2021 Annual Report

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— W.E.B. DuBois to poet, advocate, and gardener Anne Spencer, 1934

“If you exist, and plants and birds are blooming and singing, I may drive by in mid-September.”

Gardens exist in so many forms. As gardeners, we visit gardens, read about them in books, and capture images of them in photographs. Garden Designers and Landscape Architects design gardens for clients with sketches and measured drawings.

Of course, gardens, and garden dreams and thoughts exist in letters as well. When we were recently in Lynchburg, Virginia working on our next short documentary film featuring the Anne Spencer Garden, Executive Director Shaun Spencer-Hester showed us a letter from W.E.B. DuBois to Anne Spencer in which he wonders if she is in her garden. This inspired us to think about other letters from a variety of gardeners and letter writers. I hope you enjoy them, and the stories that they tell, and perhaps send us an image of a treasured garden letter that you have saved and share its story with us!


Courtnay S. Daniels Chair

Robert M. Balentine Vice Chair

James Brayton Hall President and CEO

Susan Payson Burke Secretary

Howard G. Seitz Treasurer

Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Chair Emeritus

Shelley Belling

Allison K. Bourke

Barbara Whitney Carr J. Barclay Collins II

Page Dickey*

Elizabeth Everdell

Lionel Goldfrank III

Susan Zises Green Suzanne Kayne Frederick A. Landman Elizabeth Locke Joseph J. Marek

Carolyn Mehran * Jean-Paul L. Montupet + Sharon J. Pryse Paul B. Redman* Suzanne Rheinstein

Katie Ridder

Ann Copeland Rose Jorge A. Sanchez Christopher Spitzmiller Patricia A. Steffan Dana Scott Westring

Directors listings represent 2021 participation. * Resigned from board of directors in 2021 + Joined board of directors in 2021

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Linda Allard Douglas H. Banker

Josephine B. Bush

F. Colin Cabot

Edward N. Dane Dorothy H. Gardner

Thomas B. Hunter III

Posy L. Krehbiel Dr. Richard W. Lighty Susan Lowry

Joseph F. McCann Evelyn M. McGee

Chapin Nolen Barbara Paul Robinson Deborah G. Royce

Susan Stone

Nancy Thomas Rodman Ward, Jr. Louise A. Wrinkle

Cover: Letter to Anne Spencer from W.E.B. DuBois courtesy of the Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum, 1934.

The Garden Conservancy Post Office Box 608 Garrison, NY 10524 845.424.6500 info@gardenconservancy.org www.gardenconservancy.org
Mary Randolph Ballinger DIRECTORS EMERITI


They say what you choose to do with your spare time reflects who you are and what you value. Over 30 years ago, Garden Conservancy founder Frank Cabot spoke of a fledgling organization that hoped to play a constructive role in the preservation of America’s exceptional gardens to the point that “garden visiting would become a popular national pastime for Americans.”

As I view the pages of this report, I am in awe of the vast community who embody Frank’s vision by spending your spare time with us. I invite you to join me in celebrating what has been a remarkable year of growth for an organization that is firmly grounded in our past while we continue to innovate and plan for a future where gardens, gardening, and diverse gardening traditions continue to grow to the point they will be considered America’s favorite national pastime!

After a year’s hiatus and thanks to the generosity of hundreds of committed garden hosts across the country, Open Days welcomed thousands of members and guests back with new protocols in place to ensure we could safely enjoy America’s best private gardens together. The Society of Fellows garden-study tours also resumed with an enthusiastic group of travelers treated to the exclusive gardens of Mount Desert Island and Great Cranberry Island, Maine.

Public programs and educational offerings continued to grow with Virtual Programs providing a platform to present diverse topics to a national audience who “zoomed in” to explore the cultural importance of gardens, and the many ways landscapes improve and influence our lives. We gathered at The REACH, the new expansion of the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, for our first in-person lecture since March 2020 with Geoffrey Valentino of Hollander Design Landscape Architects and Chris McVoy, a senior partner at Steven Holl Architects, the firms behind the project. Afterwards, we were led on a magnificent tour of the new gardens that serve as a massive “green roof.”

We welcomed Jean-Paul Montupet, the newest member of our board of directors, and thanked Carolyn Mehran and Paul Redman for their many years of contributions and service. We also honored extraordinary gardener, author, and longtime friend Page Dickey as she stepped down from the board after 17 years. Page was a catalyst for Open Days, and we will celebrate her legacy – in perpetuity through the Page Dickey Grant for American Gardens, thanks to hundreds of friends and fans who gave gifts large and small, raising more than $325,000 for this endowed grant program!

The long-term stability of our organization became even more prominent in recent times. To plan for our future, we launched the Frank and Anne Cabot Society and are delighted to recognize so many of you who are choosing to support our future through planned giving. We also sought to elevate and promote the work of others making an impact through garden-based programming and launched an annual grant program by awarding grants to eleven small public gardens.

I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to each of you who help advance our work in countless ways. During what was an extraordinarily unusual year, I am delighted to share that our membership grew by 35% a truly unprecedented feat with a special welcome to the more than 1,100 new members who joined last year!

What a privilege it is to be part of such an impassioned community all sharing our favorite pastime we’re in good company. We look forward to continuing our work together to preserve, share, and celebrate America’s gardens and diverse gardening traditions, and to spending some spare time with you in a garden soon!

Letter from the Chair

The Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum

The Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum is the home of Harlem Renaissance poet, civil rights advocate, and gardener Anne Spencer in Lynchburg, VA.

During the troubling times of segregation, Anne Spencer found refuge and inspiration in her garden and one room retreat “Edankraal.” In addition to her prolific writing, Spencer was instrumental in the founding of the Lynchburg Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

The Spencer’s home and their garden were a welcome gathering place for intellectuals who visited regularly, and for African American travelers who found hospitality with the Spencer’s during a time when Jim Crow laws barred them from hotels. The Edankraal retreat soon served as more than Anne’s writing room, it became a bustling artists’ salon. Of many noted guests, Anne shared frequent correspondence with Harlem Renaissance leaders Langston Hughes and W.E.B. DuBois (cover), both of whom fondly recall their time spent with Anne at her home and garden.

The restoration of the garden was adopted as a project of the Hillside Garden Club, a member of the Garden Club of Virginia, in the 1980s with the Garden Conservancy’s preservation program providing advice during rehabilitation efforts and later, a garden assessment. The garden framework remains authentic and effectively captures the spirit of the garden from the late 1930s. Many of the bulbs, flowers, shrubs, and all of the roses are Anne’s own plants.

In 2021, the Garden Conservancy awarded a grant to the Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum which was recently selected as the next site to be featured in The Suzanne and Frederic Rheinstein Garden Documentation Program.

Credits: W.E.B. DuBois by James E. Purdy, 1907, courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery; Anne Spencer’s garden fountain with shrine of Prince Ebo, a gift from W.E.B. DuBois; Handwritten note from Langston Hughes, courtesy of Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum; Langston Hughes photographed by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paris, France, 1946. TRANSCRIPTION: With sincere personal regards to Anne Spencer, and pleasantest memories of my visit to her home Langton Hughes

Sissinghurst Castle Garden

Sissinghurst Castle Garden is internationally known as one of the most influential gardens in the world. Created by Vita Sackville-West and her husband, Sir Harold George Nicolson, the gardens were partly inspired by her childhood estate lost to primogeniture. Vita spent three decades transforming the ruins of the Elizabethan mansion and its surrounding property into a series of garden rooms that are continuously evolving and inspiring us.

We visit the early 1950s through Vita’s letter to Richard Church writer, poet, and lover of the English countryside (especially Kent) – who was later in life a resident at Sissinghurst. While Vita does not want to bother Richard, who is implied to be the recipient of increasing correspondence and fame, Vita questions his attribution and hopes for a referral or clarification on the “lily that flowers in January.”   Vita’s legacy continues to inspire, and Sissinghurst Castle Garden has recently undergone a remarkable transformation and restoration led by Troy Scott Smith who shared his progress during “Reimagining Vita Sackville-West’s Sissinghurst: A Garden Rediscovered,” a lecture shared with Garden Conservancy audiences in five cities and a virtual program in 2022.


Feb. 10, 1951

My dear Richard, I was so much interested in your mention of a lily, stylosus, which flowers in January, that I must overcome my reluctance to add to your correspondence and ask I where you obtained it? I apologize for this, but I do at least enclose a postcard to save you as much trouble as possible.

The termination us puzzles me. The usual termination for the lily tribe is um, e.g. tigrinum, speciosum, superbum, giganteum, etc. I don’t know Latin but I assume that it goes grammatically with lilium – the masculine gender, probably. Anyhow a lily that flowers in January sounds very exciting, and I can’t find any reference to it in any book or catalogue.

Loves, Vita P.S.: You weren’t by any chance thinking of Iris stylosa, more properly called I. unguicularis, were you? I liked your paragraph about The bird song and the Milky Way.

Credits: Historic images of Sissinghurst Castle Garden and Vita Sackville-West’s correspondence courtesy of Garden Museum, London, England. Letter, V. Sackville-West to Richard Church (Sissinghurst Castle, Kent), 10 February 1957. Archive of Garden Design reference: CHU/1/1.

The Gardens of Alcatraz

When you hear the word Alcatraz, your thoughts might conjure images of confinement and isolation on a rocky, windswept island, but the story of Warden E.B. Swope, who entrusted the maintenance of the Gardens of Alcatraz to a select group of prisoners, beautifully illustrates the transformative power of gardens.

In these letters, formerly incarcerated ex-counterfeiter Elliott W. Michener writes to Warden Swope pining for a certain rose bush that he has tried to acquire but can find none that compare to the beauty of the old ‘Gardener’ he tended during his time in the Gardens of Alcatraz. Sadly, the Warden cannot identify the rose bush he’s seeking, but is impressed by Elliott’s transition to law-abiding citizenship and notes his continuing interest in gardens, “I see you are still interested in flowers this is commendable.”

For ten years, the Garden Conservancy led the effort to rehabilitate the Gardens of Alcatraz in partnership with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy (GGNPC) and the National Park Service. The garden rehabilitation was completed in 2014 and visitors are once again able to enjoy and gain insight into the role these plantings played in the lives of people who inhabited this harsh environment.

In 2021 the Gardens of Alcatraz received a Garden Conservancy grant to purchase an all-terrain vehicle for the garden’s horticultural staff and volunteers.


August 21, 1952

Dear Mr. Swope –

Thought you might be interested in the enclosed clipping…. Dick and I are getting along well and for the first time I’m learning how much better one can do living honestly than by, say, counterfeiting! We have cars & got bank accounts; and have two patents (one for a soap dispenser that fits into packages) which Brown & Bigelow is going to manufacture and pay us royalties for.

And we have a favor to ask: will you send us a bush of our old ‘Gardener’ rose? It is not ‘Mrs. Charles Bell’ as the rosarian in Berkeley told Mrs. Swope. We have ordered ‘Mrs. Charles Bell’ and it is considerably different from and inferior to, the ‘Gardener.’ We’d like very much to have one, or even cuttings from one and have no idea of where else to get one. In return, we’d be glad to send you any named variety you’d like.

Do you have ‘Peace’? Good Luck to you and your family.

Respectfully, Elliott W. Michener

Historic letters from Elliott W. Michener and Warden E.B. Swope and Elliott W. Michener mugshot courtesy of The National Archives at San Francisco, with special thanks to Shelagh Fritz, Program Manager, Alcatraz Gardens at Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. Photographs of Gardens of Alcatraz by Marion Brenner.

