Cublington Crier December 18 #379

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December 2018

Cublington Crier



Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984



A display of memories and mementos with linked a Flower Festival Display. St Nicholas' Church, open Friday, 9th November 3 - 5pm Saturday, 10th, 11am - 4pm Sunday, 11th 10am - 4pm (after the 9am Remembrance service)



The Cublington Crier Mailbox | Outside Bell Cottage, High St Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548

Editorial I don’t know about you all, but to me this year has just flown. We are now in December and the panic sets in about Christmas, the buying of presents ( I always leave it too late) and food, well I buy enough to feed an army! It’s only a Bank Holiday!! The shops are open on Boxing Day. Still it’s a lovely time of year when we can get together with family and friends and enjoy our children and the grandchildren become excited about the arrival of Santa. Let’s look back on the year 2018 in Cublington. We are a very small village but we have a huge heart. We are a great community and so much goes on that involves so many. By January the rehearsals for the panto are well under way and February brings the actual Panto. A great favourite village activity, with so much work involved by the thespians and volunteers. This year’s title seems to be still under wraps! Looking forward to that. Preparations are now underway for our Fete on the 23rd of June. Volunteers are always needed. Always a great occasion. I loved the bunting around the village. Let’s keep that going. We had the very popular Open Gardens and highly successful Horticultural show. It’s always a pleasure to walk passed the Allotments to see wonderful produce growing and all the hard work that goes into obtaining such delights. Cricket has proved very popular on our great pitch and we have teams of boys and girls ,men and women. Equality is very important in our village. Cublington seems to be a sort after team to join. It amazes me the stamina of the hardy tennis players who play in all weathers on our wonderful court and youngsters play as well. Our new Play area is amazing and is frequently being used. Thank you to the organisers. Many ladies have been very busy each Friday in the Unicorn, these are the Cublington Crafters. They have been knitting and crocheting poppies for the Rememberence Day. Thank you Several people have been very busy capturing wonderful images of our village dogs for the beautiful calendar in aid of Canine Partners. I didn’t realise we had so many dogs on our doorstep. As of last Saturday only one calendar left for sale. They have raised over a £1000. Fantastic. Orchard Ground committee have been busy organising Quiz nights , Cabaret nights and an Open Air cinema showing the Greatest Showman. A great idea St Nicholas church plays a large part in our community and we can sponsor the lights for a special occasion. Also coffee and croissants on a Sunday after the service. Lovely idea. There have been some wonderful concerts in the church and these are becoming more and more popular. A great venue for a concert. The Unicorn is our community pub, which hosts many musical evenings of different genres and our annual Sloe gin competition. All the big sports events can be watched here, meals to be eaten and BBQs devoured in the summer. Also they have the Unicorn Golf society. So much going on for a small village, but finally don’t forget the Carol singing and Advent window trail on 24th December. I do hope I haven’t left any group out . If I have I apologise ! – you are equally important ! Most of all I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and Healthy and Prosperous New Year Trisha Bundock

January EDITORS:

Gary & Gill NEXT COPY DEADLINE is EARLY 15th December Please make sure copy is in by that date... this is because of printers Christmas shutdown.

The Crier online...

Available at


The Rememberance displays and talks at St Nicholas over the Remenberance weekend. We're told the results and displays are planned to be put online. Well done to all who helped put this unique display together. You know who you are! See additional insert with this Crier.

January Crier

Deadline for content is strictly 15th of December. No leeway here as the January issue goes to print on the 19th before the Xmas shutdown.


To Tim and Sue Taylor. Moving into Reads Lane shortly after a truly mammoth build!


also to Hannah O'Reilly and Lewis Thomson moved into Stewkley Road.

Don't miss out

On the book - Cublington in Pictures Old and New. We are reprinting this popular book. See ad inside.

A big thank you

to Roy Ratcliffe ( not even of Cublington), for giving up his time to repair the main gate to Orchard Ground. Jason & Vanessa

CRIER CONTACTS CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Advertorials - £50 per insertion. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

If you love the Crier we really would like your further input... If you are willing to help in any way... whether it be delivering, writing the odd letter, or sending an article you think might be of interest or any sort of regular contributions like Who Am I? Please do it as The Crier only survives with content. The editororial team really can't be expected to do everything every month. The guest editor list is now being compiled for 2019 and 2020, yes we really do plan that far ahead! If asked please do your bit for the community. To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

Contact details

THE RED POST BOX OUTSIDE BELL COTTAGE; CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Bucks LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

Rememberance pull out With this issue of The Crier, there will be a four page insert, which is a brief synopsis of the exhibition of memorabilia associated with Cublington residents. If anyone fails to get one, please contact us direct and we will endeavour to get another copy to you. Thanks to everyone who contributed to a fascinating insight into our village history and to Michael Reilly for putting it together so swiftly for publicartion. Gary | Cublington Crier

Re: Planning application Lakeside Business Units - URGENT ACTION REQUIRED

18/04085/APP | Formation of new vehicular access onto Reads Lane and non-compliance with condition 12 of 00/02755/APP, to allow the re-use of the original access point to the site (part retrospective) | Lakeside Business Units Wing Road Cublington Buckinghamshire I am not too sure if you are aware after the works carried out to the front of Lakeside Business Units, the owners have resubmitted a revised planning application for a new access of Reads Lane, and to allow the re-use of an original access point to the site (retrospective). If you could please get into the next edition of the Cublington Crier (if you have not already done so), to raise awareness about this in the village and to make sure we get as many people as possible to object to the revised planning application and illegal activities they have carried out clearing the front of the site and making the front of the site an “eye sore�. HOPEFULLY WITH PARISH COUNCIL AND LOCAL COUNCILLOR SUPPORT, AND LOT OF STRONG OBJECTIONS FROM VILLAGERS ETC, WE CAN STOP THIS REVISED PLANNING APPLICATION OBTAINING APPROVAL FOR AN ACCESS ONTO READS LANE, WHICH IF IT SUCCEEDED, WOULD BE A REAL TRAGEDY.

