FutureDharma Fund Gratitude Report 2022

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2022 2022 2022 Gratitude Report

1 2022 Gratitude Report

© Copyright Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust
Director's Message 3 2022 Project Spotlights.............................................5 Avalokitesvara in the World....................................9 Seeding new Sanghas..............................................11 Giving in your will.....................................................13 Financial Report.........................................................14 2023 Project Spotlight ...........................................15 Purpose & Vision........................................................17 Contents futuredharma.org 2
2022 Gratitude Report
FutureDharma really is at the heart of fundraising for Triratna and with your help we make possible so many projects across our three strands.
Pictured: Andrea, a Mitra from Venezuela

Dear supporter,

These are uncertain and taxing economic times perhaps touching us all: I am especially grateful for your continued interest and generosity at this time.

Our team is in a time of transition. Amalavajra left us after 6 years as our Fundraising Director and the very accomplished Alex Lodge has stepped up to the post. We have also recruited the very enthusiastic and experienced Karunatara to our team.

Very sadly and rather shockingly the end of 2022 saw the swift illness and death of Moksacitta, our

Programmes Manager.

We are still very much assimilating and adjusting to these departures yet I'm confident in the team's ability to weather the changes.

We’re now having a much broader impact on Triratna than just on the projects that we directly fund thanks to our team sharing their skills and expertise. This is only possible thanks to your support. You're helping us catalyse Triratna's overall fundraising capacity and securing its future.

With gratitude,


2022 Project Spotlights

Reaching more & more people

Your support of FutureDharma is catalysing fundraising capacity for Triratna globally.

in 2022

we provided training & skills support to 27 Triratna charities & groups

The success of the recent launch of Tiratanaloka Unlimited, along with three other major projects was completely down to FutureDharma.


across 3 continents

& helped them raise over £700,000

Doing two workshops has been invaluable for Padmaloka and our fundraising efforts... [we're] buzzing with new ideas and inspiration to make more things possible Maitripa

2022 Gratitude Report

An already stretched Ordination team having to raise over a million pounds to move seemed an impossible task We needed help and without any hesitation FutureDharma stepped in. They saw the need immediately and did everything they could to actualise our crazy vision. The work isn’t over yet but we know we are not alone.

There is a team that knows what they are doing and what the next step will be. Without [them], Tiratanaloka’s move would be unthinkable.


Sharing FutureDharma Supporter Care expertise through Tiratanaloka Unlimited is a great example of our growth and potential.


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© Copyright Tiratanaloka Unlimited

The Nature of Mind

An exciting and dynamic pilot led by outward-facing interviews with contemporary major thinkers.

FutureDharma Fund resourced the project, working with Adhisthana and the Nature of Mind team to get it up and running.

Participant Feedback

The journey to the mystical from our materialistic mindset makes this project engaging, relevant and impactful.

So very helpful for remote people and those with physical disabilities restricting movement

Truly amazing project, please keep reaching out to amazing people as in season 1 to show how Buddhist concepts are woven into the wider world

2022 Gratitude Report
Dr Penny Sartori with Maitreyabandhu © Copyright Adhisthana

You've part-funded the Triratna Picture Library, which now hosts over 4500 photos from Triratna's history.

The invaluable fundraising support from your team means our mission - helping people deepen their relationship with Sangharakshita - can be ongoing, sustainable work.

Suryanaga, Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust

8 © Copyright Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust futuredharma.org

Avalokitesvara in the world

OurOrderand Movementarethe thousand-armed Avalokitesvara respondingtothecries oftheworld.Eachofhis thousandhandsisone ofusworking somewhereinthe worldtopassonthe ThreeJewelstoothers.

In2022welaunched the“Avalokitesvarain theWorld”appeal. Withyour donations, we ' reover halfwaytowards the£1milliongoal.

Your gifts have gone straight out to fund Triratna’s Bodhisattva activities. From security improvements in Cuernavaca Buddhist Centre, Mexico, to meditation mats in Scarborough, UK, to critical resources like the Buddhist Centre Online and Windhorse Publications. But there is more to do. We still have more applications coming in than we have money for and that means that there are amazing Dharma projects that might not happen.

9 2022 Gratitude Report
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EverydayBodhisattva justlikeyou.
So, tell your friends about FutureDharma, tell them why you have been inspired to give, and inspire them to become an
© Copyright Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust

Outcomes & achivements

Seeding new sanghas

Seeding new sanghas

Beings around the world are meeting the Dharma because of your support!

North Yorkshire

Your gifts have helped buy mats and cushions in Scarborough, enabling the setup of a new sangha.

The situation here in Scarborough has grown very rapidly in a relatively short space of time, far exceeding expectations. Our growth has been supported by a generous grant from FutureDharma Fund. Thank you for helping us make available the Dharma to people in North Yorkshire.


2022 Gratitude Report
© Copyright Scarborough Buddhist Group


In September 2022, you funded a pioneering, Dharma-sharing visit to Trinidad–a first for Triratna. Kumarjeev, an Order Member from India, shared the Dharma with scores of Trinidadians–many for the first time. The fruits of his visit are rippling out across the Caribbean.

I am grateful to all donors for supporting my visit to Trinidad. Because of you I was able to initiate Dhamma activities in the country. There is a lot of thirst for Dharma and this beginning will surely take us a long way, benefiting many in all the Caribbean countries.



Outcomes & achivements

Seeding new sanghas

Danapriya: Why I'm giving to FutureDharma Fund in my will

Triratna has a fantastic way of communicating the Dharma across the world and it needs so much more help to do that.

FutureDharma really has started to effect a culture change. The cult f it

Buddhism has transformed my life in so many ways. I've benefited from so many centres, groups, retreat centres that it felt difficult to give to one centre. If I give to FutureDharma it lets them choose where's the best [place for the funds] to go at any one point. So that's why I've happily left to FutureDharma Fund!

P f [w inspiration to make more things possible. Maitripa

To find out more about giving to FutureDharma Fund in your will, contact legacy@futuredharma.org

2022 Gratitude Report 13


14 futuredharma.org Expenditure Income projects funded worldwide 24 Total Expenditure £515,000 Fundraising & Capacity Building 31% Project Grants 69% Fundraising 73% Funding Partners 27% Total Income £435,000
every £1,
was spent on
2022 in numbers

2023 Project Spotlight

India Food Forests

2022 Gratitude Report 15

India Food Forests

Imagine a self-sufficient and abundant retreat centre where Sangha members had the skills and tools required to create their own food forests, boosting their financial resilience in the process. This initial, pilot project will show the Bodharan Retreat Centre team & other sangha members food forests in action, supported by mitra and landscape architect Steven Heyde.

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FutureDharma Fund ensures there’s the money needed to help Triratna sanghas to seed, grow, thrive and be as effective as possible.

Copyright Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust


vision of truth within a culture of kalyana mitrata for the benefit of all beings.
Maitreyabandhu vision

Paramabandhu, Chair (College representative)


(International Council representative)

Gunabhadri (European Chairs' Assembly representative)


(ECA Representative)

Jvalamalini (Order Representative)

Ksantikara (Order Representative)

Subhadramati (College Representative)

Team Alex Anna Danayutta
Jnanaruchi Karunatara Lokabandhu Maitrinara Nandavajra Pundarika Satyadarshin
Simhasraddha Trustees
FutureDharma Fund Adhisthana, Coddington, Ledbury HR8 1JL UK
UK Registered Charity
futuredharma.org/give cover image © Copyright Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust
44 (0)1531 640541
no: 1167344

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