Statement of Financial Position

December 31, 2021 and 2020


2015 2014

Cash $885,089 $639,907

Investments 36,503,663 31,415,564 Other assets 333,007 271,793 Non-current assets 1,946 1,962 Fixed assets 22,241 40,192

Total Assets $37,745,946 $32,369,418


Current liabilities

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets

December 31, 2021 and 2020


2021 2020

Contributions $2,675,308 $4,564,634

Membership 414,647 306,004

Total Public Support $3,089,955 $4,870,638


Open Days admissions $209,195 $25,593

Special events and programs 223,417 81,599

Interest, dividends and realized gains 1,386,467 1,555,325


$927,666 $662,303

Total Liabilities $927,666 $662,303

With donor restrictions $15,205,570 $14,459,588

Without donor restrictions, designated by board of directors 2,594,509 1,752,264 Without donor restrictions, undesignated 19,018,201 15,495,263

Total Net Assets $36,818,280 $31,707,115

Unrealized gains 3,109,722 1,862,609

Other 372,358 380,606

Total Revenues $5,301,159 $3,905,732

Total Public Support and Revenues $8,391,114 $8,776,370


Program services $2,200,175 $2,310,547

Supporting services

Management and general 616,237 530,519 Fundraising 463,537 287,137 Total Expenses $3,279,949 $3,128,203


Changes in Net Assets

$5,111,165 $5,648,167

Net Assets - beginning 31,707,115 26,058,948 Net Assets - ending $36,818,280 $31,707,115

2021 Sources of Public Support and Revenues 2021 Distribution of Expenses

2021 2020 Garden-Study Tours and Education Programs: 12% Management and General: 15% Open Days Program: 7.5% Fundraising: 14.5% Garden-Study Tours/Education Programs: 4.3% Open Days Program: 4.2%

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $37,745,946 $32,369,418 Contributions: 62% Preservation Program: 51% Endowment Draw for Operations: 16.5% Other: 8% Designated Funds for Programs: 5%

2021 Report of Gifts

Gifts from Garden Conservancy members, donors, garden clubs, and other organizations, together with grants from foundations and corporations, sustain our mission to preserve, share, and celebrate America’s gardens and diverse gardening traditions for the education and inspiration of the public.

We are deeply grateful to all our donors for their participation and support and regret only that we cannot name each of them on these pages. We are also grateful to our many volunteers and partners. Our efforts to preserve, share, and celebrate gardens across the country are possible only with their collaboration and support.

The lists on the following pages recognize members and donors who contributed $125 or more in cumulative gifts between January 1 and December 31, 2021.


Anonymous (2)

Ms. Ritchie Battle

Susan & Riley Bechtel

Philip & Shelley Belling

Camille Butrus

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence D. Daniels

Mrs. Susan Zises Green

Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Hegyi

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter III Suzanne & Ric Kayne

Silvia & Jay Krehbiel

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Landman

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr.

Susan & William McKinley

Mrs. Pamela S. Niner

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Ruettgers

Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Ward, Jr.

$10,000 - $19,999


Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Balentine

Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II Ann Balusek

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bartlett, Jr.

Ms. Susan Nelson Benway

Mrs. Coleman P. Burke

Ms. Stacey B. Case

Ms. Kristina Durr & Mr. J. Barclay Collins II

Lexie Ellsworth

Mr. & Mrs. Coburn D. Everdell

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Hampson

Mrs. Francis W. Hatch

Ms. Page Lee Hufty

Mrs. Stuart Ketchum

Ms. Posy Krehbiel

Elizabeth Locke

Susan & Glenn Lowry

Mr. Joseph Marek & Mr. John Bernatz

Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland

Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul L. Montupet

Mrs. Susan Morgenthau Merle & Peter Mullin Mrs. Marguerite K. PotterFeinberg

Mrs. Barbara Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Rose

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Royce Mr. Christopher Spitzmiller

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Steffan

Ms. Erin A. Sullivan

Ms. Nancy Voorhees Ms. Shelby White Mrs. William F. Zuendt

$5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous (3)

Ms. Ann Griffith Ash

Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Bourke III Maureen & Edward Bousa

Steven & Ellen Bowman

Ms. Eleanor Briggs Rev. & Mrs. Frederick Buechner

Barbara Whitney Carr

Diane & Jim Connelly

Ms. Mary M. Davidson Alison & Keith Dickey

Mrs. Robert W. Duemling

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey G. Edwards Mrs. Judith W. Freeman

Mrs. H. Clay Frick II

Mrs. Joan Frost

Dorothy H. & John R. Gardner

Dr. & Mrs. John W. Given

Ms. Sandra L. Glick

Mrs. John K. Greene

Mr. Charles B. Johnson & Dr. Ann L. Johnson Ms. Rise S. Johnson Mr. Frederick Krehbiel* & Mrs. Kay Kirby Mrs. Richard Krementz

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Lippmann Mrs. Frederick R. Lummis Mrs. Kandi Osborn

Ms. Diane E. Parish

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pinson Mrs. Frederic Rheinstein

Katie Ridder & Peter Pennoyer Mr. Karl D. Riemer

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Rohlen

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Sanchez Mr. Gilbert P. Schafer III

Sara Lee & Axel Schupf

Mr. & Mrs. Howard G. Seitz

Ms. Susan Sheehan & Mr. John O’Callahan

Ms. Jessica H. Skipper

Ms. Priscilla H. Smith

Mr.* & Mrs. Roger W. Stone

Merrielou H. Symes

Mr. & Mrs. J. Taft Symonds

Alease & Paul Tallman

Lisa Trulaske

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Tucker

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Vartanian

Ms. Edwina von Gal

Theresa Waltz

Mr. Marshall Watson

Ms. Nicole S. Williams & Dr. Lawrence Becker Mrs. Diane B. Wilsey

$2,500 - $4,999

Mrs. Nancy Abbey Mrs. Francesca Anderson

Ambassador Victor Ashe

Ms. Carol A. Atkinson

Ms. Virginia Barbato

Ms. Patricia A. Benner

Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Blanchard

Mr. David A. Blanton III

Mrs. Joanne W. Blokker

Ms. Beatrice V. Bowles

Kelly & Sam Bronfman*

Mrs. Barbara M. Bryant

Ms. Mary V. Buckingham

Scott & Maureen Byron

Ms. Allison A. Caccoma

Ms. Betty Anne Carlin

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund M. Carpenter

Mrs. Mary Ann Charlston Mrs. Gail Jackson Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Colbert Mrs. Herbert D. Condie III

Ms. Melissa Condie

Kathleen P. Cordsen

Ms. Lisa D. Cregan

Mrs. Margaret T. Crowe

Mr. Nathaniel B. Day

James & Penelope DeYoung

Ms. Page Dickey & Mr. Francis Schell

Mrs. Susan E. Dunlevy

Ms. Patricia Elias & Mr. Michael Rosenfeld

Mrs. Faith Schaffer Eskew

Dr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Estep

Bruce Etkin & Laurel Gilbert

Ms. Arlene E. Evans & Mr. Barry K. Dewberry Mrs. Missy Bailey Fisher

* deceased
Gardens of Gordon and Mary Hayward in Westminster West, VT hosted members and guests during their 2021 Open Day.

Mr. Ronald L. Fleming

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Flinn, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James Glasser

Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Goldfrank III

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Grote

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Habermann

Mr. & Mrs. H. William Harlan

Mrs. Henry F. Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Heafey

Mrs. Kathryn M. Herman

Ms. Marlena C. Heydenreich

Mrs. Patricia H. Highberg

Ms. Janell D. Hobart

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Howard

Ms. Susan J. Ipsen

Mr. Kyle Irwin

Mr. Thomas E. Keim

Jane & Bob Keiter

Mr. David Kirchner & Mr. Scott Warner

Ms. C. Lynne Kramer

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kranz

Ms. Elizabeth Lemon Ms. Sheryl Lester

Mrs. John Francis Maher Ms. Heather McFarlin

Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Merrill

Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Montgomery, Jr. Ms. Judith Munzig

Mrs. Donivee Nash

Mrs. William G. Pannill

Ms. Jean Perin

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perrin

Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Podell

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pope

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Reniers

Mrs. Louise C. Riemer

Ms. Mary Kate Rittmann

Charles & Barbara Robinson Mrs. Bonnie L. Sacerdote

Elizabeth C. B. & Paul G. Sittenfeld*

Mr. Eric Sundback

Sandra J. Swanson

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Tankard III Ms. Raun Thorp & Mr. Brian Tichenor

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tobey

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Troy

Ms. Suzanne Tucker & Mr. Timothy F. Marks

Ms. Lynde B. Uihlein

Josephine & Richard Weil Mrs. David A. Weir, Jr. Dana Scott Westring & Trevor Potter

Jean & Rick Witmer

Cynthia W. Woods Ms. Francine N. Woods Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wrinkle Mr. Alan Zeigler

$1,500 - $2,499 Anonymous

Dora & John Aalbregtse

Dr. & Mrs. Nile L. Albright Ms. Helen Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Archer

Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Barclay, Jr. David & Wendy Barensfeld

Constance M. Goodyear Baron & Barry C. Baron

Ms. Cheryl Beall

Mr. Craig K. Bergmann & Mr. Paul Klug Ms. Eliza M. Brown Ms. Kathrin S. Brown & Mr. William Gedale Neville F. Bryan Eunice D. Burley

Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Calder Mrs. Pamela V. H. Clark Mr. Anthony P. Cutugno Mrs. Gordon L. Davenport Ms. Beirne Donaldson

Ms. Diana Elghanayan

Mr. & Mrs. David Elliott Mrs. Susan Engs Mr. & Mrs. Brian Everist Ms. Joyce Fletcher Mr. Howard Formby Jane A. Freeman

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Frierson Ms. Karen Gardner & Ms. Kate Spelman Ms. Patricia M. Gartland Mr. Charles H.C. Gerard, Jr. Ms. Nancy Gilbert & Mr. Richard Wines Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Giovine Mrs. Joanne Goldstein

Mr. John B. Goodwin, Jr. Mr. Charles O. Graham Ms. Agnes Gund Mrs. Roger Hanahan Mrs. Suzanne L. Haynes

Mr. Christopher Hill & Mr. Lachlan Miles Ms. May Brawley Hill Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hinman Ms. Melanie Hoefer Mr. Douglas Hoerr Mrs. Chrissey Hunt Ms. Margaret J. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Israel Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Jacobus Ms. Janice Jerde Ms. Elizabeth L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Tor Kenward Mrs. Carolyn M. Knutson Mr. Michael A. Kovner & Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lasky Ms. Liesel Lavery Lillian Balentine Law Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Lemann Lucinda Lester Ms. Suzanne Leydecker Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lindsay Bryan & Leslie Lorber Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Liza Jane MacNaughton Ms. Catherine Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. May Mr. & Mrs. Britton J. McConnell Ms. Marian McEvoy Mr. & Mrs. Barclay McFadden III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. McGee Ms. Jacqueline McKeon Ms. Farideh L. Mehran* Mrs. Michael A. Miles Mr. Billy Morris Leslie & John Needham Ms. Barbara L. Niemann Mrs. Sharon Owsley Mrs. Bettie Bearden Pardee Mr. & Mrs. David Perry Mr. & Mrs. George Powell III Mrs. Sharon Pryse Ms. Lynn E. Pyle Ms. Donna Raftery Diana Reuter-Twining, AIA Ms. Lucy S. Rhame Mrs. Marie W. Ridder Mrs. Richard E. Riegel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robinson Mr. Peter Rogness Mrs. Cynthia Ryan

Ms. Beverly McGuire Schnur Mr. George E. Schoellkopf & Mr. Gerald Incandela Mr. & Mrs. George H. Shattuck, Jr. Ms. Maureen Elizabeth Sheehan

Mr. Samuel Smoot & Ms. Karen McDonnell Mrs. W. P. Snyder IV

Mr. & Mrs. John S.W. Spofford Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Steel Mrs. Thomas E. Taplin Ms. Shannon M. Tarnutzer

Mrs. Eva-Maria F. Tausig

Mrs. Theodore Tieken

Mr. Kevin S. Travis Mrs. Jane Tyler

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. H. Vail

Mrs. John A. van Beuren

Dr. Joel & Ms. Phyllis Wasley

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Watson

Ms. Elaine Widmer & Mr. Tom Gruber

Shirley & Peter Williams Ms. Jane Wolf Mr. & Mrs. David Woodward Lisa & Kim Zeder

$750 - $1,499

Ms. Emily Aber & Mr. Rob Wechsler Ms. Phoebe H. Andrew Ms. Gretchen Bartzen Ms. Jenna Bayer

Mr. Stephen Bertram

Mr. Jeb Breece

Mrs. Lorette Cheswick Mr. Scot Chisholm

Mr. & Mrs. Edmond A. Collins Ms. Josyane Colwell

Ms. Jane Davis

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Deitrick Ms. Mary D. Fowler

Mrs. Kristin Gamble

Ms. Dorian Goldman & Mr. Marvin Israelow Ms. Anne B. Green Mr. James Brayton Hall Ms. Lilly S. Harris Gates & Mary Ellen Hawn Sara Hazelwood & Raul Yanes Ian & Madeline Hooper

Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Humphreys

Mr. Michael D. Johnson Ms. Patricia M. Jonas Mrs. P. Frederick Kahn Mrs. Joan M. Kram

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lapham Mrs. Eleanor P. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Long Mr. & Mrs. Spencer S. Marsh III Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Mrs. Patricia Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Merrill Mrs. Kathleen M. Metz

Lisa Miao & Wing Wong Ms. Katherine Nelson Ms. Audrey L. Nevins & Mr. John McNamara

Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Niemczyk

Mr. John K. Notz, Jr.

