FORWARDER magazine issue 60

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We delve into the opportunities and challenges post-Brexit

FASTER GLOBAL RECOVERY from COVID-19 than from the 2008 financial crisis

1 IN 10 UK HAULIERS RECRUITING to manage Brexit impact, study reveals




Our people ...not ‘planes, ships or trucks...





Where time is of the

Where cost, not time, is of

Where the focus

essence, we certainly

the essence, we again

is Europe, we still

speak your language.

speak your language.

speak your language.

Download the new app

Just search for

Aspen Freight

for iOS, on the App Store.

Created by

...Android version coming soon.

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148 FORWARDER magazine





making information flow… 4 FORWARDER magazine











elcome to the 60th issue of FORWARDER!


This is our half-decade landmark issue, and we are proud to have been able to bring you this magazine

through the good times...and the slightly trickier ones.


LUKE SALES MANAGER +44 (0)7368 976 852

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MOHIT SOCIAL MEDIA At the end of 2015 our director at Headford Group, Craig, decided to create a new platform that would link the group’s long and varied experience with the industry it serves. January 2016 saw our first issue released, and the


magazine (and the website) has been evolving ever

EUROPA EMERGES From two years of restructuring


To recruitment in the freight industry


since, adding new features and staying fresh.

In freight forwarding



to subscribe



In that spirit, we are adding a new section to FORWARDER called Brexit Briefing, in which we focus on the opportunities and challenges

presented to and faced by you, probably the most-affected demographic. Please get in touch with us and tell your side of the story. Positive or negative, we want to hear from you – and hopefully find a way to help, with our extensive range of contacts in the industry. Tim, Designer, FORWARDER

Unit 8 Apex Court, Woodlands, Bristol BS32 4JT








owards the end of 2015, FORWARDER was conceived.

The freight & logistics industry had a few dedicated publications, but it was lacking a high-end magazine that

could give its readers and advertisers the same high-quality print they expect from their favourite fashion, film or lifestyle magazine. We already had the experience,

When the magazine was first being designed, that cover feature slot

the skills, the reach and the

needed to be mocked up with a model and a name. A suitable chap

reputation. Now it was time

was found and a name invented. That original cover ‘star’

to give all that a voice. So, in

is known as Mark Lorenzo and he became something of a

January 2016, FORWARDER

mascot, so out of a reluctance to lose him, Mark has been

magazine was launched and

hiding somewhere in every single issue since then. Ever year

sent to business owners and

we offer a free advert slot to anyone who can tell us the

senior directors of freight

page number of the last 10 issues where Mark’s hiding, à la

companies across the UK.

Where’s Wally. Have a go now, they’re all on the website at

Every magazine needs a cover feature, often an industry celebrity.

We launched with Andrew Baxter, MD of Europa. Since then we have

We are proud to say that since inception the magazine has been

featured many of the great and the good in various fields in freight,

at Multimodal every year it has been run, as well as various other

from Andrew May to Hilary Devey. In fact, if you Google any of them,

events around the world. We have taken it to Germany, Singapore,

especially if you include their company name, their FORWARDER

America, Belgium and Dubai, always to enthusiastic reception.

feature is likely to appear on page one, often right at the top.

We have had tables at the Logistics UK and BIFA awards on multiple occasions, as well as the London Freight Club.


FORWARDER magazine



• Afif ship launch


• WCA Singapore • Multimodal • Breakbulk Americas • Breakbulk Europe



Events cancelled due to COVID, but we kept the magazine going each month • and introduced a new section to help monitor the industry’s reaction.

• BIFA Awards • Multimodal

2020 2021

• Launch!

Multimodal •

• Multimodal

Africa Logistics Network • TCS&D Show •

• Breakbulk Americas


Bremen, Germany Houston, US A

..? . E R E H W

Multimodal 2016

London, UK

Istanbul, Turkey Singapore

Multimodal 2017

Multimod a

l 2018

odal Multim

FORWARDER magazine




COVER FEATURE The magazine has gone from strength to strength over the years, with new sections and topics being added all the time. We used to dedicate each month’s issue to a single topic, such as air freight. But we found that this tended to alienate all of the other readers. So we switched to a format that included a range of topics that was consistent every month, so there is always something for everyone. As things change and develop out there in the world, we develop with them. There is a new section at the start of the magazine for COVID news and one for Brexit, so we have our finger on the pulse when it comes to topical matters. We are always working to keep

As part of the family of products created by Freight Solutions

the magazine fresh and relevant, and that involves you as well, so

Consulting, the magazine forms a very powerful platform and a

let’s continue the journey together…

bridge covering print, postal, digital and other methods of advertising. The magazine is sent digitally to a quarter of a million readers

Our marketing team is ready to take your call at any time, so feel

every month alongside e-shot newsletters and campaigns, as well as

free to get in touch with them and have a chat about the various

being printed quarterly and sent to our fantastic database of freight

ways in which FORWARDER can launch or promote your business.

industry directors and C-suite movers and shakers.

You can find Luke, who runs the marketing team, on

So, help us to keep bringing great industry intelligence to the freight or +44 (0)1454 628 795

world and get your feature (and your face) added to the ever-growing


FORWARDER magazine


catalogue below...

In 2017 I was proud to be included in the popular

Daily Groupage Services have enjoyed working with

FORWARDER feature ‘Move It Like’. As a leading publication

FORWARDER magazine over the last five years. Being featured

within the logistics industry, Forwarder’s unique feature

on the front cover provided a great tool for my sales process

presented an ideal opportunity to discuss my journey as a global

and we used the front cover as one of our company brochures

air freight expert and highlight how Ligentia continues to meet

when meeting clients. As specialists for Turkey we also found

our customer’s requirements through customised solutions.

being featured on a regular basis in the

I found the process rewarding and my relationship with

publication has generated us numerous

Forwarder has continued to develop

leads and added significant value to our

as my career has progressed to a global

growth. We are looking forward to

role. I would highly recommend being

working with the magazine on future

part of a future ‘Move it Like’ feature

service news and promotions.

to anyone seeking successful exposure

Sela Koydengoctu, DGS Group

within the logistics industry. Lee Alderman Davis, Global Air Director, Ligentia

I was delighted to appear in the FORWARDER magazine ‘Move it Like’ showcase earlier this year. The opportunity to speak candidly about the success of our company, my influence on that, and the ingredients that contribute to our continued success was appreciated. NNR is a global ‘Premium Brand’ that, although established for over a 100 years in Asia, is not particularly well known in the UK. The feature in FORWARDER magazine offered the stage for us to future promote our business. The moniker ‘secret assassin’ and ‘largest company you’ve never heard of’ no longer suits the brand and size of our global group, therefore features like ‘Move it Like’ in a classy, glossy such as Forwarder Magazine are the perfect vehicle to help change that perception. Now I’ve recovered from the marginal discomfort of a little more attention than normal [!], I can reflect that it provided a strong and personal message that many of our key partners and customers read and responded favourably too. Lee Griffiths, Managing Director, NNR

We’re delighted to work with Craig and FORWARDER magazine. Cory Brothers appreciate the important role that FORWARDER plays in keeping all the major supply chain stakeholders informed, advised and sometimes in check. Craig and the team are clearly motivated, respected and provide relevant insights in a fresh and future-facing way; this is what we look for in our media partners. Congratulations on five years and best wishes for the next five and beyond. Mike Bowden, Marketing & Procurement Manager, Cory Brothers

FORWARDER magazine




We delve into the opportunities (and the challenges) presented by Britain’s departure from the EU. Related topics Global trade agreements Border control Import/export balance


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12 JANUARY 2021


REPORTS OF DISRUPTION TO NI-GB TRADE S peaking on 8 January 2021 about reports of disruption

requirements, akin to the Border Operating Model for GB-EU trade.

to NI-GB trade, Elizabeth de Jong, Director of Policy at

We have also asked government to urgently apply simplifications and

Logistics UK, commented...

implement derogations and mitigations for all goods from NI to GB, and also to immediately restart the NI Protocol working groups,

Issues which have occurred at the GB/NI border are due, in part,

which do not yet appear to be functioning. These groups are vital

to businesses not having a full understanding of the new border

to delivering longer-term solutions and avoid major disruption as

requirements for moving goods to and from Northern Ireland.

volumes of traffic increase.

With only five days from the announcement of a new trade deal with the EU to the end of the Transition period, some confusion is inevitable, but it is now vital that government steps up communication


with industry to ensure that loads can be dispatched with the correct

One of the UK’s leading business groups, representing logistics

paperwork and declarations. Logistics is adaptable and resilient and

businesses which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more

wants to do the best for its customers. However, the logistics sector

than seven million people directly employed in the making, selling

cannot prepare alone: traders, transport companies, government

and moving of goods. With COVID-19, Brexit, new technology

agencies – both here and in the EU – all need to make sure that their

and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods

processes and understanding is sufficient. Freight from GB to NI

move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has

has seen particular challenges: the GVMS system used for all GB-NI

never been more important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports,

freight was only fully launched on the 23 December, while guidance

shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics, and is the

on GB to NI freight providing a grace period for parcels and post

only business group which represents the whole industry, with

was published on the 31st December. Logistics UK has written to

members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the

Michael Gove and Lord Agnew with three key asks from the logistics

buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers

sector, which require urgent clarification to ensure that goods can

whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of goods.

continue to move smoothly across the UK’s borders with the EU.

For more information, please visit

We have asked for clearer communication of the administrative


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at


rucks are facing delays to move goods from the UK into the

Help us help you

EU, oftentimes held up for several days. This is in part due to

It is absolutely vital we receive the correct commercial shipment

incorrect or incomplete customs paperwork, and in part due

documentation at the time of booking. Due to the industry-wide

to drivers not having the Covid-19 test necessary to get into France.

paperwork issues, European Hauliers will now not accept bookings without proof of the correct documentation.

UK carriers are struggling to ship to Ireland and the EU for the aforementioned reasons in addition to a lack of international

Due to the current lack of capacity, please contact us well in advance

equipment, resulting in reduced services.

to organise shipments to minimise any potential delays.

Meanwhile, several European logistics companies have joined the

Our teams will continue to work with you on finding the best

parcel network in reducing or suspending deliveries to the UK to

solutions to keep your supply chain moving. Please don’t hesitate to

manage increased pressure on transit and turnaround times as a

reach out to your Woodland Group account manager or email us

result of the new customs processes.


Ireland is facing significant challenges at local ports as goods are

For the latest overview of global industry updates, please head to

subject to checks for the first time since the EU single market opened

in 1992. This is despite the volume of shipments having decreased and being significantly lower than in years prior as customers wait for the industry to adjust. Customs declarations are expected to surge from about one million to 20 million this year still, which will put additional pressure on the new process implementation. (Source: The Irish Times) As importers, exporters and the rest of the industry adjust to these new processes and regulations, the above-mentioned impact is expected to lessen, and smoother operations will return.







20 JANUARY 2021


IMPROVE BORDER CONTROL FACILITIES FOR DRIVERS S peedy Freight, who provide transport solutions for urgent

during the wait, and drivers were left to sit, and sleep, in sub-zero

or sensitive freight, is urging greater action to deal with the

conditions. In some areas, drivers forced to wait more than 2 hours

issues currently being faced at UK borders. The national

were liable to pay a parking charge, and those delayed overnight,

courier network is concerned particularly about driver welfare as

were not able to stay on site – forcing them to find other areas to

the post Brexit rules cause delays at several ports. It says rapid

park and lose their place in the queue.

changes are needed to ensure poor conditions for drivers are rectified in a timely fashion.

According to Shona Brown, Speedy Freight’s network service manager and head of the Brexit team, ‘while these delays are yet to impact

Feedback from Speedy Freight drivers just two weeks after the

the general public, that will change if driver welfare is not addressed.’

withdrawal period ended is that inland border control facilities are not adequate for either the number of drivers delayed, or the

She said,

length of time drivers are forced to wait. One driver reported at

one of our biggest concerns. Aside from the obvious concern for our

Ebbsfleet that there were no food facilities at all, just water on

drivers, this has the potential to develop into a much bigger issue for

request, outdoor porter-loos, hand washing facilities only and only a

supply chains up and down the country. If driver welfare continues

single port-a-cabin to process paperwork, forcing drivers to wait for

to suffer, then more and more drivers will simply not agree to carry

hours at a time. This is after 48 hours held up in Sevington where the

out jobs to and from Europe, leading to a massive resourcing issue.

customs agents couldn’t resolve a system issue, as result of software

The quickest and easiest way to ensure that doesn’t happen is for

issues and agents not being fully trained. This same issue occurred

the government to make changes to the facilities ASAP.

at Ebbsfleet, despite Speedy Freight drivers turning up with all the correct paperwork, having followed the procedures set out by the government. Customs marshals also asked HGV drivers to switch off their generators, meaning cold supplies were at risk of spoiling


FORWARDER magazine


At the moment, the poor welfare standards for drivers is

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Aside from driver welfare, Speedy Freight are also concerned

She said,

about the persistent technical issues at the border. Just this week,

hand to personally resolve the issue, but this isn’t a practical

In this instance, we were lucky that Joe was on

Speedy Freight franchise owner Joe Cross was forced to personally

solution in the long term. When we were in the transition

carry out a 300-mile round trip to resolve an issue with an urgent

period, we expected border delays, but we expected that

shipment of COVID testing equipment, which was delayed on

the delays would be caused by drivers or customers not

route to Austria. Joe had to travel from Swindon, initially to the

filling out the correct paperwork. When we, and our clients

Southampton Customs advice location, and then onto Ebbsfleet

have submitted all the correct information and are still met

Inland Border Facility, where he spent five hours, working with the

with delays, it can get frustrating and costly, in terms of

customs agent to resolve a customs system technical issue that had

both time and money. Every day a vehicle is sat waiting at

ended up causing a 48-hour delay. With no translation facilities,

the border it can cost upwards of £200, and if we’ve got

for many drivers, resolving issues is a challenging situation. In this

an articulated lorry stuck, it can cost up to £1,000 per day.

instance, the Local Reference Number, which contains each driver’s

That being said, Speedy Freight understand that we are all

trailer/registration number and destination, was not recognised by

in the early stages of understanding these new regulations,

customs officials. According to Shona Brown, this particular issue

and that there will be lessons to learn. As a company, we are

is frustrating, as the local reference numbers are produced by the

constantly looking ahead to ensure we help our customers

government’s own NCTS system (New Computerised Transit

and driver network to navigate these new regulations, and

System). Speedy Freight’s paperwork provided by the driver was all

we hope the issues faced will be resolved promptly.

correct and inline with the government process. FORWARDER magazine






he new year is upon us and it's time to read our industry

• Freight forwarders’ offers will be simplified and digitalised

horoscope. Rereading my past posts and articles I

• Freight forwarders will also have a sort of ‘'

would like to try again to look at the future of our

approach where customers will evaluate the best cost

profession and our industrial sector. In a recent article of mine that generated about 16,000 views I commented on ‘The New Direction’ – the strategy implemented by Maersk Line.

and service of forwarders and shipping lines • Freight forwarding’s old way of selling will change completely (and has already) • Containers will be as traceable as an Amazon parcel

I outlined how freight brokerage (not the role of the forwarder,

• Our productivity will increase, thanks to digitalisation

as such) is an element of value in danger of extinction for freight

• On-line payment of our services will be the norm

forwarders. The improved e-commerce of Maersk (and other companies), the direct sale (after the merger of Damco) of a

If my view of the future is correct,

freight forwarding solution in the market, gave the first signal

what should we do?

on a potential future of our shipping industry.

1 Make sure we become expert in digitalisation. Whoever arrives first at this solution will survive; the rest of the

The unprecedented space and freight price challenge will boost

competitors will disappear. Although these signs are evident,

the carrier's freight forwarding activity, eroding market share,

it is known that very few companies (generally only those that

especially for those customers who have big volumes and a

are now threatened by Maersk's foray into the market) are

supply chain that is not complex. The idea of booking directly

really looking into it.

with those who have assets and decision power on space and price is certainly attractive, especially if the provider can offer a door-to-door service.

2 Have a platform online able to compete and also be integrated by the online brokers that will emerge shortly

When I wrote that article, I gathered several contrary opinions of many ‘old captains’ of our industry. Unfortunately, my view

3 Change techniques of selling through an advance digital marketing plan

was justified. Allow me to be provocative once again and share my view of the future…

4 Integrate shipping line information (such as container position) in the online platform 5 Have a clear IT protocol to feed the operations systems, shifting the manual input to customers 6 Invest in personnel competences 7 Rid ourselves of our self-cherishing attitude, embracing change


FORWARDER magazine


WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Do not be afraid of change, abandon the ‘we have always done

If we cover the digital gap, we will again be the market leaders

it this way’ thinking and be proud of what we have done in this

in the logistics industry.

last year of crisis. If we can see the future, we will have a future and it will be bright for us all.

You may not agree with me (and in that case please remember that I’m the guy who predicted the Brexit deal against all odds)

We still have two elements that carriers do not yet

but I’m sure you sensed that world is changing.

have and we must keep that gap alive: • Multiple competences

I wish you all a great 2021. COVID-19 or not, we have

• Multiple-choice solutions

demonstrated our readiness for any challenge. Giorgio Poggio, Managing Director, APRILE UK








he last-minute free trade agreement struck with the EU

There has been service suspensions without notice, and we’re

has been catastrophic for UK businesses and their EU

also seeing that International clients – especially from China –

customers. Kate Lester, founder and chief executive of

only just starting to understand the customs rules (in regards to

Diamond Logistics, offers an honest evaluation of the challenges

VAT) and withdrawing goods which require fulfilment from the

and some advice on how to guide clients during this difficult phase.

UK and moving them to the EU.

With so little time to prepare, the UK was plunged into

Most problems stem from the EORI number – which requires

chaos following the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and

the addition of two numbers at the end of a standard VAT

Cooperation Agreement on Christmas Eve 2020.

number – because (allegedly) the EU thinks it’s too short.

This was despite careful preparation by operators like us,

If traders were able to use the EORI number, these problems

Diamond Logistics, ready for both a no deal and a trade deal exit.

would not have occurred.

With just one week’s notice of what the new trading conditions

The impact on our clients and their EU customers is catastrophic.

would be, it was inevitable that the challenges would be numerous.

Put it this way, EU international deliveries represented 9.9% of our revenue in the weeks before Christmas – and now it’s a mere 1.6%.

Despite organising Economic Operators Registration and Identification numbers (EORI) for our 1,000 clients early last

The key reasons that problems are occurring

year, we have found that carriers are processing them differently,

• The deal came too late. Despite logistics and haulage

which is leading to system errors.

businesses doing as much as they could, ultimately, they had under a week to amend systems and update paperwork.

Delivering to Ireland is proving challenging because to operate in accordance with the new Northern Ireland protocol, operators need an Irish specific EORI number – called an XI number.

This involves tech development which takes time. • It is incredibly busy at the ports so road-by-Europe is problematic – with new customs issues and COVID-19 testing slowing things down further – the logistics industry is

However, due to the HMRC site repeatedly crashing – something we experienced over 20 times this week alone – it’s been difficult

under considerable pressure. • International clients have only truly understood the

to attain this. Whilst this doesn’t officially come into play until

customers’ impact retrospectively – and are either deciding

April, there has already been temporary suspension of services

the UK isn’t a worthwhile market until it’s sorted out – or

across some carriers.

have moved goods to the EU for fulfilment.


FORWARDER magazine


ABOUT DIAMOND LOGISTICS Diamond Logistics is a delivery and fulfilment operation powered by despatchlab technology. Working with a passionate and talented network of professionals and service centres across the country, diamond makes sure packages get where they’re needed to help businesses of all shapes and sizes grow, scale and flourish. How to alleviate the challenges • Ensure you have your EORI number and apply for your XI now if you deliver to Ireland.

The company was founded in 1992 by Kate Lester to help SMEs with their delivery and storage needs. With Kate still at the helm,

• Send by air, not road.

diamond has embraced new technological solutions to grow and

• Use a logistics supplier which has built in/system led customs

improve its services.

documentation. This way, as long as you have your EORI number, you don’t have to worry about the documentation

For enquiries about Diamond Logistics services:

(as it is done for you.) or call 0333 567 5888

• Hold more stock if your suppliers are EU based to safe proof against future delays. • Use logistics providers who use multiple carriers to

It’s worth remembering that the UK has traded in this fashion

distribute goods. So if one fails or stops/reduces services,

with the rest of the world since ‘day dot’. I think the EU has made

you have multiple alternative choices.

it challenging, but any good logistics provider should be able to

• Communicate with your clients, inform them in advance

guide clients through this difficult phase.

of potential delays. 24hr delivery to the EU – which was standard – has become a huge challenge.

Diamond Logistics







he industry of Freight Forwarding has been hindered and

customers have refrained from sending these shipments for fear

confused by the word Brexit before, during and after

of the inability to move them into Europe and the heavy charges

its final inception. When Brexit was first announced

that could be involved.

the industry had immediate challenges to deal with, usually from customers exporting from the UK into Europe, with the

Charges went up across the board as hauliers and European

common question of ‘What does Brexit mean for my business?’

carriers looked to cover themselves as they were still in the dark

and this included customers who imported into the UK goods

with what additional costs could be involved. No one wanted

that then exported to Europe.

to lose business so many of our options continued to quote regardless of what was to happen.

