VOL 6 | ISSUE 253 | FEBRUARY 7, 2020
By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent
rofe s sor Emer it u s Dana Chandler has been called “controversial,” an “activist
artist,” and a “Black Power Ar tist,” because since his youth, he has been fighting for social justice and human rights using his most powerful tool: his art. This point was a primary
focus of an artist lecture Chandler gave at the University of New Mexico-Gallup campus Feb. 4. He, along with his daughter who is also his representative, Dahna Chandler, spoke about his decades-long career.
BACKGROUND Bor n in 1941 in Ly nn, Mass., Chandler was educated in Boston Public Schools and earned his first accolades as an artist in grade school. Chandler was an
award-winning artist as early as high school, where he won national Scholastic Art Awards for all four years, as well as
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
LOUIE BONAGUIDI Candidate for Mayor of Gallup LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY Dear Friends & Neighbors, I’m running for Mayor of Gallup, and I’d like to invite you to join me in working to make Gallup the best it can be! For three generations, my family has run a successful business, City Electric Shoe Shop, and we’re still going strong. My late wife Diane and I raised three children, and all of them chose to make their homes and careers right here in Gallup. It’s a blessing for me to be close to them and my beautiful grandkids, and I am reminded every day that they are the ones who belong to the future. For my generation, I feel that there’s still work to do, to help make our community safe and prosperous for them. My family and my business give me a strong foundation, and a great opportunity, to once again step forward and put time and energy into helping lead our community into the future. I served on City Council back in the 1990s and early 2000s, and for many years I have served as a civic leader promoting Gallup’s interests – for our Historic Downtown, for our Tourism, for our Inter-Tribal Ceremonial, for our Council of Governments. Now, with the support of my family and friends, I am stepping forward to serve as your Mayor. All of these experiences have helped me to understand what’s going on in Gallup, and how government can work to benefit our citizens. Along the way, I’ve met a lot of good people, and I’ve heard and worked on many good ideas as we look for ways to improve all of our lives. Gallup is truly a unique town. We have our own history, our own cultures, our own economy. We don’t need to try to be like anyone else. We just need to work to protect what’s good about our community, figure out what needs improving, open ourselves to the best and most practical ideas out there, and then pull together to build toward the future. Your Mayor doesn’t need to have all the ideas or to make promises to single-handedly work miracles. The power to grow and prosper lies in our people, and that’s the power I want to tap as Mayor. There are good things and good folks that make Gallup a good place to live and work. For example, there’s our legacy of being one of America’s “most patriotic small towns” as we join our Congressional Medal of Honor awardee Hershey Miyamura in honoring our Veterans, who have served and sacrificed for our country. NEWS
There’s our spirit of compassion and volunteerism, as we see in our nonprofits and our community associations – from Rotary, Kiwanis and Soroptimist, to Ceremonial, to Senior Olympics, to TDFL, to Relay for Life, to Main Street, to Adventure Gallup, to Gallup Solar, and more. And most importantly, there’s our people – a diverse tapestry showcasing our shared heritage from Native Americans, Hispanic, European, African American, Asian, Arabian and other backgrounds. So there is much for us to appreciate and be thankful for. At the same time, I know that there are many issues and challenges to be tackled by any Mayor and Council administration. Some of these challenges have been around for a long time and are hard to tackle. Then there are all the new problems and issues that will come along any day or week of the year. And those issues are on top of just overseeing and guiding the day-to-day affairs of the City! In offering myself to this new public service, I am aware that no one person can “do it all”. So any candidate who says, “I will do this, and I will do that” doesn’t really know what it takes to get things done! It takes many different people, working individually and together, to make things work. The Mayor serves as the convener and chair of the Gallup City Council, and without decisions, policies and ordinances passed by the Council, a Mayor can’t just carry out his ideas independently. So your Mayor will need to be someone who will listen, who can get along with all kinds of people, who can get people to work together, who can compromise, and who will keep the best interests of the City first and foremost – above and beyond his own interests, and above and beyond his own pet ideas and projects. I believe I bring those qualities and beliefs to this service. And yes, there are big challenges and priorities for us to embrace and work on. I will work with Council, staff and the community to move
forward on such issues as alcohol abuse and homelessness, infrastructure, economic development (including industrial, retail and tourism), downtown revitalization, sustainable energy, public safety and the needs of our youth. Where there are complicated (and often long-standing) challenges to address, I won’t presume to have all the answers. I will rely on folks, both inside and outside our community, who can analyze the issues, explore best practices and bring forward workable plans for dealing with those challenges. I will consult with existing groups that are working on these things, and also put together advisory groups where needed to find and achieve breakthroughs. This process of consultation and collaboration can be used to address alcoholism and related behavioral health and human services issues. It can be used to revitalize our Downtown and our Westside. It can be used to build a sustainable economy by anticipating trends and being proactive in our strategies and investments, including new approaches to local enterprise, renewable energy and conservation. It can be used to work with our youth to find new ways to meet their needs and help them to prepare for a prosperous future right here in Gallup. If we all pull together, we can stay strong and make new progress – not only for ourselves, but for generations to come. I look forward to hearing your concerns and your ideas for change, and I look forward to serving you as your Mayor. I would appreciate your support and your vote on Tuesday, March 3rd. With Respect and Appreciation, Louis O. “Louie” Bonaguidi, Candidate for Mayor
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Task force wants to brand Fort Wingate as heritage site By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent
patch of land near Fort Wingate, east of Gallup and a short distance from I-40, is sitting unused with existing fort buildings, constructed around 1862 to house four companies of First New Mexico volunteers. It was their job to help “control and protect” the Navajo. However, a group of people is hoping to change that and present the fort as a piece of history. The Old Fort Wingate Task Force wants to transfer 500 acres surrounding the old fort from the control of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the National Park Service. Then they want to work with NPS to establish a national, state or tribal heritage site. Members of the task force spoke with the Sun Feb. 4 about plans for the site, as well as its significance. PR ESERV I NG T H E LAND “I got a little concerned reading a letter from a friend of mine saying BIA had just gotten a line item in their budget to tear down and demolish all the buildings at Fort Wingate,” Task Force President Martin Link said. Since he served with a group
The Old Fort Wingate Task Force wants to preserve the land and old buildings at Fort Wingate, west of Gallup, and use it as a legacy site. From left: Task Force President Martin Link, Secretary John Taylor, Second Vice President Phillip Marquez, and member Allen Tom. Photo Credit: Cody Begaye that put the fort barracks and several other buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in the ‘90s, Link said he started to talk with friends about their thoughts on the BIA’s actions and what they could do to stop the buildings from being torn down. “A lot of other forts have gotten a reprieve, and it would be nice for this one to be restored and maybe tell the story about the Navajo since they lived in the area,” Link said. Since it was established in early 2017, the task force has been striving toward that goal. So far their efforts can be credited for keeping the fort
buildings standing. The next step is to work with the bureau to transfer the land potentially to the Navajo Nation to establish a tribal park, or to the National Park Service to establish a national monument. John Taylor, secretary for the task force, said the goal is to preserve the fort as a depiction of living history. “[It could be] a park with multiple museums, looking at different aspects of Navajo history, military history, educational history,” Taylor said. “It would also provide an economic engine for the area.” During the past three years, the task force has visited with local chapters including Iyanbito, Church Rock, and Bread Springs. Taylor said each of those chapters have been supportive of their plans for the old fort. “It would bring people off the interstate. There could be youth activities,” Taylor said. “It is just a gem waiting to be polished.” INCENTIVES PRESERVE
A photo of Fort Wingate taken in the 1870s. The task force wants to preserve the remaining buildings as a legacy site. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons Taylor said the task force met with representatives of the Navajo Nation President’s office, Navajo Nation Historic Preservation Department, and BIA facilities Feb. 4 to discuss goals for the fort. “We are very encouraged by how it has been going so far, but there’s a lot more that needs to be done,” Taylor said. “We look forward to getting the public involved and seeing what a highly valuable resource Fort Wingate can be.” Phillip Marquez, second vice chairman of the task force, spoke about a national monument at Fort Pulaski in Georgia and how it could serve as a template for what Fort Wingate can provide to the local community. “It pulls in about $3 million a year in revenue,” Marquez said. “It prov ides a lot of employment for the area’s population. [Fort Wingate] could make a lot of money and it would [teach visitors about] people like the Navajo Code Talkers.”
Other people who could be highlighted by the museum a t For t W i n ga t e i nclude two Navajo women named Mex ica na Ch iqu it a a nd Muchacha, who were mustered into the army at Fort Wingate in 1886. They were the earliest women to be mustered into the U.S. military in a combat role, according to Marquez. Marquez spoke of other historic figures who either lived or worked at Fort Wingate, including Chief Manuelito and Manuel Antonio Chavez, the first lieutenant colonel to serve at the fort in 1861. Other names include John Joseph Pershing, George Smith Patton Jr., and Douglas McArthur, each of whom served in commanding roles in either World War I or World War II. A l len Tom, t a sk force member, spoke about growing up close to the fort site. His history of growing up in the area and experience in the Boy Scouts and Eagle Scouts
8 4
WHISTLEBLOWER One police officer’s case against the department, city
STABBING Police need your help
HOUSE BILL 278 What it means for New Mexico healthcare
BLACKTOP MOJO The Texas band rocks Gallup
10 15 20 25
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
BASKETBALL FEVER Shots from five contests
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
County discusses fi nancial audit, courthouse extension By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent
he McKinley C ou nt y B o a r d of Commissioners hea rd a present a tion about their FY19 annual financial audit report by the Albuquerque-based accounting fi rm Hinkle and Landers, PC during their Feb. 4 meeting. F ina nce Director Sa ra
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Office Manager Raenona Harvey Accounts Representative Sherry Kauzlarich Associate Editor Beth Blakeman Photography Ana Hudgeons Ryan Hudgeons Cable Hoover Knifewing Segura Mike Esquibel Correspondent/Editorial Asst. Cody Begaye On the Cover Left: Chandler’s 1970 “Father and Son in Blackness.” Photo by C. Begaye Right Top: Professor Emeritus Dana Chandler Photo by C. Begaye Right Bottom: Chandler’s 1992 “They Were Not For Sale at Any Price.” Photo by C. Begaye
The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 102 S. Second St., Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 www.gallupsun.com Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 gallupsun@gmail.com Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
Saucedo sa id the cou nt y received a good audit, or an unmodified opinion, which means all of the county’s fi nancial information for that fiscal year is materially correct. Saucedo spoke about two resolutions, one of which was the audit presentation where Farley Vener, President and Ma naging Sha reholder of Hinkle and Landers, called in. The presentation showed McKinley County’s accounting practices were consistent, and there were no proposed audit adjustments or any adjustments made by Hinkle and Landers. There were also no significant difficulties with performing the audit, and the results showed a steady increase in the county’s revenue and assets over the past six years. The county commissioners
THANK YOU ADVERTISERS Amazing Grace Insurance - 22 Bonaguidi for Mayor - 3 Butler’s Office City - 17 City of Gallup - 13 Earl Andrew Yearley for Municipal Court Judge - 11 505 Burger and Wings - 18 Gallup BID - 5 Gallup Eye Group - 10 Gallup Lumber & Supply Insert Gallup McKinley County Schools - 2 Genaro’s - 18 Grandpa’s Grill - 18 Gurley Motor Co. - 7 Keller Williams Realty $ 1 McKinley County 2020 Census - 8 New Mexico Credit Corp. $ 9 NMfog $ 14, 15, 29 N.M. Highlands University - 29 Octavia Fellin Public Library $ 16 Pinnacle Bank - 16 Professional Truck & Auto - 4 RMCHCS $ Insert, 32 Rocket Cafe - 18 Rollie Mortuary -14, 24 Route 66 Railway Cafe - 18 Sammy C for Mayor - 10 Small Fry Dentistry - 21 Teresa Fernandez for Congress - 12 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 6 TravelCenters of America - 9 Virgie’s Restaurant & Lounge - 18
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
McKinley County Finance Director Sara Saucedo speaks to the Board of Commissioners Feb. 4 about the results of the county’s FY19 audit report. The county received an unmodified opinion, which means their information is materially correct. Photo Credit: Cody Begaye voted to approve the report with a 3-0 vote. “Congrats to the county [on the audit],” Commissioner Bill Lee said. The second resolution involves three change orders for the courthouse extension that total $118,000 for soil sampling, three detector check valves, and relocating a pipe from underground to aboveground. Facilities Ma nagement D i r e c t or Da r rel l Ji m son
explained why these change orders were not included in the original bid. For one, the construction fi rm, NCA Architects from Albuquerque, does not conduct soil sampling during the fi rst phase of the project. “Upon review and inspections, the current detector check valves were obsolete,” Jimson said. “We saw we should probably get them replaced.” As for the pipe relocation, Jimson said they found the pipe
had been leaking for some time. Having the waterline above land would make it easier to identify issues with leaks. Lee said the county should take steps to designate potential issues that would require change orders ahead of time, lest they end up appearing later and costing the county additional funds. “It’s another reason to be more proactive on hiring people who understand our area,” Lee said.
