The Fringe, November 2018

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community news, issues, arts, people, events


The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

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contents It’s beginning to look a lot like …; Whau attracts new activity.... 4 Kauri dieback enforcement to ramp up over the summer........... 5 Why buy new when you can rent?............................................... 6 Estelle to help switch Glow on..................................................... 7 “An absolute dream come true”................................................... 8 Art and about with Naomi McCleary............................................ 9


New Creative Directions; Artist open their studios.................... 10 Propaganda perspectives on pottery.......................................... 11 Places to go: Events listing................................................. 12 – 13 At the libraries; news from Titirangi Theatre............................. 14 Bandstanding: Titirangi’s Annee Lambert-Vickers...................... 15 Feature: gifts and hospitality.............................................. 16 – 17 After training, work almost guaranteed..................................... 18


Feature: desirable destinations.................................................. 19 Sustainable solutions: Dealing with food waste......................... 20 Walking West: Te Atatū walkway................................................ 21 Live @ the lounge; Cartoon Corner............................................ 22 Advertisers Directory.................................................................. 23 On our cover: John Parker’s The Ripley Effect (porcelain) is only one of the many examples of ceramic art that make up the Portage Ceramic Awards exhibition, on display at Te Uru from November 9. For more see page 11. The winners of the Love Your Place Awards, funded by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board and organised and hosted by EcoMatters Environment Trust, were announced recently in Titirangi. The winner of the DENISE YATES AWARD (for youth under 16) was Thomas Forrest-Dawson with Leon Schipper earning a judges’ commendation. Thomas has supported the rāhui by talking to people on the tracks about kauri dieback and eagerly cleaning their footwear, tyres and paws as they entered and exited the tracks. He has also helped with data collection, educating community about kauri dieback and assisting with infected trees. Thomas is pictured (centre) with Leon (left) receiving their awards from Denise Yates’ daughter Brenda (back left) and Denise’s partner Jo Quatermass (right) The KARAKA AWARD (for a school or school group) was won by Glen Eden Primary School with Glen Eden Intermediate and Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi earning a commendation while the NĪKAU AWARD (for a business or social enterprise) was won by eCoTrack (Steve MacLeod) with the judges’ commendation going to Practically Green (Coralie Archer). The RĀTĀ AWARD (for an outstanding volunteer group or organisation) was won by the South Titirangi Neighbourhood Network (Vicki Sargisson) with Kauri Rescue (Dr Mels Barton), Friends of Whatipu (Wayne McKenzie) and Reconnect Family Services Supported Bail Programme (Mckenzie Tuala-Pine) earning commendations. The KAHIKATEA AWARD (for an outstanding individual volunteer) was won by John Sumich while Derek March, Annalily van den Broeke and Dr Mels Barton won judges’ commendations.

Every issue of The Fringe (and the Titirangi Tatler before it) since April 2011 is on-line at Like us on Facebook ( FringeWest) to hear when each issue is available and get other updates. please support our advertisers – they support us

14 21,000 copies delivered free to letter boxes, post boxes, libraries and selected outlets throughout Titirangi, Glen Eden, Green Bay, New Lynn, Kelston, Konini, Wood Bay, French Bay, South Titirangi, Waima, Woodlands Park, Laingholm, Parau, Cornwallis, Huia and Oratia.

Published by: Fringe Media Ltd, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi, Auckland 0642

Editor: Bevis England 817 8024, 027 494 0700


Features: Moira Kennedy 021 723 153

Writers and contributors: Jade Reidy, David Thiele, Naomi McCleary, Susannah Bridges, Fiona Drummond and Mick Andrew.

Advertising deadline for December/January: November 15 The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


our place

It’s beginning to look a lot like … After working long days as an arborist, it would be fair to assume that Christian Conradsen would put his feet up and relax a little. But not so for the Parau man who heads straight onto his property to prune and care for up to 300 Christmas trees that are reaching their peak form in time for the festive season. “That’s my relaxation. It’s therapeutic for me to prune. I do each of them every week at this time of year. I just like to grow trees,” he says. Danish-born, Christian bought the property in 2013 and before he’d even moved onto it, started planting 12 species of Christmas Christian Conradsen (left) and Santa’s helper tree including cypress, Max Williams at the Xmas Tree Ranch sequoias and redwoods (which appeal to North Americans and Europeans in particular) and of course the bushy pine trees of which New Zealanders are so fond. Christian’s worked with large-scale Christmas tree forests throughout Europe, in Poland, France, Italy, Germany, his home country Denmark and England. “These were big forest estates. Christmas trees in Europe are a normal part of the forestry industry, worth billions of dollars and with millions and millions of trees being grown and exported,” he says. “Every family has a real Christmas tree. The different countries all have different cultures. No-one would ever think about not having a tree or having a plastic one. Plastic trees are non-existent. “I understand that lots of New Zealanders head off on holiday, to

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the beach, bach or overseas, but there is an increase in the number of people wanting a real Christmas tree.” Christian says most people don’t realise that even after they’re cut down Christmas trees are alive and drink a lot of water as they grow and stretch. “Nothing else but water is needed every day – no soil, no bricks.” As soon as you get your tree home you should re-cut the stem, taking 2-3cm off, before putting the tree into about 10cm of water. “That second cut is super important. It only takes a few minutes for the stem to suck up bit of air and then it’s blocked. The second cut will enable it to drink in water. The tree will start deteriorating faster if you don’t do that. If the water dries up, re-cut the stem. Trees will last 6-7 weeks if you look after them. My record is eight weeks.” From the end of November Christian is into tree-cutting mode on his Xmas Tree Ranch. “It’s a great family event and it’s first in, first served.” There’s no pre-tagging for later collection and the last day for the trees’ sale is December 16. The ranch is open at 711 Huia Road from November 28 – weekdays 5-8pm, weekends 9am-7pm. – Moira Kennedy

Whau attracts new community activity It’s all aboard on a range of recreational craft – three hours each side of high tide – with the opening of a new 30-metre pontoon on the Whau River at Archibald Park in Kelston. Aimed at attracting more community use for vessels such as waka ama, kayaks and small boats, the pontoon is part of the Te Whau Pathway project which will link the Manukau Harbour at Green Bay to the Waitemata Harbour via a 12km shared path. So far three kilometres of the path have been completed at Olympic, Ken Maunder, Archibald and McLeod Parks with Roberts Fields and Tiroroa Reserve opening before the end of the year. Subject to funding and resource consents the project could be completed by 2025. The total budget is $66 million and once it is finished, an estimated 300,000 people will use it for recreational options per year. The new pontoon (accessed from Beaubank Road, Kelston) adjoins the existing boat ramp and has come in under budget at a cost of $442,548 after an original costing of $479,000. Community groups and volunteers continue working on a range of restoration projects in the Whau catchment with members of the LDS church youth group planting 670 trees, shrubs and grasses the day the pontoon was opened. – Moira Kennedy

