Gallup Sun ● April 26, 2024

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Man invovled in McDonald’s shooting receives prison sentence PUBLIC SAFETY, B2

Gallup Sun VOL V 10 | ISSUE 474

April 26, 2024


From Fr m lef ef t,t, Rehhob obot oth th Ch Christ rriist stiiaan so s phhoom mor ore Payt PPaayyttoonn Dav avis viiss, frfrres eesshm hman an Mol olly ly Arse Ar s na naul ult and and ei an e gh ghthh graade der Ellleen Zw Zwiers ieers rs play pl ay thheeiirr Fre r nc nchh hhoorn r s du duriring ng a clliini n ic att Tay aylo aylo l r Un Univ iver ersisity ity in Upland, Indiiana. a.. Over Ov err the he wee eekk-lo loongg tou our,r, the high scchool hooll ban ho and pl play ayed edd eight igght ht per e form rm man ance nce ces ces a chu at hurc hu rcche h s th thro roug ughho ug hout ut the he Mid i weest s. PPhhhot otoo Cr ot Cred Cred e it it: t: Ann n a Zw Zwie ieers iers rs

Senior Silass Bel el cooncen ell entr trat ates e onn his his sh shee eet of music soo he h knows w whe henn to com m e in during thee Apr prilil 8 cliniic at Tayloor Un Univer errsisity Upland, Inndi d ana. a The Rehobot othh Chr ot Christiaan High Schoo o l bandd per oo erform med in Missouuriri,, Wisconsisin, n, Illllinnois, Micchi h gaan, n and nd Indiaana during ngg theeir 202 0244 to 02 tour ur. Ph ur Phoot oto Credit: Annna Zwieers r

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Spreading the joy of music REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL BAND PERFORMS ACROSS THE MIDWEST By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor


ver y other year the Rehoboth Ch r i st i a n H ig h School band, led by director Kevin Zweiers, takes their show on the road and tours different parts of the country. This year’s tour spanned from April 5-13 with the high schoolers traveling throughout the Midwest. A s a f a it h - b a s e d organization, Rehoboth Christian is a part of a nationwide supporting database full of churches and other schools. Both the school’s choir and band go on bi-annual trips where they perform and get to interact with people from other communities. WHY THE TOURS MATTER Zwiers has been the Rehoboth band director for 23 years. He is with the students from sixth grade, when they first pick up an instrument all the way through their high school career. In an interview with the Sun, he explained why he believes the tours are important. “It’s just great for us for to get out and bring our students out.

I’m a firm believer that one of the best parts of Rehoboth is our students, and the ability to bring them to other places just to have other people meet them and understand they’re really cool [is just great],” he said. “We continue to get emails from people who hosted students or places where we played, and they all say that they were really blessed by our students being there.” This year the band star ted their journey by traveling to Mount Vernon, Missouri, which is a 15-hour drive from Rehoboth. From there, they went to Brookfield, Wisconsin, where they performed at the Brook f ield Ch r istia n Reformed Church. From there, it was to the Orland Park Christian Reform Church in Orland, Illinois. In total the band performed their complete show eight times for eight different churches, and they did three shortened 30-minute performances for three schools. They performed in Missouri, W i s c o n s i n , I l l i noi s , Michigan, and Indiana, and stopped in Pella, Iowa, which is home to multiple churches and

Christian schools. Zweiers said it was a lot of driving – over 70 hours in a coach bus – but all that time together helped him connect with his students. “As soon as you get students out of the regular classroom and on to a trip like this, you get to know them in a different way. So that’s really fun,” he said. “But it’s also then getting to know people in other parts of the country and getting to meet a lot of new people. Obviously if they’re coming to a Rehoboth concert, they have an interest in who Rehoboth is, or they’re supporters.” Senior Elysia Choudhr ie echoed Zweier s’s com ment s about making connections, both with her bandmates and new people. “You get to meet a lot of new people on tour, which is really really fun. You also get to bond with your friends a lot, you’re on a bus with them for a week, so you learn a lot about each other and it’s really fun,” she said. CHALLENGES AND REWARDS While she did have fun, Choudhrie also said there could be tiring

aspects of the tour as well. “You have to keep your energy up, because you’ve been performing this every day for a week, but it’s other people’s fi rst time watching it, so you’ve got to keep your energy up, which can be pretty difficult,” she said. But it wasn’t all work. The students did have some time to hang out and have fun. They visited an indoor trampoline park in Michigan, and checked out Starved Rock State Park in Oglesby, Illinois. They also bowled in Montezuma, Iowa. Thei r f i na l performance was at the Winnebago Reformed Church in Winnebago, Nebraska. For senior Lily Phillips, that was one of the most emotional moments of the trip. “For me, [the hardest part] was probably the last performance and just realizing it was my last ever tour. It was really fun getting to perform, and this was a really fun group of kids,” she said. Both the choir and band spend each year collecting money for their trips through fundraisers including a fall carnival and selling a variety of

food items, including cookie dough and the occasional enchilada. Ref lecti ng on her time as a member of t he Rehobot h ba nd, Choudhrie said she appreciated the opportunity to go on the two tours during her high school

career. “It’s a huge blessing that we have the opportunity to do this. Traveling across the country and making connections isn’t a very normal experience, and I’m just extremely thankful that we got that experience,” she said.

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A2 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun


how do you stay BCPWF UIF JOêVFODF According to the 2021 New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey, a remarkable 90.2% of McKinley County High School students are not currently using alcohol. Staying active by participating in sports, school activities, hobbies or spending your time with friends or loved ones are great ways to Be ABOVE THE INFLUENCE!

For more information on our upcoming events please follow us on Facebook @Gallup-McKinley County Schools or Instagram @GMCSNews.


Gallup Sun • Friday, April 26, 2024




Teacher of the Month

From test tubes to textbooks CROWNPOINT HIGH TEACHER HELPS STUDENTS ENGAGE IN LEARNING By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor


ach month, the Sun recognizes a local teacher for his or her determination to help students go above and beyond. Anyone can nominate a teacher by emailing the Sun at and providing the teacher’s name, where they teach, and why they should be selected as that month’s winner. T h i s m o n t h’s aw a r d went to Shelia Ganzon, who teaches health sciences and chemistry at Crownpoint High School. PATH TO TEACHING Ganzon didn’t always want to be a teacher. She was originally working as a chemist in a lab in the Philippines. But after a change of heart, she decided to go into teaching. She taught in the Philippines for a lmost 15 years before deciding to move to the U.S.. Her family moved to McKinley County, and she began teaching at Crownpoint

Middle School. After four years at the middle school, Ganzon decided she wanted something different, so she and her family moved to San Francisco, California in 2019. “I wanted a change and a different environment. But it’s much better here than in California. There’s more d i ver s it y i n t he s t udent population,” Ga nzon said. “Discipline was also kind of an issue [in California].” She moved back to New Mexico in 2020, and transitioned to Crownpoint High School, and she’s been there ever since. THE APPEAL OF LEARNING Ganzon said her favorite part about teaching is watching her students pick up the skills she is teaching. “[My favorite part about teaching] is when I see that my students are learning and taking what I am teaching them and turning it into reallife application,” she said.

Shelia Ganzon moved to New Mexico in 2015. She’s taught at Crownpoint Middle and High School. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein She leads a few of the School of Health Sciences cla s ses, a s a pa r t of t he

Ga l lup - McK i n ley Cou nt y Schools’s Career Pathways program. She said watching

her students prepare for the medical field is something she really enjoys. But the hardest part for Ga nzon is when she ca nt get students on board and engaged in learning. “The hardest part about teaching is when you see t hose st udent s who la ck motivation to attend school. They’re just there for the sake of being there, but they’re not really integrating what they’re learning into their lives,” she said. Besides teaching students, Ganzon also takes time out of her busy schedule to mentor new teachers. Crownpoint High School Dean Cristina Tolentino said Ganzon is very helpful and a true asset to the high school. “Her dedication to what she’s doing makes her a great teacher. She is deeply passionate about the subject matters that she’s teaching her students. She is very open and willing to help others as well,” she said.

NTU student recognized with prestigious Udall Scholarship honorable mention Staff Reports

NTU student to receive recognition from the Udall Foundation. He is pursuing a double major i n Subst a nce A bu se


avajo Technical University a n nou nced on April 17 that the highly competitive Udall Schola rship p r o g r a m a w a r d e d Counseling student Myka Jensen an Honorable Mention. T he Uda l l Undergraduate Schola rship honors the legacies of Mor r is a nd Stewart Udall, whose careers had a significa nt i mpact Myka Jensen is pursuing a double major o n N a t i v e in Substance Abuse Counseling and Crisis A m e r i c a n Management at the Navajo Technical University. s e l f - g o v e r - He recently received an honorable mention for the nance, health Udall Undergraduate Scholarship. Photo Credit: care, and the Courtesy of NTU stewardship of natural resources. The Counseling and Crisis Udall Foundation recog- Management. He plans to nizes students commit- become a counselor and ted to careers in Native improve mental health health care, including outcomes w ithin his health care administra- community by providing tion, social work, med- culturally sensitive counicine, counseling, and seling services, including research into health con- addressing challenges ditions affecting Native such as historical trauma, American communities. substance abuse, depresOver 400 students at over sion, and anxiety. 150 universities applied Throughout his academic journey, Jensen for Udall Scholarships. Jensen is the first has demonstrated strong

leadership and a deeprooted passion for promoting well-being in his community. He performs volunteer work in the community and public schools, and his commitment to social responsibility has enriched the campus community and inspired his peers and

instructors. “We are thrilled to see Myka receive this well- deser ved recogn i t io n ,” D r. D i a n n a Dekelaita-Mullet, NTU S cho ol of A r t s a nd Humanities Department Head, said. ”His contributions to our university and his dedication to

addressing the mental health needs and challenges in his community are commendable. This honor not only highlights his achievements but also reflects the values and mission of our university.” The Udall Scholarship Honorable Mention is an

esteemed recognition acknowledging Jensen’s potential to become a future leader in Native health care. This recognition opens doors to networking opportunities, mentorship, and further support for his academic and professional endeavors.





6 1 1 WEST COAL AVE Downtown Gallup New Mexico (505) 488-2066 PEACEMAKERGUNS@GMAIL.COM Friday







Partly Cloudy/Windy Winds SW 20-30

Rain/Snow Showers Winds WSW 20-30

Mostly Sunny Winds W 10-20

Sunny Winds SW 10-15

Sunny Winds SSW 10-15

Mostly Sunny Winds SSW 10-15

Mostly Sunny Winds SSW 10-20

High 62o Low 35o

High 51o Low 30o

High 65o Low 31o

High 71o Low 34o

High 76o Low 39o

High 78o Low 40o

High 80o Low 40 o

A4 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun



April 2024

How do GMCS Athletes stay above the influence? In the GMCS School District, three exceptional athletes stand out for their athletic abilities and commitment to VWD\LQJ DERYH WKH LQÁXHQFH RI GUXJV and alcohol. Lorianna Piestewa, Rylie Whitehair, and Talan Long are shining examples of good role models and students. These three athletes prove that success is measured by more than wins and losses but also by our decisions to prioritize our health and well-being.

