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The mission of the Frost School of Music is to foster musical leadership by providing an innovative, relevant, and inspiring education; advance performance, creativity, and scholarship; and enrich the world community with meaningful outreach and brilliant cultural offerings.


Welcome to the Transformative Frost School of Music As you explore Frost, you will discover that our programs are among the most diverse in the nation, delivered with a renowned degree of excellence. We break down walls between musical disciplines, offering you a full array of experiences and enabling you to build yourself as an innovator of music. The world you’ll enter upon graduation will be far different from that of 50 years ago, ten years ago, or even today. Students come to the Frost School of Music to be prepared for tomorrow. Performance strength, creativity, and scholarship are at the core of a great music school. Our world-class faculty embodies these attributes, and their devotion to students is reflected in the acclaimed careers of our distinguished alumni. Through their accomplishments, so many of our alumni have changed the landscape in classical music, jazz, rock, hip-hop, opera, and musical theatre. They often have acknowledged their Frost education by giving back to the school. One such alum is Bruce Hornsby, who has endowed a curriculum in the Frost School, The Bruce Hornsby Creative American Music Program. A great music school must elevate the art itself. Our faculty is doing just that with the groundbreaking Frost Experiential Music Curriculum, designed to train undergraduate students more deeply and with more relevancies for the profession today. Graduates of our Music Business and Entertainment Industries and Music Engineering Technology programs are also contributing to the elevation of the musical arts by working in leadership positions throughout the music business community. Graduates from our new M.A. in Arts Presenting program go on to manage performing arts venues and festivals. New attorneys trained through our new J.D./M.M. in Music Business help protect intellectual property rights for all who are creating and recording musical works. Our Music Education and Music Therapy students become the finest teachers and practitioners in the field because brilliant musicianship is at their foundation. I am very proud to lead this amazing Frost School, which encompasses a diverse and rich culture. You will never find another music school with so much to offer, housed in a dynamic university environment. Once seated in the Frost School of Music, you will have a ticket to your tomorrow. The faculty and I hope to get to know you and be able to contribute to your aspirations. To schedule a campus visit and review application information, please visit our website at www.music.miami.edu. Warmly,

Shelton G. Berg Dean, Frost School of Music Patricia L. Frost Professor of Music

Aspire. For as long as you can remember, you’ve been a musician. You’ve practiced and performed. You’ve worked hard to learn about musical traditions and new trends. Now you are making the exciting decision to share your musical

Frost School of Music

thumbprint and become one of the very best musicians in


the world. Congratulations!

Merging Theory with Practice

never ceases to inspire all of the highly passionate

At the Frost School, old teaching methodologies have

musicians at the Phillip and Patricia Frost School of

been replaced by the Experiential Music Curriculum.

Music. We believe that building a future where you

This hands-on, interactive approach to music making

immerse yourself in the richness of music and bring

at the undergraduate level is far superior to the

its glorious power to others is an incredibly rewarding

performance-only, rote-teaching styles and large

pursuit. Today a career in music enables you to reach

lecture classes that are so prevalent at conservatories

and impact vast numbers of people not only through

and other institutions of higher education. Created

performance and teaching but also through

by the faculty of the Frost School of Music, the

technology, business, law, scholarly research, health

Experiential Music Curriculum is a carefully planned

and wellness, and a host of other disciplines. At the

and tested program of training “internal musicians�

Frost School of Music, any aspiration you envision is

rather than rote learners by fully integrating

at your fingertips.

performance, music history, ear training, music theory


The unique power of music to stir human emotion


and composition in four hours of weekly chamber

All freshman

music and small-group sessions. The results are

music students at

immediate and impressive. Students very quickly hear,

the Frost School of

perform, and understand music of varying styles in

Music are enrolled in

historical and contemporary contexts; read musical

the Experiential

scores and hear the music in their minds; perform

Music Curriculum

in ensembles of all sizes and genres with a firm

from day one, regardless of major. This inclusive

understanding of theory and performance practices;

approach ignites the spark of ingenuity that occurs

and learn to compose in myriad styles, both solo and

when musicians from all backgrounds and stylistic

in collaboration. These internalized skills are applied

interests come together to make great music. When

and amplified when students participate in larger

students graduate, they do so as internal musicians able

ensembles. Rehearsals are more productive, and

to impact the profession in unprecedented ways.

