Orchestra and String Lab Cello Ensemble
Katarzyna Bugaj, Director
Tian Sanchez-Ballado and Jason Baker, Teaching Assistants
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
7:30 p.m.
Lindsay Recital Hall
Air Johann Matheson (1681–1764)
arr. Colin Hampton
Tian Sanchez-Ballado, conductor
Now the Day is Over
Tian Sanchez-Ballado, conductor
Appalachian Hymn
Prepared by: Gavin Battig, David Butler, and Daniel Sgattoni
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732–1809)
arr. Colin Hampton
Soon Hee Newbold (b. 1974)
Enduring the Storm
Prepared by: Sarah Meza and Brianne Yates
Lucas Shogren (b. 1984)
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Two Winter Sketches
Brian Balmages
I. The Holly and the Ivy (b. 1975) II. Jingle Bells
Prepared by: Maddy Jenkins, Elizabeth Kennedy
Tyler Butler, Gabe Ortiz, and Timothy Schwindt
Beethoven Lullaby
Violin 1
Chris Bernhardt
David Butler
Tristan Goodrich
Pauly Herrera
Prepared by: Tristan Goodrich, Zach Martin, and Sam Williams
Prepared by Christopher Bernhardt, John Bradley, and Pauly Herrera
Brian Balmages
Brian Balmages
String Lab Cello Ensemble Personnel
Jason Baker
Ismar Cabrera
Carlos Cordero
Layla Feaster
Kali Henre
Keara Henre
Hannah Jordan
Tori Joyce
Lucas Kornegay
Lucas Ponko
Delaney Reilly
Sydney Spencer
Jonathan Taylor
Ryan Wolff
Instrumental Programming String Orchestra Personnel
Violin 2
John Bradley
Gabe Ortiz
Daniel Sgattoni
Sam Williams
Sarah Meza
Timothy Schwindt
Gavin Battig
Maddy Jenkins
Elizabeth Kennedy
Brianne Yates
Double Bass
Tyler Butler
Zach Martin