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Whistleblower sues city, police chiefs FINDS HERSELF ON A PATH TO NOWHERE By Gallup Sun Staff A Gallup police officer’s attorney has filed a lawsuit with the 11th Judicial District Court, claiming the city, the former police chief, and the current police chief violated the state’s W histleblower Protection Act. T he compla i nt , wh ich was filed with the clerk of the court Jan. 30, is based on the mistreatment of Rosanne Morrissette while on the job. This would not be the fi rst time Lt. Rosanne Morrissette has filed a lawsuit against the city and her superiors. Court documents, fi led by her Albuquerque-based attorney Thomas Grover, show that over the last three years Morrissette has been targeted by GPD’s top brass in an ongoing campaign to get her fi red. The complaint lists those involved as former police chief Philip Hart, and current police chief Franklin Boyd. B e fo r e h e r p r o b l e m s
Gallup Police Chief Franklin Boyd. File Photo
Phillip Hart, former chief of Gallup Police Dept. File Photo
Gallup Police Dept. Lt. Rosanne Morrissette. File Photo
began with Hart, and Boyd, Morrissette was in a position of power within the police department, supervising squads of officers and detectives. In April 2016, she was the fi rst woman promoted to the position of lieutenant. It seemed like her career was on the fast track for further a d v a ncement w it h i n t he department. But within a month, her momentum came to a sudden
stop when Morrissette had a falling out with Boyd, over the processing of vehicles of arrested subjects. The lawsuit states, “Defendant Boyd closed in on Ms. Morrissette in an arm’s reach distance, yelled profanity at her, and another GPD officer had to intervene in an effort to calm Boyd down.� Not long a f t er t h at Morrissette also reportedly objected to Hart’s directive for
“GPD personnel� to secretly record the private conversations of city employees, including those of City Manager MaryAnne Ustick and City Attorney Curtis Hayes. Instead of heeding her concerns, the suit states Hart and Boyd allegedly retaliated against her. “Defenda nts reta liated a ga i n st a nd ha r med M s. Morrissette with various economic, liquid and emotional
distress injuries in violation of the New Mexico Whistleblower Protection Act,� the complaint reads. Up to that point, Grover explained, Morrissette had an impeccable record with the department and was now under attack “with unsupported internal affairs investigations as cover to ultimately terminate Ms. Morrissette’s employment with GPD.� R e s p on s i bi l it ie s wer e pulled from her one by one. The fi rst to go was her role as the department’s public information officer. Morrissette was suspended, then subsequently terminated in June 2018. A few months later, however, she was successful at getting her job with the department back, with back pay. Since returning, she has been placed in a position working as a liaison with downtown businesses. Grover said his
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
RMCHCS CEO discusses hospital’s 990 form CLARIFYING SOME KEY ISSUES By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent
ax season is upon us, which means companies and organizations will be receiving the results of annual audits to show where they stand fi nancially. Rehoboth McK inley Christian Healthcare Services CEO David Conejo spoke with the Sun about the fi ndings and other information in the hospital’s 990 form Feb. 4. EXAMINING THE 990 Tax-exempt nonprofits are
required to file a 990 form with the IRS, which helps ensure nonprofits conduct their business in a way that is consistent with their public responsibilities. The information on the form includes the mission, programs, and fi nances of tax-exempt organizations, along with the accomplishments of the organization to help it retain its tax-exempt status. The 990 form for RMCHCS for the year ending Dec. 31, 2018 included a number of fi ndings, which are identified by the
RMCHCS CFO resigns from position By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent
ay Hod ge s, for mer chief financial officer for Rehoboth McKinley Christian Healthcare Services, resigned from his position at the hospital after about 14 months on the job. Hodges previously worked at Red River Regional Hospital in Bonham, Texas, where RMCHCS CEO David Conejo had also served as CEO prior to 2014. Hodges had continued to live in Texas even while working at RMCHCS. That commute and a recent development at his home was instrumental in his decision to resign. “[Hodges] wa s told he
personal auditor as a material weakness. Conejo addressed some of those fi ndings and what they mean for the hospital, as well as any progress on what the hospital plans to do about them. The first highlight was “Untimely Cash Deposits”, which Conejo said may give someone the impression of lower-than-reported funds, but can actually be a result of policies that state those deposits have to be made by someone other than the person collecting the money from each of the hospital’s eight locations. “Some of the fi ndings in there are necessarily the size [of the hospital],” Conejo said. “In order to get all of the [deposits] in one location, especially if you have limited staff or there’s bad weather, the deposits may be made the next day by the same person. There are some things like that which all rural hospitals have, and we get cited for it.” In those circumstances,
David Conejo, CEO, Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services. File Photo Conejo said the hospital does the best it can to correct the issues. Another part of the audit Conejo mentioned was a list of the businesses the hospital conducts business with, whether for administrative services or for other work around the hospital. He highlighted two groups: Invictus Healthcare Mgmt LLC, and Healthcare Integrity, LLC. “Healthcare Integrity is me, and only me,” Conejo said.
“[A local publication] reported it both ways, saying I’m the owner and only employee and I make this much money. But they’ve also reported I have four other owners, and we all represent Healthcare Integrity and some of those people are associated with the hospital.” Conejo said it can’t be both ways, that a person can’t be in charge and make a designated amount while also working with other people to manage the hospital. Next, Conejo specified Invictus as a company which provides professional services overseen by former RMCHCS Chief Operating Officer William Kiefer. “We s pl it of f a nd he [became] a contractor,” Conejo said. “We used to oversee the hospital as a group, then [Kiefer] went to an independent status as a contractor, and then as a contractor, he took over the contract for the hospital.” Another specified entity
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Former RMCHCS CFO Jay Hodges resigned from his position in January. Photo Credit: RMCHCS needed to be within an hour of his home for personal reasons,” Conejo said in a conversation with the Sun Feb. 4. There were no updates on whether the position has been fi lled at press time.
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Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Fort Defiance man gets prison sentence for domestic violence WOMAN SURVIVES BRUTAL BEATING Staff Reports
H OE N I X , A r i z . On Jan. 27, Bruce Rober tson, 40, of Fort Defiance, Ariz., was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Steven P. Logan to four years’ imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to two counts of Domestic Assault Resulting in Substantial Bodily Injury. On multiple occa sions in 2015 and 2016, Robertson engaged in acts of domestic
violence against his then-girlfriend, repeatedly punching her in the face, shoving her, and threatening to smother her. In one assault, when Robertson attempted to hit his infant child with a large metal belt, his girlfriend shielded the baby with her own body. As a result, Robertson beat her with the belt. The matter was eventually referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and agents promptly began an investigation, which led to Robertson’s
prosecution. Robertson is a member of the Navajo Nation, as is the victim, and the crimes occurred near Chinle, Ariz., on the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation. A check with the FBI in Phoenix, Ariz. confirms the woman who was the target of the attack survived. The investigation was conducted by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The prosecution was handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney William G. Voit, District of Ariz., Phoenix.
Stock photo
Man in ICU after stabbing near Jerry’s Cafe GALLUP POLICE ASKING FOR PUBLIC’S HELP Staff Reports
allup police were called to the scene of an apparent stabbi ng about 5:54
pm Feb. 1. A male walked by Jerry’s Café at 406 W. Coal Ave. and displayed a stab wound to bystanders by lifting his shirt outside the business. He wa s wea r ing a
camouflage shirt, black jacket and brown beanie. Police were called and found him seated on a curb. When the officer approached, there appeared to be blood coming from the man’s
abdomen. Medstar and the fire department were called. The man did not respond to questions. The officer rendered aid and the man was taken to the Gallup Indian Medical Center, where he was taken into surgery and then placed in ICU. When officers returned to the scene to question people at Jerry’s Café, they learned nothing new about the incident.
Still from a video taken at the scene near Jerry’s Café in Gallup Feb. 1. Photo Credit: GPD
Man found dead at Arrowhead Motel
Meet Sammy C Night The public is invited to meet and learn about Mayoral Candidate
Sammy C. Chioda Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Lincoln Elementary School Cafeteria 502 Old Zuni Road • 6-7 pm Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Del Norte Elementary School Cafeteria 700 West Wilson • 6-7 pm Tuesday, February 25, 2020 JFK Middle School Cafeteria, 600 Boardman Drive • 6-7 pm Thursday, February 27, 2020 Red Rock Elementary School Cafeteria, 1305 Red Rock Drive • 6-7 pm
Staff Reports
leaning staff entered a room at the Arrowhead Motel at 1191 E. Hwy. 66 on the morning of Feb. 4 to find an unresponsive man inside. Police and emergency personnel were notified and dispatched
at 10:24 am. They confirmed that Jackson Gorman, 62, of Window Rock, Ariz. had died. Investigators said nothing stood out about the death that would identify it as being a result of foul play. The body was sent to the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque for autopsy.
Refreshments will be served at each meeting
Paid for by the ‘Committee to Elect Sammy C. Chioda’, Maria Chioda, Treasurer
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Weekly Police Activity Reports Staff Reports DOUBLE STABBING Gallup, Jan. 24 A Church Rock man is now facing ten charges after reportedly stabbing two people. Fernando L a r go, 2 4 , has been charged with two counts of aggravated battery, three counts of aggravated assault, three counts of abuse of a child and a count each of tampering with evidence and resisting or evading an officer. On Jan. 24, Gallup Police Officer Michael Eley was dispatched to the Redwood Lodge, 907 E. Hwy. 66, in connection with a stabbing. When he arrived, he saw a man and woman lying in the parking lot. Nathan King was lying on
RMCHCS | FROM PAGE 9 wa s Da llago Cor poration, which Conejo states is listed for their construction work on the hospital premises. He also said a given contractor will be hired if they possess the right certifications, particularly to handle medical gasses. There were five interested persons listed on the business transactions section of the 990, a number which Conejo said can change in a given year depending on the services the hospital requires. CREATING FINANCIAL STABILITY When the Sun spoke with Conejo in May 2019, he discussed how the hospital was about $16 m i l l ion i n debt when he t ook t he role of CEO in 2014, and had about th ree days’ wor th of ca sh reser ves. “From the time I started the due diligence, they had gone up $2.5 million in debt,” Conejo said. “I told them they’re losing money faster than they can pay anything, and they’re basically
his side with a visible laceration on his right side. Valicia Ayze had a visible wound to her left forearm. Ayze said she was outside one of the units when she got into an argument with Largo, who slashed her with a kitchen knife. King was then slashed with the same knife. Her three children were inside the unit and witnessed the attack, she said. They ran from the unit after the attack. Largo then fled the scene. He was later arrested at the El Rancho Hotel. The knife used in the attack was later found at the nearby Taco Bell, 914 E. Hwy. 66. King and Ayze were transported to a local hospital for treatment. UNCOOPERATIVE MAN Gallup, Jan. 4 Gallup police officers were dispatched to the Joseph Soup Kitchen, 450 Fifth St., about 5
bankrupt.” However, in the past fi ve years, Conejo said they were able to bring the debt down by $5 million and revenues for daily cash on hand had expanded to about $10 million, or enough to keep the hospital operating for about 34 days. Conejo said other groups have said the hospital owes about $2 million to McKinley County, which he said is not true anymore. “We set up a payment plan, and we’ve been paying them for several years,” he said. “Now we’re down to about $1.2 million, and we pay on a regular basis. It’s not an outstanding debt that hasn’t been tended to.” The reduction of the debt to the county is included in the $5 million Conejo mentioned as well. Conejo also brought up the forensic audit that was requested by the county last yea r, wherein the county sought an independent review of the hospital’s mill lev y funds, so they could track where the public spending was happening.
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pm on Jan. 4 in connection with a report of two women fighting. Nobody w a s fo u n d fighting, but during the investigation, police interviewed Chance Castillo, 35, of Gallup. He was visibly intoxicated and became combative and had to be put into handcuffs. He continued to yell at police and had to be placed in a van to be taken to Gallup Detox. In the van, Gallup Police Officer Ryan Salazar said Castillo continued to yell that he wanted to fight with police. When police were attempting to remove him from the van at the center, Salazar said Castillo attempted to attack him, so he moved to the side and took him to the ground. Castillo was then charged with
assault of a peace officer and taken to a local hospital for treatment for a small cut he sustained when being taken to the ground. A breath alcohol test was performed at the hospital and he posted a sample of .27. After being treated, he was transported to the county jail and booked. FIGHT AT THE STATION Gallup, Jan. 5 Gallup Patrolman Michael Eley said he was on routine patrol on South Second Street on Jan. 5 when he was stopped at a gas station to get fuel. While putting gas in his vehicle, he was told of two people fighting at and then leaving the gas station. He went after them and conducted a traffic stop. The
driver of the vehicle, identified as Gianna Chee, 20, of Vanderwagen, had blood on her face. A man, Kasey Benally, was a passenger in the unit. He also had blood onhis face and hands. Chee got out of her car and said that she and her boyfriend got into an argument that became physical. She admitted to slapping Benally several times in the face, giving him a bloody nose. She said the blood on her face was his. Benally’s knuckles were red, but he said he did not strike Chee. The redness came from striking the car dashboard several times. Chee also said Benally did not hit her. Benally said he had several drinks earlier in the day. Chee said she only had one. Chee was arrested for battery on a household member. Benally was allowed to call a friend to drive him home.
While the finalized audit has not been received yet, Conejo said the hospital is comfortable where they are now. “At the end of seven months,
not one number in the audit we submitted was changed,” Conejo said. “We have the notes we mentioned earlier, but there were no fi ndings of anything
that was wrong.” T here i s no s peci f ied deadline on their end for the audit to be completed, Conejo added.