Frost School of Music

performances are more informed and inspired.


Think of the Possibilities

While there are ever-expanding employment oppor-

The Frost School of Music is not only a world-class music

tunities for musicians today, the pathways to these

institution with 100 faculty members and 700 students,

opportunities require young musicians to be much

it’s also one of 12 prestigious schools and colleges at the

more entrepreneurial and flexible than past generations.

University of Miami, a major research university ranking

Therefore, the Experiential Music Curriculum requires

in the top 50 of U.S.News & World Report’s America’s Best

all students to take music technology classes, in which

Colleges list. As a result, Frost School students have the

they learn advanced music notation, music sequencing,

freedom to explore many disciplines and carve an

and hard-disk recording techniques. Students also must

educational path unique to their aptitudes and interests.

take music business classes, where they learn how to negotiate contracts, set up a business, and market their

Several innovative degrees at the Frost School are the

musical skills in a new-media environment.

product of University-wide academic partnerships. The Music Business and Entertainment Industries,

The Experiential Experience “What’s it like?” To tell you the truth, it’s an experience. It’s like you’re learning how to hear—not just with the piano but with your imagination, your voice, and your principal instrument. I love it. M.M./J.D. joint degree, and Music Therapy programs, for example, are a few ways Frost School students can pursue their passion for music while delving into professional tracks at the School of Business Administration, School of Law, and Miller School of Medicine. Outside the classroom, Frost School students gain an invaluable education from sharing in the mosaic of interests, cultures, and traditions on campus. Here, future artists, writers, teachers, scientists, physicians, and leaders make up a student body that represents more than 110 countries around the world. With 270 clubs and organizations—including fraternities and sororities, intramural and club sports, and culture-based groups— students can develop lifelong bonds with friends from every background.

You can always count on starting off your morning with scale fragments. Sure, we do plenty of transcriptions, just like any other ear-training class: “Pop Goes the Weasel,” “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” the usual. But YouTube has become a new source for homework. Anything from arias to Motown is fair game. In doing this, not only are we becoming familiar with the “classics,” we’re also applying ear training in everyday life, in everyday music. The professor teaches and drills us for the first half of class, and during the second half we break out into our smaller sections—a vocal group, a woodwind quintet, and a contemporary combo. Instead of just talking about strategies, we have to think through our instrument. Though it’s difficult at times, this practice helps build the connection between your ear and your means of music making. And as a musician, that’s not a bad skill to have. Expectations are high in this curriculum. It is advised that we

An additional broadening of horizons takes place beyond campus. Located in the “Gateway to the Americas,” the University of Miami is in the heart of a dynamic coastal metropolis and a thriving global marketplace. Music is a healthy enterprise in Miami, an increasingly attractive city for producers, publishers, artists, and performers from around the world. It’s an environment filled with possibility for those pursuing a music career.

practice daily the skills we are developing in class. Between random melody sheets and being expected to sing basically any scale (major, minor, modal) in any key, it’s really easy to stay busy in that practice room! Although it’s challenging, it’s amazing to look back and see how far we’ve come since the start of the academic year. I personally can’t wait to see where next semester takes us. —Meg Roy, Class of 2013, participant in the Experiential Music Curriculum pilot program

Accomplish. From your first day as a Frost School of Music student, you will have access to a medley of real-world experiences that’s unmatched anywhere in the world. Those who jump in and explore all these exclusive opportunities are enriched

Frost School of Music

beyond measure. What you are able to accomplish here will


give you top billing as you enter the workforce.

