FSCA School Counselor Magazine (Dec 2008)

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First Annual FSCA Convention a Success BY SUSAN GERTEL


What’s Happening to the Boys? BY ROBERT BARDWELL


Preschool and Home Learning Boost Academic Development BY LINDSAY BROOKE


Problem-Solving and Response to Instruction/Intervention BY HELEN LANCASHIRE


PUBLISHER Florida School Counselor Association P.O. Box 752 Safety Harbor, Fl 34695-0752 Phone or Fax: (888) 785-8611 www.fla-schoolcounselor.org fsca@fla-schoolcounselor.org CO-EDITORS Russell A. Sabella, Ph.D. Jessica Metzler ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Ken Cibroski ken@adguidance.com (877) 965-7492 (877) 562-9189, fax


President’s Message


Vice President’s View: Elementary Level


Vice President’s View: District Level


Vice President’s View: Post-Secondary Level


Region Two Report


Region Four Report


News You Can Use


Grants and Scholarships



PPRESIDENT Susan Gertel sgertel@cfl.rr.com


PAST-PRESIDENT Madelyn Isaacs, Ph.D. misaacs@fgcu.edu PRESIDENT -ELECT Curtis Jenkins Jenkins_c@popmail.firn.edu


REGION 1 VICE PRESIDENT Ginger Green Gingergreen@gmail.com

e will begin a new era here in the United States this year. Difficult economic times face our newly elected officials, and as a nation, we are facing some hard decisions. Just as we are feeling the financial strain in our schools and homes, so too are our students. As school counselors, we may need to make some changes in our school counseling programs. Budget constraints are forcing many of us to rethink how we are meeting the needs of our students and families. How are our programs being delivered, and are these delivery methods the most effective use of our time and the school’s resources? Further, most of us are finding we have less time for direct services to students as we take on more administrative duties. In the last issue of the Florida School Counselor, I encouraged all school counselors to have a mission statement, make it public and use it as the foundation for your program’s offerings. Creating such a foundation is the first step in implementing the ASCA National Model and one of the four major components of the ASCA National Model. This month, the focus of my column is the second component of the ASCA National Model. The methods we use to deliver services that meet the needs of our students and families comprise the second component of the ASCA National Model, the delivery system. The ASCA National Model divides the delivery of our services into four areas: guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services and system support. No one method is more important than any other method, and all are necessary for a program to be comprehensive in scope. The guidance curriculum includes classroom lessons taught by school counselors, but it should also be an integral part of the general curriculum as well. For instance, teaching the technique of using a decision-making process is not a skill requiring a master’s degree in counseling. All curriculum area teachers at every level should be using a decision-making model in their classes to help their students achieve this competency in the personal/social standard. On the high school level, most of our classroom activities occur through English classes. By helping the English teachers see the dovetailing of the state competencies for our respective subjects, I am able to enlist them as allies in the delivery of the guidance curriculum. Small groups are also appropriate mechanisms for delivering the guidance curriculum, especially when the curriculum is for a targeted purpose such as bullying, coping with test anxiety or the transition from one level to the next. A second method for delivering services to all students involves individual student planning. On the high school level, we advise and plan from the spring before students enter high school until they have graduated and moved into the next phase of their lives. Setting personal goals and developing plans to reach those goals is a process coordinated and facilitated by the school counselor, but this process also should be infused in the curriculum for all subjects. While we should meet with our students on an individual basis frequently, often the use of small groups can facilitate individual planning. Although it should not be the case, responsive services seem to consume much of our day. Responsive services deal with the immediate needs of the students and may





REGION 2 VICE PRESIDENT Nan Worsowicz worsowiczn@duvalschools.org REGION 3 CO-VICE PRESIDENT Tina Bulled tina.bulled@ocps.net REGION 3 CO-VICE PRESIDENT Danielle Exposito REGION 4 VICE PRESIDENT Claire Cousins ctcounsins@aol.com REGION 5 VICE PRESIDENT Sharon Dolinsky Missg1963@yahoo.com DISTRICT LEVEL SUPERVISOR VICE PRESIDENT Karalia Baldwin baldwink@pcsb.org ELEMENTARY LEVEL VICE PRESIDENT Shirley Redcay sredcay@hotmail.com MIDDLE LEVEL VICE PRESIDENT Susan Stabile susan.stabile@sdhc.k12.fl.us SECONDARY LEVEL VICE PRESIDENT Chris Smith savonasmith@.yahoo.com POST SECONDARY LEVEL VICE PRESIDENT Mercedes ter Maat, Ph.D. mbtermaat@comcast.net

EDITORIAL POLICY FSCA welcomes unsolicited articles and letters deemed to be of interest to the members. Submissions will not be returned and may be edited for purposes of clarity and space. Use email if possible. Always include your name, address, daytime phone number, fax number and e-mail address with your submission. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the association’s membership, volunteers or staff. ADVERTISING POLICY FSCA reserves the right to edit copy and to refuse advertisements it deems objectionable. The publication of an advertisement in the Florida School Counselor is not an endorsement of the advertiser or of the advertised product or service. FSCA is not responsible for any claims made in advertisements. To determine accreditation status of educational institutions, consult the state and regional accrediting directories or the state department of education. MEMBERSHIP FSCA membership dues are $30/year, of which $5 is for a subscription to the Florida School Counselor. The Florida School Counselor is published five times per year in July, August (Back to School Issue), October, January, and April by the Florida School Counselor Association Inc., P.O. Box 752, Safety Harbor, Fl 34695-0752.

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he first annual convention for the Florida School Counselor Association is now history, and what a historical event it was. Thank you to all those who helped to make the convention a success by attending the professional development and networking opportunities from the preconvention workshops, to the breakout sessions, our fantastic keynote speaker Julia Taylor and capping off the events with three post-convention workshops. Attendees loved the exhibits and catered breaks – both the continental breakfasts and the delicious candy and cookies in the afternoon. The feedback kept pouring in with kudos to the presenters and on the diversity of topics and the variety of levels addressed in the breakout sessions. In summary, FSCA’s convention was relevant, well-attended and well-rated. More than one attendee asked those at the registration table for assistance; there were too many interesting and relevant sessions to attend in each period. The gala awards dinner was a celebration of school counseling honoring winners for the year with a sumptuous meal. Our first general assembly for the membership and the delegate assembly at which six new chapters were chartered were definitely highlights for the school counselors present. The Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld was an excellent venue, and plans are already underway to return to the same facility next year. More on this as soon as the contract is finalized. Thanks to the many volunteers who facilitated sessions, worked the registration tables, ran errands, stuffed bags or did any of the other many tasks necessary for a convention of this magnitude. Finally, a special thank you to our three sponsors: the Universal Technical


florida school counselor

Institute, Nova Southeastern University and the Salon Professional Academy. With more than 300 in attendance and more than 20 exhibitors, the convention was a resounding success. Visit http://www.fla-schoolcounselor.org/


2008-convention-photos.htm to check out some fun photos (toward the bottom of the page). ■ Susan Gertel is the current FSCA president. She can be reached at sgertel@cfl.rr.com.





