can give it a go, but let’s make sure we get people along to the harvest supper first. Now we’ve reached Stewkley road can you see the rest of the way ok?” “ I think so. Good night” So after further talking and planning, that was how we came to have village lunches. That years Harvest Supper was the last time we had a sit down meal in the village hall. The heater had a large metal fire guard that we balanced plates on while we dished up food! We had a good evening but looking back we probably broke many health and safety rules!! The first Christmas lunch was a success and the following year we did a lunch during February half term and had a barbecue in July just before the schools broke up for the summer holidays. Each of these was held at the Biggs Pavilion on Orchard Ground. We had a harvest ‘soup supper’ in the church which continues today. In the early years the Parish lunches were well attended by those that came to church regularly, sometimes bringing other family members. In the last five years we have seen numbers grow and have changed the name to ‘Village’ lunch. The vision was that the church would provide a meal for villagers to share together. Just recently someone said they thought the village lunch was just for the people that went to church. If you’ve read this article you will now know it’s for everybody. The events are advertised in the Crier and all are welcome. We just ask that you book your place so that we can cater sufficiently each time. Sadly Di died early in 2006 and only managed that first Christmas lunch in December 2005. I know she would be pleased that her idea continues to this day.

The Crier funds village projects through advertising revenue. So, do you know of anyone who might like to advertise in the Crier? Any local businesses? Please let us know so we can continue to help fund village projects and institutions... such as the printing of the book 'Cublington in Pictures Old and New', The Rememberance Commemorative Insert, The Old Village History insert, the refurbished Biggs pavilion kitchen, the village fete and the like. Contact Gary or Gill on 688548 for a media pack or see rates on inside of front cover.





16th Cublington Horticultural Show 2020 Hopefully we will have left all storms and record rainfall behind so that we can look forward to spring and plan for our entries to the 16th Cublington Horticultural Show. Below is a list of this year’s growing categories, so you can plan what magnificent produce you will be planting, a full list will be in April’s Crier.

Vegetable Categories Flower Categories

Three Carrots – long or intermediate Best Single Rose Three Carrots – short or stump rooted Best Flower Arrangement Three White potatoes Vase of Dahlias Three Coloured Potatoes Tallest Sunflower (measured in-situ) Six Runner Beans Six of any other Climbing Bean (e.g. French) Fruit Categories 5 Tomatoes on the vine 10 autumn raspberries Five tomatoes Three Culinary Apples Three Beetroot Three Dessert Apples Three courgettes Three pears Three Onions Nine Shallots Three Parsnips Two of any other single variety of vegetable not already listed Vegetable tray Salad Collection –basket of 4 kinds of Salad items 5 Chillis Heaviest Marrow Heaviest Pumpkin Longest Runner bean Longest Parsnip Most oddly shaped vegetable

This fun event, has over the years, has raised thousands of pounds, needed to maintain our lovely church building. Money has been raised by families and local businesses sponsoring a category. If you would like to sponsor, or know someone who may (we advertise the names in the Crier and on the website) please do contact Sandie Joy on 01296 682446 or Gill Brazier on 01296 688548. Thanks to The Unicorn who have donated a meal for 2 for the Growers Cup winner and to all sponsors so far.

Sunday 22nd March 2020


Your council is changing

On 1 April your council will change. The new Buckinghamshire Council will replace all five of the district and county councils in Buckinghamshire, and over the coming weeks and months you’ll start to see some changes as you come across the new look council. What does the new council mean for me? • Th e same services, better together. For most people there will be no change to the day-to-day services you use. This includes bin collections, looking after our elderly and young people, libraries and parking. The focus for the future will be on improving these services as a new council together. • O ne council. Getting in touch with the council will be simpler because you’ll only need to contact one council for all the services currently provided by the county and district councils. •F ace-to-face advice, support and information from your council through a network of 17 local Council Access Points based at the heart of your local community – in current council offices and libraries across the county. The five council offices in Aylesbury (Walton Street and The Gateway), High Wycombe, Amersham and Denham will be ‘access plus’ points, geared up to handle more complex enquiries. • S tronger links with local communities. Buckinghamshire Council councillors will work closely with local people and community organisations to understand and respond to the key issues affecting their local area through 16 Community Boards. Who will be my local councillor on the new council? There will be 147 councillors elected to Buckinghamshire Council. Elections for the new council will take place on 7 May 2020. Until these newly elected councillors take up their posts, your current elected members from the five existing councils will continue to serve your communities. How can I find out more? For regular news and updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook @BucksCouncil or find out more on our website at

The 60s and 70s was such a romantic era before digital technology and when love letters were still written. The delivery of post was very important and exciting! ‘Please Mr Postman’ was the debut single for Motown’s The Marvelettes in 1961, notable as the first Motown song to reach the No.1 position on the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart. Later it was covered by The Carpenters, and in the UK by The Beatles.