Finding Your Niche No matter how specialized the area of music you are pursuing, the Frost School has a program to match your

are permitted to perform in top ensembles. At the Frost School, all admitted undergraduate students, regardless of major, perform in ensembles their entire four years. Ensemble experience fine-tunes musicianship and fosters networking among students of all majors. Major auditioned ensembles range from the prestigious Frost Symphony Orchestra, Frost Wind Ensemble, Henry Mancini Institute Orchestra, Frost Concert Jazz Band, Frost Chorale, and Frost Opera Theater to the Symphonic Winds, Symphonic Choir, Studio Jazz Band, and more. The University Band and the Frost Band of the

interests. Being housed at a major research university enables us to offer several cross-disciplinary tracks. Degrees offered by the Frost School of Music are in these interest areas:

Performance (B.M., A.D., M.M., D.M.A.) ■ Conducting (A.D., M.M., D.M.A.) ■ Composition (B.M., M.M., D.M.A.) ■ Creative American Music/Songwriting (minor) ■ Sound Recording Arts (M.M.) ■ Studio Music and Jazz (B.M., M.M., D.M.A.) ■ Music Business (B.M., M.M., M.M./J.D., M.A., M.A./J.D.) ■ Music Engineering (B.S, M.S.) ■ Liberal Arts and Music (B.A.) ■ Musicology (M.M.) ■ Music Education (B.M., M.M., Ph.D.) ■ Music Therapy (B.M., M.M., Ph.D.) ■


At some music schools, only performance majors


Hour (marching band) are open to any University of Miami student with prior instrumental experience. The Frost Band of the Hour is rewarding and a great way to see the Miami Hurricanes football and basketball teams in action. graduate students. While undergraduate students integrate theory

Visit Graduate Admissions

and practice through the Frost Experiential Music

at www.music.miami.edu/gradStudies

Curriculum, graduate students gain remarkable hands-

for details on HMI fellowships.

Frost School of Music

on learning through the Henry Mancini Institute (HMI).


Founded in Los Angeles and relocated to Miami,

Through its Miami residency, The Cleveland Orchestra

the HMI assembles great classical and jazz graduate

gives Frost School graduate and undergraduate

musicians and trains them to play a full range of

students a rare chance to receive coaching from

genres—from classical styles to pop, jazz, rock,

orchestra musicians and conductors over two to three

hip-hop, Afro-Cuban, Latin, Asian, and other world

weeks of activities on campus. These include master

music. By doing so, they create new works that attract

classes, side-by-side rehearsals, mock auditions,

diverse audiences to the performing arts. “Mancini

conducting seminars, and performances of new

Fellows” are graduate music students receiving full

chamber works written by Frost composition students.

tuition and a stipend to work as teaching assistants and

Frost students are regularly invited to attend Cleveland

perform in the HMI’s multi-genre, crossover orchestra.

Orchestra rehearsals at the Adrienne Arsht Center for

Dozens of fellowships are available for exceptional

the Performing Arts in downtown Miami.

Performance ■

Department of Instrumental Performance (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, Instrumental Conducting)

Department of Keyboard Performance

ing artists, orchestral principals, and concert soloists.

(Piano, Collaborative Piano, Pedagogy)

Studies in orchestral literature and chamber music are

Department of Vocal Performance

also part of the vibrant mix. Our students are talented

(Voice, Opera, Choral Conducting, Pedagogy)

and technically accomplished instrumentalists who

Department of Studio Music and Jazz

participate in weekly forums that provide informal per-

(Instrumental, Vocal, Pedagogy)

formance opportunities, master classes, and interaction with such guest artists as Mark O’Connor and Midori

The Departments of Instrumental Performance,

and musicians from The Cleveland Orchestra.

Keyboard Performance, Vocal Performance, and Studio Music and Jazz boast world-class faculty who

Keyboard Performance majors are mentored by

expose their students to a wide array of musical styles,

acclaimed faculty keyboard artists who coach their

repertoire, literature, the avant-garde, and more.

students on interpretation,

Students rehearse in state-of-the-art, acoustically

musicianship, and technical

superior facilities and perform extensively in Gusman

mastery. Performance

Concert Hall and Victor E. Clarke Recital Hall.

experiences include solo and duo recitals,

Instrumental Performance students concentrate on

chamber music, and

developing advanced performance artistry on string,


woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments with

for vocalists and

assistance from faculty who are award-winning record-


Undergraduate students present a public senior recital,

Concert Jazz Band,

and master’s and doctoral students prepare multiple

Vocal Ensemble, and

recitals and research papers. Steinway and Yamaha

Salsa Orchestra. Frost

pianos are plentiful and beautifully maintained.

