Home of the Future South Elgin Branch
July – August, 2015
enge Reading Chall
Reading Brings Books to the South Elgin Branch Students who attend the South Elgin elementary, middle and high schools can help fill the shelves of the future Gail Borden Library South Elgin Branch by finishing the READ to the Rhythm Summer Reading Challenge. For every student who finishes the summer reading challenge, the Gail Borden Public Library Foundation will donate a book to the collection of the future South Elgin Branch. The Foundation will donate up to $25,000 in materials as part of the challenge. For more information, see page 8.
READ to the Rhythm Summer Reading Challenge
South Elgin Branch Coming Soon
The Village of South Elgin will find a new neighbor moving in during the coming year when Gail Borden Library opens a new branch, bringing with it books, movies and programming to serve the area. The South Elgin Branch is being made possible due to the generosity of a major donation by the Hoffer Foundation along with other donations and will open without a tax impact. For more information, see page 8.
Celebrate American Presidents
For prize information, see page 2.
July 15 – September 24
All 44 American Presidents are center stage in this exhibit that features the only complete collection of American presidential oil portraits by one artist, renowned North Carolina painter Chas Fagan. The exhibit spotlights the American Presidents with biographical sketches of the presidents and first ladies and photos that capture each president’s time in the White House with audio and video. The exhibit is presented by C-SPAN and Comcast and co-sponsored by the White House Historical Association.
American Presidents Opening Reception with George Washington
June 15 – September 28 See page 19.
Tuesday, July 21 1 pm Elgin Room Veteran actor Terry Lynch will bring the first American president to life in his program George Washington: Mt. Vernon to Washington, D.C. President Washington’s commitment to his family was as important to him as his commitment to his soldiers and to a fledgling nation. Learn how this land surveyor became the leader of a nation. Please register. For more information about American Presidents activities at the library, see page 3.
ISSUE NO. 2015-04
JULY 1, 2015
Through August 10 READ to
Rhythm Gail Borden Public Library Summer Reading Challenge 2015
Summer Readers get started by:
• Picking up a reading log in person at the Main Library or Rakow Branch or • Printing a log at home at www. gailborden.info/Read2015
Summer Readi ng is for everyone! Baby & Me (Birth – 23 Months)
Reading = Prizes! • Turn in your completed reading log at the Main Library or Rakow Branch from July 1 to August 10 to claim your prizes. • Choice of a paperback book or a mini-bundle of comic books. • Free swim pass for Wing Park or Lords Park pool August 1 – 16. • Free rides at the Elgin carnival 4 – 9 pm September 10 at Slade and Dundee Ave. (Rt. 25). (Rain date September 13, 5 – 9 pm.) • A Scratch-Off Card that will reveal your prize!
Share the love of stories with your littlest ones. Read together and do easy pre-reading activities together.
Reading Together (Ages 2 – Kindergarten)
Read and do some fun ready-to-read activities together.
Readers (Grades 1 – 5)
Read for fun all summer long.
library’s west lawn at 6 pm. Beverage and dessert will be provided by the library. Performances begin at 7 pm.
2 www.gailborden.info
Thank you to the major supporters of the 2015 READ to the Rhythm Summer Reading Challenge: EFS Foundation KCT Credit Union The City of Elgin Gail Borden Public Library Foundation Anthony Pedote Windy City Carnival Thank you to these local businesses for contributing gift certificates and great incentive prizes for the Gail Borden Public Library’s READ to the Rhythm Summer Reading Challenge: Applebee’s Bar and Grill, Chicago Shedd Aquarium, Classic Cinema, Colonial Café, Epic Air, Herb’s Bakery, LEGOLAND, Lundstrom Insurance, National Karate and Kickboxing, Seigle Family Foundation, and Wendy’s. These organizations help motivate young readers to read throughout the summer, contributing to a more literate community.
Zone (Grades 6 – 8)
Re-read old favorites and find new ones this summer.
Spanish Family Picnic: Canta y Baila
Bring a picnic lunch to the
READ to the Rhythm Summer Reading Challenge Thank You’s
Wednesday, July 1 Alina Celeste will dance, sing and celebrate folk and original tunes. This show will be in Spanish. In case of inclement weather, tickets will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 6 pm at the Greeter Desk on the day of the performance.
Picnic Familiar en español
Miércoles, 1 de julio a las 6 pm Traiga una comida para comer al aire libre con su familia en el césped al oeste de la biblioteca a las 6 pm. A las 7 pm acompáñanos para “Canta y Baila” con Alina Celeste. En caso de mal tiempoboletos serán necesarios para el evento de las 7 pm. Los boletos se entregarán por orden de llegada-comenzando a las 6 pm en el escritorio de bienvenida (Greeter desk) en el mismo día del evento.
The Barefoot Hawaiians
Monday, July 13 The Barefoot Hawaiians have entertained audiences around the world with dynamic dances, dramatic drumming, vibrant costumes and display of customs from the islands. Watch the dazzling Samoan Fire Knife dance, the thrilling visual Poi Balls dance from New Zealand and the famous Hula dance from Hawaii.
Rope Warrior
Monday, August 10 The Rope Warrior will dazzle you with rope jumping, dance, aerobics, martial arts and rhythmic gymnastics. He has been featured on The Today Show and Good Morning America.
KidSpace Concert Series For all ages* Youth Center Stage Enjoy some wonderful music by Elgin-area performance groups and an opportunity to learn from each about their style of music.
Three Ways to Register: • Online at gailborden.info/register • Call 847-429-4597 • In person
Summer Concert Series
Fox Valley Men of Harmony Barbershop Quartet Wednesday, July 8 1:30 – 2:15 pm Join us for a Barbershop Quartet concert featuring the magic of choral harmony and get a chance to see if you have what it takes to make a chord “lock and ring.”
Ukulele Klub of Elgin
Thursday, July 9 5:30 – 6:30 pm Enjoy ukulele music and learn about this popular musical instrument.
Elgin Suzuki Strings
Monday, July 13 1 – 1:45 pm Join Suzuki School of Elgin students to hear why our rhythm “Mississippi Hot Dog” is so special! Play along with us to see how much rhythm you have.
Elgin Community College Concert Band
Tuesday, July 21 7 – 8:30 pm Outdoor Stage Rain Date: Wednesday, July 22 No registration. The ECC Concert band features members of all ages and from all walks of life. The group’s repertoire is eclectic, featuring great marches, music from the movies and Broadway, and traditional concert band favorites. Bring your own lawn chair for this summer outdoor concert!
The Shamrock Ragsters
Sunday, August 2 2 – 3 pm Outdoor Stage Rain Location: Meadows Community Rooms No registration. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the fun and energy created by the Shamrock Ragsters, a quartet of top musicians from the Chicagoland area who sing and play a mix of traditional Irish/Celtic, bluegrass and Dixieland Jazz. They perform their music using a wide variety of instruments that include banjo, fiddle, mandolin, guitar, bass, Jew’s harp, tin whistle, Irish flute, concertina, trumpet and trombone.
