Fall/Winter Issue - What Liberty Ate Magazine (#3)

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What Liberty Ate

food with love.

independent magazine



The fairy of delicate, tiny & whimsical watercolor illustration


An intimate look into hearty desserts INT’L STYLE

The Turkish delight and Indian culinary adventures

Pork steak with caramelized red onion crust, mushrooms and red potatoes curry.


simply, yet inventive, seasonal whole food recipes plus six recipes to fill and WHAT satisfy all men LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 1

What Liberty Ate

food with love.

independent magazine

contact@whatlibertyate.com www.facebook.com/whatlibertyate www.whatlibertyate.com/magazine Š Copyright 2012 Gabriela Iancu All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/or otherwise without the prior written permission of the editor. This publication can be shared online via its active link and can be embedded on websites and/or blogs which have non-commercial means, as stated and protected by the copyright law. All photography presented in this issue has been used with the consent of their authors and can not be used without prior author's permission. To use any photography presented in this issue, please enquire at contact@whatlibertyate.com. Magazine's contributors are responsible for the content of their articles. First publishing of third issue - October 2012. Publication published simultaneous in English and Romanian. 2 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


GABRIELA IANCU Editor in Chief and Creative Director contact@whatlibertyate.com ANA MARIA CIOLACU Contributing writer and photographer www.justlovecookin.com IOANA MALANCU Contributing writer and photographer www.missbabacilu.etsy.com


IRINA VOCHITĂƒ , Contributing writer www.sportychoco.ro

LILIANU RUSU Contributing writer www.gradinacumigdale.weebly.com MEDEEA IANCU Contributing writer and photographer www.medeeaiancu.com WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 3

44 WHAT WHAT LIBERTY LIBERTY ATE, ATE, issue issue #3, #3, 2012 2012


1 year of beautiful imaginary The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists. - Charles Dickens -


T ALL STARTED LIKE THIS, ONE YEAR AGO : me at my desk, wanting desperately a florilegium of beautiful, real imaginary photographs, poetic writings and snapshots of real life, with good food and real people, having nothing glamorous, but their own glow and talent. No more outside believes of individuals wanting to be center of the world. I felt that the ideas were happening to me too much often and I had to create a better place for them. I had to share them. Doubt, mistakes, euphoria, joy and desire had to be put as base for a project that I dream would enter your lives, and will touch your souls. This magazine is thus, a collection of ordinary thinking, captured with soul and put into a broad perspective to show up creativity - outside memories and experiences brought to life by imagination, inspiration - heart by criticism and judgment and not least - talent.

Gabriela Iancu Editor in Chief WHAT WHAT LIBERTY LIBERTY ATE, ATE, issue issue #3, #3, 2012 2012 55

My sorrow, when she's here with me, thinks these dark days of autumn rain are beautiful as days can be; she loves the bare, the withered tree; she walks the sodden pasture lane. - Robert Frost 6 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

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MUFFINS photography by Gabriela Iancu recipe adapted from Sara Forte (The Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook)



(makes 12 small muffins) 1 egg 220ml pouring cream (31%) 57g melted butter 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 100g dried plums, finely chopped 150g grated carrots 150g all-purpose flour 96g oat bran 64g almond meal 70g muscovado sugar 30g turbinado sugar, for sprinkling 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt

1. In a large bowl, mix whipping cream, butter, egg and almond extract. Add the carrots and chopped plums and set aside. In another blow sift remaining ingredients and gently stir them over the wet ingredients, mixing until combined. Let the mixture stand 5 minutes. 2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line with paper liners the muffin tray. Fill halfway full each muffin paper and sprinkle turbinado sugar on top. Bake for 20 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted into a muffin comes out clean. Remove the pan from oven and serve the muffins slightly warm with coffee or tea.

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Basil buckwheat biscuits

photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu

14 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Ingredients (12 pieces): 1 egg 50g almond meal 30g buckwheat flour 200g all-purpose flour 40g unsalted butter, melted 5 basil leaves, finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon muscovado sugar

Directions: 1. Finely chop the basil leaves and set them aside. 2. In a bowl sift the flours, salt, sugar , add in the basil leaves chopped, butter, egg and mix until well combined. Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes. 3. Meantime preheat oven to 180째C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. 4. On a floured surface, roll the dough in 1cm thick sheet and using a cookie cutter (2cm wide), cut biscuits' shape. Place them on the baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden. You can keep them for up to 4-5 days in a air tight container. Serve with buttermilk or coffee. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 15


HOMEMADE MultiGRAIN TORTILLAS w it h chilli fish salad and herb mix photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu

ARE THE BEST REM EDY FOR THOSE WHO ide, outs go to afraid, lonely or unhappy is with somewhere where they can be quiet, alone then only the heavens, nature and God. Because does one feel that all is as it should be.



16 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


Ingredients for tortillas (makes 4 servings): 60g all-purpose flour 30g white rice flour 30g buckwheat flour 80ml lukewarm water 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil 1 pinch of salt TOPPING: 185g (1 can) water-packed tuna 185g (1 can) preserved artichokes red chilli sauce 1 medium red onion, finely chopped one handful of lovage, parsley, basil, finely chopped zacusca (Romanian vegetable spread), optional

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 17

Directions: 1. In a big bowl, sift together the flours with salt and baking soda. Pour over the lukewarm water and mix until the dough comes together. 2. Place it on a lightly floured surface and knead a few minutes until smooth and elastic. Divide it in 4 equal pieces, and roll each piece into a ball. Roll each ball into thin tortillas. 3. Preheat a skillet over medium-high heat. Place one tortilla at the time into the hot skillet, and cook until bubbly and golden on each side. 4. Serve tortillas warm, with chilli fish salad and herb mix. 18 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Apple for

the soul or the childhood Heart-warming apple pie

photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 19

On hot summers, on gloomy and chilly autumns, one blue car was always stopping by that house. And then, we were receiving harvest's beauty, never till now appreciated at its true value. Heart, commitment, concernment, soul, all gave in name of everlasting love, now and forever. By our truly loving grand-parents.


20 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

With life's tomorrow time you grasp, Its yesterdays you fling away, And still, in spite of all remains Its long eternity, today. When one thing goes, another comes In this wide world by heaven borne; And when the sun is setting here 'Tis somewhere else just breaking dawn. It seems somehow that other waves Are rolling down the same old stream, And somehow, tough the autumns change, 'Tis but the same leaves fall it seem.


