After daysoftravelling acrossthe country, from Northen Ireland to the Isle of Wight and from Inverness to Cornwall,our team of intrepidGreatest Christmas Awards judges areabout to meet up at asecret location to decidewhich,ofthe teams from 120 plus gardencentres, will win awards in GTN’sGreatestChristmasAwards.
Thewinners will be announcedonThe Inspiring Retail Stage at Spring Fair on Monday3rd February, starting with drinks forall at 5:00pm.
Inspiring our visits certainly were,with many great examples of teamwork across departments, excellent merchandising,marketing andevents allleading up to sales reportedtobe up on the previous year,whata great waytoend 2024
On our visits we also saw plenty of examples of Christmas Sustainability whichleadsusnicely into thetheme of thisissue,our Sustainability Directoryfor 2025.This isthe 6theditionof GTN’sSustainability Directory,and we hope it is most useful to youin helping maintainand
develop your ecoretailing credentials, thus leading to increased sales.
Another sustainabilityissue howeveristhe business of Dobbies Garden Centres. Dobbies becamethe biggestgroup of centresafter the Wyevale Sale of the Centuryin2019with 69 outlets which became 77 by the startof2024. By the end of thismonth the number of Dobbies stores will be 58 at most,with 19 stores being closed or handed over to newoperatorsaspart ofa plan to addresshistorically uneconomical rent costsand ensureareturn to sustainable profitability.
At leastthree of the sitesbeing closed as Dobbiesand re-opening with newoperators werepreviously winners of GCA Garden Centres of ExcellenceAwardsand Stapleton (previously called Woodlands) wasGCA Garden Centre of the Year in 2003and 2004. We wish the new operators well and hope that Dobbies CEODavid Robinsonachieveshis sustainable businessplan. HappyNew Year to youall, seeyou at the GCA ConferenceoratSpring Fair!
4 Exclusiveinterviewwith theMercer family of Hillmount GardenCentres in Belfast.
8 GTN’sGreatest ChristmasAwards–
GardenTrade News
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Garden TradeNewsispublished by PottingShed PressLtd whoalsopublish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, Glee Daily News andthe Glee Catalogue, andthe Solex Sun. Potting Shed PressalsosupplyGarden Radio to over 100garden centresacrossthe country.
Director Trevor Pfeiffer SMALLPRINT:All material [copyright symbol] Potting Shed PressLtd 2025.Nopartofthis publicationmay be reproduced in anyformwhatsoever, either forsale or not,without theexpresspermissionofthe publishers. Theinformation supplied in this publicationispublished in good faithand everyefforthas been made to ensure itsaccuracy. Potting Shed PressLtd cannotaccept responsibilityfor anyerror or misrepresentation. All liability forloss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformationcontained in this publication or in the event of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of anycompany, individual or firm mentioned,isherebyexcluded.
Thedynamics of the Mercer family is truly impressive and mustsurelybethe secret behind thesuccessofHillmount Garden Centres in Northern Ireland and England.Fatherand son team,Robin and Alan Mercer,tellGTN about howits four sites areabout to become five.
Robin Mercerworked hardtoget his family to agreetohim starting up aretail nurseryinBelfast. It was the early 1970’sand thefamilywholesale businessofgrowing plantshad already been established for 30 years. He wastold: “Giveme40reasonswhy youshould,and I will giveyou 60 reasons why youshouldn’t.” Fortunately,hegot his way, anditwas a gooddecisionasitlaidthe foundations for the Mercers to establishthemselvesin garden retailing
The Hillmount centres arerun by Robin, his wife Edith and their son Alan, supported by astrong and reliable team. Garden
centres in Belfast, Ards,and Bangorin Northern Irelandare about to be joined by HillmountCarrick,which forthe last58 years has been thefamily-runSunnybank Garden Centre.InEngland,Hillmount Cheshire has been partofthe group since 2021 andfocuses on gardenfurnitureand bbq’s.
Robingained experience working in thegardens of ICIbefore studying at Greenmountagricultural college.On returntothe family businessofgrowing chrysanthemums andbedding plants, he began to investigate thepossibilities of retailing the plantsthemselves.“What we
needed wasagreenhouse roughly80ft by 30 ft andI pleaded with my father, grandfather andevenmyUncle John,” says Robin.“They told me to forget about it –itwillnever work. ‘You aretoo far outofBelfast,awayinthe country, and nobody will drive away up thosehills’they said.Wespent many anight talking about it.But eventually hisfather said: ‘We'll build agreenhouse andifitdoesn't work, which it probably won't,wewillhaveanew greenhouse forgrowingplants’”
Friends andfamilysupportedthe official opening of what is nowHillmount GardenCentre, Belfast, sellingplants,a
fewproducts and the 300litre balesofpeat, whichwerecommon back then.“It was fantastic. It really couldn'tbelieve howmuch it worked,”says Robin. At that time,the Mercers wanted to be anursery centre and not agarden centre.“Onecustomer asked us if we sold gnomes and Isaid‘no’ because we areaproper nurseryand we onlysell things likeplants, tree ties andcompost. But Ibought in afew so thecustomer could buy one and then Iwould send therestbackto the wholesaler.Weset them on thecounter and before that day wasout, they were all sold. So,wethought, if peoplewantgnomes, they'll havegnomes, and we will haveto change our ways.”
Shortly after,Robin andEdith started to go to Glee to buynoveltiesthatwere newand different. Theyboughta slidefor customer’schildren to enjoy andbegan retailing garden furniture.A smallcafé soon followedrun by Robin’smother.Robin’s father said to siteitinthe shed at the endof the garden centre so that if it didn’twork, it wasn’taproblem. Of course it wasasuccess
Above: Promoting Christmas at allthree Northern Ireland
especiallyinthe summer.Inwinteritwas relocated to theshop.
Next generation
Robin andEdith’s threeboyswere bought up withgardencentreretailing, so it’s notsurprising that Alan is now partofthe business. “My dadwouldtake us down on aSunday morning to water theplants andsow seeds andprick out Ithought that's what all families did–I didn't realise at the time Iwas actually learning,” says Alan.
Alan had learnt much morefromhis parents and grandparents, just as Robin did, and even though he wanted to join the businessstraight after school, he was encouraged to stay in education.“They kept on saying the best thing Icoulddo wasgoawayand get an education, so I had something to fall back on if Iever changed my mind,” says Alan. Gaining a
horticultural degree at Writtle Collegein Essex andworking at B&Q and Wyevale provided invaluable experience Returning to thebusinessinhis early 20’s, Alan hadtowork out wherehefitted in.“Thebusinesshad been running really successfullywithout me,and Ihad to show my worth. It wasabsolutely fascinating to learn from my dad. He's gotabusiness sense I've neverseen in anybody else, and to have that knowledge,carryitfromyear to year andchange with the times and seasonsisjustimmense.”
was crazy.” my mind,” says Alan.
It wasn’t long after that Alan found himself in asimilar situation to hisfather 30 years earlier.“Iremember standing in my mum anddad's living room,probably pleadingthe same waytheydid to open theshop. Iwas saying we should have fivegardencentres and an Epos system becauseitwas theway forward. They thought it wascrazy.”
Above:Staff arehappyto move across the different sites if there’s a shout for help
Eventually though, Robin was instrumentalin picking therightEpos for the company transforming an old till system into themost up to date one available. “This shows,”saysAlan, “the measureofsomebody who's dynamic as abusinesspersonand spends money in away that progresses thebusiness. He sometimes questions things but in agood wayand forcesustodoitright. It’salmost an old school principleofnot throwing moneyaround theplace.”
“If you'regoing to change, youhave to thinkand consider anything that is a major transaction. Whetherit’schanging crops, growing seeds, vegetables,flowers, bedding,plants.Ifyou get it wrong,itcan be seriously wrong, andyou can lose alot of money,”saysRobin.
In addition to stock data,Hillmount is using the Epos system fortracking its 40,000 privilege cardmembers. At Christmas it invitesits top25customersby spend, and top25byvolumeto collect a freeplanter
The Mercers arethe first to admitthey areluckytohavesuch astrongand loyal customer base especially on aSundaywhen trading hours are1pm-6pm.The cafesare open at 12 so families can come to lunch straight after church
bitofmoney forthe rainyday or rainytwo months,aswe'vehad this year,” says Robin
When Alan cameonboard,hewas keen to expandand took Robin to potential new sites. Eventually in 2013,theysettled for afurnitureshopinBangor, andasitwas nearing Christmas,the pressurewas on to transform theshopand open it in time forthe festiveseason.Belfast hasa large number of garden centres considering population, but thecar park andcaféon theoriginal Hillmountsitewereatfull potential everySunday, during Easter and thesummer.“We thought opening anew centrewouldrelease some of this pressure, but actually it createdmorebusiness,”says Robin.“It didn’t happen overnight,ittook twotothree years, but thenew centre hadthe Hillmount name so people were inquisitive.”
Thethird site wasaformer modern church in Ards which opened in 2017.“We knewitwas an opportunityand we hadto look farahead andbeabit adventurous. But we hadgreat builders, plumbers, and architects whocouldn't draw theplans quick enough forus,”explains Robin What will become HillmountCarrick has been running formorethan50years and is thefirst time theMercers have taken over an existinggardencentrebusiness.
Buttheywillapplythe sameprinciples bringing theirflairasanindependentto thesiteand always having somethingnew fortheir customers. “I thinkwe'reone of thefew lastindependent retailersthat has apresentation that changes everymonth,” says Alan.
Abig focus will alsobeplants.Sales were goodduring2024and as customers areusedtobuying goodclean stock from Sunnybank, this willneed to be maintained.
Alan hasfourchildrenand twobrothers, oneadentist andthe other apilot, so there is lots of potential forthe familylineto continue runningthe businessinthe future. “Theyall have theability to work within the gardencentre,”hesays.“It's lovely that if youpassionately want to come in and work, there's always ajob.I wouldbedelighted if oneofmychildrenorall of themcame into thegardencentre. ButI want to be like my parents, whoalways givemethe option to do whatever youwantinlife.”
Theopening of thenew centre should keep Robin andAlan busy forthe foreseeablefuture, but theyboth know they have shortattention spans.“Ijokeabout it andsay that afterthree years we'refed up,” says Robin.“But when Iwas young, Iwas told if youwantyourfigures to keep going up,you mustdosomethingevery three years.Ifyou stay static, your figures will starttogodown.”