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f Doug Anglin, a member of the class of 2006 at Milton High School, has his way, boys will no longer be discriminated against in school. Anglin filed a complaint in his senior year with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights claiming that the current American school structure inherently favors girls over boys, that school expectations for behavior favor girls and that teacher expectations for classroom performance favor girls and that boy brains are not wired to succeed in school. Can this be true? Statistics show that girls do outnumber/outperform boys in many ways: ■ The number of male undergraduates on college campuses today is 44 percent, compared with 58 percent in 1976. ■ Elementary-school boys are two times more likely to be diagnosed with a learning disability and two



times as likely to be placed in special education classes. Boys aged five to 12 are 60 percent more likely than girls to repeat at least one grade. Females receive higher grades in virtually every subject and thus are more likely to be on the honor roll and receive more academic honors. The self-esteem of boys is negatively affected when they are labeled as low-performing, poor learners or “problem” students. A University of Michigan study reported that the number of boys who didn’t like school rose 71 percent between 1980 and 2001. Boys are 33 percent more likely than girls to drop out of school; thus more girls than boys graduate from high school. High school girls are 36 percent more likely to take Advanced


One theory that supports the changing trend toward improved achievement for girls is the way that teachers teach these days favors the girls.

Placement or honors biology than high school boys. Twelfth-grade girls score an average of 16 points higher than boys on standardized reading tests and 24 points on standardized writing tests. High school boys are 30 percent more likely to use cocaine than high school girls.

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Why does this happen? One theory that supports the changing trend toward improved achievement for girls is the way that teachers teach these days favors the girls. Curriculum that is driven by standardized tests often dictates what, when and how a teacher delivers instruction. There is so much focus on “passing the test” that teachers have lost their individual freedom to do what is best for all students. Boys are also likely to be more competitive in their learning yet the learning environment is focused on a cooperative, more collegial approach that favors girls. The fact that student-teacher ratios have increased and that physical education, sports programs and recess time within the school have been either reduced or eliminated doesn’t help boys. Some scientists believe that the reason boys are not wired for school success has to do with the fact that a boy’s brain develops slower that those of girls. Not only do girls develop sexual maturity about two years ahead of boys, but the girl brain fully develops 18 months sooner than that of a boy. Girls mature more quickly and process information much faster than boys, all of which favors them academically. Scientists do caution that the environment, family background and a boy’s temperament do play a part in a boy’s development, however, not enough to negate the differences. As boys begin to experience failure, frustration and academic road blocks, they begin to shut down. Their self esteem is negatively affected; they begin to feel incompetent and fail to develop a sense of belonging. Gender stereotypes also contribute to this phenomenon as boys resist being labeled as smart, a brain or a nerd. The peer pressure for boys to resist demonstrating intelligence or academic success is immense. It’s just not the cool thing to do. Instead, boys are generally applauded by their peers for negative school behavior.

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As boys begin to experience failure, frustration and academic road blocks, they begin to shut down. Their self esteem is negatively impacted; they begin to feel incompetent and fail to develop a sense of belonging. For many years, it has been the girls who have received a great deal of necessary attention from all aspects of society to improve their status. Programs like women in engineering and medicine that encourage girls to go into these traditionally male-dominated fields were widespread. Title IX, the 1972 federal law requiring schools to provide equal opportunities for girls both in the classroom and in the athletic arena has done much to improve options for girls. But what are we doing to promote success for our boys who are falling behind? Obviously changing our society or educational structure is a Herculean task, but being aware of this trend and removing some of the barriers that hinder boys are critical. Here are some things that parents can do to help boys reach their full potential: ■ Make it a point to discuss your concerns regarding your son with his teacher(s), school counselor or administrators. Encourage the teacher(s) to provide extra help to your son that supports academic success. ■ Model good school behavior. Sit down with your son and do “homework” together. This not only accomplishes the task, but also creates bonding time.


Encourage your son to read. Have him read to you and you also read to him. Choose titles that will be of interest to him, ones that will help to instill the value of being able to read. ■ Men (preferably fathers) have to advocate for their sons. They should go to PTSA meetings and be visible at other school/community functions and not just as coaches. If dad isn’t available, seek out other positive male role models – uncles, grandfathers or trusted family friends – who can act in this capacity. ■ Encourage boys to assume leadership positions outside of sports such as a class officer, yearbook editor or Boy Scout leader. ■ Emphasize the importance of going to college and provide positive male role models – men who are successful because of going to college. It is extremely important to note that many boys are very successful and manage to navigate through the educational system without any problems. Equally significant is that many girls experience the same types of barriers as do boys but generally in smaller numbers. The bottom line is that we need to provide learning environments and a societal norm that provide appropriate educational instruction (and thus student success) for all students. If we can reach this goal, then all students will benefit. ■ ■

Robert Bardwell is a school counselor and director of student support services for the Monson Public Schools. He is the secondary level vice president of the American School Counselor Association and president of the New England Association for College Admission Counseling. He also is an adjunct professor of school counseling for Springfield College, Westfield State College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He can be contacted at bardwellr@monsonschools.com.



ttending a high-quality preschool followed by an academically effective primary school gives a significant boost to children's development. These are the findings of a new study that shows that a stimulating home-learning environment in a child’s early years also provides a sound foundation on which these experiences build. The Effective Pre-school and Primary Education Project (EPPE 3-11) carried out the study. One of the principal investigators of this project was Pam Sammons, professor of education at The University of Nottingham. "The EPPE research confirms the importance of early experiences and the powerful combination of home, preschool and primary school in improving children's learning," she said. EPPE 3-11, which is managed by the Institute of Education, University of London, tracked 3,000 children from the time they started preschool until age 11. The findings include the following: ■ Preschool helps to combat social disadvantage ■ Good preschools benefit all children but high quality is especially important for children who have special educational needs, mothers with low qualifications or come from unstimulating homes ■ Primary schools affect development ■ Overall quality of teaching affects children's social behavior and intellectual development ■ Much variation in the quality of teaching was found (measured in Year 5 [age 10] classrooms in 2003/4), and this has a more powerful impact on children's academic progress than their gender or whether or not they receive free school meals ■ Overall quality of teaching tends to be higher in classrooms where teachers use plenary sessions consistently



