Power of Fairy tales and stories on literacy and language skills ONLINE MAGAZINE

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2020 - 2022


This is how and why we started this project.

Our project schools Online

Five schools from five different countries decided to work together Find out more about them

The pandemics made it impossible to travel, but we carried on with our activities online.

2nd mobiliry

In April 2022 the teams met in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia

1st mobility Plan

In December 2021 the teams met in Istanbul, Turkiye.

The project was officially launched and promoted during Erasmus Days in October 2020 Page 28

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The Year 2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and in the framework ofit, our goal is to share an important contribution in spreading European dimension, as well asencouraging awareness and promotion of Europe´s cultural heritage among nine to thirteen –year old peers from different European countries. This project including five Europeanschools which have cooperated and created a two- year planned activities focused ondeveloping pupils LITERACY SKILLS, stressing social inclusion of each participant, digitalliteracy, reading literacy as we are aware of the fact that is decreasing among students in thelast years, foreign language skills, cultural diversity and creating real advanced futurethinkers. Following the SWOT surveys of each participating school and of the institutionalprogress plans we were comparing, we concluded that the students need to be motivated tofind imaginary worlds as the way to help them understand the backgrounds outside theirexperiences and train their imaginatinary scenes in a safer space. We have created a projectthat involves several different learning styles - using Neil Fleming´s model of students’learning: visual, auditory, reading/writing preference and kinesthetic- stories and storytellingoccurring as main elements. This crucial idea would support the organisation andmanagement of this project that will increase our pupils’ personal and profession alimprovement, including all the backgrounds, besides, it will widen the cooperation relatingschoolsfamilies, and moreover, schools-external stakeholders. The project should beestablished because it would definitely bring a variety of advantages both, at the school,locally and at international level. The direct international collaboration will open theopportunity to the participants to spread networks, to gain useful knowledge, to share ideas,didactic approaches and methods for creating innovative tangible results. It will definitelylead to the internationalization of schools, development and getting new knowledge offoreign educational systems, school curricula of the countries involved in the project bystudying and using transnational tools and new teaching methods. Our project will focus onencouraging network and transnational cooperation at the partner schools.


Lilla Alby School

In the middle of central Sundbyberg is Lilla Alby School, a school that grows together with the rest of Sundbyberg. The school is close to both transport and green areas such as Tuvanparken, Bällstaån and Marabouparken.

Lilla Alby school has approximately 520 students, from preschool class to school year 6. We offer leisure activities to all children from preschool class to year 6. School and leisure have a close collaboration and work together throughout the school day. The school consists of two buildings, the white and the red house. In the white house, students attend preschool through year 3 and in the red house there are students in years 4-6. You will also find administration and the dining room in the red house.


At Lilla Alby School, we strive for each student to develop to the maximum based on their circumstances. Our goal is that everyone should be met with respect, feel safe and happy at work. We build respect for each other with the help of the staff, who get involved in each individual student. This is facilitated by the pedagogues working in teams around a certain number of students, in order to better see the whole in both learning and play. To promote respect for each other, regardless of age, we have a sponsor system where older and younger students have the opportunity to meet and interact in everyday life, on outdoor days and theme weeks. Sponsorship also contributes to increased security at the school.

Safety is a prerequisite for maximum knowledge acquisition. Safety is created by all adults in the school working towards the same goal, having a common approach and a consensus regarding routines in daily work. The school has active equal treatment work where basic values lessons are on the schedule. The school has a Safety Team that runs the preventive value-based work. For example, Together with students and teachers, the Safety Team plans different themed weeks during the academic year. We see a close collaboration with the homes as another security factor.

We want everyone to feel joy at work at Lilla Alby School. We have therefore created an inspiring environment that encourages one's own initiative. A varied way of working with both theory and practice, which is based on student influence, also means increased job satisfaction.

