Welcome to the all-newGIMA Buyers Guide,wherewebring together the latest news,innovations and other important updatesfromGIMA and our members.
Alongside our essential ‘newproduct guide’, you’ll find insight intoenhanced businesssupport services, improved customer journeys,and refreshed businessvalues, all aimed at helping garden retail thrivenot justthis spring, but well intothe future.
Innovation is the biggestdriver of growth in our industry.Whether it’stackling ageold problems with fresh solutions, offering eco-friendly alternatives, or simply keeping pacewith socio-economic shifts and trends, suppliers areinvesting in new product development to meet evolving consumer demands. By embracing this innovation, retailers can stay ahead of the curve, spark newdialogue,attract fresh facestogardening, and deepen engagement with existing customers.
Despitethe constant pressures impacting our industry,the suppliers
featured in this guide have pulled out the stops to deliver exceptional new products in the questfor growth and continuous improvement. One major challenge is the tightening of consumer spend throughout the cost-of-living crisis. Suppliers aremeeting this challenge with afocus on improved garden essentials, as consumers seek versatile solutions thatoffer both
affordability and durability,enabling them to repurpose outdoor spaces withoutbreaking thebank.
Rising living costshavealsobrought an end to ‘throw away’culture, which presents an exciting newopportunity forour industry to champion the longevity of gardening as apastime. Our responsibility as an industry extends far beyond offering products. We mustbe committedtoempoweringshoppers with the knowledge andconfidencetomake informed purchasingdecisions,helping to educate consumers, foster loyalty and win repeat business. Thecontents of this guide aretestamenttothe extensivework we have done on this as asector
Ifirmlybelieve that as an industry we areonthe brink of further change.This might notbeanalmighty change, but it is certainly onethat Ibelieve we are ready andcapable of respondingto. And-with thegardening year very much upon us -there hasnever been abetter timetomakea start.But first,allow me to thankyou all.
Thank youfor beingcreativeand thinking of newideas,for advocating for the world of gardening andfor making garden retail such avibrantand thriving sectortobepart of.Beingyour President has been atrue honourand Ithank you formaking my time suchanenjoyable and unforgettable experience.
Jenny Douthwaite GIMA President 2023/24As spring takes hold, garden centres across the country areeagerly awaiting the arrival of their new Apta Planting Bench, an exciting and highly versatile ‘merchandising bench of choice’. Designed for optimum use with amultitude of Apta product combinationsany size, any range, any shape -the planting bench is the ideal way to showcase existing Apta stock, run flash sales, showcase trends and offer seasonal products.
The success of this all-new planting bench lies in its adaptability,adaptability which helps retailers to share their expert knowledge with shoppers and promote special offers. Each bench has theoption to combine Apta pots alongside Kelkay horticultural sands and grit, plus seasonal and promotional plants. Not only will plants get the best possible start, but the Apta Planting Bench will help to establish garden retailers as authoritative destinations in their local area.
What’smore, by cleverly presented three complementary product groups in one handy location the Apta Planting Bench can be used to increase the average basket spend with shoppers ‘buying thelook’ as wellasfeeling more confident in their purchase through thepower of addon sales, simple how-to advice and inspirational visuals. Retailers can use existing Apta stock to create eye-catching displays that arehardtoresist and ultimately increase the total at the tills.
One retailer that hasalready realised thepotential of this latest merchandising concept is YorkshireGarden Centres (YGC). In-storethe team has already combined the newfor-2024 Apta Palm planter with avariety of plants and ferns, whilst an additional display features the multiple size options of composite pot, Olympia, with stunning greenery on the bench.
Phil Hemmings, Garden Sundries and Christmas Buyer at YorkshireGarden Centres, commented: “Weknow attractive displays always engage and inspirecustomers. It’sbeengreat to create these displays with thenew Apta rangeand create impact in storetokick-start the season.“
SecureyourApta Planting Bench
There’sstilltime to secureyourown Apta Planting Bench. Get in touch via www.apta.co.uk or speak to your local Apta Sales Agent for more information.
The AMES Companies has expanded its home delivery service to featureeven moreofthe market leading brands. In doing so, garden centres can benefitfromincreased sales, safe in the knowledge that the logistics aretaken careofand that very little precious floorspace is required.
Previously only available for Kelkay aggregate products, home delivery is now available for 53 Kelkay paving lines, 47 Easy Fountain lines and all 16 products in the Woodshaw range. Retailers can reap the benefits, selling awide range of products from aminimal footprint that can be relocated to suit seasonal demand, cross category ordering and customer flow
Selling bulky items is easier than ever thanks to asimpler customer journey and delivery straight to the consumer’shomes. With the right point of sale in place, garden centres can offer an extended range of aggregates, paving, water features and wooden garden furniture, with no outlay required.
Retailers simply utilise aselection of helpful POS to show customers which products areavailable for purchase in store. Shoppers select their product and pay at the till as normal. From there, the retailer sends the order to the relevant AMES Companies brand, which will deliver the order within ten working days. This makes it easier than ever to fulfil large
Ames (Kelkay)
01405 869333
orders and d increase baskket spendd,takking thhetransaction as normal but letting the AMES Companies handle logistics. Milestone Garden CentreinMelrose is one centrethathas already taken advantage of this new service. By installing Woodshaw’sTansley Storage Arbour,the busy garden centrehas saved ample display space in storewhilststill offering the entire rangetoits customers.
Home delivery from the AMES Companies is available now To secure your home delivery solution, get in touch with the AMES Companies today by visiting www.ames.uk.com
Launched exclusively head of the2024season, AMES Tools has been brought to market to armconsumers with theright tool for every gardening job.
The top choice for garden centres
Since its launch, AMES Toolshas garnered apositive response from all corners of the garden retail sector, including praise for its unrivalled supporting educational content and helpful customer journey.This includes using amix of online and offline media to reach gardeners and provide them with thebest advice for their projects.
AMES Tools
In-storesales support
In-store, informative product tags, sleek POS, QR codes and partnerships with expert gardeners arejust some of the ways that AMES Tools helps garden retailers sharehelpful guidance on tools with their shoppers.
David Domoney –brand partner
Adding even moreweight to its messaging is the AMES Tools brand partnership with chartered horticulturalist and celebrity gardener, David Domoney.Inthe role as partner, David has helped to elevate the AMES Tools offering through the creation of informative blogs, YouTube videos and social media content. QR codes on all product tags take shoppers directly to David’schannels and, with his expert advice, enable them to make more confidentpurchasing decisions.
Dedicated merchandising team
For retailers, expert merchandising support includes access to the dedicated AMES Toolsmerchandising team who remainonhand throughout the season to set up product displays,
updated POS and replenish stock.
The high degree of educational support, combined with exceptional merchandising service, has made AMES Tools ahit with garden centreretailers. One such retailerisBurston Garden CentreinStAlbans, who now stocks all 50 products from across both the AMES Toolscarbon steel and stainlesssteel ranges.
Don’tmiss out!
There’sstill plenty of time to place your order and join over 150 garden centreretailersnationwide who stock AMES Tools. Contact your usual Sales Manager to place an order or get in touch via www.apta.co.uk
With AutoPot growers can put an end to dead plants and daily watering, and produce stunning fruit, veg, and flowers sustainably with minimal effort.
