Cublington Crier July 2020 #397

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July 2020




The Cublington Crier, articles to 18 Ridings Way please or Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548


n o t g n i l b email all in the ia v t of Cu r a ir g the ts over rious artis busy sharin

a n ave been nice to showcase v elines allow. o t g n li b u ht be s of C e guid nted artist r, we thought it mig be arranged once th le a t y n a can The m oweve olation. H n exhibition of work is id d n le sp a onths until coming m

First up is Roger Bottle who has wowed us with his stained glass designs... he wrote: A few years ago I was watching a Monty Don TV programme about mastering traditional arts and crafts. The making of stained glass windows captured my imagination and the question of what I might do with my leisure time was answered. The art of stained glass has been around since at least the 11th century. For hundreds of years the craft was mainly reserved for use in places of worship. It is easy to see why the colours that beam through these ancient windows was once considered to be spiritual light direct from heaven. Nowadays the unique attraction of stained glass can just as easily be found and appreciated in our homes as in the great cathedrals, stately mansions, shopping malls Lily Panel paired with Paul Cox Sculpture and iconic tall buildings of global enterprise. The magic that light creates when seen through coloured glass can be enjoyed just about anywhere and it’s probably safe to say that the art of stained glass is more popular and affordable today than at any time in its long history. More on the inside back cover. Ed

Blue Tits & Berries in the round

Stiperstones Shropshire


A break with tradition.

Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play? The play which her husband, the great American president, was watching when he was assassinated was not actually ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, although it was at least a comedy by an English playwright. Whilst it is doubtful whether anyone actually had the gall to put this question to the recently bereaved widow, the phrase has come into common use as a conversational bridge to lighten the mood when discussing a serious topic. Against the background of a pandemic which (at the time of writing) refuses to go away and which will surely have had an impact on the personal and business lives of all our readers it is only with diffidence that we seek to draw positives from these unprecedented events. But as previous contributors to the Crier have pointed out, we can count our blessings to be living in ‘Cubbers’, as it is always known in our family. Examples of considerate community-minded actions are almost too numerous to mention. Our local lockdown walks have been enlivened by many cheerful encounters and exchange of banter with other villagers, whether we knew who they were or not. In many ways the clock seemed to have been put back and not necessarily for the worse. Like others we have for the first time embraced the idea of growing a good deal of our own food ( lack of either knowledge or skill being no bar) and what we can’t produce ourselves can largely be supplemented by visiting our excellent and friendly local farm shops. The lack of traffic, whether on the roads or in the air, in the initial stages of lockdown made for a quieter, cleaner environment and fostered a heightened appreciation of nature. Above all, life for a while seemed slower and we have all tended to be kinder to each other. Clearly we can’t go on living in a state of suspended reality forever but let us try to remember what we have learned from this experience when it comes to rebuilding the world. In the meantime, have a good summer, everybody, and at all costs don’t fail to ‘stay alert’! Dreaming in the fashion shown on the front cover is definitely to be discouraged.

Gary & Gill


is 15th July

So, we reckon you’ll all need something to read, won’t you? All advertisers will therefore get a free month’s advertising. Good value or what! Gary

Great News!

OGA has received a grant from Buckinghamshire Council of £10,000. This is from the Covid Support Monies coming from central government.

Thank you!

To Chris and Maggie Brandon who recently did the ‘Waples Walk’ round the village and cleaned and replaced (as necessary) the way markers. A specimen tree to further remember Mike is planned for the North Field once planting begins. The Waples Walk is mapped out on a plinth on the Nob as well as information about Mike himself.

Advice is changing

Richard and Polly Thornely


Due to these unprecedented times, in a break with tradition, the Cublington Crier has decided to publish in August as most people will perhaps still not be going away this year! Who wants to sit on a plane?!!

The Crier online...

Available at

As the Crier goes to press a week before you see it, some Govt. advice about the virus may have changed. We try to keep up to date but apologies if events have moved on faster than we can keep up with!.

CRIER CONTACTS CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Inserts £10 village, £20 non village. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

The monthly magazine of the Buckinghamshire village of Cublington - the village that moved.

The Crier is a major source of information and we will endeavour to inform and keep abreast of events, but you will appreciate that things are changing daily. We will try to amuse, educate and operate as normally as possible because life must go on. Keep looking at the website for up to date information. Please share your ways of amusing yourselves. Write a letter to someone or everyone, write a poem or an article. The village support network has sprung into action and if anyone needs any help of whatever kind please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Stay Alert. Stay safe. Stay at a distance. Respect other’s space.

If you love the Crier we really would like your further input... If you are willing to help in any way... whether it be delivering, writing the odd letter, or sending an article you think might be of interest or any sort of regular contributions like Who Am I? Please do it as The Crier only survives with content. The editororial team really can't be expected to do everything every month. The guest editor list is now being compiled 2021/2022, Yes! we really do plan that far ahead! If asked, please do your bit for the community and join in... it’s actually a bit of fun!

s l i a t e d t c a Cont ... e t o n e s a e l p


CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Bucks LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

The Editorial Rota

2020.. 2021..

Sept Lucy and Andy Peck Oct Jason & Vanessa Nov Merrimans Dec Martyn Gates Jan Gary & Gill Feb Mike & Sue Bush Mar The Knights family Apr Dominic & Rhonda May Vernon Cox June Freddie Simm July ? September Gadsby family

Please book your slot! A few slots left in 2021 and now booking 2022so plenty of time to think about it! Many Thanks.

Oct George Family Nov Julie Tovey Dec Morgan Family

2022..Jan ?

Feb ? Mar ? Apr ? May ? June ? July ? September ?

To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

Cublington Tea Towels

Still available Priced just £6 each - (£10 for 2)

All proceeds go to village causes Interested? Then please contact us now. email: or call Gary on 01296 688548

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,

E-Postie system for Cublington Please spread the word and get some more folks to sign up. It’s a quick and easy way to get messages round the village. Perfect for these trying times. If you know someone who wants to join ask them to email with subscribe in the subject or scan the QR code opposite. Candice & Richard Burford

Thank you! Another Big Thank You to all the village volunteers, the pub hub shopping organisers and the lovely Mead cottage family who have brought a big smile and a homemade treat to those who are not allowed out through every week of Lock Down. Well done to everybody

Why not advertise your business in the Crier? Preferential rates for Cublington villagers. Contact: for more details and a media pack

Book Corner

Recommendations from Jane Hill (your local librarian!)

Non-Fiction The Good Immigrant edited by Nikesh Shukla There are obviously lots of antiracism reading lists flying around at the moment, and for good reason. This title currently has the shortest waiting list with Bucks Libraries! It’s a collection of essays from 21 Black, Asian and minority ethnic writers in Britain today: an exploration of why immigrants come to the UK, why they stay, and what it means to live in a country that doesn’t seem to want you.

Fiction for Teens

Poetry England: Poems from a School edited by Kate Clanchy

This is a stunning, raw collection of poetry written by students at Oxford Spires Academy, which has a special focus on teaching poetry. The poets featured here have come to England from all over the world, and reflect their experiences in clear, fresh, lyrical, poems that are by turns surprisingly entertaining and utterly heartbreaking.

Fiction for Kids

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

The New Neighbours by Sarah McIntyre

(most suitable for ages 14+)

(most suitable for ages 4-7)

A sensation when it came out in 2017, this book about the aftermath of police brutality is just as searing and gripping in the current political moment. 16 year old Starr moves between the worlds of her rich, majority-white school and the run-down neighbourhood where she lives. When her friend Khalil is shot, unarmed, by a police officer, her worlds violently collide. His death is a headline, protesters are taking to the streets in his name, and everyone wants Starr to tell them what really happened. What she chooses to do next could change her community, and endanger her life.

A bright, bouncy picture book about the ugliness of prejudice and getting along with people different to us. A family of rats have moved into the tower block, and the bunnies are excited! But other families in the block are worried — won’t the rats be dirty and smelly, aren’t they usually thieves? Maybe they should all go downstairs and knock on their door, just to check…

Cublington Support Group

h set menu asts

sed z from 8.30pm

e for £40

30am – 11.00am sed uiz from 8.30pm

e for £40 9.30am – 11.00am

Last chance for

The Pub Hub


If you are staying at home, not going out or have a long-term condition and you feel it might be a challenge with Covid 19?

As the lockdown is easing and people are visiting shops have some support to offer you! more, the need Then forCublington the Pub Hub Shop diminishes.

If you would like help, please call Mike Joy on 07711290169 or The stock will therefore be run down and when it’s gone it’s gone. If you would like to order anything, email or ask179777 someone to drop off Group this and use the order form below and drop it at the pub, or phone 07498 for the Support completed to the pub (The Unicorn) and we will collect it. we will organise it to be delivered rightform to your doorstep.

Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 23rd Lunch – booking advised Monday 24th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 27th Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised

All events subject to change

My name is I live at

Home phone

Mobile number

My email is

If you are not going out of the house, we can help with: 61 Booking always Pleaseadvisable pay by bank transfer after order confirmation, with name and shop as a reference to: details Cublington Crier, sort code 20-03-18, a/c number 03436543 Picking up shopping Posting mail ngton, Bucks, LU7 0LQ You can also pay by cash when ordering (specify Please send order A friendly callabove in special instructions) Urgent supply through via email to or call 07498 179777 or drop this form to the pub itself. Date: Address:

Contact number:


We will call you and can help

Coronavirus is contagious. Please avoid physical contact (2 m distance). Wash your hands regularly. Items collected for you will be left on your doorstep.

By contacting us you are happy for us toQuantity keep your details on file for the purpose Product Description Maximum Order Price Req’d set out above (GDPR) we would like to share news from the village please tick this Loo Roll Pack of 4 2 £1.20 box if you are happy to receive this Daz Washing Powder Large Box 1 £11.50 Pasta (Penne) 3kg 1 per month £6.00 Special instructions: Uncle Ben’s Rice 5kg 1 per month £18.50 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (individual packs) 24g 5 £0.35 UHT Milk 1L 2 £0.70 Heinz Tomato Soup 400g tin 4 £1.40 Heinz Baked Beans 415g tin 4 £1.00 Chopped Tomatoes 800g tin 4 £0.80 Silver Spoon Granulated Sugar 1kg 2 £0.80 Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney Pie 400g 5 £2.20 Crawfords Chocolate Bourbons 12 biscuits 1 £0.65 Kit Kat 4 finger Bar 4 £0.50 Heygates Fine Lady Self Raising Flour 1.5kg 1 £0.80 Heygates Fine Lady Plain Flour 1.5kg 1 £0.80 Heygates Strong White Bread Flour 1.5kg 1 £2.00 Handling Charge £1.00 1 £1.00

Total to pay


1.What did you want to be when you grew up? A journalist. I had been struck by the fact that Neville Cardus had been simultaneously the chief cricket writer and music critic of the Manchester Guardian and I thought that this must have been a wonderful life. Unfortunately my prose lacked his quality and verve. 2. What was your first job? Assistant groundsman at a public school at 20p per hour, I loved it, particularly driving the tractor. 3. Who would you like to have dinner with and why? Barack Obama, to ask what can be done to clear up the mess made by his successor. Naturally the wonderful Michelle would be invited too. ( Answer submitted after due consultation with my wife who vetoed certain other ideas) 4. What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? The Victorian era would have been exciting for its booming industry, its discoveries, inventions and the exploration of the world. But I would only have wanted to live then if i could have played some part in achieving all that progress, rather than working in a factory run by Murdstone , Bounderby or some other Dickensian monster. 5. Where would you want to live if not here and why? The West coast of Scotland. I love the combination of mountains and the sea and there are many excellent eateries in which to while away the long summer evenings after a strenuous day on the hills. 6. What is the temptation you wish you could resist? It has to be Terry’s Chocolate Orange 7. What is your favourite book and why? My favourite novel is probably Jane Eyre. As regards non-fiction I am currently reading Into the Silence by Wade Davis, a devastating account of the early British expeditions to Everest and how they were conceived partly as a reaction to WW1. What a generation they were! 8. Favourite song and why? An die Musik by Schubert. A beautiful tune set to words about the power of music. Says it all in two and a half minutes. 9. What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? There is probably enough out there to fill a book! Let’s just say that anything to do with reality TV and/or ‘celebrity’ culture is not quite for me. 10. What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? Learning Italian 11. How long have you lived in Cublington? Six years

Charity Cards for Sale

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

Just a short note to let you all know I still have a supply of various greeting cards that I’m selling for 10p each in aid of the Rennie Grove hospice charity. (They are donated shop cards that the charity were not able to sell as they only sell branded ones now ) If anyone would like to browse at the box of cards I can leave the box on their doorstep and pick up the next day. My contact number is 07890129481. Mary Keats

Cublington Support Group The Government’s lockdown measures to help keep the population and communities safe are beginning to be relaxed, however the guidance for anyone who has a fever or a cough, Hello, stays the same. get tested and isolate. Those deemed vulnerable (over 70 or with underlying health conditions) are advised to stay alert, though they can now venture outdoors and meet up to six people as If you staying at home, going a distance long-term long as theyare continue social distancing. Pleasenot respect others out space or and have keep your when out and about. However, if you have any of the following symptoms, or in addition, a loss of taste or smell, then condition and you the feel it might be aonchallenge with Covid 19? please stay at home and follow government guidance the graphics below.