Lorianna Piestewa Regarding domination on the wrestling mat, Miyamura Patriot /RULDQQD 3LHVWHZD KROGV D ÀUP JULS RQ the leaderboard. Among her numerous accomplishments, her pins record towers above her competitors, granting her the top spot on the New Mexico High School Girls Wrestling Leader Board. Lorianna's ruthless takedowns also propel her to a commendable second-place position. Numbers offer indisputable evidence of Lorianna's wrestling prowess—her 151 varsity wins create an awe-inspiring testament to her unrivaled skill and tenacity. But her achievements do not merely stop there; with an astounding 224 career wins, she just claimed her 4th consecutive title at the 2024 New Mexico National Guard State Wrestling Championships. Behind every champion lies a relentless work ethic and an unyielding commitment to improvement. Each morning at 4 am, Lorianna heads to the gym to get an early morning workout before heading off to a work-study job at Apex Physical Therapy. After work, she goes to school and follows up with wrestling UPCOMING EVENTS practice. Before heading home, Lorianna volunteers to help coach younger Teacher Appreciation Week wrestlers. Through her grueling schedule, May 6th - 10th she manages to maintain excellent Last Day of Afterschool Program May 2nd grades. When asked how she does it all, she said, "I love wrestling; it's my GMCS Graduations life. I want to do it forever!" Her journey RAMAH & CROWNPOINT embodies the transformative power of May 22nd sport, emphasizing the importance of NAVAJO PINE, GALLUP & THOREAU resilience, discipline, and self-belief. In a May 23rd MIYAMURA, GALLUP CENTRAL, FRQÀGHQW EXW QRW FRFN\ ZD\ VKH UHOD\V TSE YI GAI & TOHATCHI that staying on track and above the May 24th LQÁXHQFH LV HDV\ 1RWKLQJ LV ZRUWK ULVNLQJ what I have worked so hard for," She Memorial Day continued, "Winning state championships May 27th is great, but I have bigger aspirations. GMCS Cultural Fair I will be on the national team and hope May 21st & May 22nd to be on the Olympic team. I can make For more information on our upcoming events please follow us on Facebook @Gallup-McKinley County Schools or Instagram @GMCSNews.


Gallup Sun • Friday, April 26, 2024

it happen if I stay on track." She quickly gives credit to her family when asked what LQÁXHQFHV KHU WR VWD\ DERYH WKH LQÁXHQFH 6KH VWDWHG 0\ PRP DQG GDG WUDYHO everywhere, taking me to tournaments. They support everything I do." She continued, "My dad raised me out of making bad choices. He picked me up every day when I was younger, and we would work out. He and my mom always talked to me about the consequences of choices. They believed in me to make good choices." She also gives credit to her brothers for cheering her on. Her older brother is her biggest supporter and one of her coaches. GMCS will continue cheering on Lorianna after this season when she takes her skills to Colorado Mesa in the fall.

Riley Whitehair Gallup Bengal Riley Whitehair is quite an all-star athlete, excelling in varsity sports like volleyball, basketball, and golf. In the fall, her impressive stats in volleyball led her team to the 2023 Rudy's Real Texas Bar-B-Q State Volleyball Championships. She was on top of the stats for District 1 in kills and blocks. She recently hit a milestone of scoring 1000 career points in basketball, showing off her impressive skills on the court. The 2024 District 1-4A Most Valuable Player led her team at the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union State Basketball Championships. After the state basketball tournament, she plans to transition to playing golf, highlighting her versatility in sports. Riley is a standout athlete and a dedicated student who consistently achieves good JUDGHV $GGLWLRQDOO\ VKH VHWV D SRVLWLYH H[DPSOH E\ VWD\LQJ DERYH WKH LQÁXHQFH RI drugs and alcohol, prioritizing her health and well-being. Riley said, "What I would say to kids offered drugs and alcohol is not to go in that direction!" Riley's commitment to academics and sports is admirable and sets her apart as a role model for others to look up to.

Talan Long Talan Long, a talented athlete at Tohatchi High School, is now making his mark on the basketball court as he led his team into the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union Boys Basketball State Championships. Talan is a standout player in football, basketball, and track. Talan's leadership skills shine brightly as he guides his team with determination and integrity. Known for his unwavering commitment to VWD\LQJ DERYH WKH LQÁXHQFH RI GUXJV and alcohol, Talan sets an example for his peers on and off the court. Points and rebounds measure success on the court. Talan's positive impact on his teammates and community also shines off the court. Talan's family and friends have set the example he strives for in VWD\LQJ DERYH WKH LQÁXHQFH RI GUXJV and alcohol. His dedication and work ethic make him a role model for the future Cougars! Lorianna, Riley, and Talan lead their teams to victory through hard work and dedication. They also all have a current GPA of 3.7 or higher. GMCS salutes all our students who strive to be ABOVE THE INFLUENCE.


A6 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun

Ar ts Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann Managing Editor Molly Ann Howell Executive Director Mandy Marks Design Iryna Borysova Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Dee Velasco Photography Kimberley Helfenbein Merrisha Livingston Jenny Pond The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391

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‘Challengers’ feels like a parody of the romance in sports subgenre

early on to watch Zweig try to charm his way through some difficult spots with no cash or support to compete. However, more emphasis ends up being placed on the interpersonal dynamics between the three leads. Zweig and Donaldson are equally consumed by Duncan and playing their own match to win her from each other. Duncan seems aware of this and, at certain points in the story, even plays them against each other. It results in some unique conflict as each man goes to extreme lengths to try and win over Duncan, even when their relationship seems (at certain points) to be lessthan-healthy. Witnessing just how far each will go to outdo each other and win does add a level of

grim amusement to the proceedings. But the film’s eventual emphasis is more on sex than sport. In fact, it is almost campy in the way that it deals with the love story. Some of the revelations about the characters are far-fetched. Later, when two of the leads get together physically after a long absence, they do so outside while high winds blow around them (which seems like a really poor idea given the debris flying around). During tennis matches, there are dozens of slow-motion shots of the players running across the court, dripping sweat and flexing their muscles. Essentially, the film implies that watching a hard-fought battle on the court can be, well, more

than just a little arousing (at least, it is for one viewer). While this is all amusing to watch, it’s so aggrandized that any authentic drama or tension is lost. Another distraction comes when the film interrupts conversations between the leads with its score. A thumping beat builds during a couple of instances, so much so that it ultimately drowns out the dialogue. It’s an odd technique and has perhaps been used to create a sense of excitement between those involved in the discussions. Unfortunately, the approach takes the viewer completely out of the story and distracts considerably. In the end, this tennis picture has some entertaining obser vations about players and the troubles they face over their careers. It is also likely having some fun with genre tropes by playing them out in the most inf lated manner possible. But the lack of subtlety, the odd experiments and behavior of the main characters struggle to engage in a significant manner. Every now and then Challengers scores points, but there are just as many wild shots that result in a fault. VISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM

use more subtle ways to make your bid. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) With education continuing to be a strong factor this week, this could be the time to start learning some new skills that can later be applied to a bid for a potential career move. LIBRA: (September 23 to October 22) You might do well to reconsider some of your current priorities before you get so deeply involved in one project that you neglect meeting the deadline on another.

SCORPIO: (October 23 to November 21) With an important decision looming, you need to be careful about the information you’re getting. Half truths are essentially useless. Get the full story before you act. SAGI T TA R I US: (November 22 to December 21) Find out what everyone’s role is expected to be before accepting a workplace proposal. Getting all the facts now could prevent serious problems later on. CAPRICORN: (December 22 to January 19) A flexible position on a workplace matter could be the best course to follow dur ing the next several days. A personal issue also benefits from an open-minded

approach. A Q U A R I U S : (January 20 to February 18) Involving too many people in your workplace problem can backfire. Remember: Allegiances can shift. Ask trusted colleagues for advice, but don’t ask them to take sides. PISCES: (February 19 to March 20) Before submitting your suggestions, take more time to sharpen the points that you want to make. The clearer the presentation, the more of a chance it has to get approved when submitted. BORN THIS WEEK: Your clear sense of who you are gives you the confidence you need for tackling difficult situations. © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

By Glenn Kay For the Sun Rating:  out of  Running Time: 131 minutes This feature from Amazon MGM Studios will open exclusively in theaters on Friday, April 26. Sports movies are very common, but while some might think that a romance set in the world of athletes might be more unusual, there have been numerous titles mixing these elements. Films like Bull Durham, The Cutting Edge, Tin Cup, Fever Pitch (both the UK and U.S. versions) and Wimbledon are only a few of the dozens of pictures in recent years. The new film Challengers also falls into this category, but is an extremely eccentric take on the subgenre. In fact, this tale of love set around the professional tennis circuit often feels so overdone that it almost veers into pure parody. The story cuts between various time periods, showing the struggles of three individuals who began their careers at the same time. Patrick Zweig (Josh O’Connor) is a player with raw talent and charisma who never reached his full potential. Zweig’s schoolmate Art Donaldson

In “Challengers,” Zendaya plays Tashi Duncan, a tennis player who becomes a part of a love triangle with two other up-aand-coming tennis players (Josh O’Connor and Mike Faist). Photo Credit: Amazon MGM Studios (Mike Faist) is a pro who has enjoyed success as one of the world’s best players, but is currently on a lengthy losing streak. When Donaldson’s wife and coach Tashi Duncan (Zendaya) suggests her spouse play a smaller tournament against less-experienced competition to regain his confidence, he agrees. Unfortunately, neither expect to encounter Zweig on the court. As their personal history together is revealed, it becomes clear that all have been playing emotionally manipulative games on and off the court and are bringing plenty of baggage with them. The filmmaker doesn’t go out of his way to make the flawed, obsessed characters likable or relatable. Admittedly, it’s amusing

Salome’s Stars ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You’re doing better on a f lexibility issue, but you still need to loosen up a bit to show that you can be less judgmental and more understanding about certain sensitive matters. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your personal aspect continues to dominate this week, but try to make time to deal with important career-linked matters as well. A change of plans might occur by the weekend. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Excuses are not really needed for much

of the confusion occurring this week. However, explanations from all par ties could help in working things out to everyone’s satisfaction. CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) A surprising (but pleasant) recent turn of events continues to develop positive aspects. But be prepared for a bit of a jolt on another issue that needs attention. L EO : (Ju ly 23 to August 22) Creating a fuss might bring you the attention that you want. But are you prepared for all the explaining you’d have to do? Better to

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Gallup Sun • Friday, April pril 26, 2024



Celebrate spring with Pet of the Week irresistible coconut macaroons A nyone interested in Chrissy can visit her at the McKinley County Humane Society at 1273 Balok St. in Gallup. They are open Tuesday-Friday from 9 am to 6 pm, and on Saturdays from 8 am to 5 pm. Chrissy’s adoption fee covers her spay, vaccines, cov and microchip. mic Bandit’s current home

