Invensys Protocol Magazine – "Metals and Mining – one tough industry"

Page 25

achieve performance levels never previously attainable. Real-time decision support information also enables every

many mining companies from moving

Profitable safety and environmental integrity

person in the operation to be real-time

forward. Invensys has developed a new open system concept that allows all of the systems across a mining enterprise

performance managers; perform their

The primary constraint functions impacting

to be effectively unified into a single real

job functions more effectively, agilely,

the profitability of most mining enterprises

time domain for less than one tenth of

collaboratively, safely and profitably.

are tied to the safety of the operations, the

the traditional cost. These new Enterprise

Job attractiveness and satisfaction have

people and the environmental integrity of

Control Systems finally make moving

been shown to significantly increase as

the operation. Managing profitability within

forward to real time profitability viable

employees feel they are a more integral

reasonable safety and environmental risk

and cost effective. They also enable either

part of the business and to business

domains is essential. Invensys has developed

local or remote Collaboration Centres

performance improvement. Invensys has

a patented approach to measuring safety and

that meet the professional and personal

developed great expertise on how to

environmental risk in real time which provides

requirements of today’s workforce, and

most effectively empower all personnel

operational personnel the information they

further improve employee morale and

who impact profitability with the precise,

need to both effectively and safely increase

satisfaction leading to higher levels of

real-time information contextualised to

the profitability of mining enterprises.

personnel retention.

Enterprise Control System


One of the key technical challenges

The volatile dynamics of the minerals

imposed on the drive to effective

marketplace and the demands placed

measurable real-time profitability

on mining enterprises have presented

improvement is the installed automation

huge challenges to mining executives.

Once the real-time performance

and information architectures in mining

It is clear that business as usual will not

measurements and empowerment portals

enterprises. Unfortunately, most mining

meet these challenges. Recognising

are installed and operating across the

enterprises operate with a variety of

the real driving forces and moving to

enterprise, the incremental cash flow from

systems provided by a variety of vendors

a measurable real-time profitability

any new performance improvement initiative

and installed over a long time frame. Most

improvement business model is the key

becomes clearly visible. Mining executives

of these systems cannot work together

to meeting the challenges. Invensys has

quickly discern the return on any investment

without the expenditure of significant

decades of experience in working with

and can direct capital to those activities

capital to support their integration, and

mining executives to drive performance

that drive the most value. Invensys has

even integrating these systems together

improvement and has pioneered real-

developed a “theory of constraints� process

does not ensure effective interoperation.

time profitability for mining enterprises.

for determination of the most valuable

Often the only solution appears to be

The challenges are great. The solution is

performance improvements that can be

ripping out the existing technology and

measurable real-time profitability --- from

made in mineral processing enterprises and

replacing it with systems from a single


measures success on the results.

vendor. This huge capital hurdle prevents

their exact responsibilities, experience and education levels to make them as effective and profitable as possible.

Measurable real-time profitability improvement

November/December 2012 | 23

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