Gallup Sun ● March 15, 2024

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Gallup Sun VOL 10 | ISSUE 468

March 15, 2024

Legislative largesse seeks to balance “T local interests

hey gave us $30 million in hospital money, so we can’t complain.” - McKinley County Manager Anthony Dimas

Senate Bills 17 and 161 will both help rural hospitals in New Mexico like Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital stay on their feet. File Photo By Holly J. Wagner Sun Correspondent Rural hospitals got some much-needed assistance from the state Legislature this year, in the form of bills that will help with short- and longterm funding. But that may have cost local governments: there’s only so much money to go around, so other local priorities got less than they hoped for or may have to wait another year. “All the money we got was for the hospital, basically,” McKinley County Manager Anthony Dimas said. “Our number one priority was to save our hospital, so that’s what they gave us.” Most of the funding designated in the session will become available July 1 with the start of the 2025 fiscal year. ABOUT THE BILLS Passage of Senate Bill 17, the Health Care Delivery and Access Act, established a Medicaid Directed Payment Program that’s expected to generate $1.3 billion in federal funds for hospitals in the state; Senate Bill 161, Acute Care Facilities Subsidies, will give temporary financial assistance grants to help tide small hospitals over until SB17 money becomes available in 2025. Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital will also benefit from two line items in the budget bill, both designated for any “non federal hospital in McKinley County.” One provides $12 million to backfill support money to the county and City of Gallup to make sure the hospital could make payroll from last December through the first part of

McKinley County Manager Anthony Dimas

Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital Interim CEO Bill Patten

this year. The other provides $15 million to help the hospital pay down its debt. Taxpayers have Sen. George Muñoz to thank for getting those into House Bill 2, which focuses on the state budget. The funds were welcome news to RMCH Interim

CEO Bill Patten, who is grateful for local and state support. “The Legislature was very kind to us,” he said.“... The way the local politicians came together in support of us, I couldn’t ask for a better scenario.” Local leaders recognize the importance of keeping rural hospitals in general, and RMCH in particular, open and serving their communities. However, it’s a tradeoff. “They gave us $30 million in hospital money, so we can’t complain,” Dimas said. “I think the thinking is that if the county gets all this money from this pot, we don’t have to fund them with the other pot because we are doing all this for the hospital.” WHERE CUTS WERE MADE One big item the county didn’t get was $4.5 million to renovate the Red Rock Park campground. Other projects at the park are ongoing, but the campground will have to wait. Funding requested for the county’s planned industrial park, extending County Road 1, Anni Clanni bridge and some other projects didn’t come through, although the state did chip in some bridge design money for Superman Canyon 1 and Bridge 8085, which runs under the railroad tracks at the east end of Gallup. The City of Gallup was looking to fund some large water-related projects, asking for $15 million for wastewater treatment plant improvements and $12 million for a reverse osmosis system. They got $3 million toward planning, design and construction for wastewater treatment improvements. Unfunded were requests for $3 million for another well to tide the city over until the NavajoGallup Water Supply Project begins delivery around 2029; $2 million for replacement water and wastewater lines; and $1.5 million for a well pump assembly to deliver the water. Even the smaller requests weren’t completely covered. The city asked for $860,000 to put artificial turf on the fourth field at the Joe Vargas Veterans Sports Complex, but only got $300,000. A request for $500,000 for ongoing road maintenance got closer, with an award of $450,000, Assistant City Manager J.M. DeYoung said. The city also got $400,000 for public safety furnishings for the new police station, which will ideally be ready for move-in by November; $200,000 toward designing the new regional animal shelter; and $60,000 for Mentmore trail improvements. The city also got extensions on using some funding that was granted last year, so money banked for fire and police department recruiting and turf replacement will stay with the city until 2027 rather than reverting back to the state.

One thing that’s expected to help small governments statewide is a $75 million pot of seed money for federal grant matching. Agencies will be able to cite that as a source of matching funds when they apply for grants that require matching, but only draw money if they win the grants. “It’s a new way of going about things,” GallupMcKinley County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bill Lee said. “It got rid of the ‘junior money,’ a secondary annual funding bill that was veto-proof and had a reputation as a pork barrel.” Lee is also pleased that local governments got some money for roads and bridges that are “desperately needed in McKinley County” and that the state opted to keep a 31% reserve. He also applauded a measure that will improve communication among courts so that if a charged suspect who gets pretrial release is arrested for another crime, the judge handling the second case can take that into consideration when determining whether to release the suspect on the second case.

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A2 Friday, March 15, 2024 • Gallup Sun






As our school year is quickly breezing by, we want to reach out to all our Senior class sponsors and GMCS Senior Parents with a request. We would like your student’s senior picture so that we can feature it along with all of our other seniors in the 2024 Gallup Sun Senior Edition, this May. Seniors who do not provide a senior picture or do not have a picture on file with Kenneth Brown Studios will only be mentioned in the Senior Edition under “not pictured”.

Please email your senior’s picture to Please also include your students NAME and SCHOOL in your email AND please rename your file with the students’ name.

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Gallup Sun • Friday, March 15, 2024


NMPED adopts 180day calendar rule with revisions based on public feedback Staff Reports SANTA FE — The New Mex ico P ubl ic Education Department is moving forward with plans to ensure that all schools in the state operate on a minimum of 180 instructional days beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. Revisions ref lect feedback received during the public comment period that best supports students, families, educators, and communities. The final rule will include: • Four-day school week calendars • Exemptions for ea rly col lege h igh schools • Exemptions for school districts and charter schools with growth in reading and language arts • Minimum daily attendance for high school students: High school students will be required to attend at least 3.5 instructional hours (not class periods) daily, unless they provide evidence of participating for an equivalent amount of time in an apprenticeship, a work study program, a dual-credit program, employment, community service, or similar activities. Exemptions to the 180 instructional-day minimum for school year 2024-2025 calendars will be granted based on district-wide or charter school-wide proficiency rates in school year 2023-2024 and proficiency growth from school years 2022-2023 to 2023-2024. Reading achievement will be rounded to the nearest whole number and


New Mexico Public Education Secretary Arsenio Romero will be based on state accountability assessments (MSSA, SAT, and iStation for K-2 only charter schools). To be exempt from t he m i n i mu m 18 0 instructional days in the 2024-2025 school year, a school district or charter school will meet one of the criteria below. • If a school district or charter school has an overall reading, language arts proficiency rate below 45%, then the school district or charter school must demonstrate at least 15% of growth in reading, language arts achievement. • If a school district or charter school has an overall reading, language arts proficiency rate greater than or equal to 45% and less t h a n 65% , t hen t he school district or charter school must demonstrate at least 10% of growth in reading, language arts achievement. • If a school district or charter school has an overall reading, language arts proficiency rate greater than or equal to 65% and less t ha n 8 0 % , t hen t he school district or charter school must demonstrate at least 8% of

Governor signs bills creating $959 million trust fund guaranteeing tuition-free college in New Mexico

growth in reading, language arts achievement. • If a school district or charter school has an overall reading, language arts proficiency rate greater than or equal to 80%, then the school district or charter school will be exempt from the 180 instructional-day requirement regardless of growth. “In order to equalize instructional time across the state, we have chosen to adopt the 180-day calendar rule,” Public Education Secreta r y A r sen io Romero said. “We must improve student outcomes across the state, our students deserve better, and that begins with quality instructional time in the classroom. We know that this will be a key to turning the tide on academic per for ma nce i n t he state.” House Bill 130, which passed during the 2023 L eg islat ive Ses sion, s ou g ht t o i nc r e a s e instructional time for students. However, when school calendars were analyzed for the 20232024 school year, many districts and charter schools had less than the number required, prompting the PED to revise the rule.

