The Prouty Chronicle 2023

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More than

$7.8 million raised in the 42nd annual Prouty!

Fall 2023

Nourishing our patients and families in need

Leading the way in precision cancer prevention

Benefiting Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center


Photo by Herb Swanson

“It is such an honor to join The Prouty community. This was my first Prouty, and now that I’ve gotten a taste, you can bet I’ll be coming back again and again. The innovative and life-saving work happening at Dartmouth Cancer Center is a major point of pride for all of us at Dartmouth, and I am grateful for the unwavering commitment of this community to support cancer care and research here in the Upper Valley.” — Sian Leah Beilock President of Dartmouth

Dartmouth Cancer Center Director Steven Leach and Dartmouth President Sian Beilock at the 42nd Annual Prouty.

Dear Prouty Community, This year’s event marked my seventh time taking part in The Prouty, and every year is more thrilling, more inspiring, and more moving than the last. I am humbled by your support, and endlessly grateful for your devotion to helping us end cancer. This is the third year in a row that our community has broken Prouty fundraising records! It is an incredible accomplishment by an outstanding community that continues to go the extra mile for our patients and their families at Dartmouth Cancer Center. The Prouty is making so much possible at our Cancer Center. Thanks to you, we’re able to fuel ground-breaking research through Prouty Pilot Grants that provide seed funding to launch and test innovative ideas. Your support is helping us increase and expand clinical trials with life-saving potential. We are also able to attract some of the brightest minds in cancer research to join our team at Dartmouth Cancer Center who are paving the way in precision prevention (page 4), immunotherapy, and more. And we’ve recently been able to establish an official Department of Radiation Oncology and Applied Sciences, which will drive technical innovation and research and improve treatment outcomes for patients. Because of your record-breaking fundraising efforts this year, we are able to help caregivers on the front lines respond quickly to the needs of cancer patients that 2

go beyond treatment. Our patient and family support services, including our Complementary Care Program, go beyond what is offered in the hospital—things like art and music therapy, support groups, massage therapy, transportation assistance, and more. These services are a lifeline for our patients, and they are funded completely by The Prouty— and directly by you. New this year, The Prouty is also helping support Dartmouth Cancer Center patients with food insecurity by expanding our food pantry (page 6). We know that food is medicine, and 22% of our patients in treatment live with food insecurity. The Prouty is helping patients when they need it most. None of this would be possible without you. On behalf of everyone at the Dartmouth Cancer Center and the people we serve, thank you from the bottom of my heart. With true appreciation,

Steven D. Leach, MD Director, Dartmouth Cancer Center Preston T. and Virginia R. Kelsey Distinguished Chair in Cancer Professor of Molecular and Systems Biology, Surgery, and Medicine


This amazing accomplishment would not have been possible without every participant, team captain, corporate partner, volunteer, community member, and donor. A special, heartfelt thanks goes to the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation, our longtime friend and partner, which continues to go above and beyond for patients and families at Dartmouth Cancer Center. The Prouty Byrne Match this year inspired our entire community to step up and led us to our greatest fundraising year yet. More than 3,500 people participated in The Prouty this year. The week of The Prouty was devastating for many communities in Vermont and New Hampshire as a result of rain and flooding. We know many of our Prouty-ers were hit hard by the extreme weather and destruction, and it was unfortunate that we had to cancel our Prouty Row due to the flooding. It was inspiring seeing many rowers join us as walkers and cyclists—nothing can stop that dedicated group from Prouty-ing in any way they can. We look forward to hosting our Prouty Row on the Connecticut River again in 2024. As many of you know, the story of The Prouty is a powerful, and some would even say magical, one. Dr. Steven Leach, Director of Dartmouth Cancer Center,

Photo by Bruce Denis

What a 42nd Annual Prouty! Thank you for bringing love, hope, and support to the patients and families of Dartmouth Cancer Center. I am inspired each and every day by your passion, your dedication, and your generosity. Together, our Prouty community raised more than $7.8 million for life-saving cancer research and important patient and family support services at Dartmouth Cancer Center.

Jaclynn Rodriguez, executive director of Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center, at The Prouty Opening Ceremony.

who was recently elected to the prestigious National Academy of Medicine, had a chance to share that story with a very special audience. Be sure to watch our Prouty Opening Ceremony video (page 9). This year’s event included many new additions. It was memorable to honor and recognize our inaugural teams of The Prouty Million Dollar Club (page 8) at our Prouty Awards Ceremony. And this spring, we launched our first Prouty Community Walk: St. Johnsbury, growing our Prouty community through one of our regional locations to directly support patients and families in St. J (page 7). Our team of staff and volunteers are already hard at work planning for our 43rd Annual Prouty. Please save the date for July 13, 2024! Thank you again for your belief in the power of The Prouty to change and save lives. We couldn’t do it without you. With gratitude,

Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center Executive Director: Jaclynn Rodriguez Design and Production: Heidi Allen Goodrich Contributors: Bruce Bouchard, Sarah Earnest, Dominic Lord, Sarah Markwell, Chris McCown, Marne Perreault, Lara Stahler. Event Photography: Bruce Denis, Courtney Cania, Wayne Flanagan, Dan Grossman, Kata Sasvari, Rob Strong, Herb Swanson, Perry Smith, Mark Washburn.