Then Cublington have some support to offer you! If you would like help, please call Mike Joy on 07711290169 or email or ask someone to drop off this completed form to the pub (The Unicorn) and we will collect it. My name is I live at

Home phone

Mobile number

If you still need support there are people in the Mike Joy on 07711 290169 or 01296 682446 Cublington Support Group who can help. If you still Gary Brazier on 07713 723 788 or 01296 688548 feel anxious or vunerable, need anything, shopping, Will Lovatt on 07977 419721 a chat, Myposting emailmail, is walking the dog, anything, then Pippa Cheetham on 07881 953124 in the first instance please contact any one of the Miranda Gregory on 07957 609213 following: If you are not going out of the house, we can help with: Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639 or 01296 680452 Someone from the support group will then call and help you through these difficult times. There are currently plenty of volunteers but you are also available to help out then do please let one of the above know.

Picking up shopping

Posting mail

A friendly call

Urgent supply

Spotted - Hugh on his tractor

Hello villagers, Sign this petition and hopefully get rid of rubbish from the verges for good!

broken down creating a speed restriction in the High Street on I just signed the petition “Y Senedd: Car number plates Weds 24th. printed on drive through takeaway items” and wanted to You can’t get away with anything in this village! if you could help(2 bym adding your name. Coronavirus is contagious. Please avoidsee physical contact distance). Wash your

We will call you and can help

hands regularly. collected for you will be left on your doorstep. Spotted - Villagers Items venturing out

The goal is to reach 2,500 signatures and we need more into the fields for perhaps the first By contacting ustheir you way aretohappy for us to keep your details on file forsign thethe purpose support. You can read more and petition here: time(?), trying to find theset Littlecote Farm shop... I wonder if out above (GDPR) we would like to share news from the village please tick this they made it?!

box if you are happy to receive this

Thanks! Diane Grace

Why not treat yourself to a Unicorn Takeaway on a Wednesday evening?

traditional pub & restaurant

If you can why not support the pub by ordering a takeaway on a Wednesday Night? Thank you to everyone who ordered a takeaway last week! Please keep an eye out for our posts on our Facebook pag every week for our Wednesday night takeaways, and please spread the word!! For example last weeks takeaway was... Beer battered Fish & Chips Chicken Ham and Leek Pie Thai King Prawn Noodles All were delicious!! Ed

Please phone 01296662171 Monday or Tuesday between 5-7pm. Thank you & stay safe x Every other Saturday the Wesley Artisan Pizzeria visits the Unicorn Pub. Next visit 20th June... please check the Unicorn facebook page for confirmation.

This weeks pre order menu for Stewkley village hall on Wednesday The Dukes on Thursday THE HARE INN Friday The Unicorn Pub on Saturday Margherita with fresh basil £8 Pepperoni with red onion & rocket £9 Smoked bacon, caramelised balsamic red onion, spinach and creamy Burrata £11 Chestnut mushrooms, fresh thyme and garlic oil £9.50 (Add ham for £1) Cheesey wood fired garlic bread £6.50 Lemon curd, basil & Crème fraîche £8 All savoury pizzas are on a tomato base with mozzarella, apart from this weeks bacon which is Burrata cheese. Any allergies or intolerances please ask. The menu is pre order only in 15 minute collection slots to do our bit together for social distancing. We are also contactless payment only. Please call 07968620463 to order x

g n i p p o h S p Kee . . . e n i Onl

A HUGE THANK YOU to the 36 people who have so far raised over £783.69 for Orchard Ground projects by simply clicking online. Please join in - it costs you absolutely nothing! Online shopping is still allowed! 1st - Gwyneira Waters - £190.35 2nd - Martyn Waters - £129.27 3rd - Bob Paine - £85.30 4th - Maggie Brandon - £62.88 5th - Nicki Paine - £56.23 (Bob’s daughter in Amesbury!!) A huge thanks to everyone else who is raising money for Orchard Ground we hope to see you on the leader board soon!!

It really is so easy to sign up... here’s how:1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you.

Please help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it really doesn’t cost you anything If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be happy to help.


Need a plumber, a carpenter, a builder, a decorator or electrician? DE















I hold a directory of tradesmen who have been recommended by someone using them in the village. You can pass on recommendations in confidence or even better if you are happy to show off their excellent handiwork to others or be called to provide a reference, please let me know that as well.

Contact Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639

4 years ago last week...

Amazingly (well I think so) on the 23rd June, 4 years ago, the unexpected Brexit vote happended. Doesn’t time fly and hasn’t a lot happened since then!

Orchard Ground News & general items of interest • The Cricket Club continues to cut and maintain the grass areas of Orchard Ground in spite of the fact their competitive season has been wiped out. Our thanks to them for keeping up the mowing of communal areas. The cricket nets are now open on a booking system basis. See announcement elsewhere. The tennis courts are also now open. See also ad and guidelines elsewhere. • M artyn Waters Reports about the latest grants OGA has received a grant from Buckinghamshire Council of £10,000. This is from the covid support monies coming from central government. Initially we thought that OGA was outside of this scheme, but thanks to the advice and persistence from Sophie O’Toole who heads up the girls and ladies cricket with CCC, a quiet simple application was submitted to Buckinghamshire Council and the money is now in the OG bank account. A wide range of support grants are being made available via local authorities at this current time.

OG will have a major shortfall in it’s income for this year, as in past years a donation of £1,000 has been forthcoming from the village fete (cancelled) and the quiz night (cancelled) at the end of March would have raised approx £1,000 net, when we take into account the cash bar takings and the list of those who had bought tickets! A barn dance was also planned for later in the summer, together with loss of income from rents and bookings. The Sport England Grant of £1,940 will go some way towards the utilities, running costs, maintenance etc. for the period March to end July but this current situation of social distancing and restrictions on the size of gatherings is not likely to end soon. In addition, OGC made a commitment to match the £1,500 offered from Cublington Parish Council towards the planning application costs for North Field, so OG has a forward commitment to spend £1,500 for this. The Tree Council has a new grant scheme for community organisations to encourage tree planting between Nov 2020 and March 2021. Grants from £300 - £1500 max, the Tree Council grants can be for trees, hedging and fruit trees; also stakes, ties, mulch etc. but they will not pay VAT/delivery costs. All trees/hedges must have certificates of providence and biosecurity; only native trees will meet the criteria and they must be in keeping with local flora. All grant monies to be claimed by 31st March 2020 We could explore a grant towards the community orchard and several ‘feature trees’ to start to give North Field some structure. We will be putting in an application

• 100 Club 2020/21 Draws will take place once sellers are allowed to knock on doors and sell the remaining tickets. Meanwhile, if you would like to buy a ticket and support the developments at Orchard Ground and the new North Field, tickets are priced £12 for 10 draws with (last year) £140 in prizes every draw. This raises over £1500 for OG funds and has been a valuable source of funds from the beginning. Please email Bob to reserve your ticket as door to door selling is currently inadvisable. See ad elsewhere for more details. • E asyfundraising - raise funds as you shop online while self isolating!! This has so far raised over £783.69 for Orchard Ground - We now have 36 villagers participating (12 more than a year ago! but surely there’s more of you who buy online?!) - Villagers who buy goods online could raise money for Orchard Ground for doing nothing other than a couple of clicks. We appeal to you to help us boost our numbers. See opposite or please speak to Bob Paine for more information on how to set it up - or see posters in the Biggs Pavilion. • Your OG Committee currently is: Colin Antosiewicz, Chairman; Liz Smith, Treasurer; Vanessa Verity, Secretary; Jason Taylor, Maintenance; Bob Paine, Bookings & Allotments; Michael Reilly, Cricket & Parish Council; Gary Brazier, Tennis & General; Martyn Waters, North Field; Pippa Cheetham North Field; Miranda Gregory, Events; Lucy Peck, General

New committee members always wanted. Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Minutes of AGM available on • D ate of next meeting: TBA in the meantime via email concensus.


Tennis Courts now fully re-opened Doubles tennis can recommence with social distancing measures in place. Please note only court bookings will be allowed. ie DO NOT just turn up and hope to play. We will have to allow for a certain level of trust here. Please make sure you book via clubspark link here. Doubles play can now be with others from outside your household Two courts are allowed to operate side by side. When possible - maintain the 2m social distancing rule at all times. You are now permitted to share balls but if you are concerned, mark your own and kick others back to another court without touching them by hand. Please use antibacterial sanitising gel/wipes to clean the door locks before and after use. Let players off the court before you enter.

All competitive tennis for the club has been suspended until further notice. The winter season just gone may be completed during the autumn, but the Summer league season has been cancelled. Our Club memberships run from May 1st April 30th. Subscriptions are still due with a discounted rate (last years price) now being available until 1st July, Juniors now priced £20. The club will communicate with you shortly. All club compettitons and events are cancelled for the time being. We hope members will continue to support the club, play and excercise at their own discretion.

The pavilion and toilet access will be restricted so please use your own facilities before arriving. The nets will be wound to the correct height and should not be touched. Players should bring their own rackets/balls. If any member has a question, please email me or phone on the number below. Enjoy and we hope to see you all again soon - as soon as we’re allowed! Watch this space.


Gary 01296 688548 or 07713 723788

• LTA affiliated club •M any categories of membership single/couple/family/junior/oap

• Coaching for all levels and abilities • 2 great all weather - free floodlit courts • This Winter 5 league teams in ADTL • Year round mixed singles ladder • Fun Club Tournaments

Of Confluences and Conflicts by ‘Old Rambler’ They say that if you remember the Sixties and Seventies, you weren’t there. I was reminded of this aphorism while I was exploring some of the local footpaths during the lockdown. Acting on a recommendation from Mr Joy, I took the ‘permissive footpath’ (how very Sixties) beginning on the Stewkley road and was fascinated by the progress of the little stream which meanders to the North of the village. The undulating nature of the terrain, together with the feeling one gets of being in the middle of nowhere, is such that it seems a hydrological impossibility for the stream to go anywhere at all, but it very definitely does find its way, making an appearance where it passes under the Whitchurch Road roughly a mile West of the village. Somehow the stream’s successful emergence triggered, from the fog of the Seventies, a long suppressed memory of one of Monty Python’s more surreal sketches, which had made an impression on my fervid adolescent mind. It was the one in which a band of football supporters sing, to a foursquare marching tune, of their love and admiration for the river Yangtse. The song contained such immortal lines as

his men in battle despite having a numerical advantage over his adversaries. I was enthralled to read of this encounter and pictured Prince Rupert and the long haired, devil-may-care supporters of the King on their steeds, their rapiers glinting in the autumn sunlight, charging recklessly at the militant, close-cropped, Psalm-chanting Roundheads with their muskets primed and loaded. In 1818, human remains were found near Holman’s Bridge by labourers digging pits for gravel. They were assumed to be those of participants in the battle and were taken to the nearest consecrated ground at St Mary’s Church in Hardwick where they were reinterred. The churchyard contains a plaque (see photo) with a tribute to the 247 persons whose remains had been uncovered. The wording on the plaque is quite hard to make out, and in any case is too long to reproduce here in full, but I was rather moved on reading the following “ Enemies from their attachment to opposite leaders and to opposite standards in the sanguinary conflicts of that civil war they were together victims to its fury united in one common slaughter”