Having fivecentres brings advantages too. “When we go to tradeshows and talkabout havingafew garden centres, suppliers listen to youmore. And if you're buying containers of furnitureor barbecues, you've got other sites to split andsharethe stockwhich makes the van load awee bitbetter,” says Robin
But is fiveenough? “Definitely,definitely,” says Alan. “Fiveisthe magic number”.
and are flexible when it comes and hours. “You have to people, and we are small to
Theyare also appreciativeoftheir staff andare extremely flexible whenitcomes to working days and hours.“Youhaveto work around people, and we aresmall enough to be adaptable,”saysAlan.
When Hillmount wasjust one centre, the businesswas offered another garden centrefor agood price. “But my family’s attitude wasthatunlessyou'vegot the moneyinthe bank or themoney in your pocket, youdon'tdoit. Nowyou must be able to borrow andorganiseyourselfto pay it back. As long as youdon'tstretch yourselftoo farand always have that wee
TheMercerfamily is pleased to announce that Hillmount Carrick,a£1.5m investment, will open this spring with the creationof10jobs.
Christmas2024was atruly great eventfor garden centres, and amammoth task for ourteamofjudges to visit the 120plus centresnominated in this years GTN’s Greatest Christmas Awards.
Asthis issue of GTNmagazine goes to press, judges for the GTNGreatest Christmas Awards aremeeting up to sharetheir stories andphotos from the120 plus garden centres theyvisitedtomeetthe teams during late November andDecember2024. And what ajoy it wastomeet such enthusiastic garden centrefolk, workingas teams acrossall departments, revelling in sales that were mostly reportedasbeing upyear on year
On this and the following pagesare some of the team photos we collected from our visits. Sadly there’snot enoughroom to includeevery single one, but we will get them allupon-line via GTNXtraoverthe coming weeks.
All of these visits were only possiblethanks to the supportofour sponsorswho will also be offering prizes to thewinners of specific categories:
1. TheGreatest Christmas Houseplant Team –Sponsored by Woodlodge
2. TheGreatest OutdoorPlantand Christmas Tree Team -Sponsored by Doff Portland
3. TheGreatest Gardening as aChristmas GiftSales Team -Sponsored by Fandango Fire Tools
4. TheGreatest ChristmasGifts Team –Sponsored by Museums andGalleries
5. TheGreatest GardenCentreChristmas Promotions Team -Sponsored by Glee
6. TheGreatest ChristmasBBQ and Outdoor Leisure Team –The SOLEX SizzleSponsored by SOLEX
7. TheGreatest FestiveRetail Food Team –Sponsored by PleydellSmithyman
8. TheGreatest ChristmasWild BirdCare& PetTeam -Sponsored by Marriages
9. TheGreatest GardenCentreGrottoTeam -Sponsored by SmartGardenProducts –ThreeKings
10. TheGreatest Group Small Garden CentreChristmasTeam -Sponsored by Woodmansterne
11 TheGreatest Group Large GardenCentre ChristmasTeam -SponsoredbyTildenet
12. TheGreatest Small Garden Centre ChristmasTeam -SponsoredbyGarden Radio
13 TheGreatest Mid-Sized GardenCentre ChristmasTeam –Sponsored by Kaemingk
14 TheGreatest Large GardenCentre ChristmasTeam –Sponsored by MorePeople
15. TheGreatest GiantGardenCentre ChristmasTeam -SponsoredbyKaemingk
To find outwho arethe winners in all the above categories, plus thewinners of TheGreatest GardenCentreChristmasTeam as votedfor by customers, which hasagainreceived many thousandsofcustomervotes, come along and seeusatSpring Fair on Monday3rd Februaryat 5:00pm on TheStage
We look forwardtoseeingyou all againthen!
season Snowlodge, Products is to taken over the iconic Christmas range. A beloved name in seasonal lighting, Jingles has been a staple in centres for years, renowned for its high-quality, festive lighting that capture the magic of Christmas. interested in more about or range to festive offering on 01666
Woodlodge Following a successful season for Snowlodge, Woodlodge Products is delighted to announce that it has officially takenoverthe distribution of the iconic Jingles Christmas Lighting range. Abeloved name in seasonal lighting,Jingles hasbeen astaple in garden centres for years, renowned for its high-quality,festivelighting products thatcapturethe magic of Christmas. Retailers interested in learning moreabout Jingles or adding the range to their festiveoffering can contact Woodlodge Products directly on 01666 501000 or snowlodge@woodlodge.co.uk www. woodlodge.co.uk
nature. the way with conscious pest management and care brands, Green Protect and Green Fingers.
Pelsis Doff Pelsisdevelops leading brands for commercialand retail customers, delivering innovativepest controland garden careproducts to aglobal customer base. Pelsisiscommitted to delivering sustainable and innovativesolutions, providing peace of mind, protecting public health, and working in harmony with nature. Leading the waywith environmentally conscious pest management and garden care brands, including Green Protect and Green Fingers
Doff(aPelsis brand) has been delivering garden care products since1946, and as the only UK manufacturer of slug pellets, Dofffosters a cultureofinnovation coupled with regulatory rigour and responsibleproduct development www.pelsis.com www.doff.co.uk
care products since 1946, as the UK manufacturer of Doff fosters a culture of innovation with and responsible product www.pelsis.com
Museums & Galleries & Galleries is the
Museums&Galleries Museums & Galleriesisthe UK’s leading publisher of fine artcards, stationery,and home and giftware. Ourcollection showcases Britain’sbrightest fashion, art, and heritage brands, including the V&A, British Museum, Tate Gallery, Matthew Williamson, and MaryKatrantzou, amongst many talented artists and designers
The Museums&Galleries collection celebrates timelessquality and excellenceinart,illustration, anddesign. www.museumsgalleries.co.uk Tel: 01373 462165 sales@mgml.co.uk
Pleydell Smithyman Pleydell Smithyman arespecialist consultants to the Garden Centreand Farm Shop sectors,offering a full range of end-to-end services,including sitedevelopment, strategy, masterplanning, planning applications,retail &interior design, architecture, project management &retail/business consultancy.With over 35 yearsofexperiencein thegardencentreindustrytheyhaveanextensive range of clients across the UK and Europe. Pleydell Smithyman’shaveastrong reputation for creating strategiesand businessmodels, helping businesses to identify what success lookslike, and achieveit!
SOLEX (Summer Outdoor Living Exhibition) is owned andoperatedbyLOFA(Leisure&Outdoor Furniture Association).
relaxed and event an to conduct business as well as a fantastic new relationships and ones. where outdoor leisure brands from
Furniture & Shading, Outdoor Living Accessories & Barbecues, Garden Decoration & Garden Leisure Outdoor & Outdoor to
SOLEX is the onlyoutdoor leisureevent organisedbythe industryfor the industry. This relaxed and friendly event is an excellent place toconduct businessaswell as afantastic opportunity to establish newrelationships and strengthen existing ones. SOLEX is whereoutdoor leisurebrands unite to showcase their products, ranging from Garden Furniture&Shading,Outdoor Living Accessories &Barbecues, Garden Decoration &Garden Leisure Buildings, Outdoor Heating &Outdoor Health, to Outdoor Entertainment.
are proud to sponsor the Christmas Sizzle Awards in collaboration with Garden Trade News
We areproud to sponsor the Christmas Sizzle Awardsincollaboration with Garden Trade News.
Kaemingk is aglobally recognised company specialising in seasonal decorationsand home accessories. Withalegacy of innovation and craftsmanship, Kaemingkdesigns and distributes an extensiverangeofproducts, including Christmas, Easter,and outdoor furniture and decorations, as well as stylishhome goods. Headquarteredinthe Netherlands, the company serves markets worldwide, combining trend-driven design with quality and sustainability.Kaemingk’s commitment to creativity and customer satisfaction hasestablished it as atrustedpartner for retailers seeking to inspiretheir customerswith beautiful and unique products.
with and sustainability. Kaemingk’s creativity and customer has established as a trusted partner to inspire their customers with unique products. of
cards to independent retailers. We design, produce and all our cards in Britain. We make cards that feed the soul, lift the and reflect British culture, whether this is through the magic of Quentin Blake’s illustrations, the of National Trust the iconic pattern of Emma Bridgewater
Woodmansterne Woodmansterne is the leading supplier of premium greeting cardstoindependent retailers.Wedesign, produceand finish all our cards in Britain. We make cardsthat feed the soul, lift the spirit and reflect Britishculture, whether this is through themagicof Quentin Blake’sillustrations,the beauty of National Trust images, the iconic pattern of Emma Bridgewater designs, or the humour of Punch cartoons. We arecommitted to using sustainable materials andpractices wherever possible. As athird-generation family business, we understand the importance of protectingour environment and safeguarding it for the future.
Marriages The Marriage’s® brand has afamilyheritage going back six generations andisone of the most trustedand respectednames in the pet and smallholder feed markets. Using only the finest wholesome ingredients, Marriage’s® offers acomprehensive, high-quality feed range that’shealthy,nutritious and delicious. Everyfeed is brimming with essential nutrients to help supportoptimal growth and development,nomatterthe pet’sage or breed. Animal well-being,nutritional excellence, enrichment, quality and the environment areall fundamental to our product range.
MorePeople MorePeople area specialist recruitment business providing permanent and interim recruitment solutions for businesses operating in the food, horticulture, agricultureand garden industry supplychains.Our clients range from ‘own label’ suppliers to blue chip brands.
permanent and interim businesses the agriculture and supply chains. Our range brands.
MorePeople was 2000 two passionate foodies experience of working in industry - Guy Moreton Peter Hunt. Now a team of 35 comprising a mixture of extremely knowledgeable are passionate sector. The team is to the best recruitment service for all
MorePeoplewas founded in 2000 by two passionatefoodies with vast experienceofworking in the industry- Guy Moreton and PeterHunt Nowateam of 35 comprising amixtureof extremelyknowledgeable ex-industry professionals and professional recruiters who arepassionate about the sector.The team is committed to offering the bestrecruitment servicefor all professional roles within the sectors in which we operate.
Fandango Fandango FireTools® is the European distributor for the Kindling Cracker™ firewood splitters. We supply everyone, from small individualstorestolarge chains alloverEurope.