The biggest problem was that no one knew the answer; we couldn’t confirm any real ‘facts’ to appease our customers.

As the dreaded day approached however and filing and

The Government certainly couldn’t assist at the time with deals

documentation requirements became clearer it oddly caused

still bouncing back and forth and no real sign of a confirmed

many European options to stop quoting altogether. Even our

process that the industry could seek to adapt towards.

DPD option for courier moves froze out their European option now that they had more information. I guess companies finally

The confusion throughout the industry meant that we were

having an understanding of what was needed gave them a little

unable to begin any practice to future proof ourselves for the

hope but meant they needed to halt their logistical movements

coming storm.

so that they could train staff, get documentation sorted etc, so they could then offer people the full service.

Among the growing negatives there was however the odd positive as a variety of new enquiries popped up on email. We’ll

We chose to simply advise our customers that we currently had

skip over the initial problem in that we couldn’t immediately

no option and we were looking into the new processes, filing and

assist as we ourselves had no idea what new procedures would

ensuring staff would be trained and ready to assist going forward.

be put in place but this was at least a new enquiry requesting our assistance as Brexit approached.

The future, at least from my point of view, still looks a little concerning regarding Brexit. I mean, why would a customer pay for

Our initial decision was to liaise with our European partners

goods to ship to the UK, clear through UK Customs to then require

and our haulier options to ensure we could all try and venture

Export Clearance and Import Clearance throughout Europe? They

forth all on the same page when the time came continuing to

will surely now look to send these goods direct to a European hub,

build upon our relationship within our already strong network.

Germany for example, to then distribute throughout Europe.

A percentage of our particular Imports clear into the UK and

Aside from this initial concern you have the heavy element

then they are re-distributed throughout Europe, to a variety

of trust when discussing part load shipments from the UK.

of different sites. Currently this option doesn’t exist; our

Full trailers for a single customer still have their pitfalls but at least


FORWARDER magazine


the trailer is controlled by one set of documentation for one

in whatever market they’re involved in. This again could cause

customer. What happens when you involve more than one

issue down the line as European buyers seek more ‘local’ options

customer per trailer?

to avoid the additional costs to Import from the UK. Couple this with many UK businesses likely looking toward building up

Imagine that you are Customer A, with 4 euro pallets heading

their own full load trailers rather than sending smaller shipments

into Europe, your paperwork has been triple checked and

risking paperwork they have no control over.

you’ve assured your customer of delivery. The problem is that Customer B’s paperwork seems to have something missing, only

For manufacturing, only time will tell whether the UK ‘build

now being established at the border, they only have 1 pallet on

quality’ and service will outsell the European options. With

the same trailer but the whole trailer is held due to the problem

regards to logistics, companies such as ours simply need to get

with Customer B’s paperwork. Now imagine you’ve customers

through this adjustment period. We need to ensure the new

C, D, E and F also on that trailer making up the full load and you

systems and documentation requirements are in place and try

can see where this could become a real problem.

our very best to offer the full service at the right price to all our customers shipping UK to Europe whether this be UK based

This new complication has led to a lot of European hauliers only

manufacturers or UK customers importing goods from the likes

offering full trailer services whether you have 1 pallet or 33. So the

of China and then re-distributing to Europe.

pricing as previously mentioned has sky rocketed in some cases. We will continue to assist our customers and ensure the smooth For UK manufacturers, besides these concerns, it’s simply

running of our business offering reliable services and advice to

additional cost and potentially a little extra time for delivery

the very best of our ability.

from point A to point B. So their main aim will be to add these new costs into their charges whilst still remaining competitive

Greg Palmer, General Manager, Reliable Shipping



FORWARDER magazine




Hopefully the most short-lived section of FORWARDER, we'll bring you word on how the industry is recovering from this crisis and focus on positive stories about a world bouncing back. Related topics SARS-CoV-19 coronavirus Government measures Industry reactions


FORWARDER magazine


FORWARDER magazine








ixty companies as part of Vaccines Gateway Netherlands

Safe, secure and swift

(VGN) are working together at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

VGN is fully committed and feels responsible to fulfil this vital

to ensure the safe, secure, and swift transportation of the

task and deliver high-end quality throughout the whole airfreight

COVID-19 vaccines from manufacturer to end-user now that the vaccines

supply chain. The Taskforce strives to be the European Gateway for

are approved by the European Medicine Agency, situated in Amsterdam.

the most efficient, secure, and reliable handling and transportation of COVID-19 vaccines. The Corona pandemic has had a tremendous

The Group includes Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Air France KLM

effect on all of us worldwide and this will remain the case until the

Martinair Cargo and Air Cargo Netherlands members including

virus has been eradicated, which most effectively will be achieved

manufacturers, Dutch airports, airlines, freight forwarders, ground

by a successful vaccine. The vaccines will be produced at a set of

handlers, trucking companies, and General Sales Agents.

specific sites around the globe and it will require a large distribution network and collaboration between stakeholders in the logistics

Business services also taking part include banks, insurance

supply chain to deliver and handle as quickly as possible. Not only

companies, educational institutes, consultancies, staffing agents and

is the large number of shipments expected for the COVID-19

security companies.

vaccines a task, but we also expect to have to step up to maintain the vaccines in a good condition as required. Some need to be transported at -80 o, others up to eight degrees Celsius. We are

• Over 60 companies are Vaccines Netherlands Members

experienced with temperature sensitive goods and are aware of

• the Netherlands is the best connected country

the harmful impact when exposed to temperature deviations.

• Third largest cargo airport in Europe

Therefore, we have successfully run through different scenarios

• 1,57 million tonnes of cargo in 2019

and have created guidelines based on these in order to make sure

• Seven cargo handling companies

we are prepared for every eventuality.

• Over 25 trucking companies

Ferry van der Ent,

• 332 destinations to 95 countries

Director of Business Development, Schiphol Cargo

• 28 full freighter airlines • 496,826 aircraft movements • 24/7 operation


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Vaccine fast lanes

In 2019, AMS had 108 airlines serving 332 destinations in 95 different

Since launching in September, VGN has begun creating ‘fast lanes’

countries, with 28 cargo only services.

at Schiphol to ensure ‘immediate in/immediate out’ handling for the vaccines and ensuring very little storage time is required at the airport.

The Dutch offer the most direct scheduled destinations of any mainland European Airport, with the Netherlands being named

The Taskforce has also gained the support of local authorities,

the best globally connected country by the DHL Global

with Dutch Customs becoming an active member of the group and

Connectedness Index 2020.

committing to swift and smooth checks for the vaccines. In addition, the Royal Military Police are on board to help with security measures

Seven ground handlers are active at Schiphol providing services for

and processes.

over 600 full freighter aircraft per month.

Scripts and scenarios have been created based on expected shipment volumes and taking into account different packaging needs of the


vaccines based on different temperature ranges. VGN members are

In 2018, Schiphol welcomed 1.7 million tonnes of cargo,

already using these to implement preparatory measures and are

retaining the position as Europe’s third largest air cargo hub.

willing to share capacity, such as joint dry ice stock and shared cool room facilities, for example.

Schiphol initiates and co-creates smart cargo solutions to help the airfreight community excel at Amsterdam Airport

Knowledge sharing

Schiphol. One such initiative is the Smart Cargo Mainport

VGN members are greatly experienced in handling temperature-

Program (SCMP) in which Schiphol, together with a strong

controlled shipments and we will be sharing knowledge and data to

Cargo Community, focuses on sharing data and other

make sure the vaccines safely reach their destination at the right time.

collaborative initiatives to optimise air cargo flows.

Maarten van As, Managing Director, Air Cargo Netherlands In 2016, Schiphol and its cargo community launched Pharma The VGN has also ensured that all hauliers, forwarders, airlines,

Gateway Amsterdam that offers a CEIV-certified, closed and

and handler members are GDP compliant and, in most cases, have

transparent pharma airport process.

additional CEIV certification. The shared knowledge of each VGN member will ensure the swift, secure and safe transport of the

Schiphol, together with KLM Cargo and Royal FloraHolland,

vaccines for the Dutch Cargo Community.

are the founding fathers of the Holland Flower Alliance. An initiative formed to optimise the logistics of the floricultural

The VGN supports a great deal of knowledge sharing amongst

supply chain in East Africa and South America. The alliance

members and brings together both local and International communities

focuses on the smooth transportation of flowers and plants

to ensure we are ready to receive, process and fly the vaccines.

from growers to wholesalers and is dedicated to the pursuit

Marcel Kuijn, Director Pricing, Capacity & Contracting, Air

of innovation and sustainability in the floral supply chain.

France KLM Martinair Cargo FORWARDER magazine





6 JANUARY 2021


LOGISTICS WORKERS ARE ‘ESSENTIAL’ IN LATEST LOCKDOWN F ollowing UKWA’s call on government to clarify the position

As is clear in the latest guidance, those who work to keep

of logistics workers under the latest national lockdown

the freight transport modes operating during the coronavirus

regulations, today the Department for Transport has

(COVID-19) response and EU transition, including those working on

confirmed that employees in the sector are considered ‘essential

transport systems through which supply chains pass, are considered

workers’ and accordingly will be allowed to travel for work. In

critical workers. This, therefore, includes haulage drivers, managers,

addition, the children of logistics employees will be permitted to

warehouse staff and all other logistics professions who we need

attend school along with those of other key workers.

to continue to go about their business to keep supply chains moving. As such, school age children of employees engaged in these

In a letter to Peter Ward, UKWA CEO, and leaders of peer trade

activities should be eligible to continue attending school in line with

associations in the industry, the DfT states that it is considered

Government policy. Government policy is clear that this applies to

essential that the work of the logistics sector should continue to the

all supply chains and not only those for food and medical supplies.

greatest extent possible through the Covid-19 crisis.

The current regulations allows travel to work and travel associated with work. We are pleased that government has again recognised


the important role businesses in our sector are playing in keeping

The UK Warehousing Association (UKWA) is Britain’s

to provide support for our members and ensure that the voice of

leading trade organisation representing the warehousing and

the wider logistics industry is heard and heeded.

the country going during national lockdown. UKWA will continue

third-party logistics (3PL) sector. The association’s 800+ member companies operate some 12 million square metres of warehousing from around 2000 depots across the UK.


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ABOUT DACHSER AboutDachser, a family-owned company headquartered in Kempten, Germany, provides transport logistics, warehousing, and customised services in two business fields: Dachser Air & Sea Logistics and Dachser Road Logistics. The latter consists of two business lines: Dachser European Logistics and Dachser Food Logistics. Comprehensive

ogistics provider to manage warehousing of vaccine cool

contract logistics services and industry-specific solutions

boxes and their distribution to vaccination centres, hospital

round out the company’s range. A seamless shipping

pharmacies, and mobile vaccination teams.

network—both in Europe and overseas—and fully integrated IT systems ensure intelligent logistics solutions worldwide.

Kempten, Berlin, December 28, 2020—With Covid-19 vaccinations starting in Germany, Dachser is stepping up to organise vaccine

Thanks to some 31,000 employees at 393 locations all over

logistics in the German capital on behalf of the Berlin Senate.

the globe, Dachser generated consolidated net revenue of approximately EUR 5.7 billion in 2019. That same year, the

Working on behalf of the Berlin Senate, Dachser will manage

logistics provider handled a total of 80.6 million shipments

the vaccine supplies upon their delivery to the central vaccine

weighing 41.0 million metric tons. Country organisations

warehouse. It will also undertake daily quality-assured deliveries to

represent Dachser in 44 countries.

Berlin’s six vaccination centres, eleven hospital pharmacies, and up to sixty mobile vaccination teams. The requisite vaccine equipment will be supplied from a warehouse operated by the logistics provider. We’ve been working in close collaboration with the Berlin Senate since July this year to store personal protective equipment and rapid coronavirus tests and distribute these to healthcare facilities in the city. We’re pleased to be providing our logistics expertise to support this supply chain that is so important for society. Olaf Schmidt, General Manager, Berlin-Brandenburg logistics centre, Dachser



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survey of senior executives involved in their firms’

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has redefined how

international trade decisions and transactions has

the world stays connected, and companies conduct business.

shown widespread optimism for trade bouncing back

Moments of crisis have historically served as a powerful impetus

in the wake of coronavirus. The study, commissioned by DP

for innovation. The effects of the pandemic have accelerated

World and conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit, found

the transformation of the supply chains and prompted rapid

that 70 percent of businesses predict trade will recover to pre-

adaptation to ensure resiliency in international trade. The global

pandemic levels more quickly than recovery after the financial

business community has risen to the challenge and taken strong

crisis of 2008, which took two years and two months. Nearly

and decisive action to make supply chains more robust and agile

a third thought the recovery would be twice as fast, with trade

– the benefits of which will be reaped in future years.

returned to pre-pandemic levels within a year.

Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, CEO & Chairman, DP World

The data also showed that the pandemic has brought lasting

DP World is a global logistics company that moves nearly one

change to the way companies do business. Eighty-three

in ten of the world’s containers through its strategically located

percent of executives indicated that they are in the process of

network of ports and marine terminals, spanning operations on

reconfiguring their supply chains by switching or adding new

six continents. The company has accelerated innovations digitising

suppliers, using different logistics providers; and/or changing

logistics and building online marketplaces during the pandemic.

production or purchasing locations. The study carried out also found that... During the early stages of the pandemic, shutdowns and disruption to production exposed vulnerabilities such as over-

• Only 8% of businesses believe that recovery to pre-pandemic

dependency on single geographies and a lack of transparency on

levels will take more than five years and fewer than 2% believe

the movement of cargo. Many of the world’s major economies

trade will never recover

were in lockdowns of varying severity, international travel had come to an almost complete stop and supply chains for essential

• On average, firms said they are reallocating a third of their

goods were complicated by demand and supply shocks they were

revenue from the first half of 2020 to remodelling their

not prepared for.

supply chains. A fifth said they will spend more than 50% of H1 revenues

Yet despite the widespread economic impact of the pandemic, 42 percent of respondents stated that their firm’s international

• 65% of respondents said the reconfiguration process would

revenues expanded in the first half of 2020. Nineteen percent

be complete within one year—no easy task given the

reported no change from the previous year. These figures are

intricacies involved in changing supply chains, which are

encouraging at a time when only one of the world’s major

the products of years of investment, relationship-building;

economies, China, is registering economic growth.

education and training among a host of other factors


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About the Trade in Transition research Trade in Transition is a global research programme which

This data is a supplement to a 3,000-respondent survey fielded

presents private-sector sentiment on international trade.

at the start of 2020, during the initial stages of the pandemic, which will be published in the first quarter of 2021.

Fielded between October and November 2020, the EIU, commissioned by DP World, asked 800 executives across a


range of industries and regions about pandemic effects on trade and their business—including changes in their international sales revenue in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019.








s we eagerly enter 2021 and prepare this year’s cold

All else equal, it is likely the market will favour vaccines that

chain industry predictions, we reflect on the events of

require refrigerated temperatures of 2-8 degrees Celsius.

2020. Nowhere leading into the year did we predict

Existing infrastructure exists to more easily transport and

a global pandemic. Yet its impact crosses all facets of business,

store these vaccines around the world. Additionally, refrigerated

causing companies to pivot and adapt. Some were able to

temperatures eliminate concerns around shortages of dry ice

harness new opportunities to serve our ever-changing way of

and concerns about how it reduces the amount of available cargo

life and others struggle to stay the course.

space on aircraft.

The pharmaceutical and cold chain industries were pushed

This preference for refrigerated vaccines could push

this previous year to innovate through vaccine development,

pharmaceutical companies with deep frozen vaccines to

temperature-controlled packages that met the needs of new

determine how to maintain efficacy of the vaccine at a

deep frozen vaccine storage and increased demand for existing

refrigerated temperature. If this happens, we will gain knowledge

products. They rose to the challenge, working in unprecedented

that will move pharmaceuticals’ current storage and distribution

ways to make 2021 a brighter year.

temperature from -80C to easier to distribute ranges of -50C, -20C or even refrigerated.

Though there is hope for more normalcy in 2021, COVID-19 will continue to drive business operations. This is certainly true for

Outsourcing the cold chain

pharmaceutical and cold chain companies. Our three predictions

Pharmaceutical supply chains continue to reach new levels of

below all show how COVID-19’s influence persists, and in some

complexity that challenge even the most seasoned logistics and

instances, may have a long-term ripple effect.

supply chain professionals. Contract Manufacturing Organisations (CMOs) and Contract Development and Manufacturing

Return to refrigerated temperatures

Organisations (CDMOs) offer expertise in manufacturing and

for COVID-19 vaccines

development of therapies, allowing pharmaceutical companies

As of December 8, 2020, 78 different COVID-19 vaccines are in

to focus on their areas of expertise.

clinical trials, under regulatory review for approval or approved for limited use. Though two vaccine candidates show strong

This year we expect to see even more pharmaceutical companies

promise, with one approved for emergency use in the United

outsource these capabilities to CMOs and CDMOs, which will

Kingdom, we expect the number of viable, approved COVID-19

help them reduce overall costs. We also believe CMOs and

vaccines will continue to grow in 2021.

CDMOs will expand to include more services. This will include cold chain, working with partners like us. Offering end-to-end expertise will help reduce complexity by standardising as many pieces of the supply chain as possible.


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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dave Williams is the President of Peli BioThermal, a division of Pelican Products, Inc. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic growth of product and service offerings to serve Peli BioThermal’s worldwide clients and partners.

Growth in direct-to-patient and direct-from-

COVID-19 also increases the chances home-based offerings will

patient brings cold chain to the last mile

grow outside of clinical trials. Over the past year, healthcare

Over the past several years, clinical trials have become

companies and consumers learned that it is possible to

increasingly complex. They require extensive data collection,

receive healthcare at home. We expect that a subset of the

utilise complicated drug regimens and enroll global patient

population will continue to prefer home-based healthcare for

populations. Frequent travel to a clinical site for routine drug

its convenience, driving more companies to offer this service.

administration, sample collection and simple tests can deter patients from participating. This is especially true when patients

Services like phlebotomy, drug administration and sample

do not live close to a medical facility.

collection that require refrigeration will require cold chain solutions. We anticipate a drive toward solutions that require

Currently, 24 percent of clinical trials offer home-based solutions

little training and are easy for home healthcare professionals

that allow patients to receive medical care in their homes or ship

and patients to operate. We should also see more assessment

study samples from their homes to a medical facility. We expect

and evaluation of the cold chain for home-based care in 2021.

to see this number increase out of necessity, but also out of a desire for continued convenience.

Dave Williams, President, Peli BioThermal





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20 JANUARY 2021


50% Y-O-Y RISE IN PHARMA SHIPMENTS E tihad Cargo, the cargo and logistics arm of Abu Dhabi-

Etihad Cargo has substantial expertise in the global transportation

based Etihad Aviation Group, has reported a 50 per cent

of temperature controlled and time-sensitive pharmaceutical

year-on-year rise in pharma shipments under its specialised

products, including vaccines, operating to stringent manufacturers'

PharmaLife product.

requirements. The IATA CEIV certification has reaffirmed the carrier’s strength in this sector and strengthened partner trust to

The double-digit annual growth comes as the carrier marks its second

deliver a quality product solution across 54 pharma stations with

anniversary of achieving and operating IATA CEIV certification for

dedicated experts available for advice.

pharmaceutical and life science logistics (IATA CEIV Pharma), in

Martin Drew,

conjunction with its hub at Abu Dhabi International Airport and Etihad

Senior Vice President Sales & Cargo, Etihad Aviation Group

Airport Services – one of only 24 such certified carriers worldwide. The launch of the Abu Dhabi-based Hope Consortium towards Etihad Cargo currently operates across more than 1,050 IATA

the end of 2020 has contributed to the end of year increase and

CEIV Pharma/GDP certified trade lands which ensure the integrity

is expected to support Etihad Cargo’s pharmaceutical shipment

of products during transportation. Driven largely from a demand

growth through 2021.

for both CRT (+15 to +25°C) and COL (+2 to +8°C) segments, Etihad Cargo has also received strong growth for ERT (+2 to +25°C) shipments, launched towards the end of 2020.

Etihad Cargo’s successful role in the Hope Consortium serves as a significant endorsement of our PharmaLife product, which was the first in the region to attain the IATA CEIV Pharma certification for excellence of product transportation in the sector. During December millions of doses of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine were carried on a chartered Etihad Cargo Boeing 777-300ER, with additional shipments scheduled.