“Passing through Chung King Wuhan* and Hoo Kow, Three thousand miles But it gets there somehow” ( * yes, that place) I got out my trusty O.S. map and traced the course of our local stream and learnt that it joins the infant river Thame just North of Aylesbury. (Naturally, this will be old hat to every Cublingtonian but please bear with me as a relative newcomer to the area). From there it flows past Thame and Wheatley to a confluence with the mighty Thames itself at Dorchester. If you were to place a rubber duck in the current of our local stream, with any luck it would after a few days be bobbling majestically under Tower Bridge on its way out to sea. I looked on our little stream with new-found respect. Closer examination on the map of the area where the stream joins the Thame revealed another discovery – a battleground! What could this possibly be? With mounting excitement I elicited the help of Google and discovered that on 1 November 1642 there had been an engagement between Royalist and Parliamentary forces at Holman’s Bridge, which resulted in a clear victory for the Parliamentarians. Now I am quite sure that local historians will have covered this from every angle and that this is yet more old hat to the readers of the Crier – indeed, there are possibly households in Cublington where they speak of little else. But as a newcomer I was intrigued by this unexpected find and resolved to pay a visit to inspect the said battleground. I was not sure what to expect. Perhaps it would be on the lines of the Visitor Centre at Culloden where they have a 360 degree ‘battle immersion theatre’, a museum of artefacts, a shop selling jewellery and whisky, a café and all the rest. Well, it was not like that at all. Of any battle there was not a single trace, just pleasant waterside meadows where the grass grows high, bounded by a housing development to the North and a Premier Inn and the Horse and Jockey pub to the South. I imagine most of us pass by there regularly and do not give it a moment’s thought. But it did at least clear up in my mind why there is a Prince Rupert Drive in the vicinity. Prince Rupert of the Rhine (was there ever a more romantically named military man?) was, as every schoolboy knows, a Royalist cavalry commander during the English civil war and a nephew of King Charles I for good measure. According to some accounts of that day in 1642 Prince Rupert lost 500 of

On my return I decided to read more about the battle of Holman’s Bridge and was dismayed to learn that there is now some dispute between historians regarding the scale of the battle and that some have even expressed doubts as to whether it took place at all. The 247 bodies interred at Hardwick may, according to some, have actually been from a different historical era, possibly victims of the plague. My dreams were crushed. It has been suggested that the accounts of the battle were no more than Parliamentary propaganda (the very idea!) and some contemporaneous evidence does point to Prince Rupert being in Abingdon, 25 miles distant, on the day in question. It has even been suggested, a little cynically, that the revisionist doubts surrounding the battle may have been helpful to the developers of recent years when seeking permission to construct the Buckingham Gate development on the grounds of the supposed encounter. What actually happened on that day – was it a full-blown battle, a mere skirmish or nothing at all? Was the epitaph writer at Hardwick labouring under a fundamental misapprehension? The answers to these questions are seemingly now lost in the mists of time. I suppose we can all make up our own minds as to what happened, but I know which version of history I prefer. Perhaps then it is not just the Sixties and Seventies that people can’t remember too clearly. Some collective amnesia may have been doing the rounds in the years following the ‘battle’, although given that that period marked the high point of Puritanism, it probably cannot be put down to excessive use of hallucinogenic substances. It leads one to wonder what the historians will eventually make of the year 2020. Will it be prove to be the year in which the world changed, and if so was it for better or for worse? For now, we can only hope and trust that our stumbling government eventually leads us to the new normality, whatever that may turn out to be. Like the Yangtse, we will get there somehow.

Lots of useful information Visit the website -

Hand Decorated Dog Biscuit Jars full of dog biscuits! - for Sale The suggested donation is £2.50-£3 for each jar (£3 suggested for the larger jars) with all proceeds going to Orchard Ground People can contact me directly on marykeats1@icloud or 07890 129481 and I will provide a home delivery service ! Plus if people have any empty glass jars (any size or colour with a glass lid ) that they wish to donate, I can make lots more!


Richard Thornely


Cublington-based tutor available to work with students up to GCSE level in the following subjects:

Maths • French • Latin Contact: Alice Gadsby, 07462 877268,

Lovell Fuels - 01844 202777 Conquest Oil - 01525 402073 Certas Energy - 01296 561150

Can work with students via Skype or FaceTime to suit!

The Biggs Pavilion - Rental Rates

own d k c o l e h t after



ecial event

s and sp le for partie

is over

Village Residents and fully paid up members of Cublington clubs and organisations. £8 per hour Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £10 per hour Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Cublington residents £70 Non Villagers £100 Online booking diary: Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Cublington residents £250 Outside of village £300 Find a date you want and contact A refundable deposit of £25 is required at time of booking. Bob Paine on 01296 680483 Deposit will be returned if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. to book it! Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or





Rota runs from a Monday to a Sunday Sadly the grass keeps on growing... though we do have one or two new volunteers. If you would also like to volunteer to be added to the rota please do get in touch on 682 787 or Or if you are unable to fulfill your slot because of Coronavirus, please let us know. God Bless, Roy

Could you please help? Call Roy to book your slot!


06th July 13th July 20th July 27th July

Tim Taylor Martin Gibby Jason & Vanessa Taylor Sue & Mike Bush

03rd Aug 10th Aug 17th Aug 24th Aug 31st Aug

David Bradbury Mike Alexander Caroline & Mike Lightfoot Sandie & Mike Joy Evelyn & Gerry Griffiths

07th Sept 14th Sept 21st Sept 28th Sept 05th Oct 12th Oct

Pippa & Mark Cheetham Vacant !! Can you help? Gary Brazier Vacant !! Can you help?

Vacant !! Can you help? Vacant !! Can you help?

Shed code number is 140 Thank you all so much for helping with the mowing.


A small ÂŁ12 donation - covers a whole weeks lighting.

Main Contact Roy Shons


If so, you can contact Roy Shons on 682787 or or direct to The Crier with a dedication. Gift aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub porches this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you

The Church Lights were not sponsored again this month or we were not notifiedof any Perhaps people have forgotten about the lights that so brilliantly illuminate the church every night. If you would like to remember a loved one sadly passed, then please contact Roy as above and have your dedication published in the Crier

SPOTTED! Spotted - a group of six scantily clad naturists walking down

Ridings Way on Sunday 21st - National Naturists Hike day apparently. The chap on the right was holding a hankerchief around himself! What is the world coming to!!! More seen later in the day!


OVER 15 mad 0 so f e ar!

THANK YOU Thank you to the many people in the village who supported my fund raising efforts and donated money for my handmade face coverings. I had orders for 90 from Cublington folk and recieved £500 pound in donations which has been divided equally between Friends of St Nicholas and Canine Partners. Gwyneira If you would still like one, please email me at or text 07515 398111 and I’ll send you details of the colours and patterns available.





July Birthdays Both previous entries for July are now over 16 and we have no record of a childs birthday in July unless you know different?

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children please let us know, Gary & Gill

Please note. Once Children reach 16 we don’t publish their names or birthdays anymore.

Monthly Pet Health Plan Covid19 and veterinary services.

Extensive Online Store and We are all providing emergency “Cat Only” Clinics available essential cover for pets, horses and farm animals, while trying to ensure that the �o�rof�n�epen�ent local prac� risk from the transfer Covid19 is minimised. PPE has been reserved for the NHS Anima Caring for Companion and we have returned oxygen cylinders 33 High Street, Winslow, MK18 3HE 01296 and loaned other essential equipment to 14 High Street, Buckingham, MK18 1NT 01280 local hospitals. Most practices are developing new ways of working and using phone triage, and the teams within practices have self-isolated themselves, so that they can still work effectively together. It is hard to examine a pet and maintain a 6 foot distance and PPE at a fully C19 protective level (if we had access to it) would freak most pets!! A huge thank you to all pet owners for their understanding and patience at this time!

Church Update July Howard, the new Rector, has moved into Wing and we are looking forward to having contact with him. The church will be open for Private Prayer (we have the Risk Assessment done and just need to agree the protocol) probabaly on a Wednesday and Saturday, 10-12 or similar. We are now allowed to do live-stream services from within the church, so Michael and I can move undercover. The Church field has, hovever, been a great venue and the ‘services’ can be found on Facebook, St Nicholas page. Next one is 28th June, as we are sort-of 2 weekly, so July will be 12th and the 26th Log In to Facebook and listen to readings, meditations and prayers. We shall list the readings in advance, so people can follow them. Jane and Michael If you would like your names added to our church email list, we will forward information about online services and links. Please also ‘like’ the St Nicholas page on Facebook, again to get information and service updates.

More collective nouns...

A Gang of Elks

A Bike of Bees

A Huddle of Walruses

It’s amusing to imagine a swarm of bees flying in bicycle formation, but the real reason this is a collective noun for bees is because the word “bike” is an old English word which means a colony, nest, or swarm.

a Family of Sardines a Glaring of Cats a Rhumba of Rattlesnakes

If you’ve ever seen two male rattlesnakes fighting in competition for dominance of a female, you’ll understand why a “rhumba” has been used as the collective noun for this venomous reptile. There’s a lot of slow, deliberate weaving followed by quick, sharp movements that closely resemble the slow-quick-quick pattern of the American Rhumba dance.

A Mess of Iguanas

To understand why a group of iguanas is called a “mess”, you just need to look. In the wild, iguanas lie intertwined in large groups and it can be difficult to see where one iguana ends and another begins. The reason for this is that iguanas are cold-blooded so they regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun.

An Army of Caterpillars

This collective noun likely describes the behaviours exhibited by caterpillars when they travel in large groups. What’s great about these armies of caterpillars is that they’re incredibly well organised. They participate in cooperative foraging for food, group defence against predators, shelter building & thermoregulation.

A nest of rumours

A nest of rumours is the only collective noun on this list that’s not related to animals. We love this one because it evokes the image of a hidey-hole where scandalous information is being amassed – undoubtedly for later use.

Yes, a group of elk is called a gang. Groups of elk may have been labelled as gangs because elk bulls do something called ‘bugling’ – loud screaming which can be heard for miles and miles. What a bunch of thugs! A group of walruses can also be called a ‘herd’ or a ‘pod’, but we like ‘huddle’ best. Walruses are most often found sunbathing on land or sea ice with hundreds of their companions. Walruses are very sociable creatures and even amass in their thousands in mating season. What’s also interesting is that these huddles are often segregated by gender –males have their own huddles and females have their own huddles.

A Bed of Clams

A group of clams is known collectively as a ‘bed’ of clams. This collective noun conjured up an image of hundreds of clams cosily sleeping side-by-side. ‘A bed of ’ can also be used to describe a group of snakes, oysters or flowers.

A Shiver of Sharks

One of our favourite collective nouns on the list is the name for a group of sharks – a ‘shiver’. We think it could be suggestive of what happens to a person who stumbles across a group of sharks while out swimming. Or it could relate to the fact that most sharks are cold-blooded.

A Crash of Rhinoceroses

One of the best and most well-known of all collective nouns is a ‘crash’ of rhinoceroses. Rhinos gather on the African grassy plains in groups of up to twelve. However, the collective noun was most likely inspired by the rhino’s tendency to charge at anything unfamiliar, although fights between rhinos are rare because male rhinos (or bulls) tend to avoid each other unless they are competing for the same female. More elsewhere...

Bucks Council Refuse Sites - read this before visiting Most will be aware that there are restrictions in place about disposal of Household Waste at our sites in Aylesbury either Rabans Lane or off the A41 towards Tring. However I am writing to make others aware so that they do not make the same mistake that I did yesterday. The site at Rabans Lane is not open Wednesday or Thursday. Certainly best time to visit is late Sunday afternoon as it is open until 1800, there was absolutely no-one around at all. I visited yesterday 31st May to find that although it states on the details that you need Proof of Address - Only Buckinghamshire residents will be allowed to use the sites. There are 3 sites in our area Aston Clinton College Road North exit off the A41 Aston Clinton bypass

Open 9-1800 daily

Rabans Close Aylesbury Rabans Lane Aylesbury HP19 8RS Wednesday and Thursday

Open 9-1800 shut

Yonder Slade, Buckingham Industrial Park, Buckingham MK18 1RZ

Open 9-1800 daily

Make sure you only take your Council Tax Advice because our address is Leighton Buzzard Beds I had to explain that we are actually in Bucks, and the man checking my authenticity to use the site was going to refuse entry. Thankfully I have the bin app downloaded on my phone – this is downloadable from the app store Aylesbury Vale Bins - which meant I was able to prove I DO live in Bucks. So be warned. Also again if – like me – you do not read everything that drops in your email in box - you may have missed a very important fact that as of April 2019 these sites will charge you to dispose certain items. Chargeable waste price list Below so load up the car and make it worth your while. Payments will need to be made contactless too. Also there may be a wait so take something to do whilst sitting in the queue. Do remember too if you are looking at your phone whilst waiting. Turn the engine off and take the keys out – it is illegal to have the engine running and look at your phone.

Thank you very much to Gwyneira Waters, who with her amazing face mask making, has not only helped to keep us safe but has donated £240 of the money raised to Friends of St Nicholas. Thank you!