In the UK stockists of the Kindling Cracker™ include Lakeland, Waitrose Garden, Blue Diamond and BurfordGarden Company
Fandango also work with Espegard’srange of smokeless firepits and cooking accessories -our Nordicteam is delighted to bring Scandinavian outdoor livingtothe UK alongside Ayla’spatented firewood splitter
Nordic team is to Scandinavian living to the UK Ayla’s patented firewood splitter
Glee As themeeting placefor the garden retail industry, Glee brings the entiregardening community together We welcome garden centres, internationalbuying groups and retailers,all looking for the latest and most innovativeproducts.
Glee the entire gardening community together. welcome centres, international buying groups and retailers, all looking most innovative products.
Now’syourchancetojoin this exciting community of gardening professionals. Showcase your latest collections to budget-ready buyers, network with our audienceand build lasting relationships with thousands of potential customers. Book your stand for 16-18September 2025 at theNEC,BirminghamtobepartofGlee!
of your to budget-ready our audience and relationships with thousands of potential customers. 16-18 September at the NEC, Birmingham to be part of Glee!
SmartGarden Products –Three Kings Aglittering collection of festivedécor with everything to adornthe home and garden, from awarm welcome at the front door to the cosy surround of the fireplace. Christmas Lighting,SnowScenes, Leger Décor,Vintage Baubles, Looking Glass, Christmas Topiary, Christmas Ornamental, Nutcrackers, Santa Figures,String Lights, Christmas Doormats, Gonk Gang,Christmas Apparel and don’t forget to check out PetChristmas as well… forall your furryfriends Christasneeds too!
Tildenet Welcome to the home of quality garden brands,Tildenet. As the UK’s leading independent specialist Tildenet Gardenware arecommitted to supplying the best products and service to our customers with an unrivalledrangeand brands youcan trust: Growers Choice,CountryForge, Haxnicks, Bosmereand Mainframe.
Recyclable packaging across all handy packs has been apriority and reviewing all POS and merchandising with an environmentally conscious scrutiny is akey focus as we look towardsour 2025 season.
across all handy has been a priority reviewing with an conscious is a key as we towards our 2025 Fair brands at Fair 2025. Finding new products that your customers love is no easy feat. That’s Fair the best brands and in the industry together, under one roof, so you uncover the products that will transform your collections. to find your next now for your entry to Spring Fair
Spring Fair Discover1,200 quality brands at Spring Fair 2025.Finding newproducts thatyour customers will love is no easy feat. That’s why Spring Fair brings the bestbrands and suppliers in the industrytogether,under oneroof,soyou can uncoverthe products that will transform your collections Ready to findyour next bestseller? Register nowfor your entrytoSpring Fair and the NECBirmingham2-5 February 2025 www.springfair.com
Garden Radio Garden Radio is an in-storeradioservice designed to encourage customers to linger for longer in your garden centre. We provide amusic service which makes areal differenceinproviding an ambiencemood for garden centres and messages can be added too.
Thisbasicservice provides either Original Artists music(if youhaveacurrent PPL/PRS licence, see notes below) or Copyright free music. Garden Radio has been providing amusic servicetogarden centres for over 20 years. Garden Radio is produced by the same team thatcreateGarden Trade News and The Greatest Awards. Contact trevor@ pottingshedpress.co.uk
Guaranteed to keep your customersand theirhouseplants happyand healthy
It’s the 75th anniversary of Spring Fair anditremains oneofthe top UK tradeshows forgarden centrebuyerstofindinspirationand new ideas forgift and home from more than amillion products.
The gift buying season kicks off again next month with SpringFair,whichhas been the home of interiorinspiration for 75 years. Suppliers exhibiting acrossthe diverse range of product sectionsbring exclusivenetworking opportunities and lines to suit everyretailer.And with everything under one roof,itmakes buying forseasons aheadsomuch easier
In 2024,34% of the 400 plus suppliers were newtothe showwhile 38% hadbrands which canonly be found at Spring Fair
In addition to products, Spring Fair will also host arich programme of talks, workshops and fashion showcatwalks on its Masterclass Stage and Inspiring Retail Stage. These include Unleashing Creativity from LaurenceLlewelynBowen; 60 Years of Style and Strategy: Jeff Banks on Licensing,Brandingand Keys to Lasting Success and aQ&A with Theo Paphitis on the subject of SmallBusinesses,Big Impact: Thriving in aWorldofGiants. Representatives from HappyHQ and ILoveMyJob will host amasterclassonBeyond Salaries:Buildinga People-First CompanyCulturethatAttracts and Retains Talent.
Recently announced finalists in the Gift of the Year competition will be collectivelydisplayed in Hall 5soretailers can ensuretheyare stocking the best and potentially award-winning offerings. Look out for:
BottleFarm from Shroot is arevolutionary indoor farming kit that transforms everyday plasticbottles intothriving herband vegetable gardens.Designed and manufactured in the UK using over 95%recycled materials,Bottle Farm makessustainable growing accessible to everyone,nomatter their spaceor experience. Thekit uses hydroponictechnologyto grow plants in waterrather thansoiland is perfectfor urban dwellers, families, or even seasoned gardeners looking forinnovativegrowing solutions. RRP£19.95 forcompleteBottle Farm
SpringFairProduct Sectors
Clothing &Footwear
Greetings,Party &Celebration
Beauty &Wellbeing
Christmas, Festive&Floral
Kids, Toys &Play
Source Home &Gift
Home,Living &Décor
The Summerhouse
SpringFair 2-5February2025
NECBirmingham Sunday 2nd to Tuesday 4th
February –9.00am-6pm Wednesday5th February –9am-4pm
Admission is free andonline preregistration is recommended. See website for details, floor plan and even moreexhibitorinformation. www.springfair.com
Personalised gardening tools come in agift set from Designer Kids and BabyLtd Functionaland beautifullycrafted they are perfect for avid gardeners and beginners Neatly arranged in thewillowtrug are afork, trowel, woodenmarkers, garden string and ameasuring dibber.RRP £59.99
ChimneySheep has developed arange of luxury, all-natural PetSnugs made from wool. Becausewool is naturally very warm, breathable and hygroscopic, it can absorb large quantities of waterwithout feeling wetsoisthe perfect materialfor animal bedding.Available with arangeofcheerful cushion colour optionsmade from organic cotton whichare waterrepellent, wipeable and easy to clean.RRP from £65
In 2024, LauraStoddart launched multi-purpose drawstring bags featuring her owndesigns printedusing inks that areeco-friendly,water based and solvent free. These cleverlittle bags can be used for anything from storage to organising and can elevatethe simplestofgifts or provide asolution for thosewhichare trickytowrap. Made to Global Organic Textiles Standardwith 100%unbleached, natural, cotton.A newminisizehas been introduced this month bringing therange up to three sizes with an rrp starting from £7.00.
This charming kit from Pikkii contains everything to make 12 paper flowers, each one pre-cut and ready for a personal message Kit includes pre-cut flowers, bouquet wrap, gift/display box and easy to follow instructions all packaged in plastic-free peggable matte-finish envelope and presented in a CDU display Made with FSC paper and printed with soy based ink. RRP £12 99
When GTN first dedicated an issue to sustainability in January 2020, one of the aims was to shine a light on those retailers and suppliers who were going the extra environmental mile In just a few years things have drastically changed and considerations surrounding sustainability have now become the norm and an integral of everyday business decisions Whether its materials or processes for manufacturing products, energy consumption or packaging, garden
and industry suppliers have their fingers on the pulse and are making great advancements
This year’s Sustainability issue still holds true to its original intent with a Directory to help buyers find products and companies with eco-conscious products However, it also brings additional content including the UK’s first garden centre to gain B Corp Certification; ideas to help customers on their peat-free journey, and how to improve sustainability using what is already in place
ecognition of sustainability goals is an importantelement in the GIMA Awards, with winning suppliers becoming categorychampions and an overall winner selected.Assustainability becomes moreintegrated intoproduct and packaging design,competition becomes increasingly fierce. The2024winners haveall made great progressand continue to provethe garden centreretailing industryisworkinghardto be green.
Sustainability is in the genes of Primeur Ltd. In fact, today it stills sells the coir doormats which were one of thefirstproducts to be sold when thecompanywas formed as Clayton and Strutt in 1968.It’srecycled rubber garden products cametothe market in 2016 and sincethen the range has done nothing butgrow. Taking homethe overall HTA Sustainability Award, Primeur’snew Tierra VerdeColoured Collection of self-watering planters is offering customers awider range withmore styling options from Blossom, Oak and Cappuccino colours to upgrade the home and garden.Made from recycled rubber,theyare long lasting unbreakable and resistant to damage from frost or freezing
was designed to promote its bird care products, and ers customers on four plus information about the seed
The Earthy Sustainable Tree Display created by Satchville Gift Company is made from fastgrowing,FSC eucalyptus, and supports the sustainability message of the products by also being ecoconscious. It wasdesigned specifically promoteits wild birdcareproducts, and offers customers 360 displays on four facings, plus information about the seed husks and other natural materials used to manufactureeachproduct.
veg, and was named Care Manufactured
made from 60% recycled content and recyclable, positions it as aleader sustainable gardening products, setting newindustrystandards for ecofriendly practices.
made content fully it as a leader in sustainable products, new industry standards eco-
DecoPak’s delightful seashells
The Ecofective Organic Superfood range of liquid plant feeds offer an organic solution for growing bigger healthier plants, fruit and veg, and wasnamed the Garden Car Sustainability Champion. Manufactured using farming by-products and seaweed, theygive plants and produce ultimatesupportto thrive. Packaged in a newsustainable way, the flexible pouch uses up to 70% lessplastic than aconventional plant feed in arigid bottle.
they give and ultimate support to in a new sustainable way, a conventional plant feed in a rigid
The first carbon-neutral, PAS 2060 accredited peat-free compost, Harmony Gardens Multipurpose Compost with added John Innes has been introduced by Southern Trident. Itwas named Growing Media Sustainability Champion and has beenexposed to extensivequality testing.Its innovativepackaging,
Named Sustainability Champion in the Growing,Planting,Equipment &Sundries category,was The ChelseaGarden Range, Sea Shells.FromDecoPak,itisahandysized bag of reused sea shells, which not only look good but also act as anutrient-rich soil enhancer and natural pest deterrent. A versatile product, it canbeusedonvegetables and ornamentals as adecorative mulch, as apathway topping or in potting mixed.