Mr. David T. Orthwein

Mrs. Marveen C. Pakalik

Ellen Petersen

Mr. Robert A. Pfenning

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr. Mrs. Alice Platt

Mr. William J. Radler

Mrs. Andrea Reimann-Ciardelli

Adam R. Rose & Peter R. McQuillan

Ms. Nancy Shaidnagle & Mr. Clarence E. Luckey Janna & James Shennan Mrs. Suzanne T. Smart

A view of the King’s Garden at Fort Ticonderoga, a preservation partner of the Garden Conservancy, that celebrated the opening of the restored National Historic Landmark Pavilion in August 2021 in Ticonderoga, NY.

Mr. & Mrs. L. Caesar Stair III

Mrs. Henry S. Streeter

Susan & Charles Tarver

Mr. William L. Thames Mr. Robert L. Turner

Jane M. Waugh Ms. Krista Wayne Ms. Elizabeth Weihman Mr. Larry J. Wente

Mrs. Anne Wilson Ms. Christina D. Wood Mrs. Dana D. Woody Audrey Zinman

$500 - $749


Ms. Nola Anderson & Mr. James Mullen

Mr. Ardon B. Armstrong Ellen & John Avellino

Ms. Dianne Balfour & Mr. Carl Adkins

Ms. Katharine Battle

Ms. Lisa A. Bielefeld

Mr. Leo J. Blackman & Mr. Kenneth T. Monteiro

Ms. Julie B. Boes

Helen Bragg Breck

Ms. Marion B. Brenner & Mr. Robert Shimshak

Mrs. Graham M. Brush

Mr. & Mrs. Blake Cabot

Mr. Anthony Calamusa Dr. Charlie & Mrs. Geraldine Carroll Ms. Carol Cheney Ms. Kathryn V. Clancy

Susan & Bruce Cohen Ms. Tammy Connor Charles & Kimberlee Cory Ms. Karen A. Curry Brittain Bardes Damgard Mr. John G. Danzer & Mr. Chip Allemann

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dee Ms. Sarah Delaney Mr. Karl M. Dickson Ms. Nancy Easter Patsy & Paul Ellsworth Mrs. Libby Emge Mrs. Dasha A. Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Field Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Fisher Mr. Byron F. Foote Mr. William H. Foulk, Jr. Rhonda & Luke Fowler Ms. Margaret Frazier Mr. Kevin R. Froeter

Mr. Bruce Gangawer Ms. Jane Garmey

Acclaimed storyteller and children’s author, Beatrice was a longtime member of the Society of Fellows. A participant in many of our tours and events, Beatrice frequently attended at the West Coast Holiday party and generously shared Harmony Hill, her home and “childhood garden” in the secluded Russian Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, with our Fellows and to an enthusiastic public through Open Days.

Mr. Anthony Grant

Mr. Brian Grubb

Gael Habernickel

Mrs. Diana P. Harding Ms. Lana W. Harding Ms. Kimberley C. Harmon

Laura Harris

Mr. Thomas B. Harris Ms. Margarete R. Harvey, ASLA Mrs. Gene M. Hassan

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hewitt

Marty & Anne Horn

Ms. Mary Ann Hunter Mrs. Kathie Jenkins

Ms. Jennifer Jewell

Mr. Ashby Johnson

Ms. Jennifer Walston Johnson

Belinda & Stephen Kaye

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keller

Debra & Steven Koenig

Mr. Alan W. Kornberg

Mrs. Memrie M. Lewis Mrs. Lee Link

Cynthia & Richard Livermore Mrs. Elise B. Lufkin

Ms. Marci Malakouti

Elizabeth & Arthur Martinez Ms. Janet Mavec & Mr. Wayne Nordberg Ms. Wanda McDonald

J. Hugh & Camilla McFadden

Mr. & Mrs. John C. McPheeters

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mellor

Mrs. Josephine A. Merck

Mrs. Virginia A. Millhiser

Ms. Pamela Moffett

Ms. Barbara Kahn Moller

Ms. Angela Hart Morris

Mr. Jeffrey Moskin

Mr. Richard W. Motika & Ms. Jerrie Whitfield

Ms. Deanna M. Mulligan

Mrs. Annie Munch

Mrs. Kim Nash

Mrs. Barbara N. Nelson Mrs. Jean O’Reilly

Ms. Frances Palmer

Carol & Alan Pohl Mrs. Lynn R. Quintrell

Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Read

Mrs. Mary Reed

Shaunagh G. Robbins

Ms. Tracy Rutherfurd

Mr. John Scharffenberger

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Seilheimer, Jr.

Mr. Adrian Selby & Mrs. Margaret Nolin Selby

Ms. Wendy Shattuck & Mr. Samuel Plimpton

Mr. Bruce P. Shaw

Mr. Kyle Sonnenberg

Ms. Kathleen Spagnola

Nancy & Richard Spain

Ms. Mary T. Staton

Mr. Jonathan E. Stone & Mr. Thomas C. Flanigan

Ms. Catherine Stout

Karen Tenney & Thomas Loring

Ms. Karen K. Thomas

Michael Valentine

Donna & Douglas Wheeler

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel White

Mr. John F. Wilcox & Mr. Dave Smaldone

Ms. Bunny Williams

Ms. Julia Sinclair Winton

Ms. Iona Fromboluti Wirls

Joan Wolfgram

Mrs. Mary N. Young

$250 - $499

Ms. Elizabeth Aaron

Ms. Ellen Abdow

Ms. Judith Abrams

Ms. Mary L. Ahern

Jill & Richard Almeida

Ms. Elizabeth P. Anderson

Ms. Candace K. Andrews

Ms. Mindy Arbo

Ms. Karen Bacon

Ms. Ann R. Baruch

Victoria Baxter

Ms. Diana Beattie

Carolyn & Jamie Bennett

Ennius & Judy Bergsma

Estelle & Charles Berthiaume

The new Kennedy Center Gardens at The REACH in Washington, DC, ushered our return to in-person educational lectures on September 8, 2021.
Bowles (1943-2021)
In Memoriam:

Andrew & Margaret Black

Mr. & Mrs. Titus Blackmon

Ms. Chotsie Blank

Mrs. Jody Block

Diane & Michiel Bloemsma

Ms. Helen Bodian & Mr. Roger E. Alcaly Charles & Cynthia Bonnes

Mr. William T. Briggs & Mr. Keith Perron

Ms. Carolyn S. Brody

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Brown Ms. Gioia T. Browne & Mr. Jim Marsh

Mrs. Susan V. Brownie

Mr. Andrew G. Bunting

Ms. Enid J. Busser

Ms. Laura A. Cahill

Susan & Michael Canmann Mr. Jay E. Cantor

Ms. Leslie S. Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cencek

Devereux Chatillon

Mr. Steven Christopher & Mr. Gary Alan Ms. Barbara Clayton

Mr. Stephen M. Clement III Mr. Chip Clint

Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Cohen Ms. Cecily C. Colburn

Mrs. Marilee E. Cole

Mr. David B. Coleman

Ms. Andrea R. Combet

Ms. Nancy S. Correra

Mr. & Mrs. David Croll

Ms. Laura H. Cunningham Mrs. Elizabeth M. Currie

Ms. Mary Beth Daniel

Deborah & Mark D’Arcy

Mrs. Mary E. Davenport

Mrs. Diana Delano

Ms. Bonnie E. Demergasso

Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi

Ms. Athalie Derse

Mrs. Mario di Valmarana

Ms. Diane M. Dooley Ms. Donna M. Dorian Ms. Pat Doudna Ms. Jill Drury

Ms. Karen DuVal

Mr. James Dykema

Mr. Terence F. Eagleton

Mrs. Elizabeth W. Easton Mrs. Bryan Ellis

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Ellsworth Ms. Storm Elser

Ms. Elizabeth Ely

Ms. Kathryn Everett

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Farmakis Dr. Jim Felser

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fine

Mrs. Kate Fisher

Ms. Helen S. Fitzgerald Mr. Gene P. Fleet

Catherine Fleming Ms. Melissa Fleming Ms. Christine Fontana Ms. Nancy Lee Frederick Mr. John Funt Ms. Christen C. Garrett Ms. Elizabeth Scott Geyer Ms. Lisa J. Gimmy Anne Goldrach Mrs. Craufurd Goodwin Ms. Ellen Gould Carol Gray Nancy & Paul Greeley Mr. & Mrs. Lester A. Greenberg Mr. Mark A. Grigalunas Ms. Mary Louise Guertler Ms. Beth Gutwin

Dr. Thomas R. Hansen & Mr. Ira S. Hirschfield

Ms. Katherine Hazelwood

Nathan & Kathy Hendricks Ms. Lisa B. Hennessy

Ms. Elizabeth Hilpman & Mr. Byron Tucker Ms. Gina Hind Hodgson Mrs. Lauri H. Hoenig Ms. Mary Pat Hogan Mr. Shepherd M. Holcombe, Jr. Ms. Merilee M. Holst Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holt Mrs. Judy Hopkins Mrs. Susan Humphreville Ms. Anda B. Hutchins Ann & Steven Hutton

In Memoriam: Paul George Sittenfeld (1947-2021)

Longstanding contributor and member of the Garden Conservancy board of directors for nine years, Paul’s fervor for service leaves behind a robust legacy. A well-known force in Cincinnati who was dedicated to many nonprofits and institutions, Paul generously hosted our Fellows for a tour in 2009 and was instrumental in presenting Fergus Garrett, the Chief Executive of the Great Dixter Charitable Trust, for a memorable talk at the Mercantile Library in 2017. Paul was committed to growing our national membership program and also helped to secure funding for the publication of our silver anniversary book, Outstanding American Gardens: A Celebration 25 Years of the Garden Conservancy.