Hasan Tan Primary School

Hasan Tan Primary School is a Public School in İstanbul,Üsküdar which has 758students ages between 5 – 10 and from kindergarden,1st grade to 4th grade. Our Schoolproceeds with 24 Primary School Teachers, 2 Special Education Teachers, 2 PreschoolTeachers, 2 Special Education Teachers, 2 English Teachers, 2 Guidance CounsellorTeachers, 1 School Principal, 2 School Principal Assistants. There is a Library, a MindGames Class, a Robotic Coding Class and a Multipurpose Hall in our school. We have a lot ofactivities in our school such as National Folk Dances, Modern Dance, Drama, MindGames, Chess, Robotic Coding. In 2015 “Call For Proposal” period, School Principal Tufan Arıca carried out a project of Erasmus+ KA101 Programme called “Teaching and PracticingReading Policies in Europe”. He participated the 10 days courses in Germany, Portugal and Lithuania in 2016. Within the Scope of Erasmus+ Main Action 2 Strategic PartnershipActivity, Mr. Arıca was the Project Coordinator of the project named“ I Learn With C.A.K.E, I Grow With C.A.K.E” between September 2017 and June 2017. It is a project which waseligible to be supported during the 2017 Call For Proposal Period. Our School is one of the 400 schools chosen for “Harezmi Education Model” leaded by İstanbul National EducationDirectorate in 2019-2020.

The eTwining Project “Twinners on the Road” conducted by the School Principal Tufan Arıca received the National Quality and European Quality Sticker in 2018. He also received the National Quality Sticker with “Smart Class” Project. One of our Primary School Teachers Metin Etçi is leading 3 eTwining Projects in 2019-2020. School Principal Tufan ARICA has attended EU Project Preparing Techniques Course, Project Monitoring and Evaluation Techniques Course, İlköğretim Kurumları Standarts (İKS) Application and Evaluation Seminar, Teaching Communication Skills Educational Administration Seminar, Identifying and developing Web 2.0 Tools Course, New Approachesin Education Course, Interactive Classes in Fatih Project course. Our School staff attends tothe trainings given by Provincial Education Directorate and Üsküdar County Education Directorate.

OŠ „Heroj Radmila Šišković“

Elementary school "Heroj Radmila Šišković" was founded on September 1, 1954. It is located in Smederevska Palanka, a small town in the central area of the Republic of Serbia. School covers primary level education in all the subjects of the national curriculum There are aproximetely 50 teachers and 500 students in grades from 1 to 8. The school day start at 8 o’clock and finish usually at 2 pm. After school, students can attend various free time activities. There is a choir and the school orchestra Some students have extra computer lessons and some students go to maths club. There is a drama club and a sports club. The school also has a large library Within the school’s facilities there is a dentist’s office. There is a large playing field in front of the school and a gym where students do indoor sports and exercises

The school aims to be the regional leader in the quality of teaching and the learning outcomes, as well as a promoter of interculturality, acceptance, tollerance, collaboration and healty lifestyles. The school takes great pride in students’ achievements in all fields of sport on the local and on the national level. The school encourages nourishing positive attitudes towards the environment from the earliest age and there are numerous activities throughout the year where all our students can take part The students are eager and supported to express themselves through different kinds of art. Elementary school "Heroj Radmila Šišković" is the host of the annual artists’ colony for pupils from around the region. The school is well renown for its drama tradition. Its teachers often use drama methods in teaching and have staged numerous prize winning school plays.


Educational system in Slovenia is organized mainly as a public service, there are just few private kindergartens and schools here The school system is divided into three sections of education: primary (kindergartens, basic schools, basic schools with an adapted education program, music schools and educational institutions for children with special educational needs), secondary (upper secondary schools and secondary schools) and tertiary (higher vocational colleges, faculties, academies and independent higher education institutions)

The basic school programme is specified by the timetable and curricula of compulsory and optional subjects, as well as by guidelines and educational concepts that define other methods of working with children (morning care, afterschool classes, extra-curricular activities, outdoor school), cross-curricular contents (days of activities, how to use libraries and information technologies) and other documents to guide the work of the education staff The programme also specifies the knowledge teachers of specific subjects.

The public institution JZ OŠ Marjana

Nemca Radeče was founded by the Radeče Municipal Council It includes a primary school, a branch school and a kindergarten. The primary school and the kindergarten are located in the town Radeče, while the branch school PŠ Svibno is located 8 km away in the village Svibno, which is imbued with cultural heritage.