Main Contact:

Minutes of a meeting of Cublington Parish Council held on 13th November 2018 in Village Hall at 7.30pm Present: Cllr H Vale (Chairman) Cllr G Antosiewicz Cllr J Merriman Cllr S Morgan Cllr M Reilly In attendance: Mr M Joy (Clerk) 1. Apologies Cllr N Glover 2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held on 11th September 2018 were discussed by the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman. 3. Remembrance weekend Cllr Vale thanked everyone in the village for their contributions for the centenary anniversary of Armistice Day . It was felt all the events that took place, and the displays throughout the village were a fitting tribute to our fallen heroes. 4. Reports Neighbourhood Policing Team Reports are posted regularly on the Cublington website http://www. Aylesbury Vale District Council and Buckinghamshire County Council (Cllr Netta Glover)

opportunity to create a knowledge intensive cluster, with the ability for it to compete globally. Already one of the most innovative and economically successful areas in the UK, the Corridor boasts stellar growth projections over the next 30 years. A significant part of this growth will be generated in the Central Area - the large belt of land that forms the Corridor’s backbone. 2 Bucks Healthcare @BucksHealthcare. We are recruiting volunteers with #4x4 winter-ready vehicles. Drivers will be called to support essential health services during snowy & icy conditions. Fuel costs reimbursed. Willing to volunteer this winter? Call 01494 426553 or find out more here Budget Consultation: As you may have heard, the County Council is currently running its annual budget consultation. This helps inform the council of what services residents prioritise, and how residents feel money should be spent in the coming financial year. We would greatly appreciate you sharing the below link with your parishes, and encouraging your residents to fill it out, after all, the more people who let us know their thoughts, the more accurately we can judge what’s important to people. The consultation is open until 14 November 2018 and you can find more information, and complete the short online survey here:https:// budgetconsultation-201920/ Extortion Cyber spam. Ignore an email advising you to log onto a site to prove your identity. The message will quote a password you have used and inviting you to pay a large sum of money to avoid publicity. I got one a couple of months ago which I ignored. Nothing happened. It is usually the elderly who get entrapped so make sure your elderly relatives are aware of this nasty scam.

Bin Collection: The first few weeks of the new collection system have gone well with really no more missed bins than usual; I am well aware how irritating it is if you are one of those affected but I can say without doubt, that the team and I always move swiftly to rectify and with the various bins that we empty, we are handling over 1 million bins per month so that the percentage is actually tiny. The new bin lorries are now giving us economy of scale with their longer range and will also give us the ability to cope with the many new houses to come.

Don't Pay Twice! is a new campaign from TfB to encourage people who witness damage to the highway to report it so that we can catch the people responsible. As a taxpayer, you pay for the highways already. Repairing damage on the roads - whether to streetlights, signage or bollards - is expensive. Make sure you don't pay twice!

Contractors are now on site, commencing the refurbishment and revision of the depot hopefully finishing in the summer.

*Damage to the highway asset does not include road defects such as potholes, which can be reported via Fix My Street

There has been much publicity about Swindon Borough Council’s proposal to stop recycling plastic, telling residents to put their plastic material in the refuse bin from now on. Our situation is different because we have a contract to supply mixed recycling to Casepak and it is therefore their responsibility to deal with the material supplied. Furthermore our contract with them is a new and up to date one, having started only last month. We have recently had a meeting with Casepak to review the first month’s operation and both parties are pleased with the result.

Mr Joy commented that several defects had been reported on ‘Fix My Street’ website, and these issues had been outstanding for months with no update on when theys would be resolved. The meeting asked that Cllr Glover might give this feed back to ‘Fix My Street’ (Transport for Bucks) to see if their communication process can be improved.

Bucks Thames Valley LEP. Following the government review we informed the board that AVDC would be opting to stay with SEMLEP and would be leaving BTVLEP. This followed the government’s decision not to have Local Authorities overlapping in two or more LEPs http:// The Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor is more than a tale of two cities The Oxford- Cambridge Growth Corridor is high on the national agenda and is recognised by the government as a once-in-a-generation

If you want to find out more information about the campaign, or if you witness someone damaging the highway* and need to report it, visit:

5. Accounts 5.1 The following invoices were passed for payment since the last meeting: Clerk Salary:

Sept £154.8 Oct £154.85

Littlejohn - audit fee Autela – payroll services EON

£360.00 £46.80

Sept £101.20 Oct £97.93

Swarco Traffic – maintenance contract for speed warning sign

7. Planning Permissions


18/03380/APP – 2 The Cottages Stewkley Road – extend roofline for insertion of dormer to west elevation. No objection

Mainly Mowing -mowing and hedges £233.00 MW Jenkins – digging out pond


S Hayward – pollard trees by pond


Accounts to 31 August 2018 and forecast to 31 March 2019 were presented to the meeting by Mr Joy. The forecast is showing a small surplus of £180 and reserves of £9,309. 6. Orchard Ground Report & North Field Project Update, incl. CIO status

18/02453/APP Lakeside Business Units - formation of new vehicular access (retrospective). This application has now been withdrawn. The PC formally complained to AVDC planning office concerning the clearance work carried out on the site, the metal fencing and the lack of traffic control whilst the work was carried out. The complaint has been referred to the enforcement office, and we are awaiting their response. 7. Village Matters

Cllr Reilly gave an update on OG.The accounts for the year ended 31st October 3 2018 recorded a surplus for the year of £4.6k with net cash equivalents of £12.0k. Last year net cash equivalents were £7.4k. Much of the increase is due to fund raising events income is up £3.0k. These numbers do not include the £3.0k interest free loan that the OGA has received. Martyn Waters and Liz Smith have met with a solicitor recently for a pro-bono consultation about the draft constitution, this was done via Bucks Community Impact who have been a great help. The solicitor is a charity specialist, previously working for the Charity Commission. He has given some feedback on the draft, giving pointers and tips as to what will be acceptable to the Charity Commission, and those areas that needed some amendment. He also gave some advice about North Field being gifted or leased from the parish council.

7.1 Traffic Calming: Transport for Bucks has started to collate data on traffic movement for the feasibility report for a roundabout , and a meeting will be arranged with the PC to discuss the terms of reference . They anticipate the report being issued in February 2019. A discussion took place about speed limits into and out of the village. This matter will be put to the consultants completing the feasibility report. A meeting with Matt Whincup, Local Area Technician, Transport for Buckinghamshire is being arranged.

This June at

7.2 Street Lighting: One broken light should be replaced within the next ten days. 7.3 Speed watch Sunday Cllr Morgan has received training on the equipment. Further training for other users should take place towards the end of November.