Mrs. Patti Graham Itano

Ms. Vibeke Jensen

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Johnson Mr. Joel Kahn & Ms. Pam Kisonak Ms. Dorothy Kamins

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kehoe, Jr. Betty & Jim Kenan Mr. Newton Kendig Ms. Rosemary Kenigsberg Ms. Sylvia Kindig Mrs. Kristin Krongard Mr. Robert E. Kulp, Jr. Mr. Glen Lajeski & Mr. Gerry Etcheverry Ms. Barbara Lamb Mr. James H. Landon Louise & Brian Laragh Richard & Abbie Laskey Mrs. Roxana D. Laughlin Ms. Janet M. Leonberger

Brenda Lilly Mr. John A. Lombardo & Mr. John L. McKay Mrs. Diane Lynch Mr. Ryan Lynch & Mr. Brian Winkowski Mrs. Elizabeth MacCallum Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy R. Mack Ms. Doris P. Fischer Malesardi Peter & Isabel Malkin Ms. Lynn M. Mann Betsy & Ecton Manning Jane & Preston Manning Ms. Liz Manuguian Matthew Marks & Jack Bankowsky

Mr. George S. Mason Ms. Susan L. Masterman Mr. & Mrs. John Maynard Mr. Dennis C. McGlade, FASLA Elinor McKenna Ms. Denise L. Merkle Mrs. Lisa A. Miller Lynden B. Miller Mrs. Maria Z. Miller Ms. Deborah Mintz Ms. Mary G. Mishu Thomas and Lanis* Monfried Virginia & Robert Montgomery Ms. Vasiliki Moskos Ms. Sally M. Muspratt Mrs. Mary Eugenia Myer Ms. Cynthia Newby Mr. Erik Nicolaysen Charles V. O’Boyle & Richard Rambuss Thomas & Susan O’Connor Mr. Brian M. O’Neil

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Osborn Dr. F. Thomas Ott Ms. Alison Paalz

Ms. Katharine S. Parsons Ms. Pam D. Paul

Amy Perella Mrs. Chiswell D. L. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Peters Daniel & Carole Pichney Barbara & Michael Polemis Ms. Jean Pollari Ms. Jane Potrykus Mr. Paul R. Provost Mr. James H. Ray

Ms. Lisa Redburn

Mrs. Hope W. Reese

Mr. Bagley Reid Ms. Lisa A. Remby

Ms. Denise Rempe

Ms. Roberta R. Remstad

Ms. Candy Rice

Mrs. Margaret E. Richardson Susan & Walter Richter Ms. Peggy Ricker

Dr. William & Mrs. Christine O. Robb Mr. William W. Robinson Ms. Pat Rudebusch

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Sanders Mr. Fuad Sawaya Ms. Susan P. Schindelar Mr. Charles L. Schmidt Mrs. Pamela B. Scott Dr. Laura L. Sessums & Mr. Blake Biles

Dr. Lester B. Sills & Dr. Karen A. Sokol

Mrs. Richard A. Shaffer

Andrew & Linda Kay Shaw

Mrs. Hannah H. Shipley

Patricia & Mort Silverman

Bruce & Pamela Simonds

Ms. Catherine H. Skove

Ms. Maria Smithburg

Ms. Diane T. Spencer

Mr. Steve Sperotto

Ms. Penni I. St. Hilaire

Mrs. Elizabeth K. Stanley & Mr. Frank L. Stanley Ms. Roxann Steinberg

Ms. Beth B. Stern Mrs. Kathy W. Stern

Mr. James W. Stewart, Jr. Mr. William Steyer

Ms. Elizabeth Still Ms. Andrea G. Stover

Carla H. & John W. Stroh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Taylor

Mr. James P. Thayer, Jr. Ms. Linda Trapkin & Mr. Edward Klein

Ms. Cynthia Underwood Ms. Joan Underwood Mrs. Phoebe P. Vaccaro

Ms. Nora Vaivads

Mr. Scott K. VanderHamm

Mrs. Arete B. Warren

Ms. Dorsey Waxter & Mr. Richard Armstrong Ms. Deborah Webster

Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Weller

Dr. Patricia W. Wells

Mr. Joshua Werber

Mrs. Stephen White

Ms. Pennell Whitney

Ms. Donna Whittle

Ms. Jeanne T. Will

Ms. Roz Williams

Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson*

Kristin Winoker

Ms. Susan S. Woodman

Ms. Alexis Woods & Mr. Daniel Donahoe

Ms. Gabriella Yariv

Ms. Dianne E. Young

Ms. Mary Lou Zangerle

Ms. Elizabeth Zelov

Ms. Robin L. Zitter Ms. Marcia M. Zweig


The Frank & Anne Cabot Society

The Garden Conservancy honors our visionary founders through the Frank & Anne Cabot Society, recognizing donors who have made planned gifts to support the future of our organization. We celebrate those whose generosity ensures that the legacy of extraordinary gardens the living horticultural heritage and part of the cultural legacy of America is available for generations to come.

Peter and Catherine Altmann

Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II

Dr. Kia J. Bentley and Ms. Marti L. Truman Mr. Stephen Bertram

Ms. Gioia T. Browne and Mr. Jim Marsh

Mrs. Donald J. Bruckmann

Mrs. Coleman P. Burke

Mrs. Francis H. Cabot

Mr. John Cullum

Mr. Nathaniel B. Day

Ms. Joan A. DiMonda

Ms. Donna M. Dorian

Mr. Daryl Duarte and Mr. David M. Schiffer

$125 - $249

Anonymous (3)

James Abbett

Mr. Lowell B. Achziger

Lisa Adamson

Ms. Elizabeth Adelman

Ms. Elaine Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Allocca

Mr. Peter A. Altmann

Ms. Lynn Andrews

Ms. Beverly Annarella

Maryetta Anschutz

Helen & Nicos Anthony

Mrs. Laura K. Appel

Mrs. Ann H. Armstrong

James & Marjorie Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Allie P. Ash, Jr.

Ms. Diane K. Ash

Ms. Elizabeth L. Ashton

Mrs. William Bowen Astrop

Mrs. Janet E. Atkinson

Mrs. Lisa S. Ausherman

Mr. Jeff Bailey

Ms. Cynthia Ballantyne

Ms. Katherine Ballantyne

Ms. Emma C. Banay

Ms. Jennifer Barb

Ms. Joan E. Barist

Jane Barry

Ms. Karen Bartholomew

Paul Bartz

Kathy & Brad Baruh

John Barylski

Ms. Nancy Bassett

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beck

Ms. Leslie C. Becker

Ms. Libby Becker

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Beinecke

Mel & Margaret Bellar

Ms. Nancy Bemis

Mrs. Ilona Benham

Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner

Mr. Ted Garrison

Mrs. John K. Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Hegyi Ms. Marlena C. Heydenreich Ms. May Brawley Hill Ms. Susan J. Ipsen

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kennelty Ms. Patricia Lagunas Ms. Christine Mahoney Betsy and Ecton Manning

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McGee Ms. Susan Panitch

Mr. Keith M. Pension Ms. Petra Perry Mrs. Frederic Rheinstein

Dr. Kia J. Bentley & Ms. Marti L. Truman

Mrs. Nancy Berner Mr. Larry Bibri

Mrs. Eleanor D. Bierbower

Nancy & Daniel Bills

Mr. Otis Bilodeau

Ms. Charleen V. Birgy

Carolyn Bitetti

Marion & Van Black Ms. Dianna Blodgett

Ms. Julie Bohan

Mr. Donald J. Bolak & Mr. William Karges Mr. Michael Booth

Stephana Bottom

Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Bowen

Ms. Hollace Bowers

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Boylan

Ms. Helen C. Brennan

Mr. John G. Brewer

Virginia & Thomas Brewer Ms. Kiersten Briggs

Ms. Laurie Brittain

Ms. Susan E. Brock

Ms. Hope B. Bromley

Ms. Adrienne B. Brown & Mr. Jay Greenberg

Mr. Jeff C. Brown

Ms. Sandra H. Brown

Donald & Marsha Bruce

Ms. Ellen Bruzelius & Mr. William Tifft

Ms. Madeleine Buck Mr. Paul T. Buck

Susan & Jim Buck

James Burnett

Ms. Kathleen M. Burnett Ms. Jenny Burns

Ruthie & Gene Burrus

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bush

Ms. Nancy R. Ruffner

Mr. Richard Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Camillo M. Santomero III Mrs. D. Bruce Whittemore Mrs. Diana S. Wister Ms. Dianne E. Young

Mr. Richard M. Butler & Ms. Georganne E. Doty

Ms. Elizabeth K. Byers

Melissa & Jim Byrne

Ms. Stephanie Byrne Ms. Lisa Caldwell Kevin Callans

Ms. Dianna Campagna

Thomas & Virginia Campion

Ms. Sylvia Cardenas

Kenneth & Regina Carlson Mr. Kevin Carmody Ms. Kathleen Carnall Ms. Mary Carr

Sharon & Carl Cavagnolo Mrs. Lynn F. Cavo Ms. Laura E. Chandler Marcia & George Chapman Mrs. Jeanine Chau Mr. Frank Chiaramonte

Ms. Christina Chudasama Ms. Lynne H. Church Ms. Constance M. Clark

Diana Clark & Helen Schultz

Ms. Gay Clarke

Sharon Cochran

Ms. Jean M. Cocozza

Ms. Ann R. Coffin

Ms. Pam W. Collins

Richard & Gail Collins

James & Mary Connelly

Ellen R. Conrad

Fred & Helen Consaley

Mr. Peter D. Conzett & Ms. Pam Goguen

Ms. Janette Cooke & Mr. Walter Bembenista

Thomas Cooney

Ms. Nancy E. Cooper & Mr. Andreas Duus Ellis & Alison Cousens

Ms. Constance R. Cowen

Ms. Carol A. Crawford

Nancy & Dewey Crawford

Dr. J. Burns Creighton Jr.

Mr. Jonathan Crowell

Ms. Patricia Cullinan

Ms. Cheryl S. Cummer

Chuck Cuomo

Mrs. Stephanie Cuskley

Ms. Christy Dailey

Mr. David A. Dalena

Robbie Dalton

Ms. Hope Dana

Mr. & Mrs. George Dapra Ms. Jessie V. Davidson Mr. Hornor Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dawson Ms. Doris P. Deal Ms. Cindy Deavel

Diana Deckman

Ms. Debra DeFilippo

Mark & Carin DeNat

Marion de Vogel

Michael Dillon

Mrs. Victoria Dillon

Ms. Helen Dimos, ASLA

Mrs. Suzanne S. Dixon, Jr.

Ms. Catherine C. Douglas

Ms. Lisa Douglas

Mrs. Paige Doumani

Ms. Shonah S. Drakos

Ms. Joan M. Drerup

Ms. Helen R. DuBois

Mr. Peter A. DuBois

Ms. Catherine H. Dugan

Ms. Judith Dumont

Ms. Susan C. Dumont

Mrs. Jane H. Dunn

Ms. Suzanne R. Dworsky

Kathi Eason

Ms. Francesca M. Eastman & Mr. Edward Goodstein

Frank and Anne Cabot in a field of Texas bluebonnets during an early Society of Fellows tour.

Endowment Gift Launches Daniels Family Garden Lecture

An extraordinarily generous gift of $500,000 to the Garden Conservancy’s endowment by Courtnay and Terrence Daniels in 2021 has made possible the creation of the annual Daniels Family Garden Lecture. Courtnay and Terrance Daniels have supported the work of the Garden Conservancy for over two decades and have opened to the public the spectacular gardens at their Virginia home, Whiton Farm a well as gardens in Hobe Sound and Sun Valley on countless occasions through Open Days and for our Society of Fellows garden-study tours. Courtnay joined the Garden Conservancy board of directors in 2006, became Vice Chair in 2011, and was elevated to Chair in September 2018. She is currently serving her second term as board Chair.

“Our goal twenty years ago, fueled by our passion for growing and design, was to build and maintain a private American garden dedicated to both the unique and ordinary plants grown originally and well. Since then, our belief in the important role of gardens within our culture has only grown. Gardens help define our quality of life. The Garden Conservancy upholds the importance of gardening by focusing on the intersection of history, design, and horticulture, and sharing the transient joy and beauty of gardens with ever greater audiences. Terry and I are strong believers in the value of this art form to inspire, and we are delighted to support the Conservancy’s work by endowing the annual Daniels Family Garden Lecture.”