A stimulating home-learning environment at age 3–4 years is linked to long-term gains in children's development

Children who attend a more academically effective primary school show better attainment and progress in Key Stage 2 (ages 7 to 11) than children with similar characteristics who attend a less effective school Attending a primary school high in academic effectiveness gives a particular boost to children who have many disadvantages Higher parents' qualification levels are strongly associated with children's attainment and social behavior for children at age 11 A stimulating home-learning environment at age 3–4 years is linked to long-term gains in children's development The influence of the home-learning environment on children's development is similar in strength to their mother's qualification level


The Effective Pre-School and Primary Education project (EPPE 1997–2008) is a long-term study funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families. It has followed the progress and development of approximately 2,800 children since they began preschool more than 10 years ago. Earlier reports have demonstrated the importance of good-quality preschool experiences in providing children with a good start to school. EPPE has provided research evidence, which has been used to inform the government's expansion of the early years’ sector. This final report of the primary school phase of the research focuses on the end of primary school (Years 5 and 6 when children were age 10/11 years old). The research has provided a unique insight into the enduring impact of early experiences, especially the home learning environment (for children age 3–4) and the quality of preschool. It also shows the importance of the primary school attended, especially its academic effectiveness. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of investment in early years, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and for those who go on to primary education of poorer quality. However, the findings also show that preschool on its own is not a magic bullet. The project also revealed that the relationship between disadvantage and educational experience is complex and that multiple disadvantages interact with education experiences and are key sources of inequality. Nonetheless, it is clear that disadvantaged children benefit particularly from “quality” education. These findings have important implications for policies and practices intended to help narrow the achievement gap between more and less disadvantaged learners. ■ Lindsay Brooke can be reached at lindsay.brooke@nottingham.ac.uk.

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roblem solving is a process in which professionals from different disciplines develop and evaluate instructional plans with the goal of improving the academic and behavioral performance of all students. The problem-solving process is applicable at all levels: the student, classroom, school or district level. Problem solving is designed to maximize student performance, ensure accountability and evaluate outcomes. Data-based decision making is a process in which school personnel analyze data from multilevel sources to provide a comprehensive picture of student strengths and challenges and to develop an intervention plan to prioritize and address those challenges (Feldman & Tung, 2001). Response to Intervention (RtI) is referenced in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act as well as in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reauthorization of 2004. RtI is the practice of (1) providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to students’ needs and (2) using level of performance and learning rate over time, in order and (3) making important educational decisions to guide instruction (NASDSE, 2005). The ultimate goal of this process is to provide a high-quality education for all students. The use of RtI, as a step in the larger problem-solving model, is crucial in the systematic evaluation of all students and for fostering positive student outcomes through carefully selected and implemented instruction and interventions. RtI may also be used to assist schools in identifying students who may require more intensive instructional services, whether for remediation or acceleration. RtI may also be used in determining whether a student is eligible for an exceptional student education program. RtI is a systematic and data-based method for determining the degree to which a student has responded to intervention. Determined solely through ana-




lyzing data, RtI is the best measure of problem “severity.” Services provided through “tiered” implementation improve service efficiency and should intensify in direct proportion to student need. These data are used to ensure the student’s needs are addressed and that academic and behavioral performance meet required expectations. The problem-solving/RtI model does not specify discipline specific roles (e.g., school counselors are not automatically assigned a specific function or task, nor are teachers, administrators, school psychologists or social workers). Rather, the team members must be able to communicate and collaborate, as well as demonstrate the following skills in order for the problem-solving/RtI process to work effectively: ■ Use of data to assess the impact of academic and/or behavior instruction/intervention, e.g. tools such as Curriculum-based measurement (CBM), Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), classroom observations, Sunshine State Standards (SSS), or benchmarks ■ Use of technology to manage, dis-


play and disseminate assessment data ■ Ability to interpret assessment data to determine instructional impact ■ Use of data-based decision making to guide intervention and to determine eligibility RtI is frequently referred to as if it were a stand-alone program or process, whereas in reality RtI is a component of the larger problem-solving process. Problem-solving and RtI are designed to maximize achievement for all students through the use of frequent data collection to monitor student performance. The use of the problem-solving model can lead to early identification of students at risk and develop early intervention strategies to address a variety of student needs on a continuum ranging from remediation to acceleration. The model used to represent student need and corresponding intervention is frequently diagramed using a multi-tiered model of service delivery. NCLB and IDEA require the use of research-based, scientifically validated instruction/interventions, ongoing progress monitoring and evaluation of

florida school counselor

Problem-solving and RtI are designed to maximize


achievement for all students through the use of frequent data collection to monitor student performance. the interventions. These are the foundational principles of a response to instruction/intervention (RtI) system, which provides the framework to elevate the efficacy of statewide improvement efforts. Florida schools can more effectively address the needs of all students by implementing evidence-based practices, conducting instructionally relevant assessments, engaging in systemic problem solving and data-based decisionmaking, providing effective professional development and offering families opportunities for meaningful involvement. The Florida Department of Education has adopted Florida’s Statewide Response to Instruction/ Intervention (RtI) Implementation Plan to facilitate the successful implementation of RtI and to formalize statewide efforts to promote school wide practices. The plan is available online at http://www.florida-rti.org/RtI.pdf. RtI is not solely about the identification of learning disabilities, nor is it an instructional program. It is not a way to avoid special education placement, nor is it simply a step in the process of determining ESE eligibility. It is a framework to make decisions about the instructional needs based on student data. It requires the cooperative effort of teachers, administrators and support staff in order to be implemented effectively. The effective use of the problem-solving model to address problems, regardless of levels, is

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a paradigm shift for many educators. As such, educators may need support to understand this model and to develop new skills to implement it. ■ Helen Lancashire is a school counseling consultant. She can be eached at hlancash@ tempest.coedu.usf.edu. This article is submitted on behalf of the Student Support Services Project/USF Florida Department of Education.