These coconut macaroons are about to become your favorite treat! Passover is upon us, it’s time to savor the simple pleasures of the season with a classic treat: coconut macaroons. Picture this: Moist, chew y coconut m i ng l i n g w it h h i nt s of vanilla, crowned with a delicate golden crust. Bonus points — they’re gluten-free! Passover, a time of remembrance and renewal, calls for dishes that honor tradition. Enter the coconut macaroon, a timeless treat with a rich history. With its origins dating back to medieval Italy, this dessert has evolved into a beloved staple of Passover celebrations around the world. What makes coconut macaroons perfect for Pa s sover? T hese delectable delights are inherently kosher for the holiday, free from leavening agents and grains such as flour. Just check your va nilla extract, as some are made with grain alcohol. Now, you might be wonder ing: How ca n something so delicious be budget-friendly? With just a handful of pantry staples — coconut, sweetened condensed milk, egg whites and a splash of vanilla — you can whip up a batch of these coconut macaroons in no time, all without breaking the bank. There can be confusion between macaroons and macarons. W h i le t hey s h a r e a similar name, they are distinct desserts with different characteristics. Macaroons are dense, chewy coconut-based cookies, while macarons are almond meringue sandwich cookies with a smooth exterior, and a wide range of colors and

fl avors, often fi lled with ganache, buttercream or jam. Both desserts offer unique a nd delicious experiences for dessert lovers. Today we’re on team macaroon! For a macaron recipe, go to my website: divasonadime. com/easy-french-macaron-recipe/ Easy Coconut Macaroons Yield: 14 to 18 cookies Tota l T i me: 35 - 40 minutes • 14 ounces sweetened shredded coconut • 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 3 egg whites, at room temperature • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt • O pt iona l: ½ cup chocol a t e ch ip s for dipping Preheat the oven to 325 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine the coconut, condensed milk and vanilla. In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites and salt until they for m f ir m pea ks usi ng a sta nd mixer or hand mixer ohigh speed. To ensure a light a nd a ir y texture, carefully fold the whipped egg whites into the coconut mixture in three stages, using a gentle hand with a wooden spoon. This step is crucial for maintaining the meringue’s integrity and preventing deflation. Drop mounds of batter onto your prepared sheet pans using either an ice cream scoop or two spoons. Shape them with moist hands to prevent sticking. There is no bad shape for a macaroon. If you’re making nests, press your thumb or a wine cork into each

cookie to make an indent. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until golden brown. Cool and serve. To dip and drizzle w ith chocolate, melt chips in the microwave. Dip the cookie as desired. Sometimes the egg white can puddle around the cookie while baking. Simply cut around it and eat the delicious scraps when no one is looking. For extra fun, add a half cup of finely chopped nuts. I’m partial to macadamias, but pecans and almonds are spectacular. Toast the coconut first for golden crunchy macaroons. Shape like bird’s nests and fi ll the indent with jam, chocolate or Nutella. To make la rger or s m a l le r m a c a r o o n s , don’t change the recipe but ad just the baking t i me t o m a t ch ( lon ger for big macaroons; shorter for small macaroons). I love to dip tiny ones completely in dark chocolate for little pop-in-your-mouth goodness. This recipe also makes a delectable pie crust. Until next time, happy baking and may your days be filled with the sweet joys of spring! Lifestyl e exper t Patti Diamond is the penny-pinching, party-planning, recipe developer and content creator of the website Divas On A Dime -Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! Visit Patti at and join the conversation on Facebook at Divas On A DimeDotCom. Email Patti at divapatti@divasonadime. com (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

I Do

James William Eby married Danielle Ruth Cutler on April 12 Fredson Tom married Josephine Whitegoat on April 12 Raul Rodrigo Castillo Marquez married Tasheena Rae Benally on April 15 Carmen F. Silas married Chelsea Dennison on April 16 Josiah Louis Yazzie married Tyshi Ann Hubbard on April 16

Send wedding announcements and birth and death notices to

Chrissy is currently under the care of the McKinley County Humane Society.

is the Grants A nimal Shelter at 722 Redondo R d . i n Gr a nt s, New Mexico. They are open Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. The workers at the shelter say Baxter loves everyone and that he loves meeting new people. He gets along with other dogs and he enjoys lots of treats and toys. Bandit is currently under the care of the Grants Animal Care Center.

Meet Ch r is sy a nd Bandit! Chrissy is 3 years old, and she is a very lovable girl. She thinks she’s a lap dog. She is looking for a forever family mily wh who will cuddle with ith her on tthe couch. Shee does great on a leash h and doesn’t bark at other her dogs!

How to greet other dogs on the street By Sam Mazzota King Syndicate


your commands. Karla should sit calmly while you attach and remove the leash. During the walk, she should remain next to you, with a little slack in the leash. If she starts to tug ahead, stop, command her to sit and, once she sits, start off again, giving the command “heel.” Keep the training positive, and remember that it will take time and consistency. As she learns what you expect from her, Karla will become a great walking companion. Readers, how do you keep your dog calm on a walk? Let us know at © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

E A R PAW ’ S CORNER: I adopted a sweet but somewhat rambunctious little mutt, “Karla,” who is about 13 months favorite treats, cut into old. The problem is that she tiny pieces. I recommend wants to jump and bark the harness over a collar at other dogs when we’re because it allows you to out for a walk. How can I strongly control Karla if calm her down? — Jen in she starts jumping, withDuluth, Georgia out risking an injury to her DEAR JEN: Reactivity throat. is natural behavior for a Next, teach and reinpuppy that loves to play force three crucial comwith other dogs, but of mands: sit, stay and heel. course, it’s not desirable From the moment you put behavior. Jumping and on Karla’s harness and barking can trigger an leash, to when you take aggressive response from them off at the end of the some dogs, or stress out walk, she needs to follow other dogs. It can scare We have the best Burgers & Wings in Gallup! humans. Fortunately, it’s a behavior that you can moderate with a specific, daily training regime that will teach Karla to stay calm on the leash. Offering DINE-IN & TAKE-OUT! First, gather your tools: Give Us A Call! A sturdy leash that is about (505) 722-9311 Hours: 5 feet long (no retractable Tuesday- Friday 11 am to 7 pm 1981 NM-602, Gallup, leashes allowed), a harness Saturday 11 am to 5 pm and a pocketful of Karla’s NM 87301



1. LITERATURE: What are the names of the four sisters in "Little Women"? 2. U.S. STATES: Which northeastern state has a desert? 3. MOVIES: Which long-running movie series features the character Legolas? 4. ANATOMY: What does the lacrimal gland produce? 5. GEOGRAPHY: Ellesmere Island belongs to which nation? 6. SCIENCE: Which of the human senses is most closely related to memory? 7. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase "ad meliora" mean? 8. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom features a mom named Rainbow Johnson? 9. THEATER: Who wrote the play "A Little Night Music"? 10. MUSIC: Which alternative rock band went by the name of The Warlocks before becoming famous? © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers 1. Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. 2. The 40-acre Desert of Maine. 3. “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” trilogies. 4. Tears. 5. Canada. 6. Smell. 7. “Toward better things.” 8. “Black-ish.” 9. Stephen Sondheim. 10. The Grateful Dead.

A8 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Gallup Sun • Friday, April 26, 2024 B1



Artists creating pieces for the McKinley County courthouse rotunda Staff Reports


cKinley County and gallupARTS h ave selec t ed th ree a rea a r tists to create site-specific artwork for the rotunda of the McK inley County Cou r t hou se complex in downtown Gallup. In partnership with the State of New Mexico’s A r t i n P ubl ic Places Program and gallupA RTS, McK i n ley County leveraged “1% for the a r ts” funding to lau nch a com m is sion-based project for public a r t to f ill the circular rotunda with 360 degrees of beautiful, representative, and engaging art. The selected artists are: • Monty Claw - Diné painter and silversmith Monty Claw, from Gallup will create three muralsized paintings to hang in the alcoves surrounding the southern half of the rotunda. Claw will paint vibrant scenes representing McKinley County’s rich cultural tapestry and the people who call this area home. • Je r r y B r ow n C o nt e m p o r a r y D i né painter Jerr y Brown, from Mariano Lake, New Mexico, will be creating a series of large-scale, abstract ca nvases to ha ng a long t he second-floor overlook. The canvases will colorfully depict the night sky and be arranged in a pattern that evokes a paned window. • T i m Wa s h b u r n - Di né scu lptor T i m Wa s h bu r n , from Fruitland, New Mexico, w i l l create a monumental sculpture to be

A sketch of the mural Monty Claw is planning for the McKinley County Courthouse. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Rose Eason Tim Washburn is currently working on his sculpture for the McKinley County Courthouse. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Rose Eason placed in the center of the rotunda’s two-story windows and to celebrate the area’s longest-running community event: the Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial. Washburn will carve a representation of the Ceremonial parade in relief on a stone column, on top of which will stand the figure of an Eagle Dancer carved in wood. I n Febr ua r y 2023, McKinley County and NM AIPP opened a call to artists for artworks that “capture the culture and celebrate the diversity and pride of living in McKinley County.” The three above-named artists were selected from a pool of fi ve fi nalists, who themselves were selected from a pool of over 40 applicants. The finalists are expected to complete and install their works within the

next year. “ The rotunda is a space w ith i n the McKinley County Cou r t house t hat ha s always been admired for its elegance and architectural beauty,” Deputy County Manager Brian Money said. “Having a large public art display within the rotunda will accentuate its beauty with impressive artwork created by some of the most talented artists in the area. The artwork that was selected speaks to the very essence of who we are as a community. McKinley County would like to give special appreciation to the artists, selection committee, gallupARTS, and New Mexico Arts. It was certainly the work of the collective that made this project possible.” Brown sad he was excited to be a part of

An installation prototype of Jerry Brown’s piece. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Rose Eason the project. “Being a pa r t of a project that is showcasing a variety of McKinley artists feels good,” he said. “I am excited to be installing ar t that is meaningful to me. I feel like it will represent all the people of the county.”

g a l l u p A R T S Executive Director Rose Eason said this was one of the biggest public art projects the county has ever done. “gallupARTS is very proud to partner with McKinley County to produce one of our community’s largest-ever public

art projects,” she said. “This is a tremendous investment on the part of the county in local artists, in public art, and in the built environment of our community. It will be a point of pride for all of us.”