Ideal for beginners and those with busy lives, our automatic plant watering systems also have the scope to satisfy seasoned gardeners who arekeentoexperiment with new varieties. Growers can relax or spend time honing their horticultural skills, safe in the knowledge that watering is always taken careof.
Because they’repowered by gravity,our systems requireno electricity or mains water.This makes AutoPot an ecologically sound choice that can be left unattended for weeks, worry free. It also means AutoPot can be used practically anywhere.
Juicy tomatoes, fierychillies, crisp cucumbers, enchanting flowers –AutoPot waters and feeds them all to perfection. Thanks to the AQUAvalve –our patented watercontrol device, plants can always draw exactly the amount of water and fertiliser they need, when they need it.
4Pot -for scope and versatility
The 4Pot System has the scope and versatility to tackle any plant project with ease. This complete kit contains everything required to grow four beautiful plants. Each pot is served by its own AQUAvalve, meaning every plant can draw exactly what it needs to thrive.
easy2grow -for virtually any space
easy2grow is the complete watering system that fits virtually any space, whether in agreenhouse, on the patio, or abalcony Set up in minutes, easy2grow is ready to provide responsive irrigation instantly.
easy2GO -for potted plants
easy2GO perfectly preserves potted plants for growers whilst they’reaway.All they need do is gather their potted plants together on agarden tray.Place easy2GO onto the tray and connect it to awater supply.Switchonthe supply and you’re away!
The GIMA award-winning Tray2Grow offers gardeners no less than five ways to water and feed their plants. This innovative system can satisfy the needs of everything from sprouting seeds to vast vines, heady herbs to balmy blooms, and voluminous veg.
Suitable for all growers and all plant varieties, AutoPot is the ideal introduction to the simple joys of moderngardening.
Skillfully,crafted tools with thestrengthyou can trust in your garden.
Strength, British heritage and reliability reflect the traditions upon which the Bulldog name has been built. Skilland craftsmanship have been key to the company’ssuccess for over 240 years.
Our famous Premier solid forged spades and forks have heads made from asingle piece of steel with no welds or weak points. We also produce an ‘awardwinning’ range of hand and cutting tools, including ‘professional grade’ children’stools to suit every ability and age of gardener.
We useonlythe finest quality Ash timber from sustainable sources to make the shafts, thenburyeach shaft deep
within the socket. Each tool exceeds British Standards and is also backed by our “Lifetime Guarantee “.
We can merchandise to any specification and can create a range to suit your customer and business, to find out more please contact:
CJS Display Ltd (formerly CJackson &Sons) have over 30 years experience of designing and supplying timber display products to garden centres, farmshops or store. Our products can help increase potential sales, improve visual merchandising of your products and enhance your customers retail experience.
Our standardrange includes the outdoor range of plant display tables, squaretables,hexagonal tables to an indoor range which includes trestle tables, houseplant display stands, plinths, A-frames and our very popular and highly versatile display crate range. Display crates can be personalised with your storelogo.
We also benefit from having an in-house designer who can offer abespoke service for example aplant table with an increased collar (to protect against extreme weather conditions), and unusual size table etc.
CoirProducts of Salike®, UK’slargest coir portfolio, continues to bring innovative product varieties to gardeners and growers across the country.Marking agroundbreaking first, the company announced that its signature5kg Coir Potting Mix block now provides over 80L of coir.
Coir Potting Mix, also known as coir compost, coir pith, and coir mix, is acompletely natural and peat-free product. Crafted from the dust and fibres of the husk of the coconut, the CoirProducts 5kg Coir Potting Mix is a
hello@coirproducts.co.uk www.coirproducts.co.uk.
compressed block that expands when water is added.
Previously,the CoirProducts Coir Potting Mix 5kg block provided just over 75L of coir.Yet, with awealthof knowledge and experience behind them, the company’sstakeholders, who had been in the industry for morethan twodecades, embarked on an ambitious journey of bringing customers aproduct that gives them morevaluefor money.The refined 80L block is driven by years of research, innovative product development, and dedication.
Significantly,with the holding company Salike® attaining carbon neutrality,CoirProducts guarantees aproduct that is not only of high quality,but also produced, sourced, and transported in an environmentally sustainable manner.The company has verified its greenhouse gas emissions as per ISO standards, while offsetting its remaining carbon footprint as per
UNFCCC process.
Holding membership of global bodies such as Sedex and the Organisation for Responsible Business, CoirProducts of Salike® continues to put purpose over profit, complying with essential social and environmental legislation. As growers and gardeners become moreeco-conscious, Salike® remains committed to upholding its corevalues of honesty,integrity,and transparency, in creating greater awareness of how their products areproduced.
The Coir Potting Mix 80L block is easy to use and store. With its natural properties, coir potting mix has excellent water holding capacity and air porosity,aswell as facilitating drainage, which aresome of the essential elements for plants to grow stronger and healthier root systems. With the innovative 80L block, growers and gardeners, can use agreater variety of their favourite plants and crops.
Through extensive R&D, operational improvements and new technologies, Durstons areset to stormthe market with their consistent and reliable peat-free product range.
Utilising abrand-new ingredient, Grofibre, which supports moistureretention and doesn’tlock nutrients, we’ve created arange of products that outperforms peat-based media.
We’ve added aunique nutrient package, which includes all the vital elements for strong healthy growth.
With 22 products available in the new collection, don’tjust take our wordfor it, try the range for yourself or ask about our independent test results.
Find out more
Durstons have been established for over 150 years. Find out more at www.durstongardenproducts. co.uk or call 01458 442688.
Introducing EDELMAN: the industry’sleading supplier for all your decorative needs, featuring over 20.000 SKUs across indoor and outdoor.
Situated in Reeuwijk only 35 mins from Schipol Airport. Our 7.000sq meter showroom brings together all the current trends, to allow our partners to build bespoke collections during their visits. Take advantage of our latest ranges together with our bespoke tailor-made shop concepts and point-of-sale material.
With two different collections throughout the year,our showroom changes continuously,with exciting new products arriving constantly,keeping the collection fresh and exciting based- on the latest trends.
Every visit is an experience in itself, leaving you well informed, inspired, and full of new ideas for putting together your latest collection.
The Mica Decorations collection offers home deco to transformyour house and garden into awonderful place to enjoy with family and friends. Mica Decorations brings you versatile and innovative items made of surprising and appealing materials. Mix and match to your heart’scontent, as the possibilities areendless.
Versatile, innovative, transformative, Mica Decorations makes ahouse into ahome, no matter the style of the people who live there.
Rustic and robust, that’sthe best way to describe Mica Decorations’ Tabo tableware. No white porcelain with dull perfect lines, but handmade ceramic products in neutral shades, each with its own authentic look that brings pureenjoyment. Perfect to combine with our Racco tableware which is also handmade and full of charm.
In The Mood collection is asuccessful textile brand with awide range of colours, textures and materials. Using the highest quality materials, printing and processing techniques. The collection consists of home cushions, garden cushions, plaids and table linen. Everything you need to give your home and garden acomfortable outlook.
Our Paddy decorative cushions from In The Mood Collection not only add atmospherebut arealso super comfortable. The decorative cushions for the garden come filled and areavailable in various on trend colours. Easily combine several cushions from the Paddy collection to create acosy ambience.