RESOURCES NASDSE. (2005). Response to Intervention: Policy Considerations and Implementation. Brown-Chidsey, R & Steege, M.W. (2005). Response to Intervention: Principles and Strategies for Effective Practice; Guilford Press. Florida Center for Reading Research, www.fcrr.org Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project http://flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu/


Florida PS/RtI Project, www.FloridaRtI.usf.edu Statewide Response to Instruction/Intervention (RtI) Implementation Plan and Introductory Training Course http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/G et/Document-5137/k12-2008-131.pdf RtI TAP:Technical Assistance Document (FY 2006–8) from the FLDOE on RtIo http://www.fldoe.org/ese/pdf/ y2006-8.pdf Response to Intervention’s Teaching Learning o Connections http://rtitlc.ucf.edu/ Feldman, Jay, and Tung, Rosann. (2001). “Using Data-Based Inquiry and Decision Making to Improve Instruction.” ERIC Digest 153.Data Inquiry and Analysis for Educational Reform; ERS Spectrum . RtI Action Network http://www.rtinetwork.org



ith a first-class convention experience, it’s easy to see that FSCA is building momentum. I am pleased that I was able to meet so many of you at the FSCA Annual Convention in Orlando. Based on conversations during level sharing and other venues, a number of concerns were raised by elementary counselors. ■ Non-counselor duties assigned, such as ESE and ESOL paperwork, FCAT testing coordinator, cafeteria duty ■ RTI becoming too much of a burden ■ Caseloads far higher than the ASCA recommended 250:1m ■ Need for professional development ■ Lack of funding for supplies and for professional development ■ Student behavior issues and the need for behavior specialists ■ Elementary school counselors being the first to go when cuts are made


School-based management leading to some counselors being assigned duties that compromise the effectiveness of the school counseling program Suggestions made by school counselors included working with the Department of Education, advocating for school counselors by collecting and publishing data supporting elementary counselors, and creating support groups. Another idea was to find a way to use FACTS at the elementary level. Watch out for professional development opportunities and advocacy from FSCA that will address many of these issues. One notable session at FSCA’s Convention was elementary school counselor Sharon Dolinsky’s session on Broward County’s comprehensive guidance plan. This online plan, based on the ■

ASCA National Model, is accessible to everyone in the district. It is an effective tool for strengthening the school counseling program district-wide and for advocating for school counselors. As Florida’s school counselors network through FSCA, we all benefit. The sharing of information and ideas helps us build our school counseling programs to meet the needs of those we serve. With the FSCA Annual Convention behind us, it’s time to look ahead to the FSCA Summer Academy. I hope to see you there. ■ Shirley Redcay is the FSCA elementary level vice president. She can be reached at sredcay@hotmail.com.


am honored to be your FSCA district vice president/supervisor this year. Collectively, FSCA has reached some milestones these past few years. It is exciting to be on the ground floor of helping to take FSCA to a higher level. I believe my job is to promote that school counselors are an integral part of student achievement. This needs to be promoted and recognized at all levels – schools, communities, agencies, businesses, local, state and national. I believe my expertise as a supervisor, school counselor, teacher, program director and educator in industry board president will help FSCA meet the vision and goals of Florida’s school counselors. Two main issues that I believe are facing Florida school counselors are being valued as leaders in the education of students and being able to use technology and data in their school counseling programs. School counselors are one of the few instructional personnel who possess a master’s degree to work. The three domains of the school counselors are aca-



demics, career and personal/social; this means school counselors have the knowledge and skills to help students be successful and to be their number-one advocate. Unfortunately, school counselors are being used, more often than not, as paper pushers and clerks (testing, scheduling, bus duty, hall duty and other duties). FSCA leads the way in promoting Florida’s school counselors. The second issue facing Florida school counselors is using technology and data in their school counseling programs. We live in a society in which you have to prove what you are saying and doing in a very succinct manner. Technology is a tool that will allow you to be heard, and the use of data will allow you to show the evidence (helps to validate your program). FSCA leads the way in offering professional development to meet the needs of Florida’s school counselors. In the education field, I have had experiences as a middle school counselor, high school counselor, exceptional education


teacher; dropout prevention teacher; middle school math, language arts and reading teacher; and a parent/family advocate. I possess skills that can be utilized to help school counselors implement and coordinate programs geared toward student success. I will also be able to utilize my facilitative and teaming skills to help to continue to move FSCA’s vision, mission and goals. Please hold me accountable for this position. Contact me with ideas, suggestions and/or comments at baldwink @pcsb.org or (727) 588-6053. I am looking forward to working with all of you as we continue to move school counselors as leaders in helping students to be successful. ■ Karalia W. Baldwin is the supervisor for guidance in the Pinellas School District. She can be reached at baldwink@pcsb.org.

florida school counselor


he FSCA Annual Convention was a success on many fronts, perhaps most importantly as a significant step toward learning how to serve the educational and professional development needs of FSCA members. In the next couple of months, planning will begin for the 2009 annual convention, and your input is critical. Not only do we want to make sure that the second FSCA Annual Convention is for you, but also that FSCA becomes your state organization. So we are asking what you as college counselors and counselor educators in Florida want from your state organization. Legislative action? Best practices? Networking? Professional development? And on what topics? Please e-mail your answers to the following short questions to me at termaat@nova.edu, and please feel free to add other comments as well.


1. Are you a member of FSCA? 2. To which other state and national organizations do you belong?

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 encompass counseling, consultation, collaboration or referrals to an outside agency or resource. Due to the current economic situation in my community, we have more and more students who are living in temporary housing. As a result, they are considered homeless under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act. Responding to the needs of these students might mean helping them find temporary shelter, food, maybe even clothing. Responsive services also might involve making the teachers aware that a computer-based assignment would not be appropriate for this student at this time. One area that we all seem to be struggling with in the delivery of counseling

florida school counselor

3. What conferences at the state level and at the national level did you attend in 2008?* 4. Which of the following presentation topics would increase the likelihood that you would attend next year’s FSCA conference?* a. best practices in training and supervision of K–16 counselors and of practicum and internship students; b. open forum on best teaching practices in university settings; c. training on using technology tools; d. multiculturalism; e. school-based accountability; f. action research; g. comprehensive exams; h. working with physically and mentally challenged college students; i. assessing learning outcomes; j. current trends in higher education; k. accreditation standards; l. NBCC standards; m. grant writing; n. publishing;

o. avoiding burnout in higher education; and p. Please add additional topics of interest. 5. In addition to the annual convention, would you be interested in participating in a one-day professional development program offered at various locations around the state? If so, on what topic(s) and at what location(s) (e.g., Orlando, Tampa, South Florida, Jacksonville)? *These questions were adapted from a survey by Marilyn Highland, Argosy University Please e-mail your responses to termaat@nova.edu. I would love to hear from you. ■

services at my school is system support. Although we are fortunate to have department clerks to help with clerical duties, the management and administrative tasks connected with a comprehensive program in a high school with more than 3,000 students can be overwhelming. As an example, when we return to school after our winter break, we begin the task of academic advising for next year with our ninth- through 11th-grade students. The logistics of classroom lessons on goal-based course selection, the requirements for reaching those goals and the mechanics of the course selection process are daunting. While meeting with these students is a priority, the true challenge is not to let this one task interfere with providing other services to all students at the same time. Speaking of delivery systems, the FSCA Board hopes you are pleased with

the timely delivery of information to you that has been made possible through our use of technology. We hope to be adding more items to our Web site in the coming months, including Web-based professional development opportunities, resources for members provided by other members and even some chat rooms or list servers for the exchange of information and support so necessary for each of us to stay refreshed as professionals. The Call for Proposals for the 2009 convention should be up soon (if it is not already), and the committee will be looking for new, fresh ideas of ways school counselors are making a difference in students’ lives every day by what we are doing. I look forward to seeing proposals from many new folks and welcome those from our outstanding pastpresenters. ■