‘Please Mr. Postman’, by The Marvelettes Wait Mister Postman Oh yeah (Is there a letter in your bag for me) Please, Please Mister Postman (Why's it been a very long time) Oh yeah (Since I heard from this boyfriend of mine) There must be some word today From my boyfriend so far away Please Mister Postman, look and see Is there a letter, a letter for me I've been standin' here waitin' Mister Postman So patiently, for just a card, or just a letter Sayin' he's returnin' home to me Please Mister Postman (Mister Postman, look and see) Oh yeah (Is there a letter in your bag for me?) Please Please Mister Postman (Why's it been a very long time) Oh yeah (Since I heard from this boyfriend of mine) So many days you passed me by You saw the tears standin' in my eye You wouldn't stop to make me feel better By leavin' me a card or a letter Please Mister Postman look and see (Postman postman) Is there a letter oh yeah in your bag for me? (Postman postman) You know its been so long (Postman postman) Yes since I heard from this boyfriend of mine (Postman postman) You better wait a minute, wait a minute Oh you better wait a minute Please please Mister Postman (Wait a minute Mister Postman) Please check and see just one more time for me You better wait, wait a minute Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute Please Mister Postman Deliver de letter the sooner de better Wait a minute, wait a minute Wait a minute, please Mister Postman Wait a minute, wait a minute oh oh

'What's On' in Bucks Website Please feel free to upload any of your events free of charge on the ‘What’s On’ website:


June Barrowclough

You can login via a Face book or Twitter account on the right hand column.... this will enable you to go back in and amend or change details to the events you have uploaded..... alternatively you can upload an event without logging in.

Trees for the North Field The North field project is close to becoming a reality. Pippa Cheetham and Martyn Waters are leading the efforts to bring this about, including getting planning permission for change of use so that the village can make the most of the Biggs family’s bequest. Trees feature hugely as part of the plans with an orchard, specimen trees and creation of a lovely wood. We have all heard of the need for carbon off-setting for the damage done to the environment by our daily lives and planting trees plays a key role in this. There are many ways in which villagers could support this. In our own garden we find hazel saplings from nuts planted every autumn by squirrels. They clearly have memory issues as they never seem to return to collect them, but as a bonus we have several saplings in pots waiting to go in the ground when the tree planting begins. We have heard of others who have oak, beech or hazel saplings in their gardens. Any of the above would be brilliant, with the aim being to plant a wood full of native English species, including hornbeam and horse chestnut, maple and birch. You might wish to sponsor a more mature tree. For £150-£200 you could sponsor a ‘feature’ tree which could be ten years old or more, perhaps as a memorial tree for a loved one. There will also be a requirement for a fund to maintain the trees once they are planted so donations towards that would also be very welcome. A village clean-up day is planned for 14th when willing volunteers will again patrol the lanes around the village and pick up the unfeasible amount of litter that people discard from their cars. Then there is Orchard Ground Force day on April 4th. A chance to tidy up Orchard Ground and prepare for the summer season. Led by the cricket, tennis and allotment clubs, there is always plenty to do. For those who can help with that there will then be a walk the boundaries of the North Field and a chance to discuss the plans. A wood can be a magical environment whether in the spring when the bluebells are flowering their hearts out, or when providing a shady haven on a warm summer’s day, as a place to kick fallen leaves and pick mushrooms in the autumn or for the structural beauty of a bare tree in the winter. For more information, to donate or to sponsor a tree please contact Martyn Waters on

Please help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it really doesn’t cost you anything

It really is so easy to sign up... here’s how:1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you. If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be happy to help.