School ensembles

Keyboard students are often invited to perform with

have earned more

the Frost Symphony Orchestra.

DownBeat student awards than ensembles

Vocal Performance majors enjoy a robust curriculum

at any other music

that includes vocal coaching, diction, language study,

school in the United

opera literature, solo repertoire, vocal pedagogy, and

States. Students also enjoy in-depth courses in jazz

more. The Frost Opera Theater recognizes that today’s

arranging, vocal arranging, recording and sequencing,

opera world is vibrant, eclectic, and ever-changing—

jazz composition, improvisation, and orchestration. They

offering tomorrow’s opera singer multiple career choic-

participate in frequent master classes, industry events,

es along the spectrum between tradition and innova-

summer workshops, and festivals. Recent guests include

tion. The Frost Opera Theater presents scenes from

John Clayton, Jeff Hamilton, Ramsey Lewis, Dave Koz,

operas and full-length productions with a modern-day

Wycliffe Gordon, Patti Austin, and Tierney Sutton.

Frost School of Music

twist geared toward awakening new enthusiasm for op-


era. Guest composers, such as Philip Glass and Libby

At the Frost School, performance is at the core of

Larsen, interact in master classes and world premieres.

everything we do. Students are challenged and mentored to fulfill their artistic potential through train-

Studio Music and Jazz majors participate in some of the

ing relevant to today’s world, leading to a fruitful and

nation’s highest quality ensembles, such as the Frost

satisfying career in the performing arts.

Composition The Department of Music Theory and Composition includes programs in: ■


Media Writing and Production

Digital Arts and Sound Design

The Composition faculty is highly inclusive and

members regularly win awards and commissions

encourages diversity of ideas and musical expression.

for new works and also hold leadership positions in

All of our professors take a personal interest in the

organizations such as the College Music Society and

musical growth of their students. Composition majors

Society of Composers, Inc.

participate in weekly workshops and forums and meet prominent visiting experts who introduce them

Mentored by industry veterans, Media Writing and

to the economic, legal, and professional aspects of

Production students are developing music for video

being an active composer. Students have access to a

games, commercials, and films. Several of our alumni

high-tech Electronic Music Lab in the Technology

in the department have earned Grammy awards and

Center and often have their works performed by

nominations for their cutting-edge work.

music ensembles throughout the Frost School and in

Students of the Composition program recently won top honors and awards with BMI, ASCAP, College Music Society, and Red Sneakers, as well as an Emmy for children’s music. Composition faculty


community venues.


Music Media and Industry

Disney Productions, EFX Systems, Euphonix, George

Arts Presenting and Live Entertainment Industries

Massenburg Labs, Harman International, Hit Factory,

Music Business and Entertainment Industries

Hewlett-Packard, JBL, Klark-Teknik, Korg, Microsoft,

Music Engineering Technology

NBC, Neotek, Neve, Otari, Paisley Park, Polk

Sound Recording Arts

Audio, Real Networks, Record Plant, Roland, Saban, Shure, Sigma Sound, Sonic Foundry, Sony America,

The Frost School premiered music business and music

Soundworks, Studer-Revox, Texas Instruments, 3M,

engineering degrees, and continues to lead in these fields.

Universal Studios, VTA, and Yamaha R&D Studios.

Music Engineering Technology students earn either

Students earning a B.M. or M.M. in the Music Business

a Bachelor of Music (B.M.) with a double major in

and Entertainment Industries (MBEI) program select

computer science or a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with

classes that pertain to their special area of interest, such

a minor in electrical engineering. Graduate music

as multinational-recorded music, music copyright law,

engineering students focus their studies in many areas,

music publishing, royalties, music marketing, A&R, ad-

including digital audio processing and psychoacoustics.

ministration and licensing, and music entrepreneurship.