Poem adapted in English by Corneliu M. Popescu WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 21

Ingredients (for 1 pie ~22cm): 240g all-purpose flour 80g unsalted butter, at room temperature 3 tablespoons of water 1 tablespoon honey 1 pinch of salt Filling: 2 big apples (your favorite kind) one handful of roasted and chopped hazelnuts 2 teaspoons of cinnamon 2 tablespoons of honey egg wash

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DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat the oven to 180째C. Line a tart/pie pan with parchment paper. 2. In a bowl, using your hands, mix flour with butter and salt until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add in the honey and water and mix, until dough comes together. 3. Wrap the dough in a plastic sheet and chill it in the fridge, until firm, about 1 hour. 4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough in a 22cm circle. Place it then in the pan and trim the edges. Refrigerate. 5. In a large bowl, toss the apples sliced with honey, cinnamon and hazelnuts. Remove pie shell from fridge and fill with apple mixture, gently packing apples and mounding slightly in center. 6. Using a pastry cutter, cut out strips from remaining dough. Place the strips over the pie and brush it with egg. Bake it for 40-45 minutes or until golden. After 15 minutes of baking you can brush the pie with 2 extra tablespoons of honey. Serve it warm. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 23

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V m V Mãdãlina!


all illustration by Mădălina Andronic interview by Gabriela Iancu


isionary, absolute gorgeous illustration, richness of colors, details, perspective as rarely seen, humbleness, talent, joy. This is Mădălina Andronic, a Romanian Illustrator recently graduated from London's University of Arts-the one that has subdue me into her charming world. She's enshrouding us today, in a fairy-tale with her exuberant creations. Mădălina has recently illustrated her first book-one of the most popular old Romanian fairy-tales The Fairy of the Dawn (by Ioan Slavici, ed. Vellant). You are welcomed to discover more of her illustration not only on paper, but also on milky porcelain with a touch of Romanian folklore, creations done in collaboration with designer Claudiu Ştefan.


www.de-adevaratelea.blogspot.com www.madiandronic.com www.the-awesome-project.tumblr.com


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How did you discovered your talent and how did you decided to study illustration and graphic design? The talent or better said, the disposition to draw has started to be visible naturally, yet from I was a child, when the letters appeared like big sticks with straight corners, and the walls of our hall-way were blurred with my drawings till the coating, or when from between my parent's agendas or phone book were appearing mermaids and princesses, along side with a very lovingly wish. Later on, I started to reclaim slowly my creative urge and I learnt to paint static composition, fairy-tale scenes, glass religious icons, I enrolled to an arts high-school and when the world around me (aka mom and dad) were trying to acclimate with the thought that I will never have a carrier in accounting or atomic physics, I was already a student at Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design from 26 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Bucharest. There, I studied three years graphic design and that has been, probably, my most beautiful lifetime experience. But, advertisement posters and typography was not enough to make me comfortable around a piece of paper. Actually, I don't recall to have drawn right-down, only after first year, and the next two years were spent working only with the mouse, being in a continuously fight with my desire to illustrate everything that was not really intended to be illustrated. I needed bites of story, I wanted that my brushes tell a story! So, after I have enraged all my professors, transforming each graphic design project into an attempt to see if I can draw something pretty, I have poured all my swelter gathered till then, in my bachelor thesis and I have graduated graphic design speciality with an illustration project, and I let

myself go with it (BEHIND THE SCENES : Fairy-tale Heroes; Romanian - DE-ADEVĂRATELEA sau ce se întâmplă când Fat-Frumos stă acasă). That one was the big step that determined my path to my next illustrations, being my first attempt to recreate the Romanian fairy-tale - of which I felt again in love, soon after. Knowing that in Romania, there aren't any illustration programs in art universities, I prepared my portfolio and I have applied to master programs in Europe. I have been accepted to all and I have left for London with the fingers crossed and with sheets from home. There I become a sponge during classes and an aunt in my spare time. Till then I was illustrator just in soul, so I decided to become one on paper too, so every spare minute was spent in front of the board transforming the hankering, the rain and London's gloomy sky, in small sweet illustration, replenishing gradually a real portfolio. I started to work with clients from abroad or from home. It has been a lot of work, many sleepless nights, I never adored London, but this place will always be the place, where I become an illustrator. Your creations are full of dynamism, intrigue, shape, details and you have absolutely charming imagination. How did you find your style and how this has evolved over time?

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I didn't had an illustration "coach", so at the beginning I was watching how others were working, and in order to see what I like about the work of those I admire, I bought scores of books and I started to analyse millions of patches of color, only just I could pick some craft from the others. Then, once with Behind the scenes (Deadevトビatelea), I started to see my path and I started to use those technics with which I fell comfortable, working a lot on composition, contrasts, I love the alteration of big, static and fines, crowded volumes, lavish shapes, big pieces of dynamic and voluptuous characters, which I can fill with patterns, crinkles, shirrs and funny details. It pours over the paper everything I like in the day-to-day life, only as I draw more and more, the things take a more assertive and refined shape. I never desired to create abstract and hard to understand things. I want my illustration to bring smile on the lips of children, and not only, to make them to think about magic and love, honest and naive joy. And I'm happy each time someone recognizes my work without being signed, it means that my goal has been achieved!

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From where do you get your inspiration? Do you ever have creative slumps? At the beginning, it was very hard for me to put my thoughts on paper, I was fighting with numerous questions - if it really deserve to be draw, if someone will like it, if it will have some value, if it will have some continuity, etc. I was postponing the moment of the proper draw, dreaming at some utopia concept, at the idea, and this was making me believe that I don't have inspiration. But, I learnt that is not necessary to leave my ideas to die before they actually can come to life, and for this I needed discipline, trust and a new passion for sketchbooks (the bait for a new glossy sketchbook), and now any thought it gets some place on my sketchbook, along side others, waiting for the moment to come to life. From word to thought and from thought to actual performance it's very long way, and for nothing you draw the illustration mentally, from start to end, and you actually finishing it also in your head, and in the happiest case when you actually achieve to put it on paper, you're already bored. Just because it has been already done, in your head. Also, you can never know from where inspiration can come, and any detail can turn the whole idea and other solution can appear. For me, these small details are coming from sweet words and love, from fluffy and horned animals, from fairytale and folklore, from magic and play, collecting so much that I

would never have time, even with nine lives of a winged cat, to finish them all. Once started, they come in bulk and never cease, sometimes it happened to me, to wake up at night and grabble for the pencil. Your artwork is so creative, that I have the impression that absolutely everything you imagine, you succeed to put on paper, thus there’s no obstacle in front of you. What’s your creative process? Most of the time, I work after spontaneous sketches or I return to an old sketch from my sketchbook. I don't remain to much long at this point, because I don't want to carry away the pleasure of improvisation. My sketches are most of the time, only lines, points and voluptuous curves, but this is enough for me, if

I had captured what I had in mind. Then, I start to draw on paper and I don't give up until I will put all passion in an charming illustration. I'm plugging away with passion, even if, to completely finish an illustration might take days, but I'm never sated of the joy of watercolor and I can not finish it without getting in, a funny detail, which will do the bliss of the whole painting, on a closer look. What other projects we can expect from you? You charmed us with The Fairy of dawn, we felt in love with the catchy charming fox, you adorned us with fine accessories. You are a spring of inspiration. Are you working on other innovative ideas which will charm and inspire us?