Jaclynn Rodriguez Executive Director, Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center

Proofreading: Mary Allen, Keely Ayres, Keith Ford, Rachel Hastings


Color Correction: John W. Hession Printed by R.C. Brayshaw & Co., November 2023 The Prouty is the signature event of the Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center, a group of people dedicated to raising money and awareness for cancer research and patient support services at Dartmouth Cancer Center. Contact us: or (603) 646-5500 Cover photo by Mark Washburn. Kali Smolen, MD-PhD Student at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, and Samuel Streeter, Scientist, Department of Orthopaedics, Dartmouth Health, Assistant Professor, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, on day one of the Ultimate. Copyright © 2023 Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center

4 6 7 8

Precision Cancer Prevention Nourishing Our Patients and Families Bringing The Prouty to St J Million Dollar Club Inaugural Class

16 Your Support Makes a Difference 17 Prouty Corporate Sponsors


Photo by Mark Washburn Cancer Population Sciences researcher Christine Gunn, PhD, (center) is leading and collaborating on several projects aimed at identifying people who are at higher risk for cancer and developing different screening methods than those used for people at lower risk. “Precision cancer prevention” moves cancer screening away from a one-size-fits-all approach.

Tailored to You Precision cancer prevention researcher Christine Gunn, PhD, is bringing tools to patients and providers with the help of Prouty dollars. By Lara Stahler “Precision prevention is using the information that we have to find the best screening, treatment, or other intervention for a person at a given time,” explains Cancer Population Sciences researcher Christine Gunn, PhD. Her work focuses on identifying those who are at higher risk for cancer and using different screening strategies than for people who are at lower risk. “It moves away from a one-size-fits-all approach and really takes into account our personal and family histories to make sure that we’re doing all that we can to prevent somebody’s cancer.” In the broad field of precision cancer prevention, Gunn’s 4

focus is developing patient-centered tools that help communicate complex details about somebody’s cancer risk, which is determined by established risk algorithms. “It’s about patient empowerment—using your genetic and other information to tailor your screening while also considering your values and preferences. It’s about clinician empowerment too, since most clinicians are not doing risk assessment on their own,” says Gunn. In the past 10 years, there’s been an explosion in knowledge around cancer genetics, as well as the availability of genetic testing. New technologies are also playing a much bigger part. “The use of artificial intelligence to look at mammogram images, for example,


Including what matters

She has also applied for funding to test her and Romano’s breast cancer screening decision aid in primary care settings. “If we feed somebody’s risk and preference information from the decision aid back to the provider, does that add something to the conversation or take it in a different direction, and does that promote a different kind of counseling about screening?” asks Gunn.

Gunn is bridging the gap in several ways. With Prouty funding, she and Dartmouth Cancer Center epidemiologist Megan Romano, PhD, are working with The Merrimack Citizens for Clean Water, an advocacy group formed in response to reports of industrial pollutant contamination in the water treatment system in New Hampshire and the surrounding area. The group broached particular concerns about breast cancer potentially linked to PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance) exposure.

Because getting tools into clinical practice can be easier said than done, forming partnerships with primary care is something Gunn invests time in. “I find people who have an interest in these topics and are willing to open up their clinics to allow me to test my decision aid, for example. Then I work with them to include the aid in a way that doesn’t disrupt their practice or put more obligation on clinical providers who already have so much to cover in one patient visit. Otherwise, making something that would never be used is a waste of resources,” she says.

to predict a person’s future cancer risk or to aid in cancer detection is now an option,” says Gunn. “The big question then becomes, how do we handle all of this data to make a difference in the lives of real people?”

“Unfortunately, typical risk assessment tools do not account for environmental factors,” notes Gunn. Dartmouth Cancer Center is investing money to help Gunn and Romano change that. “Imagine if you think your biggest risk factor is an environmental contaminant, and then you use a risk assessment tool that doesn’t even address environmental factors—that doesn’t promote trust in the use of the tool,” notes Gunn. “We’re using Prouty funding to hold focus groups to really learn what women in that community want to know about environmental risk and breast cancer so we can adapt our decision aid to include those factors.”