Gallup couple fi nally recoups unpaid wages, plus damages Staff Reports


wo Ga llup residents who sought for years to receive unpaid wages owed by a local business owner finally received their paychecks during the week of April 8 under the terms of a settlement agreement facilitated by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions and Somos Un Pueblo Unido, a non-profit organization that promotes worker and social justice. “Persistence is the key word. We didn’t give up. We just stuck with it,” Jose “Pancho” Olivas said. Jose, along with his w i fe, Sa nd ra Oliva s, worked for more than six months for Morgan

Newsom, a Ga l lup business owner, at his Farmington restaurant in 2014 and 2015 and were not paid for all their hours, including overtime hours. The Olivases, members of Somos in McKinley County, originally attempted to fi le a wage complaint at DWS in 2015 but were turned away because at the time the Department refused to handle wage claims over $10,000. “I could not believe DWS would not accept my complaint because my employer owed us too much money. It just didn’t seem right,” Jose said. Jose subsequently became the lead plaintiff in a statewide class

action lawsuit against DWS filed in 2017 for not adequately enforcing wage and hour laws. The 2017 lawsuit resulted in a settlement agreement between workers’ rights organizations, including Somos, the Olivases, and the Department to ensure the state government would carry out its duty to enforce New Mexico’s strong anti-wage theft laws and hold employers accountable when they violate these laws. DWS accepted the Olivases’s wage complaint in 2017, following the fi ling of the lawsuit. The Department found in favor of the Olivases after an investigation and when their previous employer refused to pay,







the Department sued the employer in state district court in October 2020. In August 2022, a state district court judge issued a written ruling in favor of the Olivases’s and ordered Newsom pay their unpaid wages, plus interest and treble damages in the amount of $116,000. The employer filed an appeal, but in January the state Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision. “We wanted progress in our community. The feeling was the employer will just get away with it, but we knew if we kept persisting we would eventually get paid,” Sandra said. Gabr iela Iba ñez Guzmán, staff attorney w it h Somos’ Worker

Center and co-counsel in the class action lawsuit against DWS, praised the Oliviases. “The resolution in this case is just and was a long time coming,” she said. “The Olivases showed great courage in choosing to be named lead plaintiffs in the original class action lawsuit against DWS under the Susana Martinez administration. While waiting patiently for their claim to go through the lengthy legal process, they helped ensure other immigrant and non-immigrant workers would have the institutional support they need from DWS to swiftly recoup stolen wages.” Newsom hired the Olivases to remodel and

run 505 Burgers, his Farmington restaurant, in 2014. Jose was sometimes paid for his hours worked, Newsom frequently failed or refused to pay him for all of his wages and Newsom never paid Sandra for her hours worked. During their employment, they both worked between 70 to 100 hours per week, seven days a week. The class action case, Olivas v. Nair, was filed in January 2017 by victims of wage theft, including the Olivases, and workers’ rights organizations Somos, El CENTRO de Igualdad y Derechos, New Mexico Comunidades en Acción y de Fé, and Organizers in the Land of Enchantment.

B2 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun




McDonald’s shooter handed 15-year sentence

Weekly DWI Report Staff Reports Featured DWI



ne man recently received a prison sentence for his involvement in a shooting that occurred at the McDonald’s at 2009 W. Hwy. 66 on March 6, 2023. On April 5, Rodger Martinez Jr. was sentenced to 15 yea r s in prison. Martinez, 25, pled guilty to 20 fourth-degree felonies, including 17 counts of aggravated assault

Rodger Martinez Jr.

Koby Delgarito

with a deadly weapon. The other charges are shooting from a motor

vehicle, shooting at an occupied dwelling, and property damage.

The charges were found to be Serious Violent Of fen se s, requiring that Martinez serve 85% of his prison sentence. After he has fi nished his sentence, Martinez will be on parole for one year and supervised probation for five more after that. Koby Delgarito, the other suspect involved in the shooting, has not entered a plea deal and his case is still pending. T I M EL I N E O F EVENTS The two men are fa ci ng pr i son t i me for an incident that occurred around 7:15 pm on March 6, 2023. Officers were dispatched to the scene a f t er a r e s t a u r a nt employee was allegedly assaulted with a firearm. As officers were responding to the call, Metro Dispatch told them that shots were being fi red at the business. Shots were fi red from a dark blue Chevy Malibu with temporary tags. Two people were seen in the car as it left the McDonald’s parking lot. W hen officers arrived on scene, they found 17 employees hiding in the back of the business. Two bullet holes that entered a




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Henry Bia March 11, 4:39 pm A g g ravated DW I (Third) A vehicle collision in a motel parking lot led to a Fort Defiance man, Henry Bia, 65, being arrested and charged with his third DWI. Gallup Officer Ryan Boucher was dispatched to the Golden Desert Motel, 1205 W. Hwy. 66, after Metro Dispatch advised a white pickup truck had been driving slowly in the middle of the roadway from South Woodrow Street and Coal Avenue and then pulled into the motel’s lot before striking another vehicle. Officers had already pu l le d over a veh i cle matching the caller’s description when Boucher arrived at the scene. Boucher assessed the damage to the vehicle before getting the driver’s information from Officer Alana Bradley. Bia reportedly told Bradley he was going to meet his niece at a local restaurant. However, Bia showed signs of intoxication including smelling of alcohol, which Boucher verified along with bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Bia also reportedly stated he drank a pint of Importers Vodka prior to driving and that he had a leg injury that would prevent him from performing the Standard Field Sobriety Tests. Boucher a d m i n i s tered alternative testing instead, which Bia failed to pass. Bia was placed under arrest and initially refused to give a breath sample, however he later consented and gave one sample over .16 with a second sample that was not recorded. Bia was then taken to McKinley County Adult Detention Center and booked for aggravated DWI (third), careless driving, and open container. His fi nal pretrial hearing is set for June 11.

Name: Angel Gutirrez Age: 39 Arrested: April 2 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on April 30

Name: Keevin Keyanna Age: 52 Arrested: March 27 Charge: DW I (Second) Status: Pretrial hearing on April 30

Name: Lyle Thompson Age: 34 Arrested: March 28 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Jury trial on June 28

Name: Leah Leuppe Age: 37 Arrested: March 27 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Motion hearing on July 11

Name: Duran Upshaw Age: 41 Arrested: March 22 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Jury trial on June 28

Name: Byron Begaye Age: 32 Arrested: Nov. 12 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Convicted, sentenced to fi ne, probation, community service on March 28




Gallup Sun • Friday, April 26, 2024 B3


Council confi rms Michael Anderson as DPS Director Staff Reports

law enforcement presence is needed to impact the increase in crime, drugs, and INDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The abuse on the Nation. He said that often 25th Navajo Nation Council community calls for a police officer go confirmed the appointment unanswered. of Michael Anderson to serve as the Delegate Germaine Simonson Division Director for the Navajo Nation (Hard Rock, Forest Lake, Pinon, Black Division of Public Safety on April 16. Mesa, Whippoorwill) stressed the Anderson, who has importance of providing dedicated his career proper equipment to law to public safety, was enforcement. conf ir med follow ing “Understanding the a rigorous review of needs and issues of law his background in law enforcement is critical— enforcement, judicial we need to take better roles, and community care of our officers by leadership. Before the providing adequate provote, Council delegates tection and equipment,” questioned Anderson she said. about his vision and Upon his confirmagoals related to maktion, Anderson shared ing communities safer, his vision for a unified increasing accountabiland robust Division of Division Director for the Navajo ity, allocating resources, Nation Division of Public Safety Public Safety stating, a nd overa ll eff icacy “My goal is to bring all Michael Anderson within the Division of departments under one Public Safety. umbrella to foster a strong, communiCouncil Delegate Brenda Jesus cative, and cooperative environment. (Oaksprings, St. Michaels) highlighted We also aim to elevate our police offithe need for improved data reporting. cers to federal officer status to effec“It is essential that we have accu- tively tackle serious crimes across our rate data to secure the necessary Nation.” resources for our communities. I trust Additionally, he addressed the pressthat Director Anderson will prioritize ing issue of sexual assault, a critical this,” she said. concern within many communities. Council Delegate George H. Tolth “Addressing sexual assault cases is (Littlewater, Pueblo Pintado, Torreon, paramount, he said. “We must refocus W h itehor se La ke, Baca / Prew it t, our efforts and ensure that our women Casamero Lake, Ojo Encino, Counselor), and communities are safe. This will be a former police officer, asked Director a priority for my team.” Anderson why the NNDPS has not proThe Council approved Legislation posed or increased the number of sub- No. 0059-24, which was Anderson’s stations across his region. appointment, with a vote of 10 in favor He emphasized that an increased and four opposed.


On May 6, 1979, more than 65,000 anti-nuclear power demonstrators marched on the U.S. Capitol in protest against more nuclea r power plants. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader had described nuclear power as “our country’s technological Vietnam.” The group was formed after the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant. On May 7, 1934, the Pearl of Lao Tzu, almost 10 inches around and weighing about 14 pounds, was found by a diver in a giant clam i n t he Pa lawa n Sea . Gemolog i st s d id not consider it to be a true pearl, however, as it did not have the iridescence of true pearls. On May 8, 1988, Stella Nickell, who put cya n ide i n Exced r i n capsules, including her husband’s, as well as five additional bottles she placed on store shelves in the Seattle area, was convicted of her husband’s murder and that

of Susan Snow, who had ingested one of the capsules and died instantly. On May 9, 2005, the Thorp processing plant in Sellafield, UK, exper ienced a leakage of about 20 tons of nuclear material via a cracked pipe. While the leak was conta ined a nd didn’t impose a risk to the public, the estimated cost to repair the damage was expected to fall heavily on taxpayers. On May 10, 1899, s i n g e r /a c t o r /d a n c e r Fred Astaire was born in Omaha, Nebraska. Widely considered the most influential dancer in the history of fi lm, his

stage and subsequent mov ie a nd telev ision careers spanned a total of 76 years. On May 11, 2006, a Ch i nese website called Baidupedia was lau nched i n Ch i na . The American website Wi k iped i a h a d been growing in popularity in China until the government banned it in 2005. Baidupedia was set to feature a similar format of a user-created encyclopedia, though it would be subjected to far heavier self-censorship in order to remain in good standing with the country’s government. On May 12, 1981, fol low i n g t he de a t h of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands on May 5, a second striker, 25-yearold Francis Hughes, died of starvation in Northern Ireland’s Maze Prison. © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

JN JA Autos 1503 West Highway 66 Gallup, NM 87301 505-488-2158 Kiewit Work Update - NM 566, mile marker 6.0-7.0, north of Church Rock

Kiewit New Mexico Co. will place girders 4/26 to 5/6. No lane closures are expected. Please reduce speeds to 35 mph through the work zone.