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I work uninterruptedly-I'm preparing a new series of illustrated postcards for holidays, maybe also some scarfs and T-shirts, plus a new delicious book (I have already pictured the next one). And if we are speaking about the milky porcelain, I'm working together with my boyfriend, at winter's collection of Zurzur jewellery and maybe in November we will also launch our first line of decorative objects AwesomeFOLK, in a very magical way, as the objects themselves. For next year, we dream big, maybe at some gallery/showroom/open studio, where I can receive with love, all lovers of fairy-tale and magic.

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Men eat delicious food THIS IS THE BEST STEAK YOU HAVEN'T HAD YET. If you haven't tasted a slow-cooked steak like this one, now it's the time. Don't loose unnecessary time to marinate it, if it's already tender. Limit yourself to a basic spice mixture and elevate its taste later, with a sweetspicy crust of caramelized onions.

photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu 32 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

PORK STEAK WITH CARAMELIZED RED ONION CRUST (for 2 servings): 2 smoked pork steaks 1 teaspoon butter 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 big red onion 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons olive oil fresh thyme finely chopped 2 tablespoons tomato sauce 2 tablespoons red wine salt and pepper


1. Preheat the olive oil and butter in a skillet, place the pork steaks in the skillet, cover, and cook 2 minutes on each side. Set aside. 2. In the same skillet, add remaining olive oil and sautÊ the onion for 1-2 minutes. Then add Worcestershire sauce, wine, tomato sauce, thyme and season. Cook for 5-10 minutes, until sauce start to thick and the onion is caramelized. Brush the steaks with this mixture and place them on a tray and bake for 20-30 minutes at 200°C. Remove from oven and serve warm with mushrooms and red potatoes curry. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 33

PAIR THIS BUCKWHEAT pizza burger with some cold beer. Wait... what? Buckwheat pizza burger? Yes! This is a simple, healthy take on the classic pizza dough, with a mixture of buckwheat and white rice flour, for an enhanced taste and texture. How great is to have that heavenly taste of pizza crust into a mini burger? This is the perfect idea for brunches, parties or super bowl soirĂŠes. And because good beer deservers good food, just jump onto these mini addictive pizza burgers, right now! photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu

BUCKWHEAT MINI PIZZA BURGER BUNS With spicy Chorizo, sun dried tomatoes

And Portobello scrambled eggs

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BUCKWHEAT PIZZA MINI BURGERS INGREDIENTS (MAKES 12 MINI BUNS): 140g wheat flour (type 00) 50g buckwheat flour 50g white rice flour 2 tablespoons olive oil 130ml lukewarm water 10g active fresh yeast 1 pinch of salt and sugar

INGREDIENTES FOR THE FILLING: 6 eggs 3 tablespoons butter 6 small Portobello mushrooms 1 big red onion 6 sundried tomatoes 12 slices of Chorizo French dressing sauce 50g fresh goat cheese pickle cucumber parmeggiano, basil leaves


1. Sift the flours, salt and sugar, in a big bowl. Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water and let it stand for 5 minutes. Stir to blend well and then mix it with the flour. Mix the flour until it starts to form a dough, add in the olive oil and continue to knead until the dough it's perfectly combined and elastic. Let it stand in a warm place for 30 minutes, covered with an clean towel. In this first 30 minutes, knead lightly the dough from 10 to minutes, then let it stand covered until doubled in volume (about another 30 minutes more). Lightly knead the dough on a floured surface and divide it in 12 parts. Than shape it in small balls (about 5 cm wide). Place the burger buns on baking sheets lined with parchments paper. Brush them with egg wash and sprinkle parmeggiano on top, if desired. Preheat the oven to 250°C. Bake for 15 minutes, on the middle rack. 2. Meantime, preheat 3 tablespoons of butter in a big pan. SautÊ 1/2 of the red onion finely chopped for 2 minutes, with the lid set on. Then, add the mushrooms finely chopped, cook 1 minute and add over the eggs lightly beaten. Scramble the eggs, until set, 3-4 minutes. 3. Finely chop all remaining ingredients (sundried tomatoes, cucumber, Chorizo, 1/2 red onion, basil leaves). Assemble the burgers : cut the buns crosswise, and top the bottom bun with scrambled eggs, than Chorizo, sundried tomatoes, cucumber, goat cheese, red onion, shaved parmeggiano, basil leaves. Top with French dressing and serve. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 35

-RED KURI SQUASH& SWEET CORN SOUP photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu 36 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


120g sweet corn 120g baked red kuri squash 1/2 teaspoon madras curry powder 1/4 teaspoon red chilli flakes 1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon round coriander seeds 1/2 onion 1 tablespoon butter salt and pepper 500ml chicken stock bacon for serving


1. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat and sautĂŠ the onion, finely cut. Add in the spices. Cook the onion and spices for one minute, until the flavors will blend. 2. Add in the sweet corn and cook it together with onion and spices, for 1-2 minutes. 3. Add also the baked squash and the chicken stock. Simmer the soup for 10-15 minutes. 4. Blend the soup until smooth and season with salt and pepper. Serve it warm with caramelized bacon and cilantro. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 37


Kaki fruit`s origin comes from Japan. It is also called the fruit of gods or persimmon. It is rich in betacarotene, vitamin C, potassium, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium and many sugars. A Kaki fruit is equal to 2-3 oranges. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps in antiaging therapy. Be careful when you buy, to be well rippened. In a raw state is rich in tannins and can cause digestive problems.

photography by Gabriela Iancu | recipe by Irina VochiČ›Äƒ 38 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


500g macadamia nuts 1 tablespoon vanilla 25 g coconut oil a pinch of salt 50g raw honey


500g soaked cashew nuts 250g sliced kaki (persimmon) 250ml orange juice 60ml raw honey a pinch of salt 250ml coconut oil 1 tablespoon vanilla


1. Start by preparing the crust. Grind the macadamia nuts in the food processor fitted with the S blade. Carefully grind, until nuts turn into a paste, however, be careful not to over grind, if you desire to keep a crunchy texture. Mix ground nuts with remaining ingredients. 2. Pour this mixture into a spring-form pan. Press the mixture with the fingers and spread it evenly. Place the pan in the fridge and begin to prepare the filling. 3. First pour liquid ingredients into a blender: coconut oil and orange juice. Add honey, pinch of salt, kaki, cashew nuts and the vanilla. Blend well, until creamy. Pour this mixture over the crust and chill for 1 hour in the freezer or a few hours in the fridge or ideally over night in the fridge. Garnish with agave syrup and kaki. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 39


Sharing it’s knowledge of spices from around the world, John is introducing us into a world of exotic cuisines from the Far East, North Africa to South America. John Gregory-Smith is a passionate young chef, writer and recipe developer, writing recipes and features for magazines and websites, including Men’s Health, TNT Magazine, Menshealth.com, and GQ.com. He was named as one of Olive magazine’s 21 future stars of the culinary world, in 2009. Fast, fresh and vibrant dishes using no more than 5 spices for each recipe is the tagline of this cookbook and there you will find an amazing blend of cultures, easy recipes to make, spices that you shouldn’t be afraid of. It’s being said that men are better cooks then women, and today John will Introduce us in his spicy world.


www.johngregorysmith.com www.facebook.com/mightyspice www.twitter.com/mightyspice

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Tell me a little bit about your background - what made you love the food? 