How do you feel today? Gunn is also finishing up a project with clinical psychologist Courtney J. Stevens, PhD, that was funded with 2022 Prouty dollars. Their goal is to better measure rural breast cancer survivors’ worry and distress and how those feelings relate to their screening for breast and other types of cancers. “We’ve been testing a smartphone-based system where, throughout the day, participants get notified to fill out a short questionnaire—like a temperature check for how you’re feeling right now. Over time we can see how feelings in people’s daily lives relate to cancer screening behaviors during survivorship.” Gunn and Stevens are looking to expand this intervention among other cancer centers that, like Dartmouth Cancer Center, serve rural cancer survivor populations.

Understanding and trust Another needed bridge is translating new information to the general population. “A lot of my work is through the lens of health literacy—how to communicate about genetics or AI-generated results with patients in ways that they can understand so that they feel empowered and not intimidated,” says Gunn, who notes that getting patient buy-in around precision prevention approaches is challenging when they are not well understood. For example, a new U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) policy going into effect in September 2024 will federally mandate that information about a woman’s breast density be included in her mammogram reports. Breast density is a risk factor for cancer, and also affects how well mammography works. As previous policies and laws went into effect in different states, Gunn’s team learned about the challenges of communicating about breast density. “We published comments about making sure that the language included is actually understandable to the general population. Our work was called out by the FDA as something that they considered as they formulated their policy,” she says. Gunn feels that precision prevention scientists are poised to make great advancements in the next decade. “We have a lot more information on people than we had 10 years ago. Now we need to look toward how to best use that information to tailor screening and treatment approaches for each patient and support health systems efficiently without overburdening providers.”



Nourishing Our Patients and Families

When They Need It Most providing key nutrition and lessening the burden for a household experiencing illness. Staff and trained volunteers are in touch with patients to arrange for bag pick up, and if needed, help with transport to their vehicle. “Treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can be exhausting, so the onsite factor for patients is important and avoids ‘one more stop’ on their way home,” notes Food Pantry volunteer and Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center Board Member Vicki Scheidt, DVM.

Dietician Dianne Kelecy, MS, RDN, LD in the Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry.

By Marne Perreault When Bill returned from a work trip last spring, his wife Angela knew something was wrong and took him to the Emergency Department. In the weeks that followed, Bill’s cancer diagnosis was confirmed, and due to complications from treatment and increased caregiving needs, the couple both lost their jobs. With two young teenagers at home, fiscal worries escalated fast. A continuing care manager on Bill’s oncology team referred the family to Dianne Kelecy MS, RD, LD, at the Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry. Longtime-donors to their local food shelf, the family is now finding comfort in their bags of nutritious options, alleviating one stressor during this challenging period. Angela appreciates the thoughtfulness of the staff, noting, “Dianne adds dietician-endorsed notes illustrating how to pull together simple meals at home.” As part of Bill’s ongoing treatment plan, it is imperative that he gain weight. Angela is thrilled that since he has been taking the supplementary shakes and other nutrition provided by the Dartmouth Cancer Center, he has gained 11 pounds. The Prouty is helping families like Bill and Angela’s. Patient surveys confirm that at least 22% of Dartmouth Cancer Center patients have significant concerns about their access to food. The personalized bags the food pantry provides patients include fresh produce, dairy and non-dairy items, and healthier shelf-stable options— 6

The program was launched in February 2022 through a pilot project by Catherine Reed, MSW in partnership with the Upper Valley Haven, a community organization. Initially, only patients in two cancer programs were supported through the pantry, but now, thanks to a few lead philanthropists and The Prouty community, ten cancer programs are included. “We are humbled by the wonderful generosity from our extended community,” says Senior Director of Oncology Services Director Deborah Scribner. She notes that Prouty dollars and philanthropy will help to improve the pantry’s location and expand provisions. The current space is workable, but less than ideal at the back of a copy/file room. Continued research on the impact of the program is also of interest. Geisel School of Medicine students and Schweitzer Fellows Nathania “Nia” Hartojo and Kevin Li are partnering with the Dartmouth Cancer Center to better understand food economic needs specific to cancer patients and how best to facilitate improved health outcomes through educating physicians in spreading awareness and access to nutrition. Patients agree that the food is essential, but the human side of the Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry makes the difference. Susan, a Vermonter who grew her own vegetables on farmland until this year and has not been able to tend to her gardens due to her illness, calls the social worker and food pantry team “a ray of hope and help.” For more information about the Dartmouth Cancer Center Food Pantry, please contact Erin Shreve, Senior Associate Director of Development, at or (603) 646-5878 or visit


Bringing The Prouty to

St. Johnsbury, Vt.

By Sarah Earnest This year, we were excited to bring two Prouty events to our St. Johnsbury community for the first time: The Prouty Community Walk: St. Johnsbury and the Indoor Prouty!