It wasabusy night forWestland Horticulturewhich took home an impressivenumber of certificates These included the Kent &Stowe SureCut Cutting Range which wasthe Garden Tools, Machinery& Implements Sustainability Champion. The loppers, shears andsecateurs havebeen thoughtfully engineered with theReflex Energy System, designed to enhanceperformance and ease of use. This innovation
results in maximum comfort withminimum effortwhen cutting,aseach tool features rubberbumpers designed to absorb shock and promoteagentle rebound. This significantly reduces the jarring sensation for acomfortable andergonomic experiencethat also ensures enhanced durability of each tool
W Garden
Soft Furnishings in the WGarde Living range from Woodlodge Products became the Sustainability Champion in the OutdoorLeisure category. Manufactured from recycled plastic bottles, the cushio and throwsare weather-resistant and offer luxurious comfort andstyle fo any outdoor space.
Products became the in the Outdoor Leisure cushions throws are er and style for
From TV’s to the garden DecoPak has turned apotentialwaste by-product intoanew and desirableoffer The processofcreating20-40mm Glasglo Chippings from recycledtelevision screens, produced an abundanceof smaller pieces.
Recognising there is a demand 10-20mm it has fulfilled a contemporary design need with an eco-conscious Now available 20kg bags, it was named Garden
gnising thereisademand for these 20mm chippings, it has fulfilled a ntemporarydesign need with an o-conscious twist. Nowavailable in 20kgbags, it wasnamed the Garden Landscaping Sustainability Champion.
company is donating 10%ofthe mat’ssalesto the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. The mat wasthe Sustainability Champion in the Garden Clothing &Gifts category
The cotton Bee 3Mat and Runner is part of the PhoenoxTextiles LtdHome &Garden collection manufactured in Yorkshireusing recycled materials.Itisabsorbent and traps up to 95% of dust, dirtand mud. To help raise awarenessofthe plight of British bees, the
The Earthy Sustainable Bird Feeder Collection wasdesigned by the Satchville Gift Company to accommodate the fivebest selling lines of birdfeed –fromsuetblocks to peanuts. Each is made from sustainable properties which look good andsoftly blend with naturewhen usedinthe gardens. Trials haveshown that the birds love them anduse s
have shown and use them continually. It was the Pet Care, Aquatics & Bird Care Sustainability Champion.
Illumination indoors and out om Maze comes the Athena Small Solar Light, the Garden Décor Sustainability Champion. Made of aluminium and teak, it blends elegance and sustainability with durability. For seamless indoor and outdoor lighting, it features a high-performance solar panel, and a USB charged battery for extended usage.
At Woodmansterne, we arecommitted to using sustainable materials and practices wherever possible. As athird-generationfamily business, we understand the importance of protecting our environmentand safeguarding it forthe future.
• 100% plastic-free and recyclable cards and gift packaging
• Greeting cardsprinted and manufactured in theUK
• Vegetableinks used on paper from FSC® certified sustainableforests
• Envelopes made from 100% post-consumerwaste recycled paper
• Distribution from one of the greenest warehouses in theUK
Contact us to find out moreaboutour planning and managementsolution for your greetingcard and gift packaging displays
01923 200600 or sales@woodmansterne.co.uk
FInspirational ideas fromthe WestlandRisingStarsprogramme have improved sales and helped gardenersacross the country makemoreeco-friendly choices
sales and gardeners across country make more eco-friendly choices.
romimproving disease resistance to choosing the best plantsfor pollinators, the sevenparticipants of this year’s Westland Rising Stars programmehave illustrated theimportanceofgardencentre retailing in promoting gardening’s positive impact on the environment.
Running since2012, theprogramme’s aims arestill to encourage garden centre team memberstocreateboldinstoreprojects to educate customers, improvesales andbuild their ownconfidence. “This season’sRisingStars haveagain been very creativeatdeveloping their projects aroundthe important issues of sustainability and managing our environment,” saysmentor and judge Gordon Emslie.
The journeyfor the2024cohortstartedin April with ameeting at NIABinCambridgeshire. Here theyran through their ideaswith Gordon and visited Westland’strials. Following several workshops which includedhow to presentin public and puttingtheir displays andplans into practiceintheir ownstores, theteams put met againinOctober.A ‘Dragon’sDen’likeevent at
Melbicks GardenCentre, each hadtopresent asummaryoftheir project to judges, Peter Burkes (GCA Chairman), GordonEmslie, Tammy Woodhouse (Millbrook GardenCentre Director),GinaLewis (Social andContent MarketingManager,WestlandHorticulture) andTrevorPfeiffer (GTN Editor)
“Theyhaveall faced challenges during the year,which the programme is designed to highlight,”saysGordon. “Astesting as those were,theyhaveall been tenacious with their projects, as well as having the determination to see them through, and havebecome more resilientpeople as aresult. The futurefor the industrylooks very bright especially with the calibreofcandidates this year.The success of the Rising Stars program comes from the truly collaborativerelationship that Westlands and the GCA havetosupport the stars of the future.”
Four of theoriginal sevenhavenow been chosenasthe luckyfinalistsheadingtothe GCA conference in January, to giveonstage presentations.The winner will be chosenbya delegate vote
Will Harris KlondykeGarforth Garden Centre
• Project: TheConversationStation
• Aim: Howgardens can helpvulnerablewildlife species, specifically swifts, hedgehogs andbees.
Will hasworked with thecentre’smarketing team to createthree information posters to clearly explain to customers why swifts, bees andhedgehogsneed gardensand what gardeners candotomakeapositive difference.
Liaising with thebuyers he carefullychose products forhis displays andmanaged to source swiftboxes, hedgehog houses and food, beehousesand bug hotels.Understanding theimportanceofplants,healso organised a multibuy forwildlifepositiveperennials offering threefor £25. He topped up his displays up and by theend of thesummer had recorded a50.4% grossprofit on perennialsand 43.9%gross profit on wildlifeproducts.
Dian Phillips Pughs Garden Village, Radyr
• Project: Pollination Street
• Aim: To connect gardeners to the urban wildlife corridor with wildlife friendly perennials.
Dian launched Pollination Street via Facebook with ashortsurveyand wasdelighted it received 26kviews. In house point-of-sale with the Bee Part of Pugh’sPollination Street strapline was used in large containersatthe storeentrance and also enabled Dian to link plant sales with associated products particularly growing media. To makeplant buying easy,Dian created four collections: Pollination Street, Sensory Sensations, All Year Interest and Shade Tolerant, with fiveplants and arrp of £40. Signs explained the wildlife benefits of the perennials and growing media recommendations. Between June and August Dian sold 1506 3L plants and31deals.A profit increase of 85% wasrecorded for 1L plants
• Project: Ditch the Dig
• Aim: To promotethe concept of ‘no’ dig’gardening
socialmedia washigh withone post reaching 5785 people.Gaynakept track of salesthis summer andcomparedthem withthe same products in 2023.The bestperforming product wasWestland’s Bio-Life Soil Improver which rose from 95 units last year to 550 this summer
Erin Tuchscherer
Charlbury Garden Centre
• Project: More Bees Please
Dan Furley Millbrook Garden Centres
• Project: PlantOctober
Gayna introduced Dugless theworm to her promotion of ‘no dig’gardening.Her leaflet clearly explained to customers exactlyhow the concept worked and its benefits.Onshop floor displays,Gayna linkedsales to products including mycorrhizal fungi and toolsand created her ownvideo andmock-upofa root systemtohelp with the messaging.Instoreevents were boosted by thoseatlocal community allotments and engagement on
• Aim: To createa garden forpeople andbees in asmall space
Usingupcycled material andcreating planters from andold door andwooden pallets, Erin created alively, space filledwithplants, information about bees andlots of take-home ideas forcustomers. As well as offeringideas forcompanion planting,Erin also included waterbuttsand,wateringcans to get across importantmessaging about watercapture, conservationand howtouse it wisely. Part of thedisplay also offered importantgrowing tips forusing peat-freegrowingmedia andlinked saleswithliquid feeds. Sales of Boostwereup 20 unitsonlastyear andBig Tomup77units.
Klondyke, Wilmslow Garden Centre
• Project: Plants forPollinators
• Aim: To promote andencourage more pollinator rich gardens
Joshua hadseveral strings to hisproject to get more pollinators beinggrown including getting thenext generation of gardeners enthused about wildlife andincreasing linked sales of gardenadditionssuchasbug hotels. He created ashoppable space using reused andrecycled materials to promoteselected products thehighlight of which washis own made giantbug hotel. Working withthe marketingteam, Joshua createdpoint of sale andgot involved with thecentre’smonthly Grow Mini sessions for15-20 children anda schoolholiday Scavenger Huntencouraging children to go roundthe centrelookingfor bees,butterflies andladybirds. A1msquared spacefilledwithwildflowers also showed what can be achieved.Throughout thesummer, Joshua recorded salesdata andwas pleased to note pots andcontainers achieved£2573 and bug hotels £1320
• Aim: To promoteand encouragecustomers to plant fruit trees.
Themanybenefits of growingfruit trees including carbon reduction, biodiversityand food production areall wrapped up in Dan’s project to offer an easy to shop bundle that’ssustainable and measurable. Octoberisagreat time for planting trees, so Dan focused on this autumnal month offering a£14.99 fruittreewithafreebag of JI number 3growing media andsachet of Rootgrow.Securing achoice of fivetrees, he created 175 kits for the Gravesend garden centre and75for itssistersiteinStaplehurst. Each kit produced a52% margin. Bundles were promoted instorewithrusticdisplays and point of sale material, while also featuringina social media campaign, advertising on local radio, and in regional newspapers and magazines and emailout to 70,000 Millbrook Family members. Adigital billboardadvert wasalso secured at theretailBluewatershopping centre. By mid-October,both centres had sold 155 trees compared to just 39 the previousyear
to just 39 the previous year
KnightsNags Hall Garden Centre
• Project: Working Hand in Handwith Nature
• Aim: Canthe promotion of sustainable gardening practices haveanimpact on plant health andsales in agarden centre?
Ben wascurious to find outifusing SB Plant Invigorator on David Austin roses wasagood eco-friendly solution to plant care.Acting as a foliar feed it strengthens plantsmaking them better aresisting disease and worksasanorganic pest and fungus control. Ben applied the product weeklyassoon as growth began in spring,and despitethe challengingyear in terms of weather, his results were impressiveand showedsignificant improvements in plant quality and sales. Atotal of 287 roses were sold in 2023,compared to 432 in 2024 representing a65% increase in sales. As a result, the centrewill nowbeusing and promoting SP Plant Invigorator.Asecond strand of the project wascompanionplanting using nepeta and achillea, whichachieveda 74%and 119%increase in salesunits compared to last year.Thirdly,Ben introduced four biological control agents into the houseplant section, with great success,and displayed signs to educatecustomers.