There is no progress yet on the planning requirements: an arboreal assessment is required by AVDC as to what tree type etc is to be planted 7.4 Pond and also a flood assessment for the regeneration of the pond and the The trees have been cut back, and water is beginning to fill up in the 18th Father’s Day is sure to be popular, so make amphitheatre area. The car park area has been removed for the proposed pond. The storm drain in Stewkley Road is not flowing into the pond, sure you book early. Or this June, why not plans as otherwise AVDC wanted Bucks transport to do an impact and it was agreed Mike Jenkins will digand the enjoy pipe an up altoFresco seeingmeal what come or isjust assessment on increased traffic etc along Stewkley Road. Martyn Waters happening. This should be carriedsitout shortly. It was agreed to carry in the sunshine in our lovely garden, aout also has an appointment early in the new year with the National Lottery. a further reduction on the pond trees at no cost to the for PC.friends and family. magical meeting place He has also been given a contact with Heart of Bucks Charity who might Every Saturday we hold a BBQ in the garden 7.5 Village matters It was agreed to make a contribution of £150 fund ‘start up costs’ Martyn Waters was working on an application to from 5-9pm, right through till September. towards the costs of hedge and tree trimming by Church Path Cllr Reilly AVDC for another grant for some kitchen equipment when we got the was thanked for sorting out the Parish Council notice board. confirmation of the WREN grant for the kitchen: £28,800. AVDC were quite happy to have another bid from us, in fact we can submit another 8. Meeting dates for 2019 Thursday Saturday 17th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am two bids. Once the kitchen is ‘sorted’ we’ll look to see what else we need: 1st – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Garden BBQ 5-9pm chairs, tables, a roller shutter between the kitchen/hall etc. Liz and Lucy 9th January 2019 Saturday 3rd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 18th Father’s Day Lunch – booking advised have undertaken some great work for the kitchen. Work should start 12th March 2019 Garden BBQ 5-9pm Monday 19th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm early Jan 2019. Liz has also sorted out some of the funding/ money flow4th Roast 7th May and probable AGM Thursday 22nd – Steak Night – Sunday Lunch2019 – booking advised etc with WREN after some queries from the contractors. 2019Quiz from 8.30pm Monday 5th –9th TheJuly Unicorn 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 September Thursday 8th 10th – Steak Night – 2019 Saturday 24th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Charitable status and possible transfer of assets: 2 steaks and a 12th bottle of house wine for £40 Garden BBQ 5-9pm November 2019. Mr Joy distributed an email from the PC’s lawyers which stated there is 10th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Saturday Sunday 25th Roast Lunch – booking advised no stamp duty land tax arising on the transfer of land to a charity. This BBQ The onQuiz Wednesday Garden 5-9pmnext meeting of the Parish Council Monday will 26th take – Theplace Unicorn from 8.30pm was the last piece of information required to confirm that the PCSunday could 11th Roast Lunch – 2019 bookingatadvised 9th January 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Thursday 29th Steak Night – Monday 12th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for legally gift the land to a charity.

Now Booking What’s On

Thursday 15th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Friday 16th – Live Music with TinLin

£40 and Live Jazz with Alison Carter All events subject to change

REVISED XMAS & NEW Booking always advisable - now online too! YEAR BIN COLLECTIONS Call 01296 681261 Spare Friday 28th December - Recycling The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ

a thought for pets this New Year

Visit our web site for details

Friday 4th January - Waste Thursday 10th January - Recycling Note: Garden Waste collections end on 19th November and recommence January 28th 2019


Cublington Crier

Xmas Greetings page

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

stmas i r h C t s e B our l l a r o f s Wishe ders. a e r y l e v o l team r e i r C e h T Merry Christmas and a Happy, Good, New Year Love Sandie, Mike, Elizabeth & Ben

Every year the Crier publishes villager's Christmas Greetings so they don't have to send cards to all their friends in the village. What they would have spent on cards, we simply ask them to donate to a charity of their choice. Thank you for taking part.

ll our a g in h Wis Merry y r e v a friends s and a a m t is Chr Year. w e N Happy Gill Gary &



T-Towels this year

Great as a Christmas Gift

Limited stock is available. ÂŁ6 each or ÂŁ10 for two. Contact Gary or Gill if you want one.

December Festivities at Don’t forget your Christmas party bookings What’s On

Saturday 1st Start of Festive menu (ends 31st Dec) Sunday 2nd – Roast lunch Midday - 3pm Monday 3rd – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 6th – Steak night – 2 steak meals and bottle of house wine for £40 Sunday 9th – Roast lunch Midday - 3pm Monday 10th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Wednesday 12th – The Unicorn Sloe Gin Competition from 7.30pm Thursday 13th – Steak night 2 steak meals and Friday bottle of– fish house It’s– Fish Friday every setwine menufor £40 Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Sunday 16th – Roast lunch Midday 3pm and2pm (time tbc) Saturday 1st – No Joke! Breakfasts Easter Egg hunt in the garden be booking advised It’s Fish Friday every – fishQuiz set menu Easter Monday Sunday 16th Monday 17th – TheFriday Unicorn from 8.30pm Easter from 9.30am – 11.00am 17th Lunch – The –Unicorn Quiz Saturday 1st – No Joke! Breakfasts Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Thursday 20th ––Steak Sunday 2nd Lunch bookingnight advised from 8.30pm from –Friday – 2 9.30am steak and ofQuiz house wine for £40 Easter Easter Monday – Night The Unicornadvised Quiz Fish Friday every –bottle fish set menu Sunday 16th Lunch – booking Monday 3rdmeals – 11.00am The Unicorn from 8.30pm Thursday 20th – 17th Steak Friday 21st – Sunday 2nd Lunch – booking advised from 8.30pm – 2 Egg steaks and ainbottle of house2pm wine(time for £40 – Steak Night urday Thursday 1st – No6th Joke! Breakfasts Easter hunt the garden tbc) Monday 3rd – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th – Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am “Christmas Special!” Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn Quiz 9.30am – 11.00am – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Party Bookings now being taken! Thursday – –Steak Night Friday 7th 6th Music Sunday 23rd Roast lunch Midday-3pm day 2nd Lunch –– Live booking advised from Sunday 8.30pm23rd Lunch – booking advised – 2 steaks and aStick bottlefrom of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd– Breakfasts – 11.00am with Mouth on a 8.30pm Monday 24th The Unicorn from Quiz 9.30am from 8.30pm Monday 24th – Christmas Eve – No Quiz Thursday nday 3rd – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm 20th – Steak Night Friday 7th8th – Live Sunday 23rd Lunch –Night booking advised Saturday Breakfasts from 9.30am Book now for Christmas! Thursday 27th Steak Tuesday 25th –Music Christmas Day – 11.00am – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 rsday Sunday 6th – Steak Night with Mouth on a Stick The Unicorn 8.30pm Open for Midday –8.30pm 2pm 9thdrinks Lunch – from booking advised –Monday 2 steaks 24th and a–bottle of houseQuiz winefrom for £40 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Saturday 8th Breakfasts fromQuiz 9.30am – 11.00am Thursday 27th Steak Night Wednesday Boxing Day from Monday 10th –26th The –Unicorn 8.30pm Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz Sunday 9th Lunch – booking advised – 2 steaks and aBreakfasts bottle of house wine for £40 ay 7thThursday –Open Livefor Music Sunday 23rd 29th Lunch – booking advised drinks Midday – 2pm 13th – Steak Night Saturday from 9.30am – 11.00am Mouth–Monday on a Stick10th from 8.30pm The Unicorn Quizforfrom Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz 27th – Steak night 24th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm 2Thursday steaks and a–bottle of house wine £408.30pm Monday Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised – 2 steak meals and bottle of house wine for £40 Thursday 13thBreakfasts – from Steak9.30am Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am urday Saturday 8th Breakfasts 11.00am 15th from –9.30am – 11.00amThursday All events 27th subject toSteak change Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 – Roast lunch Midday-3pm Sunday 30th Lunchof–house booking advised day 9thSunday Lunch –30th booking advised – 2 steaks and a bottle wine for £40 Wednesday 12th December 7.30pm Monday15th 31stBreakfasts – New Year’s – No Quiz Saturday from Eve 9.30am – 11.00am All events subject to change nday 10th – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz rsday 13th – Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Sunday 30th Lunch – booking advised urday 15th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am All events subject to change

What’s On What’s On

What’s On

The Spokes

SLOE Gin Competition 2018

Book online - so you won’t be disappointed.