The Indoor Prouty crew at St. Joh

On Saturday, May 20, over 150 community members came together for the inaugural Prouty Community Walk: St. Johnsbury. During the opening ceremony, yellow ribbons were held high, serving as a poignant reminder of the event’s purpose and of the incredible things we can accomplish when we come together to support those who count on the Dartmouth Cancer Center to help them through the toughest challenges of their lives. The walk raised over $65,000 to help advance clinical research and provide meaningful patient support services for patients receiving care

nsbury, Vt.

and treatment at the Dartmouth Cancer Center in St. Johnsbury. While the Indoor Prouty has been around for many years, it was expanded to our patients and their families in St. Johnsbury in 2023. The Indoor Prouty allows our patients and their families to join The Prouty community and is filled with Prouty t-shirts, goodie bags, and festivities for patients currently in treatment. Both events were organized and led by a group of dedicated Cancer Center clinicians and staff from the St. Johnsbury Cancer Center, volunteering on top of their dayto-day jobs of providing lifesaving care and treatment to patients in St. Johnsbury.

Photos by Herb Sw anson.

PROUTY PATIENT SPOTLIGHT CARISSA MORTON Plainfield, Vt. As a dedicated nursing supervisor at the Dartmouth Cancer Center - St. Johnsbury, Carissa Morton has not only witnessed the impact of cancer on countless patients’ lives but has also experienced it herself. “I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma when I was 19. I received my treatments at the Dartmouth Cancer Center. I went through six months of chemo while continuing nursing school at Colby-Sawyer College. Within a month after finishing the first round of chemo, I could feel enlarged lymph nodes again and it was confirmed I had refractory disease. I then underwent an autologous stem cell transplant. It was a terrible time, but the cancer center really does become like a family when you are a patient. I have been very fortunate since then—I graduated nursing school, started working on the Hematology/Oncology Special Care Unit at DHMC, got married, and have two healthy children.” Carissa’s involvement with The Prouty began in 2013 when she joined the planning committee for the Indoor Prouty in Lebanon, N.H., which brings The Prouty to patients currently in treatment. This year, Carissa was instrumental in helping launch the inaugural Prouty Community Walk: St Johnsbury.



Million Dollar Club Inaugural Class At our Prouty Awards Ceremony this year, we honored the six inaugural teams of The Prouty Million Dollar Club. Each year, these teams bring renewed energy and commitment to our cause. And over the years (and decades!), these teams have raised incredible amounts of money to fuel life-saving work at Dartmouth Cancer Center. The Weissmanns, led by Mara and Rich Weissmann, have been Prouty-ing for 30 years and draw inspiration from all the healthcare professionals, patients, and family members who make this community what it is. They’ve raised $1.8+ million!


Friends of Hanover Crew, led by Erica Dade along with Heidi Lang and Jane McLaughlin, joined The Prouty in 2006. This team is driven to be a part of something bigger than themselves and to help everyone touched by cancer. They have raised $2.3+ million!

Prouty Animals, led by Dr. Klaus Lubbe and Tim Keane, have been Prouty-ing since 2015 because they know that cancer touches every one of us and they want to spread hope to all patients. This team from Bio X Cell has raised more than $2+ million!

Team Hoss, led by Doug and Leslie Lewis along with Tom O’Grady, have been Prouty-ing for 17 years. They’re inspired by loved ones who have faced cancer and want to support research to help patients win their cancer battles. Since 2006, they’ve raised $1.9+ million!

Dartmouth Without Borders, led by Dr. Mary Chamberlin and Jane McLaughlin, joined The Prouty in 2019. Members of this team are involved in projects to reduce health care disparities around the globe. They’ve raised more than $1.4+ million!

Upper Valley Rowing & Friends, led by Carin Reynolds along with Jane McLaughlin, Deb Nelson, Laura Gillespie, and Rowan Carroll, joined The Prouty in 2012 to invest in cures for the future and ease the journey for those facing cancer today. They’ve raised $1.8+ million!

Congratulations to our inaugural members of The Prouty Million Dollar Club! We’re excited to welcome more teams as they cross this monumental threshold in years to come.