Opening showroom |Spring Summer Garden 2025 From the 3rdofJune
To make an appointment, please contact:
elho has been producing stylish, sustainable pots and planters for over 60 years, and this spring theB-corp business has expanded its popular green basics collection to offer retailers even more ways to get their customers growing.
For 2024, it has introduced several new innovations, including agreen basics strawberry pot, grow garden, grow house and seed trays, providing individuals with accessible, affordable, and environmentally friendly solutions so that they can produce homegrown goodness.
Already proving to be amust-have among consumers, the green basics strawberry pot is the secret to a successful strawberry harvest. Its raised feet provide multiple benefits, allowing strawberries to dangle freely,as they prefer,while protecting them from pests andreducing the risk of rot. Its large water reservoirensures the plant always has just the right amount of water,and the large opening at the front of the pot makes refillingthe reservoir easy without wasting adrop.
The green basics grow grden is the ideal space-saving solution. Its compact but surprisingly spacious size of 60cm by 80cm means that even those customers with small gardens or balconies can start their grow-your-own adventure. It features adjustable compartments, ideal for dividing cropswhile protecting the rootsand giving them room to breathe. The dividers areeasily adjustable and can be moved to create two, three, four or six compartments.
To complement the grow garden, elho has also launched atransparent detachable lid that fits snuggly on top to create amini greenhouse environment.
An essential for any grow-your-own beginner or enthusiast, elho’sgreen basicseedtray features six cells perfect for pre-sowing, and will last season after season.
As with all elho products, each product is made from 100 percent recycled materials using renewableenergy.
For moreinformation about elho’snew innovations or the wider green basics collection, contact David Nicholson on david.nicholson@elho.nl and reference GIMA Spring 2024.
Website: https://www.elho.com/en/
Contact: david.nicholson@elho.nl
Green basics strawberry pot -£22.99
Green basics grow garden -£39.99
Green basics grow garden house -£37.99
Green basics seed tray -£4.99
Evergreen Garden Careups its natural game in 2024 with the introduction of 3exciting new ranges.
Our new herbicide free, Miracle-Gro® Complete Lawn Food range has been formulated with the highest quality feed and enhanced with nutrients to create the optimal environment to confront moss and weeds, achieving excellent greening in 7days and cultivating adenser, stronger lawn in just 6weeks. Providing the perfect alternative for consumers who prefer to avoid traditional weed and moss killer products. Available as agranular feed in 70m2, 135m2, and 240m2 pack sizes and a1L liquid concentrate that will feed a66m2lawn.
Roundup® is expanding with the launch of anew glyphosate free weedkiller range that has recently been accredited ‘Indy Best Buy’. Roundup® Weedkiller
Total Optima is an all-purpose weedkiller ideal for use throughout the garden to kill the likes of clover, chickweed, common groundsel, black medick and annual meadow grass. Delivering fast and effective weedkilling with visible results in just 3hours –using an active ingredient that breaks down in the soil naturally,leaving it readyfor replanting just 3daysafter application. The range is available as both ready-to-use and concentrated liquid in avariety of sizes.
As the UK’sNo. 1plant protection brand, Clear™ is excited to introduce the Plant Shield collection:
Evergreen Garden Care
Tel: 01276 401300
•BugClear™ PlantShield Spray
•RoseClear® Plant Shield Spray
•FungusClear® Plant Shield Spray
Pesticide-free, bee-friendly,made from 98% natural ingredients and delivered in 100% recycled plastic packaging. This patent-pending formula addresses the growing consumer demand for effective, organic and natural plant protection.
Say no to waste with our new Eco Metallic Flexi-Tub range available now.
•Made from 100% recycled raw material
•Flexible, shock, and temperatureresistant
•Reinforced handles
•Available in round and squareshapes
•Available in mixed colour packs
These buckets aren’tjust for gardening, they can be used for amultitude of jobs.
•Tackling household chores
•Enjoying outdoor adventures
Website: www.fargro.co.uk
01903 726100
Exclusive to Fargro
As the trend for alfresco living grows, pergolas and arbours arebecoming garden must-haves, offering stylish shelter and acool retreat from the summer sun.
Forest Garden has taken the cue and continues to expand its collection with anarray of versatile pergolas, ensuring there’s aperfect fitfor everyoutdoor space.
Pergola’soffer privacy,structurethroughout the seasons and anatural canvas for climbing plants to thrive upon. Style them with creative lanterns or twinkling solar lights and you have an intimate retreat perfect for unwinding or entertaining.
New for 2024, the latest addition to their collection of pergolas is ashow-stopping Premium Radial Pergola. With amodern design and strong lines, this impressive piece of garden architecturepromises to be morethanagarden centrepiece. Perfect for corners or moreopen areas, the elegant new pergola features horizontal rafters radiating outwards from one of the 4sturdy uprights.
One single premium radial pergola will transform agarden corner into an eyecatching shady space for relaxing and enjoying some al fresco dining. For clever design configurations, the unique90-degree design also means you could create asemi-circle, a¾circle or even afull360-degree circle with additional pergolas!
Also new to the collection aretwo premium versions of their ever-popular Ultima Pergola. Now in robust heavy timber, these premium pergolas available in two sizes to create a
T: 0333 321 3142
W: forestgarden.co.uk
E: info@forestgarden.co.uk
commanding garden statement.
Gardeners can also choose from amodular pergola with customisable slatted sides, astylishdining pergola with laddered sides and roof panels for training climbing plants and aslatted corner pergola for snug garden nooks. Pergolas literally transform an average patio space into asought-after outdoor living room that invitesentertainingand relaxation. Ready for agarden makeover? Find your new pergola at forest garden.co.uk
Stay pruned to perfection with GARDENA’s range of cutting tools.
From secateurs to hedge clippers, loppers and morethere’s aGARDENA tool for every kind of cutting task.
Agood-quality pair of garden secateurs area gardeners go-to tool. Whether you’repruning roses or tidying up bushes they really areastaple product for every passionate gardener
GARDENA’s range of secateurs aremadewith precision ground, high-quality stainless steel blades, that ensurea clean, healthy cut every time. The ergonomically designed handles make the secateurs comfortable and easy to use. For keeping hedges and bushes neat and tidy,GARDENA’s range of hedge clippers areperfect. Made again, with highquality,specially designed blades, you can cut hedges and small branches with ease without tearing or damaging the stems.
Ideal for every trimming task, from shaping topiary with the GARDENA precision cut clippers, or tackling high branches with the GARDENA TeleCut hedge clipper,let GARDENA do the hardwork for you. The integrated, soft plastic shock absorbers on the hedge clippers help to protect your wrists and arms during even the most demanding cutting tasks.
GARDENA is the leading, trusted gardening brand for millions of passionate gardeners across the globe, with over 40 years of experience in creating quality,reliablecutting tools .With an outstanding 25 year warranty on all cutting tools, you can rest assured your GARDENA cutting tools will be by your side season after season.
For moreinformation about GARDENA; head to www. gardena.com/uk. Interested in becoming aGARDENA stockiest? Contact Channel Sales Manager,Edward Cantle Edward.cantle@husqvarnagroup.com. GARDENA
British garden manufacturer Handy has announced the arrival of its new Product Range and Pricing Catalogue and Monthly Dealer Promotions Calendar,both designed to provide retailers with valuable increased margins on awide range of gardening and DIY products and ensurethey have everything needed for the season ahead.