01296 681261 Booking always advisable Visit web site for681261 full event details Booking 01296 always advisable The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ Visit web site for full event details The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ

1296 681261

Booking always advisable

Competition 2016 SLOE Gin

Competition 2018 Wednesday 12th December

And of course these Unicorn Regulars:

FIRST PRIZE Entries in by 7.30pm please Five categories. New Sloe, Vintage Sloe, New Hedgerow, Vintage Hedgerow, Sloe Gin 2018

Coffee & Cake, Tea and the Telegraph Wednesday - Saturday from 10.00am Monday Night is Quiz Night from 8.00pm Thursday Night is Steak Night

2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday Breakfast Club Buy 5 get one FREE! Start the weekend off right - served from 9.30-11.00am


Friday 21st December

THE UNICORN BREAKFAST CLUB *Terms and conditions: • Discount valid for up to 6 people • Unopened envelope must be presented at time of ordering. Reward only valid when unopened • All opened envelopes will be considered invalid • Envelopes will be opened by Unicorn member of staff at time of bill presentation • Only one envelope, per table, per party will be accepted • Discount applicable to restaurant items only and may not be used with Reward card scheme or special event nights • May not be used Friday or Saturday nights • Discounts apply to food bill only • Offer runs during January, February and up to 12th March 2017

14th December 2016

SLOE Gin Competition 2016

Warning: Void if envelope opened





THIS WEEKEND Saturday 4thTHIS 14:25 WEEKEND Scotland v Ireland Autumn Rugby 16:50 England v France


Eat with us over the festive period, and make sure youuspick up your Boomerang Bonus Visit again in January or February envelope. DON"T OPEN IT! Return to to get a BUT guaranteed discount of either eat 25%, with us50% in January February and you're or 75%oroff your meal*. guaranteed at least 25% off your meal.* Bring this unopened envelope with you.


Saturday 4th Sunday 5th

14:25 Scotland v Ireland 16:50 v v France 14:00 England Italy Wales

Sunday 5th

14:00 Italy

v Wales


Saturday, 1 December 14th December 2016 Barbarians v Argentina kick-off at 2.30pm PIE AND A PINT FOR £10 Live on BBC Two £1 OFF XT CARLSBERG PIE AND A OR PINT FOR £10 WHILE ENGLAND WINNING! £1 OFF XT OR CARLSBERG WHILE ENGLAND WINNING!

And Six Nations coming in February!

All matches shown on terrestial TV live in the bar or the Clubroom for exclusive hire. Please ask for details. All matches shown on terrestial TV live in the bar or the Clubroom for exclusive hire. Please ask for details.




The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ

*Excludes drinks .Terms and excluded. conditions applyand conditions apply. * Excludes drinks. Certain prontional periods Terms

s a m t s i r Ch y r E r e V M I y L r e v O AIX NATI NS r customers S Sou l N l O a I T o SIX tNAGBY

Sunday Roasts 12-3pm popular as ever so make sure you book to avoid disappointment! Selection of home made Bar Snacks Sausage Rolls, Gala Pie or Scotch Eggs Always available when open! Hold your business meetings or private parties in our private Club Room. Please contact us for details. FREE WiFi internet access! We're dog friendly!


Join us on January 1st for the

Tennis Club's New Year's Knock As is tradition in the club, we all gather to play tennis at midday on New Year’s Day. All members and families are welcome to come along to Orchard Ground and play tennis (weather dependent) or just socialise. Bring along your leftover Christmas food/drink and we’ll do our best to polish it off! We hope you can make it - please put the date in your diary! We look forward to seeing you all there.

Christmas Word


You are invited to a

Christmas Craft Sale And Coffee Morning

The Unicorn Clubroom High Street CUBLINGTON LU7 0LQ

Saturday 1st December 2018 From 10.30am – noon All proceeds to

The Friends of Whitchurch Surgery Reg Charity no:1064109/0

Grand Christmas Prize Draw Saturday 8th December at Whitchurch Surgery

10.30am -12.00pm

Draw at 11.30am

Coffee and biscuits will be available.

making it easier for people to find local post offices and the services they offer.

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,

Carol Singing round the village...

Monday 10th December 7pm at The Nob. Funds raised to go to Cancer Research

Dear Villagers

Thank you to everyone who invited us to their front door so we could Trick or Treat.

We had so much fun planning our Halloween costumes, decorating our house and going around the village. Thank you again for making our Halloween evening so much fun.

Ellanean and Maia

Annual Winter Appeal

Wanted - Hats, Gloves, Blankets, Scarves, Clothes, Food and Toys The number of people sleeping rough or not able to afford to heat their homes is going to be very high again this winter. I am happy to collect from you or you can drop off at 1 Roses Close. Tel 07794 146506 or 01296 688093 Thank you for all your support. Cerus



Woodchippings going free!

There are two great piles of wood chippings on the top of the mound at Orchard Ground... from trimming the laurels round the tennis courts. Please help yourself if you want some to keep the weeds down! We are delighted that the 2019 Dogs of Cublington Calendar has almost sold out and has, to date, raised over £1200 which will support two great causes: Cublington’s own Orchard Ground and national charity, Canine Partners. Thank you to everyone who bought a copy (or several!) we hope you enjoy this fine display of local canine pin-ups. Compiling the Calendar was a pleasure and we'd like to thank again some key people who made the Calendar possible: Freddie Sims: our calm and talented lead Photographer, Gary Brazier: an unflinchingly supportive and brilliant designer and all our very kind Sponsors. And a final thank you to all the Cublington dogs and their owners. Every dog must have his day- and we are pleased to give them a year’s worth. A very happy 2019 to you all. Mary, Gwyneira and Bridget

Cublington revisited - an evacuees story. My name is Pat McGinn, but I was born Patricia Allen. Last week on October 16th, my family decided to go visit my sister Eileen as she was in the hospital in London. As we left Heathrow, my son suggested we go to Cublington, as Eileen and myself lived there in 1939 for nearly 4 years. At the time, I was 7 ½ and Eileen was nearly 10. All we were told was that we were going to the country and it would possibly be only until Christmas. So, on the first Saturday in September, we were taken to our school where there were a number of buses. All we had to carry was a case and a gas mask for Eileen, and a back-pack with my clothes and my gas mask inside it. The buses took us to the railroad station, where we were all put on a train with our teachers. The train took us to Leighton Buzzard. Then we got on more buses and went to a place called Cublington. When we arrived at the Cublington School, we went inside and there was a meal prepared for all of us by the women of the village. Each of them had said how many children they were prepared to take and live with them. One of the women was Mrs. (Mollie) Stevens and she said she would take 6 children. Because it was hard to find a family of 6, they decided to take 3 lots of 2 sisters. So they asked us to put up our hands if we were 2 sisters. Well, they called the 2 girls Popkins, then the 2 girls Bonner, then Eileen told me to put up my hand and the teacher, Miss Hammond, called Eileen and myself. We then went with Mrs. Stevens to her home, which was called The Old Rectory. In my eyes it was a huge house. The other girls did not stay too long. I think it was because they got home-sick. So, before the end of November, only Eileen and myself were left at the Stevens. We called Mr. and Mrs. Stevens “Madam and Master”. It was a memory of my childhood I shall never forget. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens treated us like we were part of their family! We went to Aston Abbotts to school after Cublington School was closed, as the government said there were too FR