Potts & Pans Steelband
Tuesday, August 4 7 – 8 pm Meadows Community Rooms Registration required. Christina Guerrero, Matt Potts and Anthony Jay Houston will take you to the Caribbean country of Trinidad and Tobago to talk about and demonstrate the steelpan (the steel drum). Learn the history of the pan as well as how one is made and tuned, then participate in hands-on demos.
Continued from page 1...
Mini Oval Office All 44 American Presidents are center stage in this exhibit that features the only complete collection of American presidential oil portraits by one artist, renowned North Carolina painter Chas Fagan.
American Presidents Opening Reception with George Washington
Tuesday, July 21 1 pm Elgin Room Veteran actor Terry Lynch will bring the first American president to life in his program George Washington: Mt. Vernon to Washington, D.C. Please register.
How does it feel to be the President of the United States? Children can get a glimpse of what it is like to sit in the Oval Office, sign a bill into law and listen to Hail to the Chief.
Mt. Rushmore Photo Op
Become part of the iconic sculpture of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
Presidential Mock Election
Of all of the presidents represented in the Life Portraits exhibit, who would you vote for today?
More Presidential Fun!
Look for presidential quizzes for chances to win prizes.
Summer Family Events Seuss Celebration with The Banjo Poet
Thursday, July 30 All ages* Celebrate the publication of a newly discovered Dr. Seuss book, What Pet Should I Get?, with crafts and activities all day. Then Michael Miles, The Banjo Poet, will delight us with his musical renditions of Dr. Seuss favorites The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax and more from 6 to 7 pm in the Meadows Community Rooms.
Read to the Rhythm at Lords Park Zoo
Thursday, July 9, August 6 1 pm Come hear stories about llamas, cows and pigs—Oh My! You’ll find the ReaderShip story van parked under the big hickory tree. Bring your Gail Borden Library card and check out books to take home. Don’t have a library card? You can sign up for a library card at the zoo! Lords Park is located at 325 Hiawatha Drive, Elgin. In case of inclement weather, storytime will be moved inside to the Elgin Public Museum, located in Lords Park.
FRIDAY Family Films ** 10 am Meadows Community Rooms
July 10 Barbie in Princess Power (not rated) July 17 Paddington (Rated PG) July 24 Annie (Rated PG)
4 www.gailborden.info
Saturday, July 11 Noon – 2 pm Outdoor Stage Join us for an afternoon of rock & roll family fun! Face painting and lawn games for the kids, delicious free food grilled by In the Neighborhood Deli, and a classic rock concert.
Rockin’ Bargains Children’s Flea Market
Sellers in grades 2 – 8; all ages welcome to buy* Thursday, July 23 10 – 11:30 am Main Library Parking Lot Sell your old treasures and make some spending money. Nothing will be priced over $8. Only children’s items will be sold; no home-based products will be for sale. A parental permission slip is required for sellers and can be filled out in person at the Youth Help Desk or at the Rakow Branch starting July 1. In the event of inclement weather, the flea market will be cancelled.
Disney Favorites Sing-Along
All ages* Wednesday, July 29 10 – 11:30 am Meadows Community Rooms No registration. Princes and princesses, heroes and villains are invited to this celebration of favorite Disney songs and characters. Costumes are encouraged.
Up to Grade 8 can perform, all ages can attend* Thursday, August 6 6:30 – 8 pm Meadows Community Rooms Can you sing? Play an instrument? Tell jokes? Here’s your chance to show off your talent. A parent permission slip is required and can be filled out in person at the Youth Help Desk or at the Rakow Branch starting July 1.
Saturday, July 18 10 am – 5 pm Meadows Community Rooms & Elgin Room (2nd floor) • Bring your cameras and have your picture taken with super-heroes from We Are Cosplay. • Thousands of comics will be for sale. • Wear a costume and automatically win a prize. • Free facepainting for the kids. • Everyone who attends will receive a free comic book. • Comic Book Mania Panels in the Elgin Room.
Comic Book Storytelling at 11 am
Solution Squad creator Jim McClain will show you how to tell comic stories with the most basic drawing skills. He’ll take you through his process of writing comics stories from layouts to lettering. Everyone who attends will walk away with the ability to make a comic that they can call their own.
The Secret History of Kids Reading Comics at 1 pm
Comics researcher and historian Carol Tilley will reveal the hidden history of young comic readers in the 1940s and 1950s. Learn about young fanzine creators and amateur cartoonists who read and wrote comics including Ople Noble, who traded letters with Dr. Fredric Wertham, the man most responsible for comic books being put on trial by the federal government in 1954. Don’t miss these secret stories of the kids who helped make comics the most important print media of the 20th century.
Cosplay Basics at 3 pm
Meet the Artists and Writers of Your Favorite Comics: Jeffrey Moy (X-Men, Star Wars) Philip Moy (Powerpuff Girls) Angel Medina (Spider-Man) Russell Lissau (Old Wounds) Jim Nelson (Magic the Gathering) Cory Carani (Legionnaires) Jim Mcclain (Solution Squad) Terry Pavlet (Strange Detective Mysteries) Serena Guerra (Mice Templar) Tom Kelly (Sword of the Savage Samurai) Wally Lowe (BoxNinjas) Justin Castaneda (Kinder Guardians) Scott Beaderstadt (Trollords) Rich Perez, Ron Ong, Rage Ledbetter (The Infinium) Rich Kunz (Game of Thrones, The Hobbit) Matthew Hansel (Knight Watchman) Ali Cantarella (Dinobugs!) Trevor Mueller (Albert the Alien) Jim Terry (The Crow, Sundowners) Adam Fotos (Dragon and Goat) Alejandro Rosado (Aw Yeah! Comics) Instant Press Comics Keith’s Komix Modern Age Comics
Interested in becoming a Cosplayer? Learn from the pros! The folks from We Are Cosplay will be on hand to give you the info you need!
Summer Story Programs Summer Programs Through July 31
Gaming and Gadgets
Tiny Tales
Birth – 23 months with an adult caregiver Mondays 10 am, 6 pm Meadows Community Rooms B&C No registration. Join us for a short storytime segment, then stay to play! A variety of fun activities will be offered for you and your little one to enjoy together— music, bubbles, toys and more. The 6 pm program will not be held July 6 and 13.
Sing Me a Story
2 years – Kindergarten with an adult caregiver Mondays 2, 7 pm Tuesdays 9:30, 11 am Meadows Community Rooms 30 minutes of puppets, stories, movies, music and more. The Family Picnic will replace the 7 pm Sing Me a Story program on July 13.