 My family is huge. We always have massive family gatherings where food is the centerpiece-we all love to eat. I have always associated food with good times and therefore, loved it! Cooking seemed a natural next step–and was really good at it! How did you discover your passion for species?
 As a family we always ate curries– my grandmother would make us Malay curries and my mum North Indian. This got me hooked at a very young age to all things spicy! My dad loves to travel and when I was a kid, he was kind enough to take me with them when they went off somewhere exotic. This did it–I was exposed to such exciting foods that I knew I had to learn more. They always started with the spices and I have been obsessed ever since. What are your favorite ingredients and tools?

 My favorite ingredient is the chilli, in all its wonderful forms–fresh, dried, powdered or sauced. I love it! My favourite tools are my knives and spice grinders–I can cook very fast when they are all on form. Tell me more about your book? Mighty Spice Cookbook is my introduction to cooking with spices. I took inspiration from all over the world and put together a load of de-

licious recipes that used not more than 5 spices. That includes ginger, garlic and fresh chilli, so the recipes are nice and easy. Basically it rocks! How you came up with the idea of using not more than 5 spices per recipe?

 Having been a spice geek for so long, I was always interested in how other people used them. I also launched a spice brand when I was younger, that gave me loads of incite. I noticed people often associated cooking with spices with difficult dishes and loads of ingredients, which all takes ages to cook with. I wanted to show that you could create something unbelievable with just a couple of spices and this could be anything from a curry to a salad, soup or a wicked cocktail. What’s the usual process for developing a recipe?

 I travel lots and learn from local chefs, lovely home cooks and eating so much yummy street food. I take all my ideas home and then work that up into a format that will work, super easily for a supermarket happy crowd. Saying that, I have also taken inspiration from friends, restaurants and even my dreams! Where do you turn for creative inspiration in the kitchen? I turn to the lovely mums around the world who have the family recipes locked in their heads and charm them into sharing them with me. Also, street food markets are always WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 41

a huge source of inspiration–it’s a snap shot to what is “hot right now” in that place at that time. Tell me what it’s your go-to five-minute meal and the taste that you couldn’t live without? A Sichuan stirfry–lots of Sichuan pepper corns and dried chillies with noodles, prawns and peas in a wok– yummy. What is your latest food discovery? Right now it’s all about the food from Shenyang in NE China (I was there earlier on this year) its super hot, lots of BBQ and dumplings–I loved it and have never seen anything like it before.

KADAHI CHICKEN I love that a curry can be so fresh, healthy and exciting, and my chicken kadahi is proof that you don’t need more than five spices to make a curry really spectacular. The cumin seeds provide a wonderful, nutty spice base and the simple flavours of the garlic, ginger, garam masala and turmeric work together to provide everything else. The lemon juice freshens the curry and brings out the flavours of the spices even more.


2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 teaspoons cumin seeds 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 2.5cm/1in piece root ginger, peeled and finely chopped 4 tomatoes, roughly chopped 1 teaspoon garam masala 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 11/2 teaspoon salt 500g/1lb 2oz boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into thin strips 1 green pepper, deseeded and cut into thin strips juice of 1/2 lemon rice, to serve (optional)

Goes well with roasted Cambodian aubergines with ginger and coconut, red lentil dal. 42 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


1. Heat a wok over a medium heat and add the oil. Chuck in the cumin seeds, allow them to crackle for 10 seconds, then add the onion. Stir-fry for 3–4 minutes, or until the onion starts turning golden, then add the green chilli, ginger, tomatoes, garam masala, turmeric and salt. Mix well and stir-fry for 5–6 minutes, or until the tomatoes have started to break down and form a sauce. 2. Add the chicken and green pepper, reduce the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 12–15 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Add the lemon juice and give it one last mix. Serve immediately with rice, if liked. From Mighty Spice Cookbook © Commissioned Photography by William Lingwood/Duncan Baird Publishers 2011. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 43


INGREDIENTS (MAKES 4 SERVINGS): 400ml/14fl oz/11/2 cups evaporated milk 1 tablespoon cornflour 60g/21/4oz/heaped 1/4 cup caster sugar 3 cardamom pods 20g/3/4oz/scant 1/4 cup unsalted pistachio nuts, sliced, plus extra to serve 100ml/31/2fl oz/1/3 cup double cream

Goes well with ciya shish kebab, chilli and basil scallops, chana masala (Indian Chickpeas).


1. Pour the evaporated milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Tip in the cornflour and sugar, reduce the heat to low and whisk continuously until smooth. Continue to heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes, or until the mixture is slightly thickened. 2. Meanwhile, split the cardamom pods by pressing down on them with the back of a knife. Scrape out the seeds, crush them with the back of the knife and then finely chop them. Add the seeds to the evaporated milk mixture, along with the pistachio nuts and cream and mix well. 3. Transfer the mixture to a small plastic container with a lid. Cover and freeze for 6 hours or overnight. Remove from the freezer about 20 minutes before serving so the kulfi has a chance to soften. Alternatively, set the kulfi in four moulds lined with clingfilm. From Mighty Spice Cookbook Š Commissioned Photography by William Lingwood/Duncan Baird Publishers 2011. 44 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

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The ripe apple fragrance awaiting the harvest, the grape scented breeze preparing in the sun rays their honey flavor, all are signs that autumn is inviting us look for its bittersweet flavor, without which we can not say that fall finally came. text by Liliana Rusu LET'S LOOK CLOSE TO US, TO our gardens, where an old fruitful walnut tree is loosing its first walnuts, and brings its richness to us. To collect them at the right time, you should wait for the walnuts to fall and their skin to become brownish green. Remove the peel, wash and dry them. Keep them in cotton or paper bags in a dry and airy place. Their flesh is a good combination for winter salads and holidays cakes, giving a delicious texture to the dishes. Try to pair them with endives, goat and Roquefort cheese, or in brownies and tarts, where their assertive taste, brings balance. Once finished with the walnuts preparation for winter, it's plums turn. We can use them for jams or

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dry them for winter. You can find the best quality of dried plums in organic shops or farmers market. The drying process must be correct otherwise plums will not last in time. Only certain varieties of plums can be treated by dehydration. Chosen plums can be dried on wooden or wire racks lined with parchment paper and exposed to the sun. Plums must be turned 2-3 times a day and left for 2-3 days, in order to get dry. During winter, we can keep them in a cloth or paper bags, in well ventilated areas. Dry plums are a treat in combination with rice, chicken or turkey. In warm winter compotes, tarts or in combination with homemade chocolate, plums definitively showcase their culinary qualities.

presents WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 47

Grilled lemonrosemary trout with coal roasted potatoes

photography and recipe by Ana Maria Ciolacu 48 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


here is no season in all the year so beautiful, so radiant with glory, as the early autumn. There is no time when the human soul drinks in so fully the glory and beauty of nature. All objects of beauty are more beautiful while passing away from us. The closing up of a beautiful life—the fading of the holy stars in the dim light of morning—the ending of a quiet summer day and the passing away of the bright summer glory, are all more sweet and lovely as they are lost to us. The death-glow always beautifies anything that wears the trace of beauty ere it goes back to nothingness. We do not understand the secret of this principle, yet we know that it is some law of the infinite mind.