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ABOUT ETIHAD CARGO Etihad Cargo is the cargo and logistics arm of the Etihad A member of IATA’s Time and Temperature Working Group, Etihad

Aviation Group. Since its establishment in 2004, Etihad

Cargo is planning to boost its global pharma sector credentials

Cargo has grown rapidly to become one of the leading air

through an ongoing education programme which has already reached

cargo carriers in the world, offering customers a range of

a worldwide audience of over 600 professionals through 30 webinars.

cargo products and services to five major continents. Our hub in Abu Dhabi is strategically located at the centre of

This programme will continue throughout 2021 as Etihad Cargo

the worlds’ busiest trade lanes, providing an integral link

simultaneously builds its network of certified pharmaceutical trade

between Asia, Europe, North America, Australia and Africa.

lanes that meet consistent standards and assure product integrity. Additional enhancements this year include the introduction of

In addition to general cargo, Etihad Cargo offers a

thermal blankets, cool dollies and digital e-booking for pharma

wide range of specialty products including live animals,

products, as well as securing co-operation with Pharma.Aero, the

dangerous good, valuables and vulnerables, personal

powerful cross-industry collaboration for pharma shippers, CEIV

effects, as well as our market leading cold chain products

certified cargo communities, airport operators and other air cargo

(the latter holding IATA’s stringent Center of Excellence

industry stakeholders.

for Independent Validators certifications for both Pharmaceutical Logistics as well as Perishables Logistics).

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19 JANUARY 2021


EUROPEAN DIGITAL VACCINATION CERTIFICATE T he International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged

The Greek proposal is for a harmonized vaccination certificate that

all branches of the European Union to support an initiative

could contribute ‘to the re-establishment of mobility on a global

from Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to agree

scale, which is the foundation for re-establishing economic activity

a common digital European COVID-19 vaccination certificate that

to pre-crisis levels.’ The requirement for a harmonized safe aviation

would enable those who are vaccinated to travel freely within

restart is more urgent than ever in the face of renewed lockdowns

Europe without COVID-19 testing.

and travel restrictions across the world.

In an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European

As the virus comes eventually under control, testing capacities

Commission, and copied to key policy-makers across the EU, IATA

improve and the vaccinated population grows, de Juniac stressed the

Director General and CEO Alexandre de Juniac called on EU

need for governments to prepare for re-establishing the freedom of

States to coordinate a policy that would see Europe safely gain the

movement with well-coordinated planning. That planning should use

economic and social benefits of renewed freedom of movement,

the most effective combination of vaccination and testing capabilities.

beginning with those who are vaccinated. We are in very dark days of this pandemic. But the tough measures Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ initiative should be urgently adopted by

taken combined with accelerating vaccination programs must give

the Commission and all member states. Vaccination is a fundamental

us hope that we can safely re-establish the freedom of movement.

key to safely reopening borders and stimulating economic recovery.

That will save jobs, ease mental anguish, re-connect families and

A pan-European mutually recognised vaccination certificate would

revive the economy. To do this safely and efficiently, planning is

be an important step towards giving governments the confidence

key. Prime Minister Mitsotakis’s proposal for vaccine certificates will

to safely open their borders, and passengers the confidence to fly

be a key enabler. Progress on eliminating or reducing quarantines

without the barrier of quarantine,

can be made with testing protocols. But what we need now is for

said de Juniac.

governments to start working together much more effectively. Unilateral government actions were able to quickly dismantle global connectivity. Re-building will need coordination,


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said de Juniac.

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12 JANUARY 2021


BLOWS INTO WINDY CITY U -Freight North America, the US subsidiary of the U-Freight

We have recently remodelled our Chicago hub to include an

Group, has added a consolidation centre for ocean freight

e-commerce fulfilment centre so that it is capable of providing

shipments at its freight hub in Chicago, joining its other

e-commerce logistics services. Our ocean freight tonnages are

main ocean freight hub in Los Angeles.

very buoyant as a result of the wholesale change in the way that manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers are coming to

The company says that the move will enable it to better serve

the market through e-commerce, and this latest move will allow us

customers on the US East and West coasts, as well as the markets

to meet customers’ requirements more efficiently.

in the Mid West. U-Ocean is the ocean freight arm of the global freight forwarder


offering scheduled weekly ocean freight export and import

In the US ocean freight trades, U-Freight offers ocean

consolidation services in numerous trades.

freight services through its affiliated companies that are licensed by the US Federal Maritime Commission as Ocean

Frank Rettig, who has a wealth of ocean freight forwarding experience

Transportation Intermediaries (OTI): U-Ocean USA Corp

on both the import and export side has been recruited to assist in

is a freight forwarder; Worldwide Container Transfer Corp,

running the new operation in Chicago and further appointments are

is a NVOCC.

being considered. Rick Keller, CEO of U-Freight North America says that the move is further evidence of the company’s intention to boost its presence in Chicago....



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AR Technologies, an innovative simulation-driven marine

following its partnership with global commodities firm, Cargill,

engineering consultancy, has partnered with a world-class

will apply its expertise in wind propulsion, developing a solid wing

consortium of universities, vessel charterers, vessel operators,

sail array for the Kamsarmax vessel. The vessel will also feature

marine technology companies and designers to develop ground-breaking

automated, optimised vessel routing, waste heat recovery, hull form

decarbonisation technology for the maritime industry. Set to start in

optimisation, and a gate rudder. By designing the overall layout to

June 2021, project CHEK will last for 36 months.

optimise the benefits from the combination of technologies used, the efficiency savings will be maximised.

As the 2050 net zero deadlines come into sharper focus, the maritime industry has been grappling with the issue of carbon

Wind propulsion will be a cornerstone of low carbon shipping in

emissions. Vessels built in the next two decades will still be

future, with the versatility to deliver efficiency savings regardless of

operational mid-century – requiring immediate, coordinated action

the powertrain used. However, it is most effective as part of a wider

on decarbonisation.

suite of decarbonisation technology, and especially when designed into the vessel platform from the beginning. We’re excited to be

As no single technology can yet currently fully decarbonise shipping, the

a part of bringing this market first vessel to fruition to help the

consortium has brought together leading firms and institutions in low

shipping industry tackle its crucial emissions challenge.

carbon innovation across the maritime sector to deliver a Kamsarmax

John Cooper, CEO, BAR Technologies

bulker and a Meraviglia class cruise ship. Both vessels will be targeting a 99% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, at least 50% savings in

The project, ‘deCarbonizing sHipping by Enabling Key technology

energy, and a reduction in black carbon emissions of over 95%. These

symbiosis on real vessel concept designs’, is part of the EU Horizon

two vessel types currently constitute 85% of global greenhouse gas

2020 programme to accelerate innovation. The other consortium

emissions from shipping, representing a key area for carbon savings.

partners are the University of Vaasa (coordinator), World Maritime University, Wärtsilä, Cargill, MSC Cruises, Lloyds Register,

BAR Technologies, set to be the first business to bring a new level of

Silverstream Technologies, Hasytec, Deltamarin, and Climeon.

significant, annualised savings (up to 30%) via a wing sail to market, 19 JANUARY 2021






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19 JANUARY 2021


DVS ANNOUNCEMENT FROM TFL S peaking about the 19 January 2021 news from Transport

for London (TfL) on the start date for the Direct Vision


Standard scheme, Natalie Chapman, Head of Policy –

Logistics UK (formerly FTA) is one of the UK’s leading

South at Logistics UK said...

business groups, representing logistics businesses which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more than seven

The safety of all London’s road users is of prime importance

million people directly employed in the making, selling

to Logistics UK and we welcome the flexibility and certainty

and moving of goods. With COVID-19, Brexit, new

that today's announcement provides. Our members have rolling

technology and other disruptive forces driving change

programmes of safe system retrofit for their existing fleet as well

in the way goods move across borders and through the

as orders in place for new compliant vehicles, but these schedules

supply chain, logistics has never been more important to

are currently being disrupted due to ongoing challenges with the

UK plc. Logistics UK supports, shapes and stands up for

Covid pandemic. The creation of an “allow list” by the Mayor’s

safe and efficient logistics, and is the only business group

office and Transport for London (TfL) is welcome news for

which represents the whole industry, with members from

businesses as they adopt new vehicles or change the specification

the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers

of their fleets. In addition, it is encouraging to see they have noted

of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers

the need for improvements in the permit system to speed up

whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of

processing of applications. Logistics UK will be working closely

goods. For more information about the organisation and

with TfL to clarify how the “allow list” will work in practice and

its work, including its ground-breaking research into the

what fleet operators need to implement, as well as pressing for

impacts of COVID-19 on the whole supply chain, please

quicker turnaround times of permit applications. After delivering


for London throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, logistics businesses have proved their value to the capital’s businesses and residents. Improved road safety for all is the ultimate aim and one which the logistics sector is committed to achieving.


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roadway Malyan’s new Logistics Chief has today announced

With Steve at the helm, the architecture firm is championing the

his vision for the global architecture firm in revolutionising

need for Logistics to be closer to the customer, ensuring that there

the way the UK approaches supply-chain dynamics.

is not only space for machinery and staff, but also for the fleet of electric vehicles that need to be parked and charged overnight.

Steve Griffiths, who was appointed by Broadway Malyan during the

With the building-to-site ratio only at around 20%, Broadway

pandemic to head up a specialised new Logistics division, is drawing

Malyan is creating solutions to an issue that is causing problems

on his experience from assessing viability and outputs for over 400

for many developers.

Amazon warehouses across Europe to create a pioneering new repurposing strategy.

As the logistics market continually evolves, the places we create have to be able to flex and accommodate consumer behaviour

A key aspect of the vision is a complete transformation of thought

changes and global technological advances. The site operation needs

around Last Mile logistics and the evolution of Broadway Malyan’s

to be fully assessed with the external area of equal importance to the

Retail 2.0 concept which concentrates on repurposing empty retail

internal bricks and mortar. Trucks must be able to queue without

outlets and explores opportunities within residential and mixed-

affecting the highways or the neighbours. Yard operation needs to be

use developments such as unused basements to create integrated

fluid with quick safe access to the docks or parking up areas and not

supply-chain solutions at the heart of urban dense areas.

block the circulation space. Workers need to be able to access the building quickly safely and be able to leave without delay. Neighbours

The biggest change to the logistics market is in the last mile.

must not be complaining about noise or traffic. It’s a lot to think

With the unparalleled rise in e-commerce accelerated by Covid-19,

about. But as an ex-American football player, for me, it’s all about

Broadway Malyan is pioneering a new approach to integrating Last

creating the right formation.

Mile hubs into the centre of the towns, cities and areas that need them the most, repurposing unused developments that were built for

Broadway Malyan has been successfully delivering projects for

purpose such as empty retail parks and underground basements Gone

Costco across for nearly 30 years, supporting their growth and

are the days of exiling often sub-standard logistics facilities to the

customer experience. Latest projects include the sensitive refit of

rural wilds, creating vacuous and soulless sheds next to equally grey,

Felix Candela’s award-winning John Lewis Warehouse in Stevenage,

clogged and polluting arterial routes. It’s time to get real. Logistics is

UK, and the opening of Costco’s first retail warehouse stores in

at the heart of the new world and should be at the heart of the places

Madrid and Zaragoza, Spain.

and people, working for and with the communities they support. For more information about Broadway Malyan’s Retail 2.0 strategy Broadway Malyan is currently exploring opportunities in the UK

and information on working with Steve Griffiths and the Logistics

with residential developers who are open to repurposing unused

team, visit

spaces and retail park investors looking for new solutions following the significant downturn in footfall to outlets. 13 JANUARY 2021







22 JANUARY 2021


PARTNERSHIP OF THE YEAR H oward Tenens Logistics, a quality focused, independent

efficiencies both financially and environmentally, using initiatives

family business delivering mutual value through great

such as; 100% dedicated gas fuelled vehicles designed to operate in

people, collaboration and technology has won Logistics UK

low emission zones; surpassing Toolstation’s supplier environmental

‘Partnership of the Year’ award for their partnership with Toolstation.

guidelines. Additionally, Howard Tenens Logistics has purchased Double Decked Longer Semi trailers which significantly increase the

Logistics UK, one of the biggest business groups in the UK,

number of cages per load 88 compared to that of a standard trailer at

supporting, shaping and standing up for efficient logistics announced

76. Equally as important is the brand awareness that Howard Tenens

during their annual awards ceremony that the Howard Tenens

Logistics have offered to Toolstation through liverying of vehicles,

Logistics partnership with long standing customer Toolstation was

which has played an important part in achieving Toolstation’s growth.

this year’s winner of “Partnership of the Year” Award for 2020. Howard Tenens Logistics has been working closely with Toolstation’s Kevin Green, Marketing & Communications Director at Logistics UK

senior management to diminish costs with the supply chain and focus

commented “Cost reduction, operating efficiency, and environmental

on operational efficiency. The project team proposed key targets

impact reduction is at the heart of Howard Tenens Logistics and

around reducing the cost of trunking stock from the distribution

Toolstation’s 11-year partnership. Since the inception of the contract

centres and platforms around the country. An annual saving of

in 2009 Howard Tenens Logistics and Toolstation’s relationship has

£600,000 has been forecast by implementing the initiatives and

gone from strength to strength, even the Covid-19 global pandemic

Toolstation are already seeing the benefits of these savings. Howard

could not stand in the way of breaking records for number of cages

Tenens Logistics believe mutual value encouraged by both businesses

shipped per day to over 2,000. Congratulations to Howard Tenens

has fostered an industry leading partnership.

Logistics and Toolstation on this fantastic achievement!” 2020 has been a challenging year for many businesses due to Over the last three years Howard Tenens Logistics has invested over

the Covid-19 pandemic, however the Howard Tenens Logistics &

£3.5 million in the latest vehicles, trailers & vehicle technology for

Toolstation relationship has continued to operate efficiently to

Toolstation. As a result, the Howard Tenens Logistics – Toolstation

deliver mutual value on both sides.

partnership has seen significant improvements in operational

Matt Davis, Head of Commercial, Howard Tenens Logistics


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The use of railroads and trains to transport cargo, as opposed to human passengers. Related topics Belt & Road Initiative HS2 Rail terminals and depots


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12 JANUARY 2021


TRANSFORMATION OF HEAVY RAIL LOCOMOTIVES IN SWEDEN S pecialist consultancy Vysus Group (formerly LR Energy),

Vysus Group will be responsible for the provision of engineering, risk

the global engineering and technology company, has been

management and regulatory approvals services. This will ensure the

selected to support international mining and mineral

work carried out under the modernisation programme meets regulatory

group, Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara AB (LKAB), in the modernisation

and legal requirements, and complies with the European Commission’s

of its fleet of 18 iron ore (IORE) transportation locomotives, which

Common Safety Methods (CSM). The CSM provides a legal and mandatory

use the Ore Railway in Sweden all year round.

framework for the evaluation and assessment of risk associated with engineering, operational and organisational changes to railways.

The one year contract, worth a six-figure sum, was awarded to Vysus Group in November 2020 and has options to extend up until 2026. It

The IORE locomotives have been designed to transport extremely

is anticipated that that project will take up to six years to complete.

heavy loads and are the world's strongest locomotives. The modernisation of the trains, which transport iron ore from LKAB’s mining operations in Malmfälten in the north of Sweden to the shipping ports of Luleå and Narvik several times each day, will include upgrades to the onboarding and signalling systems. LKAB’s investment in the modernisation of its IORE fleet forms part of its newly published strategy to secure its operations beyond the year 2060. The upgrade to its fleet further demonstrates LKAB’s commitment to ensuring it maintains a world-class logistics system in order to ensure safe, reliable and sustainable operations that comply with the CSM.


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ABOUT VYSUS GROUP Following a strategic carve out from the Lloyds Register

The modernisation of LKAB’s fleet of locomotives is an important

(LR), LR’s Energy business is now Vysus Group, a standalone

part of its transformation as it commits to creating sustainable growth

engineering and technical consultancy, offering specialist asset

before 2045. We are pleased that Vysus Group has been chosen as

performance, risk management and project management

LKAB’s partner to shore up its critical transportation operations,

expertise across complex industrial assets, energy assets

and to help make them safer, more efficient and environmentally

(oil and gas, nuclear, renewables), the energy transition and

friendly. Its fleet of locomotives is a critical element of the logistics

rail infrastructure.

system, transporting several million tonnes of crude ore each year, and we are looking forward to playing a key role in helping make

Vysus Group retains LR Energy’s entire capability and continues

significant improvements to its operations.

to offer its full suite of technical, regulatory and operational

Mikael Krydzinski, Senior Consultant, Vysus Group

expertise globally, with all 650+ of our global experts transitioning. Driven by its purpose to help clients manage risk

Vysus Group’s success in securing this contract with LKAB came

and maximise performance, blending deep technical knowledge

directly as a result of the company’s proven track record and

and data-driven insights with hands on expertise.

extensive experience in supporting rail operators, infrastructure owners and companies across the rail transportation supply chain

LR’s Energy business was founded in the 1930s following LR’s

in Europe and Scandinavia.

diversification from marine assets into the oil and gas industry. LR Energy has subsequently supported the transformation of global energy infrastructure, working on complex and largescale energy projects around the world, becoming one of the leading engineering consultancy partners of choice. Vysus Group is currently using an interim logo and brand identity whilst we execute a thorough rebrand process. Vysus Group will launch a new logo, brand identity and full website at the beginning of 2021.

ABOUT LUOSSAVAARAKIIRUNAVAARA AB (LKAB) LKAB is an international high-tech mining and mineral group that mines and processes iron ore for the global steel market. It is one of Sweden’s oldest industrial companies and is wholly owned by the Swedish state. LKAB is also one of Sweden’s largest freight carriers, responsible for around 35% of the freight on the country’s railways.

FORWARDER magazine







ACCELERATE DIGITAL SOLUTIONS D B Cargo UK, the UK’s largest rail freight company, has

continues to change rapidly and Marie’s role will be to develop

appointed Marie Hill as its new Chief Transformation and

and implement a roadmap that maximises future opportunities to

Digitalisation Officer to drive what it describes as ‘a step

improve the way we do business with our customers.

change in its use of technology to improve operational effectiveness and

customer service.’ Hill, Head of IT at DB Cargo UK since January 2017,

Commenting on her appointment, Hill said:

is now a permanent member of the UK Board with immediate effect.

pandemic has highlighted the pivotal role digital technologies have to

The Coronavirus

play in supporting modern business. The creation of the new team She will head a newly-created Transformation Team to work with

will ensure we make the best use of those technologies in all areas of

departments across the business to develop and implement plans

our business, improving our overall effectiveness and efficiency.

to make the company ‘more innovative, agile and efficient – a key pillar of DB’s future strategy to improve and grow its business,’ says the company. Commenting on Hill’s appointment, CEO Andrea Rossi said, I believe that by accelerating and expanding our digital capabilities

Marie Hill,

we will significantly improve the quality of the services we can offer

Chief Transformation &

to both existing and new customers. The technological landscape

Digitalisation Officer, DB Cargo UK



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key milestone has today been reached with construction

Northampton Gateway

works beginning at SEGRO Logistics Park Northampton

The scheme will incorporate over 80 acres of parkland and amenity

Gateway. Since summer 2020, SEGRO has been conducting

grassland, with 18km of foot paths, 20km of hedgerows and the

enabling works, which include ecology, archaeology and ground

planting of 60,000 new trees. The first plots are expected to be

investigations to prepare the site - which is strategically located

available for buildings in late 2021, with the completion of the

next to junction 15 on the M1 motorway - ahead of construction.

infrastructure works anticipated by the end of 2023.

Once developed, the 450 acre site will become a multi-modal logistics

The start of construction at SEGRO Logistics Park Northampton

hub in the UK Midlands, with five million square feet of modern,

Gateway is an exciting and positive milestone. Now more than ever

highly sustainable warehousing and logistics facilities, including a

are we witnessing the vital role logistics is playing in supporting the

dedicated 35 acre Strategic Rail Freight Interchange that will have

UK economy and it’s clear that businesses are relying on well located,

the capacity for up to 16 trains a day. SEGRO is investing £190

sustainable facilities from which they can meet their customers’

million into infrastructures works, including new rail connections

demands. SEGRO Park Northampton Gateway is excellently located

and significant improvements to the strategic road network, a

with easy access to key road networks and with the new rail links and

new bridge over the West Coast Mainline, and building a bypass

Strategic Rail Freight Interchange, will present great opportunities

around Roade and safer junctions along the A508. This work will be

for businesses to flourish.

delivered in partnership with Highways England, Network Rail and

Andrew Pilsworth, Managing Director, National Logistics, SEGRO

local authorities. In addition to delivering road and rail improvements for the region, the scheme will create around 7500 direct jobs, with around 120 created during the infrastructure construction phase. Working alongside the local council and community partners, SEGRO is set to deliver an employment skills programme that will provide training for members of the community, enabling them to become active members of the workforces created by the scheme.

The start of construction at SEGRO Logistics Park Northampton Gateway













he service, which operates to the Port of Liverpool from

supportive and committed to long standing and inspiring partnerships.

the East Midlands, is in partnership with Mediterranean

We like to be challenged. We are delighted to be working with our

Shipping Company (UK) Ltd and runs five times a week.

customer MSC, Peel Ports and Maritime Transport in delivering a

Despite the economic turmoil brought about by COVID-19, GBRf

new intermodal service into the Port of Liverpool – one which will

have successfully continued making inroads into the Intermodal

see 20,000 lorry journeys off our roads.

market with this being GBRf’s 21st Intermodal service to date.