Cántame un Cuento
Todos los miércoles a las 7 pm Comenzando el 10 de junio al 29 de julio En los salones de la Comunidad Meadows AyB ¡30 minutos de marionetas, cuentos, música, actividades y más! El miércoles, 1 de julio, acompáñanos a un picnic y un concierto en español para las familias, ésto reemplazará el programa Cántame un Cuento de las 7 pm.
Grades 1 and up* Thursdays 1 – 2 pm Storyrooms No registration. Wii gaming, iPads, karaoke— a different assortment of fun activities will be offered each week throughout the summer.
Summer Drumming
Grades 1 – 5 Wednesday, July 1 2 – 3 pm Meadows Community Rooms Registration required. Everyone will make their own drum and then we will play together as a group. All materials will be provided.
Adventure Time Fan Party
Grades 3 – 8 Tuesday, July 7 2 – 3:30 pm Meadows Community Rooms A&B No registration. It’s Adventure Time! Grab your friends and come to the library to watch episodes of the cartoon, make your own paper Finn or Marceline, and get your picture taken at our green screen station. Costumes are encouraged.
Summer Craft-O-Rama
Grades 1 and up* Thursday, July 16 10:30 am – noon Meadows Community Rooms No registration. Come celebrate the summer reading theme, Read to the Rhythm, by making several crafts. All materials provided.
Welcome Baby!
Baby’s First Library Visit
Birth – 6 months with a parent Registration preferred. Main Library: Friday, July 17 Saturday, July 18 Friday, August 14 Saturday, August 15
6 www.gailborden.info
All ages* Wednesdays, July 8, 22 11 am – noon Meadows Community Rooms No registration. You should be dancing! We’ll shake it off, do the twist, and bop till we drop. Join us for a different theme each time.
Grades 1 – 5 Wednesday, July 15 11 am – noon Computer Training Room Registration required. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math! Kids will explore, experiment and create.
Panera Milk & Cookie Storytime Preschoolers Tuesdays, July 7, 21, August 4, 18 9:30 – 10 am Panera Bread, 322 Randall Road, South Elgin Registration required. Enjoy stories read by a library staff member, followed by a milk and cookie snack compliments of Panera.
Dance Party!
11 am & 1 pm 10:30 & 11 am 11 am & 1 pm 10:30 & 11 am
Rakow Branch Drop-in Sessions Saturday, July 25 1 – 3 pm Saturday, August 22 1 – 3 pm
Bring baby and baby’s new library card to this class to learn about programs and resources to support your baby’s early literacy development and receive a special gift.
kidspace programs The Gaming Event
Grades 3 and up Mondays, July 6, August 3 6 – 8 pm No registration. Play various card-based role-playing games such as Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. Beginners are welcome—we’ll teach you to play! Bring your cards to play or trade. The July 6 event will take place in Meadows Community Room C while the August 3 event will take place in Meadows Community Rooms A&B.
ChessMaster Junior Chess Club
Grades 2 – 12 Thursdays 4 – 5 pm Youth Center No registration. Kids and teens are invited to hone their chess skills. Beginners are welcome—we will teach you how to play!
Story Programs Boost Language Skills and Reading Readiness! Fall Programs August 24 – October 2 Registration begins August 10.
Baby Rhyme Time
Birth – 11 months with an adult Thursdays 6:15 pm Fridays 9:15 am Story Room South Registration required. Join us for 15 minutes of singing, clapping, and simple stories followed by a 15-minute playtime.
Wonderful Ones
12 – 23 months with an adult Mondays 5:30 or 6:15 pm Tuesdays 10:45 am Thursdays 9:30 am Fridays 10 am Story Room South Registration required. 15 minutes of short stories, fingerplays, rhymes, and a music and movement activity with a parent or caregiver followed by a 15-minute play period.
Terrific Twos
Read to Rover
Elementary age Saturdays, July 11, August 8 10, 10:30, 11 or 11:30 am Story Room Registration required. Cuddle up with a good book and read to a fully trained and certified animal therapy dog for 20 minutes.
2 years with an adult Tuesdays 6:15 pm Story Room South Thursdays 9:15, 10 or 10:45 am Meadows Community Room C Registration required. 20 minutes of stories, interactive fingerplays and large-muscle activities.
1, 2, 3, Go!
1 – 3 years with an adult Wednesdays 10 am Meadows Community Rooms No registration. Families are invited to share stories, rhymes and musical activities together.
Elementary age students* Tuesdays, July 14, August 11 3 – 4:30 pm Youth Room No registration. Drop in and bring your collections to show and trade. Just starting? Learn how! Answer trivia questions to win cards. Presented by Jeff Allison, hosted by KidSpace. *Children younger than 8 must be accompanied by an adult. **Children younger than 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Story Mix for Three to Six
3 – 6 years Mondays 9:30 am or 3:30 pm Tuesdays 10 am or 7 pm Thursdays 10:15 am Story Room North No registration. 30 minutes of stories, fingerplays and songs. As parents must remain in the building but do not need to attend the class, this is the first “on my own” library experience for children.
Family Jam
All ages Mondays 6:30 – 7 pm Meadows Community Rooms A&B No registration. Take a break as a family after your busy day with 30 minutes of active movement, stories and fun!
Spanish Family Storytime
Wednesdays 6:30 – 7 pm Meadows Community Rooms A&B No registration. Families who speak or are learning Spanish can enjoy stories, crafts, and songs together at our Spanishlanguage storytime. This is also a great opportunity for children in the Dual Language Program to practice using Spanish outside of the classroom. This program is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Cuentos para la Familia
Todos los miércoles a las 6:30 – 7 pm Cuartos de la Comunidad Meadows AyB ¡30 minutos de cuentos, música, rimas, y más para el disfrute de toda la familia! (No necesita registrarse.)
Middle School Zone Programs meet in the Zone unless otherwise noted.
Zone Summer Prize Drawings
July 1 – August 10 Stop by the Middle School Zone and fill out a drawing slip for a chance to win prizes!
Zone Craft Club
Thursdays, July 2 – 31 1:30 – 2:30 pm Learn how to make a duct tape rose or wallet, build cool paper toys, and more.
Teen Writing and Art Showcase
Grades 6 – 12 Through July 8 Teens are invited to share their best writing and art with the Gail Borden Library community. All submissions that meet the entry requirements will be published online, with selected entries published in a print booklet. For details, pick up an entry form at the Main Library or Rakow Branch or online at http://www.gailborden.info/zone.
Tech Lab: Minecraft and More
Thursdays, July 2 – 31 2:45 – 3:45 pm Computer Training Room Students entering grades 5 to 8 can play Minecraft, create basic computer games using Scratch, use Google SketchUp to make 3D models, and more.