- Northern Advocate -

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 49

Ingredients: 2 trout, gutted 2-3 lemons 1 sprig of rosemary 2 tablespoons of olive oil salt and potatoes

Directions: 1. Wash the potatoes leaving skins on, then rub with salt. If you want, you can wrap with aluminium foil (with the dull side in, reflective side out). Place on coals and roast for 20-40 minutes, or until a fork goes easily into the potato. 2. Rinse the fish under cold water, then prepare a mixture with the juice of one lemon and olive oil , and brush the skin. Sprinkle the cavity and the skin of the fish with salt, then stuff it with a sprig of rosemary and lemon slices. Cooking time varies depending on the size of the fish, but as a general rule of thumb, it’s around 10 minutes per inch (2.5cm) of thickness, usually about 5 to 10 minutes per side. 3. Place fish on a well greased grill or a grilling basket, like I did, over medium coals, and grill, for 5-10 minutes on each side, brushing several times with lemon/oil mixture, until fish flakes easily with a fork.

50 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Grilled lemonrosemary trout with coal roasted potatoes



HIDDEN FIRE BURNS perpetually upon the hearth of the world.... In autumn this great conflagration becomes especially manifest. Then the flame that is slowly and mysteriously consuming every green thing bursts into vivid radiance. Every blade of grass and every leaf in the woodlands is cast into the great oven of Nature; and the bright colours of their fading are literally the flames of their consuming.

- Hugh Macmillan WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 51

PISTACH IOTURKISH DELIGHT COCONUT photography by Ana Maria Ciolacu | recipe About.com

INGREDIENTS: 800g (4 cups/28 oz) granulated sugar 375ml (1 1/2 cups, 12 1/2 fl oz) water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 120g (1 cup / 4 1/2 oz) corn or wheat starch 1 teaspoon (5g) cream of tartar 500ml (2 cups/17 fl oz) water 100g pistachio 100g desiccated coconut

52 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

DIRECTIONS: 1. Lightly grease a wax paper lined square dish 23cm x 23 cm. 2. Place sugar, lemon juice and 375ml (1.5 cups) of water in a heavy pan and stir until the sugar dissolves, and bring it to the boil, stirring. Brush down the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to prevent sugar crystals from forming, and insert a candy thermometer, if you have one. 3. Allow the sugar mixture to continue boil on low heat, without stirring, until it reaches 115°C (240°F) on the candy thermometer. If you don’t have one, just let the syrup boil for 45 minutes - 1 hour, until is golden in colour. Then turn the heat off. 4. Place the remaining 500ml (2 cups ) of water, the cornstarch and cream of tartar in another saucepan and whisk until the starch dissolves. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the mixture will become thick. 5. Remove it from the heat and carefully pour it into the cornstarch mixture, whisking until it is fully incorporated. 6. Turn the heat to low and simmer

it for 1 hour, whisking every 10 minutes, until the composition is pale golden, thick and glue like in consistency. 7. After an hour, turn off the heat and stir in the pistachio. 8. Pour it into greased and wax paper lined dish and let cool for 24 hours, at room temperature. 9. Sprinkle a layer of desiccated coconut on a clean surface, tip the Turkish Delight, sprinkle again to prevent stickiness, then cut the Turkish Delight into small squares, using an oiled knife. 10. Divide the pieces and coat them well, then leave them on a tray, on a single layer, for 2-3 days to dry out before storing them.

TIPS: 1. Depending on the intensity of the cooker ring, the time can vary, but the most important clue is the color and consistency of the mixture. You should get a pale golden color, glue like, smooth and thick consistency. 2. Cream of tartar is an acid salt, a natural ingredient which in this recipe prevent sugar from crystallizing. 3. Leave the lokum on a tray for 2-3 days to dry out before storing in a box on single layer in an airtight container. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 53

photography by Laura Evans




54 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


ood , for g a t r o f m of for co touch e time e h h t t s i r fire: Winter mth, fo alk beside the r a w t nd food a and and for a h friendly me for home. ti it is the itwell S ―- Edith

Laura Evans Laura is a photographer, a stay at home mum and a military wife with a love of all things pretty.

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 55

Crepes with buckwheat flour and ricotta with raspberry honey and passion fruit

photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu 56 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Crepes with buckwheat flour and ricotta with raspberry honey and passion fruit

Ingredients: 65g wheat flour 30g buckwheat flour 30g sugar 1 egg 50ml sour cream 12% 80ml milk 3.5% 1 pinch of salt vanilla extract To serve: raspberry honey passion fruit ricotta

Directions : 1. Sift the flours, salt and sugar into a large bowl. Using an electric mixer, mix at medium speed, the flour mix, the egg, milk and sour cream. Continue until the batter is smooth. Stir in the vanilla. Chill the batter in the fridge, for about 30 minutes. 2. Using a crepe pan, melt 1/2 teaspoon butter over medium heat and cook each crepe for 1-2 minutes, per each side. Serve the crepes with raspberry honey, ricotta filling and passion fruit sauce. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 57

winter creamy basmati rice with herbs photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu 58 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Ingredients: 1 cup basmati rice 1 1/2 cups chicken stock 100g Roquefort cheese 50ml milk 1 medium white onion 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1 teaspoon dried thyme 2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped 1 tablespoon lovage, finely chopped 1 tablespoon fresh chive, finely chopped sea salt and white pepper

Directions: 1. Melt the butter in a skillet and then sautĂŠ the onion until translucent. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. Add in the rice and cook it for 1-2 minutes. 2. Pour over the chicken stock, bring to a boil over high heat; reduce the heat to low, stir once, and simmer, covered tightly, for 15-20 minutes. 3. Turn off the heat, add in the cheese and milk, stir gently and allow the rice to sit covered for 5 minutes. Add the fresh chopped herbs and serve warm. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 59

Carrot Hazelnuts & Ginger

Raw Soup

photography by Gabriela Iancu | recipe by Irina Vochiță 60 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

This soup is raw vegan and is rich in nutrients. You can prepare it very easily without heat.

