Frrresh seventh issue

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FRRRESH visual arts magazine seventh issue

Hello frrriends! We’re happy you’re reading these lines

because in this issue we have a special treat for you all- 6 amazing featured artists that sent us their best work for you to enjoy. Also, this month we visited the biggest street art project in Croatia called MUU and are happy to report that you will be blown away with amazing work all these international artists have made! Some of the artists that were a part of MUU this year were already featured in Frrresh magazine and we are excited to show you their new art pieces as well as some new artists that will surely find their place in the future issues of this magazine. To keep it short and sweet – enjoy the mag and stay frrresh

Artists featured in this issue Anke Weckmann Leonis Ogour Zoë Williams Arne Quinze Victoria Semykina Xuan Alyfe

MUU artists Miron Milić Moneyless Ciredz Tellas Harsa Debza Boris Pramatov Wasted Rita Artu Ditu

Sergej Vutuc Sretan Bor Pekmezmed Ninja Tiger Vanja Trobić Paprat Ivana Pipal Ugruv Smek Tifani Rubi Stipan Tadić Auks One Vedran Kolac D.L.T. Esh EmaEmaEma TV Doily Weedzor Fat Kid Beny Davor Gromilović Linch Dunja Janković Biskoteka Giacomo Satti

Anke Weckmann

A : ANKE That’s my name!

B : BANANAS Sometimes I eat four or five in a row after going for a long run.

C : CATS I don’t own any cats but I like to meet them when I go for walks. They are also great fun to draw.

D : DIANE BIRCH One of my favourite singers. She’s amazing.


F : FRENCH FRIDAYS I started to learn French again last year and I’ve been drawing a weekly ‘Learning French’ illustration that I upload on my Facebook ( and Tumblr ( every Friday

G : GREETING CARDS One of my favourite things to illustrate is Greeting Cards! I have some available from my Etsy Shop

H : HANOVER I’m originally from a small town near Hanover in Germany

I : ILLUSTRATOR I started working part-time as a freelance illustrator after I graduated in 2005 and I’ve been doing it full-time since 2008.

J : JUNIPER GIRLS Juniper Girls is a little zine of ink drawings I made a while ago

K : KIKI’S DELIVERY SERVICE One of the loveliest films ever made

L : LONDON That’s where I’ve been living since 2001.

M : MONOBLOCK They’re a fantastic little company from Argentina that I’ve collaborated with on some notebooks, placemats, calendars and laptop stickers.

N : NEW YORK I went to New York for the first time in April and now I’m obsessed! I can’t wait to go back, it’s an amazing city.

O : OLIVES Ok, I actually couldn’t think of anything starting with O. But I do like olives. If I was rich I would maybe eat them all day.

P : PAPER I draw all my illustrations with ink on paper. Even though I colour them digitally, I could never draw straight on the computer. It’s just not the same.

Q : QUILTS I wish I knew how and had the time to make amazing quilts. I collect pictures of beautiful ones and maybe I will start making my own when I retire one day.

R : RUNNING One of the things I like to do when I’m not drawing. It’s fun to listen to music, see the seasons change and get away from the desk for a bit.

S : SKETCHBOOKS I draw in them all the time and I have so many of them now, they’re taking over our bookshelves. I also keep scrapbooks with stuff I cut out from magazines. It’s really useful when I look for ideas for illustrations.

T : THE CAVE OF THE YELLOW DOG This is one of my favourite films ever, it’s so beautiful.

U : UHM... I couldn’t think of anything starting with U. Unacceptable, really.

V : VEGETABLES They are my favourite food. I get very excited when I find a vegetable I’ve never tried before. This summer I tried samphire for the first time. It’s sooo good!

W : WEBSITE You can find mine at

X : X-Men First Class I watched this the other day. My favourite line was “You’ve come a long way from bending gates”.

Y : YOGA I love yoga! It feels so good because I sit so much.

Z : ZUMBA Something else I really enjoy. It’s fun to jump around!

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Leonis Ogour

Leonis Ogour is a young Pa juggles freely with many are interested in. For figures of the past time, creating the techniq music,Le causi un

arisian artist. Music, video, street art‌ he artistic mediums. But it is the collagist we five years now, Leonis Ogour exhumed t, outdated decor and fonts from another g collages as Proustian as surreal. Like ques of sampling used in contemporary eonisOgourmixeseras,codesandtypes, ing improbable meetings. Creations ndermining our collective memory for better questioning of our time.


ZoĂŤ Williams creates needle felt sculptures based on spirits, sacred creatures, and dreams. Her work is concerned with the intersection of the (inner) realm of the collective unconscious and the (outer) kingdom of nature. She lives and works in New York City.