Mercedes B. ter Maat, Ph.D. is the FSCA post-secondary level vice president.



he northeast region of the state had a good turnout of attendees at the first annual FSCA Convention. Feedback about the programming has been great, and folks are already planning ahead to attend next year’s conference. The once-a-month local school counselor professional learning communities have benefited from the ideas and materials picked up at the conference. The First Coast Counseling Association (FCCA) was approved to become one of the first FSCA chapters at the convention.


FCCA is sponsoring the second annual Laurel Kaden Anderson Administrative Advocacy Award to recognize administrators who show outstanding support of school counseling programs. This year there were nine nominees. The recipient is Jill Leinhauser, the principal of Jacksonville Beach Elementary School. She was recognized at FCCA’s Counselor/Principal reception on Dec. 4. Membership in the local chapter continues to increase. The reinstitution of a student representative from the UNF SOAR School Counseling program has

reinvigorated the post-secondary relationship. We are also reaching out as a branch of FSCA to our local private schools to see what types of services their school counselors would benefit from. ■

We have many counselors

future but would like to be of more service to the Region Four chapters and membership. We have many school counselors who do not belong to our organization, and we have a great deal of work to do in providing training and information to both members and nonmembers in the upcoming years. I would like to help facilitate that in any way that I can, but in order to do this, I need to know what the school counselors in Region Four need in terms of training and information and also how I can help them in any other way. So if you have a suggestions or questions (whether you are in Region Four or not) please feel free to contact me any time via my e-mail address, which is ctcousins@aol.com. Just be sure to put FSCA in the subject line so I won’t delete your e-mail as spam. I look forward to hearing from you and to serving as your region representative for the next two years. ■

Nan Worsowicz is the representative for Region Two. She can be reached at worsowiczn@duvalschools.org.


t has been an exciting time to be a part of the Florida School Counselors Association. As an organization we have held our first annual Summer Academy, which was a huge success followed by our first annual convention, which was, from my observations as well as all of the comments I have heard, a shining success. So, I would say from those two events as well as the tremendous increase in membership we have experienced that the solo flight of FSCA is soaring far above our wildest expectations, and we have only just begun to provide what the school counselors of Florida have always needed – an organization run by school counselors dedicated to school counselors and the improvement of school counseling in the state of Florida. Congratulations to all – members and leadership – who have helped make this year a huge success. On a more personal note, I would like to congratulate Pinellas County Professional School Counselors Association for being the first to submit its paperwork to be a subsidiary chapter of FSCA. Since that was my local organization for many years, I am particularly proud of the leadership of that chapter, specifically for its foresight in getting on



who do not belong to our organization, and we have a great deal of work to do in providing training and information to both members and non-members in the upcoming years. board early as an integral part of our organization. The chapter also nominated Linda Sullivan of Safety Harbor Middle School as its school counselor of the year for middle school, and she was chosen from a field of very talented school counselors to be the FSCA Middle School Counselor of the Year. So, congratulations to Linda and to PPSCA. For the past year, most of my time as Region Four representative on the FSCA Board has been dedicated to handling membership registrations, as well as registrations for the academy and the convention. I will continue to do that job in the


Claire T. Cousins is the representative for Region Four. She can be reached at ctcounsins@aol.com

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Anti-Defamation League A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute

HATE COMES HOME TEEN TRAINING Bullying, name-calling, and hate-motivated behaviors are on the rise throughout the country. The federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program is recommending that schools take steps to address these concerns on their campuses. Hate Comes Home Teen Training is a 3-hour workshop for high school age youth utilizing the interactive movie, Hate Comes Home, created by the Anti-Defamation League and WILL Interactive. The training is participatory, engaging and provides tools for 14-18 year olds to recognize and respond to incidents of bias and hatemotivated behavior. Cultural identity, peer pressure, prejudice, classism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism are just a few of the bias themes addressed in the training. TEENS WILL: Become the lead characters in an inter-active movie plot filled with everyday situations of bias and hatemotivated behaviors

Understand their personal responsibility to act as allies to their peers who are targets of hate

Engage in opportunities to practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills when faced with difficult choices

Gain specific tools and strategies for interrupting name-calling, bullying and other hate-motivated behaviors

The program cost varies depending on the number of participants, location, etc. Please call ADL for quotes.

Anti-Defamation League - Florida Region (561) 988-2900 www.adl.org/florida


OUTSTANDING FLORIDA HOMELESS EDUCATION The Florida Department of Education has selected Barbara Barry for the Outstanding Florida Homeless Education Support Services Personnel Award. She is a school counselor at Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center and an outspoken liaison and advocate for homeless education. One of the programs she worked very hard to bring to Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center is called “Blessings in a Backpack.” The program provides free nutritious food to children on the weekends so they do not come to school hungry on Monday mornings. Barbara Barry has been with Orange County Public Schools since 1995. She is also the recipient of the Florida School Counselor Association’s Elementary School Counselor of the Year (2001) and the American School Counselor Association’s Elementary Counselor of the Year (2002). She says, “The Outstanding Florida Homeless Education Support Services Personnel Award is really one to be shared by all the staff at Grand Avenue Primary Learning Center, as well as the Homeless Education District staff because it is with their communication and cooperation that our homeless students can receive the maximum services allowed under the McKinney Vento Act.” Barry was recognized for her work at the 2008 Florida Migrant and Homeless Education State Conference on Oct. 22, 2008, in Naples, Fla.