New Mexico’s trust fund dedicated to a SANTA FE — Gov. higher education fund is Michelle Lujan Grisham the largest of any state, signed Senate Bill 159, followed by Tennessee creating a nearly $1 billion at approximately $775 trust fund and a scholmillion and New Jersey arship program fund to and Alaska, both at ensure tuition-free colabout $400 million. Just lege in New Mexico for seven other states have decades to come, on established higher eduMarch 5. cation trust funds. “By creating this fund, In 2022, the governor New Mexico is keeping signed the Opportunity our original promise of Scholarship Act, cretuition-free college for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham ating the nation’s most residents and cementing inclusive tuition-free our status as the nation’s leader for col- college program. The program has lege equity and access,” Lujan Grisham secured full funding every year since, said. “Our monumental investments with $162 million appropriated for FY25. from early childhood education to colA little over 42,000 New Mexicans lege and career are already making a are receiving the scholarship, including life-changing difference for tens of over 10,000 students attending college thousands of New Mexicans and setting over the summer. Research conducted the example for every other state.” by the New Mexico Higher Education With the establishment of the Early Department shows that the number of Childhood Trust Fund in 2020 via the students completing short-term career Land Grant Permanent Fund, New training certificates increased by 39% Mexico is the first state to establish since the program began, and students trust funds for both early childhood receiving the Opportunity Scholarship and higher education, with a total $32.4 are 8% more likely to stay in school than billion invested in cradle to career those not receiving it. Most Opportunity education. Scholarship recipients are Hispanic, Supported by the Tax Stabilization identify as women, are under the age Reserve Fund, the Higher Education of 24 and are eligible to receive federal Trust Fund will make it possible for need-based Pell grants. state financial aid programs, includAccording to initial numbers subing the Oppor tunity and Lotter y mitted to the New Mexico Higher Scholarships, to continue supporting Education Department for the spring full tuition for eligible students even in 2024 semester, enrollment increased by years when less state funding is avail- nearly 4%, higher than the fall semester able. An investment of $959 million increase. Overall, college enrollment will generate interest revenue in future in New Mexico has increased by more years. An initial distribution of $47.95 than 7% since 2021, the year before the million will be made to the program program began. fund in FY25. Staff Reports


On page B1 of last week’s issue the wrong photo was used. A photo of the Gallup Lady Bengal’s Feb. 28 game against the Bloomfied Lady Bobcats was placed in the paper instead of a photo of the Gallup Bengal’s Feb. 29 game against the Kirtland Central Broncos. Below is the correct photo with the correct caption.

Bengal Joshua Keeto (21) races toward the basket while Bronco Osai Garcia (12) tries to stop him during the Feb. 29 game. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein Friday







Windy with PM rain Winds SE 25-35

Partly Cloudy Winds SSW 5-100

PM Rain Winds ENE 5-10

Partly Cloudy Winds ESE 10-20

PM Rain Winds S 5-10

Partly Cloudy Winds WSW 10-20

Mostly Sunny Winds WSW 10-20

High 47o Low 29o

High 47o Low 24o

High 47o Low 27o

High 51o Low 30o

High 53o Low 29o

High 57o Low 32o

High 60o Low 35o

A4 Friday, March 15, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann Managing Editor Molly Ann Howell Executive Director Mandy Marks Design Oksana Terpak-Malenka Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Dee Velasco Holly J. Wagner Photography Kimberley Helfenbein Merrisha Livingston Jenny Pond The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391

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Daycare employee allegedly bites child Staff Reports A fo r m e r e m ploye e of Br ight F utu re Ch ildca re Center, a childcare facility at the University of New MexicoGallup, is facing child abuse charges after she reportedly bit a child. On Feb. 28 around 4:15 pm, a woman called Metro Dispatch asking to file a report with the McK i n ley Cou nt y Sher i f f ’s Office. The woman said her child was abused while under the care of the Bright Futures Childcare Center, located at the University of New MexicoGallup, 700 Lions Hall Dr. T he wom a n s a id s he’d contacted the Gallup Police Department initially, but they referred her to the UNM-Gallup p o l i c e . McK i n l e y C o u n t y Deputy Jarad Albert was asked to file a report to give to the campus police. A c c o r d i n g t o A l b e r t ’s report, the woman told him t h a t Ta m my H a l l , B r i g ht F ut u re’s Co -Di rec t or, h a d called her to inform her about a n i ncident i nvolv i n g her infant daughter and a daycare

Triniquea J. Arviso worker who was identified as Triniquea J. Arviso. Hall told the victim’s mother that she heard the victim crying in pain from the infant room. Hall said she entered the infa nt room a nd found Arviso, 28, holding the victim. Hall reportedly asked Arviso what happened, to which the employee said, “I did something bad.” Arviso allegedly admitted to her boss that she bit the infant on the shoulder. Hall said she saw marks on the alleged victim’s left shoulder. A f t er get t i ng t he ba ckground information from the victim’s mother, Albert was told that MCSO was going to

take over the investigation and that he was going to lead it. He and Sgt. Timo Molina drove over to UNM-Gallup and met with a UNM campus officer. The campus officer pro v ided some footage of the incident. In the surveillance video, A r v i so c a n repor t ed ly be seen alone in the infant room around 10:45 am on Feb. 28. In the v ideo she is holding the v ictim in her arms and walking her over to a rocking chair. While Arviso is walking toward the rocking chair she is holding the infant over her left shoulder. At one point she ducks her head down to the left shoulder area of the infant. No biting can be seen in the video. Albert and Molina spoke to multiple daycare workers about the incident. One coworker said she spoke to Arviso after the incident. She said Arviso was shaking and crying and claimed to be stressed and overwhelmed. T he coworker who wa s working in the infant room with A r v iso at the time of

the incident told the officers that Arviso had never had any problems with any of the kids before. She said her coworker wa s never aggressive or violent. The woman said she left for her break around 10:30 am and returned around 10:55 am. She found Arviso putting the four kids who were at the daycare that day in their highchairs for lunch, and after she did that, she left the room crying. Ar viso was reportedly gone for five minutes, and when she came back her coworker asked her what was wrong, to which Ar viso responded by telling her to look at the infant’s arm. Arviso admitted to several of her coworkers that she bit the infant and she resigned from her position at the daycare soon after. She was gone before the infa nt’s pa rents could arrive. A judge signed a warrant for Arviso’s arrest on Feb. 29, and she was arrested on March 5. She is facing charges of child abuse, which is a third-degree felony. Her preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 27.

Weekly DWI Report Staff Reports Featured DWI Louis J Fambrough March 1, 7:45 pm A g g ravated DW I (Third) A Gallup man, Louis Fambrough, 50, stopped at a McKinley County DWI Taskforce checkpoint and was arrested and charged with his third DWI. New Mexico State Police Officer Irvonne Bahe was with NMSP Officer Chaz Troncoso at a Taskforce Sobriety Checkpoint at mile marker 14.9 on State Highway 118. A beige Toyota SUV approached the checkpoint from the west and the officers met the driver, Fambrough. Ba he su spected Fa mbroug h wa s impaired because he reportedly showed signs of intoxication including bloodshot eyes, appearing confused as he talked, as well as smelling of alcohol. Fambrough pulled to the side of the road at the officer’s command. He admitted consuming five unspecified alcoholic beverages about three hours prior to stopping at the checkpoint, stating he was driving back to his own home in Gallup from outside the city limits.

Name: Terrel Pelt Age: 32 Arrested: March 5 Charge: DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on April 2

After stating he had a knee problem, Fambrough agreed to take alternative sobriety tests. However, he performed poorly on each test and was placed under arrest. He reportedly became uncooperative with officers before being transported to the local state police office. He agreed to the breath test, where he posted samples of .21 and .22. Bahe then transported Fambrough to the McKinley County Adult Detention Center, where he was booked for aggravated DWI (third), expired registration, and no insurance. His pretrial hearing is scheduled for April 2.