Dick Mackay

Emory Sanders

2 $148,186 Klaus Lubbe

3 $140,494 Richard Weissmann

4 $132,543 Peter Mertz

5 $100,357 Top Youth


Rowan Switzer







Team fundraising based on the size of the team

Top Fundraising Team: Upper Valley Rowing & Friends $340,960

XXL (200+ team members): Upper Valley Rowing & Friends $340,960 XL (100 – 199 team members): Friends of Hanover Crew $93,440 L (50 – 99 team members): Dartmouth Without Borders $321,451 M (20 – 49 team members): Prouty Animals $224,994 S (5 – 19 team members): Sultans of Swing $56,247

Team with the Most Members: Upper Valley Rowing & Friends 206 members Team with the Most New Members: Friends of Hanover Crew 47 members Dartmouth/Prouty Cup sponsored by Barb and Jay Rosenfield: Team Hope $26,622

GLO (GREEK LIFE ORGANIZATIONS) COMPETITION 13 teams raised $61,423 Dartmouth Class of ’77 Fundraising Award: Theta Delta Chi $34,394.45 Dartmouth Class of ’77 Participation Award: AXiDashers 43 participants

Based on dollars raised by Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 5:00pm.

The Prouty

Opening Ceremony

Our inspiring and impactful opening ceremony on July 15 united us as a powerful force with one goal: a world without cancer. We heard how the funds raised make a difference at Dartmouth Cancer Center. We watched our special video highlighting the story of The Prouty. And we shared a special yellow ribbon tribute with moving stories from fellow Prouty-ers.


Honored his family and friends who have faced cancer, and the fear that comes along with a cancer diagnosis. Keith’s yellow ribbon represented his hope to create a healthier future for his children and grandchildren.

Bridget Meehan

Celebrated her 20th Prouty, which is impressive as she is only 20 years old. Bridget’s yellow ribbon honored her grandmothers, the family tradition of The Prouty, and her commitment to keep coming back to The Prouty to spread hope to all impacted by cancer.

Jim Grout

Celebrated reaching the goal he set one year ago while inpatient with a rare leukemia: walking The Prouty in 2023. Jim’s yellow ribbon symbolized his gratitude for the care he received and every person at Dartmouth who supported him.

Olive Isaacs

Honored her mom, Lisa, who battled breast cancer and passed away at 45 years old. Olive’s yellow ribbon symbolized her mom’s care at Dartmouth, and her own commitment to help find a cure so no one loses their mom at a young age.

Lennie Fillius

Honored his lymphoma journey and his wife Mary’s breast cancer journey. Lennie’s yellow ribbon symbolized the immense gratitude they both have for the life-saving care they received at Dartmouth, and his commitment to keep Prouty-ing.

Becky Luce

Celebrated her breast cancer journey and the new friends and community she found with her CReWbies through The Prouty. Becky’s yellow ribbon represents her hope that one day, every cancer, no matter how advanced, will have a cure.

Darrell Philpot

Prouty-ed for many years in honor of others, and this year, he participated for his own cancer journey. Darrell’s yellow ribbon celebrated the medical professionals and the love he feels from The Prouty community.

Carissa Morton

Honored her own cancer journey when she was 19 years old, and the patients she cares for today as a beloved nurse at Dartmouth Cancer Center. Carissa’s yellow ribbon honored every survivor and every patient, and the people who make their journeys a little easier.

Troy Weeden and Val Brown Honored Aunt Gail’s 10-year battle with cancer and her determination to help find a cure for future patients. Troy and Val’s yellow ribbons celebrated Gail’s legacy and their commitment to bring hope to everyone facing cancer.

A long-time New Hampshire resident, Emory participated

annually in The Prouty with his family since 2013. Emory single-handedly raised over $270,000 for The Prouty and was an inspirational leader in our Prouty community. Emory’s journey with The Prouty started when his wife, Suzie, was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2013. Emory noticed a poster about The Prouty and was inspired to get involved, along with his children and grandchildren, and decided to cycle to raise funds. Just a few years later, Emory received his own cancer diagnosis: squamous cell cancer. Dartmouth Cancer Center provided him with a personalized treatment plan, including enrollment in a new clinical trial that they were offering. That was the day Emory and his family understood the power of research. Joined by his daughter Lydia at The Prouty Opening Ceremony, Emory shared his hope that the funds raised through The Prouty will help patients receive the same level of care and support that he has been afforded, in a world-class facility like Dartmouth Cancer Center so close to home. Emory passed away this August 2023 after a courageous battle. His leadership support of The Prouty will continue to inspire community members for years to come.

Check out our Opening Ceremony video


Prouty Ultimate 111 cyclists took on the ultimate challenge this year to help raise important funds for Dartmouth Cancer Center. Given the flooding and devastation days earlier, we re-routed our traditional Vermont route quickly. Ultimates cycled a scenic new 77-mile route on Friday, July 14, 2023, followed by an activity of their choice on Saturday. Joined by our Cancer Center Director Steve Leach, MD, our Ultimates enjoyed a weekend of camaraderie, delicious meals, sweat, smiles, and laughter. Photos by Courtney Cania, Wayne Flanagan, Kata Sasvari, and Mark Washburn.


