GoSketch! Impact Report 2016-18

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FutureProofCIC Better Business, Stronger Communities


GoSketch! PLAY. DRAW. GROW Impact Report 2016-18



GoSketch! fuses design and sport to make both more accessible to young people. We want to inspire a generation to have the confidence to be creative on the pitch, in the classroom and in the workplace. In the last couple of years we’ve worked with just shy of 2,000 young people along the length of the country – from Brighton in the South to Sunderland in the North! We look to change how they see creativity and sport, improving their relationship to both, and opening up opportunities for learning, living and working. With this report we look back across those projects and then look ahead to how we want to engage and support more young people and work with more partners across the worlds of sport and design. Ultimately, we want to demonstrate the incredibly diverse, exciting and rewarding futures that can be accessed in two very different sectors.

Our Impact at a Glance 100

projects delivered

6,000 2,000+ 12,000 hours of hours of young people engaged

participant coaching

Behavioural Outcomes 6% increase in achievement points awarded 7% decrease in behaviour points awarded

Confidence 78% of girls and 77% of boys feel the skills they have learnt made them more confident

social return generated for every £1 invested

participant design development

Stronger Individuals Personal attributes increased by; Sport skill 39% Co-operation 28% Self-motivation 27% Concentration 28% Perseverance 25% Respect 18%

Aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks on good career provision


Future Focus 84% of participants want information on design and/or sport careers 73% of would consider work experience in the design and/or sport industry

Fresh Perspectives 85% of girls and 88% of boys more positive about sport 65% feel more positive about creative subjects, with 46% now more likely to choose a creative GCSE

Sporting Connections 82% of girls and 90% of boys said they had, or wanted to carry on with the sport they had been playing

Our Sports








Our Purpose


Why do we do it? It all stemmed from our work with lots of charities and sport foundations. They showed us the importance of engaging young people and the value of being creative. It just made sense to bring those principles into our own outreach work. PLAY. DRAW. GROW From the first pilot projects in 2015 the programme has evolved. The need we address remains the same – better equipping young people to achieve academic and workplace success, increasing sporting participation to access long term health and wellbeing benefits, unlocking the confidence to be creative, and highlighting the range of careers available in two very exciting sectors. It’s not just national aspects we look at – GoSketch! responds to local or participant need and can be delivered in different ways and different settings, including; mainstream schools, SEND schools, PRU’s, youth clubs and at points of transition like the move between primary and secondary school.

The Need It’s odd. The creative sector is growing and is recognised as a vital pillar of the UK economy. The same goes for sport – between them they contribute more than 7% of the UK’s GVA. Yet both see GCSE entries falling and many young people are unaware of the range of roles available in either area. Add to that the very real need to improve health and wellbeing. And the knock-on benefits that creativity and confidence bring to the classroom and the workplace – and you have a situation where instilling a passion for sport and creativity from an early age should be commonplace. This is what drives our GoSketch! programme.

A growing economy Sport Sector £20.3bn UK GVA in 2010 1.9% of the UK total 2.3% of UK jobs are in sports sector

Creative Sector £91.8bn UK GVA in 2016 5.3% of the UK economy 1 in 11 UK jobs are in the creative sector Falling GCSE entries Creative GCSE’s 47,000 fewer creative GCSE’s started in 2017 18,800 fewer in design and technology

PE GCSE Between 2017 and 2018 approx 25,000 fewer PE GCSE entries

Low sporting participation Weekly Formal Sports Participation Boys: 60% at age 8-10, 46% at age 13-15 Girls: 44% at age 8-10, 32% at age 13-15 Weekly Informal Sports Participation Boys: 88% at age 8-10, 78% at age 13-15

Young People Meeting Physical Activity Recommendations Boys %




Girls %


10 7



























19 14

Some Meeting

Girls: 92% at age 8-10, 68% at age 13-15 2


Meeting Some

54 Low

Our aims We want to achieve three main outcomes for all our GoSketchers! Stronger Individually

Future Focused

Fresh Perspective

Changing attitudes and behaviours that enable participants to improve personally and academically