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

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Kauri dieback enforcement to ramp up over the summer The lurid orange of a high-visibility vest has However, it’s also reported that one become an accustomed sight in parts of the reason people aren’t being penalised may Waitākere Ranges: it’s the typical uniform of be the difficulties compliance officers and the compliance officers whose job it is to rangers face when trying to enforce fines. educate people about kauri dieback. The same goes for closed tracks. While Stationed at the entrances to popular open not being subject to a CAN and its rules tracks during daylight hours, they have friendly about soil movement, some of these chats with track users, providing information tracks are under surveillance and are about the threat to kauri from the disease and being regularly inspected by compliance how its spread can be prevented. According to officers to see if people are still using the Auckland Council Biosecurity Manager Phil them. While Auckland Council has the Brown, the ambassadors’ presence has resulted power to trespass anyone it finds on in more people spraying and scrubbing their The spectacular Mokoroa Falls in Goldie Bush Scenic a closed track, no one has yet been boots and keeping to the tracks. trespassed. “We will be ramping up our Reserve. Photo: itravelNZ/Creative Commons. “We are seeing very high levels of compliance when we have a enforcement measures over the summer,” says Phil. compliance officer at the track entrance,” he says. The start of summer has also heralded the re-opening of all tracks in Since May of this year, open tracks have been subject to a Controlled Goldie Bush Scenic Reserve, north of the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Notice or CAN which requires visitors to prevent any movement Area, following extensive upgrades including improved drainage, 1.5km of soil by scrubbing and spraying footwear. The kauri dieback pathogen of stone chips on the surface and three walk-through cleaning stations. can easily be spread through even the smallest amount of soil, and The tracks, which include Goldie Bush Walkway, Mokoroa Stream scrupulous hygiene reduces the likelihood of the disease spreading. and Mokoroa Falls Tracks will all remain subject to a CAN and the same In addition to the presence of the compliance officers, open tracks rules about soil movement. Compliance officers will be stationed at the have been upgraded with new gravel and improved hygiene stations entrance to the tracks. (Goldie Bush includes a 4-5 hour loop linking the have been installed at the entrances, making it easier for people to three tracks together – one of the longest walks now open in the west.) clean their footwear. “We’ve been working closely with Te Kawerau ā Maki and as a Neglecting to use these hygiene stations could result in a $50,000 result, we now have a more robust track, with stronger enforcement fine or three month prison sentence but Auckland Council is opting in place, better information and great interpretation,” Department of more for engagement and education than punitive measures. Since the Conservation Auckland mainland operations manager Kirsty Prior says. CAN came into affect, no one has been prosecuted. “This upgrade work will ensure the tracks stay mud-free in all “A key focus initially has been educating visitors about the conditions and keep kauri safe.” requirements of the CANs rather than penalising walkers,” says Phil. – Mick Andrew

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


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Why buy new when you can rent? Good quality toy brands, fewer cheap plastic toys going to landfill and new toys every week. What’s not to like for parents of young children? ‘Nothing’ is the answer if you’re one of the 250 or so members of the Green Bay-based West Auckland Community Toy Library. It’s been going for close to 25 years with Titirangi’s Anne Riley holding the ‘librarian’ title for 20 years before recently moving on to pursue other interests. Since then Natalie Oliver-Pegrum has been at the helm and like Anne before her says she’s keen to continue stocking good, solid toys that are well made and will survive the knocks small children can deliver to them. “I’ve always been a bit of a greenie,” says Natalie, “and I’m all for not buying new. I’m especially against offthe-conveyor belt plastics, so this is the perfect place to embrace the reduce, reuse and recycle message.” The library is aimed at children aged from six months to five years although it continues to be a hit with those slightly older as well. “One of the great things about the library is that there’s Natalie Oliver-Pegrum: “A real no need for parents to buy expensive toys when children community hub.” change their minds about what they like so quickly,” says Natalie. “We have new toys coming through all the time so there’s a great range. If children don’t like something a parent has chosen, it’s cheap and efficient to swap it for something else.” Funding comes from community grants so “we like to spend the money wisely and we’re proud of the quality we maintain.” There’s a lengthy list of offerings: games, books, puzzles, dress-up clothes, musical instruments, rocking horses, beach toys and sports goods like cricket sets, toy trucks and diggers, climbing ropes, bowling and swing sets and of course, the much loved Thomas The Tank merchandise. There are also plenty of hands-on toys for brain development and building blocks and toys from which children can make things – like lacing and threading toys – are always keenly sought. “Boxes of toys that will appeal to babies are placed at floor level so little ones can just drag out what takes their fancy or appeals to them, says Natalie. “I want it to be a real community hub with children gravitating to what they want. It’s a work in progress.” Up to 100 parents visit the library each week, especially during school holidays. A six-month membership costs $45, annual membership is $70 and parents can trial the scheme to see if it suits their children for a fee of $25. Rental time is two weeks and almost everything is $1 to rent, with time extensions available. The library will be holding a sale of some of its pre-loved toys on November 11, 9.30-11am, at its premises at 229 Portage Road (the Craigavon Park end). Normal opening hours are 9am-12noon on Tuesday and Wednesday, 1.30-4pm on Thursday and Friday and 9-11.30am on Saturday. For more information phone 827 3343.

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

Students completing a sustainability course at AUT gave the Huia Weed Warriors a welcome injection of fresh energy last month by each volunteering 10 hours of their time. The Huia Settlers Museum gardens had a spruce up and (left to right) Cooper Hutchinson, Julian Kleiser and Young Woong Cho also dug up a trailer full of ginger roots from Hinge Bay. With help from local Chris Armitage (far left) these were disposed of in the community weed bin at Huia Domain.

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Estelle to help switch Glow on It’s almost time for Titirangi to Glow once again. Thanks to the Titirangi Volunteer Fire Brigade and dedicated volunteers, Titirangi Village is being strung with Christmas lights. Join your neighbours from 6pm on November 24 and be ready to ready to ignite the lights around 9.10pm at the culmination of another great evening of family fun and entertainment. Organisers have confirmed another great line-up of entertainment, with the evening to be MC’d by local celebrity Estelle Clifford, of The Hits radio station. Included in the programme are Green Bay High School band Ugly Friday, young singing sensation Jamie Dallow, the always popular Tamashii Drummers, the ‘world-famous in Titirangi’ Fringe Ukes and the Baptist Choir. Cherie Mathieson and her band will be returning Estelle Clifford is to MC this year – festival-goers from last year will the 2018 Glow Festival. remember their stand-out performance. Titirangi locals are in for a treat with this great range of talent set to keep everyone entertained as they wait for darkness to fall signalling the switch-on of this year’s Titirangi lights and illuminations. Festival goers are asked to bring a gift (only new items please and wrapped and labelled with appropriate gender and age) to add to Santa’s sleigh on the evening. Santa will, of course, be making a special appearance to help distribute these gifts to Family Action Group, LifeWise and Refugees as Survivors to make Christmas that little bit brighter for local families in need. Gifts can also be left at Barfoot & Thompson Titirangi or Face & Body during the days leading up to the event. Many Titirangi Village businesses will join in the fun and add to the festival atmosphere with delicious food for sale and free face painting, along with Three Ring Riot, a bouncy castle and lots more. The Glow Festival committee is grateful to local businesses that have provided financial support or have donated their services to enable this event to continue. There will be entertainment for all ages at Special mention must go this year’s festival. to principal sponsor Face & Body and community grant providers: The Trusts Community Foundation, Waitākere Ranges Local Board and Foundation North. Keep up to date with Glow Titirangi via and the Glow Titirangi Family Festival group on Facebook. See you on the November 24 from 6pm as we dance, sing and light up Titirangi for the fifth annual Glow Festival.

