Gallup Sun ● June 21, 2024

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Gallup Sun VOL 10 | ISSUE 482

June 21, 2024

BORDERLINE DROUGHT CONDITIONS ALLOW FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS CITY DECIDES TO CELEBRATE HOLIDAY WITH DRONE SHOW By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor Each year as summer draws nearer, the Ga l lup Cit y Cou ncil a nd t he c it y ’s f i r e department take a look at drought conditions and determine whether or not the citizens of Gallup will get to light off fireworks for the Fourth of July. As of June 13, the nor thea ster n cor ner of McK i n ley Cou nt y is in the D0 (abnorm a l ly d r y) z one of the Drought Monitor, which is published by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of NebraskaL i ncol n, t he Un ited States Depa r tment of A g r icu lt u re, a nd the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad m in istration. The rest of the county is in the D1 (moderate drought) zone. Gallup Fire Chief Jon Pairett went in front of the city council on May 28 to explain that the drought conditions weren’t extreme enough to allow the city to put a fireworks ban in place. “ R i g h t n o w, w e are not in a severe or extreme drought so we cannot move forward with issuing a proclamation for restricting fireworks, which is a little scary because last year, even though we were not in a drought on the Fourth of July, we responded to 14 fires in four and a half hours.” T he New Mex ico F ireworks Licensing a nd Sa fet y Act only allows cities and counties a small window of time to declare a

fireworks ban for the Fourth of July holiday. With July 4 less than a month away, that window has closed. Pairett said that last year the fire department was mostly dealing with br ush f ires, but one building did receive some m i nor st r uctural damage. Some of the paint on the cityowned building at 3030 Sanostee Dr., which is next to the old soccer fields, peeled off due the heat from a fire. Pairett estimated that it cost the city about $2,000 to repaint the building. T h e G a l lu p F i r e Department’s main concern around the summer holiday is people’s safety. A ll fireworks should be used on a paved surface on barren land. People who want to light fireworks should do it on their own property, with the ability to suppress a fire if needed. Although there isn’t a fireworks ban this year, some fireworks are still illegal in New Mexico. T he New Mex ico State Fire Ma rsha l Fireworks Ordinance states that three types of fireworks are not permissible: stick-type rockets having a tube less than five-eighths i nch outside d ia me ter and less than three and one-half inches in length; and fireworks intended for sale to the public that produce an audible effect, other tha n a whistle, by a charge of more than 130 milligrams of explosive composition per report. CITY CHOOSES A DIFFERENT OPTION

So while fireworks aren’t banned this year, the City of Gallup is still going with a different option to celebrate Independence Day. In November, the cit y’s Tou r i sm a nd Ma rket i ng Di rector Matt Robinson went in front of the cit y council and proposed a d i f ferent for m of entertainment. Robinson explained that the city didn’t get any bids from firework

As of June 13, the northeastern corner of McKinley County is in the D0 (abnormally dry) zone of the Drought Monitor, which is published by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The rest of the county is in the D1 (moderate drought) zone. Image Credit: Courtesy of Richard Tinker, National Drought Mitigation Center

The City of Gallup has been working with Pixis Drones to create a unique drone show for the Fourth of July celebration. The show will feature a “Thunderbird” design. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Pixis Drones

vendors for the 2024 Fourth of July celebration. In fact, they only received one bid from Pixis Drones. The company is rapidly becoming the top aerial drone provider in the country. They’ve put together shows for t he NF L , NBA , a nd ma ny nationa l companies. I n a n i nt er v iew with the Sun Robinson went into a little more detail about why the

city isn’t putting on a f ireworks show this year. “ We probably could’ve gotten fireworks a week later or a week before or something like that, but that doesn’t line up with the purpose of the event, so we went with the drones,” he said. He said the city had a budget a nd a pla n for a fireworks show this year, but without a vendor to help put it,

the city couldn’t do the show. Instead, Robinson wa nts to get people excited for the drone show. “I t h i n k [ people] can expect a celebration of America’s Most Patriotic Small Town,” he said. “We’re going to have some rea lly amazing visuals timed with some music. It’s just going to have some really patriotic visuals representing the patriotism of our community.” T he 10 - m i nu t e drone show cost the city $100,000, which is being paid through the Lodger’s Tax fund. Robinson defended the steep price tag at the November council meeting. “We r e a l ly t h i n k that’s going to take a huge impact,” he said. “That’s really going to

shoot for the stars and ma ke a rea l ly good show.” A lthough drone shows are definitely different from the fantastical spectacle of f ireworks, Robinson pointed out that they may actually have a more positive impact on the community. “I just wa nt to remind everyone how loud fireworks can be, and sometimes that’s hard for some of our service members who have been in conflicts, a nd t hen of cou r se there’s the pets and the dogs who get kind of alarmed by [fireworks as well],” he said. “I think the drone show aligns well with our ‘Most Patriotic Small Town.’ It’s going to be enjoyable for everybody, so I think it’s going to be a good deal.”

Chee Dodge Elementary goes under lockdown Staff Reports


hee Dodge Elementa r y went u nder lo ckdow n a fter a ma n a llegedly showed up to the school with multiple guns and th reatened to shoot his ex-wife, who is an

Donovan Nuckols

employee there. A round 2:15 pm on June 11, McKinley County Deputy Jarad Albert was dispatched to the elementary school at 64 U.S. Hwy. 491 when a woman called Metro Dispatch and said that a man, who was identified as Donovoan Nuckols, was on school property with a gun. When Albert arrived at the school he met with two women who were standing in the parking lot. One of the women said that Nuckols, 40, was her ex-husband. She explained that he’d come to the school wanting to talk to her. The former couple had been married for about 20 yea rs. The woma n said there was no former

incidences of domestic abuse, but she admitted that Nuckols had been acting strangely the last couple of weeks. They reportedly met in the school’s front office and began arguing. The woman said that Nuckols believed she had cheated on him. The victim said Nuckols had accused her of cheating on him multiple times in the past couple of weeks. The former couple had been living in separate residences for a few days. The woman said that e a rl ier t h a t mor n i n g Nuckols had texted her multiple times, starting at 5 am and ending at 11 am. One of the last texts he allegedly sent to her said “Later goodbye b****, I hate

you.” Dur ing their a rgument in the front office Nuckhols allegedly told his ex-wife “I just wanted to come see your face, tell you that you make me sick.” He continued by saying “I f*****g hate you, go look at your car.” Nuckols then allegedly walked out of the school bu i ld i ng a nd hea ded toward his own vehicle which was parked in the school’s bus lane. The woman said she followed Nickols outside. When she got outside Nuckols was standing next to his SUV with the front passenger side door wide open. He then reportedly


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A2 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun



Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024

Kids Eat FREE! All summer long.

New Mexico kids aged 1 to 18 eat FREE this summer. The New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department is sponsoring the Summer Food Service Program at over 500 locations statewide.

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A4 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun




Weekly Police Activity Reports Staff Reports BREAKING IN AGAIN Gallup, June 5 A Ga llup ma n wa s arrested after he reportedly broke into a house multiple times. On June 5, around 1:15 pm, Gallup Police Officer Cindy Romancito was dispatched to a house located at 501 W. William Ave after a man reportedly broke into it. W hen Roma ncito arrived at the house she met with the realtor who was in charge of showing the house to potential buyers. He explained that a man, who was later identi f ied a s Lonnie Jaramillo was in one of the rooms of the house and he wouldn’t leave. The relator said that Jaramillo, 47, had broken in through the house’s back door. T he rea ltor sa id Jaramillo had broken

into this house before, a nd when of f icer s arrived that time he had been agreeable and left. But this time he was reportedly refusing to leave. He allegedly kept claiming that he was the owner of the house. According to Romancito’s report, the realtor said he’d arrived around 1 pm to show the house to potential buyers when he noticed that the screen door wa s locked a nd t he back door was open. He entered the house, and eventually found Jaramillo in one of the bedrooms. When the realtor told Ja ra millo he needed to leave, he reportedly said “It’s mine, I own this house.” Romancito was able to speak to the woman who owned the house over the phone. She said Jaramillo had broken into her home multiple times.

After speaking to the realtor a nd the property owner, Romancito entered the house and went into one of the bedrooms, where she found Jaramillo trying to hide under a mattress. She asked Jaramillo if he had paperwork identifying himself as the owner of the house, and he told her he needed to find it. Romancito explained that if he could produce the paperwork and prove he owned the house, there wouldn’t be any problems. In response, Jaramillo told her to look up the paper on the municipal

website for proper t y leases. Romancito called for back up on the matter, and Sgt. Gilbert Gonzales. As officers led Ja r a m i l lo out of t he hou se, he repor ted ly became uncooperative, and he was handcuffed. While Romancito was conducting a pat down to check for any weapons, she did find a clear plastic bag of what she identified as meth in Jaramillo’s pants pocket. Jaramillo was arrested for breaking and entering and possession of a controlled substance. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 26. T WO CAUG H T SMOKING FENTANYL, METH Gallup, June 5

On Ju ne 5, Ga llup Pol ice Depa r t ment Narcotics Agent Timothy Hughte was on patrol when he noticed a man and a woman sitting outside of the Denny’s at 836 U.S. Hwy. 491. According to Hughte’s report, they had their sweaters over their heads and seemed to be t r y i ng to h ide t hem selve s f rom t he public. But Hughte could allegedly see that the man, who was later identified as Kyle Largo, had a straw in his mouth and he was holding some aluminum foil. The woman was eventually identified as Jaylynn Miller, 19. Hug hte a nd A gent Lionel Desiderio approached the two people. At this point both of them had taken the sweaters off their heads. Hu g ht e not ice d t h a t Miller had a metal straw and some aluminum foil in her hands, but she initially tried to hide the

items by putting them in her sweatpants.

Hughte approached Miller and asked her to hand him the aluminum foil she had in between her legs that he reportedly could still see in her lap. Miller handed him the foil, and when she did she exhaled out of her mouth and a small cloud of white smoke came out. The foil Miller handed over contained a small blue pill, which Hughte identified as fentanyl.