Name: James Tabaaha Age: 47 Arrested: March 2 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Pretrial hearing on April 4

Name: Brandon Richard Barber Age: 25 Arrested: March 6 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on April 9

Name: Candace Yazzie Age: 37 Arrested: March 2 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Motion hearing on March 26

Name: Marx Francy Tom Age: 19 Arrested: March 5 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Pretrial hearing on March 26

Name: Hansen Raye Burbank Age: 41 Arrested: March 1 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Pretrial hearing on March 26

Arizona man pleads guilty to abusive sexual conduct Staff Reports A m a n f r om R e d Va l ley, A r i z on a h a s pled guilty to abusive sexual contact after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 15-year-old. According to court docu ments, Da r w i n

Chee, a member of the Navajo Nation, sexually assaulted the 15-yearold girl at a residence located within the exterior boundaries of the Navajo Nation on Dec. 30, 2021. A federal grand jury i nd ic t ed 5 3 -ye a r- old

Chee on Nov. 23, 2022. A lexa nder M.M. Uballez, United States Attorney for the District of New Mex ico, a nd Raul Bujanda, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Albuquerque Field Office, announced on M a rch 12 t h at Chee

pleaded guilty in federal cour t to abusive sexual contact. Chee will remain in custody pend i n g s ent enc i n g, which had not yet been scheduled. Under the terms of the agreement, Chee will be sentenced to a term of incarceration of no less than 14 years up to a maximum of 20 years. This incarceration will be followed by a term of super vised release of no less than 5 years

and up to life. He will be required to register as a sex offender upon his eventual release from custody. The Fa r mington Resident Agency of the FBI Albuquerque Field Office investigated this ca se w ith a ssista nce from the Navajo Police Department and Navajo Department of Criminal Investigations. Assistant United States Attorney Ma rk A . Proba sco is prosecuting the case.


Gallup Sun • Friday, March 15, 2024



Homemade treats store-bought snacks though. What are some natural or homemade alternatives for treats? — Maggie T., Nashua, N.H. A: Many alternative recipes for homemade doggie treats are available on the internet and at the bookstore, but the healthiest ones share many common features. This means that you can find By Sam Mazzota quite a few good recipes out there, or King Syndicate develop a few of your own. Common ingredients in dog treats EAR PAW’S CORNER: My new are meat protein (either from fresh is going very DEARpuppy’s PAW’Straining CORNER: I left my meats, broths or strained baby foods), well, and he responds very dog Shep in the care of a pet sitter wholegrain flours (like wheat, oats, well to rewards of little treats. I worry corn or rice), eggs and powdered supfor a week while I was away on busiabout feeding him so many processed, plements (like brewer’s yeast or garlic).

Does Pet Insurance Extend to Pet Sitters?


ness. The sitter texted me that Shep cut his paw during a walk in the nearby woods, and they took him to my veterinarian for care. Shep is doing fine now. I have pet insurance, but I don’t think it’s my responsibility to pay for this. ARIES: (March 21 toThe upinjury — you’re about to prove occurred thecorrect sitter was walkApril 19)while You’re once again why you’re the to him. want The to help someone Top Cat in whatever you do. ing sitter says that injury whoillness seems are to need assisVIRGO: and my responsibility to (August 23 to tance.Who But beshould carefulpay? that — September cover. Bill in 22) A misunderthey aren’t pulling the wool standing with a co-worker Chicago over those gorgeous Sheep’s could become a real probDEAR Didfacts. the sitter give it’s resolved eyes. YouBILL: need more lem unless any TAURUS: details of how Shep was injured? (April 20 to soon. Allow a third party The areoptiimportant. Forin and assess the Maycircumstances 20) The Bovine’s to come example, if Shep was on-leash and mism will soon dispel the situation without pressure stepped on an unexpected piece of gloom cast by those nay- or prejudice. debris thepessimists path, that’s differentLIBRA: than (September 23 sayersinand who hover by. Also, October ifstill Shep was close let off-leash and to was run- 22) Call a family the good news recently ning free in the you woods. But, ifmeeting you nor-to discuss the care received is part of a fuller of woods a loved one at this diffimally let him off-leash in the message that isthe yetsitter to come. and instructed that itcult wastime. OK Don’t let yourself GEMINI: (May 21 to get pushed to do that, then that’s another consid- into shoulderJune 20) Feeling jealous ing the full burden on your eration. over a colleague’s success own. Talk more with the sitter to get more drains the energy that you SCORPIO: (October 23 details. In the meantime, pay the vet need to meet your own chal- to November 21) An upcomand submit the reimbursement claim lenges. Wish them well and ing decision could open up tofocus the pet company. on insurance what you need to a path to an exciting venProfessional sitters routinely include do. Results start to show up ture. However, there are a instatement in their contract with cli- that you should mid-March. some risks ents CANCER: that any illness or injury is (June 21 to k now the about. A sk more responsibility of the toclient. pro- before making a July 22) You’re likely feel This questions tects them from financial losscommitment. if somesomewhat crabby these days.does So, watch what you AGITTA RIUS: thing happen. However, ifS they say, or you could find your- neglecting (November 22 to December are accused of deliberately making lots apolo21) Personal orself abusing a pet in of their care, that state- matters need gies.won’t Your protect mood starts ment your attention during the brighten the weekend. e a rl ier pa r t of t he On this bynote, I’ll add that sitters LEO: (July 23 to August week. You can start to should purchase liability insurance 22) Your pride might still be shift your focus to your that specifically covers them and hurting from those unflat- workaday world by midtheir business in case a claim is made tering remarks someone week. Fr iday br ings against themyou. — But or worse, they’re made about cheer if news. injured while caring for someone else’s pet. Pet sitters and owners, what’s your take on this situation? Tell me at ask@ By your Danatips, Jackson Send comments or questions to

A variety of flavorings can be added, including peanut butter, sugar or molasses, vanilla, salt, and small amounts of cheese or milk. Dry or instant yeast can be added to biscuit-type recipes, to allow the dough to rise before baking. A popular training asset is liver treats, which can be made fairly easy and which last about four to five days if stored properly (in an airtight container and refrigerated). Chicken livers, eggs and sweetener are pureed, flour or cornmeal is mixed in (some owners add powdered supplements as well) and the mixture is baked, cooled and sliced into bite-size treats. Certain foods are never safe for

Salome’s Stars C A P R I C O R N : (December 22 to January 19) You’ve been going at a hectic pace for quite a while. It’s time now for some much-needed rest and recreation to recharge those hardworking batteries. AQUARIUS: (January 20 to February 18) This is a good time to upgrade your current skills or consider getting into an entirely different training program so that you can be prepared for new career opportunities. PISCES: (February 19 to March 20) Keep a low profile in order to avoid being lured away from the job at hand. Focus on what has to be done and do it. There’ll be time later to enjoy fun with family and friends. BORN THIS W EEK: You can be a dreamer and a realist. You dream of what you would like to do, and then you face the reality of how to do it. © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

dogs, so don’t use any recipe that contains these ingredients: chocolate, onions, raisins/grapes or macadamia nuts. They seem like fairly innocent foods, but can cause serious health problems in dogs. Baking and testing these snacks out on your puppy can be a lot of fun. Remember, you can also share recipes with other dog owners and perhaps find the perfect treat for your companion. Send your tips, comments or questions to © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

Pet of the Week Meet Pentalope! She is a very sweet 1-year-old shepherd mix. She loves getting attention and playing with the other dogs at the Grants Animal Care Center. She likes treats and going for walks.

A nyone interested in Pentalope can visit her at the Grants Animal Care Center at 722 Redondo Rd. in Grants, New Mexico. They are open MondayFriday from 8 am to 4 pm.

Pentalope is currently under the care of the Grants Animal Care Center.