EYE DIVERGENCE IN CHILDREN TRIPLES RISK OF MENTAL ILLNESS Children whose eyes are misaligned and point outward are at significantly increased risk of developing mental illness by early adulthood, according to findings of a Mayo Clinic study published this month in Pediatrics (http://pediatrics. aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/122/5/ 1033), the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Pediatricians and family practice physicians who see children with strabismus should be aware of the increased risk of mental illness The retrospective study examined the medical records of 407 patients with strabismus (misaligned eyes) and compared them with records of children matched for age and sex but with normal eye alignment. Children with eyes that diverged (exotropia) were three times more likely to develop a psychiatric disorder than were the control subjects, while those with inward deviating eyes (esotropia) showed no increase in the incidence of mental illnesses. Brian Mohney, M.D., (http:// www.mayoclinic.org/bio/11034751.html) the Mayo Clinic pediatric ophthalmologist (http://www.mayoclinic.org/ophthalmology-rst/) who led the study, says the results can help alert physicians to potential problems in their pediatric patients. “Pediatricians and family practice physicians who see children with strabismus should be aware of the increased risk of mental illness,” says Mohney. “They can hopefully be alert to the earliest signs of psychiatric problems in patients with exotropia, so they can consider having them seen by a psychologist or psychiatrist.” Strabismus is a misalignment of the eyes that affects 3 to 5 percent of children, and about 125,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States. Further information about the study, including a video interview with Mohney describing the findings and how the study was prompted by a medical student’s observation, is available on the Mayo Clinic News Blog at: http://newsblog.mayoclinic.org/2008/11/25/eye-divergence-triples-mental-illness-risk/.


To obtain the latest news releases from Mayo Clinic, go to www.mayoclinic.org/ news. MayoClinic.com (www.mayo clinic.com) is available as a resource for your health stories.

INTERVENTION PROGRAM COMPARISONS FIND DIFFERENCES IN PRIORITY HEALTH-RISK BEHAVIORS In 2007, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) survey included a sub-analysis of high school students in communities where the Steps Program, a chronic disease prevention program coordinated by the Center for Disease Control, has been implemented. Since the Steps program focuses on addressing three related risk behaviors – tobacco use, unhealthy dietary behaviors, and physical inactivity – the subanalysis focused on 29 behavior indicators around these subjects. When compared with responses from all youth in the YRBSS, there were significant differences in 15 of the 29 behaviors. For example, students in the Steps communities were less likely to participate in seven cigarette-related behaviors. Students in the Steps communities were also more likely to meet recommended physical activity measures (40.1 percent median compared to 34.7 percent nationally) and less likely to drink a soda on a daily basis. When comparing the Steps communities with one another a wide variation in prevalence for 12 behaviors was found. For more information on survey results, visit http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/ preview/mmwrhtml/ss5712a1.htm?s_ cid=ss5712a1_e.

KEEPING ADOLESCENTS OUT OF PRISON The Future of Children’s policy brief, “Keeping Adolescents Out of Prison,” examines research that concludes adolescents who serve time in adult facilities have an increased chance of committing

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violent crimes in the future. Instead, prevention and treatment programs to provide services to youth within the context of their community and family have been shown to reduce future criminal behavior. Authors Steinberg and Haskins recommend the adoption of policies to match these findings. http://tinyurl.com/6map8g

THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT AND ADOLESCENT WELL-BEING To examine the relationship between school environments and adolescent development, Child Trends produced the research brief, “The School Environment and Adolescent Well-Being: Beyond Academics.” Health, safety, social support, academics and civic engagement are addressed. This brief is designed for school principals, district staff and others who are responsible for aspects of school functioning. http://www.childtrends.org/Files/Child_ Trends-2008_11_14_RB_SchoolEnviron.pdf

CHILDREN WITH TVs IN THEIR ROOM SLEEP LESS Middle school children who have a television or computer in their room sleep less during the school year, watch more TV, play more computer games and surf the Internet more than their peers who don’t. The research, conducted by professors Yael Latzer and Tamar Shochat of the University of Haifa and Orna Chishinsky of Jezreel Valley College, who examined 444 middle school pupils with an average age of 14. The children were asked about their sleep habits, their use of computer and television and their eating habits while watching TV or using the computer. The study participants reported an average bedtime of 11:04 p.m. and wakeup time of 6:45 a.m. On the weekends, the average bedtime was somewhat later – at 1:45 a.m. and wake-up much

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later – at 11:30 a.m. Those children with TVs or computers in their room went to sleep half an hour later on average but woke up at the same time. According to the study, middle school pupils watch a daily average of two hours and 40 minutes of TV and use their computer for three hours and 45 minutes. On weekends, they watch half an hour more TV than during the rest of the week and use their computers for four hours. Children with a TV in their room watch an hour more than those without, and those with their own computer use it an hour more than their peers. A fifth of pupils said they ate in front of the TV set on a regular basis, while 70 percent said they did so only occasionally. Only 10 percent reported never eating in front of the TV. Computers were considered to be a less attractive eating place, with only 10 percent eating in front of the computer on a regular basis, 40 percent occasionally and half never eating there. According to the researchers, there is a direct connection between exposure to the media and eating in front of the TV or computer; the more a child watches television or uses the computer, the greater the chance he will eat in front of the screen. For more information, contact Laurie Groner at lgroner@univ.haifa.ac.il.

TROUBLED KIDS HURT CLASSMATES’ TEST SCORES, BEHAVIOR Troubled children hurt their classmates’ math and reading scores and worsen their behavior, according to new research by economists at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) and the University of Pittsburgh. The study, “Externalities in the Classroom: How Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Affect Everyone’s Kids,” was published in August by the National Bureau of Economic Research and is available online at http://papers.nber.org/papers/w14246.


Scott Carrell, an assistant professor of economics at UC Davis, and co-author Mark Hoekstra, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Pittsburgh, cross-referenced standardized test results and school disciplinary records with court restraining order petitions filed in domestic violence cases for more than 40,000 students enrolled in Alachua County, Fla., public elementary schools for the years 1995 through 2003. The researchers linked domestic violence cases to 4.6 percent of the elementary school students in their sample. These children scored nearly 4 percentile points lower on standardized reading and math scores than their peers whose parents were not involved in domestic violence cases. (A percentile score reflects the percentage of scores that fall below it; a student who scores in the 51st percentile on a test, for example, has scored higher than 51 percent of all students who took that test.) In addition, the children from households linked to domestic violence were 44 percent more likely to have been suspended from school and 28 percent more likely to have been disciplined for bad behavior. School performance and behavior of these children suffered across genders, races and income levels. Not only did the children from troubled homes suffer, however, test scores fell, and behavior problems increased for their classmates as well. Troubled boys caused the bulk of the disruption, and the largest effects were on other boys. Indeed, Carrell and Hoekstra estimate that adding just one troubled boy to a class of 20 children reduces the standardized reading and math scores of other boys in the room by nearly two percentile points. And adding just one troubled boy to a class of 20 students increases the likelihood that another boy in the class will commit a disciplinary infraction by 17 percent. Across all students, having a troubled student in a class reduced classmates’