Weekly DWI Report Staff Reports Featured DWI Stanley Spencer June 11, 6:26 am A g g r av at e d DW I (Third) Ga llup Police conducted a welfare check on a vehicle parked in the middle of the road and eventually arrested a Mentmore man, Stanley Spencer, 55, for his third DWI. Officer Elijah Bowman was dispatched to the U-Save Truck Stop at 3405 W. Hwy. 66 and found the vehicle, a white Honda Civic, that had stopped and begun to roll backwards when he arrived. Bowman pulled behind the suspect vehicle and saw the driver, Spencer, exit and walk towards the front of the vehicle. He approached and met Spencer, noting an overheating smell coming from inside the vehicle. Spencer reportedly told Bowman that some girls took off with his keys and changed his story when he was questioned. The report also stated Spencer showed signs of intoxication including bloodshot eyes, smelling of alcohol, and he eventually admitted he consumed a can of Bud Light several hours prior to being stopped. Spencer agreed to take the Standard Field Sobriety Tests, but he performed poorly and was placed under arrest. Spencer agreed to give a breath sample and was transported to Gallup Police Department for the test. He posted two samples of .25. He was then taken to McKinley County Adult Detention Center and booked for aggravated DWI (third), no license, and open container. His pretrial hearing is set for July 11. Name: Marcus Chee Vandever Age: 38 Arrested: June 16 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Arraignment on July 9 Name: Jonathan Jared Dakia Age: 38 Arrested: June 15 Charge: DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on July 11 Name: Dewayne Lemotte Age: 68 Arrested: June 15 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Pretrial hearing on July 11


Name: Darr Gee Age: 38 Arrested: June 14 Charge: DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on July 9

Name: Wesston Michael Legrand Age: 38 Arrested: June 13 Charge: DWI Status: Arraignment on July 11

Name: Arturo Lozano Age: 37 Arrested: June 8 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on July 9

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Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024



New Mexico fires burn over 23,000 acres, leaves two people dead Staff Reports


U I DO S O, N.M . — Residents in Ruidoso and parts of surrounding Lincoln County were ordered to evacuate June 17 due to rapidly developing wildfires that had consumed thousands of acres in the area. Between the South Fork Fire and the Salt Fire, the New Mexico Forestr y Depa r tment has estimated that about 23,000 acres of land has been burned as of June 19. T wo p e ople wer e reportedly found dead on June 18 in separate locations. Patrick Pearson, one of the v ictims, loved mu sic. I n a Ju ne 19

interview with KOB 4, his area in response to the d e c l a r a t io n u n lo ck s children remembered him devastating fires. In a additional funding and for his incredible talent. press conference on June resources to ma nage “He was one of the best 19 she said the two fires this crisis. The fires’ singers in New Mexico,” were some of the worst cause rema ins under they said. “Anybody he’s see in New Mexico history investigation. played with, they would The magnitude of the “The horrific South tell you the same thing.” fires is beyond local con- Fork Fire and Salt Fire New Mex ico State trol and requires imme- have ravaged our lands Police said the other vic- diate state intervention and property, and forced tim was found in a vehicle to protect public health, thousands to flee their that had been incinerated safety and welfare. The homes,” Lujan Grisham in the South Fork Fire. governor’s emergency said. “We are deploying Officials said they were unable to immediately identify the person due to their condition being skeletal remains. Gov. Michelle Lujan Gr i sh a m decla red a state of emergency in L i ncol n Cou nt y a nd the Mescalero Apache Reser vation and deployed a dd it ion a l The South Fork and Salt Fires both started on June 17. Photo Credit: National Guard to the Courtesy of Dexter Fire and Rescue

The South Fork and Salt fires burnt over 23,000 acres. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dexter Fire & Rescue every available resource to control these wildfires, and to provide support to the Village of Ruidoso, the Mescalero Reservation and surrounding areas. I extend my deepest appreciation to the courageous firefighters battling these blazes, as well as everyone who has pitched in

to help a community in crisis. I urge everyone to heed official orders at all times to stay safe.” To k e e p u p to date on this developing situation, visit h t t p s : / / n m f i r e i n fo . com/2024/06/19/southfork-fire-salt-fire-update-6-19/








PM Thunderstorms Winds S 15-25

Partly Cloudy Winds NNE 5-10

Partly Cloudy Winds E 5-10

Partly Cloudy Winds WSW 5-10

Mostly Sunny Winds W 5-10

Mostly Sunny Winds WSW 10-15

Mostly Sunny Winds WSW 10-15

High 86o Low 56o

High 84o Low 55o

High 85o Low 56o

High 88o Low 57o

High 91o Low 59o

High 90o Low 59o

High 91o Low 58o

Department of Health issues air quality tips during statewide wildfires Staff Reports


ANTA FE – The New Mexico Department of Health is urging New Mexicans to consider air quality safety and wildfire preparation in response to wildfires in the state – particularly in the Lincoln and Otero Cou nt y a rea s where the Village of Ruidoso and the lands of the Mescalero Apache Tribe. “Breathing in smoke can aggravate conditions such as asthma and other chronic lung diseases, as well as cardiovascular disease,” Heidi Krapfl, Acting Director, Center for Health Protection for NMHealth, said. “Poor air quality can also create unsafe driving conditions in areas directly impacted by the fires.” On June 18 the Village of Ru idoso repor ted that evacuation orders remain in effect for: Chatto Bluff, Apache Summit, Fantasy Lane, homes along Highway 70 from Highway 244 to the east Reservation line, Bear Canyon, and Snow Canyon. With distance from wildfires, comes the ability for people to better protect themselves and their health as it is affected by smoke. Justbecause someone can’t smell the smoke, or it doesn’t smell too bad, that doesn’t mean the air quality is safe. Here are a few quick tips: • Know the conditions

nearest you by seeking out detailed information about specific fires as reported online at https:// • Where smoke is a factor, staying indoors is one of the best things you can do. Check the air quality in your area by visiting https://fire. • W hen you don’t have an air monitor in your area, use the 5-3-1 Vi sibi l it y Met hod to estimate the air quality and the actions you should take based on you r hea lt h ci rcu mstances and age. Facing away from the sun, look for landmarks such as mountains, mesas, hills, buildings, water tanks, windmills, etc. that are about five miles, three miles a nd one mile away. Use those mile ranges to help you estimate visibility. • Pay attention to local air quality alerts to plan your day and travel. Air quality reports are available through local news media and social media. • Keep your indoor air clean by closing windows and doors. • Avoid using swamp coolers when possible. During smoky conditions, they pull air from outside directly into your home. • For more information on fire, smoke and health, visit NMHealth’s Environmental Health Tracking page.

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A6 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Causing a scene at a motel MAN BREAKS WINDOWS, YELLS AT PEOPLE

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann Managing Editor Molly Ann Howell Executive Director Mandy Marks Design Iryna Borysova Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Dee Velasco Photography Kimberley Helfenbein Merrisha Livingston Jenny Pond The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391

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Staff Reports


man has been charged with assault, breaking and entering, and criminal damage to property after he caused a distribution at a local motel. On June 10, around 8:30 pm, Gallup Police Officer Charlie Watkins was dispatched to the Motel 6 at 3306 W. Hwy. 66 after a man reportedly broke some of the motel’s windows. When he arrived at the scene he met with a group of people who were standing near the front entrance of the motel. They told Watkins that the man, who was later identified as Joshua Desiderio, had headed west toward the Navajo Travel Plaza. GPD Officer Gilbert Gonzales found the man in front of the Nava jo Travel Plaza. When Watkins arrived at the scene Desiderio, 32, was allegedly wa lking dow n Highway 66 with no shirt on. According to Watkin’s report, Desiderio’s arm was heavily bleeding. Officers placed Desiderio in handcuffs and once an ambulance arrived at the scene medical personnel checked him over. He was then placed into the back of a patrol car. After he put Desiderio in the back of his patrol car, Watkins

CHEE DODGE | FROM COVER took what the v ictim believed to be a black gun out of the SUV. When she saw the gun the victim reportedly asked Nuckols “What are you doing? You’re at school!” Another woman had come outside with the victim, and she told Albert that the gun Nuckols had looked like an AK- 47. Nuckols’ ex-wife said the gun was an AR-15 style gun. Both women said they weren’t in fear for their lives, and that they didn’t think Nuckols would shoot them. After Nuckols pulled out the gun his ex-wife walked to her own vehicle, which was parked on the other side of the parking lot. At that point Nuckols got back into his SUV and drove through the parking lot, heading toward her and her vehicle. The woman said Nuckols almost hit her with his SUV. While the victim was walking to her car the other Chee Dodge Elementary employee who’d come outside with her ran into the building and told other employees of the school what was going on. The school went on lockdown. In his report, Albert said that the lockdown led to problems for parents

took time to speak to the individuals who were standing outside of the motel. One witness told Watkins that she’d been staying at the motel, and she stepped outside when she heard a man and a woman yelling. When she stepped outside she saw Desiderio walking around the motel parking lot yelling. He allegedly proceeded to walk up to a vehicle and punch one of its windows. He then allegedly walked over to the corner of the motel where a fire extinguisher was kept. He broke the glass surrounding the fire extinguisher and began chasing the woman he’d been yelling at. A motel employee was finally able to step in and yelled at Desiderio to stop. Once Watkins finished talking to the witness, another woman approached him and said she was the woman Desiderio had chased. She said she was also staying at the motel, and she’d stepped out of her room because she heard a man yelling. She also reportedly heard a window shatter. When the victim stepped out of her motel room, Desiderio allegedly began chasing her. The victim said she tried to run away from Desiderio, but then the motel employee stepped in to try and stop the situation. The motel employee told

who were trying to pick their children up from school. Ba ck out side, t he woma n wa s a llegedly standing near her vehicle when Nuckols began yelling at her from the driver’s seat of his SUV. He told her, “Call the f*****g cops, I don’t care. I’m going to f*****g kill myself.” While Nuckols was allegedly yelling at the woman he pulled out a silver revolver and placed it against the side of his own head. The victim told Nuckols she was going to call the police and then Nuckhols put his SUV in gear and quickly left the school parking lot. He then sped off, heading southbound on U.S. Highway 491. In his report Albert stated that Nuckols hit the victim’s car with his SUV at some point before he met her in the school’s office. There was visible damage to the driver’s side rear corner panel. The victim estimated that it would cost about $7,000 to fix the damage. Nuckols was reportedly driving a silver Lincoln Navigator with no license plates. Albert gave Metro Dispatch a description of the SUV, and other deputies began looking for the vehicle. Less than 10 minutes

Joshua Desiderio

cost $40. Wa t k i n s a l s o s poke t o Desiderio’s mother, who said her son had called her because he needed help getting into one of the motel rooms. She said she arrived at the motel and found her son in a room with other people. She allegedly took him out to the parking lot and told him he needed to leave with her. Desiderio reportedly became angry, and the two began to argue. That’s when Desiderio reportedly walked over to a car in the parking lot and punched its window. After listening to all the witnesses, Watkins drove Desiderio to the Gallup Indian Medical Center due to his injuries. Deisderio was charged with two counts of assault, breaking and entering, and criminal damage to property. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 26.