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Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
WEEKLY DWI REPORT Staff Reports Myron McCabe Jan. 16, 2:36 pm Aggravated DWI Gallup P o l i c e Officer Timo Molina said he stopped his unit when he was approached by a woman who said her two-year-old child was in a vehicle leaving the parking lot and the driver was intoxicated. Molina said he made a traffic stop on the vehicle and found Myron McCabe 33, from Round Rock, Ariz., inside as the driver. The child was in a child-restraint seat. Molina said he could also smell the odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle. McCabe admitted to drinking prior to driving. He also agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests
and failed and was arrested for DWI. He later agreed to take a breath alcohol test and posted samples of .21 and .22. Darrell Yazzie Jan. 12, 2:46 am Aggravated DWI (first offense) Gallup Police Officer R i c h a r d Rangel said he was on patrol when he spotted a car with a n e x pi r e d registration. He did a traffic stop and talked to the driver - Darrell Yazzie, 20, of Mentmore. Since Rangel smelled alcohol coming from inside the car, Yazzie was asked how much he had to drink. He said he had only one shot. Rangel said he also noticed Yazzie had blood and scratches on his face. When he asked about that, Yazzie said he had been in a fight a few days
before. Yazzie agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests and failed, leading to his arrest on DWI charges. Later, he agreed to take a breath alcohol test and posted two samples of .23. Ty Bob Begay Jan. 10, 10:40 pm DWI Gallup Police Officer Clarissa Morgan said she was dispatched to a local fast food restaurant where a driver had fallen asleep in the drive-through lane. When she got there, she found Ty Bob Begay, 29, of Church Rock, asleep behind the wheel. His passenger was also asleep. When she managed to wake Begay up, he and the passenger had to exit the vehicle through the passenger side because the
“I have walked and worked in our communities. Our people, our land, and our culture son mi alma y corazon, and will guide my work as your Congresswoman” – Teresa Leger Fernandez Teresa is a proud daughter of Northern New Mexico, who has spent her life working on behalf of New Mexico's communities. As an attorney and advocate, she worked to advance voting rights, promote tribal sovereignty, protect our acequia water, and secure millions in funding to help build schools, health clinics, and infrastructure. A former White House Fellow and Obama appointee, she is an experienced and passionate leader who will bring a powerful new voice to Congress.
In Congress, Teresa will fight to:
Ensure affordable and quality health care for all, and protect people with pre-existing conditions. • Promote economic growth and stability, including fulfilling jobs that pay good wages st • Invest in 21 century infrastructure, including broadband and clean energy • Protect our public lands, sacred sites, air, and water from climate change and exploitation
Teresa Leger Fernandez Authorized by Teresa for All, Paid for by Michael Daly
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
driver‘s side was blocked. She said Begay showed signs of being intoxicated. When asked where he was coming from, he said Smokey’s. He admitted to having two drinks there, one with dinner and one afterward. He said his passenger had nothing to eat, which is why they went to the fast food restaurant. He agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests and failed. He also agreed to take a breath alcohol test and posted samples of .11 and .10. Donovan Berry Jan. 5, 8:20 pm DWI Gallup Police Officer Clarissa Morgan said she was on routine patrol when she saw a car going the wrong way on a one-way street. She stopped the vehicle and talked to the driver - Donovan Berry, 45, of Keams Canyon who said he was in the area visiting family. She said she could smell alcohol coming from inside the vehicle and noticed an open can of beer on the center console. Berry at fi rst denied drinking anything that day, but later admitted to having four beers.
STABBING | FROM PAGE 10 Gallup police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a man seen on a surveillance video walking away from the scene. He was wearing a black jacket,
TASK FORCE | FROM PAGE 4 contributed to his involvement with the task force. “I’ve been out to Russia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and some other places representing New Mexico,” Tom said. “The Eagle Scouts select one or two [members] from each state. I enjoyed every bit of it.” Tom hopes the land can be preserved as a national park to commemorate these people and their experiences. WHAT NOW? The task force has the support of the Gallup City Council, who voted to adopt a resolution supporting the land at Fort Wingate with the express
He agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests which he failed. He refused to take a breath alcohol test. Mikalia Smith Dec. 30, 6:18 pm DWI (first offense) Gallup Police Officer Domenic Molina said he was dispat ched t o the Taco Bell in connection with a woman requesting assistance. When he arrived, he met Mikalia Smith, 23, of Sanders, Ariz. Smith asked Molina to follow her to her in-law’s house because they had her child. Molina agreed and they went to a residence on Fifth Street where a man and woman came out and began arguing with Smith. While Smith was arguing, Molina said he could smell alcohol coming from her. He asked if she had been drinking and she said no. She agreed to take a portable breath test and it displayed a reading of .13. She then agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests and failed. She was charged with DWI. Later, she agreed to take a breath alcohol test and posted samples of .13 and .14.
black hooded sweatshirt with a white stripe, khaki pants and a gray beanie. If you know who this person is, please contact the Gallup Police Department at (505) 863-9365 and ask for Det. John Gonzales.
designation as a national monument last December. The biggest issue standing in the way now is funding, Marquez said. He added it would likely be a combination of federal funds, tribal funds, non-profits, and grants to cover the costs of their plans for any construction. The task force hopes to gain the support of Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez next, and then the plans can really be set in motion, Marquez said. “Once the Navajo Nation gets possession of [the land], it can be theirs to use for historic preservation,” he said. “We dreamed about it, we got support for it. Now we’re ready to make it a reality.” NEWS
Navajo Nation mourns the loss of Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever Sr. Staff Reports
INDOW ROCK, A r iz. - Nava jo Nation President Jo n a t h a n Ne z and Vice President Myron Lizer offer their heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of U.S. Marine Corps Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever Sr., who passed away Jan. 31 at the age of 96 in Haystack, N.M. “The Navajo people have lost another great warrior who sacrificed more than we’ll ever know to defend our country. On
of his life, he was a loving person who cared greatly for his people. Today, I ask our Diné people to keep his spirit and his family in your prayers as we give thanks for his life and his legacy.” Survivors include his sister Mary Vandever Delgarito; sons Gary, Tracy, Obie, Joe Jr., and Lester Vandever; daughters Beth Nez, Phegie Vandever Slim, Sheila Vandever Nez; 36 grandchildren, 55 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents Emma and Walter Vandever; his wife Bessie
Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever Sr. during the annual Navajo Code Talker celebration in Window Rock, Ariz. Aug. 14, 2019. Photo Credit: OPVP Vandever’s grandchildren, Eric Nez, Shaylee Vandever, Petrina Vandever, Shelby Vandever, and Petulia Vandever, shared precious memories, teachings, and disciplines of their grandfather and grandmother.
Several photos displayed in the Feb. 5 memorial service of Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever Sr. who died Jan. 31 at the age of 96. Photo Credit: OPVP behalf of the Navajo Nation, we offer our prayers and heartfelt condolences to his wife, children, and many other loved ones,” Nez said. According to his family, Vandever passed away due to health complications. He was born on Feb. 5, 1923 into the Red Running Into the Water People clan, born for Two Who Came to the Water clan. He was married for 73 years to his wife, Bessie D. Vandever, who passed on Sept. 24, 2019. Vandever enlisted with the U.S. Marine Corps in Santa Fe, N.M. on March 26, 1943 and was honorably discharged as Corporal on Jan. 22, 1946. He served in northern Solomons, Bougainville, Emirau Islands, Gua m, Ma r ia na s Isla nds, Okinawa, Ryukyus Islands, Occupation of Japan, and Occupation of China. “Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever, Sr. was a great warrior and a compassionate family man,” Lizer said. “In every aspect NEWS
D. Vandever; son Anthony Va ndever; a nd gra ndsons Charleston, Antonio, and Travis Vandever. Flags were ordered to be flown at half-staff on the Navajo Nation from Feb. 3 - Feb. 6. A memorial service was held Feb. 5 at the El Morro Theatre in Gallup. In attendance were Lizer and his wife Second Lady Dottie Lizer and hundreds of Navajo citizens, family members, and loved ones . During the service, Lizer presented a proclamation and a Navajo Nation flag to the family of Code Talker Vandever, and offered condolences on behalf of the Navajo people. “As we mourn the loss of Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever Sr., we also honor and remember all his great sacrifices for our Navajo people and the entire country. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and community members as they lay him to rest,” Lizer said. Du r ing the ser v ice,
Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer speaks at the memorial service at El Morro Theatre Feb. 5, honoring Joe Vandever Sr. who died Jan. 31. Photo Credit: OPVP “Our Cheii and Shimásání (grandfather and grandmother) encouraged us to be the best we can be and to contribute to the Navajo Nation and the world. He stressed the need for each of their 91 grandchildren to speak and value our Navajo language. He said our language and culture
identifies who we are and it will protect us and make us stronger. We will greatly miss our grandparents,” grandson Eric Nez said. “We thank God for the life of Navajo Code Talker Joe
CITY OF GALLUP MUNICIPAL OFFICER ELECTION MARCH 3, 2020 Absentee and early voting for the March 3rd Municipal Officer Election is now being conducted at Gallup City Hall, located at 110 West Aztec Avenue. Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed Presidents’ Day, February 17th). Voters may call the City Clerk’s Office at 863-1254 to request an absentee ballot by mail. Absentee voting will end on Friday, February 28th at 5:00 p.m. The last day to vote early will be Saturday, February 29th at 6:00 p.m. Early voting on February 29th will be held on that day only from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Same day voter registration will be available at the City Clerk’s Office during early voting; however, it will not be available on Election Day. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE ELECTION, PLEASE CALL THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE AT 863-1254. Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
‘Kiki’ Saavedra continues to help others even after death H. B. 225 TO HELP ELDERS NAMED FOR THE STATE REPRESENTATIVE Staff Reports
INDOW ROCK , A r i z . - Nava jo Nation President Jon a t h a n Nez , Vice President Myron Lizer, and Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty commend the New Mexico House Health and Human Services Committee for supporting House Bill 225, which aims to allocate $25 million to establish The Kiki Saavedra Senior Dignity Fund to support services administered by the New Mexico Depa r tment of Aging a nd Long Term Services for the benefit of elderly people. The committee supported the measure by a 6 - 0 vote on Feb. 3. The bill now moves to the House Appropriations and Finance Committee. During the hearing, a letter from Nez and Lizer was delivered to the committee requesting member support. The bill is named after the late former State Rep. Henry “Kiki” Saavedra who d ied of A l z hei mer’s
disease in January 2019. “The trust fund for elderly people is greatly needed to better address high priority needs for senior citizens and those with disabilities throughout the state, and particularly on the Navajo Nation, where we have many elders who live in remote areas that are in need of more assistance,” Nez said, as he acknowledged some of the recent successes of the Navajo Department of Aging and Long Term Care Services, including the acquisition of new transportation vans and food deliver y vehicles for senior centers, and the completion of a master lease for an elderly group home in the community of Birdsprings, Ariz. “The Nez-Lizer Administration is making posit ive cha nge s for ou r elderly Navajo people. Having a state trust fund will create more opportunities for partnerships to provide more services in our communities,” he added. Nez has also recommended that the Nation
N.M. State Rep. Henry “Kiki” Saavedra served 28 years with the City of Albuquerque and 38 years (from 19772014) in the N. M. Legislature. Saavedra died in 2019 at the age of 82. Photo Credit: nmlegis.gov create an elder and youth office to combine and coordinate efforts to better bridge the generational teachings for Navajo youth and elders. In her State of the State Address Jan. 21, N. M. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham spoke in suppor t of establishing
th )(%58$5< 20
SATURDAY At Rollie Mortuary
9am – 11am
Rollie Mortuary’s
MONTHLY INFORMATION SESSION There will be funeral home staff, licensed funeral director, pre- need insurance agent and cemetery specialist available to answer any questions about the process, care and options available when one passes. Some of these topics include but are not limited to burial, cremation, cemetery, and headstones as well as pre-need funeral policies and the benefits they present to families. WILL HAVE INDIVIDUALS THAT SPEAK ENGLISH, SPANISH AND NAVAJO
the trust fund, which is also included in the Governor’s recommended budget to state legislators. “ We a p p r e c i a t e t h e Governor’s support and the sponsors of the bill for pushing this measure forward to help those who are in great need in the state of N. M. and the Navajo Nation. President Nez and I will continue to advocate and lobby for the passage of House Bill 225 throughout the legislative session,” Lizer stated. Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty, a longtime advocate for Navajo elders, a lso spoke i n suppor t of establishing the elderly trust fund. She represents several rural communities as a member of the 24th Navajo Nation Council, including Beclabito, C o v e , G a d i’ i’á h i / To’ K o i , Red Valley, Tooh Haltsooi, Toadlena/Two Grey Hills, and Tsé ałnáoz’t’I’í. “The Navajo Nation reco g n i z e s t h a t ou r e l d e r s are the foundation of our
com mu n ities. Ou r elder s’ teachings, values, and love, contribute to the strengthening of our families and play(s) a vital role in restoring kinship. Our rural communities require more attention as we face challenges caused by progressive health issues such as Alzheimer’s disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions,” Crotty said. The Kiki Saavedra Senior Dignity Fund would provide services related to transportation, food benefits, physical and behavioral health, case management and caregiving. The bill also calls for increased access for seniors and adults with disabilities, including veterans, to specialty vehicles and to specialty physical and behavioral health care not always provided in rural areas, assistance with appointments and meals in underserved areas of the state, and care coordination through community health workers.
Efforts underway to bring high speed service to Navajo Nation SURVEY AVAILABLE ON WEB, PAPER Staff Reports
and a cellular survey to address high-speed high speed broadband, internet
he Nava jo Nation understands the need for high-speed broadband and cellular services and is undertaking a study to find the best methods to bring this service to the residents and businesses in the Nation. The Navajo Nation asks residents and businesses to fill out two surveys; a broadband survey
Wireless network symbol. Image Credit: Wikipedia
Without us, this would be the Runaroundhouse.