Oh what a circus oh what a show! From Our Man in the Cheap Seats The joy of an amateur production. Many famous actors are known to say that the intimacy of a small theatre has a special feel to it. The sharing of a story is intrinsic amongst humans, no more so than that which is to be found at the Cublington pantomime. Puss in Boots and the Elusive Cat Burglar was such a story. I don’t claim to understand everything that happened, but as it came from the minds of Gerry Griffiths (the perennial policeman) and Martyn Walters that is not only excusable but also commendable. The story evolved including many great songs accompanied by the mellow tones of Evelyn on the keyboard. Steve’s rendition of “Big Spender” with Jane and Martin’s “We’re a Couple of Swells” along with the sound effects are both memorable. The make up and costumes were up to the usual high standards as were the props and scenery. Steve Markwell (Mum) and Jaime Packer (Pepe’), performed a synchronised cooking routine which had the audience on the edge of their seats and obviously had worked very hard to perfect this. Chris Brandon ( Dippy Dick) was fantastic and almost unrecognisable (he will be pleased to know). I lost my heart to Diane Grace (Amenia) as I did to Toyah Wilcox in the early 80’s. Vanessa Taylor (Puss in Boots) carried and guided the audience as they sang out “What’s new Pussycat Wo-a-o-ao-a”. The enunciation and clarity of the telephone conversation between Penny Allen (Miss Heard) and Jackie Farrands (Miss Dials and Prissy the cat) did nothing more than confuse my understanding of the plot. Linda justice (Manager and cat burglar) performed her solo with great distinction and also managed to intimidate her husband Colin (the heckler) at the same time as he sat in the front row. Holly Justice’s (Julian) camp portrayal of a road worker who looked like he had stepped out of a boy band was spot on. Jane Alexander (Min) carried a humorous and rather muddled romantic attraction that was completely wasted on poor Martyn Waters (Henry). It would be unfair to spotlight any special acting prowess, but equally unfair not to admire the thespian skills of Sue Brown (Cleaning Lady and Sandy) and Jaime for his outstanding portrayal of Pepe. Sue stood in at short notice for poor Sally Missen who literally “ Broke a Leg” after an evening rehearsal, but still managed to not be last arriving for the post pantomime drink at the Unicorn. The work put in by all the backstage folk cannot be overstated. It was a super evening. And as the roar of the greasepaint and the smell of the crowd fades, I hear that next years script is already underway. I’m sure that will be another box of delights that shouldn’t be missed.

Just Dennis.

March in the garden

Spring is on her way! Early-flowering bulbs are starting to fill the beds and borders; leaves are unfurling and insects are waking up. It’s time to enjoy the first warmth of the sun on your back - but beware the night time frosts! See Frost in the Garden Preparation is key this month. Prepare beds for sowing; organise the greenhouse; buy in new seed compost (see how make your own) and order seeds if not done so already.



Good soil structure is the key to growing healthy vigorous plants. If your soil is still wet from winter rains, avoid walking or standing on it until it's had a chance to dry out. Use planks to spread your weight.

Use this month to pre-warm soils with a cloche or sheet of plastic for a week or two before sowing or planting.

Spread compost, well-rotted manure or other soilimprovers. Organic material in the soil will stimulate the billions of micro-organisms that maintain health and fertility. If you know you have a patch which won't be cultivated until later in the summer, sow a green manure to benefit the soil. Fenugreek or Phacelia tanacetifolia will germinate this month. The former gives the soil a quick fertility boost, the latter will provide beautiful blue flowers loved by pollinators. See Green Manures to understand how they work. The Organic Gardening Catalogue has a wide range of green manure seeds, suitable for every soil type and situation. Give your compost heap a 'spring turn' to aerate and stimulate the contents. See Home Composting March is also a good month to empty out any ready compost. Store in bags ready for use around the garden where needed. If you have a worm bin, it can be put outside at the end of the month.

'Top dress' overwintered crops, such as autumnplanted onions and cabbage, with some rich garden compost, or well-rotted manure. This will give them a boost for spring growth. Don't forget to plan a crop rotation for your fruit and veg. This helps prevent disease and makes best use of the soil's nutrition. If you have had rye growing as a green manure over winter, It is important not to follow it with a directsown, small-seeded crop, such as carrots or parsnips. The decomposing rye foliage can temporarily inhibit germination. Wait 2 or 3 weeks after digging the rye in, then sow. Dig up any potato plants from tubers left in the ground from last year, they could be carrying the potato blight fungus. They can be composted, but smash them well first. Bury stems and stumps of overwintered brassicas in the compost heap as soon as they have finished cropping. This will help reduce the population of mealy aphids and whitefly which otherwise would simply move on to your spring planted crops.

FRUIT Without bees there would be no fruit, so it pays to make your organic garden beefriendly. In sunny spots, sow clumps of bee-attractant flowering plants. There are lots of annuals you can sow now including borage, Californian poppy, bronze fennel, and poached egg plant. The latter is useful sown around fruit bushes to attract aphid-eating predators. They will control currant aphids, the cause of red currant blister leaf damage (shown). As the soil warms up, apply mulches around/under established trees and fruit bushes. First remove existing weeds, then hoe carefully (avoiding roots) to expose pests to birds. (This is particularly useful to get rid of the gooseberry sawfly cocoons. Sawfly will eat and eventually defoliate the bushes.) Wait a few days, then mulch with well rotted manure, garden compost or straw and hay (up to 10cm deep).