Watkins that Desiderio actually turned to chase her after she stepped outside and told him to stop. But she was able to go back into the office and shut the door. Desiderio reportedly hit the office windows and eventually broke them. After he broke the motel office windows, Desiderio left the parking lot and headed west. The motel employee est im a t e d t h a t it STAY UPDATED would cost about $600 to fix the FIND US office windows, ON FACEBOOK and that replac ing the fire exting u i sher wou ld

later, Deputy Terrence Willie found the vehicle near South State Highway 602 and West Aztec Avenue. Nuckols would reportedly not slow down for the deputy, and Willie had to turn on his emergency lights and sirens and began to chase Nuckhol’s vehicle. The car chase lasted about seven minutes and ended at the intersection of First Street and Wilson Avenue, which is on the opposite side of Gallup from Chee Dodge Elementary. During the car chase Nuckols reportedly drove on the wrong side of the road and almost crashed i nto a not her veh icle. Nuckols allegedly reached about 60 miles per hour in the downtown Gallup area, where people were walking around. During an interview the victim told Albert that she believed Nuckols could be using drugs, such as marijuana and/or meth. In an interview with the Sun, McKinley County Sheriff James Maiorano III said that after deputies reviewed the school’s surveillance footage and they searched Nuckols’ SUV, it was determined that the gun he pointed at the victim and the other school employee was a paintball gun. But he did have two real guns in his SUV, and he used one of them when he

told the victim he was going to kill himself. Maiorano praised his deputies for their quick response to the situation. “I thought our deputies did an outstanding job of coordinating and communicating with each other to get that [car] pursuit ended as quickly and as safely as possible,” he said. “The suspect was taken into custody without the use of force or any other type of tactic, so we consider that without incident.” He also praised Chee Dodge Elementary staff for how they handled the incident. “I thought the school staff did an amazing job of recognizing the threat and using their iloveyouguys Foundation protocol to call for a lockdown and make sure that the rest of the staff and students were safe and secure inside the school while they waited for law enforcement to arrive and deal with the threat that was outside the school,” Maiorano said. The school’s lockdown only lasted for about 10 minutes. It was lifted once

WEEKLY POLICE REPORT|FROM A4 Desiderio asked Largo, 24, to stand up. When he did so, Hughte saw that there was a plastic container with blue pills inside it in the left pocket of his sweatpants. The officers also found a glass pipe and straws in Largo’s pocket. Hughte asked Miller to stand up and then he handcuffed her. He

law enforcement arrived at the scene. Maiorano said school pick-up wasn’t really affected, since the lockdown occurred before students were scheduled to be let out. Nuckols was charged with unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on school prem i s e s, a g g r av a t ed assault against a household member, aggravated fleeing a law enforcement officer, criminal damage to property of a household member, and interference with members of staff or the general public (refusal to leave). His preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 26. New Mexico law states that bringing a firearm onto school property is only a misdemeanor, not a felony. Mariano voiced his frustration with the law. “I think New Mexico legislature is lacking when it comes to this particular law. Making a bomb threat on that type of establishment is a felony, but making a threat to shoot at a school or other public building is only a misdemeanor,” he said. allegedly found multiple straws and pieces of aluminum foil in her pockets, along with a glass-like substance which he identified as methamphetamine. Largo is facing one charge of possession of a controlled substance, while Miller is facing two charges since she also had methamphetamine on her. Both of their preliminary hearings are scheduled for June 26.


Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024


June 17, 2024 Posting Date

By Emi Burdge

© 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers 1. Wales. 2. The Netherlands. 3. Samuel L. Jackson. 4. Eggplant. 5. F. Scott Fitzgerald. 6. 454 grams. 7. “Star Wars” movies. 8. “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” 9. Galvanization. 10. E.


1. GEOGRAPHY: Which country's native name is Cymru? 2. HISTORY: Which country is the first to recognize same-sex marriage? 3. MOVIES: Who voices the character of Frozone in the animated movie "The Incredibles"? 4. FOOD & DRINK: What is the primary ingredient in baba ganoush? 5. LITERATURE: The movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is based on a short story written by which American author? 6. MEASUREMENTS: How many grams are in a pound? 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What cultural phenomenon is celebrated on May 4? 8. TELEVISION: Rhoda Morgenstern is a sidekick in which 1970s TV sitcom? 9. SCIENCE: What is the process called when iron is coated with zinc? 10. U.S. STATES: What is the only vowel that is NOT the first letter of a state?

A8 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun



Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024 B1


Lights, camera, action!



ummer has only just begun, but some local students chose to start their vacation by taking more classes. The Octavia Fellin Public Library partnered with a filmmaker named Travis Holt Hamilton to give preteens and teens ages 12-18 a chance to learn about the filmmaking process and make their own films in a four-day workshop that took place June 12-15. The program was made possible by a Resilience in Communities After Stress and Trauma grant. The grant is given to communities in an effort to assist highrisk youth and families and promote resilience and equity in communities. Hamilton has been putting these workshops together for communities across Arizona and New Mexico for several years now, but this was his first one in Gallup. He said one of his favorite parts about doing the workshops is that they’re not necessarily catered to just people who want to be filmmakers.

started on the third day, and the fourth was spent editing before they premiered their films at a film festival event hosted by OFPL. The two films the preteens and teens worked on were entitled Enchanting Businesses and El Morro Knows. Enchanting Businesses is a documentary that featured three local businesses — Red Shell Jewelry, Sammy C’s Rock N’ Sports Pub & Grille, and Quintana Music. The students asked the business owners questions about their business, such as how they got started and how COVID-19 affected their business. Twelve-year-old Sophia Jeffress was a part of the Enchanting Businesses group. She said she signed up for the workshop because she’s always been interested in theater and movies, and she wanted to learn more about the filmmaking process. El Morro Knows is a horror/comedy about a group of friends who go to the local movie theater and experience some creepy things, including an

Haniibah Johnson, 13, and Iinanibah Johnson, 17, pose on the red carpet before the premier viewing of their film “El Morro Knows” June 15. The film is a horror/comedy about a group of friends who go to the local movie theater and experience some spooky things. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Ariana Willie, Phoebe Thomas and Sophia Jeffress pose on the red carpet before the premier viewing of the films created during the Young Filmmakers workshop June 15. The three girls worked on a documentary called “Enchating Businesses” in which they featured three local businesses. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

The crew of “El Morro Knows” films outside the El Morro Theater with the assistance of Travis Holt Hamilton during the Young Filmmakers workshop June 14. Hamilton partnered with the Octavia Fellin Public Library to teach students the filmmaking process. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein “The focus now is ‘Let’s give everyone who attends these workshops an understanding and a toolset so they know how a film or video is made,’” Hamilton said. He explained that this more general approach allows anyone, from teachers to people working in the medical field, the tools and skillset to make their own videos. In Gallup’s four-day workshop, the preteens and teens learned basic film-making skills before being split into two teams. The teams then wrote their own scripts before diving into the pre-production of their films. Filming

employee who keeps telling them “El Morro knows.” As the friends exit the theater, they notice a flier on the ground with a photo of the theater employee. The flier announces that the employee passed away. Joshua Joe, one of the co-writers and actors involved in El Morro Knows, said the group combined some of their ideas together to come up with the concept for the film. Another co writer/actor for the horror/comedy was Annabel Deslippe. She said she’s always wanted to act in a movie, and so she took up a chance to do so when the workshop was

announced. She said her favorite part was all the planning that went into creating the film. On the final day of the workshop, members of the community were invited the premiere of the movies. OFPL even rolled out a red carpet for the special event. HAMILTON’S HISTORY AS A FILMMAKER Growing up in southern Idaho in the late ‘70s and ‘80s, Hamilton admits he himself didn’t know much about filmmaking as a kid. “Growing up as a child in the ‘70s

and ‘80s, I loved movies, but I never realized it was something you could go into until college when my roommate had a Filmmaking 101 book,” he said. “I thought that was kind of interesting and weird at the same time…” He made his first movie in 2007. It was called Turquoise Rose, and focused on a Navajo College student who must choose between a vacation in Rome or moving to the reservation to care for her ailing grandmother. Although Hamilton himself is not Native American, he said he found himself really connecting with Native Americans after he moved onto a Hopi reservation in 1996 as a part of a mission trip with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He lived on the reservation for two years, and he soon realized his perception of Native American culture was completely wrong. “I realized a lot of my perceptions growing up in Idaho in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s were taught by Hollywood,” Hamilton said. “The few Native movies I had seen kind of showed me an idea of what Native country was like. Then when I lived on the rez I actually realized that there were a lot of stereotypes in the films that were out at the time and films of the past. I realized that the people who lived on the reservation who were chopping wood with me and who I was working with were not too different from myself.” Hamilton has made six films featuring Native American stories, and he said he is trying to capture the human experience in each one. “My films are focused on the human story, trying to capture the human heart. I’ll find an idea or find a story based on a true story that just captures that human spirit. A lot of those stories have been wrapped up in Native culture with Native locations and characters.” Hamilton said he hopes to do another filmmaking workshop in Gallup in the near future. The next one may even be open to adults. In the meantime, OFPL has bought some of the film equipment Hamilton recommended, including some editing software. The software and equipment are now located in the library’s MakerSpace, and now anyone who visits the library can use the equipment to make their own film.