401 E. Nizhoni Blvd. Gallup, NM 87301 Call for more information: 505-863-4452 Hotline: 505-764-3750 NMFOG.org
Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
NM named high performer in public health emergency preparedness Staff Reports
ANTA FE - The New Mexico Depar tment of Health is now one of 25 states and the District of Columbia named as high performers in the Trust for America’s Health annual report on public health emergency preparedness. The news comes as NMDOH continues to monitor and respond to the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak originating in China. Following updated guida nce from the Center s for Di sea se Cont rol a nd Prevention, the Department of Health asks anyone returning
to New Mexico from China to call the 24-hour hotline at (505) 827-0006 for guidance about protecting yourself, your family, and your community from the novel coronavirus, even if you are not sick. The Department of Health advises all in-state healthcare providers to stay proactive and vigilant with regards to 2019nCoV, especially if they find themselves treating anyone returning home from China, and presenting with fever and lower respiratory symptoms, like cough and shortness of breath. “While we currently do not have a case of novel coronavirus
in New Mexico, we remain on high alert and expect our medical community to do the same,” Department of Health Cabinet Secretary Kathy Kunkel said. “Our team at NMDOH is showing why they have risen to the top tier of states for our level of public health emergency preparedness.” R ea dy o r Not 2020: Protecting the Public’s Health from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism is an annual report evaluating the level of readiness of state health departments nationwide. It is created by Trust for America’s Health, a non-partisan public health policy, research and
high-performance tier because of readiness measures such as health security surveillance, patient safety and more. T he f ull repor t can be found online attfah. org/report-details/ readyornot2020/.
Dept. of Health Cabinet Secretary Kathy Kunkel. File Photo advocacy organization. New Mex ico is one of eight states and the District of Columbia that rose to the
Information continues to be updated regularly about the novel coronavirus. Visit both the CDC website on 2019-nCoV and the New Mexico Department of Health novel coronavirus webpage at nmhealth. org/about/erd /ideb/ncov/ for the most up-to-date information.
NM HB 278 could mean millions for health care BILL PASSES HOUSE COMMITTEE 5-3 Staff Reports
beginning in 2021. Congress recently repealed that fee. Now states can collect a portion of
the surtax on their own. Fiftyfive percent of the funds generated through this new surtax and an existing fee paid by health insurance companies would go to the Health Care Affordability Fund; the remainder will go to the General Fund. “This is an incredible opportunity for New Mexico to create a meaningful new revenue stream that would not only fund programs to help New Mexicans afford health care, but also bring money into the General Fund,” Armstrong said. The state would use the money in the Health Care Affordability Fund to create programs that would reduce the cost of health care. This
c o m /s3/53 4 3 8 8 4/ Na v ajo Nation-Broadband-Survey and the Cellular survey can be accessed via the web at: surveygizmo.com/s3/5344376/ Navajo-Nation-Cellular-Survey For those residents and
businesses that do not have broadband internet access or do not possess a smart cellular phone at your home or business, please stop by your local Chapter House and fill out a paper survey.
cared greatly for his people, his children, and grandchildren. His service and contribution to the Navajo Nation and country will be greatly missed and forever cherished and honored,”
President Nez said. The burial for Navajo Code Talker Joe Vandever Sr. was scheduled for Feb. 6 at 1:30 pm at the Santa Fe National Cemetery in Santa Fe, N.M.
B 278 is a new bill that could make healthcare more affordable for New Mexicans. Rep. Debbie A. Armstrong, D-Bernalillo, authored the legislation to create a Health Care Affordability Fund to help more New Mexican’s afford the health care they need. It passed the House Health and Human Services Committee Feb. 5, by a vote of 5-3. Under the bill, New Mexico would begin collecting a portion of a fee that health insurance companies had been paying the federal government under the Affordable Care Act
BROADBAND | FROM PAGE 14 and cellular service needs. The broadband Internet survey can be accessed via the web at: surveygizmo.
CODE TALKER | FROM PAGE 13 Vandever Sr. In every aspect of his life, he was a loving and compassionate person who NEWS
Rep. Deborah A. Armstrong. Photo Credit: nmlegis.gov
could include covering the cost of deductibles, cost-sharing or co-pays for some New Mexicans. Another option is expanding health coverage to include some of the 190,000 New Mexicans who are currently uninsured. SB 278 does not specify the programs that would be created using the fund. Instead, the Secretary of Human Services will put together a comprehensive plan to maximize the funding and would present the plan to the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee no later than Dec. 1. Only after the plans are approved would the Legislature appropriate money from the fund for implementation of affordability programs.
SB 278 also requires detailed, ongoing reporting to show that programs created through the Health Care Affordability Fund are reducing health care costs for New Mexicans. “I am excited to see what the future holds,” Armstrong said. “We have the power, with this one piece of legislation, to change health outcomes for hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans. No New Mexican should ever have to decide between going to the doctor, or putting food on the table. It’s time to make health care affordable for everyone.” HB 278 now goes to the House Taxation and Revenue Committee for consideration.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Hotline: 505-764-3750 NMFOG.org
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Family Supports Program launch WITH HOPES OF ELIMINATING THE WAITLIST he New Mex ico Department of Health is mailing applications to about 1,500 residents to provide immediate support for individuals on the waitlist for developmental disabilities support that can help pay for items like eyeglasses, hearing aids or adaptive equipment. Additionally, in collabor a t ion w it h t he Hu m a n Ser v ices Depa r tment, the Department of Health is contacting all individuals on the
waitlist to discuss additional resources and services. This includes contacting children (their families) and adults to make sure all individuals in need of services are maximizing their Medicaid benefits. Children on the waitlist, under the age of 21, who are Medicaid eligible, can access services through the Early a nd Per io d ic S c r e e n i n g, Diagnostic and Treatment program. Adults on the waitlist, who are Medicaid eligible, can access services through
Morrissette is no longer in a supervisory position and has no path to advancement. Grover says he sees all of this as punishment for being a whistleblower. “For cops that want to do cop work, it’s like hell,” he said. Grover says that his client’s hope is to be restored to her former position and responsibility.
client is being sidelined by her employer. She describes her current job status as being “locked in a closet” and she wants to be let out. Her office, located in downtown Gallup, reportedly has no windows and is some miles away from GPD headquarters. The complaint states that
the New Mexico Community Benefit program. The Family Supports and R ei mbu r s ement P rog r a m was created to assist residents on a waiting list for the Developmental Disabilities Waiver. The Developmental Disabilities Waiver provides funding for home and community-based ser v ices for ch i ld ren a nd a du lt s w it h developmental disabilities or related conditions. The Medica id-funded progra m currently serves about 5,000
development a l ly d isabled New Mexicans. Another 5,000 are on a waiting list, some for more than a decade. “The goal over the next si x yea r s i s t o overh au l the DD Waiver program to better provide services and eliminate the waitlist entirely,” Department of Health Cabinet Secretary Kathy Kunkel said. “We share Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s commitment to provide the needed services for New Mexicans with developmental disabilities
“For cops that want to do cop work, it’s like hell,” Thomas Grover, Rosanne Morrissette’s attorney “In some ways she would like to see her police career rehabilitated,” he said. “For a police officer, it’s a really horrible environment to put them in.”
Grover says that a su it l i ke t h i s wou ld nor m a l ly t a ke a couple of yea r s to w i nd it s way t h roug h t he system. But he believes this
OBITUARY El la Ba h Wi lson of Thoreau, N.M. died January 31, 2020. She wa s preceded i n death by Father Jim Wilson, Mother Bah Charley Wilson: Brothers Clarence Martinez, Joe Robert, Juan and Leonard W i l s o n , S i s t e r s L ou i s e Johnson and Irene Saunders.
and their families.” The mailing, which also includes program information, is going to about 1,500 residents on the waitlist who may be eligible under the following requirements: The applicant must be a New Mexico resident. The applica nt must be reg i st ered w it h t he New Mexico Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Supports Division’s Central Registry and placed on the waiting list.
ca se shou ld t a ke fa r les s time, consider ing the ev idence that has already been gathered. Morrissette is asking for monetary, as well as punitive damages. Grover said a dollar amount has yet to be determined. GPD Capt. Erin ToadlenaPablo said the department has no immediate comment to make about the lawsuit.
She is survived by Son Steven Becenti and Sisters Rosebelle Sanders, Darlene Wilson and Martha Gonzalez. T he f a m i ly r e c e i ve d f r ie nd s o n We d ne s d ay, February 5, 2020 at Church of God in Thoreau, N.M. Funeral Services will be held Friday, February 7, 2020 at Thoreau Church of God. Interment will be at Sunset Memorial Park Gallup, N.M.
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Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Local journalism matters to New Mexicans By Lilly Irvin-Vitela President and Executive Director New Mexico First
he Sustainable Local Journalism in New Mexico: Community Perspectives report builds a rationale for the importance of vibrant local journalism to community well-being. By harvesting the wisdom of civically engaged leaders across New Mexico communities, this report acknowledges the need for accurate and relevant sources of information. Credible information from trustworthy sources allows community members to make informed decisions for their families, businesses, and civic institutions, engage in community-building efforts, and participate in the democratic process.
Lilly Ir v in-Vitela , New Mexico First President and lead author, describes the community conversations that informed the report. “We sought out people who are committed to civic life through Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, entrepreneurial groups, and more. People generously jumped in to share their values, beliefs, and expectations of local journalism. Many New Mexicans still read their local papers both in print and online. They are listening to local radio and watching local TV.” Community leaders are looking for information that is clear, accurate, and inclusive of community voices and the broader world. This information is being used to support decision-making about politics, social life, getting to and from work, where to enroll their children, and so
much more. Irvin-Vitela further noted, “It’s a mistake to underestimate the importance of local media to New Mexicans. We have a long storytelling tradition and while technology has changed these practices, our commitment to understanding the world and each other is just as important today.” “The New Mexico Press Association and its members are excited the Sustainable Local Journalism in New Mexico: Community Pe rspectives report has been released by New Mexico First,” Clara Garcia, president of the New Mexico Press Association and editor and publisher of the Valencia County News-Bulletin said. “Journalists around our state vigorously work to report the news of our communities, and we are proud our readers value
what we do and our commitment to the truth. Local journalism is valued and trusted, and we appreciate all those who participated in the focus groups. The mission of the NMPA continues to help improve the quality of member newspapers, encourage high journalistic standards, and promote journalism education around the state.” she continued. Sarah Gustavus, program coordinator for the New Mexico Local News Fund, noted that “Local news is crucial for our democracy. We see an opportunity to bring together journalists and local stakeholders to discuss news and information needs in communities across New Mexico. This report will help us continue to shape community conversations about the future of local journalism in New Mexico.”
Ava Marrero, 6, browses through a recent copy of the Gallup Sun. Photo Credit: Courtesy
The sun is in Aquarius, which is a wonderful time for intellectual pursuits. Your creative efforts require assistance from friends and fellow idea generators. Collaboration works in your favor and will work wonders for your artistic flow. Madame G sees great things ahead. Put your best foot forward. Now is the time to make the most of what you have.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Hammering out the details is not your favorite activity. You’d rather provide the big ideas and communicate plans. Remember that all great journeys begin with the fi rst step. Visionary ideas may come to you in your dreams (or daydreams); and could blossom into full-fledge projects when Mercury moves into Aries.
You’ll have zero patience for people invading your personal space between now and April 11. Guarding your solo time like a hawk could become your “new normal” during this Mercury cycle. The point of this exercise is to create more room to explore your personal passions. say “yes-please” to adventurous journeys, mind-expanding classes and retreats, and anything that activates your entrepreneurial streak.
Even if you don’t have kids, consider how your actions will affect the next generation. We’re all vested on this planet. Try spending less money on items you think you want. Buy quality items that you need. Shop local at your friendly farmer’s market. Help your friends and family and learn to survive on less. Your wallet will thank you and so will the planet.
What a month, you’re still reeling. But, then again you usually are, because you’re wound tighter than a 2-year-old with a rubber band. Relax and breathe. It’s a good idea to start adding in yoga to your daily routine. Instead of heading to the local pub for a pint, try a yoga class. You might make a few friends while you’re at it.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Feeling a bit nostalgic? You’re not usually one to dwell in the past. Lately you’ve missed the good old days. It’s good to look back and reflect just don’t get stuck. Go out and make new and better memories. The best days are always ahead no matter where you’re at in life, or where you’re going. Move forward.
The blessed sun is still in your sign. The days are longer and brighter, too. Have you made progress with yourself? Try working at a soup kitchen. Donate more time and energy to taking action. Help out a political or environmental campaign. Sink your teeth into something that you can believe in and take pride in your work.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Dreams are your special friend and indulgence. Lately you feel some strain in that area. Is sleep slow to come? Insomnia is a bear and you’ve barely made it through the day. Check your health and don’t ignore subtle signs. Listen to your body.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Your mind works fast. This week you’ll feel pulled into indecision. Stop warring with yourself, Aries. Your greatest enemy is you. The path you’ve chosen is yours for better or worse - own it. Don’t try to play the “what if” game. Stick to the plan and pour yourself heart and soul into the project. You’ll be glad you did. OPINIONS
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) This week is looking up. Your projects got the go-ahead. Your willpower alone pushes them forward. People just don’t know what to make of you and try to take advantage. You’re fiercely loyal to those you care about. But, don’t waste efforts on the weakminded. Some people aren’t worth it.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Don’t let your past dictate your future. If you’re not happy, then leave. It’s not up to you to change others. If they can’t grow with you, then it’s not a relationship worth tending. Your fragile heart is afraid. Be brave! You’re stronger than you think.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Getting strong while watching TV isn’t impossible. You could run at the gym or at home. There are plenty of shows that teach you how to get stronger and work out. The world is your jungle gym. Start putting exercise into your daily existence. Walk everywhere that you can and jog when possible. You’ll feel great!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) The expressive planet will be hovering in your sign for an extralong time, until April 11. Even so, don’t make any of your brilliant brainstorms permanent, until you make it through Mercury retrograde from Feb. 16 through March 9.