Courtnay and Terry Daniels

The Inaugural Daniels Family Garden Lecture took place on March 23, 2022, at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, FL.

Frank & Delphine Eberhart

Judy Edwards

Mr. Eric Eisenhauer

Kathleen & Mike Elliott

Ms. Gay Ellis

Pamela & Robin Ellis

Ms. Alan S. Emmet

Maura Endres

Mrs. Susan McLeod Epstein Ms. Kathleen Essick

Mr. William J. Fairbanks

John & Karolyn Fava Ms. Emer Featherstone

Gregory Feller

Ms. Emmy Feyeux

Dr. Achilles & Mrs. Candace Filios

Ms. Anne Fischer Ms. Judith P. Fisher

Ellen & Charles Fishman

Ms. Ann C. Flinn

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Foley Elisa & Alex Fontanes

Dr. Linda L. Fowler

Mr. John V. Frank

Mr. Paul A. Frank, Jr.

Mr. Charles W. Frase

Ms. Sue Freedman

Mr. & Mrs. David Fryberger

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Fuchs

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fulton

Mr. Chris Galbraith

Ms. Lisa Gamsu

Ms. Kathi Gariepy

Ms. Marianne Gawain-Davis

Ms. Allison D. Geiselbrecht

Ms. Barbara J. Geller

Jane & Andreas Ghazarossian Ms. Jere Gibber

Mr. Richard M. Gibbs & Mr. Jack Harelson

Ms. Tracy Gibson

Betsy Gile

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Gilmartin Mrs. Myrna R. Gintel Ms. Bee Givan

Ms. Louise Glenn Mrs. Marilyn Godsoe Ms. Katja Goldman

Betty Goldstein Paul & Sheridan Goldstein Mr. Dan K. Gordon Dr. Kathleen Grant Mr. James B. Gray Ms. Deborah Greene Ms. Fayal B. Greene & Mr. David Sharpe Mr. Gregory E. Greene Mrs. Jeannete Greer Mr. & Mrs. Wylie Greig Mr. Ian Gribble & Ms. Catharine Cooke Mrs. Laurie Grier Ms. Michelle Griffith Ms. Leslie Grinsell Mr. & Mrs. Alan Guerci

William Guffey & Marc Harrington Mrs. Donna M. Guldimann Mr. Henry J. Gwiazda II Ms. Pamela Hale Mrs. Jane E. L. Hall & Mr. Jan Benjamin Hall Ms. Cynthia Hallowell Mrs. Nancy J. Halpin Ms. Barbara Hancock Mrs. Marianne Hanley Ms. Verena Harfst Ms. Barbara M. Harley Ms. Ellen A. Harley Ms. Holly Hartley Mrs. Louise A. Head Ms. Inge Heckel & Mr. Jeff G. Hamlin Mrs. Cynthia P. Hedin

Ms. Liz Hedstrom

Mrs. Sally Hemsen Mrs. Michele M. Hendrickson Mrs. Judith Herdeg Mrs. Susan Hershman Ms. Jeanne M. Hertrich Mr. John O. Higgins & Mr. Thomas Conroy Ms. Martha Higgins Ms. Barbara L. Hill

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Himmelright Ms. Mary Ellen Hinkel Mrs. Eleanor G. Hoehn Dr. Richard Holden & Rev. Cynthia Holden Mr. Robert Holmes Ms. Kimberly Holzmann-Krolick Ms. Toye Honeyman Mrs. Mary Hooper Mr. Frederic K. Howard Ms. Margize Howell Ms. Esther J. Howlett

Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Huebner Donald & Nancy Hulnick Ms. Lydee Hummel

Stephen & Betsy Hunter Ms. Ellen Irion Mrs. Kate R. Jamison

Gary & Ann Jeffers

Ms. Ida Jennings

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Johnson Mr. Perry W. Johnston Ms. Marianne M. Jones Sid & Martha Jones

Maryann Jordan Mrs. Julie Jordin

Nancy Joyce

Mr. Kenneth S. Kail & Ms. Ivy Hwang Ms. Maureen Kane Ms. Jane Kashlak & Mr. Paul Kerlinger

Mr. Bruce J. Kasl

Mrs. M. Whitney Keen

Ms. Dee Ann Keip

Sally Anne Kellogg

Mrs. Susan H. Kemenyffy

Karen Kennedy

Mr. Scott Kennedy & Ms. Carole Dyal

Ms. Alicia Kent

Dr. William & Mrs. Ausrine Kerr

Michael Kerrigan

Ms. Ellen King

Ms. Judith D. King Ms. Nina M. King

Ms. Doris Kirchner

Liisa Kissel

Ms. Randi E. Kitt

Ms. Carol Klein

Ms. Betty G. Klevan

Mrs. Sara M. Knight

Mrs. Jo Ann R. Koebbe

Mrs. Joan A. Komaromi

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Krueger

Ms. Leslie Kruse

Ms. Donna L. Kuhn

Warren & Lisa Lagerloef

Ms. Jane LaGuardia

Ms. Kyle W. Landt

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Large, Jr. Ms. Deborah A. Larkin

Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Larned

Linda & Richard Larson

Mrs. Jonna G. Lazarus

Ms. Maryann A. Leach

Mrs. Sharon Lee

Ms. Mary Ellen Lees

Mrs. Leah Lenney

Mrs. Barbara Leone

Mrs. Alice G. Levien

Henry & Lynne Levine

Irwin T. Levy

Mr. & Mrs. John Lewis


Mrs. Lori E. Lillienfeld

Ms. Barbara Marsilius Link

Ms. Shannon Linn

Mrs. Michele Logan

Ms. Patricia A. Lombard & Mr. Bill Simon

Suzanne Loomis

Ms. Julie Lowrie

Ms. Christine B. Lozner

Ms. Joan M. Lucchese

Mr. Paul Ludick

Ms. Gail T. Lyman

Ms. M. Catherine Lynch & Mr. Douglas Sharp

Mrs. Susan E. Lynch

Mrs. Carol G. Machalinski

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. MacMahon

Amanda & George Mahoney

Sharon & Brad Malt

Ms. Carol Mandel & Mr. Vincent Covello

Ms. Rose Marie Maresca

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mariani

Ms. Susan Markowitz

Jacqueline B. Mars

Ms. Melissa Marshall

Dr. & Mrs. Bob R. Martin

Mrs. Judith B. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Graham A. Marx

Mr. David M. Maxfield

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maybank

Bethany Mazza

Ms. Kathryn McCormack

Ms. Susan E. McCullough

Mrs. Rosemary C. McDonough

Ms. Tammy S. McEntee

Ms. Kathy McGlynn

Maureen & Bill McGoldrick

Michael & Joyce McGovern

Mr. Kevin McGrane & Mr. Ivan Hernandez

Mrs. Patty McGrath

Ms. Mary Lou McGuire

Elizabeth McLaughlin

Mrs. Jane McLaughlin

Ms. Gioconda C. McMillan

Catherine McQueen

Mrs. Ruth C. Mead

Summer Meek

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Melikian

Mr. Alex McNab & Ms. Diane Melish

Patricia F. Melrose

Ms. Andrea Metzner

Mrs. Elizabeth D. Meyer

Ms. Phyllis Michaels

Ms. Alice Michalak

Ms. Leland Midgette & Mr. Joseph F. Ahern

Ms. Barbara R. Miller

Susan Miller

Ms. Susanne Miller

Tracey Miller

Ms. Claudia Milne

Ms. Lindsey Milstein

Ms. Michelle C. Minks

Mr. Robert B. Minturn

Darcy Mix

Ms. Marilyn Moller Ms. Kyra L. Montagu

Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Moore II Ms. Fanny Moran Rebecca & Tim More Ms. Vivien A. Moreno Mr. Andrew Morrison Ms. Barbara L. Morse Ms. Nancy B. Mott

Ruth & Peter Mummey Mrs. Deborah Munson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Murray Mr. David L. Myers

Mrs. Deborah Myers Ms. Genevieve M. Nauman Ms. Elizabeth A. Navas

In Memoriam: Penelope (Penny) Perkins Wilson (1923-2021)

Sister-in-law of Garden Conservancy founder Frank Cabot, Penny was described as a “force of nature” by those who knew her. A longtime supporter and founding member of the Garden Conservancy, Penny was passionate about philanthropy, supporting many causes and helping to ensure the stability of the Garden Conservancy for years to come through her transformative gift of $1 million to the Conservancy’s Campaign for Excellence.

Ms. Dawn Neal

Mr. John Nee

Mrs. Diana B. Neely

Mr. Robb Nestor & Mr. William Reynolds Ms. Diane E. Newbury Dee Dee Niswonger

Ms. Susan Nock

Ms. Jill Nooney & Dr. Robert S. Munger

Ms. Barbara Nyholm Ms. Marie-Elisabeth Offierski Dr. Lisa Okoniewski

Anne & John Olsen

Ms. Missy O’Neill

Mrs. Dianne S. Orcutt

Mr. Omar Osbourne

Ms. Lynn O’Shaughnessy

Mrs. Connie Ostrosky Mrs. Katharine S. Overlock

Ms. Laurie Owen

Holly Pais

Ms. Susie Palena

Susan R. Palm

Ms. Mary Ann Parachini Ms. Lisa R. Parmley

Stephen & Kristin Pategas Ms. Carol R. Patterson Ms. Dorothea B. Paul Mrs. Janet Levy Pauli Ms. Christine S. Peck Ms. Julie M. Peet

Ms. Jane E. Penfield & Mr. David A. Klotz

Mrs. Marilyn Percy

Ms. Elaine H. Peterson & Mr. Richard D. Kahn

Ms. Judith Petersen

Ms. Daria D. Pew

Ms. Kelly Phillips

Ms. Sally Pierson

Mrs. Mary F. Pietan

Ms. Janet A.S. Pigot

Ms. Helen Pilkington

Ms. Debora Pitman

Mr. Charles Plante & Mr. Rory O’Donnell

Mrs. Joan Platt

Ms. Pam Pooley Dr. Paulene Popek Lee Potter

Diana & Stephen Propper

Carrie Pryor

Ms. Heather Putnam

Ms. Brie Quinby

Ms. Polly Raine

Ms. Sandra G. Ramet

Joseph & Robin Reed

Ms. Kathleen Reese

Ms. Marian V. Reese

Mrs. Bonnie A. Regendahl

Ms. Francie Rehwald

Ms. Teresa K. Reid

Ms. Susan Rein

Mr. Thomas A. Repasch

Dr. Eve Rice & Dr. Timothy Mattison

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Richards Irwin & M. Susan Richman

Mr. Marco Rini

Mr. Bruce Ritz

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rizzotto Elizabeth Robbins Mrs. Joan M. Robinson

Mary Ann Robinson

Roxana Robinson

Dr. Beverly H. Rogers

Mrs. Elizabeth Barlow Rogers

Ms. Maggie Rosa

Ms. Holly T. Ross & Mr. Tim P. Hartung

Robert & Mary Rounsavall

Ms. Kerstin G. Royce

Ms. Lynn Rubicam

William & Fleur Rueckert

Ms. Nancy R. Ruffner

Richard Rugani

Mike & Paula Rushing

Ms. Nancy Russell

Mr. John W. Ryan

Ms. Sarah Ryan

Mr. David Sacarelos

Ms. Karen A. Sadik-Khan

Ms. Nancy Sainburg

Ms. Julie Sakellariadis

Gail & Nick Sanders

Ms. Denise C. Santomero

Mr. Frank J. Sardone & Ms. Susan M. Fall

Alan & Eileen Sarroff

Mr. Sheafe Satterthwaite

Ms. Daryl E. Savage

Ms. Laura Sawczuk

Su Sawyers

Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Schachat

Ms. Nancy Schaefer

Ms. Claudia Schmidt

Ms. Linda Schott

In October 2021, we hosted a Garden Masters event featuring a tour of the remarkable rooftop park at the Salesforce Transit Center Park in San Francisco, CA.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schreiber