Ingredients: 50g raw hazelnuts 375ml water 250g carrots, cut into chunks 1 apple, peeled, cored and sliced 1 tablespoon honey, raw 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon salt and pepper to taste


DIRECTIONS: 1. Place hazelnuts in a bowl of water and moisturize them 3-4 hours. 2. Add water in a blender, then add hazelnuts and process until you get a creamy texture. 3. Then add carrots, apple, honey, ginger and cinnamon. Blend again until you get a homogeneous mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. 4. You can decorate with flaxseed, chopped walnuts, sliced​​ apple or greens. For cold winter days, you can heat the soup a few minutes in a dehydrator.

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ROASTED CHICKEN & garlic baked potatoes photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu

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INGREDIENTS : (makes 4 -6 servings) 1 -1.5kg chicken, rinsed inside and out, patted dry 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 lemons 2 sprigs fresh rosemary, chopped, divided 3 teaspoons butter, softened 1 large garlic head 2 teaspoons dry thyme 1/2 glass of white dry wine salt and pepper DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 200째C. Rub chicken with 1 tablespoon olive oil, lemon zest and juice from one lemon, salt and pepper. Set aside. 2. Cut 2 lemons on half and place one of them in chicken's cavity. Season with salt and pepper chicken's cavity. Sprinkle rosemary and 1 teaspoon of butter in chicken cavity. Brush the chicken with the rest of butter, and sprinkle the rest of rosemary over the chicken. 3. Place the chicken in the pan, place the halved lemon aside chicken, as well as garlic head and potatoes cut in cubes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, thyme and one tablespoon olive oil. Pour over chicken and potatoes the wine. 4. Cook for 30-45 minutes or until chicken is golden brown. Brush the chicken from time to time with the juice from the pan and stir the potatoes in order to cook evenly. Next, transfer chicken to cutting board; let rest 10 minutes. Squeeze the lemons from the pan over the chicken. Carve chicken, and serve with the baked garlic potatoes. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 65

INGREDIENTS (MAKES 12 PIECES) : 100g unsalted butter, at room temperature 80g superfine sugar 2 eggs 80g flour 40g honey 30g ground hazelnuts 5g baking powder


photography and recipe by Gabriela Iancu

66 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


1. To brown the butter, melt the butter over medium heat in a heavy saucepan, allowing to bubble and foam, stirring frequently. Once the foaming subsides, allow the butter to brown along the bottom and then remove the pan from the heat. Browning will take about 5 minutes total; do not burn. Cool completely. 2. Mix the butter with sugar, honey and vanilla. 3. Add in the eggs, one by one, continuously mix. Add to the mixture the sifted flour, ground hazelnuts, and baking powder. Combine well. Let it rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours or better, overnight. 4. Preheat the oven to 220째C. Fill three quarters of a cookie mold or of your madeleine pan, with the mixture prepared. Bake for 5 minutes, then decreased the temperature to 180째C and bake for 5 minutes more. Unmold and if desired, glaze them with dark chocolate. *recipe adapted slighltyl from Mon cours de cuisine.

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 67

MEDEEA I don't believe that poetry can exist without staging IANCU PHOTOGRAPHY BY GABRIELA IANCU

68 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

"Back in 1991, I received as gift for my birthday, a fairy-tale book. It was called "The Lost Birthday", by Donald Bisset. From that day I started to write stories. In high-school I was reading Noica during french classes. Then, there were 4 years of philosophy. One year in which I was teaching. The pleasure to form someone without teaching. Philosophy also it's a story. An initiation story."

"I was writing about drama. I wanted to give stories to people. To gather them around me. Drama staging gave me a chaos that I had to put it in an order. I was writing poems wherever I could. It's hard to keep the balance between these two. I had poems published in respectable magazines, such as Timpul, Tomis, Tiuk, Viaţa romînească, Tribuna, Dacia literară, Helikon, Familia, to name a few."

AN OFF-STAGE PEEK INTO THE LIFE OF MEDEEA IANCU Life's motto: dream! This year debut: The Divine Tragedy. Favorite Recipe: mushroom soup. The taste I couldn’t live without: sweet-sourish. Favorite place I’ve ever travelled: Paris. What feelings/emotions make you mad: the ignorance, the flattery, the hypocrisy. The best thing(s) about poetry: it challenges you, it throws obstacles in your way, it lets you dream, it reflects you, it doesn't have faults, it plays with you, talks about anything without being shamed, it mellows you. The best thing(s) about theatre: it seduces, it carries you in hidden rooms, and there you're together with your characters, it lets you create lives, it lets you change, see and build multiple universes. It makes from chaos order. It gives hope. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 69

Loving heart cake

photography by Gabriela Iancu

Dedicated to my twin sister

70 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Mousse au chocolat : 170g bittersweet, chopped 170g unsalted butter 4 large eggs, separated 170g, plus 1 tablespoon sugar 30ml dark rum 15ml water pinch of salt



3 egg yolks 120g sugar 50ml citrus juice (1 lemon and 1/2 grapefruit) 4 leaves gelatine, softened in cold water 200ml pouring cream 200ml ricotta 2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste

180g granulated sugar 3 large egg whites, at room temperature

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 71

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? Percy Bysshe Shelley

*Mousse au chocolat - recipe adapted from Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. *Cheesecake - recipe adapted from Rodney Dunn (Gourmet Traveller Australia). *Meringue - recipe adapted from Martha Stewart Living, November 2011. 72 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

DIRECTIONS for Mousse au 4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the salt until frothy. chocolat: 1. Melt on bain marie, the chocolate and butter, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat. 2. Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside. 3. Whisk the yolks on bain marie with the 85g of sugar, rum, and water for about 3 minutes until the mixture is thick, like runny mayonnaise. 3. Remove from heat and place the bowl of whipped egg yolks within the bowl of ice water and beat until cool and thick. Then fold the chocolate mixture into the egg yolks.

Continue to beat until they start to hold their shape. Whip in the tablespoon of sugar and continue to beat until thick and shiny, but not completely stiff. 5. Fold one-third of the beaten egg whites into the chocolate mixture, then fold in the remainder of the whites just until incorporated, but don’t overdo it or the mousse will lose volume. 6. Transfer the mousse to a big cookie mold (15cm) and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, until firm.

Directions for cheesecake:

water from gelatine and add to pan, stir until just melted then add to egg yolks and whisk until cold. 2. Combine pouring cream, ricotta and vanilla paste in a bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Fold cream mixture into egg mixture. Spread evenly over mousse au chocolate shape already place in a springform pan, and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or until set. Decorate with meringue.