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Luján makes statement at the end of senate impeachment trial
State should end exclusions for Effective Anti-Poverty Tax Credit LEAVES TOO MANY PEOPLE BEHIND By Sharon Kayne NM Voices for Children
Staff Reports
A SH INGTON, D. C. - U. S . House Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., issued the following statement on Senate Republicans’ actions in the senate impeachment trial. “This is a dark moment. President Trump corrupted this country’s rule of law when he put his interests ahead of the country’s to advance his own political needs. The evidence of his wrongdoing is undeniable. “Despite today’s (Feb. 5) deeply disappointing outcome, President Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives. That will be his lasting legacy.
U. S. House Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Lujan. File Photo “A s f o r t h e S e n a t e Republicans who cowered instead of doing the right thing, history will not be kind to those who sold out our democracy for political expediency.”
LBUQUERQUE The state’s Working Families Tax Credit is a proven poverty-fighting tool that benefits New Mexico’s children, families, and economy, but it leaves too many lowwage workers behind. That’s the message of a policy brief released Feb. 4 by New Mexico Voices for Children and supported by groups that advocate on behalf of the state’s immigrant community. Two of the groups of workers who are excluded from receiving the WFTC are childless workers between the ages of 18 and 25 and those fi ling their tax forms using an Individual Tax Identification Number instead of a social security number. HB 148, which would end these exclusions, is scheduled to be heard in the House Labor, Veterans’, and Military A ffairs Committee today (Feb. 4). The bill would also
increase the credits for families already receiving it and for parents of young children. “Given that we have one of the highest child poverty rates in the nation, it’s in the state’s best interest to expand this tax credit to more hard-working families with children,” New Mex ico Voice s for Children Executive Director James Jimenez said. “No child should be deprived of the benefits of this tax credit because of where their parents were born.” Both the WFTC and the federal EITC have long had bipartisan support. NM Voices estimates that ending the exclusion for workers fi ling with an ITIN would cost the state between $5 million and $9 million. It’s estimated that approximately 28,000 New Mexico children have parents who are undocumented immigrants. The majority of these children are, themselves, U.S. citizens. The child advocacy group estimates that ending the exclusion for young workers would
Sharon Kayne, Communications Director, NM Voices for Children. File Photo benefit about 49,000 workers and cost $3 million. No fiscal impact report has been posted for HB 148. The bill not only includes other provisions for the WFTC, it also includes a way to pay for at least some of the cost. New Mexico Voices for Children is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating for policies to improve the health and well-being of New Mexico’s children, families and communities. The policy brief is available online at nmvoices.org/ archives/13859.
Speaking about suicide with youth By Melissa Martin Guest Columnist
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Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
alking to your child about suicide may be one of the most difficult and uncomfortable conversations you’ll have, but it may also be the most important. Do not be afraid of the word “suicide.” According to research, talking to kids about suicide does not cause or increase suicide. Please read that again. By talking about suicide prevention, kids will know parents are open to discussing serious topics and parents will provide support when needed. Why discuss mental health matters with kids? Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the United States for kids ages 10-19. And 1 out of every 6 high school students
Melissa Martin has considered suicide in the past year. Depression and suicide affect people of every race, religious background, and income level. Kids need to know the warning signs of depression and suicide and how to get help. Most kids who attempt suicide have shown signs of depression.
“Accord i ng to su icide prevention experts, asking a child directly about suicidal thoughts is usually the best thing a parent can do to help their child open up about their emotions. Even if their child is not struggling with suicide or depression, parents can model for their child that it is good to talk about serious emotional concerns with trusted adults and important to reach out to friends to have these conversations, too.” More information can be found at: nationwidechildrens.org. Conversation Together, parents/guardians can educate themselves on suicide information. Peruse valid websites for facts and statistics. Put techno devices
SUICIDE | FROM PAGE 18 down. Give your full attention to your child. Listen as much as you talk. Answer questions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If this is a hard subject for you to talk about, admit it! (â&#x20AC;?You know, I never thought this was something Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be talking with you about, but I think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really importantâ&#x20AC;?). By acknowledging your discomfort, you give your child permission to acknowledge his/her discomfort too.â&#x20AC;? Read more from the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide at sptsusa.org. Responses to Suicide Comments If your child makes a comment about hurting himself/
herself, wanting to die, or being unsure of living, take it seriously (but do not overreact). Start with these phrases to validate emotions and understanding of his/her emotional pain. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes kids feel so sad, mad or even hopeless that they feel like hurting themselves. Have you been feeling like that?â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Are you thinking about killing yourself?â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do you have a plan about how you would kill yourself?â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will get through this together. And you can and will feel better.â&#x20AC;? Crisis Options: Parents can call a 24-hour crisis line and ask for assistance. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Parents can transport their child to the nearest
hospital emergency room for a mental health assessment or call 911. Non- cr isis options: Schedule a visit with a pediatrician. The pediatrician can assess early warning signs of suicidal behavior in their patients, diagnose and recommend treatment, and provide referrals. Or schedule an appointment with a mental health professional. The Center for Suicide Prevention a nd Resea rch at Nat ionw ide Ch i ld renâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, was created in 2015 to address the growing problem of suicide among youth. Signs of Suicide is a nationally-recognized suicide prevention program offered by CSPR at Nationwide
Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital. SOS is the only school-based suicide prevention program listed on t he Subst a nce A bu se and Mental Health Services Administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nationa l Registry of Evidence-Based P rog ra m s a nd P ra ct ices. Nationwide Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website has several articles with information about suicide prevention and intervention. Resource W he n Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens (ages 13 and up) by Bev Cobain. Full of solid information, it explains adolescent depression, reveals how common it is, describes the symptoms, and spreads the good news that depression is treatable.
Per sona l stor ies, photos, and poetry from teens dealing with depression speak d i rect ly to rea der sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; feelings, concerns, and experiences. It discusses treatment options, presents the facts about therapy, explains the differences between various types of helping professionals (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, physicia ns, counselors, etc.). This book is a Suicide Awareness Voices of Education Reading List selection. Free Spirit Publishing House is a leading publisher of learning tools that support teensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; social-emotional health. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make suicide prevention a taboo topic. Talk about mental health with teens.
Navajo DPS investigating possible homicide POTENTIAL SUSPECT IN CUSTODY Staff Reports
incident. Due to the ongoing investigation, details available
AY EN TA , A r i z . The Navajo Division of P ubl ic Sa fet y, in par tnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, are investigating a possible homicide. On Feb. 5 about 2:25 pm, the Navajo Police Department received a ca ll repor ting a ma n was shot nor th of Vendor Village in Kayenta, Ariz. Officers immediately responded to the area and found the victim, who was transported to the Kayenta hospital where he died from his injury. Officers located and apprehended the suspect 6 miles south of Kayenta without
for release are limited. This case has been referred
to the Navajo Department of Criminal Investigations
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
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Little band from big Texas rocks Gallup HEAVY METAL BAND BLACKTOP MOJO SHREDS DOWNTOWN By Dee Velasco For the Sun
here’s nothing like kicking off the weekend by doing something you love and for me it’s ending the work week by losing myself in music. Depending on my mood, whatever the genre, music does it for me. Experiencing new music is always a plus, too. That opportunity presented itself as I and some friends got the chance to check out a new band called Blacktop Mojo. Blacktop Mojo consists of Matt James-vocals, Nathan Gillis-drums, Ryan Kiefer-lead guitar, Chuck Wepfer-rhythm guitar, and Matt Curtis-bass. Starting out in late 2012 in a small town called Palestine, Tex., the band was formed by front man James and drummer Gillis. Their debut album “I Am” came out in 2014, followed by their second album “Burn The Ships” in 2017. Their third album “Under The Sun” released in 2019, is catapulting the band to the top. The band rocked out downtown Jan. 31, at Juggernaut Music with two local bands, War Motor and Faceless. I was privileged to catch up with them for an interview as they were doing their soundcheck. Sun: Matt, thank you so much for taking the time to do this, I really appreciate it, man. You know I was checking out your album in my ride and coming in now, you guys sound as if I was still listening in my car. You guys definitely have a unique sound, you guys sound so tight. BT: Oh man you going to give me a big head (laughing), I appreciate you talking to us. We’re pretty raw type of laid back, we don’t have any gimmicks. It’s just us playing our instruments on stage and we like to do the same thing in the studio. It’s fun playing music for a living. How can you not have fun? Whether it’s ten people or ten thousand, it’s all the same to us. Sun: Now right off the bat, Blacktop Mojo, the name. BT: Okay, so the name came from a small town in East Texas where we grew up, called
Blacktop Mojo hanging out at Juggernaut Music Jan. 31. From left, Nathan Gillis, Chuck Wepfer, Matt James, Matt Curtis, Ryan Kiefer. Photo Credit: Dee Velasco Palestine. We’d do this thing called “back roading” where we would sneak off and get some beer or whiskey and listen to some music while we hit the back roads. We were trying to come up with a name for our band and one of the guys said “Blacktop Mojo.” The name sort of stuck and that’s how we came up with the name. Sun: Oh, way cool. Now let’s talk about your music. When I heard you guys were from Texas, I kind of thought you would have some sort of southern sound, perhaps some influences from ZZ Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd, along those lines. Instead it’s straight awesome rock with a flavor of the blues. BT: I think it’s a bit of everything man, my parents raised me on Van Halen, AC/DC. My mom listened to a lot of hair metal. When I moved to East Texas I started listening to country since that’s all that came on the radio (laughing). The rest of the guys listened to ‘90’s grunge music like Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and Tool. So, we had a lot of influences. Sun: Cool. Now let’s talk about your latest album Under The Sun. The album has some aggressive ballads, strong guitar riffs, and intros that just catch you from the beginning and keep ahold of you to the very end. The lead off single Can’t Sleep is way cool. It’s apparent you guys put a lot of work into it. BT: Thank you, thank you.
20 Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Matt James sings to the crowd from Blacktop Mojo’s latest album Under The Sun Jan. 31 at Juggernaut Music. Photo Credit: Dee Velasco
The local band War Motor opened for Blacktop Mojo at Juggernaut Music Jan. 31. From left, Aaron Moses, Loren Lee, and Anthony Moses. Photo Credit: Dee Velasco
Coming out to jam to some heavy metal music at Juggernaut Music Jan. 31. From left, Toneda Roman and Larissa Lopez of Gallup. Photo Credit: Dee Velasco Ya we all put a lot of time and everything into this album. We get into a room and most of the time it will start with one guy’s idea, maybe a guitar riff, vocal line, or maybe a drum beat and try to work it all together. Each of the guys had their input into it and we try to utilize all that and see what we can do with it.