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Travis Holt Hamilton assists two members of the “Enchanting Businesses” crew in editing their film during the Young Filmmakers workshop June 14. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

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B2 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun



Gallup ‘shines’ against cancer

GALLUP MCKINLEY COUNTY RELAY FOR LIFE GROUP CELEBRATES 25 YEARS AS AN ORGINZIATION Luminaries are lit toward the end of the June 14 Relay for Life event. People line up paper bags on the courthouse steps and then light them at dusk. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond

The Survivor’s Walk kicks off the Relay for Life event on June 14. The Gallup community raised over $70,000 at this year’s event. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond

Greg Kirk was one of seven men who participated in the “Mr. Relay” competition. Gallup’s Cancer Clinic Manager Emery Namingha won the competition. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond

After the Survivor’s Walk around Courthouse Square, the beginning of Team Relays took place in celebration of the 25th Annual Relay for Life event on June 14. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond

‘Camp Snoopy’ is a warm, nostalgic experience By Glenn Kay For the Sun Rating: ««« out of «««« Ru n n ing Time: 22 minutes per episode


his Apple Original s e r i e s i s n ow available to stream on Apple TV+. For some strange reason, over the last year or so this reviewer has been watching a significantly greater number of children’s shows. Among recent productions, Bluey is the current gold standard for animated fare (I could write pages about the best episodes of that program). Some other effor ts a re per fectly entertaining for kids, but this reviewer finds many to be surprisingly overactive. A few seem to have been created based on algorithms designed to exclusively capture the gaze of youngsters rather than provide meaningful entertainment. Of course, there are still some familiar staples being produced. Peanuts has been around for some 70 plus years now. It may be comparatively low-key in relation to its modern counterparts, but it’s an always reliable source of family entertainment. Camp Snoopy is another enjoyable example that will captivate kids and keep the attention of adults as well. T h i s 13 - epi sode

series involves Charlie Brown (Etienne Kellici) and the Peanuts gang being sent to summer ca mp. W hen Snoopy learns that he isn’t joining his owner and that his “Beagle Scout” troop (made up of Woodstock and a group of nearly identical-looking birds) will lose their status and be disbanded if they don’t earn, well, at least a few merit badges, he finds a simple and direct but funny way of getting himself and his avian friends to the campsite. The group attempt to earn rewards that end up being more difficult than anticipated and also cross paths with the human campers who are dealing with their own quirky problems over the course of the program. The stor y telling is simple, with the episodes split into a few main plots (at least one involving Snoopy’s outfit) along with a brief, humorous sketch or two separating the segments. Many aspects of this show harken back to the original T.V. specials. The stories are very straightforward with a few sight gags and observations thrown in, all backed to a jazzy score. After so many years, it’s still a nice approach. The creators deal with everyday problems (like not actually accomplishing much while attending, or making a new fr iend a nd wor r y ing

“Camp Snoopy” is a 13-episode AppleTV+ series that features the “Peanuts” gang. Charlie Brown (Etienne Kellici) and the “Peanuts” gang go to summer camp. When Snoopy learns that he isn’t joining his owner and that his “Beagle Scout” troop will lose their status and be disbanded if they don’t earn a few merit badges, he finds a simple and direct but funny way of getting himself and his avian friends to the campsite. Photo Credit: AppleTV+ about the possibility of meeting each other again after camp ends) in a light and gentle manner. Despite not looking overly lavish, there are some nice scenic shots as the characters go hiking in the hills or canoeing on the lake. As an adult, it’s actually relaxing to watch, yet the youngster I viewed it with was attentive and never became tired or disinterested during an episode. There is definitely repetition present in the presentation and the humor and not every series of jokes or situations is hilarious to witness. But even as a parent, a few of the

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jokes do earn a chuckle. Charlie still earns himself plenty of lumps (which he goes over and processes in the final episode, trying to look for some sort of meaning out of the experience), but in this show Snoopy goes through almost as much of a hard time. The birds do want to take the easy way out to win their badges most of the time, leading to exasperation

and frustration on the part of the canine. It’s a lso enter ta i n i ng to see them change from a group that prefers a “glamping” experience in the woods to a team desperate to complete their tasks. At the end of the day, Camp Snoopy isn’t revelatory, but it is a warm and, for older viewers, a nostalgic experience teaching some simple

and basic life lessons in a cute manner. It can still entertain younger viewers, but won’t wind them up as some more hyperactive shows can do. If your kids are looking for a little summer fun but don’t want to, or aren’t able to leave the house, this show provides a reasonable alternative. V I S I T: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM


Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024 B3

Senior cat’s arthritis is impacting his quality of life

effortless in the past? Climbing — Does your cat walk or run confidently on the EAR PAW’S CORNER: stairs, or hesitate on each step? My cat “Sticky” is 14 Playing — Does your cat years old and still in keep up with the laser pointer, great shape. He loves chasing or start to lag behind? after a laser beam and rolling Other noticeable behaviors, around with his toys. However, like excessive meowing, hiding I’ve noticed that when he comes away or even occasionally missover to leap up on my lap, he ing the litter box also signal that hesitates and just puts his paws your cat is uncomfortable or in on my leg and meows. I have to pain. encourage him to leap, and he It’s important to consult doesn’t seem happy about it. Could spotting changes in the way he with Sticky’s veterinarian at this something be wrong with him? — interacts. Arthritis (typically point. Together, you can evaluate Janine in Gulfport, Mississippi osteoarthritis, sometimes abbre- his pain level and function, and DEAR JANINE: At age 14, viated as OA) is progressive, and discuss options for improving his DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a Sticky is definitely a senior cat, sometimes not noticeable right comfort. There are treatments dog and a cat, and my last vet visit and it sounds like he’s beginning away. There are four key things to for cats with OA that will greatly overfor: $300. It’s incredibly diffito develop a common senior catcost watch improve his quality of life and get cult to pay for—vet care oncat toprun of the problem: arthritis. Just like us, cats Running Does your him back to his old self. housing, grocery Send your tips, comments or can suffer from stiff, achy joints asridiculous with a fast,cost fluid of motion, or in stops prices and my own health care costs. they get older. and starts? questions to You’re doing a great job ofHow can Jumping Does cat © 2024 King Features Synd., I keep—pet careyour affordable? obser v i ng h is behav ior a nd— hesitate take jumps that were Inc. John into Newton, Massachusetts By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate


Keeping your pet healthy on a tight budget

DEAR JOHN: Pet care can be quite pricey, and I know you want the best for your dog and cat. I just laid out a few hundred dollars for my senior cat’s checkup and tests, so I feel your pain. The Humane Society of the United States has some good information about cost-saving options, discounted Meet Jenny and Liberty! They’re veterinary services and ways to stretch both currently at the McKinley County out payments: www.humanesociety. Humane Society. Jenny is about 2 org/resources/are-you-having-trouble years old and Liberty is about 4 years -affording-your-pet. old. Jenny is a very expressive dog.One interesting avenue is veterinary colleges. Today, almost every state When she gets excited she shakes her has at least one school of veterinary whole body. The humane society staff medicine, and many operate low-cost say she’s not good on a leash, but she clinics. is very trainable and smart. She would make a great hiking dog. Check the town hall or municipal She is good with other dogs and website for upcoming shot clinics. cats. She does have a lot of energy These are held in many communities though, and will need room to run. at least once a year at an easy to access Liberty came into the shelter aslocation a (like a pet store) and offer stray. She does have mange, but the humane society is required vaccinations at a very affordcurrently treating it and she is responding to the treatable cost. Some clinics also offer ment and is almost healed up! microchip and pet wellness She is super great with kids and loves otherservices dogs. exams for a few dollars more. She is a funny girl too, and once she gets her walk in her Finally, if you have the means and personality really shines; otherwise she’s a sleepy girl. just want to get your budget under conShe would be a great house dog. The McKinley County Humane Society is currently vaccine. The special trol, take a look at pet insurance. Therelasts until the end of June. having a special on all adult dogs.are Anyone interested Anyoneproviding interested in Jenny or Liberty can visit them a number of companies in adopting an adult dog would onlythis pay $99. This price the McKinley County Humane Society at 1273 Balok service, with atseveral coverage includes the adoption fee plus spay or neuter, St. reimbursing in Gallup. Theythe are open Tuesday-Friday from 9 am options — microincluding chip, cone, any pain medication and cost any age appropriate to 6 pm, and on Saturdays from 8 am to 5 pm. of annual exams and vaccinations, as well as care for unplanned injuries and illnesses. Coverage varies, and it’s important to read thewould fine print andaway else. Judges Lionel Richie Idol take her compare plans closely, but it can reala nd Luke Br ya n a re from New York and her ly help keep unexpected reportedly staying put for children.costs from derailing your checking account. now, but the guesses are *** already Send rolling in regardQ: Do you know if your tips, comments or questions ing Perry’s replacement. there is going to be a Now that “NCIS: Hawai‘i” to Q:has been canceled, are

Pet of the Week



Q: Now that Katy One superstar who season two of Tulsa © 2024 KingisFeatures Inc. P e r r y i s l e a v i n g won’t be taking the job KingSynd., on Paramount+? American Idol as a Kelly Clarkson. Known — J.S. judge, who will take as the winner of the comA: Tulsa King, starher place? — N.N. petition’s first season, ring Sylvester Stallone A: Singer Katy Perry Clarkson lives in New as a mafia capo newly r e c e nt ly a n nou nc e d York and now hosts her released from prison, that she was leav ing own daytime talk show. w a s a hu ge h it for American Idol as a judge In an inter v iew with Paramount+; therefore, it Gail Schulman & Amanda Beane after seven seasons to and Cote Entertainment Tonight, was quickly renewed for a Michael Weatherly de Pablo to star in “Tony & Ziva” focus on her ABC own music she said she had to quit second season. While the has denied it. According to TVLine, theyas eventualcareer. She says that the a judge on The Voice setting of the show isn’t ly found their “The Golden Bachelorstar inheart 61-year-old Joanbecause Vassos, a show openedette” her the show films changing, production of school administrator who had to leave “Golden Bachelor” season early to Angeles. Clarkson and has given the her an eduin Los the show has moved from be by her daughter’s side for a medical crisis.couldn’t She’ll make her debut this fall cation that she wants to spend more Tulsa to Atlanta, which when “The Golden Bachelorette” prewith episodes being expanded have found mieres, anywhere timeto with her kids, and probably isn’t surprising 90 minutes long.