Celebrity Extra

Q: I recently © 2024the King Features watched ser iesSynd., Inc. Sofia Vergara starred in about a female drug lord, and it made me wonder if Julie Bowen is also doing something now that Modern Family is over? — A.E. A: It’s been four years since the smash-hit sitJulie Bowen com Moder n Fa m i ly (Upcoming in “Hysteria!”) ended, but Bowen has been selective with her nex t ser ie s com m it- whose plane crashes en ment. She’ll soon star route to a spa vacation, in the 1980s-set super- and they find themselves natural-thriller series being stalked by someHysteria! on Peacock, one — or something. where she’ll play the Richards had a long mother of a teenager acti ng ca reer before w h o i s a c c u s e d o f returning to reality T.V. being a satanist. A pre- for The Real Housewives miere date hasn’t been of Beverly Hills. As she’s announced yet, but the no longer a regular cast highly anticipated series member, she’s back to recently added Garret acting in television and Dillahunt (Raising Hope) films. Leakes is best and Nolan North (Pretty known for her time in Little Liars) to the cast. the Atlanta franchise of Real Housewives, but *** she’s also guest-starred Q : : I s aw t h at on shows like Glee. Denise Richards and The other two women NeNe L ea ke s f rom running for their lives in Real Housewives are the movie are played by in a new T.V. movie on Kym Johnson Herjavec Lifetime. Who are the and Melyssa Ford. Ford other two women in it? has starred in several Are they also from the music videos, but is best Bravo shows? — K.S. known as a podcaster. A: Despite the movie Herjavec is best recogstarring Denise Richards nized for her days as a a n d N e N e L e a k e s , dance pro on Dancing and having a title like with the Stars, where she Hunting Housewives, met her husband, Robert this new Lifetime movie Herjavec, of Shark Tank. isn’t about Bravo’s Real She also co-starred in Housewives franchise. the holiday roma nce Instead, it’s a scripted movie Christmas with movie about four friends the Knightleys.



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1. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom featured a father figure named Philip Banks? 2. LANGUAGE: How many letters are in the Greek alphabet? 3. MOVIES: Which movie features the line, "To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't just about horses, I lost interest"? 4. SCIENCE: How long is an eon? 5. GEOGRAPHY: In which country is most of the Kalahari Desert located? 6. MU SIC: Which singer once was called the Material Girl? 7. FOOD & DRINK: What is injera? 8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of cockroaches called? 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which large U.S. city is nicknamed Emerald City? 10. GAMES: How many blocks are in a Jenga tower? © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers 1. “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” 2. 24. 3. “Barbie.” 4. 1 billion years. 5. Botswana, Africa. 6. Madonna. 7. Fermented flatbread. 8. An intrusion. 9. Seattle, Washington. 10. 54.

A6 Friday, March 15, 2024 • Gallup Sun

Gallup Sun • Friday, March 15, 2024 B1


Lady Cougars keep their eye on the prize By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor In 2023, the Tohatchi Lady Cougars beat the Sant Fe Indian Braves in the Nusenda Credit Union Girls Basketball state championship game on March 10 with a score of 46-24. This year, they’re looking to continue the streak of success and win another championship. In an interview with the Sun before their quarterfinal matchup against the Zuni Lady Thunderbirds on March 12, Lady Cougar Brooke Badonie explained that the team’s strategy relies heavily on defense. “We say that our defense will create our offense, so tomorrow we want to focus on stealing the ball [and] making them turn the ball over,” she said. Badone is a senior this year, and she took time to reflect on her basketball career as a Lady Cougar. “It’s been exciting, and I’m very grateful to be a part of this team. I’m sad that it’s coming to an end. I just have to make the best of this year,” she said. Badone has plans to play basketball at New Mexico Highlands University next year. Junior WynterRose Sheka also spoke about the team’s strategy going into the state championship games. “Our plan is to mainly rebound, communicate, and follow through with our shots, and hustle,” she said. Coach Tinisha Bistsoi has been with the team for almost 11 years now. She said part of the team’s strategy is all about mindset. “The message is always the same. We have to be up for every game. I tell them, ‘Treat every game like it’s a championship game,’” Bistsoi said. She explained that she also tries to prepare the girls for the future. “I’m always telling them, ‘One day that basketball is going to stop bouncing for us, what do we do next?’ [I’m] trying to always put things into perspective and showing them that everything they’re doing in sports is teaching them and preparing them for challenges in the future,” Bistsoi said. The Lady Cougars ended up defeating the Zuni Lady Thunderbirds in the tournament’s quarterfinals with a score of 48-16. At press time, the Lady Cougars were waiting to play the Santa Fe Indian Braves in the semi-finals of the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union Girls Basketball on March 14. If they win that game, they will go on to the championship game on Feb. 15, where they will either play the Navajo Prep Lady Eagles or the St. Michael’s Lady Horsemen.

Coach Tinisha Bistsoi gives the Tohatchi Lady Cougars a pep talk during the district championship game against the Crownpoint Lady Eagles on March 8. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Tinisha Bistsoi

Lady Cougar Crra Cecil (32) moves in for a basket while Lady Eagle Kathryn Francisco (5) tries to block her. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Lady Cougar Shylynn Johnson (30) looks for an open teammate while Lady Eagle Courtney Craig (24) tries to block her during the March 8 game. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

jpg Lady Cougar Brooke Badonie (4) works her way to the basket while Lady Eagle Kathryn Francisco (5) tries to block her. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

B2 Friday, March 15, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Lady Eagle Courtney Craig (24) passes the ball to a teammate while Lady Cougar WynterRose Sheka (22) attempts to block her during the first round of the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union Girls Basketball State Championship on March 8. The Lady Cougars won 58-37 and advanced to the next round of the tournament. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Lady Eagle Tyra Tsosie (3) races down the court while Lady Cougar Yaya Peterson (3) and Lady Cougar Tyra Bitsie (44) try to block her. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Lady Cougar Marisa Denetso (20) maneuvers the ball down the court while Lady Eagle Arabela Balicat (4) moves to block her during the first round of the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union Girls Basketball State Championship on March 8. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Cougars fall short in first round of state tournament

West Las Vegas Don Deshaun Kensey (12) moves to block Tohatchi Cougar Talan Long (32) as he goes for a layup during the first round of the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union Boys Basketball State Championship on March 9. The Cougars lost 57-73. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Don Devaughn Kensey (22) tries to block Cougar Talan Long (32) from advancing down the court. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

CougarsvsDons13.jpg Don Lucas Archuleta (24) looks for an open teammate while Cougar Jared Peterson tries to block him. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

''A Tradition'' Don Lucas Archuleta (24) dribbles down the court while Cougar Jared Peterson (3) tries to catch up to him during the first round of the 2024 Nusenda Credit Union Boys Basketball State Championship on March 9. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

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Gallup Sun • Friday, March 15, 2024 B3


Heinrich introduces legislation to level the playing field for New Mexico’s children