Alumni enjoy prestigious careers with

At the Frost School of Music, ’Cane Records and Cat

industry innovators, including

5 Music Publishing are successful student-run business

BGW, CBS News, Cirrus

ventures that transform our students into industry vet-

Logic, Denon, Digidesign,

erans. A new Master of Arts (M.A.) in Arts Presenting track emphasizes arts events management.

Dolby Laboratories,

The University of Miami School of Law and the Frost


School offer the first-ever joint degree program in law


and music business. Upon completion of a J.D./M.M.

studies. B.A. students take classes in music theory and music history, have private lessons, and participate in a variety of performance experiences.

Musicology or J.D./M.A. program, students gain essential skills for be-

The Department of Musicology has a distinct focus on

coming successful attorneys in the entertainment industry.

the music of the United States and Latin America, and its faculty has an established national reputation for

The Department of Music Media and Industry also

research in these areas. The program combines tradi-

administers the songwriting minor in the Bruce Hornsby

tional modes of research with the live exploration of

Creative American Music Program. Founded by alumnus

the dynamic music cultures that thrive in the Greater

and recording artist Bruce Hornsby, this groundbreaking

Miami area. Small classes and a low student-faculty

songwriting program is open to all music undergraduates

ratio result in an individualized experience.

who meet songwriting audition criteria.

Liberal Arts and Music

Students have access to the impressive resources of the

Talented musicians who want to combine a general

the Marta and Austin Weeks Music Library and the

music curriculum with a broad liberal arts education

Cuban Heritage Collection’s archive of 40,000-plus

enjoy earning a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree (B.A.)

volumes. The Larry Taylor–Bill Matthews American

through our Liberal Arts and Music program. There is

Musical Theatre Archive, housed in the Weeks Library,

plenty of curriculum flexibility for pre-professional

is one of the largest collections of its kind.


entire University of Miami Libraries system, including


Frost School of Music


Music Education

Undergraduate music education majors enjoy broad-

The Music Education program boasts faculty and

based training in instrumental, choral, and strings.

alumni who are national and international leaders in

Students participate in the Frost Experiential Music

the field. An impressive 100 percent of Frost School

Curriculum and perform in ensembles, as well as

Music Education graduates pass the battery of state

pursue coursework in music theory, music literature,

tests to gain certification. National Board Certification

and music education methods. Teaching experiences

training is integrated into the M.M. degree, and

are provided in elementary and secondary public

the program is one of only a handful in the country

school settings.

to offer a graduate course in International Music Education. Our highly respected Ph.D. program has an

Flexibility in master’s degree options offers certification

outstanding placement record, with a focus on research

for music graduates who lack teaching credentials, as

involvement and publication production. Exceptional

well as professionally specialized programs with recital,

library resources support all areas of study.

project, or thesis tracks.

Numerous hospitals and clinics within the UM

Music Therapy

Miller School of Medicine offer diverse practical

The neurologic music therapy curriculum is offered

Students actively perform and continue learning new

in only a handful of schools in the United States, and

musical skills throughout the degree program, and

the Frost School is the only university in Florida to

there is an impressive inventory of music instruments

offer this scientific approach. Our program’s extensive

and equipment for use in practicum sessions and

clinical training doubles that of national standards.

classroom teaching.

experiences in a variety of music therapy settings.

clinical techniques of music therapy, we provide a

Graduates enjoy a high job placement rate and work in

solid foundation in music theory, history, conducting,

education and health care settings with people who

applied instruction, and other essential music skills.

have developmental or neurological disabilities or

Students also complete courses in the sciences, such

mental illness. Frost School music therapy faculty serve

as biology, anatomy, physiology, and psychology.

on the boards of the Journal of Music Therapy and Music

A psychology minor is incorporated into the

Therapy Perspectives, present at conferences worldwide,

undergraduate curriculum.

and publish extensively in industry publications.