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018



“An absolute dream come true.” Just short of 14 years as the head at Green Bay High “We didn’t try to react (to issues) too quickly School, retiring principal, Morag Hutchinson says the and do things that signalled change but weren’t role has been the highlight of her professional career. sustainable. We did things that were evidence“It’s been brilliant. Who wouldn’t be excited about based and looked long and hard at changes we were leading a school in your own community? To be able making. There was no knee-jerk,” she says. to live in a community and work in that community, in “We introduced a school uniform and our numbers a space that’s all about improving outcomes for young starting increasing. That’s a very shallow measure people in that community, is a wonderful job.” but it was a signal that we were listening. People When she first took on the role, there were issues realised it was a lovely high school, in a lovely within the school. Student numbers were less than 600 neighbourhood. (it’s now 1320 or so), there was no school uniform and “With numbers increasing, it meant that every gossip that ranged from what the students were being time we got more students, we got more resources. taught to their behaviour was rife in the community. We could employ more staff and offer more choices,” “When I was training to be a teacher in 1975, we Morag says. were brought to Green Bay High as it was one of the Rebuilding and renovations at the school took country’s most forward-thinking state schools with Morag Hutchinson: rewiring not on new meaning too. “We had a very strong retiring. innovative programmes,” she says. commitment to lots of glass, transparency. Literally “Anything that was a bit different, a bit experimental, wasn’t that and metaphorically we could see outside ourselves and other people well supported probably. New Zealand was a very conservative country, could see inside and that has been at the heart of the changes that back in the day.” have gone on. Transparency brings in light, disinfects, brings in fresh Morag says that over the years, urban legends had occurred; stories leads and you see things in a different light.” were told. Roll numbers decreased. “If the community doesn’t support A special thrill for Morag was the creation of the school’s Performing its local school, you don’t get the numbers and you don’t grow. You Arts Centre. “It brought us together as a school and it’s a way of need growth to refresh ideas, bring in extra resources. connecting back to our creative, artistic and energetic community. “I wanted to take the very best of the past and weave it into a fresh Most weekends it’s being used for something. We wanted the future. The school rejigged its vision to clarify what it stood for – community in our school and that’s what’s happened.” being innovative, individualised and connected – and we made a real Another highlight for Morag was the introduction of the Education commitment to be responsive and open to the community,” she says. Ministry’s Community of Learning initiative which sees 12 local schools “I think one of the greatest challenges in education is making sure and their teachers, working collaboratively and sharing knowledge. there are great outcomes for young people. When you see something Morag has been the local chair for the past two years. Continued on page 18 >> that’s not going well, you can’t do a quick fix.


The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

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art & about with naomi mccleary

New directions for Te Toi Uku This month it is all 'fire on the clay'! The annual Portage very soon: 'The Box', a short humorous story of 'goings on' Ceramic Awards take centre stage again and, as always, at a museum's off-site storage facility and 'A Bird Cage on it will be a smorgasbord of the wild and wonderful James Street', a romantic thriller set in France during the ways in which clay can be twisted, spun, thrown and 1980s involving a cathedral, several generations of art tortured into magnificence. It will be accessible and forgery and, of course, a birdcage on James Street”. possibly controversial; a show that we all love to have Ronnie has wasted no time in coming up with a set an opinion on. For more on the awards, see page 11. of proposals for how the museum might forge a larger Recently I took a friend with an interest in ceramics for future in telling the story of clay in the west. These range a walk to see the fabulous down-draft Gardner kiln in from a modest plan to find off-site storage for boxed Ambrico Place, New Lynn. I had already warned her that collections and improve the bathrooms, to a grand vision Te Toi Uku, the neighbouring ceramics museum, would of an expanded museum with cafe (and bathrooms) which almost certainly be closed. However, there was an open Ronnie Pace, the new brings the Gardner kiln inside and creates considerable sign on the door and a tentative push confirmed that it director at Te Toi Uku. more space for telling the fascinating stories that connect was indeed open for visitors. Inside we were warmly greeted by Ronnie with, and make sense of, the collections. The Portage Ceramic Trust Pace, the newly appointed director, who wasted no time in informing has endorsed a staged programme to take these proposals through us of the importance of the Crown Lynn collections on display and his to feasibility and potential fruition. The Trust is to be commended for dreams and aspirations for what the future could hold. His enthusiasm grasping the vision and committing to taking it as far as possible. was infectious and a jolly good time was had by all. My friend is not a The back story: Portage Ceramic Trust was formed in 2005 to great lover of the Crown Lynn domestic ware of her childhood but was purchase a large private collection of ceramics and pottery-making entranced by the collection of richly glazed pipes and stacks, moulds equipment relating to Crown Lynn Potteries Limited. Clay-based and machinery; all of which are crying out for more space and a curated industries and arts have narrative to tell the story of the industrial history of clay in the west and been part of the West its evolution into the domestic production decades when almost every Auckland history since the New Zealand family ate off Crown Lynn dinnerware and mantle pieces mid-19th century and the sported swans laden with flowers. collection has grown to Ronnie Pace arrived in New Zealand in 2003 with a Masters in include heavy clay objects Conservation from the Camberwell College of Arts, London. He and machinery from the completed a six-month internship at the National Library and then Gardner Brothers and worked for Archives New Zealand as a conservator in both Auckland Parker collections which and Wellington. In 2016 he took a senior role at MOTAT before moving were held by Waitākere Crown Lynn’s iconic swans, and more, can be to Te Toi Uku. Whilst in Wellington he developed a solution to deal with Council in the current viewed at Te Toi Uku. the deterioration of a collection of over 2,000 National Film Unit titles, premises, now named Te Toi Uku, (which can be translated as ‘the art which included the takeover and transfer of Peter Jackson's analogue of clay’). The collection includes examples of most types of ceramics film processing laboratory. His plan saved the government $23 million produced by Crown Lynn over its 40-year history, as well as tools and and reduced the project timeline from 43 years to 4 years. machinery and an archive of documents, photographs and designs. When asked to add a little colour to his story, Ronnie responded The collection clearly demonstrates the advances in manufacturing thus: “My hobbies are writing, cooking and dog walking. I have a large, techniques developed by Crown Lynn over that period as well as rescue Labrador/Great Dane cross called Bali (to remind me of the changes in fashion and design. holiday I need) and enjoy going on long, organised dog walks around Te Toi Uku is open Tuesday and Friday, 10am-4pm, and Saturday Titirangi. Also each morning I rise at 5.30 and write for around one 10am-2pm. Take a walk and take your friends – the kiln is a thing of hour. I have four novels in the pipeline, two of which I hope to publish beauty and the collections a trip down 'nostalgia lane'.


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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


art & about


New Creative Directions

Artists open their studios

Venturing into new avenues and exploring your distinctive creativity are key at Summer School 2019. Based on-site amongst the greenery of Corban Estate Arts Centre, January 14 – 18, there are eight unique Summer School workshops on offer featuring the specialist skills and talents of a line-up of renowned local and international artists. From wood carving, printmaking, drawing, Shibori dyeing, realistic portraiture, novel writing, landscape painting and glass casting, there are many potential creative directions in store for participants. UK artist Tom Voyce, tutor of the Place Particulars: Discoveries in Abstract Landscapes workshop, pushes the limits of figuration and abstraction in his oil painting works. Tom had a near sell-out first solo exhibition at Gallery No.1, Repton School (Derbyshire) earlier this year, after winning the 2017 Tom Voyce, Korcula 1 (2018) Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year Detail, Oil on board, courtesy competition. Under Tom’s tutelage, of the artist. students of all levels will gain the tools to hone their personal style. At Summer School 2019, learning takes place inside and outside the classroom. Immersed in a wonderful week of hands-on and practical workshops, participants will not only be interacting with like-minded peers and stellar tutors, they will also have the opportunity to take part in a range of additional free activities and studio tours. Whether one is a serious creator or just wanting to reconnect with their creativity, Summer School 2019 is a special programme with more options than ever. With an abundance of mediums and techniques to choose from, there really is something to suit everyone.