Did you know??? Lockdown facts explained Lockdown’s emissions lull may only make 1/100th degrees centigrade difference

Everyone is noticing the clearer days and the absence of a pollution haze across our skies. But has lockdown had a lasting effect on the environment? Dr Zeke Housfather, Director of Climate and Energy at The Breakthrough Institute, suggests not. Even assuming a second wave of the virus and, therefore, a protracted lockdown, emissions could reduce by just 5% overall. As Dr Housfather notes, “the effects of CO2 on the climate are cumulative, so what matters isn’t how much we emit in a particular year, what matters is how much we emit over the next hundred years.” That 5% reduction in emissions could have an impact equivalent to “maybe 1/100th of a degree centigrade by the end of the century, or a couple of hundreths. A tiny difference in global temperatures.”

Car use time travelled us back to the 1950s

While the reduction in CO2 mentioned above might feel a little underwhelming, it’s worth reflecting a little more on what has happened on UK roads during the lockdown. “Reduction in road vehicle activity has taken us back to levels similar to the 1950s,” explains Dr David Carslaw, a reader in urban air pollution at the University of York. He adds: “in terms of emissions…we’ve probably gone back to the early 1900s.”

Birds are likely to be singing half as loudly during lockdown, even though we can hear them more clearly!

Not only do the skies appear clearer under lockdown, sounds are sharper too. Many of us are being woken by a dawn chorus of birds that seems more on song than ever before. This apparent volume increase could be springtime-assisted, or relative to less background noise, because of fewer cars and planes. Dr Sue Ann Zolinger of the Department of Natural Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University says that there is something else in the mix too – the Lombard effect. This phenomenon is the tendency to speak more loudly to compensate for increased background noise. It also applies to birdsong, and the reverse rule also follows. After taking recordings of chiffchaffs, Zollinger noted that “the birds were singing at 61 decibels when there was no background noise, and when a plane went overhead at 71 decibels and the chiffchaff increased its singing amplitude to about 66 decibels – that’s a doubling in amplitude. So, it’s a good assumption that birds are probably singing quieter than they usually do.” Contrary to popular belief, birdsong is probably quieter during lockdown,

The coronavirus weakens after one metre

Virus particles of five microns or more are taken down by gravity after about a metre, with finer, less infectious, particles able to go further. Standing two metres apart has become second nature to most of us, but how did we arrive at social distancing? Professor of

Infectious Diseases, Werner Ernst Bischoff explains that virus particles of five microns or more are taken down by gravity after about a metre, with finer, less infectious, particles able to go further. There are some variations in the advice, with Japan advocating 1.8 metres and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in the US advising six feet. Crucially, all of these are above one metre, of course!

Only 6% of UK households were ever panic buying

Scenes of panic buying in supermarkets first reached us from Australia, and then trended on social media for a long time during the early lockdown period. But did we really all lose the plot at the checkout? Fraser McKevitt, Head of Retail and Consumer Insight at business data provider Kantar, reveals that “only 6% of [UK] households showed any sign of what you might call stockpiling behaviour, and bought more in one week than they had ever bought in any week before.” One of the ‘holy grail items’ – dried pasta - only registered a 3% on the stockpiling scale. McKevitt puts the ‘panic’ down to us all buying a few extra items.

No 2020 baby boom is coming

There’s a popular conception that when the world stands still, the birth rate increases – for example the blackouts in New York of 1965 and 2003, and the aftermath of 9/11. However, this conception is a misconception, according to Dr Marina Adshade of theUniversity of British Colombia. One of the main drivers for extra births is teenage pregnancies, but, as Dr Adshade says, “you can’t get pregnant over Snapchat.” Meanwhile, people in committed relationships are, as Dr Adsahe remarks, likely to be asking whether now would really be the best time to start a family. Nevertheless, there are some reasons why the birth rate might climb. “A lot of contraceptives are made in China, so almost immediately there was a shortage,” notes Dr Adshade, “and then, in the last couple of weeks, we’re hearing about condom factories being shut down, and so that is a valid reason to think there might be more unplanned pregnancies.”

Freight rolls on despite a period where one in ten HGV drivers and one in six van drivers were off work

While economic activity has markedly declined across many sectors, the demands on supermarkets and online stores is high and so, consequently, is the continuing reliance on the freight network. Inevitably, illness has hit the sector. At one point, one in ten HGV drivers and one in six van drivers were off work. This has forced the sector to innovate. Elizabeth de Jongh, Director of Policy at the Freight Transport Association, reveals that drivers from sectors that are dormant have been recruited to help, so someone who normally delivers food to restaurants could now be doing that for supermarkets. “This has been a real ‘come together’ of the logistics industry.”

The number of people working from home has trebled, but for how long? Over the course of nine months, the study found that working from home increased productivity by the equivalent of almost an extra day a week. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, 15% of the working population were working from home. The percentage before

the easing of the lockdown was around 44%, prompting many observers to ponder the likelihood of a permanent change to working patterns. The notion was given more impetus when Twitter announced it would allow its staff to work from home indefinitely. However, more attention is being paid to effects that home working can have on mental health. Professor of Economics at Stanford, Nicholas A. Bloom cites a 2014 work from home (WFH) study commissioned by travel company Ctrip. Over the course of nine months, the study found that WFH increased productivity by the equivalent of almost an extra day a week. On the downside, however, over half the participants said that they were keen to get back to the office, citing reasons of loneliness, isolation and depression.

and yet More collective nouns... Horde of Hamsters

What makes this collective noun so hilarious is that it conjures up images of an army or tribe of primitive warriors. We’d be far more likely to relate a ‘horde’ of something with a group of zombies, goblins or orcs – not a group of small, fluffy rodents!

A Kindle of Kittens

The collective noun for a group of kittens is known as a kindle. It relates to the verb to kindle which means ‘to give birth to young’.

Collective Nouns List

the best of the rest of the more unusual animal collective nouns... unless you know better? an armoury of aardvark a gam of albatrosses a congregation of alligators an army of ants a candle of anteaters a tribe of antelope a shrewdness of apes a roll of armadillos a flange of baboons a cete of badgers a school of barracudas a cloud of bats a sloth of bears

One third of employees under 25 work in vulnerable sectors

It may take some considerable time for the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic to be truly known. One thing seems certain, the youngest have been the hardest hit. Xiaowei Xu, Senior Research Economist from the Institute for Fiscal Studies, notes that one-third of employees under 25 work in retail, hospitality and arts and leisure - the most affected sectors. She adds: “This is important because we know from previous evidence that periods of unemployment at the start of people’s careers can have long lasting effects on their future earnings and employment.”

a colony of beavers a flock of birds (generic) a flutter of butterflies a caravan of camels a herd of caribou a dash of cassowary a drove of cattle a coalition of cheetahs a clutch of chickens a colony of chinchillas a chattering of choughs a quiver of cobras an intrusion of cockroaches a gulp of cormorants a pack of coyotes a cast of crabs a sedge of cranes a bask of crocodiles a murder of crows a rangale of deer a pack of dinosaurs a pack of dogs (wild) a school of dolphins a pod of dolphins a drove of donkeys a cote of doves a cluster of dragonflies a waddling of ducks (or mallards) a convocation of eagles a bed of eels a memory of elephants a mob of emus a cast of falcons a business of ferrets a charm of finches a stand of flamingos a business of flies a leash of foxes a herd of gazelle

a sleuth of giant pandas a tower of giraffes a cloud of gnats an implausibility of gnus a tribe of goats a charm of goldfinches a gaggle of geese a troop of gorillas a swarm of grasshoppers a rasp of guinea fowl a colony of gulls a down of hares a kettle of hawks a cauldron of hawks an array of hedgehogs an army of herring a bloat of hippopotami a stable of horses a cackle of hyenas a prowl of jaguars a scold of jays a bloom of jellyfish a court of kangaroos a deceit of lapwings an exaltation of larks a leap of leopards a romp of otters a consortium of octopi a parliament of rooks a leap of salmon a surfeit of skunks a murmuration of starlings a scurry of squirrels a streak of tigers a rafter of turkeys a gang of weasels a herd of yaks a dazzle of zebras So, which is your favourite?

Orchard Ground All proceeds to




The Biggs Pavili

ore m e h T in.. e r a who you e r o the m win! could

Over ÂŁ14 00 Prize mo ney dishe d out last y ear!

The first draw has been postponed until further notice. If however you would like a ticket for the next round of ten draws when they restart, then please contact me direct at or call me on 01296 680483.

Anyone who has already bought a ticket, please be assured you will not miss out on any draws. We will resume when it is safe to do so. Your continued support is very much appreciated. Bob. Please buy a ticket(s)to help fundraise of the new North field project.

The Crier funds village projects through advertising revenue. So, do you know of any locsal businesses who might like to advertise in the Crier? Or do you have an idea for a fundraising project that we could seed fund? Please do let us know. We help fund village projects and institutions... such as the printing of the book 'Cublington in Pictures Old and New', The Rememberance Commemorative Insert, The Old Village History insert, the refurbished Biggs pavilion kitchen, the village fete and the like. Contact Gary or Gill on 688548 for a media pack or see rates on inside of front cover.

Post Office services It has been many years since Cublington last had a functioning Post Office and now seems like a good time to bring it back. For those of you who don't know I run an online jewellery business so I am still trying to send out orders on a daily basis from Wingrave Post Office. Visit to see what we have to offer (Shameless plug). In order to reduce the need of residents having to go to the Post Office I don't mind taking letters , parcels and Online order returns to Wingrave Post Office. But if you need to use the other services offered by the Post Office I can do those on residents behalf too, some may be more tricky than others but I am sure that we can sort something out, I have worked closely with Deva at Wingrave for nearly 5 years now and he is very accommodating and helpful. I also have his phone number in case we have any questions. Wingrave Post Office also has a fully stocked shop too so if any residents require anything from there as well I can pick these up too. Again if residents require anything specific please let me know and I will se what Deva has to offer. Here is how it will work: 1) If a resident has something they would like from the Post Office they can send me a message. If they are not sure on price I can advise them on which service to use and how much it would likely cost. 2) If it requires wrapping I can do this as well as I have extensive stocks of Brown paper, bubble wrap, boxes and tape. 3) They can leave the item on their doorstep for me to pick up. 4) If a resident requires a service I can contact Wingrave to see if they can offer it. 5) I can keep a record of how much I have spent then we can settle up later. 6) I usually go to the Post Office at around 4PM everyday Monday to Friday. I hope that this helps as it felt like a sensible situation to removing the need for more people having to go to the Post Office than is absolutely necessary. Colin Antosiewicz 07952431488

dates for your diary PLEASE let us know of any event in the village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.


Saturday 4th Pub reopens after lockdown! Sunday 5th 5pm Clap for NHS 72nd Anniversary


Saturday 5th 16th Cublington Horticultural Show 8am The Biggs Pavilion

Currently still going ahead - sadly some changes to the format due to current guidelines. See opposite .

Crossword by ‘Blunt Incog’

Across 1 Type of milk, enjoyed by nonagenarians? (4,4) 5 Abbreviation for German car (4) 9 Irish river and airport (7) 10 Popeye’s fruity girlfriend (5) 11 Elected representatives (10) 14 Red edible root eaten raw (6) 15 In the appropriate position (2,4) 17 Very small fractional amounts (10) 20 Coffee drink (5) 21 Be drawn to a hill (7) 22 Icelandic dairy product (4) 23 Short rest for Earl Grey? (3,5) Down 1 Lad’s mate (4) 2 Flatbread seen in Canaan (4) 3 Lungs Estonia fashioned for Norway lobsters (12) 4 Aniseed-flavoured herb (6) 6 Widespread infection (8) 7 Tree produce – best roasted with Brazier? (8) 8 Ear of maize gives swan a foot problem? (4,2,3,3) 12 Prickly providers of Blackberries? (8) 13 Worship of graven images (8) 16 Bitter vegetable (6) 18 Citrus fruit and shade of green (4) 19 Welsh emblem in Staffs town? (4)





16th Cublington Horticultural Show 2020 Fingers crossed, we are still planning to celebrate an easing of ‘lock down’; and go ahead with the Cublington Horticultural Show. The format will be a little different In the light of the pandemic. It will be an outside event and the tables will be spread out so social distancing can be managed. Sadly we will not be having domestic categories this year, apologies to all those who have perfected black cherry jam, we will also be asking all entrants to collect their produce and will not be putting any on sale. The catalogue of the event will be delivered in August In the hope that things will be clearer then and there are no restrictions preventing an outside event taking place. Do come and join this fun and social event. You have the next 2 months to nurture your produce, encourage your sunflower into maximum growth (I will come round and measure in situ the week before the Show) and cajole your Dahlias

Vegetable Categories

Vegetable tray - Cublington Allotments Three Parsnips The Braziers Three Carrots – long or intermediate Three Carrots – short or stump rooted Three White potatoes Three Coloured Potatoes Six Runner Beans - David Bradbury Six of any other Climbing Bean (e.g. French) The Missens Three Beetroot - The Rayman Family Three Courgettes - Bob Paine 5 Chillis - The Joys Three Onions Nine Shallots Five tomatoes 5 Tomatoes on the vine The Cublington Crier Salad Collection – basket of 4 kinds of salad items - John Eadie Two of any other single variety of vegetable not already listed Most oddly shaped vegetable -Bridget Eadie Heaviest Marrow - Steve George Heaviest Pumpkin

Longest Parsnip The Knights family Longest Runner bean - Cublington Tennis club

Flower Categories

Best Single Rose - Sarah George Best Flower Arrangement – Structured Growth, Tom Gadsby Vase of Dahlias Tallest Sunflower (measured in-situ) - Merriman Family

Fruit Categories

10 autumn raspberries - Cublington Village Hall Three Culinary Apples Three Dessert Apples - Allen Family Three pears

Children’s Category - 10 & under

Vegetable Face on a Paper plate. - Cublington Village Hall

Virtual Pets

Photograph your pet and name it

We are not asking for asking for sponsorship from businesses this year, but if there are any villagers who would like to sponsor a category that would be fantastic. All money raised does go towards the upkeep of our lovely church. If you would like to sponsor a category please contact Sandie Joy 01296 682446 or Gill Brazier 01296 688548. Thanks to The Unicorn who have donated a meal for 2 for the Growers Cup winner.