FLOWERS Hard-prune roses and clear away lingering dead leaves to clear away remaining black-spot spores. Give established roses, herbaceous plants, climbers and bulbs a spring feed with garden compost. If you only have farm manure, make sure it’s well-composted, use at half the rate of garden compost, and keep away from plant stems. Fork in lightly, or just leave on the soil surface and let soil creatures take it down. Whatever you plant this month, tree, shrub, or perennial, don’t over-feed. A couple of handfuls of garden compost in the planting hole is enough, plus a light mulch around the newly-planted. Hoe weeds on sight, especially annual weeds before they can seed. If a frost is forecast, be sure to protect any tender plants. See Frost in the Garden

KEEPING THE GARDEN HEALTHY Aphids of all sorts will be on the increase this month. Before summer predators such as ladybirds and wasps are ready to eat them, use hand picking/squishing to control an infestation build-up, rather than resort to toxic sprays. Flowers in all parts of the garden will attract beneficial

predators, such as hoverflies, and thus avoid the need for harmful pesticide sprays. The poached-egg flower, Limnanthes douglasii (pictured) will provide an early feast. The sooner you fill your garden with the pesteaters, the sooner you'll get the pests under control. Insects to encourage are ladybirds (will eat aphids), beetles (will eat slugs) and wasps, which will devour hundreds of grubs and flies in the course of a summer. A healthy garden is filled with a huge range of wildlife, ugly and beautiful, a balance that keeps the garden flourishing. Cut out any branches showing signs of coral spot and clear away dead plant tissue where this disease can take hold. Dieback appearing on woody plants after the cold season should also be cut out, down to healthy growth. Put out slug traps (pictured) a week or two before making new sowings and plantings and check them regularly - especially in damp weather - to keep topped up with bait such as beer or formulated bait. Make sure your greenhouse is clean and washed down. Hang sticky traps to catch flying pests such as whitefly and sciarid fly. Temperatures are too still too low for biological control, so traps will keep pest levels down until predators can be introduced. Squash or rub off aphid colonies as they arrive.

LAWNS Feed your organic lawn if it grew poorly last year. Try the Chase lawn fertiliser - Spring treatment from The Organic Gardening Catalogue. It has N; 9%, P; 3%, K: 3% and is an ideal organic spring feed for your lawn. Alternatively, scatter sieved garden compost over the lawn, and brush or rake in. A patch of unmown long grass adds to the bio-diversity in your organic garden. Butterflies, for instance, like to lay eggs in flowering grasses. Feed any hedges with a garden compost, or wellrotted manure mulch.

PONDS Carefully remove any decaying plant debris. Frogs will arrive soon to breed. Make sure they have plants nearby to shelter in.

A taste of Midnight Walk for littler legs this March

Now younger walkers can get a flavour of one of Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity’s most popular fundraising events with the introduction of a brand new event – the Mini Night Walk. The Charity are asking Walkers of all ages and abilities to join them on Saturday 7th March as they brighten the streets of Aylesbury with flashing bunny ears and day-glo outfits on a short one mile walk through the town as the moon rises. “Our Midnight Walk is such a wonderful event with an amazing atmosphere, as Walkers tackle the miles through the night and remember loved ones together. But we can only allow Walkers over 11 years old at the event.” says Vicky Harman, Events Manager at the Charity. “Our Midnight Walkers have often asked if their younger children can get involved so we have added this new Mini Night Walk to our events calendar so that the whole family can get a taste of the magic of the Midnight Walk at more family-friendly time and distance.” The circular one mile walk will take place after sunset on Saturday 7th March, starting and finishing at Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity at Walton Lodge, Walton Street, HP21 7TA. All Mini Night Walkers will receive a Finisher’s Certificate, plus all children will also receive a free pair of flashing bunny ears to help light up the streets. For more information and to sign up, visit or call 01296 429975