The principal of our school is Mrs Jana Wetz, her assistant is Mrs Darja Žonta Kozinc

Our school implements basic school programme for students from 6 to 15 years old.

Old part of school

Playground and new part of school

There are 325 students and 35 teachers at main school and 22 students from 6 to 9 years old at the branch school PŠ Svibno, where 3 teachers teach The basic school programme is divided into three educational cycles; each cycle covers three grades: I. EC (1st – 3rd class; 6–8 years old), II. EC (4th –6th class; 9–11 years old) and III. EC (7th – 9th class; 12–15 years old) We have bigger and smaller classes There is only one 1st class, where there are 28 students, one 4th class with 25 students and one 6th class with 26 students There are two classes in other grades, on average, there are about 20 students in one class

Our school is small but very nice and we are all trying to do our best for the future of our children


Education in Nanov has its beginnings in the first half of the 19th century around theRevolution of 1848 in the Romanian Principalities Until 2009, two schools wereoperating in Nanov The first school was founded in 1850 The names of the first teachersin Nanov are not known as the place where the first school functioned is unknown Since 1919, the Nanov school has functioned in its own home, built on a land donated bythe Nanoveanu boyar family. Today, this kind of building is run by the Kindergarten no 1 Secondary School no 2 Nanov functioned in the village of Adamesti in 1912, at firstwith two posts, later evolving, this being a boyar house of the boyar IonelDumitriu, agreat landowner in the area The site increased in 1969 by building three moreclassrooms.

In 1961 a new school is being built in the village of Nanov, located in the center of thecommune, near the Town Hall It consists of five classrooms, two laboratories (one ofchemistry - physics and one of computer science, equipped with 27 computers). There isalso a library (4600 volumes), a cabinet, and the director’s office Starting with the schoolyear 2009-2010, the schools in Nanov were merged, the educational and educationalprocess taking place in the school’s center in the center of the commune.The framing of the school with qualified teaching staff has evolved, currently onlyqualified teachers, many of whom (approximately 82%) are the Nanov School The Teachers' Team, together with the school’s leadership and the hopeful support of theMayor, is constantly concerned with ensuring the best conditions for the educationalprocess, trying to eliminate the barriers, the gaps between country schooland schoolsin the city Thus, besides the concerns regarding the improvement of the environment,there is also the orientation towards the spiritual side, a good example being the projectWeekend Schoola project developed in an excellent partnership School - City Hall and NGO –”Plaiurinanovene” and which aims at the initiation of the Nanov students in thefield of music and dance

Summary of the first year with online meetings

To ensure the continuation of the project despite the pandemic, we made the decision to hold virtual meetings each month the first year. Through the online platform, we were able to effectively discuss the project's objectives, activities, and outcomes at each school. Furthermore, we utilized the messaging app, WhatsApp, to keep in touch and stay informed of each other's progress. This allowed us to share our updates and results, as well as evaluate the overall progress of the project. The combination of virtual meetings and regular communication through WhatsApp proved to be a successful solution for maintaining the project's momentum.

Activities performed at Lilla Alby School

School year 2020/2021

During the 2020/2021 school year, each class / class was assigned a project based on the themes of Pinocchio, Peter Pan and National fairy tales, legends, myths and fables. The aim was to incorporate these classic tales into the curriculum and enhance the students' learning experience. The classes were taking on different aspects of the project, such as researching the stories, creating presentations, and performing skits. Throughout the year, the students worked hard on their respective tasks, using the themes of Peter Pan and Superheros as a foundation for their studies. This not only allowed the students to gain a deeper understanding of the stories, but also helped them to develop important skills, such as teamwork, critical thinking, and creative problem solving. The end result was a dynamic and engaging project that not only captured the students' attention, but also left a lasting impression on their education.

Peter Pan

Elementary school, grade 1 - 3: Some classes started by watching the film in Swedish and then we selected scenes from the film that we chose to draw. They wrote down what the film was about in Swedish and translated concepts into English. Some other classes started by reading the story of Peter Pan both in Swedish and afterwards in English, because several words were new and difficult for the students. The classes went through the key words and made summaries in Swedish even though they read in English. To finish the project with Peter Pan, the students had to create posters with the characters on them along with an excerpt of their choice from the book, in English.