Open Studios Waitākere is an annual weekend opportunity for artists resident in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area to open their studios to the public. Visitors can choose to either an take a selfguided tour at their your own pace with the Open Studios map or mobile app, or jump on one of the Open Studios Bus Tours. Renee Tanner, who organises the event, says it’s an inspiring weekend for everyone. "The event provides a unique opportunity to meet local artists in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area, see art in action, purchase local artwork and learn about the creative process. This year we've over 70 artists involved, and 50 studios from Huia to Henderson Valley, Titirangi to Te Henga, including sculptors, painters, jewellers, illustrators, ceramic artists and photographers. We are all very grateful to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board who fund and support the event,” she says. Titirangi jeweller Judy Newton’s studio is a highlight for many visitors each year. Judy creates jewellery using coloured Jewellery by Judy Newton. window glass, vintage window glass, broken china, beach stones and sterling silver. She loves recycling, transforming something broken into something new, and seeing possibilities in materials that have been discarded. Over the weekend Judy will be offering visitors a demonstration of jewellery techniques, and a display of completed works at her idyllic studio surrounded by native bush. Open Studios Waitākere is on November 17 and 18, 10am-4pm and bus tour bookings are essential (email by November 14). Full event details and further information about Judy and all the other artists can be found at www.openstudioswaitakere.

14 - 18 January 2019

Art at Oaklynn Special School The opportunity to exhibit their works at Lopdell House’s Upstairs gallery is a highlight for visual arts students at Oaklynn Special School this year. The Melange exhibition runs until November 18. Mark Cygan who has run the visual arts program for artistically gifted and talented students at Oaklynn for 20 years says art is taught as a way of knowing and understanding the world. “Purposeful visual art activities expand our children’s ways of exploring, expressing and coming to terms with the world they inhabit in a structured and enjoyable way,” he says. “I am so pleased to be able to take up this opportunity for the third time and share with the greater community the talent our students possess, and the creative voice that often goes unseen.”

Christine Cathie, Pushkar (2018), Lime cast glass, Courtesy of the artist.


SUMMER SCHOOL Start the year off creatively with one of our Summer School adult workshops. Learn from acclaimed tutors such as Tom Voyce (UK), Paul Woodruffe, Prue MacDougall, and more. Painting / Drawing / Writing / Printmaking Wood Carving / Glass Casting / Shibori Dyeing

More info: | (09) 838 44 55


The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

Furniture designed and made to order Furniture repaired and restored advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers

art & about

Propaganda perspectives on pottery tradition of ceramic practice and industry in Los Angeles and Bari is no exception. As an artist who studied at CalArts, she has developed both a studio pottery practice and also her own company for production works, named BZippy & Co. Bari’s work has been described as a mix of traditional craft, feminist Lynda Wilson’s Overturning Rocks. critique, conceptual theory Earthenware clay and historical research – her recent exhibition Propaganda Pots responded to the depiction of women in Eastern Bloc propaganda posters from the 1980s. Ziperstein was included in a 2017 Artsy article as one of the 20 artists “shaping the future of ceramics.” After the awards night, held at Te Uru on November 8, Bari will give a free exhibition talk on November 10 at 12noon. Supported by Ceramics NZ, the national organisation for potters in Aotearoa, she will also be undertaking talks and workshops throughout the country. The Portage Ceramic Awards exhibition runs at Te Uru from November 9 until February 10, 2019. The Fringe has two tickets to the Portage Ceramics Awards Night to give away. To go in the draw to win one email the name of the 2018 awards judge along with your name, phone number and address to info@fringemedia. with Awards Night in the subject line. Entries must be received by November 6.


EXHIBITION 9 NOV 2018 – 10 FEB 2019 Free entry 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018



Now in its 18th year, the annual Portage Ceramic Awards returns to Titirangi this month. The awards night is an important calendar event for the pottery community, attended by those artists, collectors and enthusiasts from across the country that are lucky enough to get their hands on a ticket. The resulting exhibition, on display at Te Uru from November 9 and throughout summer, is always essential viewing for anyone interested in the state of clay in Aotearoa, including some of this country’s most respected practitioners, and there’ll be plenty of new and emerging names to discover too. A tradition of the Portage Ceramic Awards has always been to invite a guest judge to select the works for the exhibition and those that will receive prizes. Each judge brings their own perspective to the role, ensuring an ever-evolving cross-section of works from one year to the next. Ever since the first event in 2001, the judge has come from abroad, although Rick Rudd’s Teapot. Earthernware last year there was surprise and added interest when New Zealand writer-curator Emma Bugden was announced as the judge for 2017. This year the judge is Bari Ziperstein who will travel from Los Angeles to share her insights and experience with the New Zealand craft community. Given our close proximity to California, just across the Pacific, it seems surprising that there aren’t already closer ties with potters from that part of the world, especially given West Auckland’s similarly independent West Coast spirit. Nevertheless, there is a strong

places to go


Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person wherever possible.

november w – 4, From the Shore, acclaimed works from Lisa

Reihana and Tracey Moffatt, alongside new commissions from Tanu Gago, Robert George, Nova Paul and Tuafale Tanoa’i (aka. Linda T.); Te Uru. w – 18, Flat-Pack Whakapapa, Maureen Lander explores the connections between whakapapa and raranga (Māori weaving); Te Uru. w – 18, Pamela Byles, Painter; West Coast Gallery, Piha. Phone 812 8029. w – 18 Melange, an exhibition of works by students from Oaklynn Special School; Upstairs Gallery, Lopdell House; 10am-4.30pm. Phone 817 4278. w 2, West Auckland Men’s REBUS Club for retired or semi-retired men, guest speaker and morning tea; Kelston Community Centre; 9.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945. w 2, Flicks film night; Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House; 10.30am, 6pm or 8.15pm. Phone 818 2489 for details and bookings. Trailers and information at www.flickscinema. w 4, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w 9, Ladies’ PROBUS Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South;

9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484. w 9 – February 10, Portage Ceramic Awards Exhibition; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 8087. w 13, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email w 13, Western Districts Women’s Dinner Club, dinner and entertainer, visitors welcome; Bricklane Restaurant, 5 Clark Street, New Lynn; 6.15pm. Phone Maureen 818 3586 to book or for more information. w 15, Waitākere Forest & Bird talk: Spider specialist Grace Hall presents An introduction to New Zealand spiders; Kelston Community Centre; 7.30pm; koha appreciated. Phone Liz 027 476 2732 or email lizanstey@ w 16, Street Food foodie fiesta; Barron Green, 1 Barron Drive, Green Bay; 5-8.30pm. Contact: Marc Hershman, w 17 – 18, Open Studio Waitākere 2018, an opportunity to visit 70 artists in their studios. Visit www. for more information. w 18, Advent Fair; Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios Place, Laingholm; 10am-3pm. Details on Facebook: @AdventFairTitirangi. w 20, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635. w 20 – December 1, Shirley Valentine, a comedy by Willy Russell, directed by John Goudge and starring Kerrynn Walsh; Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House; Bookings and tickets at Titirangi Pharmacy or online at www.