1. Whisk egg yolks in an electric mixer for 5 minutes or until pale and fluffy. Combine sugar and citrus juice in a small saucepan over medium-high heat and stir to dissolve, then bring to the boil and cook until syrup reaches 120°C on a sugar thermometer. With motor running on high speed, add sugar syrup to egg yolks in a thin stream. Return saucepan to heat, squeeze excess

DIRECTIONS for MERINGUE: 1. Just before serving, make the meringue: Combine granulated sugar and egg whites over bain marie. Whisk until sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes. Transfer bowl to mixer, and whisk on medium speed for 3 min-

utes. Raise speed to high, and whisk until stiff glossy peaks form, about 6 minutes more. Dollop meringue onto cheesecake, and spread using a swirling motion. 2. Torch the meringue until it starts to brown. Serve chilled.

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 73

The Winter poem by Medeea Iancu

The citizens are turning on the radios, And children are covering with scarfs their mouths, The sky is dressed in wool, the teachers Close the class book, the citizens open the Wonderful Grove*, one of them, with a pen, is drawing snow on its cover. *Romanian novel written by Mihail Sadoveanu (1926)

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text and photography by Ioana Malancu @ Miss Babacilu

76 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

Vanitea the tea in


There are many things about spring and summer that make us

get out, leave our shells and enjoy the sunshines. There are as many things about autumn and winter that make us close the door, take a deep breath of the warm scented air of our hallways, unwrap our second skins and head to the kitchen, preparing something warm to drink while enjoying our small universe’s gifts.

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 77

Unlike spring and summer, autumn and winter call for hot cups of tea, for just baked cookies spreading cozy vapors in the air, for endless books read between the blankets and for floating rusty leaves and snow flakes’ shows watched from behind the curtains. There’s something about cold weather that makes us return to our homes, as to palaces made of love and there’s always tea to enjoy within this cozy atmosphere. THERE IS TEA IN VANITY. Discovered by mistake, all tea’s history there was a matter of vanity. When the Emperor Shennong drank his hot water with the tea leaves that were taken away and set in his cup by the wind it was a matter of taste. It was the unexpected flavor that made tea grow its popularity, facing the test of time like no other product. It was a matter of pleasure, of a joyful discovery and of a intriguing taste. What is great about tea is that although it seems a vanity, it’s much, much more. First of all there’s its well known effect on one’s health, than the state it gives to its drinker and most of all, the atmosphere that flavors the air while one drinks tea. Its great history has not erased from tea’s destiny its most important character–that beautiful power of giving joy, peace of mind, relaxation and calm. Even if we do not respect the traditional tea ceremony, even if the tea we drink is not prepared directly with leaves but using tea bags, this wonderful beverage never fails to fulfill its promise. This is the reason why, more than in any other season, autumns and winters are best enjoyed with tea. The Duchess of Bedford asked for tea to be brought in her room around five o’clock. It was indeed a matter of not eating between lunch and dinner but there was, of course, a matter of taste, and I dare to say, of vanity, 78 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

as tea was very expensive in those days and very much appreciated. And there was also the High tea, the counterpart of the Afternoon tea that the Duchess made into a tradition. High tea was a meal similar to supper served in the working class families at high tables. Was there any other reason to introduce tea as a finishing touch, along with deserts to this meal? It was, of course, the pleasure of taste, the joy of having all loved ones close, just as it happened during the Chinese drinking tea ceremonies. There’s a Japanese saying which states that a man who hasn’t drank his tea is not capable of understanding truth and beauty. Why would it be like this? Because tea drinking is more than an action, it induces a state, it creates an atmosphere, it gives peace and calm and shapes the perfect environment for the positive and relaxed mind to enjoy and experience all that’s good around.

IF A MAN HAS HAD NO TEA, HE IS INCAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING TRUTH AND BEAUTY. Japanese saying Probably one of the few things that are a vanity as well as a remedy, warm tea makes the best of autumn and winter evenings. In happiness or in nostalgia, along with a delicious cake and a captivating book, along with romantic movies or emails waiting to be checked, tea transforms the air, it warms the mood and brings up the quiet, lovely calm and loving state. There’s nothing to blame tea about, no reason to give it up, no reason not to enjoy a warm cup, but all the reasons to let yourself taken away by its effects, by peace of mind and calm and coziness. And what is that we most crave for in cold seasons other than love and happiness that these moods bring along?! WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 79


* recipe slightly adapted from My New Roots blog. 80 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012





photography and recipe by Beatrice*

CAKE BOTTOM: 300g ground pistachio nuts 4-5 tablespoons honey pinch of salt optional: 2 tablespoons orange flower water (for the flavor, is not raw)

FRUIT ROUGES CREAM: 500g hydrated over night, peeled almonds 200ml coconut oil lemon juice (from 2-3 lemons) vanilla seeds from one stick 5-6 tablespoons agave syrup 1 tablespoon lucuma powder 275g fruit rouges

PISTACHIO CREAM: 450g hydrated over night pistachio nuts 180ml coconut oil lemon juice (from 2-3 lemons) 2-3 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon lucuma powder optional: 2 tablespoons orange flower water (for the flavor, is not raw)

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DIRECTIONS: 1. Prepare 2 spring-form pans, one with a diameter of 20cm, and the other one, of 10cm. Cut 2 circles of parchment paper, with the same size as those of the pans, moist the paper, drain the excess water and place them on the bottom of the pans. 2. Mix all ingredients for the cake bottom and place it on the pan's bottom, pressing firmly in order to even the mixture all over the pan. Keep in the fridge until ready to use. 3. Mix all ingredients for fruit rouges cream, until you reach desired consistency. Pour halfway full the cream in the pan, over the crunchy bottom. Chill in the freezer until ready to use.

4. Mix all ingredients for pistachio cream, until you reach desired consistency. Pour halfway full the cream in the pan, over the fruit rouges cream, then chill overnight, in the freezer. 5. Take out the cakes, 20-30 minutes before serving. Remove them from the pan and place them on a serving plate. Then, place the small cake on top of the big one and decorate with pistachio, fruit rouges, and if desired, organic flowers (roses, lavender violet flowers, etc.). I used flowers from my garden, however the green flowers are not edible, they were used just as decoration.

TIPS: 1. Coconut oil is solid and must be brought at room temperature: you can melt it over bain marie, but never directly on open heat. 2. In order to mix well the creams so that you obtain a mousse consistency, I recommend you to use a blender with a minimum power of 1000 W. WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 83

FLOATING ISLAND photography and recipe by Inés



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MERINGUE: 6 egg whites 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspon cream of tartar 60g granulated white sugar Plus: butter & powdered sugar for the molds


1. First of all, butter a 8 inches (22 cm) pan and coat it with powdered sugar. Turn on your oven to 250ºF (120ºC). 2. Beat the egg whites with the salt and cream of tartar, until they are frothy and big. 3. Sprinkle the sugar in, gradually, and continue beating until the meringue is glossy and forms firm peaks. Put it carefully in the pan and slightly level the surface with a spatula. 4. Bake it in the oven for 30 minutes or until you can stick a skewer and it comes out clean. The meringue will grow a lot in the oven. Let it cool at room temperature and then keep it in the fridge until serving time.