Sun: Let’s talk about some of your crazy videos like Come Get Your Coat. BT: (Laughing) If you ever had a one-night stand and you can’t quite get your bearings the next day, and I felt like we could go with a circus theme. We had a friend of a friend who had a monkey and we all had
fun filming that video. How we dress in the other videos is pretty much how we dress coming from a small town in Texas. Sun: Here’s a question for you Matt. Now if you weren’t doing this, what would you be doing, besides cruising the back roads (laughing)? I went to college to become a doctor and graduated after four years, and I thought school’s not for me. So I took a break and sort of stumbled into it, meeting our drummer and here we are. Sun: What was your degree in? BT: Biomedical Science, it sounds impressive (laughing), fancy biology degree. Sun: Dang, kudos to you dude. You know I hear it a lot that metal is so underrated, that the artists are just headbanging people with no ambitions. They just don’t get up there and sing, they have a lot of brains. BT: Oh yeah, there’s a lot of depth to heavy metal music and not just a lot of screaming. Sun: Right on brother. Hey Matt, I want to thank you for hanging out and doing this, and cruising to Gallup to rock this area. Guaranteed we rockers totally appreciate it. Where can people go and get ahold of all your albums? BT: Oh, thank you for doing this and we appreciate everyone who comes and checks us out brother. They can visit our site blacktopmojo.com and grab all the albums there and check out the videos as well. COMMUNITY
ictures of the Winter Warm-Up distribution event at the Hozho Center (Third Street and Maloney) Jan. 31, where donations of warm clothing and backpacks collected across Gallup, were handed out to those needing them. T h is ef for t wa s sponsored by RMCHCS and suppor ted by the Gallup PD, N.M. State Police, McKinley County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department, JCPen ney, a nd Wa l m a r t . Photo Credit: Clarice Begay, executive marketing assistant, RMCHCS
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Gallup Sun â&#x20AC;¢ Friday February 7, 2020
There isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough meat on the bones for the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Birds of Preyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; By Glenn Kay For the Sun
RATING: ď&#x201A;Ťď&#x201A;Ť OUT OF ď&#x201A;Ťď&#x201A;Ťď&#x201A;Ťď&#x201A;Ť RUNNING TIME: 109 MINUTES While Marvel has seamlessly brought their comi c - b o ok s u p e r h e r o e s t o cinematic life over the past decade, DC has had a much rockier road with their adaptations. Most of them have been hits, but even their supporters would admit that many of the films havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had the same kind of impact. The latest attempt to reverse the trend is Birds of Prey. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a spinoff featuring one of the more successful characters from the 2016 feature, Suicide Squad. Sadly, the resulting fi lm is a bit of a mess. The film opens with a brief history of Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and her recent break-up with the supervillain, The Joker. She immediately discovers that a great many thugs harbor grudges against her for violent incidents in the past and are seeking vengeance, because she no longer has the protection of her old beau. One such fi gure is psychotic mobster Roman Sionis (Ewan McGregor), who is also desperate to retrieve a valuable diamond stolen by pickpocket Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco). In order to save
Harley Quinn (Margo Robbie) with her over-the-top personality, shares a red licorice vine snack with her hyena friend in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Birds of Prey.â&#x20AC;? Photo Credit: Warner Brothers her own skin, Quinn makes a deal to find the thief and return the goods. Her task is complicated by the arrival of an assassin named Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a singer known as the Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), and a determined Gotham City detective (Rosie Perez). While this seems like a fairly straight-forward plot, the movie delivers the details in a convoluted and bizarrely edited fashion. In fact, the fi rst half of the feature feels more like a montage than a narrative. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to say whether there was too much material to introduce, or perhaps early sections simply werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t working, but the presentation of the story is a jumble. Viewers will see a lot of montages and
voice-over narration explaini ng t he plot f rom Qu i n n between lines of dialogue. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strange to see a movie require a verbal accompaniment in order for events onscreen to make sense, and the overall effect is jarring. The movie attempts some meta-humor as well, but it misses the mark more often than it lands (and in some cases, only draws unwanted attention to the fi lmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own clichĂŠs). The Harley Quinn character isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t assisted much by the heavies. Action fi lms are often only as good as their antagonist. With the title heroine already being a big and brash personality, her main foe is also forced into exaggeration. However, in a few scenes it does come across as
Josie J Paiz
too over-the-top. And besides being big and brawny, the various goons and nut jobs arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t bright, which makes them feel like no threat whatsoever to the protagonists. A diabolical and clever maniac would have provided the fi lm with some tension. Unfortunately, the choppy editing and ridiculous behavior on display kills any chance for real thrills. Thankfully, the movie settles down toward the end of the second act and during its climax. At this point, Quinn is forced into teaming up with others in order to square off against the mobsters. When she and her compatriots are fi nally allowed to stand around, trade barbs and defi ne their personalities through dialogue, they become relatable and the fi lm improves. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also some impressively choreographed action during a climactic
face-off in and around an abandoned amusement park attraction. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s frustrating that early sections of the feature are so frantic and bizarrely fused together, as spending more time with these characters sans montages and voiceovers, could have improved the movie dramatically. Alas, the good elements that do appear arrive too little and too late to ultimately salvage the fi lm. And for those curious about post-credits clips, the movie only provides a single verbal gag delivered using (you guessed it!) a voiceover. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not worth staying for unless you do happen to have really enjoyed the previous 100 minutes. In the end, there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough meat on the bones here to provide the Birds of Prey with a satisfying meal. V i s i t : w w w . CinemaStance.com
John P. Paiz
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Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 7, 2020 By Glenn Kay For the Sun
elcome back to yet another look at highlights coming your way on Blu-ray and DVD. It is one of the busiest weeks ever, with nearly 20 new titles in just about every genre imaginable arriving for rental or purchase. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try! Big New Releases! After Class - A New York college professor gets into trouble at work due to his unusual teaching methods and decides to head home after learning about the imminent death of a family member suffering from an illness. His stay gets more complicated when he discovers that his sister, unable to cope to the stress of losing a parent, has unexpectedly gotten back together with her ex-husband. Overall, critics were very positive about this little independent comedy. One write-up suggested that while generally appealing, the movie wasn’t essential viewing. However, all others found the feature to be a charming, accurate and well-acted story of a clan dealing with change and transition. It features Justin Long, Fran Drescher and Richard Schiff. Arctic Dogs - In this animated family film, an A rct ic Fox works in a post off ice mailroom, but yea r n s for a life of adventure as a courier. In order to prove his worthiness to the Husky sled dogs, he decides to take on a special delivery across the wintery wilderness all by himself. On the way, he uncovers a plot by an evil mastermind to melt the Arctic ice and take over the world. Reviews were very poor for this effort. A few stated that the villain was so entertaining that his character alone made up for the film’s shortcomings. Still, almost everyone else complained that the animation wasn’t strong and that the end results were uneven and uninspiring. The voice cast includes COMMUNITY
Jeremy Renner, Heidi Klum, James Franco, Omar Sy, Alec Baldwin, Anjelica Huston and John Cleese. Bur ning Ke ntucky This independent feature is described as a southern-noir set in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky. When a bootlegger’s house goes up in flames, the only survivor is his daughter. The son of the town’s sheriff soon begins dating the young woman and the pair comes under scrutiny from locals. Pressure intensifies as the two begin to learn more about what really caused the blaze that killed the young lady’s family. This little movie played at a few film festivals over the past year and received an upbeat reaction from those who saw it, earning some awards. It hasn’t received many write-ups, but more will be able to see it now that it is debuting on disc. John Pyper-Ferguson, Nick McCallum, Nathan Sutton, Augie Duke and Emilie Dhir headline the picture. Doctor Sleep - One of the major releases this week is a sequel to the iconic horror film, The Shining. Also based on a Stephen King novel, the movie picks up many years after the events of the original, with a grown-up Danny Torrance living on the fringes of society. When he learns that a group of killers with similar powers are targeting a young girl who may be more powerful than all of them, he agrees to help her fight back. Remarkably, the press was reasonably happy with what they saw. About a quarter of them commented that while it had its moments, the movie couldn’t match its predecessor and felt unnecessary, as well as a little drawn out. But more thought the cast was exceptional and so much fun to watch, that this outweighed parts of the story that didn’t work. It stars Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson, Kyliegh Curran and Cliff Curtis. Dragonheart: Vengeance - Way back in 1996, Universal scored a minor hit with the fantasy flick Dragonheart, starring Dennis Quaid and a dragon voiced by Sean Connery. Since that time, there have been a number of sequels (featuring neither of the original stars), set in the same world and made for the direct-to-DVD market. The latest chapter tells the story
of a young farmer who loses his family to raiders. Seeking revenge, he takes to the road, befriending a dragon and a mercenary who accompanies him on his journey. No one has seen this effort, but it would be wise to assume that it probably is only for the biggest of Dragonheart fans (if there are still any out there). The cast includes Joseph Millson, Jack Kane and the voice of Helena Bonham Carter. Everybody’s Everything This documentary chronicles t he l i fe of musical artist Lil Peep, who died tragically of a drug overdose at age 21. He wa s noted for his rema rkable blending of various music genres, including punk, emo and trap. Executive produced by Terrence Malick (Badlands, The Tree of Life, A Hidden Life), the film promises an intimate and humanistic portrait of a young man who seemed determined to create a sound that would satisfy and entertain all tastes. The picture impressed reviewers, receiving nothing but praise. They stated that the man’s story was artistically presented, using techniques that would remind viewers of its producer. They also mentioned that it presented a full and detailed picture of the figure, his ups and downs in life, and the trials of being a young celebrity. The Good Liar - An aging con man who lives off the fortunes of those he targets, finds a new mark in a recently widowed woman worth several million dollars. He charms her and the two begin a relationship, much to the chagrin of the lady’s son. However, as the two seniors get even closer and become more entwined, the scheme becomes even more dangerous and complicated than anticipated. Notices were decent for this thriller. Those who didn’t care for it noted that while they enjoyed watching the leads, in the end they didn’t buy into what their characters were doing or the motivations for their actions. Still, the majority thought that while it was more cerebral than exciting, audiences would be
engaged and intrigued throughout. It stars Helen Mirren, Ian McKellen, Russell Tovey and Jim Carter. Grand Isle - A hurricane provides the backing for deceit and murder in this thriller. After a couple takes in a visitor during the storm and a tragedy follows, the survivors are visited by a suspicious detective determined to sort out what really transpired on the property. As more and more questions are raised and layers are peeled back, a clearer and more disturbing picture begins to appear. Sadly, this picture was not well received by critics. In fact, there aren’t any positive notices out there yet. They criticized the movie for not fully embracing its B-movie potential and, for the most part, playing out in a disappointingly pedestrian manner. It features Nicolas Cage, KaDee Strickland, Luke Benward and Kelsey Grammer. The House That Jack Built - Danish writer/director Lars von Trier has been prod ding audiences for decades with projects like Breaking the Waves, Dancer in the Dark, Antichrist and numerous others. His latest caused such a stir during its premiere in 2018 that, besides playing in North American cinemas for one night in November 2018, it has taken more than a year to fi nd its way to disc uncut. Set in the U.S., it’s about a clever sociopath/serial killer who brutally murders victims of all ages and fashions them into art pieces. Apparently, audiences will need a strong stomach to endure it and press reaction has been polarizing. Nearly half called the fi lm tediously long, difficult to sit through, and narcissistic. Slightly more asserted that it was hard to watch and believed that was the point of the fi lm, also noting there were deeper themes and ideas bubbling under the surface. The cast includes Matt Dillon, Bruno Ganz and Uma Thurman. T he Hunt for V lad the Impaler - Also known as Deliler, this foreign-language fantasy/action picture from Turkey involves seven Deliler
wa r r iors of t he O t t om a n Empire who are given an impossible task…to locate, fight and kill Vlad Tepes, aka Vlad the Impaler. Given that the name of their unit roughly translates to the word “lunatics,” they might stand a chance in accomplishing their task. While the fi lm was a big production in its homeland, it hasn’t been seen in this part of the world. That means that there aren’t any reviews available for it from these parts. However, according to IMDB it did win plenty of awards in Turkey and even earned a Golden Palm for Best Actor at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival. Cem Uçan, Erkan Petekkaya and Nur Fettaholu headline the feature. Last Chr istmas - This romantic comedy follows a young immigrant to the UK. She’s an aspiring singer struggling to succeed and disappointed to be working as an elf in a year-round Christmas store. When the holiday season arrives, the bitter employee finds her job even more annoying. All that changes when she unexpectedly meets the man of her dreams, who tries to help her find joy in life. The movie is said to be inspired by the George Michael tune of the same name and its melody has split critics. About half thought the story was formulaic, but thought the leads were charming enough to earn the film a recommendation. Just as many complained that it was nothing more than a big budget version of a Hallmark TV-movie. It stars Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Emma Thompson and Michelle Yeoh. The Mandela Effect - For those curious about the title, this term refers to a collective memory possessed by a large group of people involving events that did not happen or have been incorrectly remembered. In this independent sci-fi picture, a man attempts to get at the bottom of the phenomena. As his research continues, he uncovers more examples that eventually lead him to question reality itself. This feature played at a fi lm festival or two
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
CHANDLER | FROM PAGE 1 Boston Technical High School’s First Annual Art Award in 1959. After graduating from high school and working with one of his mentors for two years, he won a spot at the Massachusetts College of Art, where he earned his bachelor’s in Teacher Education in 1967. In spring 1970, Chandler became an assistant professor at Simmons College, now Simmons University. Rather than teach art and draw from a Eurocentric perspective, Chandler did his own research and created his own curriculum based on African and African American Experience that would counter what he called the “revisionist historical perspectives” that reduced the experiences of women and people of color in history. Cha ndler taught at Simmons for his entire career until retirement in 2004. AGAINST THE POWER Shortly before his college graduation, on June 4, 1967, Chandler witnessed a violent scene where Boston police beat welfare protestors. This was when Chandler went from being a community activist
Professor Emeritus Dana Chandler has been creating art for over 60 years from his youth in Lynn, Mass. He has been celebrated as an activist artist for his depictions of African Americans and the oppression they face, which he says is his form of protest for human rights and social justice. Many of his works include bullets. This 1980 canvas is entitled, “Wine and Bullets.” Photo Credit: Cody Begaye From 1992-1997 artist Dana Chandler was working on this piece, which he named, “Our Children Are Not For Sale At Any Price.” Photo Credit: Cody Begaye to a “strident revolutionary,” according to his website. Chandler’s art includes paintings and collages that often depict brutal or horrific scenes involving African Americans. In his artist’s statement on his website, he admits his art makes “white and other people uncomfortable in their
denial, complacency, and complicity in the destruction of black lives.” But, Chandler also insists his art is his way of showing his love for his own people and does not translate into hatred for other racial groups. He also states it is his form of protest. Chandler recounted comments from years back he said would upset white people, because he said they are the cause of the problems other
''A Tradition'' • A Gallup tradition with over 100 years of dedicated service. Now under new ownership, the Rollie legacy continues; providing the facilities and conveniences that serve families best with dignity, integrity and understanding. • Rollie Mortuary offers package pricing, accepts Navajo Nation Social Service packages and can assist families with pre-need planning and set up. • Rollie Mortuary offers a genuine desire to be of assistance to you and your family in this time of need.