Job is expected to be done by September 2024. For all job applications please visit 4825 East Historic Hwy 66 Gallup, NM 87301

Council to investigate Montoya’s sexual harassment claims Staff Reports


ava jo Nat ion Vice President R i c h e l l e Mo n t oy a , t h e f i r s t woman to serve in the office, told hundreds of v iewers dur ing a Facebook Live stream on April 16 that she was sexually harassed in August during a meeting. During the recent Navajo Nation Council spring session, Montoya add ressed concer ns raised by council delegates regarding rumors of being mistreated as she serves as the seco nd - mo s t p owe r f u l leader in the Navajo government. The discussion arose after she and Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren gave their St ate of t he Nation address on Monday. She did not address the sexual harassment allegation while in the council chamber but waited until she went on Facebook Live the next night. “A s y o u r V i c e President, in the month of August of 2023, I had to write a statement because I was sexually h a r a s sed,” Mont oya said during the stream. “I wrote my statement detailing what happened in a meeting. How it made me feel. I was not physically hurt. But I was made to feel that I had no power to leave the room. I was made to feel that what I was

trying to accomplish didn’t mean anything, that I was less than.” Montoya said she wrote her statement, and after a meeting with staff members, she was asked to elaborate more to better understand what happened a nd detail how she wanted to move forward regarding the person accused of harassing her. “My response was I didn’t want to be alone with this person ever,” Montoya said. “And I didn’t want him to talk to me or apologize or try to explain it or anything. One of the suggestions that was given [...] was to have a training for the entire staff to where we don’t point out the person who did this to me. Thinking about it, I’m like, ‘Wait a minute. Why do I have to be a part of this training, when I am the one that knew what this person was doing was not right.’ It was because they just didn’t want to point out the person. That was hard.” In a statement publ i shed on Apr i l 18, Navajo Nation Council Speaker Cr ystalynne Curley condemned the alleged harassment. “As the Speaker of the Council and also as a mother, I strongly condemn harassment and abuse in any form whether it’s sexua l, physical, verbal, mental, or emotional. As leaders of our Nation, we have

Navajo Nation Vice President Richelle Montoya went on Facebook Live on April 16 to tell her constituents that she was sexually harassed during a meeting in August. Photo Credit: Courtesy of the OPVP a great responsibility to respectfully listen to the voices of those who are victimized and to promptly address acts of harassment, particularly in the workplace,” she said. In a Facebook post published on April 18 Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren called for an investigation into Montoya’s claims. OTHER REPORTS OF MISTREATMENT This is not the fi rst time sexual misconduct allegations have been made within the Office of the President and Vice President. The Navajo Times reported on other sexual assault and sexual harrassment allegations lodged by former employees in an article published on Nov. 30. Nygren disputed that article in a Dec. 1 press release. He claimed that the story had “insinuations and inaccuracies.”

Reminder: McKinley County property taxpayers that they must pay the Second half of the 2023 property taxes by May 10, 2024, to avoid penalties & interest. As the second half deadline approaches, we appreciate and thank all the taxpayers for their payments. You can also pay your taxes online by logging on to the McKinley County Website at

Convenience fee of 2.5% will be added for Credit/Debit Card or $1.50 for electronic checks. By NM State Law, NMSA 7-38-47, Property Taxes are the personal obligation of the Property Owner, whether or not the Tax Bill was received. For more information, call (505) 722-4459

B4 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun



STAR ATHLETES OF THE WEEK School: Crownpoint High Name: Layla Pablo-Yazzie Sport: Track and Field Grade: Freshman Layla is a shining example of a student-athlete who embodies positivity, dedication, and leadership both on and off the field. Layla approaches every workout, every practice, and activities with boundless enthusiasm and determination. One of the events she has performed very well in is javelin.

School: Ramah High Name: Khloe Gibbons Sport: Track and Field Grade: Freshman Khloe s a competitor and always gives her best effort, even in events that aren’t particularly her strong suit, or even enjoyable to compete in. In addition to always trying her best, she is always positive and up-beat and encourages her teammates to do their best as well. Her coaches say she is a pleasure to have on the team.

School: Tohatchi High Name: Logen Benallie Sport: Softball Grade: Freshman Logen is a versatile force on the field and in the classroom. As a standout athlete, Logen commands the diamond with prowess in three pivotal positions: pitcher, third base, and catcher, showcasing unparalleled skill and adaptability. Beyond the game, Logen leads by example as the esteemed captain of the team, fostering unity and determination among teammates. With her unwavering dedication to both athletics and academics, Logen embodies the epitome of a well-rounded student-athlete, poised for success both on and off the field.

Sports scores for April 3 - April 24 Baseball 4/4 22-9 (L) Gallup v. Kirtland Central 4/4 10-6 (L) Miyamura v. Aztec 4/4 11-8 (L) Navajo Pine @ Thoreau 4/4 10-0 (L) Rehoboth Christian @ Tohatchi 4/9 13-8 (L) Miyamura v. Kirtland Central 4/9 1-0 (L) Tohatchi v. Zuni 4/10 17-7 (W) Thoreau @ Tohatchi 4/11 8-1 (L) Gallup v. Kirtland Central 4/11 10-6 (L) Miyamura v. Aztec 4/12 14-2 (L) Thoreau v. Laguna Acoma 4/13 9-0 (L) Gallup v. Bloomfield 4/13 11-7 (L) Rehoboth Christian v. Santa Fe Indian 4/16 2-1 (W) Gallup v. Shiprock 4/16 8-6 (L) Miyamura v. Bloomfield 4/16 Navajo Pine v. Fort Wingate 4/16 13-3 (L) Rehoboth Christian v. Sandia Prep 4/16 19-0 (L) Tohatchi v. Navajo Prep 4/18 13-3 (L) Gallup v. Aztec 4/18 10-9 (W) Miyamura v. Shiprock 4/18 15-0 (L) Navajo Pine v. Estancia 4/18 14-3 (W) Rehoboth Christian v. Laguna Acoma 4/19 6-4 (L) Thoreau v. Shiprock 4/20 9-2 (W) Gallup @ Miyamura 4/23 6-2 (W) Miyamura v. Kirtland Central 4/23 16-11 (L) Rehoboth Christian v. Menaul/Oak Grove 4/23 18-2 (L) Thoreau v. Navajo Prep 4/23 18-10 (W) Tohatchi v. Fort Wingate Softball 4/4 15-0 (W) Gallup v. Kirtland Central 4/4 7-2 (L) Miyamura v. Aztec 4/4 20-3 (L) Navajo Pine v. MCVS

4/4 22-20 (W) Rehoboth Christian v. Navajo Prep 4/4 22-7 (L) Tohatchi v. Lordsburg April 5 18-2 (L) Navajo Pine v. Estancia (Tournament) April 5 11-1 (L) Tohatchi v. Loving (Tournament) April 5 17-4 (Tohatchi won) Navajo Pine v. Tohatchi (Tournament) 4/6 20-4 (W) Navajo Pine v. Hot Springs (Tournament) 4/6 14-7 (W) Navajo Pine v. Hozho Academy (Tournament) 4/6 10-0 (L) Tohatchi v. Mescalero Apache (Tournament) 4/6 18-2 (W) Tohatchi v. McCurdy (Tournament) 4/9 15-4 (W) Gallup v. Bloomfield 4/9 17-3 (W) Miyamura v. Kirtland Central 4/9 16-15 (W) Tohatchi @ Thoreau 4/11 12-0 (W) Gallup v. Kirtland Central 4/11 10-3 (L) Miyamura v. Aztec 4/13 14-4 (W) Miyamura v. Hope Christian 4/16 17-0 (W) Gallup v. Shiprock 4 /16 12 - 8 ( W ) M iya mu r a v. Bloomfield 4/16 18-8 (W) Rehoboth Christian v. Hozho Academy 4/16 18-3 (W) Tohatchi v. Zuni 4/18 3-1 (W) Gallup v. Aztec 4/18 15-3 (W) Miyamura v. Shiprock 4/18 15-0 (W) Tohatchi @ Rehoboth Christian 4/23 11-2 (W) Gallup v. Bloomfield 4/23 10-0 (W) Miyamura v. Kirtland Central 4/23 15 -0 (W) Navajo Pine v. Northwest 4/23 17-4 (L) Tohatchi v. Navajo Prep 4/24 13-8 (W) Rehoboth Christian v. Newcomb

Sports schedule for week of April 26 Baseball 4/26 Thoreau v. Zuni 5 pm Away 4/27 Navajo Pine v. Menaul/Oak Grove 1 pm Home 4/27 Rehoboth Christian v. West Las Vegas 11 am Away 4 /27 Tohatch i v. Chester ton Academy 2 pm Away 4/29 Navajo Pine v. Laguna Acoma 5 pm Home 4/30 Gallup v. Aztec 3 pm Home 4/30 Miyamura v. Shiprock 6 pm Home 4/30 Navajo Pine @ Rehoboth Christian 5 pm 4/30 Tohatchi v. Northwest 5 pm Home 5/1 Thoreau v. Fort Wingate 5 pm



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Sports Quiz By Ryan A. Berenz 1. Na me t he 2 011 WNBA Rookie of the Year who won four championships from 2011-17 with the Minnesota Lynx. 2. What Kansas City Chiefs w ide receiver caught the game-winning touchdown in overtime to seal the Chiefs’s

25-22 victory over the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII? 3. What golf course on Long Island, New York, hosted the U.S. Open Championship in 1896, 1986, 1995, 2004 and 2018? 4. T e n n i s p l a y e r Andre Agassi was marr ied to what model /

actress from 1997-99? 5. What motorsports track, site of the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix beginning in 2012, is located in Austin, Texas? 6. W ho w a s he a d coach of the Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders when the team won Super Bowls XV and XVIII? 7. In 2002, fi rst basem a n He e - s e op Choi became the fi rst Koreanborn position player in Major League Baseball when he debuted with what team? Answers 1. Maya Moore. 2. Mecole Hardman Jr.. 3. Shinnecock Hills Golf Club. 4. Brooke Shields 5. C i r c u i t o f t h e Americas. 6. Tom Flores. 7. The Chicago Cubs.

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5/2 Gallup v. Shiprock 3 pm Away 5/2 Miyamura v. Bloomfield 4 pm Away 5/2 Navajo Pine v. Northwest 5 pm Softball 4/30 Gallup v. Aztec 5 pm Away 4/30 Miyamura v. Shiprock 3 pm Away 4 /3 0 Rehobot h Ch r i st i a n v. Northwest 5 pm Away 5/1 Tohatchi v. Fort Wingate 5 pm Away 5/2 Gallup v. Shiprock 6 pm Away 5/2 Miyamura v. Bloomfield 6 pm Home 5/2 Nava jo Pine @ Rehoboth Christian 6 pm

Gallup Sun • Friday, April 26, 2024 B5



New Mexico delegation welcomes over $9.3 million for schools, roads By Sen. Martin Heinrich


A SH I NGT ON D.C . — U. S . S en s. M a r t i n Heinrich, D-N.M., and Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., and U.S. Reps. Teresa Leger Fernández, D-N.M., M e l a n i e S t a n s b u r y, D -N.M ., a nd Ga be Vasquez, D-N.M., are welcoming over $9.3 million to invest in New Mexico’s public schools, roads, wildfire mitigation, and county services. The funds will be allocated from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Secure Rural Schools program, reauthorized through the Infrastructure Law, which New Mexico Democrats passed into law. McKinley County is set to receive almost $300,000 of that $9 million. “F rom school s to roads and emergency services, our Infrastructure Law continues to deliver for rural communities in

Rep. Melanie Stansbury

Sen. Martin Heinrich

New Mexico,” Heinrich said in a press release published on April 22. “These investments will support our kids’ education, equip our rural law enforcement personnel and firefighters with the resources they need to keep our communities safe, grow our local economies, and create more jobs New Mexicans can build their families around. I remain committed to continuing to deliver investments like these that will help us build a stronger future for our kids.” S t a n s b u r y s p oke about how much the

money would help rural schools. “The $9.3 million will go a long way to making schools more accessible to our rural communities in New Mexico,” she sa id.“F unding opportunities like the Secure R u r a l S c ho ol s pr o gram demonstrate the reach and power of the Biden Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Updating and maintaining roads, bridges, school buses, and broadband connections means more students in our state will have an easier, safer time getting to and from school each day.”