John Smith, Managing Director, GB Railfreight

In addition, with climate change front and centre of the political

We are very pleased to announce that, together with our

agenda, this announcement is further proof of GBRf’s commitment

partners, we have launched the first daily intermodal rail connection

to ‘moving more and more goods in a sustainable way. This is

between the Port of Liverpool and the East Midlands. This new

because GBRf are committed to increasing the amount of goods

service enhances our nationwide port and intermodal network,

and materials transported via rail freight, reducing emissions and

further strengthening the breadth of our offering to clients whilst

delivering a more sustainable logistics solution,’ says the operator.

helping to reduce carbon emissions. Jonathan Burke, Operations Director, MSC UK

We are delighted to have begun services between the East Midlands and the Port of Liverpool. Despite the economic challenges we all face, GB Railfreight continues to grow as a business, and we are showing ourselves to be leaders in the field of innovation and a customer delivery. I couldn’t be prouder to unveil our newest intermodal service – proof we are the industry’s most trusted intermodal carrier. I cannot thank MSC enough for allowing us to establish and launch a new service for them. We look forward to developing this partnership even further in the months and years ahead. GBRf prides itself on being


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GB Railfreight continues to grow as a business

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massive 11,000 tonne curved concrete box is being pushed

This is an astonishing feat, underlining this country’s reputation for

under one of the country’s most famous railway lines

pioneering engineering and delivering major upgrades. By undertaking

in a first for UK engineering in an effort to speed up

a project of this magnitude now we are making the most of our

intermodal freight trains. The structure, which weighs more than the

railways being quieter, putting in place vital new infrastructure that

Eiffel Tower, is being installed in a painstaking nine-day operation as

will improve our railways for when passengers are safe to return.

part of the £1.2bn upgrade of the East Coast Main Line.

Chris Heaton Harris, Rail Minister

Engineers have spent the last nine months building the new tunnel by

The work is being carried out at Werrington, north of Peterborough,

the side of the East Coast Main Line (ECML) as trains have sped past

where the ECML is crossed by a slow-moving east-west freight route.

between London and Edinburgh. The massive concrete construction

Installing the tunnel will take slower freight trains off the fast route,

is pushed into place along pre-installed guiding supports, after the

speeding up services and improving reliability, while also reducing the

three tracks above have been temporarily removed.

amount of maintenance required on that section of track.

Using a traditional method of installing a tunnel on the crucial stretch of

The new tunnel is a 155-metre curved concrete box that was

the line would have meant closing it completely for about a month. But

painstakingly pushed at 150cm per hour, using massive jacks to

the pre-constructed structure will be installed in just nine days – and

propel and steer it into place. It was the first time this construction

means a reduced level of service will be able to operate at the same time.

technique has been used in this way in the UK.

This is a massive engineering challenge, but it will avoid hundreds of hours of closure on one of the most important lines in the country. In the past, Network Rail might have approached this problem by thinking about the easiest way to do the engineering. Instead, I’m proud to say we have come up with a creative and innovative solution that will deliver massive benefits while keeping disruption to a minimum. Paul Rutter, Route Director for Network Rail’s East Coast Route

Werrington, north of Peterborough (credit: Network Rail Air Operations)






The transportation of large, heavy, high-value or critical (to the project they are intended for) pieces of equipment. Related topics Heavy lift Abnormal load OOG (out of gauge)


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20 JANUARY 2021


SAFE TRANSPORT FROM CANADA TO ARGENTINA T he project logistics specialists and surface transportation

While the equipment was covered for protection throughout the

team at C.H. Robinson recently arranged a shipment of

journey, the tarping on the two largest pieces ripped during the trucking.

large equipment from Quebec in Canada to Argentina for

C.H. Robinson's team rectified the situation by quickly arranging for the

a long-time client.

pieces to be re-tarped before they were transferred to MAFIs.

Five truckloads carrying compressor components, a separator, an

Once at the port, the pieces were carefully lifted by crane and

expansion tank and crates travelled over 900km from Quebec to the

forklift from the truck's trailers and placed onto the MAFIs which

port in Baltimore, Maryland. The largest piece was a compressor on

were used to roll the cargo on and off the ocean vessel. The vessel

a skid which required a stretch double drop trailer due to its size,

sailed by a regular liner service and arrived safely at the port in

measuring 13.7 x 3.8 x 3.7m and weighing 35mtn.

Argentina according to the schedule. In total, the shipment had a volume of 361.6cbm and weighed over 59mtn.


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ABOUT PROJECT CARGO NETWORK Project Cargo Network is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified organisation established in 2010 to provide heavy lift and project cargo specialists access to a trusted, worldwide network of agents who handle their specialist shipments, whilst working professionally and safely under a strict Code of Conduct. Today, PCN has an international presence that extends to over 260 specialist members in more than 115 countries.


-Star Projects recently handled a 'small' gas module in the Netherlands as part of the Perenco Southern Hub Area Rationalisation Project (SHARP).

The shipment was handled from the supplier right up to the site delivery at Flushing Port. The cargo involved a gas module plus an air column and additional parts with specifications as follows: • Gas Module: 9.85 x 4.50 x 9.50m / 34.6tn • Air Column: 7.20 x 4.75 x 5.20m / 10.8tn • Additional Parts & Spares: 560cbm / 120tn Their scope of services included... • Transportation from the supplier by SPMTs - 2 x 12-axles • Jetty port handling and shipment on dedicated barge vessel • Receiving, handling at POD (Flushing Port) with delivery next to oil platform; • Full documentation, removal of road obstacles, road permits & escorts • Pre-surveys, cargo inspections & lashing on the barge 22 JANUARY 2021







21 JANUARY 2021


DELIVERS PROJECT CARGO, DESPITE FOG P akistan members, Star Shipping are pleased to report their

first project of 2021, delivering cargo to the site despite blanket foggy weather.

The cargo consisted of 3 pieces , each with diameters of 3.4m and

lengths of 3.4m, and 1 piece measuring 6.0 x 3.6 x 4.2m with the skid, as pictured in the gallery below. Star Shipping specialises in global oil & gas, mining, wind power, energy, machinery & equipment and infrastructure project shipments. We carefully plan and deliver over-dimensional and heavy lift cargo by land, sea, and air.


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e are pleased to welcome representation in Israel

The images below show a project handled by R.P.A. Port Ltd of

with R.P.A. Port Ltd. Founded in 1991, their

OOG cargo which arrived in several lots from Turkey and needed

headquarters are located in Haifa with offices at

delivery to the final destination in Jordan after customs clearance.

Ben Gurion Airport, Ashdod Port, the Sheik Hussein Bridge border

The cargo also included several regular containers and everything

crossing and Eilat. They provide a full scope of freight forwarding,

was professionally delivered safely, securely and on time.

customs, logistics solutions, project cargo, and shipping agent services operating at any airport, port or crossing point in Israel. Doron Rapaport (Deputy General Director) says they are joining Cargo Connections because

...we are looking for strong partners

to develop long-lasting strategic and reciprocal cooperation.

Doron continues by introducing the company:

R.P.A. Port Ltd is a leading

provider of advanced supply chain solutions and our years of experience enable a close control over every shipment. From international forwarding and customs brokerage to fully integrated logistics management, we provide tailor-made solutions for every imaginable type of cargo and every known industry using standard and multimodal transport by air, sea, road and rail. From perishables and hazardous goods to ammunitions and OOG, we find creative solutions for each project's specific needs. Whether the shipment is run of the mill or out of the scope of most forwarding companies, R.P.A. Port Ltd can make it happen.

21 JANUARY 2021






Any place where persons and merchandise are allowed to pass, by water or land, into and out of a country and where customs officers are stationed to inspect or appraise imported goods. Related topics Cargo handling Container terminals Drayage


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7 JANUARY 2021


RESTRUCTURE CARGO DIVISION A msterdam Airport Schiphol is restructuring its Cargo

Synergy and co-operation

Division, bringing it into its new Aviation Business

Cargo is, and remains,

Development Division under the umbrella of business

important to Schiphol and it

unit Airport Operations and Aviation Partnerships, from the first

supports the passenger network,

of March 2021. From this date, Miriam Hoekstra – van der Deen will

making certain intercontinental

step down as Director Airport Operations and will be succeeded

routes profitable for many

by Patricia Vitalis, Senior Manager Process, Development &

passenger airlines. Having the

Capacity Management.

route and business development managers and the cargo

The move will put all airline and cargo commercial and operational

managers working more closely

business into a single division under the leadership of Anne Marie van

together will bring more synergy

Hemert, Sr. Manager Aviation Business Development, reporting into

to the way we work and ensure

Patricia Vitalis as new head of the Airport Operations and Aviation

that we can better support the

Partnerships Business Unit.

airlines, especially during these challenging times.

Airport cargo information platform Cargonaut, recently acquired by

Miriam Hoekstra – van der Deen

Royal Schiphol Group, will also be part of the new Aviation Business Development Division.

The new division will continue to support ongoing cargo initiatives by the community including Vaccines Gateway Netherlands, Pharma Gateway Amsterdam, the Holland Flower Alliance, and the Smart Cargo Mainport Program (SCMP), and will continue to fight for a dedicated cargo slot pool.


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Digitisation of all export goods The SCMP remains an


important pillar of our cargo

Schiphol is Europe’s fourth-largest air cargo hub and

strategy, we aim to be the smartest

welcomed 1.57 million tonnes of cargo in 2019.

and most sustainable cargo hub in Europe. On the first of January we

Schiphol initiates and co-creates smart cargo solutions to

reached an important milestone,

help the airfreight community excel at Amsterdam Airport

with all export goods delivered to

Schiphol. One such initiative is the Smart Cargo Mainport

Schiphol now completely digital.

Program (SCMP) in which Schiphol, together with supply

It is a good example of what you

chain partners, aims to integrate data and digitalise the air

can do when you work together

cargo supply chain by optimising landside processes and

as a sector.

launching new innovations.

Patricia Vitalis Schiphol and its cargo community launched Pharma Gateway Future-proofing the community

Amsterdam that offers a CEIV-certified, closed and

Schiphol is continuing with the renewal of Cargonaut’s Port

transparent pharma airport process.

Community System (PCS). A modernisation which will take place over the next 24 months, with all current services and processes

Schiphol, together with KLM Cargo and Royal FloraHolland,

remaining as they are until the new IT system is fully operational.

are the founding fathers of the Holland Flower Alliance. An initiative formed to optimise the logistics of the floricultural

The project will future-proof the whole of Schiphol’s cargo

supply chain in East Africa and South America. The alliance

community, strengthening the relationship between private and

focuses on the smooth transportation of flowers and plants

public companies by enhancing innovation and information exchange

from growers to wholesalers, and is dedicated to the pursuit

in the Dutch logistics sector, and driving its competitive position as

of innovation and sustainability in the floral supply chain.

a leading cargo hub. Recently, Schiphol launched Vaccines Gateway Netherlands, Staff changes

a taskforce bringing together 60 Companies to ensure the

Bart Pouwels, Head of Cargo, and Ferry van der Ent, Director

safe, secure, and swift transportation of the COVID-19

of Business Development will both leave Schiphol in March.

vaccines from manufacturer to end-user.

We would like to thank Bart and Ferry for their inspirational leadership over the years at Schiphol Cargo and wish them the best

To find out more about initiatives by Schiphol Cargo follow

for the future,

our LinkedIn page or visit

said Miriam Hoekstra – van der Deen.

A manager for the new Airline and Cargo Partnerships team will be appointed over the coming weeks. FORWARDER magazine








msterdam Airport Schiphol’s total cargo volume for 2020

Challenging times

declined by 8% to 1.44 million tonnes compared to 2019.

Outbound traffic to the Asian region from Schiphol was down 8.21%

Last year freight volumes were shipped in three categories

to 238,889 tonnes in 2020 compared to 2019, and inbound declined

of flights: full freighters, which accounted for 61% of total volume,

0.58% to 266,688 tonnes.

pax-cargo-only, which includes passenger flights with only freight on board at 10%, and passenger flights at 29%. Inbound cargo volumes

The outbound North American market fell 8.27% to 150,988 tonnes,

declined by 4.7% to 754,361 tonnes in 2020 compared to 2019, and

while inbound was down 9.72% to 101,132 tonnes.

outbound cargo volumes decreased 11.7% to 687,161 tonnes during the same period. The three biggest destinations for cargo tonnage

Cargo inbound to Latin America declined 10.84% to 102,983 tonnes

were Shanghai, China, Doha, Qatar, and Chicago, USA.

and outbound dropped 4.28% to 72,899 tonnes.

Supporting customers through COVID-19

European figures show outbound traffic fell 28.62% to 85,395 tonnes

The 2020 figures are in line with our expectations given the

and inbound increased 0.01% to 106,487 tonnes.

challenging year we all had to face. I am proud of our cargo community and our team at Schiphol, who have worked hard to continue

The Middle East market inbound showed a positive story as inbound

supporting our customers through the pandemic in a constantly

was up 8.51% to 101,014 tonnes, but outbound was down 9.28% to

changing business landscape and for providing new routes for new

96,321 tonnes.

cargo airlines to transport essential PPE consignments. The cargo community at Schiphol has focused on collaboration to find solutions

Outbound traffic to Africa was down 17.67% to 42,669 tonnes and

including the launch of Vaccines Gateway Netherlands, which is a

inbound declined 21.00% to 76,057 tonnes.

task force of more than 60 companies providing the swift, secure, and safe transportation of the COVID-19 vaccines. We will continue

Flower imports from Africa showed a dip in the first half of the year,

to work together to ensure that supply chains keep moving.

but stabilised later in the year.

Patricia Vitalis, incoming Director Airport Operations & Aviation Partnerships, Schiphol


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2020 successes and new beginnings for 2021

This year will see cargo team moving into a newly-established

Last year, we accelerated our Smart Cargo Mainport Program,

Aviation Business Development Division, putting all airline and cargo

ensuring faster handling of export cargo, resulting in all ground

commercial and operational business in a single department and

handlers at Schiphol being ready for digital and/or electronic pre-

introducing new faces.

notification in January 2021. Schiphol expects to share the new operational model with the Cargo We also joined the Circular Plastics Alliance as part of our

Community once this is in place.

commitment to ensuring the flowers moving through our airport are shipped in a sustainable way.

This year will also see the continued modernisation of airport cargo information platform Cargonaut’s Port Community System under

The Alliance has introduced standardised box sizes for flower

the flag of Schiphol.

consignments with the aim of reducing the product importers’ carbon footprint by 25%, whilst increasing their profitability by 25% at the same time. FORWARDER magazine






e’re delighted to work with Craig and FORWARDER magazine. Cory Brothers appreciate the important role that FORWARDER plays in keeping all the

major supply chain stakeholders informed, advised and sometimes

in check. Craig and the team are clearly motivated, respected and provide relevant insights in a fresh and future-facing way; this is what

we look for in our media partners. Congratulations on five years and best wishes for the next five and beyond. Mike Bowden, Marketing & Procurement Manager, Cory Brothers


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fter struggling to cope with excess containers for much

At the Port of Los Angeles, this saw Container xChange’s Container

of 2020, the Port of Los Angeles on the US West Coast

Availability Index (CAx) average 0.64 across 2020 – an index of 0.5

is now facing box shortages, according to the latest data

on CAx indicates a surplus of containers while below 0.5 indicates

from Container xChange.

a shortage.

US container shipping supply chains have been under pressure

The excess of boxes was particularly acute from week 37 to week

since the summer and now the Port of LA is coping with an outbreak

45 (see graph below). For 20DCs (20ft. Dry Containers) the index

of Covid-19 and labour shortages. While earlier in the year the high-

soared to 0.86 in week 42 and, for 40DCs, reached 0.91 – a plus of

volume US box import port was overwhelmed with boxes, now

25% and 42%, respectively, compared to the 2020 average.

there is a dearth. Dr. Johannes Schlingmeier, CEO, Container xChange

However, as lines have rushed to move empties back to Asia, the picture has dramatically reversed at the port, a leading gateway for

A combination of global coronavirus lockdowns, blank sailings by

the trans-Pacific container trade.

containers lines early in the year and a surge in US consumer demand for retail imports from Asia saw boxes build up across the US during

Surprisingly this has created a deficit of containers in Los Angeles.

the second half of 2020. Approximately 1.5 million containers had a

Container Availability Index values plummeted to only 0.27 for

turnaround time of 115+ days in Q3 2020 across the US, compared

20DCs and 0.29 for 40DCs in week 49, 2020. A minus of 57% for

to an annual average of fewer than 80 days, according to a research

both container types compared to the average index values for weeks

study published by Container xChange and FraunhoferCML.

1-48. We’re expecting further volatility in container availability in the coming weeks with every element of the trans-Pacific ocean freight supply chain under unprecedented pressure. Florian Frese, Marketing Lead, Container xChange








cean Insights’ cargo delay statistics show how the bull

Ocean Insights calculates the rollover ratio for carriers as the

run is wreaking havoc on the market, with surging

percentage of cargo carried by each line globally that left a port

rollover rates across major ports during December

on a different vessel than originally scheduled.

and most major carriers seeing increases in delays. Of the 20 global ports for which Ocean Insights collates data,

Industry analysts are calling it ‘one of the strongest bull-markets

75% saw an increase in the levels of rollover cargo in December

for container carriers seen in the last few decades.’ Triggered

compared to the previous month. Major transshipment facilities

by a 30% collapse in demand for container shipments in Europe

such as Port Klang in Malaysia and Colombo in Sri Lanka

and the US at the outset of the pandemic, a subsequent 30%

recorded 50% or more of cargo delayed, with the world’s largest

increase in demand has created unprecedented negative market

transshipment hub in Singapore and leading primary ports such

conditions. Data released today by Ocean Insights highlights just

as Shanghai and Busan rolling over more than a third of their

how extensive delays have been, which ports and carriers are

containers, last month.

experiencing under capacity and a timeline of market volatility.

Josh Brazil, Chief Operations Officer, Ocean insights

As the COVID-19 pandemic threw global markets into

Industry experts are now warning that the cargo surge could

disarray, consumer behaviour changed dramatically, leaving

last well into 2021, with a strong likelihood that the prevailing

the carriers as well as shippers stranded, either with goods

conditions will continue throughout the first half of the year.

they could not sell, or, in the second half of the year, with goods that cannot be moved.

Much of the recent concern for rollover cargo has focused on reefer containers. Some ports in China are reported to have run

The latter crisis stems in part from a lack of containers, as the

out of power points that are used to supply electricity to reefer

pandemic has caused box repositioning problems. Today, even

containers, jeopardising perishable cargo.

if a beneficial cargo owner (BCO) can get an empty container for their cargo, there is no guarantee that the cargo will make

Port Rollovers

it onto a ship.

Overall rollover levels increased to 37% month on month in December, averaged across the ports surveyed, which includes

The latest figures from Ocean Insights show that most major

facilities in all the major cargo regions of Europe, the US, and

ports are seeing elevated levels of rollover cargo from November

Asia as well as less cargo intensive regions such as Latin America.

to December. Rather than cargo flows diminishing in line with

However, Latin America accounts for a significant proportion of

historical seasonal precedent, there are growing levels of demand

the reefer trade with the US, Asia, and Europe.

during a period that usually sees a decrease in volumes. This in turn is forcing further delays to cargo, which is increasingly lying stranded at the quayside.


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While rollover levels can vary considerably from 62% in Italy’s

Unsurprisingly, the major ocean shipping companies have also

Gioia Tauro, now owned and operated by MSC, to just 22% in

seen an overall increase in rollover values from 35% in November

Salalah in the Middle East, it is worth noting that Shanghai’s 37%

to 37% in December. Three of these lines saw more than 50% of

rollover level is likely considerably higher in actual container

cargo left at the departure port.

numbers than Cartagena’s 56% rollover rate. Alliance partners MSC and Maersk managed to stem the rise of Meanwhile, the extra loader policy, seen in South Korea’s

rollover cargo month on month, both recording the same level

Busan Port, which saw a 4% reduction in its rollover levels in

of rollovers in December as in the previous month.

November, has, for the most part, lost those gains with a 3% increase in December.

The one statistical outlier in the pack is the South Korean carrier HMM, which joined the THE Alliance in April and managed to

This indicates that the levels of cargo are still rising while

limit its rollover cargoes to less than 30% in all but two of the

the extra loader capacity which has been deployed to meet the

subsequent months; until December when the previous month’s

raised levels of demand appears to be having little effect,

figure of 23% more than doubled as the carrier saw a 26%

explained Mr. Brazil.

increase in cargo rollover, reaching 49% for December.







fter a bumpy 2020, an end to the equipment shortage is in sight. A positive trend of the Container Availability Index, with values of 0.34 for 20DCs and 0.37 for

40DCS, could make Chinese New Year the turning point. Container xChange - January 25, 2021 | For months, containers were extremely scarce across China, and prices have skyrocketed to record highs. Mainly as a consequence of unexpected demand for containerized goods created in the wake of global social lockdowns. How bad the situation was, can be seen in the Container

Container Availability Index in 2020/ 21 for 20DCs, 40DCs and 40HCs

Availability Index (CAx). Developed by Container xChange, the

in Shanghai. An index of 0.5 describes a balanced market, below 0.5 a

index tracks millions of container moves to monitor and forecast

shortage of containers.

equipment availability. “An index of 0.5 describes a balanced market, below 0.5 a shortage of containers”, according to Dr. Johannes Schlingmeier, CEO of Container xChange.