Raising awareness of the range of career choices available across the creative and sporting sectors

Changing relationships to sport and creativity, increasing participation both now and into the future

Our Theory of Change We’ve outlined how the project works, the key outcomes and outputs, as well as the issues and needs we aim to address through our Theory of Change. Ultimate Outcome GoSketchers! are more positive about sport and design, more focused academically, more connected socially, and able to make informed decisions

GoSketchers! have the skills to succeed in school and in the workplace

THE FINAL Outcomes that provide a sense of achievement

SEASON Interventions that influence behaviour

THE DRAFT Working with schools to recruit high need participants

Lacking confidence and ability to take opportunities and respond to change

GoSketchers! are more positive about sport, either playing or wanting to play more

GoSketchers! are aware of creative and sporting educational and career opportunities

GoSketchers! are more positive about creative subjects, willing to express their ideas

Branded Kit

Team Shirts



Sports kit featuring their designs

T-shirts that reinforce the team ethos

Images and prints of student designs

The final game played in front of friends & family

Inclusive Coaching

Design Lab

Employer Meets

As a Team

Creating a welcoming, encouraging environment

Inspiring creativity through practical experience of the design process

Showing how sport and design are relevant in the workplace

Encouraging co-operation, leadership and decision making

Isolated students

Low confidence

SEND students


Struggling academically

Low fitness

Behavioural issues

Low attendance

Opportunities for all

Unaware of choices and careers within the creative and sporting sectors

Disconnected to sport, many with barriers that prevent participation

Unable to express themselves creatively, scared to exhibit their talents


Our approach


Our projects are flexible and can be adapted to suit the needs of the student, school or club. In each setting we work with our partners to develop the best programme we can – securing outcomes that align with our own aims but that also deliver added value for our partners wherever we can. Pre Project

Project Delivery

Identification of need and local understanding Researching specific local needs and opportunities that can be addressed

Week 1 Inclusive coaching, students choose team names

Development of local partnerships Relationship building with sport clubs, including practical aspects like safeguarding

Week 2 Sports skill development, students begin fleshing out their characters

Identification of funding opportunities Development and application of specific funding opportunities if required

Week 3 Sports skill development, adding colour and font choices to character designs

Partner branded materials Creation of club characters, branded workbooks and final product specifications

Week 4 Sports skill development, final characters sent to us for print process

Engagement with local schools Reaching schools to promote participation, and recruit appropriate student groups

Week 5 Sports skill development, students finalise moodboards

Engagement with other stakeholders Contact other key stakeholders – sporting, creative, health, educational, etc

Week 6 Family and friends celebration event, kit presented to all participants

Briefing sessions with partner organisations Workshop sessions with club coaching staff ahead of delivery

Project Review Students complete post project self assessments

Final preparations Provision of design materials, student workbooks, teacher guides, etc

Longitudinal study Detailed review with school to determine wider benefits

Paper trail Confirmation of participants, pre-project paperwork completed

Impact assessment Completion of full impact assessment and individual case studies



Stronger Individually Changing attitudes and behaviours for academic and personal development. To succeed on the pitch you need to be confident, motivated, and committed to improving the way you perform. It’s just the same in school, at home or in the workplace. It’s why we focus so much on developing those individual and group skills that enable each participant to produce a design they are proud of, all skills that can be transferred to other settings long after our sessions have finished. Our aim is to inspire the participants to take charge. Our characters, the workbooks and design materials we provide, the design tasks, and the coaching techniques used create a welcoming environment. We want students to try things and develop skills and confidence along the way. The self-designed kit each participant receives is a great inspiration – a reason to stay the course, to engage, and to focus on creating a quality final product.

Personal Improvement We use self-assessment surveys to track how participants feel key attributes have improved during the project. These identify growth across sport skill, teamwork, motivation, concentration, perseverance and respect. The diagrams below set these out – but as all participants reported an improvement we looked to quantify the average improvement they saw.