Financial advice Strategies for maximizing FDIC protection By Al Martinez Guest Columnist


he news of the closure of three banks in 2023 sent shockwaves across the financial world. As customers of these banks scramble to secure their savings and investments, it is helpful to remember the role of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in protecting deposits up to $250,000. The FDIC was created in 1933 in response to bank failures during the Great Depression. Its primary mission is to protect depositors by insuring their deposits against loss in case of a bank failure. The FDIC covers up to $250,000 per depositor, account category, and insured institution. In the event of a bank failure, the FDIC typically pays depositors their insured deposits within a few days. The FDIC does not insure stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other securities. It only insures deposits in checking, savings, money market, and CD accounts. Depositors are advised to keep their deposits under the FDIC-insured threshold of $250,000. If a depositor has more than $250,000 in a single account at a single institution, any amount over the threshold is not insured and would be at risk of loss in the event of a bank failure. To maximize FDIC coverage, depositors can open accounts under different ownership categories. For example, a depositor can have $250,000 in an individual account, $250,000 in a joint account with a spouse, and $250,000 in a trust account for a total of $750,000 in coverage at a single institution. Deposits in different banks also are covered by the FDIC protection. A depositor could have $250,000 in more than one bank and all would be covered under FDIC rules. It’s important to note

Al Martinez that there are specific rules and requirements for assigning beneficiaries to your accounts to qualify for FDIC insurance. You should check with your bank to ensure you understand these requirements and have assigned beneficiaries correctly. Depositors can also i ncrea se t hei r F DIC coverage by opening accounts at different FDIC-insured institutions. The FDIC provides separate insurance coverage for deposits held i n d i f ferent a ccou nt ownership categories at various institutions. For example, a depositor can have $250,000 in a checking account at one institution, $250,000 in a savings account at another institution, and $250,000 in a CD at a third institution for a total of $750,000 in coverage. One way to spread your deposits around is to use bank networks. These networks allow you to open accounts at multiple banks that are part of the network but manage your accounts through a single platform. This can make it easier to manage your accounts and monitor your deposits. It’s important to note that not all banks participate in bank networks, so you’ll need to research to fi nd the ones that do. Additionally, you should ensure that any bank you deposit money into is FDIC-insured. While the FDIC provides a safety net, depositors need to research the financial health of the institutions where they hold their deposits. Depositors should look for well-capitalized institutions with a

strong track record of fi nancial stability. They can research an institution’s fi nancial health by reviewing its financial statements, credit ratings, and regulatory reports. In addition to protecting their deposits, depositors can take other steps to protect themselves in case of a bank failure. For example, depositors can keep records of their account balances, transactions, and account statements. They can also sign up for electronic statements and alerts to monitor their accounts for unauthorized transactions or unusual activity. The closure of the three ba nks in 2023 serves as a reminder of the importance of FDIC insurance in protecting depositors’ savings and investments. Deposit insurance is a valuable safety net for depositors. Still, depositors should keep their deposits under the insured threshold, diversify their account holdings over different account types and ownership categories, and research the financial health of the institutions where they hold their deposits. By taking these steps, depositors can minimize the risk of loss in the event of a bank failure and protect their fi nancial future. If you have doubts about the stability of your financial institution, reach out to a tr usted adv isor today. They can guide you through various strategies to help you achieve maximum FDIC protection. A l Ma r tinez is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management. Sy nd icated Columnists is the sole provider of this material, both written and conceptual, for this column. All rights reserved

The anti-Israel delusion Surely, you’ve heard of the brutal confl ict that has displaced millions of people and killed more than 14,000, while aid convoys have trouble getting where they need to go? No, the Sudanese civil war hasn’t been on your radar screen? OK, but how about the crisis that has led to more than half the population of a country needing humanitarian assistance amid constant turmoil and war? You haven’t heard much about the confl ict in Yemen lately, either? Perhaps, then, the war that has forced large numbers of people to flee the fighting multiple times, while as much as a quarter of the population is facing hunger or illness? Actually, the fight between the military and armed opposition groups in Myanmar also isn’t top of mind? These are terrible situations that garner very little or almost no attention, in contrast to the overwhelming level of focus on Israel’s war in Gaza, almost all of it through a hostile lens. This is nothing new. The Jewish state has long been singled out for opprobrium and held to a standard different than that of other societies. Some of this is justified. As an advanced Western-style democracy and ally of the United States, Israel should be better than whatever armed faction is preying on people in some Third World country — and, indeed, Israel is better. International organizations, the media and left-wing activists create exactly the opposite impression, though. Given the amount of time and energy devoted to condemning Israel, one would be forgiven for thinking that the world would be a much more peaceful, just place if only it weren’t for the existence of a Jewish state. There are important distinctions between the war in Gaza and the other confl icts mentioned above. Israel isn’t staging a coup or fighting a civil war. It was perfectly content — indeed, in retrospect, much too content — to live with a Gaza controlled by Hamas, until it was subjected to a heinous attack that no other society today or in any other period in history would tolerate. Israel also fights differently. It seeks to honor the rules of war while operating in a dense urban environment against a merciless enemy that wants as many civilians to be killed as possible. In other confl icts around the world, there are no rules. In Myanmar, people aren’t just fleeing the fighting, but “executions and killings,

forced recruitment, torture, arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances and persecution,” according to the European Union. Nonetheless, it is Israel that is accused of committing genocide. The people braying about Israel’s alleged crimes against humanity apparently never spare a thought for the Uyghurs, subject to a massive ongoing campaign of repression by the Chinese government; or the Rohingya people, viciously targeted by the government of Myanmar; or the Baha’i in Iran, the Hazaras in Afghanistan or the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. There are all sorts of candidates for a list of the most oppressive countries in the world, from North Korea to Equatorial Guinea, from Turkmenistan to Venezuela, from Russia to China. Yet, practically all we hear about is Israel. The old Soviet Union was long at the forefront of propagandizing against Israel, a cause readily taken up by the so-called non-aligned countries and the left around the world. This tendency has been rife with antisemitism and hypocrisy, exemplified back in the 1970s by the brutal tinpot dictator of Uganda, Idi Amin, denouncing Israel at the United Nations. Since then, the names and the players have changed, but the tendency — to single out Israel for special obloquy and lie about and obsess over the world’s only Jewish state — has remained the same. A common lament in commentary about other conflicts is that they aren’t getting enough attention. An official with the World Food Programme lamented recently, “The people of Sudan have been forgotten.” The EU noted, “In a world of growing humanitarian emergencies and fleeting media attention, Myanmar is getting ignored.” There’s a reason for that. Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. © 2024 by King Features Synd., Inc.

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B6 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Weekly Police Activity Staff Reports PASSING OUT IN STARBUCKS

Gallup, April 5 A man was caught w it h met h a f t er he passed out at a local Starbucks. On April 9, around

4:45 pm, Public Service Officers were dispatched to the Starbucks at 840 U.S. Hwy. 491 after a man, who was later identified as Warshaw Suazo, passed out in the store’s lobby. When officers arrived at the scene, Starbucks employees told him that Suazo, 45, was becoming disorderly. Suazo wa s ha ndcu ffed a nd paced in the backseat of a public safety officer’s van, and the officers requested that a Gallup Police Officer meet them at NCI at 2201 Boyd Ave. because Suazo had a hypodermic syringe. GPD Officer Gilbert Gonzales arrived at the

detox center around 5 pm. According to his report, he took Suazo’s hat and jacket and found another syringe besides the one already found in his jacket pocket. A small plastic baggie that reportedly had 1.1 grams of meth in it was also found in one of the jacket pockets. A f ter a med ica l clearance from a local hospit a l, Sua zo wa s tra nspor ted to the McKinley County Adult Detention Center, where he was booked for possession of a controlled substance. His preliminary examination was scheduled for April 24.

GOTTA CATCH ‘EM ALL Gallup, Oct. 12

A woman is facing charges of shoplifting after she tried to steal some Pokémon cards for her kids. On Oct. 12, around 10:30 pm, New Mexico St ate Pol ice Of f icer Paulena Houston was dispatched to the Walmart at1650 W. Maloney Ave. after a woman named

Deandrea Garcia was found trespassing at the store. When Houston arrived at the store she met up with NMSP Sgt. Christian Roman, who said Garcia, 34, was in the store with her two kids, and she had reportedly opened a box of Pokémon cards and given them to her kids. The kids allegedly hid the cards in their pockets, and Garcia did not pay for them. In total, Garcia reportedly stole almost $130 worth of Pokémon cards. According to Houston’s report, Garcia was served a trespass order from Wa l ma r t Stores Inc. on Jan. 29, 2022. Walmart said that Garcia had violated the criminal trespass order

three times. She was given the trespass order, but she allegedly refused to sign it. This time around, she signed the trespass order receipt. Garcia was arrested for violating the trespass order and was transported to the McKinley County Adult Detention Center. She was charged with shoplifting and trespassing. The kids’ grandmother came and picked them up. Garcia’s fi rst arraignment was scheduled for Oct. 24, but after she failed to show up to multiple court dates, a judge signed a bench warrant for Garcia on Feb. 2. The warrant was served on April 10, and a pretrial hearing was scheduled for April 25.

Navajo Nation Council addresses disability initiatives Staff Reports

Law Center conducted a survey that identified accessibility barriers commonly found at polling sites on the Navajo Na t ion. T he NA DL C presented a report that compared accessibility fi ndings for Navajo Nat ion pol l i ng sit e s between 2013 and 2023. “Commonalities found across the Nation include undesignated p a r k i n g s p a c e s fo r disabled indiv idua ls, u n e v e n a n d u n s a fe parking lots, impassa ble e nt r a nc e s a nd interior doors, no available ramps, doors with uncompliant levers, and uncompliant restrooms,” Benally said.