Sports Quiz

1994 road rage incident? 5 . A t t h e 2 014 Sochi Winter Games, American Sage Kotsenburg won the By Sen. Martin Heinrich communities or those with learnf i r st gold meda l i n ing disabilities often face additional what sport making its WA S H I N G T O N D . C . — challenges when it comes to readOlympic debut? U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, ing. By hiring more reading and 1. What Hockey Hall of Famer won 6. In what year did FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, D-N.M, introduced the Literacy literacy specialists, school districts four consecutive By Ryan Selke A. Berenz NBA greats Bill Russell Trophies for best defensive forward as a memImprovement628 for Virginia Transformation can help bridge the literacy gap and and Wilt Chamberlain Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 of the Montreal Canadiens from Act, legislation that aims to improve provide targeted support to students ber 1. Name the NHL both have single games 1978-81? literacy outcomes for all students who may be at a higher risk of falling 2. Bill team that played with 50-plus rebounds? Vukovich, winner from of the IndiCUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 anapolis 500 in 1953 andmov1954, died 7. What youth-oriby ensuring that every K-12 public behind their peers. 1976 -82 before while leading what in school has atSPORTS least oneQUIZ full-time The LIFT Act will empower in a crash ing to New Jersey andraceented gravity-racing #12345_20240205 1955? Sen. Martin Heinrich reading or literacy specialist on local entities with the resources to 3. Name becoming the Devils. event takes place every the 1990 sports comedy/ FOR staff, on March 12. RELEASE FEBRUARY 5, 2024 address literacy outcomes and gaps drama(Hint: It shares July in Akron, Ohio? film that starreda name C. Thomas andanPeter More than 8 million low-income equal shot at success. That begins by and play a larger role in narrowing Howell with MLBHorton club.) as beach © 2 0 2 4 K i n g volleyball players. By Ryan A. Berenz K-5 students in America are not making sure every student is able to the educational achievement gap 4. What2. What Pittsburgh Features Syndicate, Inc. British swimmer, born with proficient in reading. According to read and write at their grade level or by improving literacy education. cerebral Steelers wide13receiver palsy, won medals in six Paralympic Games?for data provided by the Annie E. Casey higher,” Heinrich said. “By ensuring The bill establishes a LIFT Grant Summer caught nine passes interim coach of the Foundation, children who struggle every school is staffed with at least Program that will provide entities 5. Who 131was yards andhead a touchNebraska Cornhuskers football team to read proficiently by fourth grade one full-time reading or literacy spe- – including local and state educa- when down to bethe named MVP State they beat Michigan are four times more likely not to cialist, my Literacy Improvement for tional agencies, non-profit partners, Spartans of Super XLIII? 17-3 inBowl the 2003 MasterCard graduate from high school than their Transformation Act will level the and Bureau of Indian Education Alamo Bowl? 3 . (Hint: N a mHe e was t hNebrase ka’s head coach from 2008-14.) peers with grade-level reading skills. playing field to ensure every student schools – with federal support to 6. On B a July sketba l l H a l l of 5, 1947, Larry Doby “Every child in New Mexico and has the opportunity to thrive.” hire full-time reading or literacy became Famer andBlack member the first playerofin the American League as aCeltics member of across the country deserves an St udent s i n u nder ser ved specialists. the 1981 Boston what MLB N BAteam? ch a mpion sh ip 7. Scott Zolak was the backup quarteam terback for who what was NFL nickteam from named “Tiny.” 1991-98? 4. What actor used Answers a golf club to smash 1. Bob Gainey. Indianapolis 500.windBy Curtis Honeycutt I yeeted the football over I work as a technology 2. The another driver’s 3. “Side Out.” Guest Columnist the house and into my copywriter for electronshield in a February 4. Sascha Kindred. neighbor’s yard. ics components clients. 5. Bo Pelini. t’s no secret that Do you believe in the In addition, I have at least 6. The Cleveland Indians.Check out our FREE expert wordplay is Abominable Snowman? two side hustles. I think 7. The New England Patriots. access community © 2024 King Features Syndicate, Inc. the key to increasing If so, you believe in this qualifies me as a cerwebsite! your romantic attraction. yetis. The yeti, not to be tifiable yettie. After all, who doesn’t love confused with its North For ou r l ig ht n i ng a bonafide word nerd? American cousin, Bigfoot, round, know that a “yate” Today’s word journey is a legendary gigantic, is a type of Australian includes slang and comhairy, humanlike crea- eucalyptus tree. “Yatter” Curtis Honeycutt mon words that sound ture who prowls around means to chatter or jabsimilar. If you’re playing “at the present time” or “so t he H i m a l aya s. T he ber. A “Yooper” is a perat home, turn your dictio- far,” while as a conjunc- Abominable Snowman son who lives in the Upper naries to the “y” section. tion, it means “though” has done some great work Peninsula of Michigan. Are we having fun yet? or “nevertheless.” Yet can in film, in movies rang- “Yep” is an informal way Let’s begin by examining be used as an adverb, yet ing from the claymation to say “yes.” Are we clear We have the best Burgers & Wings in Gallup! the word “yet.” Although it can also function as a classic Rudolph the Red- on our wonky “y” words? the exact origin of the conjunction. Nosed Reindeer to Pixar’s The next time you’re word is unknown, in Old Let’s rewind a few Monsters, Inc.. bored, open a physical or English, the words “get” dictionary entries ahead Have you heard of a internet dictionary; you and “gieta” mean “until of “yet” and discuss the “yettie?” I hadn’t either, never know what word now” or “thus far.” You can slang term “yeet.” My son although — as it turns wonders you’ll discover! imagine how these words uses “yeet” as a word to out — I am one. Like the — Curtis Honeycutt Offering DINE-IN & TAKE-OUT! morphed along the way to mean “throw strongly or word “yuppie” was coined is an award-winning Give Us A Call! arrive at the “yet” pronun- wildly.” Originating as to signify a young, urban syndicated humor col(505) 722-9311 Hours: ciation we have today. an exclamation of excite- professional, a “yettie” is umnist. Connect with Tuesday- Friday 11 am to 7 pm 1981 NM-602, Gallup, The small but mighty ment around 2008, “yeet” a young, entrepreneurial him on Twitter (@curSaturday 11 am to 5 pm NM 87301 “yet” is a versatile word. is mainly used today the and technology-based tishoneycutt) or at curAs an adverb, “yet” means same way my son uses it: person. For my day job,


ANSWERS 1. T he Color a do Rockies. 2. Santonio Holmes. 3. Nate Archibald. 4. Jack Nicholson. 5. Men’s snowboard slopestyle. 6. 19 6 0 ( Ru s sel l h a d 51 on Feb. 5; Chamberlain had 55 on Nov. 24). 7. The All-American Soap Box Derby World Championship.

Have you been yeeted by a yeti yet?


Dine Local Restaurant Guide

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Selecting the right life insurance policy for you By Al Martinez Guest Columnist It is essential to carefully consider your life insurance needs before selecting a policy. Life insurance can provide financial security for your loved ones in the event of your death and can be an essential part of your overall financial planning. There a re severa l types of life insurance policies to choose from, including term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. Each type of policy has its own features and benefits, and it is important to understand the differences between them to select the right policy for you. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period of time, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. It is typically the most affordable option but does not build cash value, and coverage ends when the term expires. Term life insurance is designed to provide financial protection for a specific period of time, such as the length of a mortgage or the time until your

Al Martinez children are financially independent. It is a good option for individuals who need life insurance to cover a specific need but do not want to pay for coverage permanently. Think of term insurance as rental insurance. When selecting a term life insurance policy, it is essential to consider the length of the term, the amount of coverage you need, and the premiums you can afford. It is also crucial to review the policy’s exclusions and limitations to understand what is not covered under the policy. Whole life insurance provides coverage for the entirety of your “whole” life and also includes a savings component that builds cash value over time. This type of policy is initially more expensive than term life insurance

but offers the added benefit of a savings component that may be accessed during your lifetime. The cash value of a whole life insurance policy accumulates over time. It can be used for various purposes, such as paying premiums, borrowing against the policy, or as a source of emergency funds. The cash value of a whole life insurance policy is typically tax-deferred, meaning that it grows without being subject to annual income taxes until the funds are assessed. Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers flexibility regarding premium payments and the death benefit amount. It also includes a savings component that may build cash value over time. This flexibility can be helpful for individuals whose financial circumstances or needs may change over time. Life insurance can also offer a wide range of benefits. If a death occurs, the value of the life insurance policy is paid to the named beneficiary tax free and without

the need for probate. Ma ke cer t a i n you consult a licensed and authorized professional before making any final decisions. A l M a r t i ne z i s a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management. S y n d i c a t e d Columnists is the sole provider of this material, both written and conceptual, for this column. All rights reserved

5RXWĠ 'LQHU Dine-In and Patio Sitting is now open! Or Call for Pick-up or Delivery! Mon - Sat 7 am - 7 pm 2502 E Hist. Hwy 66, Gallup NM Sunday - Closed (505) 726-2800 џ (505) 297-8936

Kids coloring & drawing contest! Rules:



• Kids 4-7 color the bunny on page B6! • Kids 8-10 create Easter-themed artwork on 8.5 x 11 paper! • 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes for each age group! • Parents send pic/scan of artwork to:

Prize Winners Announced on March 29, 2024 in the Gallup Sun * Winners must come to Gallup Sun Office with original artwork to claim prizes. * Photo will be taken.

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC 1983 State Road 602, Gallup, NM Phone: (505) 722-8994 FAX: (505) 212-0391

B4 Friday, March 15, 2024 • Gallup Sun



CLASSIFIEDS GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. AUTO SALES Amigo Automotive Center

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Supervisor skill DSP Workers – (Direct Support Staff) $13 p/h Provide direct support and care to Individuals with disabilities, assist in activities of daily living and documentation of services. EEO / NNPE Positions OUF. For more Info call 505-488-2691 or P/U Apps @ TAOS, Inc., Gallup HR Office at 122 Boardman – Across East McDonald’s LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES McKINLEY COUNTY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS

cants to meet the maintenance needs of various equipment and vehicles used by the City’s departments. The supplier must demonstrate the ability to provide high-quality lubricants that meet industry standards while offering competitive pricing and excellent customer service. Specifications and Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the Purchasing Director located at 110 West Aztec, Gallup, NM 87301, phone number (505) 863-1334. Additional information regarding this bid may also be viewed at https://procurement.