PORT CRÈME ANGLAISE: 300g milk 6 egg yolks 120g sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons Port wine

PORT CRÈME ANGLAISE: 1. Start by heating the milk just until boiling point. 2. Mix quickly the yolks and sugar, and slowly add the warm milk in. Be careful, not to add all the milk at once, because you will cook the egg. 3. Transfer the mixture to a pan and cook it at low heat, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes. You can do it in a bain marie, if you want to be extra careful. 4. If you have a thermometer, get the yolks to 185ºF (85ºC). If you don’t, wait until the mix gets thicker and you can see that it is about to boil. Immediately transfer it to a cold bowl and add the vanilla and Port wine. 5. Let it cool for a while and pour it just warm in a serving bowl, topping it with a spoon of the cold meringue. Top with caramel sauce, if desired.

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y y



Cupcakes and treats






"Emily’s cupcakes and treats it is an honest and warm space where I share with my friends my thoughts, my photos, my recipes. Emily’s cupcakes and treats blog it is an invitation into dreaminess and into a world of princes and princesses! It is the path which is leading to the fairy-tale house, it is the path quarried with colored rocks and fluffy clouds! "



86 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


Two-three nicely frosted cupcakes and a jasmine tea, or even a cappuccino, mean to me a recovery twinkle, and affection, which we all need, so much! I’ve been always fascinated by nicely colored tea pots, by cupcakes, little flowers, beads and dresses with bows, and today my blog has become a dream come true, a dream full of color and gentleness!

Directions: 1. Start by preparing the frosting. Melt the chocolate over bain marie with 3 tablespoons of whipped cream. Be careful not to overcook it. Gently warm and stir. When it has completely melt, add the remaining cold whipped cream and gently whisk. Keep it in the fridge for at least 4 hours. Before using it, whisk it at high speed until you reach the desired consistency. 2. Mix the flour with salt, ginger and the rest of ingredients. 3. Beat the butter with sugar until smooth consistency. Add over butter, the molasses and the beaten egg. Dissolve the baking powder in the hot coffee and pour it over the butter mixture. 4. Add in the flour and stir until mixture is smooth. Fill halfway full the cupcake paper liners already lined in the pan. 5. Preheat the over to 180°C. Bake the cupcakes for 20 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted into a cupcake comes out clean. Remove the pan from the oven. Set aside to cool and decorate with frosting.

Ingredients for 12 cupcakes: 1 + ¼ cups pastry flour 1 + ½ teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon cardamom ¼ teaspoon salt 55g unsalted butter + 2 tablespoons at room temperature ½ cup molasses 1 big egg, beaten ½ cup strong coffee 1 teaspoon baking powder *inspiration for the cupcakes has been taken from Bakers Royale TIPS: preferably use only organic and low fat produce.

Ingredients for frosting : 180g white chocolate 200ml unsweetened whipped cream To decorate: Gingerbread cookies photography and recipe by Emily




 www.facebook.com/emilys.cupcakes

WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 87

Cadeaux sucres { } www.cadeauxsucres.com

In today's interview series, you can discover Cadeaux sucres - the blog of Mirela Nita, a Romanian girl living in Brussels, Belgium. Mirela pays tribute to the world around her, by trying to capture the natural beauty and is taking inspiration from earth's harvest, in order to create and turn raw food into appetizing dishes.

What Made you want to be a photographer? My background has nothing to do with photography, but photography its an everlasting love of mine. I take photographs also on film and the color development is also done by me. I think is something magic to be able to capture moments, feelings, sensations, and then, in the lab to discover the wonderful white paper transforming in a image. Equally, I love to cook : to knead doughs, to combine flavors and then to share them with friends and family. To cook and share food seams to be an extraordinary thing for me. I started 88 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

with food photography one year and half ago and since then I decided I want to have a blog. I see my blog as a project, very personal, where I try to record moments and experiences which touch me deeply. I see the blog as a asylum place, after many years I spent working in corporations where each minute was scheduled. Through my blog I'm enjoying the freedom of not having all things planned, of not setting goals anymore. I update my blog when I feel I can. There's no plan, no special method of becoming the best in the field, to won prizes or competitions. And I feel this makes the difference.

What you can tell us about your photography style? I think is too much to speak about my photography style. But, if I would need to define it, I could say it's an assaying of simply life moments, with its flavor and beauty. What do you think is peculiar and innovative at your photographs? I don't really try to bring something new with my photographs; I even don't know if they are different from the others. I simply try to capture things that I think deserve attention and which bring to me some feelings. I even thought of letting go of the text on my blog, just to showcase my photographs, each one telling a state of mind. But, I gave up to this idea and I'm working on a new site where I want to display my work: digital, film, medium and big format, stenopes. Photography is for me a break period out from the fast-moving world rhythm: is like as I would have sat after a run and I started observing the world around me. And I discovered it so beautiful and full of flavors!

road in life counts, not the destination, therefore...currently I enjoy the road. Hence, I can keep my soul and my mind opened. From where are you taking your inspiration? From everything I see around me: from verdancy, colors, shapes, light, seasons, everything that has hidden inside a simply beauty, not artificial. Everything inspires me, till each small detail. Which is your latest food discovery? Earthy food, without any extraordinary combination. Recently I have baked a simply cake with maize flour, which I adored! If you share with friends, the things you make, for sure those things will be good, thus no exquisite ingredients are necessary, in order to satisfy!

Where you see your blog in two years? In two years? I see so far away this time... Maybe in two years, my blog will become totally something else, I don't have any idea what. But, I never gave a final destination to my blog. I live my life and the blog is following me, not vice-versa, my blog is not a goal in life. I always tried to guide my life after the saying that WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012 89

Cabbage rolls photography and recipe by Mirela Niță

90 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012


4-6 Savoy cabbage leaves 250g chicken ground meat 250g turkey breast, cut in cubs 300g mushrooms : brown, white, pleurotus 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 egg parsley, salt, pepper 1 glass white dry wine 4-6 tablespoons of oil 1 (~500g) pumpkin 2-3 tablespoons butter


1. Finely cut the onion and sautĂŠ it in 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Add in the carrots (cut in cubs) and the mushrooms. 2. Keep cooking until the vegetables are tender, then set aside. Mix the vegetables with the meat, egg and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside. 3. Blanch the cabbage leaves for few seconds in boiling water. Fill the leaves with the mixture of meat and vegetables, roll them and tie them with kitchen twine. Place the cabbage rolls in a pan, pour over the wine and oil. Bake for 40-45 minutes with the lid set on. 4. Meantime prepare the pumpkin. Slice it and brush each slice with butter and season with salt and pepper. Bake them for 30 minutes or until golden. 5. Serve the cabbage rolls with pumpkin slices.

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92 WHAT LIBERTY ATE, issue #3, 2012

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