The new Dealer Promotions Calendar demonstrates Handy’songoing commitment to providing retailers with competitively priced products. Offering fully funded monthly promotions with improved margins and discounts, retailers can benefit from cost savings across awide selection of gardening and DIY products from Webb, The Handy and Greenworks.
To further support retailers, the new 2024 catalogue from Handy highlights the top brands and prices for the season, such as its latest range of Webb Rear Roller lawnmowers. Adding atouch of elegance to lawns with an attractive striped pattern, the incorporation of the classic rear roller also helps to enhance stability and control during the mowing process, offering users an all-round more comfortable mowing experience.
Embracing the futureofgardening with products
designed to meet the evolving needs of eco-conscious customers, the new product and showcase catalogue also includes the new Webb Eco range of garden machinery,whichhas beendesigned to offer gardeners an environmentally friendly and versatile gardening experience.
With Handy’scommitment not just focused on new products but also to its strengthened partnerships with renowned brands, the new catalogue also showcases its durable range of AVApressurewasher products that tie in seamlessly with the Handy commitment to delivering products that stand the test of time.
Stocking leading brands from:
Areyou ready to transformyour spring gardening experience into ablooming success story?
Hortiwool 100% PureBritishWoolGarden Pads arethe secret weapon sustainable gardeners areadding to their arsenal, to enhance plant growth indoors, in the garden or on the allotment.
Why wool? It’s arenewable material which is available in abundance, 100% biodegradable, and what’smore, it even adds valuable nutrients back into the soil as it composts! Discover the benefits of Hortiwool for your garden:
•Germinate Seedlings
Wool makes afantastic growing medium, as it retains moisture, and provides nutrients and warmth. It can be easily transplanted into soil whereitfeeds plants as they mature!
•Pest Control
Wool naturally deters slugs and snails, without using harsh chemicals or pesticides which areharmful to pets, and soil health.
•Hanging Basket Liners
Hortiwool makes theperfect hanging basket liner –it contains no plastic, boosts hydration, growth, and creates aesthetically pleasing baskets!
•Soil Enhancement
Help to regulate fluctuations in soil temperatureand moistureusing wools super absorbent qualities, or use it to add nutrients to your compost.
•Protect Plants
Use Hortiwool Garden Pads as mulch to keep weeds at bay, protect young plants, and for frost protection.
Embrace the gardening revolution withHortiwool and unlock the fullpotential of your spring garden, with Hortiwool 100% purewool garden pads which aremulti-use all year-round. From successful seed germination to resilient plant growth, these pads areyour ticket to agarden that not only survives but thrives!
The demands of moderngardening have evolved as people search for moreconvenient and efficientmethods for an array of tasks, from planting and pruning to garden watering.
In 2024, Hozelock will be expanding its’ extensive hose storage offering with the launch of the brand-new Auto Reel Mobile 35m, which builds on the legacy of the popular Auto Reel and is the first of its kind on the market.
Contact -watering@hozelock.com
While offering many of the same features and benefits found in the traditional Auto Reel, the new Auto Reel Mobile boasts the additional advantage of portability,eliminating the necessity for wall-mounting and allowing the user to effortlessly cover awider area. This is an optimal solution for those who don’twish to mount to the wall for aesthetic or practical purposes, as well as catering to those who rent their home.
With the inclusion of an ergonomically designed handle and large wheels, the Auto Reel Mobile is incredibly easy to manoeuvreand suitable for most terrains, including grass, gravel and concrete, making it extremely versatile.
The integrated auto-rewind system ensures asmooth, controlled rewind of the premium hose, with no kinks or tangles, and the multi-functional 3-in-1 Nozzle means the Auto Reel Mobile can be used for avariety of tasks.
For added stability and ease of use, the Auto Reel Mobile boasts afront kickstand, that effortlessly folds away for compact storage. Its adjustable handle caters for various heights with ease, offering user comfort.
Enhancing convenience, the rear basket provides ahandy storage solution for small accessories and garden tools, to keep everything needed within reach.
The Auto Reel Mobile, which is now available, has an RRP starting from £219.99
Following one of the wettest winters on record, lawns across the country arebearing the brunt, with excessive waterlogging, exposed patches, moss and even algae. Thankfully,help is at hand!
Johnsons Lawn Seed has pioneered the development of formulations specifically engineered to withstand the challenges posed by waterlogged ground and prolonged wet weather.Adverse conditions such as saturated soil or low temperatures do not hinder the seed’sability to germinate.
Meticulously selected and rigorously tested, Johnsons Lawn Seed can be sown in temperatures as low as 3°C. This capability extends the window for lawn care, whilst also prolonging the sales season well into early spring and late autumn. The 2024 product portfolio includes:
•Any Time: Quick to establish at lower temperatures –as low as 3°C –Any Time is the perfect all-round lawn seed.
•Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance: Aunique blend of fine-leaved dwarf perennial ryegrass, able to withstand heavy usage and will remain green even after exposureto dog urine.
•After Moss: Coated in aspecial calcium carbonate-based shell, this seed gently elevates soil pH levels, preventing moss returnafter application.
•Lawn Thickener Lawn Seed with SeedBooster®: With its innovative seed technology,thisseed energises tired lawns, addresses patches, and is ideal for new lawns.
•General Purpose: Using modernDwarf type Perennial
|info@johnsonslawnseed.co.uk (01386) 791113
Ryegrasses and Creeping Red Fescue, General Purpose produces alawn of superior appearance whilst being very hardwearing. Suitable for new lawns, overseeding and patching.
•Quick Lawn with Accelerator™ for rapid germination and swift establishment, requiring only one-thirdofthe typical water amount for new lawns.
•Quick Fix: For lawns that need some TLC, Quick Fix combines Amenity Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass with afertiliser for fast results. Suitable for lawns with heavy use.
With acommitment to quality,comfort, and style, LBC Boots has been gaining traction in the footwear category,and for all the right reasons, becoming atrusted brand in the market. In the last year,their presence has surged by over 60% within garden centres, country stores, and outdoor shops nationwide. Crafted from eco-friendly materials, they offer asustainable alternative to traditional PVC footwear that go beyond the typical Welly, offering styles for everyday use.
Their presence in stores knows no limits, with shops now featuring LBC Boots in not only Autumn but also Springthemed displays, showcasing LBC Boots’ versatility across all seasons. Their Men’sand Women’sAnkle boots, with removable socks in warmer weather,are becoming the popular choice this Spring.
LBC Boots have also been receiving rave reviews from satisfied customers. Take, for example, this recent 5-star review from Belle F:
“I LOVE these wellies. They arelight weight, warm, super comfy and easy to clean. Perfect for dog walks, I’ve worn these on 10 mile +walks and had lovely toasty comfy feet all day.I get so many compliments on the colour!!”
Speaking of colours, LBC Boots’ NEW burgundy shade has been flying offthe shelves, quicklybecoming one of their most popular colours in their Ankle Boot range, alongside the NEW Men’sGreen boot
They also launchedtheir new website in December,offering aseamless shopping experience, and making it easier than ever for customers to exploretheir wide rangeoflightweight men’s, women’sand kids boots. Complete with anew and improved ‘find astockist’ section for customers wanting a morehands on experience.