Prouty Bike More than 1,500 cyclists embarked on The Prouty’s six beautiful bike routes on July 15, 2023. The sun was hot, but the rain stayed away for this one special day this summer! Whatever route they chose, all cyclists finished their ride with a climb up Chieftain Hill to be greeted by the steel drum band. Cyclists finished through The Prouty arch and enjoyed the Post-Prouty Party on the Richmond Middle School field. Photos by Bruce Denis, Dan Grossman, Kata Sasvari, Rob Strong, and Herb Swanson.


Prouty Walk Over 1,000 walkers grabbed their sneakers, bibs, and yellow ribbons to show the patients and families at Dartmouth Cancer Center that this community is large, it is powerful, and it is absolutely committed to helping them beat cancer. Walkers chose from three different residential walk routes on July 15, 2023, and families enjoyed many new kids’ activities along the course this year. After walking through our Prouty arch, walkers enjoyed lunch, music, and more with our Prouty community at Richmond Middle School. Photos by Bruce Denis, Dan Grossman, Kata Sasvari, and Herb Swanson.


Prouty Golf 144 Prouty golfers teed off at Eastman Golf Links in Grantham, New Hampshire on July 15, 2023 to make a difference for patients and families at Dartmouth Cancer Center. This sold-out event started with an opening ceremony, followed by a shotgun start scramble. It was a hot one, but golfers putted their way to a cure. The fun and impactful day ended with a reception, silent auction, and closing ceremony at Forbes Tavern. Photos by Perry Smith.


Prouty Volunteers From marking the routes, packing supplies, and making pb&j sandwiches to checking in participants, cleaning up the site, and so much more, The Prouty wouldn’t be possible without many, many helping hands. These volunteers don’t necessarily have the time, but they make the time for our cause, and they definitely have the heart. Thank you Prouty volunteers! Photos by Bruce Denis, Wayne Flanagan, Dan Grossman, Kata Sasvari, Rob Strong, and Herb Swanson.

HEART OF THE PROUTY: ALLAN’S VENDING Each year, in December, we begin reaching out to our partners for The Prouty. For 32 years, without exception, Allan’s Vending family has been the first to respond with an enthusiastic “of course.” Their relationship with The Prouty started in 1991, when they gladly donated several five-gallon bottles of water to keep our riders healthy and hydrated. Today, they’ve donated close to 10,000 five-gallon bottles of water for our athletes, not to mention a tremendous number of snacks. The Prouty is a better event today because of the partnership and generosity of Allan’s Vending. Thank you, Joann, Steve, and Scott Allan for giving your heart to this community and to the patients and families at Dartmouth Cancer Center.



Prouty Virtuals The Original Nurses Ride


On Saturday, July 1, a group of passionate Prouty cyclists took to the White Mountains of New Hampshire for their annual Nurses Ride. For the tenth year running, these inspirational cyclists tackled the same challenging route the four nurses rode in the very first Prouty in 1982.

The Dirty Project

A Prouty participant since the late 1980s, Eric Janson’s early Prouty participation was inspired by the memory of his mother and many others who lost their lives to cancer. In 2010, Eric began his own cancer journey, which has given him renewed purpose in participating in The Prouty.

While the Dirty Project riders were not able to host their traditional ride due to the flooding in Vermont, nothing could stop these determined riders (Barney Brannen, Brian Nolan, Peter Dodge, Bob Holley, and Ken French) from Prouty-ing however they could to fight cancer! The Dirty Project is committed to going outside of their comfort zones to honor and support the cancer patients who must do it every day.

Linda Nagy, a 15-year survivor,

Susan Perkins of Team Hoss hiked 550

proudly wore her Prouty t-shirt.

Mountain, N.Y., to Height of Land, Maine.

Prouty-ed in Scotland, where she

miles of the Appalachian Trail, from Bear

Eric was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer, accompanied by a disheartening prognosis of a less than 10% chance of surviving five years. Eric shares, “Dartmouth Cancer Center became my sanctuary of hope, providing me with personalized treatment plans and exceptional care. Their unwavering support and expertise guided me through the challenging chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Thirteen years later, I proudly stand as a cancer-free survivor, a testament to the outstanding care provided by Dartmouth.” Through the funds raised by The Prouty, Eric aspires to see Dartmouth Cancer Center continue to provide world-class care in the Upper Valley and lead the charge in groundbreaking research. Eric believes, “The Prouty serves as a beacon of hope. It is not merely a ride; it is a symbol of resilience and determination. Together, we ride towards a brighter tomorrow, where lives are saved, hope is restored, and a world without cancer becomes a reality.”