Sport skill


Sport skill

Teamwork 42















32 Perseverance



Combined Sport skill

Teamwork 39 28



27 25







Match Report


Students are motivated and inspired throughout, developing their design and sport skills. Programmes like these are invaluable to help young people PLAY. DRAW. GROW develop important life skills that will

ACADEMIC OUTCOMES Worthing High School have run 15 projects that have reached around 30% of their Key Stage 3 students. With this larger group we were able to look in greater detail at the potential impact on their academic performance. We found that on average those that had taken part in the programme had exceeded expectations around attainment in PE and DT subjects, and that their achievement and behaviour points were also positively influenced.

help them in and outside of school, now and in the future. Marie Field, Head of PE, Worthing High School, Sussex

CREATING OPPORTUNITIES With the West Ham United Foundation we engaged a group of 16 SEND students from Barking Abbey School. The weekly sessions encouraged the group to be more confident of their abilities – eight girls on the programme would not play football at the start but were drawn in through the design component. By the end they were enjoying each session and then went on to represent the school in a local tournament.

6% Behaviour points down by 7% Achievement points up by

SMOOTH TRANSITIONS With the Golf Foundation, Albion in the Community and the Russell Martin Foundation we have delivered primary to secondary transition projects for around 130 Sussex students in 2017 and 2018. Many students struggle in the new setting, so we created a programme that built friendship groups and increased familiarity with their new school and teachers over the summer break. We worked with the school to measure the impact of the programme.

8 SEND students have transitioned to afterschool club sessions

We got involved in GoSketch! in the first place to help promote extracurricular activities and to encourage students to try something new. We want students to ‘believe

89% remained friends with other attendees 75% said the project eased their transition

in their best’, supporting each other and participating and enjoying new learning. GoSketch! gave students the opportunity to learn how to face new challenges with a positive attitude. Daisy Parker, Design Teacher, Burgess Hill Academy


Future Focused Raising awareness of creative and sporting careers. The creative and sporting sectors are both growing aspects of the UK economy and are closely linked to the increasing focus on STEM subjects. Both provide educational choices that are enjoyable, rewarding, and ultimately accessible. Through practical experience of both sectors we hope that students are in a position to make an informed decision around their GCSE’s and future studies. There are so many careers linked to these subjects. Sport can lead to coaching or teaching, but also to physiotherapy, nutrition or community development. Behind the scenes, everything from finance to marketing gets the team and stadium ready for kick off. Creative careers are just as diverse, with designers, game developers, architects, CAD technicians, engineers and many more that rely on a grounding in the creative subjects.

Careers and Work Experience At the end of each programme we ask the participants to tell us if they’re now interested in finding out more about the creative and sporting sectors through work experience and careers advice.

I’d consider sporting or creative work experience

I want more information about creative and sporting careers

Total 84%

Girls 85%

Total 73%

Boys 83%

Girls 82%

Boys 68%


Match Report


It’s a really good way to get young people


interested in the game and design.

We look to host a celebration event at the end of every project. The studentdesigned kit is presented before the group plays their final game in front of parents, family and friends. We regularly get around 25+ spectators coming along, often encouraged by the school putting on a few treats! It means the family can share the experience and it also allows parents and teachers to mix in a positive setting, away from the usual parents evening environment.


Cody, Aged 13

DESIGN FOR LIFE In summer 2018 we partnered with RIBA, David Miller Architects and Lord’s Cricket Ground to pilot a programme that would introduce the concepts of architecture, design and cricket to a group of local students. Bespoke workbooks were created for the sessions which started by taking the group through the creation of their characters before developing their own ideas for a new stand at the home of cricket. The group presented their ideas up in Lord’s famous Media Centre!

STEM FEST We partnered with Albion in the Community to join the UK’s biggest STEM event – the Big Bang South East. The Club engaged the students through virtual reality allowing them to join the players on the pitch and on their Premiership promotion celebrations! Next to that we ran a creative drawing drop-in workshop where groups of students could take on the GoSketch! challenge and design characters inspired by what they’d seen around them.

30 students from Barrow Hill Primary School completed the programme.

I thought it was good as you get ideas as to what to do at GCSE.

9,000 students from across the

Callum, Aged 11

south east joined the event.