many children for a 2 roomed school. But Mrs. Stevens said that walking all the way to school, which was 2 ½ miles, and back 4 times a day was too much. They tried to tell her we could take sandwiches for lunch, but she still said no, as she thought we should have a hot meal at lunchtime. So, Eileen and myself went to school in the morning and then walked home at lunchtime, bringing our homework with us. I would like to say right now that going back to see the Old Rectory was such a joy to me. Memories came flooding back and I will always remember that time in my life as I know how it has influenced my life. So, looking back at 86 years old, I think I took the remembrances of Cublington and the people of the village and said that I would like my family to live like they did. It was such a wonderful time. I will never forget. Going back to Cublington after nearly 80 years, I was so thrilled to be able to walk around the grounds the first day and see the lily pond and all the back of the garden, and the old moat that we used to slide on during the winter with master Dick, as he had ice skates and skated around Eileen and myself. I even saw the old school in Aston Abbotts where we went to school after Cublington School was closed. Comparing the two different ways of life as a child, I can finally look back and say I had a wonderful life living in Cublington and would like to thank every one of the people that made this possible. I’d like to thank Lucy Peck for allowing us to go back into the Old Rectory and bringing back so many happy memories. Pat McGinn The full version of this article is available online at



Thank you all so much for help with the mowing this year... The lawnmower is off for a refurb, thank you all so much for your efforts, the churchyard looked immaculate and the judges at the best kept village thought so too and gave it a ten. If you would like to be added to the list of helpers please get in touch on 682787 or God Bless, Roy

Could you please help keep up the good work? Call Roy to book your slot on next year's rota!

Orchard Ground Highlights & items of interest •N ew Committee elected at AGM. Main Roles: Colin Antosiewicz Chairman Liz Smith Treasurer. Vanessa Verity Secretary. Jason Taylor Maintenance. Bob Paine Bookings. New committee members always wanted Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Outgoing members Duncan Mack and Mike Bush were thanked for their efforts over last number of years. Minutes of AGM available on • A huge thank you to Variety Club whose Cabaret Evening has donated half the proceeds - £483 to OG funds. The other half is going to Help For Heroes. • The Dog Walkers of Cublington have sold nearly all their calendars. Half the proceeds are being donated to OG funds. Thank you - a fantastic effort. • D ue to grants, donations and increased number of successful events, our surplus for the year is £4,600, leaving some £12,000 available for further maintenance and projects. • 100 Club tickets for 2018/19. This year we sold a record 265 tickets. Prize winners are published as they happen in the Crier and on the website. Contact Bob Paine if you want a ticket for the new draws starting in May. • Kitchen refurbishment will start in January and last approximately 6 weeks, Clubs have been informed and a reopening event is planned. • Further events planned for 2019 will be published in due course in Crier. • A big thank you to Roy Ratcliffe (not even of Cublington), for giving up his time to repair the main gate to Orchard Ground. • E asyfundraising has so far raised over £400 for Orchard Ground - We now have 31 participants (only 6 more than a year ago!) - are there not more people in the village who buy goods online and who could raise money for doing nothing? Please speak to Bob Paine for more information on how to set it up - or see posters in the Biggs Pavilion. • D ate of next meeting: 23 January 2019 8pm Unicorn

It's so easy to sign up... here’s how:1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you.

The Biggs Pavilion - Rental

Village Residents and fully paid up members of Cublington clubs and organisations. Available for parties and special events £25 (up to 3 hours) Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £30 (up to 3 hours) Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £60 Non Villagers £90 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Cublington residents £150 Outside of village £200 Find a date you want and contact A refundable deposit of £25 is required at time of booking. Bob Paine on 01296 680483 Deposit will be returned if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. to book it! Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or


SPOTTED! Spotted - Absolutely magnificent!

Loads of lovely poppy garlands in the trees at the Church, at the crossroads and the Nob. Well done all you crafters! So what's your next project going to be?

Spotted - Several home-made

silhouettes appeared down the High St at the beginning of November and then moved to the crossroads. well done to whoever it was.

Then another on the Nob. First class effort.

keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious) in the village - please let us know.

Spotted - Where have the church bells gone? Spotted - New gate posts, fittings, and a rehung gate at

Orchard Ground, great job. (see OG News in Brief)

Spotted - Christmas decorations up already - actually

seen in October! Bonkers!

Spotted on TV, Martyn Waters seen in a BBC Oxford filmed news item about Aylesbury prison, NOT as a resident! He works there as a Probation Officer.

Spotted - Nearly the whole village attended a moving reading by Peter Clunie, before the Last Post was played and the beacon was lit. Welcome mulled wine was provided by the Parish Council. A fitting end to the tribute weekend.

Spotted - Telephone Box sadly being winched onto back

of a lorry and being taken away.

dates for your diary PLEASE let us know of any event in the village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.


January 2019

Sat 1st Charity Christmas Craft Sale @The Unicorn. 10am - Midday Cublingtons Advent trail 6-9pm - until 24th Monday 10th Village Carol Singing

1st Tennis Club New Year's Knock Midday @The Biggs Pavilion. All welcome for a small

Meet 7pm at The Nob

Weds 12th Sloe Gin Competition 7.30pm @The Unicorn. Entrants encouraged. Sunday 16th Village Christmas Lunch 12.30pm @The Biggs Pavilion. See ad. Friday 21st – The Spokes Christmas Special @ The Unicorn

Sunday 23rd Carol Service 4pm St Nicholas church

Weds 12th Christingle Service 11am St Nicholas church

game of tennis and some mulled wine.

Tuesday 22nd Cricket Club AGM 8pm at the Unicorn

Wednesday 23rd - Orchard Ground Meeting 8pm Unicorn

February Cublington Pantomime

Intriguingly titled ‘Tin Tin and the Mystery of the Disappearing Porridge’

Thurs. 21st, Fri. 22nd, Sat. 23rd ( 2 shows)

December Matilda Mountfield 2nd - 4 years old Mason Mullander 3rd - 12 years old Kaiden Gregory 6th - 8 years old Katy Dixon 8th - 15 years old

Maisy Parsons 11th - 11 years old

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children please let us know, Gary & Gill

"What I love about Cublington" We are not just a collection of houses, but epitomise a village community. There is something for everyone and you can get as involved as you want (or don't want), but still be part of a lovely corner of the world! Vanessa

Well I never knew that!

Recently seen in a magazine...