With a growth of 37.5% for 40HCs and even 200% for 40DCs in January compared to December 2020, the Container Availability Index finally shows a positive trend for shippers and

For Shanghai, a city traditionally known for a deficit of containers,

forwarders who are looking for equipment in Shanghai.

the index reached record lows in December 2020 of 0.13 for

David Amezquita, Head of Data Insights, Container xChange

40DCs and to an even lower 0.08 for 40HCs. A minus of 75% and 83% compared to equipment levels in the first quarter of 2020.

With the vast increase we’re seeing in the container availability, Shanghai is on its way back to normal levels. A similar development

As a side effect, pickup charges for one-way containers skyrocketed

is happening across other ports in China. Qingdao, for instance,

to $1850, and prices for used containers climbed up to $2493 for

even reaches index values of 0.5 for standard equipment – which

20DCs across China, according to Container xChange.

represents a balanced equipment situation.

Will Chinese New Year become the turning point?

For some of the major hubs across Asia like Singapore, Nhava

Chinese container factories now work at full production. And

Sheva and Port Klang the Container Availability Index shows the

due to the aggressive repositioning of empties back to China

same trend. Compared to December 2020, container availability

by the shipping lines, Chinese New Year stands to become the

is up 58% in Singapore, 35% in Nhava Sheva and 54% in Port

turning point of equipment shortage.

Klang across standard container types in January 2021.


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Forecast: Positive trend to continue in February

The positive container availability trend for Shanghai proves that

Looking at the forecasts, the indications are that the equipment

actions taken by the shipping lines are working. The aggressive

situation will remain stable in the coming weeks. Until mid-

repositioning, which has grown by +125% in December on the

February, the Container Availability Index will settle at around

online platform Container xChange, and the increased number of

0.35 for 20DCs and even 0.38 for 40DCs.

newly built containers contribute to normal availability levels again.

The average availability of containers in Shanghai for 2019,

Chinese New Year becomes the turning point for the

a ‘normal year’ for the shipping industry, puts the recent

shipping industry.

development into perspective. Average index values of 0.19 for 40DCs and 0.38 for 40HCs show that Shanghai used to be a deficit location even before COVID-19.



Container xChange is the world’s leading online platform

container moves to monitor and forecast the global

used by 600+ companies to buy, sell and lease shipping

container equipment supply. An index of 0.5 describes

containers. Container users and owners use the platform to

a balanced market, below 0.5 a shortage of containers.

find containers, work with vetted partners and automate the

For more information and weekly email updates, check out

operational workload. Started by Dr. Johannes Schlingmeier

The Container Availability Index tracks millions of monthly

and Christian Roeloffs in 2017, the company has now more than 100+ employees with headquarters in Hamburg, Germany.








wenty-twenty was a worldwide turning point for the

Our resilient Ships Agency staff work around the clock,

way we all live and work. The new ways are still being

providing constant information on every port call, along with

worked out and we’re constantly adapting. Reflecting

local support, as well as arranging essential supplies, crew

on Lockdown number one (March 2020) we’ve come a long way.

transfers, and customs documentation. Local expertise ensures

Overnight, our HR & IT teams mobilised our entire workforce

a smooth turnaround for the vessels we handle. We ensure that

to work from home, ensuring the business could function and

essential supplies, crew transfers, customs documentation and

remain productive. Our group MD Peter Wilson reassured the

waste declarations are all arranged without delay. That’s why

whole group that we’d stick together, adapt and work this out;

so many of our principals trust us implicitly to look after their

that all staff would be kept safe and be paid; that Cory’s would

business, wherever they operate, and whenever they ship, right

strive for business as usual. We’re very proud to have achieved

across the world.

this and so far, so good. Customs clearance is an integral part of the Cory Brothers business and for all four divisions. Our specialist, marketleading team handle all forms of paperwork and processes required for customs clearance. The Ships Agency team is wellversed in dealing with all the essential but very time-consuming documentation relating to oil, gas (LPG/LNG), chemical cargoes, grains and bulk goods. Their experience and close attention to detail ensures that whatever the destination, customs clearance becomes little more than a formality: just one less thing for our customers to worry about. Since then we’ve continued to adapt, recruited 26 new staff (and didn’t furlough any). Our people are working from home and on

Like most shipping and freight forwarders, Cory Brothers

occasion, from our offices when needed (Cory Brothers has key

Logistics division continues to deal with the ‘perfect storm

worker status). Essentially, our ships agency division still must

within a storm’! The deep-sea ocean import sector is in turmoil

attend to vessels in port. We’ve seen an increase in the volume

and reaching a serious tipping point. As well reported, the

of UK arrivals, so it’s even busier although the actual job hasn’t

supply & demand is massively out of kilter. Worldwide shipping

really changed; our boarding clerks still must attend each vessel

mechanisms contracted during the lockdowns whilst demand

and ensure they provide the same high quality and personal

surged. No one went on holiday but went shopping instead!

service as before. Some parts of the service take a little longer

When countries opened again last summer, there were major

with the new COVID safety measures and protocols. These vary

bottlenecks of freight in front of a gigantic new demand for

slightly from port to port, but we’re used to making it work.

even more goods. Most major container Ports are hamstrung

We know how important our role is in keeping the vessels on

(or near to it) with congestion, extra demand and a workforce

time, in shape and looked after.

depleted by COVID or slowed by safety measures to avoid it.


FORWARDER magazine


Shipping containers are displaced and in short supply where

a last-minute deal and all under the cloud of COVID restrictions

needed at origin. All of this means shipping costs have soared.

and horrid outcomes. We’re now getting to better grips and

There has been a 400% increase in total freight costs within four

figuring it out – it’s a work in progress but we’ve come a long

months! UK importers either cannot get slot space on vessels or

way in just a few short weeks. This will take a few good months

cannot afford the current rate of $12-15000.00 per 40FCL. Our

to have understanding at both sides of the borders and for the

customers expect us to find a way to keep their business (supply

supply chains to flow once again.

chain) intact and it is extremely difficult and highly frustrating. We’re working even harder, much longer and managing to keep

One thing we can be sure of is that we’ll still be working hard

some parts moving but there has to be a joined-up fix so this

to keep the ships looked after, the supply chains intact and our

situation doesn’t cause lasting damage to UK plc.

customers informed and happy. Cory Brothers have been around since 1842 because we’ve always adapted and we never stand still.

2021 started with a cautious nod to better times to come. And Brexit. The first week was not as busy as anticipated and

Mike Bowden,

gave us time to figure out the ‘off plan’ snagging that appeared.

Group Marketing & Procurement Manager, Cory Brothers

However, the new issues have ramped up on most of the major EU trade lanes for imports and exports. Of course, this is no real surprise to anyone in the logistics sector; having had lots | Find us on

of time to prepare - despite the lack of high-level coherence,





TECH & DIGITALISATION Digitalisation: leveraging digitisation to improve business processes.

(Digitisation: converting information from a physical into a digital format. Digital Transformation: the use of new, fast and frequently changing digital technology to solve problems.)

Related topics Robotics Drone technology Cloud data


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14 JANUARY 2021





Webfleet Solutions, Europe’s number one telematics

to simplify fleet management and reduce costs, with a secure and

provider and part of Bridgestone, today announced

affordable solution. The cooperation underlines once more the

that Mercedes-Benz Connectivity Services has

importance of telematics data and their analysis for fleets and how

joined its OEM.connect partner programme.

pooling expertise can accelerate the application of this technology. Taco van der Leij, Vice President, Webfleet Solutions Europe

This means that Mercedes-Benz passenger cars and vans with line fitted connectivity are ready to connect with Webfleet Solutions’

With OEM.connect, passenger car and van customers can access

service platform WEBFLEET. Eliminating the need for after-market

the standard WEBFLEET applications, including fleet performance

hardware installations, the integrated solution makes it faster, easier

reporting, trip data, GPS tracking and fuel consumption, helping to

and cheaper for fleet managers to utilise telematics technology.

streamline their operations.

With the joint product offering, vehicles can transmit vehicle data

Instant notifications around vehicle diagnostics, such as tyre pressure

directly to WEBFLEET, Webfleet Solutions’ award-winning fleet

warnings, mean the fleet’s health status can be monitored in real time,

management solution. All that is needed to connect the vehicles is

enabling fleet managers to keep their drivers safe and minimise vehicle

the vehicle identification number (VIN).

downtime. All vehicle data is displayed in the WEBFLEET interface and can also be accessed from anywhere via the WEBFLEET mobile app.

With the valuable OEM data, WEBFLEET provides clear, actionable insights supporting fleet managers to maximise fleet performance,

OEM.connect for Mercedes-Benz vehicles is available to order now

reduce operating costs and encourage green and safe driving, while

in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, France, Italy, UK,

assuring data security with an ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified service.

Ireland, Poland and the Netherlands. The programme will be made available in more countries and regions in future.

We are happy to partner with Mercedes-Benz Connectivity Services to further expand our OEM.connect programme and offer

For more information around OEM.connect,

an integrated telematics solution to our joint customers. With OEM.

please visit

connect we are unlocking the end-user value of vehicle connectivity


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT WEBCARGO, A FREIGHTOS GROUP COMPANY WebCargo ® is the most advanced digitization platform for logistics service providers. WebCargo Air is the leading platform for live air cargo rate


distribution and bookings between hundreds of airlines

he world’s largest cargo airline will provide forwarders with

and 1,900+ forwarders. Logistics providers who are IATA

real-time pricing, capacity, and eBookings via WebCargo,

members can access dynamic capacity, pricing, and eBooking

marking a major milestone in air cargo digitalisation.

by signing up at

Forwarders globally will soon be able to conduct real-time

WebCargo AcceleRate® is the leading platform for enterprise

eBookings, access live rates, and see available capacity with Qatar

freight forwarders to manage rates and automate sales,

Airways Cargo via the service of WebCargo, a Freightos Group

spanning ocean, air and land.

company, providing critical agility as supply chains contend with COVID-19’s impact and disruption. We are pleased to partner with WebCargo to provide true agility Rollout will begin with France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,

and digital connectivity for our customers. As a leading global carrier, we

South Africa and Spain on 7 February 2021. As part of the launch,

rely on constant innovation and digitalisation across all our operations

Qatar Airways Cargo will be offering the most competitive rates

in order to provide our best-in-class customer service. During the

on WebCargo by introducing a discount scheme to forwarders*,

past months, we have introduced several digitalisation initiatives such

resulting in an average saving of USD0.06/kg for the first 20,000

as online rate distribution, ad hoc rate automation, track and trace

shipments booked via the platform in these countries.

and availability via API. The future of air cargo is indeed digital and this change will definitely bring in efficiency across the supply chain.

The cargo carrier is determined to push the development of

Guillaume Halleux, Chief Officer Cargo, Qatar Airways

WebCargo bookings and will also implement a number of special promotions further in the year.

Digitalisation is a crucial step in powering agile supply chains in a rapidly changing world. We’re incredibly proud that Qatar Airways

As of Q1 this year, more than 2,000 WebCargo forwarders and

Cargo, the largest cargo airline in the world - has selected WebCargo

customers across over 10,000 global branches will have instant

to launch third-party eBookings for forwarders around the world.

access to capacity and pricing.

Zvi Schrieber, Group CEO, Freightos 20 JANUARY 2021


* subject to eligibility criteria









SA-TALKE, a joint venture between RSA Global and the

With currently two lines the set-up is capable of refilling up to

TALKE Group, introduces a fully automated filling robot at

110,000 metric tonnes per annum depending on the product viscosity.

its chemical logistics hub in Dubai, Jebel Ali Free Zone. This

machine, with which the company sets a new innovative standard,

The system is completing our integrated solution setup at our

enables the repackaging of hazardous chemicals according to the

site in Jebel Ali free Zone. We can receive nearly all type of highly

highest safety standards. The system is fully enclosed with an air

hazardous liquid chemicals in bulk, repack it and store the material

purification technology allowing the handling of products with

in our chemical warehouse at the same facility. In addition, we can

hazardous vapours in a safe manner.

instantly clean the empty tank container or road tanker and make the equipment ready for the next job minimizing the downtime, all

How the robot works: A carrying conveyor moves pallets with

under one roof.

empty containers onto the scale base. While the pallet is moving, a

Markus Koepsel, General Manager, RSA-TALKE

line camera scans the surface and automatically locates the positions of the filling openings. At the same time, the camera system also

The technology and its infrastructure are designed and built

does a plausible check on the openings. Afterwards, the containers

according to the highest international standards, compliant with all

are opened one after the other, filled, closed and if required, sealed.

environmental, health and safety standards.

The electro-pneumatic control with the scale electronics and the touch panel to operate the robot are incorporated in a stainlesssteel cabinet at the filling robot.

Customers are at the core of how we create and design solutions. With the addition of this complimentary service and new technologies, we complete a holistic customer offering. All while being the first to implement such technology in the region. Abhishek Shah, Chairman, RSA-TALKE; CEO & Co-Founder, RSA Global


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

ABOUT RSA-TALKE RSA-TALKE was founded in 2013 in order to meet the growing need for high quality chemical logistics in the UAE. RSA Global, with headquarters in Dubai, and the German chemical logistics specialist TALKE Group are equal partners in this joint venture.

This newly added option of shipping liquid chemicals in bulk and then transferring it to packed goods provides new opportunities for our global customers to utilize Dubai as a strategic hub in the region.


Alex Herreboudt, Board Member, RSA-TALKE;

RSA Global is a tech-driven third-party logistics provider

Director Middle East & Asia, TALKE Group

with international alliances that help extend its reach to every corner of the world. The multi award-winning

The integrated chemical logistics hub brings new flexibility for

company offers 360-degree supply chain solutions,

enhanced localization to the UAE. The team at RSA-TALKE is

including contract logistics, e-commerce solutions, freight

happy to advise customers on how they can benefit from the new

forwarding, and digital inventory solutions. The company’s

opportunities in Dubai and optimise their global supply chains.

clients hail from a diverse portfolio of industries that include automotive, power generation, petrochemicals & chemicals, FMCG, and food & beverage. Innovation is central to RSAs operations. The company’s headquarters are strategically located between Jebel Ali Port and Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai South, providing the ideal infrastructure for its transportation, distribution and international freight service offerings. RSA Global’s customer-centric solutions and value-added services ensure a personalized service like no other for its customers.

FORWARDER magazine






hen the coronavirus pandemic struck, it

AI Impacts on Shipping and Logistics

brought with it innumerable changes to the

Artificial intelligence is a term that represents all computer

global economy. Suddenly, shipping and logistics

functioning that takes the place of complex human thought. In

companies had to manage fluctuating and unpredictable

the shipping and logistics industry, this has drastic implications.

supply and demand with available inventories and routes. This

Where previously supply chains, communication, and route

necessitated the use of new technologies, technologies powered

management all had to be meticulously handled by careful

with artificial intelligence.

workers, now AI is stepping in to make processes safer and more efficient.

As the world reels from the effects of COVID-19, these AIpowered tools offer much more than just data analytics. AI is

There is an untold number of ways that AI is altering modern

rising up to meet the amplified tech needs of the modern world.

business for the better. These alterations and impacts include:

Here’s what you should know. Smart Devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) How COVID-19 amplified the need for new tech

The key driver for a majority of modern innovations comes out

With over 65% of business executives recognizing that shipping

of big data. Having the information on hand to analyze business

and logistics are in a period of immense change, it’s time to see

processes, predict outcomes, and generate recommendations

AI as more than just a gimmick. Instead, these systems represent

makes a massive difference in the supply chain sector.

new innovations needed for the post-COVID world. In shipping and logistics, the use of smart devices operating on The emergence of the COVID pandemic made new technologies

the Internet of Things (IoT) allows for previously impossible

more necessary than ever before. With global trade put at

changes. Now, smart sensors in freight, GPS imaging in trucks,

severe risk due to shutdowns and virus outbreaks, previously

and augmented reality devices in warehouses give invaluable

dependable supply chains could not operate to previous

transparency to all kinds of logistics data.

standards. The impacts of the pandemic were widespread. In fact, 98% of business executives surveyed said they experienced

For example, Amazon is utilizing robots connected to the

supply chain disruptions because of the virus.

internet with QR code readers to roam warehouses and track inventory. This system offers incredible visibility to warehouse

Shortages, lack of demand, price unpredictability, and many more

and freight management, as managers can more accurately track

factors have shattered the landscape of shipping and logistics,

the freight on hand and guide it properly to its destination.

demanding better solutions. In the midst of this increased need, AI technology has taken on a new role in the supply chain industry. Now, AI is redefining the ways we manage and think about supply chains.


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Autonomous Vehicles Perhaps the most talked-about use of AI in the shipping and logistics industry is the coming widespread use of autonomous vehicles. This technology uses AI and machine learning processes to analyze the road and make split-second decisions, maneuvering as a driver might, only with the added benefit of machine efficiency.

Smart Fleet Management As the fifth generation of wireless technology makes its way to

These digital innovations are already on the road as of 2020

modern systems, the potential of fleet management tracking is

and have played a significant role in managing the pandemic.

expanding all the time. Communications and information platforms

An example of this occurred when the Mayo Clinic teamed

allow for efficient processes that grow revenues and make the

up with the Jacksonville Transportation Authority to send

road a safer place for everyone. Meanwhile, behavior tracking

autonomous shuttles between a COVID-19 testing site and a

can help drivers maintain awareness as they navigate ideal routes.

processing laboratory. This served as a method of limiting human exposure to the virus while maintaining the efficiency of testing

The implications of such real-time data-powered decision making

transportation. The results proved useful and efficient.

mean a smarter fleet. Not only can data be utilized by AI systems to predict when it’s time for vehicle maintenance, but fleets can

Final Thoughts

experience all kinds of valuable benefits. AI in fleet management

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply chain industry

produces results like:

has taken many blows. Unpredictability and shifting business processes lead to a need for better technological solutions.

• Reduced idling and driver downtime

Luckily, AI has risen up to fill this need and will continue to do

• Reduced bad driving behavior

so as time goes on.

• Reduced miles driven and subsequent emissions • Improved tracking of vehicles and assets

Decision-makers in the supply chain and logistics business will want to integrate AI now to maintain a competitive edge in the

With such benefits available through AI, the post-COVID world

post-COVID economy.

will likely see these systems implemented in every supply chain— if fully autonomous vehicles don’t get there first.

Indiana Lee, contributing writer








ow into the early stages of 2021, it’s clear that while

Maximising resources on a shoestring

we’re starting to make progress in the fight against

In this environment, budgets are tighter but operations need to

COVID-19, there is still a long way to go before full

become more efficient, and any investment needs to be maximised.

recovery. In turn, we find ourselves stuck in lockdown 3.0, and will likely be under some form of social restriction for the

For many, this boils down to streamlining reporting and analytics.

foreseeable future.

How can automation be leveraged to help workers be more productive without the added cost? The answer is in automation.

Winter is a critical time for fleet maintenance - colder weather

For operations managers looking after vehicles spread across

typically results in more callouts, and keeping productivity levels

the UK, they need to be able to send field workers to specific

up during a lockdown can prove challenging.

areas at certain times. As a manual task, controlling hundreds of technicians across the country is destined for a headache. It’s

Weather conditions and severity of restrictions provide

a slow, tedious and difficult job.

a strong case for lockdown 3.0 being the most testing yet. With a reduced workforce, tighter budgets and ever present

By deploying live tracking, operations managers can use

compliance regulations and SLAs to worry about, a case could

automated updates to improve efficiencies. They can better

certainly be made.

track vehicle movement, which in turn allows staff to make better decisions faster. If there has been an accident on

Operating with minimised numbers

a motorway, they can reroute field workers. By tracking

With many staff on furlough or isolating, a skeleton workforce

deliveries, they can offer more information to customers

is still expected to produce the same outcomes as before. This,

about when their order will arrive. However, a crucial element

in many cases, means that those still working have a lot more

in tracking is the ability to reallocate jobs in real time. If it

on their plate. Furthermore, with social distancing measures

makes more sense for one employee to visit a certain site

in place, many field workers are now also operating alone,

over another, tasks can be updated as more information comes

introducing fresh safety concerns for their own wellbeing.

through. A few small tweaks in planning can save hours in a day. Field staff become more productive and the operations

These field staff need to be able to work smarter. With the technology solutions available today, this is much more achievable than it was a few years ago. However, it’s important that organisations deploy the right tools that automate specific processes to improve efficiency.


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manager has time to continue with other tasks.

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information: search for...

Keeping up with compliance

Technology is here to stay

Fleet managers know they have specific contractual obligations that

Introducing these technologies to your business will improve

lay out granular requirements that need constant consideration.

efficiencies and provide a significant helping hand to remote

Adhering to these SLAs is crucial, but it can get complex.

workers. The key is to get technology working for you. Businesses might have deployed several solutions, but the questions you

Not only does automation grant the ability to complete the

need to ask are whether they are necessary, and if they are

necessary checks, but the data is also always easily evidenced

maximising productivity for better outcomes. Automating the

should any challenges be made at a later date.

right processes allows technology to make decisions for your business, allowing staff to get on with more important tasks.