401 E. Nizhoni Blvd. Gallup, NM 87301 (505) 863-4452 24 Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Chandler’s 1981 work, “Taters, Knives and Bullets.” Photo Credit: Cody Begaye
ethnic groups face. “[I told them] ‘ Yo u ’ r e o u r major problem in life because you’re always getting in our way,’” he said. “[I told them] I think it’s a form of excessive tribalism, and we do not need you in every moment of our lives.” Da hna Cha ndler spoke about how she and her father do not intend to group every white person together with these statements, but their heated words are directed at those who treat them in a racist and violent manner. She also spoke about how their comments will give certain people a chance to reflect on who they are and what they can do next. “The one thing I’ve learned as a scholar, is the people who represent the problem are the ones who have to fi x it,” Dahna Chandler said. She continued by recounting the effects the current presidential administration has had on these groups of people. “When these rabid racist people show up and want to commit acts of violence, they meet their own faces,” she said. “They look at people who look like them and have come to let them know, in no uncertain terms, they’re not welcome and this is not what we do in America.” TEACHING LIFE The words Chandler shared with the audience at UNM-G are similar to what he told his students at Simmons, he said. “I work. I believe in work,” Chandler said. “You should be about work and about being the best you can be at it.” Chandler spoke about how he always enjoyed working and teaching with his students. “[I had] all kinds of students. I don’t play the game
of judging people or differentiating between students,” he said. “They were all my students and they were all my children.” Chandler said the students in the audience should be committed to their studies because they will be essential tools going forward, and not just for themselves. “You are the elite of your people and your job is to learn whatever you can to help your people,” he said. His view of the importance of work is also why Chandler has a strong belief in better pay for teachers, as well as public service workers like fi refighters and police officers. “The people who take care of you, who keep you alive, deser ve to be well-pa id,” Chandler said. “You all should fight for that.” Dahna Chandler spoke about how students can receive guidance that will help them on their life path, but they should also be trusted to act on their own. “You [parents] are worried because you did not grow up in the world your kids are inheriting. They’re used to it. They know how to protect themselves. They know what they’re in for. But give them some perspective on the minds of the people they’re dealing with.” “Let them go, let them be who they are,” she added. Dana Chandler’s artwork can be viewed at the Ingham Chapman Gallery at UNM-Gallup from Feb. 3 - 28 as part of the exhibit “Hannah’s Reparations Denied: 500 years of A m e r i K K K a ’ s Kontribution to the Black Woman/Black Man.” For more information on the artist, visit https://celebratedactivistartist.com/. COMMUNITY
Rehoboth Christian victory against Tse’ Yi’ Gai
Crushing defeat for Tse’ Yi’ Gai
Rehoboth Lynx Mato Chapman (22) takes a jump shot against Tse’ Yi’ Gai at Rehoboth High School Feb. 4. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Tse’ Yi’ Gai Diné Warrior, Adriano Toledo (21) as Rehoboth’s Jake Zylstra (32) goes in for the layup Feb. 4 at Rehoboth High School. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Talon West (14) drives toward the basket in a conference game Feb.4 in Rehoboth against Tse’ Yi’ Gai. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Rehoboth Lady Lynx Ashley Skeets (42) shoots the jumper in a conference game against Tse’ Yi’ Gai at Rehoboth High School Feb. 4. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Rehoboth Lady Lynx Ashley Skeets (42) goes in for the layup against Tse’ Yi’ Gai Diné Warrior Devina Castillo (32) Feb. 4 at Rehoboth Christian High School. Rehoboth crushed Tse’ Yi’ Gai in conference play 49-9. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Lady Lynx Sunnirose Yazzie (21) eyes the basket for a shot against the Lady Diné Warriors Feb. 4 at Rehoboth High School. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Rehoboth Christian loses at the last second
Decisive win for Rehoboth Lady Lynx
Rehoboth Lynx Talon West (14) goes in for the layup against the Menual Panthers at Rehoboth Christian High School Feb. 1. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Rehoboth Lynx Jake Zylstra (32) goes up strong for the shot against Menaul Panther Kenshin Tomofuji (12) at Rehoboth Christian High School Feb. 1. Rehoboth lost to the Menual Panthers in a close nonconference contest 48-45. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Menaul Lady Panther Mikayla Sierra (2) attempts to block the shot of Rehoboth Lady Lynx Kristen Nastacio (13) at Rehoboth High School Feb.1. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Rehoboth’s Jake Zylstra (32) grabs the rebound during a nonconference contest against the Menual Panthers Feb. 1. The Lynx lost to Menual on a last second buzzer beater 48-45. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
26 Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Rehoboth’s Ashley Skeets (42) cuts between two Lady Panthers for the layup at Rehoboth Christian High School Feb. 1. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Fiona Martinez (11) eyes the basket, surrounded by Menual Lady Panthers Feb. 1 at Rehoboth Christian High School. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Miyamura gets the win over Bloomfield FINAL SCORE: 69-54
Miyamura Patriot Mathias Rodriguez (20) goes up for the layup against Bloomfield’s Raymundo Alcantar (2) at Miyamura High School in Gallup Jan. 31. Miyamura defeated the Bloomfield Bobcats 69-54 in conference play. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Bloomfield Bobcat Mauricio Toledo (23) attempts to block the shot of Patriot Jarron Cadman (15) at Miyamura High School Jan. 31 in Gallup. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Bloomfield’s Mauricio Toledo (23) attempts to get past Miyamura’s Mathias Rodriguez (20) in conference play Jan 31 at Miyamura High School. Bloomfield fell to Miyamura 69-54. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Miyamura’s Mathias Rodriguez (20) attempts to drive past Bloomfield’s Jeron Gunn (5) Jan 31 at Miyamura High School in Gallup. Photo Credit: Mike Esquibel
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
Feb. 8: Miyamura Aztec 4
Feb. 12: Navajo Prep @ Tohatchi 4 pm
Wrestling Feb. 8: District 1-4A Duals @ Kirtland TBA
Girls Basketball Feb. 6: Tohatchi @ Zuni 4
GALLUP BENGALS Basketball Feb. 7: Gallup @ Kirtland Central 7 pm Feb. 11: M iya mu r a @ Gallup @ 7 pm Girls Basketball Feb. 8: Kirtland Central @ Gallup 7 pm Feb. 13: Gallup @ Miyamura 7 pm Wrestling Feb. 8: District 1-4A Duals @ Kirtland TBA
MIYAMURA PATRIOTS Basketball Feb. 7: Aztec @ Miyamura 7 pm Girls Basketball Feb. 6 Sh iprock Miyamura 7 pm
DVD/BLU-RAY | FROM PAGE 23 and received a limited release, but there aren’t any write-ups available. Curious viewers will have to take a chance and fi nd out whether the movie can bend their brains. The cast includes Charlie Hof heimer, Aleksa Palladino, Robin Lord Taylor and Clarke Peters. The Nightingale - The latest from Aussie writer/director Jennifer Kent (The Babadook) is set in 1825, when parts of Australia were used as penal c o l o n i e s fo r Great Britain. It follows a young Irish woman in Tasmania who fi nishes her seven-year sentence, only to learn that her master has no intentions of freeing her from servitude. After the protagonist’s husband arrives to get her, a brutal crime takes place. Seeking revenge, she enlists the tracking services of an Aboriginal. Notices were strong for this picture. A small percentage had some issues with the
REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN LYNX Basketball Feb. 11: Rehoboth Christian @ Navajo Pine 7:30 pm Feb. 13: Rehobot h Christian @ Ramah 7 pm Girls Basketball Fe b. 6 : Ne wc o m b @ Rehoboth Christian 6 pm Feb. 8: Rehoboth Christian @ Pecos 3:30 pm Fe b. 11: R e ho b o t h Christian @ Navajo Pine 6 pm Feb. 13: Rehobot h Christian @ Ramah 5 pm
TOHATCHI COUGARS Basketball Feb. 7: Zuni @ Tohatchi 4 pm
pacing and thought it was too blunt and obvious in delivering its message. Yet far more thought that even if some elements didn’t work and that it was grim, the results were compelling and would cause much discussion between viewers. It features Aisling Franciosi, Sam Claflin and Baykali Ganambarr. Playing with Fire - A stiff and officious fi reman and his team of compatriot s become the guardians of a group of children after a devastating wildfi re leaves the kids temporarily under the unit’s care. As it turns out, keeping up with the youths and their needs end up being far more trouble than these tough-guys could ever have anticipated. The press completely roasted this family comedy. One or two suggested that it was specifically made for younger viewers and would serve them well. However, the overwhelming majority called it painfully corny and thought that no adult viewer would care or connect to any of the characters being
28 Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Jan. 29 - Feb. 5, 2020
Feb. 11: Tohatchi @ Navajo Prep 4 pm F e b. 13 : W i n g a t e @ Tohatchi TBA
WINGATE Basketball Feb. 7: Wingate @ Navajo Prep 7 pm F e b. 1 2 : W i n g a t e @ Crownpoint 7 pm Girls Basketball Feb. 6: Navajo Prep @ Wingate 7 pm Feb. 11: Crownpoint @ Wingate 7 pm F e b. 13 : W i n g a t e @ Tohatchi TBA *Local varsity games listed. Compiled from MaxPreps.com. Info: gallupsunreporters@gmail. com
presented. John Cena, KeeganMichael Key, John Leguizamo, Brianna Hildebrand, Dennis Haysbert and Judy Greer headline the film. Rabid - This remake of the 1977 David Cronenberg horror picture of the same name involves a seamstress working in the fashion industry who harbors resentment at the attention her modeling friends receive. When she is scarred in an accident, the figure retreats even further, until a doctor proposes an experimental plastic surgery procedure. It turns her into a stunning beauty, but also causes an insatiable hunger for blood. Critics were divided on the end results. About half claimed that it was inferior to the original and didn’t offer up much that was new or intriguing. Yet just as many thought the lead actress carried the film well, and noted that it did offer a variation or two on the original. The cast includes Laura Vandervoort, Benjamin H o l l i n g s wo r t h a n d Te d Atherton. Serendipity - Artist Prune Nourry serves as both the director and subject of this documentary. The film introduces
Basketball Jan. 31: Shiprock @ Gallup 80-83 Girls Basketball Ja n. 30: Ga llup @ Bloomfield 54-60 Feb. 1: Gallup @ Shiprock 52-50
MIYAMURA PATRIOTS Basketball Jan. 31: Bloomfield @ Miyamura 54-69 Feb. 4: M iya mu ra @ Shiprock 57-69 Girls Basketball Jan. 30: Kirtland Central vs Miyamura 50-23 Feb. 1: M iy a mu r a @ Bloomfield 53-66 Wrestling
REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN LYNX Basketball Jan. 31: Dulce @ Rehoboth Christian 57-48 Feb. 1 Menaul @ Rehoboth Christian 48-45 Feb. 4 Tse’ Yi’ Ga i @ Rehoboth Christian 33-61
newcomers to the Frenchborn, New York-based artist and her time creating works that deal with women’s bodies and female fertility. When she is diagnosed with breast cancer, Nourry decides that a documentary on her treatment process is the next logical step in her career. She also details the effect that the experience has on her continually-evolving artwork. T he pic t u re gener a l ly earned good reviews. A group did feel that while the movie helped viewers understand her treatment process, it also felt like a blatant advertisement for the artist. Still, most thought it made for an intimate
Girls Basketball Jan. 31: Dulce vs Rehoboth Christian 49-62 Feb. 1: Menaul @ Rehoboth Christian 26-54 Feb. 4: Tse’ Yi’ Gai vs Rehoboth Christian 9-49
TOHATCHI COUGARS Basketball Ja n. 2 9: Wi ngate @ Tohatchi 50-61 Jan. 31: Crownpoint @ Tohatchi 57-66 Feb. 5: Tohatchi @ Thoreau 42-49 Girls Basketball Ja n 3 0 : To h a t c h i @ Crownpoint 45-23 Feb. 4: T horeau v s Tohatchi 46-51
WINGATE Basketball Jan. 31 Thoreau @ Wingate 60-52 Feb. 5: Zuni @ Wingate 30-61 Girls Basketball Ja n. 30: Wi ngate @ Thoreau 42-67 Feb. 4 Wingate @ Zuni 55-77 * Va r s i t y t e a m s o n l y . Compiled from MaxPreps.com. Contact: gallupsunreporters @ gmail.com
and interesting introduction to Nourry’s work. Trauma Center - A woman who witnesses a crime and takes a bullet in the leg is assisted by a veteran policeman who takes her to a hospital. However, it isn’t long before the killers realize that the slug in her appendage will be traced back to them. They arrive at the infirmary and trap the woman and detective inside a
CLASSIFIEDS GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. AUTOMOTIVE In search of vehicles and vehicle parts from 1920 to 1980 domestic and foreign (Nissan, Datsun, Toyota, Land Cruiser, Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth, Pontiac, Buick, etc.) Text pictures to Phil @ 505409-1651. Will pay cash. Motorcycles, foreign and domestic 1920 -1980. FOR RENT House for Rent 627 McKee Dr. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Living/ Dining Area, Family Room Garage, Backyard $1,200 a month Call 505-870-6852 for information
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January 31, 2020 February 7, 2020
No. D-1113-PB-2020-00002
CYNTHIA ASBURY has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of VIRGINIA ANN MILLIKEN, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the offices of Mason and Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec Avenue, Gallup New Mexico, 87301, attorneys for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico. Dated: 1/13/2020 Cynthia Asbury Personal Representative James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representative 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup, New Mexico 87301 (505) 722-4463 Published in the Gallup Sun: January 24, 2020
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Public Notice is hereby provided that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for: NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADE Eligible for E-Rate Funds under the Universal Service Program for Funding Year 2020 RFP-399-20MA Commodity Code(s): 20621, 20623, 20664, 83833, & 92037 As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools, Procurement Office, 640 South Boardman, Gallup, New Mexico 87301 or may be downloaded from the GMCS Procurement Webpage www. gmcs.org A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held February 4, 2020 at 1:00 PM (local time) at the Student Support Center, 640 South Boardman, Gallup, New Mexico 87301. Sealed proposals for such will be received at the Procurement Office until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on February 26, 2020. When they will be opened and those firms submitting a proposal’s name will be read aloud. Envelopes and/or Packages are to
CLASSIFIEDS | SEE PAGE 30 Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 29 be sealed and plainly Marked RFP Number RFP-399-20MA. NO FAXED PROPOSALS or proposals submitted after the specified date and time will be considered and will be returned unopened. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety.