Did you know the humble OXO cube foil pack is designed so that you never have to get beefy fingers ever again! Simply unfold the corners, squish the cube and hey presto you have a foil envelope. Tear a corner and pour out the powder! You never have to touch a beefy smelling cube ever again. Brilliant!

Sunday 16th Village Christmas lunch Biggs Pavilion on 12.30 for 1pm rsvp to Sarah George for numbers please 01296 682367

All welcome!

1.What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet! 2. What was your first job? On the makeup counter at Woolworths. 3. Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? Nelson Mandela, to understand forgiveness better. 4. What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? Not sure that I want to choose – all have good points but bad too, and people get hurt. 5. Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? Dartmoor or anywhere with big skies. 6. What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Wanting to see what happens if you poke it / cut it / plant it / put it in the incubator. 7. What is your favourite book and why? A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin for coming to terms with situations. 8. What is your favourite song and why? Red Queen by Gryphon Three – got me through a lot of exams. 9. What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? Unsubstantiated rumour spreaders. 10. What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? See Question 6 – learning new skills 11. How long have you lived in Cublington. Nearly 30 years

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

Christingle Service in St Nicholas Church

Wednesday the 12th of December at 11am. All Very Welcome.

1. The tradition of putting tangerines in stockings comes from 12thcentury nuns who left socks full of nuts, fruit and tangerine at the houses of the poor.

A mixture of Christmas facts you may or may not know (believe them or not!)

2. Boxing day gets its name from all the money collected in church alms- boxes for the poor 3. According to tradition, you should eat one mince pie on each of the 12 days of Christmas to bring good luck. 4. It’s technically illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas day in England. In the 17th century Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas pudding, mince pies and anything to do with gluttony. The law has never been rescinded. 5. Mistletoe (Viscum album) is from the Anglo Saxon word misteltan, which means “little dung twig’’ because the plant spreads through bird droppings.

Wing Village Hall, Leighton Road, Wing

Opening Times Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

CLOSED 14:00 10:00 CLOSED 14:00 10:00 - @wing_library Please like and share our posts to advertise our events

19:00 13:00 17:00 13:00

Tea and coffee always available

Books: Fiction, Crime, Non-fiction, Large print, Audio, Teen, Children’s fiction & non-fiction Second-hand books and magazines for sale. Internet, Displays, Local information Photocopying, Printing, Laminating, Shredding. Craft sessions for children in school holidays If you belong to any Buckinghamshire library you can borrow or return books in Wing

The volunteers who help to run and keep open our library in Wing wish all of our members and supporters a very happy Christmas and extend our good wishes to all for 2019. Thank you for your continuing support. ***

Opening hours remain the same except for: Tue 18 December closing at 5pm; and closed on Tue 25 and Wed 26 December and Tue 1 January *** Lego Club - Friday 28 December 15:30 - 16:30

The Library is run entirely by volunteers - please support us and our special events Registered charity Number 1151925

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________







I hold a directory of tradesmen who have been recommended by someone using them in the village. You can pass on recommendations in confidence or even better if you are happy to show off their excellent handiwork to others or be called to provide a reference, please let me know that as well.

Contact Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639




Need a plumber, a decorator or electrician?







Lots of useful information Visit the website -

BABYSITTING DIRECTORY all listed are 14+ Alice Gadsby - 680452*

'What's On' in Bucks Website Please feel free to upload an y of your events free of charge on the ‘What’s On’ website:

Hannah Alexander - 681104 Toby Walls - 682697*

Phoebe Walls - 682697 Annie Lovatt - 682812 Izzy Law - 688019 or 07896 894914 Harvey Mack - 682820 Emily Mack - 682820

You can login via a Face book or Twitter account on the right hand column.... this will enable you to go back in and amend or change details to the events you have uploaded..... alternatively you can upload an event without logging in.

* School or Uni holidays only

Dear All We just wanted to say how amazing the village is looking in celebration of Remembrance Day. Having driven through lots of places that have done nothing, Cublington should be very proud of how fabulous it looks. The poppies are truly stunning and the wreaths are very humbling. A great honour to everyone over the last 100 years who have given their lives and fought to keep us safe. Lest We Forget Cerus, Matt and Ellanean Dear All Well done everyone for all the effort that went into making the whole weekend event such a success. We all enjoyed experiencing the exhibition and the church and village looked wonderful. The Allens Dear All Amazing exhibition and all the poppies, well done to you all for the work and effort put in. Sandie & Mike Joy

Christmas facts


Dear All Gary and I would like to echo the sentiments above. We thought it was a wonderful display in the church f the hidden history of our (unique!) village and the talks were so very moving. Thank you to everyone for all your hard work researching and setting up the display. Gary & Gill

6. The Yule Log was originally an entire tree that was carefully chosen and brought into the house with great ceremony and burned over the 12 days of Christmas. 7. Holly and Ivy have been used to decorate homes since the 9th century because they symbolise everlasting life. The holly represents Christ’s crown of thorns and the berries his blood. 8. mUS scientists calculated that Santa would have to visit 822 homes a second to deliver all the world’s presents on Christmas Eve, travelling at 650 miles a second. !!!!! 9. 16 is the average number of presents a UK child receives. 10. 6 million is the number of rolls of Sellotape that will be sold in the UK in the run up to Christmas 11. 27% of families sit down to watch the Queen’s Speech 12. The abbreviation Xmas isn’t irreligious. The letter X is a Greek abbreviation for Christ. 13. For a Christmas to be officially classified as “white’’ a single snow flake needs to be observed falling in the 24 hours of the 25th December on the rooftop of the Met Office HQ in London. 14. Nearly 60 million Christmas trees are grown each year in Europe.

15. Many parts of the Christmas tree can actually be eaten, with the needles being a good source of vitamin C !!!! 16. Christmas trees usually grow for about 15 years before they are sold. 17. The best selling Christmas single ever is Bing Crosby’s White Christmas, selling over 50 million copies worldwide since 1942 18. £700 million is the amount of money spent on unwanted Christmas gifts. 19. Japanese people traditionally eat at KFC for Christmas dinner, thanks to a successful marketing campaign 40 years ago. KFC is so popular that customers must place there Christmas orders 2 months in advance.!!!! 20. 957 is the typical number of calories in your average Christmas dinner. 21. 57 is the number of Olympic sized swimming pools that could be filled with the beer consumed in the UK over Christmas .!!! 22. The total amount spent on Christmas puddings in the UK is £48.000,000 23. Christmas pudding was originally a soup made with raisins and wine. 24. In Victorian times turkey was seen as an expensive meat to eat on Christmas day and goose was often eaten by poorer families.

Church Rota December





9am 02nd

Family Service

Rev’d Phillip

Welcome Sacristan Sally

Epistle Julie Jerem’h 33 V14-16

9am 09TH 9am 16th


Rev’d Peter

Lay led & Parish lunch

Jane Sarah

5pm 23rd

Carol Service

9am 25th

Christmas Day



Gospel Gina



Roy Baruch 5

Sally Luke5

Philip,s 4 4-7

Luke3 V7-18

Helen Titus2 V 11-14



1 Thesal’s

Jane Sarah Rev’d Roger

Flowers/ Clean

Lucy Luke2 1-14






TEAM flowers




Main Contact CHURCH LIGHTS, sponsors ;Colin,April &


A small £12 donation - covers a whole weeks lighting.