Volunteer opportunities with KidSpace are available for 7th & 8th graders. Sign-up forms for the fall sessions are available at the Youth Center Help Desk.
Sound Layering with Loopy
Tuesday, July 21 2 – 3 pm Community Rooms B&C Learn about music composition and try your hand at recording layered sounds with the Loopy app.
Manga and Anime Club
Saturday, July 18 1 – 3 pm South Elgin Room Have you seen every episode of Attack on Titan? Do you wish more of your friends liked My Neighbor Totoro? Here’s your chance to watch anime, share fan art and enjoy Japanese snacks while socializing with other fans. Students entering grades 6 to 12 are welcome. Bring a friend!
Continued from page 1...
Book for a Book Reading Challenge
Reading Brings Books to the South Elgin Branch Students who attend the South Elgin elementary, middle and high schools can help fill the shelves of the future Gail Borden Library South Elgin Branch by finishing the READ to the Rhythm Summer Reading Challenge. For every student who finishes the summer reading challenge, the Gail Borden Public Library Foundation will donate a book to the collection of the future South Elgin Branch. The Foundation will donate up to $25,000 in materials as part of the challenge. Students who attend Clinton Elementary School, Fox Meadow Elementary School, Willard Elementary School, Kenyon Woods Middle School and South Elgin High School are invited to participate. Summer reading finishers will be invited to the grand opening of the South Elgin Branch, scheduled to open within a year.
8 www.gailborden.info
KidSpace Volunteens
Teen Writers and Artists Reception
Thursday, August 6 5:30 – 6:30 pm South Elgin Room Writers and artists who participated in the Teen Writing and Art Showcase are invited to attend this reception with their families. Enjoy light refreshments while meeting other creative teens and viewing work from the Showcase.
Gail Borden Library South Elgin Branch Coming Soon The South Elgin Branch will be located in a condo building at 121 S. McLean Blvd. The Library will be purchasing a condo unit of approximately 4,275 feet, a little less than half the size of the Rakow Branch. The new branch will offer books and movies for children and adults, digital resources such as computers and laptops, and study rooms. Another feature of the new branch will be a programming room that will hold about 60 people. This much-needed area will enhance programming for this area of the library district. The Rakow Branch, which is located about 2.5 miles from the future South Elgin Branch, has experienced a large demand for programming during the past few years. With limited space, much of the programming will be shared between the two facilities. The library looks forward to being a neighbor in South Elgin.
Grades 9 – 12 Studio 270 Summer Reading Challenge Through August 10
Rhythm Gail Borden Public Library Summer Reading Challenge 2015
This summer sign up to Read to the Rhythm! For every five books you read, your name will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win: • Grand prize: Beats Solo 2.0 Headphones • $50 Ticketmaster gift certificate (Two winners) • $10 in gift certificates (Ten winners) All finishers will receive a pass to an Elgin pool and free rides to the Elgin Carnival.
Sew What: Sewing Workshop
NBA 2k15 Tournament
Thursdays, July 2, July 16, August 6 3 – 4 pm Whether you’re looking to learn how to sew on your own or want to come make something with some friends, look no further. Learn how to operate a sewing machine, sew by hand and much more.
Thursday, July 9 5 – 7 pm Think you’re the best 2k player around? Come show off your gaming skills.
Mondays July 6, 13, 27, August 3, 10 3 – 7 pm Drop in for do-it-yourself crafts and projects.
Read Off Your Fines
Audio Lab
Wednesdays, July 1, 15, 29, August 12, 26 4 – 6 pm Teens can learn how to create and edit a professional quality audio recording in our state-of-the-art digital media lab.
Video Lab
Logic Pro MIDI Demo Thursday, July 23 5 – 7 pm Learn how to record MIDI and virtual instruments. We’ll show you how to use samples and Apple Loops, and conform their time and pitch to better fit a song.
Logic Pro Tutorial Tuesday, July 28, August 13 2 – 3 pm Stop by for some delicious ice cream and talk about the books that you are currently reading.
Open Mic Night Tuesdays, July 7, August 25 6 – 7 pm Stop by Studio 270 for a slice of pizza and join in on the conversation about books we are currently reading.
Be Creative!
Wednesdays, July 8, 22, August 5, 19 4 – 6 pm Teens can learn how to create and edit a professional quality video recording in our state-of-the-art digital media lab.
More Fun in...
Maker Mondays
Summer Hours: Monday – Thursday Noon – 9 pm Friday – Saturday Noon – 6 pm Sunday Noon – 5 pm
Tuesdays, July 21, August 11 7 – 8 pm We are looking for musicians, poets, comedians, story tellers and more to perform.
Got fines? Stop by Studio 270 any day between noon and 2 pm to read off your fines. High school students can read up to 10 hours for $10 off their fines.
Tuesday, August 18 4 – 6 pm We’ll show you how to compose, record, edit, and mix great sounding tracks.
Thursdays, July 16, August 20 6 – 8:30 pm The Teen Writers & Artists Project, in which teens pursuing writing and other art forms are mentored by professionals, will present a writing workshop, open mic and special featured performer.
Wednesdays, July 8, August 12 4 – 6 pm Join other teen writers and staff to help you through the creative writing process. Learn how to develop ideas into finished stories, poetry, lyrics—or any other kind of writing that interests you. Feel free to bring your own writing.
Rakow Branch
Three Ways to Register: • Online at gailborden.info/register • Call 847-429-4597 • In person
July is Monarch Month at Rakow Come to the Rakow Branch to see the stages of the butterfly from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to a beautiful Monarch Butterfly. The monarch is a flagship species, currently petitioned to be listed as an endangered species. Viewing will take place daily.
Butterfly StoryTime Kids of all ages Saturday July 11 10:30 – 11:00 am Come to the Rakow Branch to see the early stages of this year’s Monarch Butterfly crop. There will be storytime, a craft and a butterfly photo op. See the monarchs as they turn into caterpillars. Visit Rakow often to see their amazing growth and learn about their life. You might even get to see a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis.
Animal Quest and Family Picnic
Monday, July 13 5:30 – 7 pm No registration. Have you ever seen a White Nosed Coatimundi or a Patagonian Cavy? Get up close and pet some unusual and exotic animals. Bring a picnic dinner and a lawn chair or blanket. Dessert and water will be provided.
Seuss Celebration with The Banjo Poet
Thursday, July 30 All ages* Celebrate the publication of a newly discovered Dr. Seuss book, What Pet Should I Get?, with crafts and activities all day. Michael Miles, The Banjo Poet, will delight us with his musical renditions of Dr. Seuss favorites The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, The Lorax and more from 2 to 3 pm at the Rakow Branch.
Adult Programs at the Rakow Branch 10 www.gailborden.info
Storytimes Preschool Storytime with the Readership
3 years – K Wednesdays, July 1 – 29 10:30 – 11:30 am Drop in Puppets, stories, music and more!