Middle School, grade 4 - 6: During the drawing lessons, some classes practiced creating silhouettes to be able to make a silhouette of the characters Peter Pan or/and Tinker Bell. The classes started by looking at the trail and afterward, they started creating their silhouettes. The students were very pleased with their artwork.

And other classes began by reading the first chapters of Peter Pan as a whole class and, in pairs, the students were given glossaries on keywords and concepts from the chapters. The project ended with the classes watching the film and having to choose between writing their own scripts for scenes in the film or writing a retelling of what Peter Pan was about. Some classes chose to dramatize different scenes from Peter Pan. They started by reading the book and talking about the content and then divided into smaller groups and staged their own versions of different scenes. The students were given all kinds of different endings and some of them also made some pictures where Peter Pan and the other characters go on to.


School year 2021/2022

Elementary school, grade 1 - 3 students. They started working with the theme of superheroes. The students were introduced to the book Handbook for Superheroes by Elias Våhlund and Agnes Våhlund. The students get to meet Lisa, who lives with her grandmother and is bullied a lot at school. The book was very much appreciated by the students, they got to learn about essential superhero techniques such as flying, fighting, talking to animals, having an exciting name, and discovering selfesteem in themselves too, and the book became a good gateway to work further with the theme of superheroes. The students made a self-portrait of themselves, looking like the superhero they are, together with their names and superpowers.

Some classes looked at some pictures and talked about what a superhero could be like, they looked at a program about drawing and were given examples of what the “final product “ would look like. Afterward, the students started to sketch their own heroes. The students continued sketching and making up the story for the strip and started sketching, drawing and coloring. The pupils finished their drawings using different kinds of pens and pencils and were very satisfied with their final product.


During the pandemic period, we decided to choose a worldwide wellknown story and work on it with our students. Project partners decided to choose Pinocchio as a story.

We did this study with our 3rd grade students. They read the story and then we wanted them to draw their favourite character and write a few sentences about it. We also said that they can roleplay about their favourite part of the story and make a short film,our students did great work both in filming and drawing issues.



Although the project partners were unable to meet in person due to epidemiological conditions, during the 2020/2021 school year a number of online activities took place within the Erasmus+ project "Power of Fairy tales and stories on literacy and language skills". Team coordinators exchanged ideas, planned cooperation and presented student works at regular meetings. Together with schools from Sweden, Slovenia, Turkey and Romania, we got to know the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Our youngest students had the opportunity to watch a cartoon about Pinocchio, to review the names of body parts in English and also to talk about examples of good and bad behavior, responsibility and obligations that were seen in the story. They made paper puppets of Pinocchio which were displayed on the Erasmus+ board.


During the time of the pandemics, project activities were performed online. At one of the partners’ meetings, the project coordinators suggested and all the partners eagerly accepted that the theme of the next activity should be Superheroes.

Elementary school „Heroj Radmila Šišković“ from Serbia involved Grade 4 students into this activity. Fourth grade students had the opportunity to show their creativity and imagination, practice English and learn to use new web tools. They had the task of designing the character of the original super hero, stating his characteristics, super powers and the identity he carries in public, work, friends, family members. After that, they could choose to draw their hero and make a poster or create an online comic about their superhero's exploits using the Storyboardthat web tool.

Student works were shown as video material during a visit to the Hasan Tan school in Istanbul. The students' digital works can be seen on the eTwinning page of the project, and the posters had the opportunity to be viewed and chosen by our fifth graders Nikola, Dunja and Iva. A three-member jury looked at all the works, and you will be able to see the best works on the Erasmus+ board in the school premises.


Teachers in 1st class read a book to children, they then made puppets form paper.

Children in 2nd class listened English song about Pinocchio and tried to remember/repeat some words (parts of body, left-right, up-down …). They also compared names of the characters in English and Slovene.

Children in 4th class read a book by themselves and also made puppets. Some even made a video.

Children in branch school watched a cartoon and then read a short version of Pinocchio. They then made puppets.