combined test scores by nearly 1 percentile point and increased their likelihood of getting into disciplinary trouble at school by 6 percent. The researchers conducted sophisticated statistical tests to ensure that they were observing only the impacts of a troubled child on classrooms, not the impact of broader socioeconomic issues in the community. They compared classes from the same grade in the same school over time; some years the classes had troubled students, some years they did not. They also compared how siblings performed when one student was in a class with troubled classmates and another student from the same family was in a class with fewer troubled students. “Our findings have important implications for both education and social policy,” Carrell and Hoekstra write in their study. “First, they suggest that policies that change a child’s exposure to classmates from troubled families will have important consequences for his or her education outcomes. In addition, the results also help provide a more complete measure of the social costs of family conflict.” The research does not suggest that all disruptive school children come from families that experience domestic violence, nor are all children from domestic violence disruptive, Carrell emphasized. “There are many reasons for disruptive classroom behavior; domestic violence is one particularly good indicator of a troubled child,” Carrell said. Claudia Morain can be reached at cmmorain@ucdavis.edu.

CHILD ABDUCTION: RESOURCES FOR VICTIMS AND FAMILIES The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has a new Web site with an array of publications and additional resources for victims of child abduction and their families. http://ojjdp.ncjrs.gov/childabduction.html


INTERPARENTAL RELATIONSHIP AND SCHOOL ADJUSTMENT Children who worry about how their parents get along with each other are more likely than other children to have psychological problems. Now a new study says that children who worry a lot about conflicts between their parents are more likely to have problems in school because they have more difficulty paying attention to the tasks before them. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester, Syracuse University and the University of Notre Dame, is one of the first to chart how children’s concerns about their parents’ relationship may increase their vulnerability to later adjustment problems. It appears in the September/October 2008 issue of Child Development. The study looked at a group of 216 predominantly white 6-year-olds, their parents and their teachers annually over a three-year period. Children were evaluated to determine their negative thoughts and worries about how their parents got along, based on how they completed unfinished stories about conflicts between parents. Teachers reported on children’s ability to get along with their classmates and take part in class activities and on their behavior as a measure of how they had adjusted to school. Specifically, they were asked whether the children were cooperative with peers, followed teachers’ directions, used classroom materials responsibly and usually acted appropriately. Children’s attention problems were assessed through reports by parents and computerized measures of how they were able to focus and sustain attention. Children who had concerns about how their parents got along had more attention problems a year after the concern was first identified, according to the study. These attention problems, in turn, were associated with reports by teachers that the children had problems adjusting to school in the same year and one year later. Attention difficulties accounted for


Children who had concerns about how their parents got along had more attention problems a year after the concern was first identified, according to the study. an average of 34 percent of the relationship between children’s worries about their parents and school problems. In many cases, children’s negative thoughts were based on witnessing actual relationship problems between parents, and the study suggests that the children may have used the negative thoughts to help them cope with stress in high-conflict homes. “Understanding how children respond to discord between parents is a pressing priority for public health,” said Patrick T. Davies, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester and the lead author of the study. “Implementing programs to help strengthen children’s ability to pay attention may be one way to promote children’s mental health without jeopardizing what may be adaptive or realistic ways of dealing with discord between their parents.” The study was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. Summarized from Child Development, Vol. 79, Issue 5, Children’s Insecure Representations of the Interparental Relationship and their School Adjustment: The Mediating Role of Attention Difficulties by Davies, PT, Woitach, MJ (University of Rochester), Winter, MA (Syracuse University), and Cummings, EM (University of Notre Dame). Copyright 2008 The Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

florida school counselor


FLORIDA’S HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION RATE CONTINUES TO CLIMB Gov. Charlie Crist today announced that Florida’s graduation rate reached its highest point ever last year at 75.4 percent, according to results released today by the Florida Department of Education (DOE). This rate exceeds the previous year’s rate by three percentage points and represents an overall improvement of 15.2 percentage points since the 1998–99 school year. The results indicate that rising numbers of minority graduates continue to play a significant role in the improvement of Florida’s overall graduation rate. “I am so proud of our schools, teachers and students for this tremendous achievement,” said Crist. “By giving our high school students a complete education, we are giving them the foundation they need for a successful future. Their success will make Florida’s workforce and economy stronger.” “These results reinforce the tremendous academic progress our students have made over the last decade and prove that Florida is home to some of the best teachers in the nation,” said Education Commissioner Eric J. Smith. “It is vital that we continue to build on our progress by elevating the expectation for our children and preparing them with the skills they need to succeed in today’s global economy.” Similar to last year, graduation rates for black and Hispanic students showed some of the largest growth this year, increasing by 3.8 and 3.1 percentage points, respectively. White students also showed sizeable growth, with a 2.6 point increase in their rate compared with 2006–07. The DOE bases its graduation rate on data that follows every single student from ninth grade to graduation, a method that more accurately calculates the number of students who graduate high school. Florida currently stands alone nationally in its practice of compiling and following individual student

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records to determine a true, four-year graduation rate. In October, the U.S. Department of Education announced that all states must adopt a uniform graduation rate calculation by the year 2010–11. Consequently, the DOE is reviewing its graduation rate to determine what changes are needed to meet the new federal requirement. Decreased Dropout Rate As Florida’s graduation rate continues to rise, its dropout rate continues to decline. According to the results, Florida’s annual high school dropout rate dropped to its lowest point ever this year at 2.6 percent. This rate is a decrease of 0.7 percentage points compared with last year’s rate and a decrease of 2.8 points since 1998–99. Increased minority achievement was the leading force behind this decline. From 2006–07 to 2007–08, the dropout rate decreased for black, Hispanic, American Indian and multiracial students, with black students showing the most significant improvements in dropout reduction. For more information about Florida’s 2007–08 graduation and dropout rates, visit http://www.fldoe.org/news/ pdf/grad_rate_data.pdf.