One boy was not very vocal about his obvious passion for drawing, so it was wonderful to watch him come out of his shell in the design sessions, offering help to his peers and sharing what he had to offer. He was clearly empowered to see that his skills were valued, respected and utilised by his classmates, and to learn that his love of drawing could also open-up career options in the future. Josie Pointon, Durham Cricket Foundation


Fresh Perspective Creating positive relationships to sport and creativity. It’s really important that young people have a positive outlook towards sport and creativity. We look to overcome the barriers to participation – the bad experiences, lack of fitness or kit that may stop them playing sport, or the lack of confidence to pick up a pen and sketch in front of their friends. We create an inclusive environment where anyone can access the benefits of sport and design. We use #creativeconfidence as it sums up what GoSketch! aims to achieve. Whether it’s on the court or in the classroom we want young people to have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. In developing these skills early, we see a real opportunity for young people to gain transferable skills and an outlook that will benefit them in the future.

Positive relationships

100 80 100



I feel more positive about sport



I’m more confident playing sport

I’m more positive about creative subjects


80 60 80 60 40 60 40 20 40 20 0 20 0 0


45% 33%

I’d now consider a creative GCSE



65% Combined

20 0 20 0 0


100 80 100



Attitude towards design

80 60 80 60 40 60 40 20 40

20 0 20 0 0




100 80 100

80 60 80 60 40 60 40 20 40


20 0 20 0 0



80 60 80 60 40 60 40 20 40



100 80 100




Attitude towards sport

I have or want to carry on playing


I now play sport twice a week or more


0 0



20 0 20



90% 82%


0 0



20 0 20



100 80 100 80 60 80 60 40 60 40 20 40



100 80 100 80 60 80 60 40 60 40 20 40




Match Report


The combined approach reaches students that wouldn’t normally think about playing golf. The kit they’ve designed themselves gives them a very real reason to keep playing. I know two of the girls often PLAY. DRAW. GROW take their clubs to the local park and hit a few balls. Shaun Creasey, Coach, Cooden Beach Golf Course

Cricket v Football Mash-up With Sunderland’s Foundation of Light and the Durham Cricket Foundation we ran a two-day programme that saw a group of 15 students aged 12-17 play cricket and get creative. Hosted at Durham’s Riverside ground the group took part in an inclusive coaching and design programme, before watching the Durham Jets T20 game on a Friday evening. The sessions were designed specifically for a group that had good creative skills but very little exposure to sport.

Pride in your work At Shoreham Academy we heard about a student who had been struggling with his confidence. He really persevered with both the design and cricket coaching and the group chose his design to represent the team. From the teacher’s reports, he visibly swelled with pride when he saw the bats and t-shirts as his teammates congratulated him. As a result, he’s had a huge boost and developed new relationships with his peers and teaching staff.

Social Connections Luke struggled to make friends after moving up to secondary school – his friends from primary had gone to a different school – and his performance at school was starting to suffer. His parents thought he’d turned a corner and was doing better at school, but his lunchtime trips to the library were masking a lack of friends. He completed cricket and tennis programmes which built his confidence, and during the sessions became good friends with a number of participants.

Originally the girls were the excited ones for the art aspect of the programme, however some boys really came out of their shells and produced some of the best art work in any of the groups. One boy even went on to take part in a school art competition! Liam Bellingham, West Ham United Foundation 10


We have the support of some truly amazing partners – whether they engage the young people directly, support our ambitions through funding, PLAY. DRAW. GROW or help us create and supply the kit that excites and inspires our GoSketchers! we couldn’t do it without your support. Thank you!

FutureProofCIC Better Business, Stronger Communities

About us We’re a social enterprise that works with charities, sport foundations and businesses helping maximise the benefit they bring to the people and places closest to them. We do that through strategies that define direction, developing and activating outreach projects, or calculating and communicating the impact of their efforts. GoSketch! is our commitment as a CIC and we offer our time and funds to develop and deliver projects across the country. We’re always looking to do more and reach more people through new and innovative partnerships – don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to find out more! www.futureproofcic.com

Follow us on twitter and Instagram: @futureproofcic

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