The 4th and 5th graders made Peter Pan fairy-tale world, few students from 4th grade than presented the story to 1st-5th graders.

Children in 3rd class drew Peter Pan flying over the famous English sights.


Children of 1st class drew their own superheroes. They gave them names and superpowers. They also repeated the words for parts of the body through game.

Children in 3rd class also drew their own superheroes. They gave them names, superpowers, age and wrote, where they come from.


We started our journey by introducing to my students two well-known books for children: Peter Pan and Pinocchio. We watched the films and after that we did some fun activities, like colouring and cutting the characters from the books.


After we got acquainted with the stories of Peter Pan and Pinocchio, we wanted to get to know Peter Pan better and we made a Picture dictionary. We got the chance to draw, to colour and to learn words from Peter Pan translated into all the partners' languages.


We continued our journey of knowledge with a task worthy of a writer: to create a superhero that can save our community from the bad guys. And we did even more, we created many superheroes. Further more, we made up a story with one of the superheroes, called Larisa. This is her story.


In order to complete the next task of the project, our students made up a board game about ”THE MYSTERIOUS FUTURE”. Students were eager to ask their questions about the future and to play the game. You need: one dice and 4 pawns.

You need: one dice and 4 pawns. The rules of the game are as follows:

1.You roll the dice.

2.You count the squares of the dice.

3.You land on a question.

4.If the answer to the question is YES, you stay on that square.

5.If the answer to the question is NO, you miss a turn.

6.You can also land on a reward or a punishment.

Our students really enjoyed all the activities and they are looking forward to the next ones.


Erasmus+ Project ‘Power of Fairy Tales on Literacy and Language Learning Skills’ TürkiyeMobility :

Our Project’s first mobility is done in Türkiye, İstanbul at Hasan Tan Primary School which is located in Üsküdar. It took place between 6th -10th of December 2021.

On the first day we welcomed our Project Partner Quests from Serbia,Romania and Slovenia at our school. Sweden couldn’t attend to this first mobility face to face as their national agengy found it to be risky because of covid 19 situations in the World, Sweden attended online to some of the activities that were at the school .


We all were very happy and excited because at last we met each other face to face after having zoom meetings for about a year. We had a school tour, then each country made a presentation of their education systems,Sweden also attended online to this session. In the afternoon we had a visit to Sultanahmet Square which is an important part of Historical Peninsula of İstanbul. It was the heart of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.It’s a central location from the HagiaSophia, the Blue Mosque,Topkapı Palace , Şerefiye Cisterns.

We visited all of these places and had an idea about the history of İstanbul and Türkiye.


Our 3 rd graders showed us some Turkish FolcloricDances.Then our school’s Folcloric and Modern Dances teacher showed some zumba and folcloric dances and our quests had an experience to learn some traditional Turkish folcloric dances.

On the same day our rhythm teacher taught some rhythms with a Turkish percussion instrument called ‘Darbuka’ and everybody tried to play darbuka.

In the afternoon we had a visit to another very historical part of İstanbul, Balat Tour. We visited Fener Greek Patriarchate, Sveti Stefan Bulgarian Church, Panagia of Vlahernon Church, we walked through Fener – Balat Street which is very local and full of history.

The Ottoman Empire was tolerant of different religions and cultures and İstanbul has always been a multicultural city, with a large Christian population as a result of its Byzantine Heritage.

On Wednesday

We had a glass workshop. A glass artist showed our guests glass blowing art.They practıced of shaping mass glass that has been softened by heat by blowıng air. Our 2nd grade students presented a story 'Grandma and the Fox'. Students came to the stage and told the story one by one. In the afternoon we had a boat trip through the Istanbul Bosphourus. So our guests could see the ımportant hıstorıcal places by the Bosphourus.

On Thursday

We had a workshop about a tradıtıonal Turkısh strategy game 'MANGALA'. First we gave ınformatıon about the game and then played together. It was very enjoyable. At noon we had a vısıt to a prıvate school to have more ıdeas about Turkısh educatıonal system. And we had lunch wıth teachers there. In the afternoon we had a trıp to Grand Bazaar. Our guests had a free tıme for shopping.