TAKING THE STRAIN OUT OF HOUSEWORK Spring cleaning maybe on our minds but housework can put a huge strain on our backs. Follow these tips on how to look after your back safely and avoid unnecessary injury. Vacuuming - keep the vacuum cleaner close to your body, avoid reaching excessively forward, causing your back to bend. If you need to reach further forward, bend your knees not your spine. If you suffer from back pain, vacuum a little at a time and take regular breaks. Cleaning the bath - use a long-handled mop or stand in the bath to clean the opposite side. Do not lean across the bath – this puts significant stress on your spine. Use a spray cleaner to save you reaching and scrubbing and let the detergent do the work! Ironing – adjust the height of the board so that it is about 15cm (6 inches) below the elbows. Spread your feet apart and place them slightly in a lateral (side) lunge position. Then begin ironing by transferring your weight from one leg to another. Laundry - reach down to pick up a basket by bending your hips and knees, not your waist. To lift the basket, use your legs. Hold and carry the basket close to you at all times. Removing low items - when reaching for an object under the counter, do not lean forward and bend at the waist - instead, bend your hips and knees, while keeping your back straight. Cleaning high items – when you ae cleaning high up, use a step stool. Keep your feet flat, and your neck and back straight. Sweeping - make sure your legs are doing the work instead of your back. Place your legs in a stepping position (forward lunge) and transfer your weight from one leg to another while keeping your back straight. Remember to think about your posture and take regular breaks – this should take the ache and strain out of your housework. Tips by the Chartered Physiotherapists at St Judes Clinic. St Judes Clinic 26 Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX 01525 377751

Cublington Cricket Club

New players wanted (All age groups)

Groundstaff also wanted

Established 1863

Mens & Ladies Come and join us at indoor nets

We have booked Waddesdon School sports hall for the following net sessions for seniors and all juniors who aspire to play senior cricket in 2020: Thursday 27 February Thursday 05 March Thursday 12 March Thursday 19 March Thursday 26 March Thursday 02 April All sessions are from 7pm until 8.30pm. Groundforce Day Saturday 04 April 9am.

For more information about playing or to help manage the ground please contact: Michael on 07876 593434

Member of the Four Counties Cricket League

Session types Personal training

Book your free 30 minute starter session today

Flexibility + Mobility training Golf Performance training

Session rates

Individual rates - £40pp/ph Couple/Friend rates - £30pp/ph Group rates - £20pp/ph (5 person max)





07842 063624 01296 296359

At the Biggs Pavilion or in your own home



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WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Rated GOOD by Ofsted Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional We operate from our own purpose built, state of care the art setting, Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School offers care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2one -5 main year olds. We operate from care our purpose built, with large room and spacious, enclosed, outdoor area, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious adjoining Wingrave C of E Combined School. Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed tosetting, each child. We operate from our own purpose state of the art with one large main We operate from our ownWingrave purpose built, of the art setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. room andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. with large room spacious, enclosed, Weone take main new children atisany pointand in the school year, call or come and see usarea, for Children’s learning promoted infora2-5 friendly and funoutdoor atmosphere. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care yearjust olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Session Times:

Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aa friendly and atmosphere. Morning daily, 9am – 12pm or 1pm Children’s learning issessions: promoted in friendly and fun Session Times:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

Afternoon sessions: daily,9am 12pm – 3pm Morning sessions: daily, – noon

Qualified staff – key worker appointed to each child. Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Childcare tokenslunch andsession: Government-funded voucher. Packed daily, noon – 1pm We take new children athours any funding point inaccepted. year, Qualified staff –staff key person appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker appointed tothe each child. 2yo and 15/30 just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for

. BREAKFAST 30 hours fundingCLUB! accepted. more information! Session Times: For all children from Wingrave Pre-School and Wingrave CofE School. Drop off and pickSession up from Times: Wingrave CofE School. Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon(term time) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sessiondaily, Times: MorningWednesday, sessions: 9am –Friday 12pm 8am-9am £5 Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon – 3pm Lunch club: daily, 12pm – 1pm or 1pm – 3pm Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Pop in for a session: visit or daily, give us a–or call! Packed lunch noon 1pm

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell –Stephanie Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 Contact: Edwards For children aged 2-7 years Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: 01296 682217, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, After school club runWednesday, by Simply outThursday of school. 3pm-6pm £15 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL EMMA ON:01656 372910 Or email Pop in for a visit or give us a call! .

Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

01525 385250 07774 567472

Phasels, 11 Woodman Close Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3NU Beds LU7 9HH

Bug-A-Off Pest Control

The whole family H ARL EQUI N P R E Sat S is welcome Lithographic and Digital Printing Cublington BookletsClub! Leaflets Cricket

L t d

Any pest related problem…SOLVED

Letterheads Brochures Business Cards Magazines Compliment Slips Newsletters Delivery Notes Note pads Directories Order of Service Contact us via Personal Stationery Draw Tickets Event Tickets Postcards or on Invitations Programmes Invoice Books/Sets Timetables

01296 682367

Friendly Service, Free Advice

Oftec registered and Insured

30 years in print

Tel: 01908 506722

12 Bacon House Farm • Little Horwood • Milton Keynes • MK17 0PS •

- Immediate response - All pests considered - All methods used including live removal - Price on Application Contact Nigel Bliss Telephone: 01525 240619 Mobile: 07767864698

Need help with your PC? Fully qualified, locally based business is here to help with all your home and small business PC requirements, however trivial or complex.