w 23, The Combined Probus Club of Glen Eden,

fellowship, speakers, monthly trips; Ceramco Park Function Centre, Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 10-11.30am. Phone Brian Holt 838 5857. w 24, German Christmas Market; Green Bay Community House, 1 Barron Drive; 10am-2pm. w 25, Car Boot Sale: Titirangi Primary School, Atkinson Road, Titirangi; 9am-12 noon; Site $10 - phone Fiona 021 022 16553 or email for bookings. w 25, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on or phone 022 631 9436 w 25, Frances Adlam presents key ideas from her book Raise your child to Read and Write; Seminar Room, first floor Lopdell House; 2.00–3.30 pm; Free. Email Frances for further information w 27, Titirangi U3A with a range of activities including study groups, discussions, speakers and more; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1.30pm; gold coin. Contact 817 5519 or w 30, West Auckland Artist Talks featuring Gavin Hipkins (Assoc. Professor Elam), Janet Lilo (contemporary artist) and Dr Mark Harvey (performance artist and UoA senior lecturer); Green Bay Community House, 1 Barron Drive; 7-9pm, free. Contact Louise Stevenson,

december w December 1, Walk Through Christmas Story with

crafts and fun activities; St Francis Church, Corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 11:00am-3:30pm; Entry by Koha for the City Mission. Phone Margaret 817 1330. w December 2, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club;

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Satisfy your Mexican craving and try our new Dessert taco. Exclusive to New Lynn only. Special deals on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Catering, private functions, parties.

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers

places to go

There is so much happening in and around our community, including many weekly events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. To find out more about whatever you are interested in, from Air Scouts to yoga and almost everything in between, visit:

l WHERE IT’S AT: • Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon Lane, Henderson; 10am–4.30pm daily. 838 4455. • EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn; Wednesday – Sunday 10am-2pm. 826 4276, info@ecomatters. • Flicks cinema, Lopdell House Theatre. 818 2489, • Kelston Community Centre, corner of Awaroa and Great North Roads, Kelston. • McCahon House Museum, 67 Otitori Bay Rd; Wednesday – Sunday, 1-4pm, except public holidays. 817 6148, mccahon@ • Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden. 818 5751. • Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 8087, info@ • Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House Theatre, Titirangi. 817 5812, infoline 817 5951, • Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House, 418 Titirangi Road; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 4278, • West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha; Wednesday – Sunday, 10am–4pm. 812 8029,

Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 November 10am–4pm Visit some of Waitākere’s most celebrated artists including sculptors, painters, jewellers, illustrators, ceramic artists and photographers. With over 70 artists involved, and 50 studios from Huia to Henderson Valley, Titirangi to Te Henga, it’s an inspiring weekend out and about. Take a self-guided tour at your own pace with our Open Studios Map and mobile App, or jump on an Open Studios Bus Tour. For more information visit or find us on Facebook and Instagram. Funded and supported by

Lopdell Precinct presents

A Christmas Twilight Market Friday 7th December 5pm – 9pm Fabulous Festive Stalls Free films for the kids Christmas Carols Free Gif t wrapping

Nov 20–Dec 1, 2018 Directed by John Goudge Starring Kerynn Walsh Nov 20-24 8pm Nov 24 2pm matinee Nov 25 6pm Nov 27-Dec 1 8pm Bookings can be made at Titirangi Pharmacy on 817 7658 or at

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018



436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w December 6, Waitākere Grey Power General Meeting with guest speaker Janice Willis from Elderly Assist; Swanson RSA; Meeting from 10am with lunch (at $20.50 per head) at 12 noon. For bookings and information phone 838 5207. w December 7, West Auckland Men’s REBUS Club for retired or semi-retired men, guest speaker and morning tea; Kelston Community Centre; 9.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945. w December 7, Christmas Twilight Market, stalls, carols, free gift wrapping; Lopdell Precinct; 5-9pm. www. w December 8 – January 6, Christmas gifts, member artists – gifts galore; West Coast Gallery, Piha. Phone 812 8028. w December 9 and 16, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on or phone 022 631 9436 w December 11, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email

places to go

At the Libraries


Titirangi Library

November 8, 11am-12pm: The last ‘human libraries’ session for the year, with local artist/craftsman Jonathan Maze. This talk and slide show will cover some of the restoration challenges he faces and the techniques and materials he uses. RSVP on 817 0011 November 15, 6-7pm: Author Dr Doug Wilson will discuss his book Aging for Beginners, providing an insight into how we age and a guide on how to live a long, healthy life. RSVP required on 817 0011. November 29, 6-7pm: Sue Bradford, ex-Green Party politician, activist and social justice proponent and ghost writer Jenny Chamberlain discuss excerpts from Sue’s biography Constant Radical. RSVP required. November 24, 11am-12pm: Sally Kulasegram, a registered natural therapies practitioner, will share simple ways to de-stress, re-balance and re-energise. Wear something comfortable. RSVP on 817 0011.

Early orthodontic assessment Dr Nitin Raniga a wise investment Orthodontist

Dr Nitin Raniga, local member of the New Zealand Association of BDSsays (Otago), (Otago), Orthodontists (NZAO), the best ageDCInDent for your child to see a pecialist is as soonMOrth as you notice a problem. “If you’re concerned, RSCEd, MRACDS (Orth) ou definitely shouldn’t wait until your child has all their adult teeth, nd you don’t need6 a referral from a dentist Exminster St, or dental therapist.”

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Dr Raniga says early treatment by a specialist can reduce or occasionally liminate the need for more extensive treatment at a later age. “Orthodontists pend a great deal of their post graduate training studying facial growth and evelopment,” says Dr Raniga. There is much less stigma around wearing braces nd orthodontic appliances, compared with what parents may recall from their wn childhood. “Teenagers will actually ag Mum and Dad for an appointment. Our children know the value of a eautiful, functional smile that will last them a lifetime, and they’re willing to ut the work in now. If that’s not a wise investment, I don’t know what is.”

The library is also hosting several art events in this and coming months – and don’t forget its beautiful deck, a community space with a fantastic view of the Manukau – take a coffee or a picnic. Check out all that’s happening on Facebook (Titirangi Community Library).