there going to be any other “NCIS” shows in the works? — K.S. Yes! “NCIS” has been a very successful franchise for CBS ever since it premiered on the network back in 2003. Starring Mark Harmon, the series has spawned four spin-offs (“Los Angeles,” “New Orleans,” “Hawai‘i” and “Sydney”) with two more planned. “NCIS: Origins” will focus on Harmon’s character at the beginning of his career in the 1990s, with Austin Stowell (“Three Women”) stepping into his shoes. The series will air on CBS on Monday nights beginning this fall, and Harmon is listed as the narrator. The other new spin-off, “NCIS: Tony & Ziva,” will air on the streamer Paramount+ and will star fan-favorites Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo, who reprise their “NCIS” roles. You may remember that de Pablo’s Ziva was presumed dead when the actress left “NCIS,” but later, it was learned that she was alive and went on to live happily ever after with Tony and their baby in France. The new series picks up with the family on the run in Europe. “I expect intrigue, romance, the background of Europe, impossible situations that will make our life complicated, but somehow a little something about love,” explained de Pablo on a recent announcement via Zoom. Paramount+ has ordered 10 episodes, with shooting to begin shortly in Budapest. *** Is it true that Susan Lucci is going to be the “Golden Bachelorette”? Will the show air soon? — J.K. ABC decided to give audiences what they’ve been requesting for decades — a “Bachelor” for Boomers. Gerry Turner, a 72-year-old retired restaurateur and widower, became “The Golden Bachelor,” marrying, and alas divorcing, Theresa Nist, a financial securities specialist from Manhattan. Despite the disappointing conclusion to that romance, the season itself was a hit with many questioning who would be the first Golden Bachelorette. There was a recent report that “All My Children” star Susan Lucci was asked to be the chooser, but a spokesperson from




*** Is the PBS series “Antiques Roadshow” still making new episodes? I see reruns all the time where they give updates on what an item would be appraised at in 2024, but they’re still reruns. — V.O. Yes, “Antiques Roadshow” is currently filming its upcoming 29th season with a five-city tour. The new season will premiere sometime in 2025, with episodes filmed from their stops this summer in Las Vegas; Baltimore; Bentonville, Arkansas; Urbandale, Iowa; and Littleton, Colorado. For more information about the show and future tours, visit roadshow. Send me your questions at, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.



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Singer and television personality Katy Perry. File Photo after Stallone tweeted two hot summers ago that being in Oklahoma has definitely prepared him for a lifetime in hell if he ever got sent there. According to Dea, joining the ca st in the upcoming season are Rich Ting (War rior) as Jackie Ming, a quiet but ruthless man with his own ambitions in Tulsa. The charismatic

I Do

Dylan Matthew Silversmith married Raysha R. Plummer on June 11 Calob Ortell Chambers married Amanda Claire Coleman on June 12

Send wedding announcements and birth and death notices to

Neal McDonough (Suits) will play Cal Thresher, a powerful and extremely territorial businessman. The show was created by Taylor Sheridan, the mastermind behind t he sm a sh h it s er ie s Ye l l o w st o n e a nd it s spinoffs. There’s talk that Tulsa could also spawn a spin-off someday if it continues its upward trajectory of success. Paramount’s Tanya Giles said, “The huge success we’ve had with Tulsa King and Sylvester Stallone opens up possibilities with Taylor Sheridan. … His mind works in terms of universes and backstories, so I think there’s always a possibility that there’s more to that universe and more to that story.” With production on season two currently in progress, expect to see the new episodes premiering on Paramount+ as early as the fall or as

late as the beginning of 2025. In the meantime, non-subscribers will be able to watch the first season on CBS later this summer. *** Q: Have they released the Emmy nominations yet? Isn’t the ceremony usually in September? — G.S. A: The Primetime Emmy Awards will air live on ABC on Sept. 15, this year. The lucky and talented nominees will be announced on July 17. A host hasn’t been a nnounced yet, but Anthony Anderson (Black-ish) was behind the mic last time. Be sure to visit for the latest news. Send me your question s at Ne w Ce l e b r ityE x tr a@, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

© 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

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B4 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun


4K Ultra HD/Bluray/DVD Roundup for June 21, 2024 • On July 1, 1984, in a freak wagon accident American reported killed On 1692, Bridget Bishop t h e •Mo t io n June P ic t u r e 10, in Texas. When the Civil in the Korean War when Association of America, War began, Allison had he looked up to his became the first person executedcheck for which oversees the vol- joined the Confederate aim and was cut down by witchcraft during thereceived notorious Salem untary rating system for Army but later enemy machine gun fire. movies, introduced its aafter rare medical • On July eight 6, 1933, witch trials, a discharge trial lasting new rating of PG-13, indi- for a condition doctors Major League Baseball’s days. She had already been accused cating material that “may described as “partly epi- f i r st A l l- St a r Ga me, and declared innocent a decade be inappropriate for chil- leptic and partly manidreamed up byprior a deterdren under 13 years old” acal,” which may have mined spor ts ed itor, to the hysteria. and “may contain very been the result of an early debuted at Chicago’s strong language, nudity 11, head injury. Com iskey PaKing rk. T he • On June 1509, England’s (non explicit), strong, • On July 4 , event was designed to Henry VIII married the first of his mildly bloody violence or 1965, more than two support the sport and ill-fated of Aragon. mild drug content.” wives, dozen Catherine LGBTQ a ct iv- improve its reputation • On July 2, 1992, ists demonstrated in during the days When she failed to produce ableakest male t heoret ica l physicist front of Philadelphia’s of the Great Depression. heir,Hawking he divorced herHallagainst Stephen broke Independence in • On the July 7,will 2005, Bof r i t i s the h p u b Roman l i s h i n g one ofCatholic America’s earliest Church, suicide bombs were dettrigrecords when his book A gay rights protests. While onated in three crowded gering the country’s Protestant ReforBrief History of Time held the “Reminder” demon- London subways and one mation. Catherine last its place on the nonfiction stration drewspent little main- her bus during the years peak of the bestseller list for three and stream media coverage at city’s hour. Thought in isolation continued torush consider and a half years, selling the time, it is now seen as to be the work of al-Qaherself England’s queen until more than 3 million cop- an importantrightful predecessor ida, the explosions killed ies in 22 languages. to the broader gay libera- 56 people, including the her death. • On July 3, 1887, tion movement. bombers, and injured • On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen Clay Allison, an eccentric • On July 5 , another 700 in the largest forced his way of gunfighter and rancher 19 5 0 , neinto a r S e j o nPulse, g , attack on one Great Britain who displayed odd ten- biggest South Korea, 19-yearsince World War II.and Orlando’s nightclubs, dencies even in his youth, old P r ivate Ken net h © 2024 King Features opened fire assault rifle was believed to have died with Shadrickan became the first Synd., Inc. on the

By Glenn Kay For the Sun


elcome to a nother look at highlights arriving on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD. Last week was remarkably busy so this edition is slower, but there is one big title and some interesting independent fare to choose from. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week or need to stay indoors for a few days, be sure to give one of these titles a try! B I G N E W RELEASES!

predominantly gay crowd. Forty-nine people died and dozens more were injured in what was then the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. • On June 13, 1805, having hurried ahead of the main body of his expedition to the Pacific with fellow explorer William Clark, Meriwether Lewis and four other men arrived at the Great Falls of the Missouri River, confirmARIESthat (March 21 to Aprilparty 19) Avoid was underlying problem. Act now avoid ing the headed intothe having someone else take credit for a a recurrence by changing some basic ARIES (March 21 to April 19) right project thatdirection. you started by finishing rules in your relationship. it yourself. it will be you lovely O Rthe P I O : dedication (O c t o b e r 2 3 t o • OnThen June 14, 1922,S Cat You’re better on Lambs who will doing be wearing those November 21)a Yourflexibility rising energy levels of a memorial sitemake for Francis Scott well-deserved laurels. it easier for you to achieve issue, but20 you still need to loosen upsome a Key, of TAURUScomposer (April to May 20) The “The importantStar-Spangled objectives. This could lead facts a new opportunity are stillG. to a Harding big boost in how you’re perceived, Banner,” Warren became bitabouttoWait show that less emerging. until they’re all outyou in bothcan at homebe and on the job.judgthe American president to have the open, first then use your keen business SAGITTARIUS: (November 22 to mental and more understanding about sense make thetransmitted right decision. December A changing picture histo help voice by21)radio while GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You begins to emerge as you learn more addressing a crowd. It was not until certain sensitive matters. might feel confused or even hurt by about an offer that seemed so right but later, however, that athree friend whoyears suddenly puts distance could be so wrong. Lookatopresa trusted TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your between you. If they won’t discuss it, adviser for guidance. ident (Calvin Coolidge) would deliver don’t push it. An explanation should CAPRICORN: (December 22 to apersonal radio-specific aspect address. continues to dominate come in time. January 19) Spiritual aspects are CANCER: 21 to July 22) Your 1300, strong. Take time to reflectDante on the path • On(JuneJune 15, poet this week, make willingness to be part ofbut a teamtry opens to that you’re on time and whereto youdeal hope it Alighieri was elected one of six Pridoors that had been shut to you. Keep will lead you. It’s also a good time to with important mators of Italy, them open(magistrates) by honoring your promises, career-linked reach Florence, out to loved ones. even whennative your commitment seems to AQpolitical UA R I U S: (Ja nuactiviary 20 to his city. His as well. A change of plans beters wavering. February 18) You could bemight assuming ties, which included banishment L EO: (Ju ly 23 to Aug ust 22) far toothe many responsibilities, whether occur byYou’re the weekend. Congratulations! really getting it’s at work or into personal Be of several of his rivals, led hismatters. exile things done to purrfection. And don’t careful that you’re not weighed down from Florence(May and separation from 20) his June forgetGEMINI to take a catnap now and again by 21 them. to forlevels 15upyears, during which time tofamily keep those energy and brisPISCES: (February 19 to March Excuses are not really needed for tling for action. 20) You’re getting closer to your goals. he wrote his most famous work, “The VIRGO (August 23 to September And since nothing succeeds like sucDivine Comedy.” 22) Your plain-talking honestyconfusion is admi- cess (or the promise thereof), don’t be much of the occurring this rable, sometimes sharp16, words 2012, can surprised to find newlaunched supporters swim•but On June China leave painful scars. Be careful that ming alongside you. from all week. However, explanations the Shenzhou-9 space capsule on a what you say doesn’t come back to BORN THIS W EEK:You enjoy mission that included the country’s hurt you. doing new things and staying ahead of parties could help in working things LIBRA: (September 23 to October the crowd. You would make a fine milfirst female astronaut, military pilot 22) A stress-filled period takes asatisfaction. itary leader or a sports coach. out to everyone’s Liu Yang. crew a week at Inc. the positive turn as youThe deal with the spent © 2024 King Features Synd., Tiangong space lab to CANCER (June 21test to systems July 22)and A conduct experiments.