Mr. & Mrs. Hal Schroeder

Ms. Susan Schumann-Skehan

Harvey & Justine Schussler

Mrs. Claire M. Schwahn

Monica Scozzafava

Mr. Thomas L. Sebring

Ms. Sharon Seelig

Ms. Wendy B. Serrell

Mr. Charles Shaeffer

Ms. Victoria Shaw

Ms. Judith E. Shehadey

Jim & Susan Shehan

Ms. Kathryn Sheingold

Ms. Elizabeth W. Sheppard

Ms. Therese Sheridan

Ms. Cornelia Sherman

Valerie Sherman & Richard Broad

Mr. David W. Shimchick

Peggy & A. Pope Shuford

Ms. Tanya R. Shuy

Mary Jo & Stephen Sichak

Dr. & Mrs. Lee Silver

Ms. Laura M. Simmons

Ms. Nancy J. Simpson

Janet & Paul Sisko

Ms. Susan Warner Skelsey

Ms. Andrea Small Ms. Sarah K. Small

George Smith

Ms. Heidi B. Smith

Lalitte & Richard Smith

Mary & Anthony Smith

Mr. David Sokol

Ms. Patricia Sovern

Ms. Karin M. Stanley

Ms. Sherry Stearns

Jennifer Stefani

Mr. & Mrs. William Stein

Mrs. Carol J. Steiner

Mrs. Rose H. Steiner

Ms. Lynne Steinsieck

Barbara & Charles Stendahl

Mr. Joel Stettler

Ms. Laurel Stevens

James & Katie Stewart

Ms. Deborah Steyn

Dr. & Mrs. James Stoll

Mr. & Mrs. John Y. Stoudt

Mrs. Donna M. Stout

Mr. Steven Strauss

Prof. Emeritus David C. Streatfield

Mr. Robert Strickler

Ms. Celeste Suggs

Ms. Gail Sullivan

Mrs. Margaret D. Sullivan

Mr. Craig Swan

Ms. Linda Swenson

David & Bonnie Swinford

Ms. Anni Sylvester

Ms. Vanessa Taber

Mr. Curtice Taylor

Mr. John Taylor

Mrs. Andrea M. Testa-Vought

Ms. Constance L. Thatcher

Ms. Sue Thomas

Ms. Matilda Thompson

Ms. Suzanne Thompson Mrs. W. N. Thorndike Mr. David Thorne

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tiffany Ms. Cynthia J. Tindale

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tisi Mr. David P. Tognalli

Ms. Mary M. Torras

Mr. & Mrs. P. Coleman

Townsend, Jr. Ms. Sara V. Traberman Eric N. Tschanz

Yvonne Tsikata

Constance & Don Turner Mrs. Helen G. Ullrich

A. Marcus & Anne van den Bergh Ms. Molly J. Varnau Ms. Joan Vatz

Ryan Velasco Ms. Joann Vieira Mrs. Gay E. Vincent-Canal Ms. Deanne G. Violich

Ms. Susan von Eggers Ms. Isabel J. Wacker Mr. Ronald F. Wagner & Mr. Tim Van Dam Mrs. Ellen C. Walbrun

Cheryl & Tom Ward Ms. Carola Warren Mrs. Patricia R. Weier Ms. Kathryn Wells Mrs. Barbara J. Welsch Ms. Katherine Wenning Mrs. Alice B. Westervelt Mrs. Abby Westlake Mr. Robin White Ms. Gail A. Whitefield Ms. Brenda Wiley & Mr. Robert Klein Ms. Mary E. L. Wilson Ms. Susan D. Wilson Ms. Tina Winchester Ms. Katharine S. Winston Alison Winter Ms. Lisa Wisniewski Ms. Rosalie J. Wolf Ms. Jean E. Wood Ms. Johanna Woollcott & Mr. Eugene McCarthy Ms. Linda Woolley Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Young Ms. Linda C. Young Mrs. Elaine K. Zanck Mrs. Victoria Zbylut Ms. Sharon W. Zulkie Ms. Ellen K. Zumbach

IN HONOR OF Cheryl Brickman & Dragonfly Farms by Ms. Ruth Wood Courtnay Daniels by Ms. Elizabeth L. Ashton James Brayton Hall by Garden Guild by the Winnetka Garden Club

Kathryn Herman by Katharine Battle & Emily Goldstein by the New Canaan Garden Club by Rowayton Gardeners

Welcome: Jean-Paul Montupet Garden Conservancy Board of Directors

Jean-Paul Montupet was elected to the Garden Conservancy board of directors in September 2021. Jean-Paul and his wife, Isabelle, are originally from Paris but have resided in St. Louis since 1990, and more recently also in Sun Valley, ID. Both avid gardeners, they recently bid adieu to a well-established garden they developed over the course of 27 years and are currently focusing on their garden in Sun Valley which Jean-Paul describes as “partly contemporary, partly natural.” JeanPaul is vice-chairman of the International Churchill Society, has served on many corporate and nonprofit boards, and is an adviser to a private equity firm.

JBB Design LLC clients by Ms. Julie B. Boes

Benjamin F. Lenhardt Jr. by The Fortnightly of Chicago by Kenilworth Clippers Garden Club by Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan

Ken Lesser by Steven Garner Valerie McKeever by Susan & Bruce Cohen

Gil Schafer III, G.P. Schafer Architect by Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Belling Mr. & Mrs. Dean Serure by Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Belling Sally Swartz by Bobbi Carson Marti L. Truman by Dr. Kia J. Bentley Eileen Weisbaum by Ms. Donna L. Kuhn Larry Wente by Ms. Katharine Battle

IN MEMORY OF Tom Armstrong by Anonymous

Leonard F. Baron by Roy & Suzanne Hess

Florence Baroncini by Ms. Elaine Oldham

Frank Cabot by Ms. Beatrice V. Bowles*

Herbert “Bert” D. Condie III by Mrs. Herbert D. Condie III by Ms. Missey Condie

Peggy Hinman by Janna and James Shennan

Cheryl Joan’s mother by Susan Bushnik

Helen Kent by Ms. Alicia Kent by Mrs. Jeanette Mazzarella

Lanis Monfried by Kristine S. Foight by Kirsten Rostkowski

Eric Olsen by Victoria Baxter by Linda and David Gust by Joan Wolfgram

Maria Strongwater by Terri West

Henriette Suhr by Mrs. Dasha A. Epstein

Ron Veselsky by Bonnie and Donniel Schulman


Anonymous (6)

A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc. Acorn Fund

AmazonSmile Foundation

Anderson Stewart Family Foundation

Ardon & Tobin Armstrong Jr. Giving Fund

Atkinson Family Foundation Aware Foundation

The Azby Fund

Virginia N. & Randall J. Barbato Giving Fund

Barbourtown Foundation

Agatha Barclay Charitable Fund

Wendy & David Barensfeld

Family Charitable Fund

Barger Family Fund

The Matthew & Janice Barger Fund

Anne Hendricks Bass Foundation

Margaret Ritchie R. Battle Family Charitable Fund

The Beall Family Foundation

Belling Family Foundation Fund Bernatz Fund at Schwab Charitable


Blanchard Family Fund

David A. Blanton III Charitable Trust

Bluestone Foundation

The Beatrice Bowles Charitable Fund

The Kelly & Sam Bronfman

Family Foundation

W.L. Lyons Brown Foundation

Judy Buechner Advised Fund

Dan & Stacey Case Family Foundation

Colbert Family Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina

Connelly Family Foundation

Tammy Connor Interior Design

The Ellis & Alison Cousens Charitable Fund

Jack & Peggy Crowe Donor Fund

Daniels Family Charitable Fund

Dimos Oko Charitable Fund

Louisa Copeland Duemling Charitable Lead Trust

EBSCO International Inc.

The Edwards Family Trust

Elisha-Bolton Foundation

David & Erin I. Elliott Family Fund

Etkin Family Advised Fund at Aspen Community Foundation

Henry Fair Family Fund for the Environment of Coastal Community Foundation

John G. Fairey Foundation

Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund

Fine Family Fund

Gregory & Melissa Fleming Family Fund

Stephanie & Lawrence Flinn, Jr. Charitable Trust

Flood-Gamble Foundation, Inc.

The Fortnightly of Chicago

John V. Frank Trust

The Jane A. Freeman Fund

G Lazy 4 Family Fund

Sumner Gerard Foundation

Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund

Richard C. & Carol S. Habermann Charitable Foundation

Half Moon Foundation

The Mary Hampson Family Charitable Fund

Healing Dove Giving Fund

Heywood Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable

Hickory Hill Foundation

Highland Park Public Library

Hindman Auctions –Silvia & Jay Krehbiel

Ira Hirschfield & Tom Hansen

Donor Advised Fund

Holt Family Fund

The Hopkins Family Fund

The Page Lee Hufty Fund

Hunter Family Foundation

SJ Ipsen Charitable Fund

Elizabeth L. Johnson Fund

Johnson Fund of Fidelity Charitable

Patricia Jonas Giving Fund

Richard & Suzanne Kayne Charitable Fund

Kelly Foundation Inc.

Kitsap Community Foundation

The LaGuardia Design Group

Emily Landecker Foundation, Inc.

Lavori Sterling Foundation, Inc.

Barnett Levy Family Fund

Leon Levy Foundation

Suzanne Leydecker Family Advised Fund

The Long Stems Foundation

Longleaf Charitable Fund

The Lorber Foundation

Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation

Liza Jane MacNaughton Fund

Mammel Family Foundation

Mariani Landscape, Inc.

Matthew Marks Charitable Trust

The McCausland Foundation

McCormack Family Foundation

Mary McDonnell Davidson Fund

McKinnon & Harris, Inc.

McPheeters & Rickard Family Fund at Schwab Charitable

Josephine A. Merck Donor Advised Fund of Fidelity Charitable

Kahn Moller Family Fund

The Monteiro Blackman Fund

Betty James & Walter S. Montgomery, Jr. Foundation

Nautilus Foundation, Inc.

Barbara L. Niemann Charitable Foundation

Nelson Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Network for Good

The Niner Foundation

The Non Nobis Solum Foundation

David T. Orthwein Trust

The S. Bartley Osborn Family Charitable Trust

The Perry Family Fund

Plimpton-Shattuck Fund

Porpoise Fund of Fidelity Charitable

T. Randolph Potter, Jr. Charitable Lead Trust

Powder Mill Foundation

George & Wendy Powell Fund of the Kuehn Foundation

William J. Radler Fund at the Greater Milwaukee Foundation

Victoire G. & Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Family Charitable Fund

Susan D. Rein Revocable Trust

DA Rempe & ML Wilson Fund

R J Family Fund at Schwab Charitable RJA Foundation

Barbara Paul Robinson & Charles Raskob Robinson Fund

Thomas & Shelagh Rohlen Fund at The San Francisco Foundation

Cornelia Cogswell Rossi Foundation Inc.

George W. & Kate M. Rowe Fund of the East Bay Community Foundation

Royce Family Fund Inc.

RT Facts Design & Antiques

Ruettgers Family Charitable Foundation

Patrick G. & Shirley W. Ryan Foundation

Bonnie Johnson Sacerdote Foundation

Sarracenia Foundation Inc.

