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Celebrate Summer With

Feed Your Mind: Busting Burnout

Busting Burnout is a presentation for the overworked, overstressed, high demand employee or the multi-role, multi-hat wearing business owner. In this presentation, we will learn how you can combat burnout while increasing productivity, lowering stress levels and increasing team connectivity. Understand the Importance & Benefits of Busting Burnout

Join us as we learn how to increase our productivity, decrease our stress level, and maintain a balance through all the demands the many roles we play. It's time to begin busting burnout!

Thursday August 10, 2023

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST

Change Your Circle Speed Networking Event

Change Your Circle is a FuseDSM event to give our chamber members the opportunity to do just that...Change Your Circle....in a fast-paced and casual environment. It is an opportunity to remove the awkwardness of meeting new people by providing a platform for you in which you don't have to search new connections out. Through an organized process, you'll chat with a single individual for a few minutes at a time, before being prompted to move onto the next person. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards so you can stay in touch with all the people you meet! This is one of our most popular networking events, space is limited and registration is sure to fill quickly, so don't wait to reserve your spot.

Thursday August 24, 2023

9:00AM - 10:30 AM CST

The FuseHR Forum is a dynamic and interactive event designed specifically for HR professionals and small business owners who are passionate about overcoming obstacles and enhancing their human resources strategy. This forum is the perfect opportunity for you to engage with like-minded peers, exchange insights, and discover innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing issues in HR today.

Thursday August 29, 2023

8:00AM - 9:30 AM CST

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