DEATH ON THE BORDER: Based on a true story, this tale follows an ex-cop and her partner who become frustrated by a human trafficking operation on the Mexican/American border. Unable to stop it during their employment, they decide to fake their own deaths and take up arms against the villainous organization. A priest decides to assist them with their plan of retribution. This picture received a very limited release before appearing on d i sc a nd st rea m i ng sites. There haven’t been many reviews for it and the ones that have appeared online have been lukewarm at best. These notices suggest that while the issue is important, the feature awk wa rd ly ju mble s stilted dialogue, action and a religious message that fails to engage the viewer. For now, this is a DVD-only release. The cast includes Shannon Elizabeth, Eric Roberts, Da n ny Trejo, F ra nk W ha l ley a nd K ika Magalhães. L A ROY, TEX AS: This independent crime/ comedy follows a hardware store owner in a small Texas town. When he discovers that his wife has been cheating on him, he purchases a pistol and decides to head to a motel to kill himself. Before he can carry out the deed, a stranger enters his car. The individual mistakes the lead for a hitman and hands over money to murder a local. Things get complicated when he clumsily tries to carry out the plan, drawing the attention of police and the assassin. This picture was a festival hit and earned nothing but praise from the press. Ever yone thought the cast and writing were top notch and had a great time

witnessing the characters get into trouble. Many even commented that it reminded them of the early work of the Coen Brothers (Blood Simple, Fargo). It fe a t u r e s Joh n Magaro, Steve Zahn, Dyla n Ba ker a nd Galadriel Stineman. MARS EXPRESS: Those who appreciate a nimated fare made for an older audience might want to investigate this French effort. Set in the year 2200, the plot involves a private detective and his android partner who are hired to locate a notorious hacker. The trail leads them to Mars, where they uncover a conspiracy involving brain farms that could change the future of the universe. T h i s foreig n -l a n g u a ge ef for t wa s extremely well-received and didn’t get a single negative rev iew. A ll write-ups stated that it was an excellent science-fiction murder/mystery that featured strong visuals, interesting plot twists and a deeper meaning about artificial intelligence that left a poignant mark on the viewer. The voice ca st includes Léa Drucker, Mattieu Amalric, Daniel Njo Lobé and Marie Bouvet. This Blu-ray includes the original French audio track with English subtitles and an English language dub.

LIBRA (September 23 to October A M E R I C A N 22) You might do well to reconsider FICTION: An AfricanAmerican author and some of your current priorities before professor becomes frustrated that his acclaimed you get so deeply involved in one works aren’t selling. After being told that project that you neglect meeting the his recent manuscript isn’t “black enough” and deadline on another. seeing other writers achieve great success usingSCORPIO stereotypes, the (October 23 to Novemlead decides to play a prank. berHe creates 21) a fake With an important decision persona and creates a work that contains all looming, you need to be careful about of these elements he despises. The protagothe information you’re getting. Halfnist is shocked to see the book become aare criticalessentially useless. Get the truths darling and hit with the masses must figure fullandstory before you act. out what to do next. This picture earned plenty of raves and was SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to nominated for several Academy Awards, ulti- 21) Find out what everyDecember mately winning Best Adapted Screenplay. one’s roleA is expected to be before tiny number of critics complained that thea workplace proposal. Getaccepting script’s complaints were N O W H E R E simplistic and didn’tthe find SPECIAL:prevent In Northern ting all facts now could it humorous. Everyone Ireland, a dad raising else thought the problems movie on his serious later on.aownfour-year-old was a sharp and biting discovers that he satire with well-written has a terminal disease. CAPRICORN (December 22left, heto characters, great perWith little time formances and plenty becomes determined to 19) A flexible position on ofJanuary laughs and drama. find a nice family who a They thought it would will give his boy the workplace befuturethe best offer the viewer plenty to matter could best possible. The think about afterwards. father doesn’t want his course tof rey follow during the next severIt s t a r s Jef son to be aware of why Wright, Tracee Ellis this is happening, hopal Issa days. A personal issue ing also benefits Ross, Rae, Sterling to enjoy their time K. Brown, John Ortiz and Erika Alexander. See BLU-RAY, Page B5 from an open-minded approach. AQUARIUS (January 20 to Februsurprising (but pleasant) recent turn of ary 18) Involving too many people in BATTERED SERVICES, © 2024FAMILIES King Features Synd., Inc. INC. events continues to developPersons positive your workplace problem can backfire. Presents Missing Murdered aspects. But be prepared for a bit of a Remember: Allegiances can shift. (MMP) Workshops jolt onWHAT another issue that needs2 atten- Ask trusted colleagues for advice, but WORKSHOP tion. DATE June 25, 2024 (Tuesday) don’t ask them to take sides. TIME 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. LEO (July 23 to August 22) CreatLunch will be provided PISCES (February 19 to March 20) UNM-Gallup campus, ing aLOCATION fuss might bring you the attenRoom TBD Before submitting your suggestions, WE INVITE ALL LOCAL ANDwant. TRIBAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, tion that you But are you preCOMMUNITY RESOURCES/PARTNERS, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. pared for all the explaining you’d have take more time to sharpen the points clearer the to do? Better to use more subtle ways that you want to make. TheAdvertise presentation, the more of ina the chance Sun! it to make your bid. Call for Great has to get approved when submitted. Rates & Ad VIRGO (August 23 to September BORN THIS WEEK:Specials Yourtoday. clear 22) With education continuing to be (505) sense of who you are gives you the a strong factor this week, this could (505) 722-8994 722-9311 Tuesday- Friday 11 to 7 for tackling difSaturday 11need to 5 be the time to start learning some new confidence you skills that can later be applied to a bid ficult situations. for a potential career move. We have the best Burgers & Wings in Gallup!

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Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024 B5


BLU-RAY | FROM PAGE B4 together, but the complicated process requires the two to visit and gently discuss whom they like best. Relea sed i n other parts of the world in 2021, this international production took a bit of time to find U.S. distribution. It won several awards in its homeland and received nothing but raves from reviewers. They all wrote that while the story had the potential to be corny, the screenplay and performances were brilliant and the film was a heartbreaking but beautifully realized drama. James Norton, Daniel Lamont, Carol Moore and Valene Kane headline the picture. PIAFFE: A foley artist is a film technician who creates background noises for films during post-production. This tale involves one such individual working on a telev ision commercial. The woman tries tirelessly to get the perfect sound of a horse to accompany the visuals, but becomes so obsessed that she suffers a nervous breakdown. When her introverted sister arrives to help out, she not only suffers the same issues but discovers a horse tail growing out of her. This foreign-language f a nt a s y/d r a m a f r om Germany received generally upbeat notices. A handful were baffled by the picture, stating that they couldn’t get on its wavelength and found the exercise pretentious. However, the majority wrote that the movie was a visually striking meditation on gender

roles that took plenty of chances but kept them engaged throughout. It stars Simone Bucio, Sebastian Rudolph and Simon Jaikiriuma Paetau. THE PRESENT: In this family science-fiction feature, a family receives a rickety wooden grandfather clock as an heirloom. One of the young boys in the household happens to be a genius and discovers that it can be used to manipulate time. When he and his siblings learn that their parents are separating, they decide to use the clock to prevent their mother and father from leaving each other. This family-friendly i ndependent ef for t earned more positive reviews than negative ones. About one-quarter complained that while well-produced, the picture was overly silly and sentimental. They wondered how the filmmakers managed to land the well-known stars. Still, most thought that the picture was likable,

good-natured fluff that had enough zip to entertain both parents and kids. The cast includes Isla Fisher, Greg Kinnear, Ryan Guzman and Shay Rudolph. RELAX, I’M FROM THE FUTURE: Speaking of time travel, this independent comedy from Canada suggests that it can be far more difficult to change history. A figure claiming he is from the future appears and meets a local. He tells her that something very important needs to happen soon to correct a big problem in the future, but has a hard time communicating exactly what should occur. The woman feels sorry for him and offers to help, yet the questions only pile up during the mission. Members of the press enjoyed this picture. A ver y small contingent called the movie excessively quirky and d id n’t appreciate its oddball sense of humor. Regardless, most thought the lead was phenomenal and had a hilarious time watching him dispel popular ideas about time travel while trying, and often failing, to successfully accomplish his goals. For the time being, t h i s i s a DV D - o n ly release. It features Rhys Darby, Gabrielle Graham, Ju l ia n Richa rd s a nd Janine Theriault. BLASTS FROM THE PAST!