Tots’ Tunes
18 – 36 months with caregiver Fridays, July 3 – July 31 10:30 – 11 am Registration required for each session. 20 minutes of stories, rhymes, music and movement followed by a 10-minute play period.
Device Advice
Adults Thursdays July 2, 16, August 6, 20 9:30 – 11:30 am No registration. Drop by the Rakow Branch for hands-on learning. You are welcome to bring your own devices.
Wonderful Ones
9 – 23 months with parent Mondays, July 6 – July 27 Session I: 9:15 – 9:45 Session II: 10 am – 10:30 Registration required for each session. 15 minutes of short stories, finger plays, rhymes and music followed by a 15-minute play period.
Rakow Read to Rover
School age kids Saturdays, July 25, August 22 10, 10:30, 11 or 11:30 am Registration required. Kids practice their reading skills by cuddling up with a good book and reading aloud to a fully trained and certified therapy dog.
Fantasy Football Basics
Adults and teens Tuesday, September 1 6 – 7:30 pm Registration required. Learn how to set up and participate in a fantasy football league using popular online tools.
Fun Summer Programs
at Rakow Branch
Creativity Lab
Grades 1 and up Wednesdays, July 1 – 29 10:30 – 11:30 am Drop in Each week, a new assortment of art, tinkering activities or games will be available for creative play time. Children younger than 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Dance Demonstration
All Ages Wednesday, July 1 4 – 5 pm Drop in Come watch the YMCA’s STEPS Academy demonstrate ballet, jazz, hip-hop and ballroom dance. Afterwards join in the fun and learn some moves from the dance instructors!
ESO presents Mother Goose
Pre-K – grade 2 with parent or caregiver Thursday, July 2 2 – 2:20 pm Registration required. Using their instruments and narration, Elgin Symphony Orchestra musicians Sara Sitzer, cello, and Mark Fry, bass trombone, engage young audiences with two favorite tales: Red Riding Hood and Billy Goats Gruff.
Dance Party! All ages (younger than 8 with a parent/caregiver)
Thursday, July 9 11 am – noon Registration required. Boogie on down to a disco dance party, moving and grooving to the hottest disco tunes. Wear your favorite disco fashions from the 1970s and ‘80s. Get to the hustle and practice your electric slide.
Pop/Hip Hop
Thursday, August 6 11 am – noon Registration required. Come “Shake it Off” to your favorite pop/ hip hop beats. Wear your favorite pop/ hip hop fashions. Get your funk on and practice your pop and lock moves.
Minecraft for Grades 3 – 8
Wednesday, July 15 2 – 3:30 pm Registration required. Play Minecraft Pocket Edition and enjoy Minecraft-related activities.
Stop-Motion Animation Workshop
Grades 6 – 8 Wednesday, July 8 2 – 3:30 pm Registration starts June 15. We’ll work in teams to create stop-motion movies using office supplies, LEGOs®, or any small objects you bring in from home!
Grades 1 – 5 Monday, July 20 2 – 3 pm Registration required. Everyone will make their own drum and then we will play together as a group. All materials will be provided.
Jammin’ in Pajamas
Kids of all ages Tuesday, July 21 6 – 6:30 pm No registration. Come in your pajamas and join us for a story, music and fun.
Families with kids 8 years and older Thursday, July 23 6:30 – 7:30 pm No registration. Starting a compost bin is easier than you think. Join us for an informational class and demo as we start our own bin here at Rakow for the community gardens. Learn tips to get a compost bin started in your own home.
Is the Moon Really Made of Green Cheese?
All ages Tuesday, August 25 7 – 7:45 pm Drop in Drop by the Rakow Branch for a look at the moon. We will have a telescope set up for your viewing pleasure. If the sky is overcast, we will reschedule for another night.
Tinkering Lab
Grades 1 – 4 Tuesday July 7, 14, 21 2 – 3 pm Registration required. Think with your hands! Come explore sound and movement as you build and play with your own creations.
Summer Drumming
STEAM Program
Grades 1 – 5 Thursday, July 16 1 – 2 pm Registration required. Learn about volcanos and then make your own. It will be a blast! Kids may get messy so come prepared.
Now at the Rakow Branch: Mini Gail’s Sales Gently used books and other materials for sale.
Mayand andAugust June July
Reflections: Elgin Flowing Through Time, The 1920’s – 1970’s Reflections is a community-wide celebration featuring the mid-20th century’s vibrant years of art, music, dance, film, history, literature, theater, sports, architecture, and city infrastructure. Events happening at the library, throughout the City, museums, parks and downtown street corners take place through August 6. The following Reflections programs take place at Gail Borden Library unless otherwise indicated. To register for a program at Gail Borden Library, go to www.gailborden.info, call 847-429-4597 or register in person. For information about all Reflections programs, go to http://www.gailborden.info/library-info/1878-reflections
4th of July
Saturday, July 4 9 am Downtown Elgin/Northeast Neighborhood The 4th of July Parade, co-sponsored by the Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin, is an annual tradition that 15,000 participants and spectators enjoy. Last year the parade consisted of 99 units, 20 floats and thousands of walkers! For more information please visit www.downtownelgin.com.
Book Discussion To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Thursday, July 9 7 – 8:30 pm South Elgin Room
12 www.gailborden.info
Concerts in the Park Tuesdays, July 7, 21 7 pm Wing Park Band Shell
Join us for free concerts. Refreshments and popcorn will be sold by local not-for-profits. For more information, please visit www.cityofelgin.org.
July 7 Denny Diamond/The Diamond Trio Band
The Diamond Trio Band is a tribute to the music of Neil Diamond. The songs that make up the set-list are not just those songs that charted in the top 100 but encompass Neil Diamond’s vast library of work.
July 21 Barbershoppers
Enjoy one of Elgin’s own vocal a cappella groups “Minutemen of Harmony.” It won’t take you long to discover they are just a bunch of regular guys from all walks of life with one thing in common—the love of singing in the barbershop style!
Join Gail Borden Librarian Tish Calhamer in a special series of discussions celebrating literature’s impact on history, society and culture. One of the most-beloved modern classics, Lee’s 1960 novel tackles racial inequality, injustice and the end of innocence while seamlessly offering a portrait of a broken yet loving Southern family.
An Evening with Revolver: How the Beatles Re-Imagined Rock ‘n’ Roll in the Studio 1967 – 1970 Wednesday, July 15 7 – 8:30 pm Elgin Room Join Award-winning Beatles scholar and author Robert Rodriguez as he explains how The Beatles broadened their artistry into uncharted waters by using the studio as a tool to achieve sounds heretofore only heard inside their own heads. Performance clips, rare photos and unreleased audio of The Beatles at work showcase the group’s journey to the pinnacle of success just before the split. Please register.