Roy Shons


If so, you can contact Roy Shons on 682787 or or direct to The Crier with a dedication. Gift aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub porches this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you

The church lights are sponsored for the first two weeks in December by the Bundock family.

Love from Trisha, Elisabeth, Evanna, Edie, Stewart, Rose, Gracie, Victor, David, Heena , Avni and Nian xxxx

Also Colin Gilbert for December as he appreciates how he has been made to feel so welcome in the village.

Ian George Bundock 1948 -2002 “Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure Loving you always Forgetting you never"

Carol Service

New Choristers would be welcomed.

Solution: Vet Jane Alexander of course!

in St Nicholas Church Sunday the 23rd of December at 4pm

Cublington's 2nd ADVENT Trail From 1st December, each evening will see an additional window lit, in our second Advent Trail. Look on the map and plan your route around the village, by the time we reach 24th December, 23 different windows will be lit and our church will be open, for visitors to finish their Advent walk. Windows are lit from 6pm - 9pm and are visible from the pavement or road. Some may need a keen eye to spot them! Please do not trespass onto private driveways or gardens. The Unicorn will, as usual, be extending a welcome to all walkers!


Stewkley Road

13 20 2 5 6 Ridings Way

21 18 23


4 16




3 22 1





11 19

Aston Abbotts Road


Whitchurch Road


Wing Road

From the Reverend Dear friends, Firstly happy Christmas for when it actually arrives! I don't know about you but do you feel the adverts have been really low key on the subject this year? I don't think I've actually heard a Carol or even a 'secular' seasonal song yet... they usually seem to appear very early September and become relentless by the last few days before the great day itself. One thing that hasn't been overlooked this year is the centenary of the end of WWI on 11/11/2018. We marked it variously by our usual services in Church and at memorials, by eating together, lighting millennium beacons, displays and exhibitions as well as glorious bell ringing right throughout the country.

The question arises of course as to how we will mark the day as time moves on and what the emphasis should be from now on. It seems this is a year destined to be one of change and development as well as commemoration... what of 2019? And what of (dare one say it?!) Brexit and it's various incarnations? For those of us who believe the one still, solid point in all these matters is the birth of Jesus at Christmas and the comfort and the challenge that His incarnations represents. Once again,happy Christmas and a positive new year to you all Reverend Philip Derbyshire

They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them not the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.


CABARET NIGHT 2018 Another great night was had by all.

With every ticket sold weeks ago, the audience enjoyed a delicious two course meal prepared by the ladies, before settling down to watch the entertainment on offer. A mixed bag of poems, songs, marching, dancing and sketches made for a fun evening. Due to the generosity of the attendees, a massive ÂŁ966 was raised, to be split equally between Orchard Ground and Help for Heroes. Many thanks to all who took part, came to watch, or helped in any way. Next year (our 20th Cabaret Night) is already booked, so mark it on your calendar for 9th November 2019.

Orchard Ground T H E B I G G S PAV I L I O N

Chris and Maggie


Orchard Ground, North Field & The Biggs Pavilion Increased Prize money this year because we sold 265 tickets - 40 more than last year, so thank you everyone and good luck for next month's special £100 extra Special Christmas Draw!

November 2018 - Draw 7 Winners 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize


£50 £40 £30 £25


Polly & Richard Thornely. Adam Lackey. Sue Bush. Carrie Martindale.


If you would like a ticket for next year - the new set of draws start in May 2019, please contact me direct at or call me on 01296 680483. Thanks.

We're Fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Care Michael & Jane Alexander and Diane Grace are off wandering again.

13th January - a 20km Winter Walk in London organised by Action Challenge.

Anyone wishing to join us is welcome. A good way to walk off the Christmas excess.

We are raising funds for this by having a

Mulled Wine and Mincepies event on 14th December at 15 Bell Close from 7pm.

It would be useful to know expected numbers so please let Diane know on 07866370330 or 681887 We look forward to seeing you there. If you would like to support us but can't join us, we have set up a Just Giving page entitled Windmill Walkers. Thank you. Mike, Jane and Diane

No: ds to All procee

Orchard Ground T he Biggs


Please support your village facility in any way you can


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Christmas Party! Advanced Clinical Massage Keeping Active, Living Well! Therapist Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists

At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs. This is why singing together and sharing memories is good for our overall wellbeing Café-Club Zest is dementia friendly.


1st December 2018

Massage can be beneficial for WHERE: St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch. TIME: 2 - 4cPM many onditions – see my website for further information: All are welcome! 229914

Recommended donation: £1.50

Please phone:

01525 240135 or 07709 629283 Or email: Café-Club Zest will meet on the 5th January 2019

Orchard Ground

PRESS RELEASE 20TH NOVEMBER, 2018 Funding approved for the new kitchen at The Biggs Pavilion, Orchard Ground, Cublington

Thanks to the £28,000 grant from funding body WREN, Cublington is set to get some much needed improvements at Orchard Ground. The money, awarded by WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund, will be used to fully refurbish the existing kitchen in The Biggs Pavilion thus making a huge difference to this local amenity. Orchard Ground Committee members believe this will provide a real boost to the community, and are delighted that WREN has awarded us this money. Everyone is really looking forward to the new kitchen taking shape over the next few months. WREN is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, biodiversity and heritage projects from funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund. Penny Horne, WREN grant manager, says: “We’re delighted to be supporting the Cublington, Orchard Ground, Biggs Pavilion – kitchen renovation project and pleased our funding will make such a difference to so many groups of people in Cublington and the surrounding villages. WREN is always happy to consider grant applications for projects that benefit local communities and we’re looking forward to this one having a positive impact very soon.” The Orchard Ground Committee hopes the new kitchen will be ready to use by mid February, 2019.

m wide x 136.5mm deep

     

Sports Physiotherapy Acupuncture Hands on Therapy Pre and Post op Rehab Pilates and Yoga Classes Equine Physio

Old Park Farm, Cublington Rd, Wing, Leighton Buzzard LU70LB Call: 07811238163, Email: Visit:

The Aston Abbotts & Cublington Ladies Club

The Aston Abbotts and Cublington Ladies Club has been in existence for over 80 years and it would be lovely if we had some new members. We meet on the third Thursday in each month at the Aston Abbotts Village Hall, and finish in July with a garden party. LADIES CLUB PROGRAMME - all meetings 2.30pm 20th December Christmas Carols and afternoon tea. 2019 17th January A talk PLUMBING THE DEPTHS by Colin Oakes (Hilarious tales of a plumbers mate) 21st February A talk about Whipsnade Zoo 21st March Spring Lunch 18th April PACE - A charity that supports children with many difficulties. 16th May Quiz and Bring and Buy 20th June Summer Outing. (This year it’s Kathy Browns Garden in Bedford) 18th July Garden Party. The subscription for the year is just ten pounds. Please come along to take part in a pleasant afternoon finishing with tea and cake. Kind regards, April Gilbert ( Curnow as was ). 01296 707833.