The NNACD asked for assistance in disseminating an updated pol l i ng su r vey a nd mandating that all 110 chapters complete the surveys regarding ADA accessibility. R e s o u r c e s and Development Committee Vice Chair Casey A llen Johnson spoke about how he worked with a disabled community member to address ADA compliance issues at the Tuba Cit y Chapter hou se, where improvements were eventually made using local tax funds. “Many communities still need accessibility improvements to their

facilities. Anything we can do to empower our disabled population, my colleagues are supportive,” Johnson said. N NAC D m e m b e r Nicole Curley ta lked about br inging a ll annual fair events into ADA compliance. She said the NNACD has created an online petition advocating for accessibility improvements that received thousands of signatures. “Within the Navajo Nation fairs, we need to be inclusive to the disabled. What I’ve noticed in advocacy is that the disabled are not mentioned. They weren’t mentioned in the State

of the [Navajo] Nation Address. No one talks about t hem,” Nicole said. C ou nc i l D eleg a t e Danny Simpson, a longtime advocate for the Adv isor y Council on Disabilities, said the RDC only has oversight over the Navajo Nation Fair that takes place in the Nation’s capital, but could consider more options to address the concerns. “We need to work with you, the experts, to initiate legislation to address these issues fa ster — we ca n not wait years to resolve t he s e problem s. We also need to mandate

that chapter facilities are in ADA compliance. We should consider creating an enforcement or compliance office on the Nation,” he said. T he N NACD a l s o addressed housing issues. According to their report, the Navajo Nation has an estimated 40,000 disabled individuals. Federal Housing and Urban Development guidelines indicate that 5%t of homes on the Nation need to be accessible for the disabled. Bena l ly t ha n ked the Council for meeting with the group and noted that the NNACD has been unsuccessful in getting a response from the President’s Office to regroup on these issues. “We a re w it h t he Navajo Nation government under Title 13. We are responsible for addressing these issues on behalf of the disabled. All we’re asking for is respect,” Benally said. T he 2 5 t h Na v a j o Nation Council created a list of action items brought up in the meeting including drafting a legislation mandating all 110 Chapters to complete ADA accessibility surveys, drafti n g a me nd me nt s t o the Navajo Nation personnel manual, having NHA provide a report on disability concerns to the RDC, and to have the RDC address the Nava jo Nation Fa ir’s ADA compliance.

and the employee said it sounded real to him. The employee backed off slowly and walked back into the McDonald’s. He said he didn’t argue with the man. The car reportedly stayed in the parking lot for a while and then left, heading east on Highway 66. The employee told his manager what happened and asked him to call the police. While the manager was on the phone with t he p ol ic e , a no t he r employee said the car was coming back. The employees went to the back of the business when the driver and a male passenger walked into the restaurant. The men walked out of the restaurant, but then a while later the employees repor tedly heard shots being fired. An employee who was working the drive-thru register said that when

the Malibu drove up to the window the driver paid with cash. The car was reportedly parked a little too far from the window, and the employee had to reach for the money. The employee asked the driver to “reach out further” so that he could give him his change. The employee said that might have angered the driver, who allegedly had bloodshot eyes. Gallup Police were given surveillance footage of the incident, and they put together a n “Attempt to Locate” fl ier. The next day, GPD received an anonymous tip about who owned the Malibu. Police officers went to the Malibu owner’s house March 8 and spoke to the owner. He said that his son had been driving the car the night of March 6. The son was identified as 20-year-old Delgarito, but GPD still didn’t know

who Delga r ito’s pa ssenger was. Court documents state Delgarito was taken into custody on March 8. When GPD released a photo of the passenger from the McDonald’s surveillance video, they

received an anonymous tip that the man in the v ideo wa s Ma r ti nez. Off icers a lso met Martinez while they were searching for Delgarito, a nd detect ives were able to confi rm his identity through body cam

footage. Officers were able to get an arrest warrant signed by a judge March 13, 2023 and Martinez was arrested March 23, 2023. Delgarito’s jury trial is scheduled for May 28.


INDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Speaker Crystalyne Curley welcomed representatives from the Navajo Nation Advisory Council on Disabilities to Window Rock, Ariz. on April 23 to meet with members of the 25th Navajo Nation Council to push action items forward regarding accessibility issues facing the Navajo Nation’s disabled population. “ The voice of our disabled population has long been neglected. The Advisory Council has drafted legislation and sur veys that address efforts to improve our chapter houses, polling places, and other public places to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act,” Cr yst a ly ne ( Ta chee / Blue Gap, Many Farms, Nazlini, Tselani / Cottonwood, Low Mountain) said. The meeting focused on accessibility to polling sites that include chapter houses. Discussion items also focused on barriers such as the need for more ADA accessible homes t h rou g h t he Nav a jo Housing Authority and improv ing ADA compliance throughout the annual fairs held on the Navajo Nation. According to NNACD President Hoskie Benally, the Advisory Council and the Native A mer ic a n Di s abi l it y

MCDONALD’S SHOOTING | FROM PAGE B2 wall on the west side of the building and exited through an east side wall. Bullet holes were also found in some of the kitchen equipment. Gallup Police Officer Ch r i stopher Dawes arrived at the scene, he met with an employee who said he’d walked an order out to a dark blue Chevy Malibu. The employee said the driver a sked h i m who wa s working the front of the restaurant. The employee said the driver was slurring his words and looked like he was either stoned or intoxicated. After he asked who was working again, the man pulled out a rifle, pointed it at the employee, and said “What’s good?” The man then proceeded to rack the gun,

Navajo Nation disablility.jpg Navajo Nation Advisory Council on Disabilities President Hoskie Benally (second from right) presented a report on accessibility issues that present challenges to the disabled Navajo population. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Navajo Nation Council


Gallup Sun • Friday, April 26, 2024 B7




Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability.


AUTO SALES Amigo Chevrolet

2023 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ 46,352 Miles 4X4 Stock #A26024 Was $55,995 Now $52,995 Amigo Chevrolet 1900 S 2nd St, Gallup, NM (505) 726-4329 Amigo Chrysler/ Dodge/ Jeep/Ram

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PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Board of Commissioners will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. This meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers, Third Floor of the McKinley County Courthouse, 207 West Hill, Gallup, New Mexico. A copy of the agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting in the Manager’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office. The agenda can be sent electronically upon request. Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request; please contact Shawna Garnenez at (505) 863-1400 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements. All interested parties are invited to attend. Done this 19th of April 2024 McKINLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Robert Baca, Chairperson Publication date: Gallup Sun Publishing April 26, 2024 *** McKINLEY COUNTY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the County of McKinley will receive competitive sealed bids for IFB #2024-10 Overhead Door Repair Service until Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 2:00 P.M., Local Time, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud in the County Commission Chambers, and as more particularly set out in the specifications, copies for such may be obtained from the Procurement Department, 207 West Hill Street, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, or McKinley County website: . McKinley County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. For more information please contact Alexandria Lovato at (505) 722-3868, Ext. 1076. The Procurement Code, Sections 13-1-28 Through 13-1-199, NMSA, 1978 imposes civil and criminal penalties for code violations. In addition the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony/ penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities and kickbacks. DATED this 26th day of April 2024 BY:/s/ Robert Baca Chairperson, Board of Commissioners PUBLISHED: Friday, April 26, 2024, The Gallup Sun ***

CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO Request for Proposals (RFP) NO. 2024-RFP-006 Public notice is hereby given that the City of Gallup, New Mexico, is accepting sealed proposals for the following: Lead and Copper Service Line Inventories GALLUP, NM The City of Gallup, NM is seeking a qualified contractor to conduct lead and copper service line inventories within the City to meet the Lead and copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) on January 15, 2021. The purpose of this project is to identify the presence of lead or copper service lines in order to comply with federal regulations and ensure the safety of our drinking water. The contractor will be responsible for conducting field surveys for Lead and Copper Rules, collecting data, and providing a comprehensive inventory report. As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained via the City’s eProcurement Portal. Copies are also available for viewing. Electronically submitted proposals shall be received via electronic bidding platform before 2:00 pm (LOCAL TIME) on or before Thursday, May 23, 2024, where proposals will be received and recorded by the City of Gallup Purchasing Department via virtual conference/video calls or through other virtual means. The City of Gallup has transitioned to a new e-Bid/RFP software system powered by OpenGov. All solicitations will be released electronically through OpenGov and responses from proponents must be submitted electronically through this online platform. By using OpenGov, prospective proponents will be provided with all information regarding a bid including addendums and changes to the project requirements. OpenGov is a completely free service for all respondents. Prior to submitting a proposal, respondents are required to set up their free account with OpenGov. Register your company at City’s eProcurement Portal. Only ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED PROPOSALS will now be accepted; system will not accept proposals submitted AFTER due date and time. Dated this 23rd day of April 2024 By: /S/Louis Bonaguidi, Mayor

Effective April 1, 2024, Stephan Chimoskey, MD will no longer be providing services at RMCHCS. We are actively looking for a sleep medicine provider so that we can continue this service, however until we identify this new provider, we will not be providing sleep medicine or cardiopulmonary services after March 31, 2024. Medical records will be securely maintained at RMCHCS and with written patient authorization a copy of your medical record can be obtained from the RMCHCS HIM Department at 1901 Red Rock Drive, Gallup, NM 87301. When needed, RMCHCS will be glad to provide assistance establishing care with a new sleep medicine provider. Please call (505) 863-7301 for additional information.


25 WORD OR LESS: $20 26-50 WORDS: $40 51-75 WORDS: $60 76-100 WORDS: $80 $20 FOR EACH ADD’L 25 WORDS EXTRAS - $10 PER WEEK, PER ITEM: TEXT BOX, YELLOW HIGHLIGHT, PIC, AND/OR LOGO Newspaper published Fridays. Prepayment required. Classifi eds due Wednesday Noon. Deadline subject to change Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Email: Offi ce (505) 722-8994

Classified Legal Column: Gallup Sun Publishing Date Friday, April 26th, 2024 *** McKINLEY COUNTY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the County of McKinley will receive competitive sealed bids for IFB #2024-10 Overhead Door Repair Service until Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 2:00 P.M., Local Time, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud in the County Commission Chambers, and as more particularly set out in the specifications, copies for such may be obtained from the Procurement Department, 207 West Hill Street, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, or McKinley County website: . McKinley County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. For more information please contact Alexandria Lovato at (505) 722-3868, Ext. 1076. The Procurement Code, Sections 13-128 Through 13-1-199, NMSA, 1978 imposes civil and criminal penalties for code violations. In addition the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony/ penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities and kickbacks.

Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the office of Arianne E. DePauli, 101 West Aztec, Suite A, P. O. Box 1027, Gallup, New Mexico 87301, attorney for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico. Dated: April 23, 2024. /s/ Debra Arthur Personal Representative /s/ Arianne E. DePauli Rosebrough, Fowles, & Foutz, P.C. Attorney for Personal Representative P.O. Box 1027 Gallup, New Mexico 87305 (505) 722-9121 Published: Gallup Sun Publishing April 26, 2024 May 3, 2024 May 10, 2024 *** ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF MCKINLEY In the Matter of the Estate



/s/ Debra Arthur Personal Representative

DEBRA ARTHUR has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of CARMEN DIAZ, deceased. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this

/s/ Arianne E. DePauli Rosebrough, Fowles, & Foutz, P.C. Attorney for Personal Representative P.O. Box 1027 Gallup, New Mexico 87305 (505) 722-9121


*** STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF CIBOLA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT SCOTT P. KIRTLEY, Trustee for the Chapter Bankruptcy of KEITH D. FORD, Plaintiff, Vs. No. D-1333CV-2024-00085 ESTHER FORD, ESTATE OF HERBERT C. BIBO, HIS THEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS & UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO THE PLAINTIFF, Defendants, NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SUIT TO: The Estate of Herbert C. Bibo, his heirs, successors and assigns and “Unknown Claimants in Interest Adverse to Plaintiff.”

Of No. D-1113-PB-2023-40

DEBRA ARTHUR has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of CHRISTINA M. DIAZ, deceased. All persons having claims against this Estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the office of Arianne E. DePauli, 101 West Aztec, Suite A, P. O. Box 1027, Gallup, New Mexico 87301, attorney for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico. Dated: April 23, 2024.