With their commitment to quality,comfort,and affordability, LBC Boots is set to continue making strides in the industry –one step at atime.
(Ultralight Men Ankle Boots as approved by Trevor)
In amajor move, Museums &Galleries Ltd launches a comprehensive kitchen textiles collection this spring. The collection comprises oven gloves, adjustable aprons, tea towel sets, and cotton napkins, all in organic cotton and certified for kitchen use. Aimed at being both beautiful and useful, they will make fantastic gifts or wonderful selfindulgences. The products areaccompanied by asmall collection of cushions and join existing paper napkin packs, insulated bottles and mugs, PLA travel mugs, and tote bags and pouches in M&G’snew Home and Giftwareportfolio within its catalogue.
The collection comprises 12 hero designs repeated across all the formats, allowing consumers matching options and retailers to build ‘get the look’ stories in store. M&G’sexclusive collection of Home &Giftwarebrands includes the V&A, TATE, The British
Museums &Galleries Ltd
Tel: 01373 462165
Museum, Catherine Rowe, Wild Press and more, as well as iconic designs from the wider M&G collection.
The new kitchen textiles range in SRP from £18.99 for oven gloves to £22.99 for adjustable aprons.
Museums and Galleries Ltd is offering retailers the chance to harness the power of their stunning new and expanded home and giftwareproducts with afreebespoke stand providing 360º of display.With an eco-friendly look and materials, the stand allows for mix-and-match display or complete sets of M&G’snew organic cotton, insulated bottles and mugs, and PLA travel mug gift products. The stand is 160cm high, 100cm long by 36cm deep.
The stand can come fully merchandised, or alternatively customers can create their own product mix by selecting from M&G’srange.
|Email: sales@mgml.co.uk
Initial minimum order totals apply The stand joins M&G’sextensive collection of attractive and useful point of sale options, from aselection of card cardspinners, gift wrap displays, and the popular and proven stationery and journal spinner.Full details areinM&G’s 2024 catalogue
Breakthrough in Plant Nutrition and Health, bringing soil biology into compost for the first time.
mycorrhizal fungi is poised to the gardening experience.
Compost Improver comes in a convenient 300g packet, retailing at £5.25. Each pack can treat 150L of compost or 3growbags, making it an affordable and effective solution for gardeners of all levels. Simply mix the product into the compost as you plant to introduce acommunity of living microbes and balanced nutrient that will activate the compost.
While peat-free composts offer essential nutrients and structure, they often lack the biological components necessary for long-term plant health. Compost Improver addresses this issue head-on, establishing an immediate bond with plant rootstoensure superior germination, healthier growth, and abundant flowering and fruiting.
Launching in Spring 2024, Compost Improver is thelatest innovation from Empathy by PlantWorks, designed to enhance plant nutrition and vitality like never before. With two variants tailored for grow bags and allcompost types, this potent blend of beneficial soil bacteria and supercharge thegardening experience.
Key features of Compost Improver include:
-Two variants: one for grow bags and one for all compost types.
-Convenient300gpacket, treating 150L of compost or 3growbags.
-Potentblend of beneficial soil bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi.
-Easy-to-use formula, simply mix in as you plant.
-Superior germination, healthier plants, and abundant flowering and fruiting.
Empathy Compost improver is aresult of research into the benefits of adding beneficial soil microbes into peat free composts resulting in better growthand improved fruiting and flowering through the improved Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) offered by the introduction of refined beneficial soil fungi and bacteria.
01274 51880
Primeur’snew lines areamust-havefor retailers thisseasonasthe British company enhances its market-leading range of doormats withthe introduction of its firstever licensed collection, and adds stylish new colours to its sustainable, self-watering Tierra Verdeplanter assortment.
Primeur’sMighty Mats brand features ahostofbrand-new designs for 2024, including ashow-stopping new licensed collection in collaboration with one of the UK’sbest-selling wildlife artists, Bree Merryn.
The Mighty Mats range include barrier matting, unique spring, autumn, and festive coir designs, durable rubber and coir mats, an extensive washable collection including a variety of qualities, some with matching runners.
Backed by their expertise with recycled materials, the Mighty Mats range also includes an eco collection featuring avariety of qualities and designs, in assorted sizes to suit every need. This entirerange is especially versatile and great for cleaning offmuddy boots and paws.
The doormats featuring artist Bree Merryn’smuch-loved artworkhad ahugely positive response from retailers, garnering alot of attention at Spring Fair.The stunning designs, adorned by Bree’sunique wildlife artwork, take doormats to anew level
Primeurhas also extended its stylish Tierra Verdecollection of eco planters with brand-new,trend-led colourways. Now able to add avariety of colours to the sustainable and durable recycled rubber used to make these striking pots, Primeur is delighted to offer its best-selling Octavia and Sonata planters in Blossom, Cappuccino,and Oak,to complement the existing shades of Slate and Steel Grey
Designed for use both inside and outside, Tierra Verdeeco planters enhance any space, aresuitable forall-weather use, and help plants stay properly hydrated thanks to their builtin water reservoir. Eco planters won’tcrack, split,orfade and offer fantastic insulation properties that help protect delicate plant rootsfromthe frost or searing sun
Upon special request, these new colourscan be ordered in alternative silhouettes, as wellasboldnew colours Heather, Lime and Terracotta
To find out morePrimeur,get in touchwith the team at 01274 518800 or visit www.primeur.co.uk
From aBritish gardeners inventive spark comes agame-changing solution for container gardening. Our innovation stylishly tackles common garden issues, promising simplicity and effectiveness. We have blended functionality with elegance to bring container gardeners PotMate® -your pots new best friend.
Say goodbye to patio stains and waterlogged pots. PotMate® lifts pots offthe ground allowing for free drainage leaving your patio and decking stain free.
Pot-Mate® is made from 100% recycled polymer herein the UK at afamily run business. We pride ourselves on the corevalues of sustainability and British manufacturing. Join the plant stand revolution and don’tworry about fiddling with three separate pot feet!
Potmate™ is available in three sizes to suit containers with base diameters up to 36cm and is supported by recycled material waterproof labelling and video instructions available via aQRcode
To join the plant stand revolution please contact us for moreinformation.
Contact –phil@pot-mate.co.uk Mobile –07541301683
Take the kitchen outdoors with the Ninja Woodfirerange of Electric BBQ Grills and Outdoor Ovens. Powered by electricity and flavoured by real wood pellets, add authentic smoky flavours to anything you make with WoodfireTechnology and enjoy all the flavour, withoutthe fuss.
Discoverthe NEW Ninja Woodfire ProConnect XL Electric BBQ Grill &Smoker,the connected BBQ grill that smokes, air fries and more. Control and monitor cooking progress from your phone with the ProConnect app. The built-in probe ensures perfectly cooked results,just as you like them –soyou cankick back and enjoy the BBQ, stress-free.
Find out moreatninjakitchen.co.uk
Discover the perfect blend of innovative product design and sustainability in our latest garden lighting range. We’reexcited to present three standout products designed to elevate outdoor spaces while minimising environmental impact.