2009 ASCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE GRANTS Thanks to the generosity of Naviance and ASCA, 100 grants will be awarded to ASCA members to the 2009 ASCA Annual Conference. Naviance and ASCA feel strongly about the importance of professional development but realize today’s economy may be causing some schools and individuals to cut corners where possible. To be considered for one of these grants, which covers the cost of conference registration, fill out the application form (available Dec. 1–Jan. 15). http://www.schoolcounselor.org/ content.asp?pl=325&sl=129& contentid=182

FALL 2008

NO NAME-CALLING WEEK No Name-Calling Week (Jan. 26–30, 2009) is a week of educational activities aimed at stopping name calling and verbal bullying in schools. The Creative Expression Contest is an opportunity for students to submit essays, poetry, music, original artwork or other pieces that convey their experiences and feelings about name calling and their ideas for putting a stop to verbal bullying in their schools and communities. This year’s contest has been moved to coincide with No Name-Calling Week. The goal is to have students working on their art pieces during the week as a way to learn about and deal with name calling and bullying. http://www.nonamecallingweek.org/

THE GIRLS STUDY GROUP The Girls Study Group was convened by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to examine the increasing juvenile arrest rates among girls. According to the report, girls have not become more violent in recent years; instead, the juvenile justice system has changed how it responds to girls’ behavior. Future research must address the lack of information on good prevention and intervention programming for girls. http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/ 223434.pdf

NEW VIRTUAL LIBRARY AVAILABLE The Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Literacy Team released the FLVS Virtual Library, a free interactive resource site for students, teachers and school administrators. Teachers can use the Virtual Library to find information on general education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and literacy resources. The site also offers students links to educational games, writing centers, study guide sites, college and



career advice. To learn more, visit http://www.flvs.net/FLVS percent5Flibrary

NEW TEEN WEB SITE PROMOTES SAFE DRIVING Car crashes continue to be the numberone killer of teens in the United States. Every year, more than 6,000 teens die in traffic crashes, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In Florida, car crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths, accounting for more than one-third of all teens who died last year. In 2007, more than 479 people were killed in a teen driving accident, and more than 36,000 teen drivers were involved in crashes. Since teens are more likely to get into traffic crashes than any other group of drivers, more must be done to reach this age group. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has launched an online initiative called “Teens Take the Wheel.” This Web site is geared toward teenage drivers, and the information on the site includes “scared straight” tactics as well as other information communicated in a way that will appeal to teens. It also includes an online survey where teens can answer questions that help them rate their safe driving practices. To view this Web site, please visit http://takethewheel.net/.

CUSS CONTROL If the conversation in your house were part of a movie script, would it rate a G, PG, PG-13 or even an R? Many parents are alarmed at their trash-talking teens, but James O’Connor, author of “Cuss Control: The Complete Book on How to Curb Your Cursing,” offers hope. “Most swearing is complaining or criticizing, but when parent and teen are battling over profanity, it’s time for a new tactic,” he advises. “Stop the yelling and threats and calmly explain how the language really bothers you. Encouraging them to develop a more


positive attitude can’t only reduce swearing, but they’ll be happier too.” O’Connor also encourages making deals: “Ask your teen what you do that really annoys him or her, and say you will try to change if he or she will try to change.” Here are some ideas that can encourage your teens to speak with more dignity and self-control. http://www.parentingteensonline.com/ article/show/title/How_to_Help_Teens_ Stop_Swearing

COMMON SENSE MEDIA Common Sense Media is an invaluable resource for parents who want to know more about the media their kids are consuming. CSM offers detailed, clear-eyed reports on the content of movies, music, video games and more, without resorting to rants or value judgments. You can write and submit those yourself. (They’ll be posted in the reader reviews section, separated into “Adult Reviews” and “Kid Reviews.”) http://www.commonsensemedia.org/

COLLEGE.GOV College.gov is being developed by the U.S. Department of Education in collaboration with students. This site is intended to be the go-to source for information and resources about planning, preparing and paying for postsecondary education (such as two- or four-year colleges and universities and vocational or career schools). http://www.college.gov/

HELP PROMOTE HOPE The Statewide Office of Suicide Prevention is proud to announce the official launch of www.HelpPromote Hope.com. It is designed to be used by the council, school personnel, state agencies, community members, faithbased organizations, employers and others as a resource for suicide prevention. http://www.helppromotehope.com/


KIDS AREN’T TELLING PARENTS ABOUT CYBERBULLYING According to the latest UCLA study, three out of four teens were bullied online last year, yet only one in 10 reported it to parents or another adult. The most common reason for not telling an adult, according to the teenagers, was that they felt they “need[ed] to learn to deal with it.” In addition, 31 percent didn’t tell their parents because they didn’t want their Internet access restricted. http://www.newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ ucla/bullying-of-teenagers-online-is64265.aspx

REDUCING BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM Designed for elementary school educators and school- and district-level administrators, “Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom” offers prevention, implementation and schoolwide strategies that can be used to reduce problematic behavior that interferes with the ability of students to attend to and engage fully in instructional activities. http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ publications/practiceguides/#be_pg

ASCA NATIONAL MODEL WEB Check out the newly launched ASCA National Model Web site to get the ins and outs of implementing and running a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program. Learn what others are doing in the ASCA National Model arena. Get answers to your ASCA National Model questions. Discover the details about applying for Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) status and more. http://www.ascanationalmodel.org/

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NATIONAL AND STATE SCHOLARSHIP LIST Active national and state scholarships are listed by due date (upcoming first) provided by Collier County. http://collier.k12.fl.us/student_services/ scholarships/

AUBREY ROSE FOUNDATION — MEDICAL EXPENSE GRANTS The mission of the Aubrey Rose Foundation is to provide financial and emotional support to families caring for children with life threatening illnesses. The Foundation aims to provide a balanced giving program that considers the

total well-being of the child and how the request benefits the entire family. Grants amounts vary and are awarded based on need. Families with medical expenses which they are unable to pay are eligible to apply. Deadline: Rolling (Letter of Inquiry). Contact the Aubrey Rose Foundation directly for complete program information and application guidelines: http://www.aubreyrose.org/ grants.htm

2008-2009 ARTS FOR LIFE! SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Arts for Life! program recognizes 25 graduating high school seniors from across Florida for outstanding achievement in the arts. Each recipient receives

a $1,000 cash scholarship toward his or her pursuit of the arts in higher education. To be considered for an Arts for Life! Scholarship, students must: ■ Be a high school senior graduating from a public, private or home education program in Florida. ■ Submit a completed application, brief essay explaining “How the arts have positively influenced my life,” and “What role the arts will play in my future” and a sample of work in dance, music theatre or visual arts. To apply for a 2008–2009 Arts for Life! Scholarship, interested students should visit www.ExcelinEd.org for an official application and more information on additional requirements. Applications must be postmarked no later than Feb. 2, 2009. ■


CHECK OUT THE SCENE ASCA SCENE – a new social networking site for school counselors – provides you with a place to meet, learn from and interact with other school counseling practitioners, students and counselor educators.

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When you join the SCENE, you can: > Participate in discussion boards > Share your files and photos with other school counselors > Find other school counselors in your state or at your level > Stay on top of school counseling events and activities > Get answers to your school-counseling-related questions and concerns > Keep abreast of school counseling trends During its introductory phase, membership on ASCA SCENE is open to all school counselors, regardless of whether you’re an ASCA member or not.



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