With so manychallenges anddistractions, it’s easy for sustainabilitytofall through the gap. JuneKirkwood and Arthur Parry from ThePurposePeople, encourageretailers and suppliers to work with what they already have, to address sustainabilityand deliver benefits to theirbottom line.
It’sdifficult to ignorethe effects of climatechange when distorted weather patterns arecausing catastrophic events all over the world Closer to home 2023’sextreme heat followed by 2024’s persistent rain has hadanegative impact on traditional crop harvests and plant sales too. Such challengeshavebeencompounded for businessbecause of the recent budget andcost of living crisis and it would be understandable if your focus was elsewhere.However, thereare ways you can continue to addresssustainability which also benefit your bottom line.
The recent HTAWhitePaper highlightedthat horticulture has arole to play in mitigatingclimatechange, and gardencentres and their suppliers are integral to this process. As summarised in arecent HTAarticlebyAngela Bean: “Thereisreal benefit in individual
businesses collectively makingsmall changes to makeavaluable differenceand together gainingsubstantiveprogressasasector.”
Deloitte’s2024report, The Sustainable Consumer has also identified how consumers arelooking to (the government and) businesses to takethe lead,tomake it easier andcheaper for them to act sustainably.The reportgoes on to say that consumers are also ‘receptivetoactions that businesses taketodemonstratetheir climate credentials’.
But howcan youdothis when thereare so many other priorities? One suggestion is towork with what youhave:
• Create aplan and makeastart. Even if your early progressismodest, having anintent to act and aclear direction is a valuable exercise.
• Keep it simple! Your first steps don’t need to be complicated,nor involvehuge expenditure.
• This is about evolution notrevolution. You can still move forward by taking small incremental steps… all of which can add up to significant gains over time.
• Linkyour sustainabilityactions to your businessgoals. You’re looking to measures which increase revenue,reduce costs and improve cash flow.
Realistically,your pursuit of amore sustainable futurefor your businessneeds to be an integral partofregular activities and aligned with your financial goals if it’stohave a chanceofprogressing
One wayofincreasing sales is to create themed displayslinked to sustainable approaches and trends. Makeiteasyfor your customers by providing them with a curated offering of plants and products, designed to sell sustainable solutions and ideas rather than individual items. The potential to increase sales comes from both the opportunity to increase basket size-by trading acrosscategories -and to add value through higher-value purchases.
Borrowing from the RHS and Woodland Trusts guides on sustainable gardening, howabout displaying acollection of locally sourced, nativespecies –such as those which attract pollinators, or which return essential nutrients to the soil-alongside the tools and equipment needed for planting and nurturing.Built around thesenative species, the common themeshouldbe sustainably sourcedand manufacturedtools andequipment, all of which aredesigned to last! As afinal touch, include signage to
Withoutthe sign, customers wouldn’tknowthischairat RuxleyManor Garden Centre is a multi-tasking prop that has been used five times already
in the right place. Again, supportyour display with signage to explain what permacultureis and its benefits to the planet.
explain to your customers the environmental benefits of planting nativespecies.
Thereisa growing awarenessof permacultureasaninventiveway to frame sustainable living.Ingardening terms, this translates intodesigning gardens in harmony with local environments and natural ecosystems (thinksoil, sunlight, air, water, plants, animals, microorganisms). This means creating adisplay which offers all a gardener might need to takeamorenatural approach,making themostofwhat they haveand using less. Forinstance, gardening organically,collectingand distributing rainwater,improving soil quality,repurposing existingmaterials and locating the right plant
Eye-catching,informativedisplaysenable younot only to shareknowledge and play your partinagrowingsolution but also to showyou areonthe samejourney as your customers.
Thereisadirect link between reducing waste(and emissions) and reducing costs. Theeasiest waytobegin to addresswaste in your businessistomakeitvisible. Start with any emissions or wasteyou arealready measuring –look at your energy bills, the costs associated with your wastedisposal contracts or the quantity of materials you send for recycling.The simple act of bringing morefocus on these areas, and tracking them on an ongoing basis, canhelp to stimulateideas to reduceimpact and related costs. It can also help youtoidentify your biggest areas of impact –wheresignificant cost savings aretobemade.
Once these sourcesofwasteand emissions aremorevisible, then the next step is to identify opportunities to reduceyour bills. Through aredesign to the packaging for its WarleyFall 2-gallon watering can, Haws Director,AndyPennock, says: “We’re able to fit around 40% more products per pallet, whichsignificantly reduces warehousing needsand transport requirements.”This represents areduction
in cost and at the same time reduces transport-related emissions.The new design uses around 4% lesscardboard, contributing further to wasteand costreductions.
Re-using materials, rather than replacing them, also provides an opportunity for savings.Atgarden centres including RuxleyManor Garden Centre, Kent, and those in TheGardens Group in Dorset, Christmas displays incorporatereused ‘refreshed’ chairs and other props. Theydrawcustomers’ attention with subtle signage, providing examples of using commonplace practices to modelsustainable behaviour These mayinitially be motivated by cost management butcan alsoserve to remindcustomers of your commitment to sustainability
Highlighting other aspects such as pots which can be recycled or toys made from recycled materials is also a good idea. It’snot always about radical transformation; sometimes small steps, clearly signposted, can lead to abiggerimpact.
Sustainability makes good business sense, with sustainability benefits often delivering financial benefits,and vice versa. Work with what youhaveand rememberthat youaren’talone! Reach out for supportfromthosearoundyou and discussideas and challenges to help acceleratechange. Collaboration is key–we’reall working towards the same goal.
ThePurposePeopleisa sustainabilityconsultancy foundedwith theaim of supporting businesses of all sizesontheir sustainability journeys.Wehelpbusinesses identifyhow fartheywant to go,establish asustainabilityledpurposeand facilitate a pragmatic approach to caring forpeople, planet,and profit.
Email JuneKirkwoodor Arthur Parry june@thepurposepeople.co.uk arthur@thepurposepeople.co.uk
Wherepower meets eco-friendliness. Webb Eco brings youthe mightofpetrol-powered equipment minus thedisruptive noise, cumbersome maintenance,and harmful emissions.
Embrace acutting-edge 20V lithium battery technology that elevatesyour gardeningexperience, empowering youwith unparalleledperformance. With Webb Eco, you’ll have thepower required to tirelessly tackle your gardening tasksuntil completion, all while enjoying impressiverun times and rapid charging. Just snap thebattery in place, and you’reprimed to dive intoyour gardening projects.
Cutting-Edge 20VBatteryPower
Experiencethe might of our 20V Lithium-ion technology, delivering power and performance on par with traditional petroloptions.
Our20V Lithium-ionbattery delivers powerwithout thehassleand harmfulemissions, ensuringacleaner, greenerenvironment during use.
Simply snap in thebattery,and you’re readytodive into your gardening taskswithease.
Optingfor lithium-ionbatteries significantly reduces operational costscompared to using petrol
GTN’s2025SustainabilityDirectory provides an easy way to find suppliers committed to improvingtheirgreen credentials in the workplaceand producing eco-sensitive products.
Bulldog Tools All Bulldog toolsare designed and built to last. This is fundamental to Bulldog Tool’s sustainability strategy,ensuring its tools last for years so they don’tneed to be replaced very often (if at all). www.bulldogtools.co.uk
Deco-Pak -Deco-Pak supplies high-quality decorativeaggregates, landscaping products,and gardenaccessories to UK and Ireland retailers,ensuring competitive pricing,efficient delivery, and exceptional service forall gardening needs. www.deco-pak.co.uk
Durstons -Durston Garden Products, afamily-runSomerset businesswith 35+ years’experience, offers innovative, exclusive peat-free growing media, outperforming competitorsintrials while meeting UK garden retailers’ diverse demands. www.durstongardenproducts.co.uk
Elho We areaDutch family businesswithmorethan 200 passionategreen fans who producesustainable designflowerpots andeverything that goeswiththem. Everything to make sure that people surround themselves withasmuchgreeneryaspossible. And we’vebeendoing so since1964 www.elho.com.eu
EP Barrus Town &CountryfromBarrus is recognised as one of the UK’s leading gardeningbrands and offers one of themost comprehensivecollections of gardeninggloves, footwear and accessories. www.townandco.co.m
EcoStone SeaShells areabyproduct of the whelkand scallop industry.Sourced direct from the processing factory,the shells are cleaned and graded before being baggedat Deco-Pak’s HQ.These completely natural shells notonly transform pots and terrariums when usedasa dressing, butalsoprovide a natural slug barrierwhenusedinborders too.
Green FingersSlug &Snail Granules
Green FingersSlug &Snail Granulesare derived from organic material that forms aprotective barrier around your plants to minimisethe damage and deterslugs and snails.Ideal fororganic gardening due to the natural ingredients,the granulesnot only protectbut helpstodeliver vital plantnutrients,enriching the soil and aiding in plantgrowth.
Pelsis Doff
RRP: £3.99 www.doff.co.uk sales@doff.co.uk
Peat-free growing media range Durstonsnew peat free rangedeliversupto150% biggerplantsand 50% biggerblooms thanprofessional peat-based products. Featuring exclusiveGro Fibre and GroBoost, it ensures superior waterretention, air circulationand excellentrootgrowth. This newfullpeat free rangehas been carefully formulated andblended withacomplimentary fertiliser package thatprovides14 vitalnutrients,with controlledreleasetolast4-6 months ensuring consistent healthyplant growth. Please ask for moreinformationand samples.
Durston Garden Products RRP-POA www.durstongardenproducts.co.uk/ info@durstongardenproducts.co.uk
Thewinery collection is the latest to join elho’s waaste collection, alongside the oceanrange and the cofffee collection, finding novelwaystotransform unusuaal plasticwaste streams into unique plantpots. Made e from discarded plastic twinesusedinFrench vineyards, the range is available in twobeautiful colours- Bordeaaux red and deep purple -inspired by the grapesthat the t twine oncesupported. Pots areavailable in four differentsizes from 14cm to 22cm,and featurea trendyribbed teexture, making them amust-have foreco-conscious consuumers, while helping to reduceEurope’s agricultural waste e From £6.49
https://www.elho.com/en/ david.nicholson@elho.nl
Welliesmade from Wellies–New Wellington Bootsmade from recycledWellington Bootsfor the ultimateinsustainable footwear.These Eco-friendly recycled Wellington boots foreverydaywalksand waterproofprotection. Thesedurable boots featureashock absorbing heeland deep treadcombined with flexibilityfor long, comfortable walks.