If you’re looking for something older, you have plenty of options. American Gigolo (1980) is being made available from A rrow Video in 4K Ultra HD (as well as a 4K Ultra HD :”Arrow Exclusive” on their website), or Blu-ray. This pic t u r e f r o m no t e d w r it er/d i rec t or Pau l Schrader (Blue Collar, L ig ht Sleeper, “F ir st Reformed”) was a big hit during its original run and detailed the life of an image-obsessed male prostitute. When he is framed for a murder that he didn’t commit, he discovers that both his clients and friends in the business aren’t interested in helping him. It’s a very effective and stylish picture that is a very accurate reflection of the early 1980s. Richard Gere stars in the movie with Lauren Hutton. Besides the dazzling 4K picture restoration, you’ll get a film critic commentary track, a new inter view with Schrader and discussions with co-stars Hector Elizondo and Bill Duke. There’s also an interview with the editor, as well as the camera operator. Featurettes include an analysis of the Giorgio Moroder score, a look at the fashion landscape of the film and the era and a ton of publicity materials. Additionally, there is a foldout poster and reversible sleeve with new and original art for the movie, six postcard-size ar t card reproductions and an illustrated collector’s booklet with writing on the movie. A few months back the distributor released the

Battles Without Honor and Humanity box set containing five Japanese

Yakuza mov ies made between 1973 and 1974. A “Standard Edition” is now arriving with all the films and most of the extras in a smaller package. Criterion is giving the wonderful thriller Bound (1996) a 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray upgrade (a Blu-ray only version is also available). The picture stars Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon as two women who fall for each other and try to escape the clutches of a mobster (played by Joe Pantoliano). It’s a clever and tense picture featuring great performances that marked the directorial debut of the Wachowskis (The Matrix series). In addition to the improved picture quality, it comes with a commentary track featuring the directors, cast members and crew. There is also a new video essay on the picture, six interview programs with cast and crew, more featurettes on the title designer and critics on the importance of the film, and trailers.

The distributor is also putting out a Blu-ray of Victims of Sin (1951). This Mexican effort combines crime film with melodrama and musical to tell the story of a nightclub dancer who comes to the aid of an orphaned boy and tries to protect him from a mobster. The film has been given a new 4K restoration and this release includes an interview with a movie archivist on the feature, a talk with the cinematographer and an archival documentary on the picture. K ino is deliver ing the German effort Anna Boleyn (1920) on Blu-ray. This historical feature depicts the woman’s illfated relationship with King Henry XIII, which ended violently. It comes with a feature-length documentary on the director, Ernst Lubitsch. Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema Vol. XIX is a Blu-ray box set containing Dark City (1950), No Man of Her Own (1950) and Beware, My Lovely (1952). The release contains transfers of the movies from 4K masters, film historian commentaries and trailers.

Metro-Goldw ynMayer is presenting the over-the-top Bo Derek period romance Bolero

(1984) on Blu-ray. You can also pick up the James Woods/Sean Young rom a nce T he B o o s t (1988) on the same format. It’s about a businessman who must contend with a drug addiction problem in order to be with the woman he loves.

Paramount is going all-out with the Roman Polanski master piece Chinatown (1974) delivering the classic on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray. It is arriving as part of the Paramount Presents line. For those who haven’t seen this period drama/ mystery, Jack Nicholson plays a Los Angeles private investigator who gets in over his head discovering a conspiracy while trying to expose an adulterer. Simply put, it is one of the best movies ever made. Besides the new 4K picture restoration from the original negative, you’ll get the Nicholson directed sequel The Two Jakes (1990), an interview with a film historian on the picture and its legacy, a discussion with a producer who was an assistant director on the movie, and a discussion on a planned second sequel that was never made. There is also an audio commentary with screenwriter Robert Towne, a ton of featurettes on the production, publicity materials, fold out packaging with the original poster art and plenty more. For those interested in imports, the British label Powerhouse is delivering “Standard Edition” Blu-rays of Obsession (1949), Phantom of the Monastery (1934), The S h o p at S ly Cor n e r (1947) and Tomorrow We Live (1942) for the North American market. They all come with upgraded picture quality and a bevy of bonuses.

about adapting the story for the film, archival and behind-the-scenes footage of cast and crew, deleted scenes and publicity materials. And if you’re a completist, you ca n also pick- u p t he r em a ke Robocop (2014), which is arriving as a 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray combo. For this writer, the latest edition was even more problematic than the first sequel, but the film surely has its fans. Besides a remaster of the film from a digital intermediate, it arrives with a three-part documentary on the making-of the feature, deleted scenes, an Omnicor p product announcement and trailers.

Finally, Sony is presenting a series of catalog titles on Blu-ray. You can pick up the Chris

Farley comedy Beverly Hills Ninja (1997), the F rench / Ita lia n cr ime picture, The Burglars (1971) a nd t he Be s t Actor Osca r-w i n n i ng Jane Fonda/Lee Marvin wester n, Cat B a l l ou (1965). On a more recent note, Shotgun Stories (2007) is also appearing on Blu-ray. You can pick up a 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray 40th anniversary edition of The Karate Kid (1984) in “VHS Collectible Packaging” that replicates the appearance of an old VHS tape. It arrives with all previously released extras, as well as a new commentary track with the creators of the series Cobra Kai and over 30 minutes of raw, unseen footage shot for several scenes that weren’t used in the final product. YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! It ’s a s low we ek for kid-friendly entertainment. The Present (Gravitas Ventures) Blu-ray Steven Universe The Complete Col lect ion (Cartoon Network) DVD ON THE TUBE! Here are all of the we ek ’s T V- t he me d releases. A.I. Revolution (PBS) DVD Ca l l t h e Mi dw ife Season 13 (BBC) DVD Death in Paradise Season 13 (BBC) DVD NCIS: Sydney Season 1 (CBS) DVD R o m a n c e Wit h a Twist (Hallmark) DVD St e v e n Univ e r se” The Complete Collection (Cartoon Network) DVD V I S I T : W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM


FIND US ON FACEBOOK T here’s a def i n ite theme in this week’s relea ses from Shout! Factory. The first is a 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray “Collector’s Edition” of Robocop 2 (1990). This lesser follow-up followed the 1987 action classic and continues the adventures of the title cyborg cop as he faces new criminal and corporate threats. The 4K image was taken from the original ca mera negative a nd the disc contains a film historian commentary track and a second commentary with an author a nd CG s up er v i s or. Additionally, there is a making-of featuring new and vintage interviews with cast and crew. A feature detailing the effects work is present, as well as a talk with the man who created the suit for the title character in the film. There’s a discussion

5RXWĠ 'LQHU Dine-In and Patio Sitting is now open! Or Call for Pick-up or Delivery! Mon - Sat 7 am - 7 pm 2502 E Hist. Hwy 66, Gallup NM Sunday - Closed (505) 726-2800 џ (505) 297-8936

B6 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Refreshing cucumber, lime, and mint aqua fresca - a perfect summer beverage to keep you cool and hydrated.

Stay cool with delicious agua fresca


his week summer officially arrived in all its sunny, sizzling glory. With temperatures climbing, often higher than usual, it’s crucial to stay hydrated. But let’s face it, not everyone — especially kids — jumps for joy at the idea of drinking plain water. I’d like to introduce you to agua fresca, the delightful, refreshing and incredibly affordable beverage that’s here to save the day! Agua fresca, which translates to “fresh water” or “cool water,” is a beloved drink in Mexico and beyond. It’s essentially water infused with fruit, sometimes herbs, and other natural flavorings. Unlike sodas and fruit punches, which can be expensive and are often loaded with sugars and artificial ingredients, agua fresca is a healthy, homemade alternative that’s as kind to your wallet as it is to your body. One of the best things about agua fresca is its versatility. You can mix and match fruits and herbs to create your own signature flavors. It’s a beautiful way to enjoy the bounty of seasonal produce and a fun project to experiment with different combinations. It’s also a great kitchen project to do with children, teaching them about healthy choices and involving them in the joy of creating something delicious at home. Why choose agua fresca? Hydration is key: In the sweltering heat, staying hydrated is more important than ever. Agua fresca provides a tasty way to keep up with your daily water intake. Health benefits: Most sugary drinks do more harm than good. They are not only less hydrating but also packed with ingredients that can be detrimental to health. Agua fresca, on the other hand, is as natural as you make it, with minimal added sugar. Cost-effective: Making agua fresca at home is incredibly inexpensive. With a few simple ingredients,

you can prepare a large batch that will last for days. Aqua Fresca Yield: 6 cups Total time: 1 hour, 5 minutes 2 cups of your favorite fruit (watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries or cucumber work great) 4 cups of cold water Juice of one lime or lemon 1-2 tablespoons of sugar or a natural sweetener (optional, to taste) In a blender or food processor, blend the fruit with one cup of water until smooth. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove any pulp or seeds. In a large pitcher, combine the fruit puree with the remaining water and citrus juice. Stir in the sugar or sweetener as desired. Let this chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. Enjoy over ice. Delicious Variations — Watermelon Mint: Add a handful of fresh mint leaves to the blender with the watermelon. — Cucumber Lime and Mint: Mix mint and lime juice with cucumber for a refreshing twist. — Strawberry Basil: Blend strawberries with a few basil leaves for a unique flavor. — Pineapple Coconut: Mix pineapple with a splash of coconut water for a tropical treat. Diva Tip: Agua Fresca Ice Pops Turn your agua fresca into a fun summer treat by pouring it into ice pop molds and freezing it. These ice pops are a fantastic way to beat the heat and make for a healthy snack that kids and adults alike will love. A Special Note: While you’re staying cool and hydrated, don’t forget to check on the elders in your family and neighborhood. Older adults can be more susceptible to dehydration, so ensure they’re ***

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Advertising Assistant The Gallup Sun is looking for a friendly and customer service oriented advertising assistant. The selected candidate will assist the Accounts Executive in this sales/marketing trainee position. The AA must own their vehicle and possess a valid driver’s license and registration/insurance. One years sales or customer service experience required. Email resume: *** Feature Writer Wanted The Gallup Sun seeks a feature writer to cover fun events around Gallup. Must be able to provide writing samples. Please send resume and writing samples to: gallupsunreporters@gmail. com

Freelance Photographer The Gallup Sun is seeking an experienced photographer. Please send resume and samples to: gallupsunreporters@ *** Delivery Driver Wanted The Gallup Sun seeks a driver to deliver papers on Fridays. Must own a vehicle with current registration and insurance. Valid DL with no restric-