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Arne Quinze


rne Quinze was born in 1971 in Belgium and lives and works in Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium and Shanghai, China. In the eighties he began working as a graffiti artist but he never finished an official art education. Quinze creates large and small sculptures, drawings, paintings, and large-scale installations. Smaller works, sketches, and drawings

are the basis and research for his large installations. Recurring fundamentals in his oeuvre are the use of multiple types of wood, including salvaged wood, metal and bronze, coloured glass, electrical colours in fluorescent paint, and themes referring to social interaction, communication and urbanism. Since a while he’s doing research towards large steel installations.


hat drives Quinze is the belief in the possible realization of an idealistic society where all individuals communicate and interact, aiming to bring people together and push them into a vigorous dialogue. In his urban vision, communal activities flourish and social cohesion is the norm. His installations are built to provoke reaction and to intervene in the daily life of passersby confronted with his sculptures. His unconventional public installations have challenged perceptions in the city centers of Belgium (Cityscape, The Sequence), Germany (The Traveller), France (Camille, Rock Strangers), Lebanon (The Visitor), China (Red Beacon), the USA (Uchronia, Timegate), among others.


n every culture Quinze comes across, he unravels physical processes, drawing inspiration for his oeuvre, and is fueled by overwhelming optimism. Every new creative breed captures his research and study on interaction, and urban movement expressing the continuously evolution of human beings and their

surroundings. Besides building architectural sculptures, he creates complex art pieces and video installations inscribing his vision in society of how people see themselves and society. Works as Bidonvilles, Stilthouses, Chaos, My Home My House My Stilthouse and My Safe Garden have been shown on several exhibitions.

Victoria Semykina


ictoria Semykina is a Russian illustratorandfineartistcurrently based in Bologna, Italy. In between illustrating, she loves observing people, traveling and riding her red bicycle which features a basket that serves well collecting materials for her collages and other artwork.

Her strong passion for ships propels Victoria to spend considerable time at her shipyard working on the realization of her dream, which is to sail around the world in her largest paper vessel. It will be a city ship, floating on the sea with houses, people, trolley buses, sailors and ice cream sellers‌

Xuan Alyfe

Xuan Alyfe was born in 1711, Sh mountain cave, near the beac

he didn´t die yet. She lives in a ch. She doesn´t smoke weed.

STREET ART MUSEUM /// MUZEJ ULIČNE UMJETNOSTI a.k.a MUU (22-29. 09) Street Art Museum (MUU) is a project dedicated to forming a more coherent street art scene in Croatia, and raising people’s awareness about street art and it’s aesthetic, cultural and social value, bringing art into neglected parts of the city where there is no cultural content, revitalising abandoned spaces, promoting Croatian artists and culture, positioning Zagreb on the world’s map of cities that support this kind of artistic expression, building the largest anti museum in the region, changing city appearance and inspiring people to actively participate in their community… By changing the city we are changing the people as well. Muzej ulične umjetnosti [The Street Art Museum] has no fixed space, operating hours or pompous openings. Its longevity or its expiration date is also undetermined – depending on additional interventions and reactions of the public, other authors, and sanitation departments. However, its footprint goes beyond urban intervention alone and survives much longer than the artwork itself because it alters the awareness and perception.

One of Zagreb’s major problems is the centralization of its cultural content. It is difficult to find any cultural content in the neighbourhoods south of Sava River, which in turn results in the residents’ lack of care for their own environment, their alienation and apathy. While the art in public spaces, as a type of cultural expression, is included in official city strategies of developed European countries, in Croatia there is neither a unified scene of artists working in this field nor a concrete plan to foster it, let alone take advantage of the art in public spaces as a way to improve the quality of life in general. Aside from the absence of civic strategy and promotion of the art in public spaces as an art expression, the Croatian citizens’ awareness is very underdeveloped or negatively biased. Moreover, the art in public spaces is being equalled with vandalism or simple thoughtless spraying of the city façades, with no understanding of its cultural, social, aesthetic and conceptual value. By introducing the discourse ART-CITY-CITIZENS with the Street Art Museum project, we are creating positive atmosphere, which all parties benefit from: The artists, because they can now create and freely execute their ideas without worrying about funding and organization, The City, because it gets perceived as a developing city, fostering creativity and activity of young experts and artists and The local residents, which are now able to see in their own neighbourhood the most recent works of contemporary world art changing their everyday for the better and bringing along progress, or positive change.

We started with the project in 2010 with a large project “New face of Branimirova Street” changing the face of 450 m long wall in the Zagreb’s city centre where more than 80 local artists were involved. In 2011 we decided to give this project stronger conceptual definition so we moved to Zagreb’s suburban neighbourhoods. The goal was to bring cultural content to the neglected parts of the city where a lot of people live and there is no content whatsoever. We where making a bridge that was supposed to help them transit their mental ghetto, change the energy of the neighbourhood and basically give a reason to people to go there if they don’t live there or know anyone that lives there. Dugave neighbourhood in New Zagreb changed forever with help form our friends Phlegm, 108, Dem, Mentalgassi, Jana & JS and local artists. Around 15 artists produced more than 30 murals all over the neighbourhood. In this neighbourhood almost 13000 people live and the only cultural content is a public library. In 2012 we continued to make magic in the neglected parts of the city. That year along with the action in Siget neighbourhood with special power of the artists: ESCIF, MALARKY, AGOSTINO IACURCI and CEMENT ECLIPSES we also produced two collaborative projects. One of the two collaborative projects was a site-specific installation that English collective ROBOTS built out of reclaimed wood on the facade of Mestrovic pavilion. The project was realized in collaboration with Croatian Association of Artist the oldest non-profit organization concerning arts in Croatia (more than 100 years old). The second collaborative project was «A face from billboard» that we did with local cities cultural centers. The project was dealing with problems of usurpation of public space in favor of private interssts (jumbo posters, citiligsts... comerrcial in general). We dealt with one more problem and that is the mass media in croatia and a public picture it presents where