Meet the Jour USB Solar Table Lamp -a minimalist masterpiece that seamlessly transitions from indoor to outdoor use. The Jour comes in arange of five enchanting colours and features adjustable brightness, offering versatility like no other
Abrand new product to the range and swiftly becoming a customer favourite, the Lavenham Solar Garden Lights area set of four solar-powered lights that combineelegance with functionality.These wireless, fully automatic lights feature filament-style LED bulbs, emitting awarm white glow to enhance the ambiance of any outdoor space. Withsolar panels included, the Lavenham lights harness the power of the sun, eliminating the need forextracables and reducing energy consumption.
Last but not least, we have our best-selling unique decorative solar lights, the Forest Solar Mushroom Lights. This charming set of 12 solar lights stand at 20cm high and can be easily placed in any soft soil, creating an enchanting garden feature. With awarm white glow and easy installation, the Mushrooms offer adelightfulway for customers to effortlessly illuminate pathways, or flower beds—all without relying on traditional energy sources.
In line with our dedication to pioneering eco-friendly
The Solar Centre solarcentre.co.uk
solutions, we arethrilled to introduce our latest initiative: 100% biodegradable packaging. This marks asignificant milestone in our journey towards environmental responsibility
But that’s notall—our dedication to innovation extends beyond our products. We areexcited to announce an upcoming rebrand that showcases our values of excellence in both design and sustainability.Stay tuned as we continue to push theboundaries of what’s possible, setting new standards for lighting design and environmental commitment.
Since the launch of ClipGlove in 2019, the brand has been regularly recognised for its innovative range of gardening gloves, picking up GIMA and Glee awards, as well as ‘Best-Buy’ accolades in gardening magazine titles. With another round of Best Buy recommendations by BBC Gardeners World Magazine in February 2024, ClipGlove is grabbing the attention of UK gardeners including for the new ClipGlove Warm ‘n’ Waterproof gloves.
Warm ‘n’Waterproof, this seasons’ must have Warm ‘n’ Waterproof gloves werelaunched at Glee 2023 and awarded the best new product in the ‘Growing Accessories’ category at the show’sNew Product Showcase Awards. Liked for the dual functionality,theyare theultimate winter glove with adouble dipped latex waterproof barrier and acrylic lining, ideal for protection when working in cold damp conditions. Apopular featureisthe substantial thumb crotch, which offers extra grip and durability.Asper all ClipGlove products, the Warm ‘n’ Waterproof gloves come supplied with the handy carabiner clip so users can keep gloves securely in sight during jobs.
Warm ‘n’ Waterproof arenot only robust in build, but they featuretwo vibrant colourways both with an RRP of £12.99. With a‘Best Buy’ awardfor best winter usegloves by BBC Gardeners World Magazine, they arethis seasons’ must stock glove!
As part of the ClipGlove expanding seasonal glove offering, Warm ‘n’ Waterproof and the new Cool Rigger and Premium Rigger have joined the popular ClipGlove favourites already in the range that have also received ‘Best Buy’ status. This includes Bamboo Fibre(awarded best gloves for light-duty work), General Purpose (awarded best gloves for everyday use) and Shock Absorber (awarded best gloves for heavyduty work).
email sales@treadstoneproducts.com https://www.treadstoneproducts.com/
New Activity Boots
Joining the glove range in 2024 areActivity Boots. ClipGlove Activity Boots areconsidered anatural progression range for abrandthat offers quality products bornout of style, safety, andpracticality.These innovative boots arefull of features that give hours of comfort –whether being used for amorning of gardening or along walk with the dog. With promo retails starting from £29.99, Activity Boots offer fantastic value for money for aunique take on wellington boots!
With stock available now,speak to Treadstone today about becoming astockist for the ClipGlove range. Whether it is for the award-winning gloves or the best new wellington boot range around
At UK Greetings we create awardwinning greeting cards, gift dressings and social expressions products, featuring many wellknown licences, for birthdays, life’sevents, special occasions, and those “saw this and thought of you” moments.
Our team of skilled designers and writers understand the importance of conveying the right message for any occasion.
We have atalented team of experts curating displays to suit your consumer needs whether that’swith specific designs, bestselling licenses, or something bespoke, we can offer the solution for your greeting cardneeds.
We arepassionate about supplying the best product in the market and we have won many prestigious, industry awards including the renowned Henries industry awardfor ‘Best Service to the Independent Retailer’ consecutively,for more than adecade, testament to our commitment to offering our customers exemplary customer service.
We arecommitted to sustainability with aline of gift bags and roll wrap that arefully recyclable in addition to many of our cards. We have introduced sustainable processes within our business and partnered with organisations such as the World Land Trust and Carbon Balanced Paper on Cards.
Get in touch to find out more, email salesandservice@ukgreetings.co.uk
From our warehouses in Suffolk, we provide home and trade deliveries throughout the UK. We areproud to supply quality hobby greenhouses, widely regarded as being the best value for money,backed up by exceptional customer service.
We arealso the UK distributor for Janssens greenhouses and garden roomsfromBelgium.
Janssens market middle and high-end products developed in-house for customers who attach paramount importance to quality and style. Over the years they have earned a reputation for high quality design and innovation.
Janssens arethe perfect complement to the already well established Vitavia range.
Would your Garden Centrebenefit from selling greenhouses?
We appreciate this is the question that floats across lots of your minds when you’rethinking of filling aspace within your Garden Centre.
We hear that voice inside your head, saying ‘we’resobusy, can we really deal with greenhouses on top of everything else? The answer is, you don’thavetoifyour greenhouse supplier is agood one!
Hereishow we do things at Vitavia
•Firstly,wewill visit your Garden Centretosee the space available and advise on the display models we think would fit.
•Oncethe display models areconfirmed, we will send specialised installers to put up the greenhouses as agreed.
•WesupplyaPOS to be displayed in each greenhouse in case acustomerwants to know specifics.
Email -sales@vitavia.co.uk
Phone -01473 218100
Acustomer purchase
•Once the customer decides on the greenhouse model they come to you to make payment.
•Once the payment is received, you send the order over to us and you can then forget all about it!
•Our operations team then contact the customer directly to arrange delivery
•Anallocated Vitavia driver will deliver the greenhouse to the chosen location on apreferred date.
After sales queries
•Again, this is not your concern!
•Ifthe customer has any greenhouse queries or concerns, they can contact us directly.
So, if like us you think that adding agreenhouserange to your Garden Centreisanexcellent idea, please email us to discuss this further
Five years ago, Peckish embarked on its ‘Field to Beak’ strategy,ajourney of discovery,and aplan of action that aims to always place sustainability first. The brand looked at supply chain, packaging, and distribution and took steps to make improvements.
The latest innovation from Peckish is the introduction of the Coco-Not®, which won last year’sGLEE awardfor Wild BirdCareand Wildlife Product. Many consumers are familiar with the suet filled coconut shell as asimple way to keep garden birds fed, yet Peckish wanted to go one step further,and develop ashell that could be produced locally in order to reduce travel miles. The Coco-Not® is manufactured using UK harvest waste –itbiodegrades at the same rate as abanana peel, so it isn’tthereafter just 12 weeks. Customers can either compost them at home or pop them in their food waste recycling bin to be collected at the kerbside.