2020 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: January 28, 2020 PUBLICATION DATES: January 31, 2020 & February 7, 2020 (Gallup Sun) February 2, 2020 (Albuquerque Journal)
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the governing body of the City of Gallup, New Mexico will take place on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Gallup City Hall, Second Street and Aztec Avenue; Gallup, New Mexico, to consider final approval of the following entitled Ordinance:
PUBLISH: Friday, February 7, 2020
CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO By: /s/ Alfred Abeita II, City Clerk
And that’s not all Kino has in store. When I was a kid, I really wanted to see the strange, sci-fi romantic comedy, Heartbeeps (1981). The movie had the backing of Universal Pictures and starred Andy Kaufman and Bernadette Peters as two robots who fall in love, decide to ignore their programming and try to run away together. I never got the opportunity to see it and apparently it isn’t great, but it does look like a fascinating oddity. At least I can now catch up with it on a Blu-ray that probably makes the movie look better than it did at theaters. Bonuses on the release include a new audio commentary with the director, and the film’s trailer. The Oscar (1966) is a drama about an actor who celebrates after being nominated for an Academy Award. Viewers find out that he has stepped on just about everyone in his quest for fame and fortune. The movie was nominated for a couple of Academy Awards and arrives on Blu-ray with a new 4K restoration. It also includes a film historian audio commentary, another track featuring fans Patton Oswalt, Josh Olson and Erik Nelson, and a bunch of trailers. Universal is giving Here Comes Peter Cottontail (1971) a high definition upgrade. This is a Rankin-Bass stop-animation hour-long TV special about the title rabbit trying to get a job as the next Easter Bunny. The set includes both a Blu-ray and DVD of the program. And Scorpion is putting out a Blu-ray of the ‘80s sex-comedy, Fraternity Vacation (1985). It’s set during Spring Break and involves members of an Iowa fraternity who befriend a nerd
in order to win themselves a nice trip to Florida. While at a resort, they all compete to bed a woman. The movie features Tim Robbins, Amanda Bearse, John Vernon and Barbara Crampton in supporting roles. You Know, For Kids! If you’re looking for some kid-friendly entertainment, there is plenty to choose from. Highlights are presented below. Arctic Dogs Blaze and the Monster Machines: Knight Riders (Nickelodeon) Bob the Builder: 20-Episode Can-Do Crew Pack Here Comes Peter Cottontail (1971) Llama Llama: Family Fun Collection (with Llama Loses a Tooth book) Looney Tunes Parodies Collection Peppa Pig: Peppa Celebrates Playing with Fire Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mania Sonic Boom: Season 1, Volume 2 (With Knuckles and Tails Figures) On the Tube! And here are the week’s TV-themed releases. Bob the Builder: 20-Episode Can-Do Crew Pack Here Comes Peter Cottontail (1971) Keeping Faith: Series 2 Masterpiece: Howard’s End (PBS) Masterpiece: Sandition (PBS) My One & Only (Hallmark) NOVA: Decoding Da Vinci (PBS) Sonic Boom: Season 1, Volume 2 (With Knuckles and Tails Figures) The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: The Complete Series
*** *** Public Notice LEGAL NOTICE
Dated the 28th Day of January
Public Notice is hereby given
amnesia. Romantic feelings develop between the pair as the hunter escorts the lady and tries to help her fi nd out who she is. Their discovery leads to an unexpected hitch in their relationship. Overall, the press was upbeat about this feature. A minor contingent had some complaints about the story and characters not translating well in this part of the world. However, most thought that the animation was outstanding, and that the movie served as an interesting introduction to a celebrated folk tale. Apparently, this release includes both the original Mandarin audio with English subtitles, and an English-language version of the film. Blasts from the Past! Arrow Video released a couple of elaborate Limited Edition Blu-rays over the past year for a couple of cult horror films. Now they’re being re-released as Special Editions. The New York-set, parasite horror/comedy Brain Damage (1988) is the first. It originally came out as a Blu-ray and DVD combo pack, but now arrives as a Bluray only. It includes all of the original bonuses, including a director commentary, a great documentary on how the movie was made, featurettes on the make-up and visual effects, a discussion with the still photographer, a look at the locations used and how they’ve changed, and a lengthy Q&A with the director from a screening of the film. The same goes for their Special Edition Blu-ray of Evil Ed (1995), about an editor cutting violent footage who becomes mentally unhinged.
locked-down isolation ward. This action/thriller got a limited release last month, but very few people reviewed it. The write-ups that have appeared are fairly tepid in their reactions. One wrote that it was a reasonable, competently made little B-movie. Other notices weren’t as favorable, suggesting that the movie was routine and completely forgettable. Bruce Willis, Nicky Whelan, Steve Guttenberg, Tito Ortiz and Texas Battle are lead performers in this picture. Wa v e s - S et i n S out h Florida, this arthouse drama follows the lives of a suburban African-American family, led by a well-intentioned, but forceful father. Their dreams, struggles and daily lives are captured as they come together following a tragic event and must fi nd a way to heal from the experience. The press generally had very good things to say about the picture. A small percentage did criticize the second half of the movie, suggesting the latter sections weren’t nearly as gripping as the beginning. However, the majority said that while not every beat hit the mark, there are magnificent moments and that the feature is worth seeking out. It stars Taylor Russell, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Alexa Demie, Lucas Hedges, Renée Elise Goldsberry and Sterling K. Brown. White Snake - This animated family adventure film from China presents a new take on one of the country’s most famous fairy tales. It begins with a snake catcher rescuing a young woman suffering from
that Gallup Business Improvement District, Inc. will conduct its monthly Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 3 PM at Rico Motors conference room, 220 S. Fifth Street, Gallup, New Mexico 87301. The agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting from francis@gallupbid.com and on the City of Gallup website.
30 Friday February 7, 2020 • Gallup Sun
Like the previously released combo pack, this version is a Blu-ray only, but includes the same extras; a director and editor intro to the film, interviews with the creators, an extensive documentary on the production, deleted scenes, as well as clips showing how this new, improved and uncut version of the fl ick was put together. Kino is releasing plenty of Blu-rays as well. It’s a great week if you’re hoping to pick up some Spike Lee movies - they have five of his features. The first is Lee’s star-studded Clockers (1995), a crime drama about the murder of a drug dealer. The prime suspect in the case and two police detectives must fi nd the truth about who is really responsible for the slaying. This disc comes with a film critic audio commentary and trailer. They are also putting out Crooklyn (1994), Lee’s semi-autobiographical portrait of life in Brooklyn during t he ‘ 70 s. T he release includes a trailer. Jungle F e v e r (19 91) is also coming you r w ay o n Blu-ray. This is a drama that explores interracial relationships. Mo’ Better Blues (1990) is a drama starring Denzel Washington about a musician struggling to choose between two girlfriends. This title also includes a film historian commentary track. And Summer of Sam (1999) follows several characters in New York in 1977 at the height of the “Son of Sam” murders. This Bluray comes with a new interview with co-star John Leguizamo, and a commentary track featuring Spike Lee and the actor.
The purpose and subject matter of the Ordinance is contained in the title. A draft copy of the Ordinance is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall.
PUBLISH: Friday, February 7, 2020
Closed 9 am-6 pm @ Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave., Gallup).
Closed 9 am-6 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). SATURDAY, February 8
11 am-12 pm @ Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave., Gallup). Celebrate Black History Month with stories by Black authors.
4:30 pm-6:30 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). Book signing and discussion of The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther.For more information: bmartin@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
7 pm-9 pm @ art123 Gallery (@ 123 W. Coal Ave.), Sat., Feb. 8.Two hundred artworks from the challenge that started in January. The show will be on through March 7. For more information visit galluparts.org.
2 pm-3 pm @ Multicultural Center/Train Station (201 E. Highway 66. Wal, stand and sit for social and environmental justice. Bring posters and drums or other instruments to encourage peace, raise awareness and the volume on the need for an attitude and life-style change in our world. This protest is supported by the Gallup Interfaith Community. For more information: Larry (505) 879-3410 or Jessie (505) 399-1580.
10 am-2 pm @ Future Foundations Family Center multi purpose room (551 Washington Ave, Grants). Join Matt, Sherwin and Dillon for our self defense at Futures in Grants. We will be doing demos and signing people up for class! offer practical self-defense training based on basic kickboxing and development of individual attributes, focusing on personal awareness and ability to react to physical threat for all ages. Everyone is welcome. We encourage all participants to please bring a mouthpiece.
2 pm @ Rockin J Reawakenings Ranch (2 miles north on County Road 19 in Prewitt). We cover basic obedience, service dog training and support. Everyone is welcome. Please make sure your dogs are contained on a leash. CALENDAR
Check out a book from our display through the month and rate it by filling out the “Rate the Date” card with each book. Return the card to the library by March 15 and be entered in a drawing to win a prize. Post a picture with your blind date on our facebook or Instagram pages for a second entry into the drawing. For more information: bmartin@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291. SUNDAY, February 9
4 pm Sunday, Feb. 9 @ Westminster Presbyterian Church – Gallup (151 State Hwy. 564) Taizé service of meditation and reflection. For more information: Kathy Mezoff (505) 870-6136. MONDAY, February 10
4 pm-6:30 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). The story continues. Head to the local market and purchase your supplies for a long journey through the forest to fight against evil minions to face the boss. For more information: destor1239@yahoo.com or jwhitman@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
3 pm-4 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). Learn to transfer items from your phone to a computer. Must bring your phone and the charging cable. For more information: libtrain@gallupnm. gov; (505) 863-1291.
5:30 pm-7 pm @ Harold Runnels Sports Complex (898 E. Wilson Ave. # 700, Gallup). We offer practical self-defense training based on basic kickboxing and development of individual attributes, focusing on personal awareness and ability to react to physical threat for all ages. Everyone is welcome. We encourage all participants to please bring a mouthpiece. TUESDAY, February 11
Feb. 11 – March 10 @ Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave., Gallup). Explore what led the U. S. To accept this challenge and how the resulting 953,054 – mile voyage to the Moon and back was accomplished just 8 years after the program was authorized. The poster exhibition is brought to you, courtesy of the Smithsonian and the National Air and Space Museum.
3 pm-6 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). Learn to use your phone or other handheld device. For more information: libtrain@gallupnm. gov; (505) 863-1291.
3 pm-4 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). Workshops for job seekers and career climbers. Learn about Google’s free tools for resume building and job searching. For more information: libtrain@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
4 pm-5 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave.). Workshops for job seekers and career climbers. Learn about Google’s free tools for resume building and job searching. For more information: libtrain@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
10:30 am @ UNM-Gallup (705 Gurley Ave.) SSTC 200. This is in-person and interactive sexual misconduct prevention training required of all UNM students. For more information: Jayme McMahon, jmcmahon@unm.edu; (505) 863-7508.
3:30 pm or 6 pm @ UNM-Gallup (705 Gurley Ave.) SSTC 200. Learn about Native American Studies.
5:30 pm-7 pm @ Harold Runnels Sports Complex (898 E. Wilson Ave. # 700, Gallup). We offer practical self-defense training based on basic kickboxing and development of individual attributes, focusing on personal awareness and ability to react to physical threat for all ages. Everyone is welcome. We encourage all participants to please bring a mouthpiece. WEDNESDAY, February 12
All day @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave., Gallup). Workshops in scripting, videography, editing. Learn to operate a video recorder. Must attend one workshop to be eligible for prize in the Young Adult Book Trailer Competition. Join us at the Main Library every Wed. This month at 5 pm. For more information: jwhitman@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
10:30 am – 11:30 am @ Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Celebrate Black History Month with stories by Black authors.
5:30 pm-7:30 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave., Gallup). This week’s film: Loving
THURSDAY, February 13
4 pm-5 pm @ Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave., Gallup). Crafts for the whole family. This week’s activity: Dove of Peace – Make doves in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr..
5 pm-6 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave., Gallup). Workshops in scripting, videography, editing. Explore and learn script writing.. Must attend one workshop to be eligible for prize in the Young Adult Book Trailer Competition. Join us at the Main Library every Thurs. this month at 5 pm. For more information: jwhitman@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
6 pm-7 pm @ Main Branch (115 W. Hill Ave., Gallup). Interactive program on emerging Virtual Reality technology. Learn the basics of the technology and how it can be used for education, development and entertainment. Get hands on experience while learning the technical spcifications. For more information: mdchavez@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
2 pm-7 pm @ RMCH 3rd floor Solarium (1901 Red Rock Dr.). Sign up online at bloodhero. com and enter the sponsor code: Gallup. Walk-ins are welcome.
6 pm Join our trainers at the Rio West Mall (1300 W. Maloney Ave., Gallup). We cover basic obedience, service dog training and support. Everyone is welcome. Please make sure your dogs are contained on a leash. ONGOING
3:30 pm-5 pm @ the Octavia Fellin Library Meeting Room (115 W. Hill Ave., Gallup) first Monday of the month. Community members concerned about environmental issues are welcome. Call (505) 7220039 for information.
7 pm-10 pm @ New Crownpoint Elementary School gymnasium (Main St. H-1, Crownpoint). Second Friday of the month. For more information,
call (505) 879-9460.
10 am-11 am @ Future Foundations Family Center (551 Washington Ave., Grants). Baby Bounce and Boogie is designed for newborn to 3 years of age and their parents. Offered free of charge, however donations are welcome! Every other Wednesday. For more information: (505) 2853542.
9 am-11am @ Hozho Center (216 W. Maloney, Gallup). AA meeting Tuesdays. For more information: (505) 862-1911.
6:30 pm @ Earl’s Restaurant (1400 East Highway 66, Gallup). Toastmasters meets every Thursday (except holidays). Guests welcome. For more information : Fran Palochak (505)-879-6570 or Carl Ballenger (505) 879-0191.
Wednesdays are low-cost Spay and Neuter Days, at the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society (1315 Hamilton Rd., Gallup). For more information, please call (505) 8632616, or email: gmchumanesociety@gmail.com. Location: 1315 Hamilton Road.
2 pm every Friday and 9:30 am every Saturday dog training needs and assistance. Reawakenings Veterans Center & Ranch (2 miles North on County Rd 19, Prewitt, NM).
11 am every Saturday. Reawakenings Veterans Center & Ranch (2 miles North on County Rd 19, Prewitt, NM). For more information email reawakeningsinc@gmail.com.
10 am-2 pm Tuesday through Saturday. Reawakenings Veterans Center & Ranch (2 miles North on County Rd 19, Prewitt, NM). For more information email reawakeningsinc@gmail.com
9:30 am-4:30 pm Monday Thursday @ First Nations Community HealthSource, (1630 S. Second St., Cedar Hills Plaza 262-#11, Gallup). For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call (505) 863-8827. To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail.com or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.
Gallup Sun • Friday February 7, 2020
32 Friday February 7, 2020 â&#x20AC;¢ Gallup Sun