Movies in the Park Thursdays in July/Tuesdays in August 7 pm Festival Park Prior to the free movie, kids can enjoy activities based around the movie theme, refreshments will be sold by local not-for-profits, and train rides on the Elgin Express will take place. For more information, please visit www.cityofelgin.org.
July 16 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Candy manufacturer Willy Wonka stages a contest by hiding five golden tickets in five of his scrumptious candy bars.
Classic Cinema Series
Experience the joy of watching and discussing unique motion pictures of the 1930’s to the 1970’s. Phil Kelly will highlight the works of abundantly gifted auteur directors and acting icons. Discussion will follow. Thursday, July 16 6 – 8:30 pm Meadows Community Rooms A&B Show Boat (1951) Did you know William Warfield, the actor who sang Ol’ Man River in the movie Show Boat, also performed at Elgin High School in the Messiah performances in the early 1970s? Come see William Warfield in Show Boat.
A Toast to Harper Lee: Book Release of Go Set a Watchman
Tuesday, July 14 5:30 – 8:30 pm Meadows Community Rooms Join us for the eagerly anticipated release of Harper Lee’s new book. Known for her beloved book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee was thought never to have written another until the recent discovery of the Go Set a Watchman manuscript. Join us for a kickoff celebration at 5:30 pm followed by a screening of the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird at 6 pm. There will be literary light refreshments and a drawing for both books. Please register.
Of Birds and Murder: The Life of Nathan Leopold Presented by Author Joel Greenberg
Saturday, July 18 7 – 8 pm Elgin Public Museum Nathan Leopold gained undying infamy with his partner Richard Loeb by murdering 14-year-old Bobby Franks in 1924. Leopold was a student of birds all of his life, making important contributions to ornithology. He developed a friendship with the president of the Elgin Audubon Society and bequeathed most of his collection to the Elgin Public Museum, where it will be viewed during this program.
Music of the 1960’s with David J. Nelson
Sunday, July 19 2 – 3:30 pm Meadows Community Rooms A&B Join pianist David J. Nelson for a musical journey down memory lane as he performs music from the 1960’s. David has performed with the Elgin Civic Symphony, Elgin Symphony Orchestra and Elgin Choral Union. Please register.
Savor the ‘60s
Thursday, July 23 7 – 8:30 pm Elgin Room Authors and vintage cookbook bloggers Amy Alessio and Susan Miura will present highlights of the decade’s culture, entertainment, fashion, celebrities and politics as well as popular foods of the 1960’s. Audience members will sample treats. Please register.
History of Lords Park Zoo, with Bison Feeding
Presented by Dwight Armistead, Marge Fox and Francesca Zomkowski Saturday, July 25 7 – 8:30 am Elgin Public Museum Learn about the fascinating history of this local gem. The zoo has had a myriad of animals since its establishment by the Lords family in the 1890’s. Lions, snakes, and bears have been some of the more exotic residents. The Bison feeding is $2 per adult, $1 per child and free for members. To reserve a spot, call 847-741-6655 or email Francesca_epm@cityofelgin.org.
Fireside Chats in the River Room Each One, Reach One: Fireside Interviews About the 1960’s and 1970’s Civil Rights Movement in Elgin In the midst of national socialpolitical efforts to seek racial and economic justice, leaders were creating change right here in Elgin. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, prominent Elgin leaders/role models will be interviewed by their children, grandchildren or friends. Share in this personal view of the Civil Rights Movement from groundbreaking community and civic work to trials and triumphs experienced during this time. No registration.
Fireside Interviews Sunday, July 26 1:30 pm Program Host Dr. Mae Hicks Jones Attorney Fred Steffen Interviewed by Granddaughter Abigail Steffen Retired WGN News Anchor Floyd Brown Interviewed by Granddaughter Taylor Brown Gloria Hunter Interviewed by Sister Charlene Abdullah
Each One, Reach One Reception and 50th Anniversary Celebration of Voting Rights Act of 1965 Screening of Project 2-3-1 2 box cars, 3 blocks, 1 city: A Story of Elgin’s African American Heritage
Tuesday, July 28 7 – 8:30 pm Meadows Community Rooms The Elgin Area Historical Society and Grindstone Productions in conjunction with Ernie Broadnax will show the Elgin documentary Project 2-3-1. The film documents life in Elgin for the African American community from the 1860’s with the arrival of the contraband during the Civil War to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What was it like to live in the pre-Civil Rights era? Have things changed? Please register.
14 www.gailborden.info
Thursday, August 6 7 pm Elgin Room and River Room Program Host and Presenter Joyce Fountain, Professor, Elgin Community College Perspective: David Johnston, Director of the Center for Higher Education Retention Excellence “Policy, Planning & Politics: How Stories and Sharing Stories Support and Inform Inclusion.” Register to vote at his event. Bring two forms of I.D. (One must have a photo and current address.) Co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area.
Art and Soul on the Fox
Saturday, August 1 11 am – 6 pm Sunday, August 2 11 am – 5 pm Downtown Elgin/DuPage Court This free festival will present more than 70 booths offering canvas art, sculpture, photography, jewelry, ceramics, and fiber art. Art and Soul is co-sponsored by Art for All and will feature musical entertainment and children’s activities. For more information, visit www.cityofelgin.org.
book clubs & Discussion Groups Poetry Writers Workshop
Mondays, July 6, August 3 6:30 – 8:30 pm Conference Room Come share your love of poetry! This is a group for local poets to share what they have written. Gareth Mann Sitz, poet and songwriter, will facilitate. No registration.
Spanish Café
Monday, July 1 Noon – 1 pm Conference Room Monday, August 10 Noon – 1 pm Meadows Community Room C Looking for an opportunity to practice your Spanish conversation skills? Then join this drop-in group that meets the second Monday of each month. Take part in a weekly topic of discussion, learn new vocabulary and put your listening skills to the test. No registration.
Armchair Generals: A Civil War and Lincoln Brown Bag Lunch Interest Group
Join forces to commemorate events, share insights, and talk about books or experiences during the 150th anniversary. Bring your own hardtack. No registration. Tuesdays 11:45 am – 1:15 pm South Elgin Room July 14 August 11
Great Books Discussion Group
Co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women Elgin Branch. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 6:55 pm in the South Elgin Room. For more information, call Rachel Bloomberg at 630-391-2966. July 13 Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus August 10 The Bridge at San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder
Who Really Won? The Life of Nathan Bedford Forrest by Aubrey Neville Dakota Uprising of 1862 by Jerry Allen
veterans information networking session Thursday, July 16 7 – 8:30 pm South Elgin Room Illinois Secretary of State’s outreach representative. Thursday, August 20 7 – 8:30 pm South Elgin Room Small Business Administration’s Veteran Business Development Officer. Coffee and tea will be served. No registration.