25 WORD OR LESS: $20 26-50 WORDS: $40 51-75 WORDS: $60 76-100 WORDS: $80 $20 FOR EACH ADD’L 25 WORDS EXTRAS - $10 PER WEEK, PER ITEM: TEXT BOX, YELLOW HIGHLIGHT, PIC, AND/OR LOGO Newspaper published Fridays. Prepayment required. Classifieds due Wednesday Noon. Deadline subject to change Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Email: Office (505) 722-8994

RFP No. 2024-13 SECURITY SERVICES will be received by McKinley County, 207 West Hill Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico 87301 until Thursday, April 18, 2024 @ 2:00 p.m. local time. Proposals will be received in the County Manager’s Office. Copies of the Request for Proposals can be obtained in person at the Office of the Purchasing Department at 207 West Hill Ave., Third Floor, Gallup, NM 87301, be mailed upon written request to Alexandria Lovato, Procurement Buyer (505) 722-3868, Ext. 1076, or may be obtained from McKinley County Website: McKinley County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive all formalities. The Procurement Code, Sections 13-128 Through 13-1-199, NMSA, 1978 imposes civil and criminal penalties for code violations. In addition, the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony/penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities, and kickbacks. DATED this 15th day of March, 2024 BY: /s/ Robert Baca Chairman, Board of Commissioners PUBLISHED: Friday, March 15, 2024 Gallup Sun PUBLISHED: Friday, March 15, 2024 Albuquerque Journal *** CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO Lubricants for the City of Gallup Multi-Term Contract (Re-bid) Invitation to Bid No. 2024-ITB-003 Public notice is hereby given that the City of Gallup, New Mexico will receive sealed bids for Lubricants for the City of Gallup MultiTerm Contract (Re-bid) until the hour of 2:00 pm., local time, on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at the office of the Procurement Manager at City Hall, via the City’s eProcurement Portal. Bids will be opened, read and tabulated at that time. No bids will be received or considered if received after the time stated above. The City of Gallup, NM is seeking to enter into a multi-term contract for the purchase of lubricants. This contract will provide the City with a reliable supplier of lubri-


Dated this 8th day of March 2024 By: /S/: Louis Bonaguidi, Mayor

Read online at

Classified Legal Column: Gallup Sun Publishing Date: Friday-March 15, 2024 *** LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID Public Notice is hereby provided that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed bids for: Multi-Step Bid Re-Bid Fire Suppression Systems Sales, Service, and Testing Multi-Year Price Agreement ITB-2024-31HC NIGP Commodity Code(s): 34028, 34029, 93634 As more particularly set out in the ITB documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https:// Sealed bids for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, April 10, 2024. FAX and HARDCOPY BIDS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload bids or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated the 12th Day of March 2024 By: /S/ Chris Mortensen, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 ITB ISSUE DATE: March 12, 2024 PUBLICATION DATES: March 15, 2024 (Gallup Sun) *** Legal Notice Request for Proposals Public Notice is hereby provided that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for: Re-Publish Construction Services Modular Residential Buildings Multi-Story

No. RFP-2024-30KC Commodity Code(s): 90923, 90925 As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the eBidding platform website Sealed proposals for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, March 28, 2024. FAX, EMAIL and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated the 8th Day of March 2024 By: /S/ Chris Mortensen, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: March 8, 2024 PUBLICATION: March 8 & 15, 2024 Gallup Sun *** STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF MCKINLEY ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT LUPTON PLANT PROPERTY, LLC Plaintiff, v. No. D-1113CV-2023-00537 MARK U. NICHOLSON, as Trustee of the DALE NICHOLSON TRUST; MARK U. NICHOLSON, as Trustee of THE NICHOLSON CHILDREN TRUST; VENDOIL HOLDINGS, LLC; and ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS who may have an interest in the real property which is the subject of this lawsuit, Defendants.

NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION TO ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO MAY HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS LAWSUIT: PLEASE BE ADVISED that a Verified Complaint to Quiet Title and for Declaratory Judgment (“Complaint”) has been filed in the Eleventh Judicial District Court, McKinley County, New Mexico, Cause No. D-1113-CV-2023-00537, by Plaintiff Lupton Plant Property, LLC (“Plaintiff”). A copy of the Complaint may be obtained from Plaintiff’s attorneys, Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod LLP (Cassandra R. Malone and Isaac J. Lopez), P.O. Box AA, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, 201 Third St. NW, 12th floor, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, (505) 346-4646. The real property which is the subject of this action is located in McKinley County, New Mexico, and is more particularly described as: That portion of the following described tract of land located in Section 15, Township 13 North, Range 21 West, New Mexico Prime Meridian, McKinley County, State of New Mexico, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line of the said right-of-way of U.S. Highway 66, as it existed in the month of July 1945, with the line between the State of New Mexico and the State of Arizona and Run: Thence in a Northeasterly direction along the said Northerly line of said right-of-way, a distance of 600 feet, to the most Easterly Corner of this tract; Thence in a Northwesterly direction at right angles to said Northerly line of said right-of-way a distance of 600 feet, to the most Northerly Corner of this tract. Thence in a Southwesterly direction, along a line parallel with the said Northerly line of U.S. Highway 66, 1200 feet, more or less, to a point which is 600 feet

Northwesterly from and at right angles to said Northerly line of said right-of-way, at a point thereon which is 600 feet Southwesterly, measured along said Northerly right-of-way line from its intersection with the said line between New Mexico and Arizona, to the most Westerly Corner of this tract; Thence in a Southeasterly direction, at right angles to said Northerly right-of-way line, 600 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said right-ofway which is 600 feet in a Southwesterly, measured along said Northerly line, from the said point of intersection with the line between New Mexico and Arizona, to the most Southerly Corner of this tract; Thence in a Northeasterly direction along said Northerly line of said Highway 600 feet to the point of beginning; LESS the following two tracts of land lying within McKinley County, State of New Mexico, condemned for right-of-way purposes pursuant to Judgment in McKinley County District Court, No. 10,968, recorded in Book 49 of Miscellaneous, Page 372, on September 11, 1964 and on March 22, 1965 in Book 51 Miscellaneous, Page 45, in the records of McKinley County, State of New Mexico. More particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Arizona New Mexico State Line distant 825.45 feet southerly from Closing Corner of Sections 10 and 15, a point on the present Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 66; Thence North 30 degrees, 42 minutes East along said Northerly right-ofway line distance of 477.8 feet to a point on the Easterly line of the property of defendants; Thence North 59 degrees, 18 minutes West along said Easterly property line a distance of 103.1 feet to a point on the Northwesterly right-ofway line of NMP I 040-1 (11) 0, County of McKinley, State of New Mexico,




Community Calendar March 15 — March 21 FRIDAY, MARCH 15


@ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). Zollinger Library’s crazy leprechaun is back, and he’s hidden items around the library. Complete the quest and be entered to win a gift card until March 15.