Sawaya Family Fund

Schwab Charitable Fund

The Seilheimer Foundation

Shaidnagle Luckey Family Gifts

George H. Shattuck, Jr. & Isabel C Shattuck Charitable Foundation

The Maureen Elizabeth Sheehan Charitable Fund

Shennan Family Fund

Simonds Family Giving Trust

Elizabeth C. B. & Paul G. Sittenfeld Family Fund

Jessica H. Skipper Donor Advised Fund

Sleepy Cat Foundation

Smoot Family Fund

Alice Snyder Charitable Fund

Robert K. Steel Family Foundation

The Meyer & Jean Steinberg Family Foundation

Stendahl Family Fund

Stewart Family Fund

Roger & Susan Stone Family Foundation

Stone Fund

Steve Strauss Charitable Fund

William & Henriette Granville Suhr Fund for the Environment David Swinford Charitable Gift Fund

Edward & Merrielou H. Symes Charitable Fund

John & Judith Tankard Fund

Thomas & Beatrice Taplin Fund

Thornedge Foundation

Tiede Family Trust

The Susanne & Gary Tobey Family Foundation

The Mary Ann & Lawrence Tucker Foundation

Jane Ameth Tyler Fidelity Charitable van Beuren Charitable Foundation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Alan M. & Nathalie P. Voorhees Fund

The Walden Trust

Mary V. & Frank C. Watson Advised Fund

Weihman Family Charitable Fund

David & Candace Weir Foundation

Westchester Community Foundation

D. Wheeler Family Charitable Fund

The Widgeon Point Charitable Foundation

The Witmer Family Fund

Christina D. Wood Fund

The Yanes Family Fund


Aullwood Garden MetroPark Brookside Garden Club

The Chanticleer Foundation

Chappaqua Garden Club

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library

Eudora Welty House & Garden

The Fairfield Garden Club

Fernwood Botanical Garden

Ganna Walska Lotusland Garden Guild

Gunston Hall

Heronswood Garden The Horticultural Alliance of the Hamptons

Garden Conservancy President & CEO James Brayton Hall was joined by Sam and Elizabeth White for a presentation at Blithewood Garden, a preservation project located on the Bard College campus in Annandale-onHudson, NY, for Historic Gardens of the Hudson Valley, a four-part series that took place in fall 2021.

The Inland Empire Gardeners

Kenilworth Clippers Garden Club

Longwood Gardens Library

Longwood Gardens, Inc.

Elisabeth C. Miller

Horticultural Library Garden Club of Montclair

Myriad Gardens Foundation

New Canaan Garden Club

Old City Cemetery Museums & Arboretum

Rake & Hoe Garden Club, Inc.

Rhinebeck Garden Club Rockaway Valley Garden Club

Rosborough Partners, Inc.

Rowayton Gardeners

Rye Garden Club

Short Hills Garden Club

Syosset Garden Club

Three Harbors Garden Club

Van Vleck House & Gardens/ The Montclair Foundation

Welkinweir Arboretum

Westmoreland Hills Garden Club

Winnetka Garden Club

Women Gardeners of Ridgewood


Mount Desert Island and Great Cranberry Island, Maine

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Ward, Jr. Mrs. Diana S. Wister


Albers Vista Gardens Arboretum Treehouse/ Yakima Area Arboretum

Bellevue Botanical Garden

The Bloedel Reserve

The E.B. Dunn Historical Garden Trust

Far Reaches Botanical Conservancy

Friends of Mukai

Friends of Peninsula Park Rose Garden

Hardy Plant Society of Oregon

Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden

Kruckeberg Botanic Garden Foundation

Lake Wilderness Arboretum

Lakewold Gardens

Leach Botanical Garden

Lord & Schryver Conservancy Meerkerk Gardens

Elisabeth C. Miller Botanical Garden

Milner Gardens & Woodland PlantAmnesty

Powellswood Garden Foundation

Rhododendron Species Foundation & Botanical Garden

Friends of the Rogerson Clematis Collection

Soos Creek Botanical Garden Foundation and Heritage Center

Streissguth Gardens


The REACH at the Kennedy Center


Jeanne Farewell, Brewster, NY

James Golden, Stockton, NJ

Justin Henderson of PowellsWood Garden, Federal Way, WA

Garden Conservancy Grant Recipients

In February 2021, we launched a new, annual initiative for small public gardens and other nonprofit organizations making a significant impact in their communities through garden-based programming. The Garden Conservancy awarded grants and is honored to support the work of the following organizations:

The Gardens of Alcatraz, San Francisco, CA

The John Fairey Garden, Hempstead, TX

The Elizabeth Lawrence Garden House & Garden, Charlotte, NC

Lord & Schryver Conservancy, Salem, OR

The Midland Gives campaign for the Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden, Bishopville, SC

Project EATS, New York, NY

Southside Community Land Trust, Providence, RI

The Anne Spencer House & Garden Museum, Lynchburg, VA

Sylvester Manor Educational Farm, Shelter Island, NY

Walnut Way Conservation Corp., Milwaukee, WI

Holly Keris, Jacksonville, FL

Debra and Steven Koenig, River Hills, WI

Elizabeth Locke, Millwood, VA Keeyla Meadows, Albany, CA


Robert Balentine Craig K. Bergmann John Bierne Peggy Bost Peggy Crowe Page Dickey Adam Greenspan Christopher Gow David Knox

Posy Krehbiel Frederick A. Landman Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Marya Padour Jonathan Prown Scott Shaw Charles J. Stick


Ms. Richie Battle Ms. Camille Butrus Mrs. Celia Hegyi


Philip and Shelley Belling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kranz Ms. Barbara L. Niemann Mr. Gilbert P. Schafer III & the Elisha-Bolton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson


Mr. and Mrs. Coburn D. Everdell Ms. Dianne E. Young



Carolyn & Jamie Bennett

Ms. Mary V. Buckingham

Mr. Scott L. Byron

Diane and Jim Connelly Mr. Ronald L. Fleming

Ms. Dorian Goldman & Mr. Marvin Israelow

Suzy Wetzel Grote

Ms. Marlena C. Heydenreich

Barbara Israel Garden Antiques Ms. Rise S. Johnson

Suzanne and Ric Kayne Joseph Marek and John Bernatz Mr. & Mrs. Spencer S. Marsh III Ms. Katherine Nelson Ms. Bettie Bearden Pardee Ms. Patricia Elias & Mr. Michael Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Ward, Jr.


Ruettgers Family Charitable Foundation

William and Henriette Granville Suhr Fund for the Environment at Westchester Community Foundation


Estate of Lucy R. Day

Paul G. Sittenfeld Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Tiede Family Trust


A warm-hearted thank you to Mary Kate Rittman and Diana Wister for their generous hospitality.


Walnut Way Conservation Corporation in Milwaukee, WI provides support and training opportunities through the Growing Youth Leadership Internship, supported by the Garden Conservancy grant program in 2021.

Page Dickey Grant for American Gardens

At any organization there exist individuals whose distinct fingerprints will remain far beyond their official years of service. At the Garden Conservancy, there have been few as extraordinary as our dear friend and longtime board member Page Dickey. To honor her lasting impact on the Conservancy and the national gardening community, we are pleased to announce the Page Dickey Grant for American Gardens. Our heartfelt thanks to those listed below who contributed from January 1 to December 31, 2021, to honor Page by creating a permanently endowed fund which will award a $10,000 grant annually, in perpetuity.

Mrs. Nancy Abbey

Ms. Linda Allard

Mr. Ardon B. Armstrong

Ms. Carol Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Balentine

Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II

Ms. Leslie C. Becker

Philip and Shelley Belling

Mr. Craig K. Bergmann and Mr. Paul Klug

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Bourke III

Mr. Jeb Breece

Ms. Eleanor Briggs

Mrs. Coleman P. Burke

Eunice D. Burley

Camille Butrus

Ms. Allison A. Caccoma

Joseph and Lynn Carbonell

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M. Carpenter

Barbara Whitney Carr

Devereux Chatillon

Susan and Bruce Cohen

Ms. Kristina Durr and Mr. J. Barclay Collins II

Ms. Pam W. Collins

Diane and Jim Connelly Ellen R. Conrad

Mr. Anthony P. Cutugno

Ms. Hope Dana

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D. Daniels

Mrs. Gordon L. Davenport

Ms. Mary M. Davidson

Mr. Nathaniel B. Day Alison and Keith Dickey

Ms. Page Dickey and Mr. Francis Schell

Mrs. Suzanne S. Dixon, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Field

Alease and Paul Tallman

Mrs. Missy Bailey Fisher

Mr. John Funt

Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner

Ms. Jane Garmey

Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Goldfrank III Anne Goldrach

Mrs. Susan Zises Green

Ms. Fayal B. Greene and Mr. David Sharpe

Mr. James Brayton Hall

Mrs. Diana P. Harding

Mr. and Mrs. H. William Harlan

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III Ms. Liz Hedstrom

Ian and Madeline Hooper Ms. Mildred Hurley Ms. Jennifer Jewell Ms. Patricia M. Jonas

Belinda and Stephen Kaye Suzanne and Ric Kayne Jane and Bob Keiter

Dr. William and Mrs. Ausrine Kerr Mrs. Sara M. Knight

Mr. Michael A. Kovner and Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou Mrs. Joan M. Kram

Hindman AuctionsSilvia & Jay Krehbiel

Zopari Kristjanson

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Landman Ms. Deborah A. Larkin Lillian Balentine Law Joyce Lennon Lucinda Lester Ms. Sheryl Lester Mrs. Memrie M. Lewis Mrs. Lee Link Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Lippmann Ms. Susan S. H. Littlefield Mrs. Eleanor P. Lloyd Ms. Elizabeth Locke and Mr. John Staelin Mr. John A. Lombardo and Mr. John L. McKay Susan and Glenn Lowry Mrs. Elise B. Lufkin

Anonymous Mr. Joseph J. Marek and Mr. John W. Bernatz Ms. Catherine Matteson Ms. Janet Mavec and Mr. Wayne Nordberg Mr. and Mrs. Britton J. McConnell

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McGee Mrs. Kathleen M. Metz Ms. Pamela Moffett

“In our complicated days of work and stress, with the world in turmoil, visiting a garden is a glorious escape, a tonic. It restores us and offers us sanctuary. And with each garden we visit, we invariably learn something new. We get ideas. We are inspired. How fine, then, that the Garden Conservancy is able to help keep the gates of gardens open for us, the public.”

Page Dickey, celebrated author, gardener, and co-founder of Open Days

Thomas Monfried

Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Paul L. Montupet Mrs. Susan Morgenthau Ms. Deanna M. Mulligan Leslie and John Needham Ms. Cynthia Newby Mrs. Pamela S. Niner Ms. Caroline E. Obrecht Ms. Marie-Elisabeth Offierski Mrs. Marveen C. Pakalik Ms. Frances Palmer Ms. Lazan Pargaman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pinson Ms. Bella Pipas Ms. Pam Pooley Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Pryse Mrs. Frederic Rheinstein Ms. Katie Ridder and Mr. Peter Pennoyer Mrs. Joan M. Robinson Ms. Patricia Elias and Mr. Michael Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Ms. Lynn Rubicam

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ruettgers

Mr. and Mrs. Jorge A. Sanchez Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Schachat Mr. Gilbert P. Schafer and Ms. Courtnay Hayden Daniels Mr. George E. Schoellkopf and Mr. Gerald Incandela Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Seitz

George Shakespear and Betty Gatewood

Ms. Susan Sheehan and Mr. John O’Callahan

Ms. Jessica H. Skipper

Mr. Christopher Spitzmiller

Mr. and Mrs. L. Caesar Stair, III

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Steffan

Ms. Roxann Steinberg

Merrielou H. Symes

Mr. and Mrs. J. Taft Symonds Mrs. Andrea M. Testa-Vought Ms. Raun Thorp and Mr. Brian Tichenor

Sarah Tod Fund

Ms. Shobha Vanchiswar and Mr. Murali Mani

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Vartanian Ms. Edwina von Gal

Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Ward, Jr. Mr. Marshall Watson and Mr. Paul Sparks

Ms. Deborah Webster

Mr. Larry J. Wente

Mrs. Abby Westlake

Dana Scott Westring and Trevor Potter

Ms. Bunny Williams

Mrs. Anne Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Wrinkle

Mr. Alan Zeigler

Ms. Robin L. Zitter

Contributions received from January 1 to December 31, 2021.