● ● ●

FREE local callout and diagnosis

Why spend hours or even days trying to fix a problem when a fast and reliable expert service is literally around the corner?

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Support for Macs & PCs Laptops, Desktops & Tablets New Supply & Installation Windows & OS X Upgrades Hardware Repairs Internet Security & Antivirus Backup Solutions Data Recovery Wireless Setups, Networking Software Rebuilds On-site & Remote Support

Satisfaction or your money back

A personal, professional service with a smile and at very reasonable rates. (Qualifications and ID provided on request)

Landline: 01296 711891 Email:

Training Web Design & Hosting

Server Support & Maintenance



• MOTs



Cublington Oil Syndicate

Hand painted height charts...

Get involved and save yourself some money! Main Contacts : Simon & Vanessa Morgan or

NeedTotal your ad designing? Butler – 01442 231 603

Portable - no more writing on the wall. Take it with you when you move house.

Watson Oil – 01604 880 191 Conquest Oil – 01525 402 073

Give acan call. Below are textGary boxes that be copied and pasted, hope this is okay. I've included two sizes – use whichever01296 fits better. 688548 Personalised to suit. Invoice to:


C.Dowell 67 Leighton Road • The most modern, up-to-date equipment Wing Bedsowner operator • Local LU7 0NNwork CUBBER’S 90% of my is • Simply the best cleaning you can get

Online: GM Brazier T: 01442 862073 Sort: 11-91-00 Acc No: 02529694

Thank you!

Several designs available.


01296 688548 07713 723788

18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW

or repeat


18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW

by recommendation



• Upholstery and carpets left only damp when cleaned - not wet

Gary Brazier Designs anything and everything

• 100% safeGet chemicals The Whole

Job Done. workmen… I can do the lot (and • FREE SURVEY & QUOTE juggle too!) no stickyNo after feel more juggling

01525 851811

Electrical, Plumbing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Floors, Doors, Shelves, Tiling, Fitted wardrobes, DEEP-CLEAN Maintenance, Small Building Work. Anything considered. Free Estimates a member of PROCLEAN Chris Dowell (01296) 681109

The Professional Cleaners Organisation Friendly and Professional service.

Get The Whole Job Done. Fam

i est ly Fir . 19 m 74

No more juggling workmen… to save I can doTwo the schemes lot (and juggle too!) The Customer’s Champion


07713 723788

you significant sums off your Heating Oil costs Electrical, Plumbing, Kitchens, Efficient personal service

Bathrooms, Floors, Doors, Shelves, Contact: Geoff Stephens Tiling, Fitted wardrobes, Maintenance, Tel: 01438 714693 Small Building Work. E:

Much more than just Heating Oil

Anything considered. Just ask for a free estimate call


f i nes t

Organically Produced

p o r k s a u s a g es Sausages

100% Cublington Pork + Flavourings

(Premium Pork, Pork & Apple, Pork & Leek, Hot & Spicy, gluten-free) freshly frozen, succulent sausages from Cornish Black pigs raised in Cublington right on your doorstep!

Pork Joints a selection of shoulders, legs, chops and belly To place your order please email me at Your local Pig whisperer! Tim George Old Stables Farm


NEW - LaserPet Therapy your pets Monthly Healthfor Plan Monthly Health Plan & & Extensive Online Store SpecialPet Offers, Discounts Extensive Online Store

�n�epen�ent Lo�al Pra���e Independent Local Pracce Caring for Companion Animals

Caring for Companion Animals

Winslow (01296) 715660 Buckingham (01280) 822001 Winslow (01296) 715660 Buckingham (01280) 822001

Golf Coaching at Aylesbury Vale Golf Club

Classical LPs Wanted Excellent prices paid for Classical LPs from the 50’s and 60’s on the following record labels: DECCA (SXL / LXT ) HMV (ASD / ALP / BLP / CLP / DLP) COLUMBIA (SAX / 33CX) RCA (SB / LDS) CAPITOL (SP / P / CTL) PHILIPS (SABL / SAL) To sell your collection please contact: Dave Parsons tel: 01296682300 / Mobile: 07770470996

Golf Coaching is available for adults and juniors all year round. Whatever you need whether it is 1-to-1 or group sessions on all areas of the game which include: Long Game, Approach Shots, Pitching, Chipping, Bunker Play, Putting and on Course Management. Ring or email PGA Professional Russell Phillips now on

07843 692948


Electrician & Domestic Appliance Engineer.