New Lynn Library

November 2, 4-5pm: Henna Designs and Decoration by Nital. Get your own herbal and natural temporary body design to celebrate Diwali. November 3 and November 10, 10.30am-1.30pm: Introduction to electronics workshops to introduce kids (11+) to the basic components of electronics such as resistance, capacitors, diodes, and transistors. Things learned in the two sessions will be used by students to create their own electronic idea/project. Free but bookings essential by emailing

As the year draws to a close, Titirangi Theatre members are well into rehearsal for the final production of 2018. Well, I say members, but the cast of Shirley Valentine is but one – Kerynn Walsh. We are very lucky to have drawn her into the theatre, as she is an experienced professional actor. Readers may remember the 1989 film, starring Pauline Collins as the eponymous heroine and the lovely Tom Conti. However, the play was written as a singlehander by British playwright Willy Russell, who also wrote the excellent Educating Rita. Feeling trapped in a world of domesticity, Shirley, a housewife from Liverpool (who is so bored she talks to the walls of her kitchen) needs a change in her life. When her friend Jane invites her on a trip to a Greek island, Shirley jumps at the chance. Upon landing, Jane ditches Shirley for a fling, leaving Shirley to her own devices. She wanders the island, meets a taverna owner, Costas, and begins to find the joy in life again. Our production is directed by our drama tutor and long-time member of Titirangi Theatre, John Goudge, and it is shaping up to be a splendid show. The play opens on November 20 and runs until December 1. Bookings will be heavy, so get in early, on or Titirangi Pharmacy, 817 7658. Our programme for 2019 is still being finalised, but – spoiler alert – we open in March with A Bunch of Amateurs, to be directed by Rae McGregor. A preliminary read-through and meetthe-director evening will be held in the theatre on November 26 at 7.30pm, with auditions on December 2 at 1.30pm. For more information on bookings and auditions and all things Titirangi Theatre-related, visit – Phoebe Falconer


To ensure you’re receiving specialist advice, always look for the NZAO ogo. For more information go to

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

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bandstanding: music in the west with susannah bridges

From Titirangi to the world – a blues odyssey “Annee 2CU is a female singer with a big, strong voice, backed here by a six piece band with a nice sixties-ish beat group type of rhythm and blues sound and production.” So wrote Norman Darwen, reviewer for Blues in Britain magazine earlier this year. That’s a long way from the Annee 2CU Blues Band’s home base in Titirangi, but with radio airplay all over the world, it certainly isn’t unusual. Long-time West Aucklander Annee Lambert-Vickers grew up in a musical family in Blockhouse Bay. “My uncle, Clyde Curtis was a well-known jazz musician in Auckland in the 1950s through to the early 2000s. I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t singing. My family used to have regular musical gettogethers. My cousin was on piano and guitar, and I started doing gigs at community functions, school events, parties, Christmas functions and the like when I was 11. My parents definitely gave me encouragement and the confidence to do so.” Annee has been in many bands since then but realised that she wanted to make her own mark on the songs they performed. “I got bored of the same old songs all the time. Even if I changed bands we would end up with basically the same song list. So I started Annee 2CU in 2009. We play different songs to other cover bands, and it was when we played some blues numbers at the 2010 Bay of Islands Jazz and Blues Festival that I realised the blues was really where my passion lay.” Describing her style as “blues that has a tendency towards blues-rock, electric blues and/or Texas blues” Annee cites the likes of Gary Moore, Robert Cray, Alvin Lee and Johnny Copeland as among her influences, adding “the strength and passion within a song inspires me.” Annee recorded her first album A Twist of Blues in 2015, when the band was also regularly performing at festivals, as well as in RSAs and other clubs. A shift in focus towards more recording saw the release of A Wildfire Out of Control, the band’s fourth album, earlier this year. This was recorded as a live performance at the Depot Recording Studios (Devonport) in less than five hours with everyone in the recording room. “There were no overlays. It was just as we performed. Dave Rhodes was our engineer, and he and I co-produced the album. After that, it was sent to Nashville to be mastered,” says Annee. The core line-up of Annee 2CU is the trio of Tim Biggs (lead guitar),

Marc Harrex (harmonica and rhythm and slide guitar) and Annee. “We recorded with well-known ex-Riverhead Slide drummer, Pete Ludlow and Titirangi resident Bill Farrell played bass. We also had some guests join us – David Curtis on electric piano and Nigel Bioletti on saxophone.” So what about the extensive overseas airplay and media coverage? “This has been my husband’s area of expertise, making contacts and networking. We are being regularly played around the world and he thanks the radio stations and keeps them up-to-date with information. A European promoter recently came on board which has opened up more opportunities, as well as bringing us to the attention of nonEnglish speaking countries where the blues are popular, like Germany, The Netherlands and even Colombia in South America. We are also talking to a few American promoters to see whether they can help us get into mainstream radio or recording or gigging in the States.” Despite this overseas airplay Annee says it is very hard to get stations to play their music in New Zealand. “The network here doesn’t seem to have an identity with the blues, which is a pity,” she says. “Basically, only one station in New Zealand plays us on a regular basis and that is Spellbound Radio in Gisborne.” Annee is also getting other input from overseas. “We have Lucas Campbell, a well known UK composer, offering me songs. We recorded one called An Achin’ in my Heart which received accolades on Jeremy Rees’s Soul of the Blues radio show.” The band is now starting to work on a set of originals as well as selecting some new cover songs. “We don’t cover songs in the same fashion as the original artist or other people covering it have – we like to create our own versions. A good example of this is our version of Bluest Blue. It is totally different to Alvin Lee’s version.” Annee expects that the coming months will be busy as the band considers tracks for their next album and prepares their original material for recording. She also reckons she’ll be pretty immersed in the lead up to Christmas, but “any spare time is dedicated to my music and the next album. I am very lucky my family is very supportive.” For more information or to enquire about booking Annee 2CU, check out

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


feature: seasonal specials and gifts

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Tonic, at 402a Titirangi Road, has announced a fabulous new product for the Summer. Ease into a healthy, golden glow while nourishing your skin with the new Coola organic gradual sunless-tan lotion. Coola is ultra-moisturising and develops your tan subtly and beautifully as you continue using it. It is perfect to use between in-salon spray tanning treatments. To find out more visit Tonic or phone 817 9937.



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SEASONAL SPECIALS AND GIFTS: A Fringe special feature

There is a huge variety of unique gift ideas and novelties available at Gecko in the Village. With new stock arriving for the festive season, the high-quality, New Zealand-made products are sure to help you fill those Christmas stockings. Gecko in the Village is at 2 Rangiwai Road, next to the Post Office, and is open seven days.


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9a Binsted Rd, New Lynn Phone (09) 826-0203 advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers

feature: seasonal specials and gifts

gecko in the village


Feel party fabulous

Shop 2, 400 Titirangi road, Titirangi (Next to the Postshop) phone: 09 817 8126

Let’s get ready for the



Susannah Bridges

c e ra m i c s a n d p o rc e l a i n l i g h t i n g

SEASONAL SPECIALS AND GIFTS: A Fringe special feature

Titirangi and Glen Eden Post Shops are not just a one-stop-shop for home and office stationery, photocopying and binding, they also provide other business support services and of course all your postage and courier requirements. And there’s a huge range of magazines, books and other products – great for Christmas or gift giving at any time of year. Drop into to your local Post Shop at 1/400 Titirangi Road, Titirangi or 4/20 Oates Road, Glen Eden and, while you’re there, check out the range of decorative party products and wrapping papers.

Susannah Bridges’ special background in object design led her to create a range of ceramics and porcelain lighting. Her work features in several national collections, with her specialty being lighting. The Classic Cut Lights (pictured right) were one of the first designs she produced. “I cut into the porcelain using an industrial saw to create a layered effect which filters the light – a brutal process which has a unique and beautiful effect,” says Susannah. These lights, along with her other works are available from her Henderson studio and from Te Uru in Titirangi. Visit www. for a full list of stockists, or give her a call on 021 255 3773.