Peckish is also now on ajourney to transition to paper packaging starting with its most popular collections; Peckish Complete, Peckish No Grow,and Peckish Natural Balance. So far,this transition has led to 75 fewer tonnes of nonrecyclable plastic bags heading to landfill, and research and testing is on-going to discover additional solutions to further reduce plastic use.
This year,the brand has been inspiring the nation to enjoy the vivid colours that wild birds bring to gardens through its £1.5m media campaign ‘Colour In Your Garden’. The
campaign is the brand’sbiggest investment, and showcases abrand-new creative that celebrates people’sloveof nature. The media campaign aims to encourage everyone to keep wild birds fed and will drive consumers in storeto pick up Peckish Complete Seed Mix. Speak to your account manager or visit trade.westland.com, to ensureyou’re stocked up to maximise sales.
Westland Horticultureistackling the challenges consumers face using peat free composts in containers and baskets with the launch of the brand-new Boost All Purpose Compost, specifically crafted to be the perfect partner to its Boost All Purpose Liquid Plant Feed.
Gardeners can say goodbye to the hassle of constant watering –an inconvenience faced by many consumers that use peat free compost.
Website: trade.westland.com
Email: marketing@westland.com
Boost All Purpose Compost features patented West+2Moisture Lock Technology™. This proprietary technology helps to retain and lock in moisture. The new compost also includes water-storing granules and awater management system that makes it easier for gardeners to rewet if it has been left to dry out. These guarantee optimal plant health, whilst combatting the inconvenience consumers face when attempting to keep their containers moist throughout the summer Innovation it at the heart of Westland, and following the success of Boost All Purpose Liquid Plant Food, which has been the fastest growing* plant food in the market, Westland is once again revolutionising the market with the new compost. Understanding the importance of
educating consumers to feed their plants when using peat free composts, Westland has crafted an eyecatching packaging and point-of-sale solution that encourages shoppers to consider purchasing feed at the same time as compost. The Boost All Purpose compost helps to keep plants hydrated. Boost All Purpose Liquid Feed has been proven to give gardeners 4x moreblooms**. Together, these will help plants reach their full potential.
Speak to your Westland account manager or visit Westland Live to order new Boost All Purpose Compost.
Witt’s Pizza oven range has been wowing reviewers and customers with ultra-fast heating and rotating technology since its launch, gaining 5-star reviews in publications such as Ideal Home, ModernGardens, T3 and The Independent. Awardedaccreditations such as BBC Good Food Star Buy 2023, The Independent’sBest Buyand the T3 Platinum Award, the WittETNA Rotante is available in achoice of four easy-to-clean matt texture colours (graphite, stone, black, and orange) and comes complete with UK-specificpatio gas regulator and hose.
While many pizza ovens use straight or L-shaped burners, Witt’sU-shaped burner surrounds the pizza’snatural round shape and combines with the rotating stone for the bestcooked pizza results on themarket. The oven comes with a booster burner beneath the rotating pizza stone, ensuring continuous cooking for perfect crispy base and leopardspotted crusts.
Weighing in at asubstantial 38.5kg, the Scandinaviandesigned Witt ETNA Rotante is built to withstand the most extreme weather conditions. Its four foldable aluminium legs with rubber feet offer unrivalled stability and safety compared to models using only three legs, and the premium battery-powered burner ignition system has been designed to stand the test of time and extensive use.
Witt is aDanish brand with a30-yearhistory of developing and marketing some of the finest household products. Combining sleek Scandinavian design with authentic Italian cooking, this premium pizza oven offers exceptional build quality and class-leading features throughout. The design boasts the market’sfastest heat-up (15 mins), true 500-degree cooking, and arobust, weatherproof design. The Witt ETNA Rotante is the ultimate addition to any outside living space, offering retailers atop-reviewed and rated product to capitalise on the UK’shome pizza-making boom.
Witt UK &Ireland Ltd
Woodmansterne is the leading supplier of premium greeting cards to independent retailers, and we have recently launched our first Gift Packaging collection. We strive to design products that feed the soul, lift the spirit and reflect British culture, whether this is through the magic of Quentin Blake’s illustrations, the distinctive patterns of Emma Bridgewater,or the sophistication of Sanderson’sheritage designs.
Woodmansterne is committed to using sustainable materials and practices wherever possible. As a third-generation family business, we understand the importance of protecting our environment and safeguarding it for the future.
01923 200600
•Weonlyuse environmentally accredited materials, and continually look for ways to innovate and improve.
•Wehave eliminated all plastic packaging from our product for both retail and shipment of goods to store.
•Wepride ourselves on manufacturing the majority of our products through UK manufacturing and supplyworking only with European and Far East suppliers who adheretoboth environmental and ethical standards.
Get in touch, we would love to explorehow we can help your business grow!
Zest is theexpertfor outdoor living
Zest’sinnovative range for the 2024 season is acollection designed around wellbeing, outdoor living and relaxation.
Zest understands the importance of outdoor space and the happiness and fulfilment that it can provide. Zest’squality timber products have the strengthand durability to give enjoyment for many years. Zest is a fifth
Zest Outdoor Living
Telephone -01352873 555
Website –www.zestoutdoorliving.co.uk
Email -sales@zestoutdoorliving.co.uk
generation British company,designing timber products including furniture, GYO and decorative garden structures.
Zest sells to garden centres, major retailing groups, and online retailers and has adedicatednational sales team of professionals, providing arange of retail support. Its products aremade from sustainable slow-grown softwood timber sourced from PEFC certified (PEFC/1637-1490) forests.
Zest’s2024 range
New and on trend for outdoor entertaining, the Terraza Outdoor Kitchen Set provides asustainable route to alfresco cooking. The set comprises two double units, with stainless steel counter tops, and adisplay corner unit. An optional side table is available.
New to Zest’sGrowYourOwn range is the space-saving Tall Botanical
Greenhouse combining stunning looks with all thefunctionality of a greenhouse. Fully glazed withPerspex to allow light throughbothroof and sides and boasts two fully adjustable roof panels for optimal temperature control.
The new Eco Hive Composter has adual opening lid which folds back on itselffor ease of removal in order to churn thecompost.Compost can be easily harvested from the lower hatch. Narrow gaps in the side ‘cant cut’ boards allows air to circulate whilst keeping the rain out.