Photo by Mark Washburn

Your Support

Makes a Difference By supporting The Prouty, you are fueling cutting-edge research for new treatments and cures. You are helping provide exceptional care and services for patients and families. And you are helping Dartmouth Cancer Center get closer to ending cancer once and for all. Thank you for bringing hope to cancer patients in our community and around the world.


Cancer research and program development


Patient support, clinical education, community outreach, and prevention

2023 Prouty Fund Use (based on FY24 budget)


Resource improvement and development


To learn more about the projects supported by The Prouty, please contact Jaclynn Rodriguez at or 603-781-1212.

Prouty event expenses


Director’s new initiatives





Innovative pilot projects leverage The Prouty’s initial philanthropic investment, bringing in an average of

Patient and Family Support Services are made possible by The Prouty and

Dartmouth Cancer Center has made an investment of

Funds raised through The Prouty now support expansion of the new



additional national research funding.


offered to patients and their loved ones free of charge.

$1 million of funds raised through The Prouty in their Clinical Trial Accrual Improvement Project, with a goal of doubling clinical trial accruals in the next few years.

Dartmouth Cancer Center

Food Pantry

for patients in cancer treatment with food insecurity.

TH AN K YOU, S P O N S O R S Presenting:

Gold Wheel:


Palladium Wheel:


Titanium Wheel:

Dresden School District

Hanover Hanover

Country WYKR FM 101.3 99 Rock/WFRD The Point WCNL Country-AM 1010/ FM 94.7 WNTK/WUVR-Radio WZID-FM

Transfer & Storage

Transfer & Storage

Copper Wheel: Maple Leaf Photos Dan Grossman

Big Wheel: Adimab Advance Transit Alicia Willette, DDS Bergeron’s Lawn Service & Landscaping

Chippers Co-op Food Stores Echo Communications Editas Medicine Epic

EVENTSET, LLC Evergreen Capital Partners Jake’s Market Hanover Veterinary Clinic McNamara Dairy

Omer & Bob’s Sportshop Passumpsic Bank Pro-Cut International Wayne Flanagan Photography Webster & Donovan Excavating

Prouty Spokes: ADA Traffic Control Courtney Cania Photography Golf & Ski Warehouse Astronics Luminescent Systems Cowbell Mobile Bike Shop HHP, INC. Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Cravin’s Market and Deli Here in Hanover Magazine Boar’s Head Brand Dark Star Production Kata Sasvari Photography Provisions Company Dead River Company Kinney Pike Insurance Caldwell Law Downs Rachlin Martin Ledyard National Bank Christian Party Rental Eastern Mountain Sports Littleton Bike & Fitness Coca-Cola Bottling Company Energy Efficient Investments, Inc. Lou’s Restaurant & Bakery of Northern New England Fireside Inn and Suites Mark Washburn Photography Community National Bank Four Seasons Sotheby’s Mascoma Bank Concept 2 International Realty Metro Aviation

Mountain Cycology Perry Smith Photography R.C. Brayshaw & Company Red Clover Bikes Rob Strong Photography Red Kite Candy Stave Puzzles Spindrift Stonyfield Organics The Richards Group The Wheel House

Unifirst Upper Pass Beer Co. Upper Valley Ambulance VIP Tires & Service Volvo Volkswagen of Lebanon Wind River Environmental Warren-Wentworth Ambulance Service Wells River Savings Bank



Health Leaders Circle A special thank you to donors who joined our 2023 Health Leaders Circle with a gift of $5,000 or more to support the most pressing needs at Dartmouth Health, Geisel School of Medicine, and Dartmouth Cancer Center. Their leadership annual investment demonstrates a commitment to the vitality of our academic medical center and directly benefits the lives of our patients. Thank you. Anonymous (8)

Judith H. Foss

Thomas and Julia Hull

Carl H. Amon, III and Karen F. Kolodny, Esq.

Nancy A. Fournier, CPA and Kim A. Levitch

Matt Hurley

Dr. Erin R. Barnett and Anthony R. Barnett

Thomas R. Block and Marilyn F. Friedman

Timothy Keane

The Barrette Family Fund

Carolyn and Milton Frye

Drs. Klaus and Patricia Lubbe

Dorothy Byrne

Peter Gamble

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Mackay

Michael A. Choukas

Paul Gaynor

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent S. Maddi

Richard and Barbara Couch

Mrs. Barbara A. Giancola

Mr. and Mrs. William W. McCarten

Judy and Tom Csatari

Daniel H. Greenlaw

Peter and Lori McDermott

R. Paul Detwiler

Barbara F. Hall

Francis X. Dolan

Dr. P. Jack Hoopes and Dr. Vicki J. Scheidt

Peter McLaughlin and Jane Kitchel McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ferneau

Barbara H. Jones Mary C. Liston

Carolyn and Peter Mertz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Milne Moglia Family Foundation