Cublington folk Well I never...

I had an email from April Curnow who had had a phone call from an old school chum, who had relayed the fact that Mike Brazier (East Barnet Old Grammarian) was staying in Cublington. He’d seen an article in a magazine. Turns out April is an old student too and knows dad. The chap who phoned was the brother of dads old business partner. What a small world!

Cublington Cricket Club News Cublington Cricket Club have continued to plan for a season with a massive amount of work maintaining the Orchard Ground. It is hoped some games may be able to be played later in the summer as lockdown eases and life begins to get back to the new normal. Under ECB guidance we now have a single net open for family groups, which can be booked via Tom Gadsby on 07527989639. Strict protocols are in place and must be adhered to. A huge thanks to Tim and James Taylor for their work in grass cutting, hedge trimming and general ground enhancement. Thanks to all who have helped. We are blessed with great members with a great community spirit. Michael Reilly

Further update from the Cublington Support Group Hello, Some thirteen weeks ago, numerous people in the village got together to form a helper group and there are now over 40 offering self-isolators and anyone else needing help in these strange times. you staying at home, not going out or have a long-term WeIfoffer helpare to anyone, whether it is for essential supplies, medicine, walking a dog or just a chat :) Thecondition Pubhub and is a small, for profit shop inbe theavillage, which accepts by mail/email/phone younot feel it might challenge withorders Covid 19? and delivers directly to your door. The stock is now being rundown as lockdown eases. If you would like to stock up onCublington any items pleasehave do so before the support end of July after which no further orders will be taken. Then some to offer you! All items are sold at cost basis. Order at or 07498179777

If you would liketohelp, please on an 07711290169 or for the village Finally, for those wanting share news in the call villageMike we haveJoy created open Facebook page – Cublington Village – Buckinghamshire which is all. Through this withoff connections email oropen asktosomeone toand drop this with all the neighboring villages, we have been able to help people as far away as Tring and Cambridge. completed form (The we will collect it. Thank you and toto allthe in thepub village, takeUnicorn) care. Charlieand Toosey My name is I live at

Cublington Crafters Latest Update

Cublington Crafters and Friends have Knitted and Crocheted bobble hats, to send out to our ‘twin craft group’ Schwe To Go, in South Africa. They will be distributed to families who have been badly affected by the Covid19 restrictions and loss of tourist incomes to the area. Families do not have state help, and many are having problems providing food for their families and, as we enjoy our summer, it is their wintertime, and there is a need for warm clothes. We have made donations via the local charity, Acts of Mercy, linked to St Johns at 24 Rivers towards food and coats and jumpers, and felt that some handmade hats would give a personal link with the community.

Orchard Ground North Field Planning Update We have been so lucky to have been able to use North Field during lockdown and it has really fired up some enthusiasm to move the project forward. The hope is that we will be able to start tree planting this Autumn but first, we have to get through the planning system... A planning application has now been submitted to Buckinghamshire Council for, “Change of use from grazing to amenity land incorporating new tree planting, laying compacted stone paths, installation of outdoor exercise equipment, expansion of the existing 5-a-side pitch to a mini soccer pitch, installation of bench seating and picnic benches, installation of dog waste bins, enhancement of wildlife pond and the creation of a viewing platform, creation of hibernacular and erection of a timber bridge footpath crossing of the existing field ditch.” The reference number is 20/01995/APP and you can use this to log on to the Council’s website to view the application and make your comments at https:/ do?action=simple&searchType=Application Obviously, we hope that you see this as a positive step for the village but all comments are welcome - both in support of and objecting to the application. The period of public consultation expires on Monday 20th July 2020 and comments will need to be made before then. Any queries or problems, please let me know via or 07881 953124 Pippa OG Planning Co-ordinator

W H I L E YO U A R E I N I S O L AT I O N Please help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it really doesn’t cost you anything and is still allowed.

It really is so easy to sign up... here’s how:1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you. If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be happy to help. Thanks

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Make your Computer Smile – Call Mark, based locally - 07789 304 274

Businesses (local &national) who can help:



The following businesses are able to provide a service for people in the village: The Pub Hub - see advert elsewhere. The Unicorn - takeaways on a Wednesday. Please keep an eye out for our posts on our Facebook pag every week for our Wednesday night takeaways, and please spread the word!! for the latest menu. Phone 01296662171 Monday or Tuesday between 5-7pm. Parrott Brothers: Anyone can call and place an order for delivery to the village. Orders will be aggregated and delivered once a day. 01296641207 Beef Olive: Offering home deliveries Butcher & Artisan Deli 27 Parton Road, Aylesbury HP20 1NG Tel: 01296 482 035 email: Alan the Milkman: 07791885612 Price list available including Fresh Cream, Fruit juice, Water, Yoghurt, Eggs, Bacon, Cheese, Potatoes,Tea bags, Milk alternatives, Kitchen Rolls, Toilet paper, Foil, Refuse sacks, Bird Food, Grow bags and Compost! Delivers to Cublington Tuesday Thursday and Saturday Wingrave Shop: 01296 682964 Post office, newspapers and shop Whitchurch Petrol Station: 01296 641888 Post office and shop Wing Village shop: (Londis) 01296 688239 Wing Fish & Chips & Chinese: 01296 688152 Wiltshire Farm Foods: 0800 077 3100 Now accepting new customers www. Waterdene Frozen Foods: 01525 371367 www. now deliver to the general public see opposite... Queens Head Wing: take away service Royal Oak Aston Abbotts: 07809 395453 take away service Littlecote Farm Shop: 01525 240206 eggs, flour, milk, bread, cheese, cakes, jams, canned goods, batteries etc Old Stables Farm: 07836 310881 Sausages and Pork joints call Tim Mead Farm Shop, Marsworth - 01442 828478 A company that specialises in providing nutritious and easy to cook meals, portion size is ideal for the older generations. Keeps on the shelf for up to six months. Many British classics. Free next day delivery. Recommended by Mike Brazier.

07 T: 01442 862073


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Organically Produced

pork sausages 100% Cublington Pork + Flavourings

individual packs available at the unicorn or to place an order call: 07398 765218


Lawn Mowing Hedge Trimming Strimming Garden Tidy-ups Autumn Clearance Garden Waste Removal 01296 641 653 No obligation quotes and fully insured


YOUR Extraordinary VILLAGE’S HISTORY... IN PICTURES Read the whole thing while you are in isolation! The fascinating pictorial history of the village is currently in stock

"Cublington in Pictures Old and New" Priced just £15 - (£10 from every sale goes to

Cublington Crier


the upkeep of St Nicholas Church)

Contact for your very own copy.

Advertise in the Crier!

Preferential rates for villagers. So far £230 has a media pack Contact us for been donated to the church from sales.

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Individual rates - £40pp/ph Couple/Friend rates - £30pp/ph Group rates - £20pp/ph (5 person max)





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WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2 -5 year olds. Weoffers operate from care our purpose built, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed each child. Weoperate operate from our own state ofbuilt, the artto setting, oneart large main We from ourpurpose ownWingrave purpose ofwith the setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. withroom one main large room and spacious, enclosed, outdoor area, We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aafriendly and atmosphere. Children’s learning is promoted friendly and fun SessioninTimes:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

sessions: daily, 9am – noonto each child. Qualified staff –Morning key worker appointed Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Packed lunchperson daily, noon 1pm We take new children atsession: any appointed point into–the year, Qualified staff –staff key appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker each child. just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for . 30 hoursmore funding accepted. information! Session Times:

Sessiondaily, Times: Morning sessions: 9am – noon

Sessiondaily, Times:9am – 12pm Morning sessions: Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Weddaily, and Thurs, noon – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Lunch club: 12pm – 1pm

Oftec registered and Insured

Tues, Wed and Thurs, noondaily, – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Packed lunch session: noon –or 1pm .

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 For children aged 2-7 years Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-6pm £15 Pop in for a visit or give us a call!

Phasels, 11 Woodman Close Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3NU Beds LU7 9HH

Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

Bug-A-Off Pest Control

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Help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it costs you nothing!

It's so easy to sign up... here’s how:-

1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you. If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be more than happy to help. Thanks

Make your Computer Smile! & Email * Virus removal * Wireless A Internet small UK charity based in Middle Claydon that hasNetworks pioneered Need PC faster? * Tablets & Smartphones early intervention with very young children with a diagnosis of autism who do notProfessional communicate.will assist Experienced Technology with all your computer requirements.

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Did you know that Puzzle Centre offers specialist speech and language therapy and for any child aged up to 11 years? We also provide Autism Early Support at home or school for children aged up to 11 years Give us a call on 01296711547 to find out more.

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Fully insured and vetted, first aid trained Services offered include: Group walks @ £8.00 per dog per hour Solo walks @ £10.00 per hour Puppy sitting @ £10.00 per hour Call 07305251053 for a chat or to book a slot Mailto:

Martina collects my ironing every Tuesday and returns it on Thursday. Great job, never had any problems. Martina is always reliable, accommodating and cheerful. When my washing machine broke Martina took all the laundry and ironing, a great service, I can not recommend her highly enough. Debbie (Cublington resident)

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Organically Produced

p o r k s a u s a g es

D D D o D o D o D D o D y o y o D y D o o y D D y o u y D o u y D oy uuy o oo o w y u w yw u y u u o w y o a w cclccleclelceae y o a u w u o a n w u w o a n u n a u w t a w n u t a w a n t lcalceale w n t w n n a n le a can t w can e o a t c n a tan l tn a n c l c a e a l n e atnt l n e c a c l n e n a c e l a r c e n a r c n p a c r n c p a n r p a a n e c r p c e r n c p r a re cta p ea tcre p p te csa rstap re ?se ntnttt p a r t ? s p t r ? p s t e t r ? s e p e s ? s p t e ? t e ? ? t s s e t s t ? s ? t ? s ? s ? ?

Gary Brazier Designs anything and everything

100% Cublington Pork + Flavourings

Pork Joints a selection of shoulders, legs, chops and belly

D D Doooyyou w a w a ccclleleaanyoocuuw annntt a e n r a n c a c r a rppetst? D DD D oD oD oo D peettss??

01525 851811 Anything considered. Free Estimates a member of PROCLEAN Dowell (01296)Cleaners 681109 A memberChris of Proclean, The Professional Organisation


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Bathrooms, Floors, Doors, Shelves, Contact: Geoff Stephens Tiling, Fitted wardrobes, Maintenance, Tel: 01438 714693 Small Building Work. E:

To place your order please email me at


(Premium Pork, Pork & Apple, Pork & Leek, Hot & Spicy, gluten-free) freshly frozen, succulent sausages from Cornish Black pigs raised in Cublington right on your doorstep!