Garden Care
Azpects Ltd
Coir Products Ltd
DJ Turfcare Ltd www.djturfcare.co.uk
DLF Trifolium Ltd
Doff Portland Ltd www.doff.co.uk
DurstonGarden Products
EPBarrus Ltd
EmpathybyPlantWorks Ltd www.rootgrow.co.uk
Evergreen Garden CareCompany
Fiskars UK Ltd www.fiskars.com
GrassGains limited www.grassgains.co.uk
Greenleaf HorticultureLtd www.greenleafhorticulture.co.uk
Growth Technology Ltd
Melcourt Industries
Pelsis Ltd
RichardJackson’sGarden www.richardjacksonsgarden.co.uk
RocketGroLtd www.rocketgro.co.uk
SBM LifeScienceLtd https://sbm-company.com/
Sipcam UK
Southern Trident Ltd
Spear &Jackson (Neill Tools) www.spearandjackson.com
STVInternational Ltd www.stvpestcontrol.com
Vitax Ltd
West CountrySoilImprovement https://www.bloominamazing.com/
Westland Horticulture www.gardenhealth.com/ Landscaping
AlticoGarden Products Ltd
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/
Azpects Ltd
Barrettine Products Ltd www.barretineproductsltd.co.uk
Bergs Timber
Deco-Pak ltd www.deco-pak.co.uk
EasigrassDistribution Ltd www.easigrasss.com
Forest Garden Ltd www.forestgarden.co.uk
Forest Style
Graf UK Ltd www.grafuk.co.uk
Juliana Group Limited https://juliana.com/
KeterUKLtd https://www.keter.com/
MeadowViewStone www.meadowviewstone.co.uk
Panacea Products Ltd www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
Pioneer Brush CompanyLtd
Rowlinson Garden Products Ltd https://www.rowgar.co.uk/
TheGarden VillageLimited www.thegardenvillage.co.uk
ThePatio Black Spot RemovalCompanyLtd www.patioblackspotremoval.com
Tildenet Gardenware
Vitavia Garden Products Ltd www.vitavia.co.uk
Westland Horticulture www.gardenhealth.com/
Zest 4Leisure www.zest4leisure.co.uk
Outdoor Leisure
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd
Charles Taylor Trading www.charlestaylortrading.com
Dizmezs Ltd
Dymak Ltd
Edelman UK
Fallen Fruits Ltd
Fandango FireTools
MercerAgencies Ltd
Newell Brands (Coleman UK) www.coleman.eu
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Premier Decorations Ltd
Rowlinson Garden Products Ltd
SharkNinja Europe Ltd
Smart Garden Products https://www.sgpuk.com/
Spear &Jackson (Neill Tools) www.spearandjackson.com
TheSolar Centre Ltd
Tramontina UK Ltd
Witt UK and Ireland LTD www.witt.dk
Woodlodge Products
Zest 4Leisure
Garden Sundries
Autopot Global Ltd
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd
Coir Products Ltd
CreativeProducts Ltd
EPBarrus Ltd www.barrus.co.uk
Elho International BV www.elho.com
Fallen Fruits Ltd www.fallenfruits.co.uk
Fargro Ltd
Germie https://germie.eu
Graf UK Ltd www.grafuk.co.uk
Green &Home Ltd
Greenkey Garden &Home Limited www.greenkey-garden.co.uk
Haws Watering Cans https://haws.co.uk/
Hozelock Ltd www.hozelock.com
Leon Boots UK www.leonbootsco.com
MercerAgencies Ltd
Oregon Tool U.K. Ltd
Panacea Products Ltd www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
PotMate https://pot-mate.co.uk/
Tildenet Gardenware https://www.tildenet.co.uk/
Treadstone www.treadstoneproducts.com
Westland Horticulture www.gardenhealth.com/
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/
Anglo Eastern Trading https://www.angloeasterntrading.co.uk/
Artevasi UK Limited https://artevasi.com/
Autopot Global Ltd https://autopot.co.uk/
Burgon &Ball
Capi Europe BV
Charles Taylor Trading www.charlestaylortrading.com
Deroma https://deroma.com/
Dymak Ltd
Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
Elho International BV www.elho.com
Fargro Ltd
Forest Garden Ltd
Patterson &Rothwell
Primeur Ltd
Scheurich GmbH &CoKG www.scheurich.co.uk
Teal International Limited
Treadstone www.treadstoneproducts.com
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
YorkshireFlowerpots www.yorkshireflowerpots.co.uk
Tools and Machinery
Ames Group (UK) Ltd
Burgon &Ball
EPBarrus Ltd
Fiskars UK Ltd
Gardena www.gardena.com/uk
Greenman Garden Tools
Handy Distribution Ltd
Mr.Fothergill’sSeeds Ltd
Oregon Tool U.K. Ltd
Rollins Bulldog Tools Ltd
Spear &Jackson (Neill Tools) www.spearandjackson.com
STIHL GB www.stihl.co.uk
Westland Horticulture www.gardenhealth.com/
Garden Décor
Dymak Ltd
Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
Fallen Fruits Ltd
Greenkey Garden &Home Limited www.greenkey-garden.co.uk
Hamac Trading Ltd
Panacea Products Ltd www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Premier Decorations Ltd www.premierdec.com
Smart Garden Products https://www.sgpuk.com/
TheSolar Centre Ltd www.thesolarcentre.co.uk
Vivid Arts Ltd www.vividarts.co.uk
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd
CJ Wildlife Foods Ltd https://www.birdfood.co.uk/
Henry Bell &Co(Grantham) Ltd www.henry-bell.co.uk
Marriage’sSpecialistFoods www.honeyfieldswildbird.co.uk
Singing Friend www.singingfriend.com
RSPB Sales Ltd www.rspb.org.uk
Teal International Limited
Unipet International Ltd www.unipet.co.uk
Westland Horticulture www.gardenhealth.com/
WildlifeWorld Ltd www.wildlifeworld.co.uk
Autopot Global Ltd
Burgon &Ball
Gardena www.gardena.com/uk
Graf UK Ltd
Green &Home Ltd
Haws Watering Cans https://haws.co.uk/
Hozelock Ltd
Irrigatia Ltd
Rivendale Products Ltd, Qwikhose https://www.qwickhose.co.uk/
Teal International Limited https://www.earthysustainable.co.uk/
Westland Horticulture www.gardenhealth.com/
BIP UK Toyand Candy www.bip.nl
Hamac Trading Ltd www.hamactrading.com
MercerAgencies Ltd
Museums &Galleries Ltd
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Premier Decorations Ltd www.premierdec.com
Smart Garden Products
UK Greetings Ltd
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
Woodmansterne Publications Ltd
De ReeUKLimited www.deree-uk.com
DLF Trifolium Ltd
GPlantsLtd www.gplants.com
Mr.Fothergill’sSeeds Ltd www.mr-fothergills-trade.com
Taylors Bulbs Ltd
Bermuda WaterGarden Products Ltd https://bermudawatergardens.com/
OASE (UK) Ltd www.oase-livingwater.com
BIP UK Toyand Candy www.bip.nl
Burgon &Ball
https://www.burgonandball.com/ CreativeProducts Ltd www.creativeproducts.ltd.uk
Fallen Fruits Ltd
GPlantsLtd www.gplants.com
Museums &Galleries Ltd https://museumsgalleries.co.uk/
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Taylors Bulbs Ltd www.taylors-bulbs.com
UK Greetings Ltd
Woodmansterne Publications Ltd https://www.woodmansterne.com/
BIP UK Toyand Candy www.bip.nl
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd https://charlesbentley.com/ CreativeProducts Ltd www.creativeproducts.ltd.uk
Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
Green Solutions https://greensolutions.eu/
Hamac Trading Ltd www.hamactrading.com
Hempe (HealthcareInternational Ltd) https://healthcare-international-research.com/ Kleen-Tex
Museums &Galleries Ltd https://museumsgalleries.co.uk/ PhoenoxTextiles Ltd www.phoenox.co.uk
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Primeur Ltd www.primeur.ltd.uk
SharkNinja Europe Ltd www.sharkninja.com
Teal International Limited https://www.earthysustainable.co.uk/
Tramontina UK Ltd
UK Greetings Ltd
Woodmansterne Publications Ltd https://www.woodmansterne.com/