4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


3 pm - 5 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Every Friday, come to the children’s library to unwind from a busy week! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. SATURDAY, MARCH 16


8:30 am - 12 pm @ UNM-Gallup Campus’s Calvin Hall. Learn how to get certified as a Diné language teacher in New Mexico through the Diné Bizaad Bee Na’nitin Yi’hoot’aah program. For information call (505) 803-7360 or email


2 pm every Saturday @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec. Ave.) for weekly family oriented film screenings. This week’s movie is Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021). Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE B4 point on curve; Thence Southwesterly on a 1 degree 30 minute curve (radius – 3820 feet) thru an arc of 5.253 degrees to the right a distance of 350.22 feet to a point on the Arizona New Mexico State line; Thence Southerly along said State line a distance of 150.38 feet to the Point and place of Beginning. AND Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Section 10 distant 548.83 feet Westerly from the Southeasterly Corner of said Section 10, a point on the Northerly line of U.S. Highway 66; Thence North 30 degrees, 42 minutes East along said right-of-way line a distance of 896.49 feet; Thence North 57 degrees, 28 minutes West a distance of 370.95 feet to a point on curve; Thence Southwesterly on a 1.961 degree curve (radius – 2913 feet) thru an arc of 3 degrees, 28 minutes, 21 seconds to the left a distance of 176.54 feet to a point of tangent; Thence South 18 degrees, 36 minutes West a distance of 887.88 feet to a point of curve; Thence Southwesterly on a 1 degree 30 minute curve (radius – 3820 feet) thru an arc 5 degrees 18 minutes 09 seconds to the right a distance of 353.51 feet; Thence South 59 degrees, 18 minutes North a distance of 103.01 feet to


9 am - 5 pm @ 340 9th Street. The Gallup 9th Street Flea Market is one of the largest Native American markets in the United States. SUNDAY, MARCH 17 MONDAY, MARCH 18


5 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). Join Zollinger Library for a viewing and discussion of Fort Wingate Looking Forward. Some of the people who were featured in the documentary will be present.


their monthly gathering of trainers. For questions please call 505-863-7531 or email


4 pm - 6 pm @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). OFPL’s MakerSpace is a collaborative work space for making, learning, and exploring. Participants ages 5 and up can come in to create their own design for the 3D printers or explore the many engineering activities and equipment!


4 pm every Wednesday @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). This week’s film is Promising Young Woman.


11 am @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories!Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

11 am @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join OFPL for Storytime activities, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and read-aloud stories!Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.



4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Try your hand at building your own wind-powered vehicle. Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. TUESDAY, MARCH 19


9 am @ 207 W. Hill Ave.


4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email pneilson@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20



5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Virtual meeting. During this public hearing, residents of Gallup will get an update on the Community Development Block Grant and its progress.


5 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Attorney David Eason discusses the 13, 14, and 15 amendments, which were created after the Civil War. Email tmoe@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). This month, Zollinger Library is celebrating films made by women. This week’s film is Showing Up.


5 pm @ the UNM-Gallup Zollinger Library (705 Gurley Ave.). Join Zollinger Library for

4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). In honor of World Puppetry Day, make your very own

a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 66; Thence North 30 degrees, 42 minutes East along said right-of-way line a distance of 483 feet to the point and place of beginning. The Complaint seeks the following relief: quiet title and declaratory judgment.

in a Default Judgment being entered against you and in favor of Plaintiff granting Plaintiff the relief requested in the Complaint.

If you claim any right to, or interest in, the property, you must file an Answer to the Complaint with the Office of the Clerk of the Eleventh Judicial District Court at 207 W. Hill Ave. 2nd Floor, Room 200, Gallup, New Mexico 87301, and mail a copy of your Answer to Plaintiff’s counsel at Jennings Haug Keleher McLeod LLP, Cassandra R. Malone and Isaac J. Lopez, P.O. Box AA, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103, within thirty (30) days of the completion of service by publication of this Notice of Pendency of Action. Failure to timely file and serve an Answer may result


Published: Gallup Sun March 1, 2024 March 8, 2024 March 15, 2024 ***

IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOY LUENNE ECKENRAD DECEASED. No. 002620 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the estate of the decedent. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date

Gallup Sun • Friday, March 15, 2024 B5

Community Calendar January 5 - January 11, 2024 CALENDAR

puppet! For more information email: bmartin@ FRIDAY, JAN. 5 or call (505) 863-1291. CHESS CLUB

for FREE. Deadline to register is MarchJAN. 18. 9 TUESDAY, Call the Mall Office at (505) 722-7281 for more REGULAR COMMISSION details.