0129 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW


01296 688548 07713 723788

D y oy o D yD oD oD yoD y u oD u y ou o yu o y ow yo u w uo y yuo w 51 w yu o 050 y a w o u 25 a 02 y w 15 u o 1 aw u o n 2 a 1 u w 1 5 n 0 0 2 5 a u w n a 0 D c0c0clcl01e0l1cel0c1e u w 5 t 2 n 1 0 t a 8 1 5 2 w a n c l e w 0 8 a 1 a t 2 n 2 5 l c 1 e t 8 5 0 w a o 5 n a l e n c 1 w 5 a t a 8 n n l 2 e c t 5 a 5 1 1 2 a 8 n a n e l c t a 5 1 2 8 c n l t a e y a 1 5 n 8 5 c l n a e n a t l n c e t 2 n o n e c l a 8 tnttt a c 8 l n e a 5 c e 1 n a r u c r n a c p n r2a p n cr2158p a n cr51e w acr51e p n a c1p r8e c5p a8158158581518518D18D n 8 D r 1 t 1 1 e E t p c 8 a a D r a E e c p s c 8 t 1 r e s D E a t 1 p 8 r D e n a s ? r p E t 1 ? D e D s t P p r E 1 p ? e s t r t s ? e t p s e ? p t C e ? s t ? e s t C e ? L t s E P -CLE D ? s t sEt?P1D -PC E LE -C s?1EP-D P LEE-P s?PE-D A C LE E P-C ?EPD LA Dlean ca EP-A ?C-PED L E C L N P C A E r N P C E E A N o L C p A L N C L A A E N L C E e N E L y A N E N A L E A A E N N A NNN A N cleanocu wantts? DD 0D 1o D y5oy o o 2yy 0o 5uu arpets? 1o 8 w w 5 a a clce w n 8 8 n 5u t t 8u a1a 11w a15a52255oo clc0e 1n 5 l n n l n 8 e e 1 ttD a c a c a n a n r r c p c p a e rp t81t111 DDEEEEEP-CL p P s E s E e ? e A ? C P t t N L s s C D E D are ? ? D L o D o EA D o D AN D 0 o D y 0 o y 0 1 o D N y 1 0 D o D y o 0 1 5 0 5 1 y D u 0 y 1 52 o u 1 0 2 5 y y oo uu 1 0 5 2 o 5 1 0 2 o yo w 5 0D 1o y u 2 w yy 05 2 1 u 8D w 0 o 2 1 u 8 u 5 o y 1 0 w o 5 2 a 8 y o 1 w 5 5 2 8 a u 5 1 w o 2 u a 8 5 u n w o u a n u n w t u w n t w ae a n t lcalceale n 1 8 w 5 8 n n a n le 1 5a w 8 a can t a 8 8a 5 cacn e 1 t 5 8 a 8 n 01cclccleclelce tn lan 1a cle tn a 5 18w a aclne 1t1 5 an 8 D ttnt clecln 1 1 8 D en152851285125182551851585w 1 1 8 a 5 n D e c l t 8 a 1 E D r t e c a E 8 1 n 2 1 D r c 1 8 n a t D E 1 p n c r c E 1 p n 5 r 1 E D p n P a a e P c E r 1 D p n c e E r 1 c P D 8 p E r e a c r P t D p a C E D a c e t P C 51na p p P a s E D t r e c C s LE r P a D ELE-P e -C r t ? s p EC a e trp E L-P s?etp C rs?p LE-P C te e 81a rt?se E LA p PE -C LA P-E ?p ses D C L A t P ? E C N L A t e P t ? N ? E C s 1 A L e t C s A N E s L t N C A ? s E L C ? t L N A E ? s N ? E L A D s N E L A ? N E A A E N E N A N A E NNN P 0152 C LE?AN 5 8 5 1 81

ererfoPf P ro ber o cl claena,n, T of Pro ThehPe Pro rode mber o e fefe ssssn f Proclan, The Pro ioanl aCl C ean, Th rofessio le e Profe ional Cleleaanaenrsers Org anaisnaistiati ssiona n Org onon l Cleaners Organ ers Org isation anisati on

