Serving Those Who Served

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Serving Those Who Served: DCA’s Veterans Support Programs The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) strives to help build strong, vibrant communities, and veterans represent an integral part of Georgia’s communities. Their personal sacrifice on our behalf of the country inspires the spirit of service we strive for at DCA. Unfortunately, countless heroes across the state have no place to live after returning from the line of duty. DCA is devoted to making sure no soldier experiences homelessness. Our programs such as Continuum of Care (CoC), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) exist in service to that purpose. From providing rental vouchers to helping find affordable residential communities, we are committed to serving those who served.

By the Numbers: July 2018 - June 2019 The ESG program served


veterans who were homeless or at risk of being homeless.

86 16%

of the 535 were chronically homeless.

of veterans have experienced homeless repeatedly or for an extended period of time.

Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers The VASH program is an inter-agency collaborative effort that helps eligible homeless military veterans secure a decent stable affordable place to live by combining DCA Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs at its medical centers and in the community. • 404.679.4840

659 Administered

Did You Know?

100% of VA Medical Centers share data with Balance of State CoC. DCA plays key role in coordinating response to homelessness in 152 out of 159 Georgia counties. Georgia had the 5th-largest decrease in veterans experiencing homelessness from 2009-2019 of any state. More than $19M from HUD funding is dedicated to eliminating homelessness with veterans as a priority. There are 8 Coordinated Entry Implementations in the Balance of State CoC to assess and rapidly house homeless persons – including veterans.

DCA’s Action Plan •

Administering Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Vouchers (VASH) vouchers across Georgia to provide housing and supportive services for homeless veterans in partnership with the VA

Actively participating in the planning with the VA and veterans’ providers through the SSVF Community Plan to refine collective strategies related to ending veteran homelessness

Increasing participation and partnership with veterans’ advocates and service agencies to conduct a more accurate count of homeless veterans to better inform housing strategies

Receiving funding for up to 19 AmeriCorps VISTA workers to increase the ability to implement HUD strategies to assess and house homeless persons, including veterans, through the Coordinated Entry process

Having a designated seat on the Balance of State CoC board for a one appointment specific to assist in addressing housing and homelessness among veterans

Formally partnering through written agreements with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to collect data on homeless veteran housing placements to more accurately track and understand veteran homelessness in our communities

Giving homeless veterans a higher level of priority for available homeless housing

Giving bonus points to funding proposals for programs who will serve homeless veterans in whole or in part

Adhering to the United State Interagency Council on Homelessness’ (USICH) strategic plan to end homelessness (Home, Together), which prioritizes ending veteran homelessness Intentionally pairing homeless veterans with agencies funded through the Department of Veterans Affairs Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program to receive critical services and housing placements • 404.679.4840

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