On Frıday

Then we had a workshop about 'Ebru'. Ebru is the tradıtıonal art of creatıng colorful patterns by sprinkling and brushing color pigments on a pan of oıly water then transform this on a special paper. We visited Fairy Tale School with our students.They studıed a faıry tale wıth musıc. It was a different experience for us.

At the end of the week we got tired but felt so happy. We had a great week together. We shared our experiences and had good memories. We took our certıfıcates wıth big smiles on our faces.



From April 4 to 8, 2022, Elementary school „Heroj Radmila Šišković“ from Serbia had the great honour and pleasure to host teachers from partner schools within the Erasmus+ project "Power of Fairy tales and stories on literacy and language skills" ). The school received four teachers each from Romania, Sweden and Turkey, while a team of teachers from Slovenia joined online.

In accordance with the Serbian tradition, at the entrance of the school, the students in national costumes welcomed the guests and offered them bread and salt. In the school hall, students from the first to the eighth grade prepared a wonderful welcome for the guests, presenting the school with music, song and dance.

On the first day, Slavica Jocković, an English teacher, held, with the help of students 6/3, the "Storytelling - Lesson observation" workshop. She showed the project partners how to include fairy tales and stories into daily teaching and with this approach enable students to learn a foreign language with ease.

The second day of the project's implementation began with a workshop on handicrafts, which was conducted by Milena Radivojević, a biology and home economics teacher, and psychologist Suzana Lazić. Guests from partner schools were able to try their hand at embroidery and handicrafts with the help of 8/2 students. The Nikolić family, who own a local pottery business and produce traditional objects made of clay, were the hosts of the following activity. They presented the guests with the method of producing pottery products, giving them the opportunity to try their hand at making clay objects.

On the third day, Živan Bachujkov, the art teacher, gave a lecture in English about the rich mythology of the Slavic peoples, about the beliefs and deities they worshipped. The practical part of the workshop caused special interest and enthusiasm. The teacher and his students prepared sketches of the deities on canvas, which the guests painted with acrylic paints. The workshop was also attended by students who assisted our guests and presented them with appropriate work techniques. The next workshop was dedicated to the creation of a multilingual dictionary intended for work on the literary work about Peter Pan, the famous character created by the Scottish writer and playwright James Matthew Barry.

At the beginning of the fourth day, Dijana Vlajić, a fourth-grade teacher, with her students held a creative workshop for teachers, the topic of which was making and using paper dolls in the teaching process. The teachers of the partner schools made puppets together with the students, and then they had the task of designing the situation and presenting it to the others.

Violeta Načković, a geography teacher and long-time member of „KUD Abrašević“, took the guests to visit the premises of „KUD Abrašević“, look at national costumes and various items of folk handicrafts that are exhibited there, and then she held a workshop where she presented our folk dances. The guests tried to learn the steps, so with the help of the students, by the end of the workshop, all the participants were in the circle, dancing, and their smiles showed that they were having a great time.

The grand finale of this day, filled with various activities, was the ceremonial awarding of certificates and dinner in the premises of the "Despotika" Winery. A special honor was given to all the guests by Nikola Vučen, president of the Municipality of Smederevska Palanka, who as the guest of honor awarded certificates to the participants of this international project.

The last day was marked by a drama workshop held by the school’s Headmaster, Miroslav Mihajlović, in cooperation with Dijana Vlajić, a fourth-grade teacher, and with the help of the English teacher Dragana Andrić, who translated the instructions for the work. With great pride, they presented to all guests a longstanding successful practice in preparing student performances within drama club. The topic of this workshop was a Serbian folk fairy tale Baš Čelik, and the goal was to acquaint the participants with the way the drama club works and the methods used to get from a dramatic text to a quality stage performance.

TThe guests from partner schools had the opportunity to get to know the town. Apart from the school, the guests attended lectures prepared for them by the local staff from the "Veroslava Veljašević" Archive and the "Milutin Srećković" City Library. After the workshops, the project participants were involved in various cultural visits, such as Serbia’s capital Belgrade, places of cultural and historical importance as well as natural beauty of the country.

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