Anything considered. Just ask for a free estimate call

18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0LW

• •S•im S•im S•p Sim p ly • im S ly p • • t im S ly p h im t S S h ly e p im t im • e p ly b •h tS ly p •eim b p h e S tly •h e s bly • •T•h S im te •e te im Ss h p b tcp t•eim tb p s h S ly T•h h e le tcim im ee eT•T e s b Sly e ly le tp ehm t cly b s b ha tps le n a e te tply •he ch e o Tm n in h e le ah t s tly e•h •em s Tm cb o sh in ele t b a tegele cn Ttso in h g n toseh e eh cego a ttb cs yle •T m e b le hin e s •m n a yn t m stTo•e e s b t in o a u g t a o m T y d m h c s o t s • e in n u b n • •Lo T h o le c d m e g e t c y t s o s o in le • h c T in e e u r a e g t d c o a m s o le m t n y s h c e n r s a • •L•o T a g e t n m u m g t c d le o y n , e o n t a h n c cLac•Lolao o r m in T o eo u uca ,en le ycg d n ain so h e rm a un o p,m o gyg d teo su in cn le au n tcea n g g -t •cLo o lcao sd u retm a d in ,p yng tn nrtsm -t e w m n au p esu o •Lo g e ctg u o cyin alo geain n o ,tm ty n -t -d o c•Llw o rp u o g ,o d an nm o -d co•Lw ye na ug o g eco d str-t u p e ,ta lan ,na cn m o u to -d •o d tey w eu g o p r-t ut,n g acy lLre ae•w anc•o e d n-d m e tuo ro a ecgun cou n -t Lrlo pan e w ared p n isisris e a rnao tn e,td -t o cLo o o -t -d elp re atce u •Lcrw e p e e o gncag -d o n ,p ua o tq n eris co rep r-d q •lao Lw ee u -d ,-t teang p a n lcLao cerocis o ro ta n ip e e q tnteg ree u p p tacelet lw an ,oaep t-t n eo ip o -ta m q u m w r o o a a p r c t e , -d t t r is e ip n c -t e m o r w m p o o t g l p e -d e q u m r o e n a a c is t e w is a o e ip -t -d m o e r e m p q u r m p o n n p t e l e e r 9 a r a e t c e -d t w r o e u q ip n -t n m o e r e r q m m e r a 0 e t o 9 t a n e o c r e -d ip r u e is r o w u o o t n a o t m dm m p cis en a% eo is cen e -0o ro r9 ip tq p -d o eateeip m d an e n n ta% • •u•u rm 9r0 e -e op em tacd rm % ret0o m u is tq m ae n ee n io r-ep p a -r9o e ro e u erm o tm ip tq % is n ao e teq o cario d ee tf0 9 p•p u n ip etn o tderio ofa o tm cn e nq m a r9-e % 0 m is u h•u u ip e qtm o fe p am rot% cn tm tu yr-fto oo 0o h o ip d n ae 09ro p•p n m eum m m rio a y o rio o m ls r9 eip h•h etacn d n -aw m r% m o u tf% ecn ro m o tm y ls e r-0 o te • o ad tnm em u ip ear t io n p m n f t9w et e m n o t ls t 9 0 y r o e w n % p o e u o io d p u r h e io n m t f m m m n r 0 e f 9 % n k e r t d y p e ls y r o r w a h e r p o o • tnntt p e % m 0 n n k d m n m y 9 a a r y e o • t r p t o h a ls r r h w % e o u d io a o 0 t t e a • n k r y f y o e 9 n r ls y a o o e u w p io o t r t % a r t f p • o d a 0 e r m n n d n • •1•0 u k ls y tls eio a•u pre w tn p ed h o rfm artio % d p th kyw h o ty p cyn eaen a o rfm tra rn okyow d o •e p u arce io 1•01% o re m nio ls rm rfoykfw tpe o rn h o tarepn ls p d u y a trco ykw rre ry 0 eto ls o a h a 0 e t a n p p e d • 1 a e c r n % p ls o royw r t 0 r o t t a t d h • e 0 n e p ko p n y r r 1 s c % s t ls yrw o ko t 0 p o e d y • rw e a d • a r a e 0 1 c s p s r a krokork le r % t y p e ls a f r a a t e r 0 a e e 1 n s c le s e p y a r t r p % 0 t n a tea rcfesry 0•1fsa e d p e tp ta aeteaatt m le % fp n 0 d 0•acf1s% rk te h o cle d •e strn y fc0a tafep 1se% csa h o n tfra d •e01 csm • •F•R le ech tcetn fa o se p d •0 a rfctd le sly % f1ah ly n p ic e o 0 % e le tsra •m le F•R fcp fm c1 faem ly etro td % 0 n 0a h escic a e fte sfp e td 1 F•Fe ca % ly a ic a tsop h o es0ls m n ap trsle 0 R•R cf0 asic ls % m e n m o ly rd h tle eF ese ecaa e p f–seh d sn fa m ls ly n le % e aic fa tatm fp •e n u e c–m •R d Fes se w le stm ls ly ic fd h o afcsa–m n p o e R asly w s Re FR els tle Fu h o fm hle c–fols a ic e n ap n da u d to v R w ‘soa h e •s n ca e m ly fh m fic eR • v a ‘s h R n o – e e n m u t e p t ly n e w ls e s F h c ls m • f ic ic m e – m e o n p e ly e v y t F ‘s n h o d n R s u t e ic w • c h c ic m – a k F ly d R y p – e n n e p a o u t n s v le ic e ‘s h w o s R c a e & • d ls y R k F ic a h m m o ly n y le u e n e R n u a ls t n v w ‘s a & c ’ d y R a m h e e • k F o ic m o ls ly a – le R ic y v pw • Sim ‘s n ap R ’k e sFq ta n em & e h d R ca h –yls q n s v ‘s afa m e n v t‘s le ic u y n u ee ’a aca w e pan & tls d y–ic R s n d f’–a ecn u ko y u e w els m e o Rq le e p a tta‘s n s u ic de o & hm y k w ic fre R y o u y q –pw le n v –n t o & a ch ’y s R kic d rta ktf–‘s v –cn e le ele h o e tR e u q es n a ’fo & n ee yte u p & ty v w ‘s yIfy r’o d h e ev n q n n y fatn e tR acn o u a–w ic ‘s co O e n f’tic y k rfto q h d e e leytk q –n u o a IfO le e e t o ten • S•impplyIftIf e v y ‘s n & R u d l‘s freaic e le h ertfeay e o u n –caeo & t If y e’k t eu u ty n v le d y d ltefric &ye –cw o ale A k ’ic q IfO n o e t tw o n q a yu & n ct aektrfa A –w le e f’y r –e n t If u tq o y n y ae u ’kleyetfa OIf eO & d u e r E tw A eo cle e n o o q n e dan y O le u s y • S ly he by Er te u & ylr’etefe A N –!o dno If tq u t a e ! r O u o w – E t a l t im ’ T If f N l t e r O d e A t n f e r e e o u t q u – f w ! n a If h u c y t e t n O E t N A d T r e r e f le – o y e f w If o e t u n w O ! e A O e o T r t E l t A N y f r d h e – n t a If e t e o l o u E ! t r y T O e r O t h f N n A r u l e n – o ! If w e E tee tn O E te y N u A A T in h fleeel l P w !t o !t A N O u O • T•heemmpolyshtteh N P ew y r A T h eoeb g o ew r y O P E u O O T P A A mb h r E y y !tw te P T u N T h PA e r E t A !w o y N P O h !tee Ew A h u r N IT dse O y !tt!! A P T Ew • LoThe o A N IT etrsnctle r O cw h T y PE P w aP P N in h TIT y P h n P m sot sm w A O Ty N IT , cuale y h A gO Pm y T mw O h IT h A m nog P w e y pna-t A TIT w Pw h in tw m IT P y IT Am h h O w y P y h • Loccal o Pm h A w O -dygaotyu y rw nteo P IT w P m O r k m IT w Py h k IT rmdoedrn, r O y y –IT h y w eocuan g k a o • h m – r e O c I is e w w w l m p IT h e r O a k – L I t r y m o n q n r o O IT h w y O r k I – m e w r w c y k r w a g h r m O I a – N y n o tu,opur-tpo-t-d e k w O w lm –m O N Ik ’T y ata w om –w r –Iy ’T N O O r weenrneodrpaoeera etnt k eteequuipipm w Tw I–A IO ’T r N k -d T’T w O r k O A Nw 0% –k Tr recreom k IO O N k A –T ’T E IO w k ’T –Iw E r N A • is tootro- -990o is TPN k ’T o e m A w O –IA ’T EP–O k up T A w N Iy A Ek PIN Tw TO y m A w A ’T k O A E hols P com N ipemnt ’T y A k Em E’T k N PO T m mend tpioenra yA N r ET E E P A ’T N % f mqyuw O m r A A E y T t m P e k P ’T e a o N •u e ! A N y T m k n E p o t 9 r e r w ! ’T A k y m io y E N T e 0 f n w P ! k A E m m a % N P T d n A E k t ! A A P N y T EkA w E y PEEA od N !T • •1p m N w Sy•im m f ymwo k t !y PEy T w m Sa•p A !E nr repw .w !TN P 0uhpohlst•e•S•im EA im Snp m y .mw ro •d actaio N r r y o im ly Tym o d p S k y N e % E e ly . • r S p !Tm ls im w w d w N e T !EE!T t a im e p w • r . S t w A t w e d s NN o e ly e im h p p • S A . e !TT! ! p m w r d t • 1•000% r w d le e e e p ly im • . h w yhna m S etoantlyw ely tA b d •p c p m e h ee im b S . w e A e d tm•ly ah ta p d clw e.p im b e S h tes•ly e -ek.w ncdly b s w •a•Tft•e A eim S h l-cd p b m pp s e b rt• e p ew t A e e im a e p m ly h S b t .l-d o • FR100 sa ce m rtcp e p s b Tc•h A e craa m e .acp im Setffly n h o b s p b t rcp le e sm m tfm P -d eTch m e im ew ly .e ic m erle e e o b t h repte ro d ca d s ly ln tbofm P b Tm -d ca p -eae.le eA s h e •h ro e e a le cp a m t cl rn crb cn eh teA eeTm n p Ph ly p te eld e fm s le .e n e a e •h cl ro lp sr-e o b Tm em in ly b a o cb tle rA m a P o e an t et eefh in s s.-e soAfele sh cb •m le A cl n a p wh lw e n ra o ro T ece e e susfR a m efe a clrce rm g tsoeh hle e P p .-sea ,t erP tcl n n b e n cg in s m o A •T to a o feh•e ro co b m h am e b • F ee% ,le seh p a in y e s fT t l-.rp e canPrg ly •m n h e b n e se ro m foten o A T eTfem tls cl y e so•e–en e le n o cn l.,t b b s h aPro in a cem e h g c T e ic e t u cl n o ro e s r e r v o T o m m ‘s o s e . in • u b c l P d y e R s a b n e h c t o m d a le a , h h c e e o f u m r s T n u e cl m ro r a g t cl e t n r t a o y n P k o a T • e in a e s e le l n o n e f T • b P n o g c e t c m r e h . a s ls ro , e h • u s n • m o e fe y m a s k m u o ro e e P c m s f o r a e P t h y ly • d c n in le o T o L a . c l n e a m , • g T t ro e k r n m . a fe ro y n u P le s ss L u • n fa n t a o d k e F n e o cl e o T c r – o o c c n P n h T in ic & ro e ,g a g . n t o , ,o P S m h cl r re o d fe y R e u r e ro a s cLeae fss le o T acl so u cio d n a h k ,m o in T e a ns–d e n ’o . e u als a Pro u e o co w r s o g aep rm td n a io P y h es . g le ss n •Lylao n u q o esu n n ro a au e o ffe in ca n P n p k cl ro e s ,ic c r . R •co m e . g afe m u n e o n epusly n ,h d in ca io rto o a ro sm p P fro e tTe u ss lac& g c.sru n ey k u ,-t P m o a ,lcl P n au n g tta •Lo ro e trso m tle ed n C e o n o -t pbeherh ro co celeng g n e h fe in io T ro o n p w ,y ss la kr.sco ,yt’m o le •w a n C cl o o sre u te T in y cPeag a n‘s d fe ,tn p n uvtR•o ss -t ,g o lq lh fe –lg m ic u w u io -d If y im co a an e y nle sk.o a sr-t u g tn o T •w Lau d -d o tn cu e o e n ss io caCo p e,g nao o ss n ro t,m e P lC h n n h le eco .kcu e •u u le y efe n g p a e o tro lLre w n u .ko io -t n ,e P -d o a•coLo ‘s io m rs nd eeLb n a ,T td h ecn o lc o y uk.u e n le a e -t ro au o er-d p rn u ahn le P clg fe T a•tLco e eno C o n rs n ltoh tkyu o ss u n tncee O ro o re w a dre o -t p aC lt P ss -d reo yecL& n p aPfe .kukk u rs efe lrs ta n e,rd io rg O Lcrw •a tss o efe le -d ro -t an o cio g n p o e e C n e ure p C ,tq e o td •la n arg aeu cLo stln O an le css tnen ,n e -d fe q le g o io erv ro p -t o rw ln p a e au co n e a n rte a g a is Larp tCnisn rt,a lfe ce rs io O e a -d -t ss n n w erg p e,q en e If •OTu la ip n rocis o ap n wet qcow e ctare laO Eisris e rs a tt rg law g ip fu a ero h Aris n is re u ,-t io o q o clenaendha–le e -d C le t ickya’fa n t ss p e l n e a t c is e n ! m ti f e le a a -t o g rs c u e y a e e e p u r le rs p C O e w rg r o n -d is l a ip m t o r a e m q t io l o e r n ti e d o o t a is c n a w t e le e a O o n e p e m q a C e -t o l O r ip n e p O r o -d e O o a l u r n o is e t m n l m n m t e t a e ti is e r le t a a r -d c -t – o u n w rg e If a q n p o t rg r e T a 9 rs ip r e a o o m t c o n t a lC f e in le m 9 w ip is r rs e e o r u e -d e 0 n q o r n o t a o n a e p C n h m a t O t A sNO m c yu u ole m 0 rs e nn is ae n e n o -d n % -9 u ti eip m ta d rn g elm O m p o ow e a oe n q ta eteip rg nrs ris is A % e cd is n m 0 9re ea n e rg ao e ret% -o •rm q m m p ars o ris ta eu an m t rg y tneisntiae etq tm Pm oe a rs 0o n •Er•ou cern p rg re% O n ti ta d eip r-9 ti um n o m o n !eais n P o o io td tfa m o is o teeq rg N w ere nO o is e -oafo acn 09 anais re p io u eip y u tm o m t% e nu p 0rp m nrg cta m n atin dreio e9-ro q e ipm p O • LO is arg ce otm m tn htN tao n noti d f% ip n 9yr-ta re0o em arm q em aais u •u h io o E•u taotiO p oT tu % fm cen n o 0 •p d o ro na n tian tam n em o ip ry9 -taw o e rm u oc Au h is lsh io o tm n cn otiis m ro ad f% ro •h ip etnm u ls io n -y0 em anoa t9w m o fm A pd h et etn o ta can go n n e tinti 0 • ern, uwITis r-% n y a o d 9 r p u t m e io o m ls n m h w n e P f o e t oo m 9 p t % e p e r 0 d r a r m n h • u r ls y o io p w p P nn o t t k r m 0 f m n y r en e -t % y o o o t a 9 d o e r • e h k y h y p t e ls u % y io w a m p t t! d n o o t r f r 0 9 o r e a e a y o ls • w o a A h u io k t t p y p a e a w r % 0 f • r n e o n -d t m r n d w y o t e t ls n OTte o w k P u y n o io e a p e t h % p e d f m d •l•1o•0 n a a r r r u • io e ls IT P yw t o a p d fo h O o k p rm e y r e okyo n a t a n e • y r p c t y u e t io o ls h p h n a w n t e royk r d fm 1w r c a e o h u r a io o ls y t p e o w a p d fm t •01% k ryow r n n r o e m t o c • Sis e r r p k a h r ls y n e t m n d p •0 a e rotaep 1% row cah p ls IT –ta re y otra dn •01r% ko y ely ae rls yrw o rtp cy trtsd to imrp Io p ko earr’T com y 0s•01a% n ctp a rw ip ae re w ls t0orw s0•1ap p tw tara kroko y re e rsad m n ctpyrsele le ta e m tTta 0e0•1 O O p n rkrk fase re a td fcp y ey % p e 0•fa e sqrn N le tad -090h% p tfer c1rs% cu y n ektat 0a le w t•hRm d straota e •h ebne fc01 e cp fk ase•% d sa h n to rfa e le –k 1ase ctep O n le sa td rcftd % h o ly dsafts% 0 c1fa•m p Ata e s0% a h o rly e n tsIle 1ic w cf–e cfa te p rly F to d e m e n tio % sic a cafm 1 sn h cle p feItd % a EP aly O tsttle ro F ee•R 0h ••Tuph• •F•R esic n a cf% e fm ls a p a eic d rn Fe•R 0 h totp n cf•m sm ls N sly le e acafsm of m rn em fs d ly a % A e e n h o – F p e ’T w h c le a a s o t ic e f c • o f m a – F y p e m d le ly R s n s s ic e e f ls h n o t u r c d m w ls a R f • w O m s F e m a n T s – ly e u p le h w t o a ic f e n s r a f R m c e A d R m – t o • F N p h e le ls m o e R e c n n s ly h ic E o u a m f w f e h ‘s a d R k e • h o p e o e m – ’T n r N t in F ly p o u r e v n ‘s w f aic s R cls m e a k e eR t–y n yo e •le n eoals h sttem dEw tp o s F m h o ly T! n ls cic e u tic n •e v gR ‘s m am y h T –n ly e d R a u ic h o e Fa e ane n s cpw o y v ‘s A R ktls am t cols e n ePle Fne •R m capA y d h w e–o n n ly R u kta s ic & w y ls e le v d h y n k ‘s •R m y m a ely & ey drnv F e y –n ca u ic v a ‘s R ’o w ic k sR ls a ecA E e h ta m n m le d ap Fe ’ic q –o n ls & y k n e v cw se t‘sf–a’yic m n u a w q y e le n d h a ••L1o0c0 Pp ew & a p cm E u n o u v ls ak sy e tf–a n R t‘s e aw chm u ay le q d r.ppd ap s ’e N ic o tt‘s ls & n o yk uy R le d w y v& n e q n n h fa c–Ew ep –re e o u a o ’yic sR ,au y e-te v tkf–‘s tu m rta e ae–N d eTle ’tyk p h q cw u !h & n R e fo n s tvq o u to ic e a% n ‘s eo le n–aw d y ta efre sIfay wdw e sele n & e o’y‘s u v co lIfoIf R t e tic etkrfoa e q n u h d–n le O co e’ic teykfreaic Iffy R o & e e tv n dte l‘s yq O h e le n o u Tn e lk c–n w e & ao Ay u y ’ey v ‘s f u Ifyu t t eget dce– tr n ele !an e u O q t p If o n f k a a t ’ ic & -d w c y e l m n le o t y n n d w e f w A r O t & q w y e n y f – e h e o a c o n ic u a If u ’ l t k y A e e t y o t le a a ’ r f e d c e q e n u n – a u & e If w e n y k t o o •• SSpim l e e r t q . •isFppR le w n O A a y d E t m f • Sim f e a w l r ’ y e u e d u o n – e E If t o t t f ! e r u O y q d n a a ’ r N f e t – l w o ! If e p e t rO d o e n e r E N q t A n O fae etw o u rftlfere y u o –!tn efA A arN If teu E t–w d eo O y u If O eeceoAsme emrbeor fte to o ru Tls e e !n r lrefelrfleflele A d Pic E to a N O d T.u y e O n –tw If ipaemp& ro EA te te r y ly !o h tw ly rly –If O –tn N Tu he !o t w o ep- tceleeqlyaudn •im cl E ten r m r O N • m A A y c t m n u O T e u w r w e A !te s e h t E o h S A y O N u P r O l o h A a m h w R . h !tt o im e e A n P h p e e O r E im N w O T n c u e l 9 P , ‘s A y h e te !tw E a r O t u o T N T 0 y eb h n p b e e r t n P A hT p E t!w m e n w N ic T O d ev . e% h E y P A w lytly !t Pro e!e r l P by s u ckleane ••eTT•hheS N O aofle k s y e P T e h A IT • Th r P E N t!t! trt w ro & o y IT O P Tio teehtsb te clro A y rw E P hbm io w O h N fc ’IT o fe ya eucl T sew h P P cb faa A n N a aro w T m O nPq le y IT m .nw le eo P w ner,at h A fPT O m e h y tA m y o IT d – no P Tp eIT esaecsctrn Tm n A raIT y nin h w h P rh •Ifu o scAyIT .IT eTehProfe ss •m h A y P ssls u fm .o sem PO Thyp eroeo g to ew h crw ttm m g theo ,o y h cn ku e IT h PO k y o O yddbae le m m y y PlO r w tw h k u o m .–IT w ogueynyhe ay y e m k IT y O ain uuaetP ssio al Colerm h m w r w rs n ttcinle m dm nn y A O r w ro k h o – w d c k in o • Lo••cLaL•olocT n m O O e in IT h I c e r k r y s r w r s I rg – r a 1a0 IT m n c g O t r E t h y g k n m w ss a – n w a I ! k O h m r y y N m r 0% n w y m w – I O g p k u r o is aw O – e an o O o N m p w oe,e eioattlnCale Iy enacfe p eot-d a k uacn O N O w r uca –Iy -t Tnper,,h ’T ti w tg -t -t O ’T r snnaeetfre k w N sa oy ••LocLo –IO w n ruu angn kw O N T r w ’T le I–A n O T A r O n ollaco k ’T noalw Nw A –k ,uP-d neO O IT O ,o N r ew ae-d ’T uPoa –A k ggeetltCleears cpederde w IO tIT T r E ’T rsrg N tfq –A nis oqn eeth p l ro yt-d ETPN Iw k oprneeoo O Oarg Ik –’T w is reisis TP–O ais A EA •co ’T w ly N tio A o-d A IE rFrem Tw k y O P an ’T IN k y eRccco O raatic A TN uip n E m P w ’T E m A k errparh A y ipdm N am O eom T P tooarrlsp-t-toew aau ’T Ey toom ati E k tip P m A O A ’T E emowwn Tm teee N m m m equ A E A y o k r P o N T – is m p e ’T E T is s m y p e m A T n e y e A k p m T P e n N ’T E ! n u 9 A n e m e q w y n A 9 ! e E e q k 9 T N w t w T P o 0 E n r t k R u t 0 m y w A r n 0 T u E n E A h a ! 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Le rg O g ,rtfn un ace a ’o n ct is n d e rs n p a crw e a e e tianis q o n w on gna–to a -d o cLo o ’T q u ,ta nTcd o e t,q a n is a •o eris OIf p lto ret ,q oerg are l,t-t tt a n p Trlthe Pkro lefe fe e rs O ean ti -d ng na u fp op e -d lcLa cerocis n nrs etn u -t rp o u tu u rae taefln n p u la ip o e dtn is tn q rg n ti ta d e .ed-d cnelo O o teg e o an w en eo -t o au o A ip ais ue u o m re AN atiis ,p n q O rg tw A o r-t p IfO rw tc ca -t etw w -d n an tm p o k g rrEO ecrm ip n ro m rg oti ap e -d eo eo rO a q fu m n eo nlw ae -t aisnati -d cois e eae tt! eOnrg et!etew E–cg -p iserocm p n yO fe oais a erom ip EN reo m q EA yu ueo m to e-d eorw e -9 ra a o rep nta -t nn tn o Pw otia e u q ip rm ro m eatn is 9 n eo notiano -tn w oip r0 O eis io u eta ro t-d u o OTTrhis neip u•u dm m p 9o ce e a% eo is tm ep cen -0o tinon a rn o etk d an 0 q n A ta% p ris rss m 9re A eip o -o et0o em aeu tacd ris m •u tq e m rNE m eiu hA cem n ee n io r% h a r•T -9 E e!et ro rp tq erm is tecari ui Aytmtw n teq tfarena-l Cl l l q