Town &Country RRP: £19.99
https://www.townandco.com/ customerservices@barrus.co.uk
Firestorm Heaters Firestorm Heaters utiliseBritish Wood Pellets sourcedfromScottish trees.All the treesare reforested and ‘GrowninBritain’ certified. It uses100% recyclable packagingto ship itsproducts. www.firestormheaters.co.uk
Formbar Ltd Reduce, reuseand recycle areatFormbar’s core Supplying quality products that havelongevity, supporting through maintenanceand usingrecycled material. From firststepto checkout, Formbarsuppliessustainable equipment. www.formbar.co.uk
HEMPE At HEMPE, sustainability is important, and it is committed to using fewerresources, and creating lesswaste.Itstrives to weigh up the environmental consequences of its actions with the goal of reducing its carbon footprint. Through involvementwith Litter Free Coast &Sea it is helping ensure thelovely beacheson the south coast of England areclean and litter free. www.hempehelps.com
Hortiwool Hortiwool isafamily businesswhich has worked with natural materials for almost twodecades.Handsdown, our absolutefavouriteiswool. Our dream is that everyone comes to love wool as much as we do,along withbenefitting from its awesome properties as youcultivateand create in an aroundyour home andgarden. www.hotiwool.com
Johnsons Lawn Seed -Established in 1820 Johnsons Lawn Seed is the oldest lawn seedbrand in the UK with alongand prestigious record of product innovationand grassbreeding. www.johnsonslawnseed.com
Keter Keterhas designedall itsproducts to be 100% recyclable and is on an ambitioustrajectorytoincrease theuse of recycled content in its productsfrom40% in 2020to55% in 2025.Because theearth is ourhomeand ourworkplace-welikeitand the people who livehere. www.keter.com
Melcourt Melcourthas always taken the protection of our planet seriously.Infact, it has been carefully blending scienceand nature for over40years. www.melcourt.co.uk
Pelsis Doff Pelsis is committedtodeliveringsustainable and innovativesolutions, providing peaceofmind, protecting public health, and working in harmony with nature. With environmentally conscious pest management and gardencarebrands, including GreenProtect andGreen Fingers. www.doff.co.uk
Miracle-Gro® Peat Free,Premium Seeds,Plugs &YoungPlantsCompost
Anew addition to our high-qualitypeat-free range.This unique blend contains abalanceof11 vital nutrientsrequired forhealthyplantgrowth and will feed plants for5 weeks. Thecombination of coir and woodfibrecreates the perfect balance of air and watertoaid germination and grow stronger roots, giving seeds,plugs and young plants the best start.
Evergreen Garden Care
RRP £6.49(20L)
TheWebb Eco40V (2 x20V) 43cm Cordless Rotary Lawnmower
Webb RRP £269.99 https://webbgardenpower.co.uk/
Nature’sLawnwith MowableWildflowers
This innovative seed mixisdesigned for gardeners whowishtoenjoythe beautyand ecological benefits of wildflowers,without sacrificing the functionalityoftheir lawns.By combining aselection of lawn grasseswithUK nativeperennial wildflowers thatcan tolerate regularmowing, thismix offersa solution thatattractspollinators such as butterflies and bumblebeeswhilemaintaining ausable, aestheticallypleasing lawn.
Johnsons Lawn Seed RRP-£12.99 www.johnsonslawnseed.com
Firestorm FlamencoHeater
Simply load the Flamencowith wood pellets and light. Warms up in 15 minutes,providing four hours of enticing flames. Addmorepellets oncelit to extend the burn time as required. Running at 14kW heat output forhalf the cost of gas, heating 12m2. Pull the releasedoor to shut off andunload your pellets,ready foranothertime.
Firestorm HeatersRRP: £1499.00
www.FirestormHeaters.co.uk/ Info@FirestormHeaters.co.uk
Primeur -Sustainable Stylefor Every Home& Garden
At Primeur,sustainabilitydrives everything we do.Bytransforming wasterubber tyresinto award-winning garden productsand incorporating eco-friendly materials into our doormat range, we seamlessly blend style,functionality, and a commitmenttothe environment
RRP: Garden Range From £6.99-Mighty Mats Range From £7.99
Web: www.primeur.co.uk
Email: sales@primeur.ltd.uk
Phone: 01274 518800
Peat-FreeMulti-Purpose Compost(50L)
RocketGro’sPeat-Free Multi-Purpose Compost is abio-active, nutrient-rich blend designed for versatile garden use, and provides at least12 weeksoffeed thankstothe inclusion of Organic Fertiliser Superfood. Suitable forpots, beds, borders, containers, and plantingout fruit trees, it enhances planthealth and yields.This compost ispeat-free,chemical-free,and animalproductfree, offering asustainable choicefor gardeners.
RRP –from£6.00 hello@rocketgro.co.uk www.rocketgro.co.uk
PrimeurLtd Pioneers of recycled rubber,Primeurhas helped to divertmillionsoftyres from reaching landfill, witheachone reimagined to becomepartofamulti-award-winning garden product range. www.primeur.co.uk
Sipcam ecofective offershighlyeffective eco-alternatives to conventional chemical garden careproducts. Packaged in flexible pouches, ecofectivebreaks thenorm of plastic bottles, givingretailersa wonderful opportunity to supportthe growing demand for high impactsustainable solutions -‘Binthe Bottle and Pick up aPouch’ www.ecofective.uk.com
RocketGro With unmatchedeco-story,including the completionofa brand-new CO2captureplantRocketGro, a British organic peat-freebrand,isontrack to become the UK’s first climatepositivegrowingmedia supplier www.rocketgro.co.uk
UK Greetings Our worldmeans theworld to us,weare committed to sustainability from theproductswecreateand supply to theservice we provide. www.ukgreetings.co.uk
Vitavia Sustainable aluminum greenhousesfromVitavia aredurable, corrosion resistant and recyclable. This gives thegreenhouselongevity,reducingthe need for frequent replacement and therecyclability lessensthe environmental impactbypromoting acircular economy. www.vitavia.co.uk
Vitax Vitax offers acomprehensiverange of organicand sustainable productsfromfertilisers suchas 6X,topestcontrol with SlugGone. Recent additions includeanew organic house plant feed. www.gardenworld.co.uk/trade
Webb Garden Power Bringing to the market theWebb EcoFriendly CordlessGarden Tools, designedfor optimal performance withasuper-fast battery recharge. The 20V Webb Ecocordless range provides an eco-friendly and cost-efficientalternativeto traditional petrol options. Quiet to use andcordless in design, the newrange offers completefreedom withnopower cables to get in theway or hold youup. Nowavailable to orderfromBritishgarden equipment manufacturer Webb www.webbgardenpower.co.uk
Timber Displays offersthe very best qualitypressure treatedwooden display productswhich arean attractiveaddition to any garden centre or store. Letour tables, benches and stands showyour merchandisetoits full potential.
Phone: 01778 422700 www.timber displays.co.uk fb: /Timberdisplays
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Woodmansterne As athird-generation familybusiness, Woodmansterne understands theimportanceofprotecting our environment and safeguarding it forthe future. It is committed to using sustainable materials and practices wherever possible.
Zest Committed to the environment and ethical sourcing, togetherwithsupply partners, Zest is collaborating on a10,000-acrereplanting scheme in Eastern Europe. All products aremade from slow-grownsoftwoodfromPEFC certified forests. www.zestoutdoorliving.co.uk/ourstory/sustainability-environment/
•100% recyclable
•Replaces traditional plastic shrink wrap
•Replaces plastic-free,sustainable label solution
•Maintains ease of usefor consumers
• Seamlessly integrates with existing roll wrap designs
Longevity: AllBulldog tools aredesigned and built to last.This is fundamental to our sustainability strategy,ensuring that our toolslastfor years, and do not need replacing.
SpareParts: We stockreplacement parts to avoid tools being thrown away, including replacement nuts and bolts,springs, blades, raketines and wooden and fibreglass handles, allowing our tools to continue to have useful long workinglives.
CultivateaGreener Tomorrow with aVitavia Greenhouse
Vitavia greenhouses areconsidered sustainable becausealuminium is durable, corrosion resistant andrecyclable. This gives thegreenhouselongevity,reducing theneedfor frequentreplacementand the recyclabilitylessens the environmental impact by promotinga circulareconomy. Thealuminiumframesare also energy efficient, providing acontrolledenvironment forplant growth andless reliance onexternalresources. Notforgetting theoverall lifestyle resourcesa greenhouse provides,allowingindividuals to grow their ownproduceand become self-sufficient.
Formoreinformationpleasevisit; Vitavia.co.ukoremail us info@vitavia.co.uk
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Sustainable Timber: AllBulldog timber is taken from sustainablesources.This assures our use of environmentallyappropriateforest management practicesand ensurescompliance withtimber regulations
Plastic: The company hascompletelyremoved plasticsfromour packaging, replacing it with paper throughout our supplychain from factory to customer
www.bulldogtools.co.uk To work with us contact sarah.cottle@rollins.co.uk
Green dominates our industry,but it canbeachallenging colour tomakevisually inspirational. Cliff Bashforth,Managing Director of image consultants Colour Me Beautiful, shares his toptipsfor makinganimpactwith greeninhouseplant and planterias.
Green is everywhereina garden centre, from the lush foliage of houseplantsto outdoortrees, shrubs andperennials. Whenitcomes to selling and displayingplants, the abundanceofgreen can sometimesbea visual challenge.