The thirteen acres of Sleepy Cat Farm in Greenwich, CT, have evolved over the last 25 years through the close collaboration between owner Fred Landman and Virginia-based landscape architect Charles J. Stick and is a favorite of Open Days visitors.

2021 Open Days

Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers, hosts, regional ambassadors, and partner organizations who made our 2021 Open Days season possible!


Cheryl & Mark Brickman

Ms. Debbie Davis

Ms. Mila Fournier

Mr. Bruce Gangawer

Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Gordon

Mr. Andrew Koehn

Debra & Steven Koenig

Ms. Angela Kondon

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr.

Ms. Keeyla Meadows

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Murray

Ms. Helen O’Donnell

Ms. Alice Platt

Ms. Pam Pooley

Ms. Gail Read

Ms. Lynn Rubicam

Mrs. Judith Tankard

Dr. Craig Wakefield


Anne Spencer House & Garden Lynchburg, VA

Baxter Preserve North Salem, NY

Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, and Arboretum Bristol, RI

Charleston Horticultural Society Charleston, SC

Hortus Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Stone Ridge, NY

Innisfree Garden Millbrook, NY

Landcraft Garden Foundation Mattituck, NY

Milwaukee Art Museum and Garden Club Milwaukee, WI

Perfect Earth Project East Hampton, NY

Providence Preservation Society Providence, RI

Southern Highlands Reserve Lake Toxaway, NC

Spoleto Festival USA Charleston, SC

Swan Point Cemetery Providence, RI

The Chipstone Foundation Fox Point, WI

Tompkins County Community Beautification Program Ithaca, NY


Mr. Lorne Adrain

Ms. Barbara J. Agren

Ms. Hope Alswang & Mr. Henry Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. David Andrews Dana & Joe Arndt Ms. Dianne Benson Ennius & Judy Bergsma James & Ellen Best Mr. Peter A. Bevacqua & Mr. Stephen King Ms. Karen Binder Mrs. Eileen Blau Ms. Helen Bodian & Mr. Roger E. Alcaly Ms. Barbra Boiser

Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Bourke III Mrs. Jane Bradbury

Ms. Mary Kay Jaroff and Mr. John Brennan

Cheryl & Mark Brickman

Ms. Eleanor Briggs Karen & Sam Brindley

Ms. Abby Jane Brody Ms. Katherine Brown Ms. Gioia T. Browne & Mr. Jim Marsh Ms. Stephanie Cabot & Mr. Marcus Lovell Smith Melissa & John Ceriale

Dr. Joseph A. Chazan

Ms. Donna Christensen Hilary Clayton

Mr. Robert Cohen & Ms. Emily Blau

Daniel & Christine Contelmo

Mr. Peter D. Conzett & Ms. Pam Goguen

Mr. Paul Coutu & Mr. William Turner

Dr. Vincent Covello & Ms. Carol Mandel

Mr. & Mrs. Putnam L. Crafts, Jr. Deborah & Mark D’Arcy

Ms. Page Dickey & Mr. Francis Schell

Mr. & Mrs. Joe DiMattio

Mr. Daryl Duarte & Mr. David M. Schiffer

Dr. Monty M. Denneau & Ms. Jeanne Farewell

Ms. Jamie Fellner

Dr. Achilles & Mrs. Candace Filios

Ms. Andrea Filippone & Mr. Eric T. Fleisher

Mr. Timothy Fish & Mr. Bernard Marquez

Mr. & Mrs. David Fox

Mrs. Susan Friberg

Ms. Mary Gamble & Mr. Joe Graziano


Mr. Bruce Gangawer

Ms. Jane Garmey

Ms. Nancy Gilbert & Mr. Richard Wines

Mr. James R. Golden & Mr. Phillip Saperia

Dr. & Mrs. Michael B. Gordon

Mr. Jim Goss & Mr. Joe Murray

Mr. John Gwynne & Mr. Mikel Folcarelli

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hanahan

Ms. Margarete R. Harvey, ASLA

Gordon & Mary Hayward

Ms. Tiffany Heater & Mr. John Kafarski

Mrs. Kathryn M. Herman

Mr. Daniel J. Hinkley & Mr. Robert Jones

Ian & Madeline Hooper

Ms. Linda B. Horn

Calvin & Cynthia Hosmer

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Israel

Ms. Sally Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kaminski

Belinda & Stephen Kaye

Ms. Debra Kaye & Mr. Steven G. Horowitz

Joyce & Ken Ketay

Julia Kloth

Ms. Barbara Kohn

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Landman

Mr. Robert J. Levine

Ms. Allyson Levy & Mr. Scott Serrano

Mrs. Lee Link

Ms. Cynthia Lion

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lione

Mr. Ernest B. Lipscomb III

Mr. Gerard Lupacchino & Mr. Lynn Beaulieu

Ms. Gail T. Lyman

Mr. Peter Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Peter MacKinnon

Mr. Matthew Malin & Mr. Andrew Goetz

Ms. Linda Marcucci

Mr. & Mrs. F. Stephen Masri

Ms. Janet Mavec & Mr. E. Wayne Nordberg

Pepe & John Maynard

Brian & Nancy McCarthy

Ms. Peg McGetrick

Mr. & Mrs. Keith McLoughlin

Ms. Keeyla Meadows

Mrs. Kathleen M. Metz

Rebecca & Tim More

Mr. Silas R. Mountsier & Mr. Graeme J. Hardie

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Murray

Ms. Pegg Nadler

Leslie & John Needham

Mr. & Mrs. Evgeny & Cynthia Nikitin

Mr. William F. Noble

Ms. Janet Olshansky

Ms. Maxine Paetro

Ms. Frances Palmer

Mr. Donald Pell

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perrin

Ms. Ellen Petersen

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pfau

Mrs. Alice Platt

Mr. Michael Poulin & Mr. Robert DeFrank

Ms. Marcia Previti & Mr. Peter Gumpel

Philip & Betsy Prioleau

Dr. Bert Pruitt, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Pryse

Mr. William J. Radler

Mr. Chip Rae

Mr. Andrew Raftery & Mr. Ned Lochaya

Mrs. Indira Rajan

Ms. Rita Ramirez & Mr. Tom Bodett

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rash, Jr. Ms. Isha Ray Ms. Gail Read

Mr. Renny Reynolds

Susan & Walter Richter

Ms. Katie Ridder & Mr. Peter Pennoyer

Ms. Nancy Ridenour

Barbara Paul Robinson & Charles Raskob Robinson

Roxana Robinson

Barbara & Richard Romeo

Mr. David Rose

Mrs. Jean Sander

Kathy & Stan Scherer

Mr. Dennis Schrader & Mr. William Smith

Richard & Pamela Scurry

Ms. Alisa Rose Seidlitz

Bud & Sue Selig

Dale & Dorothy Sievert Mr. Stephen Sills

Mr. Larry J. Simpson Ms. Nan Sinton

Mr. Loren Skeist & Mrs. Marlene Marko

Dr. & Mrs. Alan Solomon Ms. Sharee L. Solow

Mr. Christopher Spitzmiller & Mr. Anthony Bellomo Mary Squyres

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stein

Dr. & Mrs. James Stoll Cindy Shumante

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Tankard III

Mr. & Mrs. Rowan Taylor

Mrs. Maurice H. Thompson Dr. Louisa Thoron

Mrs. John A. van Beuren

Fred & Susan Van Sickle

Frank & Lois Van Zanten

Ms. Shobha Vanchiswar & Mr. Murali Mani

Mr. Scott K. VanderHamm

Ms. Edwina von Gal Mrs. Ilene Vultaggio Dr. Craig Wakefield

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Warden

Mr. Richard Weir III Ms. Bunny Williams

Mr. Dean Yoder & Mr. Jonathan Grimm


TJ Anderson

James and Ellen Best Ms. Carol Bevilacqua

Ms. Eleanor Briggs

Melissa and John Ceriale Marcia and George Chapman

Mr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr.

Ms. Angela Deller

Ms. Judy Gardner

Ms. Susan Howard

Dr. Horatio Joyce

Ms. Katherine H. Kerin

Julia Kloth

Mr. Andrew Koehn

Mr. Warren Leach

Ms. Allyson Levy and Mr. Scott Serrano

Ms. Keeyla Meadows

Leslie and John Needham

Mr. Robb Nestor and Mr. William Reynolds

Mr. William F. Noble

Ms. Helen O’Donnell

Mr. Donald Pell

Mr. Fred Perry

Kelly Perry

Ms. Pam Pooley

Mrs. Indira Rajan

Emily Rauch

Ms. Gail Read

Susan and Walter Richter

Ms. Katie Ridder and Mr. Peter Pennoyer

Ms. Cindy Shumate

Ms. Nan Sinton

Mr. Dan Snow

Ms. Shaun Spencer-Hester

Jabari Taylor

Mr. John Tschirch

Ms. Shobha Vanchiswar and Mr. Murali Mani

Mr. Larry Wente

Ms. Jane B. White

Shirley and Peter Williams

Ms. Mary Worrell

The Selig Garden borders Lake Michigan in Bayside, WI, where Open Days visitors were treated to a six-acres featuring a formal cutting garden, a rose garden, and a zen seating area bordering a dramatic ravine.

2021 Virtual Programs

During the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, we launched virtual programs featuring leading voices in horticulture and design, which explored the cultural connections between people and gardens as a way to stay connected to our members and community. In 2021, we expanded our virtual programs and presented a variety of experts from the garden world, a series devoted to exploring the cultural importance of gardens, and a four-part series that featured distinguished authors and guests.


Life in the Studio: Inspiration and Lessons on Creativity with Frances Palmer

Gardens as Agents of Change with James Brayton Hall

Culture Bridge

Black Landscapes Matter: Gardens as Community Connectors with Walter Hood

Culture Bridge Gardens as Community Connectors: A Significant Public Landscape in Oakland with Lori Fogarty, Joy Bailey-Bryant, and James Brayton Hall

Vaux-le-Vicomte: France’s Best-Kept Secret with Alexandre de Vogüé Under Western Skies with Jennifer Jewell StudioXero with Ximena Nazal

A Year at Clove Brook Farm with Christopher Spitzmiller The Nature of Oaks with Doug Tallamy

A Painter’s Journey Into the Garden with Christian Brechneff


Envisioning Landscapes: The Transformative Environments of OJB with James Burnett Flower Flash with Lewis Miller

Sleepy Cat Farm: A Gardener’s Journey with Fred Landman and Curtice Taylor

Beyond Wild: Gardens and Landscapes with Raymond Jungles

*Programs listed in order of presentation date

Garden Conservancy educational programs are made possible in part by the generous support of the Coleman and Susan Burke Distinguished Lecture Fund, Lenhardt Education Fund, and the Celia Hegyi Matching Grant, with additional support from Ritchie Battle, Mrs. Camille Butrus, Melissa and John Ceriale, and Susan and William McKinley.

The Culture Bridge: Gardens as Community Connectors series was sponsored in part by John S. Troy, FASLA (John S. Troy, Landscape Architect, Inc.)

The Fall 2021 Literary Series was presented in partnership with Phaidon Press and

Monacelli Press Culture Bridge Gardens as Agents of Change Vaux-le-Vicomte Inside back cover: The garden of Barbara & Tom Israel in Katonah, NY, welcomed Open Days visitors to their historic property that includes formal box-hedged perennial borders, a retreat garden, an orchard within a meadow, a rose garden, and many specimen trees that create the perfect showcase for Barbara’s antique garden statuary. Back Cover: The Society of Fellows garden-study tour program resumed in August 2021 with a memorable tour of Mount Desert Island and Great Cranberry Island, ME.

The mission of the Garden Conservancy is to preserve, share, and celebrate America’s gardens and diverse gardening traditions for the education and inspiration of the public.


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