If a field worker is collecting a car and finds damage on the vehicle, in order to comply with regulation, a manual process

It now seems that we are beyond the worst of the pandemic,

would see them mark it on paper, scan it in the office, log the

and that the road to recovery is truly underway. Organisations

data and send it off to the insurance company. With technology,

have adjusted and we can all now start to get back to some

they simply take a photo and press send. Suddenly we see a

form of normality. As we move away from the pandemic, the

significant reduction in time spent on one case and a dramatic

technological investments made by many over the last year will

increase in productivity.

only further benefit them in helping to streamline processes and increase productivity for the long term.

These solutions give 100% compliance, with everything recorded in the cloud. There is much less chance of losing data and nobody

Bobby Bahia, Commercial Director

is reliant on the end user, who is otherwise potentially making

for Transport & Infrastructure, Totalmobile

inaccurate markings on paper.







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Building apps for the freight industry

We create tailor-made apps for freight and logistics companies, so you can communicate better with your customers and clients.

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Some of the benefits of FreightApp 88

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Some of the functions Company profile Easy access to your company overview.

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Quote request

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Company news

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Job section

Recruitment platform on which companies can post their latest vacancies. Candidates can apply directly from the app.

Booking form

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Push notifications

Schedule your notifications to be sent at specific times or send geofenced notifications to your clients based on their location.

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19 JANUARY 2021


FREE ONLINE MEETING ATTRACTS FORWARDERS A s we enter a new year – after such a challenging 2020

Debbie Constantine, Group Operations Manager, said:

Even with

– independent forwarders are looking to achieve more

such unprecedented challenges in our industry, all around the world,

in 2021.

January remains a busy time for networks. Forwarders looking for new agents, job opportunities and a fresh approach will often join

Kelly Bunyan is the owner and managing director of a group of

a network at the start of a new year. We welcome this interest

successful freight networks, headquartered in London, UK: World

as it’s our aim to provide the very best platform for the very best

Freight Network (WFN), Specialist Freight Networks (SFN) and

forwarders to do business. The online meeting has been met with

International Freight Network (IFN).

enthusiasm by our members and we look forward to assisting them in having fruitful business meetings!

Kelly commented:

Our annual member meetings are popular

and well attended, and we have very much missed seeing each

One member commented,

Having an online event will be a great

other in person due to the Pandemic. We are therefore happy to

way to strengthen our relationships in the group, and pursue more

announce that we are holding a FREE online meeting in March. This

business together. It's free as well!

is the next best thing to a physical meeting as the structured 1-to1 appointment system allows our members to dedicate time to

Another member added,

The online meeting will be a great way

connecting and developing business together. I am very grateful for

to have that face to face time together while we are unable to meet

our members' loyalty at this difficult time. The online meeting will be

in person. It is a good second best until we can meet once again.

run free of charge, as a thank you for their continued commitment to our network.

Kelly concluded,

We are seeing many applications right now and

are delighted to be welcoming new members into our network family. If you are a strong forwarder and wish to join us, and attend


FORWARDER magazine


our online meeting, please visit our website and apply now.

WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at


n 2020, C-Level executives from Lego, DHL Supply Chain, Avon,

Reuters Events Supply Chain Europe Virtual 2021 (19-20 May 2021),

DB Schenker, Henkel and many more took to the virtual stage

provides the ideal platform for supply chain, logistics and technology

to help make sense of the most tumultuous period for supply

leaders to gain the critical information and business contacts needed

chain operations.

to aid confident, strategic decision making.

2021 will be a very different year, one where business priorities and

We are currently hard at work curating an exceptional 2021 agenda

investment focuses shift, driven by a critical need for agility, capacity

delivered by industry leaders. If you are keen to be involved and have

and accuracy amidst fluctuating customer demands. With the world

your say, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

counting on supply chain efficiency now more than ever, it is vital

Paddy Le Count, Project Director Supply Chain, Reuters Events

that you position yourself to deliver success. Why you must join this crucial supply chain event


• Operational flexibility is now an essential aspect of supply chain

Operating from a single central London base, Reuters

success. Build capabilities to adapt and deliver consistently • Analysis of critical risks to your business must direct

Events is now one of the largest and fastest growing events companies anywhere in the world.

decision making. Strengthen your vulnerabilities from partner relationships to digital infrastructure and become the envy of

Reuters Events serves a diverse range of industries and places

your competition

a focus on the challenges and opportunities resulting from

• 2021 must be the year sustainability becomes the heartbeat of your

technological and strategic innovation.

supply chain. Equip yourself to deliver on this expectation, as your board, clients and customers will be more demanding than ever

The dedicated, semi-autonomous industry teams at Reuters

• Take advantage of fast-moving changes and the opportunities

Events work to foster close relationships with the customers

these provide such as increased eCommerce potential and

they serve; and a deep understanding of the strategic

circular models. Drive your business forwards without pushing

challenges they face.

your supply chain beyond the limit


RETURNS ON THE 19-20 MAY 2021 FORWARDER magazine




25 JANUARY 2021


SERIES OF VAN WEBINARS L ogistics UK has today (25 January) revealed it will be hosting

Technologies are becoming increasingly developed and now play

a series of seven Van Gold Partner Webinars to take place

a vital role in ensuring the safety of all road users. We have updated

on alternate weeks starting from 15 February 2021.

our Van Excellence standards to require operators to enhance safety through the fitment of safety features to their vehicles to help

The webinars – sponsored by the AA, Bott Ltd, Brigade Electronics,

prevent or mitigate road collisions. We recognise that each operator,

Hertz, Lex Autolease, Quartix and TVL – will each be around one

and operation, is different and we have therefore not specified what

hour long and are free to attend.

technology must be fitted; it is up to the operator to demonstrate their method of safety technology.

With more than four million of them on Britain’s roads, vans have played a key role in servicing the nation throughout the pandemic,

Speaking at the first event is Emily Hardy, UK Marketing Manager

reinforcing just how vital they are to the logistics industry. We are

at Brigade Electronics, who has welcomed the update stating:

thrilled to be offering these webinars, each focusing on different

We are delighted the Van Excellence Standards are to include

topics such as driver behaviour, van security and introducing an

safety technology for new vans entering fleets. This brings vans

electric vehicle (EV) fleet.

in line with larger commercial vehicles, particularly in the freight,

Sharon Mitchell, Joint Head of Consulting & Standards, Logistics UK

haulage and construction industries that have been adhering to voluntary schemes including Truck Excellence, FORS and CLOCS

Taking place between 10am – 11am on 15 February 2021, the first

for the last decade. Brigade recommends a combination of active

webinar will introduce the recent changes to the Logistics UK Van

systems and passive systems to assist the driver and draw their

Excellence Standards, which have been updated to include Safety

attention to hazards that are in the vehicle’s blind spot. Ultimately

Technology. Ms Mitchell explains...

if a driver is not looking in the right place at the right time, they will not see a potential problem. Not only do devices for indirect vision improve safety and efficiency but they also reduce costs associated with vehicle damage and insurance premiums. To book your place, or more information, please visit


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REASON FOR IN THE MOST CHEER CHALLENGING OF TIMES 2 020 was a year that will live long in the memory, as the

It was certainly different this year. Instead of sitting at one of

logistics industry witnessed extensive supply chain

many tables, amongst industry peers, and waiting for a speaker to

disruption and faced challenges like never before.

announce the winner, a few of us working remotely were repeatedly refreshing the BIFA awards page.

While Atlantic Pacific Global Logistics faced many of the same

Kevan Childs, Director, Atlantic Pacific

challenges, the turn of the year actually brought reason for cheer and two very significant milestones.

The company’s entry was based on the complete end-to-end supply chain management of a London based student housing project, which

In the last week of December, the company celebrated 20 years in

was built using over three hundred containers.

business. A fantastic achievement for an independent forwarding and supply chain management company that has continued to drive

These containers were pre-fitted in various locations throughout

year-on-year growth since it was founded back in 2000. Then, as if

China and Asia before being shipped to the UK and then delivered

to mark the anniversary, January saw Atlantic Pacific confirmed as

to the London site in the correct order over forty-eight hours.

winners of the 2020 BIFA (British International Freight Association) Ocean Freight Services Award.

In summing up, the judges felt that Atlantic Pacific’s entry demonstrated in-depth ocean freight knowledge, along with excellent

The past year has been an incredibly challenging time for ocean

planning and coordination skills, to deliver a complex ocean freight

freight providers, following the coronavirus outbreak. Therefore,

service on time and on budget.

being honoured with 2020’s prestigious award has been especially well received by the directors and team members.

From the coordination of multiple vendors overseas, to working around the on-site restrictions for deliveries, Atlantic Pacific

Unlike previous awards, the winners could not be announced at a

showcased the complete skill set needed for a modern-day ocean

glamorous London ceremony and were instead confirmed by video

freight forwarder.

on BIFA’s website. The results of the ten categories were confirmed two at a time during awards week – with the air and ocean winners being first on the Monday.


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

The green credentials of the entry were also much appreciated by

Kevan Childs added:

We were constantly sharing news, guides,

the judges.

opinion and market information in the build-up to Brexit and reminding everybody to be ready, especially for the customs

Awards and anniversaries aside, 2020 was another successful year for

aspect. Many of our existing customers, who had been working

the business, as the growth continued despite the ongoing challenges.

with European trucking and pallet networks, were becoming aware that the future of their EU supply lines would now be reliant on the

Adaptable and agile forwarders have generally been the ones that

services of a reliable freight forwarder. We have been overwhelmed

have come to the fore during these unprecedented times, and that

with the commitment from our client base to our one stop shop

most certainly includes Atlantic Pacific.

approach to Europe.

We have had to adapt our approach during the pandemic to

In fact, the call for Atlantic Pacific to provide customers with

better service the changing needs of our customers. One area

European solutions has led to the need to strengthen the teams at

we have focused heavily is using the modern tools available to

Manchester and their Basildon headquarters, with a number of new

enhance our communication. We have been very proactive in

faces joining these successful business units in recent weeks.

keeping our customers updated of the market conditions and providing suggestions on how situations may pan out. We have also

Winning the BIFA Ocean Services Award was a landmark event

worked very closely and productively with customers in two of our

during the most challenging of times. However, to coin a football

established niche verticals – the food and pharma industries – both

analogy – who would bet against them challenging for

being in need of creative supply chain solutions during a high demand

European honours next season?

LONDONcustomers - HEATHROW - MANCHESTER - FELIXSTOWE - DUBLIN - CORK period. Through listening to these and reacting quickly

to the fast-changing market conditions, we have been able to help - Now providing global them navigate the recent uncharted waters, and bysupply doingchain so we have solutions for over 20 years.

opened doors to further opportunities within each trade.

- Winners of the 2020 BIFA Ocean

Freight Services Award. Ashley Nicholls, Managing Director, Atlantic Pacific

- Extensive range of air, ocean, and road freight services.

During the past twenty years, Atlantic Pacific have been mostly - European one-stop customs

and logistics services. associated with logistics solutions that incorporate the Asian and - Integrated supply chain network and North American trades. In conjunction with a global of likee-fulfiment solutions.

minded partners, they have been successfully operating an extensive range of full load and LCL services between the UK and both regions.

However, as Brexit loomed, they also witnessed incredible success in securing European business from existing customers during the weeks that led up to January 1st.

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- Now providing global supply chain solutions for over 20 years. - Winners of the 2020 BIFA Ocean Freight Services Award. - Extensive range of air, ocean, and road freight services. - European one-stop customs and logistics services. - Integrated supply chain and e-fulfiment solutions. 98

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Documented permission to pass that a national customs authority grants to imported/exported goods so that they can enter/leave the country. Related topics Bonded warehousing Customs brokerage Duties & taxes


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5 JANUARY 2021


UPDATED TRADING CONDITIONS A new edition of the British International Freight Association's

Over time, in the same ways laws must change, so do contractual

(BIFA) Standard Trading Conditions (STC) has been

rights and obligations that flow from these changes, and therefore

launched, replacing the previous version revised in 2017.

it is essential to review any set of industry terms against changes in legislation and industry practice. The impact of the UK’s exit

The latest edition has been produced as a consequence of the

from the EU on the role of direct or indirect representation has

UK’s exit from the EU and reflects changes to Direct/Indirect

been much discussed and has been a complex issue throughout

Representation with HMRC.

the Transition Period. The Term ‘Customs Representative’ is now replaced by ‘The Customs Agent’ although the concept remains largely the same. The importance of BIFA members ensuring the effective incorporation of the BIFA STC into their contracts with their customers cannot be stressed enough. This is something we address constantly with members. BIFA will be urging its members to check that they do everything they can to ensure their company has adopted the necessary steps outlined in BIFA’s guide to representation with HMRC, which has been updated and can be found on the trade association’s website under the INFORMATION > GOOD PRACTICE TOOLBOX section. Robert Keen, Director General, BIFA



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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at


ABOUT FTA IRELAND FTA Ireland is a not-for-profit membership trade association for the Irish freight, passenger and logistics industries. We are wholly owned and governed by our members, and act solely in advancing their best interests. FTA Ireland covers

TA Ireland has warned UK businesses to ensure any goods

all aspects of private and public freight transport, passenger

sent to the Republic of Ireland are accompanied by the

transport and logistics supply chain, including road, rail,

correct declarations paperwork or face potential delays on

sea and air. FTAI represents some of the largest freight

arrival at Dublin and other Irish ports. One week after the end of

and passenger operators in Ireland, with more than 25,000

the Brexit Transition period, Aidan Flynn, the Association’s general

employees and 10,000 vehicles operating between them.

manager, is cautioning British businesses that failure to comply with new procedures will put the Irish supply chain at risk: We are all facing new trading arrangements for the first time in 40

No one wants vehicles and drivers to be stuck in port for

years and that situation poses issues for all of us. However, to ensure

hours on end. It is up to shippers and hauliers to work together

that goods continue to flow smoothly to and from the Republic,

to complete all customs, safety and security declarations and pre-

everyone in the supply chain must work together and allocate clear

boarding notifications in advance of moving to ports. Irish Customs

roles and responsibilities. That way, all the necessary declarations can

has made a helpline available to those moving goods to and from ROI

be completed, and correct paperwork provided to accompany loads.

to check that the processes have been followed correctly – we are

Without it, delays and frustrations will quickly mount up.

urging business to take advantage of the service and prevent costly delays which put the supply chain at risk.

In the first week of the new trading relationship between the UK and Ireland, several loads bound for Dublin have been prevented

The Irish Customs Helpline, on 00 353 (0)1 738 33685, is open

from entering the country due to missing or incorrectly completed

24 hours a day, seven days a week and is available to deal with

paperwork. And while traffic flows are still building after the festive

enquiries on customs clearance; import / export and transit

break, once numbers reach the normal capacity, the failure to follow

controls; customs controls on items shipped using AnPost;

new processes could have a significant impact on trading conditions

movement of goods which have a declaration reference number

and the supply chain as a whole.

and other general customs queries.






Organisations and bodies that provide essential support to the freight and logistics industries. Related topics Warehousing Insurance & legal Vehicles & equipment


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oyal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) has joined the International

Shell is a global company with more than 80 000 employees in over

Transport Forum’s (ITF) Corporate Partnership Board.

70 countries. It has a long history of providing energy products

Shell and the ITF will work on together on sustainability

and services to the transport sectors through its aviation, shipping,

issues, the decarbonisation of transport, innovative mobility and

commercial road transport and mobility businesses. In April 2020,

workforce diversity.

Shell released its Climate Ambition to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 or sooner, in step with society. One of the

As we move into a new age of mobility, reducing transport

ways in which Shell plans to achieve its ambition is to work with

emissions remains a central challenge to achieving our climate

customers to address the emissions which are produced when they

goals. There can be no clean mobility without clean energy.

use the fuels they buy from Shell.

We are delighted that Shell will be contributing to our important work on decarbonising transport as a member of the ITF Corporate

The ITF is an intergovernmental organisation with 62 member

Partnership Board.

countries that facilitates global dialogue for better transport. The

Young Tae Kim, Secretary-General, ITF

ITF acts as a think tank for member governments and organises an annual summit of transport ministers. The Corporate Partnership

In line with our Climate Ambition, Shell is working with broad

Board is the ITF’s platform for engaging with the private sector

coalitions of businesses, governments and other parties – sector by

and enriching global transport policy discussion with a business

sector – to help identify and enable viable decarbonisation pathways.


Decarbonising the transport sectors will require urgent action and long-term vision from policymakers to stimulate commercial and

The members of the ITF Corporate Partnership Board are: AB InBev,

consumer opportunities. The ITF provides a leading platform to

Airbus, Alstom, Aramco, Bosch, Cruise, ExxonMobil, Iberdrola,

advance transport policy in this direction, and we are very excited

Incheon International Airport, Kakaomobility, Kyyti, Michelin, NXP,

to work more closely with ITF experts and other members of their

PTV Group, Penta Security, RATP Group, Shell, Siemens, SNCF,

Corporate Partnership Board.

SPEA Engineering, Total, Toyota, Uber, Valeo, Volvo Cars, Volvo

Carlos Maurer, Executive Vice President, Shell Global Commercial

Group and Waymo. For more information about the ITF Corporate Partnership Board go to


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18 JANUARY 2021


NEW TENANTS FOR EUROPA ESTATE P roperty and asset management company, FI Real Estate

facility that would allow for our growth. The FIREM team has been

Management (FIREM) has welcomed a number of new tenants

fantastic throughout this transition period and we honestly couldn’t

to Europa Trading Estate in Kearsley, Bolton as the demand

have asked for a better landlord.

for industrial space across the region continues to grow apace.

Kevin Cowap commented:

The last year has been a challenging time

The COWAP Group has taken occupation of two units; with both

for many businesses but we’re feeling positive for 2021, and having the

COWAP Rail Services Ltd. and COWAP Mobile Welding Services

right base is key to that. As well as excellent facilities, our industry

Ltd. agreeing 10 year lease deals for units G1 and G2, amounting

requires great connectivity which Europa Trading Estate provides in

to 8,900 sq ft in total. Due to the pressing expansion needs of the

bucketfuls. We’re looking forward to seeing where this site, and our

welding and infrastructure specialists, both deals were agreed ahead

partnership with FIREM, can take our business growth.

of FIREM completing its £50,000 refurb project for the two units. A spokesperson for FI Real Estate Management said:

Demand for

FIREM’s modern industrial spaces on Europa Trading Estate all feature an

high-quality, well-located space is on the increase and we’re pleased

open warehouse as well as a ground floor office. All units are also equipped

we’re in the position to offer that to those businesses keeping the wheels

with roller shutter doors, as well as loading and staff parking spaces.

of industry moving. Through 2021, we’ll be continuing to invest heavily in this sector to meet demand and support our industrial tenants.

Astra Windows has simultaneously moved to the Kearsley site, having agreed a similar 10 year lease deal with FIREM for units B1

The well-established industrial estate, strategically located on

& B2. The specialist aluminium window, door and curtain walling

the A667 within half a mile of the M61, comprises a mixture of

manufacturers will benefit from the extensive works undertaken

semi-detached and terraced units. Located approximately four

to bring this 12,818 sq ft unit right up to date. The value of the

miles southeast of Bolton town centre and 8 miles north west of

refurbishment totalled £200,000.

Manchester city centre, the site likewise benefits from excellent rail links with Kearsley train station located opposite the site entrance.

Dave Jackson from Astra Windows said:

We’ve been looking for

new premises for a number of years but were holding out for the

Europa Trading Estate is in FIREM’s extensive UK industrial portfolio,

right place. Having built up a reputation in the area over a thirty year

which currently totals 4m ft2 with a further c. 2m ft2 in the pipeline.

period, we not only needed to stay fairly local but step up into a

Available spaces start from 500 ft2 to more-imposing units of 80,000 ft2.


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7 JANUARY 2021


COVID-19 IMPACT ON INDUSTRY T he logistics industry stepped up to deliver for the nation in

have improved due to less congestion as a result of fewer cars on

2020, despite facing a worsening shortage of HGV drivers,

the road compared with normal levels.

economic and financial hardship, and significant disruption

to operations, according to Logistics UK. The business group today

The report brings together national statistics and analysis conducted

(07 January 2021) launches its COVID-19 Logistics Report 1, which

specifically for Logistics UK, in addition to exclusive data from

provides a detailed overview on how the pandemic has affected logistics

surveys conducted with the group’s members in the first ten weeks

businesses and the steps they have taken to overcome these challenges.

of lockdown, and its monthly Logistics Performance Tracker surveys.

Despite facing significant operational and financial disruption since March 2020, the logistics industry has stepped up to ensure

Logistics UK members can view the report at

it continues to supply the nation with the goods it needs, including food supplies and PPE. The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted how critical our industry and its people are to the success of the


economy; Logistics UK is proud of the way in which its member

Logistics UK is one of the UK’s leading business groups,

businesses, and the wider industry, have worked together to

representing logistics businesses which are vital to keeping

service the needs of the nation during this critical time. To deal

the UK trading, and more than seven million people directly

with the COVID-19 crisis, logistics businesses managed risk by

employed in the making, selling and moving of goods. With

scaling back operations, taking work back in-house and reducing

COVID-19, Brexit, new technology and other disruptive

their reliance on third-party services; many also focused activity

forces driving change in the way goods move across borders

on their core fleet of vehicles to save costs.

and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more

Elizabeth de Jong, Director of Policy, Logistics UK

important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports, shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics, and is the only business group

In the early stages of the COVID-19 restrictions in March 2020,

which represents the whole industry, with members from the

85% of respondents to Logistics UK’s COVID-19 surveys reported

road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight

a general business downturn, with work and orders cancelled. This

services such as retailers and manufacturers whose businesses

reduced to 60% by the end of May, with supply chain disruption

depend on the efficient movement of goods.

since easing further. The report also highlights that delivery times


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FACILITATE NEARLY 24,000 PALLETS L es was browsing LinkedIn and spotted a post from ALS advertising available warehouse space within our network. He

quickly got in touch and started the ball rolling. Les and ALS

then worked closely to organise multiple deliveries, to warehouses across our network, from a whole range of his major clients.