Try our special summer tanning package for $260 • A full body in-salon exfoliation treatment • THREE full body spray tans over summer • A Coola Progressive tanning firming lotion for home NEW Special available for purchase in November 2018 only. See our website or visit us in-store for more details. please support our advertisers – they support us

402a Titirangi Road, Titirangi Village – Ph: 09 817-9937

Tonic_PartyFabulous_Fringe_11_2018.indd 1

The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


13/10/18 4:04 PM

bandstanding: music in the west with susannah bridges people

After training, work almost guaranteed Dr Christine Clark, DHSc, MHSc, RN is on the lookout for compassionate, patient, quick-thinking problem solvers who want a good, well-paying career. Christine is the founder of Kalandra Education Group, a private training organisation in Henderson that she opened in April to provide Level 4 dementia, rehabilitation and mental health assistance. The registered nurse and former owner of a multi-focused training organisation in Manukau, Christine was doing a doctorate in aged care and started seeing gaps in the services on offer. “My parents had been in aged care and while they’d been looked after very well, I started seeing all kinds of gaps in their care. There was no such thing as counselling training for aged care. People were doing it – because they had a passion about caring about the people they were looking after – but they had no training,” says Christine.

With that realisation she set about writing new training programmes and obtaining government funding for Kalandra’s courses. Kalandra is said to be the only face-to-face institute in New Zealand focused on aged care education and with graduating students achieving a recognised qualification. Career options include working in conductive education organisations, aged care and rehabilitation facilities, private hospitals, in Christine Clark: plugging the gaps in aged care. the community or in private homes. “At the end of training, our students are almost guaranteed employment. We have employers waiting. All of our students who’ve been out on clinical experience (working in aged care facilities) have been offered work. Every single one,” she says. While the programme runs for a year, that time can be reduced for those with experience in basic health skills and who’ve cared for family. Nursing qualifications are not needed. Christine says students are mostly middle-aged women although current ages range from 18 to 72 years old. “The oldest student is incredibly energetic and was bored out of her tree. She’s now working part-time at a rest home and studying with us too. It’s awesome.” Kalandra’s focus is on dementia care and rehabilitation support and offers flexible training hours – during the day, night or weekends with one-on-one training in the classroom before going into a clinical environment. “There are so many vacancies in these areas of health care assistance. Many people find it scary because of unusual behaviours that can be easily triggered. But once carers are properly trained, any fears are removed with our students having a full understanding of the issues involved,” Christine says. “There’s a desperate need and our students are being snapped up fast. The employers are out there, and waiting.” – Moira Kennedy >> “An

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Absolute Dream come true” Continued from page 8

“The aim is that children won’t fall between the cracks as we’ll know them from primary school through to secondary school. Sharing information and talking to each other has been the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in education.” Morag says she’s rewiring rather than retiring now. “I want to get to know my family again but I expect I will do something in the education system in the future. I will miss my job hugely. It’s been an absolute dream come true.” Green Bay High’s new principal is Fiona Barber who comes to the school from Mt Albert Grammar where she’s been associate principal. – Moira Kennedy

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3232 Great North Road, New Lynn

09 827 8332


The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

advertise with the fringe & reach 70,000+ readers

feature: travel

British Columbia – It’s a dream

Rod & Krys from TITIRANGI TRAVEL hiking Meteora GREECE Sep 2018

“…..we walk down stairs, across a bridge, past an ancient studded timber door leading into a narrow tunnel, hewn through the rock face, on to stone stairs zig-zagging up the massive cliff beyond. I cannot emphasise enough how unique and impressive the approach to each of these monasteries are. Until 1929, the only way to enter or exit was on precarious wooden ladders hung vertically down a vast rock face, or in rope cages hoisted up to a timber platform cantilevered out from the monastery itself. Seriously scary stuff! These monks were brave souls. Although for the life of me, I cannot imagine how they negotiated these ladders in their long robes. ‘Perhaps they wore trousers for that?’ I mention out loud. Rod suggests I may be over thinking this. Two of the monasteries have liftsized boxes suspended from cables, travelling across from a cliff opposite. We are lucky enough to see both of these in action. The one here today is an open-top box; a man standing nonchalantly within, as it slowly makes its way across the ravine miles below. Not for the faint hearted! We make our way up the stairs, stopping regularly to gaze at the stunning scenery and Roussanou and Varlaam Monasteries nearby. The landscape itself is epic (and I don’t use this word lightly), let alone the monasteries themselves - what a feat of construction - perched atop – Krys Vickers these giant rock formations!....” An excerpt from our brand new travel blog. For details check out or Instagram:

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


DESIRABLE DESTINATIONS: A Fringe special feature

When I dream of Canada, it’s images of vast forests, soaring mountains, and grizzly bears snapping at salmon that appear. All that (and more) are what British Columbia, Canada’s western most province, is all about, writes TINA RIPLEY of You Travel, New Lynn. Your base from which to explore British Columbia is Vancouver, where fine dining, shopping, night-life and enough arts to satisfy even the most ardent culture vulture are all on offer. A number of airlines operate flights between Auckland and Vancouver. From Vancouver a side trip out to Victoria on the southern tip of Vancouver Island is a must, as is a journey aboard the Rocky Mountaineer train across the Canadian Rockies to Whistler, Jasper or even Lake Louise and Banff. The Rocky Mountaineer offers over 20 itineraries and you can include an Alaska Cruise if you so desire. If you want to experience the true nature of British Columbia, I highly recommend staying at one of the region’s luxurious wilderness resorts. Go whale or bear watching by day, retreating by night to beautiful accommodation and world-class local cuisine. One of my favourites is the thoroughly indulgent Sonora Resort, set amidst the wild beauty and pristine waters of British Columbia’s west coast. Here you can go kayaking, salmon fishing, or even heli-hiking. And when it all gets too much there is absolutely no shame in retreating to the outdoor heated pool or hot tub. Wherever you go in British Columbia, be sure to allow enough time to do it all!

sustainable solutions

Wasting Away – dealing with food waste Food waste is a major problem. Not only does it mean we are also wasting the energy and water that went into producing it but rotting food produces methane which contributes to global warming. The average Kiwi family is squandering the equivalent of three full shopping trolleys a year, wasting $600, and much of this ends up in landfill. FIONA DRUMMOND asks ‘What can we do to stop this?’ The Love Food Hate Waste movement (https://lovefoodhatewaste. is supported by 60 councils around New Zealand. They’ve thought about the food waste problem and identified the issues and some solutions – some common sense, some illuminating and some that deserve a column on their own. The first step is to look at the source of food waste and why it is happening, including meal planning, food storage, leftovers, preserving and sharing.

Meal planning tips • • • • •

Plan your meals for the week so you will be more targeted in your shopping and buy less unnecessary food. Plan to buy for five meals a week. Chances are you’ll grab takeaways one night, or have leftovers another. Cook with whatever you already have in the fridge. Google the ingredients and be inspired by the recipes that materialise. Download the Easy Choice Family Kai meal planner book from the Love Food Hate Waste website for four weeks of affordable, healthy and zero waste meals. Cook only the appropriate portion sizes. For most people a portion of protein (meat) should be the size and thickness of the palm of your hand, carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, rice etc) should be equivalent to the size of your clenched fist, vegetables and salad should equal two cupped hands and fats (cheese, dressing, etc.) should be equivalent to your thumb.