But it is also oneofthe most versatile colours in nature, offeringarangeofhues, from cool blue greens to warm yellow greens, with subtle shades in between. While this complexity may go unnoticedtothe untrainedeye,it’s important to understand that not allgreensare
created equal. It’s worthembracing thesesubtle variations when creatingplant groupingsthat highlight thedifferencesintexture, shape, and tone. By positioning plants with deeper,richer greensnext to thosewithlighter, more vibrant shades,you cancreatecontrastand bring depth to the display
Contrasting colourbreaks One of thesimplest ways to break up green foliage is to introducecontrasting colours This can be done throughstrategicplacement
of flowering plants or decorativepots in bold shades like terracotta, cobalt blue, or bright yellows.Thishelps create visualinterest and guides thecustomer's eyethroughthe space. Forexample, abright floweringplant, such as avibrantorchidoranthurium, drawsattention andbreaks thesea of green
If your outdoorspaces feel like endless rows of foliage shrubs, introducecolourful signage,planters, or even seating areas in complementarycolours to green. This helps createfocal points,drawingcustomers in
Outdoors, consider mixinggrasses with broad-leafed plants, or succulents withmore traditionalbeddingplants.Thisgives alayered effectthat feels intentional andartistic rather than repetitive.
and inviting them to explore deeper intoyour
Another waytocreatedistinction in blocks of green is by mixing differenttextures.For houseplants, contrastthe waxy,smooth leavesof plants likerubber trees (Ficus elastica)with the featheryfrondsofaBostonfern (Nephrolepis exaltata). Texture addsvisualinterestand giveseachplant its ownidentity,evenwithin apredominantly green palette.The varietyin texture, size, and shape makesthe arrangement feel dynamic rather than flat.
Visual balanceisn’t justabout colour—height playsa crucial role too. Asea of similar-sized plants will look flat anduninteresting,regardless of howdiverse thegreensare.Byvarying the heights of plants—tall ones at theback, shorter ones up front—youcan break up themonotony andcreatea sense of depth.
Certaincolours work particularly well with green, enhancing thedisplayrather than clashing with it.Shadesofred,purple, andpinkoften providea striking contrasttogreen.Thisisdue to theirplacement,oppositegreen on thecolour wheel,whichnaturally createsavisual‘pop’ While green canpair beautifully with earthy toneslikebrown,ochre, andbeige, it canclash with certainhues if notcarefullyconsidered.For example, pairing acool, blue-green plant with warm orange tones might look off unlessthere’s acommon thread tying them together
Forindoorfoliagedisplays, consider adding plants withcolourful foliage, such as calatheas, some of which have pink and white variegation or thedeeppurples of tradescantia. Outdoors, red-leafed shrubs or variegatedplants like hostas can help punctuate thegreenery with bursts of contrasting colour
Light plays acriticalroleinhow green appears in anyspace. Consider hownatural or artificial lighting affects thedisplay.Spotlighting larger plants can createadramatic effect, while ambientlighting can highlight the intricacies of smaller, more delicatefoliage. Outdoor areas may benefit from string lightsorsolarpoweredlanterns to add warmth and contrast, particularly in shaded areas where greens might otherwise blendtogether
Green may dominateyour displays, but even themostextensivecollection of greenery can come to life.The keyisinunderstandingthe subtlety of shades,and addingcontrast through colour,texture, andheight. Green isn’t justthe background—it’s thestar of the showwhen handled withcare.
Formoreinformation on colour theory andhow to use it to boost displays and sales, visit www.colourmebeautiful.co.uk @ColourMeBeautifulImageConsultants @colourmebeautuk
The gardening worldisundergoing avital shift by moving away from peat-based composts. Steve Harper,ChiefExecutive Officer of Southern Trident, tells GTNwhatinformationretailers should give to support their customersonthe journey to peat-freegardening.
Embracing peat-free composts not only supports ecological balance but also alignswith the growing demand for greenergardening practices. This transformation away from peat is critical to protecting fragile ecosystems and addressingenvironmental concerns.
But for this transition to be successful, education and supportfor growers,retailers,and gardeners arekey.Tothis aim, acomprehensive effortbyindustryisbeing worked on for launch early in 2025 to provide resourcesand
information, ensuring everyone in thegardening community feelsconfident about thechange.
Supporting thetransition to peatfree gardening
To make themovetopeat-free composts as seamless as possible,various tools and strategies arebeing developed to educate and empowergardeners. The keytosuccess lies in a collaborativeapproach, ensuring growers, retailers, andgardening enthusiastsare equipped with the knowledgeand supportneeded for thischange.
• Information services: Resources that provide gardeners withpractical advice and answers to common questions. Helpcan already be found on theRHS website.
• Regularfeedback and updates: Engaging directlywith gardeners to understand their concerns and evolving the guidanceaccordingly
• Communication tools: From press campaigns to detailed guides andQ&A materials, these toolsaim to informand inspireconfidenceinpeat-free gardening practices.
During the industry’sjourneytowards peat free, it has become increasingly apparent that multipurpose growing media still has its place, but it is notasolution for everything.The many different rawmaterials used for creating peat-free compost, mean that a‘onesizefits all’ approach is no longer appropriatefor everything, and gardeners need to select the appropriate compost for specific gardening tasks. By using the right compost for the right task,gardenerscan achieve optimal results while reducing waste.
• Seed sowing: use seed and cutting compost for thebest results.
• Potting and containers: opt for multipurpose or container-specificcompost.
• Acid-loving plants: choose ericaceous peatfree compost for plantslikerhododendrons and camellias.
• Mulching: materials likecoir chips or bark help retain moistureand suppressweeds.
• Soil improvement: homemade compost or farmyardmanureare effectiveand eco-friendly choices as arespecifically blended peat-free products labelled as ‘soil improvers’.
Tips for successfulpeat-free gardening
Changing to peat-free composts will require slight adjustments in growing practices which may prove to be moredifficult for gardeners familiar with peat-based products to adopt, but the results arewell worthit. Forthose newto gardeningitwill be an easier journey as theywill be learningastheygo.
• Monitor moisturelevels: Peat-free compost may feel dryonthe surface but still hold moisture beneath. Check by touch,byweighing pots or using awater meter like the Sustee Aquameter. Although peat-free compost are moreprone to surfacedrying and developing adry cap,theywillmorereadily re-wet when wateredespeciallyiftheycontain substrateslike green compost and coir
• Feed plants regularly: Peat-free composts may requireadditionalfeeding,usuallyfor tworeasons. Some wood-basedsubstrates lock-up nitrogen. As theadditionalmicrobial activity in peat-free stimulates the drawndown of nitrogen, controlled release fertilisers are sometimes addedtocompensate.The other reason is over wateringbyconsumers which results in nutrientsbeing flushed out of the growing media.Watch for signs like slow growth or pale leavesand provide abalanced plantfood twoweeks after potting and continually throughout thegrowing season Choosea feed that is specifically designed for peat-free compost. Theywill generally have lowerlevels of potassium which is normally already readily availableinpeat-free compost.
Specialistmedia for particular garden tasks will increasingly be seen.
• Storecorrectly: Keep compost in acool, dryplace to preserve its quality.Retailers need to ensure theyrotatestock and keep it as freshaspossible whileconsumers areadvised to usetheir growing media within the same season it is purchased.
Building asustainable future
Transitioning to peat-free gardeningisnot just about changing products; it’s about fosteringa long-term commitment to sustainability.Byadopting newhabits and making informed choices,gardeners contributetoa healthier planet.
This shift also highlights the importanceof collaboration within thegardening community By sharing knowledge, resources, andenthusiasm, the collective effortcan ensure that peat-free gardeningbecomes the norm.
Together,growers, retailers,and gardeners can pavethe wayfor amoresustainableand environmentally friendlygardening industry— creating alegacy that nurtures boththe soil andthe soul.
Forfurther information visit: www.responsiblesourcing.org.uk or www.southerntrident.com
ThetfordGarden Centrebrings in theNew Year as the first UK garden centretoattain prestigious BCorporation Certification.
InNorfolk, theindependentfamilyrun ThetfordGarden Centre, which employs ateamof80, has become the first garden centre in the UK to achieve status as aCertifiedB Corporation (B Corp). This prestigious certification, awarded by BLab, recognises companiesthat meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency,and accountability acrossfivekey areas: governance, workers, customers, community,and the environment.
“Weare extremely proud to be the first garden centre in the UK to receivethis certification”,says Lucy Nixon, Managing Director.“Gaining BCorp has beena two-year journey. While it doesn’tmeanweare perfect, it demonstrates our commitment to doing good.
and processes that alignwith BLab’shigh standards, enabling ethical decision-making.Weare nowpartofa global movement that views businessasaforce for good and hope to inspireothersmall and medium-sized family businesses, whetherinour region or industry, to pursue this certification. It’struly theway businessshould be done.”
Established in 1982, Thetford Garden Centremoved to its current sitea decade later.Itiscurrently expanding its food department and creatingnew offices, stafffacilities, customer amenities, and abakery, with completion expected in March
“The retail and hospitality industry has faced significant challenges in recent years. Having something likethis to celebrateis wonderful for our team,” adds Lucy
BCorp is aglobal community of leaders who arealigned and dedicated to transforming the global economic system to benefitall people, communities, and the planet.Thismovement aims to build amore resilient andsustainable futurethrough the creation of standards, policies, tools, and programmes that shiftthe behaviour,culture, andstructureofcapitalism. Thegoal is to realiseavisionofaninclusive,equitable, andregenerativeeconomy that works for everyone.
BLab hasbeen certifying BCorporations since2006 andpositively impacts over 150 industries in more than 80 countries, helping them balance profit with purpose.
Offeringproductsmanufacturedfromrecycledplasticsanddesignedfor durability.Ourcommitmenttosustainabilitymeansqualityyoucantrust, withsolutionsthatcanbereusedformanyseasons.
Ourcomprehensiverangeofbespokehighqualitymetalfixturesaddimpactandinterest todrivesalesandmerchandiseproductswhich aretypicallydifficulttomerchandise
Begonias will be underthe spotlight as 2025 becomes the Year of the Begonia. This versatile plant is established on outside seasonal plant and indoor houseplant benches and newvarieties areensuring it offers even moreopportunities forsuccess in thefuture.
The plant groupisvastwhich is why Fleuroselect has chosen to concentrateon newbreeding within interspecificand hybrid begonias. Oneofits goals is to educate consumers andshowthereare many more typestogrowthan the standardbedding types often seen in borders in municipallandscapes. This will include B boliviensisfrom seeds and cuttings whichhavegained popularitythanks to varieties like‘Firecracker’. With itsprolific brightslender flowers and arching stems, they havebecome popular for baskets and containers, offeringgardeners an impressive architectural, easy to grow and reliabledisplay
“Wewill partner again with RHS gardens at Hyde Hall and Wisley,”saysSally van de Horst, Fleuroselect Advisor.“Begoniashavealong flowering seasonsowecan look forwardto along summer andearly autumn of colour in bedsand pots. These certainly have their place in bedding,but many of the newvarieties are spectacular in potsand hanging baskets.”