Walking Book Club
French Conversation Group
Mondays, July 20, August 17 6:30 – 8:30 pm South Elgin Room Refresh and enhance your knowledge of French language and culture in a conversational setting with former college language professor Dennis Schwank. No registration.
German Conversation Group
Thursdays, July 23, August 27 7 – 8:30 pm South Elgin Room The group is led by John Schwartz, who has lived and traveled in Germany and taught German and other languages. John will present articles and videos about to be discussed auf Deutsch in a friendly atmosphere. No registration.
Writers on the Fox
Mondays, July 27, August 24 7 – 8:30 pm Conference Room This writer’s peer group will inspire and motivate you with thought-provoking writing prompts and constructive critique. Writers of all genres are welcome to participate. No registration.
Join us for a 45-minute walk followed by a 45-minute book discussion every Wednesday evening at 7 pm. We meet in the library lobby. Contact Nancy at 847-289-5840 for more information. The Club will not meet in July. Members choose their own book to share in August.
16 www.gailborden.info
Technology classes are open to all library district residents and require proficiency with a keyboard and mouse unless otherwise noted. Classes take place in the Computer Training Room unless another location is specified. Registration is required and opens three weeks prior to the scheduled class date. Register online at gailborden.info/register, by phone 847-429-4597 or in person at the Registration Desk.
Keyboard & Mouse
Internet Basics
Computer Basics
Email Basics
Monday, August 24 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to use a keyboard, mouse and command keys to perform basic functions. No experience required. Tuesday, August 25 7 – 8:30 pm Learn basic computer functions ranging from creating a new document to saving and organizing files.
Wednesday, August 26 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to navigate the web, access websites and stay safe online while searching for information. Thursday, August 27 7 – 8:30 pm Create an email account and learn how to send and receive messages from other email users.
Microsoft Excel 2010: Basics
Microsoft Word 2010: Basics
Microsoft Excel 2010: Charts & Graphs
Microsoft Word 2010: Formatting Documents
Tuesdays, July 7, August 4 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to create and modify basic spreadsheets and apply basic formatting techniques.
Wednesdays, July 8, August 5 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to illustrate data results with a chart or graph and data legend.
Microsoft Excel 2010: Formulas & Functions
Thursday, July 9 Tuesday, August 11 7 – 8:30 pm Discover how to use formulas to calculate sums, averages, ranges and percentages.
Microsoft Excel 2010: Pivot Tables
Wednesdays, July 15, August 12 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to sort and filter data and create pivot tables when working with large spreadsheets.
Wednesday, July 21 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to create new text documents, open and print existing ones and change document views.
Wednesday, July 22 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to format and align text, apply bullets and numbers and adjust spacing in your documents.
Microsoft Word 2010: Editing Tools Wednesday, July 23 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to move content, check spelling, and suggest and accept changes within a document.
Flickr Basics
Thursday, August 6 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how Flickr helps you organize, share and create using your personal photos.
Getting Started with Flickr
Thursday, August 13 7 – 8:30 pm Get some hands-on practice with Flickr’s editing tools. Flickr account and online photos required.
Device Advice
Thursdays, July 9, 23, August 13, 27 9:30 – 11:30 am Stop by Studio 270 for one-on-one help with your device or computer along with a hot cup of coffee or tea. No registration. For Gail Borden Library District residents only.
For Booklovers
Wednesday, August 19 7 – 8:30 pm South Elgin Room Learn how tools like Goodreads and Novelist can help you find books, review what you read and share it with others.
Fantasy Football Basics
Monday, August 31 7 – 8:30 pm Learn how to set up and participate in a fantasy football league using popular online tools.
Microsoft Word 2010: Tables, Images & Graphics
Wednesday, July 28 7 – 8:30 pm Create custom document designs by applying tables, borders, backgrounds and WordArt.
Programs in English and Spanish Programas en inglés y español
clases de Tecnología Clases de technología están abiertas a todos los residentes del distrito de la biblioteca y requieren habilidad con el teclado y el ratón a menos que se indique lo contrario. Es necesario registrarse. Registro comienza dos semanas antes de la fecha de la clase programada. Regístrese en línea en gailborden.info/register, por teléfono 847-429-4597 o en persona en la mesa de inscripción.
Manejar el ratón y el teclado
Domingo, 12 de julio 1 – 2:30 pm Aprende a usar un teclado, ratón y mando teclas para realizar funciones básicas. No se requiere experiencia.
Introducción a la Computación
Domingo, 19 de julio 1 – 2:30 pm Aprenda los sistemas operativos, tecnologías y los componentes básicos de hardware y software de una computadora.
Explorar Internet
Domingo, 26 de julio 1 – 2:30 pm Aprenda cómo navegar y buscar en internet.
Reto de Lectura de Verano para Adultos ¡Cuando usted lea este verano, estará apoyando a alguien más a aprender a leer! Termine de leer 8 libros y la Fundación de la Biblioteca Pública Gail Borden donará $5 al Literacy Connection. Todos los participantes que terminen participarán en un sorteo para la oportunidad de ganar certificados de regalo de parte de negocios locales.
17 de mayo – 10 de agosto LEE al
Ritmo Biblioteca Pública Gail Borden Reto de Lectura de Verano 2015
¡La Lectura de Verano es para todos!
(Recién nacidos – 23 Meses) Comparte el amor por los cuentos con tus más pequeños. Lean juntos y hagan actividades fáciles de pre-lectura.
Leyendo Juntos (2 años – Kínder) Lean juntos y hagan actividades divertidas.
Lectores (Grados 1 – 5) Diviértanse leyendo todo el verano. Zona (Grados 6 – 8) Lee de nuevo cuentos clásicos y descubre nuevas historias.
¡Leer = Premios!
• Entrega tu hoja de anotaciones completada a la biblioteca principal o sucursal Rakow entre las fechas del 1 de julio al 10 de agosto para reclamar tu premio. • Selección de un libro de tapa blanda o un bulto de libros de caricaturas (mientras duren). • Pase gratis para nadar en una de las piscinas/albercas de la Ciudad de Elgin (pase válido solamente una vez). • Paseos gratis en la feria de Elgin. • ¡Tarjeta de raspadita (scratch-off ) que revelará tu premio!
Reto de Lectura de Verano para Jóvenes
Por cada cinco libros que leas, tu nombre será sometido a un sorteo para la oportunidad de ganar: • Gran Premio de Audífonos Beats Solo 2.0 • Certificado de regalo de $50 de Ticketmaster (habrá dos ganadores) • Certificados de regalos de $10 (habrá diez ganadores) Todos los que terminen recibirán un pase para una piscina/alberca de Elgin y paseos gratis en la feria de Elgin.