In addition to teaching the theory, research, and


Achieve. No matter which niche you choose at the Frost School, your education will be comprehensive, experiential, and transformative. You’ll graduate prepared to pursue your dream job in tomorrow’s music arena. Many of our alumni

Frost School of Music

have achieved exactly that.


market. And Music Therapy alumni are being hired for

Performance programs have enabled alumni to perform

research and leadership positions at an astonishing rate.

on concert stages throughout the world as soloists and in collaborative chamber music settings, as well as in

Learn from the Pros

major symphonies, musical theatre, and choral and

By providing you with a steady stream of unparalleled

opera productions. Composition and Media Writing

real-world musical interactions, the Frost School

and Production graduates are receiving commissions

continually reinforces your career potential. Every

and film scoring assignments. Studio Music and Jazz

student, regardless of major, gains insight and expertise

students are not only recording and producing music,

from pioneers in the music industry—both faculty

they’re winning awards for their musical creativity.

members and invited guest artists. There are numerous

Music Education majors are working in top schools

opportunities for students to create new music and have

and directing community outreach programs. Music

their individual musical expression heard, not just on

Engineering alumni are bringing new technologies to

campus but in worldwide venues.


The strength and renown of the Frost School’s


The Frost Symphony Orchestra and Frost Wind Ensemble regularly feature student soloists as well as professional guest artists on their major concerts, as do the Frost Concert Jazz Band and Frost Salsa Orchestra. The Frost Opera Theater regularly premieres new operatic works that enable students to learn new vocal repertoire and receive behind-the-scenes training on how to mount a new production. Renée Fleming and other operatic greats have worked with Frost students in master class settings. The Henry Mancini Institute at the Frost School of Music provides multi-genre performing and recording experiences, such as the live taping of the HBO television special Unfair and Unbalanced with comedian Robert Klein. The HMI Orchestra is also the resident orchestra for the JazzRoots series at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Miami, where it was prominently featured on several star-studded concerts, “An Evening with Dave Grusin,” Frost School of Music

and “Jazz and the Philharmonic.” Both were released


by a major record label and aired on television. The HMI Orchestra also performed on three tribute programs to George Gershwin, Frank Sinatra, and Ray Charles and interfaced with legendary producer Larry Rosen.

The First Step The first step in achieving your dream career through a Through the Phil Ramone Project at the Frost School

Frost School of Music education is to schedule a visit to the

of Music, students from the Bruce Hornsby Creative

University of Miami. Located on 230 acres in the picturesque

American Music Program and those majoring in arts

city of Coral Gables, dubbed the “City Beautiful,” the campus

presenting, music engineering, and vocal performance

is nestled in a Mediterranean-styled, culture-infused suburb

are writing and presenting a concert reading of a new

just minutes away from Miami’s downtown metropolis and

musical, Be My Love: The Mario Lanza Story, under the

oceanfront hot spots. With towering banyan trees, a peaceful

guidance of famed producer Phil Ramone.

lakeside labyrinth, outdoor sculptures, a state-of-the-art health and wellness center, and even a butterfly garden—the Coral

The Stamps Distinguished Visitors Series at the Frost

Gables campus is a wonderful place to call home.

School of Music, through the generosity of the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation, sponsors a dynamic

When planning a visit to campus, we recommend that you try

schedule of varied guests to campus throughout the

to incorporate several activities. You may be able to scout a

year to conduct master classes with students and

few classes, interact with faculty members, and meet with the

lectures for the campus community. The distinguished

director of admission and recruitment. When you arrive, be sure

roster includes Jimmy Buffett, Mike Stoller, Anthony

to take a campus tour, led by University of Miami students who

Davis, John Corigliano, Helmuth Rilling, Marvin

are happy to answer your questions about all aspects of student

Hamlisch, Jerry Herman, Joshua Redman, Ramsey

life. To arrange these activities and for more information about

Lewis, Lamont Dozier and Daniel Levitin.

how to plan your visit, please contact the Office of Admission at the Frost School of Music at 305-284-2241.