Les Flanagan is owner and managing director of Les Flanagan Logistics Services Ltd. He has over 40 years of experience working

Very quickly, Les began working with the ALS team to arrange 500

in the UK logistics sector and has previously worked with both

pallets of frozen food into Bedford, followed by potentially 7,000 pallets

ASDA and George. His business has grown year on year and this

into Lutterworth scheduled for around mid-August, a fast turnaround

year looks to be no different, with record breaking sales. His

of a solution, with an additional 12,000 pallets into Didcot for the same

business supports a vast array of companies involved in the supply

time. Les has also lined up a further 1,500 pallets of frozen to go into

chain; from 3pls to freight forwarders and retailers to wholesalers

Bristol in September with another 1,000 pallets of frozen organised to go

and manufacturers. He provides outsourcing solutions, business

into Bedford imminently, pending time scales. That’s a total introduction

development, supply chain trouble shooting and warehouse and

of 23,500 pallets across 5 of my key customers. These customers are

transport brokerage activities.

3pls, freight forwarders, a manufacturer and a wholesaler.

Les was browsing LinkedIn and noticed a post from Asda Logistics

It’s astonishing progress really from a LinkedIn message that I could

Services in his newsfeed, advertising available warehouse space

have easily missed! My recent experience with ASDA has been really

within the ALS network. He quickly emailed to make an enquiry

positive. Rob and Denise have been responsive, flexible and very

about what space was available and where. He was swiftly

accommodating. Culturally it has been a good fit with how I operate

introduced to Denise Rafton (Commercial Analyst) and Rob Symons

and I have been impressed with the personal interaction with Pete

(Commercial Operations Manager) via email and provided with a

Wildman (Didcot) and Paul Statham (Lutterworth). Also credit to Mark

table of warehouse sites across the UK and their availability.

Stafford for providing a fast solution in Bedford. All great managers. Les Flanagan, MD & Owner, Les Flanagan Logistics Ltd


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DOOR TO DOOR WITH PRECISION W ith over 25 years of Freight Forwarding experience,

Bon voyage, come and set sail with us…

we at Angel Freight Ltd are fully trained and qualified

With our International network of transport providers, Angel freight

to deal with a whole range of shipments.

will always look to deliver on time in every port around the globe, we can offer solutions for LCL (less than container loads), FCL (full

We can import or export anything from dangerous goods, life-saving

container loads) and even temperature Control Reefer Containers.

drugs to Formula 1 racing cars to Sony Playstations. Whatever the

The size of your shipment, be it a big consignment or be it a smaller

shipment, we are equipped to move your consignment be it by road,

one, every shipment matters and we will look to offer a solution for

by air or by ocean to arrival airport or if to just portside be it in the

your every need and requirement, our ocean specialists are just a

UK or overseas we can even go the extra mile and offer a delivery

click away from providing the solution. Whilst others may get caught

service to door as well.

up in the murky waters, we will look to cut through the ocean waves to offer all our clients an efficient, best in class experience within

We have partners and representatives positioned globally to help

the logistics and supply chain management industry.

assist us in being able to offer you the client a best in class experience, no job is too big or too small. With our network of hauliers, we are

Need to hitch a ride…

able to offer collections and deliveries anywhere nationwide.

With our national and international network of hauliers, here at Angel Freight we are able to move your consignments around the globe. We

Let’s get ready for take off...

can offer services from LTL (less than trailer load) to FTL (full trailer

When you are looking to move your cargo by air because it might

load), to groupage consolidation services and finally to temperature

be time sensitive, a critical red hot urgent shipment, Angel Freight

control reefer vehicles. We have vehicle departing and travelling all

is here and ready to assist. We will look to lead the market and

over the globe on a regular basis, No job is too big or too small as

offer you a solution for your every need in the logistics and supply

every consignment counts. In our fleet we have a full range of vehicles

chain management industry. We will only work with 1st-class

from Vans, to 7.5-tonne vehicles, to 40-foot articulated vehicles and

transportation providers from hauliers to carriers, to overseas

even flatbed vehicles too. We are fully equipped to handle all cargo

partners and agents around the globe, our services range from door

from normal every day general cargo to out of gauge specialised cargo.

to door or airport to airport, we can also offer you allocations and

All of our drivers are fully trained and are security cleared.

capacity. Angel Freight is equipped to handle all types of shipments from Temperature Control to Dangerous Goods.


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Food & drink

Road freight





‘ We will go the extra mile to provide solutions, products and service that maybe other forwarders will not.’ +44 (0)20 4531 7722 • Angel Freight Ltd • Centurion House • London Road • Staines-upon-Thames • Surrey • TW18 4AX

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icro fulf ilment centres (MFCs), a highly

options. It can even be deployed at backside of the retail store,

recommended, popular e-commerce strategy, is

malls or basements. A typical MFC system is having 1-2 aisles

an effective way to meet the rising volumes, the

dry + 1-2 aisles chilled, 5,000-8,000 totes 10-high storage to 24’

changing geographical nature of e-commerce demand and the

x 2-deep, 2 decanting stations and 2-4 pick stations with each

growing desire for same-day delivery. Per LogisticsIQ’s latest

station picking at 700-800 UPH.

market research study, the micro fulfilment market is expected to have a cumulative opportunity worth ~$10B in next 6 years

Top Factors

by 2026 with an installed base of ~2000 MFCs if the technology

• It is estimated that online grocery will contribute more

and concept remain permanent. Year 2022 is going to be the

than 10% of overall grocery sale in US by 2025

cornerstone for Micro Fulfilment market touching a billion-dollar

• It is expected that consumers will continue with habit

mark and setting the base for the future. It is expected that there

of buying online grocery developed during pandemic

will be one micro Fulfilment centre for every 10th of U.S. total

• Delivery option may vary as home delivery, in-store

40,000 grocery stores by 2030.

pick up, curb side pickup, locker delivery etc. • Urban warehouses with automation will be key to meet

Micro fulfilment: need of the hour Industry giants such as Amazon, Walmart, Ocado, Kroger and Alibaba are driving the ‘best in class’ e-commerce Fulfilment

this demand with same day delivery expectations • Delivery fee is the one of the key factors to decide the digital channel

strategy for the last decade. They are also investing in cuttingedge robotics and automation for their Customer Fulfilment

Micro fulfilment market trends

Centers (CFCs) – that are continuously redefining target

Micro Fulfilment Market has been the most important and

productivity and service levels. But these centralised fulfilment

emerging trend during pandemic (covid-19) coming out from

centres are situated far away from the city and have an additional

some bigger trends like eGrocery Growth, Urban Warehouses

transportation cost along with considerably more delivery time

and Automated Cold Storages. Huge investment in start-ups

as compared to consumer’s expectations, especially in grocery

like Takeoff Technologies ($86M+), Fabric ($136M+), Attabotics

and F&B industry. Online grocery is already having a slim profit

($82M+), Exotec Solutions ($111M+) and Alert Innovation are

margin and micro-Fulfilment has the ability to increase its margin

witnessing this growth along with presence of existing traditional

and to make e-commerce accessible to a broader range of

players like Dematic, Swisslog, Knapp, OPEX Corporation,

retailers because it cuts down major costs.

Muratec, AutoStore, Honeywell Intelligrated and Vanderlande. Retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Woolworths,

That’s why micro fulfilment centers are a perfect solution for

Amazon, Ocado, Carrefour, Uniqlo, Meijer, H-E-B, Albertsons,

urban warehouses with an approximated size between 5,000

Majid Al Futtaim and Ahold Delhaize have already started adopting

SF and 25,000 SF that can meet the requirement of same day

and implementing these new technologies during the pandemic.

delivery through in-store picking or multiple last-mile delivery


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Per this market study, the micro fulfilment market is expected

are going to face a very good competition in MFC space from

to grow with a CAGR of ~60% between 2020 and 2026 with a

new players like Takeoff Technologies, Fabric, Exotec Solutions,

maximum market share from U.S. Recently developments have

Attabotics and Alert Innovation. Established system integrators

been started in Europe and APAC as well for countries like U.K.,

like Dematic, Honeywell Intelligrated, Vanderlande and Knapp

France, Japan and Australia. Even there are some order intake

are using the traditional shuttle and ASRS systems which are

in UAE, Saudi Arabia and Israel from middle east region as well.

good and already proven for big Fulfilment centres but not 100%

Grocery is going to be the main contributor for this market with

ideal for micro Fulfilment yet. At the same time, Attabotics,

70%-80% market share although general merchandise and other

Alert Innovation, and Exotec are using emerging 3D technologies

industries are also going to adopt the market very soon.

having good architecture specific to MFC with high density and no point of failure but it will too early to say anything as there

Coming to MFC system architecture and technologies, AutoStore

are only few installations and not 100% proved yet.

is an old and proven technology with hundreds of installations in e-commerce fulfilment including the recent partnership with


Swisslog and H-E-B for micro Fulfilment centre in U.S. but they







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16 JANUARY 2021


FINDING ADVANTAGE IN CHANGE I f you believe all the hype the new era in international supply

The hottest topic with Traders at the moment would appear to be

chain goods movements is the disaster to end all disasters but

‘origin’ and how to establish if a product qualifies for preferential

quietly, in the background, some companies are taking advantage

origin thereby attracting import duty discounts but this is not the

of customs processes to smooth their supply chains and improve

only way to reduce or remove import duty.

cashflow. Competitive advantage is always welcome!

Returned Goods Relief (RGR), Inward Processing Relief, Outward

That customs and logistics processes are now appearing in the

Processing Relief, Customs Warehousing and Authorised Use (End-

mainstream media and in the highest ranks of government can only

Use), to name but a few, are all part of the mix – or should be!

be a good thing – our industry has been in the forgotten shadows for too long. Of course, advantage and opportunity can only come

Top of the list for the freight industry is the Transit Procedure in all

from in-depth knowledge of the customs rules and their varied

its variants where simply neglecting to complete a field or putting the

requirements which is then applied to a wide variety of commercial

‘wrong’ information in a field in NCTS can cause the authorities to put

situations and there is advantage to be gained!

the vehicle and goods on hold or worse to turn them back to sender.

We specialise in training people to understand the procedures

As has become abundantly clear since 1st January 2021 data is

and to apply them to the benefit of themselves and their clients.

essential to doing anything and indeed physically getting anywhere!

Whether it be one of our short seminars, free webinars or the

Sadly we all now realise that in a large number of cases even the most

Certificate of Customs Competency and AEO Certified Practitioner

straightforward data elements are either wrong, part right which

qualifications that are accredited and certified by the Chartered

is just misleading or missing altogether in communications between

Institute of Logistics and Transport we take pride in giving practical

clients and their freight agents/customs brokers/hauliers and logistics

and pragmatic training and advice.

service providers. But if you don’t know what you don’t know and you have no idea what is needed or who needs it, nothing but delays

We also believe in the benefit of live interaction between attendees

and extra cost will be the outcome.

so all our courses are now available via live virtual classroom with plenty of time for questions, scenarios and debate.

This is what

makes our courses the first choice with those who want to get into the industry or those who want to enhance their knowledge.


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Let Morley Consulting enhance your knowledge and skills and start reaping the benefit of less cost, less stress and more business today!

Industry leading specialists | In-depth experience Helping companies of all sizes, in all sectors.

Customs Procedures • AEO Application & Management • Compliance & Audit • Export Licensing & CITES • CILT Accredited Certificate of Customs Competency • AEO Certified Practitioner • Face to Face & Live Virtual Classroom

Practical, Pragmatic Training & Consultancy

Contact us today

Tel: +44 (0)784 1133027

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ith 66% of UK hauliers concerned about the

What changes have logistics businesses seen

increased admin required in preparation to cross

as a result of Brexit?

the border, they reveal the changes caused by

• 21% have lost business

the Brexit transition

• 15% have had to make redundancies • 9% have increased staff members

A study reveals that UK hauliers are seeing varying impacts after

• 15% have seen an increase in demand

the Brexit transition period ended on 1st January, including jobs

• 6% are no longer working with EU-based companies

created, redundancies and 6% stating they’re no longer working

• 40% say nothing has changed

with EU-based companies. What do haulage companies believe is going to Specialist UK haulage loads platform, Haulage Exchange, asked

have the most impact on business during January?

employees from 32 UK-based haulage companies for their insights

When haulage companies were asked which impact will have the

on how Brexit has affected, and will affect, their business, as well

greatest impact on business, 94% of respondents stated that they

as what they need in order to adapt to the changes.

are negatively impacted by the changes.

There are a number of UK haulage companies that have seen

75% of UK haulage companies stated that increased waiting time

positive impacts from the Brexit changes: 15% of haulage

at the border would impact their business the most. 66% of

companies have seen an increase in demand. Employment

respondents stated increased time spent in admin in preparation

opportunities have also been created, with 9% of UK haulage

to cross the border, followed by 50% of companies which would

companies increasing employee numbers.

be most impacted by higher tariffs imposed on goods.

This is contrasted by other companies feeling the strain: 21%

What effects of Brexit most impact your company?

of haulage companies stated that they have lost business as an

• Increased waiting time at the border - 75%

impact of Brexit. This has affected logistics employees, with 15%

• Increased time spent in admin in preparation to cross the

of companies having to make redundancies.

border - 66% • Higher tariffs imposed on goods - 50% • Less access to European goods - 44% • Changing licensing and registration requirements - 41% • Less access to European staff - 25% • We don’t believe we’ll be impacted - 6%


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WANT TO KNOW MORE? Further information can be found at

Full findings from the UK Hauliers Brexit Transition Survey can be found on the Haulage Exchange website.

With the Brexit transition period over, our focus is to ensure users of our market-leading Freight Exchange platforms, Courier Exchange and Haulage Exchange, can continue to carry goods to and from the EU without disruption. According to our survey, delays at ports and paperwork are front of mind for carriers. To ensure they can be prepared and avoid delays we are working with industry experts to provide educational content that will be signposted directly from within our platform. We expect that freight will continue to move and Transport Exchange Group will continue to lead the way for UK Freight Exchange platforms. Sam Wilkinson, Chief Revenue Officer, Transport Exchange Group











all-Ex Group has strengthened its board of

at this on-going time of change and we are pleased to

directors with the appointment of a new UK

be starting 2021 with a full board of directors and

Finance Director.

a fresh perspective. Having the right team in place is essential to our success and with Paul’s sector

Paul Robins has joined the logistics giant from UK Mail,

knowledge and experience, we are better equipped

part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, bringing more

to drive forward with our ambitious growth plans in

than 20 years’ experience in the parcel sector to the role.

the UK, mainland Europe and beyond. Kevin Buchanan, Group CEO at Pall-Ex Group

He previously held a variety of senior accounting roles, including Head of Business Accounting and Head of

Paul Robins comments:

My core background is in

Business Controlling, playing a key role in creating and

distribution, across the pallet and parcel sectors, so

implementing a strategy to double business turnover

I am confident my skills will be a valuable addition to

from £250m to £500m and beating 2,500 colleagues

both Pall-Ex and Fortec. The logistics sector is a rapidly

to an Employee of the Year award.

changing environment, full of dynamic personalities and can-do attitudes, which is why the industry has

Paul’s significant experience also extends to overhauling

always been the right fit for me. I enjoy knowing that

reporting methodologies and platforms for accelerated

I am part of a team providing an excellent service for

decision making and enhanced profitability.

customers and recipients. There are many challenges ahead, such as dealing with the many fluid priorities

The new appointment is part of several key hires at

that come with a fast-paced business, but the senior

Pall-Ex’s central hub in Ellistown, Leicestershire and

team are inspirational and demonstrate the journey

follows former Finance Director, Peter Paxton’s move

that Pall-Ex is on. I want to be part of that journey

to the role of Chief Financial Officer for the Group.

and belong to a business that has true potential and determination.

Paul is a real asset to the Pall-Ex and Fortec teams and his appointment is part of the growth strategy for

Paul’s enthusiasm for tackling a challenge also extends

our new era. His experience of acquisitions, aligning

to life outside of logistics.

systems and reporting is of huge value to Pall-Ex Group


FORWARDER magazine








leet Operations, the UK’s leading independent

Sales & Marketing Director, Jayne Pett, added:

provider of outsourced fleet management

has demonstrated a strategic understanding of Fleet


services, has enhanced its management

Operations’ business and will be an important addition

team with the appointment of Commercial Support

to our team, helping us achieve our ambitious plans

Manager Rachel Davies.

for growth. We are delighted to have her on board.

Rachel, who joins from IAM Roadsmart, brings

Fleet Operations’ outsourced fleet management

with her more than a decade of commercial

services include strategic consultancy, multi-bid

development expertise.

leasing, pay as you go maintenance, dedicated hire provision, EV transition as well as supply chain

In her new role, Rachel will be responsible for

management, policy creation and risk management.

strengthening the company’s go-to-market strategy in line with its commercial targets. I’m delighted to be joining such an accomplished team and look forward to drawing on my experience to help

About Fleet Operations • By providing 100 per cent impartial market

the company build on its success and industry-leading

advice and outsourced fleet management and

position. I have gained a wealth of career experience

administration services, the company helps

in business development and customer retention,

businesses to make significant long-term cost

while acquiring in-depth knowledge of driver risk

savings on their vehicle portfolios.

management, safety and training. I hope this will prove invaluable in my new role with Fleet Operations.

• Formed in 2002, the company was one of the first proponents of multi-bid leasing. • The company is based in Newcastle-under-Lyme and employs 40 staff.

FORWARDER magazine










ndustry veteran Bryan Mottershead has been

Dave Fairbrother, Managing Director at A.D.D.

appointed Business Development Manager at

Express Ltd, comments:

A.D.D. Express Ltd, which has sites in Elland

experience in logistics, Bryan is the perfect fit for

and Rochdale, having previously held key roles at

A.D.D. Express and it is great to have him on board. As

established UK and International haulage companies

a veteran of the industry, Bryan has held a wide variety

and UK pallet networks.

of roles and gained in-depth operational knowledge

With over 35 years’

of pallet networks. That experience is valuable for Bryan served in the British Army, serving his last post as a

building relationships with customers, understanding

member of the Royal Artillery Motorcycle Display Team

their needs and how we can exceed those needs

in Woolwich, before starting his logistics career as a driver

from an operational perspective. A.D.D. Express Ltd

with Todmorden-based James Shepherd Transport.

is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year and with Bryan joining the team we are confident that we will

The role is one of 10 new jobs created at A.D.D. Express

see significant growth during this milestone.

Ltd’s new 120,000 sq. ft Rochdale site, which is located close to the M62 and has undergone a £1.4m refurbishment.

Bryan Mottershead comments:

My role is to

Bryan will help the site reach its goal of operating at full

develop new business, working alongside the

capacity, transporting 4,000 pallets per night.

directors and management team to lift the customer base to the next level and increase the freight moving

A.D.D. Express Ltd is a shareholder and founder

through our new site in Rochdale. I’ve held nearly

member of the Pall-Ex network – a pallet network

every role in the industry, from driver to director,

of SME haulage firms, which operate independently,

operations to sales and business development, and

but work together to deliver freight cost-effectively

my operational background is of real benefit when

throughout the UK and Europe – operating part of the

talking to prospective customers. I have been kicking

Rochdale site as Pall-Ex’s Northern Hub.

down doors for a long time, so I’m quite well known in the industry and I enjoy the different challenges that each day brings, as well as that sense of achievement when it goes well.


FORWARDER magazine








Logistics UK has announced the appointment

About Logistics UK

of Ryan Barnett as its Economics and

Logistics UK (formerly FTA) is one of the UK’s leading

Research Manager. Ryan will join the business

business groups, representing logistics businesses

organisation’s influential policy team, who are vital to

which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more

achieving the most for its members, not only in its

than seven million people directly employed in the

discussions with government and decision makers, but

making, selling and moving of goods. With COVID-19,

also with its research, guides and reports.

Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders

We are thrilled to have Ryan join us with his extensive

and through the supply chain, logistics has never been

experience. Having received a master’s degree in Global

more important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports,

Political Economy and having worked as an Economic

shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics,

Policy Adviser and a Campaign Organiser, Ryan will be

and is the only business group which represents the

a strong addition to this team. This is a crucial time

whole industry, with members from the road, rail,

for the logistics industry and evidence-based cases and

sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight

research play a vital role in our policy asks. The creation

services such as retailers and manufacturers whose

of this new role, and Ryan’s subsequent appointment,

businesses depend on the efficient movement of

reaffirms our commitment to members as we look to

goods. For more information about the organisation

achieve the best possible results on their behalf.

and its work, including its ground-breaking research

Sarah Watkins, General Manager Policy Information

into the impacts of COVID-19 on the whole supply chain, please visit

Speaking about his new role, Ryan Barnett comments: Due to the effects of the global pandemic and with the end of the Brexit transition period, the importance of logistics is clearer now than ever before; there has never been a more exciting time to join the industry. I am delighted to be joining such an industry leading organisation and I am looking forward to supporting the team and getting started.