• 100% safeGet chemicals - Job Done. only damp after The it hasWhole been cleaned no sticky after feel more juggling workmen… • 100% safe No chemicals – no ‘sticky’ after feel I can do the lot (and juggle too!) FREESURVEY SURVEY & QUOTE •• FREE & QUOTE Wing1 DEE P-CLEA Beds N LU7 0NN CUBBER’S

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Portable - no more writing on the wall. Take it with you when you move house.


Below are text boxes that can be copied and pasted, hope this is okay. I've included two sizes – use whichever01296 fits better. 688548 Personalised to suit.

yyyoouu w Invoice to: w CARPET aaann&ttUPHOLSTERY CLEANING o aaann ccu w n a a t?? rrrpC.Dowell p n cDo e e t t s s a you p ts? Road 25 851 67 e 81Leighton


you significant sums off your Heating Oil costs Electrical, Plumbing, Kitchens, Efficient personal service

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Several designs available. Online: GM Brazier T: 01442 862073 Sort: 11-91-00 Acc No: 02529694

want finest clean carpets? Thank you!

5 5 8885551118881111 DDEE EEPP--CCLLEE34 11eaanD wwe neersrE A8NN .deepe-pc-le 18 s P.oruk-krepeat .c.E co.u o CLEA cleaan-ne iscleaned recommendation business not A errs s..wet N ccoo.u.u kk • Your upholstery and carpets won’t be left wet,

Hand painted height charts... o you wayour n ad designing? Need ean ca rpetst? Give Gary a call.

ply the be most m st cleaning y o odern, up-to-d u can get owner a t o omme perator - 90 e equipment ndatio % of m n or y work stery a nd carp repeat ets left safe ch only d emicals am – no ‘s uRvey ticky’ a p when clean & quo fter fe ed – n te el ot we rE NO t! We are T hAPP still y wITh o p era g htehebb y wO •cleSimplymthe best etstcle es duringet rk – Icleaningthyoutincan g anain wON’T nin ese unc g tmem g ttsh y y o o oeds ob T e u u A rtain d c k c a rentr,ncu,lep a E n n P g A g u ym etet pn-t a-t tim w og oin • The most modern, up-to-date stenm -d -d n eequipment sE. NT! atyaeo reroow teu odepew p eqecu q aip rtaw u reran nip Please , gm m eetnetnt call for m -t e wm 9 o e 9 enn e 0 n -d 0 % % d p d e m a r baoetap em toeio ot-e details. focfm lem e qyu rio aywip rPanro fn nwom erooperator •otorcloLocal owner rerae-rnpe9, eTp rrsnk t.isco.u hm ke yroya elsnate 0hae nad % d etaPtro obffeum rcytacio s in k nrepdotescrtasle raapn e y ss s sle ionw rrele al o rkaners res p fptefeto C cyhcbaehen an otw ts eedm nmy ly m ly niccic of isOrganisati odnad'tm caale arp abwork ls ls a–n m e90% –n pepw etsdo nle w le o on ft hehwneenct,le ‘s f vev ‘s t ehy t ecy t o ic ic cole e&m n k k ly &q y y ’ annaly ’ icq d a a au ftafm ene –np u ls t–by t eee n etneorecommendation oo e e hlen cle ddda–m vey & oo ‘sticky ereprfefw l t!t! aned – t tww ’ after quote N OO T T h h f n e A A el ot we ct Dar PPPy P y w w 18 ITIT t! or hmm hrepeat NOT hren Batc yww h lor y OO rk– –I I cleaning you can get BEST r k othe wITeh 25 85AP1Py• Simply ww OO myn:w N N ’T’TTA TA Orkand kEP PAy kE 11 most •8Upholstery carpets – I wup-to-date deep-c or Mmodern, equipment mm O EN EN N’T TA Ay lean•eThe TT o w b w r i k s w l w .c e E PAym ! ! : when ww 0 . . wmw d d 7 e e 7 E e N 9 w p left only damp p T! 0 • Local owner operator 90% of my work w .d clcle 0 bb


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Golf Coaching is available for adults and juniors all year round. Whatever you need whether it is 1-to-1 or group sessions on all areas of the game which include: Long Game, Approach Shots, Pitching, Chipping, Bunker Play, Putting and on Course Management. Ring or email PGA Professional Russell Phillips now on

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OIL TANKS • Supplied • Maintenance • Fitted • Choice of size • Fuel pumping service

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Unit 2 Ladymead Farm, Quainton, HP224AN. Tel: 01296 670777 Email: Website:

A Professional Gas and Heating Engineer A Professional Gas and Heating Company • Ø Fully Qualified Heating Engineers out all aspects of plumbing Fully Qualified Heatingcarrying Engineer and heating work.

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or email

Cublington Cricket ANNETTE GESOFF Club

New players wanted

Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists

(All age groups)

Mens & Ladies Groundstaff also wanted

Established 1863

Specialising boiler offering changes, • Ø Specialising in boilerinchanges, up tosystem 10 years upgrades, warranty under the

01296 670500

Come and join us at indoor nets We have booked Waddesdon School sports hall for the following net sessions for seniors and all juniors who aspire to play senior cricket in 2019:

Massage can be beneficial for many conditions – see my website for further information:

Thursday 28 February Thursday 7 March Thursday 14 March Thursday 21 March Thursday 28 March Thursday 4 April All sessions are from 7pm until 8.30pm.

For more information about playing or to help manage the ground please contact either: 229914

Please phone: 07527 989639 or Michael on 07876 593434

01525 240135 or 07709 629283 Or email:

Member of the Four Counties Cricket League


Electrician & Domestic Appliance Engineer.

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A peaceful Country Retreat for your cat in spacious heated farm accommodation. Gillian Alexander - Proprietor Inspections welcome South Tinkers Hole Farm • Cublington Road • Wing • Leighton Buzzard • Beds • LU70LB Telephone: Aylesbury (01296) 681104 email:


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We run all levels offrom first aid training logos to ads to GB including FIRST AID AT WORK

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Oil Syndicate

provided by highly experienced, frontline emergency service professionals

Get involved and save yourself some money! For more information please contact Mark Main Contacts : Simon & Vanessa Morgan Cheetham 07951 017646 / 01296 681258 or

Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton Buzzard LU70LB

Total Butler - – 01442 231 603 Watson Oil – 01604 880 191 Email: – 01525 402 073 BelowConquest are text Oil boxes that can be copied and pasted, h

Call: 07811238163,


whichever fits better. Invoice to:

Laptop & Computer

C.Dowell Printer, Setup, Repairs, Data Recovery, 67 Leighton RoadNetwork, Virus Infection, Internet, Wireless, Wing Home/Office-computer problems,

Lakeside Coarse Fishery CUBBER’S finest Lakeside Farm, Wing Road, Cublington, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 0LF Organically Produced

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pork sausages

7 Beds day Service from £40, No Fix No Fee, LU7 Qualified 0NN CUBBER’S and Experienced. Your local IT support. We Come to You

Thank you! 01296 326488 • 07925 338435


D design R R

Construction advice Planning Applications Building Regulations Applications Party Wall matters Project Supervision

David Rowe Dip Surv MCIOB

Architectural & Technical Design Services Contact - 07867 977 575

Help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it costs you nothing!

It's so easy to sign up... here’s how:-



1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to A3. R DEN MACHINERY • QUADS create your account. S E you R V Ihave C E •created your account • R E PA I R Sgo to Once you simply before you make a purchase, USED MACHINES AVAIL ABLE then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you.



If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be more than tel (01296) 720066 fax (01296) 720917. happy to help. Thanks local collection and delivery service available All major credit cards accepted


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Painting & Decorating Paperhanging. Painting. Coving. Tiling etc

Friendly and tidy service guaranteed.

For a free estimate please call Adrian Bystra

01296 688429

Window panels in porch at St Nicholas Church

Hare on the run

Sunrise & farmland

Abstract No 4.



keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious or even just slightly interesting) in the village - please let us know.

Spotted - sign appeared by the Nob for free delivery

of Wood Fired Pizza from Leighton Buzzard. Worth a go? But then it disappeared as quickly as it appeared!

Spotted - too late for inclusion last month, the

Alexanders sitting in their field live streaming a morning service.

Spotted - The North Field newly mown for silage.

Thanks to Arthur, Carolyn and Michael for arranging this. Thanks also to Hugh Vale for mowing round the edge. It is a delight to walk round the field and I have seen many villagers, walking and jogging round. Brilliant.

Spotted - Huge bonfire burning all the hedge

trimmings of Orchard Ground that ‘singed’ to say the least, a nearby tree. Water was on hand and all done in a controlled fashion.

Spotted - Potholes filled in down Ridings Way... now we have what can only be described as speed humps!!

Spotted - Jan Antosiewicz busy erecting a new boundary fence.

Spotted - the Leaning Wall of Parish is gone. Being

Spotted - Fly tipping at Reads Lane/Wing Road

junction. How anti-social. Why can’t they dispose of this legally?

Spotted - The new Lockdown Library in Chapel

Alley - if you’ve got any spare books pop them in here for others to enjoy!

replaced by a sturdy wooden fence. Phew.

Spotted - Mother woodpecker seen feeding her chick on a bird table in Bell Close.. and the Sparrowhawk!

Several other woodpeckers in our garden too... both the Great Spotted and the Green Woodpecker.

Spotted - Tennis players back on the courts enjoying

Spotted - Dennis & Jack Allen, Tim Taylor & Ryan

being able to play a proper game of tennis at last.

Bullock repairing the broken five bar gate to Orchard Ground. Many thanks guys!

Spotted - Numerous different butterflies in Hugh’s field

@ 10.30 am is growing! Even some who don’t live there!

margins, helpfully planted with wild flowers and red clover.

A group of butterflies is officially called a kaleidoscope, although they are sometimes referred to as a swarm, a flutter or a flight. Groups of caterpillars are called an army. The world is home to around 20,000 species of butterflies. See elsewhere for more collective nouns...

Spotted - The Ridings Way Sunday Coffee Mornng

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