For all your Domestic Electrical Needs: Full & Part Re-Wires. Maintenance & Repairs. Sockets & Lighting. Inspection & Testing. Consumer Units. Showers. Part P & BS7671 17th Edition compliant. ÂŁ2 Million Public Liability Insurance. All makes of Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Tumble Dryer, Electric Oven & Hob serviced and repaired. Tel: 07741252450 or 01296 688309 Email:

D design R R

Construction advice Planning Applications Building Regulations Applications Party Wall matters Project Supervision

David Rowe Dip Surv MCIOB

Architectural & Technical Design Services Contact - 07867 977 575





Why not advertise your business in the Cublington Crier?


Preferential rates for Cublington villagers. tel (01296) 720066 fax (01296) 720917. Contact: local collection and delivery service available All major credit cards accepted for more details and a media pack

Shellac manicure or pedicure The Gel Bottle Inc manicure or pedicure Vinylux manicure or pedicure Nail art (per nail from)

£25.00 £25.00 £20.00 £1.00

Over 150 colours and hundreds of nail designs available. Professional studio in a beautiful and tranquil village setting in Aston Abbotts. 07857 667474

Fully insured and vetted, first aid trained Services offered include: Group walks @ £8.00 per dog per hour Solo walks @ £10.00 per hour Puppy sitting @ £10.00 per hour Call 07305251053 for a chat or to book a slot Mailto:

Martina collects my ironing every Tuesday and returns it on Thursday. Great job, never had any problems. Martina is always reliable, accommodating and cheerful. When my washing machine broke Martina took all the laundry and ironing, a great service, I can not recommend her highly enough. Debbie (Cublington resident)

A peaceful Country Retreat for your cat in spacious heated farm accommodation. Gillian Alexander - Proprietor Inspections welcome South Tinkers Hole Farm • Cublington Road • Wing • Leighton Buzzard • Beds • LU70LB Telephone: Aylesbury (01296) 681104 email:


wide x 136.5mm deep

Gary designs... literally anything -

We run all levels offrom first aid training logos to ads to GB including FIRST AID AT WORK

 Sports Physiotherapy  Acupuncture  Hands on Therapy  Pre and Post op Rehab T: 01442 862073and Yoga Classes  Pilates  Equine Physio

print.for & PAEDIATRIC digital FIRSTto AID businesses, organisations and creative. Traditional individuals. Contact us to arrange a course tailored to your needs.

07713 723788

High Quality Workplace & Cublington Public First Aid Training z

Oil Syndicate

provided by highly experienced, frontline emergency service professionals

Get involved and save yourself some money! For more information please contact Mark Main Contacts : Simon & Vanessa Morgan Cheetham 07951 017646 / 01296 681258 or

Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton Buzzard LU70LB

Total Butler - – 01442 231 603 Watson Oil – 01604 880 191 Email: – 01525 402 073 BelowConquest are text Oil boxes that can be copied and pasted, h

Call: 07811238163,


whichever fits better. Invoice to:

Laptop & Computer

C.Dowell Printer, Setup, Repairs, Data Recovery, 67 Leighton RoadNetwork, Virus Infection, Internet, Wireless, Wing Home/Office-computer problems,

Lakeside Coarse Fishery CUBBER’S finest Lakeside Farm, Wing Road, Cublington, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 0LF Organically Produced

Tel: 01296 682201

pork sausages

7 Beds day Service from £40, No Fix No Fee, LU7 Qualified 0NN CUBBER’S and Experienced. Your local IT support. We Come to You

Thank you! 01296 326488 • 07925 338435


Can YOU Escape the Room? The Secret Hut 1940’S WAR TORN ENGLAND Can you help end the war by solving puzzles using clues and escape in 60 minutes?

The Rock NO ONE ESCAPES THE ROCK Wrongly imprisoned, tired and scared. Can you escape The Rock in 60 minutes?

Don’t Get Locked In


Cublington Crier CHE




IEWS Advertise ON Book online at: the Crier!

Preferential rates for villagers.


Acorn Farm Business Centre, Wing, 0333 303 1312 dontgetlockedin

Contact us for a media Leighton Buzzard, LU7pack 0LB, T: E:



• Locally based • Free estimates

0845 22 50 495


07831 879680

By the 50plus for people of all ages • Championing the older workforce

Help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it costs you nothing!

It's so easy to sign up... here’s how:-

1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you. If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be more than happy to help. Thanks

Make your Computer Smile! & Email * Virus removal * Wireless A Internet small UK charity based in Middle Claydon that hasNetworks pioneered Need PC faster? * Tablets & Smartphones early intervention with very young children with a diagnosis of autism who do notProfessional communicate.will assist Experienced Technology with all your computer requirements.