The Stamps Charitable Foundation also established The Stamps Family Music Scholarship Fund. Available only at the University of Miami, this fund supports highly talented freshmen for all four years of their board to participate, record, and perform nationally in four specially formed chamber music ensembles at the Frost School: the Stamps Jazz Quintet, Stamps String Quartet, Stamps Woodwind Quintet, and Stamps Brass Quintet.

Don’t just take our word for it


undergraduate studies with full tuition plus room and


Visit www.music.miami.edu and click on our admissions videos to see what students have to say about their Frost School experience.

Aspire. Accomplish. Achieve. Apply

The Frost School of Music undergraduate and graduate priority deadline for admission applications and doctoral fellowship applications is December 1. We are proud to offer a full range of financial assistance packages rewarding

both musically and academically talented students, including merit scholarships, teaching assistantships, and University fellowships. All supplemental materials must be submitted no later than January 1 for undergraduate applicants and December 1 for graduate applicants.

Undergraduate Admissions All applicants to the University of Miami Frost School of Music must apply to: ■

University of Miami

Frost School of Music

Every applicant to the Frost School of Music must complete an audition regardless of choice of major. Some applicants may be required to submit a prescreening and other supplemental materials like portfolios. Please check the website for more details. The Early Action submission deadline is November 1. The Regular Decision deadline for submission of applications and prescreening (if required) is December 1. Deadline for supplemental materials (test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation) is January 1. Applicants to the Composition and the Media Writing and Production Programs must submit a composition portfolio by February 1. Auditions must be completed by March 1. Auditions are held on campus and at regional sites in the U.S. They are scheduled in the order that completed Frost School applications and fees are received. On-campus auditions are preferred and provide a full day of activities for students and parents. Entrance for freshmen and transfer students is for the fall semester only. The Frost School is not on rolling admission and does not participate in the University’s Early Decision program. Admission as a transfer student also requires a 3.0 grade point average from one’s previous school. The Frost School of Music offers merit scholarships based on both your talent and/or academic qualifications. All you have to do is apply and audition by the deadlines, and you are automatically considered. There is no separate scholarship application. The priority deadline for filing the FAFSA and the CSS Profile is February 1. Please visit the Financial Aid website for more specific details.

Graduate Applications

All applications are completed online at www.music.miami.edu/ gradStudies. All admissions and program information can be obtained from this Web address. Click on the “Admissions” tab at the top left-center of the screen to access all available admissions information. In general, all graduate applicants should have a 3.0 grade point average on all post-secondary work. An official transcript of every post-secondary school attended must be provided. Three letters of recommendation from individuals knowledgeable about your musical and academic capabilities are also required. Graduate Record Examination general scores are required of all doctoral and master’s program applicants. Master’s students in performance are excluded from this requirement (Instrumental Performance, Keyboard Performance, Studio Music and Jazz, and Vocal Performance). A combined GRE verbal and quantitative score of 295 is expected for admission. Waivers for those with lower scores may be available depending upon individual circumstances. International students must satisfy the English language requirement: TOEFL IBT of 80, TOEFL paper-based of 550, and IELTS of 6.5. Each program has its own specific requirements, such as auditions, video recordings, portfolios, and writing samples. Program-specific requirements are listed online in the “Admissions” section of the Graduate Studies website; see address listed above.

Office of Admission Frost School of Music Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 305-284-2241 E-mail: admission.music@miami.edu

Listen to great performances and compositions by Frost School of Music students and faculty in the Media section of our website: www.music.miami.edu.

Undergraduate www.music.miami.edu/admission

Graduate www.music.miami.edu/gradStudies www.music.miami.edu

www.music.miami.edu/admission Visit us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

The University of Miami Frost School of Music has been an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1939.

Frost School of Music

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

P. O. Box 248165 Coral Gables, FL 33124-7610

Ph: (305) 284-2241 Fax: (305) 284-6475 admission.music@miami.edu www.music.miami.edu


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