Café-Club Zest

why not POP IN for

Christmas Party!

Coffee and Croissant?

Keeping Active, Living Well!

at St Nicholas' Church

10.00 am every SUNDAY

At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs. This is why singing together and sharing memories is good for our overall wellbeing Café-Club Zest is dementia friendly.


1st December 2018

WHERE: St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch. TIME:

2 - 4 PM

All are welcome!

Everyone welcome!

Recommended donation: £1.50

A place to meet. No charge, but donations welcome. An opportunity to meet in our beautiful church. Café-Club Zest will meet on the 5th January 2019


THEN DON'T MISS OUT! We are currently reprinting the fascinating book "Cublington in Pictures Old and New" and wondered if you'd like to reserve one? If you would like a copy, having missed out before, (first published in 2013) or if you are new to the village and would like one, then please let us know so we can guage demand. Several already have contacted us but we think there must be more of you who would like one. It's a really fascinating pictorial history of the village compiled and written by the late Roy Smith and really is a must have for all villagers with any sort of connection to Cublington.

Interested? Then please contact us now.

email: or call Gary on 01296 688548


When we run, our feet make contact with the ground and the impact is partly absorbed by the pelvic floor. Over time, this can stretch and weaken the pelvic floor muscles and the ligaments that support the pelvic organs. These connective tissues are already vulnerable after birth due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy so anything we can do to lessen the impact on the pelvic floor is a bonus! Here are some top tips: • In an ideal world, all mums would have access to a specialist Women's Health Physiotherapist to assess their pelvic floor. If this is not possible on the NHS, consider booking a One Stop Mum Check at St Judes Clinic to assess your pelvic floor before starting/restarting running. • Running causes your pelvic organs to move about inside you, so aim to empty your bowel and bladder prior to running to lessen the pressure and load inside. • It might seem obvious, but good running shoes will absorb some of the impact – so get yourself some suitable footwear. • Try to avoid downhill runs and stick to flat terrain as downhill running increases the impact of your body weight on the pelvic floor. • Reduce distances. When you run further, the repeated impact will gradually cause fatigue, strain and then failure of the pelvic floor which may lead to leaking and over time, put you at risk of pelvic organ prolapse. Try to mix distance runs with more frequent but shorter runs, instead of repeated long-distance road runs.

gravel, grass or sand. Repeated running on hard road surfaces or treadmills places greater strain on the pelvic floor. • Manage your body weight. People who are overweight will be placing more load on their soft tissues, joints, connective tissue and pelvic floor muscles while running. You may want to limit running and use other types of training to aid weight loss, for example; low impact HIIT workouts, swimming or cycling. • Invest in some support garments. If you experienced prolapse following your delivery (nearly half of us do, some do not have any symptoms from this) or abdominal separation, a pair of EVB shorts or capri pants from somewhere like will nicely reduce movement and provide some support for your tummy and pelvic floor. These running shorts are a medical garment rather than 'sportswear', designed by engineers, with reinforced stitching to help keep everything nicely in place. • Invest some time and energy in strength and conditioning exercises alongside running to work your 'outside' muscles. Your bottom (gluteal) muscles and your calves (yes really!) too, play a huge role in absorbing running impact - if they are strong and working well, it will lessen the strain on your pelvic floor. Runners often just want to run, which puts them at risk of developing aches and pains. Strong gluteal and defined calf muscles can help avoid this more than you think! For more advice or to book a One Stop Mum Check, contact Jo Dyson at St Judes Clinic, your local specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist

St Judes Clinic

• Think about your running style. High speed running and a long stride length increases impact on the pelvic floor.

26 Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX

• Aim to run on softer surfaces where possible, for example;

01525 377751

Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG 01296 682217,


rial Rota todesigns... The EdiGary literally anything -

9..February Liz & Bobfrom logos to ads to 201GB

Rated GOOD by Ofsted Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one main large room and spacious, enclosed, outdoor area, adjoining Wingrave C of E Combined School. Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere. Government-funded voucher scheme for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Qualified staff – key person appointed to each child.

T: 01442 862073

30 hours funding accepted.

Session Times: Morning sessions: daily, 9am – 12pm Afternoon sessions: daily, 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Lunch club: daily, 12pm – 1pm BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW AVAILABLE! For children aged 2-7 years Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-6pm £15 Pop in for a visit or give us a call! Contact: Kelly Targell – Manager 01296 682217

March Mountfield family digital to print. April Penny Webster May Ian Powis Traditional creative. June Simon & Vanessa Morgan July Martyn & Avril Gates 07713 723788 Sept Keane family Oct Michele & Heime Packer Nov Toosey family Dec Graham & Judy

Cublington lunteers o v e r o m ny Oil ASyndicate blanks? e h t n i l l i lp f


Jan ? Feb and ? o heyourself some money! tsave Get involved March Main Contacts : Simon & Vanessa Morgan April Jenkins or Butler – 01442 231 603 MayTotalDixons Watson Oil – 01604 880 191 June ? Conquest Oil – 01525 402 073 Below are text boxes that can be copied and pasted, ho July Thornley's

whichever fits better. Invoice to:


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Get The Whole Job Done. No more juggling workmen… I can do the lot (and juggle too!) Electrical, Plumbing, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Floors, Doors, Shelves, Tiling, Fitted wardrobes, Maintenance, Small Building Work. Anything considered. Free Estimates

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WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2 -5 year olds. Weoffers operate from care our purpose built, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed each child. Weoperate operate from our own state ofbuilt, the artto setting, oneart large main We from ourpurpose ownWingrave purpose ofwith the setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. withroom one main large room and spacious, enclosed, We take new children offers at anysessional point in the school year, call or comeoutdoor and see usarea, for Wingrave Pre-School care for 2-5 yearjust olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aafriendly and atmosphere. Children’s learning is promoted friendly and fun SessioninTimes:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

sessions: daily, 9am – noonto each child. Qualified staff –Morning key worker appointed Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Packed lunchperson daily, noon 1pm We take new children atsession: any appointed point into–the year, Qualified staff –staff key appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker each child. just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for . 30 hoursmore funding accepted. information! Session Times:

Sessiondaily, Times: Morning sessions: 9am – noon

Sessiondaily, Times:9am – 12pm Morning sessions: Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Wed and noon – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Lunch club: daily,Thurs, 12pm – 1pm Tues, Wed and Thurs, noondaily, – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Packed lunch session: noon –or 1pm .

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 For children aged 2-7 years Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-6pm £15 Pop in for a visit or give us a call! Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

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Give a402 call. ConquestGary – 01525 073 Below are text Oil boxes that can be copied and pasted, hope this is okay. I've included two sizes – use whichever01296 fits better. 688548 Invoice to:


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