space for making, OFPL WILL BEand CLOSED FOR learning, explorSPRING HOLIDAY ing. Participants ages SAVE MEETING 4:30 pmTHE DATE 5 andONGOING up can come in MARCH 25 9MONDAY, am @ 207 W. Hill @ OFPL’s to create their own FRIDAY, MARCH 22 READ ANDfor TREAT Ave. Children’s design the 3D LAB MEETING @ Rio West Mall (1300 Branch NAVAJO RUG WEAVING printers or explore 4 pm@ OFPL’s LODGER’S TAXMain COMMITTEE W. Maloney Ave.). Since Aztec Ave.). 10(200 am -W. 2 pm @ OFPL’s Library (115 W. Hill the many engineering March is National ReadMEETING Main (115 club W. at Ave.) or via Zoom. The JoinLibrary the chess ing Month, Rio West Mall activities and equipHill Ave.). Learn the public is invited to join isment! on a mission to ignite OFPL! Email pneilfundamentals and techthe Library Advisory the love for reading in niques of rug weaving or monthly meeting. Email kidsTHURSDAY, from kindergarten JAN. 11 (505) 863-1291 incall traditional Diné style,for or to 8th grade! For every more information. including warping, card- call (505) 863-1291 for fiveCRICUT books201 they read, ing and spinning. Please more information. kids can@indulge in Main a 4 pm OFPL’s GET UP AND GAME bring your own weaving treat of their choice –a TUESDAY, MARCH 26 Library (115 W. Hill 3 pm - 5and/or pm @projOFPL’s materials sundae, a scoop of ice Ave.).orMakers will ects. Email bmartin@ Children’s Branch cream, a Piccadilly! FREE NARCAN TRAINING or call learn how to use alog (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Pick up your reading (505) 863-1291 forcome moreto 12 pm @ OFPL’s main liatCricut the Mallcutter Management to creEvery Friday, brary (115 W. Hill Ave.). information. Office, Monday toinnoFriday ate beautiful, am @ Comfort the children’s library A10 paramedic and a case from 9 am to 5 pm. Once NEW MEXICO GROWN: manager from the First vative faux leather Suites (3940 Hwy. 66). your to unwind from a log is filled, turn it Responders CompreGARDENING SERIES earrings. Email bmarbusy week! Email UNDERSTANDING hensive Addiction THE Re- LAW in at the Mall Office to 4 pneilson@gallupnm. pm - 6 pm @ OFPL’s receive your delicious or covery will present 5 pmAct @ OFPL’s Main Main Library (115 W. voucher. call (505) 863-1291 gov or call (505) 863available resources and Hill Ave.). Join OFPL Library (115 W. Hill for more information. 1291 for more infor- Narcan training. Each and Master GardenAve.). Attorney David WE READ, WE TALK BOOK individual will get a box ers from Tumbleweed mation. CLUB CRAFTY KIDS presents the ofEason Narcan. A Q&A to Farms for a gardening OFPL’S club book 4 pm book @ OFPL’s Constitutional artiSATURDAY, JAN 6 follow. Email bmartin@ series. Get tips and for the month of March, or call the Branch cles that describe instructions to plan a isChildren’s “Blood Sisters” by VaKIDZ CINEMA (505) 863-1291 for more space for your garden (200Lillie. W. Aztec Ave.). way the government nessa Discussions information. 2 pm everyyour Saturand manage crops This celebrate is structured and how will be week, held in April. from Gardeners dayMaster @ OFPL’s ChilCRICUT WORKSHOP winter with thisAND simit operates including HIV, SYPHILIS, Jason Elliott and Natalja dren’s Branch (200 4 the pm @ OFPL’s Main Li-of FREE ple hibernating bear three branches Varezkina - Elliot. HEPATITIS C TESTING brary (115 W. Hill Ave.). W. Aztec. Ave.) for For more inforgovernment and their @craft. First Nations CommuDesign your own night SATURDAY, MARCH 23 weekly family orientmation email: bmarpowers. Email tmoe@ nity HealthSource-Gallight with these easy ed film screenings. (1630 S. Second St.). or or call lup creative tutorials OFPL AND EXPLORA! AT RIO and First Nations CommuniThis week’s movie using your Cricut. Supcall (505) 863-1291. (505) 863-1291 for WEST MALL ty HealthSource-Gallup WALL-E in plies willinformation. be provided. more 12ispm - 4 pm @(2008) Rio West offersSAVE Free Rapid HIV, THE DATE Advanced registration is honor of National Sci Mall (1300 W. Maloney Syphilis and Hep C CHESS CLUB required. Email ctatsuAve.). Join Email OFPL and Fi Day. bmarTesting, Monday JAN. – Friday SATURDAY, 13 4:30 pm @ OFPL’sor EXPLORA! for some or from 1 pm to 6:30 pm by call (505) 863-1291 for interactive exhibits and Children’s Branch appointment. your call (505) 863-1291 for more information. KEVA PLANK Get BUILD-OFF activities in science, (200 W. Aztec Ave.). results within minutes. more information. 12 pm - 4 pm @ Rio technology, engineering, Join the chess club at To schedule an appointmath, and9TH art.ST. FLEA West Mall (1300 W. GALLUP ment call (505) 863-8827. OFPL! Email pneilMaloney Ave.).Keva MARKET KIMBAP WORKSHOP BUILD-YOUR-OWN-BUNDLE Planks are simple, 1 9pm @ -OFPL’s Main am 5 pm @ 340Li9th or call (505) 863-1291 OFPL staff who will creinnovating brary (115The W. Hill Ave.). Street. Gallup 9th for more information. ate a bundle ofbuilding material Learn how to make this blocks for that can REGULAR CITY COUNCIL specially you! Letbe Street Flea Market Korean seaweed rice WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10 them used to build know what just type of MEETING is one of the largest roll filled with delicious materials and genres you about anything you 6 pm @ City Council NativeAllAmerican fillings. supplies will MIDWEEK Gallup MATINEECity AT are interested in, and Chambers, can imagine. Particbemarkets provided. inAdvance the United browse for you OFPL (110 W. Aztec Ave.). they’ll ipants will compete registratiyon is required, Hall States. and create a custom bunThe meeting will also be 4 pm every Wednesthe class is limited to individually or you in to dle of material for streamed on the City of day @ OFPL’s main only 20 people. Email SUNDAY, JAN. 7 teamscurbside. in a variety of pick-up Email Gallup’s Facebook page ctatsukawa@gallupnm. library (115 W.New Hill challenges that will at City of Gallup, gov orMONDAY, call (505)JAN. 863- 8 Ave.).Government. This week’s ortest call their (505) building 863-1291 for Mexico 1291 for more informamore information. film is My Big Fat skills! Email pneiltion. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 FAMILY STORYTIME Greek Wedding 3. 11 am @ the ChilTo post a nonprofit LOCAL AUTHORS SHOWCASE ANDSTORYTIME SIP: callevent (505)in863-1291 FAMILY ororcivic the (200 W. PAINT 12dren’s pm - 2Branch pm @ Rio West calendar section, for more information. 11 am @ theSUNRISE ChilMall (1300 W. Maloney Aztec Ave.). This Jan- 6IMPRESSONIST pm - 9 pm @ ART123 please email: Ave.). authors dren’s Branch (200 uary,Local the story times Gallery gallupsunevents@gmail. (123 W. Coal SUNDAY, JAN. 14 will be set up for book W. Aztec This will celebrate theIf com or fax: (505) 212Ave.). Have Ave.). a creative signings and selling. 0391. Monday January, the story night out! Paint a masLASTDeadline: DAY TO PARTICIPATE theme invention, you are aof local author, at IN 5 pm. step-by-step times will celebrate UNWRAP THE GIFT OF imagination, you can registerand to becre- terpiece while sipping of mocktails. the theme invenshowcased at thebmarevent READING CONTEST ativity. Email tion, imagination, Throughout the or month of December call (505) 863-1291 for and creativity. Email the address listed below, representative of the first publication bmartin@gallupnm. select a wrapped more informatio orgov filed Probate Bennett of any published notice orwith callthe (505) 863- Mary book to check out, EUREKA! or sixty (60) Court of Mckinley Coun27024 Russ Rol to creditors 1291 for more inforunwrap, and read! 4 pm @ the OFPL’s Childays after date of ty, New Mexico, located Huson MT 59 GAL mation. Rate it by filling out dren’sorBranch (200 mailing other delivery at the following address: (907) 764-6117 the card with each OPEN MAKERSPACE TIME Aztec Ave.)..Email ofW. this notice, whichever 207 W Hill Ave, Gallup book. Return it by 4 pm - 6 pm @ the ispneilson@gallupnm. later, or the claims will NM 87301. Jan. 14 to be entered Children’s Branch or call (505) 863begov forever barred. Claims Published: Gallup Sun in a prize drawing. (200 W. Aztec15, Ave.). 1291 more informust befor presented either Dated: January 2024. March 1, 2024 Email bmartin@ OFPL’s MakerSpace is March 8, 2024 tomation. the undersigned perMary Bennett or call a collaborative work March 15, 2024 sonal representative at Signature of personal


(505) more


OFPL MLK J MLK J COMM PROJE 2 pm Chur Chris Saint Ave.) Marti Jr., jo of Jes Latte a com proje er hy will b ous lo to dis who a Bring items tooth paste dition bars o cloth


HELLO YOUR 2 pm PL’s M (115 W OFPL availa indiv assist be a j resum shop REGU MEET 6 pm Cham City H Aztec meet strea of Ga book


Introducing ‘Teacher of the Month’ 2024

The Gallup Sun is accepting nominations for April’s top teacher!


Who can vote? Students of all ages that currently attend a K-12 school or college located in McKinley County, N.M. How are votes decided? A panel selects the teacher based on the information provided by the nominee, and the number of votes for each teacher. How is the teacher honored? The Sun will contact and feature a story on the teacher, plus he/she will receive a gift from one our generous sponsors. Deadline to enter: April 1, 2024 So, how do I enter my teacher? It’s simple, answer the following questions and email: You don’t need to fill out a form, but all of these questions are required to be answered and formatted, as directed below: TEACHER’S FULL NAME:_________________________________________ SCHOOL/COLLEGE NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE OR COURSE(S) TAUGHT: __________________________________ EXPLAIN WHY YOUR TEACHER DESERVES THIS RECOGNTION: ________ ______________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME & PHONE #:________________________________________


B6 Friday, March 15, 2024 • Gallup Sun


Coloring and Drawing Contest

Keller Williams & Gallup Living 309 E. Nizhoni Blvd, Gallup NM 87301 (505) 488-2344


My NAME: Age:

Kids: 4 - 7 color this hatched egg! Kids: 8 - 10 create Easter- themed artwork on 8.5 x 11 paper. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes for each age group! See submission guidelines below.

(4 - 7 only!)

Phone Number:

DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: March 18, 2024. Send image of coloring page or your child's original Easter artwork on 8.5 x 11" paper to: Winners muct come to Gallup Sun office with original artwork to claim prizes. A photo will be taken. Info: (505) 722-8994

309 E. Nizhoni Blvd, Gallup NM 87301

Keller Williams Gallup Living Proud Sponsor of the 2024 Easter Coloring & Drawing Contest Looking to Buy, Sell, Property Management, or a Rental.... Call us today... 505-488-2344

1ST Annual


This award will be presented to an individual whose volunteerism, outstanding service and dedication have made a significant contribution to the community

Qualities looked for are as follows: • A person who continually volunteers his or her time, dedication, and talents to the town • Citizens of the town to make Gallup a great place to live, work, play and learn • A person who has made a positive difference to the lives of fellow citizens • Someone who is dedicated to Gallup and concerned for others • They may serve on service, school, church, or community committees • A person who has shown a willingness to work with other Gallup residents, who is • Enthusiastic about the town and its citizens, and who works continually towards the betterment of the community • A person with the qualities of honesty and integrity

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC 1983 State Road 602 Gallup, NM

How to nominate:

Pick up an official application at the Gallup Sun office or request one via email: A feature story on the winner will be featured in the Gallup Sun’s May 3, 2024 special edition! Honorable mention to all nominees Businesses: Interesting in sponsoring the Gallup Citizen of the Year? Call us for rates today! DEADLINE: April 15, 2024

Phone: (505) 722-8994 Email:

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