At RHS GardenWisleyyou will beable to see atrial of Begoniaxbenariensiswhile in Essex, Floral FantasiaatRHS GardenHyde
This year is alsothe Year of thePea with Fleuroselect sites acrossthe world traillngvarieties forhome gardeners. It is currently creatinga shortlist of which ones to grow
Hall will be the placetosee abig collection of tuberous begonias, in beds and containers. Michael Smith, from growerWDSmith, says sponsors of Floral Fantasia arecurrentlybeing asked which other begoniasshould be grownand shown off next summer to make 2025 arealcelebration of begonia. Floral Fantasia is open to all, and garden centreteams areencouraged to visit to gain information and inspiration.
MichaelPerry,aka Mr Plant Geek,has his finger on thepulse whenitcomes futureplant trends and knows theyhavemany uses in the garden. “Some types of begonia might haveanimage problem, but strangelythereare other types that areso distinctly differenttheyare not even thought of as begonias!So, do we need to treat themseparately, or bringthemall together as one big family?
Begoniaboliviensisshowing whytheyare so good in hanging baskets and containers
Inset: As forbegonias as houseplants, Dibleys Nursery hasfour newonesfromits own breeding.Stellar Storm, with spikey edged foliage and burgundy, redand silver markings, was shortlisted in theRHS Chelsea Plantofthe Year competitionand is agreat addition to everyhouseplant sales area.
“Atthe end of the day,begonias aresome of the most versatile plants outthere, and givethe best performancefor the consumer, whether theyare flowering or not, theyare giving guaranteed colour,and of course incredibly usefulfor shade.”
Will Armitage, HTAPresident
It’sbeen abusy first fewmonths as president of theHTA.I’vestarted to get to knowthe fantastic team at HTAHQ, hosted apaneldiscussion atthe Garden Expo, presented at both the GIMAand GardenMedia Guild awards, and filmed my V-log everyweek, come rain or shine (orevensnow!).
I’ve chaired both council and board meetings, and through my BISconsultancy work, visited many HTAmembers acrossthe country-two highlights would havetobethis year’s Poinsettia crop at Pentland Plants just outside Edinburgh and WaterperryGardens in Oxford.
However, as Iwritethis, news is breaking daily about the ongoing challengesour sector faces aswetry to understandthe scopeofthe potential impact from thenew government’s Budget plans. The risingemployerNICs, minimumwages, andothertax changes all placeadditionalfinancialpressureon businesses in an already difficultyear.One that has seen poor weather combined with changes to border controls, leading to uncertainty of timings and hikes in thecostofimporting plants. Our sector hasalready had to deal withhighly demandingconditions, and these challenges createuncertainty forour retail members,and we all knowthat this hugely impacts businessconfidence.
The HTAhas written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer highlighting the damage our industryisfacingand explaining that ifthe governmentdoesnot addressthis soon, many of our members willhavesome horrendous decisions to make. TheHTA’s recent Member Surveyevidences this impact, with 66% of members reporting the need to increase prices, and40% indicatingtheywill postpone or reducebusinessinvestment.
Looking at these figures, Iwant to reassure our members that assistancecan be found in newand different forms, but we can only help each other if we communicate. Iurgeyou to
please talk to the team at theHTA,attend our regional events, and use our industry’s fabulous network of consultants and business serviceproviders. Theremay be morehelp out therethan youthink, and youare not facing this alone.
One thing is for surethough -weare atruly resilientand resourcefulbunch in horticulture. Difficult times oftenrevealnew opportunities, andalthough theymight not be immediately apparenttous, we stillhave thesame growingnumber of consumers andtheir willingnesstosupportus. Whether you’re seeingthe regular,familiar faces, or introducing yourself to newcustomers, I do hope youfelt the love from your local communities over Christmas.
And so,onbehalf of everyone hereat the HTA, I’dliketowish youaprosperous NewYear.Welook forward to supporting ourmembers and our incrediblesector throughout 2025
TheHorticulturalTrades Association is the UK industry’s leading membershiporganisation and welcomes all sectorsofenvironmental horticulture.Tolearn more, please visit www.hta.org.uk or to enquire aboutmembershippleaseemail: membership@hta.org.uk
After afull year of running every day,KateEbbens raises over £30,000 forthe Greenfingers Charityand thanks theindustry forall itsmoral andfinancial support
Mostpeople might look back on theyear justgoneand reflect on perhapsa handful of achievements. Butfor Kate Ebbens,PresidentofGIMAand adistributorfor Capi Europe, it’s been rather more eventful.
Katetookher hobbyand pushed beyond her comfort zone by challenging herself to run every dayin2024toraise moneyfor Greenfingers Charity.She succeeded in coveringatotal of 1040miles andraising more than £30,000 –that’s £10,000 more than her original goal. “2024has undoubtedly been oneofthe most challenging yetrewarding years of my life,” says Kate.“Runningevery daywas tough, butknowing it wasmaking areal differencefor children andfamiliesinhospiceskept me going As Greenfingers ChairBoydDouglas-Davies
recently said, twowords that shouldnever go together are‘children’ and‘hospice.’This heartbreaking reality motivated me to push through, even on my hardestdays.”
Katewas supportedthroughout theyearby 12 garden centres and 12 industry suppliers. Each monthshe wore at-shirtemblazoned with their
logosand alsoran at each of thegardenretail stores.
“The incredible support Ireceivedalong the wayalsoplayed ahuge role in keeping me going From friendsand family to colleagues, industry connections, andeveryoneinbetween,I am truly overwhelmedbythe encouragement and generosity Iexperienced. Thefundraising total is beyond anything Icouldhaveimagined.
“Fromthe bottom of my heart,thank youto everyone whohelpedmakemy2024challenge an unforgettable journey. Iamsogratefulfor everysingle contribution andact of kindness.”
“Kate’sunwaveringcommitmenttoour cause hasbeen truly extraordinary,”says Linda Petrons, Greenfingers Director of Fundraising&
Inspired by Kate –why nottakeupthe 2025 GreenfingersChallenge!
The gauntlet has beenthrowndown, asking teamsorindividuals to complete a650-mile challenge,adistancewhich symbolically connects Greenfingers HQ in BuckinghamshiretoCoombe AbbeyinCoventry, thevenue forthe charity’s 25th AnniversaryFloralBall. Participants can be individuals or as partofateam, logging miles by running,cycling,swimming, or walking, completingthe distance over timeorina single weekendoradopting any approach that suits them.
Communications. “Onbehalf of everyone here at Greenfingers,and thefamilies we support, I want to expressour deepest gratitude to Kate forher incredibleefforts.”
Thereisstill time to showyour support of Kate’s fundraising efforts. Donationscan be made via www.justgiving.com/page/kateebbens-1701443565987
If youare interested, please email Linda: linda@ greenfingerscharity. org.uk
Vicky Nuttall, Directorof GIMA
Aswedrawaline under 2024, there’snodenying it has been a tumultuous year for the garden retail sector.Major shifts arereshaping the landscape, forcing us all to take ahardlook at our strategies and expectations. The end of Homebase as we knewitand thesignificant changes at Dobbies, highlight the ongoing consolidation within the market.Garden centres continue to change hands,and by this time nextyear, we can expect the sector to look quitedifferent.
Amidst this upheaval, we havealso had theunpredictable weather to contend with, shaping aseason that we almost feared would neverarrive. Butarriveitdid, with gardening remainingconstant in its appeal. Consumers have continued to purchase garden products, albeit it through different channels.
And it is this that representsone of the keyshifts in 2024 -the rise of value retailers and the continued growth of dropship sellers With consumers tighteningtheir purse strings, these outlets havecaptured agrowing share of the market. Forsuppliers, thispresents a balancing act, as supporting these channels while maintaining relationshipswith traditional garden retail clients adds complexitytothe supply chain.
The economic picturemoving into2025is equally sobering.The Labour government’s budget, with updates to National Insuranceand thelivingwage, has tightened margins across the board. Coupled with the newInheritance Taxallowances affecting land and property, these measures will undoubtedly influencethe decisions of many family-rungarden centres and growers. Foranindustrybuilt on its family heritage, this shift poses significant challenges.
Yet, it’snot all doom and gloom. As asector, we’vealways been driven by growth and innovation, and this moment is no different. Consumers still look to us for garden essentials, fresh ideas, and solutions to enhancetheir outdoor spaces.
•GIMA In Conversation with Dobbies5th February, online webinar
• Garden PressEvent 18th February, Business Design Centre, London
• GIMA DayConference &AGM 25th March, Warwick Conferences
•GIMA President’s Dinner 24th April,The George, co-hosted with MorePeople Stamford
•GIMA Charity Golf Day5th June,BeltonWoods, Grantham
•GIMA Awardsjudging 23rd/24thJune, Warwick Racecourse
• GIMA AwardsGalaDinner 6thNovember, Celtic Manor Resort,Newport
At GIMA, we’ve seen this appetite for progress firsthand, with several retailersincluding The Range, B&Q, Robert Dyas, British Garden Centres and Dobbies -keen to open newdialogues with us and ourmembers. These connections highlight the positivity that
Collaboration, innovation,andresilience willbekeyaswenavigate thisever-changing landscape.
underpins ourindustry, even in challenging times. Watchthis spacetosee howthese conversations develop in the coming months 2025 will also bring opportunities for those ready to embracechange. Technology and AIare settoplaya bigger role, offering tools toenhanceefficiency and develop innovative
products Government grants are available to support this evolution, and these themes will feature prominently at our GIMADay Conferenceon25th March -anevent you won’twant to miss.
As we look ahead,suppliersmust remain agile, building efficiencies intotheir 2025 plans. Collaboration, innovation, andresilience will be keyaswenavigatethis ever-changing landscape.
2024 has reminded us that no year is without its challenges, but we’renostrangers to finding solutions.Gardening’spopularity endures and with it, the potential for our sector to thrive. It’s time to brush ourselves off,focus on the ‘now’ and preparefor the ‘what next’.
Find out more
Anybusinesses interested in joining GIMAcan contact the GIMA team at 01959 564947 orinfo@gima.org.uk.Full details regarding GIMA’s multiple-member benefits canbefound at www.gima.org.uk
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