First Words Lunch Would you be interested in *Home Club: in Cheddington (9 years)* *Business in Berkhamsted (12 years)*

joining a lunch club that meets three times a year and *All surrounding areas covered* supports Puzzle Centre. NO FIX - NO FEE GUARANTEE

Lunches take place February, September and you Call Mark onin:07789 304June 274 and or 07497 746 010 will be notified of the date, the lunch menu and who the speaker will be. Annual Membership Fee - £20.00 Ticket price includes a Two Course Lunch and Coffee. For a membership form and to reserve your place, please call Jessica Roberts on 01296 711547 or email A membership ensures that you have a confirmed place at every lunch.

Did you know that Puzzle Centre offers specialist speech and language therapy and for any child aged up to 11 years? We also provide Autism Early Support at home or school for children aged up to 11 years Give us a call on 01296711547 to find out more.

Registered Charity No: 1141868 Register Company No: 07553552


Make your Computer Smile! Internet & Email * Virus removal * Wireless Networks Need PC faster? * Tablets & Smartphones Experienced Technology Professional will assist with all your computer requirements. *Home in Cheddington (9 years)* *Business in Berkhamsted (12 years)*

*All surrounding areas covered* NO FIX - NO FEE GUARANTEE

Call Mark on 07789 304 274 or 07497 746 010


Painting & Decorating Paperhanging. Painting. Coving. Tiling etc

Friendly and tidy service guaranteed.

For a free estimate please call Adrian Bystra

01296 688429

OIL TANKS • Supplied • Maintenance • Fitted • Choice of size • Fuel pumping service

TUCKETT BROTHERS Marstonfields, North Marston, Buckingham, Bucks MK18 3PG

01296 688093 07790 719452

Unit 2 Ladymead Farm, Quainton, HP224AN. Tel: 01296 670777 Email: Website:

A Professional Gas and Heating Engineer A Professional Gas and Heating Company • Ø Fully Qualified Heating Engineers out all aspects of plumbing Fully Qualified Heatingcarrying Engineer and heating work.

Bosch Worcester servicing andaccredited repairs installer Scheme. • •

Full central heating systems, including design and installation.

Ø Power flushing

System upgrades, servicing and repairs.

• Ø Landlord gas safety inspections and certificates. Gas work •

Radiators, towel rails and under-floor heating systems including electric

Ø Radiators systems.

• Ø Conventional andand unvented hot water systems. Bathrooms showers •

Complete bathroom/shower room renovations including design and



Marston, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3PT. 01296 Telephone: “I would just like to say how impressed670777 we are with you and your team. You are Mobile: 07902300916 one slick and professional operation, so to speak! Your guys worked hard all day, were extremely pleasant and did a brilliant job” (Customer Review). Website:

All LPG and Close, OIL work undertaken. 2GAS, Morton North

or email

Cublington Cricket ANNETTE GESOFF Club

New players wanted

Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists

(All age groups)

Mens & Ladies Groundstaff also wanted

Established 1863

Specialising boiler offering changes, • Ø Specialising in boilerinchanges, up tosystem 10 years upgrades, warranty under the

01296 670500

Come and join us at indoor nets We have booked Waddesdon School sports hall for the following net sessions for seniors and all juniors who aspire to play senior cricket in 2019:

Massage can be beneficial for many conditions – see my website for further information:

Thursday 28 February Thursday 7 March Thursday 14 March Thursday 21 March Thursday 28 March Thursday 4 April All sessions are from 7pm until 8.30pm.

For more information about playing or to help manage the ground please contact either: 229914

Please phone: 07527 989639 or Michael on 07876 593434

01525 240135 or 07709 629283 Or email:

Member of the Four Counties Cricket League

07 T: 01442 862073


01296 839401



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fi n e s t

Organically Produced

pork sausages 100% Cublington Pork + Flavourings

individual packs available at the unicorn or to place an order call: 07398 765218


Any size building and renovation proj works through to final decoration.

Specializing in Listed Buildings and B

Email patrick@binewoodtransformat Tel- 01296 681180

mobile 07710 2

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN WITH A CHANCE OF WINNING UP TO ÂŁ20,000? If the answer is yes, please sign up for the Vale Lottery and at the same time raise additional funding for Orchard Ground.


50 plus

Maintain, Repair & Install - for all your property needs Plumbing Electrical Handyman Appliances Drains, Decorating & more

01525 570 129

Book a timed appointment online or by telephone Go online to book and see pricing Free estimates Discount club


Lawn Mowing Hedge Trimming Strimming Garden Tidy-ups Autumn Clearance Garden Waste Removal 01296 641 653 No obligation quotes and fully insured


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