Eric Norman Van Hartesveldt

In Loving Memory


ric Norman Van Hartesveldt, of Gallup, died June 5. He was 70. He was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan on July 26, 1953. Eric is survived by Elizabeth (Betsy) Windisch, his wife of 46 years; his son Peter Nathaniel Van Hartesveldt; his daughter, Kyna Wade; his sisters, Linda and Marcia Van Hartesveldt; his brother Fred Van Hartesveldt III; and four grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held at The McKinley Wildlife Federation Building in McGaffey on June 29 at 1 pm. Donations in Eric’s honor can be made to: Relay for Life, c/o 3708 Zia, Gallup, NM 87301 or to the NM Beekeepers Association, 8 Lacy Rd., Edgewood, NM, 87015.

drinking enough fluids and staying cool during these hot months. Surprise someone nearby with a pitcher of agua fresca. Stay hydrated, stay healthy and enjoy the refreshing benefits of homemade agua fresca this summer! Lifestyle expert Patti Diamond is the penny-pinching, party-planning, recipe developer and content creator of the website Divas On A Dime -- Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! Visit Patti at and join the conversation on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom. Email Patti at divapatti@ (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. tions is a must. Please call (505) 722-8994 to set up a time to fill out an application at the Sun’s office. CLASSIFIEDS GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 22 7:00-12:00 411 COYOTE CANYON (INDIAN HILLS) -WOMENS CLOTHES, SHOES & ACCESSORIES -PURSES -HOME & KITCHEN ITEMS & DÉCOR -MASSAGE TABLE

LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Board of Commissioners will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. This meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers, Third Floor of the McKinley County Courthouse, 207 West Hill, Gallup, New



Honor your loved one in the Gallup Sun for FREE. One headshot allowed! Download form: (obituaries page) or stop by office at 1983 State Rd. 602. Let us design a custom tribute at an affordable rate! All obituaries are posted in our print and web editions!

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Gallup Sun • Friday, June 21, 2024 B7

CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE B6 Mexico. A copy of the agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting in the Manager’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office. The agenda can be sent electronically upon request. Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request; please contact Shawna Garnenez at (505) 863-1400 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements. All interested parties are invited to attend. Done this 18th of June 2024 McKINLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Robert Baca, Chair-

person Publication date: June 21, 2024 - Gallup Sun Publishing *** Qualifications-based competitive sealed proposals for PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND DESIGN/ BUILD FOR MODULAR HOME MANUFACTURING AND JOB TRAINING FACILITY Will be received by Southwest Indian Foundation Project Office, 218 E. HWY 66, Gallup, New Mexico 87301 until Thursday, Monday, July 15th 5:00 p.m. local time. Proposals will be received in person at the Project Office Lobby. Copies of

the Request for Proposals can be obtained in person at the Southwest Indian Foundation Project Office, 218 E. HWY 66, Gallup NM 87301 until 10 am June 24th, 2024. Southwest Indian Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and Waive all formalities. Funding for the project is through Navajo Nation Community Development from Federal sources (CARES Act). This proposal is subject to the Federal Procurement Code CFR 200.318. For more information or for proposal packet pick-up call 505 863 9568.

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC INFORMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: Effective May 6, 2024, Ramon Schafer, D.O. and Jennifer Schafer N.P. will no longer be providing services at RMCHCS. Medical records will be securely maintained at RMCHCS and with written patient authorization a copy of your medical record can be obtained from the RMCHCS H.I.M. Department at 1901 Red Rock Drive, Gallup, NM 87301.

When needed, RMCHCS will be glad to provide assistance establishing care with a new provider.

Please call (505) 863-1820 for additional information.

Published: Gallup Sun Publishing June 14, 2024 June 21, 2024



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@ Red Rock Park (825 Outlaw Rd., Church Rock). America’s top junior high and high school rodeo athletes compete for big cash payouts and prizes. Public entry is free.


2 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Join OFPL and Chef Brian Tatsukawa of the NTU Culinary Department as they dive into a tongue-tingling Mapo Tofu recipe! Discover how to make this fun and easy recipe for your next adventure in the kitchen.


12 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). This summer, Zollinger Library will be hosting a weekly Chess Jam every Friday. All players are welcome. Even if you are just chess curious or wanting to learn how to play, come by and join the fun.




2 pm in-person at the Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.) or on Zoom. OFPL’s book club book for June is Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson. Email or call 505-863-1291 for more information.


7 pm - 10 pm @ Courthouse Square. Come join the fun in the heart of downtown Gallup at this free concert series brought to you by the Levitt Amp Foundation, Gallup Mainstreet Arts & Cultural District, Visit Gallup & the City of Gallup.


2 pm every Saturday @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec. Ave.) for weekly family oriented film screenings. This week’s movie is Puss in Boota: The Last Wish (2022). Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information


3 pm - 5 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Every Friday, come to the children’s library to unwind from a busy week! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

9 am - 5 pm @ 340 9th Street. The Gallup 9th Street Flea Market is one of the largest Native American markets in the United States.


@ Red Rock Park (825 Outlaw Rd., Church Rock). America’s top junior high and high school rodeo athletes compete for big cash payouts and prizes. Public entry is free.


@ Red Rock Park (825 Outlaw Rd., Church Rock). America’s top junior high and high school rodeo athletes compete for big cash payouts and prizes. Public entry is free.


12 pm - 4 pm @ Rio West Mall (1300 W. Maloney Ave.). Join OFPL at the Rio West Mall on for an all-ages dinosaur adventure escape room!


1 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). A junk journal is a handmade book made up of recycled items such as pages from magazines, brochures, patterned paper, music sheets, envelopes, packaging, and more. This workshop is for people 12 years old and older. Email ctatsukawa@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more




@ Red Rock Park (825 Outlaw Rd., Church Rock). This team roping event takes place immediately after the Best of the Best annual rodeo. This is a National Team Roping event. Admission is free for spectators. MONDAY, JUNE 24


@ Red Rock Park (825 Outlaw Rd., Church Rock). America’s top junior high and high school rodeo athletes compete for big cash payouts and prizes. Public entry is free.


11 am @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities,

songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories! Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.)Learn about how scientists use seismographs to record earthquakes and measure their strength, then build your own working model. Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. TUESDAY, JUNE 25


9 am @ 207 W. Hill Ave.


11 am - 1 pm @ Nizhoni Music & Wellness Studio. Free music class for kids 12 and under, plus a Juniper Bakery pop-up!


12 pm @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). A paramedic and a case manager from the First Responders Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Act will present available resources and Narcan training. Each individual will get a box of Narcan. A Q&A to follow. Email bmartin@, or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. Council logo.jpg


6 pm @ City Council Chambers, Gallup City Hall (110 W. Aztec Ave.). The meeting will also be streamed on the City of Gallup’s Facebook page at City of Gallup, New Mexico Government.


12 pm - 2 pm @ Rio West Mall (1300 W. Maloney Ave.). Kids Fest is designed for kids aged 5 to 12 years old. Each week, children will have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of free activities hosted by different youth organizations. From arts and crafts to projects and games, there’s something for every child to enjoy and explore.


4 pm - 5 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Hack Club is a nonprofit organization that provides community and support to teen coding groups across the country. Participants learn how to use code to create real-world projects. This

CALENDAR summer, the OFPL Hack Club will be learning to design simple video games with Javascript; participants who complete their own games will receive their own free “Sprig,” a handheld gaming console.


4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


6 pm - 8 pm @ Courthouse Square (215 W. Aztec Ave.).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 PAINT AND SIP 6 pm - 9 pm @ ART123 Gallery (123 W. Coal Ave.). Have a creative night out! Paint some clouds while sipping on a coconut fizz mocktail.


11 am @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories! Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm - 6 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). OFPL’s MakerSpace is a collaborative work space for making, learning, and exploring. Participants ages 5 and up can come in to create their own design for the 3D printers or explore the many engineering activities and equipment!


4 pm every Wednesday @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). This week’s film is Jurassic World: Dominion.


6 pm - 8 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Gallup Career Academy invites members of the Spring 2024 Cohort to OFPL’’s Makerspace This is your time to create and collaborate! Get help with your Google coursework, or use the MakerSpace equipment. The MakerSpace will be closed to the general public at this time.


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). In honor of World Turtle Day, make this fun and easy bowl turtle! For more information email: besitty@ or call (505) 863-1291.


6 pm - 8 pm @ Courthouse Square (215 W. Aztec Ave.).



10 am - 2 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Learn the fundamentals and techniques of rug weaving in traditional Diné style, including warping, carding and spinning. Please bring your own weaving materials and/or projects. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. SATURDAY, JUNE 29


2 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Denise Gard and her famous dogs, Joey and Kira will put on an action-packed performance, titled “An Egyptian Curse.” It will be full of stories and dog tricks for children, tweens/teens, and even senior citizens. For more information, call (505) 863-1291.


7 pm - 10 pm @ Courthouse Square. Come join the fun in the heart of downtown Gallup at this free concert series brought to you by the Levitt Amp Foundation, Gallup Mainstreet Arts & Cultural District, Visit Gallup & the City of Gallup. THURSDAY, JULY 4


@ Gallup Sports Complex. Come out for food, a gourd dance, and for the first time ever, a drone show.


6 pm - 8 pm @ Courthouse Square (215 W. Aztec Ave.).




@ Studio123 at ART123

Gallery (123. W. Coal Ave.). Classes are Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm every day. Space is limited, and registration is required.


@ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Browse hundreds of already-enjoyed books that have been handpicked by the library’s staff. Friends of OFPL will have an ongoing book sale at the main library with new materials added daily! Fill up a bag with books for $5 or buy one for $1. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


Calling all adventurers: registration for OFPL’s summer reading program is now open! The first 200 people to register will receive a free tote bag! Register in-person at the Children & Youth Library, Main Library or at For more information, call (505) 863-1291.


@ First Nations Community HealthSource-Gallup (1630 S. Second St.). First Nations Community HealthSource-Gallup offers Free Rapid HIV, Syphilis and Hep C Testing, Monday – Friday from 1 pm to 6:30 pm by appointment. Get your results within minutes. To schedule an appointment call (505) 863-8827.


OFPL staff who will create a bundle of material specially for you! Let them know what type of materials and genres you are interested in, and they’ll browse for you and create a custom bundle of material for you to pick-up curbside. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail. com or fax: (505) 2120391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

B8 Friday, June 21, 2024 • Gallup Sun


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