DATED this 26th day of April 2024 BY:/s/ Robert Baca Chairperson, Board of Commissioners PUBLISHED: Friday, April 26, 2024, The Gallup Sun

Gallup Sun Publishing April 26, 2024 May 3, 2024 May 10, 2024


You or your attorney are hereby directed to file a pleading or motion in response to The Complaint to Quiet Title on file herein on or before 20 days from the date of the last Publication of this Notice in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court, Thirteenth Judicial District of State of New Mexico, sitting within and for the County of Cibola, that being the Court in which said Complaint is field, and to serve a copy of the same pleasing or motion upon Plainer Plaintiff’s attorneys, Mason & Isaacson, P.A. 104 East Aztec, P.O. Box 1772, Gallup, New Mexico 87305, (505-722-4463). Unless a responsive pleasing or motion is entered by you in this cause on or before the above sate, judgment will be rendered against you by default. The general object of said action is to quiet the title of the following-described Property in Cibola County, New Mexico. Lot number One (1) in Block numbered Twenty-Seven (27) in EASTRIDGE SUBDIVISION, to the City of Grants, Cibola


PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC INFORMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: Effective May 9, 2024, Matthew Spiva D.P.M. will no longer be providing services at RMCHCS. Medical records will be securely maintained at RMCHCS and with written patient authorization a copy of your medical record can be obtained from the RMCHCS H.I.M. Department at 1901 Red Rock Drive, Gallup, NM 87301. When needed, RMCHCS will be glad to provide assistance establishing care with a new provider. Please call (505) 863-7200 for additional information.

B8 Friday, April 26, 2024 • Gallup Sun



some local parks!



10 am - 2 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Learn the fundamentals and techniques of rug weaving in traditional Diné style, including warping, carding and spinning. Please bring your own weaving materials and/or projects. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


@ St. Paul’s Missionary Baptist Church (1121 W. Lincoln Ave.) Enchiladas will be available for pick up from 11 am to 2 pm. Deliveries in the Gallup area start at noon. For more information and to place orders call (505) 409-9026.


4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


3 pm - 5 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Every Friday, come to the children’s library to unwind from a busy week! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. SATURDAY, APRIL 27


@ Gal-A-Bowl (1900 E. Aztec Ave.). Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ largest annual fundraising campaign. The money raised through this campaign will be used to support quality mentoring matches between caring adult volunteers and at-risk children in New Mexico.


10 am - 12 pm @ Playground of Dreams (302 E. Wilson Ave.) and the Sports Complex (925 Park Ave.). Celebrate Global Youth Service Day by cleaning up

CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE B7 County, (formerly Valencia County), New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the Plat of said Subdivision Filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Valencia County (now Cibola County), New Mexico on July 28, 1970 SUBJECT TO all legally existing easements, restrictions and reservations. WITNESS the District Judge of the Thirteenth District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of said Court this __day of April, 2024. Clerk of District Court By_________ Deputy Published: Gallup Sun Publishing April 19, 2024 April 26, 2024 May 3, 2024 *** STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF CIBOLA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT SCOTT P. KIRTLEY, Trustee for the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy of KEITH D. FORD, Plaintiff, Vs. No. D-1333CV-2024-00086 ESTER FORD, ESTATE

9 am - 2 pm @ The Elks Lodge (1112 Susan Ave.). Come visit, browse, and buy local crafters’ and artists’ hand-made crafts, art, and baked goods.



9 am @ 207 W. Hill Ave.


1 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). A junk journal is a handmade book made up of recycled items such as pages from magazines, brochures, patterned paper, music sheets, envelopes, packaging, and more. This workshop is for people 12 years old and older. Email ctatsukawa@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Customize a necklace or bracelet with the Cricut engraving tool. Supplies provided. Advance registration at is required. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


2 pm every Saturday @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec. Ave.) for weekly family oriented film screenings. This week’s movie is Mulan (1998). Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

12 pm @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). A paramedic and a case manager from the First Responders Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Act will present available resources and Narcan training. Each individual will get a box of Narcan. A Q&A to follow. Email, or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.




1 pm-2 pm @ SSC 640 Boardman Dr.

Use your voice to help survivors of sexual violence thrive by creating an art piece using supportive, uplifting and empowering messages. The deadline to submit art is April 30. Submissions can be sent to jilld@ There are three categories; one for fourth and fifth graders, one for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, and one for 9-12.



9 am - 5 pm @ 340 9th Street. The Gallup 9th Street Flea Market is one of the largest Native American markets in the United States. SUNDAY, APRIL 28 MONDAY, APRIL 29


11 am @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories! Throughout April, the storytimes will celebrate Spring. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Use conductive tape to create an origami firefly that lights up. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

OF ROBERT L. GABLADON Aka BOBBY LEE GABALDON, HIS HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS & UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES ADVERSE TO THE PLAINTIFF, Defendants, NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SUIT TO: Estate of Robert L. Gabaldon aka Bobby Lee Gabaldon, his heirs, successors and Assigns and “Unknown Claimants in Interest Adverse to Plaintiff.” You or your attorney are hereby directed to file a pleading or motion in response to The Complaint to Quiet Title on file herein on or before 20 days from the date of the last publication of this Notice in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court, Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of New Mexico, sitting within and for the County of Cibola, That being the Court on which said the Complaint is filed, and serve a copy of the same Pleading or motion upon Plaintiff or Plaintiff’s attorneys, Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec, P.O. Box 1772, Gallup, New Mexico 87305, (505-722-4463). Unless a responsive Pleading or motion is entered by you in this cause on or before the above date, judgment will Be rendered against

4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1


11 am @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories! Throughout May, the storytimes will celebrate Spring. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

you by default. The general object of the said action is to quiet the title of the following-described property in Cibola County, New Mexico. All of the Lot 17 of Block 2 of MT. TAYLOR PARK SUBDIVISION, as recorded in The office of the Clerk of Valencia County, New Mexico, June 5, 1961. SUBJECT TO all legally existing easement, restrictions and reservations. WITNESS to the District Judge of the Thirteenth District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of said Court this __day of April, 2024.


4 pm - 6 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). OFPL’s MakerSpace is a collaborative work space for making, learning, and exploring. Participants ages 5 and up can come in to create their own design for the 3D printers or explore the many engineering activities and equipment!


4 pm every Wednesday @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). This week’s film is Crazy Rich Asians.


6 pm - 8 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Gallup Career Academy invites members of the Spring 2024 Cohort to OFPL’’s Makerspace This is your time to create and collaborate! Get help with your Google coursework, or use the MakerSpace equipment. The MakerSpace will be closed to the general public at this time. THURSDAY, MAY 2


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.).Create cute crossbody bags, featuring kids’ favorite pets or imaginary characters. For more information email: or call (505) 863-1291. SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY, MAY 3


4 pm - 6 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Join OFPL and Master Gardeners from Tumbleweed Farms for a gardening series. In this session, learn about fertilizing, watering, and the different types of tomatoes that are best for the area.


5:30 pm - 7 pm @ Zuni High School (71 Rte. 301 N., Zuni). A show preview and awards will take place on this day. SATURDAY, MAY 4


10 am - 4 pm @ Zuni High School (71 Rte.

been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of ANNA WILHELM, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate are required to Present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented with to the Personal Representative of the offices of Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, attorneys for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico. Dated: 04-01-2024

301 N., Zuni). During the show, a raffle will be going on. People will also be able to purchase some of the art. TUESDAY, MAY 7


4 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Create a customized Mother’s Day Shadow Box using your Cricut machine. Advance registration at is required. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. THURSDAY, MAY 9


4 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Learn Japanese sashiko stitching. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. SATURDAY, MAY 11


12 pm - 4 pm @ Rio West Mall (1300 W. Maloney Ave.). Make your own self-care kit to celebrate the mother in your life. Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


7 pm - 9 pm @ Downtown Gallup. Come experience local and professional art, artist demonstrations, gallery openings, live music, hands-on crafts, and games for the kids.


7 pm - 9 pm @ El Morro Events Center (210 S. Second St.). Join OFPL to make a Mother’s Day Card using a Cricut!


7 pm - 9 pm @ El Morro Events Center (210 S. Second St.). Screenprint a postcard to send to an elected official with a “support the arts” message.


1 pm - 3 pm @ LOOM Gallery (209 W. Coal Ave.). A self-taught stained glass designer showcases first-of-theirkind pieces inspired by Diné culture and lifeways.


7 pm - 9 pm @ ART123 Gallery (123 W. Coal Ave.). Through portraiture and storytelling, Tasha N.’s solo show installation honors Native artists and their contributions to the community while addressing issues of economic justice.


2 pm @ El Morro Theatre (207 W. Coal Ave.). Join OFPL for a signing of the new Blood In Blood Out book inspired by the 1993 movie. A free screening of the movie will take place at 2 pm. The film’s screenwriter and one of the book’s editors, will be present at 6 pm for a Q&A and book signing. ONGOING


OFPL will host a teen film-making workshop presented by Holt Hamilton Films. Registration is open now. The workshop will be held on June 12-15 at the El Morro Events Center (210 S. Second St.). Register at


@ First Nations Community HealthSource-Gallup (1630 S. Second St.). First Nations Community HealthSource-Gallup offers Free Rapid HIV, Syphilis and Hep C Testing, Monday – Friday from 1 pm to 6:30 pm by appointment. Get your results within minutes. To schedule an appointment call (505) 863-8827.


OFPL staff who will create a bundle of material specially for you! Let them know what type of materials and genres you are interested in, and they’ll browse for you and create a custom bundle of material for you to pick-up curbside. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail. com or fax: (505) 2120391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

TINA ANNA YAZZIE Personal Representative Mason & Isaacson, P.A. By: ________________ James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representative 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup, New Mexico 87301 (505) 722-4463 Published: Gallup Sun April 12, 2024 April 19, 2024 April 26, 2024 *** Notice of sale Notice is hereby given pursuant to the New Mexico Self Storage Lien Act that Smith’s Storage will sell

for purposes of satisfying its lien and all costs. The following described property: mattress, couch, table and misc. The sale will be held: 5/1/2024 at 0900 am at Smith’s Mini Storage 1001 E. Hwy. 66 Gallup NM 87301 where property is located. The name and lady known address of the occupant is: Genaro Villanueva Sr. 601 Stagecoach Gallup NM 87301. The sale will be sold to highest bidder. Smiths mini storage reserves right to bid at said sale. Published: Gallup Sun April 19, 2024 April 26, 2024

Clerk of District Court By:_____________ Deputy Published: Gallup Sun Publishing April 19, 2024 April 26, 2024 May 3, 2024 *** ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNT OF McKINLEY STATE OF NEW MEXICO In the Matter of the Estate Of No. D-1113-PB-2024-00007 ANNA WILHELM, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TINA ANNA YAZZIE has

Hiring reliable and dependable drivers Must have drivers license, registration, and insurance. Delivery on Friday only. Pay same day. Please send work history to

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