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The leading job board for the global freight industry

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This is a fantastic opportunity to join DSV as a Tax Accounting Assistant based in Harwich, this is an opportunity to join a company committed to providing quality, innovative value, and logistics services.

The role • Tax Assistants provide support to an organisation’s tax or accounting department.

• Their role is a combination of administrative assistance and accounting support.


The Import Customs Manager will be expected to lead the Customs team to deliver department objectives and KPIs. A self-starter who is able to convey and implement their own vision to drive the team. Be able to create a culture that focuses on employees’ strengths through training and development. Have full responsibility for UK Customs processes and declarations. • +44 (0)1394 337 263 • +44 (0)1394 337 263



The role • Work with FCL (Full Container Loads) and LCL (Less Container Loads)


The main part of the job is to plan groupage, part loads and full load consignments from the UK to Central Europe. This include sourcing haulage and negotiating prices, cooperating with DSV offices abroad and colleagues within the UK whilst identifying and exploiting opportunities to increase both profitability and turnover and above all possess a ‘can do’ attitude. • +44 (0)1394 337 263

• Complete customs procedures and work with appointed routed agents and company operated services

• Prepare and provide documents to customers in accordance with the terms of shipment

• Carrying out all relevant administration in relation to the Export of products

• Completing all administration in relation to the export

documentation, such as, invoices, packing documents, certificates, and other specific documents in relation to the product and export regulations for both UK and the receiving country. • Sending out order acknowledgements for all orders and providing customers with order updates and delivery scheduling. • +44 (0)1394 337 263


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Reporting to the Director, Customs & Security, the main purpose of the role is to support compliance in customs & security activities across the companies, safeguarding the company’s assets, as well as ensuring a safe and secure environment for employees and visitors and for customers’ freight • +44 (0)1394 337 263



To win new business and work to agreed budget targets. To strengthen market position by locating, developing, defining, promoting, negotiating, and securing new business by closing the sale. You will develop and maintain DSV Air & Sea services to existing and potential clients ensuring a profitable return for the company in accordance with company procedures, operational procedures and statutory requirements, including Health & Safety to the satisfaction of clients and ensuring the profit of the company • +44 (0)1394 337 263

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The role • To support the Finance Team leader in monitoring,

The role • Responsible for end to end control of all shipments


recording and processing payments related to the Customs, VAT and Duty. • Process and Reconcile Vat and Duty payments and Charges for Customers and HMRC. • Monitor customer deposits to ensure they have funds to clear goods. • Work with Operations to ensure customers goods are processed in timely manner without risk of financial exposure. • +44 (0)1394 337 263



Responsible for bonded warehouse and customs declarations. To maintain and develop service levels, in order to enhance continuous development. Unloading and sortation of goods in. Picking, staging and loading & scanning of goods out. Maintenance of excellent housekeeping standards and compliance with all health and safety requirements. • +44 (0)1394 337 263


coming into and out of Roadfreight depot. Highly focused, administrative role so attention to detail essential. • Manifest daily export trailers and send related pre-advices • Update collection and delivery status in a timely manner • Responsible for web bookings • Monitor, chase and process all POD’s ensuring timely updating of internal system. Chase delivery agents for all outstanding POD’s • Log and report outturn daily reports, cross referencing any discrepancies, completion of new job references, delivery notes and amending of job details within a 2-hour window • Contact hauliers to provide quotations for special collections/deliveries • Monitor and deal with transport queries by liaising with other depots • Checking that collections are clear and populating the planning sheet • Responsible for creation and issuing of run sheets detailing all collections and deliveries • Working with Warehouse and Transport teams to ensure smooth and efficient movement of all shipments • Customer Service - dealing with queries from customers, subcontractors and drivers and assist in their enquiries via phone and email, ensuring satisfactory and timely resolution • Data entry with attention to detail • Transport planning for same day collections • Adding accruals • Creating movements for subcontractors • Receive customer bookings and create shipments in Azyra system • Monitor and deal with customer queries by liaising with other internal and external depots • Maintain and monitor KPI reports • Follow up Customer queries to ensure excellent customer service is received at all times • Any and all related administrative activities as required • +44 (0)1394 337 263


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The role • Entry of customs information to management system • Processing data for goods travelling between UK, Ireland


The principal purpose of the job is to plan and coordinate the movement of goods between the UK and Ireland and continental Europe, by Road, ensuring partners and customers needs are met in accordance with service level agreements and in a cost-efficient way. • +44 (0)1394 337 263


and Europe

• Liaising with operational team to ensure correct information available

• Escalating problems to supervisor where data missing or incorrect

• Gathering information from customers to ensure

adequate information to process customs declarations

• Generate customs reports and paperwork • General computer and office duties • +44 (0)1394 337 263


Note • 12 month fixed term – maternity cover role Overview

Responsible for the planning and delivery of daily operations within a busy Roadfreight facility. Communicates with all relevant employees to ensure collection and delivery times are met. Plans, schedules, and reviews workload and manpower to make sure targets are being met on a cost-effective basis. • +44 (0)1394 337 263

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Benefits • Healthcare, car options, bonus Overview

The company

LHR, FELTHAM, UK £60-70k D.O.E.

Our client is a Global Freight Forwarding Company with headquarters in the USA. They have been serving industry for more than 20 years, and are a mutimodal, end-to-end logistics service provider. They offer flexible solutions to include Air, Ocean and Road Freight, Warehousing, Brokerage & Project Cargo. They have strong vendor relationships and networks, enabling best pricing and flexible routing options, handling over 20000 shipments per annum. Service excellence is deeply embedded in the culture.


Premiership Ltd, Are agents for NYK and UECC, looking after their Sales & Marketing interests in the UK and completing all their Vessel operations. Their business is primarily RoRo cargo. Operating from Southampton, Sheerness and Bristol. Recently under new ownership, they are looking to expand and rejuvenate their team.

The role • As a Import & Export Customs Agent you will work as part of a team and report

• to the Office Manager. • Your primary role will involve the production Import & Export Customs clearances

They are now looking for an experienced Warehouse Manager to look after their Warehouse, Pick and Pack services from LHR. You will have experience of the Freight Forwarding and Warehousing business as well as excellent people management skills.

• Ships agency, on occasion you may be required to attend

You will need to be the go-to person at the site, with the knowledge and personality to help everyone get their job done.

various agencies / Freight Forwarders to ensure goods are cleared through customs before cargo is loaded. • On the odd occasion you may be required to attend vessel loaded operations. • Training for all the above requirements will be provided to you should they exceed your level of expertise.

Expansion is on the cards this year, and those who are involved now will be rewarded. Salary is very competitive at £60-70k depending on experience, plus car / healthcare / pension options and bonus. • +44 (0)1454 628 779



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vessels operations.

• Cargo Bookings • Bills of Lading & Manifests • Invoicing clients • This job also requires you to liaise with officials in • +44 (0)1454 628 779


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The company

The John Good Group is one of the UK’s leading independent family owned shipping, logistics and corporate travel providers. A key player in the shipping and travel industries since 1833, John Good is the third-party logistics (3PL) and corporate travel provider of choice to the SME sector. The John Good family remains actively involved in the business ensuring that the family heritage, values and history sit firmly at the heart of everything we do.

The role

Working within the freight forwarding division of 3PL provider John Good Logistics, as part of a team dealing predominantly with Import shipments to UK from across the world, predominantly Far East, India, Turkey, Europe.

Responsibilities • Carry out booking procedures accurately, with a ‘right

first time’ attitude, to ensure customers receive a highquality service. • Handling of Import processes and have confidence to offer guidance to clients accordingly. • Where appropriate, collect payment from clients without credit terms in place. • Obtaining, checking, and preparing documentation to meet customs requirements

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Details • 10% commission • Car or car allowance • Pension / Healthcare / Childcare benefits • 25 days holiday plus bank holidays The company

Are you a commercially-minded Freight Forwarding Business Development / Outside Sales professional, with proven sales success? My client wants to talk to you today! My client is a global Freight Forwarder with a number of operational centres across the globe, in the USA, Europe, Asia, and Middle East. They have a proven successful history of providing excellent operational and customer support to their clients, giving you the perfect opportunity to go out and sell with confidence. They are now looking for a new BDM / Sales Executive / Outside Sales / Sales Manager candidate with proven experience and consistent billings above £500k per annum.

Skills • Previous experience within an Import Forwarding role,

You will need to be able to bring some business with you, and work independently, although a seat will be open for you at the office in London Heathrow.

• IT literacy with a good working knowledge of a variety

This is a real and very tangible opportunity for the right caliber of candidate – with strong Freight background, excellent commercial awareness, brilliant client relationships and the self-belief to confidently build a territory and develop a customer base.

preferably including Customs experience.

of software applications, including Microsoft Office. • Adaptable to new working practices and embracing of Company Operating Systems and procedures. • Confident communicator with good organisational skills • Experience of Cargowise One (CW1) preferred

Benefits • Company Pension Scheme • 25 days Holiday excluding Bank Holidays • +44 (0)1454 628 779

UK • +44 (0)1454 628 779


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19 JANUARY 2021





ushman & Wakefield announced today the firm has advised

Executive Managing Director Will Strong, Associate Greer Oliver, and

the sale of a newly constructed 263,606-square-foot

Analyst Connor Nebeker-Hay of Cushman & Wakefield’s National

industrial distribution/warehouse facility in Goodyear,

Industrial Advisory Group represented the seller in the transaction.

Arizona for $43.1 million. Built in 2019, the building located at 17017 W Indian School Rd in the Phoenix MSA is fully leased to a single

This offering was a rare core investment opportunity to acquire

international credit tenant, one of the world’s leading manufacturers

a fully leased, state-of-the-art industrial building with outstanding

of large commercial vehicles.

high quality and long-term tenancy in a high-demand industrial submarket—the asset is positioned in a ‘main and main’ location in

The asset was acquired by global investment firm KKR and sold by

the heart of one of the best performing markets in the US. Built less

Principals of Provident Real Estate Ventures with headquarters in

than two years ago for the tenant, the facility was constructed and

Minneapolis. Additionally, Merit Partners and Sunbelt Holdings were

designed to absolute perfection, and boasts all the modern features

partners with Provident Real Estate Ventures and served as both

sought by today’s industrial users.

developer and property manager of the project. The Class A building is situated on more than 15 acres and is


strategically located within PV | 303, a rapidly growing master-

Cushman & Wakefield (NYSE: CWK) is a leading global real

Loop 303 and I-10. The facility features three points of ingress and

estate services firm that delivers exceptional value for real

egress, fully air-conditioned warehouse, 36’ clear height, ample

estate occupiers and owners. Cushman & Wakefield is among

loading with 100% concrete truck courts and dedicated truck lanes,

the largest real estate services firms with approximately

an ESFR sprinkler system, and automatic truck court gates.

53,000 employees in 400 offices and 60 countries.


FORWARDER magazine


planned business park, and benefits from immediate access to the


am very pleased, on behalf of Freight Mergers, to have acted as

It has been a rather testing few weeks and I’m sure Natalie and

lead deal adviser to the shareholders of TM Couriers Limited

Adrian would agree. I did not envisage the workload that would be

on the sale to Caribou Worldwide Ltd.

involved in the sale process, especially due diligence although Alex had warned me of this. We did get there in the end, but progress would

TM Couriers based in Andover (Hampshire) was founded in 2015

have been doubly difficult without Alex and Richard’s help, guidance

by Thomas Hall (MD) later joined by his sister Natalie Rawlins and

and advice throughout the whole process. This was particularly

Adrian Trifan. They built up long-term customer relationships with

relevant because Caribou has completed many deals before therefore,

blue chip companies as well as networks across the UK. Through

they have significant resources at their fingertips. Alex’s input has

a high-quality service, specialising in final mile courier and haulage

been much appreciated to achieving completion of the transaction.

deliveries they were able to maintain and develop their partnerships.

Tom Hall, Managing Director, TM Couriers

Caribou, a rapidly expanding logistics and transportation company with

Cook Corporate Solicitors Acts in sale of TM Couriers

a focus on technology. They are designing and building its own game

Cook Corporate have acted for the shareholders in the sale of

changing domestic and international mail and parcel solutions alongside

Andover based supply chain logistics business, TM Couriers.

its network of premium partners. Continuously evolving, their goal is to

The company was founded in 2015 and operates a fleet of 140

ensure an optimum delivery experience for the end user.

vehicles across 14 sites in the UK.

The complementary geographical fit of all three sites that TM

Tom Hall commented,

Couriers operate out of, based in the South of the UK, will play

Corporate on the sale. Charles, Ed and the rest of the team gave us

a major part in the development for Caribou and should lead to

robust advice and got the deal completed on a tight timetable.

we were delighted to work with Cook

greater service provision and opportunities for the future. The company was purchased by Caribou Worldwide Ltd. From the first meeting I had with the three shareholders it was apparent to me that finding the right buyer for TM Couriers and ensuring they

Other Partners involved: Glenville Walker and Partners were the

continued to grow and build on their current success was paramount.

solicitors for Caribou Worldwide Ltd.

Throughout the whole process this was always my key focus. Alexander Jones, M&A Consultant, Freight Mergers










haulage industry specialist has earned itself £131,000 of

The firm has seized on this opportunity to build the first digital

government incentives after creating a revolutionary online

platform to seamlessly connect companies on both sides of the

distribution platform for vendors and independent hauliers.

transaction — allowing businesses to access easy-to-use portals and coordinating the services and pricing of numerous SME distribution

The parcel and pallet delivery sector is currently made up of

companies so all parties can lower costs and increase efficiencies.

approximately 300 UK-based pallet firms, plus 3,000 freight

Transparent pricing is made available instantly online and some

forwarders, but only large national and international delivery

clients have been making savings of more than 19%.

companies allow shipments to be booked online. The freight forwarding sector has a digitisation requirement but Distribution specialist, E-Gistics Ltd, spotted an opportunity to

some companies have been unsure how to go about it. In the end, it

bring smaller operators together so customers could access instant

was probably inevitable that a third party software specialist would

online quotes and easy shipment monitoring for deliveries handled

bring them all together and that’s what we’ve done. Digital freight is

by more than one independent haulier.

destined to become more like other areas of the transport sector where automation and digitisation have turned things on their head.

No solution like this has been available to the industry before, and

Uber in the personal transport space is a prime example. We knew

with the help of R&D tax specialists Catax, E-Gistics was able to

we were investing heavily in technology, and tax incentives like these

make its substantial claim for R&D tax credits.

make it so much easier to continue to do that. The government was clever to introduce this scheme. It encourages businesses to invest in

The distribution sector has been expanding rapidly in recent years, however,

technology and if companies don’t embrace digital these days, they

the software being used by new entrants to the market is typically still

don’t have a great future ahead of them.

stand-alone, with little or no compatibility with other companies’ systems.

Fraser Harper, CEO, E-Gistics

The pandemic has brought renewed focus on how technology may be able to increase that rate of growth among smaller operators.


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Client Case Study There’s money hiding in your business Capital Allowances tax relief is a way to claim tax back for all of the embedded items within your commercial property. This includes items such as lighting, heating, cables and pipes. In fact, it covers most things that would stay in the building if you turned it upside down and shook it. Knowing what does and doesn’t qualify can be tricky as tax law is complicated. At Catax, we specialise in uncovering all claimable items to secure you the biggest claim possible. We are experts at analysing your costs to ensure you receive the maximum tax relief your are entitled to.

Contact us on: 0300 303 1903 email: or visit: Manchester – London – Glasgow Channel Islands – Vancouver

Case Study – Distribution Centre Our client bought a newly built distribution centre with an office for £4.7m to let to a tenant. The property, which includes office space, is used by a postal distribution company to sort parcels.

Purchase Price £4.7m

Qualifying Expenditure

Client Benefit £122k

Our surveyors found over £1.4m in Capital Allowances within the building. The qualifying plant included communication, security, mechanical and electrical installations, as well as water and drainage installations and fixed internal fittings. As the property was purchased prior to April 2014, Catax was able to make an unrestricted claim on the original qualifying plant & machinery on behalf of our clients, as we knew previous owners had not made a preceding claim. The resulting tax relief totalled over £122,000 for our client.

CA Case Study - Distribution Centre Construction.indd 1

30/11/2020 16:19:17

The platform has already helped a furniture and household goods

Fraser and the team are a great

auction house distribute stock around the EU, using the E-Gistics

example of a SME that is using the

platform’s dynamic pricing once a winning bidder was identified.

R&D tax credit regime to support the future growth of their business.

The company is also a great example of how R&D tax credits can be

Technology is at the heart of what

earned for work that has not in fact been successful. The firm had

they do and their innovations

planned to develop a delivery solution for medical prescriptions,

promise to revolutionise the way

which was particularly timely in light of the pandemic, but this

the parcel delivery sector functions, not just in the UK but across

project was not successful because the use of the word ‘drug’ on

Europe. It’s important to remember that R&D tax credits still apply

online orders meant payment gateways rejected the transactions.

to projects that don’t succeed. There really is no good reason not to

This was outside the company’s control and the project had to be

innovate with such valuable incentives on the table.

suspended, but all the qualifying R&D expenses that went into it

Richard Armstrong, Partnerships Director, Catax

still qualified for relief. R&D tax credits can apply not just to IT systems, which are bespoke


or unique to your business (for example, warehouse systems or

If this or similar services are of interest to you,

standard products are not deemed fit for purpose. Please contact

please get in touch with Alex on +44 1454 275 933

Richard Armstrong at Catax if you want to see whether any projects

or at

you have completed meet the qualifying guidelines. He can be

CRM’s), but also to amendments to vehicles and trailers, when the

contacted on 079797 00003 or at FORWARDER magazine



M&A for the global freight & logistics industry +44 (0)1454 628 771 Freight Mergers are specialists in selling owner-managed freight forwarding, transportation and logistics businesses. For most company owners, selling their business is the most important financial transaction of their life. Therefore, we tailor our services to each individual client’s needs, utilising our mastered, proactive approach to selling businesses that connects strategic buyers with sellers who are aiming to realise the value of their business. We have over ten years of experience in the sector and, due to our specialist approach and unparalleled network, we can put you in touch with international and domestic trade buyers. 146

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Are you planning to buy or sell a freight forwarding company? FORWARDER magazine




The promotion and dissemination of knowledge and information about products and organisations both externally and internally. Related topics Website design Social media Promotional techniques


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Freight Solutions is an outsourced marketing solution for the freight industry.

Traditional marketing

Digital marketing

App design

Print is not dead. Nor is the postal

The average adult spends most of their

The ultimate in customer engagement.

system. Both work perfectly well, so

day looking at a screen. Checking their

Mobile usage now outweighs desktop,

let‘s use them. In fact, in this digital

news feed, in front of their computer,

so give your audience a focused, useful

age, high-end print actually stands out

on social media, online shopping,

portal where you control the content

more than it used to.

watching TV. Be on those screens.

and they remain interested.


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• eShot campaigns

• Postal mailshots

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Deep sector knowledge. Digital expertise. Professional & friendly service.

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ign s e ent d tion m b a p e s i o ort l W m e p i t v p p su b de gine o & e e W en anc n h e c t r ain ting Sea e m k , r ting ma a i d Hos me l a i Soc

We have unrivalled experience in web design, web development and SEO, along with web hosting, support and maintenance, giving you ultimate peace of mind. As a part of Freight Solutions Consulting we are unparalleled when it comes to social media and digital marketing, meaning maximum brand exposure for your business. FORWARDER FORWARDERmagazine magazine ISSUE60 ISSUE50

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ell here we are, five years and sixty issues on! We’ve been with you through thick and thin, and we’re looking forward to the next five years.

Recognise the chap above? That’s our mascot, Mark Lorenzo, and he’s hiding in every single issue of FORWARDER, ‘Where’s Wally?’

style. To celebrate five years, if you can find him in the last five issues and tell us the page numbers at, we’ll give you a free advert slot in the next magazine. As always, thanks for your continung support and have a great 2021! Tim, Designer, FORWARDER


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Where cost, not time, is of

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Thanks to your support, we are helping communities to combat COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, we have provided advice, cab sanitisation materials and PPE to keep HGV drivers safe, reduce transmission rates and build community confidence in the logistics sector. In Zambia we have expanded our MAMaZ against Malaria at Scale programme to help rural communities protect themselves, installing hand wash stations, procuring PPE for health workers, and raising awareness through radio adverts, posters and talks. All whilst ensuring our life-saving bicycle ambulance service for patients with severe malaria keeps running.

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Patron HRH The Princess Royal



Who wants to just fit in, like everyone else? Bring us your misfits, your non-standard, your oversized cargo. It’s where our passion for problem solving comes into its own.

We’ll find a way


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