art is marginalised in faveor of «pop culture». So the project was realised as big selfportraits in format of jumbo posters. All in all we had arround 13 walls painted and a large scale instalation produced. This year, the 4th edition is bringing something completely new and unique! We are moving indoors to an old military hospital, which was built 154 years ago. The location is settled in the heart of Zagreb, in Vlaska Street. This facility has been empty since the end of the 90’s, when the last refugees from the Serbo-Croatian civil war left the installation. It’s a protected cultural heritage completely destroyed with no clear plan on renovation and its usage. More than 40 artists from all around the world will channel their creative energy to bring this building to life and transform it into cities cultural hot spot. The organization behind Street Art Museum is Central unit a nongovernmental organisation for promoting culture and a platform for sharing skills in order to change our surroundings. The artists who are participating this year are: Moneyless, Tellas, Ciredz, Harsa, Debza, Salome, Boris Pramatov, Wasted Rita, ArtuDitu, Gjino Šutić, Sergej Vutuc, Sretan Bor, Pekmezmed,Ninja Tiger,Vanja Trobić,Paprat,Ivana Pipal,Tifani Rubi, Miron Milić, Stipan Tadić, Auks One, Ugruv Smek, Dunja Janković, Vedran Kolac, Davor Sanvincenti, Esh, D.L.T., EmaEmaEma, TV Doily, Fuck Toys, Weedzor, Fat Kid Beny, Davor Gromilović, Linch, Blind Tape Quartets, Biskoteka, Giacomo Satti, Chez

- Centralna Jednica

Click here for “making of” video:

Art: Miron Milić Photo & video: Kristijan Smok

Art: Miron Milić Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Miron Milić Photo: Kristijan Smok

Art: Moneyless Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: Moneyless Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: Ciredz and Tellas Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Ciredz and Tellas Photo: Frrresh

Art: Ciredz and Tellas Photo: Frrresh

Art: Ciredz and Tellas Photo: Frrresh

Art: Harsa Photo: Frrresh

Art: Harsa Photo: Frrresh

Art: Debza Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Boris Pramatov Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Wasted Rita Photo1, 2, 3: Sanjin Kaštelan Photo 4: Matea Jocić

Art: ArtuDitu Photo: Frrresh

Art: Sergej Vutuc Photo: Matea Jocić

Art: Sretan Bor Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: Sretan Bor Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: Sretan Bor Photo: Sanjin Kaštelan

Art: Sretan Bor Photos (both pages): Sanjin Kaštelan

Art: Pekmezmed Photo: Matea Jocić

Art: Pekmezmed Photo: Frrresh

Art: Pekmezmed Photo: Frrresh

Art: Ninja Tiger Photo: Matija Kralj

Art: Ninja Tiger Photo: Matija Kralj

Art: Ninja Tiger Photo: Matija Kralj

Art: Ninja Tiger Photo: Matija Kralj

Art: Vanja Trobić Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Vanja Trobić Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Paprat Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art&photo: Ivana Pipal

Art&photo: Ivana Pipal

Art&Photo: Ugruv Smek

Art: Tifani Rubi Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: Stipan Tadić Photo: Frrresh

Art: Auks One Photo: Sanjin Kaštelan

Art: Auks One Photo: Frrresh

Art: Vedran Kolac Photo: MUU

Art: D.L.T. Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: D.L.T. Photo: Frrresh

Photo: Sanjin Kaštelan

Art: Esh Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: EmaEmaEma Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: TV doily Photo: Frrresh

Art: Weedzor Photo: Kristijan Smok

Art: Fat Kid Beny Photo: Nikola Zelmanović

Art: Fat Kid Beny Photo: Kristijan Smok

(Both pages) Art: Davor Gromilović Photo: Filip Romac

(Both pages) Art: Davor Gromilović Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Davor Gromilović Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Davor Gromilović Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Linch Photo: Frrresh

Art: Linch Photo: Filip Romac

Art: Linch Photo: Frrresh

Art: Linch Photo: Frrresh

Art: Linch Photo: Frrresh

Art: Linch Photo: Frrresh

Art &Photo: Dunja Janković

Art &Photos: Dunja Janković

Art &Photos: Dunja Janković

Art: Biskoteka Photos: Frrresh

Art: Giacomo Satti Photos: Frrresh

Art: Giacomo Satti Photos: Frrresh

Photo: Sanjin Kaštelan

Muu photographers: Kristijan Smok- Sanjin Kaštelan-

Nikola Zelmanović- Filip Romac- Matea Jocić-

Photos and text: courtesy of each author Editors: Rafael Milcic and pekmezmed Contact:

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