Storage hints • • • • • • • •

Store bread in the freezer. It is New Zealand’s number one food waste item with 20 million loaves being thrown away annually. Store bananas away from other fruit. The ethylene they emit as they ripen will ripen other fruit Keep cheese tightly wrapped in its plastic packaging inside a cloth bag. Keep potatoes and onions separate to stop them creating moisture which causes sprouting. Unwashed potatoes can last to up to three times longer than washed potatoes. Keep your fridge below 5° Celsius Using airtight containers, wrapping items in paper towels, and covering plates with silicon stretch lids or beeswax wrap will ensure vegetables last longer in the fridge. Milk freezes well, as do many items you may not have thought about – avocado (puréed with lemon juice), fresh herbs with a little water or oil in ice cube trays, eggs (separated, whites in ice cube trays, yolks with a little salt or sugar), hummus, pesto and dips and even bananas (without the skins).

Leftovers • • •

Reinvent your leftovers. Leftover roast meat and vegetables can become cottage pies, aging vegetables are great in soups. Leftover bread makes great breadcrumbs. Use a food processor and then freeze. Remember the 2-2-2 rule: you have 2 hours to get your leftovers into the fridge, you should eat them within 2 days, and they will last at least 2 months in the freezer.


At there are lots of ideas and recipes for turning excess produce into something tasty that will last indefinitely and which will also make a great gift for friends and family.


The final antidote to food waste is to share what you can’t use. Glen Eden residents have started a chain of pātaka (pantries) – roadside stalls where you donate what you can and take what you need. There pantries at 28 Aquarius Avenue, 46 Seymour Road and 27 Clayburn Road with more being planned. (There are also pantries at 2 Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn and on Huia Road in Parau.) You can also sign up to and share food scraps with others who are actively composting, or vice versa. A final thought: at you can sign up to a free five-week coaching course to take you through the basics of reducing food waste, one step at a time.

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

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walking west with mick andrew

A coastal walk at dawn There is a great deal of pleasure to be found and beige colours, the rousing fern birds, in objectively observing the weekday rat even the distant hum from the North race, at sunrise, from a peaceful distance, Western all work to capture that fresh, across a calm harbour – and there’s no wakeful energy that only morning can better place to do it from than Te Atatū bring. Somewhere in the scrub a rooster Walkway. With its eastern views across perfects the atmosphere by crowing over the Waitemata Harbour it is an ideal spot the shrieks of the pūkeko. to stroll or run or simply contemplate the From Harbour View Reserve, the path wonderful blend of the morning in all of runs alongside the suburban streets its bustle. for about 15 minutes before reaching Taking up to three hours return, the Waimanu Bay and Spinnaker Reserve. As it shared walk/cycle way follows the coastline Looking over the Whau River and Waitemata Harbour. rounds the northern part of the peninsula, of the suburban peninsula along a mix of boardwalks and sealed and Birkenhead and Hobsonville start coming into view beyond the water. gravel paths. Dogs are permitted on leash – there are off leash areas – Here the route continues along a series of boardwalks and bridges and the surface is suitable for prams and buggies. over the mangroves, eventually rounding the peninsula and continuing The best place to start is Ōrangihina Reserve and on this particular along the southern bank of the Henderson Creek. Wednesday morning, I park my car here and follow the route south. With my pre-work time window closing fast, I decide to turn back It passes the horse paddocks on Te Atatū Road with its occupants at the northern tip of the peninsula, keeping the time to about two grazing on the dew-covered grass, and the foundation of the historical hours. However, the walk can be extended by following the path – brickworks nestled in the vegetation on the banks of the Whau River. which involves a section of road walking – all the way around to the Here old yachts sit moored up in the tidal estuary, their still, forlorn end of Matipo Road and then either doubling back or cutting across frames providing an interesting contrast with the frenzy on the North the suburb to the car park. Western motorway. No matter the route, this walk is a perfect way to kick off the day. After about 20 minutes the track stops at an off leash dog area above And the traffic will have surely thinned a bit by the time you get back the motorway and I head back to the parking area to follow the path to your car. in the other direction through pockets of native scrub and the historic 1890s cottage on Long Bush Road. While the path hugs a narrow strip of land at the edge of the suburb, it is quite peaceful and any noise from the roads quickly falls away. There is also a great deal of nature to be seen – the right side consists of extensive mangrove flats which accommodate several native bird species including mātātā (fern bird), dotterel, oystercatchers, herons, specialists in all aspects of renovation, caspian terns, and godwits. Beyond the salt marsh, the tidal harbour stretches out to the central additions & property maintenance city and the North Shore with the Chelsea sugar works jutting out into the harbour. The silhouettes of the harbour bridge, the city skyline and the distant bulk of Rangitoto can all be seen against the backdrop of David Kirk 021 589 735 the rising sun. Te Atatū literally means ‘the dawn’ and it’s not hard to see why. The view from Harbour View Beach Reserve – about 30 minutes from the car park – is an exhibition of morning beauty. The soft blue

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018


live @ the lounge

Lizard experiments with a new career option I went home to find Reece and Chardonnay had moved out. Sweet. So I started organising all my tapes into their correct covers. It was then I came across an old porn flick Shaz and I put together way back when we had just started shagging. I yelled out for Shaz to join me. “Jesus Lizard, you promised you would burn that.” I said I’d forgotten. “Let’s give it one last gander before I ditch it,” I said. She agreed, so giggling, we closed the curtains, opened a brew and pressed play. The film began with a tune I didn’t recognise, then, to my horror, I realised it was the high school orchestra. I must have mixed up the covers. “So where’s our tape Lizard”, asked an alarmed Shaz. I didn’t answer as I was already in Whitevan screaming down to the school. Too late. When I entered the hall, hundreds of parents were seated and Mr Johnson was announcing the film. He even got everyone to give me a clap. To everyone’s surprise, Mad Max 3 started! Mr Johnson then realised he had mixed up the covers so I gave him the band video out of my pocket. He explained he had returned the other tape to the video store. Later that night I had a bit of bother with a couple of cops who stopped to ask why I had a coat hanger and half my arm down the returns slot. Oh well, there’s another career shot down. Have fun. Later, Lizard.

Cartoon Corner

Gidday. Lizard here. Sometimes we should really listen to those little gut feelings we get. Those “should we really be doing this” feelings. Let me tell you what I mean. For some time now, I’ve fancied myself as an amateur film maker. Everyone applauds my holiday videos, especially when I add witty comments throughout. I’ve made dozens of them. I also love my music and have a wide knowledge of bands, especially The Beatles. Lately I’ve been thinking about combining these talents and making a music video. This is where it starts to go wrong. Chardonnay has let her new boyfriend Reece, move into the granny flat/woodshed/movie editing suite. Reece also thinks he’s the ‘dope’ on all things Beatles. I can’t stand the lazy bludger. He’s either eating me out of house and home, or sleeping all day and leaving huge love bites on my daughters neck. It’s putting a real strain on our relationship. The other day Chardonnay said, “Look Dad, all I am saying, is give Reece a chance.” Oh, very clever. (Recorded in room 1742 of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel with Yoko Ono and featuring Petula Clark, Timothy Leary, etc. Did Reece know that?) I put the word out that I wanted to record someone. The high school orchestra conductor, Mr Johnson, said he’d be thrilled if I filmed one of their performances. I did this and, with some editing, it was brilliant. He decided to show it that evening at the Parent Teachers’ night.

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The Fringe NOVEMBER 2018

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