The following programs will not take place during July and August and will start again in September: Citizenship Conversation Group Go Bilingual Class Two Rivers Head Start Parenting Programs
18 www.gailborden.info
¿Cómo Puedes Empezar el Reto de Lectura? • Recoge una hoja de anotaciones (log) en la biblioteca principal o sucursal Rakow • Imprime una hoja de anotaciones (log) visitando www.gailborden. info/lee2015
Los Siguientes Programas están en receso para el verano y comenzarán de nuevo en septiembre: Grupo de Conversación para la Ciudadanía Clase Futuros Bilingües Programas para Padres por Two Rivers Head Start.
Fun READ to the Rhythm Programs in English and Spanish
Programas divertidos de Lee al Ritmo en inglés y español
Música of my Heart Exhibit
2nd floor of the Main Library Through September 28 Don’t miss this fun, interactive exhibit! Learn about music genres from norteña to bolero, listen to classic and modern songs, learn the steps to salsa, take a picture with images of Selena and Vicente Fernández, and more! Costumes, musical instruments and a collection of vintage record album covers will be featured.
Muestra Música of my Heart
2do Piso de la Biblioteca Principal Hasta el 28 de septiembre ¡Aprende más acerca de géneros musicales desde norteña hasta bolero, escucha canciones clásicas y modernas, aprende los pasos para bailar salsa, tomate una foto con imágenes de Selena y Vicente Fernández y más!
Hispanic History of Elgin
Wednesday, July 15 11:30 am – 2 pm Senior Services, 101 S. Grove Avenue Get your picture taken to be part of the digital archive, Elgin Area Memories. Enjoy folkloric dance by Senior Services own Latino group. Bring any memorabilia such as pictures of family, friends or Elgin that you would like to share.
Historia Hispana de Elgin
Miércoles, 15 de julio 11:30 – 2 pm Senior Services, 101 S. Grove Avenue Tendrán la oportunidad de tomarse fotografías que serán incorporadas al sitio histórico, Elgin Area Memorias. Disfruten de baile folclórico por el grupo de Senior Services. ¡Inviten a sus familias y traigan memorabilia—fotos de familiares, amigos y/o Elgin, que les gustaría compartir!
Save the Date!
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration September 26
¡Marca tu Calendario!
Celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana 26 de septiembre
Battle of the Salsas and DEZAFINADO 7 Concert
Andean Music Concert
Batalla de las Salsas y Concierto con DEZAFINADO 7
Concierto de Música Andina
Saturday, July 25 1 – 3:30 pm Outdoor Stage Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the live music provided by DEZAFINADO 7 and taste salsas from local restaurants. No registration. In case of inclement weather, this program will be moved indoors to the Meadows Community Rooms.
sábado, 25 de julio 1 – 3:30 pm Escenario al Aire Libre Trae tu silla o cobija y disfruta de la música en vivo de DEZAFINADO 7 y prueba salsas provistas por restaurantes locales. En caso de mal tiempo, este programa se moverá adentro de los salones de la Comunidad Meadows.
Saturday, August 8 1 – 2 pm Outdoor Stage Come and enjoy Andean music with the group Luz de Ande, and learn about the unique wind instruments of the native cultures of Latin America. No registration. In case of inclement weather, this program will be moved indoors to Meadows Community Room.
Sabado, 8 de augusto 1 – 2 pm Escenario al Aire Libre Ven y disfruta música andina con el grupo Luz de Ande, y aprende más acerca de los instrumentos únicos de las culturas nativas de Latinoamérica. No hace falta inscribirse. En caso de mal tiempo, este programa se moverá adentro de los salones de la Comunidad Meadows.
English Conversation Group
Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm 2nd Floor Conference Room Practice having everyday conversations in English, improve your pronunciation and gain confidence with a tutor from the Literacy Connection. No registration.
Grupo de Conversación en Inglés
martes 6:30 – 7:30 pm Salón de Conferencias 2do Piso Practica conversar en inglés, mejora tu pronunciación y adquiere confianza con un tutor del Literacy Connection. No hace falta inscribirse.
Spanish Café
Monday, July 13 Noon – 1 pm Conference Room Monday, August 10 Noon – 1 pm Meadows Community Room C Looking for an opportunity to practice your Spanish conversation skills? Take part in a weekly topic of discussion, learn new vocabulary and put your listening skills to the test. No registration.
Café en Español
Lunes, 13 de julio Noon – 1 pm Salón de Conferencias 2do Piso Lunes, 10 de agosto Noon – 1 pm Salón de la Comunidad Meadows C ¿Estás buscando una oportunidad para practicar tus habilidades de conversión en español? Únete a este grupo y participa en conversaciones sobre temas diferentes cada mes, aprende vocabulario nuevo, y afina tu oído. No hace falta inscribirse. www.gailborden.info
The Main Library and Rakow Branch will be closed on Saturday, July 4 for the 4th of July holiday. Look for the award-winning Gail Borden Public Library Book Cart Drill Team in the Elgin 4th of July Parade!
Main 270 N. Grove Ave. Elgin, Illinois 60120 847-742-2411
Rakow Branch 2751 W. Bowes Rd. Elgin, Illinois 60124 847-531-7271
Board of Trustees:
Jean Bednar, President Elizabeth Kruger, Vice President Sue Moylan, Treasurer Patricia Harkin, Secretary Herb Gross Donna Kline Penny Wegman Library Director - Carole Medal Newsletter Editor - Denise Raleigh Writer - Liz Clemmons
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Elgin, IL 60120 Permit No. 164 Carrier Route Sort
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 9 pm Friday - Saturday 9 am - 6 pm Sunday Noon - 5 pm
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 8 pm Friday - Saturday 9 am - 5 pm Sunday Noon - 5 pm
This newsletter contains recycled paper and soy-based inks. Interact with the library on the web, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Sign up for GailMail, the library’s e-newsletter.
Getting the Latest Movies, Music and Books Gets Easier with the
New Marketplace
The first floor of the Main Library will be refreshed for your convenience—making it easier to find the most popular movies, music and books. The library will open up 1,200 square feet of new space for more services to the public. Other changes will include replacing worn carpeting, making popular collections more convenient for people with disabilities, and updating self-checks in anticipation of installing easier checkout options in the future. The new area, to be called Marketplace, will be paid for from the library’s special reserve fund. Also, new, child-friendly book bins will be installed in the Early Learning Center to make it easier for young children to choose books to read. To prepare for the renovation, scheduled to begin later this summer, we will be moving new books, movies, music and audiobooks to the second floor temporarily. This move will begin in July. We would like to thank you ahead of time for your patience. We are excited about the future Marketplace, designed to help serve you better.
10% off any order
In The Neighborhood Fresh At Gail Borden Library 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin Good in July and August, 2015