LEAVE A LEGACY WITH A PLANNED GIFT “ I believe in The Prouty and know that the funds raised truly make a difference. I wanted to do something, and including the Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center in my estate plans through The Prouty is my way of supporting the future needs of cancer patients in our community.” Deb Nolen Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center Board of Directors

Randall H. Morse Amalia Myers and Richard Hatfield Mike and Michelle O’Grady David and Mary Otto Marilyn M. Paganucci David and Jill Paul Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poor Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Resnick Margaret and Matt Rightmire Linda and Rick Roesch Mr. and Mrs. Emory W. Sanders* Frank and Brinna Sands Drs. Gary and Lynn Schwartz Dean J. Shapiro Gay Slesar Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smyers Kathleen and Robert Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Biria D. St. John

Your planned gift can be included in 2024 Prouty fundraising totals! Contact Bethany Solomon Executive Director of Development, Dartmouth Cancer Center 603-646-5134 or

Mr. and Mrs. Bayne Stevenson Jennifer A. and Stanton N. Williams

*deceased 18 18


Prouty Leaders and Organizers Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center Board of Directors Judy Csatari, chair Cheryl Boghosian, vice chair Carin Reynolds, secretary Mary Allen Brenda Balenger George Chait Christine Freitas Bruce King Lynn Kisselbach Krysta Frye Kostrubiak

Rowing Committee

Jack Lee Jonathan Masland Deb Nolen Bruce Parsons Vicki Scheidt John Seaver Joel Smith John Souther Bill Tine

Carin Reynolds, chair Erika Dade Julia Griffin Paul Gross Liz Marshall Cindy Merchant

Golf Committee

Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center Team Jaclynn Rodriguez, executive director Bruce Bouchard, Prouty operations director Heidi Allen Goodrich, creative services & development manager Dominic Lord, events manager Sarah Markwell, senior events & development manager Christopher McCown, Prouty Ultimate logistics coordinator

Dartmouth Cancer Center Development Team Bethany Solomon, executive director of development Erin Shreve, senior associate director of development Marne Perreault, associate director of development Sarah Earnest, development officer Stacey Steele, administrative assistant

Prouty Executive Committee Volunteers Mary Allen Keely Ayres

Deb Nolen Bruce Parsons

Eileen Donnelly, co-chair Deb Nolen, co-chair Duane Field James Wilson

Lee Ann Kerr Lynn Kisselbach Ned Redpath Patrick Maxfield

Area Captains Mary Allen Keely Ayres Dave Colter Judy Csatari Kathy DelSesto Farah Doyle Tony Ercole Steve George Matt Hall Robin Henry Sara Johnson Star Johnson

Orrin Judd Jeff Katchen Marcia Locke Kevin Peterson Carin Reynolds Heidi Reynolds Bob Richard Madhumala Sadanandappa Shivaprasad Sathyanarayana Vicki Scheidt Stacey Steele Susie Weaver

SAG Captains and Support

Ultimate Committee Tom O’Grady, chair Brenda Balenger Tim Eliassen Keith Ford

Eszter Pattantyus Ala Piotrowski Crockett Dan Ruml Peggy Sadler Karen Sluzenski

Patty Armstrong Ed Ballam Charles Barrett Paul Beach Jim Bonney Scott Carpenter Erica Caslistro Paula Cilbrith Michelle Clark

Jack Lee Andy Olanoff Jan Proctor Joel Smith

Interested in getting involved? Contact Jaclynn Rodriguez at 603-781-1212 or

Kinson Craft Ben Cushing Megan Dodge Michealla Frank Lisa Hayes Kathy Mann David Orso Jon Roberts Janice Sackett


$7,864,643 Raised


New Prouty Pilots launched in fall 2023

200% Increase in clinical trial accruals targeted over next few years


Volunteers coming together for their community

2,000+ Food-insecure cancer patients who stand to benefit from the expanded pantry

3,586 People Prouty-ed to show their compassion

9,194 Donors of all levels


Friends of Dartmouth Cancer Center Medical & Healthcare Advancement One Medical Center Drive, HB-7070 Lebanon, NH 03756

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PAID – donate all year long!

Dartmouth College

Get Involved with the Friends!

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Be a Friend. Make a Difference. Fight Cancer.

Create your own fundraiser to support cancer research and patient support services at Dartmouth Cancer Center.

43rd Annual Prouty July 13, 2024

Give a Gift of Hope Instead of a traditional birthday, holiday, wedding, or memorial gift, you can make a difference with a Gift of Hope in honor of your friends and family. When you make a Gift of Hope, with a donation of any amount, we will send you a greeting card featuring artwork by a cancer patient, survivor, or care partner at the Cancer Center so that you can notify your loved one that a donation has been made in their honor. Give today:

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